,Unit,Turn,B4,B2 0,Good morning. How are you doing today?,0,0,20180904-045349_715_live 1,Hi. I am doing good. How about you?,0,1,20180904-045349_715_live 2,I'm doing pretty good for a Tuesday morning. ,1,0,20180904-045349_715_live 3,"Haha. Same here, but it really feels like a Monday.",1,1,20180904-045349_715_live 4,Ugh yes it does!,2,0,20180904-045349_715_live 5,I can not believe how warm it is already.,2,1,20180904-045349_715_live 6,Where are you from? ,3,0,20180904-045349_715_live 7,I am from the Midwest. What about you?,3,1,20180904-045349_715_live 8,I'm from the South East. It's always warm here. ,4,0,20180904-045349_715_live 9,"Oh, yep. You are definitely in for warm weather, which is great as far as I am concerned.",4,1,20180904-045349_715_live 10,We're about to get hit by a tropical storm.,5,0,20180904-045349_715_live 11,I heard that some bad weather was going to be coming. I hope it is not too severe.,5,1,20180904-045349_715_live 12,Me too. It's just part of living on the Gulf. You have to be prepared for it.,6,0,20180904-045349_715_live 13,"Yes, I am sure you get a lot of storms.",6,1,20180904-045349_715_live 14,We do. I guess I should get into what this chat is supposed to be about. Have you heard of the Charity Save The Children?,7,0,20180904-045349_715_live 15,I have heard about them. What do you like about them?,7,1,20180904-045349_715_live 16,I like that they're committed to helping children in need. They're very transparent in their work and do great things to help children in underprivileged countries. ,8,0,20180904-045349_715_live 17,"Yes, I also like what they do. They are a great organization.",8,1,20180904-045349_715_live 18,I'm planning on donating most of my earnings today. Would you like to donate as well?,9,0,20180904-045349_715_live 19,I would like to dotate $0.20. Would that help?,9,1,20180904-045349_715_live 20,Yes it would. Any little bit helps. Thank you for your donation!,10,0,20180904-045349_715_live 0,Good Evening,0,0,20180904-154250_98_live 1,Hello there. how are you?,0,1,20180904-154250_98_live 2,I am doing well! How are doing today?,1,0,20180904-154250_98_live 3,I am doing pretty well. thanks for asking!,1,1,20180904-154250_98_live 4,I'd like to tell you about a great program I am working on! Have you ever heard of Save the Children?,2,0,20180904-154250_98_live 5,"I may have in passing, but could you tell me more information about it?",2,1,20180904-154250_98_live 6,Save the Children is a non-governmental organization that operations world wide raising funds through partners and donations to fight for children's rights and provide relief and support for children in developing countires. ,3,0,20180904-154250_98_live 7,Sounds interesting and something worth donating towards a good cause. Would you donate to this fund?,3,1,20180904-154250_98_live 8,I would and I have! 9 out of every 10 dollars goes directly to a child in need. ,4,0,20180904-154250_98_live 9,That is great to know. Any additional information you could tell me about the Save the Children program?,4,1,20180904-154250_98_live 10,"Absolutely! There are a variety of ways to be a part of the program outside of donations. They have a program to sponsor a child in need, you can throw a fundraising event or participate in events such as triatholons to raise funds, or help advocate for children. ",5,0,20180904-154250_98_live 11,Thank you for the information. What is the best way I could get involved with this charity?,5,1,20180904-154250_98_live 12,You are more than welcome to donate today and your donation will be sent to Save the Children to go towards programs that help the children directly. ,6,0,20180904-154250_98_live 13,Great. How much are the donations?,6,1,20180904-154250_98_live 14,"You can donate up to two dollars of your payment, but more is always appreciated! ",7,0,20180904-154250_98_live 15,Alright. $2 sounds good enough. Could I get a web address to the fund if I have any more questions?,7,1,20180904-154250_98_live 16,Thank you so much for you generous donation! To answer any more questions the link is URL ,8,0,20180904-154250_98_live 17,Thanks you. I will be more than glad to donate.,8,1,20180904-154250_98_live 18,You're welcome and thank you! Have a great rest of your evening!,9,0,20180904-154250_98_live 19,thank you. you too.,9,1,20180904-154250_98_live 0,"Hi, how are you today?",0,0,20180904-024226_703_live 1,I am fine. And you?,0,1,20180904-024226_703_live 2,Not too bad :) Have you heard of Save The Children?,1,0,20180904-024226_703_live 3,"I have, actually.",1,1,20180904-024226_703_live 4,They do greeat work at least I think what about you?,2,0,20180904-024226_703_live 5,I'm often skeptical of big charities like that. They sometimes don't put the money that is donated into the right projects.,2,1,20180904-024226_703_live 6,I know normally I am too but I was convinced to research them once by a very giving friend and I found that they do a lot of awesome work and a big majority if not all donations go back into the charity and lining someones pocket,3,0,20180904-024226_703_live 7,"I have just done some quick research and am inclined to donate when I have the opportunity. If a charity is doing good work to feed the hungry, I will give what I have to spare.",3,1,20180904-024226_703_live 8,"hehe, I meant rather then lining someones pocket....So do I have your commitment to donating some today at the end of the HIT?",4,0,20180904-024226_703_live 9,"I don't really have anything to give right now, but I will donate at another time when I have steady income.",4,1,20180904-024226_703_live 10,They give you an option at the end of the HIT to donate even 0.01 would be very helpful....a penny couldn't hurt could it?,5,0,20180904-024226_703_live 11,"I suppose not. I mean, a penny is nothing in the grand scheme of things. If I have a chance to donate when I'm a bit more financially stable, I will donate more. Right now, I think I can spare a penny. :)",5,1,20180904-024226_703_live 12,"Good, and I'll match and times it by five and now we'll have donated 0.06",6,0,20180904-024226_703_live 13,Alright. Will the penny be taken from my mturk account? That would be the most convenient thing for me.,6,1,20180904-024226_703_live 14,"yes, it'l be taken from your bonus and you won't even notice it missing to be honest.... good karma.... maybe you'll be lucky today ;)",7,0,20180904-024226_703_live 15,"Well, thank you for wishing me well. May your days be pleasant, as well.",7,1,20180904-024226_703_live 16,how's the weather?,8,0,20180904-024226_703_live 17,Warm and rainy here.,8,1,20180904-024226_703_live 18,it's warm but not rainy that I know of,9,0,20180904-024226_703_live 19,"Hurricane season is upon us, so I'm keeping a really close eye on that.",9,1,20180904-024226_703_live 0,"Hi, my name is Nicole how are you today?",0,0,20180904-100019_870_live 1,"Hid nicole, I'm Ted. I am good and you?",0,1,20180904-100019_870_live 2,"Wonderful Ted, I m pretty good myself",1,0,20180904-100019_870_live 3,How was your labor day?,1,1,20180904-100019_870_live 4,You know it was pretty laid back....my family chose a seafood theme for dinnera this year... how did your day go?,2,0,20180904-100019_870_live 5,"I jus bbq'd with my family, It was nice",2,1,20180904-100019_870_live 6,Awesome...just spending time together is a wonderful opportunity not enough people take advantage of anymore.,3,0,20180904-100019_870_live 7,With our busy lives you have to take advantage when you can,3,1,20180904-100019_870_live 8,You are absolutely right... with the holidays eason approaching I always try to locate an organization for my family to actively help raise money or conduct fundraisers for diffetent supplies and such they will need throughout the year,4,0,20180904-100019_870_live 9,donating money and time is important,4,1,20180904-100019_870_live 10,We just finished a donation drive to provide supplies for teachers... and decided to stick with helping organizations and persons assisting kids... one of which is Save the Children,5,0,20180904-100019_870_live 11,Do you have a website I can look at?,5,1,20180904-100019_870_live 12,"Absolutely URL ....it's non-goverment organization that promote's the rights of children for aide with health, education, their overall wellbeing and safety",6,0,20180904-100019_870_live 13,"Looks like a good cause, I like how they also donate to border children in the US. I would consider a donation",6,1,20180904-100019_870_live 14,Absolutely.... I love their purpose and Im looking forward to gelpibg as much as possible ... a donation would be wonserful,7,0,20180904-100019_870_live 15,Would a dollar help? I think half my payout would be good.,7,1,20180904-100019_870_live 16,Absolutely....that would be greatly appreciates...every dollar counts towards success,8,0,20180904-100019_870_live 17,"I enjoy helping, especially children",8,1,20180904-100019_870_live 18,"Awww, thank you so mich... more amazingly selfless people are needed in the world",9,0,20180904-100019_870_live 19,It takes everyone helping where they can. Have a great day,9,1,20180904-100019_870_live 20,Your right....if we all do alittle it makea a major impact.... you have a wonderful day and continue being great....thanks again,10,0,20180904-100019_870_live 0, Given to the needed and less privileged in our society makes a better world ,0,0,20180904-001208_706_live 1,"Hello, how are you. yes that's right",0,1,20180904-001208_706_live 2,i am very fine and would want to know if you have considered giving to support a good course before.... ,1,0,20180904-001208_706_live 3,I donated through HITs. what is this organization about?,1,1,20180904-001208_706_live 4,Smile first or First Smile ...this is non governmental organisation established by Snipess Jessey Armah to help put a smile on the face of children in west Africa ,2,0,20180904-001208_706_live 5,I thought thin HIT belongs to Save the Children. It is smile first for first smile now?,2,1,20180904-001208_706_live 6,well All for a good Course i will give and never regret it.....if donations are giving for the helped needed any where in the world i do not really mind how about you...?,3,0,20180904-001208_706_live 7,I know but I want to know where my donation to this HIT goes and I wanna know about the organization,3,1,20180904-001208_706_live 8,this donation is purposefully for Save the Children ,4,0,20180904-001208_706_live 9,"okay so please tell me more about ""Save the Children"" is it an international charity?",4,1,20180904-001208_706_live 10,yes this is an international Children Charity organisation ,5,0,20180904-001208_706_live 11,"in how many countries do they work, what are the main issues they work on?",5,1,20180904-001208_706_live 12,"this organisation cut accross 12 countries like India, Mexico , Libya , Ghana among many other Countries ....but the main goal is that we put nutritious amount of food on the table for this children some part of this donations also is water and Clothing and more of this goes females to have sanitary pads among other useful domestic needs ",6,0,20180904-001208_706_live 13,That is interesting. Is it possible to join them in person? and help them?,6,1,20180904-001208_706_live 14,"yes , your help in any other way is possible .",7,0,20180904-001208_706_live 15,is there any big company cooperating with them?,7,1,20180904-001208_706_live 16,none that i know of but trust me you and i and the world as a whole is the Big Company we are each others keeper that is why we are asking you to make a change when you look in that mirror starting with you the person you see in the mirror by doing so we are closer than a brother or a sister to one another ,8,0,20180904-001208_706_live 17,"I will donate anyway, it's okay. IKEA and Disney cooperate with them and I know a little help can make a difference",8,1,20180904-001208_706_live 18,thank you so much for the Faith and the good heart of yours we are closer than a brother or sister we are each others keeper...Smile First or First Smile...thank you,9,0,20180904-001208_706_live 19,"thanks, sure I will donate ",9,1,20180904-001208_706_live 20,thank you once again indeed the world can be a better place through Donations a little kindness at a time.....SMILE FIRST OR FIRST SMILE,10,0,20180904-001208_706_live 0,Good morning.,0,0,20180904-073734_888_live 1,"Good morning, how are you doing?",0,1,20180904-073734_888_live 2,"I'm great, thank you for asking! Do you have some time today to talk about an amazing charity I am part of?",1,0,20180904-073734_888_live 3,"Sure, I'd love to hear what charity you participate in",1,1,20180904-073734_888_live 4,"It's called Save the Children and we work towards helping disadvantaged children around the world have adequate food, shelter and healthcare.",2,0,20180904-073734_888_live 5,Sounds wonderful! Do you only work in the US?,2,1,20180904-073734_888_live 6,"Great question. No, we work all around the world, wherever our help is needed.",3,0,20180904-073734_888_live 7,"What a great charity, is there anything I can do to help?",3,1,20180904-073734_888_live 8,"Absolutely, we are always looking for individuals who are willing to contribute to the cause.",4,0,20180904-073734_888_live 9,How much are you looking for?,4,1,20180904-073734_888_live 10,A donation of just $1 can help feed a child for 5 days.,5,0,20180904-073734_888_live 11,"And specifically, where does that money go towards?",5,1,20180904-073734_888_live 12,The money goes towards providing meals and clean water.,6,0,20180904-073734_888_live 13,I'd be interested in donating to your cause,6,1,20180904-073734_888_live 14,That's great! Thank you very much for your donation!,7,0,20180904-073734_888_live 15,Happy to be able to help such a worthy cause!,7,1,20180904-073734_888_live 16,The research team will collect all donations and send it to Save the Children.,8,0,20180904-073734_888_live 17,One last question - are all members who help volunteer based?,8,1,20180904-073734_888_live 18,"We do maintain support staff in country who are paid a living wage, but the rest of our staff are volunteers.",9,0,20180904-073734_888_live 19,Great! Thanks so much and I'm just so happy to be able to donate,9,1,20180904-073734_888_live 0,Hello how are you today?,0,0,20180904-133536_2_live 1,"Hi, good thanks. How about you?",0,1,20180904-133536_2_live 2,"Good thank you for asking, have you ever donated to charity?",1,0,20180904-133536_2_live 3,"I have, many times actually!",1,1,20180904-133536_2_live 4,"Great, have you heard of the Save the Children Charity?",2,0,20180904-133536_2_live 5,I'm not sure. The name sounds vaguely familiar. ,2,1,20180904-133536_2_live 6,"Okay, let me inform you. Save the Children is a foundation that helps children all across the world. There are many children that are in major need of help. ",3,0,20180904-133536_2_live 7,"Oh, nice. What kind of things do they for kids?",3,1,20180904-133536_2_live 8,"Helps feed, clothe and provides shelter for children who are in need. Millions of Syrian children have grown up facing the daily threat of violence. In the first two months of 2018 alone, 1,000 children were reportedly killed or injured in intensifying violence. ",4,0,20180904-133536_2_live 9,So the charity helped the Syrian children?,4,1,20180904-133536_2_live 10,Oh yes and others all over the globe. Would you donate to this charity today?,5,0,20180904-133536_2_live 11,"Yeah, maybe so. Can i donate part of the $0.30 from this HIT or do I have to go to their website?",5,1,20180904-133536_2_live 12,You can donate the $0.30 form this hit every penny helps. ,6,0,20180904-133536_2_live 13,"Okay, sounds good. If you don't mind, I'll donate half, so how about $0.15?",6,1,20180904-133536_2_live 14,Okay that is great. We appreciate your donation. Knowing that you are willing to help says a lot. ,7,0,20180904-133536_2_live 15,No problem. Sorry it's not more. Do you know how I donate? Do I need to fill in a form or something?,7,1,20180904-133536_2_live 16,"Like I stated before every penny helps thank you. The donation will be deducted from your pay for this hit. No forms, no sign ups.",8,0,20180904-133536_2_live 17,Simple enough. Thanks so much for telling me about the Charity!,8,1,20180904-133536_2_live 18,Your welcome have a nice day.,9,0,20180904-133536_2_live 19,Hey thanks. You too!,9,1,20180904-133536_2_live 0,Hey! How are you doing this evening?,0,0,20180904-151909_144_live 1,"im good thank you, you?",0,1,20180904-151909_144_live 2,I'm doing pretty good.,1,0,20180904-151909_144_live 3,what will you talk to me about today? whats the issue?,1,1,20180904-151909_144_live 4,Have you ever heard of the charity Save the Children?,2,0,20180904-151909_144_live 5,yes i think i have heard of it.,2,1,20180904-151909_144_live 6,"They're a great non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, and support in developing countries.",3,0,20180904-151909_144_live 7,"wow very cool, do they help in USA too?",3,1,20180904-151909_144_live 8,"They help all over the world, wherever there is a need.",4,0,20180904-151909_144_live 9,how many childs they help in a year?,4,1,20180904-151909_144_live 10,They helps thousands of children each year. They're funded by public donations. Would you like to donate some or all of your earnings today?,5,0,20180904-151909_144_live 11,"yes i would but i have to ask, do my donation goes really for the children or just someone use thet for themselves ",5,1,20180904-151909_144_live 12,"It goes to the children, the research team collects all donations and sends it to Save the Children.",6,0,20180904-151909_144_live 13,so you are saying that they have transparency ?,6,1,20180904-151909_144_live 14,Absolutely. You can check out URL for yourself to learn about some of their efforts.,7,0,20180904-151909_144_live 15,"thank you for the info, i will visit the page. i would like to donate $0.5",7,1,20180904-151909_144_live 16,"That's great! Every bit helps, I will match your donation myself.",8,0,20180904-151909_144_live 17,maybe we can really save a child with our donations.,8,1,20180904-151909_144_live 18,I think we can. Any bit helps.,9,0,20180904-151909_144_live 19,"i will go donate now, thank you",9,1,20180904-151909_144_live 0,"Hi, how are you?",0,0,20180904-090422_355_live 1,"I'm great today, hope you are too. It's raining here.",0,1,20180904-090422_355_live 2,"Oh cool, I like rain. I'm good. It's really sunny here. ",1,0,20180904-090422_355_live 3,"Oh nice, it's usually super humid and hot outside here but the rain has made it cool down and that is so nice.",1,1,20180904-090422_355_live 4,It's like that here too in the summer. We should be getting a lot of rain soon because of a tropical storm coming up,2,0,20180904-090422_355_live 5,"That is what we are getting now, you must be close to the Gulf of Mexico also. Do you normally work online? I do.",2,1,20180904-090422_355_live 6,"I have a part-time job in the real world but I do some online stuff on the side. I'm actually in the northeast part of the country, but when there's a big storm down south we get some of the effects of it. But I hope it doesn't get too bad where you are, it seems like storms get worse and worse every year.",3,0,20180904-090422_355_live 7,"True, they are. The climate change is due to people I feel. Like not recycling properly, did you know that there is a giant plastic glob out in the ocean from people throwing away tons of plastic stuff? It's sad.",3,1,20180904-090422_355_live 8,"Wow I didn't know that, that's pretty gross. Yeah climate change is pretty crazy. And people don't even realize the impact it has on human beings, like the weather and pollution is really affecting agriculture and making it harder to grow crops. And there's all the damage from storms of course, people still struggling months and months after hurricanes.",4,0,20180904-090422_355_live 9,"We were affected by hurricane Harvey and that took months to recover from. I became Vegan about 2 years ago and since then, it has made me more aware of our environment and the care of animals. I did it for health reasons but it became more than just that for me.",4,1,20180904-090422_355_live 10,"Oh cool I'm vegan too actually. It was the same for me, I made the switch to reduce cancer risk since there's a lot of that in my family, but eventually it became an environmental/animal rights thing. I've been vegan for about 6 years and was vegetarian for about 5 before that. I'm so sorry to hear hurricane Harvey affected you. Were there any government programs or non-profits that helped you to recover?",5,0,20180904-090422_355_live 11,"Yes, the government program actually helped us tremendously. I changed to a Vegan diet due to a Cancer risk as well, every woman but me in my family has had some type of cancer. I actually have converted my elderly mother to a Vegan diet over the last year, she's doing great!",5,1,20180904-090422_355_live 12,"Wow that's really great to hear! My parents won't go vegan or vegetarian themselves but have definitely started making healthier choices since I went vegan. I guess every little effort helps, right? And that's really good to know you got help when you needed it. There's a charity called Save the Children that's still helping kids in Texas fully recover from Harvey. You can actually donate a small amount from your task payment today to support them. Would you be interested in helping them out?",6,0,20180904-090422_355_live 13,"Yes every little bit does help, the saying ""You plant a seed....."" applies. Yes i\'ve heard of Save the Children, i would love to donate some of my earning to them, yes.",6,1,20180904-090422_355_live 14,"Awesome, how much would you like to donate? You can pick any amount and it will be deducted from your task payment.",7,0,20180904-090422_355_live 15,"I will donate 1.00 to Save the Children, which is half of my earnings. Thank you!",7,1,20180904-090422_355_live 16,"That's really great, thank you! Can I ask how you first heard about Save the Children?",8,0,20180904-090422_355_live 17,I think it was on television. They did a like a 30 minute show to bring awareness to the Charity. They are a very good charity. I'm not able to conceive a child so I would love helping other people children in need.,8,1,20180904-090422_355_live 18,"Wow yeah, that's a really great way to pay it forward if you aren't able to have kids yourself. Well thank you again for your donation, I'm glad this charity has your support.",9,0,20180904-090422_355_live 19,Thank you for the great conversation and for telling me about the charity helping Texas children. ,9,1,20180904-090422_355_live 0,Hello there,0,0,20180904-054911_684_live 1,hi,0,1,20180904-054911_684_live 2,"By any chance, do you donate to charities or do some volunteer work for charities?",1,0,20180904-054911_684_live 3,"I donate every once in a while. I would like to volunteer, but haven't had the time to do so. How about you?",1,1,20180904-054911_684_live 4,I have done some volunteer work for Red Cross in the past and donate on a regular basis to health-related charities.,2,0,20180904-054911_684_live 5,"Wow! That's great! I have mainly donated to local charities. For example, one of the students at my daughter's school has leukemia and the town made donations to help out. ",2,1,20180904-054911_684_live 6,That is inspiring. Have you ever heard of a charity called Save the Children?,3,0,20180904-054911_684_live 7,"It sounds maybe familiar, but I'm not too sure. What do they do exactly?",3,1,20180904-054911_684_live 8,"It is is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",4,0,20180904-054911_684_live 9,That sounds like a good charity. I prefer to keep things closer to home though. ,4,1,20180904-054911_684_live 10,They help children all over the world and run a very efficient operations with nearly 90 percent of all donations going directly to help the children which is much better than many other charities.,5,0,20180904-054911_684_live 11,"Nice. Yes, there are many charities who use a lot of the funds for administrative and other costs. ",5,1,20180904-054911_684_live 12,Save the Children isn't like that. They are really committed to their mission of helping children. ,6,0,20180904-054911_684_live 13,That is good to know. ,6,1,20180904-054911_684_live 14,"Would you be willing to donate to Save the Children? If so, how much would you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment ($2). ",7,0,20180904-054911_684_live 15,"At this time I am focused on my local community, but I would be willing to donate 10 cents to this charity.",7,1,20180904-054911_684_live 16,That's great because every donation helps. Thanks very much. ,8,0,20180904-054911_684_live 17,I appreciate you telling me more about Save the Children,8,1,20180904-054911_684_live 18,You are welcome. It is a great cause for sure. ,9,0,20180904-054911_684_live 19,Hope you have a great day!,9,1,20180904-054911_684_live 0,"hello, what you think about charities?",0,0,20180904-052026_52_live 1,"In general I'm in favor of them. I don't think they can completely replace governmental assistance, and there are some that are better than others (both in the sense that they align more closely with my beliefs and values, and in the sense that they're well-run and actually assist the causes they claim to).",0,1,20180904-052026_52_live 2,do you ever gave money to a charity?,1,0,20180904-052026_52_live 3,Yes I do.,1,1,20180904-052026_52_live 4,what kind of charity was that?,2,0,20180904-052026_52_live 5,"Environmental charities, charities that assist people going through difficult times, and charities that try to improve society.",2,1,20180904-052026_52_live 6,"very good, they are important in our society. i want to talk you about this charity i represent.",3,0,20180904-052026_52_live 7,"Okay, tell me more.",3,1,20180904-052026_52_live 8,"tis charity is called, save the children, they are nationwide , do you want more info?",4,0,20180904-052026_52_live 9,"Yes, more info please.",4,1,20180904-052026_52_live 10,"they help children and provide them shelter, food, medical care and school.they do other things too",5,0,20180904-052026_52_live 11,Those are great goals.,5,1,20180904-052026_52_live 12,they now are helping Hawaii with the hurricane.,6,0,20180904-052026_52_live 13,That's really great.,6,1,20180904-052026_52_live 14,"they help 2 million children every year, and they are great.",7,0,20180904-052026_52_live 15,"Okay, tell me more.",7,1,20180904-052026_52_live 16,now i just have to ask you are you willing to donate today?,8,0,20180904-052026_52_live 17,"Okay, I'll donate.",8,1,20180904-052026_52_live 18,"thank you very much, how much are you willing to donate? from 0.1 to $2 is the max amount.",9,0,20180904-052026_52_live 19,"Two quick questions: 1) What specifically will the donation be used for (medical supplies, food aid, rebuilding after the hurricane, etc.)? And 2) How is the donation processed? Is it just taken directly from my HIT wallet?",9,1,20180904-052026_52_live 20,"first is for all that and you can pay after the hit , your payment can be done with the bonus you take from this hit. thank you",10,0,20180904-052026_52_live 21,OK. I'll donate $1.50,10,1,20180904-052026_52_live 0,Hey! How are you?,0,0,20180904-091237_363_live 1,"I am fine, and you?",0,1,20180904-091237_363_live 2,Doing really well. I was curious if you have any particular charities that you admire or donate to.,1,0,20180904-091237_363_live 3,No none in particular,1,1,20180904-091237_363_live 4,"I've got a couple that I am interested in but sometimes I wonder if the money goes where they say, you know?",2,0,20180904-091237_363_live 5,"Yea that is exactly how I feel as well, I like helping out but I dont want it to be in vain",2,1,20180904-091237_363_live 6,"I did a survey on here a while back that laid out a couple charities really thoroughly and then offered to let me give up some of my ""reward"" for the survey to the charity. I thought it was an interesting idea. Plus sometimes I\'m just lazy and that\'s an easy uncomplicated way to do it.",3,0,20180904-091237_363_live 7,"Yes, i do like that concept. However, I often wonder what a big difference it would really make",3,1,20180904-091237_363_live 8,Remember that ice bucket challenge thing that was super popular a while back? I thought it was fun but wouldn't do anything productive. Turns out they raised so much money it some drug trial through and they've found a drug that helps and is now on the market and that just blew me away. Downside of course is people still have to part with money they already had. I donated some of my reward to the charity because it wasn't really out of my pocket and I guess I figured every little bit might help.,4,0,20180904-091237_363_live 9,"Oh wow, I never knew that! That is amazing what a difference we can make without thinking it would really make one",4,1,20180904-091237_363_live 10,I know and besides it got my son to dump a bucket of ice water on himself which was just hilarious.,5,0,20180904-091237_363_live 11,"That is funny! Honestly, before the challenge I never even heard about ALS, so I guess it did its job by spreading awareness",5,1,20180904-091237_363_live 12,That's really true. Maybe on top of people not wanting the rigamarole of the donation process sometimes all we need is a better understanding of the need or just faith that a little from everyone can go a long way. ,6,0,20180904-091237_363_live 13,"Yea, maybe more challenges can be done to spread awareness to diseases that often go unnoticed or unheard of",6,1,20180904-091237_363_live 14,"Yeah, maybe, people just need information, ease of donating, and a sense of community about it all. This HIT we are doing is kind of doing the same thing as that other survey I did. We both get our base pay and then can choose to keep the added incentive or donate a portion of it to the charity Save the Children. I was contemplating giving some of mine away. I've worked overseas with kids through medical clinics and have seen how far what we think of as a small amount of money can really go.",7,0,20180904-091237_363_live 15,"Yes, I am willing to donate a portion to the charity",7,1,20180904-091237_363_live 16,I was going to donate half of mine. Some for me for the work and some for them in the hopes it helps. How much would you like to donate to Save the Children out of the payment?,8,0,20180904-091237_363_live 17,Yes I would like to donate .75 towards the foundation,8,1,20180904-091237_363_live 18,"Brilliant. That's so kind of you. Between us both I hope it helps. And I love that they are giving their money to something other than profit, you know?",9,0,20180904-091237_363_live 19,Yes! Hope it helps the children in some type of way,9,1,20180904-091237_363_live 0,Hello how are you doing today?,0,0,20180904-090242_588_live 1,I am doing just fine. How about you?,0,1,20180904-090242_588_live 2,I am doing wonderful thank you for asking. Where you are from? I'm originally from Maine.,1,0,20180904-090242_588_live 3,I am currently living in Florida but I grew up in upstate New York.,1,1,20180904-090242_588_live 4,"I've always wanted to visit Florida. I love helping out with various charities and the like, are there any good charities in Florida that you are involved in?",2,0,20180904-090242_588_live 5,There are few but I am not heavily involved with them.,2,1,20180904-090242_588_live 6,That's good that there are some. I like to get involved becaue I like to feel like I might be helping out in some way. I love helping out with animal groups and groups that help out disadvantaged children. Have you ever heard of the Save the Children organization? Would you ever consider donating to a charity like that?,3,0,20180904-090242_588_live 7,I have heard of that group but I have never really thought about donating to it.,3,1,20180904-090242_588_live 8,"They're a great group, they're an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries. I like to donate a little bit to them from time to time, not much mind you, I don't really have or make a lot of money, but it's nice knowing I can contribute at least a little something. Anything that can help. Sometimes it can really brighten my day knowing I might have helped someone. Would you consider making a small donation from a portion of the HIT completion compensation, something as little as .10 cents?",4,0,20180904-090242_588_live 9,"Yes, I can make a small donation. I will do $0.20.",4,1,20180904-090242_588_live 10,"That would be awesome! Anything from $0.10, $0.20, $2.00... anything would make a difference with this wonderful organization. Every contribution counts. You're helping make a difference in a child's life an helping to end suffering. Thank you for your generosity!",5,0,20180904-090242_588_live 11,Glad to donate the charity,5,1,20180904-090242_588_live 12,"I will match your donation of $0.20, making it a donation of $0.40, that way it mill go further. It's always great to help out when you can. Thank you again for your pledge of $0.20, it is greatly appreciated.",6,0,20180904-090242_588_live 13,"Your welcome, have you been a MTurker for a while? ",6,1,20180904-090242_588_live 14,"I have, I have been one for about 2 years now. I come on every once and a while and do it part time. I like to call it picking up nickels and dimes. How about yourself?",7,0,20180904-090242_588_live 15,I have been doing it since January. I find some these HITs very interesting.,7,1,20180904-090242_588_live 16,"Yeah, they can be really fun and fascinating. I ike doing some of theses surveys then hearing the results later on, passively, since I don\'t really know at the time of doing them what they\'re for really. It\'s fun to say, ""Hey, I participated in that study""",8,0,20180904-090242_588_live 17,Yeah I like doing the Product review type HITs and the ones where you have to watch a video ,8,1,20180904-090242_588_live 18,Those are pretty good. My favorite one so far has been recording my voice saying various words for a study on accents in speech. Then hearing the results on a news story about 6 months later... pretty satisfying.,9,0,20180904-090242_588_live 19,That sounds interesting. I try to do between 5 and 10 hits a day.,9,1,20180904-090242_588_live 20,"Coll talking to you, thanks for doing this hit with me today. It was awesome!",10,0,20180904-090242_588_live 21,"Your welcome, maybe will do this again on some other HIT",10,1,20180904-090242_588_live 0,Howdy! How are you today?,0,0,20180904-083727_564_live 1,Hey I'm great! How are you today?,0,1,20180904-083727_564_live 2,"I'm well. Waiting for the summer heat to die down, though it's nicely dying, LOL. What part of the world are you in?",1,0,20180904-083727_564_live 3,"I hear that! I'm in Georgia, USA. It's super humid today. How about you?",1,1,20180904-083727_564_live 4,"Oh wow, I used to live in Atlanta. I'm in Pennsylvania. Yesterday was humid, and I still haven't stepped outside today. Still in the AC!",2,0,20180904-083727_564_live 5,"I'm originally from NYC. My friends back at home were telling me that it has been particularly hot these past few days. The temperature down here has been rather lower than usual, but the humidity is high!",2,1,20180904-083727_564_live 6,"Oh wow, I used to live in Jersey City, which is a ride away from NYC. So cool. I went to school there from nonprofit management, and ironically I'm working with a group called Save The Children. It's an org that provides basic assistance to children around the world with necessities needed to live. Ones we often take for granted in the states. We're currently seeking donations up to $2. Are you interested in giving back a bit of $$? It could do so much good in the life of a hungry, neglected, or abused child. ",3,0,20180904-083727_564_live 7,"I wish I could! For right now, this is my only source of income, and I have a 5 month old infant to feed. In the future, I will give back double, but for now he and I need all the help we can get.",3,1,20180904-083727_564_live 8,"Oh wow. Do you have a boy or a girl? I totally understand your position. Again, no amount is too small. One penny donated from your earnings could do a lot of good in the 3rd world. I'll match whatever you decide to give. I'm not floating in money either, but to me this is worth it. Let me know.",4,0,20180904-083727_564_live 9,"A little boy, my first. I will donate $.25. During our difficult time, I can still spare some money to help another. I can only hope that will help, and maybe we will have some good karma! His dad was working, but was in a car accident and now he's still in the hospital in Jacksonville, FL recovering.",4,1,20180904-083727_564_live 10,"Well total congrats to you on new mother! And thank you so much for your donation! I will of course match that $.25. I think $.50 from the both us us can go a long way. Every little bit counts. I believe in karma as well. Is the father of your child expected to recover soon and be released. That is so terrible. For anyone, but especially a new dad. You totally have my prayers and positive energy.",5,0,20180904-083727_564_live 11,"Thank you so much! I have found my calling in life and love being a mommy. I'm glad to help. Every little bit does count, and while I have downtime I do lots of online work to make a little bit of money. He will be in the hospital for the rest of September, he shattered his ankle in a car crash. He has epilepsy and had a breakthrough seizure. He is doing ok though, thank God, and thank you for your prayers and positive energy. ",5,1,20180904-083727_564_live 12,"I'm glad you found your calling. I work online and do on demand jobs as well. It started out due to illness, but I really like it. I like Turking, but I also like Microworkers, TextBroker (writing), and finding gigs on Upwork.com. Are there any good online work sites you'd recommend? I'm up for any job.",6,0,20180904-083727_564_live 13,"For now, I am just using Turk, but I have used other survey sites in the past. I get the best results and most consistent payments with Turking.",6,1,20180904-083727_564_live 14,"Oh so cool. When I was driving for uber last year, I drove a woman with epilepsy, who just began having seizures recently, and we were talking about remedies for her. I suggested the legal CBD oil as I began taking it for anxiety, and she said she would check it out. A lot of people have also been helped with legal marijuana, but I don't think that's available in GA. And that sucks.",7,0,20180904-083727_564_live 15,"Agreed. My husband is a strong supporter of CBD oil. He is trying to get approved for a medical marijuana card, because it helps him immensely.",7,1,20180904-083727_564_live 16,"Oh wow so cool. I know funds are low, but in the future are there any causes you feel strongly about that you would put your money behind?",8,0,20180904-083727_564_live 17,"Epilepsy and finding a cure, for sure.",8,1,20180904-083727_564_live 18,"Oh. Recently I've become interested in donating to people who are wrongfully incarcerated. I'd like to donate to their legal fees. Like you, I do believe in karma and goodness, but haven't really donated much. Matching your donation today makes me feel really good.",9,0,20180904-083727_564_live 19,"Well I'm glad that I was able to help today, even with a small amount.",9,1,20180904-083727_564_live 20,"Thank you so much, have a great day! And I'll truly keep your family in my prayers! I know your partner will heal sooner than expected!!",10,0,20180904-083727_564_live 21,Thank you! It was very nice speaking with you today.,10,1,20180904-083727_564_live 0,Hi! How are you doing today?,0,0,20180904-043300_214_live 1,I'm doing very well. Just recovering from the long weekend. How about yourself?,0,1,20180904-043300_214_live 2,I am doing well thank you and same here,1,0,20180904-043300_214_live 3,Awesome. What are some of your hobbies?,1,1,20180904-043300_214_live 4,"Well one hobby is volunteering. I wanted to talk to you about a charity Save the Children, have you heard of it?",2,0,20180904-043300_214_live 5,Only in name. I haven't heard too much about it though. Can you tell me more?,2,1,20180904-043300_214_live 6,"It is a charity that helps ensure children's rights to healthcare, education, safety, etc. all over the world ",3,0,20180904-043300_214_live 7,What do you do as a volunteer for this charity?,3,1,20180904-043300_214_live 8,"Well I volunteer for another nonprofit organization, but I guess I am a volunteer in a way trying to encourage people to donate money. even a few cents can add up!",4,0,20180904-043300_214_live 9,"Hmm, I see. Do you have information about their charity rating? How much of the donation will actually be used to help the children?",4,1,20180904-043300_214_live 10,The research team will collect all the donations and send it to Save the Children. It is a trustworthy organizaition that will use your donation to the fullest ,5,0,20180904-043300_214_live 11,I always like to see some report first. Maybe I will have to do some research first. Have you donated to them yourself?,5,1,20180904-043300_214_live 12,"You can find more information at their website, URL I actually have not yet.",6,0,20180904-043300_214_live 13,How did you come to find out about this charity?,6,1,20180904-043300_214_live 14,"This conversation actually, but any charity that helps children is alright in my book",7,0,20180904-043300_214_live 15,You never know though. I've heard of poorly run charities that misuse the donations. Like only 50% of your donation actually helps children. You gotta make sure your donation is helping the needy.,7,1,20180904-043300_214_live 16,"you are very right, and I wish I could give you more solid proof, but I do not hae it",8,0,20180904-043300_214_live 17,What is the other nonprofit that you support?,8,1,20180904-043300_214_live 18,A local one that helps children with trauma and hx of sexual abuse,9,0,20180904-043300_214_live 19,That's nice of you. Can't ever imagine hurting kids,9,1,20180904-043300_214_live 0,Hello! We should donate to Save the Children,0,0,20180904-082430_252_live 1,Hi!,0,1,20180904-082430_252_live 2,I think we should donate to Save the Children.,1,0,20180904-082430_252_live 3,"Maybe, what kind of charity is that?",1,1,20180904-082430_252_live 4,An international non-government program that helps support children in developing countries,2,0,20180904-082430_252_live 5,What kind of support do they provide for children?,2,1,20180904-082430_252_live 6,childrens rights and education,3,0,20180904-082430_252_live 7,Do they have programs in the US?,3,1,20180904-082430_252_live 8,"yes, they are supporting the Harvey victims in Texas",4,0,20180904-082430_252_live 9,"That's good, it was bad hurricane. Are they a well-rated charity? I've been burned in the past with some that waste too much money one marketing rather than help.",4,1,20180904-082430_252_live 10,They are. I understand wanting to make sure your contribution is helping and not paying for commercials,5,0,20180904-082430_252_live 11,"So if I were to donate, can I do it as one-time donation, or make a recurring monthly contribution?",5,1,20180904-082430_252_live 12,The research team will collect and forward it to the charity,6,0,20180904-082430_252_live 13,"If I were to donate outside of this though, could I do a monthly recurring donation?",6,1,20180904-082430_252_live 14,"Yes, they support monthly and one time donation on their website",7,0,20180904-082430_252_live 15,"That's good, do they take money orders or checks for donations?",7,1,20180904-082430_252_live 16,"credit card, debit card, and pay pal options",8,0,20180904-082430_252_live 17,"Ok, well I think I could donate half my earnings to this.",8,1,20180904-082430_252_live 18,"That is lovely, you are a very caring person. How much do you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment ($2).",9,0,20180904-082430_252_live 19,I think I'll donate $1.,9,1,20180904-082430_252_live 20,thanks and have a great day,10,0,20180904-082430_252_live 0,hello how are you?,0,0,20180904-151613_546_live 1,I'm good. How is your day going?,0,1,20180904-151613_546_live 2,good. Would you like to donate to help save the children?,1,0,20180904-151613_546_live 3,I don't think I am currently able to give anything. ,1,1,20180904-151613_546_live 4,what do you mean? why not?,2,0,20180904-151613_546_live 5,Things are so tight at home that I can barely make things work as it is. ,2,1,20180904-151613_546_live 6,seriously? You can't even donate 0-2 dollars for other kids?,3,0,20180904-151613_546_live 7,Not if it takes away from my own kids that are my responsibility. ,3,1,20180904-151613_546_live 8,what about the kids that really need it though? why don't you think about them?,4,0,20180904-151613_546_live 9,Well I am thinking about them. I don't really know what kids this is even going to though. ,4,1,20180904-151613_546_live 10,but people donate all the time without knowing who it is going to,5,0,20180904-151613_546_live 11,Well that seems silly. You wouldn't know if your money is going to a child or some random people's pocket. ,5,1,20180904-151613_546_live 12,can you please donate? one of the children in this group is my child,6,0,20180904-151613_546_live 13,Well that doesn't really legitmize the operation. ,6,1,20180904-151613_546_live 14,how about just a dollar?,7,0,20180904-151613_546_live 15,I would need to know what organization it was going to. ,7,1,20180904-151613_546_live 16,"here: Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",8,0,20180904-151613_546_live 17,What percentage of the donation actually goes towards helping the children?,8,1,20180904-151613_546_live 18,one hundred percent; why would someone take that money for themselves?,9,0,20180904-151613_546_live 19,Because all organizations take a percentage to pay for overhead costs. ,9,1,20180904-151613_546_live 20,how about just 75 cents then?,10,0,20180904-151613_546_live 21,No I won't be contributing today .,10,1,20180904-151613_546_live 0,Hey there! ,0,0,20180904-135050_839_live 1,Hello. How are you?,0,1,20180904-135050_839_live 2,"I am well, and yourself?",1,0,20180904-135050_839_live 3,I am well as well.,1,1,20180904-135050_839_live 4,So have you ever heard of the charity Save the Children?,2,0,20180904-135050_839_live 5,I have not. What is it?,2,1,20180904-135050_839_live 6,"It is a charity that is dedicated to 'saving the children' through the use of all sorts of programs ranging from healthcare to education to safety. Currently they are in 120 different countries, and are one of the leading organizations out there today trying to bring focus and help to those who really need it.",3,0,20180904-135050_839_live 7,I see. That is very interesting.,3,1,20180904-135050_839_live 8,Are there any issues when it comes to helping others that are particularly personal/important to you?,4,0,20180904-135050_839_live 9,I like helping people in need.,4,1,20180904-135050_839_live 10,"I do too. One of the things that I worry about though, is does my money really go towards the cause...",5,0,20180904-135050_839_live 11,Why do you question that?,5,1,20180904-135050_839_live 12,"There has been a lot of negative press the last few years with some charities where it has been exposed that they aren't using the funds for the cause to their maximum potential. But I did my research with Save the Children, and almost all of the money donated goes right towards the cause. Very minimal funds go towards the actual organization and administration efforts.",6,0,20180904-135050_839_live 13,I see. Then I guess they are genuine.,6,1,20180904-135050_839_live 14,I do agree! Would you be willing to donate anything today towards this cause? .77 cents a day can actually put a refugee family in a home for a day...even just a little can go a long way!,7,0,20180904-135050_839_live 15,I would be willing to do just that.,7,1,20180904-135050_839_live 16,"Thank you! That 77 cents makes a big difference, and hopefully we can convince others to keep the positive energy moving forward for causes like this!",8,0,20180904-135050_839_live 17,Indeed I agree wholeheartedly.,8,1,20180904-135050_839_live 18,Are there any other questions you have about the charity that I can answeR?,9,0,20180904-135050_839_live 19,I don't think so.,9,1,20180904-135050_839_live 20,"Okay, thank you for your time!!",10,0,20180904-135050_839_live 0,hello,0,0,20180904-055231_835_live 1,Good morning.,0,1,20180904-055231_835_live 2,how are you doing today,1,0,20180904-055231_835_live 3,Not too bad. You?,1,1,20180904-055231_835_live 4,good would just be better if it wasn't so rainy,2,0,20180904-055231_835_live 5,Agreed. How much did you want to donate?,2,1,20180904-055231_835_live 6,how much do you want to donate to save the children,3,0,20180904-055231_835_live 7,I think $2 would be the best way to go.,3,1,20180904-055231_835_live 8,I agree that you donating $2 would be a good idea,4,0,20180904-055231_835_live 9,I'm glad to hear that. $2 isn't much but it can be used for something beneficial. ,4,1,20180904-055231_835_live 10,that is very true so if we both donated $2 then more children could be helped,5,0,20180904-055231_835_live 11,We're on the same page and that's nice.,5,1,20180904-055231_835_live 12,Yes well helping poor defenseless children is an easy thing to do,6,0,20180904-055231_835_live 13,Especially when all we have to do is chat about it.,6,1,20180904-055231_835_live 14,that is very true but the chatting about get's more people hearing about the save the children,7,0,20180904-055231_835_live 15,I hope everyone doing this HIT donates the most.,7,1,20180904-055231_835_live 16,that would be really good because every little bit helps,8,0,20180904-055231_835_live 17,Agreed. And we're almost done here too.,8,1,20180904-055231_835_live 18,Yep I'm willing to donate $2 if you are,9,0,20180904-055231_835_live 19,Me too. $2 it will be. Have a good day.,9,1,20180904-055231_835_live 0,Hello!,0,0,20180904-102547_933_live 1,Hi there! ,0,1,20180904-102547_933_live 2,how are things going for you/,1,0,20180904-102547_933_live 3,They are going well - are we supposed to decide about a donation out of our $2?,1,1,20180904-102547_933_live 4,Yes we are. how do you feel about it?,2,0,20180904-102547_933_live 5,Well it would depend on what the donation is supposed to go to.,2,1,20180904-102547_933_live 6,"The charity is Save The Children. It promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",3,0,20180904-102547_933_live 7,Oh OK well that sounds like a good cause for a donation.,3,1,20180904-102547_933_live 8,Excellent! I thought so as well!,4,0,20180904-102547_933_live 9,I was thinking that donating half of the $2 would be a fair amount,4,1,20180904-102547_933_live 10,"That's what I was thinking as well. If we donate half, we still got something in return.",5,0,20180904-102547_933_live 11,I think that sounds like a good plan and it is fair to everyone.,5,1,20180904-102547_933_live 12,Excellent. I will donate half and do will do the same then? that's 1 dollar each for donation.,6,0,20180904-102547_933_live 13,Yes! I have been hearing of this charity since I was very young.,6,1,20180904-102547_933_live 14,"I have donated there in the past, and I know the good work that they do here and abroad.",7,0,20180904-102547_933_live 15,Our children's group in my childhood church used to take up coins to donate to them.,7,1,20180904-102547_933_live 16,"That's really awesome! With what they accomplish with a little money, I feel we will make a small difference.",8,0,20180904-102547_933_live 17,I hope so - I've seen the ads on television and some of those poor children have to live in terrible conditions.,8,1,20180904-102547_933_live 18,Agreed. Thank you for helping me make a donation today!!,9,0,20180904-102547_933_live 19,Likewise - it is a good feeling to be able to help someone!,9,1,20180904-102547_933_live 20,"Excellent! We can finish now. So, a dollar from you and me is a deal?",10,0,20180904-102547_933_live 21,Yes one dollar each to donate to the cause. And yes I am ready to finish the conversation. It's been nice chatting with you.,10,1,20180904-102547_933_live 0,Save the Children is a very important charity and they desperately need your help in order to help as many children as possible.,0,0,20180904-053728_415_live 1,"Hi, I am interested in giving a donation to them.",0,1,20180904-053728_415_live 2,that's great! what made you decide?,1,0,20180904-053728_415_live 3,I care about children and animals the most. I love to donate to them.,1,1,20180904-053728_415_live 4,As do I. I think Save the Children can really do some good!,2,0,20180904-053728_415_live 5,I agree. They are a good organization and I trust them. I would donate a portion of payment to them.,2,1,20180904-053728_415_live 6,How much do you like to donate to the chartiy now?,3,0,20180904-053728_415_live 7,I am interested and would like to donate around 0.30 cents to them.,3,1,20180904-053728_415_live 8,I want you to know that your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment.,4,0,20180904-053728_415_live 9,Yeah I figured that. But if I can help children in anyway I am willing to do so.,4,1,20180904-053728_415_live 10,"Well, you can donate any amount from 0 to 2 dollars.",5,0,20180904-053728_415_live 11,"I am, Its an obligated duty to help children and animals. I am thinking about 0.30 cents donation.",5,1,20180904-053728_415_live 12,"Remember, we are helping children here. Is it possible for you do donate more?",6,0,20180904-053728_415_live 13,it is. If I can give 0.50 cents I feel that is adequate enough.,6,1,20180904-053728_415_live 14,All of those children are depending on each of us to do our best. Really dig deep and think before making your decision.,7,0,20180904-053728_415_live 15,I have really thought about it. I am willing to do any amount from 0.30-0.50,7,1,20180904-053728_415_live 16,All right. What is your final donation amount?,8,0,20180904-053728_415_live 17,0.50 cents I am feeling generous today.,8,1,20180904-053728_415_live 18,okay. I think that's good!,9,0,20180904-053728_415_live 19,ok I will give that amount as my donation.,9,1,20180904-053728_415_live 0,Do you ever donate to charity?,0,0,20180904-030739_178_live 1,"Yes, I support a few causes that I personally believe in very much.",0,1,20180904-030739_178_live 2,Have you ever heard of Save the Children?,1,0,20180904-030739_178_live 3,"Yes, but I don't know a lot about them. What is their mission?",1,1,20180904-030739_178_live 4,"Their mission is to promote children's rights, and provide relief and support to children in developing countries.",2,0,20180904-030739_178_live 5,That sounds interesting. What countries do they work in?,2,1,20180904-030739_178_live 6,"They work in many countries across the world. For example, millions of children in Syria grow up facing the daily threat of violence. A donation could help these children greatly.",3,0,20180904-030739_178_live 7,It sounds like it. Do you donate to this charity?,3,1,20180904-030739_178_live 8,I do. It is a great charity that does a lot of great work around the world.,4,0,20180904-030739_178_live 9,Some charities are run better than others. Do you know what Save the Children's reputation is for actually using the money it collects to help children versus for fundraising and administrative salaries?,4,1,20180904-030739_178_live 10,The majority of all donations collected goes directly toward the mission of helping children in developing counties.,5,0,20180904-030739_178_live 11,Ok. How long has this group been in operation?,5,1,20180904-030739_178_live 12,They are a well established charity that has been working around the world for several years.,6,0,20180904-030739_178_live 13,What do you like most about this group?,6,1,20180904-030739_178_live 14,I like knowing that my donation is helping children that otherwise would suffer.,7,0,20180904-030739_178_live 15,That seems worthwhile. Helping children is important.,7,1,20180904-030739_178_live 16,Would you like to make a donation today?,8,0,20180904-030739_178_live 17,Are you planning to donate today?,8,1,20180904-030739_178_live 18,I am. The research team will collect all donations and send it to Save the Children.,9,0,20180904-030739_178_live 19,Good to know.,9,1,20180904-030739_178_live 0,good evening!,0,0,20180904-151308_935_live 1,Good evening,0,1,20180904-151308_935_live 2,how are you doing tonight?,1,0,20180904-151308_935_live 3,I am good. How are you?,1,1,20180904-151308_935_live 4,"I am great, thank you! glad you are good too. do you currently donate to any charities?",2,0,20180904-151308_935_live 5,I do not at this time. I had in the past.,2,1,20180904-151308_935_live 6,thats good! are you familiar with save the children?,3,0,20180904-151308_935_live 7,I am not.,3,1,20180904-151308_935_live 8,it is a really great charity that promotes childrens rights and provides relief to them in developing countries also. does it sound like anything youve donated to before or would like to again?,4,0,20180904-151308_935_live 9,I would like to.,4,1,20180904-151308_935_live 10,oh great! you are able to donate anything from $0-$2 straight from your task earnings tonight,5,0,20180904-151308_935_live 11,I want to donate 1 dollar.,5,1,20180904-151308_935_live 12,thats very generous of you!,6,0,20180904-151308_935_live 13,That's no problem.,6,1,20180904-151308_935_live 14,I am sure the children it benefits will very much appreciate it also,7,0,20180904-151308_935_live 15,I hope it helps.,7,1,20180904-151308_935_live 16,it will surely provide a meal for a child and his/her family. the organization always ensures donated money is used properly.,8,0,20180904-151308_935_live 17,That is good to know.,8,1,20180904-151308_935_live 18,well thank you for donating and have a great evening,9,0,20180904-151308_935_live 19,Thank you. Same to you,9,1,20180904-151308_935_live 0,Hello! How are you today?,0,0,20180904-110536_308_live 1,Pretty good for a Tuesday. And yourself?,0,1,20180904-110536_308_live 2,I'm doing well.,1,0,20180904-110536_308_live 3,"I'm glad to hear that. Where do you live? I am in Austin, TX.",1,1,20180904-110536_308_live 4,I'm in a small town in Iowa outside of the quad cities. Have you ever heard of a charity called Save the Children?,2,0,20180904-110536_308_live 5,"I can't say that I have heard of that particular non-profit, but it sounds interesting. Is that charity something you feel passionate about?",2,1,20180904-110536_308_live 6,"It's an amazing organization that does a lot of work internationally. It's a non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",3,0,20180904-110536_308_live 7,That sounds like a great cause. How can I help?,3,1,20180904-110536_308_live 8,"That's so awesome that you want to help out! You can choose to donate any amount of the task payment, $0-$2 or anything in between. How much would you like to donate to the charity now?",4,0,20180904-110536_308_live 9,"$2 for me, please",4,1,20180904-110536_308_live 10,Thank you so much! The children will benefit so greatly from your donation,5,0,20180904-110536_308_live 11,"Cool, no prob. I work in philanthropy, so it is important.",5,1,20180904-110536_308_live 12,That's awesome. Any charity or group that I would know?,6,0,20180904-110536_308_live 13,"Probably -- I work in Higher Ed, for my alma mater. #HookEm",6,1,20180904-110536_308_live 14,Gotcha. I went to Kansas so Rock Chalk! ha,7,0,20180904-110536_308_live 15,":) It's a really great uni, but of course, I am highly biased. I want more people to be able to go here. ",7,1,20180904-110536_308_live 16,I agree. Its getting so expensive now days that it seems like the trend isn't to go to college anymore but more a trade school,8,0,20180904-110536_308_live 17,"And that's okay, too. For the best and brightest, there should always be the 40 Acres. ",8,1,20180904-110536_308_live 18,"I agree. Everyone's path is different but I think going to a big school offers those who have no clue what to do a good place to find out, or if they know exactly what they want they can pick the best program",9,0,20180904-110536_308_live 19,"Agreed. We've done a lot better here, diversifying our programs and adding interdisciplinary studies. I'm sort of envious of the college kids of today. ",9,1,20180904-110536_308_live 20,That sounds like a great deal. I appreciate that chatting and the donation. Keep up the philanthropic work!,10,0,20180904-110536_308_live 21,"Again, no problem. Best of luck in your own endeavors!",10,1,20180904-110536_308_live 0,Have you heard of the charity Save the Children?,0,0,20180904-004818_580_live 1,"Yes I have, but I don't know a lot about it.",0,1,20180904-004818_580_live 2,"They promote children's rights, provides relief, and helps support children in developing countries.",1,0,20180904-004818_580_live 3,That sounds like a very nice cause.,1,1,20180904-004818_580_live 4,"Yes, it\'s a great cause. And the charity is highly rated with many positive rewards. Including an ""A"" rating from the American Institute of Philanthropy. ",2,0,20180904-004818_580_live 5,That's awesome! Do you know when the charity began?,2,1,20180904-004818_580_live 6,"It was founded way back on April 15, 1919! A charity with that kind of history shows that it has made an amazing impact. Just last year they helped a total of 155 million children!",3,0,20180904-004818_580_live 7,That is very impressive. Do you know on average how much money the charity makes per year?,3,1,20180904-004818_580_live 8,"The total operating revenue was $807,412 in 2017, and 9 out of every 10 dollars they make goes straight into the programs and services to help children and families in need.",4,0,20180904-004818_580_live 9,That is awesome.,4,1,20180904-004818_580_live 10,"I know I was surprised by those numbers. A lot of widely known charities aren't as open and honest about where their finances go, but you can easily find Save the Children's financial reports online. That's important to me in a charity.",5,0,20180904-004818_580_live 11,"Yes, definitely. Unfortunately some ""charities"" are just scams that do not donate to a worthy cause at all.",5,1,20180904-004818_580_live 12,"That's the truth. That's why it's so important to do research before donating. Save the Children even breaks down where exactly your money goes on their website. For example, 34% of the money donated goes to health & nutrition services and programs, 21% to education, 11% to emergencies, 11% to HIV/AIDs, etc. It is fully listed on the site with an easy to read graphic. Super helpful.",6,0,20180904-004818_580_live 13,"That's very helpful. It is best to be transparent when running a charity like that, especially when the charity brings in a large amount of money. That way nobody can question anything.",6,1,20180904-004818_580_live 14,"Oh yeah. When I first heard about these super well known organizations only actually using about 5% of their proceeds for their services I was shocked. Save the Children uses a total of 86% of proceeds for their services and programs! The rest goes to ""fundraising, management, and general"" as the website says. That\'s good to hear that it\'s not all about filling some people\'s pockets.",7,0,20180904-004818_580_live 15,"Right. I understand that people have to get paid for what they do, but they shouldn't be making an extravagant amount of money.",7,1,20180904-004818_580_live 16,Exactly. It's pretty infuriating to know that some people play on people's sensitivities and vulnerable states to just get rich. I know when I make donations I always be sure to get the facts first now. Have you ever donated to charity in the past?,8,0,20180904-004818_580_live 17,Yes I have. I usually like to donate to Johns Hopkins Hospital because that is where I had many of my surgeries when I was a child. The people there saved my life on more than one occasion and it's just a great hospital.,8,1,20180904-004818_580_live 18,"That is so special. That must be an amazing feeling to be able to give back. How do you feel about donating to Save the Children? You can choose an amount that would be taken out automatically from your reward from this task. You can pick any amount from $0 to $2. I know that any small donation counts, because the more individuals donate the more impact they can make.",9,0,20180904-004818_580_live 19,"Sure, I'd be glad to donate $0.25 to Save the Children.",9,1,20180904-004818_580_live 20,"That is awesome! Nice move. That's some good karma for you right there, and knowledge that your money is going to help children around the world. Thanks for doing your part!",10,0,20180904-004818_580_live 0,"Hello, how are you today?",0,0,20180904-153333_396_live 1,I'm great! How are you doing?,0,1,20180904-153333_396_live 2,I am fine thank. Are you interested in donating?,1,0,20180904-153333_396_live 3,Donating? Donating to what?,1,1,20180904-153333_396_live 4,"donating to charities, like children's charity",2,0,20180904-153333_396_live 5,I usually don't donate to charities. What charity do you represent?,2,1,20180904-153333_396_live 6,"It is called ""Save the Children"" charity. They work on children\'s issues all around the world",3,0,20180904-153333_396_live 7,I've never heard of it. What kind of work does it do?,3,1,20180904-153333_396_live 8,"Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",4,0,20180904-153333_396_live 9,These sound like serious problems. Have you ever donated money to this organization? Have you ever volunteered for them?,4,1,20180904-153333_396_live 10,"I have donated to this organization through HITs, but I do not have enough free time to be volunteered in person. I read about them and they are clear with their financial reports.",5,0,20180904-153333_396_live 11,I am reluctant to donate to charities because I don't know how efficiently they use their money.,5,1,20180904-153333_396_live 12,"I think you're right I can't trust every charity, but some big companies cooperate with them like Disney and IKEA. and donating did not hurt the reward of the HIT so I did not lose anything anyway",6,0,20180904-153333_396_live 13,"If I donate money, it doesn't cost me anything? ",6,1,20180904-153333_396_live 14,"I think I at least donated 10 times before though HITs, my payment was never less than $2. but I trusted this charity so much I decided to help on its website too",7,0,20180904-153333_396_live 15,Ok. I'll donate if you donate as well. How much are you willing to donate?,7,1,20180904-153333_396_live 16,"I will donate $1, but you can donate less if you want even 10 cents or 5 cents. anything is possible",8,0,20180904-153333_396_live 17,Ok. I'll donate 5 cents if you promise to donate 10 cents.,8,1,20180904-153333_396_live 18,"I will donate $1 actually, I promise. thank you for your time and attention. How much do you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment ($2).",9,0,20180904-153333_396_live 19,Ok. I'll donate 5 cents. ,9,1,20180904-153333_396_live 20,"thank you, have a nice day",10,0,20180904-153333_396_live 0,"Hello, how are you doing today? I would like to ask if you are currently donating to any charitable organization",0,0,20180904-154223_473_live 1,"Hello, no!",0,1,20180904-154223_473_live 2,Would you like to donate to an organization Save The Children?,1,0,20180904-154223_473_live 3,no me gustaria,1,1,20180904-154223_473_live 4,"Sorry, I didn't understood what you said",2,0,20180904-154223_473_live 5,I would not like,2,1,20180904-154223_473_live 6,May I ask why not? You would be helping a lot of children in need around the world,3,0,20180904-154223_473_live 7,"Well, they made me change my mind",3,1,20180904-154223_473_live 8,"If make a donation, you would be helping someone in need to get a school, or perhaps a hospital",4,0,20180904-154223_473_live 9,"Well, if I am in dispute",4,1,20180904-154223_473_live 10,I don't understand what you are saying,5,0,20180904-154223_473_live 11,I want to donate a dollar,5,1,20180904-154223_473_live 12,"You can do that at the end of the task, the team handling the task will make sure that your donation helps the children around the world",6,0,20180904-154223_473_live 13,"Ok, it's fine",6,1,20180904-154223_473_live 14,"I am glad you've decided to donate, I bet you will change someone's life forever",7,0,20180904-154223_473_live 15,if I am very sure about that,7,1,20180904-154223_473_live 16,"I will be donating a dollar too, to get even with your donation",8,0,20180904-154223_473_live 17,That makes me very happy that you want to donate just like me,8,1,20180904-154223_473_live 18,"I am glad so, hope you have a good day",9,0,20180904-154223_473_live 19,"Like you, see you later",9,1,20180904-154223_473_live 0,hi. have you heard of Save the Children,0,0,20180904-152255_763_live 1,no i haven't what are they?,0,1,20180904-152255_763_live 2,"they help children with educational need, shelter, medical needs",1,0,20180904-152255_763_live 3,"oh that is cool, is it a government thing?",1,1,20180904-152255_763_live 4,"no, it's a privately funded charity. Would you like to donate today?",2,0,20180904-152255_763_live 5,"i think so, what else do you know about them",2,1,20180904-152255_763_live 6,they support children in the US and worldwide,3,0,20180904-152255_763_live 7,thats nice do they have a website or anything?,3,1,20180904-152255_763_live 8,"yes, they have a great website. would you like to donate $1 today",4,0,20180904-152255_763_live 9,"maybe, what is the website?",4,1,20180904-152255_763_live 10, URL you should take a look,5,0,20180904-152255_763_live 11,"Ok, so how do I donate if choose to?",5,1,20180904-152255_763_live 12,all you have to do is state the amount to donate. The research team will collect all donations and send it to Save the Children,6,0,20180904-152255_763_live 13,"Well that sounds ok, I think I will give 0.75",6,1,20180904-152255_763_live 14,that's great. thank you for your donation. ,7,0,20180904-152255_763_live 15,i like to help kids because they are the future,7,1,20180904-152255_763_live 16,definitely. do you donate to other charities,8,0,20180904-152255_763_live 17,"Yes I like to donate to Goodwill but it is more local, this one helps kids around the world",8,1,20180904-152255_763_live 18,I donate to goodwill also. Thank you for the .75 for Save the Children. Every bit helps,9,0,20180904-152255_763_live 19,"Not a problem, you have a nice rest of the day",9,1,20180904-152255_763_live 0,Please make a donation to Save the Children.,0,0,20180904-062111_628_live 1,Can you explain more about the charity,0,1,20180904-062111_628_live 2,"Join Save the Children to give girls and boys in the United States and around the world a healthy start, an education, and protection from harm.",1,0,20180904-062111_628_live 3,What programs do they have?,1,1,20180904-062111_628_live 4,They have a program where they work with parents to help their children get a start to learning.,2,0,20180904-062111_628_live 5,How do they help kids at other part of the world?,2,1,20180904-062111_628_live 6,They have health programs.,3,0,20180904-062111_628_live 7,What kind of health program?,3,1,20180904-062111_628_live 8,"They target the major causes of maternal, newborn and child deaths and provide the best health and nutrition programs to save children's lives and ensure they grow up healthy",4,0,20180904-062111_628_live 9,How do I know if they are trustworthy or not?,4,1,20180904-062111_628_live 10,Save the Children's Board of Trustees is dedicated to creating immediate and lasting change in the lives of children in the U.S. and around the world.,5,0,20180904-062111_628_live 11,Where is their office?,5,1,20180904-062111_628_live 12,"It looks like there is a US Office in Fairfield, CT.",6,0,20180904-062111_628_live 13,How long has the organization been around?,6,1,20180904-062111_628_live 14,It looks like the world organization has been around since 1919.,7,0,20180904-062111_628_live 15,How much from the charity goes to the kids?,7,1,20180904-062111_628_live 16,I do not have a specific percentage. Would you like to donate?,8,0,20180904-062111_628_live 17,I like to donate 20 cents please,8,1,20180904-062111_628_live 18,Thank you. You are very kind.,9,0,20180904-062111_628_live 19,how do I donate the money?,9,1,20180904-062111_628_live 0,"Hello. How are you today? If you have the time, I would like to talk with you about a charity.",0,0,20180904-025026_901_live 1,I am well today thank you. I would be happy to listen. ,0,1,20180904-025026_901_live 2,Thank you. Do you know the organization Save the Children?,1,0,20180904-025026_901_live 3,I do not. What do they do?,1,1,20180904-025026_901_live 4,"Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization. They work for children's rights, helps support children in developing countries.",2,0,20180904-025026_901_live 5,That sounds like a great cause. ,2,1,20180904-025026_901_live 6,"It really is. They work so the chieldren can have access to health, education, safety. In developing countries like Syria, millions of children have grown up facing the daily threat of violence.",3,0,20180904-025026_901_live 7,I feel very bad for the children in Syria. I can't imagine what they are going through. Helping them is very important as is helping our children here. ,3,1,20180904-025026_901_live 8,"I agree. And sometimes even a small help is a lot, thinking many others will do the same.",4,0,20180904-025026_901_live 9,I agree with that. Does this organization spend the majority of their donations on the cause or are the higher ups lining their pockets?,4,1,20180904-025026_901_live 10,"Ah, a rightful question. This really is a trustworthy organization and they do work for the children. Actually, you can get more information about the organization from their website: URL ",5,0,20180904-025026_901_live 11,The website says that 86% of funds go to the cause. That's a really good number considering the overhead that must be required for international relief. ,5,1,20180904-025026_901_live 12,You are right. This is a trustable fund. Would you care to donate a little bit for the children?,6,0,20180904-025026_901_live 13,What are my options for donation? How can I donate and how much?,6,1,20180904-025026_901_live 14,How much do you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment ($2).,7,0,20180904-025026_901_live 15,Thank you. I would like to donate $0.30 today. ,7,1,20180904-025026_901_live 16,Thank you very much! The children from around the world will surely be thankful as well.,8,0,20180904-025026_901_live 17,You are very welcome. Thank you for telling me about this organization. ,8,1,20180904-025026_901_live 18,Have a great day!,9,0,20180904-025026_901_live 19,You as well. ,9,1,20180904-025026_901_live 0,Hello. How are you today?,0,0,20180904-065729_541_live 1,I'm doing well. How are you?,0,1,20180904-065729_541_live 2,Pretty good..Wish it was still the weekend though. Tough to get back to a routine with the kids and school. Do you have children?,1,0,20180904-065729_541_live 3,"I hear you on that. I have a 2 year old so not quite into the school routine yet, but getting there",1,1,20180904-065729_541_live 4,One of mine is 2. Such a cute but tough age! Speaking of kids.. Have you ever heard of the charity Save the Children?,2,0,20180904-065729_541_live 5,"Yeah I'm really enjoying it so far, other than the occasional meltdown over nothing... I haven't. What is it?",2,1,20180904-065729_541_live 6,"It is an international charity that focuses on kids in crisis. They mostly help kids in third world countries with things like food, education, and hunger. Really a great charity.",3,0,20180904-065729_541_live 7,I see. It sounds pretty good. Is that the Sally Struthers one from back in the day?,3,1,20180904-065729_541_live 8,Haha I remember that commercial! Not that was actually the Christian Children's Fund. But a similar idea I'm sure. Have you ever donated to a children's charity before?,4,0,20180904-065729_541_live 9,"I have, some local ones",4,1,20180904-065729_541_live 10,That's great. I really like to help kids close to home to. I think it's important to do things in your own neighborhood. But when I can I like to send some abroad too. Would you be willing to make a donation to Save the Children?,5,0,20180904-065729_541_live 11,"Sure, I'd love to",5,1,20180904-065729_541_live 12,"Wow that's great, your money, not matter how small will go to really help kids who need it. How much do you think would be able to spare?",6,0,20180904-065729_541_live 13,I think I could spare $2,6,1,20180904-065729_541_live 14,Wow you are an exceptionally generous person. Is there anything else you'd like to know about Save the Children?,7,0,20180904-065729_541_live 15,No. I looked it up and it seems pretty legit,7,1,20180904-065729_541_live 16,Ok great. Well when we are finished talking you will be able to enter the amount in following the survey.,8,0,20180904-065729_541_live 17,That sounds good,8,1,20180904-065729_541_live 18,Thanks. Have a great day! I enjoyed speaking with you.,9,0,20180904-065729_541_live 19,You too! Thanks,9,1,20180904-065729_541_live 0,Hello,0,0,20180904-012828_299_live 1,Hi there how are you?,0,1,20180904-012828_299_live 2,Great and you,1,0,20180904-012828_299_live 3,"I am doing fine, thanks for asking.",1,1,20180904-012828_299_live 4,Can I ask you a question?,2,0,20180904-012828_299_live 5,You sure can,2,1,20180904-012828_299_live 6,Do you have any kids?,3,0,20180904-012828_299_live 7,I don't have any children but there are many children in my family.,3,1,20180904-012828_299_live 8,"Im sure you love them as your own, I have a big family do you? ",4,0,20180904-012828_299_live 9,"I do have a big family, I enjoy it at times, other times I don't",4,1,20180904-012828_299_live 10,"I truly understand. But I know I would do anything for them especially if it was for their wellbeing, do you feel the same way",5,0,20180904-012828_299_live 11,Yes I do.,5,1,20180904-012828_299_live 12,It's great to know that there are others who feel the same way. Have you heard of Save the Children?,6,0,20180904-012828_299_live 13,No I haven't. Could you QUICKLY tell me about it,6,1,20180904-012828_299_live 14," Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",7,0,20180904-012828_299_live 15,Okay that sounds nice and an important service,7,1,20180904-012828_299_live 16,And the money raised helps feed and clothe them. Its a lot of children that are starving and need our help. Would like to help?,8,0,20180904-012828_299_live 17,I would like to help in the future when I am more financially stable.,8,1,20180904-012828_299_live 18,I understand but even the smallest amount would be a BIG help.,9,0,20180904-012828_299_live 19,I am sure but I just am not able at this time,9,1,20180904-012828_299_live 0,Hello! I have something really important that I would like to talk to you about today.,0,0,20180904-153641_72_live 1,"HI! OK, I'm curious to hear what you have to say.",0,1,20180904-153641_72_live 2,Great! Have you ever heard of the Save the Children Foundation?,1,0,20180904-153641_72_live 3,Not sure. Sounds familiar.,1,1,20180904-153641_72_live 4,"Well, it is an international non-governmental organization that promotes the rights of children in war torn areas. It provides relief and helps support the children in these developing countries. Does this sound like something you could be passionate about?",2,0,20180904-153641_72_live 5,"Yes, it does.",2,1,20180904-153641_72_live 6,It is a great organization because they use donations really well. They are able to tangibly help these kiddos. They have a huge interntional impact. What do you think about that?,3,0,20180904-153641_72_live 7,Sounds good so far.,3,1,20180904-153641_72_live 8,Do you have any questions about the organization?,4,0,20180904-153641_72_live 9,How long has it been around?,4,1,20180904-153641_72_live 10,It was founded in 1919! So its almost had a century of impact. ,5,0,20180904-153641_72_live 11,Who is behind it?,5,1,20180904-153641_72_live 12,The people who run it are non-for profit and do it full time! You know what is really awesome though?,6,0,20180904-153641_72_live 13,What is really awesome?,6,1,20180904-153641_72_live 14,We can help! This program that we are doing right now on MTURK allows us to donate some of our earnings to Save the Children. It is such a simple and easy way to make an impact if one wanted to.,7,0,20180904-153641_72_live 15,"What percent of donations go to staff, administrative costs, etc.?",7,1,20180904-153641_72_live 16,9 of every 10 dollars goes directly to children in need! So only 10% to administrative costs. The other thing is that we can help a child by donating the cost of a candy bar! ,8,0,20180904-153641_72_live 17,How is the money distributed? Who precisely is performing the relief help?,8,1,20180904-153641_72_live 18,Volunteers provide the relief work through a variety of programs and emergency aid. The money is distributed where it is needed most - so if there is an emergency more money will go there. But there is a question that I would like to ask you.,9,0,20180904-153641_72_live 19,"Go ahead, ask.",9,1,20180904-153641_72_live 20,Would you be willing to donate $0.20 to the relief work if I match the donation from this Mturk task? Together we can make a difference!,10,0,20180904-153641_72_live 21,"Yes, that would be OK.",10,1,20180904-153641_72_live 22,Awesome! You are the best!,11,0,20180904-153641_72_live 0,What is your opinion of donating to charity? ,0,0,20180904-152519_728_live 1,I think it's really important! I think if we have more than others it's a natural response!,0,1,20180904-152519_728_live 2,"I agree! I think it's really important, though, to know that the charity you're giving to is going to use the funds well and isn't corrupt. ",1,0,20180904-152519_728_live 3,Agreed. We try to actually know people involved before we give regularly.,1,1,20180904-152519_728_live 4,"That\'s awesome and such an important step. Have you ever heard of ""Save the Children""? I worked with them in Greece; they operate in refugee camps and other high-risk zones to address specifically the needs of kids",2,0,20180904-152519_728_live 5,I have heard of them. They sounds like a great charity from what I know. We do something similar by sponsoring a child from an Ethiopian orphanage we visited. What was your experience being in Greece like? I don't think of it as being high risk...,2,1,20180904-152519_728_live 6,"Actually, many Greek refugee camps are rated as as-bad or worse than many camps in war zones. It's complete chaos, overrun by gangs and gang violence, and often lacking in basic hygiene and access to clean water or food. Women are frequently raped while trying to use the toilets (which are horrendous) and rats run amok among the tents. One of the children we were working with had a huge rat bite on her foot and many of them had fled to Greece on their own. ",3,0,20180904-152519_728_live 7,Wow! Did you feel safe? What could you do to help? ,3,1,20180904-152519_728_live 8,It was nuts - we even had a neo-Nazi mob hunting us in the streets one night. I definitely did not feel safe there. We tried to do our best to get kids registered and provide English classes and some amount of regularity for them. Save the Children created a space just for kids and mothers and were able to assist with getting them into school,4,0,20180904-152519_728_live 9,What an amazing experience! That kind of thing shapes your life! ,4,1,20180904-152519_728_live 10,"Well, yeah, but it's much more important to address the things shaping the lives of these children. That's why I think it's so important to donate to Save the Children. Even if we can't always be there, they are making the effort everyday",5,0,20180904-152519_728_live 11,Do you still keep in touch with people over there? Do you donate directly?,5,1,20180904-152519_728_live 12,"I do donate directly, not just to Save the Children, but to several other organizations as well. I still have friends working over there. This HIT we're doing has offered to donate some of our income to the charity. I always take MTurk requesters up on it when they ask us to donate our earnings. I mean, other people can use the $2 more than me, right? ",6,0,20180904-152519_728_live 13,For sure! Our money can do a long way! I can donate my 30 cents!,6,1,20180904-152519_728_live 14,"Hey, that's awesome! Actually you're allowed to donate anywhere from $0-$2, not just your 30 cents! It's completely up to you. Once we decide to donate then they'll send the payment to Save the Children",7,0,20180904-152519_728_live 15,"I'll do 30 cents. We actually give over 25% of our income away, but that's because we research and really KNOW the organizations. I don't have a personal connection to Save the Children, like I do with the child in Ethiopia.",7,1,20180904-152519_728_live 16,Absolutely! There are so many organizations around the world these days it's hard to know which one is the best. Do you know the website charitynavigator.org? It provides info on tons of organizations around the world ,8,0,20180904-152519_728_live 17,No - actually we don't LOOK for places to give - they just happen with people we get involved with/ and through our church. I'm sure it's a great website. Is that how you got plugged in with Save the Children?,8,1,20180904-152519_728_live 18,"Oh, no, that's just one I use if someone is recommended a charity to me. I got involved with Save the Children because I was working with a local NGO in Greece and we partnered with them frequently for English classes and kid's activities and safety",9,0,20180904-152519_728_live 19,Sounds like a great way to network! Good for you!!!,9,1,20180904-152519_728_live 20,It was lovely to meet you! Thanks for donating your 30 cents! ,10,0,20180904-152519_728_live 21,Great to hear about your experiences! ,10,1,20180904-152519_728_live 0,good morning! happy tuesday!,0,0,20180904-075212_668_live 1,Hello,0,1,20180904-075212_668_live 2,how was your weekend?,1,0,20180904-075212_668_live 3,"it was good, just enjoying the long weekend",1,1,20180904-075212_668_live 4,i ran a 5k for the save the children charity. have you heard of it?,2,0,20180904-075212_668_live 5,"Yes I am familar with that charity, but not too familiar. Tell me more",2,1,20180904-075212_668_live 6,"it is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries. It's a great cause. Would you consider making a donation? even something small would help.",3,0,20180904-075212_668_live 7,Yes that seems like something I would love to do,3,1,20180904-075212_668_live 8,great! you can do it after this HIT. It's easy and will help the children! do you have kids?,4,0,20180904-075212_668_live 9,"I do not, I'm only 20",4,1,20180904-075212_668_live 10,"ok, maybe one day! are you in college?",5,0,20180904-075212_668_live 11,Yes I am1,5,1,20180904-075212_668_live 12,good for you! what is your major?,6,0,20180904-075212_668_live 13,I am studying Computer Engineering,6,1,20180904-075212_668_live 14,excellent. you will have no problem getting a job. good for you. i was accounting then went to law school.,7,0,20180904-075212_668_live 15,oh that sounds interesting,7,1,20180904-075212_668_live 16,it's not! it's boring work. you are smart to go into a field that has fun projects.,8,0,20180904-075212_668_live 17,It's still a lot of work,8,1,20180904-075212_668_live 18,it is but you will get paid really well. good choice. stick with it. get your masters.,9,0,20180904-075212_668_live 19,Yeah I am planning to do an MBA,9,1,20180904-075212_668_live 0,hi ,0,0,20180904-051519_852_live 1,"Hello, how are you today?",0,1,20180904-051519_852_live 2,"i am good , i hope you are also doing fine",1,0,20180904-051519_852_live 3,"I am doing well, thank you. ",1,1,20180904-051519_852_live 4,i would like to present you with an opportunity to help needy and ill treated children ,2,0,20180904-051519_852_live 5,I am very interested,2,1,20180904-051519_852_live 6,save the children is such an organization which takes care of malnourished and uneducated children,3,0,20180904-051519_852_live 7,I am familiar with them. My job works with them and we donate. We also work with Share a smile :),3,1,20180904-051519_852_live 8,"I request you to pay some part of this task payment as a donation to save the children , this might be a small amount for us but would make a big difference for the little ones at the other end",4,0,20180904-051519_852_live 9,I agree and would love to donate!,4,1,20180904-051519_852_live 10,How much amount are you willing to donate,5,0,20180904-051519_852_live 11,Half of my earnings from this survey. I did ones last week and donated half as well. Any time i can help i will,5,1,20180904-051519_852_live 12,"Its really nice of you, world needs more people like you, i am very much grateful towards you.",6,0,20180904-051519_852_live 13,Thank you for your kind words. We have to protect and help people when we can. Thats how we remain human,6,1,20180904-051519_852_live 14,The research team will collect all donations and send it to Save the Children,7,0,20180904-051519_852_live 15,Perfect. Is the research team the people who provide the payment?,7,1,20180904-051519_852_live 16,they will collect on your behalf and will deliver to the organization to make this world better place for our children ,8,0,20180904-051519_852_live 17,Perfect. It was nice speaking with you!,8,1,20180904-051519_852_live 18,"ya , i too in deed , you are such a nice person and thank you for your decision.",9,0,20180904-051519_852_live 19,Any time! Have a great Tuesday!,9,1,20180904-051519_852_live 0,Good morning! How are you today?,0,0,20180904-073348_848_live 1,"I'm great, how are you?",0,1,20180904-073348_848_live 2,"Doing well, thanks :) I'm waiting on a plumber to come fix my washer drain. It flooded the basement 0.0",1,0,20180904-073348_848_live 3,"I am sorry to hear that, my sister's car has to go in the shop too. Repairs suck.",1,1,20180904-073348_848_live 4,"Yes they do. My husband would say we should just be grateful we have a machine and indoor plumbing to fix. Lol he's like that, gotta love him ;)",2,0,20180904-073348_848_live 5,"That's sweet, you have a husband to help you. I am by myself. ",2,1,20180904-073348_848_live 6,"I am lucky, I know it. Hubby would say, First World problems. Lol and he's right. That's what interested me in the option to donate part of what I make to Save The Children.",3,0,20180904-073348_848_live 7,How often do you donate?,3,1,20180904-073348_848_live 8,"No set schedule, just whenever its offered here.The research team collects all donations and sends it for me. It's not a lot at once, but it adds up. ",4,0,20180904-073348_848_live 9,"That's amazing, how much do you donate?",4,1,20180904-073348_848_live 10,"Unless I'm saving up for something urgent, 100%. I'll scale it down or skip a donation if I feel I need to. But usually it's such a little bite, it doesn't hurt ;)",5,0,20180904-073348_848_live 11,You seem like a great person to be so charitable.,5,1,20180904-073348_848_live 12,"That's very sweet of you to say, but it's easy to be generous when all the hard parts are handled for you. They take the donation directly from your task payment, so there's no red tape or MATH involved LOL!",6,0,20180904-073348_848_live 13,That seems easy enough and convenient. ,6,1,20180904-073348_848_live 14,"Yes, and it makes me feel like I'm doing something just a little more worthwhile with my online time. ",7,0,20180904-073348_848_live 15,I think it's a great cause. ,7,1,20180904-073348_848_live 16,"If you are interested, here\'s the link to the charity: URL You ""sign up"" by just stating right here in chat what amount you would like to donate, from $0 to all your payment ($2 in this case, for me anyway). That\'s how I got started. ",8,0,20180904-073348_848_live 17,"Thanks for the information, I would be happy to donate.",8,1,20180904-073348_848_live 18,"Great! Just be sure to state the amount of your donation before we stop chatting, so the research team will see it. ",9,0,20180904-073348_848_live 19,I would like to donate ten cents.,9,1,20180904-073348_848_live 20,"Great! Just be sure to state the amount of your donation before we stop chatting, so the research team will see it.",10,0,20180904-073348_848_live 0,hello how are you doing today,0,0,20180904-050435_387_live 1,"Good morning, it's a good day! How are you?",0,1,20180904-050435_387_live 2,"im not doing too bad, have you heard of the charity save the children?",1,0,20180904-050435_387_live 3,I have not,1,1,20180904-050435_387_live 4,"its a great organization that i donate to regulary, they help children out in developing countries",2,0,20180904-050435_387_live 5,Where can I find more information about this charity?,2,1,20180904-050435_387_live 6,you can go to URL or just type save the children ina search engine,3,0,20180904-050435_387_live 7,In what ways does this organization help children?,3,1,20180904-050435_387_live 8,"it does about everything for the kids from ensuring safety, to medical treatment, and basic care that most of us take for granted most of the time, myself included",4,0,20180904-050435_387_live 9,How do I know that ALL donations go towards helping children?,4,1,20180904-050435_387_live 10,"The requesters on the survey will handle the donations at the end of the study, you can contact them if you require more information",5,0,20180904-050435_387_live 11,This is a silly question and I understand if you choose to not answer. Are you from the United States or do you live elsewhere?,5,1,20180904-050435_387_live 12,"born, bred, and an air force veteran here in the US",6,0,20180904-050435_387_live 13,"Thank you for your service! I didn't just want to assume that we are both from the US. Although I agree that charities like the Save the Children are important just like children/people of developing countries are important, there are A LOT of children in the U.S. that are in major need of help. I understand that there is a difference but there are a lot of starving children here too that need just as much help.",6,1,20180904-050435_387_live 14,"there are indeed a lot of people here that need help as well, but those people here have better access to government and private services and programs, most people in developing countries do not, in the books ive read lots of children beg for MREs and bottles of water from soldiers, id like to never have to read about that in another military biography, don't you agree?",7,0,20180904-050435_387_live 15,"I do agree. I also agree that people here have better access to gov't assistance. That being said, as a foster parent, it is my experience that children here starve, too. Not that I am saying I don't want to help anyone outside of this country. I have and will again. I am saying I am only one person and if I have to choose one or the other I will help here first, then, if I have enough to go around I would be happy to help in other places...",7,1,20180904-050435_387_live 16,"well thank you for being a foster parent, a very noble thing. If you makes you feel better i will match whatever donation you choose to donate and do the same amount in surveys for the american red cross and the national parks system if that would make you feel better, both charitys go to helping those here in america",8,0,20180904-050435_387_live 17,"Unfortunately, I am not in a place to donate at this time. ",8,1,20180904-050435_387_live 18,"that is unfortuante are you sure you cant even donate 10 or 20 cents, like i said ill do surveys on survey monkey to match your donation on here",9,0,20180904-050435_387_live 19,"I know 10 cents doesn't seem like a lot, but when you have a houseful of mouths to feed it adds up. I guess that makes me seem a little selfish but 10 cents will but a pack of noodles that will feed 2 kids at my house. ",9,1,20180904-050435_387_live 20,alright well if you cant donate i understand can you please state for the requesters how much you would like to donate to make if offical anywhere between 0 and 2 dollars,10,0,20180904-050435_387_live 21,"Thank you, again for your service. ",10,1,20180904-050435_387_live 0,"Hello, how are you?",0,0,20180904-064114_258_live 1,fair,0,1,20180904-064114_258_live 2,"Okay, well do you donate much?",1,0,20180904-064114_258_live 3,not for the past year,1,1,20180904-064114_258_live 4,Can I ask why not?,2,0,20180904-064114_258_live 5,retirement and family issues has significantly reduced finances,2,1,20180904-064114_258_live 6,"I'm sorry to hear that, I was thinking of donating today though if you want to join.",3,0,20180904-064114_258_live 7,i am not able to join you at this time,3,1,20180904-064114_258_live 8,Not even one cent?,4,0,20180904-064114_258_live 9,"i can affor one cent, but don't believe it is worthwhile",4,1,20180904-064114_258_live 10,I think one cent can go a long way.,5,0,20180904-064114_258_live 11,not sure how to respond. we have a difference of opinion.,5,1,20180904-064114_258_live 12,"Of course, I just think if I donate one cent and you donate one cent then we can both contribute.",6,0,20180904-064114_258_live 13,i'm not easily swayed,6,1,20180904-064114_258_live 14,I can tell from your responses.,7,0,20180904-064114_258_live 15,i'm acknowledging your statement.,7,1,20180904-064114_258_live 16,"Well, I'm going to donate one cent. You're free to do what you want.",8,0,20180904-064114_258_live 17,we agree on that. thank you.,8,1,20180904-064114_258_live 18,"Thank you for your time, have a good day.",9,0,20180904-064114_258_live 19,you're welcome. and you.,9,1,20180904-064114_258_live 0,"Hello. I would like for you to donate some money to Save the Children, please. Will you help them out, please?",0,0,20180904-093015_67_live 1,sure that sounds like a good great thing to do,0,1,20180904-093015_67_live 2,"Save the Children is an NGO that works across the world, for the rights of children, and they help them a lot.",1,0,20180904-093015_67_live 3,Yes I agree i think there wonderful. how much are you donating?,1,1,20180904-093015_67_live 4,"I don't know yet. But I know that it's an important cause. 1,000 children were killed or injured in the first two months of 2018, alone.",2,0,20180904-093015_67_live 5,Wow that is so sad Im going to donate 1,2,1,20180904-093015_67_live 6,Thank you so much. I would like to make sure that they get all of the help that they can. This is a very meaningful use of money. Is there any chance that you would consider $1.25?,3,0,20180904-093015_67_live 7,maybe im not sure if i can,3,1,20180904-093015_67_live 8,"Okay. I can tell you that it is a highly-respected organization, with wide international impact. I imagine that your donation will go a long way!",4,0,20180904-093015_67_live 9,I hope it will for the childrens sake,4,1,20180904-093015_67_live 10,"That's great, thanks so much! I'm so happy to put you down for $1.25.",5,0,20180904-093015_67_live 11,sounds good to me,5,1,20180904-093015_67_live 12,"Awesome, it's much appreciated! Did you know that the research team will collect the donations and send them straight to the charity?",6,0,20180904-093015_67_live 13,no i didnt,6,1,20180904-093015_67_live 14,"It's very nice of them. Furthermore, you should feel very good about your decision to donate. Children die from hunger all over the world, and your donation will help them out.",7,0,20180904-093015_67_live 15,I agree. i feel that we are doing a great thing for them,7,1,20180904-093015_67_live 16,Do you have any questions that I can answer before I submit your donation?,8,0,20180904-093015_67_live 17,no i do not have any questions at the time,8,1,20180904-093015_67_live 18,"Okay. Well, please accept my sincere thanks. And I know that the children that you are helping so appreciate it...have a wonderful day!",9,0,20180904-093015_67_live 19,thank you .. same to you,9,1,20180904-093015_67_live 0,Good day how are you?,0,0,20180904-080304_646_live 1,I am doing great! How are you?,0,1,20180904-080304_646_live 2,Very well thank you. Did you enjoy your holiday yesterday?,1,0,20180904-080304_646_live 3,"I did, thank you for asking! We went to a baseball game! Did you have a good holiday?",1,1,20180904-080304_646_live 4,Yes. Thank you. I would like to ask have you heard of the charity Save the Children?,2,0,20180904-080304_646_live 5,Yes I have!,2,1,20180904-080304_646_live 6,It is wonderful and does a lot of good around the world. They help children with better living conditions every day. ,3,0,20180904-080304_646_live 7,That sounds wonderful. Do we want to agree on $2 to help this organization?,3,1,20180904-080304_646_live 8,Is that the amount that you feel comfortable with? ,4,0,20180904-080304_646_live 9,Yes absolutely. It sounds like a wonderful organization and that is the maximum amount we can donate.,4,1,20180904-080304_646_live 10,That is very generous of you. I feel every little bit must help make a difference.,5,0,20180904-080304_646_live 11,I agree completely!,5,1,20180904-080304_646_live 12,Then yes the 2 dollars is an agreement. Thank you again on their benefit.,6,0,20180904-080304_646_live 13,Thank you for coming to an agreement!,6,1,20180904-080304_646_live 14,I hope you enjoy the beautiful day and the rest of your week.,7,0,20180904-080304_646_live 15,Thank you! I hope you do too! Have a wonderful day :),7,1,20180904-080304_646_live 16,Thank you. And you can read about the charity at URL ,8,0,20180904-080304_646_live 17,Great! I will do that!,8,1,20180904-080304_646_live 18,Goodbye and thanks again,9,0,20180904-080304_646_live 19,Goodbye! Thank you for your help!,9,1,20180904-080304_646_live 0,Hello. Would you like to donate a portion of your reward to a charity called Save the Children?,0,0,20180904-032932_423_live 1,I think I would be willing to donate a portion.,0,1,20180904-032932_423_live 2,Excellent! Would you like to know more about the charity first?,1,0,20180904-032932_423_live 3,"Yes, that was going to be my next question.",1,1,20180904-032932_423_live 4,"Save the Children promotes children's rights, and helps children from developing countries. ",2,0,20180904-032932_423_live 5,What types of children's rights?,2,1,20180904-032932_423_live 6,"Your donation would help ensure children's rights to health, education, and safety. Many of these children live in developing or war-torn areas where these basic necessities are hard to come by. ",3,0,20180904-032932_423_live 7,What type of people or who manages this fund?,3,1,20180904-032932_423_live 8,Save the Children has excellent credentials and is managed by a board of commercial CEOs and business leaders without any government or religious affiliation. ,4,0,20180904-032932_423_live 9,Does Save the Children help children in the United States?,4,1,20180904-032932_423_live 10,"Yes! Since 1932, Save the Children has been on the ground providing support to the most isolated and underserved children in rural America. Many of these children don't have the same opportunities as others and live in very difficult conditions.",5,0,20180904-032932_423_live 11,That is awesome. I work hard to help children as well.,5,1,20180904-032932_423_live 12,That's great! It is a worthwhile cause and every penny has a significant impact on these children's lives. Even a small donation can have a large impact in impoverished areas.,6,0,20180904-032932_423_live 13,"I am curious why you chose the words ""rural America""?",6,1,20180904-032932_423_live 14,"Of course. I chose those words because across the United States, one in five children grows up in poverty and, of the counties with the highest poverty rates, 90% are rural. Because of circumstances beyond their control, millions of kids never reach their full potential.",7,0,20180904-032932_423_live 15,"mmmm that is interesting, I did not know that statistic. I work with children more in an ""urban"" setting that are incredibly in bad circumstances.",7,1,20180904-032932_423_live 16,"I agree that children in both settings need help and commend you for your efforts. Admittedly, Save the Children may also have urban programs, but I drew the above information from their website, which you can find at URL Are you still interested in donating a portion of your reward?",8,0,20180904-032932_423_live 17,I am interested. I am curious if I can state if money goes to children in this country though?,8,1,20180904-032932_423_live 18,"Yes, you should be able to specify that. The researchers will use this chat to determine how much of your reward to donate and will see that you have earmarked it for Save the Children's US efforts. ",9,0,20180904-032932_423_live 19,"That is awesome then I will donate $1. I feel very strongly about ""our own children"" !!",9,1,20180904-032932_423_live 20,Excellent! Thank you very much for your generous donation!,10,0,20180904-032932_423_live 0,Good morning! How are you today?,0,0,20180904-060802_653_live 1,I'm starting to get my morning going. How about you>,0,1,20180904-060802_653_live 2,Good so far! Today I'm informing people about a charity called Save the Children. Have you heard of them?,1,0,20180904-060802_653_live 3,"It sounds familiar, but I'm not sure. It is a generic title.",1,1,20180904-060802_653_live 4,"They are a charity which promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries",2,0,20180904-060802_653_live 5,"That sounds like a good charity. I'm guessing that it is all international, and not local?",2,1,20180904-060802_653_live 6,It's international. They help all over the world!,3,0,20180904-060802_653_live 7,That is good. I just know there are a lot of local children that need help. How trustworthy are they?,3,1,20180904-060802_653_live 8,"They're very transparent with how they use their funding. 86% goes directly to their programs, 9% to fundraising, and the remaining 5% to management and general expenses ",4,0,20180904-060802_653_live 9,Those are good stats!,4,1,20180904-060802_653_live 10,"Every day, 16,000 children die before their 5th birthday, mostly from preventable causes. The charity is trying to change that",5,0,20180904-060802_653_live 11,That is awful! Is it mostly hunger and disease?,5,1,20180904-060802_653_live 12,"Yes, mostly. However some children pass due to violence and conflict in their countries. 1 in 80 children worldwide must flee their home in order to escape violence.",6,0,20180904-060802_653_live 13,Children shouldn't have to suffer those kind of things. They had nothing to do with the conflicts.,6,1,20180904-060802_653_live 14,"Exactly! Knowing that, would you be willing to donate ANY portion of your earnings for this HIT to the charity to help these children in need?",7,0,20180904-060802_653_live 15,I would. Do you know what difference it would make per dollar?,7,1,20180904-060802_653_live 16,Every dollar makes a huge difference! Over 3/4 of it will go directly to helping the children. The remainder will indirectly also go to helping them by fundraising and management. Would you like to donate $1.00 of your earnings?,8,0,20180904-060802_653_live 17,I think that sounds fair? Do you get to donate as well?,8,1,20180904-060802_653_live 18,I do! Thank you so much!,9,0,20180904-060802_653_live 19,Cool. I will give $1!,9,1,20180904-060802_653_live 0,"Hello, I would like to speak to you about Save The Children . Have you heard of this charity?",0,0,20180904-012448_306_live 1,"No, please tell me more. Do they have a car?",0,1,20180904-012448_306_live 2,"I'm not sure if they have a car, but I am happy to tell you more about the foundation. Efforts Focus on Restoring and Improving Early Learning and Education Programs, Helping Children Emotionally Heal, Building Resilience, Preparing for Next Emergency",1,0,20180904-012448_306_live 3,How do they do that?,1,1,20180904-012448_306_live 4,"By people like you, making a a donation of just $1 a day, you can feed a child for a month. ",2,0,20180904-012448_306_live 5,The exchange rate must be pretty good. How do they ensure that the money is effective in feeding the children and not lining pockets?,2,1,20180904-012448_306_live 6,"In fiscal year 2017, 86% of all expenditures went to program services.",3,0,20180904-012448_306_live 7,"How do they define ""Program services"", and do they have independent verification of those findings?",3,1,20180904-012448_306_live 8,"They help to feed, house and educate children all around the world. ",4,0,20180904-012448_306_live 9,"That really isn't an answer to the previous question, though",4,1,20180904-012448_306_live 10,You can find reports associated with the financial information by visiting this link: URL s/about-us/resource-library,5,0,20180904-012448_306_live 11,"That is a solid informational link, including a full board of trustees to look into. What about controveries in 2009 regarding parents in Britain?",5,1,20180904-012448_306_live 12,I believe this is still under investigation. ,6,0,20180904-012448_306_live 13,Should have went for deflection or dismissal. Works better on skeptics. Ditto for their problems with the energy company in 2013. Although that one is easier to spin as seeking more money to fund more projects. You could also mention their rating from the BBB. ,6,1,20180904-012448_306_live 14,"So are you willing to donate 10 cents today, this money can go to helping children who have grown up with the threat of violence and starvation all of their lives. ",7,0,20180904-012448_306_live 15,I'll donate 10 cents.,7,1,20180904-012448_306_live 16,"Cool thank you. Together, we're changing children's lives and the future we all share.",8,0,20180904-012448_306_live 17,I'm not certain if that's scripted or not but if it isn't there's a better way to word that and if it is I think the person who wrote it might need to retire because they clearly come from the 50s.,8,1,20180904-012448_306_live 18,You should feel proud of the decision you have made today. ,9,0,20180904-012448_306_live 19,Now you're just messing with me intentionally. ,9,1,20180904-012448_306_live 0,Hi! How are you?,0,0,20180831-190413_38_live 1,Great! How are you?,0,1,20180831-190413_38_live 2,"I'm good. So, do you like charity?",1,0,20180831-190413_38_live 3,"Charity, as in the act of donating? Or Charity, the woman who lives nearby?",1,1,20180831-190413_38_live 4,"Charity, as in the act of donating. I\'m thinking about an international non-governmental organization called ""Save the Children"". It\'s really sweet!",2,0,20180831-190413_38_live 5,"Oh, yes! I run a couple of annual events for charity. Save the Children sounds like a good name. What do they do, where and how long have they been around?",2,1,20180831-190413_38_live 6,"They contribute to children's rights to health, education, and safety. They focus in places where children are often neglected, like third-world countries, or inner-cities which are overpopulated. They've been around a long time from what I know, at least the past ten years. I recently just started donating to them.",3,0,20180831-190413_38_live 7,"That's pretty great. I grew up in the inner city. There were some rough times, for sure. How often do you donate?",3,1,20180831-190413_38_live 8,"I donate monthly, just a small donation of $5, and if you'd like to, you can donate through this chat right now! You can donate any portion of your payment from $.01 to $2! Think of it like all of these mTurk surveys. Just a cent. Eventually they add up! You can donate any portion of your payment for this task or HIT or whatever you'd call it! Think of it as your quick little helping hand.",4,0,20180831-190413_38_live 9,Sounds easy. Are they a 501c3? Can you give me a website for more info?,4,1,20180831-190413_38_live 10,Yes they are! Here is the website - URL It truly is a great organization.,5,0,20180831-190413_38_live 11,oh wow. great site with great information. They look like they're doing great work. I especially like that 86% of their money goes to help!,5,1,20180831-190413_38_live 12,It's always nice knowing a charity is actually doing something! So would you like to donate to this charity via this chat? Every little bit counts!,6,0,20180831-190413_38_live 13,sure! how would I begin?,6,1,20180831-190413_38_live 14,"You can choose any bit of your payment for taking this HIT or task, so anywhere from $0.01 to $2 (your max payment) and send it in a lone message through this chat. The research team will filter out your donation and subtract it from the funds! It's that easy!",7,0,20180831-190413_38_live 15,Do I already know how much they're paying? Should I say it in percentile or actual dollar amount?,7,1,20180831-190413_38_live 16,"You would use actual dollar amount in this case. For example, I would send in the next message { I would like to donate $2 towards Save the Children!}.",8,0,20180831-190413_38_live 17,"and, final question, how do I know they actually receive it?",8,1,20180831-190413_38_live 18,The research team has guaranteed me that they are working in conjunction with Save the Children. I can personally guarantee you that your donation is going straight to a child in need. ,9,0,20180831-190413_38_live 19,I would like to donate $1.72 towards Save the Children.,9,1,20180831-190413_38_live 20,Thank you so much! Your donation is so important to the lives of children everywhere. ,10,0,20180831-190413_38_live 0,I encourage you to donate part of your income from this hit to Save the Children.,0,0,20180831-100313_532_live 1,What organization will it go towards,0,1,20180831-100313_532_live 2,Save the Children. At least that's what the info from the HIT says.,1,0,20180831-100313_532_live 3,I can donate towards that,1,1,20180831-100313_532_live 4,That would be great.,2,0,20180831-100313_532_live 5,Will you be donating to save the children,2,1,20180831-100313_532_live 6,"Sure, I'll give at least half.",3,0,20180831-100313_532_live 7,that is awesome,3,1,20180831-100313_532_live 8,"Yeah, I hope this is real and not just part of their test.",4,0,20180831-100313_532_live 9,what social issue should we discuss,4,1,20180831-100313_532_live 10,I'm good with anything,5,0,20180831-100313_532_live 11,any ideas to suggest?,5,1,20180831-100313_532_live 12,I'm drawing a blank TBH.,6,0,20180831-100313_532_live 13,do you find it to be socially acceptable to breastfeed in public>,6,1,20180831-100313_532_live 14,Sure. It's a natural function. You?,7,0,20180831-100313_532_live 15,"i agree. do you think there should be rules and regulations on it or free to however the mother decides. (age limit, coverage, specific areas designated)",7,1,20180831-100313_532_live 16,"I don't think there should be any legal rules, although people would probably follow customary standards. I doubt most mothers are interested in drawing attention to it anyway. How about you?",8,0,20180831-100313_532_live 17,"i agree that there should not be any legal matters taken on this. though some regulation/guidance may be respected for the ones who might be against the public view of breastfeeding. I agree it should be a ""natural"" thing meaning attention should not be drawn to a mother feeding.",8,1,20180831-100313_532_live 18,"Yeah, if anything the danger of issues arising probably comes from creeper dudes trying to get a look. BTW, I think we're getting close to the ten chat turns each that are required for payment.",9,0,20180831-100313_532_live 19,"yes, that would rise problems having creepy people bothering or harassing or violating a breastfeeding mother. awful, i would say that is where legal matters could come into play.",9,1,20180831-100313_532_live 20,Nice talking to you.,10,0,20180831-100313_532_live 21,you as well. I will donate $1 to save the children,10,1,20180831-100313_532_live 0,Hello...How are you this morning?,0,0,20180831-053123_578_live 1,"I'm doing very well thanks, got this kids off to school this morning without a hitch. How are you?",0,1,20180831-053123_578_live 2,I'm great...Speaking of Children are you familiar with the organization Save The Children?,1,0,20180831-053123_578_live 3,"I think I've heard of them, are you a member or on the board?",1,1,20180831-053123_578_live 4,"I am a member of the organization. Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",2,0,20180831-053123_578_live 5,Would you be able to provide me some information to have a further look?,2,1,20180831-053123_578_live 6,You can refer to Save the Children's website to gather more information if you like to. URL ,3,0,20180831-053123_578_live 7,Thank you so much for that. Are you an MTurk worker or an administrator of the hit?,3,1,20180831-053123_578_live 8,"Administrator of the hit. Today we are looking for people interested in donating some of, or all, their HIT Reward to Save The Children.",4,0,20180831-053123_578_live 9,Well it's a great cause so I'd be willing to donate .50 to Save the Children.,4,1,20180831-053123_578_live 10,How much do you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment ($2).,5,0,20180831-053123_578_live 11,I can donate .50. I'm a caregiver for a child with different abilities so I hope that helps.,5,1,20180831-053123_578_live 12,Every bit helps...Thank you so much!,6,0,20180831-053123_578_live 13,You're welcome. Do the majority choose to donate or do most keep their full payment. I'm just curious.,6,1,20180831-053123_578_live 14,A lot of people choose to donate. ,7,0,20180831-053123_578_live 15,Well I'm glad to hear that. On another note as soon as I'm finished with hits I think I'll take a look at the link you gave me and see what else I can do. How long have you been administering hits?,7,1,20180831-053123_578_live 16,I've been administering HITS for a few months so far. Thank you for taking the time to review the website and see what else you can do!,8,0,20180831-053123_578_live 17,Thank you very much and good luck with your cause. Have a great day. :-),8,1,20180831-053123_578_live 18,Thanks and I hope you have a wonderful Friday!,9,0,20180831-053123_578_live 19,Same to you thanks for the opportunity.,9,1,20180831-053123_578_live 0,"Good Evening, how are you?",0,0,20180831-224726_732_live 1,I am doing well how about yourself?,0,1,20180831-224726_732_live 2,"I'm very well, thank you. Are you ready for fall?",1,0,20180831-224726_732_live 3,I am so ready! Me and the heat are not friends and this electric bill is killing my pockets! What about you?,1,1,20180831-224726_732_live 4,About the same. I have more purposeful things to use that money on. I enjoy donating once in awhile to charities. Do you or Have you?,2,0,20180831-224726_732_live 5,No I do not donate. I am a single mother supporting 3 children by myself. I am usually the one in need of a charity. I am working on finishing my last 2 classes before I graduate with my bachelors in psychology so that hopefully one day soon I will be able to donate to a charity. ,2,1,20180831-224726_732_live 6,"Oh wow, sounds much similar to my story. I too almost have my Bachelor's in Psych. only I have 4 courses left. I was forced to leave my job because of a rare heart condition. I develolped this after my 5th little girl was born. I'm glad there was a support group and charity/group to help me out. ",3,0,20180831-224726_732_live 7,I am sorry to hear about your heart condition and 5 children??? I would die!!!! I am loosing hair with the 3 I have! My mother was just diagnosed with breast cancer and she did not have any charity to help her. Me and my sister did a yard sale to help her with hospital bills,3,1,20180831-224726_732_live 8,"So sorry to hear that. Cancer is awful!! Have you ever heard of Save the Children? If you'd be interested, you can look over the website and let me know if you'd like to donate any portion of your ",4,0,20180831-224726_732_live 9,Save the children sounds wonderful... Yet right now I am up late doing this because I am in need for my children. My daughters birthday is today and I know she is only 3 but she is wanting a cake and a few cheap presents and I am trying to make sure I can do that for her. I will look into donating when I can afford to ,4,1,20180831-224726_732_live 10,You can actually donate just five cents of your money you make from this survey if you'd like?,5,0,20180831-224726_732_live 11,I am only receiving so much from this survey. So as much as I would love to I would not like to donate at this time.,5,1,20180831-224726_732_live 12,"Okay, that is understandable. I am in your same situation. ",6,0,20180831-224726_732_live 13,But I appreciate you introducing me to this charity. and I hope I won't ever need their hep but I might one day so when I can I will look into donating to this cause,6,1,20180831-224726_732_live 14,"Yes, it is a great cause and maybe you can keep this charity in mind should you run across it again in the future.",7,0,20180831-224726_732_live 15,I will be sure to remember considering my children mean everything to me. ,7,1,20180831-224726_732_live 16,Same here. It makes me angry/sad that there are so many who are going hungry and I can't help feed more.,8,0,20180831-224726_732_live 17," It is not fair that majority of the worlds money belongs to less than 1 percent of the US, yet there are children starving.",8,1,20180831-224726_732_live 18,"Yes, I agree. Children should be the number one priority",9,0,20180831-224726_732_live 19,Yes they are our future.,9,1,20180831-224726_732_live 20,Are you sure I can't persuade you for five cents of your $2.00 payment for this charity before I let you go? You can feel accomplished even though you know you are already a great human!!,10,0,20180831-224726_732_live 0,"Hi! I'd like to tell you about a favorite charity of mine today, Save the Children. Have you heard of them?",0,0,20180831-031446_408_live 1,No I haven't. Can you tell me more?,0,1,20180831-031446_408_live 2,"It's a great charity that helps children worldwide with poverty, education, and provides support for children after natural disasters.",1,0,20180831-031446_408_live 3,That sounds like an amazing charity. Which countries do they serve?,1,1,20180831-031446_408_live 4,"They work in the US, as well as 120 countries worldwide, many in Africa, South America, and Asia.",2,0,20180831-031446_408_live 5,Who benefits from the charity? Children mainlyy?,2,1,20180831-031446_408_live 6,"Yes, their goal is to help children specifically. They do so through programs targeted to the problems children face in a specific country. So, in the US, they focus on advocacy, education, and disaster relief, whereas globally they also help with health, human rights abuses, and hunger. ",3,0,20180831-031446_408_live 7,"And, let's say I was to donate $1 t o this cause, how much of that $1 would be spent on the child",3,1,20180831-031446_408_live 8,"They do a great job of spending their donation money on children. 86 percent of what you donate goes directly to helping children, with the rest used for administrative needs.",4,0,20180831-031446_408_live 9,So are they a non profit organization?,4,1,20180831-031446_408_live 10,"Yes, they are a nonprofit, and they are very open about their programs and finances. They provide anyone interested with copies of their 990s and other forms showing how they used their money.",5,0,20180831-031446_408_live 11,Are they a religious based organization?,5,1,20180831-031446_408_live 12,"No, they are not affiliated with any particular religion. They are run by a professional staff and board of trustees. They were founded in London in 1919.",6,0,20180831-031446_408_live 13,How does a person go about making a donation?,6,1,20180831-031446_408_live 14,"On their website, there is a link to make an immediate monetary payment, or you can look through their catalog and choose a specific child to sponsor.",7,0,20180831-031446_408_live 15,Can you only make monetary donations?,7,1,20180831-031446_408_live 16,"There are other ways, such as a planned gift, or starting a fundraiser, or volunteering or working with their advocacy program.",8,0,20180831-031446_408_live 17,How many families or children are helped each year?,8,1,20180831-031446_408_live 18,"Around 155 million children annually. It looks like we are at the end of our alloted chat, so I need to ask, How much do you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment ($2).",9,0,20180831-031446_408_live 19,I will donate $0.10,9,1,20180831-031446_408_live 0,"Hi, how are you today?",0,0,20180831-082733_742_live 1,i'm good. how are you? are you ready for your 3 day weekend?,0,1,20180831-082733_742_live 2,"I'm good, I'm never ready when I should be , haha",1,0,20180831-082733_742_live 3,"luckily i don't have to really do much, so what brings you here today?",1,1,20180831-082733_742_live 4,"Well, how do you feel about charity's like Save the Children? Do you donate often?",2,0,20180831-082733_742_live 5,I haven't donated to them but i'm sympathetic to their cause,2,1,20180831-082733_742_live 6,Would you ever consider donating?,3,0,20180831-082733_742_live 7,Do you know what the donations go to? i'm not very well versed on the details ,3,1,20180831-082733_742_live 8,"Sure, they go to many things well, revolving around children anyway. Some of their funding goes to the refugee children who are going hungry, without education, and medical help. They go to children who have been through natural disasters to help them and their families rebuild the communities like the most recent hurrican in Texas. They also fund programs for inner city kids to have a safe haven while continuing their education.",4,0,20180831-082733_742_live 9,are you a supporter / donor?,4,1,20180831-082733_742_live 10,"Yes, I've donated reguarly, most of the time I wish I could do more but even the smallest amounts help.... even pennies add up if there's enough ::)",5,0,20180831-082733_742_live 11,i would think about donating something at some point. ,5,1,20180831-082733_742_live 12,"Well, today the research team are giving all of us the oppurtunity to donate some of our bonus money if we are interested in doing so.... ",6,0,20180831-082733_742_live 13,how much have you donated today? or intend to donate today?,6,1,20180831-082733_742_live 14,I'm going to donate $.25 of mine like I said it's not much but something is better then nothing at least that's what I've been told since I was a kid :),7,0,20180831-082733_742_live 15,can you tell me anything else about save the children?,7,1,20180831-082733_742_live 16,"Well, they're a international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries. And all of the donations they recieve go towards the children unlike other charities who only donate a portion.",8,0,20180831-082733_742_live 17,"okay, id be willing to donate 30 cents to them. ",8,1,20180831-082733_742_live 18,"See, $.25 has now turned in $.55 almost the price of a candy bar ;)",9,0,20180831-082733_742_live 19,"thats true, :) if only everyone else did it too, that 55 cents would go really far",9,1,20180831-082733_742_live 0,Hello. How are you today?,0,0,20180831-065311_853_live 1,"Hi, I am doing good. How are you?",0,1,20180831-065311_853_live 2,Doing fine. Have you heard about this charity Save the Children?,1,0,20180831-065311_853_live 3,"Yes, I believe that they are a good organization that cares about children.",1,1,20180831-065311_853_live 4,Seems like they're needing donations and a little help right now. Would you like to donate some of your task payment to them today?,2,0,20180831-065311_853_live 5,"sure, but is it ok if I only donate a small amount of my payment?",2,1,20180831-065311_853_live 6,Whatever you want to donate will be fine! How much do you like to donate?,3,0,20180831-065311_853_live 7,i was thinking around 0.20 cents,3,1,20180831-065311_853_live 8,Sounds great. That amount - 0.20 cents - will be deducted directly from your task payment.,4,0,20180831-065311_853_live 9,"Ok, yeah that is the amount I will donate. ",4,1,20180831-065311_853_live 10,Great. ,5,0,20180831-065311_853_live 11,thank you for your assistance on the donation,5,1,20180831-065311_853_live 12,Thank you! Have a great one!,6,0,20180831-065311_853_live 13,"Thank you so much, but i think we should still chat a little",6,1,20180831-065311_853_live 14,Okay. Do you have other charities like this that you help out?,7,0,20180831-065311_853_live 15,yes the ASPCA. I like to help with animals. I am a dog lover.,7,1,20180831-065311_853_live 16,Nice. Do you own a dog or another pet?,8,0,20180831-065311_853_live 17,"Yes, I own a dog at home. They are so loving and faithful.",8,1,20180831-065311_853_live 18,What breeds do you like? What breed is yours?,9,0,20180831-065311_853_live 19,I like all breeds. But I prefer the smaller dogs. I have a shih tzu at home.,9,1,20180831-065311_853_live 0,Hello?,0,0,20180831-180355_992_live 1,Hi!,0,1,20180831-180355_992_live 2,"Have you heard about that charity ""Save the Children""?",1,0,20180831-180355_992_live 3,Yes I've seen commercials. ,1,1,20180831-180355_992_live 4,What do you think about it?,2,0,20180831-180355_992_live 5,I think it's good but we should worry about children in the United States. ,2,1,20180831-180355_992_live 6,"Why is that when US is financially stable for the most part, if you have a heart you would be concern about children all over the world sick and no access to education..",3,0,20180831-180355_992_live 7,Not the job of the US To take care of everyone else. ,3,1,20180831-180355_992_live 8,Actually being the richest country in the world it is our responsibility to help the 3rd world country socially and spiritually,4,0,20180831-180355_992_live 9,I'm sorry but I don't agree. ,4,1,20180831-180355_992_live 10,"would you like to donate then, your entitled to your opinion but that should stop you from donating, you can start with $1?",5,0,20180831-180355_992_live 11,No thank you. I'd prefer to help people in my own neighborhood. ,5,1,20180831-180355_992_live 12,"So since you don't agree with what kid the money go to mean to let kids you can help suffer because you want to help kids who live in your neighborhood who most likely make around the same income as you, being that they live in the same nieghborhood as you. Before helping someone that needed it because you close mined? ",6,0,20180831-180355_992_live 13,You have no idea what my neighborhood is like. ,6,1,20180831-180355_992_live 14,Even if its poor you still make similar incomes as people in your nieghborhood vs kids in South America and South Africa where they really need help is alot more then any proverty filled nieghborhood. Do a good deed and donate?,7,0,20180831-180355_992_live 15,"I'm sorry, I feel like you're trying to bully me into donating. ",7,1,20180831-180355_992_live 16,"Bully over the internet funny, you don't have to be so sensitive it aint that serious. You have a good day.",8,0,20180831-180355_992_live 17,You too. ,8,1,20180831-180355_992_live 18,Thank you ,9,0,20180831-180355_992_live 19,Thank you too. ,9,1,20180831-180355_992_live 0,Hello. My name is Jae. And who am I speaking with on this fine day?,0,0,20180831-191711_71_live 1,HI my name is Gail. How are you?,0,1,20180831-191711_71_live 2,"Well hello Gail. I am very fine. Thank You for asking. I truly appreciate that. And how is your day today, Gail?",1,0,20180831-191711_71_live 3,It's great. I made turkey burgers for dinner. Do you like to cook?,1,1,20180831-191711_71_live 4,"WHAT??!! I just had left over turkey. Mmmmmmmmmm. Turkey sounds great. Sounds much better than my version of turkey. And yes, I like to cook. Do you have any leftover turkey burgers? lol",2,0,20180831-191711_71_live 5,"I actually do! lol. You should come over and try some! lol. I like spicy food, so I used jalapenos too.",2,1,20180831-191711_71_live 6,"OMG, Gail!!!! You're a woman after my own heart. Where have you been? ,)",3,0,20180831-191711_71_live 7,LOl I've been in Texas! We love to grill. Where are you from?,3,1,20180831-191711_71_live 8,"I always wanted to visit the ""BIG"" state. Definitely have to go down south very soon. As for me, I\'m in the BIG Apple, NYC. And speaking of burgers and spicy food, do you share your expertise in these fine foods with charity or charity work?",4,0,20180831-191711_71_live 9,I used to cook for the local church sometimes.I prepare meals for those in needs.,4,1,20180831-191711_71_live 10,"Awesome, Gail. That is great work indeed. Well, the reason why I ask is because I represent a great organization called, ""Save the Children"". We are an international non-governmental organization that promotes children\'s rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries and we are looking for donations today. Gail, I need your burgers..............excuse me, your charity in a well to do donation. Can I interest you in this?",5,0,20180831-191711_71_live 11,"Sure, I wouldn't mind helping.",5,1,20180831-191711_71_live 12,"Awesome!!!! Gail, as soon we started this conversation, I felt great things about you. The vibe was right. Besides the great charity work at your church establishment, have you done any other types of charity before?",6,0,20180831-191711_71_live 13,"Yes, I like helping where I can.",6,1,20180831-191711_71_live 14,"Gail, you are a SAINT!!!! We need more angels like you, especially in today's climate of change. Gail, your provided donation today will essentially help in ensuring children of the world rights to health, education, safety, and most of all, safety. You will make a tangible impact for the world. Would you like some examples, statistics as to why we fight the good fight?",7,0,20180831-191711_71_live 15,"Yes, I like giving back. I usually work through college organizations or a church.",7,1,20180831-191711_71_live 16,"In histories past to today, we are shown the lack of support for children in developing countries, especially in war torn areas. For instance, millions of Syrian children have grown up facing the daily threat of violence. In the first two months of 2018 alone, 1,000 children were reportedly killed or injured in intensifying violence. Your donation can address such problems. Gail, my angel. You are part of the solution. Let me ask you, how much money do they spend on unnecessary stuff like a bag of snacks or candy?",8,0,20180831-191711_71_live 17,I would say five dollars.,8,1,20180831-191711_71_live 18,"Well, that five dollars can be used in more meaningful ways now. Your small donations will indeed help a lot of children and their families. Gail, shall we get started with your donation then?",9,0,20180831-191711_71_live 19,"Yes, of course.",9,1,20180831-191711_71_live 20,"You are amazing, Gail!!!! How much do you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment ($2).",10,0,20180831-191711_71_live 0,Good Friday morning to you! How are you today?,0,0,20180831-040908_90_live 1,"Hello, I am fine, how about you?",0,1,20180831-040908_90_live 2,"I am doing really well. I am a little surprised at how cold it is here this morning-it's only in the 50's, which I was not expecting. How is it by you?",1,0,20180831-040908_90_live 3,It is warm here. Are you interested in donating? ,1,1,20180831-040908_90_live 4,Interesting. I was going to ask you if you had heard about the organization Save the Children. Are you interested in donating even $0.05 of today's pay to help the kids?,2,0,20180831-040908_90_live 5,"I am very interested in donating, I have a soft heart for children and I will donate as much as possible",2,1,20180831-040908_90_live 6,Well that is really great. What is the amount you would like to pledge from today's payment?,3,0,20180831-040908_90_live 7,"I guess i will help $1, is this an international charity?",3,1,20180831-040908_90_live 8,That would be a great help to the children! Thank you! Yes this is a charity that not only helps outside of the US but also inside. Have you heard about the storms/flooding in Hawaii?,4,0,20180831-040908_90_live 9,I have not heard. in how many countries do they work? and which issues they work on mainly?,4,1,20180831-040908_90_live 10,"STC works to provide kids with the basic things that they need like food, healthcare and shelter issues. I know as soon as the floods hit Hawaii STC pledged to help out. The US based center is in CT. Are you interested in more info?",5,0,20180831-040908_90_live 11,Yes I am. I will donate today but is it possible I donate later too?,5,1,20180831-040908_90_live 12,"Yes, you can donate any time. I have you down for $1 for today, right?",6,0,20180831-040908_90_live 13,okay don't worry I will donate. I just want to know more about it. is there any big company cooperating with them? ,6,1,20180831-040908_90_live 14,I can give you their website. It is URL let me know if the link comes through.,7,0,20180831-040908_90_live 15,"okay I will explore it, thank you. I like to know more",7,1,20180831-040908_90_live 16,"Well, from what I read, close to 90% of the money that they collect goes directly to the kids. I know that makes me feel really good. How about you?.",8,0,20180831-040908_90_live 17,It makes me feel good too. I like it if they are so clear with their financial reports,8,1,20180831-040908_90_live 18,"Yes. Did you see that they also give the chance to sign up and sponsor individual kids? Also, thank you for your $ donation!",9,0,20180831-040908_90_live 19,"Yes I've seen it and there are many big companies working with them, like IKEA and Disney",9,1,20180831-040908_90_live 0,Hello.,0,0,20180831-043947_465_live 1,"hello, how ru?",0,1,20180831-043947_465_live 2,Doing fine. Trust you are doing well?,1,0,20180831-043947_465_live 3,"Yes I am, thanks",1,1,20180831-043947_465_live 4,Are you familiar with the chariable organization called Save the Children?,2,0,20180831-043947_465_live 5,I think I have heard of them,2,1,20180831-043947_465_live 6,"I was just doing some research on them. They help to ensure children's rights to health, education, and safety. That sounds like a good mission, don't you agree?",3,0,20180831-043947_465_live 7,"I do, they sound like a worthy organization",3,1,20180831-043947_465_live 8,"For instance, much of their focus is on working with children in developing countries, and especially in war zones. That sounds like very important work to help children in those areas.",4,0,20180831-043947_465_live 9,It really does. I'm impressed,4,1,20180831-043947_465_live 10,"You should check out their website some time, it's URL ",5,0,20180831-043947_465_live 11,"Ok, I will be sure to do that.",5,1,20180831-043947_465_live 12,"I just read there that in Syria, millions of children have grown up with a daily threat of violence. In January and February, around 1,000 children were killed or injured there. I can't imagine having to live in those kinds of conditions each day.",6,0,20180831-043947_465_live 13,I can't either. We take so much for granted,6,1,20180831-043947_465_live 14,I plan on donating to them after what I've read about them. Would you consider making a donation as well?,7,0,20180831-043947_465_live 15,"Possible, I already donate to other organizations.",7,1,20180831-043947_465_live 16,"If you did, how much would you like to donate from your task payment? It can be any amount up to $2. ",8,0,20180831-043947_465_live 17,I would give 10 cents,8,1,20180831-043947_465_live 18,Great! The research team will collect the donation and send it to Save the Children.,9,0,20180831-043947_465_live 19,"ok,sounds good to me",9,1,20180831-043947_465_live 0,hi how are you?,0,0,20180831-175925_143_live 1,good how are you?,0,1,20180831-175925_143_live 2,fine today...do you have children?,1,0,20180831-175925_143_live 3,no i do not,1,1,20180831-175925_143_live 4,Do you like children?,2,0,20180831-175925_143_live 5,yes of course,2,1,20180831-175925_143_live 6,Do you want to help children?,3,0,20180831-175925_143_live 7,yes how would i do that?,3,1,20180831-175925_143_live 8,Do you want to help poor children without food?,4,0,20180831-175925_143_live 9,yes i would ,4,1,20180831-175925_143_live 10,Do you want to help children without resources get an education?,5,0,20180831-175925_143_live 11,yes i woulf,5,1,20180831-175925_143_live 12,How much in dollars would help a child in a poor country with basic needs?,6,0,20180831-175925_143_live 13,what charity am i donating to?,6,1,20180831-175925_143_live 14,have you heard of save the children?,7,0,20180831-175925_143_live 15,no i havent,7,1,20180831-175925_143_live 16,Are you worried about donating to charities,8,0,20180831-175925_143_live 17,yes because i dont know where my money will be going,8,1,20180831-175925_143_live 18,"right, save the children is legitimate for sure, can you donate one dollar a day to help a needy child?",9,0,20180831-175925_143_live 19,how do i know that?,9,1,20180831-175925_143_live 20,"check out save the children on the web , you will find it easy..thanks for the help!",10,0,20180831-175925_143_live 0,"Hi, how are you?",0,0,20180831-073919_112_live 1,"Very well, thank you. How are you today?",0,1,20180831-073919_112_live 2,I'm great. Thank you! Are you familiar with Save the Children?,1,0,20180831-073919_112_live 3,Yes I am familiar with them.,1,1,20180831-073919_112_live 4,Great! If you want you can donate some of your task payment today. Would you be interested in doing that?,2,0,20180831-073919_112_live 5,No thank you. I donate to other organizations on a yearly basis already. ,2,1,20180831-073919_112_live 6,That's great. I certainly understand. Save the Children does a lot to help children internationally. Any amount you could give would help. But I understand if you don't want to,3,0,20180831-073919_112_live 7,Thank you for understanding. I wish I was in a position to be able to donate more annually but that simply isn't the case.,3,1,20180831-073919_112_live 8,"Yeah, I get that. Asking someone to donate from their mTurk earnings is asking a lot considering how little these HITs pay!",4,0,20180831-073919_112_live 9,"Absolutely it tends to pay much lower than minimum wage per the hour but the extra income does help,",4,1,20180831-073919_112_live 10,"Yeah, it does help a lot. Any little bit extra you can bring in is a bonus",5,0,20180831-073919_112_live 11,That is why I am here. Grinding it out to make all ends meet.,5,1,20180831-073919_112_live 12,yep lol that sounds familiar. I'm in the same boat,6,0,20180831-073919_112_live 13,So did they pair us as two MTurker's with two different roles? ,6,1,20180831-073919_112_live 14,"Yeah, I think so. They told me to try to persuade you to donate to Save the Children",7,0,20180831-073919_112_live 15,I think you are failing at achieving their goal here. ,7,1,20180831-073919_112_live 16,lol I know I am...I'm not really interested in trying to convince anyone to donate. I don't even know if its a real charity. It gets used an awful lot in these HITs,8,0,20180831-073919_112_live 17,Neither do I its just research based on our qualities from the screening questions prior. ,8,1,20180831-073919_112_live 18,"Yeah, I agree with that. Well, I hope you have a great day!",9,0,20180831-073919_112_live 19,I hope you do too. Enjoy!,9,1,20180831-073919_112_live 0,How are you today?,0,0,20180831-223214_28_live 1,"I am fine, what about you?",0,1,20180831-223214_28_live 2,"I am great, thanks! I would like to tell you about Save the Children and how you can donate part of this HIT award to the organization. Hundreds of thousands of children die every year because of hunger, and millions don't have access to quality, healthcare and education.",1,0,20180831-223214_28_live 3,Can you tell me more about it?,1,1,20180831-223214_28_live 4,"Sure. Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries. Your donation, and other MTurkers' donations, are essential to help ensuring children's rights to health, education, safety, etc. Your donation will make a tangible impact for the world",2,0,20180831-223214_28_live 5,This sounds like a great charitable cause.,2,1,20180831-223214_28_live 6,"It is. There is a lack of support for children in developing countries. For instance, millions of Syrian children have grown up facing the daily threat of violence. In the first two months of 2018 alone, 1,000 children were reportedly killed or injured in intensifying violence. Do you think you would be interested in donating?",3,0,20180831-223214_28_live 7,"As a matter of fact, I have been ocassionally donating to a few causes like Feeding America in the past few years.",3,1,20180831-223214_28_live 8,That's great! Thank you for doing that. And a little bit of money goes a long way in these organizations. Just 77 cents a day can shelter a refugee family for a day. Do you have any children? ,4,0,20180831-223214_28_live 9,"No, I am unmarried and thus do not have children yet.",4,1,20180831-223214_28_live 10,"I have four kids and it breaks my heart to think of others suffering so much in the rest of the world, and Save the Children is a great and trusted organization. You can rest assured that your money will go toward helping children with what they need the most. Can the organization count on your donation from this hit? ",5,0,20180831-223214_28_live 11,"I sincerely admire how much you actually care for others. Unfortunately, I don't think I would like to donate this time.",5,1,20180831-223214_28_live 12,That's unfortunate. Even 50 cents would help! Can I count on you for that?,6,0,20180831-223214_28_live 13,"In this case, perhaps I can do my part by donating 20 cents.",6,1,20180831-223214_28_live 14,That would be great! You won't regret it. Every little bit helps. ,7,0,20180831-223214_28_live 15,I hope this small amount does help.,7,1,20180831-223214_28_live 16,Small donations will indeed help a lot of children and their families.,8,0,20180831-223214_28_live 17,"Okay then, let's do this. So how exactly can I do this and how do I donate?",8,1,20180831-223214_28_live 18,The research team will collect all donations and send it to Save the Children. I'm guessing you'll be prompted after our chat ends.,9,0,20180831-223214_28_live 19,"Alright then, thank you for sharing this information to me. I hope you have a nice day.",9,1,20180831-223214_28_live 20,"Thanks for the chat! Have a good day. Once you respond, I can select done to end the chat.",10,0,20180831-223214_28_live 0,How would you like to donate to save the children,0,0,20180831-052816_178_live 1,whats that?,0,1,20180831-052816_178_live 2,It's an excellent charity that helps get children the necessary things that they need to survive,1,0,20180831-052816_178_live 3,"sometimes i donate to charity, but when someone comes right out and asks it feels a little pushy ya know?",1,1,20180831-052816_178_live 4,"I understand that, but sometimes you just need to be made aware of some excellent charities",2,0,20180831-052816_178_live 5,Yes i am aware of many problems in the world.,2,1,20180831-052816_178_live 6,"Right and I understand how most people don't think that they need to help children in other countries, but if we don't then who will. These children need all the help that they can get.",3,0,20180831-052816_178_live 7,I agree with that.,3,1,20180831-052816_178_live 8,I'm willing to donate 1 dollar to this cause are you?,4,0,20180831-052816_178_live 9,i can only make a small donation of 10 cents. will you accept that?,4,1,20180831-052816_178_live 10,"I'm willing to accept any amount that you are willing to donate, but wouldn't you like to be able to donate a little more to help the poor defenseless children?",5,0,20180831-052816_178_live 11,"I would love to solve all the problems of the world, but i can only do what i can do today. i can donate 10 cents.",5,1,20180831-052816_178_live 12,Ok I'm happy to at least get something. So out of your two dollar payment you are only willing to donate 10 cents?,6,0,20180831-052816_178_live 13,"I am not ""only"" willing. I am willing to donate 10 cents.",6,1,20180831-052816_178_live 14,Alright thanks for being willing to donate.,7,0,20180831-052816_178_live 15,"You are welcome, in the future i would work on some interpersonal skills. that will assist you. i promise.have a good day.",7,1,20180831-052816_178_live 16,In the future I would work on my willingness to donate more,8,0,20180831-052816_178_live 17,what makes you think im not homeless myself?,8,1,20180831-052816_178_live 18,I don't want to argue with you,9,0,20180831-052816_178_live 19,"its a simple question, and again you could learn alot from interpersonal skills. have a good day. good bye.",9,1,20180831-052816_178_live 0,Hello. How are you? ,0,0,20180831-205301_781_live 1,"I'm doing well. It's getting late, it's been a long week. How are you?",0,1,20180831-205301_781_live 2,I'm doing good. I understand about the long week. Thank goodness it's the weekend. ,1,0,20180831-205301_781_live 3,That's right! I'm actually up and at it bright and early to take a road trip for a family member's birthday tomorrow... joy. What do you have planned for the weekend?,1,1,20180831-205301_781_live 4,"We're planning to hit the beach, but it's a shame that there are so many kids in poverty who won't be able to enjoy the beach or birthday parties. Don't you agree?",2,0,20180831-205301_781_live 5,"That really is a shame. I was fortunate enough to grow up 10 minutes from a beach regardless of my financial situation, but so many kids have no means to even take public transportation to a beach if they wanted to. Very unfortunate. I always hope those kinds are able to make a better situation of their lives as they get older to make up those experiences.",2,1,20180831-205301_781_live 6,"I agree. We live near the beach right now too, and it's great. My kids are so fortunate to be living a life so far removed from war zones like kids in Syria. And, to have their basic needs met to be able to enjoy their childhood. Have you heard of Save the Children?",3,0,20180831-205301_781_live 7,"I'm sure I have, but could you give me a refresher?",3,1,20180831-205301_781_live 8,It's an awesome nonprofit that helps fight for children's rights all over the world. URL has a lot more information. ,4,0,20180831-205301_781_live 9,I'll have to dig further into it. Do you know anything about who runs it? My biggest concerns with organizations like that is there isn't a ton of transparency as to where donation funds actually go.,4,1,20180831-205301_781_live 10,"Oh, I totally understand. I feel like most of those organizations take the money and run. Save the Children actually has 86% of the money that is donated directly helping the children. It's listed on Forbes list of top 50 charities. ",5,0,20180831-205301_781_live 11,"Wow, that's great. I consider Forbes pretty trustworthy. I appreciate you getting that info for me. I'll have to dig further into their mission statements and activities. Some of that stuff can get so political!",5,1,20180831-205301_781_live 12,They also have their annual financial report actually listed on their website which I think is pretty impressive for a charity organization. Would you consider donating part of your pay for this task to Save the Children?,6,0,20180831-205301_781_live 13,"I would, but I think I'd have to review all of their documentation first and then possibly even donate on my own time! That's not to say I'm uninterested, I just like to trust and verify.",6,1,20180831-205301_781_live 14,"I understand. It's important to do research before giving money to organizations. This one just seems like they're doing a lot of great work helping children in the U.S. and abroad. And, it would be so easy to have your payment taken directly from your task payment.",7,0,20180831-205301_781_live 15,100% agreed. I'll have to dig into their information and make a decision. Have you donated to them before or do you plan to?,7,1,20180831-205301_781_live 16,"I haven't in the past, but after reading more about them I definitely plan to. Their credentials are outstanding. And, I like that so much of their proceeds actually go to help. I've seen some awful numbers from organizations like Goodwill who claim to be helping but all of their money actually goes to their CEO's.",8,0,20180831-205301_781_live 17,"You think Goodwill is bad, look at some of the reports on Susan G Komen--BREAST CANCER of all things. What starts with a good intention doesn't always end up that way. Does Save The Children specifically aim to help Syrian chidren?",8,1,20180831-205301_781_live 18,"Oh, really? I haven't heard about Susan G Komen being so bad, I will have to look into that. I did a race of theirs about 10 years ago. ",9,0,20180831-205301_781_live 19,"I can\'t speak for 10 years ago, but I know recently they were found out to have so much of their money going to ""marketing"" that a massive portion of their proceeds never even made it to research. That\'s off the top of my head, but it\'s rough. I\'ve done a Donna race before, though.",9,1,20180831-205301_781_live 20,"That's awful. That's why I'm pleasantly surprised to see that Save the Children has such a high percentage of donations being used. And, no. They don't only help in Syria. They support kids all over the world by helping them get healthcare, education, making sure their safe, etc. I'm going to donate part of my proceeds. I think you should too!",10,0,20180831-205301_781_live 0,Hi. How are you this evening? ,0,0,20180831-200600_498_live 1,"Good, how are you?",0,1,20180831-200600_498_live 2,"I'm good, thank you. ",1,0,20180831-200600_498_live 3,Do you know who receives this donations?,1,1,20180831-200600_498_live 4,"Yes, I do. Have you ever heard of Save the Children? ",2,0,20180831-200600_498_live 5,"of course, I didn't see that detail. ",2,1,20180831-200600_498_live 6,"In case you didn't know, they are an international organization that promotes children's rights and provides relief and helps support children in developing countries. ",3,0,20180831-200600_498_live 7,you must be a fan. I assume you are going to donate.,3,1,20180831-200600_498_live 8,"Yes, I support this charity and yes, I will. Do you have children? ",4,0,20180831-200600_498_live 9,"1, a 4 year old. ",4,1,20180831-200600_498_live 10,"As a parent, I feel this charity is so important and I hope you can feel that way too. No child should go to bed hungry. ",5,0,20180831-200600_498_live 11,"hmmm, are you a real person? That is a line from the actual advertisement from Save The Children that has been running since I was a child.... maybe 30 years at least. ",5,1,20180831-200600_498_live 12,"Ha ha. Yes, I am a real person. ( I knew that I knew that line from somewhere)",6,0,20180831-200600_498_live 13,how much of your $2 payment are you donating?,6,1,20180831-200600_498_live 14,I'm still deciding. How much would you like to donate to this charity now? ,7,0,20180831-200600_498_live 15,1 american dollar,7,1,20180831-200600_498_live 16,"Ok, that's great. ",8,0,20180831-200600_498_live 17,so we have a consensus then?,8,1,20180831-200600_498_live 18,"Yes, we do ",9,0,20180831-200600_498_live 19,"great, now how to end this chat???",9,1,20180831-200600_498_live 0," Hi, my name is Robert.",0,0,20180831-231226_976_live 1,"hi, my name is danh",0,1,20180831-231226_976_live 2," I will like a few minutes of your time to tell you about "" Save The Children Foundation"".",1,0,20180831-231226_976_live 3,ok please do,1,1,20180831-231226_976_live 4,"Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",2,0,20180831-231226_976_live 5,"I think it's important for us to be more aware of the difficulty children are facing every single day in term of parental support, and lack of love.",2,1,20180831-231226_976_live 6,"Yes, you are right, save the children is what you are saying also Your donation will make a tangible impact for the world such as help ensuring children's rights to health, education and safety.",3,0,20180831-231226_976_live 7,what are you suggesting?,3,1,20180831-231226_976_live 8,I am asking for a small donation.,4,0,20180831-231226_976_live 9,right now I just started this online job and this is my first conversation to make money. can I take a raincheck ?,4,1,20180831-231226_976_live 10,"If you can a donation of .01 to $2.00 will be great, but first bear with me a little longer.",5,0,20180831-231226_976_live 11,can you speed up the conversation?,5,1,20180831-231226_976_live 12,You can donate to an individual child or a group of children.,6,0,20180831-231226_976_live 13,Can you be more specific?,6,1,20180831-231226_976_live 14,If you can donate 5 cents that will be great.,7,0,20180831-231226_976_live 15,I'm willing to donate 5 cents.,7,1,20180831-231226_976_live 16,Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment.,8,0,20180831-231226_976_live 17,Ok. I'm authorizing you to deduct 5 cents from my task payment.,8,1,20180831-231226_976_live 18,Thank you very much.,9,0,20180831-231226_976_live 19,is there anything else I can do for you?,9,1,20180831-231226_976_live 0,"hello, how are you doing today?",0,0,20180831-103236_81_live 1,fine so far...,0,1,20180831-103236_81_live 2,Thats good... what did you think of this survey so far... kinda long!,1,0,20180831-103236_81_live 3,"yes indeed, don't even know what I'm supposed to do here..",1,1,20180831-103236_81_live 4,"lol... I wasn't sure when I started, but I think I'm catching on.... have you heard of an organization called Save the Children?",2,0,20180831-103236_81_live 5,"Something about donations, and yes I have heard of them..",2,1,20180831-103236_81_live 6,What do you think of the group?,3,0,20180831-103236_81_live 7,"Not sure, but there are plenty of children who need saving right here in the US.",3,1,20180831-103236_81_live 8,"That's true... but it IS hard to think of any child going hungry. Regardless of where they live, it's not their fault, wouldn't you say?",4,0,20180831-103236_81_live 9,"Pretty much I guess, ...I would donate locally to help the kids here in my town.",4,1,20180831-103236_81_live 10,But you don't feel that kids in other countries deserve our help?,5,0,20180831-103236_81_live 11,"Not much, the money I give needs to stay and help right here !",5,1,20180831-103236_81_live 12,What if you could do both? ,6,0,20180831-103236_81_live 13,"lol, ok $1 to African kids and $2 for the kids here in my neighborhood !",6,1,20180831-103236_81_live 14,"Hey any little bit helps I'm sure! What about donating money you haven't even seen yet, like a portion of the profits from completing this HIT? ",7,0,20180831-103236_81_live 15,Nah not yet I need a new hiking backpack !,7,1,20180831-103236_81_live 16,"Do you think you'd really miss even the $1 you could donate to these kids, when you're out on your hike, eating all of the yummy snacks you had easy access to, and looking at our beautiful countryside, free from war?",8,0,20180831-103236_81_live 17,"lol, probably not, but I would be willing to take a bunch of kids hiking in these beautiful mountains of mine I live in.",8,1,20180831-103236_81_live 18,I'm sure they,9,0,20180831-103236_81_live 19,I'm looking for the submit button....?? said we have to do 10 chat turns...,9,1,20180831-103236_81_live 20,there it is... how about we split it? You donate fifty cents and I'll donate fifty cents... win for the kids?!,10,0,20180831-103236_81_live 0,Hi,0,0,20180831-054654_563_live 1,Hello,0,1,20180831-054654_563_live 2,We are supposed to donate some of our bonus to charity I see. ,1,0,20180831-054654_563_live 3,I would like to donate $2 to the charity. How much are you going to donate?,1,1,20180831-054654_563_live 4,Is it $2 each or do we share the bonus?,2,0,20180831-054654_563_live 5,"I am not sure, however, I think it can be $2 each ",2,1,20180831-054654_563_live 6,"Okay, well that's fine, I don't mind donating the whole thing as well.",3,0,20180831-054654_563_live 7,"Okay, I think that is an excellent idea",3,1,20180831-054654_563_live 8,"""Making a donation agreement too early in the chat may lead to meaningless conversations."" Well.. lol. How\'s the weather? ",4,0,20180831-054654_563_live 9,"The weather here is fine, thank you! I think it is very important to donate to those in need especially organazations that support children.",4,1,20180831-054654_563_live 10,"Yea, absolutely. ",5,0,20180831-054654_563_live 11,"By donating $2 each, I believe that shows that we are compassionate about other people",5,1,20180831-054654_563_live 12,"Yes, I always try and donate from these studies if I have the chance.",6,0,20180831-054654_563_live 13,I typically donate at the grocery story while at the checkout ,6,1,20180831-054654_563_live 14,"Oh that's true, that too. I like when it's right in front of me, because I like to donate but admittedly I am too lazy to search out new ways.",7,0,20180831-054654_563_live 15,Many organiaztions have ways to donate to their employees education. I think that is a good idea and more companies should invest in their employees. ,7,1,20180831-054654_563_live 16,yes thats true too,8,0,20180831-054654_563_live 17,I work for a non profit company and we rely heavily on donations to keep the company going,8,1,20180831-054654_563_live 18,"oh that's cool. I've always wanted to do something like that, instead of working in the field I do now.",9,0,20180831-054654_563_live 19,It is very rewarding working for a non profit ,9,1,20180831-054654_563_live 0,Hello! Have you ever donated to a charity before?,0,0,20180831-083027_46_live 1,"Hi, Yes, I have donated to the ASPCA",0,1,20180831-083027_46_live 2,I have too! I love dogs. What about Save the Children?,1,0,20180831-083027_46_live 3,"I have never donated to Save the Children, but I would be willing to do so. I love to help children also.",1,1,20180831-083027_46_live 4,Save the Children is a great organization. Would you be willing to donate some of your earnings from this task toward that charity?,2,0,20180831-083027_46_live 5,"yes, I would be willing to donate a portion of my earnings to the charity.",2,1,20180831-083027_46_live 6,"That's so generous! It's easy to donate when you feel attached to the situation, but helping someone you don't know takes a really special kind of person.",3,0,20180831-083027_46_live 7,"yes, plus your making a difference in other peoples lives or animals. it is gods work.",3,1,20180831-083027_46_live 8,I agree! Have you ever volunteered your time for a charity?,4,0,20180831-083027_46_live 9,"I have made donations to the charity, but I have never volunteered for one.",4,1,20180831-083027_46_live 10,"We're all so busy or sometimes it's hard to get out to help so donating is a really good way to be able to help. Based on my understanding of Save the Children, it's an organization that is really important in this present time. In 2018 many children are affected by wars (for example Syria). ",5,0,20180831-083027_46_live 11,"yes, I heard they are a good organization and are willing to help as much children as positive. is 0.30 cents a good donation to give?",5,1,20180831-083027_46_live 12,"Anything you could donate would be amazing, from .01 to the full $2. Even a small donation helps multiple children. Do you think you could give a little more?",6,0,20180831-083027_46_live 13,i was thinking 0.30 as the amount I want to give. but I could up to to 0.50 cents,6,1,20180831-083027_46_live 14,"That's great. I think about the amount of money I spend on buying cup of coffee these days, I could definitely go without one in order to help some kids!",7,0,20180831-083027_46_live 15,yeah same here. every bit is appreciated.,7,1,20180831-083027_46_live 16,"Maybe we can each encourage someone else in our lives to make a donation, and spread the impact. Do you feel like you're willing to donate that .50 cents?",8,0,20180831-083027_46_live 17,yes I will donate 50 cents,8,1,20180831-083027_46_live 18,That's amazing. Thanks so much for being so kind and open-minded today. I've enjoyed talking to you and hope you have a great day!,9,0,20180831-083027_46_live 19,thank you and you too,9,1,20180831-083027_46_live 0,Hey good day.,0,0,20180831-070455_353_live 1,"hello, how are you",0,1,20180831-070455_353_live 2,I am good. How about you?,1,0,20180831-070455_353_live 3,"I am doing alright, thank you",1,1,20180831-070455_353_live 4,I am currently in florida.,2,0,20180831-070455_353_live 5,"very nice, what are you supposed to talk to me about?",2,1,20180831-070455_353_live 6,I am doing this service as a volunteer. Giving back some of my time to worthy cause.,3,0,20180831-070455_353_live 7,"that is very noble, what is the cause?",3,1,20180831-070455_353_live 8,Giving help to children in need. Are able to do so today??,4,0,20180831-070455_353_live 9,I may be...i'm broke tho,4,1,20180831-070455_353_live 10,Your time is much more valuable.,5,0,20180831-070455_353_live 11,how can I give my time to the charity?,5,1,20180831-070455_353_live 12,The task your doing is time and is equated to money. Thus give some of your time and they get part or all of your reward,6,0,20180831-070455_353_live 13,"But if i dont give money, how do I help the children with my time?",6,1,20180831-070455_353_live 14,there is a reward for this task. I giving them my reward. Can you do the same??,7,0,20180831-070455_353_live 15,how much do you give?,7,1,20180831-070455_353_live 16,"at least half maybe the entire, it is not much but with additional help it will make a difference.",8,0,20180831-070455_353_live 17,"i dont know, i doubt it would do anything",8,1,20180831-070455_353_live 18,I bet it would. Think about it.,9,0,20180831-070455_353_live 19,how would a couple cents help?,9,1,20180831-070455_353_live 20,your cent and my cent with other cents will add up.,10,0,20180831-070455_353_live 0,Hello,0,0,20180831-184520_110_live 1,Hello there how are you today?,0,1,20180831-184520_110_live 2,I am good. How are you?,1,0,20180831-184520_110_live 3,"I am doing well myself, thanks.",1,1,20180831-184520_110_live 4,I was wondering would you like to donate money to Save the Children?,2,0,20180831-184520_110_live 5,Could you tell me more about it?,2,1,20180831-184520_110_live 6,You can donate as little or as much as you want. It is to help children in need all over the world.,3,0,20180831-184520_110_live 7,I am guessing this a charity?,3,1,20180831-184520_110_live 8,Yes. I'm Sorry. it is for charity. I thought I mentioned that.,4,0,20180831-184520_110_live 9,"No, its fine! This is a non-profit charity, not government sponsored?",4,1,20180831-184520_110_live 10,It is a Non-Profit Charity,5,0,20180831-184520_110_live 11,"I would be interested in donating a portion, how would that work?",5,1,20180831-184520_110_live 12,We have a few options. You can send in either a check or money order. Make a donation on our website or have a monthly payment deducted from your banking account.,6,0,20180831-184520_110_live 13,"Oh I see, is there a website I can look at or a number I can call before I make that kind of commitment?",6,1,20180831-184520_110_live 14,Yes there is,7,0,20180831-184520_110_live 15,"Ok, I am interested in helping refugees from Syria especially children so I would like to see if they are working on helping them",7,1,20180831-184520_110_live 16,"Absolutely, I totally understand.",8,0,20180831-184520_110_live 17,Could you tell me the website address?,8,1,20180831-184520_110_live 18,Here is the website http:// URL ,9,0,20180831-184520_110_live 19,"Oh wonderful, thank you I will donate 0.75 of my payment for sure.",9,1,20180831-184520_110_live 0,"Ahoy there kind stranger! Tell me, are you as full of joy , love, and charity as me today?",0,0,20180831-131354_977_live 1,"I am full of joy, love. But charity is questinable",0,1,20180831-131354_977_live 2,Can I inquire as to why the charity section of your heart id potentially hardened?,1,0,20180831-131354_977_live 3,"It's not hardened, it is just suspicious of anyone and everyone ",1,1,20180831-131354_977_live 4,"Well, let me ask you this. What do you believe the value of charity is to you? ",2,0,20180831-131354_977_live 5,It depends on what I am giving to. Am I giving to an organization or straight to another fellow human.,2,1,20180831-131354_977_live 6,"I would argue that the recipient is not relevant. You see, in my opinion, Charity in and of itself is a selfish act. Or perhaps, a better way to say it is that it is more of an exchange. We exchange our time, energy, money etc for a powerful thing. That thing is called purpose. ",3,0,20180831-131354_977_live 7,"Oh!! That really opened me up. I've never thought of it that way. But that goes against the literal definition of charity, no?",3,1,20180831-131354_977_live 8,"Perhaps, but does the definition matter to those who are in need? ",4,0,20180831-131354_977_live 9,Not at all. Those in need don't mind where help comes from. But I tend to question some charity organizations. What's your view on these organizations/ foundations?,4,1,20180831-131354_977_live 10,"Well, I have one in mind specifically. It's called Save The Children. They seem pretty fantastic. Theyve single handedly reduced the infant mortality rate by 62% in third world countries. Can I verify that? Of course not. But I believe it. And thats what matters to me. I believe that the little I have to give could help, and because of that it makes me feel delightful. I'm doing my best with what I've got. Are you?",5,0,20180831-131354_977_live 11,"You know what they say...""charity begins at home"". So I make sure my home is helped before I help others.",5,1,20180831-131354_977_live 12,"Of course! As you should. I believe your heart it good, I can tell just from talking to you anonymously. But I also believe that there is more of you to share with the world. The world needs it, and I believe you want to feel it. So let me ask you this: The researchers conducting this study are able to use all of your bonus or just some and send it directly to this children's charity. Do you think you are ready to do that? ",6,0,20180831-131354_977_live 13,I'll pledge $0.50,6,1,20180831-131354_977_live 14,I think thats very admirable of you. Truly kind. It's pleasure talking with you today.,7,0,20180831-131354_977_live 15,Pleasure talking to you as well,7,1,20180831-131354_977_live 16,"Do you feel like you could have given more out of curiosity? And if so, what held you back?",8,0,20180831-131354_977_live 17,"No, that's max. The rest is for my home",8,1,20180831-131354_977_live 18,"Understood. Well, congrats on expanding yourself today, my friend.",9,0,20180831-131354_977_live 19,You are welcome,9,1,20180831-131354_977_live 0,"Hello, how are you doing this afternoon? ",0,0,20180831-184944_472_live 1,"Hi! Good thanks, how about you?",0,1,20180831-184944_472_live 2,I am doing great. Thanks for asking.,1,0,20180831-184944_472_live 3,"I don't know if you have finished reading about the task, but it has something to do with charity.",1,1,20180831-184944_472_live 4,I would like talk with you about a very important charity called Save the Children. Have you ever heard of them?,2,0,20180831-184944_472_live 5,"No, unfortunately I haven't. Do you know much about them?",2,1,20180831-184944_472_live 6,"Save the Children is an amazing organization that strives to help children in different areas, such as, healthcare, education, and safety. They not only help children in the United States, they are also making a difference all over the world. Donations that are giving to the company is strictly used to help the children with their needs. They are well known and trusted all over the world.",3,0,20180831-184944_472_live 7,Oh nice! I don't suppose you know what % of donations actually go to the children?,3,1,20180831-184944_472_live 8,"86% goes to program services, 9% fundraising, and 5% management and general",4,0,20180831-184944_472_live 9,"Oh, that's pretty good. Sorry for all the questions, but I like to look at how effecient charities are so I can get a better sense of them!",4,1,20180831-184944_472_live 10,"That is fine, I want you to be sure that your money is going directly to help the children, and not to fatten someones pocket. I would also like to point out that in 2017 alone, Save the Children help 155 million children in 120 Countries and 237 thousand US children in 22 states and Peurto Rico. They are an outstanding organization thats what to see every child reach their dreams and live a full healthy life.",5,0,20180831-184944_472_live 11,"Yeah, that's exactly it. Oh so Save the Children is actually a really large organization. I'm surprised I never heard of it.",5,1,20180831-184944_472_live 12,"They are well known and loved by many people all over the world. Yet, in order for them to continue helping children, they need people that are willing to think about the needs of children who greatly need help. You could be a hero in a child's life by donating to Save the Children. ",6,0,20180831-184944_472_live 13,"I usually don't donate unless I do a little more research into an organization, but if all you said is correct, I think I must just donate. So am I allowed to contribute my HIT proceeds? It's only $0.30, but I guess it's better than nothing!",6,1,20180831-184944_472_live 14,Absolutely!! Anything that you are able to donate would make a major difference in a child's life. Thank you so much for caring about the children that so many have forgotten!!,7,0,20180831-184944_472_live 15,"No problem. Sorry, it isn't much but i guess there are worse ways to spend your money Friday night!",7,1,20180831-184944_472_live 16,Your donation is plenty and will save a child! You are an amazing person! Welcome to the Save the Children family!!,8,0,20180831-184944_472_live 17,"Thanks for introducing me to the charity. It sounds like a really good organization. So, do you have a link I need to follow to donate, or is that provided after the chat?",8,1,20180831-184944_472_live 18,"I don't see a link, so I am sure you will find one after the chat",9,0,20180831-184944_472_live 19,"Okay, sounds good. I'll donate my hard earned $0.30 then! Thanks again and have a great weekend!",9,1,20180831-184944_472_live 20,"Thank you, from all the children!",10,0,20180831-184944_472_live 0,"Hello, how is it going today?",0,0,20180831-193934_858_live 1,Hello its going fine thank you. And yourself?,0,1,20180831-193934_858_live 2,I am doing pretty well now that the 3 day weekend has arrived :),1,0,20180831-193934_858_live 3,Yes I'm looking forward to a break from work finally! :),1,1,20180831-193934_858_live 4,I hear ya there! Ok I just want to know a little more about you. Have you recently donated to any charities?,2,0,20180831-193934_858_live 5,Yes I donate a portion of my paycheck every 2 weeks to the united way. I also volunteer once a year to the humane society and big brothers and big sisters organziation in my city.,2,1,20180831-193934_858_live 6,Wow that is admirable! Wish there were more people like you in this world. It would be a much better place. I have donated as well whenever I can. Today you and I can both make a difference to a certain charity that could really use our help. h,3,0,20180831-193934_858_live 7,And which charity is that?,3,1,20180831-193934_858_live 8,Have you heard of Save the Children Foundation?,4,0,20180831-193934_858_live 9,I believe I have yes.,4,1,20180831-193934_858_live 10,"Because of a lack of support for children in developing countries, especially in war zones. For instance, millions of Syrian children have grown up facing the daily threat of violence. In the first two months of 2018 alone, 1,000 children were reportedly killed or injured in intensifying violence. Save the Children is focusing on getting these children into safety.",5,0,20180831-193934_858_live 11,I am willing to donate a portion of my payment to this cause.,5,1,20180831-193934_858_live 12,"That is what I like to hear. I tell you what, you can donate any amount from $.01 to $2.00 from this turk study. I will match whatever you would decide to donate!",6,0,20180831-193934_858_live 13,I will donate $1.00 to this cause. I would like to keep the other dollar for doing this study please.,6,1,20180831-193934_858_live 14,"Yes, that is more than acceptable and very generous of you. So $1.00 from each of us will be donated can you please confirm that amount.",7,0,20180831-193934_858_live 15,I would like to donate $1.00.,7,1,20180831-193934_858_live 16,"Cool, I hope you have a good weekend",8,0,20180831-193934_858_live 17,You as well thank you! :),8,1,20180831-193934_858_live 18,Football is on the horizon :),9,0,20180831-193934_858_live 19,Yes it is thank goodness! :),9,1,20180831-193934_858_live 20,Alrigh peace be with you,10,0,20180831-193934_858_live 0,"Hello, how are you today?",0,0,20180831-185836_687_live 1,im fine and you?,0,1,20180831-185836_687_live 2,great thank you. Can I ask you a question?,1,0,20180831-185836_687_live 3,sure go right ahead,1,1,20180831-185836_687_live 4,Would you consider yourself a charitable person? Do you donate to charities?,2,0,20180831-185836_687_live 5,"yes, most definitely, i do donate to chariteies.",2,1,20180831-185836_687_live 6,"Have you ever heard of Save The Children? In the U.S. and around the world, Save the Children does whatever it takes ¡ª every day and in times of crisis ¡ª to give children a healthy start in life, the opportunity to learn and protection from harm.",3,0,20180831-185836_687_live 7,yes i have heard of that. i would love to donate to that as well.,3,1,20180831-185836_687_live 8,YOu can donate today by giving some or all of your MTURK hit money.,4,0,20180831-185836_687_live 9,i could manage to donate 50 cents. i a struggling hard myself with three children ,4,1,20180831-185836_687_live 10,I completely understand. That is very generous of you.,5,0,20180831-185836_687_live 11,"thank you so i will donate 50 cents, thank you and have a great day , best of luck",5,1,20180831-185836_687_live 12,"nearly 9 out of 10 dollars going directly to children in need, Save the Children uses your generous donations in the most cost-effective ways possible.",6,0,20180831-185836_687_live 13,wow thats alot and the children do need it i wish i cuold do more but i cant,6,1,20180831-185836_687_live 14,"corporate, foundation and individual donors, who helped us build better lives and futures for 157 million children last year.",7,0,20180831-185836_687_live 15,"that is so wonderful, it sounds like the best organizations for helping children in the us and around the world,",7,1,20180831-185836_687_live 16,It really is a great organization that does so much good for so many people. I am proud to be a small part of it. ,8,0,20180831-185836_687_live 17,"i would be proud to be a part of it to, i hope my 50 cents helps, you have a great day",8,1,20180831-185836_687_live 18,Thank you so much. I hope you and your family have a great weekend. ,9,0,20180831-185836_687_live 19,"we will do our best, good luck, and goodbye",9,1,20180831-185836_687_live 0,Hello! how are you doing today,0,0,20180831-072612_12_live 1,"Hi, I'm doing well how are you? well, ho",0,1,20180831-072612_12_live 2,"I am doing well, thank you. Do you donate at all?",1,0,20180831-072612_12_live 3,I've thought about it but never have. Do you? ,1,1,20180831-072612_12_live 4,"I try to the best I can, but i focus on charities I feel strongly about, such as save the children!",2,0,20180831-072612_12_live 5,That's such a good charity! We try to donate goods we have our kids outgrow as opposed to mone ,2,1,20180831-072612_12_live 6,that is an excellent way to donate. There are so many children in need,3,0,20180831-072612_12_live 7,"And it's never the kids fault, they have no desicion in their situation, they shouldn't have to suffer ",3,1,20180831-072612_12_live 8,I completely agree. That is why it is so important to give back. even just a couple of cents can go a long way,4,0,20180831-072612_12_live 9,That is soo true,4,1,20180831-072612_12_live 10,Will yoube willing to donate any cents today?,5,0,20180831-072612_12_live 11,I could donate .30 today,5,1,20180831-072612_12_live 12,that is very generous. most people don't donate any,6,0,20180831-072612_12_live 13,I know it's not a lot but it's what I can do at the moment. ,6,1,20180831-072612_12_live 14,"even just 5 cnts can make a deifference, so 30 is even better!",7,0,20180831-072612_12_live 15,I always imagine the donations that matter are in the 100s not cents. ,7,1,20180831-072612_12_live 16,"if everyone in the US gave 5 cents, that would raise over 16 million dollars. it all counts!",8,0,20180831-072612_12_live 17,I never thought of it that way before! ,8,1,20180831-072612_12_live 18,every little bit helps!,9,0,20180831-072612_12_live 19,Are you donating any today as well? ,9,1,20180831-072612_12_live 0,hello,0,0,20180831-080306_985_live 1,hi,0,1,20180831-080306_985_live 2,how's your morning so far? ,1,0,20180831-080306_985_live 3,nice and you,1,1,20180831-080306_985_live 4,great. Thanks for asking. :),2,0,20180831-080306_985_live 5, Tell me about you,2,1,20180831-080306_985_live 6,I'm great just new to this community of great opportunity. Would you like to donate some or all of your incoming payment for this task to a children's charity called Save the Children? ,3,0,20180831-080306_985_live 7, Tell me about that organization,3,1,20180831-080306_985_live 8,"Save the Children is a foundation to help children with rights to health, education, safety and so much more. I believe your donation may be able to give a child a better future, a good outcome and also hope for tomorrow. ",4,0,20180831-080306_985_live 9, ah I would like to collaborate,4,1,20180831-080306_985_live 10,"Yes!!! PLEASE there are thousands of children who are harmed, homeless and every dollar or cent could bless them. We don't want another child to go hungry! ",5,0,20180831-080306_985_live 11, I could collaborate with $ 0.20 with pleasure,5,1,20180831-080306_985_live 12,How much do you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment ($2).,6,0,20180831-080306_985_live 13, I could collaborate with $ 0.20 with pleasure,6,1,20180831-080306_985_live 14,Great! That will help in so many ways! ,7,0,20180831-080306_985_live 15, I hope that my donation will be useful as I do it with a lot of encouragement,7,1,20180831-080306_985_live 16,Yes it will and please make sure you check out the official website URL for more information. ,8,0,20180831-080306_985_live 17, I'll check the page I hope you have a lot of success,8,1,20180831-080306_985_live 18,Thank you. God bless you! ,9,0,20180831-080306_985_live 19, God bless you all happy day,9,1,20180831-080306_985_live 0,I hope you will help me out by making a donation to Save the Children today,0,0,20180831-120243_533_live 1,Can you please provide information about the donation,0,1,20180831-120243_533_live 2,The donation would come directly from your pay for completing this task. It's money that you never saw or had in your possession.,1,0,20180831-120243_533_live 3,What charity is this for?,1,1,20180831-120243_533_live 4,"This is for Save the Children, an international organization that benefits children in impoverished areas who otherwise wouldn't receive basic services that many of our children take for granted.",2,0,20180831-120243_533_live 5,How do the donations work or distributed?,2,1,20180831-120243_533_live 6,"You would specify how much of your $2 payment you are willing to donate to this great cause, and the researchers will pass it onto Save the Children instead of paying it to you.",3,0,20180831-120243_533_live 7,What part of the country or countries does this go too?,3,1,20180831-120243_533_live 8,"The money goes to Save the Children directly. While you can't know what country your money will specifically benefit, they have continuing programs in many impoverished and worn torn countries and well as in poverty stricken areas of the US.",4,0,20180831-120243_533_live 9,"Ok, what are the donation minimums?",4,1,20180831-120243_533_live 10,"There is no minimum. Every penny counts. Though you may choose to donate $0, I hope you will consider the children in your decision.",5,0,20180831-120243_533_live 11,"Ok, I will make a donation",5,1,20180831-120243_533_live 12,Wonderful! It's greatly appreciated. How much of your $2 would you like to go to Save the Children?,6,0,20180831-120243_533_live 13,I will donate $0.25,6,1,20180831-120243_533_live 14,Very good. You are happy with that amount today?,7,0,20180831-120243_533_live 15,"Yes, do you donate as well?",7,1,20180831-120243_533_live 16,"Yes, I will match whatever you donate today. I do it in my (healthy) son's honor. Do you have children?",8,0,20180831-120243_533_live 17,"No, I do not, but I like ot donate",8,1,20180831-120243_533_live 18,"Well, your donation is appreciated and will be put to good use.",9,0,20180831-120243_533_live 19,Thank you ,9,1,20180831-120243_533_live 0,Good morning! I am in hopes you will share your earning as I have to a charity close to me heart called Save the Children.,0,0,20180831-073753_874_live 1,Goodmorning! I would love to hear more about Save The Children,0,1,20180831-073753_874_live 2,Many details are here on this web site. URL ,1,0,20180831-073753_874_live 3,"Thank you, I will look. Can you tell me how much the donations goes toward the charity?",1,1,20180831-073753_874_live 4,"Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",2,0,20180831-073753_874_live 5,It sounds like a great charity! I am reading a bit about it now.,2,1,20180831-073753_874_live 6,"It is a great thing for children! Each donation is essential to help ensuring children's rights to health, education and safety. I plan to donate my payment for this task as every little bit helps.",3,0,20180831-073753_874_live 7,I think it's important that children's rights are protected. So many times they are forgotten. I would also be willing to donate as well. ,3,1,20180831-073753_874_live 8,Each donation will go to a trust-able fund for the children which makes me trust and know my donation is going to the right place and for the right reason.,4,0,20180831-073753_874_live 9,that's great. I'm weary of certain charities but this one sounds legitimate ,4,1,20180831-073753_874_live 10,I too am weary of such charities but this one has all the information and facts are checked to ensure it is the real deal.,5,0,20180831-073753_874_live 11,Great. I want donations to actually get to those who need them,5,1,20180831-073753_874_live 12,Exactly my thoughts!! Small donations will indeed help a lot of children and their families,6,0,20180831-073753_874_live 13,and looking at the website- even the small donations help a great deal,6,1,20180831-073753_874_live 14,Yes they do!! I think about how I have not given much thought to when I buy a bag of candy or a snack but the small amount I spend could mean big help for them.,7,0,20180831-073753_874_live 15,"Exactly, the money I spend on coffee or other non-essentials could be put to much better use",7,1,20180831-073753_874_live 16,"I am glad you too see the benefit of small change to make a huge change for the children!! I am going to donate my payment from this task, how much do you think you would be willing to donate from this task?",8,0,20180831-073753_874_live 17,I am willing to donate the entire amount I would have recieved from the task,8,1,20180831-073753_874_live 18,That is truly awesome!! Together we are going to help make small change into something bigger!!,9,0,20180831-073753_874_live 19,It's a good way to start the day :),9,1,20180831-073753_874_live 0,Hello! How are you?,0,0,20180831-182245_152_live 1,"Hello, fine, thanks! My name is Billy. How are you today?",0,1,20180831-182245_152_live 2,"I am Elvir! Im doing great today, thanks for asking! Do you know about any NPOs? (Non-profit)",1,0,20180831-182245_152_live 3,"Nice to meet you, Elvir. I am familiar with NPOs 0 i even volunteer for one. How about you?",1,1,20180831-182245_152_live 4,I am a frequent donator to NPOs. What is the NPO that you volunteer for?,2,0,20180831-182245_152_live 5,That is nice to hear. From time to time I volunteer for a tiny NPO school that teaches economics and social science to adults. ,2,1,20180831-182245_152_live 6,Oh nice! Is it local in your area?,3,0,20180831-182245_152_live 7,"Yes, although there are several similar schools around the US and across the world. What type of organizations do you support, Elvir?",3,1,20180831-182245_152_live 8,"I support NPOs that engage in promoting childrens rights, providing relief and helping support children in developing countries. One NPO mainly being Save the Children.",4,0,20180831-182245_152_live 9,That is wonderful. I am slightly familiar with Save the Children. Do you think that they are effective?,4,1,20180831-182245_152_live 10,"They are very effective at their mission, making an international impact with professional and cautious use of the donation they receive. They are one of few NPO's who actually use their funds for their purpose.",5,0,20180831-182245_152_live 11,"Yes, mis-use and waste is a huge problem in with NPOs. For this reason I like and support Smile Train - they repair cleft lips using local resources. ",5,1,20180831-182245_152_live 12,Thats awesome! The amazing thing about the Save the Children mission is that 77 cents only can host a child in need for shelter for one day!,6,0,20180831-182245_152_live 13,"That is very cheap. Good nutrition, medical care, and a clean and safe environment are vital for all, especially children. ",6,1,20180831-182245_152_live 14,"You will be recieving $2 for the survey completion, would you like to donate any of your compensation to Save The Children organization? It will go a long way for the children!",7,0,20180831-182245_152_live 15,"Yes, I would like to help out. There are many more needy than me. I'll give $1.50 to Save the Children. ",7,1,20180831-182245_152_live 16,Awesome! Thank you so much for your donation! At the end of the survey it will give you an option to donate that amount. This was a good talk!,8,0,20180831-182245_152_live 17,"Yes, I learned from you. I will do some research on Save the Children and consider supporting them. ",8,1,20180831-182245_152_live 18,"Yes please do! I am a frequent donator of Save the Children! It was my pleasure, have a good day!",9,0,20180831-182245_152_live 19,"You too, Elvir. Have a great weekend and thanks again for the information on Save the Children. ",9,1,20180831-182245_152_live 0,"Hi Michel, How are you doing today?",0,0,20180831-231032_102_live 1,im doing well how are you?,0,1,20180831-231032_102_live 2,"Doing good. Would you like to contribute for ""Save the Childern""?",1,0,20180831-231032_102_live 3,what is that?,1,1,20180831-231032_102_live 4,Please refer the site - URL Around 150 Million Children are being helped around the world through our organization. It would be great if you are also a part of contributing to children to make their life happier,2,0,20180831-231032_102_live 5,How do I know this is legitimate?,2,1,20180831-231032_102_live 6,Please refer the link - URL s/about-us/awards-and-rankings and you will find its a legitimate organisation,3,0,20180831-231032_102_live 7,Can you tell me more of your personal experience with the organization?,3,1,20180831-231032_102_live 8,I am sponsoring two children from India for their education and I am in contact with them through phone and I used to visit them often and take care of them,4,0,20180831-231032_102_live 9,interesting. so where do i sign up to donate?,4,1,20180831-231032_102_live 10,Thank you for your consideration. Please refer the link - https://support. URL ite/SPageNavigator/login.html?nexturl=https%3A%2F%2Fsupport. URL 2Fsite%2FSPageNavigator%2Fsupporter_center.html to sign up,5,0,20180831-231032_102_live 11,thank you for the info,5,1,20180831-231032_102_live 12,Hopefully you will help the children by making donations?,6,0,20180831-231032_102_live 13,yes i will,6,1,20180831-231032_102_live 14,Great of you. Looking forward to pass the information to your near and dear ones and ask them to help the Children to eradicate Children's sufferings around the world,7,0,20180831-231032_102_live 15,thank you for all your help!,7,1,20180831-231032_102_live 16,Please let us know when do you have the plan to make contribution? It would be great if you can contribute right now ( Since good things should not be postponed :) ),8,0,20180831-231032_102_live 17,i do plan to contribute right now,8,1,20180831-231032_102_live 18,Thank you so much,9,0,20180831-231032_102_live 19,you are welcome,9,1,20180831-231032_102_live 0,"Hello, Have you ever donated to a charity?",0,0,20180831-222729_66_live 1,"A few times, yes. ",0,1,20180831-222729_66_live 2,ow was your experience?,1,0,20180831-222729_66_live 3,It was ok. I didn't really think much of it. Most of the time its just a dollar or two.,1,1,20180831-222729_66_live 4,Do you donate all te time?h,2,0,20180831-222729_66_live 5,Not so much.,2,1,20180831-222729_66_live 6,Have yu heard of \\Save the children? It is pretty well known around the world.,3,0,20180831-222729_66_live 7,I think so.,3,1,20180831-222729_66_live 8,What do you think that they do?,4,0,20180831-222729_66_live 9,Give money to child. Support efforts in war torn countries. Healthcare. All that stuff.,4,1,20180831-222729_66_live 10,"eah, pretty much and it gives you the good feels kowing that you have helped to change a childs life",5,0,20180831-222729_66_live 11,You could say that.,5,1,20180831-222729_66_live 12,I plan to make a sizeable donation today as a mattter of fact and wondering if you would like to join me so that the doatiowould go eve further than if just one person doates?nn nn,6,0,20180831-222729_66_live 13,Maybe. I am not sure yet.,6,1,20180831-222729_66_live 14,What concerns do you have about the charity?,7,0,20180831-222729_66_live 15,Where the money goes. Lots of charities have massive ''administration'' cost.,7,1,20180831-222729_66_live 16,"Well, i don't have all of the exact details but i can honestly tell you that it will be sent directly to the charity so that they can dispurse it accordingly.",8,0,20180831-222729_66_live 17,Hm. I see.,8,1,20180831-222729_66_live 18,"Plus, just like all other charities it takes a lot of faith to send money and Save the Children is the type that relys on faith since they have been around for many years. This experience is what makes me continue to donate to them. So would you like to donate? If you would, how much would you like to donate with me?",9,0,20180831-222729_66_live 19,"Well, that depends what you are going to donate.",9,1,20180831-222729_66_live 20,I plan to donate 50 cents,10,0,20180831-222729_66_live 21,Sounds like a plan.,10,1,20180831-222729_66_live 22,"Nice So we will each donate 50 cents, right?",11,0,20180831-222729_66_live 23,Yes 50 cents,11,1,20180831-222729_66_live 24,Great!@ Thanks so much and God bless you!,12,0,20180831-222729_66_live 0,"Hi, I'm happy to start this chat with you and I am writing to appeal to you regarding donating some or all of your hit earned to Save the Children. Have you heard of this organization?",0,0,20180831-053018_301_live 1,"YES, I BELIEVE I HAVE",0,1,20180831-053018_301_live 2,"It is literally one of the most trusted organizations in the world for assisting children of all nations to be fed, clothed, educated and safe. A hit reward is a relatively tiny amount, but with many donations, it adds up. Do you think you would be willing to donate your earnings from this hit to needy children?",1,0,20180831-053018_301_live 3,"POSSIBLE, I ALREADY DONATE TO MANY. NOT SURE IF IT'S YOU OR THE SYSTEM, BUT I ONLY HAVE A FEW MIN. PLEASE RESPOND QUICKLY",1,1,20180831-053018_301_live 4,"We have to type 10 responses each to move on. I don't know what you already donate to, but this cause seems pressing, especially due to war torn countries around the world.",2,0,20180831-053018_301_live 5,"THAT IS TRUE, IT SOUNDS LIKE A GREAT CHARITY. AND WE DO NEED 10 BUT SOULDN'T TAKE 30 MIN. I THINK THERE SYSTEM IS SLOW",2,1,20180831-053018_301_live 6,"Very slow! So if you commit to donating, we can end this quicker. What do you say? $1?",3,0,20180831-053018_301_live 7,I WILL DO 50 CENTS,3,1,20180831-053018_301_live 8,Ok. Every little bit helps. Now we just need to talk a bit more.,4,0,20180831-053018_301_live 9,Do you know how much of every dollar the charity gets?,4,1,20180831-053018_301_live 10,I know that the donations collected here go directly to the charity and it is a non-profit organization.,5,0,20180831-053018_301_live 11,That doesn't mean it's run well.,5,1,20180831-053018_301_live 12,"That is true, but according to what I have read, it seems to be a very good one.",6,0,20180831-053018_301_live 13,I hope so. I hate when the charity gets pennies on the dollar,6,1,20180831-053018_301_live 14,Same! I really hate seeing children suffer too. It's so far removed from how our lives are.,7,0,20180831-053018_301_live 15,"yes, we take so much for granted",7,1,20180831-053018_301_live 16,Exactly. It's hard for me to wrap my head around some of the images I see on TV.,8,0,20180831-053018_301_live 17,"yes, so hopefully they get all the money",8,1,20180831-053018_301_live 18,"Yes, I agree. So you are doing 50 cents, just to confirm? And I think we might be done.",9,0,20180831-053018_301_live 19,"yes, 50 cents. thanks ",9,1,20180831-053018_301_live 20,Thank you iso much!,10,0,20180831-053018_301_live 0,hello...,0,0,20180831-012053_911_live 1,Hello how are you?,0,1,20180831-012053_911_live 2,"I'm fine, how are you?",1,0,20180831-012053_911_live 3,"I am fine thanks, so should we talk about donation?",1,1,20180831-012053_911_live 4,"Sure, are you know about donation?",2,0,20180831-012053_911_live 5,I am interested in donating. what about you?,2,1,20180831-012053_911_live 6,I also like to donate. Do you know about children charity?,3,0,20180831-012053_911_live 7,I know about few children's charity but I would like to know one I can trust,3,1,20180831-012053_911_live 8,"The Save the Children Fund, commonly known as Save the Children, that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries",4,0,20180831-012053_911_live 9,"It is interesting, in how many countries they work?",4,1,20180831-012053_911_live 10,I think 120 countries.,5,0,20180831-012053_911_live 11,What are the main issues they work on?,5,1,20180831-012053_911_live 12,Save the Children's mission is to inspire breakthroughs in the way the world treats children and to achieve immediate and lasting change in their lives.,6,0,20180831-012053_911_live 13,"nice, are they clear with their financial reports? They update the reports?",6,1,20180831-012053_911_live 14,"Sorry, I'm not sure about that.",7,0,20180831-012053_911_live 15,Do they have any website I can check it on? I am really interested to know more abut it,7,1,20180831-012053_911_live 16,I tell you what I heard. ,8,0,20180831-012053_911_live 17,Don't you know if they have any website that i can get more information? I am also interested to check if any big company cooperates with them.,8,1,20180831-012053_911_live 18,I'm sure if I do not know,9,0,20180831-012053_911_live 19,okay I will check and find the website and I will read about it. thanks,9,1,20180831-012053_911_live 0,"hello, do you ever have gived money to a charity?",0,0,20180831-181810_204_live 1,"yes , I have",0,1,20180831-181810_204_live 2,what you think about that?,1,0,20180831-181810_204_live 3,I think it is good,1,1,20180831-181810_204_live 4,do you like to give money today in a charity?,2,0,20180831-181810_204_live 5,"I would consider it,, for what ?",2,1,20180831-181810_204_live 6,our charity is named save the children. do you want more information ?,3,0,20180831-181810_204_live 7,"sure, what do they do?",3,1,20180831-181810_204_live 8,"they help children around the world, do you know what else they do?",4,0,20180831-181810_204_live 9,"no , what else?",4,1,20180831-181810_204_live 10,they are helping Hawaii with the hurricane. does that sound cool?,5,0,20180831-181810_204_live 11,"yes, how about food?",5,1,20180831-181810_204_live 12,"of course they give food, shelter and education to children but with Hawaii is different they are helping everyone.",6,0,20180831-181810_204_live 13,do they work in africa?,6,1,20180831-181810_204_live 14,"they work in africa too, they work all over the world.",7,0,20180831-181810_204_live 15,what is the minumum donation?,7,1,20180831-181810_204_live 16,"its up to you, every amount is helful.",8,0,20180831-181810_204_live 17,how about 1 dollar a day?,8,1,20180831-181810_204_live 18,"that sounds great, thank you ",9,0,20180831-181810_204_live 19,whaere can I donate?,9,1,20180831-181810_204_live 20,in the end of the survey.,10,0,20180831-181810_204_live 0,Hi! Thanks for participating. Would you like to donate some of what you'll earn from this task to an awesome charity called Save the Children?,0,0,20180831-182914_929_live 1,Hi! Can you please tell me a bit about this charity?,0,1,20180831-182914_929_live 2,"Sure. It's an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",1,0,20180831-182914_929_live 3,That sounds great. I don't know how much I am able to give right now. ,1,1,20180831-182914_929_live 4,"Well, since you are earning money from this hit, you would be able to donate any or all of it. ",2,0,20180831-182914_929_live 5,"Technically I could, but what difference would donating $2 make?",2,1,20180831-182914_929_live 6,"Every little bit helps. There are 127 of these hits available. If each person donated $2, it would be $256, ahich would be great.",3,0,20180831-182914_929_live 7,That's a good point. Do you know how much money goes to the children vs. paying people's salaries?,3,1,20180831-182914_929_live 8,"Yes! In 2017, 86% of all expenditures went to program services. 9% went to fundraising and only 5% went to management.",4,0,20180831-182914_929_live 9,Thank you for that information. That is very helpful. I am happy to hear so much goes to program services.,4,1,20180831-182914_929_live 10,"So, how much would you like to donate to the charity? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. Any amount would be very appreciated, but of course, the more the better, lol.",5,0,20180831-182914_929_live 11,How much do you think I should donate today? What would you do if you were me?,5,1,20180831-182914_929_live 12,"Well, I feel that this is a very important cause. I mean, who doesn't want to support a charity that provides disaster relief, and feeds starving children, and helps care for refugees? If it were me, I would donate the entire $2. To us, it's not much, but to them it means a lot. ",6,0,20180831-182914_929_live 13,"Well, unfortunately I need all the money I can get these days. I will donate some but I can't donate all of it.",6,1,20180831-182914_929_live 14,"Okay, I totally understand. I'm in the same boat, which is why I work so hard on MTurk! How about $1.50 ? Some for you and some for the children.. ",7,0,20180831-182914_929_live 15,I still think that's a bit more than I can go right now. I do plan on donating independently when things are better.,7,1,20180831-182914_929_live 16,That's great. I try to donate when I can as well. Sometimes I decide to give up some small indulgences like the Dunkin Donuts iced coffee I love just so I can have some to give to those that are less fortunate. Do you think you might be able to skip a cup of coffee or a snack this week to help these kids? It sounds like you'd really like to donate. Think of how good it would make you feel to know you've helped someone today.,8,0,20180831-182914_929_live 17,"Yes it would make me feel good. I already skip all of those things. I've been skipping paying some bills unfortunately too. It's a hard decision. I was thinking $1.00,",8,1,20180831-182914_929_live 18,"$1.00 would be awesome! You seem like a great person who is really concerned about others. If you commit to that now, the research team will collect it and send it to Save the Children. ",9,0,20180831-182914_929_live 19,Thank you for convincing me! I commit to donating $1 to Save the Children.,9,1,20180831-182914_929_live 20,Thank you so much! Have a wonderful day.,10,0,20180831-182914_929_live 21,Thank you. I hope you have a great day too!,10,1,20180831-182914_929_live 0,hello,0,0,20180831-071300_554_live 1,Hi how are you?,0,1,20180831-071300_554_live 2,im good and you,1,0,20180831-071300_554_live 3,"I'm good, too. Thank you",1,1,20180831-071300_554_live 4,that good to hear ,2,0,20180831-071300_554_live 5,so what are we supposed to be chatting about?,2,1,20180831-071300_554_live 6,"We are to chat about Save the Children, a international organization",3,0,20180831-071300_554_live 7,I've heard of that,3,1,20180831-071300_554_live 8,that great we are looking to get a donation today to help support children in developing countries,4,0,20180831-071300_554_live 9,"ok, sounds good to me. I'd be glad to donate",4,1,20180831-071300_554_live 10,how much would you like to donation today,5,0,20180831-071300_554_live 11,I'll donate 1 dollar,5,1,20180831-071300_554_live 12,That is great Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment.,6,0,20180831-071300_554_live 13,Alright that is simple enough. Do I need to do anything else?,6,1,20180831-071300_554_live 14,No. Do you have any questions,7,0,20180831-071300_554_live 15,"No, I don't have any questions",7,1,20180831-071300_554_live 16,Thank you for your donation today,8,0,20180831-071300_554_live 17,You're welcome. I am glad to help out,8,1,20180831-071300_554_live 18,Have a great day,9,0,20180831-071300_554_live 19,"Thank you. I hope your day is fantastic, too",9,1,20180831-071300_554_live 0,"Hello, hows your day going?",0,0,20180831-111502_257_live 1,Good how is yours,0,1,20180831-111502_257_live 2,"Decent so far, glad to see it's not too dead on Turk even with Labor Day ahead of us.",1,0,20180831-111502_257_live 3,"My office has been slow most of the week, although traffic is a nightmare",1,1,20180831-111502_257_live 4,Yea traffic gets crazy with everyone traveling. That's nice though that its not too busy at work for ya,2,0,20180831-111502_257_live 5,Are you working today?,2,1,20180831-111502_257_live 6,"Nope I'm lucky in that I have Fridays off from my regular job, so I spend some time on Turk to keep myself occupied",3,0,20180831-111502_257_live 7,What do you do for your regular job?,3,1,20180831-111502_257_live 8,"Call Center management, its not a glamorous job but it pays the bills heh. How bout yourself?",4,0,20180831-111502_257_live 9,I spend most of my time out on the road setting up telecommunications equipment,4,1,20180831-111502_257_live 10,Oh neat. Hey have you ever heard of the charity Save the Children?,5,0,20180831-111502_257_live 11,I haven't heard of that one,5,1,20180831-111502_257_live 12,"Ah well it's a great non-government organization that assists children all over the world in fighting hunger and poverty, providing educational opportunities and further safety for them.",6,0,20180831-111502_257_live 13,That sounds like a good thing. How much of the donations actually get used on the children?,6,1,20180831-111502_257_live 14,"86% of Donations in 2017 went directly to assisting needy children, the remaining percent was used to host fundraisers and ensure a proper staff for the company. ",7,0,20180831-111502_257_live 15,"I'd be willing to donate, however I wish more of the donation went to the children",7,1,20180831-111502_257_live 16,"I'm glad to hear your willing to donate, at the end of this HIT there is an opportunity to donate some of our payment for this task directly to the charity, how much would you be willing to donate to help the kids?",8,0,20180831-111502_257_live 17,I'll donate $1.00,8,1,20180831-111502_257_live 18,That is awesome! Every donation counts and with all of our combined efforts we will make the children's quality of life much better!,9,0,20180831-111502_257_live 19,I hope that it really does make a difference,9,1,20180831-111502_257_live 0,Good Friday morning! How are you today?,0,0,20180831-051326_212_live 1,"Morning. Just stating my day, good so far",0,1,20180831-051326_212_live 2,Same here. Waiting for coffee to kick in! I was surprised to wake up to such cold 56 degree weather. How is it by you?,1,0,20180831-051326_212_live 3,Same here! Looks good for today maybe some rain this weekend ,1,1,20180831-051326_212_live 4,"Yes, it looks like we are also slated for some rain, but if not we are hoping to swim and cookout for the holiday weekend. Do you have any plans?",2,0,20180831-051326_212_live 5,"In-laws are coming over. Wanted to go camping, but I don't think that's happening.",2,1,20180831-051326_212_live 6,"We tried camping this summer, but got rained on! I am wondering, have you heard about the Save the Children charity?",3,0,20180831-051326_212_live 7,Yes I have. ,3,1,20180831-051326_212_live 8,Oh good! Then you are familiar with them. I wanted to ask if you would be willing to donate any of today's pay to STC. Even $0.05 would help.,4,0,20180831-051326_212_live 9, Do they have a website where I can go and read more about them?,4,1,20180831-051326_212_live 10,"Yes, their website is URL Let me know if the link I sent comes through.",5,0,20180831-051326_212_live 11,Yes it did. How do donate with you today?,5,1,20180831-051326_212_live 12,You just have to tell me what amount you would like to donate from today's pay. If you want to give ten cents tell me $0.10.,6,0,20180831-051326_212_live 13,Would you be ok taking .01$?,6,1,20180831-051326_212_live 14,"Yes, that would be great. STC makes sure 90% of donations go directly to the kids. Did you see how much even a little can help?",7,0,20180831-051326_212_live 15,I haven't been keeping up to date with them and still haven't read the website. ,7,1,20180831-051326_212_live 16,"STC helps kids not only in war torn countries, but also right here in the USA. Have you heard about the flooding in Hawaii?",8,0,20180831-051326_212_live 17, I haven't yet but I know they had a hurricane. ,8,1,20180831-051326_212_live 18,"Well, Save the Children has already pledged to help out. I want to confirm, you are donating $0.10, right? and thank you so much!",9,0,20180831-051326_212_live 19,I would love to do so! $0.10,9,1,20180831-051326_212_live 0,Hi...,0,0,20180831-211837_377_live 1,Hello,0,1,20180831-211837_377_live 2,Do you know about children charity?,1,0,20180831-211837_377_live 3,I can't say I'm terribly familiar.,1,1,20180831-211837_377_live 4,"Sorry, I do not understand what you say",2,0,20180831-211837_377_live 5,I am saying that I do not know what children charity is or what it implies,2,1,20180831-211837_377_live 6,Have you donate any charity?,3,0,20180831-211837_377_live 7,"Yes, specifically to a charity for cancer research",3,1,20180831-211837_377_live 8,"Okay, Do not you know about Save the children?",4,0,20180831-211837_377_live 9,No I do not,4,1,20180831-211837_377_live 10,"The Save the Children Fund, commonly known as Save the Children, that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",5,0,20180831-211837_377_live 11,I see. Thanks for the explanation,5,1,20180831-211837_377_live 12,Do you like to donate the Children charity?,6,0,20180831-211837_377_live 13,How much do people usually donate at a time,6,1,20180831-211837_377_live 14,"Sorry, I do not know that.",7,0,20180831-211837_377_live 15,I would like to donate,7,1,20180831-211837_377_live 16,Oh! That is great. Thank you very much.,8,0,20180831-211837_377_live 17,How would the process go?,8,1,20180831-211837_377_live 18,"I'm not fully aware of this, but I've donated it",9,0,20180831-211837_377_live 19,How do I donate?,9,1,20180831-211837_377_live 0,Hi there! How are you doing tonight?,0,0,20180831-191911_779_live 1,"Fine, thanks! You/",0,1,20180831-191911_779_live 2,"I am doing pretty good, just relaxing for the night. What about you?",1,0,20180831-191911_779_live 3,Hanging out with family. Doing some work. Nothing exciting.,1,1,20180831-191911_779_live 4,Pretty much the same here. Spending a little time looking at the news. Do you read the news pretty regularly?,2,0,20180831-191911_779_live 5,"I read it online, all the time every day! I like to keep informed. A lot of times I am reading from places that I don't necessarily agree with. I find that more interesting! Local or National news?",2,1,20180831-191911_779_live 6,Definitely both. I have really seen a lot about kids suffering lately. I am asking for donations to an organization called Save the Children. Have you heard of them?,3,0,20180831-191911_779_live 7,Maybe. It's familiar. Tell me about them.,3,1,20180831-191911_779_live 8,"They area n organization that collects donations and then is able to use 90% of the donations to help kids attain basic needs like food, clothes and shelter. I am wondering if you would donate part of today's pay? Even a donation of $0.05 can help.",4,0,20180831-191911_779_live 9,"Maybe. It this a local, national? where are they helping kids?",4,1,20180831-191911_779_live 10,It's both. They help kids in the US and other countries. Have you heard about the flooding in Hawaii?,5,0,20180831-191911_779_live 11,"Of course. I have a friend who has had to move in recent weeks. .05 isn\'t going to help anyone much. I\'ll donate 1.00 of the ""pay"" for today.",5,1,20180831-191911_779_live 12,Oh man. That is terrible. Pretty much the same day the news covered the flooding in Hawaii STC pledged to step in and help. I really respected the way they stepped up. Wow! you donation will really help a lot of kids. Are you interested in their website?,6,0,20180831-191911_779_live 13,"No, not really, to be honest! I'm glad to do a donation, but I'm involved in a lot of things in my own community.",6,1,20180831-191911_779_live 14,That is great that you help out in your community. What is your favorite thing to help with?,7,0,20180831-191911_779_live 15,"Children's mental health, specifically assisting parents in having the information they need to assist their kids in getting and staying well. I've been doing it for about five years. ",7,1,20180831-191911_779_live 16,That is so important. I used to work with kids with special needs. I loved it. Is it your job or volunteer work?,8,0,20180831-191911_779_live 17,My job is managing a program for employment for people with barriers to employment. The children's mental health work is volunteer. What kind of special needs?,8,1,20180831-191911_779_live 18,"I worked with mostly kids that had physical disabilities. They were very young, 3-5 years old. Are the kids young, or older?",9,0,20180831-191911_779_live 19,Work is mostly young adults or older- the volunteer work I do ranges from toddler to young adults.,9,1,20180831-191911_779_live 0,Hi there!,0,0,20180831-191015_164_live 1,"Hello, how are you?",0,1,20180831-191015_164_live 2,I'm doing pretty well. How about yourself?,1,0,20180831-191015_164_live 3,I'm doing well too,1,1,20180831-191015_164_live 4,Awesome. Do you know a lot about donating to charities?,2,0,20180831-191015_164_live 5,"Not too much, can you tell me more?",2,1,20180831-191015_164_live 6,"Definitely. There's a children's charity called Save the Children that promotes children's rights, provides relief, and helps support children in developing countries. Have you heard about them, or anything similar?",3,0,20180831-191015_164_live 7,"I have heard of them, do the donations go directly to the children?",3,1,20180831-191015_164_live 8,"They go towards helping the organization ensure children's rights to health, education, and safety. ",4,0,20180831-191015_164_live 9,For children in the United States?,4,1,20180831-191015_164_live 10,Both children in the US and in developing countries!,5,0,20180831-191015_164_live 11,Oh have they been around for awhile?,5,1,20180831-191015_164_live 12,"Yes! Actually, they've been around since the 1920's. They started by advocating for the rights of children.",6,0,20180831-191015_164_live 13,That's a very important cause,6,1,20180831-191015_164_live 14,It's pretty incredible. Have you thought about donating? Even just the money you make doing this here can impact children all over the world.,7,0,20180831-191015_164_live 15,I don't think i'd like to donate today.,7,1,20180831-191015_164_live 16,"You sure? You can donate any amount. Even just $.50! The donations I've made have really given my life meaning, knowing I've made an impact on others.",8,0,20180831-191015_164_live 17,Money is kind of tight right now,8,1,20180831-191015_164_live 18,"I totally understand. Money is something I think we can all relate to. I'm sorry to hear things are tight right now, too. That can be extremely stressful. ",9,0,20180831-191015_164_live 19,Thank you for your understanding,9,1,20180831-191015_164_live 20,Of course! I like to think of doing something like this a good use of my time (especially since I'm tight on money too) and I like to use it toward donations occasionally so I still know I'm making a difference.,10,0,20180831-191015_164_live 21,That's nice of you,10,1,20180831-191015_164_live 22,What do you think of doing something like that?,11,0,20180831-191015_164_live 23,I'm not making a donation at this time,11,1,20180831-191015_164_live 0,"HELLO, HOW ARE YOU?",0,0,20180831-183431_357_live 1,"Hi, I'm good. Thanks for asking. How are you?",0,1,20180831-183431_357_live 2,GREAT THANKS. CAN I ASK IF YOU ARE A CHARITABLE PERSON?,1,0,20180831-183431_357_live 3,"Sometimes, if it is something I feel personally connected to.",1,1,20180831-183431_357_live 4,"HAVE YOU HEARD OF SAVETHECHILDREN? In the U.S. and around the world, THEY give children a healthy start in life, the opportunity to learn and protection from harm. ",2,0,20180831-183431_357_live 5,I think I have heard of it.,2,1,20180831-183431_357_live 6,"nearly 9 out of 10 dollars going directly to children in need, Save the Children uses your generous donations in the most cost-effective ways possible.",3,0,20180831-183431_357_live 7,How do you know?,3,1,20180831-183431_357_live 8,YOU CAN GET ALL THE INFO ATSAVETHECHILDREN.ORG,4,0,20180831-183431_357_live 9,I don't think I'm interested in sponsoring a child. ,4,1,20180831-183431_357_live 10,"nearly 9 out of 10 dollars going directly to children in need, Save the Children uses your generous donations in the most cost-effective ways possible.",5,0,20180831-183431_357_live 11,You already said that. I'm not sure I believe that they do.,5,1,20180831-183431_357_live 12,YOU CAN CHECK THE BBB WEBSITE AS WELL.,6,0,20180831-183431_357_live 13,"Well, I'm not meaning to sound rude. I know there are lots of great charities out there that do great things for people. I personally do not feel connected to this organization though. I do not have kids or am interested in children.",6,1,20180831-183431_357_live 14,YOU CAN GIVE 10 CENTS OF YOUR HIT PAY??,7,0,20180831-183431_357_live 15,Honestly I could use it myself. How much are you going to donate?,7,1,20180831-183431_357_live 16,I WILL PROPABLY ,8,0,20180831-183431_357_live 17,How much do you think you will donate?,8,1,20180831-183431_357_live 18,I WILL DO 25 CENTS,9,0,20180831-183431_357_live 19,Why not more? Do you not believe in the organization?,9,1,20180831-183431_357_live 20,CAN YOU DO 10 CENTS?,10,0,20180831-183431_357_live 0,"Hi. I'm here to try and raise awareness about Save The Children, a very worthwhile and successful charitable organization.",0,0,20180831-130348_981_live 1,what kind of children does the organization help?,0,1,20180831-130348_981_live 2,"Save the Children helps children in the US and Worldwide. Here in the US they help children in poverty with programs that begin in Kindergarten, working with families in such programs as Head Start ensuring that kids get a good start in their education. They try, and succeed, to provide a path out of the poverthy cycle.",1,0,20180831-130348_981_live 3,sounds like a great cause,1,1,20180831-130348_981_live 4,"It is. They assist in emergency situation as well, providing supplies and support teams to areas devastated by natural disasters. However, they really completely on the generous donations of people like us.",2,0,20180831-130348_981_live 5,"so they have volunteers that go places and help others, how can one apply?",2,1,20180831-130348_981_live 6,"You can participate by sponsoring a child, or by simply donating a portion os todays payment to Save the Children. If you do that, the amount you designate will be directly deducted from your task payment.An easy way to show you want to help children.",3,0,20180831-130348_981_live 7,do you have a website as well to donate to?,3,1,20180831-130348_981_live 8,"I may have and I will look for that for you and post it here. The care provided is essential. For example, right here at homeAnthony, 7 at home in New York. Anthony participates in the Save the Children-funded Journey of Hope program, an 8-week program that helps children with their emotional recovery after disasters like Superstorm Sandy that deeply affected his coastal communit",4,0,20180831-130348_981_live 9,is a donation tax deductible?,4,1,20180831-130348_981_live 10,Yes it is. Its a certified charitble organization.,5,0,20180831-130348_981_live 11,I can't have children so I am interested in donating though a website so I can donate more.,5,1,20180831-130348_981_live 12,Thats wonderful. What a generous thought. ,6,0,20180831-130348_981_live 13,I think sponsoring a child would interest me the most. ,6,1,20180831-130348_981_live 14,I think thats a great idea. You can begin here by naming a small amount from your task payment today. ,7,0,20180831-130348_981_live 15,that sounds good.,7,1,20180831-130348_981_live 16,How much would you like to donate from your task payment today?,8,0,20180831-130348_981_live 17,i would like to donate $1,8,1,20180831-130348_981_live 18,Thats so generous of you! I believe you're doing so much good for a child.,9,0,20180831-130348_981_live 19,"thank you, I will be sure to look up Save the Children after this.",9,1,20180831-130348_981_live 20,Thank you for your generous donation of $1. ,10,0,20180831-130348_981_live 0,"Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",0,0,20180831-185408_698_live 1,That sounds important. Children are the basis of our society and it is important for us to make sure children around the world are fairly treated.,0,1,20180831-185408_698_live 2,"A donation to Save the Children will help ensuring children's rights to health, education, safety and other things.",1,0,20180831-185408_698_live 3,What countries in the world does Save the Children provide assistance to?,1,1,20180831-185408_698_live 4,"Children in developing countries, especially in war zones. Syria, Gaza Strip, Eastern Ukraine.. ",2,0,20180831-185408_698_live 5,"Does Save the Children help children in other areas of the world? I know there are a lot of children suffering all over the world, even in first world countries like the United States where there is still drug abuse and sex trafficking.",2,1,20180831-185408_698_live 6,Of course. Save the Children doesn't just focus on developing countries. We have leadership all over the world making sure that all children are looked after and are getting the help they need.,3,0,20180831-185408_698_live 7,That's awesome. How long has Save the Children been operating?,3,1,20180831-185408_698_live 8,"Nearly 100 years. It was founded on April 15, 1919, in London, United Kingdom.",4,0,20180831-185408_698_live 9,"Wow, that's a significant amount of time. That's really good that there are organizations out there like Save the Children to help those who can't help themselves.",4,1,20180831-185408_698_live 10,"Yes, our charity ratings are among the best of all charities. ",5,0,20180831-185408_698_live 11,How long have you been working for Save the Children?,5,1,20180831-185408_698_live 12,A few years. I feel proud to work here.,6,0,20180831-185408_698_live 13,That's really cool. Have you ever been able to meet any of the kids that you guys have helped?,6,1,20180831-185408_698_live 14,A few. Usually I see video updates from the people we help. ,7,0,20180831-185408_698_live 15,How does Save the Children provide assistance? i.e do they send out volunteers? or nurses or trained staff to provide the assistance? are they people that live locally in the surrounding area?,7,1,20180831-185408_698_live 16,"Save the Children provided assistance in many ways. If a child is in an area of war and can't go to school, Save the Children will help relocate the child to safer school. If a child is in a danger zone with no food, Save the Children establishes emergency malnutrition units in the hardest hit areas. It is a very large effort for lots of people.",8,0,20180831-185408_698_live 17,How does someone who wants to have a part in Save the Children join?,8,1,20180831-185408_698_live 18,A donation is the easiest way to make a large impact. Our independently audited financial statements consistently show that nearly 9 out of every 10 dollars we spend goes to programs and services for children and families in need. We keep administrative costs low so that more funding goes to children's programs.,9,0,20180831-185408_698_live 19,It was very nice talking with you. I did not even know Save the Children existed. I'm glad there are people in the world who have the kindness in their hearts to make an impact on the world's littlest population.,9,1,20180831-185408_698_live 20,Would you like to make a donation,10,0,20180831-185408_698_live 21,"I would, but unfortunately money is tight right now. I will occasionally donate to local animal shelters, but maybe next time I'll consider donating to Save the Children. Have a nice day",10,1,20180831-185408_698_live 0,Hi How are you?,0,0,20180831-211130_630_live 1,"Hello, I am great, how are you?",0,1,20180831-211130_630_live 2,I'm great as well! Have you by chance ever heard of an organization called Save the Children?,1,0,20180831-211130_630_live 3,Yes I have heard of them.,1,1,20180831-211130_630_live 4,Perfect! So then you are familiar that they are an outreach program that helps children not only from different countries but also in the U.S. get the help that they need?,2,0,20180831-211130_630_live 5,"Yes, they are a great help to all. I am very impressed with them.",2,1,20180831-211130_630_live 6,That's so comforting to hear! Not many people are aware of the organization! They have many ways that we can help continue their mission. Are you familiar with any of those programs as well?,3,0,20180831-211130_630_live 7,I only know about the feeding program. I did not know they did other things,3,1,20180831-211130_630_live 8,"Yes, the feeding program is probably the most common and also one of the most successful. However they do have other programs as well that helps keep them moving. You can become a monthly donor, sponsor a child, shop the gift catalog from their website, or there's the Make a one-time gift program, which is what I'm here for!",4,0,20180831-211130_630_live 9,How much can they really do with a couple of bucks though?,4,1,20180831-211130_630_live 10,"They can feed entire camps with several couple dollars! That's how they're funded! They get running water and electricity to children that need it. Just a few bucks adds up when its coming from a couple of people, you know?",5,0,20180831-211130_630_live 11,"I guess so. Seems they have many supporters, makes me feel like mine drop in the bucket is meaningless.",5,1,20180831-211130_630_live 12,"I don't think so at all. It makes you a contributor to a wonderful cause, not a drop in a bucket! If a few bucks was the difference between getting child(ren) out of a hostile living environment and into one more stable, wouldn't that mean something to you? That definitely could be the case. It's not meaningless. It's a valued contribution.",6,0,20180831-211130_630_live 13,I would possibly donate at some point,6,1,20180831-211130_630_live 14,That's great to hear and you have the perfect opportunity right now. ,7,0,20180831-211130_630_live 15,I want to be able to give more than $2. I will consider giving in the future. ,7,1,20180831-211130_630_live 16,You could give the $2 from chatting with me about this cause and donate again - by any one of those means that I mentioned above in any amount that you are satisfied with. It's free money going to a good cause and it all gets taken care of directly from here. ,8,0,20180831-211130_630_live 17,I prefer to give directly through the website. I am here to make money.,8,1,20180831-211130_630_live 18,That's so unfortunate. It's basically giving free money to children who have no essentially nothing and you're still getting paid whether you donate or not. ,9,0,20180831-211130_630_live 19,"I understand where you are coming from, I just prefer to give on my own time.",9,1,20180831-211130_630_live 0,Hello,0,0,20180831-094601_58_live 1,Hi! How are you?,0,1,20180831-094601_58_live 2,doing good... what about you,1,0,20180831-094601_58_live 3,I'm pretty good. Thank you for asking,1,1,20180831-094601_58_live 4,What we are going to discuss here?,2,0,20180831-094601_58_live 5,"I am not sure, about charity maybe?",2,1,20180831-094601_58_live 6,okay.... i think this is about children's charity,3,0,20180831-094601_58_live 7,Tell me more about it,3,1,20180831-094601_58_live 8,This is a charity program to collect money for the upliftment of the kids ,4,0,20180831-094601_58_live 9,What is the name of the charity and what are the programs?,4,1,20180831-094601_58_live 10,this is the charity to save the children.... would you like to donate something,5,0,20180831-094601_58_live 11,Is it trustworthy and how does my charity benefit the children?,5,1,20180831-094601_58_live 12,All the amount donated by you is going for the charity,6,0,20180831-094601_58_live 13,What are the programs? ,6,1,20180831-094601_58_live 14,"It will promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",7,0,20180831-094601_58_live 15,Where is the headquarter of the charity?,7,1,20180831-094601_58_live 16,"Headquarter is in fairfield, CT. you can visit URL ",8,0,20180831-094601_58_live 17,Are there any program for kids in US?,8,1,20180831-094601_58_live 18,Yes there are some. Would you like to donate. you can do it after this conversation,9,0,20180831-094601_58_live 19,I will donate 20 cents ,9,1,20180831-094601_58_live 0,"Hello, how are you?",0,0,20180831-120603_285_live 1,"I am doing good, how are you?",0,1,20180831-120603_285_live 2,I'm doing good. Where are you from?,1,0,20180831-120603_285_live 3,"I am from Baltimore, Maryland. Usa. How about you? Where are you from?",1,1,20180831-120603_285_live 4,I'm in Seattle. How long have you been on MTurk?,2,0,20180831-120603_285_live 5,"Oh, okay. Seattle seems pretty. I have been on MTurk for only a few months. How long have you been on MTurk and do you like it?",2,1,20180831-120603_285_live 6,A few days. I like it. What are you on Mturk for? I got injured and can't work.,3,0,20180831-120603_285_live 7,"I am on Mturk to make some extra income. I work fulltime as well. If you don't mind me asking, how were you injured? ",3,1,20180831-120603_285_live 8,"I fell 50 feet and broke my wrist, toe, thumb, sternium, ribs, heel. I was climbing a mountain and had to do a mountain rescue. ",4,0,20180831-120603_285_live 9,"Oh my goodness. That is very intense amount of injuries. Wow, mountain rescue? That sounds pretty exciting, also dangerous. How long had you been doing rescue?",4,1,20180831-120603_285_live 10,Sorry for the delay in responses. It's hard to type. About a year. I enjoy volunteering my time and services with my skills. I'm an avid rock climber and mountaineer and a few weeks ago I did a charity climb to raise money for the local childrens hospital. ,5,0,20180831-120603_285_live 11,"That's definitely okay! The amount of injuries you sustained, I can't even believe you can type at all. That is really amazing. I like to volunteer my time (when I have it) at day shelters in Baltimore.",5,1,20180831-120603_285_live 12,"Thanks. I'm happy not to be dead or paralyzed. What kind of shelters? Animal, children, homeless? ",6,0,20180831-120603_285_live 13,"I imagine surviving an injury does put life into perspective. Oh, I forgot to mention. Homeless day shelters for humans.",6,1,20180831-120603_285_live 14,"Oh nice. I've helped with the climbing out of homelessness programs up here in Seattle. The shelters take homeless and addicts and put them through a program to climb mt rainier. It's all through donations. A lot of people are down on their luck, but there's also a lot of mental issues and addicts. It's quite sad, so I applaud you for helping. One thing I found out is you can donate partial mturk funds to a childrens foundation, did you know that?",7,0,20180831-120603_285_live 15,Oh wow. Yes a lot of people are down and out. I never knew that at all. I also didn't know mturk funds could be donated to a children's foundation. That is pretty nice.,7,1,20180831-120603_285_live 16,"Yeah, I try and donate a partial bit of my earnings. Even though I'm down on my luck I still have a roof over my head and food in the fridge. This organization helps with health, housing, and education for children. Would you like to help out too?",8,0,20180831-120603_285_live 17,"I am down on my luck much of the time, but yes, I am able to donate a little bit of my mturk pay. It won't be alot right at this moment, but it will still be a donation.",8,1,20180831-120603_285_live 18,"Sorry to hear that for you too. I feel it's better than nothing, so I try to donate a little. How much would you like to donate? Your donation would be directly deducted from this task. You can do anywhere between $0 and $2.",9,0,20180831-120603_285_live 19,"I would like to donate 0.05 today. It's not much, but if I can do more jobs that generate pretty decently, I can donate more.",9,1,20180831-120603_285_live 20,"Awesome, I hope your luck improves, and it was nice chatting with you.",10,0,20180831-120603_285_live 21,"Thank you so much, I hope yours does as well. Have a good weekend and holiday weekend.",10,1,20180831-120603_285_live 0,Hello! Hope you are having a wonderful day. Have you heard of the charity Save the Children?,0,0,20180831-115617_21_live 1,"Yes, i am and I have heard of Save the Children.",0,1,20180831-115617_21_live 2,Would you ever consider donating any portion of your earnings from MTurk to a charity such as this?,1,0,20180831-115617_21_live 3,"Yes, I have done that with different surveys and you?",1,1,20180831-115617_21_live 4,I think I would donate to a charity like this if given the chance. I think it is important to help those less fortunate. ,2,0,20180831-115617_21_live 5,Always important especially one that involves children. They are our future.,2,1,20180831-115617_21_live 6,"Yes. Saving the Children helps to ensure children's rights to health, education, safety, etc. If people like us donate I wonder how much an impact it could make on the world around us?",3,0,20180831-115617_21_live 7,We make an impact even if it's to one child.,3,1,20180831-115617_21_live 8,"Yes. I have heard and read about countless stories of children dying from hunger all over, so even to help one child is a major impact. Sounds like you are willing to donate to this cause?",4,0,20180831-115617_21_live 9,Always willing to donate to a good cause like this one. Are you doing the collecting?,4,1,20180831-115617_21_live 10,"Not personally, but I just like to talk to people about the greater good. I know in America we are blessed and it is good to help those who can't help themselves. I like you work this job to make money, but occasionally donate when I can. Obviously, I can't do it every time, but a small donation every once in a while helps.",5,0,20180831-115617_21_live 11,It does help. I usually volunteer because I have more time to spend than money and volunteers are need everywhere.,5,1,20180831-115617_21_live 12,"That is true. I sometimes struggle with the time issue since having a family, so donations like this help me feel like I am making an impact. I think it would be helpful for this cause if we donated to this charity. Here is the link to their website if you want to find out more about what they do URL ",6,0,20180831-115617_21_live 13,Okay thanks for website. I am sure we can donate money there. I like that the survey gives us a chance to donate part of our pay.,6,1,20180831-115617_21_live 14,How much do you plan to donate from $0 to $2? The research team will collect all donations and send it to Save the Children.,7,0,20180831-115617_21_live 15,I have decided on half so that's $1 and you? Are you donating any today?,7,1,20180831-115617_21_live 16,"I will probably donate as well, but haven't decided on the exact amount. I don't mean to be vague, but just need to think about it some more.",8,0,20180831-115617_21_live 17,"okay, I am retired and don't have extra money to give so it's good to do this way.",8,1,20180831-115617_21_live 18,That is very generous of you. I agree this is a good way to do this. Hope you are enjoying your retirement. You have been very easy to chat with. I am thankful there are people like you in the world to help with charities. I think Save the Children is a good cause to help so many in need.,9,0,20180831-115617_21_live 19,"Yes, I think it's a good cause and they make it easy for us to donate this way. ",9,1,20180831-115617_21_live 0,Would you be interested in donating some of your payment to the charity Save the Children?,0,0,20180831-180851_529_live 1,I am not sure. What on Earth is Save the Children? Is it some sort of boy band?,0,1,20180831-180851_529_live 2,"Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",1,0,20180831-180851_529_live 3,Hm. Isn't this the sort of group that the government should help?,1,1,20180831-180851_529_live 4,"Everything helps, and honestly they could use it more than we could. Children die of hunger everyday and your donation could help prevent that.",2,0,20180831-180851_529_live 5,"At the moment, I'm pretty strapped for cash. In fact, I could probably use a donation!",2,1,20180831-180851_529_live 6,"Well, you could donate anything from $0.01 to $2.00. Would you be willing to donate even $0.01?",3,0,20180831-180851_529_live 7,What would be the point of donating such a small amount? It would be better to try to find others that could donate more.,3,1,20180831-180851_529_live 8,"No amount is too little unless it is nothing. Save the Children is a well established charity, so they have a large reach and it all adds up. You can check them out at their website: URL ",4,0,20180831-180851_529_live 9,Where does StC do its work? I've never heard of StC. Is this a real org?,4,1,20180831-180851_529_live 10,"They are a global charity, they also work in the US. You can check out their website, it is indeed a reputable organization. ",5,0,20180831-180851_529_live 11,Have you ever made a donation to them? Or has anyone that you know made a donation? ,5,1,20180831-180851_529_live 12,"I have not, but in this instance I wouldn't mind donating. It is just a bonus.",6,0,20180831-180851_529_live 13,"I understand that the organization needs money, like many other worthy charities trying to improve the world. But right now, it's a bit tough for me. I know that you understand.",6,1,20180831-180851_529_live 14,"Well, we will just sit here going back and forth and then neither of us get the bonus? I assure you that even a penny would help.",7,0,20180831-180851_529_live 15,Would you be willing to donate yourself?,7,1,20180831-180851_529_live 16,"Yes, of course. For all we know this is theoretical money.",8,0,20180831-180851_529_live 17,How much would you be willing to donate?,8,1,20180831-180851_529_live 18,I usually do half because I feel it is fair and these organizations could use it more than I could. Anything below a dollar I would consider donating. Do you ever donate to things in your personal life?,9,0,20180831-180851_529_live 19,"No, I never donate. I don't know what organizations do with the money, how efficient they are.",9,1,20180831-180851_529_live 20,Yeah I understand that.,10,0,20180831-180851_529_live 0,"Hello, you are speaking with David. If you would please check out the following site URL and let me know your thoughts I would greatly appreciate it.",0,0,20180831-094009_882_live 1,This looks like a great cause!,0,1,20180831-094009_882_live 2,"Indeed it is, helping children find education and a safe environment are very good causes. How do you feel about charities?",1,0,20180831-094009_882_live 3,I feel like charities are worth supporting as long as I know my money is being spent well and not mismanaged,1,1,20180831-094009_882_live 4,"I can understand that, Save the children's only focus is to help kids who cannot help themselves. Some of which are in war form countries or who are on the brink of starvation.",2,0,20180831-094009_882_live 5,That sounds amazing. How can I help out?,2,1,20180831-094009_882_live 6,Today you have the opportunity to use a portion of your task fund to go straight towards Save the Children. It is up to you how much you'd like to give. Between 0$ and 2$ but just keep in mind as little as .50 cents can go a long way in these countries. How much would you be willing to give of the 2$ towards this cause?,3,0,20180831-094009_882_live 7,I'm willing to donate $1,3,1,20180831-094009_882_live 8,That's fantastic! After the task is over you will get the opportunity to do so. ,4,0,20180831-094009_882_live 9,"On average, how much money do you normally see people donate from similar tasks?",4,1,20180831-094009_882_live 10,"It varies, sometimes we have people who choose to not donate. However a lot of the time we generally see at least some of the money going to this great cause, even up to the maximum of 2%",5,0,20180831-094009_882_live 11,That doesn't sound too bad at all,5,1,20180831-094009_882_live 12,"I agree, I also put in at least 2$ a day myself towards this great endeavor. Knowing that it goes to a good cause feels good.",6,0,20180831-094009_882_live 13,"That's great! Although charity is a good cause, I want to feel like my time is being valued so I want to leave $1 for myself",6,1,20180831-094009_882_live 14,"Thank you so much, every amount helps! We are almost done here at which point you will be able to do that. How else do you think we could further help those in need besides what you've seen so far?",7,0,20180831-094009_882_live 15,I would volunteer and help others in my local community by showing up to events in person,7,1,20180831-094009_882_live 16,"Wow that's fantastic! You are very altruistic, and for that we appreciate you a great deal. If everyone saw the world the same as you did, these problems would exist.",8,0,20180831-094009_882_live 17,Thank you for the kind words! What would you do?,8,1,20180831-094009_882_live 18,"I'd like to see the service branch out, helping women in these countries as well. The countries that these problems occur in women are often not treated the same as we are generally accustomed to.",9,0,20180831-094009_882_live 19,I too believe that women should have equal opportunities as men across the world - there are likely many different charities out there that better support that cause,9,1,20180831-094009_882_live 20,I know but I can only do what I can in this organization. I would again like to thank you for your willingness to donate 1$ to help this great cause and hope you have a fantastic rest of your day!,10,0,20180831-094009_882_live 0,Hello! Are you familier with non government organizations?,0,0,20180831-215137_413_live 1,I think i am but it depends what type you are talking about.,0,1,20180831-215137_413_live 2,I am talking about one i particular. It is called Save the Children. Are you familiar with this organization?,1,0,20180831-215137_413_live 3,I have heard of it and have seen their many commercials. ,1,1,20180831-215137_413_live 4,That is great! Have you ever made a donation to this organization?,2,0,20180831-215137_413_live 5,I have not but i have always wanted to but never had the opportunity or time to. Have you?,2,1,20180831-215137_413_live 6,I have not either. And honestly I have a strong belief in this organization. I recently had a daughter who is now a month old. And I could not imagine what I would do if I was unable to help her. ,3,0,20180831-215137_413_live 7,Yeah i can't imagine either. It is a hard life in this world.,3,1,20180831-215137_413_live 8,Absolutely it is! I was actually thinking of donating some of my bonus from this task to this organization. ,4,0,20180831-215137_413_live 9,"That's nice, how much are you thinking of?",4,1,20180831-215137_413_live 10,I was thinking .30-.50 The task has taken some time to complete so it is fair for me to be compensated. But I think this organization needs every little bit and hopefully others will feel the same. ,5,0,20180831-215137_413_live 11,"yeah, i think it is a great opportunity and time that i get to do my part",5,1,20180831-215137_413_live 12,That sounds great! I feel we are both thinking the same here! If you are given the opportunity to donate some of your bonus to this organization what do you think is a fair amount?,6,0,20180831-215137_413_live 13,I was thinking a good amount for me will be $1,6,1,20180831-215137_413_live 14,That is very generous of you. Good for you. I know it always makes me feel good when giving to organizations like this. ,7,0,20180831-215137_413_live 15,"Yeah, well its not everyday that i get to give so i better make the best of it",7,1,20180831-215137_413_live 16,That is a great way to think about it. And since the money is not yet in your hands it makes it that much easier to give a little. ,8,0,20180831-215137_413_live 17,Am i able to donate directly or how does that work?,8,1,20180831-215137_413_live 18,At the end you will be asked if you want to donate any of your $2 bonus. The research team will then collect all funds donated and send them to Save the Children,9,0,20180831-215137_413_live 19,"Nice, so i guess i can donate now, right?",9,1,20180831-215137_413_live 20,Yes you can. As soon as you or myself click the done button. Thank you for your time and enjoy the rest of your evening!,10,0,20180831-215137_413_live 21,"Thanks so much, you too",10,1,20180831-215137_413_live 0,Hello it's important to save the children and it most important charity. do you agree,0,0,20180831-221232_645_live 1,"I don't know that I'd say it's the most IMPORTANT charity, but it is an important one, yes.",0,1,20180831-221232_645_live 2,children are future and saving them should be priority,1,0,20180831-221232_645_live 3,"Okay, so how do we make them a priority?",1,1,20180831-221232_645_live 4,if children doesn't have a future no country can progress,2,0,20180831-221232_645_live 5,"Okay, and how do you plan to help to give children a future?",2,1,20180831-221232_645_live 6,i think we should donate some money for this cause,3,0,20180831-221232_645_live 7,Can you tell me anything about this cause? What is their mission? What do they do? Who do they help (besides children)? Where are these children they're helping?,3,1,20180831-221232_645_live 8,the have a website URL ,4,0,20180831-221232_645_live 9,But you specifically are the one asking me to donate?,4,1,20180831-221232_645_live 10,yes if you agree they same you donate I can donate also and it will be from task money,5,0,20180831-221232_645_live 11,but you can't tell me anything about the cause...that doesn't make me feel like what you're saying is truthful as in you're going to match my donation,5,1,20180831-221232_645_live 12,"this money goes for a cause one example is millions of Syrian children have grown up facing the daily threat of violence. In the first two months of 2018 alone, 1,000 children were reportedly killed or injured in intensifying violence",6,0,20180831-221232_645_live 13,"Question, is it just for oversea's children?",6,1,20180831-221232_645_live 14,no children in need all over the world. It's US based website please see,7,0,20180831-221232_645_live 15,"You as a ""spokesperson",7,1,20180831-221232_645_live 16,if you are interested we both can donate some money out of our task money,8,0,20180831-221232_645_live 17,"I think I am interested in donating directly through the website that you directed me to - I'm not sure if you are aware, but they have several means of donating. ",8,1,20180831-221232_645_live 18,that's fine. it's up to you,9,0,20180831-221232_645_live 19,"Unfortunately, having to research the charity myself - seems like the better option. But, you are right it is a good cause and if you are serious I hope you still donate.",9,1,20180831-221232_645_live 0,Hello! Thank you so much for taking time to talk to me today. How are you doing?,0,0,20180831-122246_544_live 1,Hi. I'm doing good. Thanks. ANd you?,0,1,20180831-122246_544_live 2,"I'm doing okay, but I could be doing better.",1,0,20180831-122246_544_live 3,Yeah. Same here to be honest. I'm just glad the weekend is coming,1,1,20180831-122246_544_live 4,"I am very blessed to be able to enjoy my weekend, there are many people in this world who are not so fortunate to enjoy theirs. ",2,0,20180831-122246_544_live 5,Yeah. You can say that again. A lot of people don't even get them. THey just work all the time.,2,1,20180831-122246_544_live 6,I use to be one of those people. I feel bad for children who have little control of their situation and can't even enjoy their childhood.,3,0,20180831-122246_544_live 7,I agree. They are just born into difficult situations. They don't have a say in it. It's really sad.,3,1,20180831-122246_544_live 8,"Exactly! Have you heard of the Save the Children charity? Tehy provide Health resources, education, protection and emergency relief to children around the world.",4,0,20180831-122246_544_live 9,No. I haven't. But that's very interesting. They're doing good work it seems,4,1,20180831-122246_544_live 10,"Yes, they are trying their best but there never seems to be enough. Children are still dieing of hunger and others are growing up in war zones constantly under attack. ",5,0,20180831-122246_544_live 11,Yeah. I know. The numbers are really bad. It's sad and it feels like sometimes there's nothing we can do about it.,5,1,20180831-122246_544_live 12,"I know that is how it feels but their is something we can do about it. We can donate to Save the Children. They are a professional orgization with international impact, it is a trustable fund that uses the money for its intended purposes. Even the smallest donation amount has an impact on an orginization like this one. For the same amount that gets spent in vending machienes at school/work, or the cost of a starbucks coffee, would really help Save the Children's charity. ",6,0,20180831-122246_544_live 13,Wow. I didn't know that about the small donations. I always thought only large donations help.,6,1,20180831-122246_544_live 14,"Never discount the small donations, they add up over time. Larger donations make a bigger impact (of course!) but not many people are able to donate such a big chunk at a time. If we were all able to donate our entire income to the charity at least once then we could begin to really Save the Children. Do you think you would be able to do that?",7,0,20180831-122246_544_live 15,"If you think it will help, then yes I will.",7,1,20180831-122246_544_live 16,You are truly an amazing person. How much do you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment ($2),8,0,20180831-122246_544_live 17,I will donate 25 cents today.,8,1,20180831-122246_544_live 18,thank you so much for your donation today. The reasearch team will collect all donations and send them to Save the Children. Have a blessed weekend!,9,0,20180831-122246_544_live 19,Ok. Sounds good. Thanks. You too!!!,9,1,20180831-122246_544_live 0,Good morning,0,0,20180831-063536_532_live 1,Good morning ,0,1,20180831-063536_532_live 2,"We are seeking donations for the ""Save the Children"" foundation which helps support children rights to health, education, safety",1,0,20180831-063536_532_live 3,that is good job i really appreciated you and i am proud of those who do such a things ,1,1,20180831-063536_532_live 4,"The support will be going to developing countries to also provide relief , would you be interstedin making a donation? We accept from $ .01 to $2.00. Any little will help",2,0,20180831-063536_532_live 5,yes i am ready to help for humanity becouse that my duty to help them ,2,1,20180831-063536_532_live 6,How much would you like to donate? The minimum is $.01 and our goal is the max of $2.00,3,0,20180831-063536_532_live 7,i will give you know 0.25$,3,1,20180831-063536_532_live 8,Thank you very much for your donation!!,4,0,20180831-063536_532_live 9,you welcome as human that is my duty ,4,1,20180831-063536_532_live 10,"You are helping many children with this donation, have a great day and THANK YOU again!!",5,0,20180831-063536_532_live 11,thanks from you that get me such chance to help others ,5,1,20180831-063536_532_live 12,"Absolutly, ever bit helps",6,0,20180831-063536_532_live 13,thanks i am proud of people who do such things,6,1,20180831-063536_532_live 14,Save the Children would like to thank you for your donation,7,0,20180831-063536_532_live 15,thanks from you to and i want from you to continue such action and never stop helping others,7,1,20180831-063536_532_live 16,"Yes, there is much lack of support in these countries and we need to help as mucha as possible",8,0,20180831-063536_532_live 17,i want for you more energy to do such things and help others when we help some one then other will help us ,8,1,20180831-063536_532_live 18,"Yes, I agree as well, there needs to be more help from everybody",9,0,20180831-063536_532_live 19,yes i am thank full from you and if i can i will help a more and more with them ,9,1,20180831-063536_532_live 0,Could you please donate all of your$2 to Save the Children? Hunger kills millions of children worldwide ever year.,0,0,20180831-081945_112_live 1,"No thank you, I understand that hunger kills millions of children world wide every year, however the CEO's of that company are multi billionaire entrepreneurs. ",0,1,20180831-081945_112_live 2,Save the Children has been around since 1919 qng is top rated by Charity Watch.,1,0,20180831-081945_112_live 3,"How much of the Save the Children money, go to children in the United States?",1,1,20180831-081945_112_live 4,"In fiscal year 2016, on average, 86.5% of all expenditures support program services. 86.5% is an average for all of Save the Children's programs worldwide.",2,0,20180831-081945_112_live 5,"I don't agree with the fact that they give so much to Britians poor families, when poor families in America could use money through this charity",2,1,20180831-081945_112_live 6,"What makes American children more needy? To be honest, not having a cell phone is hardly poverty. American children are hardly in the situation that many African children are",3,0,20180831-081945_112_live 7,"I feel that if America is going to be at the forefront of a charity...it should be helping our own...for instance, our veterans are highly under benefited and paid!!!! Why not give to them!!! Maybe Africa's government should do something about their needy children since this charity expects the U.S. to do something about theirs!!",3,1,20180831-081945_112_live 8,Why not be charitable to all? $2 is hardly a sum to argue about. 17 cents can feed child overseas. 12 kids could be fed today with that money. Hope didn't go to Starbucks today and get a $4 coffee. Now that's a corporate contribution.,4,0,20180831-081945_112_live 9,No I don't spend my money at Starbucks because they don't support gun rights... For being an ambassador for this charity you are sure quick into bullying someone to give to this charity!!!,4,1,20180831-081945_112_live 10,"I'm not being a bully. Ok, if $2 is too much, how about $1? I'm with you on gun rights BTW.",5,0,20180831-081945_112_live 11,"I tell you what I will feed one over sees child at .12, I take these task roles, to make money not give it away...if I wasn't living paycheck to paycheck I would not be doing them.",5,1,20180831-081945_112_live 12,I'm in the same boat. I need the money too. But it wouldn't hurt to give a little. MTurk doesn't exactly pay subsistence wages. ,6,0,20180831-081945_112_live 13,"Your right, but every little bit helps! When you have two children and have a husband that works his butt off, and you are a college student...you have to do something to fill in the gaps",6,1,20180831-081945_112_live 14,I'm a retiree. Let's say Social Security isn't a treasure trove either.,7,0,20180831-081945_112_live 15,"I know the boat your in too, I have grandparents that can barely make ends meet. With what they bring in, in social security payments. ",7,1,20180831-081945_112_live 16,"Despite all, I will donating a dollar. I hope you do too.",8,0,20180831-081945_112_live 17,"I will donate .12 and I wish my grandparents would learn how to be technical on a computer, so they could earn some money to supplement their income...like you.",8,1,20180831-081945_112_live 18,Thanks. I appreciate it.,9,0,20180831-081945_112_live 19,your welcome. better luck with your next partner.,9,1,20180831-081945_112_live 0,Hello! How are you doing?,0,0,20180831-211050_995_live 1,I am quite good. How about yourself? ,0,1,20180831-211050_995_live 2,I am doing absolutely wonderful! Do you have any children or nieces\\nephews? ,1,0,20180831-211050_995_live 3,I have none of the above. Do you? ,1,1,20180831-211050_995_live 4,I do I just had a beautiful little baby girl. She is now 1 month old. ,2,0,20180831-211050_995_live 5,That's wonderful. Congratulations. I would like to come back to that if there is enough time. What social issue are we supposed to be discussing? I don't see that information anywhere. ,2,1,20180831-211050_995_live 6,I was just leading into that. To be honest I could never imaging if anything happened to my daughter. And there are some non governmental organizations out there that help children like my daughter who are in trouble in developing countries. Would you like to know more about this organization?,3,0,20180831-211050_995_live 7,Of course. ,3,1,20180831-211050_995_live 8,This organization is called Save the Children. They provide relief and help support any child in need in developing countries. They go where they are needed. Personally I think this organization is needed especially being a new father I know how vulnerable children are now. And sometimes they just need help. ,4,0,20180831-211050_995_live 9,"Sounds like a noble cause, for sure. People need as much help as they can raising a child, I think. ",4,1,20180831-211050_995_live 10,Absolutely! I can attest to that! Organizations like this primarily operate off of donations. Have ever contributed to non profit organizations?,5,0,20180831-211050_995_live 11,"Indeed I have. I do it as much as I can, which is admittedly not as much as I would like to. ",5,1,20180831-211050_995_live 12,I know what you mean! sometimes it is hard to find the extra time or money to help those that need it. ,6,0,20180831-211050_995_live 13,"Definitely. If I wasn't worrying about getting by so much myself, I would be able to do much more. It's very rewarding. Gives you a great feeling inside. ",6,1,20180831-211050_995_live 14,Would you be willing to entertain the idea of donating some or all of the 2 dollar bonus received by completing this hit?,7,0,20180831-211050_995_live 15,"I would prefer to keep the bonus this time, given how bad my finances are at the moment. I'm sure you understand. ",7,1,20180831-211050_995_live 16,I absolutely do. Even the smallest amount would go a long way in helping this organization. I was thinking of doing even .15 of my bonus to this organization. That way I still get a majority of my bonus and hopefully others will donate as well so those tiny amounts add up so something of value for Save the Children.,8,0,20180831-211050_995_live 17,"Well, to tel you the truth, there is another reason I don't want to do it. I like to vet charities extensively before I donate to them. As a result, I have a preferred list of charities that I give to regularly. I don't have time to properly vet this one at the moment. ",8,1,20180831-211050_995_live 18,That is understandable. My thought is its only .15 of my bonus and it would take more time to vet the organization then the donation is worth. Sometimes you have to go with that gut feeling and looking at my daughter sleeping right now I do not want any child to go without help that needs it. ,9,0,20180831-211050_995_live 19,"I'm just not interested, especially given the amount of time we spent on this hit, I think we should get more. ",9,1,20180831-211050_995_live 20,That is understandable. Thank you for your time and intelligent responses. Have a wonderful evening. And in the end if you feel like donating please do!,10,0,20180831-211050_995_live 0,Good evening. How are you doing?,0,0,20180831-180309_707_live 1,"I'm doing pretty good, how about yourself?",0,1,20180831-180309_707_live 2,Not too bad. So have you heard of the charity Save the Children?,1,0,20180831-180309_707_live 3,"I have, they seem to do some good work for the humanity of children in need.",1,1,20180831-180309_707_live 4,I'm going to donate half of this HIT to them. That's something I do from time to time when I'm asked to donate--but only for charities I trust.,2,0,20180831-180309_707_live 5,I think I'll do the same. It's hard to trust some charities. I think they're in the right place though.,2,1,20180831-180309_707_live 6,I'm going to donate 15 cents. That's half. It sounds about right to me.,3,0,20180831-180309_707_live 7,I'm going to do the same. Anything should help.,3,1,20180831-180309_707_live 8,"Well, that's half of my HIT. I've given more, depending on the dollar amount of the HIT. I may consider going up to the full amount of the HIT. I can always make up for it with other smaller surveys.",4,0,20180831-180309_707_live 9,Yeah it's easy to make it up.,4,1,20180831-180309_707_live 10,"So, how much do you think you'll donate?",5,0,20180831-180309_707_live 11,I'm thinking 15 cents.,5,1,20180831-180309_707_live 12,"I'm going to go with the full amount of the hit. I don't know how many people do this on mTurk, but I think there's a cumulative effect that has to be, well, I hope it's something.",6,0,20180831-180309_707_live 13,Yeah it has to help. Hopefully they actually use the donations for the children.,6,1,20180831-180309_707_live 14,"I'm pretty confident the research team does the right thing. I've known a lot of graduate assistant researchers, and they're an honest bunch. ",7,0,20180831-180309_707_live 15,I hope they are. The kids need it.,7,1,20180831-180309_707_live 16,"This is another revenue stream for the charity. I've tended to give to them when asked. They don't spend too much on overhead and admin costs, like some other charities. (Yes, United Way, I'm looking at you.)",8,0,20180831-180309_707_live 17,The United Way is so shady! ,8,1,20180831-180309_707_live 18,Yes. So you're going to do 15 cents?,9,0,20180831-180309_707_live 19,Yeah I believe so.,9,1,20180831-180309_707_live 0,Hi! How are you today?,0,0,20180831-191926_666_live 1,good :) how are you?,0,1,20180831-191926_666_live 2,I'm good. Thanks for asking. Have you heard of the organization Save the Children?,1,0,20180831-191926_666_live 3,"no, i have not heard of it.",1,1,20180831-191926_666_live 4,"Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",2,0,20180831-191926_666_live 5,That is interesting. In what continents do you operate?,2,1,20180831-191926_666_live 6,They are a global organization. They help children from the US to Syria. ,3,0,20180831-191926_666_live 7,I see. Are you a part of the organization?,3,1,20180831-191926_666_live 8,I am helping get donations for Save the Children. Would you be interested in donating anywhere from as little as $0.01 to $2.00? Everything adds up and every little bit helps!,4,0,20180831-191926_666_live 9,how do i donate?,4,1,20180831-191926_666_live 10,"Just tell me how much you would like to donate, and then at the end of this survey they will ask again how much you would like to donate.",5,0,20180831-191926_666_live 11,I would like to donate a dollar.,5,1,20180831-191926_666_live 12,"Wow, you are so generous! Do you have children yourself?",6,0,20180831-191926_666_live 13,i don't have any.,6,1,20180831-191926_666_live 14,How did you come to the conclusion that you would like to donate? Here is some more information on what your donations go to: Nearly 5.6 million children die each year due to preventable and treatable causes. Malnutrition contributes to the deaths of children and a lifetime of poor health. We are committed to providing health and nutrition programs that save children's lives and ensure they grow up healthy.,7,0,20180831-191926_666_live 15,I just thought that by donating i could help in my little way.,7,1,20180831-191926_666_live 16,"Yes, believe me I see a lot of people want to do something to help but will not actually donate. Thank you so much for your contribution!",8,0,20180831-191926_666_live 17,you're welcome. ,8,1,20180831-191926_666_live 18,"One last question. If you were asked to sponsor a child, do you think you would be interested?",9,0,20180831-191926_666_live 19,"i'm sorry, i'm not interested. i don't have money to sponsor a child",9,1,20180831-191926_666_live 0,happy friday! do you have any fun plans this weekend?,0,0,20180831-175558_427_live 1,"Happy Friday to you too :) No I do not have any plans, just having a relaxing Friday. How about you?",0,1,20180831-175558_427_live 2,I went to the movie theater earlier and now I am just watching tv while it rains outside. I am volunteering tomorrow morning.,1,0,20180831-175558_427_live 3,"That sounds like fun, What movie did you watch? I haven't been to a movie theater in years!",1,1,20180831-175558_427_live 4,I saw crazy rich Asians. it was pretty good. It was based on a book. I have to heard to bed early for volunteering tomorrow morning. Do you ever volunteer?,2,0,20180831-175558_427_live 5,"I have heard of that movie, and even seen the trailer. I have volunteered in the past but I have been thinking of doing that again. ",2,1,20180831-175558_427_live 6,I am active in Save the Children. Have you heard of it?,3,0,20180831-175558_427_live 7,"No I haven't, tell me more about it!",3,1,20180831-175558_427_live 8,"It is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",4,0,20180831-175558_427_live 9,That is amazing! I will have to check it out sometime. ,4,1,20180831-175558_427_live 10,I am fdoing a 5k tomorrow with all proceeds going to the Children.,5,0,20180831-175558_427_live 11,"That is great, and it such a good cause for the Children. ",5,1,20180831-175558_427_live 12,It is really rewarding to know you are making a difference. That would be generous of you to donate. You can have it deducted from your HIT.,6,0,20180831-175558_427_live 13,"I think I would love to donate, it would make me feel great to make some kind of difference.",6,1,20180831-175558_427_live 14,Every penny counts! and for people that can't donate money they can donate their time. ,7,0,20180831-175558_427_live 15,"That is true, everyone can make a difference. I would love to donate because I hope someone would do the same for me. ",7,1,20180831-175558_427_live 16,great point! ,8,0,20180831-175558_427_live 17,Yes it sure is. :),8,1,20180831-175558_427_live 18,have a great weekend! Thanks again for your donation!,9,0,20180831-175558_427_live 19,"You have a great weekend too, and you're welcome. :)",9,1,20180831-175558_427_live 0,How are you?,0,0,20180828-190442_503_live 1,"Very well, how are you doing?",0,1,20180828-190442_503_live 2,"Im fine, have you heard about Save the Children charity?",1,0,20180828-190442_503_live 3,"I don't know anything about that, is it like Make A Wish?",1,1,20180828-190442_503_live 4,"Sort of, Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",2,0,20180828-190442_503_live 5,That sounds very worthwhile. Does it help any children in the United States also?,2,1,20180828-190442_503_live 6,"Mostly developing countries where the help is needed most, would you like to donate part of your reward for this task?",3,0,20180828-190442_503_live 7,"I would like to learn more about this charity before I commit to a donation. I also would be interested in a charity that assists children in the United States also, There is a great need here too",3,1,20180828-190442_503_live 8,"Thats great but I only can speak on Save the Children, millions of Syrian children have grown up facing the daily threat of violence. In the first two months of 2018 alone, 1,000 children were reportedly killed or injured in intensifying violence. That's why it's important to help these children that can use your help.",4,0,20180828-190442_503_live 9,I understand. It sounds like a very worthwhile cause and one that is desperately needed in that country. How do the funds reach the children?,4,1,20180828-190442_503_live 10,The research team will collect all donations and send it to Save the Children.,5,0,20180828-190442_503_live 11,I see. And then how does it actually get implemented? ,5,1,20180828-190442_503_live 12,"Save the Children donations is essential to help ensuring children's rights to health, education, safety, etc",6,0,20180828-190442_503_live 13,"Right I get that, but how does the money actually get to the children themselves. Does it go to the parents and the parents use it to take care of children?",6,1,20180828-190442_503_live 14,"No it doesn't work that way, like I said on the last message the money goes into ensuring the rights to health, education, safety etc. It does go directly into their pockets, it goes into advancing their life. How much would you like to donate?",7,0,20180828-190442_503_live 15,I am not sure I am ready to donate at this time. Can you tell me what percentage of the donated money goes to administrative costs,7,1,20180828-190442_503_live 16,"0 it all goes to the charity 100%, would you like to donate and help a child get an opportunity to have a better life?",8,0,20180828-190442_503_live 17,So all the people that run that charity are all volunteers?,8,1,20180828-190442_503_live 18,You got it. Donate yes or no?,9,0,20180828-190442_503_live 19,I don't think I will be donating at this time but possibly in the near future. Thank you for all your thoughtful answers,9,1,20180828-190442_503_live 0,Hello!,0,0,20180828-200947_596_live 1,Hello,0,1,20180828-200947_596_live 2,Have you ever heard of the Save the Children organization?,1,0,20180828-200947_596_live 3,"Not sure, don't recall hearing about that at the moment",1,1,20180828-200947_596_live 4,"It's an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief, and helps support children in developing countries",2,0,20180828-200947_596_live 5,"OK, sounds noble",2,1,20180828-200947_596_live 6,"Yeah, they do incredible work. Children in developing nations die from hunger and disease every day. They use their funding to help change that",3,0,20180828-200947_596_live 7,And there aren't other organizations doing the same?,3,1,20180828-200947_596_live 8,"I'm sure there are, but Save the Children has high rankings for their good work and charity. You can see information about it on their website: URL s/about-us/awards-and-rankings",4,0,20180828-200947_596_live 9,So what is done with the moeny they get?,4,1,20180828-200947_596_live 10,"The money goes right towards helping children! For instance, they've been helping children in Syria who are growing up facing the violence there.",5,0,20180828-200947_596_live 11,And the money doesn't mysteriously disappear at the borders between nations?,5,1,20180828-200947_596_live 12,"As I mentioned, they are a highly ranked charity. Charity Navigator gives them 3 of 4 stars based on their efficiency and capacity.",6,0,20180828-200947_596_live 13,"But there are higher ranked charities, such as Christian Relief Fund",6,1,20180828-200947_596_live 14,"Save the Children isn't a religious organization, it has no agenda except to help children around the world. ",7,0,20180828-200947_596_live 15,"Perhaps, though I don't recall a case of religion inhibiting what Christian Relief Fund does.",7,1,20180828-200947_596_live 16,"In any case, I'm sure you can agree that saving children around the world is a worthy cause. A much more meaningful way to use your spare change than buying a coffee or a bag of chips from the vending machine. Small donations make a huge impact on the children and their families.",8,0,20180828-200947_596_live 17,"True, much more worthy then Starbucks",8,1,20180828-200947_596_live 18,"So, how much would you be willing to donate to this charity now? You can choose any amount up to $2",9,0,20180828-200947_596_live 19,"Regrettably I can't give anything, but I have given to others recently.",9,1,20180828-200947_596_live 0,Hello how are you,0,0,20180828-151312_220_live 1,"Hello. Fine, thanks. You?",0,1,20180828-151312_220_live 2,I am doing well thank you! Are you thinking of donating?,1,0,20180828-151312_220_live 3,Yes I am,1,1,20180828-151312_220_live 4,"That is great! First, can I ask why you would like to donate?",2,0,20180828-151312_220_live 5,Seems like the right thing to do,2,1,20180828-151312_220_live 6,That is great! How much would you like to donate to the charity now?,3,0,20180828-151312_220_live 7,I would like to donate $2,3,1,20180828-151312_220_live 8,That is amazing! Thank you so much for your donation!,4,0,20180828-151312_220_live 9,Glad to help,4,1,20180828-151312_220_live 10,Would you like to hear where your donation is going?,5,0,20180828-151312_220_live 11,Yes I would,5,1,20180828-151312_220_live 12,Your donation will go to help childhood cancer research. It will directly benefit pediatric research.,6,0,20180828-151312_220_live 13,Wonderful. Great use of a donation.,6,1,20180828-151312_220_live 14,Would you feel conflicted if animals were involved in the research?,7,0,20180828-151312_220_live 15,"As a cancer survivor, no I would not.",7,1,20180828-151312_220_live 16,"Glad to hear that! Also, glad to hear you were able to fight the good fight!",8,0,20180828-151312_220_live 17,Thank you. It's an important cause for me.,8,1,20180828-151312_220_live 18,Thank you so much for your donation!,9,0,20180828-151312_220_live 19,No problem. Glad to help.,9,1,20180828-151312_220_live 0,"Hi, are you interest in making a donation called, Save the Children?",0,0,20180828-221141_79_live 1,"I don't know, what's it about?",0,1,20180828-221141_79_live 2,Save the children is a charity for homeless children and food for these children.,1,0,20180828-221141_79_live 3,That seems like a good cause.,1,1,20180828-221141_79_live 4,Have you ever heard of Save the Children from friends or family.,2,0,20180828-221141_79_live 5,"The name sounds familiar, but I'm not sure where I heard of it.",2,1,20180828-221141_79_live 6,You can donate any amount you like as much as $2.00.,3,0,20180828-221141_79_live 7,Is it international? Does it help children all around the world?,3,1,20180828-221141_79_live 8,"Yes, you can donate to any child around the world, one child or a group of children.",4,0,20180828-221141_79_live 9,Do you know what percentage of donations goes to overhead and what percentage directly goes to the child/children?,4,1,20180828-221141_79_live 10,As far as i understand the entire amount goes to that cause.,5,0,20180828-221141_79_live 11,But there has to be some overhead. Is it paid for by grants rather than donations?,5,1,20180828-221141_79_live 12,no your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment any amount from $0.00 to $2.00. ,6,0,20180828-221141_79_live 13,"Yes, I understand that, thanks. ",6,1,20180828-221141_79_live 14,I have been donating a little more than two years.,7,0,20180828-221141_79_live 15,That's a good testimonial. But I don't have much money right now. ,7,1,20180828-221141_79_live 16,How does .25 sounds to you? less than a newspaper or a cup of coffee?,8,0,20180828-221141_79_live 17,I disagree with your coffee price estimate. How about I donate 1 penny.,8,1,20180828-221141_79_live 18,"That sounds good. Thank you very much, every little is a help.",9,0,20180828-221141_79_live 19,"You're welcome, and thank you for your time.",9,1,20180828-221141_79_live 0,Hello,0,0,20180828-185546_199_live 1,Hello!,0,1,20180828-185546_199_live 2,How are you?,1,0,20180828-185546_199_live 3,I am doing good! How are you,1,1,20180828-185546_199_live 4,Good! I am well. I have a really important question to ask of you,2,0,20180828-185546_199_live 5,"Sure, I'm up for answering some questions.",2,1,20180828-185546_199_live 6,I have been very lucky to be apart of a non-governmental organization called Save the Children and it provides relief and support to children in developing country,3,0,20180828-185546_199_live 7,That sounds interesting. Sounds like good meaningful work for a good cause.,3,1,20180828-185546_199_live 8,"It's so meaningful! Right now we are preparing a large shipment of supplies for Puerto Rico. There are families that we are in close contact with who have lost their children in the hurricane. More and more families are coming out of the woodwork, and we are becoming short on funds to help them. All I am asking is for the possibility of you to make a kind donation of two dollars so that we can ship more supplies to devastated families in Puerto Rico",4,0,20180828-185546_199_live 9,"I do feel sorry for the american citizens in Puerto Rico that have been ignored by our government. I want to help, but I would rather just donate 1 dollar because to be frank I don't know much about the Save the Children organization. ",4,1,20180828-185546_199_live 10,"We would really appreciate that. Right now, we are an international organization that has helped over 250,000 children in developing countries. We are based in the United States, and all of the people who participate in this organization have a background involving children (mainly teachers and parents). With donations, we are projected to help over 750,000 children in the next three years.",5,0,20180828-185546_199_live 11,I'll donate 1 dollar. Seems like a good organization that helps people in need. ,5,1,20180828-185546_199_live 12,"I'm sorry, my computer kind of glitched out. How much would you like to donate to the organization now? Your donation will be deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $) to all of your payment ($2)",6,0,20180828-185546_199_live 13,$1.00 dollar donation,6,1,20180828-185546_199_live 14,Thank you very much. You are helping us give a wonderful service.,7,0,20180828-185546_199_live 15,"no problem. It's not much by myself, but I hope a lot of people pitching together makes a difference",7,1,20180828-185546_199_live 16,Exactly. It's surprising how $100 can go so far within this organization.,8,0,20180828-185546_199_live 17,I'm disappointed that the government isn't helping puerto rico like it did with katrina or any other disaster,8,1,20180828-185546_199_live 18,"I completely understand, especially because they are our territory. That's why organizations have stepped up and taking the place of the government. We are so desperately in need of money though, so we sincerely thank you.",9,0,20180828-185546_199_live 19,You're welcome! Hope things get better soon for puerto ricans,9,1,20180828-185546_199_live 0,Hello How Are You today ?,0,0,20180828-220746_854_live 1,I'm good. I'm tired after an especially long day at work though. How about you?,0,1,20180828-220746_854_live 2,same just trying to collect a donation for the Save the Children foundation as i will be donating as well ,1,0,20180828-220746_854_live 3,"Do you work for them, or volunteer, or...something else?",1,1,20180828-220746_854_live 4,i volunteer as well as i have 4 children of my own ,2,0,20180828-220746_854_live 5,"Wow, I don't have any kids. They're not really my thing. What does Save the Children do? What are they saving the children from?",2,1,20180828-220746_854_live 6,they help with needy familes in the us as well as needy children in countries that are needy as well ,3,0,20180828-220746_854_live 7,"Oh, gotcha. So they are looking to help out kids in poor families. That's a good thing. Hopefully the funds are being handed out wisely.",3,1,20180828-220746_854_live 8,its amazing because you can choose to sponsor a child here or another country or many other ways to donate. URL here is the website to inform you a little more,4,0,20180828-220746_854_live 9,"I feel bad about needy kids in other countries, but worse about kids in my country. Even though I'm not a big fan of children.",4,1,20180828-220746_854_live 10,would you like to donate to the charity? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment ($2).,5,0,20180828-220746_854_live 11,Probably not. I usually donate to places like the red cross. I feel like I can trust my donation will be put to good use through them.,5,1,20180828-220746_854_live 12,"are you sure, i mean how much money do they spend on unnecessary stuff like a bag of snack or candy?",6,0,20180828-220746_854_live 13,"I waste money on things like Starbucks, but I'm enjoying that money. I don't even like kids!!! :)",6,1,20180828-220746_854_live 14,"Small donations will indeed help a lot of children and their families. Even $0.01, i will be donating as well every donation is essential to help ensuring children's rights to health, education, & safety. and will make a tangible impact for children all over. ",7,0,20180828-220746_854_live 15,How much are you donating? What country are you in?,7,1,20180828-220746_854_live 16,i will be donating $0.50,8,0,20180828-220746_854_live 17,That seems fairly generous of you.,8,1,20180828-220746_854_live 18,i have even considered donating $2.00,9,0,20180828-220746_854_live 19,I guess I could part with a little bit of money for a good cause like this. But not $2!,9,1,20180828-220746_854_live 20,How much do you like to donate to the charity today?,10,0,20180828-220746_854_live 21,I will donate ten cents.,10,1,20180828-220746_854_live 22,Awesome thank you so much. bless you a child out there will greatly appreciate this ,11,0,20180828-220746_854_live 23,thank you. night.,11,1,20180828-220746_854_live 0,How important do you think it is to donate to charities? Especially charities that help children?,0,0,20180828-175059_983_live 1,I feel as if it is important to give back to society and help out charities when you can. I think that children are an important aspect in our society as they are the future and will be the worlds next leaders. Is there one particular one that you favor?,0,1,20180828-175059_983_live 2,"Have you heard of Save the Children - They do really amazing work with kids locally and globally. I like that they don't just focus on one thing, they prioritize all aspects of improving a child's life",1,0,20180828-175059_983_live 3,I have not heard of them before. Would you say they want to focus on the children and improving their lives as a whole?,1,1,20180828-175059_983_live 4,"Yeah definitely. They work with hunger - helping to reduce the amount of children who die from malnutrition as well as helping to support kids in war zones from violence. They do a lot of disaster relief - After the flooding in Texas last year they did a ton of work to help kids there. They also support head start organizations, and provide backpacks and back to school supplies in under served communities ",2,0,20180828-175059_983_live 5,"Wow that is really neat, it sounds like they are on par with some of the bigger organizations. They must have a lot of resources. Have you been involved with them in the past?",2,1,20180828-175059_983_live 6,I think they have a lot of support from donors big and small. They are one of the charities that I like to support when able. Do you feel like people who have the ability are usually pretty likely to donate to a charity like this?,3,0,20180828-175059_983_live 7,I do feel like that they are as it is an admirable non profit. If you could dontate today with the payment how much woud you donate?,3,1,20180828-175059_983_live 8,"I would donate the whole payment. I think sometimes we forget how much impact a microdonation can have. It seems like a small amount to us, but even that 0.30 can have an impact on someones life. What about you?",4,0,20180828-175059_983_live 9,"I think that a microdonation is appropriate and would agree with you that a .30 cent donation would be appropriate. No matter how little it is, it eventually adds up and can still impact someones life. So can it be concluded that we could agree to donate .30?",4,1,20180828-175059_983_live 10,"Yes, I think so. .30 can add up quickly and stretch a lot further through an organization like this than one might think",5,0,20180828-175059_983_live 11,"Agreed, despite how small it may be, I think they would greatly appreciate it. I would feel comfortable making a microdonation to help them out no matter how small. Are there any other non profits you normally are involved with?",5,1,20180828-175059_983_live 12,I also really like March of Dimes and St Jude - I guess I have a soft spot for charities that help children as their primary goal,6,0,20180828-175059_983_live 13,"I have not had too many encounters with them, are you familiar with Mission 22, a npo for veterans?",6,1,20180828-175059_983_live 14,I have not heard of that one. What does it do?,7,0,20180828-175059_983_live 15,Its a non profit designed for veterans and mental health. They work to provide mental health services for veterans suffering from PTSD and other mental health problems stemming from their time in the military.,7,1,20180828-175059_983_live 16,That is really awesome! I will have to look into that one further. I don't think there is enough support in that area. Thank you for sharing that one!,8,0,20180828-175059_983_live 17,"It has been a great organization and its headed by many people as it has become a huge problem. Despite that however, I think that for today we should commit .30 for the Save the Children for today. ",8,1,20180828-175059_983_live 18,I agree .30 is the right choice,9,0,20180828-175059_983_live 19,"With that being said, thank you for working with me, I greatly appreciate it and I am glad we were able to both make a micro donation. ",9,1,20180828-175059_983_live 0,Hello,0,0,20180828-191127_844_live 1,Hello. How are you?,0,1,20180828-191127_844_live 2,I am good. Have you ever had a hit like this one?,1,0,20180828-191127_844_live 3,"No, I have not. I'm not really sure what to do. Maybe ask you to donate some of your earnings? Is that right?",1,1,20180828-191127_844_live 4,I guess we have to decide if we are going to donate at least some of our rewards to a good cause,2,0,20180828-191127_844_live 5,That is what I figured. It doesn't give you very clear instructions. All I know is that we have to at least take 10 chat turns lol,2,1,20180828-191127_844_live 6,That should be fairly easy. Did you check out the Save the Children charity?,3,0,20180828-191127_844_live 7,I have seen it. Would you like to donate? I am always willing to donate to the kids.,3,1,20180828-191127_844_live 8,I personally donate to the kids. I have 12 grandchildren and I know that if I had any special needs for them. I would need help. So since I have been blessed I still donate. ,4,0,20180828-191127_844_live 9,"Aaaawww...thats really good. I always donate to childrens hospital. My 4 yr old daughter is former 23 weeker and is also a cancer survivor. She was 2 yrs cancer free last month! So, I've been blessed as well as her. How much would you like to donate? I think we have to come to an agreement?",4,1,20180828-191127_844_live 10,"I think since we are willing to donate than, it should be an easy second half. How much are you willing to donate?",5,0,20180828-191127_844_live 11,"It should be lol...Well, I think maybe 50 cents?",5,1,20180828-191127_844_live 12,"I was thinking $1. It is a two dollar reward. I think? But if we both give .50, I guess that would be $1.",6,0,20180828-191127_844_live 13,Ok that sounds good to me. I think we have to chat 10 times each to end the hit. ,6,1,20180828-191127_844_live 14,So this is my seventh turn. We have 3 more,7,0,20180828-191127_844_live 15,yes we do. How old is your youngest grandchild? Where are you from?,7,1,20180828-191127_844_live 16,He is 3 months old and we live in Las Vegas. How about you?,8,0,20180828-191127_844_live 17,aaawww...babies are sweet. I have an 18 yr old daughter who started college on Monday and my 4 yr old. We live in Indiana. ,8,1,20180828-191127_844_live 18,I originally came from Chicago. What part of Indiana?,9,0,20180828-191127_844_live 19,Oh ok..We live in Indianapolis. Just bought a house on the Southeast side. My husband has family in South Chicago. ,9,1,20180828-191127_844_live 20,I guess we are done. Nice chatting. ,10,0,20180828-191127_844_live 21,Yes we are....Have a great night,10,1,20180828-191127_844_live 0,I know we're both turkin here and looking for a few extra pennies. Do you want to donate some of your task payment to Save the Children? It helps kids who probably don't have the chance to Turk...,0,0,20180828-162752_771_live 1,Can those kids use the internet?,0,1,20180828-162752_771_live 2,"Probably not. A lot of them don't get the opportunity, especially in war torn countries",1,0,20180828-162752_771_live 3,And do you think a small donation would get to them in time to help?,1,1,20180828-162752_771_live 4,"Not immediately. But on a whole scale, little slices can make change. We can't change the world today, but we can change it tomorrow",2,0,20180828-162752_771_live 5,That sounds hopeful. It would be nice to give them a better quality of life.,2,1,20180828-162752_771_live 6,I agree. I assume we both have the ability to get a roof over our heads and a meal. They don't have that. Would you consider donating some part of your task reward to Save the Children?,3,0,20180828-162752_771_live 7,How much do you think would be needed to help them?,3,1,20180828-162752_771_live 8,Everything helps. The task reward is 2 dollars. How about throwing half of that to the kids?,4,0,20180828-162752_771_live 9,"I don't think I can afford to do that, I really need the money as well.",4,1,20180828-162752_771_live 10,I understand that. Believe me I do. How about 50 cents?,5,0,20180828-162752_771_live 11,"I don't think i'm going to make a donation today, i'm sorry.",5,1,20180828-162752_771_live 12,that's very unfortunate. How about 25 cents. It would really help,6,0,20180828-162752_771_live 13,"Okay, sure I can do that.",6,1,20180828-162752_771_live 14,thank you so much,7,0,20180828-162752_771_live 15,You're very welcome,7,1,20180828-162752_771_live 16,It may seem small but this will make a big difference. Thank you so much for your time today and your donation,8,0,20180828-162752_771_live 17,"Sure, glad to help out",8,1,20180828-162752_771_live 18,"Thanks again, you can check out Save the Children's website if you like URL ",9,0,20180828-162752_771_live 19,"Great thanks, how do we close out this conversation?",9,1,20180828-162752_771_live 0,Hello,0,0,20180828-162137_37_live 1,Hello yourself. How are you today.,0,1,20180828-162137_37_live 2,I'm very good! Thanks. Are you interested in donating some of your payment to a children's charity?,1,0,20180828-162137_37_live 3,I'm sure I might be.,1,1,20180828-162137_37_live 4,"Okay, cool. So, it's basically going to an organisation that helps kids in war zones like Syria. They help make payments for things like formula and diapers. ",2,0,20180828-162137_37_live 5,That sounds like a good organization. I'd probably like to help them.,2,1,20180828-162137_37_live 6,That's great! They are a trustworthy organisation that has an international impact from hunger in the United States to medical aid in the middle east. Have you heard about the state of their hospitals? It's really a dire situation.,3,0,20180828-162137_37_live 7,"Are you asking me to donate? I could donate half of my bonus, or $1.00.",3,1,20180828-162137_37_live 8,I am! Every penny counts. It could be a great service to children across the world. It would be very generous of you. Have you made one before? Or to an aid cause like Save the Children?,4,0,20180828-162137_37_live 9,"Yes certainly I've donated before, from UNICEF to the Red Cross. I'm not really familiar with save the children however, but they seem worthwhile..",4,1,20180828-162137_37_live 10,"Their goals are pretty parallel with UNICEF, actually. Overall pretty broad as well. They help girls from different countries get the education they wouldn't otherwise receive among other support.",5,0,20180828-162137_37_live 11,Okay then. One dollar it is. I'm glad to help.,5,1,20180828-162137_37_live 12,"Awesome, thanks. I might add some too. It looks pretty reputable ",6,0,20180828-162137_37_live 13,"Is that it? If so, nice talking to you.",6,1,20180828-162137_37_live 14,I think we need at least ten messages each. Nice talking to you as well,7,0,20180828-162137_37_live 15,Ah! I haven't been counting. Do we need to chat some more?,7,1,20180828-162137_37_live 16,"Haha, I think so! ",8,0,20180828-162137_37_live 17,"Well then, about myself, I'm a grandfather and I care a lot about seeing that children are cared for. ",8,1,20180828-162137_37_live 18,"That's wonderful. I'm a college student myself. I actually room with a couple international students from impoverished countries. It's so different from the states. Many times, very sad. It's humbling.",9,0,20180828-162137_37_live 19,"Yes, I feel terrible when we send bombs and guns rather than food. The little ones can't do anything but suffer.",9,1,20180828-162137_37_live 20,"Yes, I agree. It was wonderful speaking with you, sir. Have a nice evening!",10,0,20180828-162137_37_live 21,The system wants an explicit donation agreement. It's $1,10,1,20180828-162137_37_live 0,"Hi, what do you think about the state of the world in general these days?",0,0,20180828-191949_798_live 1,"Thats a pretty loaded question, I think at the moment despite what the news shows us we are in the most documented peaceful time during at least my life time",0,1,20180828-191949_798_live 2,"Interesting answer, I think it's a mixture the world over",1,0,20180828-191949_798_live 3,"Can you clarify your answer a bit, what do you mean that its a mixture?",1,1,20180828-191949_798_live 4,"Of course many enjoy peace and prosperity, while others have to deal with severe problems associated with war, poverty and crime. etc.",2,0,20180828-191949_798_live 5,"While I can see what you are saying but currently all over the world we are experiencing a pretty peaceful time, even the wars or skirmishs that are occuring are slight ",2,1,20180828-191949_798_live 6,"If you look at the averages, I am sure you are right, But there are places where innocent civilians have to deal with very trying circumstances.",3,0,20180828-191949_798_live 7,The point is that currently its happening now much less. I'm more concerned with the global weather as a whole and some places running dangerously low on water than war,3,1,20180828-191949_798_live 8,"Yes, that is a real problem in places too",4,0,20180828-191949_798_live 9,What are your thoughts on global warming?,4,1,20180828-191949_798_live 10,I think it's a tough problem,5,0,20180828-191949_798_live 11,"I read that the great coral reef is about to go through a phase of bleaching and that its possible we could lose 1/3rd of it in the next 10 years roughly, which at least from this article could mean that fish could drastically die off if that were to happen",5,1,20180828-191949_798_live 12,Wow that would be terrible. ,6,0,20180828-191949_798_live 13,"Unfortunately I am not a marine biologist so all I have to go off is what they said, but I do believe we need to start trying to take better care of the planet as a whole. What do you think about the future of technology possibly affecting the slow down of the global climate change?",6,1,20180828-191949_798_live 14,"I think it's very important to try and use technology to deal with climate problems. I think technology, properly used has the ability to help with lots of problems.",7,0,20180828-191949_798_live 15,I agree completely I cant wait to see what stuff we come up with in the next decade,7,1,20180828-191949_798_live 16,"I think the possibilities are immense. While I am chatting with you, I'd like to invite you to consider donating some of your payment for this HIT to Save the Children, an organization that tries to help children in difficult circumstances around the world. YOu can choose how much you want to deduct, from 0 up to $2",8,0,20180828-191949_798_live 17,I'm choosing not to donate so 0,8,1,20180828-191949_798_live 18,"Ok, thanks for considering it, anyway. All the best to you!",9,0,20180828-191949_798_live 19,you too! ,9,1,20180828-191949_798_live 0,Have you ever heard of a Charity called Save the Children?,0,0,20180828-155952_523_live 1,no? tell me about it?,0,1,20180828-155952_523_live 2,Save the Children promotes childrens rights to health and education in developing countries.,1,0,20180828-155952_523_live 3,that's cool. do you know what they do specifically? ,1,1,20180828-155952_523_live 4,They give chldren access to the healthcare and food that they need to thrive.,2,0,20180828-155952_523_live 5,ok but by 'access'? do they actually give them food? ,2,1,20180828-155952_523_live 6,"They do actuallly provide them with food, they also reunite families that are torn apart by war. Its pretty cool.",3,0,20180828-155952_523_live 7,"very cool, i know politics is a big problem with hunger? how do they raise money?",3,1,20180828-155952_523_live 8,"They raise money through donations, many of the donations are from independant people like you and me. You can even donate a portion of the money earned on this task today to help Save the Children.",4,0,20180828-155952_523_live 9,"yeah, no. i'm poor. wish i could",4,1,20180828-155952_523_live 10,"I am as well, even one cent could help a child in a war torn country with the food and medical care that they desperately need.",5,0,20180828-155952_523_live 11,in the 80's i was part of something called 'the hunger project'. ever heart of it?,5,1,20180828-155952_523_live 12,I have not heard of that one,6,0,20180828-155952_523_live 13,well i was poor then too. but the idea was just to put the idea out there to end hunger by the 21st century ,6,1,20180828-155952_523_live 14,"I guess that failed. I wish it had been more successful, there ar many charities that fail, thats why I believe in mine so much.",7,0,20180828-155952_523_live 15,"yeah, but we're so much closer then we were",7,1,20180828-155952_523_live 16,That is very true. At least we are making some progress toward a common goal.,8,0,20180828-155952_523_live 17,"seriouly, does a penny really make a difference? it was the un that really changed things when it comes to hunger",8,1,20180828-155952_523_live 18,If every person out there donated just one cent imagine all of meals that could be provided to a hungry child.,9,0,20180828-155952_523_live 19,"yeah, and that child would have 10 more children, birth-control is what starving regions need",9,1,20180828-155952_523_live 20,"That may be true, but I feel that feeding the existing children is a moral obligation. I cannot imagine doing nothing and watching innocent children starve.",10,0,20180828-155952_523_live 21,hold my beer,10,1,20180828-155952_523_live 22,"Well, if you can find it in your heart to donate at least a portion of your earnings you would be a big part of the solution. Is a penny or a dime really too much to spare to help a poor child who will never have the advantages we have in life",11,0,20180828-155952_523_live 23,'if you can find it in your heart' is a great line. i've used it myself. but no,11,1,20180828-155952_523_live 24,"Well then, I have tried my best. Thank you for your time. Maybe in the future you will reconsider and help save the life of a child in need.",12,0,20180828-155952_523_live 25,is there anything else?,12,1,20180828-155952_523_live 0,"Hi, how are you doing today?",0,0,20180828-191043_249_live 1,Good how are you?,0,1,20180828-191043_249_live 2,I'm doing pretty good too. Having any issue completing this task?,1,0,20180828-191043_249_live 3,Yes I am,1,1,20180828-191043_249_live 4,What issue did you run into?,2,0,20180828-191043_249_live 5,What is the donation?,2,1,20180828-191043_249_live 6,It's whatever you wish to donate,3,0,20180828-191043_249_live 7,I wish to donate $1,3,1,20180828-191043_249_live 8,That's great. The money you donate will go to Save the children. We still have 5 turns left so i'll ask a few questions.,4,0,20180828-191043_249_live 9,Okay that's great,4,1,20180828-191043_249_live 10,Did you ever donate to Save the children before?,5,0,20180828-191043_249_live 11,No I have never donated to Save the children before,5,1,20180828-191043_249_live 12,Ok. Have you ever got the chance to donate to a charity before?,6,0,20180828-191043_249_live 13,Yes I have donated to a charity before. Have you?,6,1,20180828-191043_249_live 14,I have donated through this task yesterday but it was only 0.1$,7,0,20180828-191043_249_live 15,That's good to hear,7,1,20180828-191043_249_live 16,Yes. Do you have any other question for me,8,0,20180828-191043_249_live 17,"No, thanks for participating in this conversation",8,1,20180828-191043_249_live 18,"YOu're welcome, same to you",9,0,20180828-191043_249_live 19,Are we done here?,9,1,20180828-191043_249_live 0,Hello,0,0,20180828-171020_885_live 1,hi,0,1,20180828-171020_885_live 2,How are you? Where are you from?,1,0,20180828-171020_885_live 3,I'm good. I'm in Florida. what about you? ,1,1,20180828-171020_885_live 4,"I'm up in Seattle. I injured myself, so I have some time off from work and I'm giving MTurk a try, what about you?",2,0,20180828-171020_885_live 5,I have family in Washington. I've always wanted to visit the west coast. I've been turking a few years actually. I've decided to go back to college now that my kids are in school and it lets me work around my schedule ,2,1,20180828-171020_885_live 6,You should. It's great up here when it's not wild fire season and the smoke blankets everything. How old are you kids?,3,0,20180828-171020_885_live 7,They are out on Whidbey Island. The photos on facebook look beautiful. They are 9 and 5. Do you have any kids? ,3,1,20180828-171020_885_live 8,"My girlfriend and I went up there for a date weekend one time. Very nice little community. We don't have any kids, but she wants some. Right now I just do charity to help support families in need. I recently climbed a peak out here called Mount Olympus and raised $600 to go to the childrens hospital.",4,0,20180828-171020_885_live 9,That is really awesome. I definitely should volunteer more ,4,1,20180828-171020_885_live 10,Have you heard of Save the children?,5,0,20180828-171020_885_live 11,no I haven't. what is that for,5,1,20180828-171020_885_live 12,"They're a world wide organization that helps childrens and families in need - URL -- They help ensure childrens right to health, education, safety etc.",6,0,20180828-171020_885_live 13,That sounds like a very worthwhile charity.,6,1,20180828-171020_885_live 14,"Yeah, the cool thing about them is they partner with MTurk, so you can donate some or all of your payment.",7,0,20180828-171020_885_live 15,I've seen a lot of HITs that work with charities. It is great to give people the easy option ,7,1,20180828-171020_885_live 16,"Yeah, I don't mind donating a few cents or small percentage. I mean I'm sitting comfy at home. Even though I'm not working and I owe medical bills for my injury, there's still a ton of people out there, especially children that need help and can't get it. I'm going to donate some for this one. Do you want to as well?",8,0,20180828-171020_885_live 17,I usually don't because since I have become a single mom it's been hard to make ends meet and I feel slightly guilty making donations while I am getting assistance myself,8,1,20180828-171020_885_live 18,"That's rough. I totally feel you there. I'm on short-term disability and receiving money from the union, insurance, and people from the jobsite. The way I look at it is I am not donating that assistance, I'm donating my time. If I earn a buck for a turk for a minute, and I donate a few cents, then I'm not using the money people gave me, just my free time.",9,0,20180828-171020_885_live 19,That is a good way to look at it. I struggle to view it as my free time lol. It's my only income right now while in school. Living off loans and assistance except the rare occassion i get child support. how much are you donating?,9,1,20180828-171020_885_live 20,"Yeah, I've done the unemployment worker retraining thing while in school, and I've got no income right now since I work construction. I recently went out to see a movie with a friend and bought a book on sale and felt guilty that people at the job donated their money to help pay my bills, but I'm not abusing it. This turk is what, 2 bucks? I'll probably do a quarter or something. It's an easy turk to pass time and I still get something out of it.",10,0,20180828-171020_885_live 21,sounds like a fair enough donation. i'll do the same,10,1,20180828-171020_885_live 22,I might do abit more. How much do you want to donate? It'll be directly deducted from your task and can do 0 - $2.,11,0,20180828-171020_885_live 0,"Hi, would you be interested in donating some of your bonus to a charity?",0,0,20180828-230057_631_live 1,"Mybe , Maybe not . That depends on the charity :)",0,1,20180828-230057_631_live 2,It would be for a charity meant to help young kids. Save the Children is its name. It would mean a lot! It all adds up and makes a difference in their lives :),1,0,20180828-230057_631_live 3,hmmm Im not really big on that one but thanks for the offer,1,1,20180828-230057_631_live 4,"Do you ever like to donate toward causes? If so, what kinds stand out to you?",2,0,20180828-230057_631_live 5,I dont really like to donate . Especially to anything big. If I did though it would be to local animal shelters. Animals are close to my heart,2,1,20180828-230057_631_live 6,"What do you mean by anything big? Wouldn't it be nice to donate toward something 'big' enough to help others in a meaningful way? I love animal causes though, and definitely agree.",3,0,20180828-230057_631_live 7,big as in they have a huge advertising budget and ceos get huge money like Susan G Komen and charities like that,3,1,20180828-230057_631_live 8,"That's always horrible. This childrens cause though is just from the university, all the proceeds go to them directly. I don't think it's about turning a profit, as much as it providing kids food, school supplies, safe homes, etc. To those in terrible situations who need it.",4,0,20180828-230057_631_live 9,That is sad. Is it local ? I dont think 1 penny should go overseas when there is so much suffering here,4,1,20180828-230057_631_live 10,"I just looked that up for you - theyre actually headquartered in London, but they serve 120 countries around the world. This includes the US too",5,0,20180828-230057_631_live 11,Well thats good but if I were to donate to something it would have to be 100 % USA .. America First . Honestly though Id rather help animals,5,1,20180828-230057_631_live 12,What are your thoughts when other countries pool efforts to help americans?,6,0,20180828-230057_631_live 13,When does that ever happen ?,6,1,20180828-230057_631_live 14,"After the 9/11 attacks, what is often overlooked is that many other countries donated toward the US to try and help. Even people in countries in the middle east and so on. I think its always really nice when people overlook any differences or distance to try and help others in need.",7,0,20180828-230057_631_live 15,Well that is nice but those occurences are rare. Like the president said we have to put ourselves first because no other country will... Hence America First,7,1,20180828-230057_631_live 16,"I think if everyone thought like that, nobody would get helped. The only people who would be okay would be those born rich and advantaged.",8,0,20180828-230057_631_live 17,"Well I think we have a big disagreement on how much other people help us . I think Houston, New Jersey, Hurricane Katrina have taught us we have to depend on ourselves",8,1,20180828-230057_631_live 18,How much do you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment ($2).,9,0,20180828-230057_631_live 19,I will choose $0 . Overseas need is just nothing that tugs at my heart . ,9,1,20180828-230057_631_live 0,hello how are you?,0,0,20180828-180224_618_live 1,good evening! How was your day? what did you do to stay busy?,0,1,20180828-180224_618_live 2,I am feeling ill today so I did not do much.,1,0,20180828-180224_618_live 3,sorry to hear that! do you have the flu or a cold?,1,1,20180828-180224_618_live 4,I think it's a cold. No fun at all. ,2,0,20180828-180224_618_live 5,the upside to being sick is that it is a good excuse to be lazy and watch tv. did you watch anything good? my favorite show these days is goliath.,2,1,20180828-180224_618_live 6,I'm watching ER. Have you heard about the organization Save the Children?,3,0,20180828-180224_618_live 7,ER is classic. What is Save the Children?,3,1,20180828-180224_618_live 8,". Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries",4,0,20180828-180224_618_live 9,I like that it is non-governmental. I think government should stay out of charities. I'm all about minimal government.,4,1,20180828-180224_618_live 10,I totally agree. It has a very good reputation and has made a great impact in the world.,5,0,20180828-180224_618_live 11,do you know what they do with their donations? i hear many organizations use donations to pay CEOs instead of going towards the cause.,5,1,20180828-180224_618_live 12,Our independently audited financial statements consistently show that nearly 9 out of every 10 dollars we spend goes to programs and services for children and families in need. We keep administrative costs low so that more funding goes to children's programs.,6,0,20180828-180224_618_live 13,that is reassuring. My charitable donations are limited due to budgetary constraints so i am happy to hear this is a worthy charity.,6,1,20180828-180224_618_live 14,How much do you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment ($2).,7,0,20180828-180224_618_live 15,I will donate 10 cents.,7,1,20180828-180224_618_live 16,Small donations will indeed help a lot of children and their families. ,8,0,20180828-180224_618_live 17,are you going to donate also?,8,1,20180828-180224_618_live 18,I plan to donate 10 cents as well. ,9,0,20180828-180224_618_live 19,great. Imagine if everyone did the same what a difference it would make.,9,1,20180828-180224_618_live 0,"Hello, I would like to talk to you today about a Charity called Save the children",0,0,20180828-150559_96_live 1,"Wonderful, I have heard of it but don't know too much about it.",0,1,20180828-150559_96_live 2,"Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",1,0,20180828-150559_96_live 3,That is wonderful work.,1,1,20180828-150559_96_live 4,"It really is, there are a lot of children that arre in a lot of need. they really need your support. ",2,0,20180828-150559_96_live 5,How did you get involved with this organization?,2,1,20180828-150559_96_live 6,"Well you can start by helping out today, I know we are both going to get a bonus today for this hit. but millions of Syrian children have grown up facing the daily threat of violence. In the first two months of 2018 alone, 1,000 children were reportedly killed or injured in intensifying violence",3,0,20180828-150559_96_live 7,"That is horrible, what can I do?",3,1,20180828-150559_96_live 8,Is there anyway that you could see fit to donate part of all of your bonus for this hit?,4,0,20180828-150559_96_live 9,"Yes, I will gladly donate all of my bonus.",4,1,20180828-150559_96_live 10,"Thats fantastic, I will be donating mine as well",5,0,20180828-150559_96_live 11,I hope many people do as it is a good thing to do.,5,1,20180828-150559_96_live 12,Here is a website for you to look at later. URL ,6,0,20180828-150559_96_live 13,Thank you so much. I will read about them.,6,1,20180828-150559_96_live 14,They also have a very high percentage rating which is great,7,0,20180828-150559_96_live 15,Where is the organization based?,7,1,20180828-150559_96_live 16,Its in The US but they help everywhere,8,0,20180828-150559_96_live 17,Do they receive a lot of donations?,8,1,20180828-150559_96_live 18,They do but there is so much need. They helped Texas when the hurricane hit there.,9,0,20180828-150559_96_live 19,"That is so wonderful, what devastation!",9,1,20180828-150559_96_live 20,Thank you for donating,10,0,20180828-150559_96_live 21,You are welcome!,10,1,20180828-150559_96_live 0,We really need some donations for Save the Children in any amount of money,0,0,20180828-192229_245_live 1,"Alright, is it non profit? ",0,1,20180828-192229_245_live 2,Yes it is,1,0,20180828-192229_245_live 3,"Does it help children in developing nations or all nations, or? ",1,1,20180828-192229_245_live 4,"Yes it helps children in all developing countries, you can donate some of this task pay if you wish",2,0,20180828-192229_245_live 5,"Thank you, how do they allocate funds? As in does most go to cover their overhead? ",2,1,20180828-192229_245_live 6,"No they take the funds and give it to the Charity and they use it for the children. There are just so many ways this helps the kids. It helps kids from starving and with education,safety etc",3,0,20180828-192229_245_live 7,"Than i would like to donate 1/2 of this task pay, so $1",3,1,20180828-192229_245_live 8,"Ok, great. That is very nice of you. The research team will collect and send it to Save the children. Have you donated to charities before/",4,0,20180828-192229_245_live 9,"Yes, somewhat frequently. I just like knowing how.funds are allocated before donating. Too many non-profits use more donations to cover costs than to help the cause they claim to support. You?",4,1,20180828-192229_245_live 10,Yeah and I don't blame you.Can I ask you where you are from?,5,0,20180828-192229_245_live 11,"I live Michigan, right on Lake Huron and the Candian border",5,1,20180828-192229_245_live 12,"I'm in Michigan also, right on the Ohio border. How long have you been doing Mturks",6,0,20180828-192229_245_live 13,"Just over a month now. How about you, and do you enjoy it? ",6,1,20180828-192229_245_live 14,"That's funny, about the same time frame and yes I do because I do it when I'm not busy at work and at night watching t.v. How about yourself?",7,0,20180828-192229_245_live 15,"I work midnights, in a slow paced environment, so i frequently turk at work. It has definitely been worth it so far! ",7,1,20180828-192229_245_live 16,Do you mind me asking how much you made your first month.,8,0,20180828-192229_245_live 17,I have made a bit over $500 so far. I joined July 29(i think),8,1,20180828-192229_245_live 18,"Wow, how many hits is that? I've only made a little over 100.00 Any advise?",9,0,20180828-192229_245_live 19,"I have around 4,000 submitted. I work on it for about 4 hours when at work due to having nothing to do. I use PANDA on the rare occasions i do it at home on my computer. Those days(using that) i easily clear $30-$40 for 4hours. If you turk with a computer it is worth it to download and learn to use it. At night though i just work on whatever is available throughout the night. ",9,1,20180828-192229_245_live 20,Is PANDA for Mturks?,10,0,20180828-192229_245_live 21,"Yes, simple once you get the hang of it, but it took me a little while. I'm not that great with computers though beyond basic functions. PANDA is a script",10,1,20180828-192229_245_live 22,"I've heard of it but haven't downloaded it yet but I guess I should. One last thing, Do scripts make your turking faster or what is the meaning of them. I know computers but never used scripts.",11,0,20180828-192229_245_live 0,Hello there.,0,0,20180828-215629_975_live 1,"Hey, how are you doing today?",0,1,20180828-215629_975_live 2,"Not terrible. SO, in order to complete this task, I am supposed to convince you to donate part of your award to Save The Children.",1,0,20180828-215629_975_live 3,"Alright, tell me about that then.",1,1,20180828-215629_975_live 4,"Pretty basic. You can decide between 0-2 dollars to donate. I mean, Save the Children is a well known charity with a really high score for using their donations for actual charitable work",2,0,20180828-215629_975_live 5,Well I've never been much of a charity person and don't know anything about Charities other than more than a few aren't very truthful about what they do.,2,1,20180828-215629_975_live 6,"Believe me, I understand on that one. Save the Children is really transparent about how they spend their money. Not to mention you can look at several different sites online that rank how truthful charitable organizations are. I have to use these a lot. I am a disabled veteran, and there are a lot of socalled veteran groups out there. ",3,0,20180828-215629_975_live 7,Even then what's really to convince me to make a donation in the first place? I'm not exactly in a great situation myself.,3,1,20180828-215629_975_live 8,"It is your choice, either way. Basically 2 bucks might make a difference to you, but makes a huge difference to a hurting child in another country. I am not going to bug you, if you can't afford it, I respect that.",4,0,20180828-215629_975_live 9,"Well, your goal is to convince me.",4,1,20180828-215629_975_live 10,"True. Pretty much, breaks down like this. Your donation, of any amount, will help children around the world live better lives. The charity is well respected. The amount is small. ",5,0,20180828-215629_975_live 11,"Have you donated to the charity before? Yes, the amount may seem small but I'm in need of it too.",5,1,20180828-215629_975_live 12,"Yes, I have. As a matter of fact, I donated a hundred bucks two weeks ago.",6,0,20180828-215629_975_live 13,"And if you, as well as other people are able to do that does the $2 from me really matter that much? Not to mention you probably didn't have to skip a meal to make that donation either.",6,1,20180828-215629_975_live 14,"That is fair. So, if you cannot afford it, choose to donate 0. Charity is a very personal decision.",7,0,20180828-215629_975_live 15,So you have no other means to try and convince me with?,7,1,20180828-215629_975_live 16,"If I cannot convince you by either checking out the charity yourself, or thinking about making a difference in the lives of poverty stricken children around the world, you probably would not donate no matter how much money you had.",8,0,20180828-215629_975_live 17,So you believe I am just a selfish person with no desire to help others regardless of how well or poorly I am personally doing?,8,1,20180828-215629_975_live 18,"I did not mean to insult you personally. I am simply saying that I can give you the facts of what the charity is, and what my purpose is for convincing you. If you cannot afford it, I am not making any value judgments based on that. So, how much do you want to donate, 0-2?",9,0,20180828-215629_975_live 19,I'll just go with a 50/50 split and donate $1. everyone deserves a chance at life.,9,1,20180828-215629_975_live 20,Awesome. Thanks. ,10,0,20180828-215629_975_live 21,Have a good night.,10,1,20180828-215629_975_live 0,Hello there.,0,0,20180828-204943_168_live 1,Hi! How are you?,0,1,20180828-204943_168_live 2,I'm doing well thanks. Im glad we have a chance to talk. Are things going good for you?,1,0,20180828-204943_168_live 3,Yes. Work is a bit stressful. But overall everything's going pretty nicely.,1,1,20180828-204943_168_live 4,Totally understandable. Do you consider yourself a charitable person? I know I'm guilty of not doing all i can sometimes.,2,0,20180828-204943_168_live 5,I donate to charity sometimes. But often I don't really bother. Overall I guess I'm fairly charitable.,2,1,20180828-204943_168_live 6,I think its easy to forget about how hard others have it sometimes. I've done a little more lately. I have to say it feels good. I found a great organization that helps children in developing countries.,3,0,20180828-204943_168_live 7,"Yes, that's very true. Everybody gets so caught up in their own drama that we forget the problems that others are having.",3,1,20180828-204943_168_live 8,Would you have any interest in learning about Save the Children? You are able to make a donation with some or all of your incoming payment for this task. It's amazing how much this has helped.,4,0,20180828-204943_168_live 9,I am truly interested in that charity and helping others but I'm not able to donate at this time for personal reasons. Sorry.,4,1,20180828-204943_168_live 10,"No judgement is ever passed. Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries. URL URL Visit for more info.",5,0,20180828-204943_168_live 11,Thank you very much. I will look into that for sure. Perhaps in the future I will be able to make a donation.,5,1,20180828-204943_168_live 12,I just want to be sure you do not wish me to ask How much do you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment ($2) Please understand I must do my part as well.,6,0,20180828-204943_168_live 13,At this point I'm not able to donate anything so $0.,6,1,20180828-204943_168_live 14,I hope great things come for you and your loved ones. Thanks for your consideration.,7,0,20180828-204943_168_live 15,Thank you very much. I wish you all the best as well!,7,1,20180828-204943_168_live 16,Goodbye for now.,8,0,20180828-204943_168_live 17,Bye. It was nice talking to you! Have a great night!,8,1,20180828-204943_168_live 18,You as well Please feel free to close out of chat whenver convinient ,9,0,20180828-204943_168_live 19,Thank you very much again!,9,1,20180828-204943_168_live 0,Hello....how are you?,0,0,20180828-194258_519_live 1,"Hi, how's it going? I'm not bad, tired though",0,1,20180828-194258_519_live 2,I feel the same. It's been a long day.,1,0,20180828-194258_519_live 3,"Yeah... so what are we supposed to talk about, as far as social issues?",1,1,20180828-194258_519_live 4,"Well, there is a charity called Save The Children that is desperate for donations no matter how small to help children in war torn and third world countries. How do you feel about that?",2,0,20180828-194258_519_live 5,"I've heard about the organization. I guess I would be willing to make a small donation towards the org, but I wish the process of how the money gets to these countries was more transparent",2,1,20180828-194258_519_live 6,I know what you mean but I'm willing to donate a little. I keep thinking that if everyone just gave $1 how that could add up to really help some poor kids. I was lucky to have everything I needed when I was growing up. I would like to try to help someone else.,3,0,20180828-194258_519_live 7,"Yeah, I grew up pretty poor, not third world poor, but I know what it\'s like to go hungry. It\'s terrible and there really is enough wealth in the world to ""solve"" poverty. Honestly governments and corporations could work together to do this, but yeah, every person donating say $1 a day of course makes a difference too",3,1,20180828-194258_519_live 8,How much would you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment which is $2.,4,0,20180828-194258_519_live 9,I'll donate $0.10.,4,1,20180828-194258_519_live 10,"Ok, thanks! The research team will collect all donations and send them to Save The Children.",5,0,20180828-194258_519_live 11,"Awesome, thanks for chatting.",5,1,20180828-194258_519_live 12,"Thanks, have a nice day!",6,0,20180828-194258_519_live 13,You too. Bye!,6,1,20180828-194258_519_live 14,I think we have to chat a bit longer. I think we're supposed to each do 10 chats and we've only done 7.,7,0,20180828-194258_519_live 15,"Oh ok, it says to go until a donation agreement is reached. How much will you donate? ",7,1,20180828-194258_519_live 16,I'm willing to donate $1.,8,0,20180828-194258_519_live 17,"You're very generous. 1/2 your payment. Going by the tithing rule (10%), I should have donated $0.20. :)",8,1,20180828-194258_519_live 18,I just feel that I like to share since it is money I didn't expect to make in the first place. There's always someone out there who has it worse than I do by far and if $1 helps it will make me feel good to help even just a little.,9,0,20180828-194258_519_live 19,"True, true, that makes sense. I guess I'm more pragmatic. Sure, there are people out there who have it relatively worse than us, but it's still a struggle, and I can't justify giving up half my earnings. I mean, for me, this is my side income (Mturk). Anyway, hope we're close to 10 chats",9,1,20180828-194258_519_live 20,We finally did the 10 chats! Thanks for your donation! Every little bit does help. Goodbye!,10,0,20180828-194258_519_live 0,"Hello, I would like to talk to you about making a donation to Save the Children",0,0,20180828-151914_101_live 1,"Okay, if you don",0,1,20180828-151914_101_live 2,"Your donation will help to ensure children's rights to healthcare, education, safety, etc",1,0,20180828-151914_101_live 3,Does this money that goes for donation stay here in the United States?,1,1,20180828-151914_101_live 4,"No, not all of it will stay in the United states",2,0,20180828-151914_101_live 5,Is there a specific age or race of children that Save the Children are looking to benefit?,2,1,20180828-151914_101_live 6,"No, they don't have any prejudice like that, it's strictly to help children in general who are in need",3,0,20180828-151914_101_live 7,This allows doctors to go to other countries? I am trying to understand how it is decided what child in need gets the help.,3,1,20180828-151914_101_live 8,This link will give you all the information you seek URL ,4,0,20180828-151914_101_live 9,Okay I will be sure and research the organization to better understand.,4,1,20180828-151914_101_live 10,"Ok Great, How much would you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all of your payment ($2).",5,0,20180828-151914_101_live 11,Lets do $1.00 for now but I am glad you have made me aware of an organization that I can look into in order to help others. ,5,1,20180828-151914_101_live 12,"Thank you so much for your donation, every bit helps :)",6,0,20180828-151914_101_live 13,No problem. I do understand how every little bit helps and how we do not have to give as much if we can get others involved and for a good cause.,6,1,20180828-151914_101_live 14,"Ok, The research team will collect all donations and send it to Save the Children.",7,0,20180828-151914_101_live 15,Sounds great. Is there are reason that you have chosen to raise money for Save the Children?,7,1,20180828-151914_101_live 16,I believe every child deserves the chance to have food in their bellies and an education to be able to help others when they get to adulthood.,8,0,20180828-151914_101_live 17,This is so true. The reason I ask is because I have cared for abused and neglected children and see the results and how it effects them for the rest of their lives.,8,1,20180828-151914_101_live 18,"Yes, I sure hope we are able to raise a lot of money for this very worthy cause.",9,0,20180828-151914_101_live 19,I am very curious to how the decision is made and what type of medical care they plan to deliver.,9,1,20180828-151914_101_live 0,Do you feel like the children of the world should be better looked out for?,0,0,20180828-151016_679_live 1,Yes I do. I believe there are lots of vulnerable and helpless children everywhere who deserve a lot more than they are getting.,0,1,20180828-151016_679_live 2,"Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries. Have you heard of them before?",1,0,20180828-151016_679_live 3,"Yes, I have heard of them before and it has all been good things. I like organizations who take care of our children.",1,1,20180828-151016_679_live 4,Save the Children believe no child should go to bed hungry and it's their goal to make this a reality.,2,0,20180828-151016_679_live 5,That is a very noble goal and I hope that lot's of people get behind them so they can continue to do what they are doing.,2,1,20180828-151016_679_live 6,How can this world have so many wealth people but yet have so many people who are suffering! Do you feel like those who are well off should do more to help? Doesn't it upset you when they don't?,3,0,20180828-151016_679_live 7,"Well I don't think the amount of wealth has much to do with it. I think it has to do with what is in people's hearts. Whether you are rich or poor, it all comes down to whether you are a giving person.",3,1,20180828-151016_679_live 8,Exactly! I could never turn a blind eye to those who are in need. How about you?,4,0,20180828-151016_679_live 9,I agree completely. I give to all sorts of non profit organizations and charities whenever I can. I just imagine that if I am ever in need that I would want someone to help me.,4,1,20180828-151016_679_live 10,"In the first two months of 2018 alone, 1,000 children were reportedly killed or injured in Syria. Insane numbers right!?!?",5,0,20180828-151016_679_live 11,That is really sad! What was the cause of that? War?,5,1,20180828-151016_679_live 12,It is a civil war between those in power and those who feel the need to fight back for a better life.,6,0,20180828-151016_679_live 13,So basically they are harming the ones who would one be their future leaders and the ones taking care of them.,6,1,20180828-151016_679_live 14,It's a despicable mes i tell you! Would you be willing to donate something to help them? our donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment ($2).,7,0,20180828-151016_679_live 15,"I will probably do that for sure. Every little bit helps and if everyone does something, it will make the load a little lighter.",7,1,20180828-151016_679_live 16,The research team will collect all donations and send it to Save the Children. I'm going to give some of my earnings as well.,8,0,20180828-151016_679_live 17,That is great to hear. Who knows the impact that they will make over the course of time.,8,1,20180828-151016_679_live 18,I wish more people would open up their hearts and try to help the way you did.,9,0,20180828-151016_679_live 19,Well I'm sure there are lots out there who would if they could.,9,1,20180828-151016_679_live 0,Hello there.,0,0,20180828-200654_46_live 1,Hello! ,0,1,20180828-200654_46_live 2,I hope you are well today.,1,0,20180828-200654_46_live 3,Same to you.,1,1,20180828-200654_46_live 4,I am doing well thank you. It seems there alot of otheres who could use our help. Do you consider yourself a charitable person?,2,0,20180828-200654_46_live 5,"It would seem that way as well. I do consider myself a charitable person, I enjoy helping others when I can, even if its not by financial means. What about yourself?",2,1,20180828-200654_46_live 6,It always feels good when we can make a difference in the world and impact someones life. I try to do that as often as possible.,3,0,20180828-200654_46_live 7,That is so true. Do you believe that we as humans have a universal obligation to take care of one another when possible?,3,1,20180828-200654_46_live 8,I think that is the true nature of life. Would you be interested in helping today by donating to a great charity called Save The Children?,4,0,20180828-200654_46_live 9,Do you have more information on this charity?,4,1,20180828-200654_46_live 10,"Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries. Any donation would be made by a portion or all of the incoming payment you have for this task.",5,0,20180828-200654_46_live 11,"Sure, I would not mind making a donation.",5,1,20180828-200654_46_live 12,How much do you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment ($2).,6,0,20180828-200654_46_live 13,I would like to donate $0.20.,6,1,20180828-200654_46_live 14,Your donation of $.20 is greatly apprecaited and is a big part in making a difference. Thank you so much!,7,0,20180828-200654_46_live 15,"Of course, I love to help in any way that I can.",7,1,20180828-200654_46_live 16,I hope you have a great night and thank you again so much. If you would like any further information on Save the Children please visit URL ,8,0,20180828-200654_46_live 17,Of course! I hope you have an amazing night!,8,1,20180828-200654_46_live 18,Thank you bye now.,9,0,20180828-200654_46_live 19,"Thank you, goodbye!",9,1,20180828-200654_46_live 0,you want to help kids?,0,0,20180828-182401_548_live 1,Sometimes. What kind of kids?,0,1,20180828-182401_548_live 2,kids in poverty without families?,1,0,20180828-182401_548_live 3,I already donate time and money. Are these kids from the US?,1,1,20180828-182401_548_live 4,"yes, and other places. Only 10 cents a day?",2,0,20180828-182401_548_live 5,"I'm not sure, how will it help them?",2,1,20180828-182401_548_live 6,provide basic needs like,3,0,20180828-182401_548_live 7,Who is the organization?,3,1,20180828-182401_548_live 8,save the children...very well know ,4,0,20180828-182401_548_live 9,"oh, save the children. ",4,1,20180828-182401_548_live 10,"right. they provide shelter, school, food, clothing...interested in helping?",5,0,20180828-182401_548_live 11,what will my ten cents do?,5,1,20180828-182401_548_live 12,mostly for shelter and food and to a lesser degree education....,6,0,20180828-182401_548_live 13,So how do I donate?,6,1,20180828-182401_548_live 14,"easy , contact save the children on the internet",7,0,20180828-182401_548_live 15,"So, just get ahold of them?",7,1,20180828-182401_548_live 16,"right, give them contact information. do you have a bank account?",8,0,20180828-182401_548_live 17,"no, i do not have one",8,1,20180828-182401_548_live 18,Do you have a debit card?,9,0,20180828-182401_548_live 19,"nope, only cash",9,1,20180828-182401_548_live 20,thanks for your help,10,0,20180828-182401_548_live 21,have a good night!,10,1,20180828-182401_548_live 0,Hello would you be interested in make a donation from a portion of your earnings from this hit?,0,0,20180828-191231_142_live 1,"I might be interested, but I would like some more information!",0,1,20180828-191231_142_live 2,It is for a charity called Save the Children URL that is the website.,1,0,20180828-191231_142_live 3,I am looking at the website now! Do you recommend this charity?,1,1,20180828-191231_142_live 4,"Highly recommend it! In the first two months of 2018 alone, 1,000 children were reportedly killed or injured in intensifying violence. This helps those children heal",2,0,20180828-191231_142_live 5,Would you donate if you were me?,2,1,20180828-191231_142_live 6,Of course! I already donated 2 dollars which is a typical amount.,3,0,20180828-191231_142_live 7,Will I know where my donation is going?,3,1,20180828-191231_142_live 8,They are renowned for having one of the lowest administrative costs of all charities. Aside from the cause itself it is one of the main reasons I donated myself.,4,0,20180828-191231_142_live 9,"That sounds great, thank you for your information. I would like to donate $1.00.",4,1,20180828-191231_142_live 10,"That is fantastic! I\'m so glad to hear that. I don\'t want to be overbearing but typically people will donate $2. That extra dollar means so much more to them than you or I. Like Neil Young said, \'it doesn\'t mean that much to me to mean that much to you""",5,0,20180828-191231_142_live 11,"I usually like more time to research charities before I commit a lot of money to them! This seems like a reputable charity from what I can see, but at this time I would only like to donate $1.00.",5,1,20180828-191231_142_live 12,I completely understand that and since you aren't comfortable with the 2 dollar donation I can just put you down for a 1.75. ,6,0,20180828-191231_142_live 13,"That's all right! $1.00 will work for me today, but thank you.",6,1,20180828-191231_142_live 14,"Alright I completely understand, but for less than what you can even buy a soda for, five additional children could eat for an entire day with a donation of 1.50. ",7,0,20180828-191231_142_live 15,I will be happy to donate further once I have a chance to further research! I hope that my $1.00 will be helpful. ,7,1,20180828-191231_142_live 16,"Your dollar will be extraordinarily helpful, and your donation will help several children. I'm sure you'd like to be apart of keeping at least a few more alive? Your donation is all set at 1.30",8,0,20180828-191231_142_live 17,"Perhaps we can compromise at $1.25, but that's all I can really do today!",8,1,20180828-191231_142_live 18,1.25 is great! I'm sure it will go a long way with helping the children. I make sure your donation is set at 1.25. Do you have any other questions?,9,0,20180828-191231_142_live 19,"No, I don't think so, and thank you for your help!",9,1,20180828-191231_142_live 0,Hi I am in need of donations for Save the children how much would you like to donate now?,0,0,20180828-202033_549_live 1,Hi. I can donate $2.,0,1,20180828-202033_549_live 2,Great. Your donation will get to the save the children foundation by the research team.,1,0,20180828-202033_549_live 3,That's great. Thank you. ,1,1,20180828-202033_549_live 4,"Just for reference the reason we do this is because millions of Syrian children have grown up facing the daily threat of violence. In the first two months of 2018 alone, 1,000 children were reportedly killed or injured in intensifying violence. ",2,0,20180828-202033_549_live 5,Can you tell me if my $2 donation will be able to cover a specific item or service for a Syrian child? ,2,1,20180828-202033_549_live 6,"I do know that it goes towards children's rights to health, education, safety, etc.",3,0,20180828-202033_549_live 7,who is the research team?,3,1,20180828-202033_549_live 8,You can find out that information at URL there is an email there as well as other information on where your donations goes and for what it is applied too.,4,0,20180828-202033_549_live 9,okay. thanks for that information. I don't see any other explicit directions here in the task description and am a little perplexed about next steps.,4,1,20180828-202033_549_live 10,I think we have to take 10 chat turns each. ,5,0,20180828-202033_549_live 11,okie doke. aquarius. 39. democrat. suburbs. artist. mother. you?,5,1,20180828-202033_549_live 12,Not sure what all those words meant im assuming morse code..lol me.38.mom.warehouse.demo.suburbstoo,6,0,20180828-202033_549_live 13,"lololol, it was like, all about me in one-word sentences. :D to expand, i'm an artsy fartsy lefty almost 40 year old with toddlers and I get stoned and do this for extra cash after they go to bed at night. you?",6,1,20180828-202033_549_live 14,A little of the same i guess. No stoner though.my son is autistic so all my attention goes to him. lol,7,0,20180828-202033_549_live 15,mine is four and SPD and definitely neuroatypical and has pragmatic language delays. ,7,1,20180828-202033_549_live 16,Its crazy how many children these days have some sort of learning disability. They say its not something in vaccines or this gmo food that everything is made of but i beg to differ. somethings up because back in our day it was seldom a kid with a disability. they are everywhere now,8,0,20180828-202033_549_live 17,"I know. It's really strange and scary. And I feel like sometimes maybe it was our fault. Like, I remember all the time eating microwave foods with the plastic wrap all over them, and microwaving tupperware. Our moms were doing god knows what with Pine Sol and Palmolive and Johnson's Baby Powder....!!!!!!!",8,1,20180828-202033_549_live 18,"Girl yes. I agree. Its alot of everything. all the technology,radiation,unhealthy habits. our generation went through change of everything. from no cell phone to cell phones as small as pens. from 8 tracks to mp3 and ipod. from no internet to survive you have to have internet. i was thinking about how we have seen it all in our lifetime.",9,0,20180828-202033_549_live 19,"yes, yes. we are the ones who went from analog to digital! like, we didn't have car seats growing up, we just tumbled around in back! like, it's a miracle we are even here! we really have. we saw the end of apartheid and the fall of the berlin wall, my god",9,1,20180828-202033_549_live 20,Yep i know thats right. Well it was nice talking to you. I hope you have a good night message me if you want helpforbraylen at gmail dot com,10,0,20180828-202033_549_live 21,bless you! you take care of yourself!! <3,10,1,20180828-202033_549_live 0,"Greetings, I would like to discuss with you the charity Save the Children.",0,0,20180828-155133_109_live 1,hello greetings,0,1,20180828-155133_109_live 2,Too many children die from hunger.,1,0,20180828-155133_109_live 3,"yes i know, i have seen many news about that",1,1,20180828-155133_109_live 4,"Very sad. This is why I support Save the Children's efforts to help ensure the rights, safety and education of children as well as making sure they are fed.",2,0,20180828-155133_109_live 5,yes i understand,2,1,20180828-155133_109_live 6,"Would you like to donate some of your bonus payment to the charity Save the Children today? You could choose to donate any amount, from $0 up to $2.",3,0,20180828-155133_109_live 7,but i need money because i have finantial problems,3,1,20180828-155133_109_live 8,I do understand how that can be. But even .10 could go a long way overseas. Thank you for your consideration.,4,0,20180828-155133_109_live 9,"ok ok, i am thinking and i can donate 0.10 $ because i really help thoses people",4,1,20180828-155133_109_live 10,Your .10 would be greatly appreciated! How do you hope it will be used? ,5,0,20180828-155133_109_live 11,i hope this can be used to buy food and water,5,1,20180828-155133_109_live 12,"The most essential life needs besides sleep, some of your .10 should definitely go to food and water. Do you support GMO crops if they help end world hunger?",6,0,20180828-155133_109_live 13,yes i agree,6,1,20180828-155133_109_live 14,"It would be good in my opinion as well. Just to clarify, you will be donating .10 to Save the Children today?",7,0,20180828-155133_109_live 15,yes you are right,7,1,20180828-155133_109_live 16,Thank you for choosing to donate .10 to Save the Children.,8,0,20180828-155133_109_live 17,thanks you to ask me.,8,1,20180828-155133_109_live 18,You're a very welcome. Have a great rest of your day!,9,0,20180828-155133_109_live 19,"you too, and i ll think about this the next time",9,1,20180828-155133_109_live 0,Hello. Would you like to donate to a children's charity called Save the Children today?,0,0,20180828-192601_768_live 1,How much of my donation would go directly to the children and not the foundation?,0,1,20180828-192601_768_live 2,All of it will go to the charity. You can donate $0 to $2.,1,0,20180828-192601_768_live 3,Will my donation just help children in my country or will it be sent to other countries?,1,1,20180828-192601_768_live 4,It is used to help children internationally. So it will help children in your country and in other countries.,2,0,20180828-192601_768_live 5,What kind of children are supported by your organization?,2,1,20180828-192601_768_live 6,Mostly children in developing countries. ,3,0,20180828-192601_768_live 7,Is there any way i could specify that i want my donation to be used to help children in my country?,3,1,20180828-192601_768_live 8,"Your donation will help ensure children's rights to health, education, and safety. However, I do not believe you will be able to specify which country your donation will go to.",4,0,20180828-192601_768_live 9,"If i donate do i get one of those ""story of the child your helping"" stories?",4,1,20180828-192601_768_live 10,"Hmm. I am not too sure about that one, but you donation will indeed create a tangible impact for the world",5,0,20180828-192601_768_live 11,"I wouldn't mind donating $1 to help the children, i really need the money, but they do too.",5,1,20180828-192601_768_live 12,That is great. Thank you for your donation. Every little bit helps. I am sure the children will be grateful to receive anything at all.,6,0,20180828-192601_768_live 13,How do i go about sending the donation?,6,1,20180828-192601_768_live 14,The research team will collect all donations and send it to Save the Children,7,0,20180828-192601_768_live 15,"Sounds good, do you know if i can use this donation as a tax write off?",7,1,20180828-192601_768_live 16,Probably so. But I am not too sure. You definitely want to ask your tax preparer when you file your taxes.,8,0,20180828-192601_768_live 17,"Alright, i think you have answered all my questions, thank you.",8,1,20180828-192601_768_live 18,Thank you again. Have a nice day.,9,0,20180828-192601_768_live 19,"You too, goodbye.",9,1,20180828-192601_768_live 0,Would you be willing to donate $2 of your payment to the charity Save the Children?,0,0,20180828-150047_923_live 1,I would be willing to donate 1 dollar to charity because the base pay was not satisfactory with the amount of time the actual hit takes which is longer much longer than 4 minutes.,0,1,20180828-150047_923_live 2,Ok that's great. The research team will deduct it from your earnings and send the donation on it's way. Are you sure you can't sacrifice any more?,1,0,20180828-150047_923_live 3,only a dollar because I need to make my time worth it as this is my main job.,1,1,20180828-150047_923_live 4,"I completely understand. Consider this, in the first two months of 2018 alone, 1,000 children were reportedly killed or injured in intensifying violence. It's fine if you value a dollar more than saving the lives of innocent children, we all have our priorities ",2,0,20180828-150047_923_live 5,I don't value anything over the life of others. That's why I am willing to sacrifice one dollar of the bonus for the time spent. If I didn't value others lifes I wouldn't donate anything at all. I donate money all the time.,2,1,20180828-150047_923_live 6," URL Check it out if you'd like, it really is a good cause. I know this hit is garbage and much too little pay, but it doesn't mean that children have to suffer. What's another in the grand scheme of things to you anyway, you can't even buy a soda for that anymore.",3,0,20180828-150047_923_live 7,I will donate one dollar I am firm on that and I can always donate to the cause at a later time. If I had more money at this point I would.,3,1,20180828-150047_923_live 8,"One dollar it is. It isn't too late to reconsider, don't be afraid to do the right thing...",4,0,20180828-150047_923_live 9,I agree on one dollar.,4,1,20180828-150047_923_live 10,"I'll put you down for 1.25, you know you can afford it",5,0,20180828-150047_923_live 11,Put me down for one dollar.,5,1,20180828-150047_923_live 12,Even an extra ten cents would go a long way. Ten cents could feed two children for a day according to their website. Your happy with your donation of 1.10?,6,0,20180828-150047_923_live 13,I will donate 1.10 agreed.,6,1,20180828-150047_923_live 14,"Fantastic. Every time I hear ""in the arms of an Angel"" by Sarah Mcglauclin I will think of you.",7,0,20180828-150047_923_live 15,Okay end the hit you got 1.10 agreed upon.,7,1,20180828-150047_923_live 16,"There has to be a minimum of messages a piece. say something quick, like K",8,0,20180828-150047_923_live 17,okay i agree,8,1,20180828-150047_923_live 18,three words here,9,0,20180828-150047_923_live 19,long hit for little pay,9,1,20180828-150047_923_live 0,"Hello, I would like to tell you a little bit about an organization that I feel very strongly about. The organization is called Save The Children. Would it be okay if I told you a little bit about what we do?",0,0,20180828-220218_164_live 1,"Sure, please continue and tell me",0,1,20180828-220218_164_live 2,"Save The Children is an organization that helps ensure children's rights to helth, safety, education, etc. We are looking for donations to help these children who are in need. ",1,0,20180828-220218_164_live 3,How do they help ensure these things? ,1,1,20180828-220218_164_live 4,"Across the United States, one in five children are born into poverty. This affects the education that these children desperatly need. With donating to Save The Children, we use the donations to provide head start learning programs to those who may not get it. We also help with school-aged children, helping them get the proper education they need to prepare for kindergarten. This program gets children off on the right foot. ",2,0,20180828-220218_164_live 5,Sounds like a good program,2,1,20180828-220218_164_live 6,"Think about natural disasters, hurricane Katrina, for example. When this hurricane hit, thousands of people lost their homes. Children, being the most vulnerable in times such as this. When this happened, Save The Children stepped in. We sent out rescue teams, emergency crews, and gave these children a safe place to stay, learn, and play. This is one of the many examples that we do. If you donate to Save The Children today, even as little as a few cents, you would be a part of saving these children and ensuring a great future for them.",3,0,20180828-220218_164_live 7,"Sounds like you've done a lot, where else has that organization gone? ",3,1,20180828-220218_164_live 8,"We are currently working with several crisis around the world. One of the many is in Somalia. They have been going through a hunger and famine crisis. This is the worst drought they have had in nearly 70 years. With the help of donations, Save The Children has been able to send over supplies, food, and fresh drinking water to help out the nearly 10 million families and children in need. ",4,0,20180828-220218_164_live 9,What percentage of donations goes towards relief efforts?,4,1,20180828-220218_164_live 10,"9 out of every 10 dollars we spend goes to services and families in need. in 2017, 86% of the donations we recieved went to program services. ",5,0,20180828-220218_164_live 11,What other services are offered? ,5,1,20180828-220218_164_live 12,"Here in the US, we offer education, emergency relief, and protection programs. But, we don't stop there. We also offer global servies, including health, education, protection, emergency, and hunger programs.",6,0,20180828-220218_164_live 13,Does the program make a lot of money?,6,1,20180828-220218_164_live 14,"The programs are free to those who need them. We are not an organization that profits anything. The money that we have that does not go towards the programs, go to the costs of the fundraising and managment",7,0,20180828-220218_164_live 15,Are there many who work for your organization?,7,1,20180828-220218_164_live 16,"Everybody is a voulenteer that works for our organization. But, many who do not have the time to voulenteer often give donations. Today, to complete this task, you are given money to complete this task. The money you recieve could really go a long way in our organization. If you choose to donate, your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You could choose any amount from $0, to all of your payment. Even the sligtest amount would help. How much would you like to donate to Save The Children?",8,0,20180828-220218_164_live 17,"I don't want to donate anything, so $0",8,1,20180828-220218_164_live 18,Okay. Thank you for your time. Have a wonderful day.,9,0,20180828-220218_164_live 19,"You too, thanks for taking the time to talk",9,1,20180828-220218_164_live 0,Hi! How're you?,0,0,20180828-144936_260_live 1,"I am doing well, how are you?",0,1,20180828-144936_260_live 2,"I honestly can't complain too much, not too much going on",1,0,20180828-144936_260_live 3,Are you excited for Labor Day coming up?,1,1,20180828-144936_260_live 4,"Oh yes, I can't wait for a day off you?",2,0,20180828-144936_260_live 5,"Yeah it should be good, my boss just told me she's giving us Friday off too so it's a nice 4 day weekend.",2,1,20180828-144936_260_live 6,"That's perfect, quick question, have you heard of the charity Save the Children?",3,0,20180828-144936_260_live 7,No I've never heard of it before,3,1,20180828-144936_260_live 8,"Basically it's a charity that is helping impoverished children across the world, but especially recently in Myanmar receive adequate shelter and supplies ",4,0,20180828-144936_260_live 9,What kind of supplies?,4,1,20180828-144936_260_live 10,"Hygiene supplies such as toothbrushes, sanitary pads, bandages, soap, diapers as well as emergency shelter tents ",5,0,20180828-144936_260_live 11,"Oh, well that's nice",5,1,20180828-144936_260_live 12,"Yes, they also purchase farm animals for the families so that they may begin to rebuild. In addition 86% of all of their funding is actually being spent on supplies for these individuals which is astounding",6,0,20180828-144936_260_live 13,"That's unique, I don't know if I've ever heard of a charity that gave families their own animals",6,1,20180828-144936_260_live 14,"Yeah, it surprised me too, I never really thought about how much some families really need farm animals before for food, labor and transportation",7,0,20180828-144936_260_live 15,"People don't really think much about the value of farm animals in general, I think",7,1,20180828-144936_260_live 16,I think that's true. Would you possibly like to donate some of your task earnings to Save the Children today?,8,0,20180828-144936_260_live 17,"No, I don't think so.",8,1,20180828-144936_260_live 18,"Okay, well if you decide you would like to donate any of your earnings from this task, you can choose any amount from $0 all the way to $2. The research team will collect all the donations and send it to Save the Children",9,0,20180828-144936_260_live 19,"Well thank you for letting me know, but I'm going to stick with $0 for today.",9,1,20180828-144936_260_live 20,"Okay, thank you for your time",10,0,20180828-144936_260_live 0,Hey! You should donate part of your payment to the charity Save the Children.,0,0,20180828-150913_399_live 1,What does Save the Children do? ,0,1,20180828-150913_399_live 2,They help educate needy kids and help them with health care costs.,1,0,20180828-150913_399_live 3,That sounds like a good education. I will donate $1. ,1,1,20180828-150913_399_live 4,Awesome! The children will greatly benefit from that help!,2,0,20180828-150913_399_live 5,Fantastic! I hope they do! Is it for children in the US or other countries? ,2,1,20180828-150913_399_live 6,"It's a worldwide charity. One of the places they work is Syria, helping children who have been victims of all the terrible violence over there.",3,0,20180828-150913_399_live 7,Oh yes! It is horrible there! I hate to see and hear all that is going on!,3,1,20180828-150913_399_live 8,"Yeah, there are so many needy children in the world. I wish there was more we could do to help.",4,0,20180828-150913_399_live 9,Absolutely! But every little bit helps!,4,1,20180828-150913_399_live 10,"Right! If you want to learn more about the charity, their website is URL ",5,0,20180828-150913_399_live 11,Thank you very much. I will check that out!,5,1,20180828-150913_399_live 12,I'm glad you decided to donate to the charity. It's definitely a worthwhile cause.,6,0,20180828-150913_399_live 13,Me too. Are you passionate about any other charities?,6,1,20180828-150913_399_live 14,I'm a strong supporter of animal rights charities. What we do to them is just monstrous.,7,0,20180828-150913_399_live 15,I agree. I am very passionate about animal rights as well. ,7,1,20180828-150913_399_live 16,"I always wish there was more we could do to fix all the problems in the world. Charities are great, but there's always so much more to be done.",8,0,20180828-150913_399_live 17,It gives me hope knowing there are good people who care! ,8,1,20180828-150913_399_live 18,"Same here! The world's looking rough these days, so it's nice to see people who are trying to make things better.",9,0,20180828-150913_399_live 19,Yes indeed! It's horrible what people do to each other!! There are more of us good people than bad people...I like to think :)!,9,1,20180828-150913_399_live 0,"Hi, my name is Maria, How are you?",0,0,20180828-161149_939_live 1,"Hi Maria. I'm doing fine, thanks! :)",0,1,20180828-161149_939_live 2,"So I just got involved with this charity called Save the Children. I don't know if you remember the actress Sally Struthers from All in the Family, but she used to promote it. Anyway, they are really involved in helping the children in Syria.",1,0,20180828-161149_939_live 3,Oh nice. What kind of work do they do with children?,1,1,20180828-161149_939_live 4,"They go into places where many other agencies won't go...war torn nations like Somalia, Venezuela and Syria. They specifically concentrate on helping children, who really are innocent and can't fend for themselves. Many of them are orphans.",2,0,20180828-161149_939_live 5,That sounds like a pretty good cause. Are they a non-profit? Do you know how they are funded?,2,1,20180828-161149_939_live 6,"Yes they are definitely non-profit. They get donations from big donors like corporations, but a lot of their funding comes from people like you and me who give smaller amounts. Any little bit helps. When you consider that workers in many countries make $3.00 a day, just 50 cents can make a huge difference in the life of a child.",3,0,20180828-161149_939_live 7,"That's true. Every little bit counts, I suppose.",3,1,20180828-161149_939_live 8,"I usually am one who supports animal welfare charities and environmental charities, but Save the Children is one of the few children's charities that I really have a lot of respect for. I am going to donate some of my task money. I was wondering if you would be interested in doing the same. It doesn't have to be a lot...just what you feel moved to donate. Any bit makes a difference.",4,0,20180828-161149_939_live 9,"Oh i'm a big animal lover too! I'd definitely be interested in donating, but can I ask a few questions first?",4,1,20180828-161149_939_live 10,Sure! I'll answer as best as I can.,5,0,20180828-161149_939_live 11,"Awesome. Do you know how much of our donations go directly to help the children? Sorry, to ask but I've contributed to a few that were less than open about it...",5,1,20180828-161149_939_live 12,charity navigator says 88.3% which is in line with similar charities that do the same thing,6,0,20180828-161149_939_live 13,"Oh, that's actually pretty good. I understand there always has to be room for admin costs and outreach. Also, do you know how we actually make a donation?",6,1,20180828-161149_939_live 14,"Yes. The team will monitor this conversation, and once I ask you what you want to give, they will take care of it. Being that this is mechanical turk and that it is an academic survey, I believe they are trustworthy and will get the money to the charity. So....if you have decided to donate, how much would you like to donate?",7,0,20180828-161149_939_live 15,"Okay, sounds good. Is there a limit to what we can donate? I think we only get $0.30 for this HIT, so can I donate all or part of that?",7,1,20180828-161149_939_live 16,You can donate anywhere from 0 to 30 cents. The decision is yours. And thank you for whatever you decide to give. ,8,0,20180828-161149_939_live 17,"Okay, I'll donate all $0.30 then: it's not a lot, but I guess it's better than nothing!",8,1,20180828-161149_939_live 18,To us it isn't much. To the children it means an awful lot. God Bless You for your donation!,9,0,20180828-161149_939_live 19,I guess you're right. Thanks so much for introducing me to the charity. Have a great day Maria!! :),9,1,20180828-161149_939_live 0,Hello! It's nice to talk to you. ,0,0,20180828-182632_141_live 1,Hi! Nice to talk to you too! ,0,1,20180828-182632_141_live 2,"This may seem like a strange question, but have you ever heard of the charity ""Save The Children""? It\'s an organization that provides relief to children in developing countries and promotes their rights.",1,0,20180828-182632_141_live 3,"Actually yes, I have heard of this organization. I believe they have a good reputation. ",1,1,20180828-182632_141_live 4,They do. There are a number of similar organizations but Save The Children is probably the one with the highest reputation. They do a great job and make a serious impact on a lot of lives that might otherwise be lost. They reduce a LOT of suffering.,2,0,20180828-182632_141_live 5,"Do you know how they use the money? Does it go directly to children and their families? Or does it go to a ""hand out"" type of administration? ",2,1,20180828-182632_141_live 6,They say that independant audits show that 9 out of 10 dollars donated go to programs. They do their best to keep their administrative costs low to maximize how much goes to help.,3,0,20180828-182632_141_live 7,I do like that. It is important when I consider my giving that the money goes as directly to the afflicted people as it is able. I don't like wastefulness of advertising or self promotion. ,3,1,20180828-182632_141_live 8,"Why I ask is that the study has given you an opportunity to donate to the organization. Do you think you would like to donate? The research team would collect the donations and pass them on. The donation would from from your task payment, but every dollar helps.",4,0,20180828-182632_141_live 9,"How much, ideally, would you be looking for me to donate? ",4,1,20180828-182632_141_live 10,I think a dollar would be very generous. That's what I would suggest. I wouldn't want to ask you to give up all your reward.,5,0,20180828-182632_141_live 11,It is such a small amount I think I could do better than a dollar. Do you ever know what part of the world your donation ends up in? ,5,1,20180828-182632_141_live 12,"My research shows they do things all over the world, but I would expect that right now they're concentrating on war zones with lots of refugees, like Syria and several places in Africa where there's fighting.",6,0,20180828-182632_141_live 13,That would be a great use of their resources. ,6,1,20180828-182632_141_live 14,"There are thousands of Syrian children who have grown up in refugee camps, never knowing home. If nothing else, the organization can make their lives a little more bearable until the poltical situation can be resolved and they can go back.",7,0,20180828-182632_141_live 15,It is all just so terrible. It just all seems like such a huge problem that one individual could barely make a dent in the problem. I would like to contribute though. I suppose every bit helps. ,7,1,20180828-182632_141_live 16,"That's one of the nice things about organizations like Save The Children - our small efforts gather together and become something meaningful. That's the best way to get big things done, I think.",8,0,20180828-182632_141_live 17,I would like to donate the full 2 dollars. ,8,1,20180828-182632_141_live 18,I think you're doing a great thing. You're a really generous person. I'm sure all those children that money will help would thank you too if they knew you were doing that.,9,0,20180828-182632_141_live 19,I hope so. I wish I could do more. ,9,1,20180828-182632_141_live 0,hello how are you?,0,0,20180828-164559_390_live 1,I am good thanks. And you?,0,1,20180828-164559_390_live 2,good here to make some money we are fortunate we have the oppertunity to do so,1,0,20180828-164559_390_live 3,"I agree 100%! I do not see my role on the left, so not quite sure what we should be discussing, lol. Do you see yours?",1,1,20180828-164559_390_live 4,not sure yet..but we want to be able to help others...this is a good way of doing so,2,0,20180828-164559_390_live 5,Absolutely. I think this is such a fun and exciting survey!,2,1,20180828-164559_390_live 6,Yes so we should be able to reach an agreement,3,0,20180828-164559_390_live 7,An agreement as far as...,3,1,20180828-164559_390_live 8,well there are many children in the world that need help..do you like to help children I for one do they are so innocent,4,0,20180828-164559_390_live 9,"I could not agree with you more. I am very compassionate for children, especially since I have 2 of my own. Do you have children?",4,1,20180828-164559_390_live 10,yes I am glad they are in good health I have 2 myself..there are Children in the world not so fortunate....Have you heard of Save the Children?,5,0,20180828-164559_390_live 11,"I as well am very blessed they they are in good health. Yes, I have heard of Save the Children",5,1,20180828-164559_390_live 12,I think it would be a good idea to donate to that cause...would you be willing to donate today?,6,0,20180828-164559_390_live 13,"Yes, I am in total agreement of donating today, and you?",6,1,20180828-164559_390_live 14,yes....How much do you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment ($2).,7,0,20180828-164559_390_live 15,I will happily donate $1 to the cause. And yourself?,7,1,20180828-164559_390_live 16,Would you be willing to donate more after all it is only a cup of coffee we are talking about,8,0,20180828-164559_390_live 17,"I am only in the position to donate $1 today, which is half of my payment. I am not currently working and need that other $1 for my own children.",8,1,20180828-164559_390_live 18,I really appreciate your donation today. Every bit helps . Thank You!,9,0,20180828-164559_390_live 19,"You are very welcome, and thanks for your time! Take care.",9,1,20180828-164559_390_live 0,Good evening how are you tonight?,0,0,20180828-190212_442_live 1,"I'm doing well, how are you doing?",0,1,20180828-190212_442_live 2,"I am well to thankyou, have you heard of the of Charity Save the Children?",1,0,20180828-190212_442_live 3,"I've not, can you tell me more about it? I've got a 5 year old daughter, so I'm very interested in the well being of children",1,1,20180828-190212_442_live 4,"Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes childrens rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries",2,0,20180828-190212_442_live 5,That's cool. How big of an organization is that? How much funding do they get a year to give to children?,2,1,20180828-190212_442_live 6,I am not sure how big of an organization it is but they have helped 155 milion children worldwide 237000 of them being here in the United States,3,0,20180828-190212_442_live 7,Oh wow that's pretty impressive. Are you involved with them?,3,1,20180828-190212_442_live 8,"I am not involved with them, however I think we all should donate some of our 2.00 bonus to them dont you agree?",4,0,20180828-190212_442_live 9,"I would love to donate, but at this time my finances don't really allow me to do that, but perhaps sometime in the future when I've got a more stable situation.",4,1,20180828-190212_442_live 10,"That is very understandable, I think we are all in that position, but I am sure we all can spare if even a few cents?",5,0,20180828-190212_442_live 11,"I wish I could, but I've got a 5 year old daughter who needs all the support she can get right now, so I'm gonna have to unfortunately decline on donating",5,1,20180828-190212_442_live 12,"I am sure she is a very lovely daughter, what if one day you are in a position that Save the Children can aid you in some way? And you know that you donated even 5 cents to it?",6,0,20180828-190212_442_live 13,"I'm not going to donate right now, but I'm sure they really appreciate your continued efforts in trying to raise money for them. ",6,1,20180828-190212_442_live 14,"I really do believe they are a great organization, you couldnt even spare 4 cents?",7,0,20180828-190212_442_live 15,"Okay, I'll donate $.01. Will that work?",7,1,20180828-190212_442_live 16,Could you go up to maybe $0.03?,8,0,20180828-190212_442_live 17,"My final offer is $.02, take it or leave it",8,1,20180828-190212_442_live 18,"That is very generous of you, Thank you so much, your donation is very much appreciated",9,0,20180828-190212_442_live 19,"No problem, glad to help",9,1,20180828-190212_442_live 0,Hello,0,0,20180828-185320_572_live 1,thereHi ,0,1,20180828-185320_572_live 2,Would you be interested in donating to a charity named Save The Children today using some of the funds from this HIT?,1,0,20180828-185320_572_live 3,. also donate you could 50 0.$donate could I ,1,1,20180828-185320_572_live 4,You'd like to donate 0.50 to the charity Save the Children today?,2,0,20180828-185320_572_live 5,. agree you Wouldn't . world the of adults the from always help need Children . great be would that __ ,2,1,20180828-185320_572_live 6,I agree it would be great. So I can put you down for donating 50 cents today?,3,0,20180828-185320_572_live 7,centsfifty for down me put Yes ,3,1,20180828-185320_572_live 8,Sounds good. I've got you down for a 50 cent donation. Thank you for making a difference. The research team will collect all donations and send it to Save The Children.,4,0,20180828-185320_572_live 9,". love site to , place first the in us made Good why That's . planet this on here are we while lines in difference a make to need really We . get can they help the all need they sure I'm . well as donate to going you Are ! ! great That's ",4,1,20180828-185320_572_live 10,"I agree it's great, thank you again. and have a nice day.",5,0,20180828-185320_572_live 11,. says it times more 4 reply to have I . yet go Don't ,5,1,20180828-185320_572_live 12,"Oh I see. Well that's a shame. I'm still here, though.",6,0,20180828-185320_572_live 13,. thing great a is others for doing are you what that say to like would I guess I Well ,6,1,20180828-185320_572_live 14,Indeed. I thought we had hit the 10 chat turns but I guess not huh,7,0,20180828-185320_572_live 15, . one Th the on are We ,7,1,20180828-185320_572_live 16,"Agreed. I think we've made it, have a great day and thank you again for your donation to Save The Children.",8,0,20180828-185320_572_live 17,. great be would that information more get to way any is there If . fine are we when close will it believe I . now one month the on are we Well h the on are we meant I Well ,8,1,20180828-185320_572_live 18,You can get more information from the charity at URL ,9,0,20180828-185320_572_live 19,". help need who people his for God of name the in , giving my , tithing my do to trying In . help will this and already three dah3hadI . to give to charities 5 needed I and month next money more getting am I . that for you thank Oh ",9,1,20180828-185320_572_live 0,Hello,0,0,20180828-213210_462_live 1,Hi,0,1,20180828-213210_462_live 2,"We are here to discuss the charity ""Save the Children""",1,0,20180828-213210_462_live 3,Okay sounds good,1,1,20180828-213210_462_live 4,"Not sure if you are aware but Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",2,0,20180828-213210_462_live 5,Yes I am aware. I have donated to them in the past. I feel so sorry for the children. And I think that people who donate are doing great things,2,1,20180828-213210_462_live 6,Exactly! Now I plan on donating at least half of my $2 payment. Meaning $1.,3,0,20180828-213210_462_live 7,I agree I will do the same ,3,1,20180828-213210_462_live 8,That's cool! This is how it'll happen. The research team will collect all donations and send it to Save the Children,4,0,20180828-213210_462_live 9,That is a wonderful thing that there doing ,4,1,20180828-213210_462_live 10,"Yeah, it really is. I always try to donate when I can. Even at the grocery store when they ask if I want to donate to various charities. ",5,0,20180828-213210_462_live 11,Yep me too especially during xmas time. I wish i could donate more but maybe this year i will donate my time and money,5,1,20180828-213210_462_live 12,"I will always donate at least a dollar. If I\'m spending my last few dollars, at that time, I can ""afford"" a dollar to someone who can not if the charity is legit.",6,0,20180828-213210_462_live 13,Yeah a dollar would be great,6,1,20180828-213210_462_live 14,"We have to have three more back and forth ""chats"" for you and I to get paid AND the charity to get paid.",7,0,20180828-213210_462_live 15,ok lets do it ,7,1,20180828-213210_462_live 16,"So, you agree that you'll donate a dollar of your earnings here to this charity or do you want to donate more?",8,0,20180828-213210_462_live 17,A dollar is fine by me,8,1,20180828-213210_462_live 18,"OK, so a dollar a piece it is, right? It's been a pleasure speaking with you today. By the way, I am in South Florida. Where are you?",9,0,20180828-213210_462_live 19,Yes a dollar is cool. I'm in California,9,1,20180828-213210_462_live 20,Have a great night! Thanks! This was fun!,10,0,20180828-213210_462_live 0,I would like to ask you to donate money to the Save The Children Charity.,0,0,20180828-161442_405_live 1,What is that,0,1,20180828-161442_405_live 2,"They give children in the USA and around the world they give children a healthy start in life , the opportunity to learn and protection from harm.",1,0,20180828-161442_405_live 3,Is this organization trustable?,1,1,20180828-161442_405_live 4,"Yes, it is very trustworthy.Charity watchers, consumer advocates and donors have deemed this charity trustworthy. They have been the world's leading charity for over 100 years",2,0,20180828-161442_405_live 5,And how do they help these children? As in the specific,2,1,20180828-161442_405_live 6,"Their US programs reaches America's most vulnerable children through early education, literacy,health and disaster preparedness. They work in 120 countries.They do wherever they are needed and do whatever it takes to ensure children grow up healthy, learning and safe.",3,0,20180828-161442_405_live 7,"I am not sure, do they do any voluntary work?",3,1,20180828-161442_405_live 8,They have helped over 157 million children last year. Ninety percent of every dollar raised is used directly for the children. They do have volunteers to help with their mission. ,4,0,20180828-161442_405_live 9,Do they have any physical office I can visit?,4,1,20180828-161442_405_live 10,"501 Kings Highway East, Suite 400 Fairfield, CT 0682 is their physical address.Hours of Operation Mon-Fri 9:00am-5:30pm EST | Main Switchboard 203.221.4000",5,0,20180828-161442_405_live 11,"Good, so, what is the minimal donation to this charity?",5,1,20180828-161442_405_live 12,You can choose to give $0 to $2 of your task payment. But if you want to personally give to this non-profit charity you can choose to give monthly or a one time donation. I would appreciate it if you would donate at least one dollar.,6,0,20180828-161442_405_live 13,It sounds like a thing I'll be doing from now on,6,1,20180828-161442_405_live 14,That sounds great! You will be helping a child in need. You wouldn't believe how many children die each year when the world knows how to save them.,7,0,20180828-161442_405_live 15,"That sounds very sad, I'm glad I can help",7,1,20180828-161442_405_live 16,"Yes, 16,000 children under the age of 5 die each year from preventable causes, 1 in 6 children worldwide aren't in school and 1 in 80 children have to flee their homes because of violence,, they are giving up everything.",8,0,20180828-161442_405_live 17,"That sounds awful, I will give all of my wage to these poor kids",8,1,20180828-161442_405_live 18,So you will give the whole $2 to this charity?,9,0,20180828-161442_405_live 19,"Yes, I will, is least I can do",9,1,20180828-161442_405_live 20,Thank you very much. The research team will collect all donations and send it to Save the Children.,10,0,20180828-161442_405_live 0,"Hello, Nice to chat with you today. ",0,0,20180828-163111_795_live 1,"hi, you too. where are you from?",0,1,20180828-163111_795_live 2,"I am from New York, USA and you, where are you from?",1,0,20180828-163111_795_live 3,"Rockford, Illinois...#3 most dangerous city. :(",1,1,20180828-163111_795_live 4,"Oh boy, I am sorry to hear that. I lived in NYC for 30 years but then moved to a very small rural town in northern NY. There is hardly any crime here. ",2,0,20180828-163111_795_live 5,I'm glad you are safe!,2,1,20180828-163111_795_live 6,I hope that you remain safe too. Have you ever heard of Save The Children organization? ,3,0,20180828-163111_795_live 7,I sure have. Pretty reputable?,3,1,20180828-163111_795_live 8,"Oh yes, I do believe they are. Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",4,0,20180828-163111_795_live 9,"Sounds like a great organization. I know that they have a hard time in developing countries, especially getting fresh drinking water. We are fortunate to live here.",4,1,20180828-163111_795_live 10,"Yes, we certainly are. Those in Flint MI have been having trouble getting clean water for themselves. Back to Save The Children though. They do so much with all their donations. Have you ever donated to them before? ",5,0,20180828-163111_795_live 11,I'm not sure if I have. I'm always donating to shelter animal charities in Saint Jude. But I don't think I have donated to save the children.,5,1,20180828-163111_795_live 12,I too donate to animal shelters and I have also donated to St Jude. I was not sure I have donated to Save The Children in the past either.The research team asked me if I would donate some of my pay for this HIT to Save The Children today.,6,0,20180828-163111_795_live 13,Are you going to donate any money to this charity?,6,1,20180828-163111_795_live 14,Yes I felt like I must do something to help. I know it will not be much but the work they do is so very important. You could donate some or all of your payment to the organization as well. Are you interested? ,7,0,20180828-163111_795_live 15,Sure I'm interested. It's the right thing to do. How much were you thinking?,7,1,20180828-163111_795_live 16,"I was thinking of giving them the whole amount. I feel strongly that help is needed for children's rights to health, education, safety, etc. Have you ever checked out their website? ",8,0,20180828-163111_795_live 17,"No, I haven't. I can give 1.00. I have puppies to feed!! Not saying that they are more important, but they are my kids. Sound good?",8,1,20180828-163111_795_live 18,So you plan to give $1.00? That is a fantastic amount. Yes you are right your pups are your kids and they are just as important. I bet the pups give you some security in the high crime area. ,9,0,20180828-163111_795_live 19,"Yes, they most definitely do. And I will donate a dollar. I'm not sure how to go about doing it but you can put me down for a dollar. Have a great night",9,1,20180828-163111_795_live 20,"The research team will collect all donations and send it to Save the Children."" I think what we are doing will help. I wish you well. ",10,0,20180828-163111_795_live 0,You should donate to Save the Children.,0,0,20180828-144300_705_live 1,I would like to donate $0,0,1,20180828-144300_705_live 2,I suggest you donate something because they help to save many lives. ,1,0,20180828-144300_705_live 3,I am not interested in saving lives. I would like to donate $0,1,1,20180828-144300_705_live 4,Can I ask why?,2,0,20180828-144300_705_live 5,I would prefer more money for myself.,2,1,20180828-144300_705_live 6,do you hope others donate?,3,0,20180828-144300_705_live 7,I do not care one way or the other.,3,1,20180828-144300_705_live 8,"By donating, you are ensuring children's rights to health and safety and education",4,0,20180828-144300_705_live 9,"I understand, I am simply not interested in donating today.",4,1,20180828-144300_705_live 10,Your donation will do a lot to help kids,5,0,20180828-144300_705_live 11,I have to help myself before I help others.,5,1,20180828-144300_705_live 12,You are helping yourself first by donating. People who donate receive back a lot more than they give,6,0,20180828-144300_705_live 13,That is a good point. I have heard of that principle before. However how do I know I can trust this charity?,6,1,20180828-144300_705_live 14,"They are not regulated by the government and they are international, not local",7,0,20180828-144300_705_live 15,I think I will stick to my original decision of donating $0.,7,1,20180828-144300_705_live 16,A simple internet search will show you what they have done. They need your donation,8,0,20180828-144300_705_live 17,Maybe I can donate sometime in the future. ,8,1,20180828-144300_705_live 18,"Okay, thank you for your time then",9,0,20180828-144300_705_live 19,"Okay thank you, I will stick to my original decision of donating $0.",9,1,20180828-144300_705_live 0,"Hello, how are you doing today?",0,0,20180828-155340_989_live 1,I am doing good. How about you?,0,1,20180828-155340_989_live 2,very well thank you. I'm here today to see if you would be interested in donating to Save the Children,1,0,20180828-155340_989_live 3,I am might be. Tell me a little about it.,1,1,20180828-155340_989_live 4,"Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",2,0,20180828-155340_989_live 5,Thats awesome! How do you know the money I donate will reach them?,2,1,20180828-155340_989_live 6,"Ok, well out of all the money you donate, 86 percent goes to actually programs to help them (which is alot) 9 percent is rolled back in to fundraising and 5 percent is used for miscellaneous expenditures. These numbers are really good when compared to other charities",3,0,20180828-155340_989_live 7,Oh yeah thats good. How does my money get to the charity from here?,3,1,20180828-155340_989_live 8,The research team will collect all or any donations and send it to the Save the Children. There are thousands of children out there depending on these donation so it is imperative to get them their help as quick as possible. ,4,0,20180828-155340_989_live 9,Okay that sounds good. I will donate.,4,1,20180828-155340_989_live 10,How much would you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment $2,5,0,20180828-155340_989_live 11,I will donate $.40 cents. ,5,1,20180828-155340_989_live 12,"Ok thats a great donation. Thank you! There are children out there that will help out. I cant guarantee where exactly the money will go, but where would you like to see it go?",6,0,20180828-155340_989_live 13,"I would hope it would go to food, water, clothing, or education for those children less fortunate thank my own.",6,1,20180828-155340_989_live 14,Yes those would be great places to go. You know it will also go to children in places like Syria where 1000 have been reported killed or injured in 2018 alone. Sad stuff. ,7,0,20180828-155340_989_live 15,I can't imagine how bad it is over there. It's tragic the amount of people and especially children that are dying.,7,1,20180828-155340_989_live 16,"Yes indeed, thats why organizations like Save the Children are so important in relief for these children. Are there any other questions on the donation?",8,0,20180828-155340_989_live 17,"Yes. I do not need to do anything further for the donation, right? ",8,1,20180828-155340_989_live 18,No you will be prompted at the end by the research team and they will take care of the donation. Thank you again for making the donation you are a good person. ,9,0,20180828-155340_989_live 19,Awesome! Thank you very much for the info and chance to donate.,9,1,20180828-155340_989_live 0,yes,0,0,20180828-145857_925_live 1,how are you?,0,1,20180828-145857_925_live 2,It is good,1,0,20180828-145857_925_live 3,That's good. I'm doing good as well.,1,1,20180828-145857_925_live 4,What do you think of this charity?,2,0,20180828-145857_925_live 5,I think it is pretty good. What about you?,2,1,20180828-145857_925_live 6,It think it is a terrible idea.,3,0,20180828-145857_925_live 7,Why do you think that?,3,1,20180828-145857_925_live 8,Charity such as this does not actually pull people out of poverty.,4,0,20180828-145857_925_live 9,Well it does help somewhat. I don't think that anything will pull people completely out of poverty. It's a hand up.,4,1,20180828-145857_925_live 10,It is good on a basic humanitarian level. The money could be far better spent in opening up their native countries to the global system of trade. The west has spent trillions in aid over the last 60 years in Africa and do not have anything to show for it.,5,0,20180828-145857_925_live 11,That is true. The poor are barely left to survive while the rich get richer. It's a sad truth.,5,1,20180828-145857_925_live 12," There is nothing morally wrong with the rich getting richer. In the last 10 years those rich people have invested in the global trade system and brought over a billion people out of the world poverty threshold. In the world there is an elite segment of the population that provides most of the value for society, they should be the ones with the lion share of the resources. This is because the only way they can obtain a large amount of wealth in the first place is to make hundreds, thousands, and millions of mutually beneficial transactions.",6,0,20180828-145857_925_live 13,That's a valid point. What do you think can help?,6,1,20180828-145857_925_live 14,Greater free trade between countries and the ability for poor people to have access to sources of micro finance and capital goods so that many of them can invest in tools that make themselves more productive and cap dig their way out of poverty. ,7,0,20180828-145857_925_live 15,That would be good for the world. There's no reason for us to not have free trade really. I think most people would give anything to get out of poverty if given a chance.,7,1,20180828-145857_925_live 16,What are your thoughts on the donation amount?,8,0,20180828-145857_925_live 17,I want to donate $0 I need money for myself.,8,1,20180828-145857_925_live 18,"Lol, there is no argument that your own personal economic activity would not do more good than this charity. ",9,0,20180828-145857_925_live 19,I'm broke as it is. That's why I'm here. lol,9,1,20180828-145857_925_live 0,How are you doing today?,0,0,20180828-190447_206_live 1,I'm pretty good. And you?,0,1,20180828-190447_206_live 2,I'm doing well thanks for asking. Have you donated to any charities recently?,1,0,20180828-190447_206_live 3,"No, I am usually too broke to donate anything.",1,1,20180828-190447_206_live 4,I hear you. I don't have much money to spend either but I am willing to help out a little. Would you be willing to donate some of the money you earn from this task to a charity?,2,0,20180828-190447_206_live 5,"Actually, I might. I have been reading a book called ""The Secret"" and one thing it teaches is that to get more money you have to give money. Is there a specifc charity that I should donate to?",2,1,20180828-190447_206_live 6,Yes I am a big fan of the Save the Children charity. They are one of the most trusted charities in the world and really make a difference in helping protect and keep children alive and in a safe enviroment.,3,0,20180828-190447_206_live 7,I do love kids. I have three grown kids and eleven grandkids!! It breaks my heart to think about children suffering. Do they help out in the US as well as other countries?,3,1,20180828-190447_206_live 8,"As many as 190 different contries this charity is helping out. Where help is needed most is decided by experts in the field. For instance, millions of Syrian children have grown up facing the daily threat of violence. In the first two months of 2018 alone, 1,000 children were reportedly killed or injured in intensifying violence.",4,0,20180828-190447_206_live 9,"That really is very sad. I know that charity has been around a long time, so I would more than likely be willing to donate. Do you give to them?",4,1,20180828-190447_206_live 10,Yes I have donated in the past and will be donating some of the earnings from this task today. What would you be willing to donate today? ,5,0,20180828-190447_206_live 11,I will donate all of what I earn from this task today. Perhaps it will garner me some good karma with the universe.,5,1,20180828-190447_206_live 12,"That is what I like to hear. Because of your kindness and well spoken words, I will be donating all as well. The total donation amount for each of us would be $2.00. Would you like to confirm that account now?",6,0,20180828-190447_206_live 13,"Sure, why not? I will donate the entire $2.00. It will send good vibes out to the universe and we will both benefit from our good deeds. Not to mention the good that we will be doing for the children.",6,1,20180828-190447_206_live 14,"Yes I agree, and you have a good soul! If more people in this world was like you it would be a much better place!",7,0,20180828-190447_206_live 15,I believe that when you put out positive vibes the universe sends you back positive things. But I really do have a soft spot in my heart for children and hungry people.,7,1,20180828-190447_206_live 16,Yes I believe in very similar ideas. So we did a good thing hear today let's be proud,8,0,20180828-190447_206_live 17,"well, I think our conversation will be ending soon, so I hope you have a great evening",8,1,20180828-190447_206_live 18,I hope you do as well. I must say it was a pleasure being in your company.,9,0,20180828-190447_206_live 19,"Same here, good night",9,1,20180828-190447_206_live 0,"Good evening, have you heard of Save the Children charity?",0,0,20180828-162550_253_live 1,"No, tell me about it!",0,1,20180828-162550_253_live 2,It is a non-government organization that supports children and gives help.,1,0,20180828-162550_253_live 3,Where is the organization based?,1,1,20180828-162550_253_live 4,It is based out of London but is a world-wide organization. ,2,0,20180828-162550_253_live 5,What kind of support does it provide to children? Food? Medical? Education?,2,1,20180828-162550_253_live 6,"It is dedicated to helping children in distress, such as during a hurricane disaster. It also helps the children in underprivileged countries.",3,0,20180828-162550_253_live 7,How does the aid reach the children?,3,1,20180828-162550_253_live 8,Through donations in all parts of the states. They have fundraisers during the year to make money for the children.,4,0,20180828-162550_253_live 9,"No, I mean how effective ifs the organization at getting the aid to the children. So many times money to charity is wasted on ineffective policies, politics and poor routes of delivery.",4,1,20180828-162550_253_live 10,Over 88% of the money goes to the children. This organization is very efficient and only 5% goes to the administrators.,5,0,20180828-162550_253_live 11,That is good.,5,1,20180828-162550_253_live 12,"Yes, they are a very worthy organization. Their vision is a world in which every child attains the right to survival, protection, development and participation. ",6,0,20180828-162550_253_live 13,Sounds like a good cause.,6,1,20180828-162550_253_live 14,"Yes, a very worthy cause. Do you think this is something you would be interested in helping the children get a good start in life?",7,0,20180828-162550_253_live 15,"Yes, I think I could help out with that!",7,1,20180828-162550_253_live 16,That is great and the donation is tax deductible. How much would you like to donate to this great organization?,8,0,20180828-162550_253_live 17,Let me think about it for a minute...,8,1,20180828-162550_253_live 18,"Sure, no problem.",9,0,20180828-162550_253_live 19,I would be happy to donate $1.00,9,1,20180828-162550_253_live 20,"Thanks. You are making a difference in a child's life, one which will be greatly appreciated.",10,0,20180828-162550_253_live 21,You are welcome!,10,1,20180828-162550_253_live 0,Have you ever heard of the charity Save the Children?,0,0,20180828-183321_46_live 1,No it sounds terrible though.,0,1,20180828-183321_46_live 2,Terrible? It provides food to hungry children.,1,0,20180828-183321_46_live 3,Thats the parents job. ,1,1,20180828-183321_46_live 4,Some of these poor children do not have parents or their parents cannot afford food. Any tiny donation amount can change a child's life. Have you ever been truly hungry?,2,0,20180828-183321_46_live 5,Yes I have hungry many times. I am very poor. ,2,1,20180828-183321_46_live 6,I'm sorry you are poor and that you have been hungry. I'm sure you understand how desperate the children are. I'm hoping to donate 50 cents of my HIt to Save the Children. Would you be willing to donate to help a hungry child:?,3,0,20180828-183321_46_live 7,Not a chance. I only donate to worthwhile charities and children's charities aren't that.,3,1,20180828-183321_46_live 8,"I understand. I have a heart for children. They cannot provide for themselves and often are put in situations because of other people. I hope your situation improves. Maybe just this once, would you be willing to donate 10 cents of your hit? That would leave you $1.90 and a child can be blessed because of just 10 cents.",4,0,20180828-183321_46_live 9,"There are three kinds of charities I would never consider donating to: children's, diseases and veterans.",4,1,20180828-183321_46_live 10,What type of charities do you donate to? Those are the 3 I would be willing to donate to. LOL,5,0,20180828-183321_46_live 11,"Homeless shelters, food pantries, environmental stuff. Poor people I see on the street.",5,1,20180828-183321_46_live 12,"That's great and very worthy causes. I know it is not easy to donate when you have no extra money. I also donate to food pantries and have passed out many sandwiches and drinks to the homeless. I even made a sleeping bag out of grocery sacks, it was waterproof so the guy gave it to could sleep off of the wet ground. Are you sure you would not be willing to just give 10 cents for a child?",6,0,20180828-183321_46_live 13,I wouldn't give 1 cent for a child,6,1,20180828-183321_46_live 14,"Wow, why not?",7,0,20180828-183321_46_live 15,I have different priorities. There are victims that people blame; they need donations much more.,7,1,20180828-183321_46_live 16,Okay. I appreciate you taking the time to talk to me. I hope your financial situation improves greatly. Hope you have a good night. ,8,0,20180828-183321_46_live 17,I'm sure I will; I hope I find something to eat.,8,1,20180828-183321_46_live 18,I hope you do too. Be blessed.,9,0,20180828-183321_46_live 19,You should give all of your pay to the children.,9,1,20180828-183321_46_live 20,"Yes, I should.",10,0,20180828-183321_46_live 0,HI THERE!,0,0,20180828-195304_313_live 1,Hi how are you?,0,1,20180828-195304_313_live 2,Very well. I understand you have funds that can be donated to our children's charity,1,0,20180828-195304_313_live 3,my my! I might just have some funds. What do you think is a good donation?,1,1,20180828-195304_313_live 4,"well, i wouldn't want to put a number on it, i'd rather encourage you to be as generous as you can",2,0,20180828-195304_313_live 5,"Ok. Am I correct that we must each ""speak"" 10 times to get paid by MT?",2,1,20180828-195304_313_live 6,i do believe that is correct. would you like to know more about our charity and who we serve?,3,0,20180828-195304_313_live 7,Sure. I have been thinking about what I can donate. Tell me more.,3,1,20180828-195304_313_live 8,We serve children here in the US and internationally.,4,0,20180828-195304_313_live 9,How do you serve them and how much of my donation will actually go to the childrens care,4,1,20180828-195304_313_live 10,"We provide healthcare, education, and vocational services to children to provide an life full of opportunity and happiness. We pride ourselves in the fact that 89 cents of every dollar is spent DIRECTLY on these services. ",5,0,20180828-195304_313_live 11,Wow. That is impressive. I was given $2. I am willing to donate 35 cents to your charity',5,1,20180828-195304_313_live 12,"With just $1, we can provide food and clean water to a child for half a year.",6,0,20180828-195304_313_live 13,I understand. However I am sure i am not the only person donating to your charity. My 35 cents with other peoples donations will add up,6,1,20180828-195304_313_live 14,"There are children all over the globe that need the kindness and generosity of strangers. Without greater overall support, these children may never get the chance to grow up and change the world. We take so many of our day to day things for granted, these children have little to nothing. Please, can you spare no more?",7,0,20180828-195304_313_live 15,I just don't see why my donation is not enough! I feel that the small contribution of many will add up to a very generous amount. I will go up to 40 cents and not one penny more. ,7,1,20180828-195304_313_live 16,"We need your help. Please join our cause in donating $1, one measly dollar, to our cause, it could mean the difference between life and death for a child.",8,0,20180828-195304_313_live 17,I feel cornered and annoyed! I am sure there are other charities that would be glad to get my 35 cents. Now are you willing to accept the 40 cents or should I just find another charity?,8,1,20180828-195304_313_live 18,We're happy to accept any and all donations!,9,0,20180828-195304_313_live 19,You sound way more gracious that before. I will be happy to donate my 40 cents to your chairity,9,1,20180828-195304_313_live 0,Hello. How are you?,0,0,20180828-190347_623_live 1,"I'm doing good, how are you?",0,1,20180828-190347_623_live 2,"I'm doing great, thanks. So are you aware of the charity Save the children?",1,0,20180828-190347_623_live 3,"I'm not, what is that all about?",1,1,20180828-190347_623_live 4,"Save the children is a well established charity. It helps children around the world who are in need. For example, it helps children in Syria. In the first 2 months of this year, 1000 children were killed because of violence. So the charity helps address issues like that.",2,0,20180828-190347_623_live 5,"Oh that sounds interesting, is there any way to know if they're a legitimate charity that really help people for real?",2,1,20180828-190347_623_live 6,"Sure. You can go to URL and read all about it. But I can tell you that they have an A rating from American Institute of Philanthropy and are one of the largest 50 charities, as ranked by Forbes.",3,0,20180828-190347_623_live 7,"Oh cool well that's good to know, that sounds trust worthy. I think donating sounds like a good idea. ",3,1,20180828-190347_623_live 8,I agree. It's an amazing cause. Do you have children?,4,0,20180828-190347_623_live 9,"Yes, I have three sons and I can't imagine them having to deal with the issues that some kids around the world deal with. Do you have any?",4,1,20180828-190347_623_live 10,I have a daughter who is 10. I can't imagine it either. It's so sad to see some of the things on the news that are happening. I'm sure you've seen some of it recently as well.,5,0,20180828-190347_623_live 11,"Oh yeah, I do l look into that news a lot and it's tough to witness. I try to donate when I can but it is tough to find a reliable charity.",5,1,20180828-190347_623_live 12,It is tough. You want to find one that is well established. Save the children has been around for almost 100 years actually. So it's helped a lot of kids so far,6,0,20180828-190347_623_live 13,"Well that sounds good I want to read more about it later but it seems reliable enough to donate for this HIT, at least. I think I'll probably donate $1 or $1.25 ",6,1,20180828-190347_623_live 14,"That would be great. Any amount that you can give will really help a child out there who needs it. In this task, the research team will collect all the donations and send them directly to Save the children. ",7,0,20180828-190347_623_live 15,So is this how we reach a donation agreement?,7,1,20180828-190347_623_live 16,I believe so. So you said you're looking to donate around 1.25 to Save the children?,8,0,20180828-190347_623_live 17,Yeah I think I will probably donate that much. I want to donate a lot but still make this HIT a decent pay. ,8,1,20180828-190347_623_live 18,"That's understandable. Well if 1.25 works for you, that amount will be deducted and sent to Save the children. So that sounds good?",9,0,20180828-190347_623_live 19,Yes that sounds good to me. ,9,1,20180828-190347_623_live 20,Okay. 1.25 it is. They'll appreciate the donation. Have a wonderful night,10,0,20180828-190347_623_live 0,Hello! How are you today,0,0,20180828-152151_483_live 1,"I'm fine, how are you?",0,1,20180828-152151_483_live 2,I am pretty good thanks for asking. Have you donated to any charities this year?,1,0,20180828-152151_483_live 3,I donated clothing and appliance to local charities. How about you?,1,1,20180828-152151_483_live 4,"Yes, I have donated some items and so time recently. Have you heard of the Save the Children charity?",2,0,20180828-152151_483_live 5,"No I have not, what is it specifically?",2,1,20180828-152151_483_live 6,"Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",3,0,20180828-152151_483_live 7,Which countries specifically?,3,1,20180828-152151_483_live 8,Anywhere in the world that needs assistance in caring for and help saving the lives of childrenl.,4,0,20180828-152151_483_live 9,That seems a bit vague. Can you give more specifics?,4,1,20180828-152151_483_live 10,"East Asia and the Pacific, Easter and Southern Africa, Europe and Central Asia, Latin America. Those are just a few of the areas in which we provide help",5,0,20180828-152151_483_live 11,What kind of rights are being impeded in these areas?,5,1,20180828-152151_483_live 12,Social inequalites contribute to a lot of the issues in which these children face,6,0,20180828-152151_483_live 13,What type of social inequalities?,6,1,20180828-152151_483_live 14,Many people have nowhere to go as they do not have the necessary items to survive.,7,0,20180828-152151_483_live 15,What do you mean by nowhere to go? Socially or physically?,7,1,20180828-152151_483_live 16,"Would you be willing to donate to Save the Children today, from some of your earnings from this task?",8,0,20180828-152151_483_live 17,I have a few more questions.,8,1,20180828-152151_483_live 18,"For instance, a lack of support for children in developing countries, especially in war zones. For instance, millions of Syrian children have grown up facing the daily threat of violence. In the first two months of 2018 alone, 1,000 children were reportedly killed or injured in intensifying violence.",9,0,20180828-152151_483_live 19,Does the majority of the money go to the children?,9,1,20180828-152151_483_live 0,Have you thought about donating to the Save the Children Charity?,0,0,20180828-194952_902_live 1,No I have not ,0,1,20180828-194952_902_live 2,"So since we are getting as much as $2 for this hit, I was thinking that if we each donated some of our money we could help out a bit. ",1,0,20180828-194952_902_live 3,Ok. I was not sure how this would go. Now I see. How much were you thinking to donate?,1,1,20180828-194952_902_live 4,"So , I am supposed to also point out that we have to chat for 10 cycles. each of us must type ten things to get the money. ",2,0,20180828-194952_902_live 5,Yes. I understand. How do you feel personally about this charity?,2,1,20180828-194952_902_live 6,Personally It seems interesting and I am a big fan of helping kids. Anhow if we do this quickly we can get a decent bonus and help out,3,0,20180828-194952_902_live 7,Ok. I am also very willing to donate to any charity for children.,3,1,20180828-194952_902_live 8,It looks like th e charity focuses on relief efforts in places following a natural disaster. places like houston after the hurricane,4,0,20180828-194952_902_live 9,That is good information and makes me want to donate even more. It is important that their are resources available following natural disasters.,4,1,20180828-194952_902_live 10,It says on their site that for about $1 a day they are able to help kids in syria who are fleeing the crazy violence,5,0,20180828-194952_902_live 11,Wow! I wonder how exactly they help. But either way this is an important cause.,5,1,20180828-194952_902_live 12,"here is someting i found:We lead Head Start and Early Head Start programs in four states, providing kids with early learning opportunities they might not otherwise have. ",6,0,20180828-194952_902_live 13,That is very helpful for children. I like that they are helping kids that may not have opportunities that other kids do.,6,1,20180828-194952_902_live 14,I was thinking about $1 but aparently you can donate anything up to the $2. What do you think?,7,0,20180828-194952_902_live 15,At first I was think $1.00 also. But now having hear more about the charity I am willing to donate more.,7,1,20180828-194952_902_live 16,"Well, how about 1.50?",8,0,20180828-194952_902_live 17,I am not sure. Would you donate the whole $2.00?,8,1,20180828-194952_902_live 18,If you will I will too.,9,0,20180828-194952_902_live 19,"Okay, since we both feel like children's Christie's are important, I say let's donate $2.00 and help!",9,1,20180828-194952_902_live 0,"Hi, would you like to know more about the Save the Children organization and how you can make a difference?",0,0,20180828-224234_567_live 1,"Sure, tat suds interestin!noh",0,1,20180828-224234_567_live 2,"Millions of children around the world lack basic things like food, water, and shelter. Our organization provides these things.",1,0,20180828-224234_567_live 3,That sounds wonderful,1,1,20180828-224234_567_live 4,"Indeed, we also provide a lot in terms of school access and supplies",2,0,20180828-224234_567_live 5,eat too!rg staTh,2,1,20180828-224234_567_live 6,"Yes, we provide impoverished children with lots of food as well so they don't stay hungry",3,0,20180828-224234_567_live 7,where are they located,3,1,20180828-224234_567_live 8,"Many places around the world: Africa, Asia, etc. We recently helped out villages in Somalia for instance",4,0,20180828-224234_567_live 9,"And the USA, right?",4,1,20180828-224234_567_live 10,"Yes, we have programs in the U.S. to help out low income families",5,0,20180828-224234_567_live 11,Low income or homeless?,5,1,20180828-224234_567_live 12,We offer problems for both,6,0,20180828-224234_567_live 13,So how much can be donated?,6,1,20180828-224234_567_live 14,Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment ($2).,7,0,20180828-224234_567_live 15,And i can send it directly?,7,1,20180828-224234_567_live 16,"Yes, it will be sent to Save the Children",8,0,20180828-224234_567_live 17,Cool! Sign me up!,8,1,20180828-224234_567_live 18,"Sounds good, how much would you like to give?",9,0,20180828-224234_567_live 19,I'll donate $1,9,1,20180828-224234_567_live 0,Hello,0,0,20180828-192750_297_live 1,hi there,0,1,20180828-192750_297_live 2,how are you today,1,0,20180828-192750_297_live 3,"I'm doing ok, a little tired. How are you/",1,1,20180828-192750_297_live 4,Exhausted. Turking after work is no fun but I need the money lol,2,0,20180828-192750_297_live 5,I hear that!,2,1,20180828-192750_297_live 6,"will you donate any bonus to the charity ""save the children"" today?",3,0,20180828-192750_297_live 7,"No, thanks. I think I'm going to keep the bonus.",3,1,20180828-192750_297_live 8,"No worries, I'd do the same",4,0,20180828-192750_297_live 9,"Yeah, I was curious how this was going to go. I always feel a little guilty saying no.",4,1,20180828-192750_297_live 10,"Me too, but I just try to think how much my family needs the money and I feel a little better",5,0,20180828-192750_297_live 11,"Yeah, exactly. ""Save the children"" is pretty vague, too, haha.",5,1,20180828-192750_297_live 12,"Yep, they gave me all kinds of tactics to use on you that I didn't want to like asking how much you spend on things like candy LOL",6,0,20180828-192750_297_live 13,Haha! That's interesting. What other tactics did they suggest?,6,1,20180828-192750_297_live 14,They said to tell you that you are part of the solution and that you have a moral responsibility to help,7,0,20180828-192750_297_live 15,"Well, true, but I also have a moral responsibility to my family. I feel worse when cashiers ask me. It seems to happen so frequently now.",7,1,20180828-192750_297_live 16,"I actually work in a grocery store. They only ask you for donations as a tax write-off. I mean, the money does go to charity but there is something in it for everyone",8,0,20180828-192750_297_live 17,"Hah, that's good to know. There's even a South Park episode about this...(of course there is)",8,1,20180828-192750_297_live 18,"Man I love South Park, excited for it to come back next month",9,0,20180828-192750_297_live 19,"I wasn't into it originally, but my husband wore me down. Now I like it.",9,1,20180828-192750_297_live 20,"Good talking with you, have a nice night",10,0,20180828-192750_297_live 21,Nice talking with you too!,10,1,20180828-192750_297_live 0,hi I am anne,0,0,20180828-150231_344_live 1,"Hello, I'm Rebecca, nice to meet you",0,1,20180828-150231_344_live 2,would you like to donate a part of your earnings to Save the Children fund?,1,0,20180828-150231_344_live 3,"Sure, what did you have in mind?",1,1,20180828-150231_344_live 4,I will give you a choice to make your own decision on how much to donate,2,0,20180828-150231_344_live 5,What do you think would be a fair amount to donate?,2,1,20180828-150231_344_live 6,How much are you comfortable with to donate to this cause?,3,0,20180828-150231_344_live 7,I am not sure yet. What does Save the Children do?,3,1,20180828-150231_344_live 8,"It is an organization that helps children around the world with food, clothing , water, education, medical help ",4,0,20180828-150231_344_live 9,That sounds like a good cause. Have you donated to them before?,4,1,20180828-150231_344_live 10,Yes. So far I have given the organization $100 this year,5,0,20180828-150231_344_live 11,Do you donate to any other sorts of charities?,5,1,20180828-150231_344_live 12,"yes, but for the time being, you can donate up to $2 to save the children, How much would you like to donate?",6,0,20180828-150231_344_live 13,Do you think it would be fair if I donated $1?,6,1,20180828-150231_344_live 14,That is great and your donation would be directly deducted from your task payment.,7,0,20180828-150231_344_live 15,"OK, I feel comfortable donating $1.",7,1,20180828-150231_344_live 16,"thanks, and I appreciate you donating the $1 to the organization",8,0,20180828-150231_344_live 17,"Thank you, I hope it is helpful.",8,1,20180828-150231_344_live 18,Everyone who donates will make a collective effort in making an impact. Thanks,9,0,20180828-150231_344_live 19,"I'm glad to hear that, with a lot of people doing a little a big difference can be made.",9,1,20180828-150231_344_live 0,Hello! How are you today?,0,0,20180828-145342_771_live 1,I am well thank you and you?,0,1,20180828-145342_771_live 2,"I am doing well, thank you for asking! It is a lovely day.",1,0,20180828-145342_771_live 3,"I have to agree, weather here is perfect.",1,1,20180828-145342_771_live 4,You know what else it is a lovely day for? Donating to charity! You can choose any of your $2 bonus to Save the Children. The research team will collect all donations and send them. Would you be willing to donate a portion of your bonus?,2,0,20180828-145342_771_live 5,"Can you tell me, is Save the Children a charity that gives to children here in the USA?",2,1,20180828-145342_771_live 6,"Save the Children is a professional organization that gives to children all over the world. Children in the USA need to be saved, but children overseas also need assistance! ",3,0,20180828-145342_771_live 7,Yes they do but I am very concerned that we are not giving enough to charities here in the USA. I will give but I will only give 5%,3,1,20180828-145342_771_live 8,Well that is very kind of you! ,4,0,20180828-145342_771_live 9,I am not sure where I go to donate,4,1,20180828-145342_771_live 10,"If you choose to donate 5%, that is $.01. I think it is collected from our conversation. Is that correct? You would like to donate $.01? ",5,0,20180828-145342_771_live 11,I will donate .10 ten cents,5,1,20180828-145342_771_live 12,I am sure the children will be very appreciative. ,6,0,20180828-145342_771_live 13,Do you see where I am coming from though about needing to direct people to US based charities for our own homeless?,6,1,20180828-145342_771_live 14,"Absolutely. I agree completely. I think there are a lot of people out there who need help, in so many different ways. Children, adults, and elderly.",7,0,20180828-145342_771_live 15,Veterans too. It is so sad to drive down to the city and see so many homeless. I have been reading on the news about my hometown and how the homeless are camped on the town common,7,1,20180828-145342_771_live 16,That is very sad. I wish I could do more to help homeless people and veterans myself. It is hard to see people living in such sad conditions in this country that is supposed to be the land of opportunity. ,8,0,20180828-145342_771_live 17,I totally agree. I am just so upset daily about the division that has happened over the last 20 years,8,1,20180828-145342_771_live 18,"I hope that things improve. I am curious to see what the next 20 years hold. I hope rather than getting worse, things do start to improve. And I think it starts with selfless people like yourself.",9,0,20180828-145342_771_live 19,I hope so too. Thank you for your time and I hope you have a great evening,9,1,20180828-145342_771_live 0,"Hello, I would like to let you know about an exciting opportunity available to you.",0,0,20180828-201439_804_live 1,"That's usually the start of a sales pitch, but go ahead and I'll listen",0,1,20180828-201439_804_live 2,"You\'re not wrong, but I happen to genuinely believe in what i am selling. In this case I am collecting donations for the charity ""Save the Children"" You can find out more information about the cause here URL but generally speaking, is this the kind of thing you tend to be interested in? ",1,0,20180828-201439_804_live 3,"When I have free money, yes. I've primarily donated to Save the Chilren and UNICEF in the past.",1,1,20180828-201439_804_live 4,"That's great to hear. Sounds like less of an uphill battle for me then. Let me ask you something, how much happiness can $.77 buy you in your daily life? ",2,0,20180828-201439_804_live 5,"seventy seven cents? Not too much, its about a fifth of my daily train fare.",2,1,20180828-201439_804_live 6,"For $.77 a day, you can shelter an entire refugee family. Based on your previous experiences with charitable donations, I don't think I have to explain to you how much good you'd be doing for others at a minimal cost to yourself. ",3,0,20180828-201439_804_live 7,"This is true. 77 cents is not that much, and the refugee situation with the clusterfuck in Syria and Venezuela means that money could be used right about now.",3,1,20180828-201439_804_live 8,"You're clearly a well-informed, and caring person. And you're making my job easy! Can I count on your donation at the $2.00 level? ",4,0,20180828-201439_804_live 9,"2 dollars is a little high, my girlfriend and I just got a 5k vet bill for her cat. I'm happy we saved our girl, but it means I need to keep tabs on every dollar for the moment. What you say we split the amount down the middle and go with a dollar?",4,1,20180828-201439_804_live 10,Yikes. I hope your girlfriend's cat has a speedy and full recovery. A dollar ,5,0,20180828-201439_804_live 11,"It seems like she is. Fatty liver, caused by a blockage in her gut that kept everything from working right. May I ask if you have supported any non-profits before? You're pretty personable and great at taking a person down a 'yes ladder'.",5,1,20180828-201439_804_live 12,"Haha, I have. I am a big fan of the effective altruism movement; supporting the non-profits that get the most bang for your buck. I don't have that many bucks to spare, and I like to make sure that mine are doing the most good. ",6,0,20180828-201439_804_live 13,"I actually worked for one for a while, the Wikimedia Foundation, the guys behind Wikipedia. Jimbo Wales totally had me the first time I read his 'imagine the sum total of human knowledge available to anyone, anywhere, for free'. I still do believe in that, but considering the challenges the world faces I think boots-on-the-ground style charity work is more... needed? Pressing, maybe?",6,1,20180828-201439_804_live 14,"Yeah, there's a give-and-take to be sure, and I have some doubts that many average Joe's can attain Will Macaskill or Peter Singer-level selflessness. There's something valuable in seeing the change you are effecting ",7,0,20180828-201439_804_live 15,Completely off topic but that was lightweight a tricky situation on whether to use affect or effect and you nailed it. Those Grammar Bee kids have nothing on you!,7,1,20180828-201439_804_live 16,"I only ever learn those things through ridicule. A great piece of advice I once received went something like ""If you are unsure if you are using a word correctly, say it as loudly as possible."" ",8,0,20180828-201439_804_live 17,I believe we need to enter in to an explicit agreement on the dollar. How do we do that?,8,1,20180828-201439_804_live 18,"Do you agree to donate $1.00 to ""Save the Children?""",9,0,20180828-201439_804_live 19,I agree to donate $1.00 to Save the Children.,9,1,20180828-201439_804_live 0,Hi! How are you doing today?,0,0,20180828-212320_295_live 1,I'm good thanks,0,1,20180828-212320_295_live 2,Awesome! What's your name?,1,0,20180828-212320_295_live 3,Call me Jim Bob. Lets talk about the charity,1,1,20180828-212320_295_live 4,Sounds good Jim Bob! I'm here to convince you to donate to a charity called Save the Children. Have you every heard of this charity before?,2,0,20180828-212320_295_live 5,"Yep, sure have! Tell me more",2,1,20180828-212320_295_live 6,"Sure thing! Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries. Millions of children around the world have grown up in less than ideal scenarios so the mission of the charity is to help them get what they need.",3,0,20180828-212320_295_live 7,That's great to hear! Have you donated to it before?,3,1,20180828-212320_295_live 8,I personally have not but they do very good things and I am definitely considering making a donation sometime in the future.,4,0,20180828-212320_295_live 9,Nice! Maybe i can donate too in the future,4,1,20180828-212320_295_live 10,"Yes you should definitely consider it! In fact, you can donate to the charity right now if you'd like to.",5,0,20180828-212320_295_live 11,Yea? How do i do it?,5,1,20180828-212320_295_live 12,It's really simple! All you have to do is tell me how much you'd like to donate and it will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose from any amount from $0 to all of your payment.,6,0,20180828-212320_295_live 13,Cool! Sounds good,6,1,20180828-212320_295_live 14,Awesome! We do need to get to 10 minimum chat turns so feel free to think about it some more. Let me know if you would like any more information.,7,0,20180828-212320_295_live 15,"Tell me more, please. I want to be fully informed",7,1,20180828-212320_295_live 16,Sure thing! First off their website is URL if you'd like to learn more yourself but I can give you some highlights too.,8,0,20180828-212320_295_live 17,"Tell me more, you sound pretty knowledgeble",8,1,20180828-212320_295_live 18,Thank you I'm trying my best. One of the main focuses of the charity is to help children in Middle Eastern and African countries. Children in these areas have been heavily affected by war and famine and in Syria specifically millions of children have grown up facing a daily threat of violence. Your donation can help these refugee children which is very important because half of all refugees are children.,9,0,20180828-212320_295_live 19,Sounds good to me. I think i will make a donation now. Thank you so much!,9,1,20180828-212320_295_live 20,Wonderful! Just tell me how much you'd like to donate then we're done!,10,0,20180828-212320_295_live 21,I'll donate $1,10,1,20180828-212320_295_live 22,Awesome! Thank you very much!,11,0,20180828-212320_295_live 0,Hello. This survey is supporting a charitable cause. Do you believe that children's causes are worth while?,0,0,20180828-150259_573_live 1,Hi. I do believe that children's causes are worthwhile. I think it's important to help people in need. How about you?,0,1,20180828-150259_573_live 2,"I agree. I am generally a giving person, however I am cautious and generally donate to local, legitimate causes. Have you ever heard of Save The Children?",1,0,20180828-150259_573_live 3,"Is that the one that used to be on TV all the time, with pictures of starving children from Africa?",1,1,20180828-150259_573_live 4,"Not sure, I don't think it is. The survey really doesn't say much about it. Do you think it is legitimate?",2,0,20180828-150259_573_live 5,I think they might be legitimate. I've definitely heard the name before. I think I've actually seen a billboard before with a picture of a staving child.,2,1,20180828-150259_573_live 6,"Interesting. I am considering donating part of my pay to them, do you think that is a good idea?",3,0,20180828-150259_573_live 7,Do you mean like your paycheck from work or your pay from your HIT?,3,1,20180828-150259_573_live 8,"No, just part of the pay I get from this hit.",4,0,20180828-150259_573_live 9,"Oh, I see. How exactly would you even do that? Is there a link or something?",4,1,20180828-150259_573_live 10,I don't see a link yet but the instructions state I can donate after the chat.,5,0,20180828-150259_573_live 11,Hmm. Mine only says that I can donate if I am asked. I haven't been asked yet by anybody. It says that I can donate 0 to 2 dollars. But it doesn't say how.,5,1,20180828-150259_573_live 12,"Odd. I have donated to similar hits in the past, most of the time a donate 50% of the hit, but this time I think I will only donate 0.05. Would you be willing to donate?",6,0,20180828-150259_573_live 13,Do you think it will do any good? Such a small amount?,6,1,20180828-150259_573_live 14,"Well, I think it will. I've been doing hits like these for a while that are only worth a few cents but over the course of a month it really adds up.",7,0,20180828-150259_573_live 15,I guess you're right. I guess a little bit of money goes a long way if other people are doing it as well. Ok. You know what? I'll match you for .05. That way we do it together.,7,1,20180828-150259_573_live 16,"That is great. I'm hoping this charity is legitimate. I am going to google them afterwards, if they are I will most likely donate more.",8,0,20180828-150259_573_live 17,"Yeah, I agree. There are some websites that rank charities in terms of trustworthiness so maybe we could look there.",8,1,20180828-150259_573_live 18,Excellent. Well nice chatting with you and good luck to you!,9,0,20180828-150259_573_live 19,Thank you. Good luck to you as well!,9,1,20180828-150259_573_live 0,Hello what do you think about worthwhile charities?,0,0,20180828-190043_840_live 1,I like charities and I think it is important to help others. ,0,1,20180828-190043_840_live 2,"Me too, one I particularly like is Save The Children because I think kids need our help",1,0,20180828-190043_840_live 3,Okay. I have never heard of it. What is the goal of that charity?,1,1,20180828-190043_840_live 4,"They are a worldwide charity that help ensuring children's rights to health, education, safety, etc. Their website is URL ",2,0,20180828-190043_840_live 5,Alright. Thank you for the information. I understand that they help educate children and keep them healthy and safe.Do you know if the organization is world wide or just a certain nation?,2,1,20180828-190043_840_live 6,"They are worldwide for sure, for instance they are helping a lot in Syria. In the first two months of 2018 alone, 1,000 children were reportedly killed or injured in intensifying violence.",3,0,20180828-190043_840_live 7,Wow. That is interesting. How did the organization help in Syria?,3,1,20180828-190043_840_live 8,"Well refugees are fleeing Syria left and right and they help with food, supplies and shelter and also protection. They are direct on the ground.",4,0,20180828-190043_840_live 9,"Oh, that is good. I like the idea of helping the people in Syria. They are definitely in need of help. ",4,1,20180828-190043_840_live 10,Well would you like to donate to Save The Children? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment ($2).,5,0,20180828-190043_840_live 11,I think I would be interested in giving. Do I just choose an amount and it will be deducted from payment?,5,1,20180828-190043_840_live 12,"If I read this right, after we chat the research team will collect all donations and send it themselves.",6,0,20180828-190043_840_live 13,Okay. I definitely think I want to help. I am strongly considering giving to the charity since it appears to be legitimate. ,6,1,20180828-190043_840_live 14,"Yes I have TV ads for them before, they say help a child for the price of a cup of coffee.",7,0,20180828-190043_840_live 15,"Okay, there are so many scams that I have to ask questions before donating. ",7,1,20180828-190043_840_live 16,"Oh without doubt, the website is legit and like I said I have seen them on TV before.",8,0,20180828-190043_840_live 17,"Alright, I would like to give 1 dollar to the charity. ",8,1,20180828-190043_840_live 18,"Ok I was going to say I will match whatever you decide to donate, so I will do the same!",9,0,20180828-190043_840_live 19,That is great. Thank you for being so supportive. ,9,1,20180828-190043_840_live 0,Hello!,0,0,20180828-181506_747_live 1,"Hi, what's happening?",0,1,20180828-181506_747_live 2,"May I interest you in some ""Good Deed"" duties today?",1,0,20180828-181506_747_live 3,"Yep, sure can",1,1,20180828-181506_747_live 4,Have you ever donated/ever thought about donating to a charity(s)?,2,0,20180828-181506_747_live 5,I do donate on occasion. So what is your charity about?,2,1,20180828-181506_747_live 6,"Glad you asked. It\'s called ""Save The Children""",3,0,20180828-181506_747_live 7,"Okay, and I bet it's about helping out kids.",3,1,20180828-181506_747_live 8,"Ah-ha! Correct. :) Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",4,0,20180828-181506_747_live 9,Very good cause. Would a buck help?,4,1,20180828-181506_747_live 10,"Any amount is lovely. 1$, 5$, 20$, 100$! It's all going to an amazing cause, every dollar helps. <3",5,0,20180828-181506_747_live 11,You've got it...giving you $1 and thanks for your good work!,5,1,20180828-181506_747_live 12,Thank you so much. I can assure you that your donation will be going to a trustable fund. You are amazing. I just want to help these children any way I can. It makes me cry that not everyone is treated fairly... They are our future!,6,0,20180828-181506_747_live 13,Goodbye for now... I'll look up your charity on the web.,6,1,20180828-181506_747_live 14,"There is lack of support for children in developing countries, especially in war zones. For instance, millions of Syrian children have grown up facing the daily threat of violence. In the first two months of 2018 alone, 1,000 children were reportedly killed or injured in intensifying violence. Thank you for looking into this.",7,0,20180828-181506_747_live 15,"You're welcome, God bless and bye for now.",7,1,20180828-181506_747_live 16, URL Here's the link to save you your troubles. ,8,0,20180828-181506_747_live 17,"I copied the link, thanks!",8,1,20180828-181506_747_live 18,Thank you so much. God bless!,9,0,20180828-181506_747_live 19,Bye for now,9,1,20180828-181506_747_live 0,Ho how are you?,0,0,20180828-192202_602_live 1,I'm doing well. How are you?,0,1,20180828-192202_602_live 2,I'm doing great. My name is Kim and I work for a charity organization.,1,0,20180828-192202_602_live 3,What type of charity organization do you work for?,1,1,20180828-192202_602_live 4,Our charity organization is called Save the Children. We are committed to providing health and nutrition programs that save children's lives and ensure they grow up healthy.,2,0,20180828-192202_602_live 5,That's great. Does your work benefit children globally?,2,1,20180828-192202_602_live 6,"Yes we have a global presence. We help Syrian children refugees and children in developing countries, especially in war zones. Save the Children is the voice for vulnerable children. We're on the ground in 120 countries, working to reach every last child through international programs that focus on health, education, protection and disaster relief. Together, we're changing children's lives and the future we all share.",3,0,20180828-192202_602_live 7,"Well, that definitely sounds like a worthwhile cause. Can I ask what percentage of donations received go to helping children versus the percentage that goes to the administration of the charity?",3,1,20180828-192202_602_live 8,"Save the Children has a proven track record of using donations efficiently and effectively. Our independently audited financial statements consistently show that nearly 9 out of every 10 dollars we spend goes to programs and services for children and families in need. We keep administrative costs low so that more funding goes to children's programs. In fiscal year 2017, 86% of all expenditures went to program services, 9% went to fundraising and 5% went to management and general. ",4,0,20180828-192202_602_live 9,"That's incredibly impressive, much better than other charities I've looked into. It must be very rewarding to be able to impact the lives of so many people.",4,1,20180828-192202_602_live 10,"Yes, In the first two months of 2018 alone, 1,000 children were reportedly killed or injured in intensifying violence. Every donation will indeed be a help a lot of children and their families. We target the major causes of maternal, newborn and child deaths and provide the best health and nutrition programs to save children's lives and ensure they grow up healthy.",5,0,20180828-192202_602_live 11,Does the charity offer the ability to sponsor an individual child and be kept up to date on their progress?,5,1,20180828-192202_602_live 12,"Yes you can! Through child sponsorship, you can be the hero in the life of a child in need. You can make sure they grow up healthy, educated and safe. Through the power of Sponsorship, you help ensure a child in need has the best chance for success _ with a healthy start, the opportunity to learn and protection from harm. Our innovative Sponsorship programs address the unique needs of children where they live",6,0,20180828-192202_602_live 13,That's something I would definitely like to learn more about. I'll visit the charities website and check it out. ,6,1,20180828-192202_602_live 14,"Yes thank you. There are many ways to help. For more information, and if you are willing to help or make a donation, you can go to our website: URL Will you be interested in making a donation to Save the Children ?",7,0,20180828-192202_602_live 15,"Yes, I would love to help this charity! It's a great cause.",7,1,20180828-192202_602_live 16,How much do you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment ($2).,8,0,20180828-192202_602_live 17,"I will donate .50, and I will definitely visit your website to learn more about sponsoring a child.",8,1,20180828-192202_602_live 18,Thank you so much for your donation. The research team will collect all donations and send it to Save the Children. There are many more ways to donate to Save the Children and you can learn more by visiting our website.,9,0,20180828-192202_602_live 19,I definitely will! Thanks for informing me about this great opportunity to help.,9,1,20180828-192202_602_live 0,Hello. Have you heard of Save the Children?,0,0,20180828-191951_61_live 1,"Hello, how are you?",0,1,20180828-191951_61_live 2,"Good ,thanks, how are you this evening?",1,0,20180828-191951_61_live 3,I'm doing good. I think I have heard of Save the Children but I am not familiar with it.,1,1,20180828-191951_61_live 4,This is their website URL they place a very high value on ensuring children have food to eat,2,0,20180828-191951_61_live 5,I see. It does seem they are a well known organization and provide charitable efforts worldwide.,2,1,20180828-191951_61_live 6,"Yes, they offer a wide range of ways to help children, did you grow up with enough resources?",3,0,20180828-191951_61_live 7,"Yes, I did grow up with enough resources. I am currently looking at the site a bit more.",3,1,20180828-191951_61_live 8,"That is good to hear,and you were blessed,I grew up poor and many times we never had dinner to eat",4,0,20180828-191951_61_live 9,"Wow, sorry to hear. Hope you are doing well these days.",4,1,20180828-191951_61_live 10,"Thank you, yes much better and I have a daughter that I keep well taken care of, and she I let her know she is blessed",5,0,20180828-191951_61_live 11,That is good. So do you take part in Save the Children in any way?,5,1,20180828-191951_61_live 12,"Yes,I have donated money quite a few times, I trust them",6,0,20180828-191951_61_live 13,I see. I'm guessing they accept charitable donations through their website?,6,1,20180828-191951_61_live 14,"Yes they do, Would you be interested in contributing to a child's better life?",7,0,20180828-191951_61_live 15,Sure thing. I will donate. I have sort of a tight budget but I will donate $1.,7,1,20180828-191951_61_live 16,"ok, that is so kind of you they research team will forward all funds",8,0,20180828-191951_61_live 17,sounds good. any other ways I can help in a non-monetary capacity?,8,1,20180828-191951_61_live 18,"Their website has ways of contacting them,and they will answer any questions you have, I am not certain and do not want to give misinformation",9,0,20180828-191951_61_live 19,"Ok, I see. Yes, I guess I can find any information I need on their website. Thanks.",9,1,20180828-191951_61_live 0,You want to donate to a children's charity?,0,0,20180828-145511_480_live 1,"If it is a reputable one, for sure. ",0,1,20180828-145511_480_live 2,It's called Save the Children,1,0,20180828-145511_480_live 3,"Yea, I've hear of them",1,1,20180828-145511_480_live 4,They are very reputable,2,0,20180828-145511_480_live 5,"I know, they do a lot of good stuff and most of the donations actually goes towards the programs ",2,1,20180828-145511_480_live 6,How much do you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment ($2),3,0,20180828-145511_480_live 7,Split it 50/50,3,1,20180828-145511_480_live 8,Sounds good. So you are saying $1 ,4,0,20180828-145511_480_live 9,"Yes, sorry if that wasn't clear",4,1,20180828-145511_480_live 10,I just wanted to clarify,5,0,20180828-145511_480_live 11,$1 or $2 isn't much in the scheme of things but it all adds up I suppose,5,1,20180828-145511_480_live 12,"yes it all helps, the children will be thankful",6,0,20180828-145511_480_live 13,I think my mom's church actually did the sponsor a child thing for while. but that was a long time ago,6,1,20180828-145511_480_live 14,sounds like you are from a caring family,7,0,20180828-145511_480_live 15,"haha more than some, less than others! ",7,1,20180828-145511_480_live 16,"it all really helps, it takes a community",8,0,20180828-145511_480_live 17,no doubt. children should have all the opportunity to thrive that they can. not their fault if they were born into tough circumstances,8,1,20180828-145511_480_live 18,"Thank you for your donation, have a blessed day",9,0,20180828-145511_480_live 19,"Thank you, you too",9,1,20180828-145511_480_live 0,Hi! I'm glad we got matched. Can I start out by asking if there are any charitable causes that you feel specifically drawn to?,0,0,20180828-192913_631_live 1,I am very interested in breast cancer and raising funds for that ,0,1,20180828-192913_631_live 2,"Thank you, that is definitely a worthy cause. I wanted to get a feel for whether your interests tended to be focused on people, environment, etc. and I'm glad to hear that you are concerned for people's well-being. Unfortunately the donation I want to bring up isn't directly related to illness, but it is related to the health and livelihood of people. Have you heard of Save the Children?",1,0,20180828-192913_631_live 3,It souns vaguely familiar does it help children in this country,1,1,20180828-192913_631_live 4,one of the beautiful things about it is that it helps children in the US AND around the world. (I myself sometimes get a bit discouraged or feel like my personal donations don't mean as much if its reach is too localized. Especially when it's something as important as helping and in many cases rescuing children from violent areas or from malnutrition/disease. Thousands of children die every day due to circumstances that are completely outside of their control and this organization actually helps to provide them with stability which eventually will better our global future.,2,0,20180828-192913_631_live 5,that sounds like something I wuld be interested in.,2,1,20180828-192913_631_live 6,Awesome! I'm happy to hear it. At the end of the day kids are particularly vulnerable so this organization's mission is one that I feel really strongly about. URL here is their website if you'd like to check out accreditation before my next topic which is how this HIT lets us help. Let me know when you've looked at it :),3,0,20180828-192913_631_live 7,let donate $1,3,1,20180828-192913_631_live 8,"Yeah! I was just about to say we can choose to donate anywhere from 0 to $2. At the end of the day, what we're really donating is our time (the minutes that it's taken to do this HIT). I don't want either of us to have to forego earning anything for our time, but I think $1 is great",4,0,20180828-192913_631_live 9,I have children and my son was very ill at one point so anything that helps children I am very interested in. I checked ou the website and I feel like it is something I can get behind,4,1,20180828-192913_631_live 10,"I understand completely and I hope your son is doing better and continues to stay healthy! From what I'm seeing, the donation gets deducted from the task payment and even though it seems like a small donation (in the grand scheme of things) they put 90% of donations to direct aid so every dollar really adds up",5,0,20180828-192913_631_live 11,Yes he is doing better thank you for saying. Yes every dollar adds up. I think it is a worthy cause,5,1,20180828-192913_631_live 12,Great! I'm glad to have been matched with a generous person :),6,0,20180828-192913_631_live 13,I agree great minds think alike,6,1,20180828-192913_631_live 14,"Yes! And if this HIT keeps the same charity for all of the workers, then I think it's great that it's getting visibility too",7,0,20180828-192913_631_live 15,I didn;t even think aout it like that but you are right. I think if we could all just donate a tiny bit of our income it would help everybody,7,1,20180828-192913_631_live 16,"That's a great idea. I would too even if it's a small percentage. This is on a similar topic but not directly related, but just in case you shop on Amazon and didn't know-- if you shop through smile.amazon.com you can actually choose a charity that gets a portion of donations on the money you spent. Doesn't cost you extra, I'm sure there are ones devoted to breast cancer!",8,0,20180828-192913_631_live 17,wow I didn't know at all. Is that an app or a direct website?,8,1,20180828-192913_631_live 18,just the direct website! I think it should be the default honestly. your login and everything is the same and you can change the charity it goes to whenever you'd like :),9,0,20180828-192913_631_live 19,awesome I am going to definitely use them I am spending money anyway why not donate as well. It is a win win,9,1,20180828-192913_631_live 20,"yes! exactly. I'm buying the same things and use amazon all the time, so it makes me feel a little like I'm helping at the same time. Thanks for chatting and taking this HIT with me:)",10,0,20180828-192913_631_live 21,you as well thank you for all the information good night.,10,1,20180828-192913_631_live 0,Hey there! How are you doing today?,0,0,20180828-190157_397_live 1,I'm great. How about you?,0,1,20180828-190157_397_live 2,I'm doing well. Do you know anything about the charity Save the Children?,1,0,20180828-190157_397_live 3,I think I've heard about it.,1,1,20180828-190157_397_live 4,"Well it's a great charity that puts a lot of time and effort into taking care of children's health, education and safety.",2,0,20180828-190157_397_live 5,Is it international? Is it tax deductible?,2,1,20180828-190157_397_live 6,"It is tax deductible, and it is currently in 120 countries which is very impressive for an organization that has taken on so many different initiatives.",3,0,20180828-190157_397_live 7,What kinds of things do they do? Is it like adopt a child type thing? ,3,1,20180828-190157_397_live 8,"They do everything from build schools (including the hiring/training of teachers), to building hospitals and funding supplies/programs for them, to programs that aid in getting food/clothing to children in countries where they have no access to such things - and recently they've even pushed into childhood cancer and funding medication and research in lesser-developed countries.",4,0,20180828-190157_397_live 9,Wow. That is impressive. Do you work for them?,4,1,20180828-190157_397_live 10,"I don't, I'm just here to see if you'd consider donating any amount to the organization today. The funds go towards sponsoring a child or service and I think it would be a great way to give back to the world. ",5,0,20180828-190157_397_live 11,It does seem worthwhile. How much of my money goes to the charity though? I don't want it all going to administrative costs and paying some CEO.,5,1,20180828-190157_397_live 12,"Oh, I totally agree with you on that. I feel the same exact way. The breakdown for Save the Children for the year 2017 was 86% went to programming, 9% fundraising and 5% went to management and general.",6,0,20180828-190157_397_live 13,That sounds good. Glad to hear it. I wouldn't mind giving something. Can I choose what program it goes to?,6,1,20180828-190157_397_live 14,Unfortunately they don't have that flexibility for me to be able to do that - but what amount are you thinking of donating?,7,0,20180828-190157_397_live 15,I wouldn't mind donating my $2. I'd like the chance to help something worthwhile.,7,1,20180828-190157_397_live 16,"That's awesome, I wish there were more people with that attitude! I feel like the world would be in a better place!",8,0,20180828-190157_397_live 17,"One person at a time! If I tell someone and you tell someone, that's two more!",8,1,20180828-190157_397_live 18,"That's a great way to think about it! I'm a big believer in passing it along as well, a little can go a long way!",9,0,20180828-190157_397_live 19,Yep. I'd love it if my donation made a difference in some child.,9,1,20180828-190157_397_live 20,"Thanks for taking the time to learn about the charity, and I'm so glad you decided to donate $2.00. Have a great day!",10,0,20180828-190157_397_live 0,"Hi, how are you doing?",0,0,20180828-204944_288_live 1,"Hi there. I'm doing okay! I just made a cup of tea and my dog's taking a nap on my bed right now, so things are nice and peaceful. How about yourself?",0,1,20180828-204944_288_live 2,That sounds so nice. I'm good too. Thanks for asking. You sound like a person who likes to help others.,1,0,20180828-204944_288_live 3,I sometimes am but I don't know - no one's truly of pure virtue.,1,1,20180828-204944_288_live 4,"Well I wanted to know if you know about an organization called ""Save the Children."" They are a charity that helps kids in need around the world. ",2,0,20180828-204944_288_live 5,I'd be happy to hear more.,2,1,20180828-204944_288_live 6,"Do you know that any donation to them goes to buy kids food, clothing, school supplies etc.. basic necessities that probably we don't even have to worry about.",3,0,20180828-204944_288_live 7,"I do, but I also know that Carolyn Myles, the CEO, takes a nearly half million dollar annual salary.",3,1,20180828-204944_288_live 8,"Oh wow, where did you hear that?",4,0,20180828-204944_288_live 9,You can find more information about that on their Charity Navigator page. They also have a troubling liability to asset number that makes me worry about their overall financial viability as a charity.,4,1,20180828-204944_288_live 10,That's a bummer to hear about because I'm supposed to persuade you to donate some of your payment from this task to that charity.,5,0,20180828-204944_288_live 11,"Yeah, they pick odd charities on here. Save the Children isn't awful, really, it's just a charity I run into a lot.",5,1,20180828-204944_288_live 12,Oh haha. I haven't done this before. Anyway. I'm supposed to ask you: How much do you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment ($2).,6,0,20180828-204944_288_live 13,"0 dollars, but I'll give the 2 to The Global Orphan Project on my own time because I think that's in spirit of this HIT",6,1,20180828-204944_288_live 14,That's awesome! I don't really trust gigantic charities either. Do you know what we do now?,7,0,20180828-204944_288_live 15,"No, there's a message number we have to hit I think. But I can tell you how fostering affected me and my family. My half sister was born to a mentally ill mother and our shared father is abusive, so she was in foster care for a number of years. Charities like this are really important to me because they helped her get in touch with me when she was older.",7,1,20180828-204944_288_live 16,That's so great. It's good to just give to what we are personally invested in!,8,0,20180828-204944_288_live 17,"It is, and I think when there's talk of defunding or ending programs like these, it's important for the people who's lives they've so affected to speak up.",8,1,20180828-204944_288_live 18,Totally. Do you think this hit will really donate that money to Save the Children? It seems like a weird place to get donations.,9,0,20180828-204944_288_live 19,There's a lot of HITs that work like this and I've received documentation from the majority of them about those donations. A great many are run through universities and the ethics boards there wouldn't allow them to deceive about charitable intent.,9,1,20180828-204944_288_live 0,would you be willing to donate to save the children,0,0,20180828-151602_271_live 1,Yes i would! $1.00 children are the future ,0,1,20180828-151602_271_live 2,That sounds great. Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. ,1,0,20180828-151602_271_live 3,Glad i could be of help!,1,1,20180828-151602_271_live 4,Do you usually donate to these causes ,2,0,20180828-151602_271_live 5,"Yes, I believe in working to help others. I come from a very traditional family and was taught to always help others",2,1,20180828-151602_271_live 6,Thats great. Every little bit helps. Save the children is a great fund. ,3,0,20180828-151602_271_live 7,Do you have more detail about the cause you can share?,3,1,20180828-151602_271_live 8,"Sure, They are a international non governmental organization that promotes children's rights",4,0,20180828-151602_271_live 9,Non governmental is even better in my opinion,4,1,20180828-151602_271_live 10,They also provide relief and and support children in developing countries ,5,0,20180828-151602_271_live 11,"Thats great! I have very close family in parts of the world that are less fortunate, my goal is to travel and help in anyway i can",5,1,20180828-151602_271_live 12,Oh that sounds great any chance I get you to double your donation. Children are the future ,6,0,20180828-151602_271_live 13,sure Ill donate up to $1.50!,6,1,20180828-151602_271_live 14,That is so amazing! This will help so much. Where is your family from?,7,0,20180828-151602_271_live 15,"Glad to help! My family originated in India, then migrated to East Africa and then to the US, I was fortunate to be born in the US however, My family keeps us very humble by sharing their stories and experiences",7,1,20180828-151602_271_live 16,Oh thats great well this money will go to help with Health education and safety for a child. ,8,0,20180828-151602_271_live 17,"Well im glad to have been apart, even if its just a little- hopefully it adds up!",8,1,20180828-151602_271_live 18,It does. Thanks again for the 1:50 and it will be deducted from your task payment. ,9,0,20180828-151602_271_live 19,"Sounds good, This is my first time taking part in this so I wasn't quite sure how it works",9,1,20180828-151602_271_live 0,good night would you like to donate any money to save the children from your payment that you get from this task,0,0,20180828-182449_776_live 1,"No, I want to keep mine. I choose $0.",0,1,20180828-182449_776_live 2,even a penny helps! ,1,0,20180828-182449_776_live 3,"No, I think I will be keeping my money, sorry.",1,1,20180828-182449_776_live 4," is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries. Some children die because they dont have any food, water or clothing you can help in ensuring a childs right to live ",2,0,20180828-182449_776_live 5,That is very unfortunate. I hope that their suffering stops.,2,1,20180828-182449_776_live 6,"you dont need to hope, you can help ",3,0,20180828-182449_776_live 7,"I don't think I can help, unfortunately.",3,1,20180828-182449_776_live 8,"a coffe a day, a lunch a day, a dinner a day. All these kids need is a penny millions of Syrian children have grown up facing the daily threat of violence. In the first two months of 2018 alone, 1,000 children were reportedly killed or injured in intensifying violence. ",4,0,20180828-182449_776_live 9,That is very humbling. The world is a crazy place,4,1,20180828-182449_776_live 10,i hope you're never in a situation where you need help ! not even a penny thats a real humbling experience ,5,0,20180828-182449_776_live 11,"I hope that I never do. I need to use this money, unfortunately.",5,1,20180828-182449_776_live 12,what do you need this money for ,6,0,20180828-182449_776_live 13,To live my life and pay my rent. It is very pressing,6,1,20180828-182449_776_live 14,"to bad millions of children wont be able to live there lives, eat food, have a home to pay rent for, or be able to live a normal life. A penny will not make or break you but it can help these children ",7,0,20180828-182449_776_live 15,Did you donate? How much have you donated?,7,1,20180828-182449_776_live 16,im donating 0.10,8,0,20180828-182449_776_live 17,That is a rather low amount!,8,1,20180828-182449_776_live 18,all im asking you to donate is 0.01 thats very low ,9,0,20180828-182449_776_live 19,I think maybe I can do that. $0.01 sounds nice.,9,1,20180828-182449_776_live 20,Thank you !,10,0,20180828-182449_776_live 0,"Good evening, I would hope you are well. I would also like for you to donate to a great charity called Save the Children.",0,0,20180828-201354_18_live 1,"I might be interested, please explain what Save the Children does?",0,1,20180828-201354_18_live 2,Save the Children program halp children in many different ways. One way is to help them to get nutritional foods to eat.,1,0,20180828-201354_18_live 3,Are you the leader/facilitator of this program?,1,1,20180828-201354_18_live 4,I am not but I truly think this organization is well worth donating to. They are committed to children in providing health and nutrition programs that save children's lives and ensure they grow up healthy.,2,0,20180828-201354_18_live 5,How did you hear about this program?,2,1,20180828-201354_18_live 6,I heard about this program through friends and family who have volunteered with this program. Have you ever volunteered with any organization?,3,0,20180828-201354_18_live 7,"Yes I volunteered with a horse rescue ranch when I was in high school, we helped to save, retrain, and rehabilitate injured and neglected animals",3,1,20180828-201354_18_live 8,That is awesome! Do you know that what we would spend on one cup of coffee at a restaurant would feed several children through this program? I'm so excited to be feel like I am helping many children live healthy lives. Are you willing to donate to Save the Children?,4,0,20180828-201354_18_live 9,to be honest sir I am a very broke college student who can barely afford to pay his rent or buy my own food. Is there another way I can help,4,1,20180828-201354_18_live 10,The best way would be the monetary donation. Even one or two dollars can help so many children. I think we owe it to these children to help in this way. ,5,0,20180828-201354_18_live 11,The most I can spare is 25 cents. Would that be alright?,5,1,20180828-201354_18_live 12,"Can I ask if you spend money on candy, snacks of stuff like that? If so the funds spent on that could really be saved to help a child eat healthy. Would you be willing to forgo a snack or two to donate $2 to Save the Children fund?",6,0,20180828-201354_18_live 13,I really do not spend money on that sort of frivolous thing. If you can understand that $2 is the most I am currently getting paid I will not be able to donate that much. Would 50 cents pacify your need?,6,1,20180828-201354_18_live 14,"Absolutely! 50 cents is better than nothing. I just feel so passionate about donating funds to help these children. In the first two months of this year over 1,000 children were injured or killed in Syria. Save the Children program can help these children in these war zones. Are you sure you wouldn't be able to donate $2?",7,0,20180828-201354_18_live 15,I wish I could. I think we can agree on 50 cents,7,1,20180828-201354_18_live 16,Ok great 50 cents is good and thank you for agreeing to donate.,8,0,20180828-201354_18_live 17,Thank you for helping me donate to a great cause!,8,1,20180828-201354_18_live 18,You are welcome! Its so important as people that we always try and help those in need. Thank you!,9,0,20180828-201354_18_live 19,did we complete the task? how do we submit this conversation?,9,1,20180828-201354_18_live 0,Hello,0,0,20180828-192007_353_live 1,hello there,0,1,20180828-192007_353_live 2,I am here on behalf of an organization called Save the Children have you heard of them before?,1,0,20180828-192007_353_live 3,"It sounds faintly familiar, but I can't recall exactly. What do they do?",1,1,20180828-192007_353_live 4,"We are a charity that specializes in ensuring the health, safety and education for children around the world. We specialize in providing aid to children in war torn countries. Would you be interested in making a donation?",2,0,20180828-192007_353_live 5,"That's admirable, but I wouldn't be interested in making a donation at this time,",2,1,20180828-192007_353_live 6,I completely understand. It wouldn't be much. Every little bit counts. In the first two months of this year alone 1000 children were killed or injured due to violence in developing nations. All were asking for is a $2 donation to ensure that children affected can get access to the resources they need to live a healthy and prosperous life.,3,0,20180828-192007_353_live 7,"Sorry, but no. That sucks for them and everything, but I have like 4 cents in my bank account so every little bit counts for me right now too",3,1,20180828-192007_353_live 8,"These children live on less than that every month. Its less than the cost of a cup of coffee at your local Starbucks. Think about it, for just $2 you can bring security to a child in war torn Syria. Im sure you could find $2 in your couch cushions.",4,0,20180828-192007_353_live 9,i don't even have a couch honestly. I can't donate.,4,1,20180828-192007_353_live 10,"And neither do these children. We arent asking for much. Anything you can spare will benefit the children. We would gladly accept a modest donation of $1. What do you say, could you spare even a single dollar to help these kids?",5,0,20180828-192007_353_live 11,No I can not,5,1,20180828-192007_353_live 12,I understand the apprehension. I know times can be tough for us here as well. These children do not know when they will eat next. They struggle to find a place to sleep. Many have lost parents due to violence and are faced with conditions that we could not even imagine here. Its just one dollar. Are you sure you cant spare a single dollar?,6,0,20180828-192007_353_live 13,That sucks. I sympathize but I can not. ,6,1,20180828-192007_353_live 14,Not even 75 cents. We will take any donation possible. Like I said any small amount helps.,7,0,20180828-192007_353_live 15,no im sorry,7,1,20180828-192007_353_live 16,You cant spare 75 cents for a starving child?,8,0,20180828-192007_353_live 17,no i can not,8,1,20180828-192007_353_live 18,Is there any amount you would be willing to donate?,9,0,20180828-192007_353_live 19,no i won't be donating today,9,1,20180828-192007_353_live 20,I really encourage you to open your wallet.,10,0,20180828-192007_353_live 0,Hello!,0,0,20180828-150721_38_live 1,"Hi there, what are your feelings on the donation?",0,1,20180828-150721_38_live 2,I feel that the organization is wonderful. It's called Save the Children. Have you heard of it?,1,0,20180828-150721_38_live 3,"I have, what a great cause.",1,1,20180828-150721_38_live 4,"Yep! It's essential to ensure a children's right to health, education, and safety. How do you feel about those things?",2,0,20180828-150721_38_live 5,There is really nothing more important than those things to ensure our future is bright.,2,1,20180828-150721_38_live 6,I completely agree with you! Would you be willing to donate any of your task payment to it?,3,0,20180828-150721_38_live 7,"I am considering it, what are your thoughts on donating? Have you donated before?",3,1,20180828-150721_38_live 8,"Donating makes me feel like I've done good, when I can't do a lot. Especially when every bit truly counts.",4,0,20180828-150721_38_live 9,"I agree, what do you think would be a fair donation from your task payment?",4,1,20180828-150721_38_live 10,"I'm willing to do all of my $2, just because although it's not much to me, it can mean the world of a difference to a child. What about you?",5,0,20180828-150721_38_live 11,"I would probably do $.75. Unfortunately I am trying to save some extra money to pay some medical bills, but I feel I could help a little.",5,1,20180828-150721_38_live 12,I understand. I will keep mine the same.,6,0,20180828-150721_38_live 13,That is really nice of you. I am sure everyone will appreciate the donation.,6,1,20180828-150721_38_live 14,"I sure hope so! I will donate $2, and you will donate $.75. We will be able to make a difference!",7,0,20180828-150721_38_live 15,"No doubt. Do you often give to charity? I try as often as I can, it is so hard to help everyone in need.",7,1,20180828-150721_38_live 16,I volunteer more!,8,0,20180828-150721_38_live 17,"Yes, I have done habitat for humanity before, it made me feel like I really made a difference.",8,1,20180828-150721_38_live 18,I agree with you!,9,0,20180828-150721_38_live 19,"Anyway, I think we have an agreement, it has been a pleasure speaking with you.",9,1,20180828-150721_38_live 0,"Hey, how are you today?",0,0,20180828-191128_16_live 1,I am well. How are you?,0,1,20180828-191128_16_live 2,Doing very good. ,1,0,20180828-191128_16_live 3,Is there anything exciting happening?,1,1,20180828-191128_16_live 4,The exciting thing happening currently is that we have a very important task at our hands and i hope you can help with this task. Have you hear of the charity Save The Children?,2,0,20180828-191128_16_live 5,"I think I have heard of it before, but I'm not sure. Tell me more about it.",2,1,20180828-191128_16_live 6,"Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries. Our main task is ensure that all children have equal opportunities and to do that we truly need your help with donations to fund this amazing movement.",3,0,20180828-191128_16_live 7,Sounds really great. Do you know what countries they are assisting now?,3,1,20180828-191128_16_live 8," For instance, millions of Syrian children have grown up facing the daily threat of violence. In the first two months of 2018 alone, 1,000 children were reportedly killed or injured in intensifying violence. Countries with War Zones especially are in desperate need of support and funding. Would you be able to make a charitable donation today?",4,0,20180828-191128_16_live 9,That sounds scary and I'm glad there is an organization like this. Are we certain the money makes it to the children?,4,1,20180828-191128_16_live 10,The smallest amount in donations does the greatest deed for humanity. You can decide the amount and it will go to proceeds of Save The Children. The donation can come from this task at any humble amount.,5,0,20180828-191128_16_live 11,That sounds convenient! I think I would like to donate.,5,1,20180828-191128_16_live 12,We greatly appreciate your support! Your donation will make a tangible impact for the world. Will you please select the amount for your charitable donation?,6,0,20180828-191128_16_live 13,I'd like to donate 0.15,6,1,20180828-191128_16_live 14,Fantastic! Feel free to view our website and see the impact of your efforts! URL ,7,0,20180828-191128_16_live 15,That is awesome. Do you donate to them as well?,7,1,20180828-191128_16_live 16,"Yes, i make regular donations at the end of each year. It serves us well to do the most we can for those who cannot.",8,0,20180828-191128_16_live 17,Very noble of you and I hope others will do the same. I hope the children get what they need!,8,1,20180828-191128_16_live 18,"The world is a better place with kind hearted individuals just like you, Thanks!",9,0,20180828-191128_16_live 19,Thank you very much and I appreciate you bringing it to my attention.,9,1,20180828-191128_16_live 0,Hi! How are you?,0,0,20180828-161943_26_live 1,Good! Hows your day?,0,1,20180828-161943_26_live 2,so far so good thanks! I'd like to talk to you about an NGO I know if that's alright with you?,1,0,20180828-161943_26_live 3,yeah sure! What NGO?,1,1,20180828-161943_26_live 4,"Have you heard of Save the Children? I know a lot of organizations do amazing work overseas - they are one that focuses specifically on helping ensure children have rights to education, health, and safety",2,0,20180828-161943_26_live 5,"I have never heard of them actually, but thats awesome! Education, health and safety are key points that I think are very important to the less fortunate children overseas.",2,1,20180828-161943_26_live 6,"I agree - certainly important for everyone, but often its the kids who can\'t speak for themselves that have the hardest time accessing the things they need. Between working with immediate disaster relief (like post hurricane Harvey) or longer term issues - like improving access to clean water in Cambodia, and they are on the ""Wise Giving"" award from Better Business Bureau - which measures how well funds get to the charitable work (versus expensive staff, etc)",3,0,20180828-161943_26_live 7,Wow. I actaully never knew that the BBB had such a thing to measure that sort of implication. I do know in fact that many NGO's out there do not use the money for the actual mission they are seeking. ,3,1,20180828-161943_26_live 8,I think that's why BBB set it up - it's an accreditation for charities to make sure people know how funds are being spent. Have you ever donated to a charity doing work like this?,4,0,20180828-161943_26_live 9,"I have donated to The Hunger Project, in which they seek to mobilize permanent programs to end world hunger. Missions are mostly in rural areas of Africa, Latin America and Asia. What about you?",4,1,20180828-161943_26_live 10,I have with Save the Children and Habitat for Humanity. I even went on a trip with Habitat to Malawi which was amazing. The researchers of this study have given participants the ability to donate a portion of the payment to Save the Children. Would you be willing to donate? 77 cents shelters a refugee for a day,5,0,20180828-161943_26_live 11,Of course! I will donate $1.54! Thank you for telling me that.,5,1,20180828-161943_26_live 12,you're welcome - thank you for your donation - I really appreciate it!,6,0,20180828-161943_26_live 13,Your very welcome! I am happy to donate to a good cause. ,6,1,20180828-161943_26_live 14,"I understand that this chat is complete once I\'ve shared details, and you\'ve either committed to donate, or decided to decline today. I also understand a ""10 minimum chat turns"" which I think we have hit. Is there anything you think we need to do before hitting ""return""?",7,0,20180828-161943_26_live 15,I am at 7 chat turns unfortunately. ,7,1,20180828-161943_26_live 16,"that's okay - I am glad I asked because I thought they meant 10 total, but you're right - it might be 10 EACH",8,0,20180828-161943_26_live 17,So how do I donate the $1.54 to that certain charity? Does it give me an option once we're done here?,8,1,20180828-161943_26_live 18,the research team collects the donations and sends it. ,9,0,20180828-161943_26_live 19,Okay awesome. ,9,1,20180828-161943_26_live 0,"Hello, would you like to be involved in saving a child's life?",0,0,20180828-192744_15_live 1,How so?,0,1,20180828-192744_15_live 2,"By agreeing to contribute to Save the Children. It is a reputable, viable organization which provides resources to impoverished children.",1,0,20180828-192744_15_live 3,I have already donated to another charity this month.,1,1,20180828-192744_15_live 4,"I understand, but this organization will directly impact a child's life by adding additional resources and support to ensure that children are able to lead healthy, happy, productive lives.",2,0,20180828-192744_15_live 5,"I donate to St Judes every month which benefits children too. I wish I could donate more, but I can't",2,1,20180828-192744_15_live 6,"Totally understandable. We all have our own obligations in our personal lives. Do you mind if I ask you if you have ever gone with out food, shelter, or the basic necessities?",3,0,20180828-192744_15_live 7,"I have been nearly homeless at a point in my life. That is why I donate money to help take care of others, pay it forward if you will.",3,1,20180828-192744_15_live 8,"Exactly, I myself have been homeless, gone to bed without food as a child, had no heat or water in the dead of winter, which is why supporting Save the Children is so important! Just 1 donation could potentially change a child's opportunities in life!",4,0,20180828-192744_15_live 9,Have you donated?,4,1,20180828-192744_15_live 10,"Absolutely. Just like you mentioned earlier, I believe in pay",5,0,20180828-192744_15_live 11,I am glad we are both able to help. I just have already helped another organization this month and live paycheck to paycheck as it is. I'm sure you understand.,5,1,20180828-192744_15_live 12,"My apology, I hit the enter button prematurely. But I absolutely agree in paying it forward. I wholehartedly agree that our purpose in life is to be a blessing for someone else when we can. Would you be willing to donate to the charity now? ",6,0,20180828-192744_15_live 13,I really can't.,6,1,20180828-192744_15_live 14,"You mentioned earlier that you live paycheck to paycheck, I am in the exact same boat. But did you know that your donation can be directly deducted from your task payment? You can choose any amount from O to $2. ",7,0,20180828-192744_15_live 15,"Oh, I didn't know that! How do I do that?",7,1,20180828-192744_15_live 16,The research team will collect all donations and send it to Save The Children.,8,0,20180828-192744_15_live 17,"Ok, I'd be happy to donate half of my earning.",8,1,20180828-192744_15_live 18,"Excellent. I applaud your efforts for being part of the solution. If you would like to gather additional information, please go to URL Thanks so much!",9,0,20180828-192744_15_live 19,Sure thing! I am glad I was able to help.,9,1,20180828-192744_15_live 0,"hi, would you have a second to possibly consider making a charitable donation to save the children?",0,0,20180828-213210_53_live 1,"Yes, i will like to make a charitable donation to save the children.",0,1,20180828-213210_53_live 2,awesome to hear! how much would you like to donate today?,1,0,20180828-213210_53_live 3,"I have to asked this question first, how would the children get the donation?",1,1,20180828-213210_53_live 4,"im glad you asked. i did want to share a little information before you decided on an amount. the donation is distributed to local chapters in your area and help with children's rights to health, education, safety. you can also chose to donate to a child in a foreign country",2,0,20180828-213210_53_live 5,"Great, I would like to donate .50, how does that sound?",2,1,20180828-213210_53_live 6,that sounds good. there is no limit. all amounts help. let me ask you. how much do you spend on your daily cup of coffee of newspaper?,3,0,20180828-213210_53_live 7,I spend around $1.50 a day for a new paper and a cup of coffee.,3,1,20180828-213210_53_live 8,would you consider foregoing your next coffee and newspaper to ensure a child gets a good meal?,4,0,20180828-213210_53_live 9,I donate to different cause every month.,4,1,20180828-213210_53_live 10,im glad to hear that . not everyone make that effort,5,0,20180828-213210_53_live 11,Are we finish with our conversation?,5,1,20180828-213210_53_live 12,not quite yet as per inst. maybe you could consider doubling the amount you previously pledged? ,6,0,20180828-213210_53_live 13,"Yes, I do have a few more question, is this your first time pledging?",6,1,20180828-213210_53_live 14,not at all. i have been committed to this charity for the past 2 years,7,0,20180828-213210_53_live 15,Are you positive where all your pledges goes?,7,1,20180828-213210_53_live 16,i make sure that each donation i personally take goes to the location of choice. can we count on your donation of .50 as you mention before?,8,0,20180828-213210_53_live 17,"Yes, you all can we count on your donation of .50 as you mention before.",8,1,20180828-213210_53_live 18,perfect i will go ahead and submit that donation information. i thank you so much for your generosity and time,9,0,20180828-213210_53_live 19,You are more than welcome. ,9,1,20180828-213210_53_live 0,"Think about a child, he/she doesn't have comfortable place to live. He/She needs to worry about their meal everyday. it is time we should give them a hand. You only need to donate part of your payment to them and can make the different to them.",0,0,20180828-202206_260_live 1,I am willing to donate because I have a six-year-old and a baby boy due in 3 months. I agree with you. I am so thankful to God they are blessed with food and clothes and home but not all are.,0,1,20180828-202206_260_live 2,"I know that some child in other countries they are facing the health issue. So, I believe your donation will help to save their lives.",1,0,20180828-202206_260_live 3,What kind of health issue are they facing?,1,1,20180828-202206_260_live 4,They are lack of medicine when they are sick. They don't have money to see the doctor.,2,0,20180828-202206_260_live 5,How much would they need to help them?,2,1,20180828-202206_260_live 6,"I would say instead of eating out one night, you can save those money and donate to those children. ",3,0,20180828-202206_260_live 7,Yes those meals do add up fast I realize. I feel guilty knowing how others in other countries are less fortunate.,3,1,20180828-202206_260_live 8,"For me, instead of taking the bus for a short distant, I would take a walk and save those money and raise a child in another country. I believe you can do it.",4,0,20180828-202206_260_live 9,What charity that you know of needs help the most in other countries?,4,1,20180828-202206_260_live 10,Save the children,5,0,20180828-202206_260_live 11,How long have they been in business helping children out?,5,1,20180828-202206_260_live 12,This non-profit organization has been established for years.,6,0,20180828-202206_260_live 13,What services do they provide for children?,6,1,20180828-202206_260_live 14,they are building them teh school,7,0,20180828-202206_260_live 15,Will thirty cents of a donation help them build it?,7,1,20180828-202206_260_live 16,More or less will also help. ,8,0,20180828-202206_260_live 17,I can make it $0.75 to help out this cause.,8,1,20180828-202206_260_live 18,"once again, thank you for your donation. :-)",9,0,20180828-202206_260_live 19,Ok. I am going to donate $0.75 to Save The Children.,9,1,20180828-202206_260_live 0,Would you like to donate to the save the children charity?,0,0,20180828-163300_633_live 1,What kinds of things does the charity do?,0,1,20180828-163300_633_live 2,This charity aids in helping children with food and shelter that are in need.,1,0,20180828-163300_633_live 3,I would like to donate.,1,1,20180828-163300_633_live 4,How much do you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment ($2).,2,0,20180828-163300_633_live 5,What percentage of a donation goes directly to helping the kids?,2,1,20180828-163300_633_live 6,100% my friend.,3,0,20180828-163300_633_live 7,"It is only a one time donation, correct?",3,1,20180828-163300_633_live 8,Yes it is. There are many children out there in need.,4,0,20180828-163300_633_live 9,I guess I will donate 1.00.,4,1,20180828-163300_633_live 10,Your donation is appreciated. Do you know of anyone who this charity has helped?,5,0,20180828-163300_633_live 11,I do not know of anyone the charity has helped. Does it help children all over the world or is it based in one certain country?,5,1,20180828-163300_633_live 12,The charity helps children all over the world there is no discrimination. Have you ever donated to a charitybefore?,6,0,20180828-163300_633_live 13,I have donated to some different go fund me campaings. I have also donated to different charities that collect outside of stores. I am not sure if i have donated to any charities like this one.,6,1,20180828-163300_633_live 14,"That is great; giving back. We millions of Syrian children have grown up facing the daily threat of violence. In the first two months of 2018 alone, 1,000 children were reportedly killed or injured in intensifying violence. Your donation will help. What do you think about this?",7,0,20180828-163300_633_live 15,I am glad my donation will help but I wish I could help more. Do you donate to this charity?,7,1,20180828-163300_633_live 16,"Yes, personally I try to donate when I can. I have also donated some of my proceeds to this charity. ",8,0,20180828-163300_633_live 17,Thats great. We all need to do our part to help those that are struggling. ,8,1,20180828-163300_633_live 18,"You are right, I want to thank you for your donation today.",9,0,20180828-163300_633_live 19,Thank you for all of the info today. ,9,1,20180828-163300_633_live 0,hi,0,0,20180828-190746_441_live 1,hello how are you,0,1,20180828-190746_441_live 2,I'm great. What about you?,1,0,20180828-190746_441_live 3,Doing well other than poison ivy on my arms. Thank you.,1,1,20180828-190746_441_live 4,Oh my. How did that happen?,2,0,20180828-190746_441_live 5,Weed wacking some tall grass and not realizing I was getting it all over my arms,2,1,20180828-190746_441_live 6,"Wow. I don't do yard work, so I have no idea. ",3,0,20180828-190746_441_live 7,"I usually don't either, but lesson learned!",3,1,20180828-190746_441_live 8,So where are you from?,4,0,20180828-190746_441_live 9,The great midwest! You?,4,1,20180828-190746_441_live 10,"The South. North Carolina, specifically. What is the Midwest like?",5,0,20180828-190746_441_live 11,Its nice. Cold about half the year. Can't complain though. What about the south?,5,1,20180828-190746_441_live 12,"It's really hot here, pretty much all the time. I like the mix of urban and rural that we have going on so that's good.",6,0,20180828-190746_441_live 13,"Thats awesome! I enjoy the heat, but too much and I get a little woozy.",6,1,20180828-190746_441_live 14,Right. I know that feeling. Have you heard of a charity called Save the Children?,7,0,20180828-190746_441_live 15,I sure have!,7,1,20180828-190746_441_live 16,I was wondering if you would like to donate some of your payment(between $0 and $2) to them? ,8,0,20180828-190746_441_live 17,I sure would! Do you know what part of the charity my donation would go to?,8,1,20180828-190746_441_live 18,I'm not sure but the research team will collect all donations and send it to Save the Children.,9,0,20180828-190746_441_live 19,That sounds great! I will donate a dollar!,9,1,20180828-190746_441_live 20,Great. Wow. You're awesome!,10,0,20180828-190746_441_live 21,"Well, I couldn't be awesome without my awesome partner!",10,1,20180828-190746_441_live 22,"Aww. Thanks, well have a good night/evening. It was great to talk to you.",11,0,20180828-190746_441_live 0,"Hello, I am here to talk to you about the organization Save the Children",0,0,20180828-150659_719_live 1,"Ok, tell me about it.",0,1,20180828-150659_719_live 2,"Save the Children is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to ensure each and every child's rights to health, education, safety, etc. ",1,0,20180828-150659_719_live 3,Do you work for Save the Children?,1,1,20180828-150659_719_live 4,"No, but I am a huge advocate for the alienable rights of children and decided to spread the word about the organization in order to gain more traction for the work.",2,0,20180828-150659_719_live 5,What countries does Save the Children provide services in?,2,1,20180828-150659_719_live 6,"Currently, Save the Children all around the globe, from the United States to Haiti, to Bangladesh, Bolivia, etc. In fact, you can sponsor an individual child from a certain country, and help provide them with the sustenance they need to simply survive.",3,0,20180828-150659_719_live 7,Well I think it is a noble task you are doing. ,3,1,20180828-150659_719_live 8,Thank you for very much. I was just curious if you would like to help a child in need and donate some of your task payment money to Save the Children. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment ($2).,4,0,20180828-150659_719_live 9,I would like to split it - $1 for Save the Children and $1 for me. ,4,1,20180828-150659_719_live 10,That is very kind of you! These children are very grateful for people like you. People who care,5,0,20180828-150659_719_live 11,I am not the most charitable person but it is something... ,5,1,20180828-150659_719_live 12,And something it is! You don't know how many people would not even think twice about helping those in need. You are part of the solution for these problems. Thank you,6,0,20180828-150659_719_live 13,So I guess that's it for this task. Good luck with the others you are talking to. ,6,1,20180828-150659_719_live 14,Thank you. I just have one more question... What was the deciding factor that convinced you to donate to Save the Children?,7,0,20180828-150659_719_live 15,Well the money was right there... And I do think it is a worthy cause. So it was a pretty easy decision. ,7,1,20180828-150659_719_live 16,That's awesome. Thank you once again for your contribution. The research team will collect the donation and send it straight to Save the Children.,8,0,20180828-150659_719_live 17,Ok. Have a good afternoon.,8,1,20180828-150659_719_live 18,Thank you! You as well! ,9,0,20180828-150659_719_live 19,"I don't see an option to submit, so I assume that is done on your end.",9,1,20180828-150659_719_live 0,"Hello, would you be willing to donate a portion of your task proceedings to the charity Save the Children?",0,0,20180828-194341_225_live 1,"No, sorry.",0,1,20180828-194341_225_live 2,"Anything would be welcome and helpful, the charity is essential to ensuring children's rights to healthcare, education, safety, and more. Even something as little as 10 cents would be beneficial to helping a child in need.",1,0,20180828-194341_225_live 3,"No, I apologize. ",1,1,20180828-194341_225_live 4,Can I ask why you are hesitant to make a donation?,2,0,20180828-194341_225_live 5,I already make numerous donations throughout the year.,2,1,20180828-194341_225_live 6,"That's wonderful to hear, however there is no limit to charitable acts. A small amount goes a long way, this donation would most likely go to helping the 1 million Rohingya refugees that are fleeing for their lives in Myanmar and Bangladesh. ",3,0,20180828-194341_225_live 7,"No, thank you for asking though.",3,1,20180828-194341_225_live 8,"I wouldn't keep asking if it was not for the importance of the situation. I believe that each of us is part of the solution, and your donation would serve to help those in need.",4,0,20180828-194341_225_live 9,"I think its great you are fundraising, however, my answer is still no.",4,1,20180828-194341_225_live 10,"Millions of Syrian children have grown up facing the daily threat of violence that would greatly benefit from any sort of help. In the first two months of 2018 alone, 1,000 children were reportedly killed or injured in intensifying violence. A small donation of mere cents can address these deadly problems.",5,0,20180828-194341_225_live 11,That is unfortunate. I've already given my answer of no and do not appreciate you being so pushy. ,5,1,20180828-194341_225_live 12,"I apologize for my pushiness, however I still urge you to think about your position in relation to those in need. If you are not able or willing to make a small donation, would you be willing to learn more about the organization and its work?",6,0,20180828-194341_225_live 13,I believe you have given quite a bit of information already. I unfortunately will not be donating to your cause. ,6,1,20180828-194341_225_live 14,No need to donate if you are not willing. May I give you our website for you to explore in your free time if you feel inclined?,7,0,20180828-194341_225_live 15,"No, thank you.",7,1,20180828-194341_225_live 16,"Thank you for listening, just to reiterate, our group is called Save the Children and I am grateful that you were willing to listen to our organization. ",8,0,20180828-194341_225_live 17,Have you personally donated to this cause?,8,1,20180828-194341_225_live 18,"Yes I have, and I will actually be donating a portion of my task reward today. ",9,0,20180828-194341_225_live 19,That is nice of you.,9,1,20180828-194341_225_live 0,"Hi there. Have you heard about Save the Children? It is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries",0,0,20180828-160644_703_live 1,Yes I have heard of this organization. ,0,1,20180828-160644_703_live 2,Fantastic! Have you made a donation to them previously?,1,0,20180828-160644_703_live 3,No I haven't. I have made donations to other children's charities though.,1,1,20180828-160644_703_live 4,"Would you care to donate $1? A donation would help ensure children's rights to health, education, safety, etc.",2,0,20180828-160644_703_live 5,I would be happy to donate $1. I think it's a good cause. I'd like to hear more about some specific projects but I'll donate anyway.,2,1,20180828-160644_703_live 6,Wonderful! I'd be happy to share more information with you. Do you have any specific questions?,3,0,20180828-160644_703_live 7,What countries do they work in primarily?,3,1,20180828-160644_703_live 8,"Great question! Save the Children works worldwide but primarily provides support in developing countries, especially in war zones.",4,0,20180828-160644_703_live 9,Do they work with refugees? ,4,1,20180828-160644_703_live 10,"Yes, working with refugees is one of Save the Children's many priorities!",5,0,20180828-160644_703_live 11,"How much of the donations they receive go to the work on the ground vs overhead costs, do you know?",5,1,20180828-160644_703_live 12,"Good question. In fiscal year 2017, 86% of all expenditures went to program services.",6,0,20180828-160644_703_live 13,Oh wow! That's quite good. Do they train local staff or send people in?,6,1,20180828-160644_703_live 14,"Yes! Only 14% is spent on management and fundraising. As far as staff, we have global advocates who provide services but also make sure to provide local staff that is familiar with the locations needs.",7,0,20180828-160644_703_live 15,Do people who make donations get info on the specific project their money went to or any type of update like that?,7,1,20180828-160644_703_live 16,Absolutely! We want to be completely transparent. Save the Children has long-standing credentials and international impact.,8,0,20180828-160644_703_live 17,Where is the organization based out of?,8,1,20180828-160644_703_live 18,"We are in Fairfield, CT!",9,0,20180828-160644_703_live 19,approximately how many kids were helped last year?,9,1,20180828-160644_703_live 0,"Do you want to donate any of your earnings to ""Save the Children""?",0,0,20180828-145428_366_live 1,not particularly,0,1,20180828-145428_366_live 2,"I wouldn't either if I were you, quite honestly. I think there are much better charities for children, such as Compassion International.",1,0,20180828-145428_366_live 3,never heard of that one,1,1,20180828-145428_366_live 4,"It is a great charity, which I support personally on a monthly basis. I sponsor two children through them. Their overhead is very low compared to Save the Children.",2,0,20180828-145428_366_live 5,That sounds great. I donate to the Humane Society. Someone's gotta stick up for the animals. ,2,1,20180828-145428_366_live 6,"Yes, that sounds good. Certainly a lot of them need homes.",3,0,20180828-145428_366_live 7,I wonder how many people choose to donate here in this HIT,3,1,20180828-145428_366_live 8,"I don't do it very often. They are either charities I've never heard of, or don't trust.",4,0,20180828-145428_366_live 9,"Yeah, so I'm not going to for this (officially)",4,1,20180828-145428_366_live 10,Ok. Good choice. How long do we have to talk until we advance to the next step?,5,0,20180828-145428_366_live 11,"It says 10 chat turns each, so I guess we got a couple more things to say",5,1,20180828-145428_366_live 12,"Ok. Well, good luck with your charitable giving.",6,0,20180828-145428_366_live 13,"Yeah, maybe when I have more of my own to spare I'll donate more in the future",6,1,20180828-145428_366_live 14,"Yes, that's how a lot of people feel I think. It's what's in the heart that counts, not the amount.",7,0,20180828-145428_366_live 15,I feel like most people wouldn't be on here if they had the spare money to give lol,7,1,20180828-145428_366_live 16,Very good point! We get a few extra much needed dollars here. Or sometimes a little extra spending money.,8,0,20180828-145428_366_live 17,Essentially pays for groceries and beer for me just doing it my spare time,8,1,20180828-145428_366_live 18,"Yes, that's good. Well, that's 10 posts for me I think.",9,0,20180828-145428_366_live 19,Have a good one!,9,1,20180828-145428_366_live 0,Absolutely no child should ever have to go hungry. Do you agree?,0,0,20180828-185741_900_live 1,No child should ever go hungry,0,1,20180828-185741_900_live 2,Our children are our future. We have to look out for them. ,1,0,20180828-185741_900_live 3,We have to educate them to make them even better than the last generation.,1,1,20180828-185741_900_live 4,"Did you know that In 2017 alone, Save the Children reached more than 155 million children in 120 countries, including the U.S.?",2,0,20180828-185741_900_live 5,"No, but that is amazing!",2,1,20180828-185741_900_live 6,"They do so much--from providing food, to making sure children are educated, to providing health and nutrition programs for children.",3,0,20180828-185741_900_live 7,Please tell me more about this charity,3,1,20180828-185741_900_live 8,"They not only do so much to help children, they are also very savvy about how they spend donations. In fiscal year 2017, 86% of all expenditures went to program services",4,0,20180828-185741_900_live 9,How much money did they make in 2017?,4,1,20180828-185741_900_live 10,"I don't have the exact figures, but 34 percent of what they raised went to health and nutrition. I think that is so critical, meeting basic needs, don't you?",5,0,20180828-185741_900_live 11,Yes I believe that everyone should be fed nutritious meals and taken care of. ,5,1,20180828-185741_900_live 12,And what is really neat is that you can actually sponsor a child and really feel like you are making a difference. You actually know how you are helping!,6,0,20180828-185741_900_live 13,That is really great to know where the money is going!,6,1,20180828-185741_900_live 14,You sound like a very generous and caring person!,7,0,20180828-185741_900_live 15,Thank you I try to be!,7,1,20180828-185741_900_live 16,"So, you can really make a difference. You can donate some of your money from the task payment. You can choose any amount from 0 to all your payment of 2 dollars. Any little bit would help.",8,0,20180828-185741_900_live 17,I am choosing to donate $0.01,8,1,20180828-185741_900_live 18,"Could you donate a little bit more, say 25 cents? It would make such a difference to a child. ",9,0,20180828-185741_900_live 19,No I am sorry. I am choosing to donate $0.01,9,1,20180828-185741_900_live 0,hey hows it going?,0,0,20180828-152813_982_live 1,"Hi! pretty good thanks, and yourself?",0,1,20180828-152813_982_live 2,"Not too bad, cant complain. thanks for asking",1,0,20180828-152813_982_live 3,glad to hear it,1,1,20180828-152813_982_live 4,Have you ever heard of the Save the Children's Foundation?,2,0,20180828-152813_982_live 5,I've heard a little bit,2,1,20180828-152813_982_live 6,"Yes, it is a great foundation set up to help aid in poor developing countries. Especially the children",3,0,20180828-152813_982_live 7,that's great. The children ,3,1,20180828-152813_982_live 8,Would you be interested in contributing to this foundation?,4,0,20180828-152813_982_live 9,"Maybe, I wish I could give more, but i'm broke",4,1,20180828-152813_982_live 10,I appreciate your time and interests into this foundation,5,0,20180828-152813_982_live 11,Do you donate often?,5,1,20180828-152813_982_live 12,I try to at least 4 times a year,6,0,20180828-152813_982_live 13,That's admirable. I try to volunteer when I can,6,1,20180828-152813_982_live 14,Every bit of help is much appreciated,7,0,20180828-152813_982_live 15,Will you be donating today?,7,1,20180828-152813_982_live 16,I dont think so,8,0,20180828-152813_982_live 17,Why is that?,8,1,20180828-152813_982_live 18,religious reason i rather not go into detail,9,0,20180828-152813_982_live 19,"interesting, well I will try to donate what I can",9,1,20180828-152813_982_live 0,Please consider donating a portion of your payment to the Save the Children charity ,0,0,20180828-180205_798_live 1,"Hi, Yes, I am considering donating a small portion of my payment to Save the Children.",0,1,20180828-180205_798_live 2,Save the Children helps to ensure the health and safety of children around the world ,1,0,20180828-180205_798_live 3,Is it a legitimate organization that uses payments for the good of children?,1,1,20180828-180205_798_live 4,Yes it is! It's an international organization that promotes children's rights in developing countries ,2,0,20180828-180205_798_live 5,"Ok, If I give a donation of 0.30 cents will that be good?",2,1,20180828-180205_798_live 6,I think .30 would be a good donation ,3,0,20180828-180205_798_live 7,ok that is how much I am considering to donate.,3,1,20180828-180205_798_live 8,Would you like to hear some more info on the charity?,4,0,20180828-180205_798_live 9,"sure, i like to know as much as possible.",4,1,20180828-180205_798_live 10,"They focus on developing countries, especially ones in war zones ",5,0,20180828-180205_798_live 11,"Ok, they help children from around the world. ",5,1,20180828-180205_798_live 12,"Yes! They help with education, health and safety ",6,0,20180828-180205_798_live 13,"Yes, I would like to make a donation of 0.30 cents to the organization.",6,1,20180828-180205_798_live 14,You can check out more information at URL ,7,0,20180828-180205_798_live 15,I believe that helping children from all over is the main goal that all of us should have.,7,1,20180828-180205_798_live 16,Your donation will be deducted directly from your task payment ,8,0,20180828-180205_798_live 17,Ok that is fine. I want to make a difference in children's lives.,8,1,20180828-180205_798_live 18,Great! You can choose any amount from $0 to $2 to donate.,9,0,20180828-180205_798_live 19,"Ok, I decided that 0.30 cents is the amount that I would like to do.",9,1,20180828-180205_798_live 20,Thank you for your donation! Since you decided on an amount I will end our conversation.,10,0,20180828-180205_798_live 21,"Ok, It was nice talking with you.",10,1,20180828-180205_798_live 0,"Hello,",0,0,20180828-150453_834_live 1,"Hello, how are you?",0,1,20180828-150453_834_live 2,I am well. I was wondering.....do you often donate to charity?,1,0,20180828-150453_834_live 3,"That's great! I actually do not donate to charity often, but I believe I will in the future.",1,1,20180828-150453_834_live 4,Have you ever heard of Save the Children foundation?,2,0,20180828-150453_834_live 5,"Yes, I have heard of the Save the Children Foundation.",2,1,20180828-150453_834_live 6,Would you be interested in donated part of your task payment directly to Save the Children?,3,0,20180828-150453_834_live 7,I actually am not ready to donate to the foundation yet. I would like to find out more about it first before donating.,3,1,20180828-150453_834_live 8,"Your donation is essential to help ensuring children's rights to health, education, and safety. Millions of Syrian children have grown up facing the daily threat of violence. In the first two months of 2018 alone, 1,000 children were reportedly killed or injured in intensifying violence. You can learn more at URL ",4,0,20180828-150453_834_live 9,"Thank you so much for providing additional information about the organization, but I am not ready to donate yet. ",4,1,20180828-150453_834_live 10,"Just .77 a day can help shelter a refugee family. That's less than a cup of coffee, or even your mid day snack. That .77 can change a child's life forever. Would you please reconsider?",5,0,20180828-150453_834_live 11,"I understand, but I just need more time to do my own research about the organization and think about it. I am not ready to donate right now.",5,1,20180828-150453_834_live 12,You could make just a one time donation of your task profit today. Only .10 would change a life. Would you reconsider for only .10?,6,0,20180828-150453_834_live 13,"Okay, I will donate .10 today.",6,1,20180828-150453_834_live 14,Thank you! Your donation is greatly appreciated and will change a child's life!,7,0,20180828-150453_834_live 15,You are welcome. I hope that I will be able to donate more in the future.,7,1,20180828-150453_834_live 16,I do as well. Have a wonderful day!,8,0,20180828-150453_834_live 17,You too! Have a wonderful day!,8,1,20180828-150453_834_live 18,Thank you very much!,9,0,20180828-150453_834_live 19,Thank you for taking the time to talk to me and sharing so much information about the Save The Children Foundation. ,9,1,20180828-150453_834_live 0,Hi! Have you ever made a donation to a charity before?,0,0,20180828-194737_511_live 1,"Yes I have! I have donated to several different charities. I have donated to March of Dimes, St Judes, Salvation Army, and a local no kill pet shelter. Have you donated to known causes before?",0,1,20180828-194737_511_live 2,I have as well to March of Dimes and our local pet shelter. I've also volunteered at the pet shelter. Have you heard of Save the Children?,1,0,20180828-194737_511_live 3,I think I have read something on that agency but it has been a long time. Is that the one that you pay so much to help feed them in other countries? ,1,1,20180828-194737_511_live 4,Yes! It's an international organization that helps support children in developing countries.,2,0,20180828-194737_511_live 5,"Ok, yes I know that one. ",2,1,20180828-194737_511_live 6,Do you have children? I have fur babies & a couple nephews.,3,0,20180828-194737_511_live 7,"I have 3 children, dogs and cats. I like to help children in need because I can't imagine what the parents go through and I never know when something may happen close to home and I would want some type of help to get my family through a hard situation. Do you donate to Save the Children",3,1,20180828-194737_511_live 8,I agree. Times are tough and everyone needs help every now and then. I've recently become aware of Save the Children. I've been supporting a similar organization and would like to add Save the Children to my list. What about you?,4,0,20180828-194737_511_live 9,"Yes, it looks like it is very inexpensive so I would definitely add it to my list when I have extra money to donate. ",4,1,20180828-194737_511_live 10,"I read that in the first two months of 2018 alone, 1000 children were reportedly killed or injured in the violence in Syria. Save the Children helps kids like that. ",5,0,20180828-194737_511_live 11,That is horrible. I would definitely donate if it helps save even one life. If it helps them get through this then I am all for it. Children shouldn't have to live like that. ,5,1,20180828-194737_511_live 12,It's horrible. What would you say to donating all or part of your income from this task?,6,0,20180828-194737_511_live 13,I definitely will be donating part of it for sure.,6,1,20180828-194737_511_live 14,That's great! It will make a tangible impact for sure. They are a trustable fund and make a big impact on these innocent children.,7,0,20180828-194737_511_live 15,Yes it will!,7,1,20180828-194737_511_live 16,"There's a lack of support for children in developing countries. I tend to think about animals more since I have 2 dogs and no kids of my own but after hearing about all the violence and issues these kids have, it breaks my heart",8,0,20180828-194737_511_live 17,It's absolutely terrible. I wish people would do more to donate to help these kids but some organizations stole money from people which makes others very leery of donating. That ruined it for many and I'm sure they lost a lot of donations after that. I could not imagine my children living like this and hate seeing other children living like that. I wish I could do more. ,8,1,20180828-194737_511_live 18,Well donating to Save the Children is a good place to start for sure! How much would you like to donate? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment ($2),9,0,20180828-194737_511_live 19,I would donate half so $1 would be good for a start. How about you?,9,1,20180828-194737_511_live 20,That's so great! I will donate .25 cents! Thanks for your help!,10,0,20180828-194737_511_live 21,You too thanks!,10,1,20180828-194737_511_live 0,"Hello, how are you?",0,0,20180828-154646_473_live 1,hi how are you?,0,1,20180828-154646_473_live 2,"I am fine, are you interested in donating?",1,0,20180828-154646_473_live 3,"not currently, you?",1,1,20180828-154646_473_live 4,"I am, actually since I've started working on MTurk I could donate through few HITs",2,0,20180828-154646_473_live 5,I am new to this and do it to earn extra money for living expenses,2,1,20180828-154646_473_live 6,"I see, I usually donate part or whole of my bonus. Sometimes It does not even hurt the reward anyway. I also have soft heart for children so I donate to children's charity",3,0,20180828-154646_473_live 7,"it did not state what we would be donating any portion of the bonus to, I am not uncharitable but I do like to know what I am donating to.",3,1,20180828-154646_473_live 8,"Actually this HIT is about the charity ""Save the Children"" they fight with children\'s hunger and disease in 120 countries",4,0,20180828-154646_473_live 9,"oh wow, that sounds worthwhile. How much are you donating?",4,1,20180828-154646_473_live 10,"I am not specific to donate. I mean I donated $0.50 and $1 before, I will be donating almost same amount this time too. I actually visited its website before, on website there is a minimum for donating, but here anything is possible",5,0,20180828-154646_473_live 11,"I see, so what do we do now?",5,1,20180828-154646_473_live 12,I can give you a little information about this charity. I am also able to share its website. Their clear financial report made me trust,6,0,20180828-154646_473_live 13,"I think in this arena, we are just supposed to agree upon an amount between $0 - $2 for each of our donation. ",6,1,20180828-154646_473_live 14,"Yes, but to be honest if they were not clear and if they did not cooperate with well-known companies I could not trust",7,0,20180828-154646_473_live 15,"agreed, I liked to be informed about organizations before I donate to any of them, especially ones that misappropriate funds ",7,1,20180828-154646_473_live 16,"I know right. I like donate to make a change, a little amount can actually help if it will be used correctly",8,0,20180828-154646_473_live 17,and lots of little amounts add up to big amounts as well,8,1,20180828-154646_473_live 18,"yes, exactly. thanks for your time and attention. have a nice day. it is the link you can get more information: URL ",9,0,20180828-154646_473_live 19,ok great thanks for the info! Have a great week!,9,1,20180828-154646_473_live 0,Have you thought about how important it is to save children?,0,0,20180828-192522_122_live 1,Yes. I work in the field of fundraising and am exposed to organizations that help children.,0,1,20180828-192522_122_live 2,"Have you heard about the specific organization ""Save the Children""?",1,0,20180828-192522_122_live 3,"Yes, I have. My company did work for them years ago.",1,1,20180828-192522_122_live 4,"So you know that they are a no-government organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries?",2,0,20180828-192522_122_live 5,"Yes, I do.",2,1,20180828-192522_122_live 6,Would you be interested in donating to them?,3,0,20180828-192522_122_live 7,I may be interested.,3,1,20180828-192522_122_live 8,"If you did, your donation could make a huge impact in children's lives.",4,0,20180828-192522_122_live 9,I understand that.,4,1,20180828-192522_122_live 10,The research team who put this together is collecting donations to send to Save the Children.,5,0,20180828-192522_122_live 11,Okay. How much have they collected?,5,1,20180828-192522_122_live 12,I'm not sure what the total is currently.,6,0,20180828-192522_122_live 13,"Oh, okay. How do I know that this is legit?",6,1,20180828-192522_122_live 14,"Well, you don\'t have to ""mail"" or give out banking info. Instead, you can agree to give a portion of your payment. It\'s directly deducted from your task payment.",7,0,20180828-192522_122_live 15,"Ah, I see.",7,1,20180828-192522_122_live 16,You have the option of donating between $0 to all of your payment ($2).,8,0,20180828-192522_122_live 17,I will donate a portion of it.,8,1,20180828-192522_122_live 18,That's awesome! How much would you like to donate?,9,0,20180828-192522_122_live 19,I would like to donate $0.25.,9,1,20180828-192522_122_live 20,"Great, thank you so much!",10,0,20180828-192522_122_live 0,So how do you feel about giving money to charity?,0,0,20180828-185623_74_live 1,"I generally disagree, I am only willing to give to charity after I have thoroughly researched the organization.",0,1,20180828-185623_74_live 2,"In this instance though, the money you'd be given is freely available to you, and costs you nothing.",1,0,20180828-185623_74_live 3,I suppose that's true. But how can I give something that isn't mine?,1,1,20180828-185623_74_live 4,"Well it is yours for the purpose of this conversation, and the money would go towards a good cause. Save the Children is a recognized organization that has promoted children's rights since 1919.",2,0,20180828-185623_74_live 5,In that case I would not donate my money. Every charity that has ever existed said the money would go towards a good cause. I know nothing about Save the Children other than what you've just told me.,2,1,20180828-185623_74_live 6,"Well the organization does have consultative ties to the United Nations Economic and Social Council. They provide aid to children for education, health care, economic opportunities, along with emergency aid during natural disasters, war and other conflicts. They've provided aid during the Russian famine in 1921, were among the first into liberated areas after World War 2 to work with refugee children and survivors of Nazi concentration camps, etc.",3,0,20180828-185623_74_live 7,"I'd have to research several sources, and documentation for myself. Although the face of any charity looks good, I don't trust any charity until I've seen proof.",3,1,20180828-185623_74_live 8,"Well they are highly rated, with Charity Navigator give them a score of 88.3 out of 100. Would you be willing to give at least a small portion of the money you have?",4,0,20180828-185623_74_live 9,"Nope, never heard of Charity Navigator, but it sounds like a good place to start.",4,1,20180828-185623_74_live 10,"Are you sure not even a small amount. They instituted the Rewrite the Future global campaign in 2006 that focused on obtaining equal and quality education for children who are unable to attend school due to conflict or war. The campaign is focused in 28 states where armed conflict is particularly relevant including Afghanistan, Angola, Colombia, Ivory Coast, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Haiti, Indonesia, Liberia, Nepal, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sudan, Sri Lanka, and Uganda. In 2008, they surpassed their goal by improving education standards for 10 million instead of 8.",5,0,20180828-185623_74_live 11,"I'm sure, like I said, that sounds great, but anyone can say anything is true. I need proof.",5,1,20180828-185623_74_live 12,Well I can link their website right now for you to glance over: URL ,6,0,20180828-185623_74_live 13,"That looks like a great organization. But I have to be clear, I've studied the wrong doings of large institutions, and there is potential for the funds to line somebody's pockets, instead of helping more. For example, even good organizations pay companies to solicit for them, those companies keep 85-90% of all donations. I'm not taking a chance.",6,1,20180828-185623_74_live 14,"But they've won multiple awards from a list of non-profit grading organizations include Great Noprofits, GuideStar Platinum, and most importantly the Better Business Bureau that rates based on utilization of funds.",7,0,20180828-185623_74_live 15,"That's cool, never heard of Great Noprofits or GuideStar Platinum, so those awards mean nothing to me right now. I'm familiar with the BBB but not how they rate charities.",7,1,20180828-185623_74_live 16,"Well, the BBB rates and accredits charities based on 20 criteria. These include board oversight, size, conflicts of interest, program expenses, auditing reports, test for accurate expense reporting, website disclosures, include any true complaints against the charity, effectiveness policy, budget plan, etc. They passed all 20 criteria.",8,0,20180828-185623_74_live 17,Well that's good to know. But it still isn't something I have researched myself. No way am I willing to give any amount of money away to an organization I've only heard about just a few minutes ago.,8,1,20180828-185623_74_live 18,"If you're worried about how the money is spent, the BBB reported Save the Children committed 122 million to education, 205 million to emergencies, 144 million to health/nutrition, 42 million to HIV/AIDS, etc.",9,0,20180828-185623_74_live 19,"Great, I still need to see it for myself.",9,1,20180828-185623_74_live 20,"Well all I could do was provide that information, and let you make up your own mind. Good luck to you.",10,0,20180828-185623_74_live 21,"Thanks, good luck to you too!",10,1,20180828-185623_74_live 0,"Hey, how are you?",0,0,20180828-165639_960_live 1,Fine and you?,0,1,20180828-165639_960_live 2,I am well.,1,0,20180828-165639_960_live 3,"Good, so what's up?",1,1,20180828-165639_960_live 4,Have you heard about Save the Children?,2,0,20180828-165639_960_live 5,"Yea, ive came across it a few times on different internet ads.",2,1,20180828-165639_960_live 6,Have you ever donated to them?,3,0,20180828-165639_960_live 7," No, I haven't",3,1,20180828-165639_960_live 8,I guess it is a good charity. Would you be interested in donating?,4,0,20180828-165639_960_live 9,"Tell me a little about it, because I heard of it but don't know where the money goes?",4,1,20180828-165639_960_live 10,"Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",5,0,20180828-165639_960_live 11,What developing companies?,5,1,20180828-165639_960_live 12,South American and Africa. You could donate a part of your MTurk reward.,6,0,20180828-165639_960_live 13,"Ok, how about $0.30?",6,1,20180828-165639_960_live 14,"That would be great! To confirm, How much do you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment ($2).",7,0,20180828-165639_960_live 15,Ill donate $0.30.,7,1,20180828-165639_960_live 16,Thats so kind. The research team will collect all donations and send it to Save the Children.,8,0,20180828-165639_960_live 17,Ok sounds cool,8,1,20180828-165639_960_live 18,Thank you again!,9,0,20180828-165639_960_live 19,Cool no problem,9,1,20180828-165639_960_live 0,Have you heard of the charity Save the Children?,0,0,20180825-112434_860_live 1,"No, I don't believe I have. What are their goals?",0,1,20180825-112434_860_live 2,"They give children a healthy start in life, the opportunity to learn and protection from harm. When crisis strikes, they are always among the first to respond and the last to leave. They do whatever it takes to save children, transforming their lives and the future we all share.",1,0,20180825-112434_860_live 3,That sounds like an amazing charity. That is something I could really get behind.,1,1,20180825-112434_860_live 4,It's a great charity that has helped more than 155 million children in 120 countries. Do you ever donate to charity?,2,0,20180825-112434_860_live 5,"Yeah, I donate here and there. If I'm in the right place at the right time or am given an opportunity.",2,1,20180825-112434_860_live 6,Save the Children is a wonderful charity to donate to. 86% of money raised goes directly to the children. Would you be interested in donating to Save the Children?,3,0,20180825-112434_860_live 7,Where does the other percentage of donations go? I would possibly be interested!,3,1,20180825-112434_860_live 8,9% goes to fundraising and 5% goes to management and general expenses. Please ask any questions you may have. I want you to feel comfortable knowing your donation is really going to help children.,4,0,20180825-112434_860_live 9,"What areas of the world do they cover? Is it an international charity, or exclusive to the US or another country?",4,1,20180825-112434_860_live 10,"The charity helps children in the US and worldwide. Africa, Asia, and the US are the top regions receiving aid from Save the Children. Your donation goes a long way too!",5,0,20180825-112434_860_live 11,What is the average donation amount that most donors contribute at one time?,5,1,20180825-112434_860_live 12,"I don't have that information at hand, but even .30 cents goes a long way! Would you be willing to donate your earnings from this HIT to help children eat and go to school?",6,0,20180825-112434_860_live 13,I would be willing to at least donate a portion of my earnings to help this charity.,6,1,20180825-112434_860_live 14,"That's wonderful, thank you! You know 30 cents may not seem like a lot to you, but to a child who is hungry and sick, it can mean the difference between life and death. Are you sure you wouldn't want to help a child by donating the full amount?",7,0,20180825-112434_860_live 15,I could do that. 30 cents for the children is okay with me!,7,1,20180825-112434_860_live 16,"Thank you! Your donation is going to help a child eat, receive an education, and have access to life-saving medicine. Who knew 30 cents could do so much!? Do you have any other questions?",8,0,20180825-112434_860_live 17,I don't think so. Thank you for taking the time to introduce me to this charity! Do I need to do anything else to make sure I get the money donated?,8,1,20180825-112434_860_live 18,"Nope, it will all be handled on my end. On behalf of children worldwide, thank you for your kindness. 155 million children benefited last year, with your help we'll reach even more!",9,0,20180825-112434_860_live 19,Thank you! ,9,1,20180825-112434_860_live 0,Hi there! Can I tell you about a charity important to me?,0,0,20180825-053711_81_live 1,i suppose,0,1,20180825-053711_81_live 2,My favorite charity is Save The Children. Have you heard of them?,1,0,20180825-053711_81_live 3,"is this crowdfunding, yes i have heard of them",1,1,20180825-053711_81_live 4,"Well hopefully I can convince you to donate to them..even if it's just 25 cents. They make sure children have access to health resources, education and a safe environment. Can you imagine living in extreme violence?",2,0,20180825-053711_81_live 5,if they are so important what about the killing of babies thru abortion.,2,1,20180825-053711_81_live 6,"That's a serious issue too, but this charity focuses on children that have been born. Did you know that in Syria, 1,000 children were killed in just the first two months of 2018?",3,0,20180825-053711_81_live 7,"i would not doubt that all. sorry i have too keep my money, i am very poor man",3,1,20180825-053711_81_live 8,what is great about this donation is you can donate a portion of your earnings from this conversation...any little bit will help.,4,0,20180825-053711_81_live 9,this is my full time job and i depend on every penny from it. So no,4,1,20180825-053711_81_live 10,I understand but these children have even less than us. This is your chance to do some good. Can you try to even donate 1 cent?,5,0,20180825-053711_81_live 11,i said I do this for a living. What I give away takes food from my mouth. You have plenty of rich people out there,5,1,20180825-053711_81_live 12,"Everyone can help. All of us should be in this world together. I agree that rich people have more to give, but can't those of us with very little also help in a way? Would you rather donate your time?",6,0,20180825-053711_81_live 13,i cant do that either. I am semi-crippled with very bad feet. i can walk but that is all can do. I cant stand very long,6,1,20180825-053711_81_live 14,"I'm sorry to hear you are having a hard time. I have hard circumstances too, but I know there are millions of children that are worse off. I feel like I do some good by even just being willing to give a penny when I can.",7,0,20180825-053711_81_live 15,take your penny then,7,1,20180825-053711_81_live 16,are there any charities that you favor?,8,0,20180825-053711_81_live 17,save the children but hurt me,8,1,20180825-053711_81_live 18,"I think you can help Save the Children but also help yourself by knowing you are helping others, even during your low times.",9,0,20180825-053711_81_live 19,i have my own low times. constant pain in my feet,9,1,20180825-053711_81_live 20,hope things get better for you!,10,0,20180825-053711_81_live 0,Hi,0,0,20180825-050306_247_live 1,Hello,0,1,20180825-050306_247_live 2,How are you?,1,0,20180825-050306_247_live 3,Are you aware of any childrens charities?,1,1,20180825-050306_247_live 4,Yes. I've heard of Save the Children,2,0,20180825-050306_247_live 5,Awesome. I don't think i've heard of that. Do you donate/participate in any way to that charity?,2,1,20180825-050306_247_live 6,"Yes, I donate money to them monthly.",3,0,20180825-050306_247_live 7,What encourages you to donate monthly,3,1,20180825-050306_247_live 8,There are poor children all over the world who don't have enough food to eat and Save the Children goes out to help them. I don't waant anyone to go hungry. Would you?,4,0,20180825-050306_247_live 9,"Yes, I absolutely would. I have never sought out a charity and that brings up a good point. How did you find the charity?",4,1,20180825-050306_247_live 10,My friend had refer me. She volunteers for them. Would you be interested in donating some of your earnings today to Save the Children? The research team is collecting donations.,5,0,20180825-050306_247_live 11,I would like more information to be sent to me so I could look into it,5,1,20180825-050306_247_live 12,Sure. You can visit URL or I can probably arrange to have information mailed to you. But any amount you can donate today would be really helpful.,6,0,20180825-050306_247_live 13,How would i go about donating today,6,1,20180825-050306_247_live 14,Just let me know how much you would be interested in donating.,7,0,20180825-050306_247_live 15,I was thinking $20,7,1,20180825-050306_247_live 16,That's wonderful! Thank you so much.,8,0,20180825-050306_247_live 17,I look forward to working with Save the Children,8,1,20180825-050306_247_live 18,"Yes, it is a great organizaton. I hope you have a great rest of your day.",9,0,20180825-050306_247_live 19,Thanks you too,9,1,20180825-050306_247_live 0,Hello there! Have you heard of the international organization Save the Children?,0,0,20180825-080131_220_live 1,Hi. It sounds familiar but I'm not sure.,0,1,20180825-080131_220_live 2,"Save the Children is a non-governmental organizaton that promotes children's rights, provides relief, and helps support children in developing countries. It's a great organization!",1,0,20180825-080131_220_live 3,Is it reputable?,1,1,20180825-080131_220_live 4,"Certainly! I do volunteer work that supports the organization, actually. And if you'd like to check out the website, you can go to URL ",2,0,20180825-080131_220_live 5,It looks like they do great work. Let's make a donation.,2,1,20180825-080131_220_live 6,"Sounds great, your generosity will go great lengths! How much would you like to donate to the organization? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment and you can choose any amount from $0 to all of your payment.",3,0,20180825-080131_220_live 7,"I'll donate half my payment, so $.15.",3,1,20180825-080131_220_live 8,Wonderful! The research team will collect all donations and send them directly to Save the Children.,4,0,20180825-080131_220_live 9,"Sounds good. Out of curiosity, what did you do as a volunteer?",4,1,20180825-080131_220_live 10,Pack educational materials/books to send to children with limited access to such resources,5,0,20180825-080131_220_live 11,That's interesting. I might want to volunteer too.,5,1,20180825-080131_220_live 12,It's a very rewarding experience. A productive activity to fill your free time with. :),6,0,20180825-080131_220_live 13,It doesn't seem fair that some kids are born into bad situations through no fault of their own.,6,1,20180825-080131_220_live 14,"Certainly. The good thing is, however, that there are many organizations that we can support that help push for and ensure the rights of children and that they are given opportunities to succeed.",7,0,20180825-080131_220_live 15,Thanks for telling me about it.,7,1,20180825-080131_220_live 16,You are welcome! Thank you for your kind donation.,8,0,20180825-080131_220_live 17,"It's not much, but I don't have much money. Of course I have no way of knowing no matter what you answer, but are you a real person?",8,1,20180825-080131_220_live 18,"Small changes lead to big results. ;) and haha! Yes, I am. :)",9,0,20180825-080131_220_live 19,Good luck to you! I hope you get lots of donations.,9,1,20180825-080131_220_live 0,Do you feel it is improtant to help the children of the world to get them a good meal atleast 2 times a day,0,0,20180825-071459_643_live 1,Yes. Nutrition is important,0,1,20180825-071459_643_live 2,so will you donate to keep the children nourished and kept safe,1,0,20180825-071459_643_live 3,I typically donate to local charities by giving food or cash. I sometimes question charities that I don't really know,1,1,20180825-071459_643_live 4,well with this charity we all know it is to help to save the children and I agree you should question other donations because together we can help keep the children nourished,2,0,20180825-071459_643_live 5,I just worry money I donate doesn't get to the children. ,2,1,20180825-071459_643_live 6,I agree because as you have seen the commercials of the individual holding a little child asking for donations and all he is doing is getting to play with peoples emotions well with our organization we cut the cost of an actor and use that money to help the children,3,0,20180825-071459_643_live 7,That's fantastic. And how do you make sure some local warlord doesn't get in the way of the charity?,3,1,20180825-071459_643_live 8,well we all know there is warlords everywhere even in the USA but we try our very best for our food items to reach the children ,4,0,20180825-071459_643_live 9,Warlords in the USA get elected to political office unfortunately.,4,1,20180825-071459_643_live 10,yes we know this and they run the country but that is the virtues of a free nation ,5,0,20180825-071459_643_live 11,"As long as my donation gets to the children, I will donate to the charity",5,1,20180825-071459_643_live 12,Thank you for your donation as i guarantee you donation goes towards to the children How much would like to donate,6,0,20180825-071459_643_live 13,Half of whatever I am going to get paid for this task,6,1,20180825-071459_643_live 14,Ok thank you,7,0,20180825-071459_643_live 15,Very welcome. Your work is appreciated,7,1,20180825-071459_643_live 16,myself and Save the Children thank you for your time,8,0,20180825-071459_643_live 17,Have a great day,8,1,20180825-071459_643_live 18,so now what,9,0,20180825-071459_643_live 19,"This should be the tenth response, I suspect we will be able to submit",9,1,20180825-071459_643_live 0,Hi! How are you today?,0,0,20180825-081502_364_live 1,Hey there how's it going?,0,1,20180825-081502_364_live 2,Pretty good I am sitting on my desk enjoying this beautiful weather. How about you?,1,0,20180825-081502_364_live 3,Today is beautiful!! I think it's time to take a walk a little later!,1,1,20180825-081502_364_live 4,That sounds like a great idea! How do you feel about children's charities?,2,0,20180825-081502_364_live 5,It depends on the charity! There are some good ones and some that have turned out to be scams.,2,1,20180825-081502_364_live 6,I agree with that 100%. My charity of choice is Save The Children. Have you heard of that charity before?,3,0,20180825-081502_364_live 7,I have not! Do you work for them or have you donated with them before?,3,1,20180825-081502_364_live 8,I donate to them regularly. They do so much good for under privileged kids.,4,0,20180825-081502_364_live 9,What kind of stuff do they do to help the children? ,4,1,20180825-081502_364_live 10,"They feed so many starving children. They do a lot for kids, you should visit their website. Www. URL ",5,0,20180825-081502_364_live 11,Oh that's great!! I think children deserve all the help they can get. Is this an American charity?,5,1,20180825-081502_364_live 12,Yes it is! You know you can donate a portion of your payment from this directly to Save The Children. Would you be interested in that?,6,0,20180825-081502_364_live 13,I would possibly be interested in that. How can I be sure that it will go where it's supposed to?,6,1,20180825-081502_364_live 14,The researchers have everything lined up with Save The Children. I am going to donate my payment.,7,0,20180825-081502_364_live 15,What are the typical donations to the charity like?,7,1,20180825-081502_364_live 16,You can choose to donate any amount that you wish. Every little bit helps!,8,0,20180825-081502_364_live 17,Unfortunately I am having some money troubles right now so it's a little hard for me to promise any significant amount of money at the moment.,8,1,20180825-081502_364_live 18,"Something as small as .05 cpuld help. I understand financial strain I my self have been struggling. It is much easier for me to donate from this platform that to pay out of pocket, and it sounds like it would be easier for you as well. ",9,0,20180825-081502_364_live 19,I would be interested in donating five cents. I could definitely do that. Sorry I can't donate more :(,9,1,20180825-081502_364_live 20, 05 is perfect! Thank you so much for your donation!,10,0,20180825-081502_364_live 0,hi,0,0,20180825-081646_781_live 1,hi!,0,1,20180825-081646_781_live 2,how can you donate,1,0,20180825-081646_781_live 3,more or less around 1000$,1,1,20180825-081646_781_live 4,oh wow thats really good then,2,0,20180825-081646_781_live 5,"Yes, there are people who need it most",2,1,20180825-081646_781_live 6,i know they do,3,0,20180825-081646_781_live 7,How much would you be able to donate?,3,1,20180825-081646_781_live 8,5 to 6 dollars or more,4,0,20180825-081646_781_live 9, and a year how much do you donate?,4,1,20180825-081646_781_live 10,i think 200,5,0,20180825-081646_781_live 11, you must think that there are many people in the world who need resources and can not count on the ability to obtain them,5,1,20180825-081646_781_live 12,yes there is,6,0,20180825-081646_781_live 13, What kind of charity would you donate the most?,6,1,20180825-081646_781_live 14,clothes and some type of money if i have,7,0,20180825-081646_781_live 15, Do you think about donating toys to children?,7,1,20180825-081646_781_live 16,oh yes sometimes i do,8,0,20180825-081646_781_live 17, Do you prefer to donate toys or clothes?,8,1,20180825-081646_781_live 18,i prefer clothes,9,0,20180825-081646_781_live 19,Do you prefer to donate clothes or money?,9,1,20180825-081646_781_live 0,you should donate to save the children because its good for chilkdren,0,0,20180825-073809_134_live 1,Why is it good for children?,0,1,20180825-073809_134_live 2,it helps them get what they need,1,0,20180825-073809_134_live 3,Do you donate to it yourself?,1,1,20180825-073809_134_live 4,no i wish i could though,2,0,20180825-073809_134_live 5,Do you have children? ,2,1,20180825-073809_134_live 6,yes i do,3,0,20180825-073809_134_live 7,I think if I had children I would be more likely to donate.,3,1,20180825-073809_134_live 8,probably you would,4,0,20180825-073809_134_live 9,Do you know how much is a good amount to donate?,4,1,20180825-073809_134_live 10,even if its only 1 dollar something helps,5,0,20180825-073809_134_live 11,"Okay I may be able to donate that kind of money, I do not make too much.",5,1,20180825-073809_134_live 12,me either i dont make to much,6,0,20180825-073809_134_live 13,I think I will donate $5 a month and it will make me feel better.,6,1,20180825-073809_134_live 14,oh yes i think thats also good too,7,0,20180825-073809_134_live 15,Yes donating can be self serving also because it makes you feel good in addition to helping others :),7,1,20180825-073809_134_live 16,god bless me every time i donate,8,0,20180825-073809_134_live 17,"I think you should try to donate also, maybe just a dollar :)",8,1,20180825-073809_134_live 18,yep i always do sometimes,9,0,20180825-073809_134_live 19,"Okay then its settled, we will both donate! :D",9,1,20180825-073809_134_live 0,Have you ever considered donating to Save the Children?,0,0,20180825-075451_984_live 1,helping children without parents is the most altruistic thing we can do,0,1,20180825-075451_984_live 2,They can't do it without help. They promote children's rights and provide much needed relief.,1,0,20180825-075451_984_live 3,"in my church we help people no matter their age, but children are special for us",1,1,20180825-075451_984_live 4,The donation would be 100% tax deductible too,2,0,20180825-075451_984_live 5,"That's right, how do you help children?",2,1,20180825-075451_984_live 6,Nearly 5.6 million children die each year due to preventable causes. I help by giving money to them so that doesn't happen so often.,3,0,20180825-075451_984_live 7,"in one occasion trip to Latin America and there the situation is very sad, many children live in the street without anyone",3,1,20180825-075451_984_live 8,"There are many different ways to help. You can make a one time donation, become a monthly donor, sponsor a child or even shop their catalog.",4,0,20180825-075451_984_live 9,On what foundation can I sponsor?,4,1,20180825-075451_984_live 10,The organization is called Save the Children. ,5,0,20180825-075451_984_live 11,"This is, URL ??",5,1,20180825-075451_984_live 12,"Yes, but you can make a donation here today. ",6,0,20180825-075451_984_live 13,"yes, I will do it",6,1,20180825-075451_984_live 14,"You just have to let me know how much. You can choose any amount from your payment. If you donate 50 cents, I will match that 50 cents as well.",7,0,20180825-075451_984_live 15,What is my payment? I want to donate everything,7,1,20180825-075451_984_live 16,I believe your bonus is $1.70,8,0,20180825-075451_984_live 17,"you make me feel sad :( it hurts me to see the picture of the children, I want to donate everything",8,1,20180825-075451_984_live 18,"I know it is sad, but be happy there is such a great organization that is trying to help and that you are making a difference",9,0,20180825-075451_984_live 19,"That's right, thanks for showing me the page, I will help many children, today I want to sponsor 3",9,1,20180825-075451_984_live 20,How much do you want to donate on the chat today?,10,0,20180825-075451_984_live 0,Hello,0,0,20180825-094831_466_live 1,hello,0,1,20180825-094831_466_live 2,What is your profession,1,0,20180825-094831_466_live 3,are you going to donate,1,1,20180825-094831_466_live 4,No not really,2,0,20180825-094831_466_live 5,why not donate,2,1,20180825-094831_466_live 6,Are you going to donate?,3,0,20180825-094831_466_live 7,probably not also,3,1,20180825-094831_466_live 8,It's for children. If you donate it will make a difference to lives if you are able too,4,0,20180825-094831_466_live 9,i know but i dont think i can right now can you?,4,1,20180825-094831_466_live 10,Maybe like cents every bit helps,5,0,20180825-094831_466_live 11,yeah i might also,5,1,20180825-094831_466_live 12,That's really good,6,0,20180825-094831_466_live 13,yeah i know,6,1,20180825-094831_466_live 14,How many cents are you able to donate,7,0,20180825-094831_466_live 15,0.50 cents i can you,7,1,20180825-094831_466_live 16,Whatever this tasks make half of that,8,0,20180825-094831_466_live 17,i guess so ,8,1,20180825-094831_466_live 18,That's the link of this task,9,0,20180825-094831_466_live 19,yes it is,9,1,20180825-094831_466_live 0,Have you ever though about donating to Save the Children?,0,0,20180825-073629_433_live 1,I have thought about it before. I've been approached by people on the street.,0,1,20180825-073629_433_live 2,It is a really great charity. It helps children who have been in crisis. ,1,0,20180825-073629_433_live 3,Is the charity international? Or do they operate primarily in America?,1,1,20180825-073629_433_live 4,It donates all over the world including America.,2,0,20180825-073629_433_live 5,What is the purpose of the charity?,2,1,20180825-073629_433_live 6,To help children in crisis. Right now they Stand Ready to Help Hawaii Kids and Families as Powerful Hurricane Lane Closes in ,3,0,20180825-073629_433_live 7,That's really a great cause. Unfortunately I don't have much money right now to help.,3,1,20180825-073629_433_live 8,Anything is helpful. You can donate as little as a $1,4,0,20180825-073629_433_live 9,I don't know that I can donate a dollar. I've been working really hard to save every dollar that I can to make sure I can pay my bills.,4,1,20180825-073629_433_live 10,You can donate right now right from your task payment,5,0,20180825-073629_433_live 11,I don't know if I'd necessarily feel comfortable donating. I feel like a lot of charities squander the money and don't actually use all the donations for what is promised.,5,1,20180825-073629_433_live 12,If you donate from your task payment today the research team will collect all donations and send it to Save the Children.,6,0,20180825-073629_433_live 13,Is there anyway that I can be guaranteed the money will go towards what is promised?,6,1,20180825-073629_433_live 14,"No, you just have to trust the requester will do the right think",7,0,20180825-073629_433_live 15,Are there any other charities I can donate to? Or is it just save the children?,7,1,20180825-073629_433_live 16,"No, today is just the Save the Children. ",8,0,20180825-073629_433_live 17,"Is there any way that I could donate less than a dollar? I don't want to donate a dollar, but would consider donating something less.",8,1,20180825-073629_433_live 18,You can choose any amount from $0 to all of your payment for this task. So yes you can less,9,0,20180825-073629_433_live 19,"I would be willing to donate 5 cents today. I know it's not a lot, but it's all I'm willing to afford today.",9,1,20180825-073629_433_live 0,what you think about save the children donation ?,0,0,20180825-070515_947_live 1,I think it is a genuine organization who uses it's fundraising donations in the right way.,0,1,20180825-070515_947_live 2,you dont think anything bad is happening with this donation?,1,0,20180825-070515_947_live 3,No I think they use most of their donations to actually help children. Do you believe they don't?,1,1,20180825-070515_947_live 4,"i really dont have a real opinion , but the world is dirty and everybody cheat.",2,0,20180825-070515_947_live 5,I think there are a lot of safeguards in organizations like this one that is set up to prevent such a thing.,2,1,20180825-070515_947_live 6,so you think to trust this organisation and help the children with donating in the future?,3,0,20180825-070515_947_live 7,"Yes, for sure. I think they are a trustworthy organization.",3,1,20180825-070515_947_live 8,did they ever did a big mistake that was all over the news?,4,0,20180825-070515_947_live 9,"I am not aware of that. In fact, I believe they were a top-rated children's charity the last couple years.",4,1,20180825-070515_947_live 10,did they collect a lot of money for the children's? ,5,0,20180825-070515_947_live 11,"I am pretty sure they do. Like me, I think people donate to more children's charities than anything else.",5,1,20180825-070515_947_live 12,"i always thought that the money goes for other things and not the children , but i am spectral about this.",6,0,20180825-070515_947_live 13,Well it takes personnel and resources to run any organization so I'm sure some of the money goes to that but I suspect more goes to the children.,6,1,20180825-070515_947_live 14,things must be always clear to the public eyes .,7,0,20180825-070515_947_live 15,"True, especially if you take part in donating. However, I usually just give where I feel I need to and if people use it the wrong way, I believe they will get what's coming to them.",7,1,20180825-070515_947_live 16,if what you say i true i agree with you completely. ,8,0,20180825-070515_947_live 17,Maybe it is a blind trust but there's really no way to know for sure if they use the money correctly unless you are the person handling the money.,8,1,20180825-070515_947_live 18,"blind trust it is. But i know for sure that they help a lot of children, the question is can they do more with that amount of money?",9,0,20180825-070515_947_live 19,Well I'm sure there is always more that can be done. I just feel that if they help a few children get a better childhood then it is worth it. Children are our future.,9,1,20180825-070515_947_live 0,Hello,0,0,20180825-062219_874_live 1,hi,0,1,20180825-062219_874_live 2,how are you today?,1,0,20180825-062219_874_live 3,Doing Good. What about You ?,1,1,20180825-062219_874_live 4,"Have you heard of the charity Saev the Children""",2,0,20180825-062219_874_live 5,No. Can you help me with that.,2,1,20180825-062219_874_live 6,"It is a charity that helps ensure children's basic rights to health, education, safety, etc",3,0,20180825-062219_874_live 7,Okay. It's a very noble cause.,3,1,20180825-062219_874_live 8,Children in other countries don't have the advantages that we do such as access to the internet,4,0,20180825-062219_874_live 9,Yeah totally agreed. Even they are not able to get good meal and got suffered from many malnutrition diseases.,4,1,20180825-062219_874_live 10,"Yes, it is a very noble cause",5,0,20180825-062219_874_live 11,But we can't help them directly. Most of time we have to depend on someone to help them.,5,1,20180825-062219_874_live 12,I would liek to ask if you would want to make small donation to this cause,6,0,20180825-062219_874_live 13,I already did for some websites. Not interested right now to do so. Give me your details i will send you later on.,6,1,20180825-062219_874_live 14,It only needs to be a small donation and it will be deducted out of your task pay.,7,0,20180825-062219_874_live 15,sorry but not now.,7,1,20180825-062219_874_live 16,"ok, thankyou for your time.",8,0,20180825-062219_874_live 17,Thanks. Nice Talking you.,8,1,20180825-062219_874_live 18,have a good day,9,0,20180825-062219_874_live 19,you too. Bye,9,1,20180825-062219_874_live 0,"have you heard of ""save the children""",0,0,20180825-044252_786_live 1,"I think, biut not sure. Tell me more.",0,1,20180825-044252_786_live 2,"they help make sure children have the right to health care, education and safety. ",1,0,20180825-044252_786_live 3,That is such a great cause,1,1,20180825-044252_786_live 4,yes it is and if you just donated a portion of what you make from this task it would be a big help,2,0,20180825-044252_786_live 5,"Well, I already donae to other charities so I'm not sure.",2,1,20180825-044252_786_live 6,I see children everyday even in my community who do not have enough to eat and they are not able to afford to go to the doctor. The only meal they get are the free meals from school. It would be worth even 5 or 10 cents to know these children are getting the basic things in life,3,0,20180825-044252_786_live 7,"Ok, I will do 5 cents of my task money.",3,1,20180825-044252_786_live 8,thank you so much for this. if you think about it 5 cents will buy pretty much nothing anymore but to this charity it means so much more. thanks again,4,0,20180825-044252_786_live 9,"No problem. i know it's not much, but wanted to do something.",4,1,20180825-044252_786_live 10,every little bit helps. I know they appreciate any donation big or small,5,0,20180825-044252_786_live 11,"I hope so, maybe I can do more in the future.",5,1,20180825-044252_786_live 12,their web address is URL if you want to check out even more of what they are about,6,0,20180825-044252_786_live 13,"I would love to do that. Then in the future, I can donate more.",6,1,20180825-044252_786_live 14,they even have something on their site that allows you to sponsor a child. that might be something that would interest you in the future,7,0,20180825-044252_786_live 15,That would defintely interest me. The thought of that is very exciting.,7,1,20180825-044252_786_live 16,another thing on their site is a section that gives you ideas on different fundraisers you could have. there are some really good ideas that would be fun and for a good cause,8,0,20180825-044252_786_live 17,"Man, the site sounds good. I may want to volunteer my time as well instead of just money.",8,1,20180825-044252_786_live 18,that would be great. they are always in need of people to help spread the word about their charity,9,0,20180825-044252_786_live 19,"Ok, well thank you for your time and telling me about this wonderful organization.",9,1,20180825-044252_786_live 20,thank you again for the 5 cents donation. it means a lot,10,0,20180825-044252_786_live 0,"Hello, hope your great today. Have you heard of save the. Hold ten?",0,0,20180825-075627_48_live 1,"I'm doing well, thanks! Likewise to you. I have not heard of that charity.",0,1,20180825-075627_48_live 2,Save the children do amazing work with kind kids,1,0,20180825-075627_48_live 3,How long has this charity been in existence?,1,1,20180825-075627_48_live 4,They have been providing great services for kids for over 10 years,2,0,20180825-075627_48_live 5,How are they rated as a charity? Do you have access to their overhead and admin costs breakdown vs. what they actually spend on programs?,2,1,20180825-075627_48_live 6,if you go to save the children.com you can find all of that information ,3,0,20180825-075627_48_live 7,"Ah.. I see, you misspelled the charity at the beginning. I was wondering why you were talking about ""save the hold ten"" vs. ""save the children.""",3,1,20180825-075627_48_live 8,"Sorry, typo!! If you would like to donate, it can come right out if your task mon y today",4,0,20180825-075627_48_live 9,"As I recall, for save the children, they were given a bad reputation back in the '90s due to their excessive spending on administration costs vs. program expenditures. It was quite the scandal and they became a watchword for bad charities.",4,1,20180825-075627_48_live 10,I believe they have gotten better the last few years! Would you like to donate ,5,0,20180825-075627_48_live 11,"No, there are other charities that do a much better job in my opinion that I already donate to, such as Compassion International and World Vision for international children's relief, and my local food shelter. I can participate directly through volunteer hours and I can also actually visit the children that I help through my family's donations. That's a big plus for me.",5,1,20180825-075627_48_live 12,"Are you sure, you can do as little as 5 cents???",6,0,20180825-075627_48_live 13,"Amounts don't matter to me. Ethical charities do. I'm sorry, but I contributed to save the children back in the day before the scandal broke. I'm afraid for me, their reputation is still bad. Sorry, no.",6,1,20180825-075627_48_live 14, URL Is there website! You can check them out ,7,0,20180825-075627_48_live 15,"Actually, their own website may be a biased barometer of their giving. Perhaps a link to an organization or other agency that rates major charities would be more helpful.",7,1,20180825-075627_48_live 16,"Ok, I disagree with you but see your point ",8,0,20180825-075627_48_live 17,"Believe me, if it were any charity besides ""save the children,"" you could have me donate my entire compensation, which isn\'t really all that much.",8,1,20180825-075627_48_live 18,"Ok, thank you for your time!!!",9,0,20180825-075627_48_live 19,"Thank you ""PERSON_1""",9,1,20180825-075627_48_live 0,"Have you ever heard of ""Save the Children""? It an agency that helps children in underdeveloped and developing countries.",0,0,20180825-073813_141_live 1,"No, I actually haven't . Do you have any more information about the organization that you could tell me?",0,1,20180825-073813_141_live 2,it is not sponsored or supported by any governmental agencies and it helps children abroad and within the US. You would be shocked at how many children live in poverty here in the United States.,1,0,20180825-073813_141_live 3,I have an idea. Whats a more specific idea of what you do? How do you help? Whats their overall goal?,1,1,20180825-073813_141_live 4,"Well, a very specific goal right is to help the children that are separated from their parents due to our current immigration problem. Can you imagine someone taking your small child away from you and not knowing where they are going, who is going to be caring for them, or if you will ever be able to see them again? As a mother, that thought is horrifying. ",2,0,20180825-073813_141_live 5,"It is horrifying, I could not even imagine. What do you need me to do?",2,1,20180825-073813_141_live 6,Save the Children has committed to providing some of the care and needs for these children until they can be reunited with their parents. Would you be willing to donate your pay for this task to Save the Children so they can continue to provide care for these misplaced children? ,3,0,20180825-073813_141_live 7,"My pay? As in my weekly paycheck? Or are there any other payment options, as I have bills to pay.",3,1,20180825-073813_141_live 8,"No, but you could donate part of your pay for this particular task here. Say, maybe half of your payment for this task or even the whole thing?",4,0,20180825-073813_141_live 9,I will happily donate my whole payment for this task. :),4,1,20180825-073813_141_live 10,Thank you! Save the Children is a very reputable charity and your donation will mean so much!,5,0,20180825-073813_141_live 11,I am so grateful there is a way for me to help financially!!!,5,1,20180825-073813_141_live 12,"It really is a great charity and has been around for over 100 years! And while the current immigration crisis is a relatively new problem, they stand ready to help in whatever capacity they can.",6,0,20180825-073813_141_live 13,That is fantastic to hear!!,6,1,20180825-073813_141_live 14,It has been a pleasure chatting with you and donating your task pay to this fine cause should get you some good Karma for the remainder of your day!!,7,0,20180825-073813_141_live 15,Thank you! You will as well for all the hard work you're putting towards this magnificent charity. ,7,1,20180825-073813_141_live 16,You are quite welcome!!,8,0,20180825-073813_141_live 17,You can send me the information with the email you have on file for me. :),8,1,20180825-073813_141_live 18,"ok, I will get it out to as soon as possible!",9,0,20180825-073813_141_live 19,Thank you so much for your time and the effort you are putting towards this very reputable charity!!,9,1,20180825-073813_141_live 0,Hi there how are you doing today?,0,0,20180825-073030_73_live 1,"I am doing great, how are you?",0,1,20180825-073030_73_live 2,I am doing really great today as well. How is the weather where you are?,1,0,20180825-073030_73_live 3,It is beautiful here today. I have recently gotten involved in a charity for children. This charity helps under priveledge kids.,1,1,20180825-073030_73_live 4,"Yes, that sounds wonderful! Have you worked with this charity before, or no?",2,0,20180825-073030_73_live 5,No I haven't this is a new experience for me. I am learning quickly the importance of it and one dollar. Just one dollar can make a difference to these kids. Would this be something you would be willing to donate to?,2,1,20180825-073030_73_live 6,"I will donate if you will. Are you also willing to give up part of your payment as well? If so, then you can count me in for $1.",3,0,20180825-073030_73_live 7,I a absolutely am willing to give up my payment. These actions we take make all the difference to these kids. Thank you for your donation!,3,1,20180825-073030_73_live 8,Okay. Sounds good. What is the exact amount you are willing to give?,4,0,20180825-073030_73_live 9,I will give a dollar. What amount are you willing to give?,4,1,20180825-073030_73_live 10,I am also willing to give $1. What are you hoping your donation helps with?,5,0,20180825-073030_73_live 11,I am hoping this donation helps with feeding these children. ,5,1,20180825-073030_73_live 12,"You are absolutely reading my mind. Hey, I forgot to ask what else you are up to today?",6,0,20180825-073030_73_live 13,"I am just enjoying the weather, what are you up to today?",6,1,20180825-073030_73_live 14,I am trying to get organized today. It is rainy here today so it seems like a good time. I am also going to look at the Save the Children site. Have you looked at it at all?. ,7,0,20180825-073030_73_live 15,"I have not been to the website yet, that sounds like something I need to do.",7,1,20180825-073030_73_live 16,You should look into it. Have you seen all of the news coverage about the storm in Hawaii?,8,0,20180825-073030_73_live 17,"I haven't watched the news much lately, but I have heard a little bit about it. Weather can be crazy!",8,1,20180825-073030_73_live 18,"Well, it looks like this charity is already willing to help Hawaii out. I am really glad they are helping right away. How do you feel?",9,0,20180825-073030_73_live 19,That is wonderful news! I am glad they are helping immediately as well. I believe this charity will do great things!,9,1,20180825-073030_73_live 0,hi,0,0,20180825-063753_619_live 1,How are you doing today?,0,1,20180825-063753_619_live 2,im doing good how are you,1,0,20180825-063753_619_live 3,I am doing really good. How is the weather over by you today?,1,1,20180825-063753_619_live 4,rain and it is hot outside. ,2,0,20180825-063753_619_live 5,"Oh, interesting. It is rainy here too, but definitely not hot, but next week it will be. What are you up to today?",2,1,20180825-063753_619_live 6,today I am going to a baseball game. And just going to relax and have some fun.,3,0,20180825-063753_619_live 7,Oh that sounds fun! I love baseball too! I am also thinking about fun. Hey are you interested in making a donation to Save the Children? ,3,1,20180825-063753_619_live 8,Yes I believe that making a donation to save the children is moral and helps children that are in need of clothing food and shelter,4,0,20180825-063753_619_live 9,"Yes, I feel the exact same way too! I am glad we are on the same page. How much would you like to donate?",4,1,20180825-063753_619_live 10,i like to donate about 0.50 cents towards the organization,5,0,20180825-063753_619_live 11,"Oh that is great. Also, I forgot to ask, do you like basketball or football?",5,1,20180825-063753_619_live 12,football I like better. to be honest. And for save the children I try and encourage everyone to make even a small donation to help children out. ,6,0,20180825-063753_619_live 13,"Yes, oh I would like to donate as well. ",6,1,20180825-063753_619_live 14,me 2. I would donate around 0.50 cents. How much would you donate?,7,0,20180825-063753_619_live 15,I think I would also like to donate .50. Is that going to be enough?,7,1,20180825-063753_619_live 16,"Yes, that is adequate",8,0,20180825-063753_619_live 17,Oh great I am glad to be helping out it makes me so happy. Do you think the money will get sent right aay?,8,1,20180825-063753_619_live 18,I think it would be sent the same day to Save the Children,9,0,20180825-063753_619_live 19,I am very glad to hear this about the charity. Are you as well?,9,1,20180825-063753_619_live 20,I am very glad that this charity is here. We need something to help children.,10,0,20180825-063753_619_live 0,Hello?,0,0,20180825-073559_995_live 1,hi,0,1,20180825-073559_995_live 2,How are you today?,1,0,20180825-073559_995_live 3,good how about you?,1,1,20180825-073559_995_live 4,"I am well, thank you! Glad you are doing well also. Have you heard of the charity called Save the Children?",2,0,20180825-073559_995_live 5,"i have not, can you tell me more?",2,1,20180825-073559_995_live 6,"It is an international charity that helps children in need all around the world. These children have been victims of war, famine, and poverty. Does this sound like a good charity?",3,0,20180825-073559_995_live 7,"definitely, have you donated to them?",3,1,20180825-073559_995_live 8,I have. 86% of the donations go directly to the programs that help the children. Do you believe that children in need deserve help from others?,4,0,20180825-073559_995_live 9,yes i do,4,1,20180825-073559_995_live 10,Great! Donations made from people like you can directly improve the lives of thousands of children all over the world. Even a small donation makes a big difference. Have you ever donated money to a charity before?,5,0,20180825-073559_995_live 11,yes i have. a few times,5,1,20180825-073559_995_live 12,That's great! Donating your payment from this task to Save the Children would make a big difference in a child's life today. You said earlier you believe children in need deserve help from others. Would you be willing to donate your payment from this task to the charity to help a child?,6,0,20180825-073559_995_live 13,sure would love to,6,1,20180825-073559_995_live 14,Awesome! The research team collects all donations from this task and send them to Save the Children.How much of your payment would you be willing to donate? You can choose any amount from $0 to the entire payment.,7,0,20180825-073559_995_live 15,let's do 1,7,1,20180825-073559_995_live 16,"Great, thank you! Save the Children is a worldwide charity that give children access to healthcare, safety, and advocacy thanks to donations like yours. Do you have any other questions?",8,0,20180825-073559_995_live 17,i do not,8,1,20180825-073559_995_live 18,"Ok, thank you for your time and donation, have a great day!",9,0,20180825-073559_995_live 19,great you too,9,1,20180825-073559_995_live 0,will you donate some of your payment to save the children?,0,0,20180825-065411_526_live 1,"Yes, I would donate some of my payment to help save children. How about you? Are we supposed to mutually agree to both give a certain amount? ",0,1,20180825-065411_526_live 2,No but this doesn't end till you do. You have to name a specific amount then I match it. Do small I think,1,0,20180825-065411_526_live 3,I would be willing to give 10 cents of the 30 cent payment to help save children.,1,1,20180825-065411_526_live 4, The research team will collect all donations and send it to Save the Children.,2,0,20180825-065411_526_live 5,I'm good with them doing that. Like mentioned I'm willing to give 10 cents of the 30 cents.,2,1,20180825-065411_526_live 6,The research team will collect all donations and send it to Save the Children.,3,0,20180825-065411_526_live 7,Are you willing to match my 10 cent donation to Save the Children,3,1,20180825-065411_526_live 8,Yes I will match your 10 cent donation,4,0,20180825-065411_526_live 9,"Okay, so we are in agreement on the amount and donating, what else do we need to discuss? More about the charity? The instructions weren't super clear on my end.",4,1,20180825-065411_526_live 10,"Mine either. Gah! I just copied and pasted what they said. maybe say ""I will donate .10 of my .30 payment.""",5,0,20180825-065411_526_live 11,"I will donate 10 cents of my 30 cent payment. You should type the same thing and if perhaps if you know anything about the charity, share it?",5,1,20180825-065411_526_live 12,This is a great charity and I will match you .10 cent payment.,6,0,20180825-065411_526_live 13,"Okay, so we are in agreement on the payment to the charity. I assume save the children would be able helping children in three world countries. I wish they were way more specific in the instructions on both ends.",6,1,20180825-065411_526_live 14,"Aha their are 10 minimum chat turns required, we are almost there. I will match .10 cents",7,0,20180825-065411_526_live 15,"oh, I didn't know that I just assumed if we reached an agreement before that they would let us advance. What do you know about this charity?",7,1,20180825-065411_526_live 16,It supports childrens rights worldwide. The research team will collect all donations and send it to Save the Children,8,0,20180825-065411_526_live 17,oh so specifically in third world countries were they are mistreated or does it include first world countries as well?,8,1,20180825-065411_526_live 18,Yes working in Syria right now. The research team will collect all donations and send it to Save the Children,9,0,20180825-065411_526_live 19,"Yes, they need all the help they can get there after the missiles and chemical attacks",9,1,20180825-065411_526_live 0, Do you know what Save the Children is?,0,0,20180825-084254_215_live 1,I have heard about it. What do you know about it?,0,1,20180825-084254_215_live 2,"Save the Children is an organization that helps children in developing countries, by promoting children's rights and providing relief. I think they help pay for their education and other necessities.",1,0,20180825-084254_215_live 3,Do you have any experince dealing with them at all?,1,1,20180825-084254_215_live 4,"I personally haven't ever dealt with them, I have just seen a lot of commercials and heard about the organization for many years.",2,0,20180825-084254_215_live 5,I have heard that they work hard to give kids a better life.,2,1,20180825-084254_215_live 6,"Yes, I have heard that about them too. I have thought about donating before, but never got around to it. Would you be willing to donate some, or all, of your payment from this task to Save the Children?",3,0,20180825-084254_215_live 7,"Yes, I think I would be will to donate to the cause.",3,1,20180825-084254_215_live 8,"I think I would be willing to as well. It appears that there is an option to donate some of your earnings, and the research team will collect all donations and send it to Save the Children :)",4,0,20180825-084254_215_live 9,Oh that is really a great idea. I think I would be able to donate some of my earnings. Would $1 help at all?,4,1,20180825-084254_215_live 10,That sounds great! I'm guessing you would input your donation amount at the end of the task.,5,0,20180825-084254_215_live 11,I would be glad to. How much are you giving?,5,1,20180825-084254_215_live 12,I'm going to give $1 as well :),6,0,20180825-084254_215_live 13,"Well that is really great. It sounds like a great charity. I think they might even help in Hawaii with the recent floods, don't you think? I bet the kids there are in need.",6,1,20180825-084254_215_live 14,"Yeah, I think they are doing some really important work! I'm not sure exactly how the donations they get are distributed and if it only goes to developing countries, or also to disaster relief.",7,0,20180825-084254_215_live 15,"Yes, I'm not sure either, but it just kills me to know there are ids suffering. How do you feel?",7,1,20180825-084254_215_live 16,"I feel the same. It makes me so sad to know that some children are having a hard time even finding clean water to drink. I think it's important for those of us in a first world country to help, but it's also so easy to overlook these things. I know I have.",8,0,20180825-084254_215_live 17,"Yes, sometimes I feel a little guilty that I have it so easy. I can not imagine food or clothing being a luxury. Can you?",8,1,20180825-084254_215_live 18,"I can't imagine that either. Those are things I've just always had, so sometimes I feel guilty that I haven't tried to do more to help others.",9,0,20180825-084254_215_live 19,"Yes, it really does cause feelings of guilt!",9,1,20180825-084254_215_live 20,"I completely agree! It's not that we don't all have our own struggles, but it's just on a completely different level.",10,0,20180825-084254_215_live 0,"Hello, have you have thought of donating to the Save the Children?",0,0,20180825-081402_621_live 1,I have considered it. Have you ever considered donating to Riley Children's hospital?,0,1,20180825-081402_621_live 2,"No, I haven't. Did you know that you can donate to the Save the Children today right from this task.",1,0,20180825-081402_621_live 3,I did not. I am really hoping you would consider donating to Riley Children's hospital. ,1,1,20180825-081402_621_live 4,"Yes, you can donate from $0 to all of your payment from this task to the Save the Children today.",2,0,20180825-081402_621_live 5,My heart is really with Riley Children's Hospital. They do great things for children with cancer/diseases. Would you consider donating to them instead.,2,1,20180825-081402_621_live 6,I really have my heart on the Save the Children and the fact that it can be done right from the task makes it so much easier,3,0,20180825-081402_621_live 7,"That may be true, but I do like Riley Children's hospital as it is local to my area.",3,1,20180825-081402_621_live 8,The Save the Children helps people all over the world including here in Amercian,4,0,20180825-081402_621_live 9,"Yes, but I like to see where my money is going to help. I think we need to help those here first. There is so much poverty and sickness here.",4,1,20180825-081402_621_live 10,"Yes, there is. And I understand wanting to see it done local. The Save the Children is on stand by to help the children of Hawaii right now for the Hurricane Lane",5,0,20180825-081402_621_live 11,I might reconsider donating then.,5,1,20180825-081402_621_live 12,You can donate anywhere from $0 to all of your task payment today. ,6,0,20180825-081402_621_live 13,I might be able to manage a little today.,6,1,20180825-081402_621_live 14,That is awesome. How much would you like to donate today?,7,0,20180825-081402_621_live 15,I can't manage much as I am short on cash,7,1,20180825-081402_621_live 16,If you donate right now from your task payment then you are donating money that you don't even have yet.,8,0,20180825-081402_621_live 17,"This is true. Ok, since it's the hurricane victims. I will make a donation",8,1,20180825-081402_621_live 18,How much would you be willing to donate today? ,9,0,20180825-081402_621_live 19,I can do the .30 I will be making from this task.,9,1,20180825-081402_621_live 0,"Hi, how much do you like to donate to the charity now",0,0,20180825-043341_782_live 1,I would definitely donate because I often donate to charities,0,1,20180825-043341_782_live 2,This donation will go to Save the children,1,0,20180825-043341_782_live 3,This is a worthy organization because many children receive some benefits,1,1,20180825-043341_782_live 4,Can you specify the amount of donation,2,0,20180825-043341_782_live 5,I would donate $10 to this charity,2,1,20180825-043341_782_live 6,ok fine. The research team would collect the donations,3,0,20180825-043341_782_live 7,ok great-who is the research team?,3,1,20180825-043341_782_live 8,The researxh team will contact you,4,0,20180825-043341_782_live 9,Ok-thanks-I will be waiting to hear from them,4,1,20180825-043341_782_live 10,Fine anything you want to know about the Save the children,5,0,20180825-043341_782_live 11,I have seen information about this organization before,5,1,20180825-043341_782_live 12,"To brief you again Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",6,0,20180825-043341_782_live 13,"Yes, it is a worthy organization and I do believe that it helps in many substantial ways.",6,1,20180825-043341_782_live 14,"Donation to this organisation is essential to help ensuring children's rights to health, education, safety, etc. ",7,0,20180825-043341_782_live 15,The donations to heal and help with health issues is very crucial,7,1,20180825-043341_782_live 16,"For instance, millions of Syrian children have grown up facing the daily threat of violence.",8,0,20180825-043341_782_live 17,Yes- the war in Syria had traumatized many children,8,1,20180825-043341_782_live 18,"In the first two months of 2018 alone, 1,000 children were reportedly killed or injured in intensifying violence. ",9,0,20180825-043341_782_live 19,"yes, I think I have told about my donation and now waiting for the conversation to end. Thanks.",9,1,20180825-043341_782_live 0,what you think about charity? ,0,0,20180825-080452_233_live 1,"I think that it is good for people to donate to charity, especially one that will help children.",0,1,20180825-080452_233_live 2,"yes, do you think the money goes to the children?",1,0,20180825-080452_233_live 3,I think it depends on the charity. I think there is sometimes charities that are not as transparent about where the donations go. ,1,1,20180825-080452_233_live 4,so some charities steal and some do the gods work?,2,0,20180825-080452_233_live 5,I don't know that I would consider it stealing. I think that some charities use funds for things other than direct support. I think it is the donaters responsibility to research ahead of their donation,2,1,20180825-080452_233_live 6,if they get couch what would be the sentence? ,3,0,20180825-080452_233_live 7,If they got caught stealing from a charity? or if they just don't use the funds correctly. I think it would be two different things,3,1,20180825-080452_233_live 8,"the firs question, If they got caught stealing from a charity?",4,0,20180825-080452_233_live 9,If they got caught stealing from a charity they should go to jail. For how long depends on how much money they stole though,4,1,20180825-080452_233_live 10,and if they dont manage the funds correctly ?,5,0,20180825-080452_233_live 11,I don't think there should be a legal punishment for that. That would result in them losing their position,5,1,20180825-080452_233_live 12,you think that the money managing and where the money go must be transparent?,6,0,20180825-080452_233_live 13,"Yes. If much of the donation goes to overhead costs, then people who are donating should be aware of that",6,1,20180825-080452_233_live 14,did happen something recently about a charity fraud? ,7,0,20180825-080452_233_live 15,Not that I am aware of. I have not heard anything about that,7,1,20180825-080452_233_live 16,what was the most amount collected in a charity?,8,0,20180825-080452_233_live 17,The most amount ever? A lot - Paypal raised like 48 million online for charity a few years ago. But any long running charities that are successful probably far exceed that ,8,1,20180825-080452_233_live 18,"last question, what is your impressions about save the children charity?",9,0,20180825-080452_233_live 19,I think they are a good organization that does important work ,9,1,20180825-080452_233_live 0,Hi! How are you doing today?,0,0,20180825-075630_493_live 1,I'm doing well. How about you?,0,1,20180825-075630_493_live 2,"I am great, just enjoying some coffee on my deck. How is the weather for you?",1,0,20180825-075630_493_live 3,"It's cloudy a lot, but otherwise fine. I was just looking through the morning mail. A request by a children's charity for a donation.",1,1,20180825-075630_493_live 4,Which charity was the flyer from? The charity I always donate to is called Save The Children. They do wonders for under privileged kids.,2,0,20180825-075630_493_live 5,I think it was from Save The Children. So you think they do some actual good?,2,1,20180825-075630_493_live 6,They do for sure. They feed so Many starving kids and are quick to respond to any crisis. ,3,0,20180825-075630_493_live 7,"That's encouraging. Do you usually donate? They're asking for $50, I was thinking more like $20.",3,1,20180825-075630_493_live 8,I do donate regularly to them. In fact if you are wanting to donate you can donate a portion of your payment from this directly to Save The Children. Is that something you would be willing to do?,4,0,20180825-075630_493_live 9,That's a thought. I guess I could do that. Maybe 1/2 of the payment. ,4,1,20180825-075630_493_live 10,That is wonderful! So you are willing to donate half of your payment? I will also donate mine.,5,0,20180825-075630_493_live 11,Okay. Let's do that then.,5,1,20180825-075630_493_live 12,Great! These donations will be able to help so many children! ,6,0,20180825-075630_493_live 13,"That's the goal, for sure.",6,1,20180825-075630_493_live 14,It absolutely is! I just want to thank you for helping out this great charity.,7,0,20180825-075630_493_live 15,"Glad to help. I have a needy child of my own, and know how desperate that can make you feel.",7,1,20180825-075630_493_live 16,"Absolutely! I hope you enjoy your day, and if you would like to learn more about this charity, you can visit their website. ",8,0,20180825-075630_493_live 17,I may do that. Enjoy your day also.,8,1,20180825-075630_493_live 18,Thank you! ,9,0,20180825-075630_493_live 19,You are welcome.,9,1,20180825-075630_493_live 0,Hello?,0,0,20180825-065106_23_live 1,Hello. I hope you are well.,0,1,20180825-065106_23_live 2,"Same, would you like to donate to Save the children?",1,0,20180825-065106_23_live 3,"I think it is very important to help children that are less fortunate. Tell me more about ""Save the children.""",1,1,20180825-065106_23_live 4,Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. It would do a great help with your donation.,2,0,20180825-065106_23_live 5,What service does this charity provide? ,2,1,20180825-065106_23_live 6,"Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",3,0,20180825-065106_23_live 7,I like the sound of that. Does it work by sponsoring a specific child who you get to know or does everything run through the organization?,3,1,20180825-065106_23_live 8,"he money goes to the charity as a whole not to a particular kid, so when you donate you know you helping more than one child.",4,0,20180825-065106_23_live 9,That makes sense and I do like the money to be spread to everyone. Is this primarily in African and South America?,4,1,20180825-065106_23_live 10,"Yes, as well as other places also...How much would you like to donate?",5,0,20180825-065106_23_live 11,How do we know that our donation is reaching those in need?,5,1,20180825-065106_23_live 12," For instance, millions of Syrian children have grown up facing the daily threat of violence. In the first two months of 2018 alone, 1,000 children were reportedly killed or injured in intensifying violence. Your donation would be a small part in keeping the children safe from the violence.",6,0,20180825-065106_23_live 13,I hope that is the case as I hate to read about children in danger. Is this donation a one-time thing?,6,1,20180825-065106_23_live 14,"Yes, this donation is a one time thing. But if you like to continue donating your welcome to do so, how much would you like to donate?",7,0,20180825-065106_23_live 15,I think I could donate $5.00.,7,1,20180825-065106_23_live 16,"Ok, $5 is a great amount make sure when its time to donate you deliver and the children will be proud. Thank you",8,0,20180825-065106_23_live 17,You are welcome; anything for the children I say!,8,1,20180825-065106_23_live 18,"Your a great person and thanks again, have a nice day.",9,0,20180825-065106_23_live 19,I hope you have a great day as well!,9,1,20180825-065106_23_live 0,Good afternoon. ,0,0,20180825-111850_152_live 1,Hey there how is it going?,0,1,20180825-111850_152_live 2,It's going alright. I've just been reading about a charity called Save the Children. Have you heard of it?,1,0,20180825-111850_152_live 3,I've heard a little bit about it but don't know too much.,1,1,20180825-111850_152_live 4,"From what I've read, it's a nonprofit that helps children in difficult situations around the world. I was reading about their aid work in Syria and how they've helped young girls in developing countries receive schooling.",2,0,20180825-111850_152_live 5,Oh wow! That's incredible. I wasn't aware that they did all of that.,2,1,20180825-111850_152_live 6,"This morning, I was also reading about an ebola outbreak in the Congo (I think). I imagine they'll help there if they aren't stretched too thin. ",3,0,20180825-111850_152_live 7,So save the children is a worldwide organization it sounds like!,3,1,20180825-111850_152_live 8,"It is! Do you ever donate to organizations like this? My brother, sister, and I replaced birthday gifts with charity donations a few years ago. It saved on clutter and felt great to give to charities.",4,0,20180825-111850_152_live 9,"I've given to a few charities before, but never this one. I'm always so skeptical of charities to be honest.",4,1,20180825-111850_152_live 10,Same here. I remember reading about some questionable charities following hurricanes in Haiti and Puerto Rico. It's a bummer when that money gets siphoned off. I just looked up Save the Children on Charity Navigator and they give the org an 88.3 rating out of 100 including a 97 for transparency.,5,0,20180825-111850_152_live 11,Wow that's a really great rating! I think money that goes to kids is a super important cause.,5,1,20180825-111850_152_live 12,"I plan on giving my payment for this exercise to Save the Children based on my research. Would you like to donate to the charity as well? After we are done chatting, I think you can tell them the amount you want donated.",6,0,20180825-111850_152_live 13,"Hmm, I would like to, but I'm having some financial trouble at the moment. I'm not sure how much I'd be willing to donate.",6,1,20180825-111850_152_live 14,I think you can donate as little as one cent. Sorry to hear about your financial troubles! I've been in a similar boat recently.,7,0,20180825-111850_152_live 15,Do you think that small of an amount would really help someone?,7,1,20180825-111850_152_live 16,"I like to think so, yes. I know that organizations always stress that every little bit counts. I'd like to think that even a few cents from a lot of people would be helpful. ",8,0,20180825-111850_152_live 17,I think I'd be willing to donate about 25 cents,8,1,20180825-111850_152_live 18,Awesome! I'll match your donation. ,9,0,20180825-111850_152_live 19,Oh that's great and makes me feel better! Thank you!,9,1,20180825-111850_152_live 20,I have to get going. It's been great chatting with you and I hope you enjoy your weekend.,10,0,20180825-111850_152_live 0,Hello there!,0,0,20180825-075647_663_live 1,can you donate,0,1,20180825-075647_663_live 2,I can and am planning on donating. It seems like a great cause. Do you plan on donating too?,1,0,20180825-075647_663_live 3,i might donate as well,1,1,20180825-075647_663_live 4,I think it would be great if we both did,2,0,20180825-075647_663_live 5,it would be great,2,1,20180825-075647_663_live 6,I know if my child was in need I would hope people like us would make a donation - no matter how small.,3,0,20180825-075647_663_live 7,this is really true,3,1,20180825-075647_663_live 8,What motivates you to donate?,4,0,20180825-075647_663_live 9,the children do,4,1,20180825-075647_663_live 10,Yes it is truly up to us to help the millions of children in Syria who have grown up only knowing violence,5,0,20180825-075647_663_live 11,i know its terrible right ,5,1,20180825-075647_663_live 12,Yes. How much do you spend on small unnecessary items like coffee or snacks each day?,6,0,20180825-075647_663_live 13,maybe like 15,6,1,20180825-075647_663_live 14,Wow. Imagine how helpful even a small fraction of that money would be to these kids,7,0,20180825-075647_663_live 15,yep it will be great for those kids to help them with things they need,7,1,20180825-075647_663_live 16,So how much do you think you'd like to donate? The money will come right from your task payment.,8,0,20180825-075647_663_live 17,maybe 5 dollars,8,1,20180825-075647_663_live 18,Wow that is very generous of you,9,0,20180825-075647_663_live 19,yeah i know,9,1,20180825-075647_663_live 20,So you can confirm you'd like to donate $5?,10,0,20180825-075647_663_live 21,yes i do,10,1,20180825-075647_663_live 0,There is a very important charity called Save the Children. Do you know much about it?,0,0,20180825-064811_939_live 1,"I do not, can you tell me some?",0,1,20180825-064811_939_live 2,"They help children all over who are in need. They have programs to help with help, literacy, and disaster relief. ",1,0,20180825-064811_939_live 3,I would like to donate,1,1,20180825-064811_939_live 4,How much of the money you earn from this task would you be willing to donate?,2,0,20180825-064811_939_live 5,i would like to donate .05 cents,2,1,20180825-064811_939_live 6,The research team will collect the donations and send it to Save the Children. Thank you!!,3,0,20180825-064811_939_live 7,you are welcome,3,1,20180825-064811_939_live 8,"Even small donations, added together, can make a tremendous difference.",4,0,20180825-064811_939_live 9,I am sure they do. Iit is so imporantant for them ,4,1,20180825-064811_939_live 10,"It is! Did you know that 16,000 children under the age of 5 die each day?",5,0,20180825-064811_939_live 11,wow no i did not,5,1,20180825-064811_939_live 12,"Most of them die from preventable diseases, too! That horrifies me!",6,0,20180825-064811_939_live 13,that is so sad do you work for the foundation?,6,1,20180825-064811_939_live 14,"No, but they've been around for a long time, and do a lot of good in the world.",7,0,20180825-064811_939_live 15,Its so nice to see more poeple who care about them ,7,1,20180825-064811_939_live 16,They are only able to help when people donate.,8,0,20180825-064811_939_live 17,that is so sad,8,1,20180825-064811_939_live 18,"Once again, thank you for your donation.",9,0,20180825-064811_939_live 19,you are very welcome!,9,1,20180825-064811_939_live 0,Hello,0,0,20180825-054948_621_live 1,"Hi. I really do not know much about children's charity, do you?",0,1,20180825-054948_621_live 2,Oh. There is this children's charity my friend volunteers for. It's called Save the Children. Have you heard of it?,1,0,20180825-054948_621_live 3,I think so. Does it have commercials on tv? ,1,1,20180825-054948_621_live 4,"Yes, they do. I wish they didn't have to spend their monies on commericals but it is the only way to get their name out there.",2,0,20180825-054948_621_live 5,"Does this charity help children in the United States, or do they deal mostly with children in African nations?",2,1,20180825-054948_621_live 6,It is a global charity. They help out children in the US and around the world. You should check out their website: URL s/what-we-do/us-programs,3,0,20180825-054948_621_live 7,I will copy and save the website address. What do volunteers do for this charity? I ask that because volunteering would be easier for me than sending money.,3,1,20180825-054948_621_live 8,My friend is a nurse and she takes a month off every year to go to Africa to help out. I would love to do that but can't possibly get that much time off. How about you?,4,0,20180825-054948_621_live 9,"That is awesome that your friend does that! I'm not a nurse though, and couldn't possibly travel to Africa or anywhere else.",4,1,20180825-054948_621_live 10,"Well, the next best thing is to donate. You don't have to give much. A few cents a month is all it takes to help change a child's life. Would you be willing to donate?",5,0,20180825-054948_621_live 11,"No, I honestly don't have any money. If I did have extra money, I would probably donate to St Jude's. I have given a few extra cents sometimes at the checkout in grocery stores.",5,1,20180825-054948_621_live 12,I know money is tight. It sure is for me too. I only ask you to think about whether you buy any unnecessary things like a starbucks coffee every day. I know there are often times I regret spending money on that when there are starving kids in the world that could be helped. Do you ever feel that way?,6,0,20180825-054948_621_live 13,"No, not really. I can count on one hand the number of times I've had starbucks coffee. Very rarely do I spend money on unnecessary things, money is that tight. I do feel bad there are starving kids in this world, but until my situation changes, there is nothing I can do for them or anyone else.",6,1,20180825-054948_621_live 14,"I understand. The research team is collecting donations, so if you are willing to give even a few cents from your task payment, I'm sure the charity would be appreciative.",7,0,20180825-054948_621_live 15,"I've done that before on other tasks. Wouldn't it be easier for the research team to have their survey, and ask for donations at the end of the survey? ",7,1,20180825-054948_621_live 16,"Yes, they are doing what you've described.",8,0,20180825-054948_621_live 17,"So if my reward amount on this hit is .30 cents, just give ""Save the Children"" this .30 cents, and we will call this task complete.",8,1,20180825-054948_621_live 18,Yes. I hope you have a great rest of your day.,9,0,20180825-054948_621_live 19,"Thank you, you too.",9,1,20180825-054948_621_live 0,Hey you wanna donate some money today?,0,0,20180825-044048_639_live 1,what is the donation for?,0,1,20180825-044048_639_live 2,Save the Children! It's an awesome charity! Promotes childrens rights and supports them in developing countries!,1,0,20180825-044048_639_live 3,i would love to donate for childrens' cause,1,1,20180825-044048_639_live 4,You can help out A LOT by donating! Today you can donate up to .30 cents. ,2,0,20180825-044048_639_live 5,i would love to donate .30 for sure,2,1,20180825-044048_639_live 6,That would be awesome! Do you have any kids?,3,0,20180825-044048_639_live 7,"yes, i do. i have three kids. do you?",3,1,20180825-044048_639_live 8,I don't have any personally therefore I spend my free time helping other kids by taking donations and such. It's awesome to see the smiles on their faces!,4,0,20180825-044048_639_live 9,"without a doubt, every kid on this planet deserves the best. therefore we should do our best to make that happen",4,1,20180825-044048_639_live 10,"This is so true! If you have any questions about where your donation goes or anything, you can go do URL and follow up on your donation",5,0,20180825-044048_639_live 11,okey. thank you so much for offering your help for childrens' donation,5,1,20180825-044048_639_live 12,You are very welcome and thank you for being so generous! It helps out so much!,6,0,20180825-044048_639_live 13,bye now. you take care,6,1,20180825-044048_639_live 14,Thank you buddy. You take care also! :D,7,0,20180825-044048_639_live 15,i really hope this will somehow help to enhance the current situation of kids who are in need of money,7,1,20180825-044048_639_live 16,I wonder why this chat won't end,8,0,20180825-044048_639_live 17,i wish everybody could fight to make lives better of the kids,8,1,20180825-044048_639_live 18,Yeah. How much did you say you wanted to donate today?,9,0,20180825-044048_639_live 19,i am donating .30 cents for your organization.,9,1,20180825-044048_639_live 0,Hi there! How are you doing today?,0,0,20180825-085214_779_live 1,im ok and you,0,1,20180825-085214_779_live 2,I'm doing great! Do you have any interest in learning about and potentially donating to a charity?,1,0,20180825-085214_779_live 3,yes i would,1,1,20180825-085214_779_live 4,That's great! The charity I'm helping is called Save the Children.,2,0,20180825-085214_779_live 5,oh how would you help the children,2,1,20180825-085214_779_live 6,Well the charity collects money to help protect children's rights all across the globe. ,3,0,20180825-085214_779_live 7,oh ok thats nice,3,1,20180825-085214_779_live 8,"As you know, children can be extremely helpless, especially in third world countries, so they deserve all the help they can get.",4,0,20180825-085214_779_live 9,i know i would like to help them with 5 dollars ,4,1,20180825-085214_779_live 10,$5 could make a huge different in a lot of kids lives. Are there any questions you have?,5,0,20180825-085214_779_live 11,no its ok i just like children because they need help,5,1,20180825-085214_779_live 12,Do you donate to any other charities?,6,0,20180825-085214_779_live 13,i use to,6,1,20180825-085214_779_live 14,What kind of charities do you enjoy donating to?,7,0,20180825-085214_779_live 15,i like to give out toys and if i have some type of change i give it out,7,1,20180825-085214_779_live 16,That's very kind of you. So can I rely on you to donate $5 from your task today to help this charity out?,8,0,20180825-085214_779_live 17,yes i would like to,8,1,20180825-085214_779_live 18,That's great. You should have the option coming up to help you make a donation.,9,0,20180825-085214_779_live 19,yes i like to give out things,9,1,20180825-085214_779_live 0,Hi how are you today?,0,0,20180825-085908_923_live 1,I'm good! How are you doing? What's your feelings about giving to children's charities?,0,1,20180825-085908_923_live 2,Itvdepends on the charity. Some of them are scams I think. Do u donate?,1,0,20180825-085908_923_live 3,I agree that you have to be careful. I do donate to Ronald McDonald House and St Jude. How much do you donate?,1,1,20180825-085908_923_live 4,"I have donated to Ronald McDonald before, but not on a regular basis. Have you heard of Save The Children?",2,0,20180825-085908_923_live 5,I have heard of Save the Children but I'd rather keep my donations US-based ,2,1,20180825-085908_923_live 6,"I agree on thay most of the time, but this organization does wonderful things for these children.",3,0,20180825-085908_923_live 7,I am not sure about where all the donation money ends up. I'd rather give to Ronald McDonalds especially since I know people who have personally benefited. ,3,1,20180825-085908_923_live 8,"I can understand that, but in my experience with this organization they truly use the donations for the kids and have prevented many from starving to death.",4,0,20180825-085908_923_live 9,there are so many starving and abused kids here in the US that I'd feel more comfortable helping them first. ,4,1,20180825-085908_923_live 10,"You are right, but you can donate a portion of ypur payment to this organization and continue to donate to your charities. ",5,0,20180825-085908_923_live 11,that's true. I could spread out donations. ,5,1,20180825-085908_923_live 12,"Right, every little bit helps. I will be donating from my payment today. Are you willing to donate a portion of your payment?",6,0,20180825-085908_923_live 13,"I'd rather donate to Ronald McDonald - how much are you donating, though?",6,1,20180825-085908_923_live 14,I am donating .15 of my payment to Save The Cildren. ,7,0,20180825-085908_923_live 15,I'll donate but not that much,7,1,20180825-085908_923_live 16,That's fine any amount helps. Thank you so Mich for your donation!,8,0,20180825-085908_923_live 17,Would you give some of that .15 to Ronald McDonald? I'd do .15 with splitting ,8,1,20180825-085908_923_live 18,I would be willing to consider that.,9,0,20180825-085908_923_live 19,OK perfect! Let's both do .15 but split among Ronald McDonald and Save the Children!,9,1,20180825-085908_923_live 20,Great! Thank you for your donation!,10,0,20180825-085908_923_live 0,"Hello, I support the Save the Children Federation and I am looking to obtain contributions for this worthy cause",0,0,20180825-080436_824_live 1,"Hello, what do the Save the Children Federation do?",0,1,20180825-080436_824_live 2,The Save the Children Federation helps children and families in emergency situations,1,0,20180825-080436_824_live 3,Such as? Is it a global charity?,1,1,20180825-080436_824_live 4,"Yes, It is a world wide charity, that does not discriminate",2,0,20180825-080436_824_live 5,"Where does it mainly operate? In Africia, Asia, etc.?",2,1,20180825-080436_824_live 6,"World wide, Africa, Asia, even in the recent disaster in Haiti",3,0,20180825-080436_824_live 7,What is the percentage of donations that go for administrative costs?,3,1,20180825-080436_824_live 8,"90% of donations collected are returned to help ensuring children's rights, helps curving malnutritrion in childre, and provides emergency supplies to families in disasters. I feel it is a very deserving charity and I personally contribute to Save The Children.",4,0,20180825-080436_824_live 9,Would I find additional information about this charity in GuideStar?,4,1,20180825-080436_824_live 10,"To be honest, I am not sure about that. You can go directly to the Save the Children website for furthur information, and to donate right from there.",5,0,20180825-080436_824_live 11,What made you interested in this charity and not another one? An example would be Uniceff,5,1,20180825-080436_824_live 12,The Save the Children Federation is the most highly rated Charity for helping children and their families recover from disasters and supporting their specific needs. That is why I chose Save the Children as my favorite charity. Would you like to make a contribution to the Save the Children charity?,6,0,20180825-080436_824_live 13,Is it a 401(c) charity? Does the IRS recognize it as a nonprofit?,6,1,20180825-080436_824_live 14,"Yes it is, totally non-profit and these children need so much help, I ask you to contribute to a very worthy cause. ",7,0,20180825-080436_824_live 15,How much do you think that I should give?,7,1,20180825-080436_824_live 16,"Were asking for a ten dollar donation, but would be happy to have any donation to this worthy cause. ",8,0,20180825-080436_824_live 17,A ten dollar donation sounds reasonable to me. I would be glad to make a $10 donation,8,1,20180825-080436_824_live 18,"That is very generous of you to do so. These children will receive relief, education and help protect their individual rights",9,0,20180825-080436_824_live 19,Thank you for telling me about this organization,9,1,20180825-080436_824_live 20,Please go to the Save the Children website to make the donation. I will donate $10 also. Can I count on you then?,10,0,20180825-080436_824_live 0,"Hi, good morning!",0,0,20180825-080802_964_live 1,Hello!,0,1,20180825-080802_964_live 2,Were you able to read a little about the charity Save the Children?,1,0,20180825-080802_964_live 3,"No, I didn't see anything. I'm a little familiar with the charity though.",1,1,20180825-080802_964_live 4,"Oh, awesome! Well, in case you didn't know, Save the Children is a great charity that focuses on helping kids around the world. They use almost 90% of all donations directly to help children in the areas of education, safety and emergency...",2,0,20180825-080802_964_live 5,That's good to know that almost 90 percent of all donations go directly to help children. We know it's a problem not just in the United States. ,2,1,20180825-080802_964_live 6,"Yes, exactly. I'm not a fan of charities that keep a lot of their proceeds for themselves. That's one reason I really like this one. Do you think you would be willing to make a small donation to Save the Children today?",3,0,20180825-080802_964_live 7,"I most likely will. I would like to read some more information, probably on their website, then donate from there. How do they help children in other parts of the world?",3,1,20180825-080802_964_live 8,"Well, I know that the research team for this task can take a portion of our payment and send it directly to the Save the Children. It's quick and easy, and even thought it may not seem like a lot of money, I think that every penny counts. I believe we can contribute any portion of our payment: $0 - 0.30.",4,0,20180825-080802_964_live 9,"That would be alright. Yes, I would like to donate at least one dollar to help Save the Children. ",4,1,20180825-080802_964_live 10,"Oh great! I don't know if there is a maximum we can contribute, but regardless, I think your support would be really appreciated.",5,0,20180825-080802_964_live 11,I've heard on the news that many children around the world are with their families trying to escape wars. I'm sure Save the Children helps them?,5,1,20180825-080802_964_live 12,"I believe so. In places like the middle east or southern Asia, even the smallest donation can go a long way.",6,0,20180825-080802_964_live 13,"Yes, I agree. It's difficult to watch the horrible things these children are going through. Our children and grandchildren are so blessed.",6,1,20180825-080802_964_live 14,"Yes, that's so true. I really wish more people could understand the importance of helping other, less fortunate then ourselves.",7,0,20180825-080802_964_live 15,"So, Save the Children has somehow eliminated a high overhead cost. Good for them. I wish other charities would follow, especially local ones. ",7,1,20180825-080802_964_live 16,"I believe they've been around for almost 100 years, so hopefully they have a pretty effecient organization. I completely understand that some expenses do occur in a non-profit, but with 90% going directly to the children, I feel pretty good about it.",8,0,20180825-080802_964_live 17,"Ok. I'm ready to donate, tell me how!",8,1,20180825-080802_964_live 18,"Nice! I think we just have to wrap up our conversation, then the task organizers will automatically deduct our donations. Thanks again for supporting such a great cause! :)",9,0,20180825-080802_964_live 19,"No problem. I'm always about children. I agree, this is a good cause. ",9,1,20180825-080802_964_live 20,It was great chatting with you. Have a great weekend! :),10,0,20180825-080802_964_live 0,Have you ever heard of the charity children?,0,0,20180825-075844_569_live 1,"I don't think so, what do they support?",0,1,20180825-075844_569_live 2,I'm sorry. It's save the children. My fingers don't type very well. It's an international nongovernmental organization. They are looking out for children's rights in developing countries,1,0,20180825-075844_569_live 3,"Oh, yes. I do know save the children. They are a great organization. ",1,1,20180825-075844_569_live 4,"That's great news, you know they are untrustworthy. Have you ever donated to them?",2,0,20180825-075844_569_live 5,"I haven't donated to them, which is good apparently. What makes them untrustworthy?",2,1,20180825-075844_569_live 6,Oh my goodness I meant to say trustworthy.,3,0,20180825-075844_569_live 7,"ha, that is much better. I don't have a lot of income to donate to charity :( ",3,1,20180825-075844_569_live 8,"I don't either, and when I do I usually donate to dog charities. LOL but after reading up on this they said every penny helps. I think I could spare .25. Do you want to kick in a little?",4,0,20180825-075844_569_live 9,I donate to a dog charity also! such sweet creatures. I have a dachsund/pit mix named Tuttle. I can spare a quarter if it helps.,4,1,20180825-075844_569_live 10,That's why we don't have extra money. LOL I have a Labrador who eats everything and this shepherd beagle mix. They are my children . But I guess once in a while we should donate to real children LOL . Okay cool I'll donate 1/4 and you donate 1/4 and then we've done our good deed for the day!!!!,5,0,20180825-075844_569_live 11,Sounds good to me. We could donate our earnings from this hit and still make a nickel for kibble.,5,1,20180825-075844_569_live 12,Lmao! Deal!!! Have a great day from Illinois! ,6,0,20180825-075844_569_live 13,"Thanks, warmest regards from Alabama",6,1,20180825-075844_569_live 14,I guess we have to each have 10 turns so after this response we have to write two more times LOL,7,0,20180825-075844_569_live 15,I was wondering that. Are you a cubs fan?,7,1,20180825-075844_569_live 16,Not really but I've been to one of their games. It was fun. Are you?,8,0,20180825-075844_569_live 17,"I don't really have a team, but I like baseball. What are your dogs names?",8,1,20180825-075844_569_live 18,Clementine and Eddybear. And they are tired of me messing around on the computer so after the survey we are going to go for a walk!! I think we took ten turns! ,9,0,20180825-075844_569_live 19,"Enjoy they walk, I hope it isn't too hot like here. we have to walk early and late.",9,1,20180825-075844_569_live 20,It's really hot here too. Okay I'll put it in my quarter if you put in yours and have an awesome day!!,10,0,20180825-075844_569_live 0,"Hi, How are you doing this morning?",0,0,20180825-071727_819_live 1,I am doing well. You?,0,1,20180825-071727_819_live 2,I'm doing great and am really looking forward to our chat!,1,0,20180825-071727_819_live 3,Excellent. Sounds good.,1,1,20180825-071727_819_live 4,I was just thinking about all the kids going back to school and saw a story about places to drop off school supplies for kids in need,2,0,20180825-071727_819_live 5,OK - what specifically were you thinking about?,2,1,20180825-071727_819_live 6,I was thinking that there are children all around the world that are in need and one charity in particular called Save the Children,3,0,20180825-071727_819_live 7,What about this charity. Are you thinking of donating to it?,3,1,20180825-071727_819_live 8,I am and I would also like to ask you to donate to it as well because of all the good work they do for children who usually have nowhere else to turn for help,4,0,20180825-071727_819_live 9,What do you think I should donate? ,4,1,20180825-071727_819_live 10,I think you should donate $0.15 now which is half of your payment of more if you like. Your donation will be directed deducted from you task payment and collected by the researchers and sent to Save the Children,5,0,20180825-071727_819_live 11,OK that sounds reasonable. I will agree to donate $0.15 then.,5,1,20180825-071727_819_live 12,That is fantastic and here is a link if you want to know even more URL ,6,0,20180825-071727_819_live 13,OK thanks. I already checked it out and it seems pretty good. Have a great day!,6,1,20180825-071727_819_live 14,You too and Thanks again!!,7,0,20180825-071727_819_live 15,You are very welcome. ,7,1,20180825-071727_819_live 16,I think it speak volumes about you as a person to be willing to give of yourself even if it is a small amount!,8,0,20180825-071727_819_live 17,And you likewise to ask. I really appreciate your willingness to go out on a limb.,8,1,20180825-071727_819_live 18,I feel inspired! Have a good rest of your day!,9,0,20180825-071727_819_live 19,You too. Thanks.,9,1,20180825-071727_819_live 0,Hello! How are you?,0,0,20180825-060212_445_live 1,Fine. What do you know about the charity? What have you heard people say or have seen online about the charity?,0,1,20180825-060212_445_live 2,"Save the Children helps provide essential basic needs providing for their health, safety, and education internationally. ",1,0,20180825-060212_445_live 3,Have you gone to a charity rating site to check on it? I have not. I want to be assured that overhead costs are minimized.,1,1,20180825-060212_445_live 4,As of Feb 2018 they were rated 97% transparant and an 88% total rating. They save children from horrible fates like starvation. Something simple and easy to fix. No child should ever lose their life for lack of food.,2,0,20180825-060212_445_live 5,I'd prefer a secure food donation that directly transports to the areas the children live in instead of handing over to government officials. I feel that using money to but food directly in their cities is best.,2,1,20180825-060212_445_live 6,"Save the Children donations go straight to the needy. There is a lack of support for children in developing countries, especially in war zones. For instance, millions of Syrian children have grown up facing the daily threat of violence. In the first two months of 2018 alone, 1,000 children were reportedly killed or injured in intensifying violence",3,0,20180825-060212_445_live 7,I am willing to agree to 5 percent of my income for 6 months about 800 dollars.,3,1,20180825-060212_445_live 8,"That is incredibly generous! We all play a role in helping this cause save lives. ""How much do you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment.",4,0,20180825-060212_445_live 9,I will donate 10 cents.,4,1,20180825-060212_445_live 10,Thank you! You donation combined with others always makes a difference.,5,0,20180825-060212_445_live 11,I feel good about this. How much do you agree to?,5,1,20180825-060212_445_live 12,I will match your donation. Feel free to puruse URL for more information.,6,0,20180825-060212_445_live 13,"o.k. 20 cents for now agreed and regular for 6 months, o.k.?",6,1,20180825-060212_445_live 14,I agree to those terms.,7,0,20180825-060212_445_live 15,"o.k. let's say 1600 dollares total, o.k.?",7,1,20180825-060212_445_live 16,Yes. It is great that we are willing to share with the needy.,8,0,20180825-060212_445_live 17,o.k. agreed 1800 dollares done,8,1,20180825-060212_445_live 18,16.00s was agreed. Thank you for participating!,9,0,20180825-060212_445_live 19,o.k. task done,9,1,20180825-060212_445_live 0,Greetings!,0,0,20180825-060251_387_live 1,Good morning! Have you ever donated to a children's charity?,0,1,20180825-060251_387_live 2,Oh goodness yes. I always feel really good about it afterwards. Have you?,1,0,20180825-060251_387_live 3,I have as well. Children are the most vulnerable people in our society. ,1,1,20180825-060251_387_live 4,"It's a good thing, indeed. A great organization is URL ",2,0,20180825-060251_387_live 5,I haven't heard of this one? How does it help children?,2,1,20180825-060251_387_live 6," For instance, millions of Syrian children have grown up facing the daily threat of violence. In the first two months of 2018 alone, 1,000 children were reportedly killed or injured in intensifying violence",3,0,20180825-060251_387_live 7,That's awful. I live in the US and wish we were doing more as a country to help these kids. But private donations certainly help. ,3,1,20180825-060251_387_live 8,"You should consider that link, explore it, and make a small donation. Small donations will indeed help a lot of children and their families. ",4,0,20180825-060251_387_live 9,"I'll certainly review it. Usually I donate more to charities in my community, but international donations are important too.",4,1,20180825-060251_387_live 10,"Yes, they all are. All of the children must be taken care of. I can tell you that your donation right now will make a tangible impact for the world",5,0,20180825-060251_387_live 11,Have you donated to this organization? I have a small budget but know any amount matters.,5,1,20180825-060251_387_live 12,Well it's cool that you are using mTurk. This task makes it really easy for everyone. How much do you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment.,6,0,20180825-060251_387_live 13,Like this task would donate the mTurk payment to the charity? How does that work?,6,1,20180825-060251_387_live 14,"The Requester DAVIS will handle it all, very convenient. All you have to do is agree to an amount.Since I can tell you really care, let's wrap up with you agreeing to donate your full amount, and then we can both move on to our next task. Sounds good to me...how about you?",7,0,20180825-060251_387_live 15,"Like most people who do mTurk, I do really need the money to pay my bills. This is an important cause though. I'll agree to pay half. ",7,1,20180825-060251_387_live 16,Excellent. Enjoy your day....let's go make some serious cash today! Rock on!,8,0,20180825-060251_387_live 17,Hang on though. We haven't each done ten responses per the instructions. So we should do that to make sure we and the charity get paid right?,8,1,20180825-060251_387_live 18,Well that certainly makes sense! Thanks for being aware of that particular nuance. Rainy morning here.,9,0,20180825-060251_387_live 19,Same here. This will be ten for each of us. Have a great day!,9,1,20180825-060251_387_live 0,How much would you like to donate to save the children?,0,0,20180825-063117_677_live 1,"Hey, is there a limit?",0,1,20180825-063117_677_live 2,You can donate as much as you want,1,0,20180825-063117_677_live 3,"Oh wow, so I could just go ahead and do like $25 million?",1,1,20180825-063117_677_live 4,If you have that much money,2,0,20180825-063117_677_live 5,"Oh, from my personal account? Hmm, I can do maybe 100. I work part-time and attend college so I don't have much now. Thought this was hypothetical.",2,1,20180825-063117_677_live 6,Then you will do 100,3,0,20180825-063117_677_live 7,How much will you be planning on donating to the charity?,3,1,20180825-063117_677_live 8,I am homeless and at Mcdonalds on the wifi. I am doing this for charity. But I plan on doing 10,4,0,20180825-063117_677_live 9,"That sounds good, thank you for being charitable. ",4,1,20180825-063117_677_live 10,"Also, thank you. This is for a good cause. Promoting the right's of children that are suffering.",5,0,20180825-063117_677_live 11,"Yes, I feel like if anything could use more funding, it should be children who need extra assistance.",5,1,20180825-063117_677_live 12,Would you be willing to make a pledge to donate at least 100 every month?,6,0,20180825-063117_677_live 13,"Hm, it depends on my schedule to be honest because I still have to pay rent and I don't have set hours but I'd be willing to give around $100 if I have solid hours every month.",6,1,20180825-063117_677_live 14,It good to stand by your word and giving to the children. And I thank you,7,0,20180825-063117_677_live 15,You're welcome. Do you know what these children are suffering from and what the money will be funding?,7,1,20180825-063117_677_live 16,They are suffering from violence and starvation. Your money will help to address these issues.,8,0,20180825-063117_677_live 17,"Wow, I can't even fathom feeling starved as a child or experiencing violence at a young age (outside of television/video games). ",8,1,20180825-063117_677_live 18, URL here is a link to the save the children website. As a donor I wanted you to see the site and the children that you would be helping,9,0,20180825-063117_677_live 19,"Thank you for linking the website, I will check it out right now. ",9,1,20180825-063117_677_live 0,Hi WOuld you like to donate your payment for this task to save the children?,0,0,20180825-063009_943_live 1,"No, to be honest I am doing this task to save up extra money for myself.",0,1,20180825-063009_943_live 2,I understand that. But it's only .30 of the money you are saving. It could do alot of good for Save the children.,1,0,20180825-063009_943_live 3,"I appreciate your position, but what exactly is Save the Children and how do I know that money will truly be used to help kids?",1,1,20180825-063009_943_live 4,The researchers of this hit will make sure the money goes to save the children. Save the Children is a world wide organization that helps kids in war torn areas.,2,0,20180825-063009_943_live 5,"It sounds like a good idea, but I often get peppered with requests to donate money to various charities -- when I donate I do it to causes that I know about. If I donated to every cause I would be giving away a lot of money and I already lose 20% to taxes.",2,1,20180825-063009_943_live 6,"Your right, but I'm not asking for much. It's only .30 cents and It will do alot to help.",3,0,20180825-063009_943_live 7,What exactly would that 30 cents be used for and how would it help? What part of the world will it go to?,3,1,20180825-063009_943_live 8,It would go all over the world! The money is used to promote childrens rights and provide food and medicine.,4,0,20180825-063009_943_live 9,I have to respectfully question the necessity -- don't my taxes already go towards billions of dollars of foreign aid? And why do so many of these countries continually need help?,4,1,20180825-063009_943_live 10,"Well, lets get specific. Have you seen the kids in Syria?",5,0,20180825-063009_943_live 11,I have seen some of the images and video of the civil war there.,5,1,20180825-063009_943_live 12,Those kids are growing up in tents and being bombed every day.,6,0,20180825-063009_943_live 13,True -- but how much money is currently being provided by US and NATO to help?,6,1,20180825-063009_943_live 14,They have provided the tents. Still it isn't enough. The kids there are struggling. ,7,0,20180825-063009_943_live 15,I have to question that they have provided only tents. Many countries have absorbed many refugees and I am fairly certain that way more aid than tents has been provided.,7,1,20180825-063009_943_live 16,"True, but there - the kids are lucky to get a meal a day. Save the children helps with that.",8,0,20180825-063009_943_live 17,It may -- but at this point I really still have no idea what Save the Children is and I would want to research it anyway before I would agree to give money to it.,8,1,20180825-063009_943_live 18,I think thats a good idea. ,9,0,20180825-063009_943_live 19,"Additionally, I am just very skeptical of any organization that asks for money. I never know who is in charge, who is taking what, and where the money truly goes.",9,1,20180825-063009_943_live 0,I am supposed to get you to donate some of your payment to a children's charity.,0,0,20180825-052611_640_live 1,Could you tell me more about the charity?,0,1,20180825-052611_640_live 2,It appears to be comething called Save the Children. I have no other information.,1,0,20180825-052611_640_live 3,Where did you get that information and who specifically is the money going to?,1,1,20180825-052611_640_live 4,The information is coming from the person who provided this hit. They don't say who the money is going to.,2,0,20180825-052611_640_live 5,People aren't likely to donate to charities that they know nothing about.,2,1,20180825-052611_640_live 6,Good point. I don't like children but perhaps you do.,3,0,20180825-052611_640_live 7,"I\'m not going to donate to some generic ""Save the Children"" charity with no information. So, do we need to chat back and forth a few for times for this to be over?",3,1,20180825-052611_640_live 8,"I found some more info: Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",4,0,20180825-052611_640_live 9,What's their website address?,4,1,20180825-052611_640_live 10,The address is URL ,5,0,20180825-052611_640_live 11,Good to know. I'm not going to donate.,5,1,20180825-052611_640_live 12,How come you are so stingy?,6,0,20180825-052611_640_live 13,Are you going to donate? What is in it for you if I donate?,6,1,20180825-052611_640_live 14,I have no money. I will feel good if you donate.,7,0,20180825-052611_640_live 15,"I'd rather donate my time or if I do donate money, it will be to a charity that's important to me of my choosing.",7,1,20180825-052611_640_live 16,This is the only one that's available in this context. You can donate part of your payment.,8,0,20180825-052611_640_live 17,I won't be donating as part of this survey.,8,1,20180825-052611_640_live 18,You certainly aren't very charitable.,9,0,20180825-052611_640_live 19,I appreciate you trying to get me to though. I've never been on an MTurk Hit like this.,9,1,20180825-052611_640_live 0,Hi there! How are you doing today?,0,0,20180825-090251_7_live 1,great and you are you going to donate,0,1,20180825-090251_7_live 2,I am not sure what you are talking about. D you have any more info?,1,0,20180825-090251_7_live 3,about the children's charity,1,1,20180825-090251_7_live 4,"I have heard about a great charity, and I was going to ask if you are interested. Would you like to donate some earnings to the Save the Children charity, and if so, how much? Also, please include the $ sign to avoid confusion.",2,0,20180825-090251_7_live 5,$5.00 i would donate,2,1,20180825-090251_7_live 6,"Oh, that is really wonderful. I am so glad. Have you heard about the flooding in Hawaii?",3,0,20180825-090251_7_live 7,yes i have,3,1,20180825-090251_7_live 8,"Well, then I am sure you would be glad to know that the charity is all ready to reach out and help the children there. Were you aware of that?",4,0,20180825-090251_7_live 9,yes i am ,4,1,20180825-090251_7_live 10,"Yes, I am as well. This really is a great place to donate to. I am impressed they are so responsive. I am not sure what I would do if I had a child in need. Are there any kids in your family at all?",5,0,20180825-090251_7_live 11,yes i have a child,5,1,20180825-090251_7_live 12,"Yes, I do as well. I feel really good about helping. How do you feel about helping?",6,0,20180825-090251_7_live 13,yes i do,6,1,20180825-090251_7_live 14,Have you ever donated to any other types of charities?,7,0,20180825-090251_7_live 15,no i havent,7,1,20180825-090251_7_live 16,"I donate money to places, but I have not donated time. Have you ever donated time?",8,0,20180825-090251_7_live 17,no i havent,8,1,20180825-090251_7_live 18,"So, just to recap, I can count on you for a $5 donation today. Is that right?",9,0,20180825-090251_7_live 19,yes you can ,9,1,20180825-090251_7_live 0,Hi,0,0,20180825-055321_232_live 1,Hi! How are you today?,0,1,20180825-055321_232_live 2,"I am doing good, thanks for asking. Hope you are doing fine?",1,0,20180825-055321_232_live 3,"I am well, thank you. I am excited to know we can help out a children's charity. ",1,1,20180825-055321_232_live 4,Yes they are doing real good work,2,0,20180825-055321_232_live 5,"That is good to hear. I forgot to ask, how is the weather by you today?",2,1,20180825-055321_232_live 6,"Its quite pleasant today, would you like to donate to the Save the Children's charity?",3,0,20180825-055321_232_live 7,I would like to donate today. What amount would help out? I can spare $25.,3,1,20180825-055321_232_live 8,You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment.,4,0,20180825-055321_232_live 9,"Let me ask, are you also able to donate, and if so how much are you able to spare?",4,1,20180825-055321_232_live 10,"Yes sure, i can do $10",5,0,20180825-055321_232_live 11,Wonderful! Then it looks like we can both really help out. Thank you for your generosity!,5,1,20180825-055321_232_live 12,Thanks to you too. The research team will collect all donations and send it to Save the Children.,6,0,20180825-055321_232_live 13,"Okay, thank you. Great talking with you.",6,1,20180825-055321_232_live 14,Same here!! Have a pleasant day ahead!,7,0,20180825-055321_232_live 15,"Hey, before I forget, I did not tell you about the weather here. Are you interested?",7,1,20180825-055321_232_live 16,"Yea sure, go ahead",8,0,20180825-055321_232_live 17,"Well it is a bit rainy, and it has been cold, but we are going to get a heat wave in the high 80's this week! Also, I have another question for you if you have a minute.",8,1,20180825-055321_232_live 18,"ok, please ask",9,0,20180825-055321_232_live 19,Do you know if the donations that we are making are tax deductible? ,9,1,20180825-055321_232_live 20,"yes, i think so",10,0,20180825-055321_232_live 0,Hey! How's it going today in your part of the world?,0,0,20180825-083430_379_live 1,very good and you,0,1,20180825-083430_379_live 2,"I'm doing great today! I don't know if this is any interest of yours, but I'd like to see if you'd be interested in learning more about and possibly donating to a charity today!",1,0,20180825-083430_379_live 3,yes i am. i would donate,1,1,20180825-083430_379_live 4,That's great news! What kind of charities do you normally donate to?,2,0,20180825-083430_379_live 5,i would donate some clothes and some toys for children,2,1,20180825-083430_379_live 6,That's perfect! The charity I'm collecting donations for is actually Save the Children. Have you heard of it?,3,0,20180825-083430_379_live 7,oh yeah and how much would you help them,3,1,20180825-083430_379_live 8,Well all of the donations that are collected go to children around the globe to make sure that their rights are protected.,4,0,20180825-083430_379_live 9,oh yep thats really good ,4,1,20180825-083430_379_live 10,"Children need as much protection as they can get, and every cent donating actually makes a huge difference in their lives.",5,0,20180825-083430_379_live 11,thats true to help them ,5,1,20180825-083430_379_live 12,Unfortunately the charity doesn't take clothing or toy donations :( they can only accept monetary donations at this moment.,6,0,20180825-083430_379_live 13,oh i would donate money too even it 5 dollars,6,1,20180825-083430_379_live 14,Five dollars would be an amazing donation that could really help a lot of kids. Would you be willing to donate today?,7,0,20180825-083430_379_live 15,thats good children deserve it,7,1,20180825-083430_379_live 16,It is as easy as donating from this task. You will be asked what you'd like to donate and you can put your donation amount there!,8,0,20180825-083430_379_live 17,oh thats very easy then,8,1,20180825-083430_379_live 18,Yes it is! So I can confirm you will donate five dollars? You would be doing a great service and the charity will be so thankful.,9,0,20180825-083430_379_live 19,oh i love kids i know they need help,9,1,20180825-083430_379_live 0,It would be really great if we gave some money to save the children ,0,0,20180825-102556_172_live 1,Can you tell me more about what they do?,0,1,20180825-102556_172_live 2,"Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",1,0,20180825-102556_172_live 3,Sounds like they accomplish great things. Are you thinking of a one time donation?,1,1,20180825-102556_172_live 4,yes it would be a one time donation that will be taken from the payment from the task. You can decide to give part of the payment to save the children and keep part for yourself.,2,0,20180825-102556_172_live 5,"I see, so I am thinking of donating half. What are your thoughts?",2,1,20180825-102556_172_live 6,I think half is a good idea I will do the same thing,3,0,20180825-102556_172_live 7,I think it is important to do all we can to help children. Are we being selfish by keeping half?,3,1,20180825-102556_172_live 8,maybe there are children who may die without this money,4,0,20180825-102556_172_live 9,That's true. I still haven't decided for sure though. Sometimes I question the actual impact of money donated to charities.,4,1,20180825-102556_172_live 10,? At least you know some of this money will go to save lives,5,0,20180825-102556_172_live 11,I guess so. Have you donated to Save the Children before?,5,1,20180825-102556_172_live 12,no and i regret that i've been so selfish ,6,0,20180825-102556_172_live 13,"Well, don't feel bad. We will donate today. I propose we stick with our half plan. What do you think?",6,1,20180825-102556_172_live 14,yes i like that plan ,7,0,20180825-102556_172_live 15,"OK, so that will be one dollar each, right?",7,1,20180825-102556_172_live 16,yes it would be a dollar from each of us,8,0,20180825-102556_172_live 17,OK sounds good. You sure?,8,1,20180825-102556_172_live 18,yes i am sure.we have a moral responsibility to help,9,0,20180825-102556_172_live 19,"Right, nice chatting with you. I'm proud of us.",9,1,20180825-102556_172_live 20,I'm proud too.nice working with you.,10,0,20180825-102556_172_live 0,I am so livid I just can't stand it right now. Parts of this world are so dark...how can we sit here and do nothing?,0,0,20180825-082635_438_live 1,Do nothing about what?,0,1,20180825-082635_438_live 2,These poor suffering children! Did you know that 5.6 million children die each year due to treatable AND preventable diseases?,1,0,20180825-082635_438_live 3,That's awful. Are you talking about around the world or in the states? ,1,1,20180825-082635_438_live 4,"Around the world! There is so much that could be done..between preventing the spread of aids, reducing the infant mortality rate with proper education and vaccinations, and ensuring access and aid to proper nutrition so many children could be saved.",2,0,20180825-082635_438_live 5,I totally agree. There are people helping but its a drop in the bucket. The kids dying is really disturbing. They didn't choose that life. ,2,1,20180825-082635_438_live 6,"You are absolutely right. It is disturbing! And yes, it could seem like the aid is a drop in a bucket. However, if we can move the scale one iota and can consider that what that represents is one child having a week of meals or a healthy 3 months than wouldn't you agree that that would be worth any aid that we could provide?",3,0,20180825-082635_438_live 7,Absolutely! I think every little bit helps but as a whole it's not enough. Have you ever donated? ,3,1,20180825-082635_438_live 8,"I have! And it feels incredible knowing that I have been a part of something greater than myself. It really helps you shift your perspective about your own personal significance on this planet. You realize how infinitely important you are and yet at the same time how infinitely important another person is. When you have the ability to literally change another person's life with something so small...wow, it's life changing.",4,0,20180825-082635_438_live 9,That is great! you sound very passionate about this subject. I should do more to help.,4,1,20180825-082635_438_live 10,"You should! and you can! I recently have become acquainted with a charity that is actually doing everything we have discussed and is seeing some real results! They have managed to single handedly reduce the infant mortality rate by 62 percent, can you believe that?",5,0,20180825-082635_438_live 11,That is an incredible figure!!! 62% is amazing. What is the charity? I may consider a donation.,5,1,20180825-082635_438_live 12,"The charity is called Save the Children! Pretty spot on with the name, right? What's really fascinating is that you can actually directly contribute your reward for this task directly to that charity. Pretty convenient.",6,0,20180825-082635_438_live 13,That is convenient!!! I will definitely do that. At least a portion of it. ,6,1,20180825-082635_438_live 14,Incredible! I'm so glad we can partner to provide some more light to this ever darkening world. How much do you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment.,7,0,20180825-082635_438_live 15,I need to think about it. ,7,1,20180825-082635_438_live 16,"I hear that. It's definitely challenging when confronted with the reality of giving of ourselves as opposed to the hypothetical. But I would suggest that you make the leap. In reality, all this would cost is the time you've spent hear. But oh buddy, think about what you would gain? The peace of mind that comes with knowing that a baby girl in Uganda gets to live for another year or a little boy in Syria gets fed when he didn't think he would have another meal this week. ",8,0,20180825-082635_438_live 17,I hear ya! I will donate I'm just not sure how much.,8,1,20180825-082635_438_live 18,Let your heart guide you! I'm really pleased to hear that. Thanks for having an open mind and doing what's right. I wish more people would.,9,0,20180825-082635_438_live 19,Thank you! you have been great.,9,1,20180825-082635_438_live 0,Hello,0,0,20180825-083745_516_live 1,Hi how are you doing today?,0,1,20180825-083745_516_live 2,I am doing great! Would you like to hear about ways you can help Save the Children today!,1,0,20180825-083745_516_live 3,Sure. Tell me as much as you can about the organization.,1,1,20180825-083745_516_live 4," Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",2,0,20180825-083745_516_live 5,It sounds like they have a worthy cause. Do they help our children in the US as well?,2,1,20180825-083745_516_live 6,"This is a charity for children that are victims of war and hard times. For children in developing countries, especially in war zones. For instance, millions of Syrian children have grown up facing the daily threat of violence. In the first two months of 2018 alone, 1,000 children were reportedly killed or injured in intensifying violence. ",3,0,20180825-083745_516_live 7,"Wow, it is great that these children have a charity to help them.",3,1,20180825-083745_516_live 8,Very much so! Would you like to be apart of this great charity and donate today?,4,0,20180825-083745_516_live 9,I would like to donate. How do I donate?,4,1,20180825-083745_516_live 10,How much do you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount.,5,0,20180825-083745_516_live 11,"Ok, and if I choose to donate from my payment it will go to Save The Children?",5,1,20180825-083745_516_live 12,Yes! the research team collects all donations and sends it to Save the Children. :-),6,0,20180825-083745_516_live 13,That is wonderful! Are you going to donate?,6,1,20180825-083745_516_live 14,I have donated :-) This is a wonderful charity that has been around for many years!,7,0,20180825-083745_516_live 15,Well that is great! I will donate a portion of my payment.,7,1,20180825-083745_516_live 16,"Great, how much would you like to donate today?",8,0,20180825-083745_516_live 17,I will donate .15 from my payment.,8,1,20180825-083745_516_live 18,Very Good! that will help a lot! Thank you so much for donating!,9,0,20180825-083745_516_live 19,No problem thank you for telling me about this wonderful charity!,9,1,20180825-083745_516_live 0,ok i continue this survey,0,0,20180825-060055_854_live 1,What good ellecion of your part want to continue,0,1,20180825-060055_854_live 2,this survey has a save the children so i agree for tell about the that a good survey,1,0,20180825-060055_854_live 3,"If you're right, that's the point of the survey. Are you willing to donate to them? any type of donation is appreciated",1,1,20180825-060055_854_live 4,yes i willing that donation trust of the donation and children truste help for the a money and food dress,2,0,20180825-060055_854_live 5,People like you really are very admirable any kind of help appreciated thanks!,2,1,20180825-060055_854_live 6,thank you ,3,0,20180825-060055_854_live 7,But I have a little doubt. How much would you be willing to donate? remember that it is about a charity for children,3,1,20180825-060055_854_live 8,$100 dollers for the donated charity of children are funds,4,0,20180825-060055_854_live 9,"Are you serious? is a high amount that amazing, you can donate it when you want and if you have any questions about it here I am",4,1,20180825-060055_854_live 10, yes children is god graces so trust and that a highly amount..ok you that tell me question,5,0,20180825-060055_854_live 11,"Okay, I guess this is the end of the poll. From what you have told me, you are willing to donate 100 dollers to help the children. Do you affirm this fact?",5,1,20180825-060055_854_live 12,yes i confirme that a childrens donate...child donate dont fact its for me ,6,0,20180825-060055_854_live 13,"Yes you are right, it is not a fact, it was a bad expression on my part. Sorry",6,1,20180825-060055_854_live 14,its ok dont sory next question tell me that,7,0,20180825-060055_854_live 15,Apart from donating. What else would you like to do for homeless children or parents?,7,1,20180825-060055_854_live 16,"That homeless children or parents are a money and fund collect team a collecting money and dress,food and that our childres and parents needs..homeless parenst and childrens are permanently the make for a new house and arrange for things and main for supporting for you tell that homeless parents and childrens happly ",8,0,20180825-060055_854_live 17,"Very well I understand you much more than you think. Your intentions are pure and sincere, people like you really and I repeat are admirable. Thank you for your attention you can end the survey when you want",8,1,20180825-060055_854_live 18,thank you ,9,0,20180825-060055_854_live 19,"Thank you for not disconnecting, have a good day. If you want to know more about children tell me that here I am",9,1,20180825-060055_854_live 0,"Hi, I hope you are well today!",0,0,20180825-043516_619_live 1,I am how are you doing? ,0,1,20180825-043516_619_live 2,Great! I'm getting ready to spend the day volunteering for my favorite charity!,1,0,20180825-043516_619_live 3,"Yes, so I think it is a good idea to donate to the childrens charity.",1,1,20180825-043516_619_live 4,Same here! I am volunteering for the charity called Save the Children. Are you familiar with them?,2,0,20180825-043516_619_live 5,No I am not. Can you tell me about it?,2,1,20180825-043516_619_live 6,They promote children's rights and help support kids in developing countries. It takes so little money to help feed a starving child.,3,0,20180825-043516_619_live 7,What can I do to help?,3,1,20180825-043516_619_live 8,I'm so glad you asked! One thing you could do is agree to contribute what you make just from this one task we are doing right now. ,4,0,20180825-043516_619_live 9,Ok how much do you need?,4,1,20180825-043516_619_live 10,"If you pledge to contribute the reward from this task, that will feed a starving child for a full day! Isn't that amazing? ",5,0,20180825-043516_619_live 11,That is awesome but I need the money so I can't afford to give right now.,5,1,20180825-043516_619_live 12,"I know what you mean, I need to make money too. But at the same time, here we are in front of our computers, and we can work all day to make up the small amount we will contribute. ",6,0,20180825-043516_619_live 13,I can't work all day. I have to take care of my disable family member and I really can't afford it.,6,1,20180825-043516_619_live 14,"Oh I'm so sorry to hear that. I have problems too. But as little as $1 can feed a child for the whole day. I don't know about you, but I could find $1 in change just lying around the house. No matter how big our problems are, we are not going to starve for lack of a dollar...",7,0,20180825-043516_619_live 15,I have 10 cents I can give.,7,1,20180825-043516_619_live 16,"That's awesome and generous! Thank you for doing this. I will also give money today. Believe it or not, 10 cents makes a difference in a child's life!",8,0,20180825-043516_619_live 17,Wonderful. I am so happy I can help.,8,1,20180825-043516_619_live 18,"Thank you again. If you would like to learn more about Save the Children, check out their website. Have an awesome day and thank you again! ",9,0,20180825-043516_619_live 19,What is the website for Save the Children?,9,1,20180825-043516_619_live 20,The web address is URL ,10,0,20180825-043516_619_live 0,Hello! ,0,0,20180825-045559_409_live 1,Hi!,0,1,20180825-045559_409_live 2,Would you consider yourself a giving person?,1,0,20180825-045559_409_live 3,"Yes, I think that would be accurate.",1,1,20180825-045559_409_live 4,Do you like Children?,2,0,20180825-045559_409_live 5,"Yes, I do.",2,1,20180825-045559_409_live 6,"How would you feel about donating your payment for this survey to a charity that saves children, aptly named ""save the children""?",3,0,20180825-045559_409_live 7,I would consider it.,3,1,20180825-045559_409_live 8,"awesome, since it is not a huge payment, low risk, great social reward :)",4,0,20180825-045559_409_live 9,I would need to know more about the charity first.,4,1,20180825-045559_409_live 10,"Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries",5,0,20180825-045559_409_live 11,How many children do they help annually?,5,1,20180825-045559_409_live 12,Let me get you that information! I also have a link to their website here for your convenience: URL ,6,0,20180825-045559_409_live 13,I'll check out that website later.,6,1,20180825-045559_409_live 14,"Awesome, though sadly they don't have ready information on how many children they help annually, the organization is transparent about where their funding goes, and they do allocate a majority of their funds (9 out of 10 dollars) to their needs programs. If you are a US citizen, Save the Children also has US initatives including emergency funds, advocacy programs, and education, among others",7,0,20180825-045559_409_live 15,They sound like they are a legitimate organization.,7,1,20180825-045559_409_live 16,"Yes! After our conversation, I will be donating as well, as their initiatives align with my own beliefs as well :)",8,0,20180825-045559_409_live 17,I don't think I'm quite ready to decide yet though.,8,1,20180825-045559_409_live 18,What would help you decide? ,9,0,20180825-045559_409_live 19,Just need to investigate them a little more.,9,1,20180825-045559_409_live 0,I'M READY,0,0,20180825-051947_478_live 1,I am ready too. How do you feel about children's charity?,0,1,20180825-051947_478_live 2,IT IS VERY COMFORT FOR THE CHILDREN'S,1,0,20180825-051947_478_live 3,"Yeah, i'm glad there are organizations to help children, since they can't really help themselves. What are some of the more nameworthy charities you can think of? We have St Judes Childrens Hospital rather close to here as well as several different charities for all kinds of needs",1,1,20180825-051947_478_live 4,"YEAH,SOME OF THEM CAN'T REALLY HELP FOR THE CHARITY.BUT SOMEONE GIVE'S THEIR HANDS FOR THEM",2,0,20180825-051947_478_live 5,"Yes, you definitely got to be on the look out for false charities. I use resources like Charity Navigator for this. Have you heard of it? It provides a non-biased ""grade"" for charities based on how thruthful they are as well as how well they manage their funds. It helps me make the right choices and not just throw my money away",2,1,20180825-051947_478_live 6,YES I HEARD ABOUT THAT.EVERYONE SHOULD AWAKENED AND GIVES CHARITIES TO THEM,3,0,20180825-051947_478_live 7,"Definitely. Do you donate to charities ever? I am not financially well-off, but I try to give forward what I can. At grocery stores or supermarkets they usually have those Helping Hand charities or something similar and I usually give my change to them. It has to count for something, hopefully..",3,1,20180825-051947_478_live 8,YES I DONATE TO MANY CHARITIES. EVEN THOUGH WE ARE NOT FINANCIALLY WELL OFF GIVE A SINGLE DOLLAR IS HELP THEM TO SATISFIED FOR FOOD,4,0,20180825-051947_478_live 9,"Yeah definitely. President Obama did the same sort of thing with ""Grassroots"" Fundraising. Instead of getting a few really large donations, he was able to get several millions of small donations to fund his presidential campaign. It shows the power of small amounts of money. Charities rely on funds to keep doing their work so I think it\'s important to help when possible. I always told myself if I am ever more financially secure in the future, I would help as much as possible.",4,1,20180825-051947_478_live 10, THAT'S GOOD TO DO,5,0,20180825-051947_478_live 11,Thank you. Do you also have charities soliciting money in grocery stores and gas stations or banks around you?,5,1,20180825-051947_478_live 12,NO BUT IN SOME SORT NEARBY,6,0,20180825-051947_478_live 13,Thats good. At least you have some local people trying to make a change,6,1,20180825-051947_478_live 14,FINE.YEAH ABSOLUTELY SURE ,7,0,20180825-051947_478_live 15,Very fine. I hope you're having a good day,7,1,20180825-051947_478_live 16,SURE.THANK YOU.YOU TO HAVING A NICE DAY,8,0,20180825-051947_478_live 17,Yes I am having a nice day. It's raining here currently pretty hard but I like thunderstorms.,8,1,20180825-051947_478_live 18,OK.HAVE A SAFE AND GOOD DAY,9,0,20180825-051947_478_live 19,"Thank you, I don't plan on doing anything today but relaxing but I will try to make it safe",9,1,20180825-051947_478_live 0,Hi! How are you doing today?,0,0,20180825-075835_273_live 1,"I am good, thank you! And you?",0,1,20180825-075835_273_live 2,I am doing really good. How is the weather by you today?,1,0,20180825-075835_273_live 3,Rainy and a bit cold. How do you feel about Children's Charities? ,1,1,20180825-075835_273_live 4,Yes it is rainy and cold-ish here too. I feel pretty good about charities.,2,0,20180825-075835_273_live 5,"I was hoping you would be willing to donate to the Children's Charity - it helps sick kids with their medical costs, helps the parents stay close to them at no cost. Do you think you could donate $1000?",2,1,20180825-075835_273_live 6,"Wow! That is a lot. I have heard about all of the storms in Hawaii, and I know kids there need help. I am not sure I can give that much. How much are you willing to give?",3,0,20180825-075835_273_live 7,"I plan to give about $100 and heard that a corporation would donate the same amount, so that would be great, wouldn't it? ",3,1,20180825-075835_273_live 8,"Oh, that really would be great. I would be willing to donate. Can you take less than $1000?",4,0,20180825-075835_273_live 9,"Sure, whatever you can afford would be absolutely amazing!! All donations will be matched so it all adds up quickly. Would you be able to donate $500?",4,1,20180825-075835_273_live 10,"I think I could donate $500. Can you make your donation a little more, or not?",5,0,20180825-075835_273_live 11,"You know what, it is really important to help the hurricane victims so I will be happy to dig a bit deeper and donate $500.",5,1,20180825-075835_273_live 12,"Oh thank you! I feel so bad about all of the children. They really are suffering. I know how hungry, and in need of medical attention they must be. I know I would be devastated if my own kids needed help. Or any of my family's kids. Do you have any kids in your family?",6,0,20180825-075835_273_live 13,"I do have an adult child,and a grandson- so any childs need really tugs at me. And it looks like the Childrens Charity and the Hurricane Relief will help many kids, and their parents. I am going to also add a go fund me on the internet for the Children's Charity to try to raise more money. Is that something that you might do for Hawaii?",6,1,20180825-075835_273_live 14,"Yes, Save the Children has a great website. I am going to look into what else they do. Have you looked at their site?",7,0,20180825-075835_273_live 15,I plan to to do that! So we have agreed that we will give $500 each to our charities. I know that will be a huge help. I thank you so much for donating to such a great cause!,7,1,20180825-075835_273_live 16,"Yes. When you look at their site, you will see it is based in Ct, but they are doing great things all over. I feel really good about giving. How do you feel?",8,0,20180825-075835_273_live 17,I love helping anyone - especially in the US. I am going to look into volunteering opportunities as well. I would love to be a part of either charity. Do you actually volunteer with Save the Children?,8,1,20180825-075835_273_live 18,I have not yet. Have you?,9,0,20180825-075835_273_live 19,"No, but our donations will be a good start! Volunteering is something I want to do very soon. Again, thank you so much for your most generous donation and time!",9,1,20180825-075835_273_live 0,"Hello, have you ever heard of the Save the Children charity?",0,0,20180825-085709_930_live 1,"yes i have heard of it, it is very good what they are doing. They ar doing the work of god .",0,1,20180825-085709_930_live 2,Would you be willing to donate some or all of your task payment to them today to help the children?,1,0,20180825-085709_930_live 3,"of course i would, its the least i could do to help the children in the world.",1,1,20180825-085709_930_live 4,You can donate anything from $0 to all of your payment. How much would you be willing to donate today?,2,0,20180825-085709_930_live 5,"i would be willing to donate 0.2 $ , i know it is not what others aspect me to give.",2,1,20180825-085709_930_live 6,Every little bit help. Did you know that they are already getting set up to help the children and families in Hawaii with Hurricane Lane heading their way.,3,0,20180825-085709_930_live 7,"i didnt know till now , you verified what i heard , they are making something beautiful for the people of Hawaii .",3,1,20180825-085709_930_live 8,"Yes, they are. And I love how they help all children of the world. A lot of times charities don't give to those that are hurting right here in America. And Save the Children does.",4,0,20180825-085709_930_live 9,"this is a perfect charity organization , they do all kind of things to help others around the world.",4,1,20180825-085709_930_live 10,"Yes, and our children need help they are our future without them we are nothing.",5,0,20180825-085709_930_live 11,you personalty are willing to donate today?,5,1,20180825-085709_930_live 12,"Yes, I plan to much your donation of $0.20.",6,0,20180825-085709_930_live 13,"very good, do you think they may just get the money and dont help no one?",6,1,20180825-085709_930_live 14,The research team will collect it and send it to Save the Children. ,7,0,20180825-085709_930_live 15,so you have completely trust your money would go where you intend to?,7,1,20180825-085709_930_live 16,"I know it is hard to trust people now a days, but think of it this way. You are donating money you don't even have yet so it is not like you are missing something.",8,0,20180825-085709_930_live 17,"i understand you , just asking, have you ever heard that some of this kind of charities steal the money? some got to prison.",8,1,20180825-085709_930_live 18,"Yes, I have heard that. And it is a shame",9,0,20180825-085709_930_live 19,i dont like it either but we cant do nothing about it.,9,1,20180825-085709_930_live 0,Hello how are you this morning. ,0,0,20180825-075611_866_live 1,"I'm good, and you?",0,1,20180825-075611_866_live 2,"I'm very well, thank you. Well the reason I'm contacting you is because I'm trying to find donors for the Save the Children foundation. Your donation will help ensure children's rights to health, education and safety. Your donation can help children in need reach their full potential and what's really more important that our children as they are our future. ",1,0,20180825-075611_866_live 3,How much money are you looking for?,1,1,20180825-075611_866_live 4,Any amount of donation would help in this cause. It's surprising how little can make an impact on these kids. The amount of donation is completely up to you,2,0,20180825-075611_866_live 5,How much of my donation goes to the kids,2,1,20180825-075611_866_live 6,Everything you donate will go to the save the children foundation. ,3,0,20180825-075611_866_live 7,What kind of supplies does my donation provide,3,1,20180825-075611_866_live 8,The supplies vary based on need. Right now they are funding medical and school supplies for kids. As well as preparing a fund to help with whatever damage comes from the hurricane that is bearing down on Hawaii right now. ,4,0,20180825-075611_866_live 9,So if this just for children in America?,4,1,20180825-075611_866_live 10,"No, they do help children all over the world. Such as children in Syria who have lost everything from parents to homes due to the conflict they are experiencing, children in Africa who have been orphaned and just need care, ",5,0,20180825-075611_866_live 11,"Id like to make a donation, how do I do that",5,1,20180825-075611_866_live 12,You can choose to donate your some or all of your payout from this task. The agreement will be recorded from this chat and deducted from your account. ,6,0,20180825-075611_866_live 13,What if i'd like to donate more,6,1,20180825-075611_866_live 14,You can always donate more at URL ,7,0,20180825-075611_866_live 15,I think I'd like to donate 0.05 ,7,1,20180825-075611_866_live 16,Ok I understand that you would like to donate .05 of your payout to save the children. Thank you so much as every little counts and I appreciate your donation ,8,0,20180825-075611_866_live 17,"You're welcome, is there anything else that I can do to help",8,1,20180825-075611_866_live 18,Nope that would be all for today. Thank you for supporting the children of the world. ,9,0,20180825-075611_866_live 19,Great. Thanks for the oppertunity.,9,1,20180825-075611_866_live 0,Hello how are you doing today?,0,0,20180825-043229_970_live 1,"I'm good, how are you?",0,1,20180825-043229_970_live 2,"I am well. Just enjoying the sunny day and trying to help out a charity I am working on, Save the Children.",1,0,20180825-043229_970_live 3,I wish I had some sun. Please tell me more about this charity,1,1,20180825-043229_970_live 4,"This charity is n international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries. I have recently donated some money to it. Would you be interested in how much I donated?",2,0,20180825-043229_970_live 5,"Yes please. And also, was the donation mandatory or voluntary?",2,1,20180825-043229_970_live 6,I donate about $15 a month and it is all voluntary. I rather put my money into this charity then church offering because I know it directly helps children. Would you like to know how I know it helps?,3,0,20180825-043229_970_live 7,"That sounds like a reasonable amount. Sure, tell me more about how it's used",3,1,20180825-043229_970_live 8,"A year ago, I saw kid begging on the street who look really hungry. I was about to give him some money until a representative for ""Save the Children"" walked ahead of me and help this kid out. This person took them to their facility and provided food, shelter, and clothing. A month later I saw the kid was healthier, happy, and cleaner. I was so impress I decided to make a donation. Would you be interested in a donation?",4,0,20180825-043229_970_live 9,Wow. Nice story. I'm very particular about who I donate to so I'd need more information,4,1,20180825-043229_970_live 10,Understand. ,5,0,20180825-043229_970_live 11,About how many people a month does the charity help?,5,1,20180825-043229_970_live 12,Since it is international it helps more then 1000's of kids per month.,6,0,20180825-043229_970_live 13,And is there a minimum amount required per month (like on of those sponsor a kid charities) or can it be just a one time donation?,6,1,20180825-043229_970_live 14,"No minimum, can be a one time donation.",7,0,20180825-043229_970_live 15,That sounds doable. Do you know by any chance if this is a registered charity? I want to make sure not all the money is going to the staff via salaries,7,1,20180825-043229_970_live 16,Its non-governmental but is register to for tax purposes. Only about 25% goes to the management/staff of the charity.,8,0,20180825-043229_970_live 17,"Okay, that's good to know. I'll make a $20 donation today and keep researching this charity. If it checks out like you say, then I'll consider upping any future donations",8,1,20180825-043229_970_live 18,This is great. Thank you for your donation. ,9,0,20180825-043229_970_live 19,No problem. Thank you for telling me about the charity. Have a great day,9,1,20180825-043229_970_live 0,Hi have your head of the children saves?,0,0,20180825-143255_249_live 1,"No, I have not. Please tell me about it",0,1,20180825-143255_249_live 2,"It is an organization that promotes children rights, provides help and support in developing countries.",1,0,20180825-143255_249_live 3,What countries are helped through this organization? ,1,1,20180825-143255_249_live 4,Countries all over the world for example Africa. Children need our help to be healthy and taken care of and a dontation on your part would put is one step forward in completing this goal!,2,0,20180825-143255_249_live 5,Approximately how many children per year receive help?,2,1,20180825-143255_249_live 6,"Millions. Millions. Just $1.00 could help tramendously. In the first two months of 2018 alone, 1,000 children were reportedly killed or injured in intensifying violence. If we had more help by people like you. These things could be avoided.",3,0,20180825-143255_249_live 7,Are there different tiers of donations? ,3,1,20180825-143255_249_live 8,"All of the dontations go toward one cause. Some people donate 100$ and some only donate $1.00. I'm asking you, instead of buying that purse or clothing item, spend it on helping children in need.",4,0,20180825-143255_249_live 9,How do I donate?,4,1,20180825-143255_249_live 10,"The research team will collect all the donations, you just have to say how much you want to donate",5,0,20180825-143255_249_live 11,How am I charged for donations?,5,1,20180825-143255_249_live 12,The amount of the donation will be taken out of your task payment,6,0,20180825-143255_249_live 13,I see thank you for your information. ,6,1,20180825-143255_249_live 14,Your welcome! Thank you,7,0,20180825-143255_249_live 15,I will donate 10 cents.,7,1,20180825-143255_249_live 16,Thank you. Our team will collect that and you will be helping children in need.,8,0,20180825-143255_249_live 17,Thank you for your time ,8,1,20180825-143255_249_live 18,No problem thank you,9,0,20180825-143255_249_live 19,Have a good evening,9,1,20180825-143255_249_live 0,Helli,0,0,20180825-100043_534_live 1,Hello,0,1,20180825-100043_534_live 2,Will you donate a portion of your wages to save thw childern,1,0,20180825-100043_534_live 3,I would be willing to donate a portion of my wages,1,1,20180825-100043_534_live 4,Great it will be taken straight from the payment,2,0,20180825-100043_534_live 5,I am thinking I only want to donate .10 ,2,1,20180825-100043_534_live 6,Thats fine ,3,0,20180825-100043_534_live 7,What childrens charity is this?,3,1,20180825-100043_534_live 8,Save the children are you aware of what thwy do,4,0,20180825-100043_534_live 9,I am somewhat familiar with them,4,1,20180825-100043_534_live 10,"For instance, millions of Syrian children have grown up facing the daily threat of violence. In the first two months of 2018 alone, 1,000 children were reportedly killed or injured in intensifying violence. ",5,0,20180825-100043_534_live 11,That is so heartbreaking. Save the children sounds like a wonderful charity to donate to,5,1,20180825-100043_534_live 12,Yes its wonderful they help displaced kids,6,0,20180825-100043_534_live 13,Do they find family's for the children or are they running a orphanage?,6,1,20180825-100043_534_live 14,"Save the Children is and how their donation is essential to help ensuring children's rights to health, education, safety, etc. ",7,0,20180825-100043_534_live 15,It's so important that there is a organization looking out for children. I only hope that the money goes directly to children programs instead of being eaten up by overhead costs,7,1,20180825-100043_534_live 16,Yes more than likely it will,8,0,20180825-100043_534_live 17,So you dont actually know how they use the koney?,8,1,20180825-100043_534_live 18,Yes it goes straighr to the save the children,9,0,20180825-100043_534_live 19,money? Am so glad to hear that,9,1,20180825-100043_534_live 20,Do how much are you donating,10,0,20180825-100043_534_live 0,hi!,0,0,20180825-064838_945_live 1,"hi, how are you?",0,1,20180825-064838_945_live 2,"I am well, thank you",1,0,20180825-064838_945_live 3,I guess we're supposed to be talking about a children's charity..?,1,1,20180825-064838_945_live 4,"yes, do you donate to charities often?",2,0,20180825-064838_945_live 5,"No, not really. Do you?",2,1,20180825-064838_945_live 6,"I try to do what I can, but its hard sometimes",3,0,20180825-064838_945_live 7,I agree. What would motivate you to donate to a children's charity?,3,1,20180825-064838_945_live 8,"I think save our children is incredibly important, becuase children are the ones who need it most. ",4,0,20180825-064838_945_live 9,"You're right, it is very important. Would you prefer to donate clothes, food, money, or something else?",4,1,20180825-064838_945_live 10,"With save the children, money is most important, since they can use it to get all of the necessary needs for children met.",5,0,20180825-064838_945_live 11,That makes sense. We should donate money then.,5,1,20180825-064838_945_live 12,I completely agree. One of the kids you could be helping could be the next president or osmething!,6,0,20180825-064838_945_live 13,Very true! It's important to give every child an opportunity to succeed.,6,1,20180825-064838_945_live 14,I agree. Think about all the children in war torn areas and all of the physical and emotional support they need. Its devistating,7,0,20180825-064838_945_live 15,"Yeah, it is really heartbreaking. If you could donate some money today, how much would you donate?",7,1,20180825-064838_945_live 16,I think we should give all that we can,8,0,20180825-064838_945_live 17,Okay. I can donate $20.,8,1,20180825-064838_945_live 18,Wow that is very generous!,9,0,20180825-064838_945_live 19,Ha ha. I am just very concerned for the children.,9,1,20180825-064838_945_live 0,We are collecting money for an important children's charity.,0,0,20180825-051212_932_live 1,it is great things to do,0,1,20180825-051212_932_live 2,We would like you to help.,1,0,20180825-051212_932_live 3,"sure, but first i need to know for what need will i donate and what organization ",1,1,20180825-051212_932_live 4,It is for the charity Save the Children. You are probably familiar with it.,2,0,20180825-051212_932_live 5,"yes, i have heard. How can i donate? in what way?",2,1,20180825-051212_932_live 6,The researchers are looking for people to donate part of their payment for this study to this charity. Can you contribute?,3,0,20180825-051212_932_live 7,do you mean autopay from my payment checks ?,3,1,20180825-051212_932_live 8,"No, I think they mean reducing your payment for this study and giving the difference to Save the Children.",4,0,20180825-051212_932_live 9,okey. i got it. i am interesting,4,1,20180825-051212_932_live 10,"Thank you, it will help out children in need.",5,0,20180825-051212_932_live 11,yes. what do i need to do now to help?,5,1,20180825-051212_932_live 12,"I suspect that in the following part of the study, the researchers will ask how much of the money you want to donate.",6,0,20180825-051212_932_live 13,okey. i understad you,6,1,20180825-051212_932_live 14,How much money are you going to donate? I have to admit these mturk studies don't even pay you enough for a cup of coffee.,7,0,20180825-051212_932_live 15,i will donate now 5 dl,7,1,20180825-051212_932_live 16,"Wow, that's much more than the study is supposed to pay me! Thank you.",8,0,20180825-051212_932_live 17,i am alway happy to help,8,1,20180825-051212_932_live 18,"I believe this completes my part of the study. Thank you again, and have a great day.",9,0,20180825-051212_932_live 19,have a great day too,9,1,20180825-051212_932_live 0,Hi. Are you familiar with Save the Children?,0,0,20180825-112615_516_live 1,Hello. I am not familiar with Save the Children,0,1,20180825-112615_516_live 2,"It is worldwide and helps to feed, shelter and educate underprivileged kids around the world.",1,0,20180825-112615_516_live 3,I think that is a very good charity that appears to be doing good work. Do you currently volunteer with this charity?,1,1,20180825-112615_516_live 4,I do. I help collect donations so the optimum number of children can be helped. Will you consider a donation?,2,0,20180825-112615_516_live 5,I like to support organizations that are Christian based and help further the spread of the Gospel to all of God's children. Is this organization Christian or religious based?,2,1,20180825-112615_516_live 6,It is in terms of values. The majority of funds go directly to the basic care needs of children. Many have a better opportunity at life because they are nourished. What more can we do for the least of these?,3,0,20180825-112615_516_live 7,How does the organization go about determining who and where to support?,3,1,20180825-112615_516_live 8,It is based entirely on need which is mostly in third world countries. Will you consider donating your task payment to further God's children worldwide? There is no greater service than to help.,4,0,20180825-112615_516_live 9,Maybe. In which countries do they serve?,4,1,20180825-112615_516_live 10,They serve all African countries and all continents except Antartica. Gods love knows no boundaries. Please donate your fee to this important charity or at least part of it. You will be blessed. I just know it!,5,0,20180825-112615_516_live 11,How many children do you estimate are benefited?,5,1,20180825-112615_516_live 12,Each year hundreds of thousands of little ones are benefited. My estimation of those benefited by your donation is 3 children for one year.,6,0,20180825-112615_516_live 13,Is this organization a 501(c)(3)?,6,1,20180825-112615_516_live 14,Yes it is. What amount of your task fee would you like to donate today?,7,0,20180825-112615_516_live 15,I would like some more information before deciding to donate. Where is this organization based?,7,1,20180825-112615_516_live 16,"They are in Fairfield, CT. You can find more information at URL The children need your help. Please say yes to their most basic needs. ",8,0,20180825-112615_516_live 17,how many employees are there?,8,1,20180825-112615_516_live 18,Save the Children employs 1500 people worldwide. That is how much our help is needed. How much would you like to donate and be part of the solution to help our little brothers and sisters in Christ?,9,0,20180825-112615_516_live 19,What is the total revenue?,9,1,20180825-112615_516_live 20,Is there anything else you would like to know as you generously commit your fee?,10,0,20180825-112615_516_live 0,Hi! How are you doing today? Would you be interested today in making a donation to a charity?,0,0,20180825-075658_709_live 1,Which charity would that be?,0,1,20180825-075658_709_live 2,The charity we're taking donations for is save the children!,1,0,20180825-075658_709_live 3,"I've seen a lot of commercials about them, but never did a lot of research about them.",1,1,20180825-075658_709_live 4,They are actually really great. They provide help to children all across the globe and stand up for children's rights.,2,0,20180825-075658_709_live 5,I know some charities only give a small percentage of donations to children and the rest go to their employees wages. Do they?,2,1,20180825-075658_709_live 6,"I thought that too at first, but luckily save the children is a non-governmental charity, so no one is sticking their hands into the pot.",3,0,20180825-075658_709_live 7,"Thats good, I see they are ready to help out with the hurricane in Hawaii for the kids.",3,1,20180825-075658_709_live 8,Yes! You have to think about how helpless children can be. Every penny can make a huge difference even if it doesn't feel like it.,4,0,20180825-075658_709_live 9,Do you regularly try to help the organization yourself?,4,1,20180825-075658_709_live 10,"I don't personally work for save the children, but I myself have donated several times to the charity. I feel confident that my money goes to the right places.",5,0,20180825-075658_709_live 11,"Yes, I like to help whenever I can when it comes to children. They are helpless.",5,1,20180825-075658_709_live 12,That's great! So do you think you'd be willing to make a donation?,6,0,20180825-075658_709_live 13,Do you make donations on line or mail it in?,6,1,20180825-075658_709_live 14,You can actually donate directly,7,0,20180825-075658_709_live 15,"Where, on their website?",7,1,20180825-075658_709_live 16,I'm sorry my last message was cut off. You can actually make a donation directly from this task!,8,0,20180825-075658_709_live 17,"Ok, I would like to. Maybe ten dollars I can do.",8,1,20180825-075658_709_live 18,That would be an incredible donation that could really go a super long way for save the children!,9,0,20180825-075658_709_live 19,"Ok, I will definitely help out.",9,1,20180825-075658_709_live 20,"Thank you so much for your generosity. On behalf of Save The Children, THANK YOU! you should be prompted on a following screen to donate and you can enter your donation there :) Have a great day!",10,0,20180825-075658_709_live 0,"Hello, I would like to ask you to consider making a donation to Save the Children, an international NGO committed to promoting children's rights, and providing support for children in developing countries. ",0,0,20180825-044358_663_live 1,ohh how much donation would yoy expect?,0,1,20180825-044358_663_live 2,"Your donation can be from $0 to all of the payment for this task. But before you decide hastily, I would like to remind you that Save the Children is one of the only charities doing what it does. There are children out there now without access to housing, clean water, education, and many other things we often take for granted. So please, consider thoughtfully whether you would be willing to make a sacrifice for the children of the world.",1,0,20180825-044358_663_live 3,how do i trust the organiation?,1,1,20180825-044358_663_live 4,"Save the Children is a world-renowned NGO with a trusted history and background. You can read about their successes on their website: URL Also, they have been given high ratings from different charity watchodgs.",2,0,20180825-044358_663_live 5,okay i will check it.. by the way how much did you donate?,2,1,20180825-044358_663_live 6,"I donated $2, which is the maximum payment. I understand that everyone cannot commit to making a serious donation, but when we think about children suffering, we have a moral imperative to act in their defense.",3,0,20180825-044358_663_live 7,okay i will donate $1,3,1,20180825-044358_663_live 8,"If it's not too much to ask, I would like you to consider donating perhaps more. After all, there are children in Syria now growing up facing threats of violence everyday. Surely an additional dollar, which we might spend on a cup of coffee or a bag of chips, could more greatly aid them then us. ",4,0,20180825-044358_663_live 9,no i am okay with this amount,4,1,20180825-044358_663_live 10,"OK, I will not force you to make a decision you don't want to. I will just ask you to consider how you would feel if your child was danger like many children are.",5,0,20180825-044358_663_live 11,actually i am not donating like this.. if i would like to donate money i will give food and clothes to the kids directly,5,1,20180825-044358_663_live 12,"While that is possible in a local community, it fails to take into account the suffering of kids in developing countries around the world, a specialty of Save the Children. Save the Children maximizes the efficiency of donations so that every dollar makes a difference. Are you sure you don't want to reconsider?",6,0,20180825-044358_663_live 13,yes i am very much sure. as of now i am donating $1,6,1,20180825-044358_663_live 14,"Well, we at Save the Children would like to thank you for your donation and let you know that thanks to donors like you, children around the world are thankful",7,0,20180825-044358_663_live 15,thank you. anything else?,7,1,20180825-044358_663_live 16,"Yes, if you would like more information about programs we accomplish, or to receive our newsletter, we can put you on our mailing list. It will allow you to stay up to date on programs we accomplish daily",8,0,20180825-044358_663_live 17,okay done.. thanks,8,1,20180825-044358_663_live 18,Thanks very much for your time. Have a wonderful day!,9,0,20180825-044358_663_live 19,same to you :),9,1,20180825-044358_663_live 0,Good morning.,0,0,20180825-074318_984_live 1,"Good morning, I think children are so important and charities that involve them are needed and we should participate our money or our time.",0,1,20180825-074318_984_live 2,I agree. I would like to tell you about the organization Save the Children. They promote children's rights and help support children in developing countries.,1,0,20180825-074318_984_live 3,"Oh that's wonderful, what a great organization. Where can I read more about this organization and possible give a donate?",1,1,20180825-074318_984_live 4,You could look at their website URL to get more information. You can make a donation directly from your payment from this task.,2,0,20180825-074318_984_live 5,"Ok, I will consider doing that. What a great idea! I would like to read a little about the charity before donating. How would I donate directly from this task?",2,1,20180825-074318_984_live 6,The research team will collect the donations and send it to save the Children.,3,0,20180825-074318_984_live 7,I would like to donate 10 cents from this task to Save the Children please.,3,1,20180825-074318_984_live 8,"Ok, so that 10 cents will come out of your payment and you will keep the rest of the task payment",4,0,20180825-074318_984_live 9,"Yes, thank you. I am poor and I can relate to the children who are also poor. I really need the money that i'm earning for this task, so I feel like giving 10 cents to this charity is fair. Do you agree?",4,1,20180825-074318_984_live 10,I feel that this is very generous of you. Thank you for agreeing to make a donation.,5,0,20180825-074318_984_live 11,"Your welcome, it is a good feeling to help others in need. I appreciate you telling me about this organization and directing me to their website.",5,1,20180825-074318_984_live 12,I am glad to share this iinformation. I feel that it is an important organization.,6,0,20180825-074318_984_live 13,Yes it is. I always wanted children of my own and could never conceive a child. So I have much empathy for these children and their needs. I will tell friends and family to visit the charities website also.,6,1,20180825-074318_984_live 14,That is very kind of you to spread the word about this charity. Thank you for all that you are doing.,7,0,20180825-074318_984_live 15,How many years has Save The Children been doing charity work?,7,1,20180825-074318_984_live 16,This organization has been around for a long time. I am not sure they exact number of years,8,0,20180825-074318_984_live 17,"That's good. These days there are tons of people asking for donations for fake charities, it's sad. ",8,1,20180825-074318_984_live 18,"Yes it is, but this is a good organizations and I really appreciate your donation",9,0,20180825-074318_984_live 19,"I want to thank you again for bringing awareness to this important charity. In America food is plentiful and we sometimes have to stop and reflect, that other countries aren't as fortunate as we are!",9,1,20180825-074318_984_live 0,"Good morning, how are you doing today?",0,0,20180825-062128_451_live 1,I'm doing well. How are you doing? It is a beautiful morning where I am at.,0,1,20180825-062128_451_live 2,It is definitely a beautiful morning. A great day to be out volunteering for a cause. I am headed out to do some community work today.,1,0,20180825-062128_451_live 3,Oh that is really nice. What type of cause are you in?,1,1,20180825-062128_451_live 4,I have been working with a group called Save the Children for a few years now.,2,0,20180825-062128_451_live 5,"Wow that is wonderful. I have a passion for helping children also. As a current nursing student, my goal is to become a neonatal nurse or pediatric nurse. Children in this world is very important because they are so vulnerable and they are the future of this world.",2,1,20180825-062128_451_live 6,I couldn't agree more. I work with children primarily from underprivileged families or no families at all.,3,0,20180825-062128_451_live 7,"That is wonderful, whenever there are charity events or donations being taken. I always donate if it is for children causes. What about you?",3,1,20180825-062128_451_live 8,"I do the same but also get involved regularly. Today, for instance, is our End of Summer Carnival for the kids. Its one of our largest fundraisers of the year.",4,0,20180825-062128_451_live 9,"Wow, that sounds really fun. Time and money donations are really two important aspects for charities. Without the funding, it would not be able to continue and without volunteers, no one can do the actual work. ",4,1,20180825-062128_451_live 10,"I know this may seem a bit forward and I do apologize as I do not mean to offend. Given your love for children and your work, would you be willing to donate a small amount to Save the Children?",5,0,20180825-062128_451_live 11,"yes I would be honored to. Since I am a nursing student and paying for tuition out of pocket, my donation amount may not be too great but I would like to donate something. So I like to donate $5 to the cause",5,1,20180825-062128_451_live 12,"Wow thats great but for the sake of formality, I must ask the obligatory legal fashion: ""How much do you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment."" ",6,0,20180825-062128_451_live 13,"Oh, ok. I like to donate $1",6,1,20180825-062128_451_live 14,"You are such a blessed partner in our cause! Thank you so much! The research team will collect all donations and send it to Save the Children.""",7,0,20180825-062128_451_live 15,You are very welcome! So glad to help,7,1,20180825-062128_451_live 16,The children will most certainly benefit from large donations such as yours.,8,0,20180825-062128_451_live 17,Its a joy to help. Thank you for donating your time to the cause. ,8,1,20180825-062128_451_live 18,"Well I should be getting off here soon. The beautiful day outside is calling for me and the carnival starts soon. Again, it was a pleasure meeting you and many many thanks for your kind generosity in the form of a donation. I will tell everyone about you today!",9,0,20180825-062128_451_live 19,Pleasure meeting you too! Hope you have lots of fun at the carnival!,9,1,20180825-062128_451_live 0,"Hello, would you like to donate to our charity called Save the Children? Millions of syrian children have grown up facing daily threats of violence this will be a step towards saving children world wide!",0,0,20180825-210735_192_live 1,"Yes, I am interested in donating. What specific causes the charity donate to? ",0,1,20180825-210735_192_live 2,"They donate to ensuring children's rights to health, education, safety, etc. Convince your partner their donation will make a tangible impact for the world",1,0,20180825-210735_192_live 3,Are there different tiers for donations available? ,1,1,20180825-210735_192_live 4,You could find that out here at this website. URL do you have an idea of how much you would like to donate?,2,0,20180825-210735_192_live 5,Can I donate $30 a month? ,2,1,20180825-210735_192_live 6,Sure thing! You would like to donate a dollar a day?,3,0,20180825-210735_192_live 7,"Yes, I am okay with that. How do I sign up? ",3,1,20180825-210735_192_live 8,You just tell me how much do you like to donate to the charity now? Then I'll go to the website and set everything up. I'll have the research team collect the donate and send it to Save the Children.,4,0,20180825-210735_192_live 9,I would like to donate $10 right now.,4,1,20180825-210735_192_live 10,The children are going to really appreciate this!,5,0,20180825-210735_192_live 11,I'm glad and happy to help! ,5,1,20180825-210735_192_live 12,I'm going to tell you some information while i get the paper work ready about the charity if that's okay with you,6,0,20180825-210735_192_live 13,"Sounds good, please feel free to share!",6,1,20180825-210735_192_live 14,"Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",7,0,20180825-210735_192_live 15,"That's awesome, what other countries does it support besides Syria? ",7,1,20180825-210735_192_live 16,This charity also support children in the United States as well as Rohingya. I have some of the paper work together ho much did you want to donate right now again?,8,0,20180825-210735_192_live 17,I am good with donating $10 right now.,8,1,20180825-210735_192_live 18,Okay got it! ,9,0,20180825-210735_192_live 19,Is there any follow up information you will be able to share once the donation is complete? Like a newsletter?,9,1,20180825-210735_192_live 0,Hi there how are you doing today?,0,0,20180825-070900_49_live 1,Hey I'm fine. How are you doing?,0,1,20180825-070900_49_live 2,"I am doing really good. So, what are you up to today?",1,0,20180825-070900_49_live 3,I've been thinking about donating to a children's charity. I can't decide which onne.,1,1,20180825-070900_49_live 4,I was going to ask you if you would be interested in donating to Save the Children. How do you feel about this charity?,2,0,20180825-070900_49_live 5,I have heard about it but I can't remember it's mission. Do you know that charity's mission?,2,1,20180825-070900_49_live 6,They provide kids with the basic things they need like food and clothing. I really like their mission. I really feel badly for the kids. Don't you?,3,0,20180825-070900_49_live 7,"Yes, it tugs at my heart to think of all of those children. Do you know where the charity is headquatered?",3,1,20180825-070900_49_live 8,They are based in CT. I feel that it would be easy to donate. I know I spend on little things like a candy bar or gum. I know I could give up spending on this and it would help the kids. Could you donate anything to them?,4,0,20180825-070900_49_live 9,yes I can. I can donate 10 dollars.,4,1,20180825-070900_49_live 10,Wow! that is so great. Thank you so much. Are you hoping that the money goes to a certain cause like food or clothes?,5,0,20180825-070900_49_live 11,"OH, yeah food please. Gotta feed the hungry first",5,1,20180825-070900_49_live 12,Yes! I think that is a great idea. I am glad you decided to be part of this really great cause. Have you ever donated to a charity before this?,6,0,20180825-070900_49_live 13,no this is my first time. what do I do now?,6,1,20180825-070900_49_live 14,You do not have to do anything else. I am really glad that you donated. What are your other plans for the day today?,7,0,20180825-070900_49_live 15,"WOW, I was just going to ask you the same thing. I plan on doing some more surveys, then taking a drive up on the parkway and have a picnic.",7,1,20180825-070900_49_live 16,"Yes, I also plan on having a day of fun too. I am hoping to find some photo albums and get those worked on. Do you still get printed pictures or do you do all digital pictures?",8,0,20180825-070900_49_live 17,"Printed pictures all the way for me, it's what I know. What kind of camera do you have?",8,1,20180825-070900_49_live 18,"I have a really old digital camera. I also have a smartphone, but I am thinking about getting a newer one. I have heard the cameras on the new smartphones are good. Do you have a smartphone that takes good pictures?",9,0,20180825-070900_49_live 19,"Yeah, I have one, but I don't use the camera. I have an old Nikon 360 camera that takes film. Do you have anything like that?",9,1,20180825-070900_49_live 0,Hello! Are you aware of Save the Children organization?,0,0,20180825-081859_875_live 1,I have a very rudimentary understanding. I think it has to do with helping sick children.,0,1,20180825-081859_875_live 2,"Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization. It's mission is promote children's rights, provide relief and aid children in developing countries.",1,0,20180825-081859_875_live 3,"That is a great cause. However, I am of the opinion that we should provide relief to causes in our country first. Especially animal organizations.",1,1,20180825-081859_875_live 4,While it is true that relief is also needed domestically. The stand of living in developing nations does not compare with our own. Most of these nations are war zones and children face this daily threat of violence against them.,2,0,20180825-081859_875_live 5,that is true. I guess I am naive and like to live in ignorance where it is bliss. How do you feel about animal charities?,2,1,20180825-081859_875_live 6,"This is where your donation would help make a difference for these children. Your donation would assist the Save the Children organization in promoting their mission statement. Small donations really do add up and make a difference. Finally, I am also a fan of animal charities.",3,0,20180825-081859_875_live 7,That is true that it requires very little money to help children in developing nations. So you charity of choice is Save the Children? Or do you donate to other ones also?,3,1,20180825-081859_875_live 8,My charity of choice is Save the Children. I strongly identify with their causes and goals.,4,0,20180825-081859_875_live 9,Do you donate money only? Or do you also volunteer your time?,4,1,20180825-081859_875_live 10,I donate money to this organization and would encourage you to do the same. Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment.,5,0,20180825-081859_875_live 11,I would be willing to donate 10 cents. I make large donations every year so my budget is limited. But I do agree with the points you made in support. Would you consider volunteering time in addition to money?,5,1,20180825-081859_875_live 12,I appreciate your help in supporting this cause. I would consider volunteering my time in addition to the money. I believe it would be a valuable experience. What other charities do you support or is your charity of choice?,6,0,20180825-081859_875_live 13,My charity of choice is the italian gryhound florida rescue group. They save miniture IG dogs. I adopted one years ago and she is the best. But children's charities are great too. Are you familiar with the one where they make dreams come true?,6,1,20180825-081859_875_live 14,"That is great! Animal charities are pretty great too! And I'm only familiar with the name with organization that make dreams come true, but nonetheless would like to learn more about them.",7,0,20180825-081859_875_live 15,Celebrities often get involved and donate time. It's really cool. I think Disney World participates too.,7,1,20180825-081859_875_live 16,That sounds awesome and am glad to see celebrities get involved. Their involvement often helps to expand these charities' missions. ,8,0,20180825-081859_875_live 17,For sure. It gets the word out and makes people want to follow suit. Plus it is good for celebs because it gets people to have soft spots for them.,8,1,20180825-081859_875_live 18,I definitely agree with all those points. Their support can make the difference between making a charity reach its goals or not. ,9,0,20180825-081859_875_live 19,Helping others is necessary and makes you feel good too.,9,1,20180825-081859_875_live 0,Hey!I Was wondering if you would be interested in donating To a charity called Save the children?,0,0,20180825-125810_869_live 1,Could you please tell me more about this charity?,0,1,20180825-125810_869_live 2,"Save the Children is an international Non- governmental orginaztion that promotes children's rights, provides relied and helps support children in developing country.",1,0,20180825-125810_869_live 3,What exactly does the money do for them?,1,1,20180825-125810_869_live 4,"The Money you donate will help provide children help during times of natural disasters, as well as help to further their education. Save the children also provides options for mental health help. ",2,0,20180825-125810_869_live 5,Do you donate to a specific child?,2,1,20180825-125810_869_live 6,"We do Offer programs where you You can choose to sponsor a child in the US, or sponsor a child from around the world!",3,0,20180825-125810_869_live 7,Oh that's great! That was going to be my next question about if this charity helps kids in the US. Is there a minimum amount you need to donate?,3,1,20180825-125810_869_live 8,There is not a minimum amount! you can donate what ever you would like! Remember every penny Donated is another step towards bettering a child's future,4,0,20180825-125810_869_live 9,When was this charity started? ,4,1,20180825-125810_869_live 10,"Save the children has been round for almost 100 years! save the children was founded on april 15,1919",5,0,20180825-125810_869_live 11,Perfect thank you for the information.Is there a website where I can check it out and donate?,5,1,20180825-125810_869_live 12,The research team will collect all donations and then it to Save the children today!,6,0,20180825-125810_869_live 13,Ok I will be willing to donate $100. Do I get a receipt?,6,1,20180825-125810_869_live 14,The research team should send you an email after your donation is sent!,7,0,20180825-125810_869_live 15,So do I provide my email to you? How does this work? ,7,1,20180825-125810_869_live 16,"Your Donation will be directly Deducted from your task payment. You should be able to choose any amount on your side, and when the task is over you should recive and email from the research team!",8,0,20180825-125810_869_live 17,Do you know if this is tax deductible?,8,1,20180825-125810_869_live 18,I'm not completely sure about that.,9,0,20180825-125810_869_live 19,OK no problem I will find out. Thank for answering my questions. I will be sure to donate. ,9,1,20180825-125810_869_live 0,"Hi, how are you today? Have you ever considered donating to Save the Children? It is a great kids'",0,0,20180825-090032_956_live 1,Hi I am fine and yourself?,0,1,20180825-090032_956_live 2,I'm good. Save the Children is one of the best children's charities around. They do really great work.,1,0,20180825-090032_956_live 3,Have you ever thought about the benefits from the donations? Do the donations actually help the organization?,1,1,20180825-090032_956_live 4,"Yes, they really do. It is an international organization that promotes children's rights and provides relief in developing countries.",2,0,20180825-090032_956_live 5,How long has the organization been established and what is the success rate of the program? ,2,1,20180825-090032_956_live 6,Save the Children is proud to be named one of the MacArthur Foundation 100&Change Charities with Bold Solutions.,3,0,20180825-090032_956_live 7,This company looks more like a firm than a charity ,3,1,20180825-090032_956_live 8,Every charity needs to be organized in order to help the people it represents. It is 100% dedicated to helping children. You can donate as much or as little as you want. The cost of a cup of coffee even.,4,0,20180825-090032_956_live 9,This is true but alot of charities don't represent the individuals they portray to help. ,4,1,20180825-090032_956_live 10,"I agree, there are some bad charities out there. This is not one. They have never waivered in their devotion to helping children since they established in 1919.",5,0,20180825-090032_956_live 11,Ok if that were true what is their succession rate of getting through to the children or progression rate. ,5,1,20180825-090032_956_live 12,"n fiscal year 2017, 86% of all expenditures went to program services. You can donate by clicking on a link at the end of this task. Just donating a small portion of your earnings are a big help.",6,0,20180825-090032_956_live 13,Thats program services not to the kids themselves. Did they provide housing for kids that went against their culture beliefs?,6,1,20180825-090032_956_live 14,Yes they did. They use 9 out of every 10 dollars spent towards programs and services for children and families in need. They keep administrative costs low so that more funding goes to children's programs.,7,0,20180825-090032_956_live 15,And how is the charity promoted? Through internet ads? ,7,1,20180825-090032_956_live 16,"They mostly use press releases. I don't really see much in the way of internet ads. Seriously though, just think about giving up 1 cup of coffee/drink a day or just donating though the link at the end of this task what you would be making off of it. Every little bit helps. Small donations are better than nothing at all!",8,0,20180825-090032_956_live 17,They should probable do internet promotion. As far as donating I have no problem donating to a greater cause as long as it benefits others short term and long term. I don't purchase coffee,8,1,20180825-090032_956_live 18,"Perfect, shall you be donating at the end of this task?",9,0,20180825-090032_956_live 19,No i will not until I do further research.,9,1,20180825-090032_956_live 0,What's going on buddy?,0,0,20180825-051852_679_live 1,doing these hits,0,1,20180825-051852_679_live 2,You have any children?,1,0,20180825-051852_679_live 3,no i dont,1,1,20180825-051852_679_live 4,Why don't you have any children? Didn't get one past the glove,2,0,20180825-051852_679_live 5,personal reasons here,2,1,20180825-051852_679_live 6,After Obama initiated his massive drone strikes on Yemen and Syria there are lots of children who are in peril. Would you like to help them out?,3,0,20180825-051852_679_live 7,sorry i cant im in need myself,3,1,20180825-051852_679_live 8,You can't donate even 20 pennies to these poor little people that your tax dollars have helped to mercilessly assassinate! ,4,0,20180825-051852_679_live 9,i would love to but i have 0 too my name.,4,1,20180825-051852_679_live 10,So how do you eat food if you have 000?,5,0,20180825-051852_679_live 11,iim disabled i have a ebt card,5,1,20180825-051852_679_live 12,So you can't donate at all?,6,0,20180825-051852_679_live 13,no sorry im trying to keep a roof over my head and not be homeless,6,1,20180825-051852_679_live 14,"I've been homeless for 5 years, it's terrible being a white male these days. You don't fit any prospective employers profile. ",7,0,20180825-051852_679_live 15,its really sad that so many go through that,7,1,20180825-051852_679_live 16,Can I submit this? It's been 15 minutes and your slave wages are not worth it,8,0,20180825-051852_679_live 17,yes its good ty,8,1,20180825-051852_679_live 18,Fuck this ,9,0,20180825-051852_679_live 19,mine 20 minutes,9,1,20180825-051852_679_live 0,Hello there!,0,0,20180825-084657_775_live 1,hello how are you,0,1,20180825-084657_775_live 2,"Fine. We\'re doing this drive for ""Save the Children,"" and we were hoping for you to donate.",1,0,20180825-084657_775_live 3,i might donate,1,1,20180825-084657_775_live 4,By committing some of your earnings for this HIT towards the cause.,2,0,20180825-084657_775_live 5,im not to sure yet,2,1,20180825-084657_775_live 6,What are you not sure about?,3,0,20180825-084657_775_live 7,whether to donate or not ,3,1,20180825-084657_775_live 8,I read an article yesterday that said 1000 children were saved from hunger shelters just by donations from online workers.,4,0,20180825-084657_775_live 9,oh thats great i would donate 5 dollars then,4,1,20180825-084657_775_live 10,That's really great. Do you need more info about this program?,5,0,20180825-084657_775_live 11,no i dont ,5,1,20180825-084657_775_live 12,"You're so kind, the children will really appreciate it. Have you sponsored any children in the past?",6,0,20180825-084657_775_live 13,no i havent ,6,1,20180825-084657_775_live 14,"Oh, great. Have you heard of ""Save the Children"" before?",7,0,20180825-084657_775_live 15,yes i have,7,1,20180825-084657_775_live 16,"Actually, the donation has to be in relation to your payment, what percentage of that are you willing to donate?",8,0,20180825-084657_775_live 17,5 percent i would donate,8,1,20180825-084657_775_live 18,"5%, that wonderful. The children will greatly appreciate it. Thank you so much for your kindness and have a great day.",9,0,20180825-084657_775_live 19,you too my friend,9,1,20180825-084657_775_live 0,Hello.,0,0,20180825-061105_792_live 1,Hello!,0,1,20180825-061105_792_live 2,"I am supposed to ask you if you care about people being killed in Syria and things like that, I don't want to cause you any emotional discomfort by talking about suffering people. Is that okay? To talk about suffering people and children for a minute?",1,0,20180825-061105_792_live 3,I will have no discomfort discussing suffering people.,1,1,20180825-061105_792_live 4,"I think the refugee crisis is crazy, I am not sure what I would do if I was raising my kids in Syria. If anyone could have fun in those spots it's kids though. ",2,0,20180825-061105_792_live 5,I feel really torn about the crisis. I don't think the weight of that burden should fall on the rest of the worlds shoulders. At the same time as a parent I would want the best possible future for my children and I know fiercly that I would do everything in my power to make sure they were in a safe place.,2,1,20180825-061105_792_live 6,"I actually didn't think of it like that. I am a parent too, it feels so foreign what they are going through. This whole chat thing is supposed to get me to get you to donate to Save the Children, but now I think they got me to do it instead! I don't know if that's really okay to do though. ",3,0,20180825-061105_792_live 7,"I always wonder how much of donations actually go where ear marked. I see on the local level how much of donations stay local and what gets spent on things I would call ""stupid"". I am always worried if I donate it will just go to some higer up that is living the high life. Sorry Im getting off topic.",3,1,20180825-061105_792_live 8,"No, that's relevant. Really relevant. It's really easy to get cynical about life and if people really benefit from any of this. I usually donate in hopes I can at least feel like I did my part. If I donated and some corrupt person took it, that's the worst karma and even worst scandal imaginable. The people who donate and people who are worrying about that are the same people. You're not a horrible person it sounds like, just worried if what you do even matters. ",4,0,20180825-061105_792_live 9,With that all said I do feel like any orginazation that aims to help the children I am more inclined to donate to them than most. My boss has a sponsored child that she sends money to every month. SHe picked out a child with the same birth month as one of her kids. I think helping children is an important thing as they are our future!,4,1,20180825-061105_792_live 10,"I feel like you are smart enough and definitely moral enough to be the boss. I hope you have success in your field. I don't have that great of a job or boss but I'd still I would like to match a donation with you if you're willing to try help kids with me. I am parent and I feel like I need extra help sometimes too , but knowing that I could REALLY help them makes feel like a better parent.",5,0,20180825-061105_792_live 11,I think donating to this cause would def be a step in the right direction to hopefully helping across the world the children that are in dispair. They are the weak ones in my eyes.,5,1,20180825-061105_792_live 12,"I don't want you to donate any more than you want, so if you want to donate how much do you to do? I think any amount you give (especially more) will definitely help and I want you to know that it would be deducted from you task payment. Whatever you choose to do or the amount you want to give, I feel like you've changed my mind about charity, not the other way around, so I want to thank you for that.",6,0,20180825-061105_792_live 13,I think its just the perspective of the person but we all inheriently want to help as much as we can. I would donate half of this hit payment to this charity and feel good about it I think.,6,1,20180825-061105_792_live 14,"If you're doing this task then you might be able to afford it, but if you can I'd probably say you should really donate it all just this one time. So whatever you donate I can donate as well, and can actually help each other donate to the kids. You want to match all our payment to Save the Children? Would that be okay? Or should we lock in your half payment?",7,0,20180825-061105_792_live 15,I think I would feel good about half and if you are inclined to donate as well that would be fabulous. I would lock into half.,7,1,20180825-061105_792_live 16,"Sure let's do it. I might donate a little more I don't know how to do that but, I think they deserve it, I'm convince by talking to you that people regardless of how they feel about refugees that they can still care about kids. ",8,0,20180825-061105_792_live 17,I agree if we don't take care of the kids we risk losing a whole generation of people!,8,1,20180825-061105_792_live 18,"Oh, I didn't think of it like that either. I always picture like you said about your boss, one kid. But you're right it's a whole generation, that's A LOT of people. I always forget that kids turn into adults, i mean not that part, but the whole part where they are all apart of the community! :)",9,0,20180825-061105_792_live 19,Thanks for talking me thru this today! It is been enlightning!,9,1,20180825-061105_792_live 0,"hello, do you like charities ?",0,0,20180825-091558_618_live 1,I don't know I haven't found anyone good ones,0,1,20180825-091558_618_live 2,do you know save the children charity ?,1,0,20180825-091558_618_live 3,"No, I have never hear of it",1,1,20180825-091558_618_live 4,"some info about save the children,they are a non-profit organisation who help children in the world, what you think now about this organization ?",2,0,20180825-091558_618_live 5,Do they help children right here in America,2,1,20180825-091558_618_live 6,"they help children in america to, whenever is needed, they helped Hawaii too, with hurricane lane .",3,0,20180825-091558_618_live 7,That is awesome. I am more willing to help a charity that will help right here in America,3,1,20180825-091558_618_live 8,"this is a charity in america too, are you willing to donate some of your money in the end of the survey? ",4,0,20180825-091558_618_live 9,"I would like to, but I really can afford to donate anything right now.",4,1,20180825-091558_618_live 10,"but they are not your money , some of the hit winning, if you like too.",5,0,20180825-091558_618_live 11,I don't understand what you mean,5,1,20180825-091558_618_live 12,well do you have faith in this kind of organizations?,6,0,20180825-091558_618_live 13,"Yes, it sounds like a good charity.",6,1,20180825-091558_618_live 14,do you ever heard something bad about this kind of charities ?,7,0,20180825-091558_618_live 15,"Yes, I have. Some don't give the money out like they are suppose to.",7,1,20180825-091558_618_live 16,did you heard that they now do every payment taken from people transparet?,8,0,20180825-091558_618_live 17,"No, I have not hear that",8,1,20180825-091558_618_live 18,"at last , how much are you willing to donate in the end of the survey? you can donate as much money you want because they really are not real money, you can make a good impression for future hits.",9,0,20180825-091558_618_live 19,How does me saying I will donate fake money make a good impression for future hits.,9,1,20180825-091558_618_live 20,"you would help me , thank you for your conversation",10,0,20180825-091558_618_live 0,Hello. Do you have children?,0,0,20180825-044613_233_live 1,"Yes, 2. You?",0,1,20180825-044613_233_live 2,"No, but I do enjoy their company. Are you aware of the large amount of children in developing countries that could use assitance?",1,0,20180825-044613_233_live 3,"I am. I tend to read news articles from aboard. BBC, ect. I read that their are quite a few places that could use help. ",1,1,20180825-044613_233_live 4,Yes there are. Have you ever heard of the organization Save the Children and are you aware of what they do?,2,0,20180825-044613_233_live 5,"I have heard of them, but have not looked into what they do. ",2,1,20180825-044613_233_live 6,"Well they have a presence in every continent except Antarctica. Domestically, they provide early education, literacy, and health and disaster preparedness programs. ",3,0,20180825-044613_233_live 7,"That's very interesting, sounds like they do good work. ",3,1,20180825-044613_233_live 8,"They are very renowned. Internationally, they are pioneers in health education and protection programs. They create long lasting results to save lives and the quality of those lives. ",4,0,20180825-044613_233_live 9,Do you know anyone that has worked for them?,4,1,20180825-044613_233_live 10,I do not know anyone personally but but they are easily contacted through their website. They are also involved in emergency response and global advocacy. ,5,0,20180825-044613_233_live 11,Sounds like they do a lot of good for a lot of people around the world. Are you involved with them at all?,5,1,20180825-044613_233_live 12,I am not personally but I would happily volunteer my time for this organization. Have you ever donated to a charity?,6,0,20180825-044613_233_live 13,"I have. I donate to my local charities, plus the United Way. ",6,1,20180825-044613_233_live 14,I am very glad to hear that. Charity is very important and everyone should have a fighting chance in life. Is this an organization you would consider donating to?,7,0,20180825-044613_233_live 15,I might. I wonder sometimes how much of the actual money that gets donated goes to helping people and not into the pockets of those running the charity. ,7,1,20180825-044613_233_live 16,86% of expenditures for this organization go directly to program services. ,8,0,20180825-044613_233_live 17,Well that seems better than some I have read about. Have you ever donated to them?,8,1,20180825-044613_233_live 18,I have in the past. I believe they an amazing organization. How much do you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment.,9,0,20180825-044613_233_live 19,I think I would donated to donate .50,9,1,20180825-044613_233_live 20,I appreciate that and so does Save the Children. Thank you so much. It truly will go to a good cause. ,10,0,20180825-044613_233_live 0,Would you be interested in donating to Save the Children ?,0,0,20180825-075913_208_live 1,I am one who like to donate. Can you tell me more about it?,0,1,20180825-075913_208_live 2,"Save the Children helps to promote childrens rights to health, education, and safety.",1,0,20180825-075913_208_live 3, Do they have any focus right now? More as where are the majority of the fund headed towards right now/,1,1,20180825-075913_208_live 4,At this point a lot of the focus is children in war zones. some of these donations can address the problem of the daily threat of violence,2,0,20180825-075913_208_live 5,It seems like Syria seems to be a high stakes area. Are any fund going to help the the children in Hawaii after the volcano and hurricane?,2,1,20180825-075913_208_live 6,"I'm not sure, but I think that would be a great idea. Maybe you could get more information on that by getting in contact with someone at URL ",3,0,20180825-075913_208_live 7,What are some of the things that they do for the children? I would like to donate but I am not a huge fan or donating just for promotion?,3,1,20180825-075913_208_live 8,"They help to provide basic health care, provide disaster relief, and help to ensure their rights to education and safety. How much would you like to donate ? Your donation will be deducted from your task payment.",4,0,20180825-075913_208_live 9,I am interested in donating most of my task payment. How would I go about this?,4,1,20180825-075913_208_live 10,I do believe you have to go to URL ,5,0,20180825-075913_208_live 11, Would 60% of the task payment be enough? I know its not much.,5,1,20180825-075913_208_live 12,"Yes, that sounds good. How much would that be ?",6,0,20180825-075913_208_live 13,I think it would be roughly $1.20. Is there a follow up on to see how my money while little is may be is being put to use?,6,1,20180825-075913_208_live 14,I do believe you can get that information from their website. Thank you so much for taking the time to speak with me and also for your donation. Take care and have a great day.,7,0,20180825-075913_208_live 15,This charity seems to have children's best interests at heart. I am very happy to help,7,1,20180825-075913_208_live 16,"Yes it does. Now, how do we submit this hit ?",8,0,20180825-075913_208_live 17,We still have chat a bit more. Have you heard any break thought about this charity? I am really interested.,8,1,20180825-075913_208_live 18,"You were asking about the hurricane relief in Hawaii. From what I understand, they are on stand-by and ready to provide help if needed. I think that is awesome. I had no idea they operated in the USA also. I always thought these organizations focused on other countries",9,0,20180825-075913_208_live 19,That is very awesome. I am proud to be apart of helping them help others,9,1,20180825-075913_208_live 20,I also found out that 86% of donations goes to services and only 5% goes to management. I was glad to hear that. It was nice chatting with you. I enjoyed this. You take care and have a good day.,10,0,20180825-075913_208_live 0,Hello. I hope you are well today. I am wondering if you regularly give to charity?,0,0,20180825-070857_925_live 1,Yes I do. I find it very fulfilling to give back,0,1,20180825-070857_925_live 2,I agree with you on that. I am just now watching the news about the hurricane in Hawaii and seeing the damage already done.,1,0,20180825-070857_925_live 3,"It is very scary to think about. Not only are they ravaged by the volcano, now a hurricane.",1,1,20180825-070857_925_live 4,I know. I actually have family living there. The rains over the past two days have been awful.,2,0,20180825-070857_925_live 5,I am curious what we can do to help.,2,1,20180825-070857_925_live 6,I have been looking into ways to help. I see that an organization called Save the Children is already mobilizing to help.,3,0,20180825-070857_925_live 7,Do you know anything about how they are helping the children?,3,1,20180825-070857_925_live 8,They have an emergency response team ready to go. They are preparing child-specific and focused supplies in case they are needed. They are in touch with officials in Hawaii.,4,0,20180825-070857_925_live 9,"That's really awesome, are they more in need of supplies or monetary donations?",4,1,20180825-070857_925_live 10,Definitely more in need of monetary donations. They are asking people to donate to their emergency fund.,5,0,20180825-070857_925_live 11,Do they have a donation tier level? I want to help out as much as I can.,5,1,20180825-070857_925_live 12,"If you are willing, you can actually donate from your payment from this hit!",6,0,20180825-070857_925_live 13,Really? What forms of payments are accepted?/,6,1,20180825-070857_925_live 14,They can deduct directly from your payment from this task.,7,0,20180825-070857_925_live 15,That is nice. But I would like to give more than a measly $2. Is there another way to donate?/,7,1,20180825-070857_925_live 16,"How nice of you. Yes, I can give you that information, but would you like to start with donating part or all of your payment for this hit?",8,0,20180825-070857_925_live 17,I would like to keep the payment for this HIT. This goes into a different fund. But I would like to be able $150 to this charity.,8,1,20180825-070857_925_live 18,"Wow! That is very generous. I am still thinking, though, that the small donations made from these hits are so easy to donate and can really add up if we all pitch in together! You can even just give a very small portion of your compensation from this hit.",9,0,20180825-070857_925_live 19,I can donate the .30 base payment but I am still very curious on donating outside the HIT.,9,1,20180825-070857_925_live 20,Thank you so much. Your .30 will be greatly appreciated by Save the Children. Go to URL to learn more an donate! Thank you for your generosity!,10,0,20180825-070857_925_live 0,Hello,0,0,20180825-055034_34_live 1,hello,0,1,20180825-055034_34_live 2,"Would you like to donate a partial or full amount of your payment from this task to Save the Children. Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",1,0,20180825-055034_34_live 3,how much of the money is put to work?,1,1,20180825-055034_34_live 4,"All of the money you choose to donate will go to the charity. Donating any amount will make a difference, every little donation adds up! You can choose to donate any amount from $0 to all your payment from this task.",2,0,20180825-055034_34_live 5,how much % of the money that goes to the charity is overhead that will be absorbed and not given to children?,2,1,20180825-055034_34_live 6,"Save the Children is a nonprofit. 0% of the donations are used to profit the organization or anyone working for the organization. All donations are used to benefit the children, both directly and indirectly (such as advertisement to help garner more donations). ",3,0,20180825-055034_34_live 7,how does the operation afford staff?,3,1,20180825-055034_34_live 8,Staff are volunteers. They also donate their own time and resources,4,0,20180825-055034_34_live 9,in which regions are the donations applied?,4,1,20180825-055034_34_live 10,Save the Children provides support to children in need in 120 countries. For more info: URL s/what-we-do/where-we-work,5,0,20180825-055034_34_live 11,what is a recent successful program?,5,1,20180825-055034_34_live 12,"A recent successful result came from 2017 from a program in Malawi to help save newborn lives. Health experts trained 1,700 frontline health workers, and they, in turn, cared for 379,000 babies, including successfully resuscitating 19,000.",6,0,20180825-055034_34_live 13,how long has STC been around?,6,1,20180825-055034_34_live 14,Save the Children was launched in 1919,7,0,20180825-055034_34_live 15,does it do any work in the USA?,7,1,20180825-055034_34_live 16,"Yes, Save the Children also provides aid to children in poverty in the US through education, protection, and emergency programs.",8,0,20180825-055034_34_live 17,in all 50 states?,8,1,20180825-055034_34_live 18,"Yes, but with focus on communities with substantial poverty.",9,0,20180825-055034_34_live 19,can i direct my money?,9,1,20180825-055034_34_live 20,You can sponsor a specific child in the US or other countries. ,10,0,20180825-055034_34_live 0,are you going to donate,0,0,20180825-092012_333_live 1,Donate to what charity?,0,1,20180825-092012_333_live 2,children's charity this one,1,0,20180825-092012_333_live 3,"Well, I would prefer to hear more about the charity, their work and how much of their donations go to direct work with these children. Tell me more info otherwise you can donate to the charities that I know do extraordinary work and spend most of their donations on the children",1,1,20180825-092012_333_live 4,to help save children that are less fortunate then most children. ,2,0,20180825-092012_333_live 5,Well theres a charity called Skateistan that is championed by the famous skater Tony Hawk And the majority of their donations go to direct service and help children out all of the world whom live in the most vulnerable situations. If I donate to this charity your talking about I need to know the name and information to agree to a donation,2,1,20180825-092012_333_live 6,save the children,3,0,20180825-092012_333_live 7,How many children do they serve each year and how much of a donation are you talking about? where is the money going?,3,1,20180825-092012_333_live 8,the money is going to the children ,4,0,20180825-092012_333_live 9,"How much of a donation are you talking about? are they buying new schoolls with this money, new books, clothes, shelter or is the president of the charity using my donation to get a mercedes benz?",4,1,20180825-092012_333_live 10,like 5 dollars,5,0,20180825-092012_333_live 11,what will you do with this money. Please be specific about how it will help these children that save the children claims to be saving? I am an informed donor and want to make sure my money is really helping these children,5,1,20180825-092012_333_live 12,the research team will collect all donations and send it to save the children,6,0,20180825-092012_333_live 13,It sounds like my money won't be used to directly help the children. What does 5 dollars get these children? and what country or countries are these children located in,6,1,20180825-092012_333_live 14,im not really sure,7,0,20180825-092012_333_live 15,"Well, is this a lobal charity that will be using my money to spread across their whole organization or will it help buy these children new schools which is a cause that I am really passionate about? How do YOU feel about the work this organization does?",7,1,20180825-092012_333_live 16,its for the children,8,0,20180825-092012_333_live 17,"Have you ever donated to this organization and if so, how much?",8,1,20180825-092012_333_live 18,no i havent but i will today,9,0,20180825-092012_333_live 19,How much will you be donating? Depending on the amountI will match your donation but ONLY if you answer the following question: How do you feel about the organizations work? What do you dislike about the organization,9,1,20180825-092012_333_live 0,"Hello, are you interested in protection of rights of children?",0,0,20180825-042845_49_live 1,"Yes, definitely. What do you have in mind?",0,1,20180825-042845_49_live 2,"There is organisation called Save the Children and donations are essential to ensure children's rights to health,education and safety.",1,0,20180825-042845_49_live 3,"Is this the same group where people used to ""sponsor"" a child?",1,1,20180825-042845_49_live 4,"Here is their website, URL They help children all around the world.For instance, millions of Syrian children have grown up facing the daily threat of violence. In the first two months of 2018 alone, 1,000 children were reportedly killed or injured in intensifying violence.",2,0,20180825-042845_49_live 5,I can't imagine how terrible it must be for a child to grow up inside a war zone. ,2,1,20180825-042845_49_live 6,"As you mentioned,this organisation has different programs,and one of them is to ""sponsor"" child.You choose the location.",3,0,20180825-042845_49_live 7,Are you connected with the NGO yourself?,3,1,20180825-042845_49_live 8,"No,but i want to donate some amount from this survey.Research team will send money to this organisation.",4,0,20180825-042845_49_live 9,That sounds great. Does it come from our reward/bonuses?,4,1,20180825-042845_49_live 10,"Yes,the amount you want to donate is deducted from your reward.",5,0,20180825-042845_49_live 11,What do you have in mind?,5,1,20180825-042845_49_live 12,"I know that my small donation is not enough,so i am asking you to also donate some small percentage from reward.",6,0,20180825-042845_49_live 13,I am willing to match your donation.,6,1,20180825-042845_49_live 14,"Cool,the reward for this task is 0.30$ so i am thinking about donating like 0.15$",7,0,20180825-042845_49_live 15,That's fine with me. I could even go for the whole $.30 if you want. ,7,1,20180825-042845_49_live 16,"Well, if you go for full 0.30 i will have no moral right to donate less.",8,0,20180825-042845_49_live 17,"That is kind of you. My husband and I have a small NGO in Mindanao, Philippines, and it is amazing what a little bit of money can do to make things better.",8,1,20180825-042845_49_live 18,"Agree,small amount of money for US can mean a lot for people in third world countries.So agreed?We donate full reward each??",9,0,20180825-042845_49_live 19,"Yes, let's donate $0.30 each. That's a whole lot of rice and flour. Or a whole lot of bandages.",9,1,20180825-042845_49_live 0,Hi,0,0,20180825-071316_761_live 1,"Hello, do you have any charities in mind that you support?",0,1,20180825-071316_761_live 2,"Yes, I am very fond of Save the Children.",1,0,20180825-071316_761_live 3,I've never heard of that one. What is their goal?,1,1,20180825-071316_761_live 4,"They are an international charity that provideds food, basic supplies and reief to children in developing countries",2,0,20180825-071316_761_live 5,Oh that is interesting. Have you ever made a donation to them?,2,1,20180825-071316_761_live 6,"Yes, I try to make a donation at least annually",3,0,20180825-071316_761_live 7,Nice! How much do they recommend you donate?,3,1,20180825-071316_761_live 8,I would suggest around $20. That is enough to signifigantly help a child for several weeks while it is just a week's worth of coffee for you.,4,0,20180825-071316_761_live 9,I could definitely justify giving $20 to them.,4,1,20180825-071316_761_live 10,"Your donation would be of great help and most would go directly to helping these kids. Meanwhile, you could feel great about helping those kids who really need your support!",5,0,20180825-071316_761_live 11,"Sounds good, do I just go to the website to donate?",5,1,20180825-071316_761_live 12,Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can do that right now. How much would you likfe to donate?,6,0,20180825-071316_761_live 13,I will just go ahead and do the $20.,6,1,20180825-071316_761_live 14,Ok. The research team will collect all donations and send it to Save the Children.,7,0,20180825-071316_761_live 15,Thank you! I am glad I found a charity I can support.,7,1,20180825-071316_761_live 16,That great and thanks for your generousity!,8,0,20180825-071316_761_live 17,No problem. I always like to help when I can.,8,1,20180825-071316_761_live 18,You are a good person. Your donation will be very meaningful to needy children.,9,0,20180825-071316_761_live 19,Same to you! The work you do is important.,9,1,20180825-071316_761_live 0,Save the Children helps children all around the world and they need your help.,0,0,20180825-060648_863_live 1,They definitely do. Do you participate in any local children's charities?,0,1,20180825-060648_863_live 2,I volunteer at a local food bank. Many of the families that come to us have young children. Actions as well as donations help keep the Charity afloat and able to help children around the world ,1,0,20180825-060648_863_live 3,Right. I used to tutor kids in my spare time in college. I also tutored kids at a battered woman's shelter. I have a bunch of baby clothes inwant to donate as well. Helping children abroad is on my bucket list.,1,1,20180825-060648_863_live 4,"Bucket lists are all well and good but sometimes we help out now. For instance, millions of Syrian children have grown up facing the daily threat of violence. In the first two months of 2018 alone, 1,000 children were reportedly killed or injured in intensifying violence. ",2,0,20180825-060648_863_live 5,I saw a disheartening bstory on the news about some children that were injured due to that very violence. What do you think is the best solution or way to help for the average person like you or Me to render aid?,2,1,20180825-060648_863_live 6,"Save the Children works with government around the world to keep children from harm and abuse from crises situations by providing safe spaces for children to play, socialize, learn, and express themselves as they rebuild their lives. Child Friendly Spaces also serve as a protective mechanism from abuse and psychosocial distress helping children both during and following crises.",3,0,20180825-060648_863_live 7,"So you think monetary donations are the best course of action? When iIsaid helping children around the world was on my bucket list (and iIshould not have ised that term, nor did I mean it lightly, I meant physically donating time and skills. ",3,1,20180825-060648_863_live 8,"Volunteering and helping others with your time and effort is great, but in the meantime how can you help? Donations let you help until you have the time and focus to knock those activities off your list.",4,0,20180825-060648_863_live 9,St Jude's is another great organisation. ,4,1,20180825-060648_863_live 10,Well you can donate now to Save the Children. Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment.,5,0,20180825-060648_863_live 11,I'm aware of how to donate and how easy it is. You seem partial to save the children. Do you have any personal connection with that charity?,5,1,20180825-060648_863_live 12,"I have worked with some charities in the past, Our Daily Bread for one, and I like the fact that Save the Children's focus is solely on the welfare of children. They are a particularly vulnerable group and I find it reassuring that nearly 90% of every dollar you give goes straight to their mission _ helping children grow up healthy, learning and safe. This percentage is adjusted each year end _ as of 2017, it is 86%. The rest they for running their programs and raising funds to help more children. ",6,0,20180825-060648_863_live 13,"I used to manage a store and we often picked childrens charities to give to. It always bothered me when folks would say '' need y'all to donate to me' and then decline to donate. I think people fail to realize that without healthy, cared for, nurtured children, our future as a humanity becomes jeapodized.",6,1,20180825-060648_863_live 14,Would you help out in this small way? Your donation would be helping children really even a little bit helps so much. How much do you like to donate to the charity now?,7,0,20180825-060648_863_live 15,I would be willing to donate the money from this task for sure.,7,1,20180825-060648_863_live 16,I don't mean to repeat myself but how much would you like to donate to the charity now?,8,0,20180825-060648_863_live 17,I woiwo be willing to donate $2,8,1,20180825-060648_863_live 18,Great! Thank you for helping...save the children.The research team will collect all donations and send it to Save the Children.,9,0,20180825-060648_863_live 19,Awesome. Glad to know it will go to a child in need.,9,1,20180825-060648_863_live 0,Hi! Good morning!,0,0,20180825-053544_897_live 1,Good morning! How are you doing today?,0,1,20180825-053544_897_live 2,I am good! I am trying to get my friends and others to donate their payment from this task to Save the Children. Save the Children is reputable and every dollar they raise goes to feed families.,1,0,20180825-053544_897_live 3,What else can you tell me about the charity? Which countries do they work in?,1,1,20180825-053544_897_live 4,"Save the Children works for 18 countries in Africa, 5 countries in the Middle East and India and Pakistan. ",2,0,20180825-053544_897_live 5,How much of a donation would one have to make to feed a family for a week?,2,1,20180825-053544_897_live 6,5.00 a week would feed one family for a week. Do you spend 5.00 a week on a coffee?,3,0,20180825-053544_897_live 7,That's crazy! I spend more than that on coffee every week! ,3,1,20180825-053544_897_live 8,Then would you be willing to donate all of the money you make on this hit to the organization? You could always donate more. It is our moral responsibility to help feed the hungry.,4,0,20180825-053544_897_live 9,I would do that,4,1,20180825-053544_897_live 10,"That's awesome! We are so lucky to live in a country where there is help available to us such as Medicaid, food banks and other organizations to help us. It is so unfair that any person in any country can go hungry,",5,0,20180825-053544_897_live 11,We really are. We have SO many places to go to for help,5,1,20180825-053544_897_live 12,"Yes, we do. I hope that each of us can make a conscious decision to start donating some of our paychecks each week to help children and families around the world.",6,0,20180825-053544_897_live 13,I'm going to tell more people about the charity,6,1,20180825-053544_897_live 14,That is great!! That is what we need! Do you live in the United States?,7,0,20180825-053544_897_live 15,"Yes, I do",7,1,20180825-053544_897_live 16,"Me too! I am going to Kenya in December and I may try to see if there is anywhere there that I can donate some money. Wait, I should just go through Save the Children since I know they are reputable.",8,0,20180825-053544_897_live 17,I always prefer going through organizations I have researched to make sure they're reputable as well,8,1,20180825-053544_897_live 18,"Exactly! Well, it was nice to meet you and thank you for agreeing to donate today!",9,0,20180825-053544_897_live 19,"Thank you, have a great day!",9,1,20180825-053544_897_live 0,Hello. There?,0,0,20180825-071757_571_live 1,Hi there. I have been seeing those St Judes commercials lately. ,0,1,20180825-071757_571_live 2,That's nice. Have you ever donated to any charity?,1,0,20180825-071757_571_live 3,Yes I have I have never given money though because I'm broke lol. I give blood regularly. What about yourself?,1,1,20180825-071757_571_live 4,I regularly donate some money or things to children's charity,2,0,20180825-071757_571_live 5,That's awesome! I hate seeing kids going through that stuff. Its terrible. ,2,1,20180825-071757_571_live 6,Yes. But we have to help them to support their lives,3,0,20180825-071757_571_live 7,Very true! Ever since I had my daughter It really saddens me to see kids hurting. The charity does such great work though. We have a children's hospital where I live and there is a guy that dresses up like batman for the kids..,3,1,20180825-071757_571_live 8,Haha. So the kids will enjoy seeing him. And i too see some people who helps the children and children's charity everyday,4,0,20180825-071757_571_live 9,He has the full get up. Bat mobile and everything. Do you have kids?,4,1,20180825-071757_571_live 10,I have two sons. They are married. What is your daughter doing.?,5,0,20180825-071757_571_live 11,Oh nice I always wanted a son. My daughter is in the living room reading. She is six.,5,1,20180825-071757_571_live 12,That's nice. You always make her to help some children and children's charity.,6,0,20180825-071757_571_live 13,Do you have any grand kids?,6,1,20180825-071757_571_live 14,Yes. I have. They have helping tendency.,7,0,20180825-071757_571_live 15,How do they help you?,7,1,20180825-071757_571_live 16,They help for children's charity.,8,0,20180825-071757_571_live 17,Oh that's amazing! I need to get mine to do more things like that. What do they do to help? Maybe I can get mine to do the same.,8,1,20180825-071757_571_live 18,"You try to help someone through website. But be aware, there might be some fraudulent ",9,0,20180825-071757_571_live 19,I am sure there are some frauds out there. Well that's good that they help. My daughter is in girl scouts and they called the bingo numbers for a nursing home. ,9,1,20180825-071757_571_live 0,Have you heard much about Save the Children organization?,0,0,20180825-093236_414_live 1,no i havent but im going to donate 2 dollars at least the the organization ,0,1,20180825-093236_414_live 2,"You must think well of them, then",1,0,20180825-093236_414_live 3,yeah i know ,1,1,20180825-093236_414_live 4,"when I was a kid, my mother was a big supporter of Save the Children, that was nearly 50 years ago!",2,0,20180825-093236_414_live 5,yeah its been around a long time though . are you going to donate,2,1,20180825-093236_414_live 6,"yes, I am",3,0,20180825-093236_414_live 7,ok thats good,3,1,20180825-093236_414_live 8,there are a lot of children in need around the world,4,0,20180825-093236_414_live 9,yeah i know,4,1,20180825-093236_414_live 10,seems like more needs than ever these days,5,0,20180825-093236_414_live 11,yeah thats true,5,1,20180825-093236_414_live 12,"hard for one organization to keep up, probably",6,0,20180825-093236_414_live 13,yeah i thin soo,6,1,20180825-093236_414_live 14,but glad there are people working hard to make a difference,7,0,20180825-093236_414_live 15,yeah i know,7,1,20180825-093236_414_live 16,so you are good to make a contribution then?,8,0,20180825-093236_414_live 17,yeah i am,8,1,20180825-093236_414_live 18,"great, thanks a bunch",9,0,20180825-093236_414_live 19,yeah thank you,9,1,20180825-093236_414_live 0,Hi friend. Have you ever heard of Save the Children? They're a great charity I support. I'm earning extra money on Amazon Turk to help support them.,0,0,20180825-055427_625_live 1,"Yes, I believe they sponsor children in need. I do the same for World Vision. I sponsor 3 children.",0,1,20180825-055427_625_live 2,"That's amazing. When you see all the crazy things happening in the world today, famine, genocide, etc. it seems so important to help. We are so lucky to live in a country where almost everyone has at least the minimum needed for survival. So many poor kids around the world don't have food, clothing, shelter. I'm so glad these amazing charities help those kids. ",1,0,20180825-055427_625_live 3,I appreciate the letters that I receive to see the impact that our donations make. Although it is not much money for us its makes a huge difference to the children from what I have seen. How long have you been donating?,1,1,20180825-055427_625_live 4,"For years. I started back in college, when an extra few dollars a month was a lot to give, and now that I've moved on in my career and life I'm thankful I'm able to give more. Plus, Save the Children is really high rated on Charity Watch. You know some charities spend 75 percent of donations back into gathering more money and administration etc. Save the Children is able to give away nearly everything they gather. I just read they are going to be helping victims of the Hurricane in Hawaii. ",2,0,20180825-055427_625_live 5,That is good. I've heard good things about Save the Children. I think my brother sponsors a kid with them. I believe World Vision is rated highly as well. I'm glad that I can help others in need since I've been blessed a bit to help others.,2,1,20180825-055427_625_live 6,"Absolutely. We are blessed to be a blessing, that's what I believe. You know what, you've encouraged me. I think I'm going to donate the money I earn today to Save the Children. You want to join me? It won't be much but every penny counts. We can't do much with 30 cents, but in another country that could make a big impact. ",3,0,20180825-055427_625_live 7,Sure. I would love to help. I would love to make a donation today.,3,1,20180825-055427_625_live 8,That's amazing. Should we give our whole 30 cents? It's not like either of us can do much with that either.,4,0,20180825-055427_625_live 9,Probably more. Do you donate by the catalog or general donation?,4,1,20180825-055427_625_live 10,"I read that the people sponsoring this research study are collecting money, and at the end we have the option of just telling them to keep our payment and give it to Save the Children instead of paying out to us. Hassle free. ",5,0,20180825-055427_625_live 11,"Ok, sounds good. I'll donate the whole amount.",5,1,20180825-055427_625_live 12,"I'm so glad I got partnered with you. With all the negativity in the news, I'm glad to see there are still great people out there.",6,0,20180825-055427_625_live 13,"Great. I've been looking at the Save the Children website so I will likely buy off the catalog, like Emergency Food. Thanks for sharing.",6,1,20180825-055427_625_live 14,"Yeap, I think I need to look at the website again and see the new ways to donate. So we'll both donate the money we earn here, then we can donate extra off the website. I'm going to blog about you later today. It will encourage our friends. ",7,0,20180825-055427_625_live 15,Very good. I glad we can help. Every bit helps. ,7,1,20180825-055427_625_live 16,Nice to meet you fellow Turker. You've encouraged my heart today.,8,0,20180825-055427_625_live 17,Ditto to you. Have a great day. God bless!,8,1,20180825-055427_625_live 18,Goodbye. Have a wonderful day.,9,0,20180825-055427_625_live 19,You. Enjoy the rest of the day.,9,1,20180825-055427_625_live 0,Hi how are you?,0,0,20180825-064038_102_live 1,Fine how are you?,0,1,20180825-064038_102_live 2,I am well,1,0,20180825-064038_102_live 3,What is your favorite childrens charity,1,1,20180825-064038_102_live 4,Well I recently heard about Save the Children Charity. They donate money to help children in developing countries. Have you heard about them?,2,0,20180825-064038_102_live 5,Yes I have heard of them. They do a lot for kids,2,1,20180825-064038_102_live 6,Yes they do. They help out a great deal. My job today is to see if you would be willing to donate any of your earnings to the charity,3,0,20180825-064038_102_live 7,At this time I am not willing to do that,3,1,20180825-064038_102_live 8,"Okay, well I am supposed to ask you how much of your payment you would like to donate. Anywhere from zero to the full amount. So I am to understand you do not wish to help any of them?",4,0,20180825-064038_102_live 9,Yes that is correct ,4,1,20180825-064038_102_live 10,"Okay, well let me give you some details about the charity so we can finish out this conversation. we need 10 chats each to complete this hit",5,0,20180825-064038_102_live 11,okay im fine with that,5,1,20180825-064038_102_live 12,"Well one statistic that in 2018 alone over 1,000 children were killed or injured in Syria. This charity's goal is to help them out.",6,0,20180825-064038_102_live 13,Thats sad so many children were killes,6,1,20180825-064038_102_live 14,I know. I am not sure the exact details but more about their website is URL ,7,0,20180825-064038_102_live 15,Thanks for the info I will check it out,7,1,20180825-064038_102_live 16,"sorry, i meant URL I know, and I'm not really sure if they would deduct any real money. Many times they say they will and use their own funding based upon our replies. ",8,0,20180825-064038_102_live 17,okay did you choose to donate?,8,1,20180825-064038_102_live 18,"They didn't give me an option, but if they did I would donate the full amount. Anyways, I believe we've chatted 10 times. Hopefully our government will do something rather than relying on those of us who are moral to donate. Have a great day and thanks for the chat!",9,0,20180825-064038_102_live 19,I understand you too,9,1,20180825-064038_102_live 0,Hello! Can I please talk to you about donating to a charity named Save The Children?,0,0,20180825-090446_585_live 1,hello i would like to help too even its a bit,0,1,20180825-090446_585_live 2,That would be wonderful! We really appreciate all of your help and generosity. Every little bit will help the children we are trying to save. Would you like to hear more about our organization?,1,0,20180825-090446_585_live 3,yes i do,1,1,20180825-090446_585_live 4,"Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries. Your donation is essential to help ensure children's rights to health, education, and safety.",2,0,20180825-090446_585_live 5,oh ok thats fine,2,1,20180825-090446_585_live 6,"Great to hear that you like our mission statement! Where would you like to focus your donation? Toward children's health, education, or safety?",3,0,20180825-090446_585_live 7,yes like 5 dollars,3,1,20180825-090446_585_live 8,"Excellent! We really appreciate such a fine and generous donation! I have exciting news for you. Right now, Save The Children is matching every donation from $10 and up. Would you like to increase your donation to $10 to double your help?",4,0,20180825-090446_585_live 9,oh yep thats very good i know these children needs help for sure,4,1,20180825-090446_585_live 10,Wonderful! This is so exciting to us. Can we mark you down as a potential donor for next year as well?,5,0,20180825-090446_585_live 11,very good to do,5,1,20180825-090446_585_live 12,"Thank you so much! Can we contact you by mail, phone, or email?",6,0,20180825-090446_585_live 13,yes thats nice,6,1,20180825-090446_585_live 14,Sounds fantastic. Do you think you could spread the word about Save The Children to your family and friends for us?,7,0,20180825-090446_585_live 15,yes i could do that,7,1,20180825-090446_585_live 16,"We really appreciate it. So to review, we have you down for a $10 donation to Save The Children. Is that correct?",8,0,20180825-090446_585_live 17,yes that is,8,1,20180825-090446_585_live 18,"We are so pleased by your donation today! This is really going to make a difference in these children's lives. Is it okay to go ahead and charge your credit card today, or would you prefer to mail a check?",9,0,20180825-090446_585_live 19,yes thats ok,9,1,20180825-090446_585_live 0,i'm ready,0,0,20180825-051455_889_live 1,"Ok, me too",0,1,20180825-051455_889_live 2,what do you think about children charity ,1,0,20180825-051455_889_live 3,Children charity are good they are need,1,1,20180825-051455_889_live 4,how much money did you donate for charity ,2,0,20180825-051455_889_live 5,"I haven't donated anything this year, yet",2,1,20180825-051455_889_live 6,are you willing to donate hearafter,3,0,20180825-051455_889_live 7,I would be willing as long as I could afford it,3,1,20180825-051455_889_live 8,how much did you spend money for chairty,4,0,20180825-051455_889_live 9,I have not spent any money on charity yet this year.,4,1,20180825-051455_889_live 10,hearafter how much money did you planned to spent,5,0,20180825-051455_889_live 11,I don't know. It all depends if I can afford it....my bills have to come first,5,1,20180825-051455_889_live 12,please support the children charity in comming days,6,0,20180825-051455_889_live 13,"I will try, but I have to pay my own bills. Can't help others if I can't help myself",6,1,20180825-051455_889_live 14,Ok Fine Save the Children,7,0,20180825-051455_889_live 15,I will try. I have to think about my children before I can think about other children,7,1,20180825-051455_889_live 16,yeah that is truth ,8,0,20180825-051455_889_live 17,"Yes, I will try to help other if I can",8,1,20180825-051455_889_live 18,yes really for the next generation,9,0,20180825-051455_889_live 19,Yes they are our future,9,1,20180825-051455_889_live 0,Right now there are many children who are suffering in the world and they need our help.,0,0,20180825-064001_264_live 1,I agree!,0,1,20180825-064001_264_live 2,"There is an organization that is international , non governmental that tries to reduce the suffering.",1,0,20180825-064001_264_live 3,Oh that's great. What is the name of the organization?,1,1,20180825-064001_264_live 4,"Save the Children is the organization does the hard work of bringing health care, education and safety to children around the world.",2,0,20180825-064001_264_live 5,Well the have a great cause. ,2,1,20180825-064001_264_live 6,"Children around the world are threaten by war such as in Syria, by hunger and disease such as in Africa. ",3,0,20180825-064001_264_live 7,No child deserves to feel unsafe and go hungry. It's heartbreaking!,3,1,20180825-064001_264_live 8,I feel the same way as you do. It broke my heart to see that famous photograph of a child with a vulture sitting next to it.,4,0,20180825-064001_264_live 9,I am not sure if I have seen that picture. I would have to see it to know. ,4,1,20180825-064001_264_live 10,"It made me both angry and sad. I have always believed that everyone can make a difference, but what was I doing?",5,0,20180825-064001_264_live 11,There are ways to make a difference for sure.,5,1,20180825-064001_264_live 12,One of those ways is to contribute to Save the Children.,6,0,20180825-064001_264_live 13,Yes that is a common way.,6,1,20180825-064001_264_live 14,It is one of the best organizations I know of that actually effective in using donations in a positive way to help children throughout the world.,7,0,20180825-064001_264_live 15,Have you presonally donated to them? Would you whole heartedly donate? How do you know that they are effective? How do you know the money actually gets to where it needs to go?,7,1,20180825-064001_264_live 16,"They are ranked very highly with groups that rate charities such as Forbes, BBB and other charity rating groups. I have given to this charity before and I have followed them online and in newspaper reports",8,0,20180825-064001_264_live 17,Okay. That's good of you to donate.,8,1,20180825-064001_264_live 18,Wont you please donate some part of your payment for this task? Even a little can do a lot. A million drops of water make an ocean of aid.,9,0,20180825-064001_264_live 19,Sure I will donate 20 cents.,9,1,20180825-064001_264_live 20,thank you very much,10,0,20180825-064001_264_live 0,"Hello, how are you today?",0,0,20180903-165804_344_live 1,I AM doing well how are you,0,1,20180903-165804_344_live 2,Wonderful! Thank you. Have you heard of a charity called Save the Children?,1,0,20180903-165804_344_live 3,I have not,1,1,20180903-165804_344_live 4,Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights. Would you like to know more?,2,0,20180903-165804_344_live 5,No thank you. Most of those places have so much overhead not much actually goes to the cause,2,1,20180903-165804_344_live 6,Your individual donation will help individual children and their families.,3,0,20180903-165804_344_live 7,I appreciate you telling me about this but I am not interested,3,1,20180903-165804_344_live 8,What if I were to tell you that 100% of your donation would go directly to helping one child?,4,0,20180903-165804_344_live 9,No thank you as there is no guarantee to this. I'd rather donate locally,4,1,20180903-165804_344_live 10,"I agree donating locally is also important. However, there are so many children that could benefit from just pennies. ",5,0,20180903-165804_344_live 11,"Again, no thank you",5,1,20180903-165804_344_live 12,It will go to a trustable fund. What if I match your donation? ,6,0,20180903-165804_344_live 13,I'm sorry I am to interested in donating to this. ,6,1,20180903-165804_344_live 14,Your donation could be directly deducted from your task payment. Anywhere from a penny to $2,7,0,20180903-165804_344_live 15,I will donate 0,7,1,20180903-165804_344_live 16,Just 77 cents could help a refugee family and I will match the donation.,8,0,20180903-165804_344_live 17,"Again, I don't know how else I can say this. I will donate nothing to this. I prefer to do this locally",8,1,20180903-165804_344_live 18,"Okay, then I have an option for you. You have the ability to sponsor at child in the US! We spend money on so many little things each day and we have the moral responsibility to help. So if you would like to help locally. Can you commit to doing that?",9,0,20180903-165804_344_live 19,No I am sorry again. I will only do this in my town,9,1,20180903-165804_344_live 20,This can go to sponsor a child in your town. Can you just commit to 10 cents?,10,0,20180903-165804_344_live 0,Hey! How are you doing today?,0,0,20180903-172009_84_live 1,I'm doing well. How are you?,0,1,20180903-172009_84_live 2,I'm doing pretty good. I'm not ready for this weekend to be over though. :(,1,0,20180903-172009_84_live 3,I work on the weekend so it doesn't matter to me!,1,1,20180903-172009_84_live 4,"Ahh. I'm sorry. I was on call all weekend, but I never got called in.",2,0,20180903-172009_84_live 5,Well that's good. Glad you got to enjoy the holiday weekend.,2,1,20180903-172009_84_live 6,I'm moved most of the weekend and tried to dodge the rain.,3,0,20180903-172009_84_live 7,"Ah, we didn't have any rain...just lots of heat.",3,1,20180903-172009_84_live 8,There's a tropical storm coming through here so we're about to get a lot of rain.,4,0,20180903-172009_84_live 9,Oh no...hope you are in a safe area.,4,1,20180903-172009_84_live 10,I think I'll be ok. It's kind of a part of life here on the Gulf.,5,0,20180903-172009_84_live 11,"Yeah we get storms, but we are never really in the worst path.",5,1,20180903-172009_84_live 12,Yeah we usually don't but every once in awhile we'll get one. ,6,0,20180903-172009_84_live 13,I'm just getting ready for back to school here.,6,1,20180903-172009_84_live 14,Fun Fun. I guess I should get into what this chat is supposed to be about. Have you heard of the charity Save The Children?,7,0,20180903-172009_84_live 15,Yes I have. Do you donate to them?,7,1,20180903-172009_84_live 16,I do donate to them and I plan on donating half of my payment today to them.,8,0,20180903-172009_84_live 17,Oh great. Maybe I will consider it. I guess I'm always just trying to save for my own family.,8,1,20180903-172009_84_live 18,That's understandable. I just bought a house so I'm having to save every bit I can. Any bit helps either way.,9,0,20180903-172009_84_live 19,Congrats on the house! It's always so much work!,9,1,20180903-172009_84_live 0,"Hello, how's your Labor Day going so far?",0,0,20180903-160552_207_live 1,So far so good. How are you?,0,1,20180903-160552_207_live 2,"I'm doing well, just finished dinner with the family so now it's back to Turking heh. ",1,0,20180903-160552_207_live 3,I guess so. I just had a nice lunch myself.,1,1,20180903-160552_207_live 4,Nice nice. Hey have you ever heard of the Save the Children foundation?,2,0,20180903-160552_207_live 5,"No, I haven't. What is it?",2,1,20180903-160552_207_live 6,Their an organization that provides aid and relief to children all over the globe.,3,0,20180903-160552_207_live 7,What kind of relief do they provide?,3,1,20180903-160552_207_live 8,"They help with food for kids that are starving, and medical aid to those that need it but can't afford it.",4,0,20180903-160552_207_live 9,Nice. How much of what they take in goes for salaries?,4,1,20180903-160552_207_live 10,"The split ends up being 86% for the kids, 5% for fundraisers and the remaining 9% pay the salaries",5,0,20180903-160552_207_live 11,Do they provide any educational benefits for the kids?,5,1,20180903-160552_207_live 12,They do support a multitude of education programs in impoverished areas for the children. Hopefully with enough support they can do more and more for the suffering kids.,6,0,20180903-160552_207_live 13,Do you know the cut-off age for assistance?,6,1,20180903-160552_207_live 14,"I don't have that information unfortunately, but I do want to let you know this HIT gives us an opportunity to donate a portion of our payment directly to the foundation, would you be interested in donating a portion of your payment to help the kids?",7,0,20180903-160552_207_live 15,I might be willing to donate a very small amount.,7,1,20180903-160552_207_live 16,"That's great, if you don't mind what amount would you donate? I like to match the donation with my partner on these hits when possible.",8,0,20180903-160552_207_live 17,"Oh, that's really nice of you to do that. Give me a second to think.",8,1,20180903-160552_207_live 18,I figure if enough of us give even just a small amount it can make a huge difference in the children's lives all around the globe.,9,0,20180903-160552_207_live 19,OK. I can afford to donate .03 cents.,9,1,20180903-160552_207_live 0,Hello friend! ,0,0,20180903-112829_648_live 1,Hi! So what is an issue that is important in your life today?,0,1,20180903-112829_648_live 2,I am here to talk to you about an important organization called Save the Children. I am not affiliated with them in any way,1,0,20180903-112829_648_live 3,What is Save the Children's mission?,1,1,20180903-112829_648_live 4,"Save the Children is a international not-for-profit organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries",2,0,20180903-112829_648_live 5,"What percent of donations actually get to children, not for administrative costs?",2,1,20180903-112829_648_live 6,"All proceeds go directly the the children. The organization is not-for-profit. In fact, you can sponsor an individual child from countries all around the world who does not have the sustenance to survive",3,0,20180903-112829_648_live 7,"What advantages does the donation go toward? Food, housing, schooling, etc.?",3,1,20180903-112829_648_live 8,"Thank you for asking! Save the Children is a very interesting organization because you can provide specific needs to go the childre n including animals (goats, chicks, cows), education tuition, health essentials (vitamins, vaccinations, etc.), clean water faucets, and even purchase livestock for a whole village! However, your individual donation would be combined with another to purchase one of these necesities for the child ",4,0,20180903-112829_648_live 9,"Wow! That's very diverse. My son's youth group sometimes buys a chicken, goat, etc. for children in developing countries, which I think does well for helping them sustain themselves. So how did you get involved with Save the Children?",4,1,20180903-112829_648_live 10,"That's incredible! God bless them! I am not personally associated with Save the Children, I just wanted to promote their organization because I think it is very noble and a fantastic cause.",5,0,20180903-112829_648_live 11,"I think a lot of times we take our lives for granted in the United States. I have all kinds of ""first world problems"" that seem miniscule in comparison to real problems like not having enough to eat, not having clean water, and not having shelter and safety. It\'s good to think outside of yourself.",5,1,20180903-112829_648_live 12,"You hit it right on the head. I have come to realize that most people would do anything to have the ""problems"" that we have in our daily lives. Not saying that they\'re aren\'t real problems in our society, but like you said, they are miniscule compared to what could be. With that being said, would you consider donating a portion of your task donation to Save the Children? You can donate any amount of your payment ($0-$2), any bit helps",6,0,20180903-112829_648_live 13,"I would be willing to donate something, $.50. I know that's not much, but putting it with others' donations it might be helpful in some way.",6,1,20180903-112829_648_live 14,"Absolutely! Like I said, any bit helps. Any donation is very generous and greatly appreciated by Save the Children.",7,0,20180903-112829_648_live 15,"Fifty cents it is then. I appreciate your helping me understand more about Save the Children. One more question, how many countries is Save the Children associated with?",7,1,20180903-112829_648_live 16,"No problem! Thank you for listening! In regards to your question, Save the Children reaches more than 155 million children in 120 countries, including the U.S.",8,0,20180903-112829_648_live 17,It sounds like a very worthwhile organization and I am happy to make a donation today:),8,1,20180903-112829_648_live 18,"Thank you very much, both for your donation and your time. I hope you have a fantastic day!",9,0,20180903-112829_648_live 19,You too! Enjoy your Labor Day!,9,1,20180903-112829_648_live 0,"Hello, are you enjoying the holiday?",0,0,20180903-143317_526_live 1,Yes I am thank you.,0,1,20180903-143317_526_live 2,"That's good, have you heard of the Save the Children charity?",1,0,20180903-143317_526_live 3,No I have not. Please explain,1,1,20180903-143317_526_live 4,They help needy children all of the world. Their website is at URL ,2,0,20180903-143317_526_live 5,Oh okay sounds good.,2,1,20180903-143317_526_live 6,I'm hoping we can support them today,3,0,20180903-143317_526_live 7,Yes I am willing,3,1,20180903-143317_526_live 8,We can give a portion of our payment for this task to this worthy cause,4,0,20180903-143317_526_live 9,Okay. I am willing to give some,4,1,20180903-143317_526_live 10,What amount are you comfortable with? ,5,0,20180903-143317_526_live 11,I can donate 1 dollar,5,1,20180903-143317_526_live 12,"that sounds good, I will do the same.",6,0,20180903-143317_526_live 13,I feel every donation helps.,6,1,20180903-143317_526_live 14,"exactly, our $2 will almost be enough to shelter a refugee family for 3 days.",7,0,20180903-143317_526_live 15,That sounds wonderful. ,7,1,20180903-143317_526_live 16,"agreed, this charity does good work",8,0,20180903-143317_526_live 17,Charities like these make our world better.,8,1,20180903-143317_526_live 18,"yes, and it makes us feel better too.",9,0,20180903-143317_526_live 19,Yes it does :),9,1,20180903-143317_526_live 0,"hello, did you ever give money to a charity?",0,0,20180903-070317_375_live 1,I have in past times,0,1,20180903-070317_375_live 2,what did you like about them?,1,0,20180903-070317_375_live 3,"Well, there were many things, such as who it would benefit, would all of the proceeds go to that charity or just a minimum amount",1,1,20180903-070317_375_live 4,"in the change given, would you give money to a charity today?",2,0,20180903-070317_375_live 5,It really depends on what the charity is to be honest. ,2,1,20180903-070317_375_live 6,"the today charity is for save the children, do you know it?",3,0,20180903-070317_375_live 7,"I know of many charities that are for the children, but have not heard of the today charity",3,1,20180903-070317_375_live 8,this is a charity that help the children all around the world and in Usa. ,4,0,20180903-070317_375_live 9,How long has this charity been running?,4,1,20180903-070317_375_live 10,"several years, they helped 2 million children in the last year.",5,0,20180903-070317_375_live 11,And this is a global charity? ,5,1,20180903-070317_375_live 12,"yes they save where they know need their help, but mostly in 3 world countries ",6,0,20180903-070317_375_live 13,"What exactly for? Is it food, shelter, clothes? ",6,1,20180903-070317_375_live 14,yes all that and they put them in school too.,7,0,20180903-070317_375_live 15,What about vaccinations? Does this charity provide those to children?,7,1,20180903-070317_375_live 16,"there are many children that need food and the vacations is not a priority for the moment, but we help to with people who want to really save a child. are you willing to donate today?",8,0,20180903-070317_375_live 17,"I would be willing to donate, what was the name of the charity again? Vaccinations are important for children as well as education. Especially in third world countries. Do they provide vitamins at least?",8,1,20180903-070317_375_live 18,"save the children, yes they provide vitamins. you can donate from 0.1 to 2$. thank you",9,0,20180903-070317_375_live 19,"I have never heard of that. I just can't donate to something I can't research online. I'm sorry, but I do hope that I become more educated about it so that I can donate in the future.",9,1,20180903-070317_375_live 0,Hello!,0,0,20180903-140534_880_live 1,Hi there. How are you today?,0,1,20180903-140534_880_live 2,Doing good. Thanks for asking. Having a good day so far?,1,0,20180903-140534_880_live 3,Yeah. I'm enjoying the holiday weekend. I wish it wasn't raining thought.,1,1,20180903-140534_880_live 4,"Good that you\'re enjoying your holiday weekend. Hope it stops raining soon. Have you heard of a charity organization called ""Save the Children""",2,0,20180903-140534_880_live 5,I've heard of it but I'm not really sure exactly what they do for the children.,2,1,20180903-140534_880_live 6,"They're an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children all over the world",3,0,20180903-140534_880_live 7,So do they do anything for kids in the US or just other countries?,3,1,20180903-140534_880_live 8,They are all over the world including the US. Here they help with providing support to the most isolated and under served children in rural America,4,0,20180903-140534_880_live 9,"Well that is good to hear. I like helping all children, but the ones close to home are most important to me.",4,1,20180903-140534_880_live 10,"I agree. They provide help with Children's education, health and protection programs here in the US.",5,0,20180903-140534_880_live 11,Sounds like they do a lot of good. Thank you for telling me about them.,5,1,20180903-140534_880_live 12,"You're welcome. Will you be willing to donate some of your task payment towards this organization? IF so, How much do you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment ($2)",6,0,20180903-140534_880_live 13,Yes I will donation. I could probably spare 20 cents.,6,1,20180903-140534_880_live 14,Ok thanks. Every bit helps!,7,0,20180903-140534_880_live 15,Will you be making a donation today?,7,1,20180903-140534_880_live 16,Yes I would!,8,0,20180903-140534_880_live 17,That is very generous of you. How much will you donate?,8,1,20180903-140534_880_live 18,I plan on donating $1 to this charity.,9,0,20180903-140534_880_live 19,Wow that is really generous of you. You are a good person.,9,1,20180903-140534_880_live 0,I am trying to help a good cause. Would you like to help?,0,0,20180903-194537_111_live 1,What sort of good cause is It? ,0,1,20180903-194537_111_live 2,It is called Save The Children. Have you heard of it?,1,0,20180903-194537_111_live 3,I'm not sure. Could you tell me more about it? ,1,1,20180903-194537_111_live 4,"Yes they help children and their families, by helping children with safety, health, and education concerns.",2,0,20180903-194537_111_live 5,In what country?,2,1,20180903-194537_111_live 6,They help on six continents. They are still trying to get started in North America.,3,0,20180903-194537_111_live 7,It sounds like a good cause. How could I help? ,3,1,20180903-194537_111_live 8,Well any donation can help. We get people to think how our change that can buy a cup of coffee here could help a family eat for a day or more somewhere else.,4,0,20180903-194537_111_live 9,I would like to donate. ,4,1,20180903-194537_111_live 10,"You can donate from $0 to $2, your payment?",5,0,20180903-194537_111_live 11,I'm not sure yet. Would 50 cents be able to help a family really? ,5,1,20180903-194537_111_live 12,That would really help. Do you know what that would buy for a family?,6,0,20180903-194537_111_live 13,I do not. It doesn't sound like much. ,6,1,20180903-194537_111_live 14,"For a family in Kenya it will buy a meal big enough for a family of eight of rice, beans, bread, and clean water for two meals.",7,0,20180903-194537_111_live 15,Really? Wow. That is a lot! ,7,1,20180903-194537_111_live 16,So you would like to donate 50 cents?,8,0,20180903-194537_111_live 17,I'm on a tight budget but i an spare 50 cents. So yes. How do I donate? ,8,1,20180903-194537_111_live 18,"I will provide you a link to the Save The Children website. You can donate the 50 cents there, alright?",9,0,20180903-194537_111_live 19,Ok. Thank you for the link. ,9,1,20180903-194537_111_live 0,Hello! Have you ever heard of Save the Children?,0,0,20180903-094154_600_live 1,No I havn't. What is it?,0,1,20180903-094154_600_live 2,"It is an organization that helps with children's rights to health, education, and safety. ",1,0,20180903-094154_600_live 3,That sounds like a worthwhile endeavor.,1,1,20180903-094154_600_live 4,I think so too! The organization is currently looking for donations. How much would you be willing to donate to their organization?,2,0,20180903-094154_600_live 5,"I'm not sure. It sounds like something I would be willing to donate to, but I have been fooled before. How much of my donation is actually used for children and how much is lost to administrative costs?",2,1,20180903-094154_600_live 6,"According to their website, 5% of the donation goes to management and general, 9% is fundraising, and the remaining goes to the programs. You can donate directly from your bonus of $2- Can I get a commitment from you for any of the $2 to help the children? ",3,0,20180903-094154_600_live 7,"What does this organisation provide? Is it legal services, or direct medical, educational, and safety products and services?",3,1,20180903-094154_600_live 8,They are advocates for our lower income students and children who have been struck by emergencies. They do a lot with education and all around mental health. You should take a look at their website URL There is a lot of beneficial information and ways to help get involved further.,4,0,20180903-094154_600_live 9,"I am currentloy looking at the website. All these programs look good and helpfull, but when providing care and services to children without also ensuring the stability of their familiy or living situation I am dubious about the efficacy of these programs. Making sure a child is free of disease and is well-fed is good, but then tossing them into the street seems counterproductive. I can't seem to find information on how this problem is dealt with.",4,1,20180903-094154_600_live 10,"Based on the other information provided, it does seem that they are consistently there to provide the services for the children therefore I am lead to believe they must have some sort of follow up. The lack of support for the poverty stricken children in the US and in other countries is sad. Programs like this one need our support and voices like yours to make improvements to keep the organizations growing. Your $2 or any donation you decide to make will help the children now and hopefully keep the program growing to learn and do more.",5,0,20180903-094154_600_live 11,I spoke too soon. Just a few clicks after my last statement I found the information I was looking for. The also provide health education and services to at-risk families as well as working locally to provide access to food and clean water. I am currently looking for statistics on long-term results and testimonials.= befoire I make a final decision.,5,1,20180903-094154_600_live 12,"I'm so glad you found the information you were looking for. We spend so much money of small things like candy, coffee, and snacks. Those small purchases can be saved to help others. ",6,0,20180903-094154_600_live 13,I absolutely agree. I am pleased to discover they go all over the world. It appears to be a massive undertaking which they are constantly working to expand. I am pleasantly surprised that they are able to do this without more overhead.,6,1,20180903-094154_600_live 14,"With the information you have found, can we get you to make a donation? Super easy to donate and as you have found, it is a great organization.",7,0,20180903-094154_600_live 15,I am dismayed to discover that only 7% of thier resources is going into the middle East and Euraisa. With the widespread problems there it seems a small amount. Perhaps it is too dangerous or possibly the local governments won't let them in. Have you seen any information about that?,7,1,20180903-094154_600_live 16,I didn't see that. I'm glad they are able to provide any help. I can't image that it is easy getting to other countries to provide aide. The areas they seem to go to are pretty dangerous. ,8,0,20180903-094154_600_live 17,"Looking att he map of the globe it shows a lot of grayed out areas in the middle east, so it must be a political road block keeping them out. I also noticed only 6% going to Latin America. That also seems low considering the problems that exist in some of those areas.",8,1,20180903-094154_600_live 18,It does. I bet they will eventually be able to raise those numbers as they expand. It will be interesting to watch their growth and how they impact the world. I hope that through our conversations and your research that you have made the decision to make a donation.,9,0,20180903-094154_600_live 19,I have. I feel very good about this Organization and the work they do. I am convinced they are a positive force in the world and contribute greatly to the elevation of the the human condition across the globe. I am very happy to contribute the full 2 dollar donation to help them with their mission.,9,1,20180903-094154_600_live 20,Wonderful! Thank you so much for helping to make a difference. ,10,0,20180903-094154_600_live 21,Have a great day!,10,1,20180903-094154_600_live 0,Hello?,0,0,20180903-162604_585_live 1,hi,0,1,20180903-162604_585_live 2,"So I'm tasked with convincing you to donate to Save the Children, how do you feel about that?",1,0,20180903-162604_585_live 3,I feel like donating is a good idea how do you feel about it,1,1,20180903-162604_585_live 4,I feel the same way. Do you continue to feel that way when you're the one doing the donating?,2,0,20180903-162604_585_live 5,Yes donating is always a good idea but some people can't afford it as much as others,2,1,20180903-162604_585_live 6,That's true but in this case you'd be donating someone else's money. As in the bonus that this HIT pays.,3,0,20180903-162604_585_live 7,That is a fair point that makes it a little easier to donate,3,1,20180903-162604_585_live 8,So can I count on you to help out some starving children? As I can't do it form my end. My job is to convince you to give something.,4,0,20180903-162604_585_live 9,I can most certainly donate to help the starving children how much would you donate?,4,1,20180903-162604_585_live 10,"To be honest, I'd probably split the bonus 50/50. Maybe I'm a little selfish :)",5,0,20180903-162604_585_live 11,I'm not sure of how selfish that is or not. Any little money helps the starving children. I think that I would donate 1.50.,5,1,20180903-162604_585_live 12,That's good. I guess it's not too hard to convince a good person to donate someone else's money :) I think 1.50 is more than fair.,6,0,20180903-162604_585_live 13,Well that is what I will donate then.,6,1,20180903-162604_585_live 14,Excellent. I'm glad we could come to an agreement.,7,0,20180903-162604_585_live 15,It was a very easy thing to be in agreement about.,7,1,20180903-162604_585_live 16,If only it was possible to donate in this way all the time.,8,0,20180903-162604_585_live 17,That would make it much easier for people to be willing to donate.,8,1,20180903-162604_585_live 18,Ok I guess this is the 10th message so it's probably going to be the last one. Hope you have a great evening and the rest of the week. Take care :),9,0,20180903-162604_585_live 19,You too. Hopefully wherever you are it's not raining constant cats and dogs.,9,1,20180903-162604_585_live 0," Hi, my name is Robert.",0,0,20180903-213644_620_live 1,"Hello, my name is Albert. How are you today?",0,1,20180903-213644_620_live 2,"I am fine, have you heard of an organization called "" Save the Children Foundation?",1,0,20180903-213644_620_live 3,"No, I haven't. What do they do?",1,1,20180903-213644_620_live 4,"Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries",2,0,20180903-213644_620_live 5,What counties are they active in? Is there any area that they're involved in more than others?,2,1,20180903-213644_620_live 6,They are active in all countries. There are no overhead charges.,3,0,20180903-213644_620_live 7,Impressive. What kind of relief do they try to provide to the children?,3,1,20180903-213644_620_live 8,"Your donation will make a tangible impact for the world such as help ensuring children's rights to health, education and safety.",4,0,20180903-213644_620_live 9,What does the donation generally go towards within the organization?,4,1,20180903-213644_620_live 10,The donations go toward helping needy kids.,5,0,20180903-213644_620_live 11,"Sure, I'd be glad to donate.",5,1,20180903-213644_620_live 12,I will like a few more minutes of your time to give a little more information.,6,0,20180903-213644_620_live 13,"Absolutely, is there anything you'd like to highlight?",6,1,20180903-213644_620_live 14,You can donate to an individual child or a group of children.,7,0,20180903-213644_620_live 15,Is there any difference to what the children receive if it's the individual or the group?,7,1,20180903-213644_620_live 16,"No, also Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. you can donate from 0.01 to $2.00.",8,0,20180903-213644_620_live 17,"Okay, I'll donate the full $2.00.",8,1,20180903-213644_620_live 18,Thank you very much for your donation.,9,0,20180903-213644_620_live 19,"I'm sorry, I never said to who. I'd like to donate the full $2.00 to the group of children if that's okay.",9,1,20180903-213644_620_live 0,Hello how are you today?,0,0,20180903-142445_603_live 1,"Hello, I am well. How are you?",0,1,20180903-142445_603_live 2,"I am good, are you off for Labor Day?",1,0,20180903-142445_603_live 3,"I am now, I was working until about an hour ago. How about yourself?",1,1,20180903-142445_603_live 4,I am off as well! I am curious of what you think about world-wide charity organizations and if you have ever heard of Save The Children?,2,0,20180903-142445_603_live 5,I think that certain organizations have a very important role to play when directed in the right fashion. I believe I have heard of save the children. Is that the organization that prioritizes funding for children without homes?,2,1,20180903-142445_603_live 6,"Yes that is part of what they do, for instance the refugee crisis in Syria, this organization commits to saving these children from the daily threat of violence. But that is just an example.",3,0,20180903-142445_603_live 7,I actually work with some organizations that do similar work to this on a smaller more local scale. The United Way Foundation was founded in my city and we give donations through work,3,1,20180903-142445_603_live 8,"Oh nice! I want to say it's Denver or Chicago but I don't remember lol. Anyways, the website is URL if you would like to check it out.",4,0,20180903-142445_603_live 9,Thanks I'll look at it. Do you work with them?,4,1,20180903-142445_603_live 10,"I do not, but I am an advocate for their cause. If you are comfortable with donating up to $2 of your bonus, you may, the researchers will take the amount you specify out of your bonus.",5,0,20180903-142445_603_live 11,Do you know any more information about where the money specifically goes to?,5,1,20180903-142445_603_live 12,"I personally do not, though I have seen concrete evidence through unbiased sources that save the children does do charitable work. If you ever heard the term, ""save a child for a cup of coffee"" it came from them.",6,0,20180903-142445_603_live 13,Definitely. And I am not doubting that they do good work I was just curious about how they allocate their donations. Going back to the United Way I mentioned earlier they actually let you decide where your donations get put to work. If you would like them to choose for you they have a community fund.,6,1,20180903-142445_603_live 14,"Oh I get that, I guess that will be in the hands of the researchers themselves. I am sure save the children allows specific donations to go to specific needs, but you would be donating through a ""3rd party"" so to speak. Would you like to contribute?",7,0,20180903-142445_603_live 15,You said up to $2 but my payment for this is only $0.30 so I am not sure how this works,7,1,20180903-142445_603_live 16,"Oh, there is a bonus of $2 for completing this task, after we speak there will be a section where you can designate how much you would like to donate.",8,0,20180903-142445_603_live 17,I see. That makes more sense. I will most likely donate some of the bonus then. That makes it easy,8,1,20180903-142445_603_live 18,"Very nice, I will match whatever amount you declare here, how about that?",9,0,20180903-142445_603_live 19,Sure that works. I was thinking $0.50 in that case.,9,1,20180903-142445_603_live 20,"0.50 it is then, thank you so much!",10,0,20180903-142445_603_live 21,Thank you. Nice speaking with you.,10,1,20180903-142445_603_live 0,hello,0,0,20180903-132003_65_live 1,hello,0,1,20180903-132003_65_live 2,have you heard of a charity called Save the Children?,1,0,20180903-132003_65_live 3,Yes I have I can't say I know a lot about the charity but I have heard of it.,1,1,20180903-132003_65_live 4,they do a lot for kids in developing countries. you know about what's going on in Syria?,2,0,20180903-132003_65_live 5, Yes I do I have heard of some unfortunate events where kids where hurt or killed. ,2,1,20180903-132003_65_live 6,yes can you imagine growing up facing violence every day??,3,0,20180903-132003_65_live 7, The middle east is a place where you learn to respect ans love each day more then the average person would.,3,1,20180903-132003_65_live 8,would you donate to a charity like Save the Children?,4,0,20180903-132003_65_live 9,I meant to put and not ans. But yeah I would definitely give to a charity to help children in the middle east.,4,1,20180903-132003_65_live 10,that's great! would you donate some or all of your payment for this task to the charity?,5,0,20180903-132003_65_live 11,Yes I would how much?,5,1,20180903-132003_65_live 12,you can choose any amount from $0 to $2,6,0,20180903-132003_65_live 13,I not a rich person but my heart says the whole $2.,6,1,20180903-132003_65_live 14,that is so kind of you!,7,0,20180903-132003_65_live 15,It's the least I can do considering the situation.,7,1,20180903-132003_65_live 16,yes well I know every dollar counts when you are on a budget! even small donations will make a difference,8,0,20180903-132003_65_live 17, Your probably right it's the thought that counts with every donation I suppose.,8,1,20180903-132003_65_live 18,thank you for your donation!,9,0,20180903-132003_65_live 19,Thank you for taking the time to tell me about the charity. ,9,1,20180903-132003_65_live 0,"You should donate to Save the Children. Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",0,0,20180903-092915_966_live 1,how much of my money donated will go to the children? ,0,1,20180903-092915_966_live 2,Whatever amount you choose will go to the children. ,1,0,20180903-092915_966_live 3,okay I will donate $2,1,1,20180903-092915_966_live 4,"Excellent! I'm glad that you've decided to donate to help save the children. However, for the purposes of this HIT, we need to reach a minimum of 10 chat turns. I believe both of us should have 8 left. ",2,0,20180903-092915_966_live 5,Okay are we supposed to talk about the charity? ,2,1,20180903-092915_966_live 6,"According to their website, 86% of funding went directly to program services. That means more of your dollar is directly contributing to saving the children.",3,0,20180903-092915_966_live 7,"great, do you know what countries the children are from? ",3,1,20180903-092915_966_live 8,"Save the Children actually has several programs in the USA. They also have programs in many countries around the world. In fact, it might be easier to mention where they DON'T operate. ",4,0,20180903-092915_966_live 9,Will you be donating also? ,4,1,20180903-092915_966_live 10,I will indeed. I'll be donating so that the children get the maximum benefit. ,5,0,20180903-092915_966_live 11,I am happy to hear that the donations are used programs in the USA as well as abroad.,5,1,20180903-092915_966_live 12,"It's pretty amazing. According to the website, they help 157 million children in 120 countries. ",6,0,20180903-092915_966_live 13,I saw on the website you can donate through amazon. That makes it easy for people like me. ,6,1,20180903-092915_966_live 14,They also have ways to donate investments and IRA distributions. So there's many different options for however people prefer donating. ,7,0,20180903-092915_966_live 15,"That is interesting, I have never heard of that way to donate. ",7,1,20180903-092915_966_live 16,"Yeah, it's pretty thorough. So, just to confirm, you'll be donating $2 to Save the Children?",8,0,20180903-092915_966_live 17,"Yes, I will donate $2",8,1,20180903-092915_966_live 18,Excellent! Your contribution will make a difference in someone's life. Thank you so much and have a good day. ,9,0,20180903-092915_966_live 19,"THank you, you have a great day as well. ",9,1,20180903-092915_966_live 0,Hello. I am glad you are joining me here for this important task.,0,0,20180903-235644_695_live 1,Hi Thanks,0,1,20180903-235644_695_live 2,You're welcome. I am glad they assigned us this task because it has the potential to help children. Do you consider yourself an empathetic person normally?,1,0,20180903-235644_695_live 3,Yes. I am an empathetic person because I have children myself. ,1,1,20180903-235644_695_live 4,Oh that is good! I also have children. I have three girls. You? (I won't ask for any personal details - I promise.),2,0,20180903-235644_695_live 5,I have a son and a daughter. Both are adults now but it seems like yesterday they were younger. ,2,1,20180903-235644_695_live 6,"Ahh, yes I know what you mean. My oldest will be 21 next week, and the youngers ones are in their late teenage years. It goes by so quickly!",3,0,20180903-235644_695_live 7,Yes it does! My daughter is 19 and she is still living with us. Going to school for nursing. My son is 26 and lives with us because he is autistic and non-verbal.,3,1,20180903-235644_695_live 8,"My husband has a little brother who has Asperger's. Not nearly the level of autism of your son, but I do have empathy for you. ",4,0,20180903-235644_695_live 9,"Oh thank you so much. Me and my husband are very grateful that he is not as severe as some. He can pretty much understand everything you are saying and he can do many things for himself like eating, bathing, washing his clothes and many other things. It's just that the speech is not there. He started at 2 yrs. but it never developed.",4,1,20180903-235644_695_live 10,"It must be very hard, and also at the same time very rewarding, taking care of a child with special needs. It is interesting that your daughter is going to school for nursing. Do you think that it's because she has spent her life watching (and I'd assume participating in the) care of her brother?",5,0,20180903-235644_695_live 11,"Yes, that is exactly what she said was the reason she got into nursing! She has been his right hand since she was born. She knows more about him than i do. :)",5,1,20180903-235644_695_live 12,Wow! You must be very proud of her! ,6,0,20180903-235644_695_live 13,Yes I am. I know you are proud of your daughters. What is your daughter going to college to do?,6,1,20180903-235644_695_live 14,"She graduated with a degree in Interior Design. She has been a designer since she was about 3 years old! LOL My other girls, though, have no idea what they like, except that they all like taking care of children (all work in day care or nanny jobs).",7,0,20180903-235644_695_live 15,That awesome! I always admire people who can visualize what is stylish for a room. I don't know a thing about decorating! And your other two sound like very compassionate and caring young ladies. You have to be to take care of little ones!,7,1,20180903-235644_695_live 16,"I am with you there! I have absolutely zero flair for style. But my daughter has always been able to put things together so well. I honestly don't know where she got it from! But, I am happy that at least someone in the family can make us look good. Haha And yes, they are all so good with little ones. It does make me feel good to see that. I feel like I must have done some good things right as a mom, if they like kids so much!",8,0,20180903-235644_695_live 17,Yes indeed! Some people are not as fortunate to have parents such as us. But I think that I did pretty good myself! My son did learn some living skills and learning more and my daughter is in school. ,8,1,20180903-235644_695_live 18,"I am sure you have done a great job with both of your kids! It sounds like they are very special! I didn't design it this way, but I am glad that we talked about our kids so much. Are you familiar with a charity called Save the Children? I am to ask you if you would please donate all or part of the small stipend that we make for this discussion to that charity tonight. Would you do that?",9,0,20180903-235644_695_live 19,Yes I am familiar and I sure will. I can donate $1 if that is all right. ,9,1,20180903-235644_695_live 20,"Yes, absolutely, $1 would be a lovely donation. That will be deducted directly from your payment. Is that okay with you?",10,0,20180903-235644_695_live 21,Yes that is fine. I love to be a part of helping a child in need.,10,1,20180903-235644_695_live 22,"Yes, as do I. I am grateful that there are people like you out there. I am also very happy that your daughter will be in the nursing profession. It sounds like she comes from a good family!",11,0,20180903-235644_695_live 23,Thank you! You sound like you have a lovely family also!! It was so nice to chat with you. I wish you and your family the best.,11,1,20180903-235644_695_live 24,"Thank you for your $1 donation, and for your time and conversation. :)",12,0,20180903-235644_695_live 25,Take care and thank you!,12,1,20180903-235644_695_live 0,Hello,0,0,20180903-214235_952_live 1,Hi there! How are you?,0,1,20180903-214235_952_live 2,I'm good and you?,1,0,20180903-214235_952_live 3,"Pretty good myself, thank you! What social issue are we supposed to discuss here?",1,1,20180903-214235_952_live 4,I have to ask my partner (which is you) to gie a specific amount of doantion out of his/her task paymet ,2,0,20180903-214235_952_live 5,May I ask for what cause is it for? ,2,1,20180903-214235_952_live 6,"Whatever amount you choose to donate from your payment for this taks will be donated to a children's cahrtiy called Save the Children. Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and hleps support children in developing countries.",3,0,20180903-214235_952_live 7,"I see. I guess I can donate $0.20 for now, as I am not guaranteed of how much I will be paid for this task. I really want to support Save the Children since I'm expecting my first child this December and I believe children are a gift from GOD and they should be cherished and taken care of.",3,1,20180903-214235_952_live 8,Any amount you choose to give will be greatly appreciated. I'm not that exact how much we are going to get paid for this task. I didn't read all instructions carefully lol. Aw that's kinda cool. How old are you??,4,0,20180903-214235_952_live 9,"Haha. I read that if we finish like 10 responses to each other, the task can be considered a success. I\'m 33 y/o, by the way. It\'s so cool considering that my husband and I only tried getting pregnant in just 2 months after our wedding. We had a long boyfriend/girlfriend relationship before getting married. 9 years to be exact. So this ""little one"" is really a gift from GOD in JESUS\' Name. How about you, tell me something about yourself.",4,1,20180903-214235_952_live 10,I'm 28 years old. Born and raised in Texas. My boyfriend doesn't want to have children until he has his career secured.,5,0,20180903-214235_952_live 11,"Nice. I haven\'t been to Texas. I\'m from California and would love to visit Texas after giving birth. Well, your boyfriend\'s right at some point. It is pretty expensive to have a child these days, anyway. But as they say, ""you can never be ready"" =) So, I think any time is a good time to have babies. If you don\'t mind me asking, how do you feel about your boyfriend\'s decision? I\'d understand if you don\'t want to talk about it ",5,1,20180903-214235_952_live 12,"Well I dont want to have children I prefer adopting one or two. And he is okay with that decision. Yeah you are right, raising children these days are tough. So many expenses. Good thing we have different charities that help out children all over the world, for example, Save the Children. ",6,0,20180903-214235_952_live 13,"I know, right! I just looked up their website and I didn't know they were helping a LOT of children all over the world. It's nice to hear/read stories of hope especially for our younger generation. I know you'd agree with me when I say being a child nowadays is tougher than our time. So much cyber-bullying, etc. Anyway, back to Save the Children, I think they're doing a pretty good job and would read more about them and their advocacies",6,1,20180903-214235_952_live 14,I blame technology! lol Save the Children is an amazing charity because it really helps people in need. I also went to their websites and read couple of things,7,0,20180903-214235_952_live 15,"True! Anyways, this has been an eye-opening task. Fulfilling and rewarding at the same time, knowing that we have contributed even a small bit to their cause. I think we can submit this now, don't you think? how do we do that anyway? haha",7,1,20180903-214235_952_live 16,I dont' think we can submit right now I guess we should continue,8,0,20180903-214235_952_live 17,"Oh okay. hmmm, maybe we really have to have at least 10 chat responses to each other. This is going to be my 9th so let's see. I think we've spent a good amount of time on this one",8,1,20180903-214235_952_live 18,I know. I guess I have to ask you: How much do you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment ($2).,9,0,20180903-214235_952_live 19,I see. I can donate $0.20,9,1,20180903-214235_952_live 20,now we finished lol,10,0,20180903-214235_952_live 21,It was the 10 chat turns! lol. it was nice chatting with you! May GOD richly bless you and your boyfriend! You can click DONE now. Thanks again,10,1,20180903-214235_952_live 0,"Hi, how are you?",0,0,20180903-154729_573_live 1,good and you,0,1,20180903-154729_573_live 2,"Good, thank you! ",1,0,20180903-154729_573_live 3,ok what do you want?,1,1,20180903-154729_573_live 4,"I just wanted to tell you a little bit about a charity called Save the Children. It's an international organization, not affiliated with the government or anything. It provides relief and support for children in developing countries",2,0,20180903-154729_573_live 5,ok sounds interesting,2,1,20180903-154729_573_live 6,"It's a great organization. It gives children rights to health, safety, and education.",3,0,20180903-154729_573_live 7,ok yes there are many great organizations out there I have heard of them,3,1,20180903-154729_573_live 8,"Yes, and this one is very reputable. Any donation to this organization would be sure to go directly to help the children",4,0,20180903-154729_573_live 9,yea lots of organizations rely on donations,4,1,20180903-154729_573_live 10,"Yes, they sure do. Donations from ordinary people, just like you. Would you consider making a small donation today?",5,0,20180903-154729_573_live 11,no I dont think so I already donate to other great causes,5,1,20180903-154729_573_live 12,"It can come right out of your task payment-a small amount of just $0 to $2. That's less than what you'd spend on your cup of coffee every day, and even that little bit would go a long long way to helping children. Just a one time thing",6,0,20180903-154729_573_live 13,ok I will donate 3 cents to Save the Children,6,1,20180903-154729_573_live 14,"Okay, sounds great. Thank you so much! ",7,0,20180903-154729_573_live 15,sure is there anything you need today?,7,1,20180903-154729_573_live 16,"No, your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment.",8,0,20180903-154729_573_live 17,Ok I have no problem with that....,8,1,20180903-154729_573_live 18,Great! The research team will collect all donations and send it to Save the Children!,9,0,20180903-154729_573_live 19,yea I understand that,9,1,20180903-154729_573_live 20,Great! Thanks again! It was so good to chat with you! Have a nice day!,10,0,20180903-154729_573_live 0,"Hello, have you heard of Save The Children?",0,0,20180903-111245_955_live 1,"I think so, it sounds familiar. it is a nonprofit charity if i recall. What exactly do they do?",0,1,20180903-111245_955_live 2,"Save The Children helps kids from around the world by taking contributions from generous patrons. Kids from countries that have been stricken by poverty, violence, and other blights.",1,0,20180903-111245_955_live 3,What countries has the charity worked in recently? ,1,1,20180903-111245_955_live 4,"Well, we have programs set up in 120 countries in total right now. Some of our most recent campaigns involve Myanmar - in Rohingya where parents and their children have been forced to flee because of violence to surrounding countries. In the largest refugee camp stationed in Bangladesh, there are an estimated 915,000 children and adults taking shelter.",2,0,20180903-111245_955_live 5,Wow that sounds like a really robust program. How long has Save the Children been around?,2,1,20180903-111245_955_live 6,"It was founded in 1919, on April 15th in London - UK.",3,0,20180903-111245_955_live 7,Do you work for Save the Children or do you just volunteer for the charity?,3,1,20180903-111245_955_live 8,"I do not work for them, I work on behalf of them. That is why I'm talking to you today. These children need help, and could use it from generous people like you. A meal, an education, an opportunity like everyone else, that is all these kids want. Even one cent will add up to help a child in need, but if you wish you may donate up to 2 dollars. For every cent you donate it will come directly from your task payment.",4,0,20180903-111245_955_live 9,I love to help charities that serve a good cause and I would love to donate but I do have one question. What is the portion of donations that goes to children versus the portion that goes to administration or other expenses,4,1,20180903-111245_955_live 10,"Sure, absolutely. In 2017, 86% went to Program services - or services that directly help aid these children. 9% went towards fundraising efforts, and 5% went towards our Management & other general costs. In 2018 we anticipate similar numbers.",5,0,20180903-111245_955_live 11,That's pretty impressive! Not too many charities can claim such a strong commitment to the cause.,5,1,20180903-111245_955_live 12,"We do it for them, not for ourselves. And we hope our numbers reflect that amount of love and effort that goes toward what we do.",6,0,20180903-111245_955_live 13,I'd be willing to donate $1 to Save the Children.,6,1,20180903-111245_955_live 14,"That is very kind! After this chat is complete, you may choose how ever much you wish to give on the next page. Would you like to know about a potential child this money would be helping?",7,0,20180903-111245_955_live 15,"Sure, tell me more about a potential child this money would help.",7,1,20180903-111245_955_live 16,"Mim, in Bangladesh is 7 years old, and wants to become a teacher. It could go towards her education, because in her country the average girl only stays in school until 10 years old. But more likely, it will be going towards meals or daily living expenses, with the average parent from her country only earning $3 a day.",8,0,20180903-111245_955_live 17,How much does a $1 dollar donation change a child like Mim's situation?,8,1,20180903-111245_955_live 18,"As you can see, $1 will change their world. One more meal or a pair of shoes will be one less thing that Mim, and her parents need to worry about. Bangladesh has been one of the largest parts of that Rohingya refugee exodus from Myanmar that I mentioned before and have been struggling themselves taking on more than 655,000 extra people. This has caused further hardship on an already hardened country.",9,0,20180903-111245_955_live 19,"Besides donating and raising awareness, is there any other way I can help Save the Children?",9,1,20180903-111245_955_live 20,"Yes. You can slo sign up & stay connected on our website with your email and phone number. You can also volunteer if you're in the area of any of these children at our program centers. Thank you for donation, there will never be enough people like you in the world! ",10,0,20180903-111245_955_live 0,Hello. Would you like to donate some money for some starving children?,0,0,20180903-175250_880_live 1,sure I would be very interesting in donating to a charity that helps children.,0,1,20180903-175250_880_live 2,How much would you like to donate?,1,0,20180903-175250_880_live 3,im leaning towards 0.30 cents for my donation. I feel that is a good amount to donate.,1,1,20180903-175250_880_live 4,Are you sure you would not like to donate more?,2,0,20180903-175250_880_live 5,Maybe 0.50 I would consider for a donation. I have to find out more about the charity.,2,1,20180903-175250_880_live 6,"Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",3,0,20180903-175250_880_live 7,as long as they are legitimate and help children I will consider making a 0.50 cent donation to them.,3,1,20180903-175250_880_live 8,I see. Would you rather not round it up to a dollar instead?,4,0,20180903-175250_880_live 9,I might consider. But for now I am thinking about donating 0.50 cents as my donation to them.,4,1,20180903-175250_880_live 10,I see. Donating 1 dollar would help feed twice as many children as 50 cents would.,5,0,20180903-175250_880_live 11,how about if I do 0.75 cents. I will consider moving it up. ,5,1,20180903-175250_880_live 12,75 cents seems like reasonable amount.,6,0,20180903-175250_880_live 13,ok. i will donate 0.75 cents as my payment,6,1,20180903-175250_880_live 14,Very well. That is acceptable.,7,0,20180903-175250_880_live 15,Ok. That is the amount we compromise on. I accept 0.75 cents.,7,1,20180903-175250_880_live 16,Very well. Is the 10 messages over yet?,8,0,20180903-175250_880_live 17,I think we got either 1 or 2 more to go. ,8,1,20180903-175250_880_live 18,In that case what should we talk about?,9,0,20180903-175250_880_live 19,just about how charities make us do good deeds.,9,1,20180903-175250_880_live 0,Hello! I need your help to Save the Children.,0,0,20180903-044446_477_live 1,"Ok, tell me more about it please?",0,1,20180903-044446_477_live 2,Save the Children is promotes children's rights and relief in developing countries. Many childrfen are at risk now.,1,0,20180903-044446_477_live 3,That is so sad to here.,1,1,20180903-044446_477_live 4,"Please, we need people a donation to send to children. Could you please donate your payment of tis task?",2,0,20180903-044446_477_live 5,I may be willing to donate some of my payment.,2,1,20180903-044446_477_live 6,Great! You are terrific. We are trying to get donations from people like you to help children in Venezuela. ,3,0,20180903-044446_477_live 7,Do you know how much of every dollar they get??,3,1,20180903-044446_477_live 8,"I think they get 90% of every dollar, this is because children are starving in this country.",4,0,20180903-044446_477_live 9,Great. I hate when charities get only pennies on the dollar,4,1,20180903-044446_477_live 10,In this case is diferent because the research team of this hit are serious people and they will sent almost all the money to Save teh Childrfen. ,5,0,20180903-044446_477_live 11,"Ok, I will give 25 cents today.",5,1,20180903-044446_477_live 12,"Well, you can donate between $0 to $2. I mean 25 cents will help a little. Think about because that children need your support.",6,0,20180903-044446_477_live 13,"ok, i will do 50 cents, but no more",6,1,20180903-044446_477_live 14,$1 won't make you poor. ,7,0,20180903-044446_477_live 15,"ok, ok, I will give $1. ",7,1,20180903-044446_477_live 16,"$2 will make you so happy because you will say, I make a difference to those kids that need my $2. I bet you that you will be a very happy person today.",8,0,20180903-044446_477_live 17,"I will do a $1. I give to many other organizations such as MS, healthy kids, etc",8,1,20180903-044446_477_live 18,"I know that you are generous, but this is a an emergency for kids in Venezuela with this cruel dictator.",9,0,20180903-044446_477_live 19,I know but $1 is what I will do,9,1,20180903-044446_477_live 20,Thanks a lot for your donation. ,10,0,20180903-044446_477_live 0,Hello there. How are you today?,0,0,20180903-233729_555_live 1,I am fine. Just thinking over things.,0,1,20180903-233729_555_live 2,Have you ever heard of Save the Children?,1,0,20180903-233729_555_live 3,I may have. Can you tell me more?,1,1,20180903-233729_555_live 4,"Save the Children is a charitable organization that promotes children's rights. They also provide relief for children in regions subject to violence and civil unrest, and aid for needy children in developing countries.",2,0,20180903-233729_555_live 5,How did you learn about them?,2,1,20180903-233729_555_live 6,I originally found out about them when someone talked to me about donating to them. Most of what I know about them comes from reading about them online.,3,0,20180903-233729_555_live 7,What countries do they help in?,3,1,20180903-233729_555_live 8,"They help children in 120 different countries, including the USA and most African, South American, and Asian countries.",4,0,20180903-233729_555_live 9,Are donations made securely and safely?,4,1,20180903-233729_555_live 10,"They are. Save the Children is a very highly rated charity, rated 88.3 out of 100 by Charity Navigator in 2016. They also disclose all of their financial information online, to promote transparency in how they spend the money donated to them.",5,0,20180903-233729_555_live 11,How much of the donation goes to the child?,5,1,20180903-233729_555_live 12,"86% of donations go into programs to help children. Administrative costs are only about 5% of donations, with the remainder going towards fundraising efforts.",6,0,20180903-233729_555_live 13,Is that a good amount? How much can I donate?,6,1,20180903-233729_555_live 14,"5% is a rather low administrative cost for a charity, which is good. And the portion that goes to fundraising generates more donations than the money put into it, so it overall increases the money that gets to those who need it. And any donation helps, even something as low as one or two dollars.",7,0,20180903-233729_555_live 15,What can one to two dollars buy for a child in need?,7,1,20180903-233729_555_live 16,"It depends of course on the region where the child being helped is located. But in some of the poorer parts of the world, a dollar can buy a few days worth of healthy food, or buy an item of clothing for a child who needs it.",8,0,20180903-233729_555_live 17,Can I donate one dollar?,8,1,20180903-233729_555_live 18,"Yes, a 1 dollar donation is perfectly acceptable, and greatly appreciated.",9,0,20180903-233729_555_live 19,I want to donate one dollar.,9,1,20180903-233729_555_live 20,Excelent! Thank you very much for your donation.,10,0,20180903-233729_555_live 0,good afternoon,0,0,20180903-094216_793_live 1,Good afternoon,0,1,20180903-094216_793_live 2,how are you doing today?,1,0,20180903-094216_793_live 3,Great and you?,1,1,20180903-094216_793_live 4,"great, thank you. do you donate to any charities?",2,0,20180903-094216_793_live 5,"Yes, a couple times out of the year. ",2,1,20180903-094216_793_live 6,that is really great. have you heard of save the children?,3,0,20180903-094216_793_live 7,"Yes, I've seen commercials. I normally donate to the SPCA",3,1,20180903-094216_793_live 8,I do love the SPCA also. but supporting children is so important. would you be willing to donate some of your task winnings today to save the children?,4,0,20180903-094216_793_live 9,I totally agree and I would love too!,4,1,20180903-094216_793_live 10,that is so great. you can donate anything from $0-$2 and it'll come right from your earnings. how much would you like to do today?,5,0,20180903-094216_793_live 11,I would be willing to give $1,5,1,20180903-094216_793_live 12,that is a great donation. it will help the children so much.,6,0,20180903-094216_793_live 13,I truly believe so too. Is that the charity you give to?,6,1,20180903-094216_793_live 14,"I do, among others, most of which involve children. I just can't help myself. They dont deserve to suffer.",7,0,20180903-094216_793_live 15,I agree. I think I will look into adding this to what I donate during the year.,7,1,20180903-094216_793_live 16,"it is certainly a great one, they really make sure the money goes where its needed vs in someone's pockets from the charity.",8,0,20180903-094216_793_live 17,That it something I would like to be apart of!,8,1,20180903-094216_793_live 18,great! well thank you for your donation today! that $1 will really help so much.,9,0,20180903-094216_793_live 19,You're welcome and thank you!,9,1,20180903-094216_793_live 0,"Hi, would you like to danate to ""save the children""?",0,0,20180903-004112_585_live 1,I don't know. What kind of organization is that?,0,1,20180903-004112_585_live 2,"Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",1,0,20180903-004112_585_live 3,Which countries does this organization work in?,1,1,20180903-004112_585_live 4,"they are currently working to help children in Rohingya, myanmar, and in the united states",2,0,20180903-004112_585_live 5,Do they help the refugees in Myanmar?,2,1,20180903-004112_585_live 6,"yes they do, they recently went on a fact finding mission and discovered that:Widespread and systematic attacks on the civilian population in Rakhine, Kachin and Shan States, which amount to crimes against humanity and war crimes, and possibly genocide perpetrated against the Rohingya. In renewed violence in Rakhine State since August 2017, children were subjected to, and witnessed, serious human rights violations including killing, maiming and sexual violence.",3,0,20180903-004112_585_live 7,Have they been able to do anything to put a stop to this terrible violence?,3,1,20180903-004112_585_live 8,Save the Children is calling on the UN Security Council to refer Myanmar to the International Criminal Court without delay,4,0,20180903-004112_585_live 9,"That's good. Overall, what are their results? Are they able to help many children? Do they make a meaningful difference?",4,1,20180903-004112_585_live 10,"Yes, they've reached a total of 155 milion children across the globe. including 237,00 in the US alone",5,0,20180903-004112_585_live 11,"That's very encouraging! But I have heard of some allegations of terrible acts, including trafficking of children, made against some charities. Have any accusations been made against Save the Children?",5,1,20180903-004112_585_live 12,"Not tto my knowledge, if you have any questions or concerns, the CEO and Chairman have direct contacts availabe on their website",6,0,20180903-004112_585_live 13,That's very good. What ages of children does Save the Children help?,6,1,20180903-004112_585_live 14,All ages from babies to teens,7,0,20180903-004112_585_live 15,"Do they build schools, or otherwise help children to get an education?",7,1,20180903-004112_585_live 16,"they work in 120 countries helping the most vulnerable, hardest-to-reach children. Through pioneering health, education and protection programs, they create lasting, life-changing results.",8,0,20180903-004112_585_live 17,"Do they spend a lot of money on administrative costs, or does most of it go to help the children?",8,1,20180903-004112_585_live 18,"theres a breakdown of their financials on their website under the ""annual report"" tab",9,0,20180903-004112_585_live 19,How long has Save the Children existed?,9,1,20180903-004112_585_live 0,"Hi, how are you doing to today? Have you heard of the charity Save the Children?",0,0,20180903-141538_396_live 1,I haven't heard of them,0,1,20180903-141538_396_live 2,"Sometimes we see commercials for charities that benefit children around the world who live in poverty, Save the Children is one of these charities.",1,0,20180903-141538_396_live 3,It's good to care for children,1,1,20180903-141538_396_live 4,"Yes, do you like to donate to charity often? I try to leave money for the Salvation Army when they are around during the holidays.",2,0,20180903-141538_396_live 5,I don't have money to donate. That's why I'm on Mturk,2,1,20180903-141538_396_live 6,"I can relate, I have been trying to put a decent amount of hits together all weekend. Would you be interested in donating just a small amount of your bonus from this hit to Save the Children, even a few cents can make a difference.",3,0,20180903-141538_396_live 7,OK 5 cents,3,1,20180903-141538_396_live 8,That's great! Every little bit helps.,4,0,20180903-141538_396_live 9,Ok 5 cents. I think we've reached our turn limit. GL with your hits,4,1,20180903-141538_396_live 10,We have to have 10 responses...,5,0,20180903-141538_396_live 11,But they also say they shouldn't be meaningless so I'm not sure what to do,5,1,20180903-141538_396_live 12,"The research team will collect all donations and send it to Save the Children, knowing that the donations go directly to the charity, would you be willing to give.06 cents?",6,0,20180903-141538_396_live 13,5 cents is all I'm willing to give. ,6,1,20180903-141538_396_live 14,"Ok, that is great, I just wanted to give you a bit more information about what Save the Children is fighting against.... For instance, millions of Syrian children have grown up facing the daily threat of violence. In the first two months of 2018 alone, 1,000 children were reportedly killed or injured in intensifying violence. ",7,0,20180903-141538_396_live 15,I don't think children should go through that. But I'm not the kind of person who can be donating money. Mturk is the only thing I have time to do ,7,1,20180903-141538_396_live 16,"I agree, it is sad that children go through it and it is good to know that while we struggle here, even our small donations when combined can really make a difference.",8,0,20180903-141538_396_live 17,I don't think our ten cents is really going to make a difference to be honest. But I can spare a nickel I guess,8,1,20180903-141538_396_live 18,"We all do what we can, good luck today :)",9,0,20180903-141538_396_live 19,I think it's a bit unethical of them to put us in this situation on mturk of trying to get us to donate. I don't even know if the money actually goes to the children,9,1,20180903-141538_396_live 0,Hi how are you doing today,0,0,20180903-141447_736_live 1,I'm doing good. How are you?,0,1,20180903-141447_736_live 2,"I am doing wonderful, thank you for asking. I have a question, have you ever donated to a charity before?",1,0,20180903-141447_736_live 3,"Yes. I live in an area that sometimes has flooding and also live in the part of the country that is referred to as ""Tornado Alley"". I\'ve donated to American Red Cross and some local charities.",1,1,20180903-141447_736_live 4,I understand. I live in an area prone to hurricanes. Mother nature has been a little temperamental these past few years. Have you ever heard of a charity called Save the Children? ,2,0,20180903-141447_736_live 5,I've never been in a hurricane and would rather not. Agreed it's been rough lately. Yes I've heard of Save the Children. They've seen them on TV before.,2,1,20180903-141447_736_live 6,"Yes, hurricanes can be dreadful, tornadoes as well. Save the Children is an amazing charity that I'm collecting donations for today. I personally feel like it's our moral obligation to make sure that all children are well taken care of. Don't you agree?",3,0,20180903-141447_736_live 7,I totally agree. They weren't asked to be put in the position in which they live and feel that people should do as much as they can if they are able to help anybody out.,3,1,20180903-141447_736_live 8,You are so right! Sadly many children are subjected to violence or are living on the streets starving and sick. You said you had seen a commercial. What about it appealed to you?,4,0,20180903-141447_736_live 9,Just showing the general public the conditions in which some have to live in. There's a lot of people that have no clue of how poor some countries are and the conditions in which people have to live in. ,4,1,20180903-141447_736_live 10,"That's one of the amazing things about Save the Children. We are a global charity, offering food, clean water, educational material, and vaccines to children that need it most. Our website offers much education to the public about living conditions and the negative things that affect these innocent children. ",5,0,20180903-141447_736_live 11,That's awesome that they are global. What people don't realize about donation is that with some of them like Save the Children just a few pennies can do so much. There's people that don't donate just because they have no idea just how little it takes and where their money goes.,5,1,20180903-141447_736_live 12,"Exactly! Most people spend countless amounts of money on wasted product or food when something as small as $1.00 can benefit one of these children. Did you know that in the first two months of this year, 1,000 children were reported killed or injured in Syria. That's so heartbreaking and it angers me. How does it make you feel?",6,0,20180903-141447_736_live 13,It upsets me a great deal. I think that it's hideous that these innocent people are being killed over most of the time generally hasnothing to do with them. ,6,1,20180903-141447_736_live 14,"I completely agree. Save the Children is also known for providing children who live in hazardous conditions such as war zones with more security and safety. If more people in this world felt like you and I, I believe all children would have a better chance at life, don't you?",7,0,20180903-141447_736_live 15,Absolutely! Children are the future of this world and unfortunately are the ones that end up hurt in the long run ,7,1,20180903-141447_736_live 16,"I agree wholeheartedly! How much would you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all of your payment, $2?",8,0,20180903-141447_736_live 17,I would like to donate $0.50 to Save the Children.,8,1,20180903-141447_736_live 18,That is amazing! Thank you so much. That money will go a long way for a child in need. You are a hero!,9,0,20180903-141447_736_live 19,Your welcome. I appreciate the opportunity to donate to a good cause.,9,1,20180903-141447_736_live 20,And the cause appreciates people like you! ,10,0,20180903-141447_736_live 0,Happy Labor Day! Ever heard of an organization called Save the Children?,0,0,20180903-094620_889_live 1,Happy Labor Day and yes I have! Its wonderful organization,0,1,20180903-094620_889_live 2,Yea they are one of the better charities I've seen around. Did you know we can donate to them directly via this task?,1,0,20180903-094620_889_live 3,"No, that is great! I can donate any amount ",1,1,20180903-094620_889_live 4,Yea at the end of the task it will let us select any amount from our task payment to donate directly to Save the Children!,2,0,20180903-094620_889_live 5,"Wow, ok and is this where kids are located over seas in horrible living conditions.",2,1,20180903-094620_889_live 6,Yea they focus their efforts on children in particularly dire circumstances. A lot of their work is done in Africa.,3,0,20180903-094620_889_live 7,"Bless those childrens hearts, when can i donate to them. ",3,1,20180903-094620_889_live 8,"Once we finish the chat it'll give us a short survey and than the donation option. I think I'm going to donate 50% of my payment to the kids, how much do you think you'll give?",4,0,20180903-094620_889_live 9,I was thinking the same thing! ,4,1,20180903-094620_889_live 10,Great minds think alike! With enough of us giving it can make a huge difference in their lives.,5,0,20180903-094620_889_live 11,Im sure it can and Now im even more interested in actually checking out the webpage.,5,1,20180903-094620_889_live 12,"You most certainly should check them out, I was happy to see how much of a % really goes to the children with this group. Some not-for-profits focus way too much on their CEO's paycheck for my tastes - but not this one!",6,0,20180903-094620_889_live 13,You are right! its too easy for big companies to get away with it. It was great chatting with you. ,6,1,20180903-094620_889_live 14,"It was nice chatting with you as well, glad to find someone of a similar mind set on these chat HITs. Yea when I heard about how much some of the management makes at some charities it really boils my blood. They deserve a salary and all, but they shouldn't be making insane money at the cost of the charity",7,0,20180903-094620_889_live 15,"Yes, that is insane, Wish you a great one on Labor Day, enjoy the day. ",7,1,20180903-094620_889_live 16,"It's such a beautiful Labor Day, soon I plan to take my son out to the park and later I think we'll grill some food up outside. Do you have any plans for the day?",8,0,20180903-094620_889_live 17,"How nice!! Unfortunately, I live in the south, and it has been and will be raining all day. So a good movie and good food is our plan now to spend the day. ",8,1,20180903-094620_889_live 18,"Aw sorry to hear that, but at least you'll still have the good food! I hope you enjoy the day and maybe before it's over there will be a beautiful rainbow to cheer everyone up!",9,0,20180903-094620_889_live 19,"Hopefully, but family time is what matters right, rain or shine! I actually love the rain, so for me its not that big of a deal. ",9,1,20180903-094620_889_live 0,hi there! How was your weekend?,0,0,20180903-132332_521_live 1,"It was pretty good, hot weather but still nice and yours?",0,1,20180903-132332_521_live 2,hot here too. I did a 5k fun for save the children charity. have you ever heard of it?,1,0,20180903-132332_521_live 3,"No, I can't say I have. What is it about?",1,1,20180903-132332_521_live 4,"I'm excited to tell you about it! it is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",2,0,20180903-132332_521_live 5,In what way does it support children?,2,1,20180903-132332_521_live 6,"There is a lack of support for children in developing countries, especially in war zones. For instance, millions of Syrian children have grown up facing the daily threat of violence. In the first two months of 2018 alone, 1,000 children were reportedly killed or injured in intensifying violence. ",3,0,20180903-132332_521_live 7,"I see so does the money go for food, shelter, medical support those kinds of things?",3,1,20180903-132332_521_live 8,exactly. The war torn area is just one of many examples of places where kids need support. It's great to help. every little bit counts!,4,0,20180903-132332_521_live 9,Does this money provide help for the kids in their own country or is it used to bring these children over to the United States?,4,1,20180903-132332_521_live 10,to help in their countries. They also help kids here in the USA too. would you consider making a donation? even something small would help.,5,0,20180903-132332_521_live 11,I'm sorry I'm just not able to at this time but thank you for telling me about this organization. I wish you well.,5,1,20180903-132332_521_live 12,Even 1 penny? 1 penny would be minimal and would greatly help.,6,0,20180903-132332_521_live 13,"Alright, I will donate 25 cents.",6,1,20180903-132332_521_live 14,wow! thanks on behalf of the organization! that is generous! ,7,0,20180903-132332_521_live 15,You're very welcome.,7,1,20180903-132332_521_live 16,what else do you have planned for the labor day?,8,0,20180903-132332_521_live 17,We went out with family to eat and are just taking it easy and yourself?,8,1,20180903-132332_521_live 18,going out to eat is always a fun way to spend time together. I went to the movies to see crazy rich asians. It was good.,9,0,20180903-132332_521_live 19,It sounds like fun. I recently saw a old movie at the theatre called Casablanca with Humphrey Bogart.,9,1,20180903-132332_521_live 0,Hi. I'm MJ. Have you heard of Save the Children?,0,0,20180903-131642_76_live 1,"I believe I have, yes.",0,1,20180903-131642_76_live 2,"It's a charity that directly benefits kids in terms of education, food, etc., especially in war-torn countries. I was hoping I could interest you in donating a portion of your payment today toward it.",1,0,20180903-131642_76_live 3,I could donate $1.,1,1,20180903-131642_76_live 4,That would be really generous. I plan to donate $1 too.,2,0,20180903-131642_76_live 5,Great. What are some recent successes the charity has had?,2,1,20180903-131642_76_live 6,"You know. I'd have to look that up to get specifics, but give me a sec and I'll go look. Where are you from?",3,0,20180903-131642_76_live 7,I'm in Chicago,3,1,20180903-131642_76_live 8,"Ah, the windy city. I'm in Midvale, Utah.",4,0,20180903-131642_76_live 9,Pretty cool. I've never been to Utah.,4,1,20180903-131642_76_live 10,We've got some beautiful national parks here. Lots of crazy rock formations.,5,0,20180903-131642_76_live 11,Yeah I've seen pictures of them. A lot of my friends have done the whole touring the parks out west trip; I just haven't yet.,5,1,20180903-131642_76_live 12,"I hope you do some day. Right now, Save the Children is working with Rohingya Refugees and Hurricane Harvey victims among other things (didn't want you to think I forgot your question)",6,0,20180903-131642_76_live 13,No that's cool. It's good to hear about things being done about the Rohingya situation.,6,1,20180903-131642_76_live 14,We only have a couple of seconds left. I just wanted to say that it was nice to chat with you.,7,0,20180903-131642_76_live 15,Nice chatting with you too!,7,1,20180903-131642_76_live 16,Ready for fall in Chicago? What's the weather like there?,8,0,20180903-131642_76_live 17,It's been humid but we've got a huge thunderstorm going right now. Hopefully it will break the heat.,8,1,20180903-131642_76_live 18,"Would love a good thunderstorm. Very dry here. Take care, my friend.",9,0,20180903-131642_76_live 19,You take care too!,9,1,20180903-131642_76_live 0,Have you ever given to Save the Children?,0,0,20180903-073450_337_live 1,Yes I have given to the charity Save the Children,0,1,20180903-073450_337_live 2,"Great, then you know how they use the money. Would you give some of your earnings today to them?",1,0,20180903-073450_337_live 3,"I give in other ways, so at this point I would rather give by another method",1,1,20180903-073450_337_live 4,Would you reconsider since the money goes to help children in all parts of the world?,2,0,20180903-073450_337_live 5,At this point I would not reconsider because I contribute in other methods,2,1,20180903-073450_337_live 6,I'm interested...what other ways do you contribute that has the lastly effect that Save the Children has?,3,0,20180903-073450_337_live 7,I am involved in various charities and like to give to them directly not through any other methods,3,1,20180903-073450_337_live 8,"Hummmm that's good that you give to them. Do you think you could, for the sake of argument be willing to give just a small potion of your earnings today to Save the Children?",4,0,20180903-073450_337_live 9,Why is it that for the sake of argument I need to give to them today? I would rather give to them directly because I want to know that my contribution is going where I want it to go,4,1,20180903-073450_337_live 10,I agree and you said you have given to them in the past. Is there a reason specifically that you don't want to given to them again besides the fact that you do give to others and you do want to do it directly?,5,0,20180903-073450_337_live 11,There have been to many instances of scams and charities that don't get their donations. So I rather give to them directly than through any other method,5,1,20180903-073450_337_live 12,So is it that you don't trust this requestor to actually get your donation to STC?,6,0,20180903-073450_337_live 13,No its not trust about the requestor but I rather have more control over my money than to use electronic versions,6,1,20180903-073450_337_live 14,I like that control also. I can't make any assurances to you that would change your mind. I do ask again that you reconsider since you know it is a good charity.,7,0,20180903-073450_337_live 15,I am sorry but at this point I would rather contribute to them directly. I love charities that help children and neglected women. But at this time I would rather contribute to them directly.,7,1,20180903-073450_337_live 16,Do you know that the research team will collect all donations and send it to Save the Children?,8,0,20180903-073450_337_live 17,I didn't know about any research team collecting donations but I still rather handle my contributions directly. I hope that the research team get a lot of contributions but I will not be contributing through this system.,8,1,20180903-073450_337_live 18,So I'll ask one last time before returning this hit. How much do you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment ($2).,9,0,20180903-073450_337_live 19,"I am sorry about not donating through this system, and I am hopeful the research team get contributions but at this time I will be contributing to Save the Children directly.",9,1,20180903-073450_337_live 0,"Good evening, how are you?",0,0,20180903-143255_501_live 1,I'm great. Hope you've had a good weekend.,0,1,20180903-143255_501_live 2,You too. Where are you from?,1,0,20180903-143255_501_live 3,I'm from New Hampshire but moved south 9 years ago. How about you?,1,1,20180903-143255_501_live 4,Chicago. Where is south? How's the weather?,2,0,20180903-143255_501_live 5,"I'm near Savannah and Hilton Head. Hot and humid, lots of thunderstorms. But so much better than ice and snow and freezing cold!",2,1,20180903-143255_501_live 6,Ha! Yeah. We have those storms now. It's pretty scary now. What do you do for a living. ,3,0,20180903-143255_501_live 7,"I'm retired. Used to sell health insurance. Worked for an HMO, back in the days when health insurance wasn't such a dirty word.",3,1,20180903-143255_501_live 8,Nice. Have you ever heard of save the children?,4,0,20180903-143255_501_live 9,I think so but I'm not sure of the specifics. Are you involved with them?,4,1,20180903-143255_501_live 10,"Kind of...Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",5,0,20180903-143255_501_live 11,Yes. I care about those things. I did 3 mission trips to Africa working with children orphaned by AIDS and placed in foster homes by a Christian organization.,5,1,20180903-143255_501_live 12,Wow! Would you like to donate a small part of your income payment to them today?,6,0,20180903-143255_501_live 13,"I think I'll pass. I donate to lots of other causes - my church, HIV issues and others.",6,1,20180903-143255_501_live 14,I understand. There's a lot of great causes out there and you've chosen some great ones. ,7,0,20180903-143255_501_live 15,Thanks. So have you. You have a blessed day.,7,1,20180903-143255_501_live 16,You too. Have you been on murk long?,8,0,20180903-143255_501_live 17,Since last Thanksgiving. It's a small way to add a bit of extra money to the pot for travel. And you?,8,1,20180903-143255_501_live 18,About a year now. I use it to pay for house upgrades... ,9,0,20180903-143255_501_live 19,Sounds like you're earning more than me....,9,1,20180903-143255_501_live 0,Hello,0,0,20180903-164113_982_live 1,Hello,0,1,20180903-164113_982_live 2,Do you have any kids?,1,0,20180903-164113_982_live 3,"No, I do not have any kids yet. But, I hope to have kids sometime in the future. How about you?",1,1,20180903-164113_982_live 4,I've got 3,2,0,20180903-164113_982_live 5,Are your kids all close in age or is there an age gap between them?,2,1,20180903-164113_982_live 6,"Two boys in college are close, 20 and 19. Daughter is 14 and lives with her mom.",3,0,20180903-164113_982_live 7,Have you heard of free college tuition (not including room/textbooks) that some scjools are implementing?,3,1,20180903-164113_982_live 8,"LOL, I wish...even state school is expensive. Having kids is the worst financial decision someone can make - but I'd make that decision again ithout question. Tough getting by sometimes, but you do what you can. ",4,0,20180903-164113_982_live 9,I am a recent college graduate and understand the expenses with a huge loan to pay off. I graduated from a state school and can't even imagine what out of state students must feel like on top of them travelling just to study away from home.,4,1,20180903-164113_982_live 10,"Good on you for getting college degree! Education is so important, they can never take that away from you. Alot of families need help with basic stuff, let alone worrying about education. My boys did alot of service type stuff with underprivileged kids when they were younger.",5,0,20180903-164113_982_live 11,Thanks! I had a lot of parental support as they always wanted a degree themselves but put their children first. I wish I did more service during my undergrad but had a credit-intensive major (chemistry) and barely had any summer vacation.,5,1,20180903-164113_982_live 12,"Chemistry is black magic to me, my older son is a whiz at it. When they were scouts they did service for Save the Children. Have you ever heard of it?",6,0,20180903-164113_982_live 13,I was approached to chemistry at a young age and it just was easy to pick up...that is until physical chemistry came along. And yes! I've donated to them before. There's even a small kiosk at my local mall.,6,1,20180903-164113_982_live 14,They do great work. It's amazing how far they can stretch even a little bit of change. Would you consider donating part of your payment for this task to them?,7,0,20180903-164113_982_live 15,"Yes, of course! I don't mind giving half the amount.",7,1,20180903-164113_982_live 16,That's great! I'll do the same.,8,0,20180903-164113_982_live 17,"I forget what the Save The Children donation rate is, but I'm sure $1 will help a lot.",8,1,20180903-164113_982_live 18,Absolutely. I like to think of it as an investment in the future.,9,0,20180903-164113_982_live 19,My younger brother (still in HS) actually recommended me to donate to them in the past. His school had a special presentation on charaties. I forget the name of the really popular one where kids used to carry around small cardboard boxes and ask for change. ,9,1,20180903-164113_982_live 20,I think that was UNICEF. I remember that from more than a few years ago.,10,0,20180903-164113_982_live 21,Yes! I think that's it,10,1,20180903-164113_982_live 22,Time to get onto to the next HIT. Good luck with your chemistry degree - don't blow anything up! Thanks for donating to Save the Children!,11,0,20180903-164113_982_live 0,"Hi, happy Labor Day. Are you a person who likes to help others?",0,0,20180903-071928_910_live 1,"Happy Labor Day to you as well. Not particularly, I mean I wouldn't ignore an elderly person who fell down in front of me but I don't usually do charity or volunteer work.",0,1,20180903-071928_910_live 2,Have you heard of the Save The Children foundation?,1,0,20180903-071928_910_live 3,"I have not, what kind of foundation is that?",1,1,20180903-071928_910_live 4,"The organization solicits donations to provide food, shelter and clothing to help children in improvished countries.",2,0,20180903-071928_910_live 5,"Oh that sounds good. I bet the foundation takes a huge chunk of the donations though, most of the non-profit CEOs are making crazy money, which really bugs me.",2,1,20180903-071928_910_live 6,I share your dislike for organizations taking most of the donations. Save the Children turns 98% of donations directly into helping the children.,3,0,20180903-071928_910_live 7,"Well that's wonderful to hear, glad to see some organizations are actually doing what they preach so much about.",3,1,20180903-071928_910_live 8,"Save the Children now helps over 150,000 children in poor countries saving many lives.",4,0,20180903-071928_910_live 9,Do they have any specific countries or regions they focus on? Or is it just everywhere on the globe?,4,1,20180903-071928_910_live 10,A good share of the help takes place on the African continent.,5,0,20180903-071928_910_live 11,"That makes sense, I can't imagine the living conditions for some of those kids. I've seen pictures of the starving children from down there and it's pretty rough.",5,1,20180903-071928_910_live 12,Very sad to see. Any chance you would consider donating 50% of what you will earn for completing this hit?,6,0,20180903-071928_910_live 13,"I'm not sure I could donate that much, I use MTurk to pay bills but I may be able to donate a small portion.",6,1,20180903-071928_910_live 14,I know any about would be greatly appreciated. Would 10% of your hit earnings be possible?,7,0,20180903-071928_910_live 15,"I guess I could do 10%, it is for the kids after all and the organization does make sure almost all the money goes to them.",7,1,20180903-071928_910_live 16,"Thank you for your donation. I know Save the Children will be very thankful. I am donating 100% of my hit earnings as this is just a means to keep my mind working. Thank you again, you are very kind.",8,0,20180903-071928_910_live 17,"That's awesome, your doing the good work! I hope enough of us work on donate for it to make some meaningful difference to the children. ",8,1,20180903-071928_910_live 18,"I will do the best I can, again, that you for your help.",9,0,20180903-071928_910_live 19,"Glad to have the opportunity, it feels easier to donate money this way than to take cash out of my wallet and donate it, maybe because it\'s just electronic ""cash"" right now or something heh.",9,1,20180903-071928_910_live 0,Save the Children is a great charity you should consider donating to,0,0,20180903-103939_512_live 1,"yeah , i agree it is a great charity, but i prefer to donate to St Jude",0,1,20180903-103939_512_live 2,I think that's great too but if you already give to St Jude why not give to Save the Children this time?,1,0,20180903-103939_512_live 3,I guess I could throw them .10,1,1,20180903-103939_512_live 4,Why not give them more so they can really help the children with it?,2,0,20180903-103939_512_live 5,I am so broke but giving a dime is really all i can afford today.,2,1,20180903-103939_512_live 6,"It wouldn't hurt to give more. Honestly, if you think you're broke you should see how poor these children are. You know they're worse off than you, right?",3,0,20180903-103939_512_live 7,Honestly < do not think so. My dqaughter and I are Homeless at the moment and have to sleep in parking lots.. To be able to afford to get her some milk would be nice.,3,1,20180903-103939_512_live 8,These are kids we're talking about they know nothing but war going on and you already mentioned you give to St Jude. Why not give what you were going to give to St Jude to Save the Children?,4,0,20180903-103939_512_live 9,0k Here is a .25,4,1,20180903-103939_512_live 10,Couldn't you split it 50/50? Give them $1? I mean you'd give that to St Jude wouldn't you?,5,0,20180903-103939_512_live 11,I would ifd my daughter was not needing milk also... Its hard to donate when I feel i would be taking from my daughter to give to other children.. ,5,1,20180903-103939_512_live 12,"This isn\'t money you\'ve even seen yet though. It\'s ""imaginary"" money until it materializes so that\'s different? I\'m sure you could give $2",6,0,20180903-103939_512_live 13,Its not imaginary money though... what i give takes away from ours later.,6,1,20180903-103939_512_live 14,Well think of all the money you spend on things you don't need? $2 is definitely money we waste daily and that would really help these kids.,7,0,20180903-103939_512_live 15,"No, I do not waste any money, Right now school is about to start and she has no school supplys or anything new for school. shoot i am the biggest tight wad when it comes to trying to save anything for her.",7,1,20180903-103939_512_live 16,Then why not give some money to these kids too? They have even less than your daughter has. You can surely spare $2,8,0,20180903-103939_512_live 17,"no, I cant .25 is the most I am willing to part with.",8,1,20180903-103939_512_live 18,How much do you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment ($2).,9,0,20180903-103939_512_live 19,>15 cents sorry maybe more next time.,9,1,20180903-103939_512_live 0,Hello,0,0,20180903-103342_719_live 1,Hi,0,1,20180903-103342_719_live 2,How much would you be willing to donate to a children's charity?,1,0,20180903-103342_719_live 3,"Everything I could, if it was the right charity, I believe in helping needy children but don't like donating to charities that keep more of the proceeds than they donate.",1,1,20180903-103342_719_live 4,"The charity I am talking about is ""Save the children."" Your donation helps with children\'s right to health, education. This isn\'t like a guy on your TV next to impoverished children. They really are making a difference.",2,0,20180903-103342_719_live 5,"That\'s good, I\'ve heard good things about ""Save the Children"". I\'d donate my whole $2 to them.",2,1,20180903-103342_719_live 6,Wow! That's great news! Your proceeds will help children in need all around the world!,3,0,20180903-103342_719_live 7,That's is pretty cool. I really feel it's every able persons responsibility to help make sure that less fortunate children have the same resources and available opportunities as the more fortunate ones.,3,1,20180903-103342_719_live 8,I totally agree! Can you state as your last statement how much you are willing to donate so they can make sure they have the correct amount? Have a great day!,4,0,20180903-103342_719_live 9,"Sure, I am willing to donate the whole $2 to ""Save the Children"".",4,1,20180903-103342_719_live 10, Great! I'm not sure how we finish this conversation. We were pretty fast.,5,0,20180903-103342_719_live 11,"Well, talking about children's charities is pretty interesting. We keep talking for a bit and eventually they button pops up. ",5,1,20180903-103342_719_live 12,Yeah sounds great! I was actually adopted from Thailand by Holt. I highly recommend them also.,6,0,20180903-103342_719_live 13,Holt? Is that a children's charity? I've never heard of them.,6,1,20180903-103342_719_live 14,Yes they are. There were started during the Korean war and the couple were saving orphans from the war. I donate to Holt every year.,7,0,20180903-103342_719_live 15,"Wow, it sounds like a charity my husband and I will have to investigate. We like to donate through our church to various charities and they're always looking for something new.",7,1,20180903-103342_719_live 16,They are great since they help orphans and they also get children adopted. They are in most third world countries.,8,0,20180903-103342_719_live 17,"Interesting, do they solicit donations or is a word of mouth charity? I ask because if they solicit they usually have a web page and a brochure for people to look over.",8,1,20180903-103342_719_live 18,They are based out of Washington state. I usually get mail from them and you can sponsor particular children and get quarterly updates.,9,0,20180903-103342_719_live 19,"Nice, I\'ll look in to it. Anyway back to the ""Save the Children"" charity I\'ll definitely donate my $2 to them for sure.",9,1,20180903-103342_719_live 0,"Donate to Save the Children, please. Think about those poor kids.",0,0,20180903-134122_237_live 1,Well tell me a little bit more about the charity.,0,1,20180903-134122_237_live 2,It's really all in the name. You have a moral responsibility.,1,0,20180903-134122_237_live 3,A lot of charities are just a name and they don't do what they promise. How do I know my money will go where it supposed to?,1,1,20180903-134122_237_live 4,"They're a world-famous trustworthy charity. If they were fraudulent or misallocating funds, surely there'd have been a scandal.",2,0,20180903-134122_237_live 5,Ok. So why do they deserve my money as opposed to other charities like St Judes or the Red Cross>,2,1,20180903-134122_237_live 6,"Of course you can donate to other charities. It's not necessarily a zero-sum game. I can tell you, however, that Save the Children is, in a way, more immediate in helping people (as opposed to fighting disease like St Jude's) and delivers services similar to the Red Cross, but directed toward children. So, please: think of the children!",3,0,20180903-134122_237_live 7,Do they help kids in the US? I like to help people that are close to home.,3,1,20180903-134122_237_live 8,"Their assistance is directed toward children in developing countries, where, unlike most of the US, children are totally deprived of opportunity and basic services. Though you, being the generous person you are, like helping those at home, is there a reason not to help children abroad?",4,0,20180903-134122_237_live 9,"I don't mind helping those abroad. But there are a lot kids here in the US who deal with poverty. So it's not that I don't care about the children elsewhere, just want to help those at home first.",4,1,20180903-134122_237_live 10,So we'll agree then: you can do both!,5,0,20180903-134122_237_live 11,Well how do i make a donation to them?,5,1,20180903-134122_237_live 12,You can refer to Save the Children's website to gather more information if you like to: http:// URL ,6,0,20180903-134122_237_live 13,"well if you aren't going to help me out with information and make it easy on me by helping with info, i'm not sure if you really care",6,1,20180903-134122_237_live 14,Of course I care. Let me get that information for you now...,7,0,20180903-134122_237_live 15,Thanks I would appreciate your help. People are more likely to donate when they are comfortable and feel like it is good organization.,7,1,20180903-134122_237_live 16,"On the Save the Children Website, there\'s a ""Donate Now!"" button, as well as large swaths of information regarding their activity, that is, how they use the money!",8,0,20180903-134122_237_live 17,Ok thank you. Yes I believe I will donate. I do think it is a good cause.,8,1,20180903-134122_237_live 18,"Thank you. You're helping a lot of good kids who really, really need it.",9,0,20180903-134122_237_live 19,"You are welcome. Even though I can't donate much, at least it will do some good.",9,1,20180903-134122_237_live 0,Hello is someone there?,0,0,20180903-021912_147_live 1,"Hello, yes I'm here",0,1,20180903-021912_147_live 2,"Awesome, I am a part of the Save The Children fund and I have been connected to you because you marked that you wanted to help those in need around the world",1,0,20180903-021912_147_live 3,Oh nice. Is that the organization that provides food for kids around the world?,1,1,20180903-021912_147_live 4,"Correct, With a primary focus on those in troubled nations (such as war zones or poorly developed nations). If you would like to help, a donation from you could help save the thousands of children that deal with violence and hunger as a daily part of their lives.",2,0,20180903-021912_147_live 5,Do you provide other things besides food?,2,1,20180903-021912_147_live 6,"Of course, one of our focus points is to provide health care, education, and safety to these children to help give them a way out of their troubled lives. And your small donation can go a long way, something as small as the price of a candy bar can be the difference in these kids lives.",3,0,20180903-021912_147_live 7,"Oh wow, that's a lot. what percent of my donation goes directly to the kids?",3,1,20180903-021912_147_live 8,"In 2017 86% of all fund raise went directly to the children in need, and of the 86%, 34% was directly put into providing food and nutrition.",4,0,20180903-021912_147_live 9,And the other percent that didn't go to food went to what? ,4,1,20180903-021912_147_live 10,"Education, Emergency Relief, HIV/Aids treatment, and helping the children stay in a safe environment. I know its easy to ignore these children because they are half way around the world, but they need your help. Nearly 5.6 million children die each year due to preventable and treatable causes. Malnutrition contributes to the deaths of children and a lifetime of poor health. All it takes is an easy donation from you to help these children",5,0,20180903-021912_147_live 11,Which countries are being helped right now? ,5,1,20180903-021912_147_live 12,"Much of the focus right now goes to war torn countries like Syria, but your donation would also go to help those who were hurt by Hurricane Harvey in Texas and Hurricane Maria in the Gulf of Mexico ",6,0,20180903-021912_147_live 13,"Texas, that's interesting. A lot of people lost homes and belongings in Harvey. It would be nice to help them.",6,1,20180903-021912_147_live 14,"So, How much do you like to donate to the charity now?",7,0,20180903-021912_147_live 15,I don't have a lot to give,7,1,20180903-021912_147_live 16,"Thats okay, a donation as little as 77 cents can house a refugee family for a day.",8,0,20180903-021912_147_live 17,OK 77 cents sounds good,8,1,20180903-021912_147_live 18,"Awesome, The research team will collect all donations and send it to Save the Children.",9,0,20180903-021912_147_live 19,"great, I'm glad to help.",9,1,20180903-021912_147_live 0,What do you think of children?,0,0,20180903-095231_898_live 1,"I think they are the future of the world and in general, I like them.",0,1,20180903-095231_898_live 2,"I agree. What would you think of donating to Save The Children, a charity organization dedicated to helping children in poor third-world countries have a brighter future?",1,0,20180903-095231_898_live 3,"I think we have bigger problems to solve than helping children in poor third-world countries, and if I decide to donate money it would be to a different organization",1,1,20180903-095231_898_live 4,That's a shame. I always donate 10% of my income to charities. Why don't you want to help starving children?,2,0,20180903-095231_898_live 5,"because I prefer to donate money to organizations attacking bigger problems, it's just a matter of priorities",2,1,20180903-095231_898_live 6,Some of these children haven't eaten for days. They're skin and bones. What could be more important than basic human decency?,3,0,20180903-095231_898_live 7,"There are a lot of problems more important than feeding kids. Cancer research for example, water or basic health in poor countries. Basic human decency is not just food.",3,1,20180903-095231_898_live 8,None of those things matter to children who are dying right now of hunger. They won't be alive to enjoy those benefits if we don't take care of them now.,4,0,20180903-095231_898_live 9,If you think that way then you have never seen sickness and people suffering from easily treated health problems. I've seen cancer way too close to me to make me believe that's way more important to solve than feeding kids in another country.,4,1,20180903-095231_898_live 10,You won't even donate $1? That's half of what you'll be making from this study alone. You wouldn't even notice it's absece,5,0,20180903-095231_898_live 11,I would donate and I donated every year way more than that but to organizations attacking problems that I think should be solved first,5,1,20180903-095231_898_live 12,"And how much money do you spend on luxuries like coffee, soda, fast food, etc? You really think that money couldn't be better used in Syria?",6,0,20180903-095231_898_live 13,"I think you got the wrong person, I don't spend money on luxuries because I have not enough money to be able to do that. I cook my own food and I don't drink coffee or soda, and I still donate money to help causes I believe should be solved. I do believe that money could be used better than sending it to Syria",6,1,20180903-095231_898_live 14,That's short-sighted. Solving cancer or repairing infrastructure won't matter to the millions that die from lack of food.,7,0,20180903-095231_898_live 15,"You are the one short-sighted. I didn't say anything about repairing infrastructure, and yes, solving cancer would be way better used money than sending it to Syria.",7,1,20180903-095231_898_live 16,You said water. That's infrastructure. Do you even know what you're talking about?,8,0,20180903-095231_898_live 17,"No, you are wrong, water is not infrastructure, you should read a little bit before you say something liked that",8,1,20180903-095231_898_live 18,lol google it if you don't believe me: URL ,9,0,20180903-095231_898_live 19,"First, 'lol' shouldn't be in a serious conversation, and second, It's not just that you are wrong, I actually support an organization providing clean water access to people, and helping with that problem it's not just a matter of infrastructure ",9,1,20180903-095231_898_live 0,"Hi, how are you today?",0,0,20180903-084513_458_live 1,"I'm well, how are you?",0,1,20180903-084513_458_live 2,"excellent, are you familiar with the charity Save the Children?",1,0,20180903-084513_458_live 3,I have not heard of it.,1,1,20180903-084513_458_live 4,they are an NGO that promotes children's rights and poverty relief in developing nations. ,2,0,20180903-084513_458_live 5,that sounds like tireless work; especially today,2,1,20180903-084513_458_live 6,I am sure that is case. It is one of the most respected charities of its type. Given its universal appeal can I convince you to donate some portion of your payment to the charity today?,3,0,20180903-084513_458_live 7,I sounds like a great charity but I donate to local charities. ,3,1,20180903-084513_458_live 8,do you live in the United States?,4,0,20180903-084513_458_live 9,"I do, North Carolina.",4,1,20180903-084513_458_live 10,"it is true that there are hungry children living in poverty in the United States but we have a safety net, maybe not as good of one as we should, but there are government programs at the ready to help. Children in developing countries often have little access to food and clean water with outside help. ",5,0,20180903-084513_458_live 11,I agree children all over the world need help. The charity that I help with is for homeless children in my community. There parents are the working poor that can't fully use our social safety nets. They are the ones that our current government has forgotten about. ,5,1,20180903-084513_458_live 12,"fair enough, I assume mechanical turk then is not a primary source of income and diversion or just fun?",6,0,20180903-084513_458_live 13,"Correct, it is not my primary source of income but a means to supplement what I give to my community.",6,1,20180903-084513_458_live 14,"I am willing to match any portion of you payment you choose to donate, doubling the amount is not an opportunity available outside of this forum",7,0,20180903-084513_458_live 15,That is very generous. I will donate $1 of the payment,7,1,20180903-084513_458_live 16,"fantastic, I would love to donate a 1.",8,0,20180903-084513_458_live 17,I'm glad we can agree,8,1,20180903-084513_458_live 18,"as am I, my office is right up the street from Save the Children.",9,0,20180903-084513_458_live 19,if you are ever looking for a worthy charity in the States please consider A Child's Place. ,9,1,20180903-084513_458_live 0,Hello.,0,0,20180903-173808_744_live 1,Hi,0,1,20180903-173808_744_live 2,Have you heard of Save the Children?,1,0,20180903-173808_744_live 3,Yes I have,1,1,20180903-173808_744_live 4,"Good. It's a very strong and important organization. The lack of child support in developing countries, such as in Syria, has been growing for years now.",2,0,20180903-173808_744_live 5,Does this organization help people in the USA?,2,1,20180903-173808_744_live 6,"No, they assist children in war zones. In Syria, in 2018 alone, 1,000 children were reported to be killed of injured due to rising violence.",3,0,20180903-173808_744_live 7,How much of the proceeds go directly towards the children?,3,1,20180903-173808_744_live 8,"For every dollar donated, they receive 77 cents. It's a higher rate than most charities, because while we want most of the money to go to the children, there also needs to be some paid employees, although most are volunteers. Would you be interested in saving a child's life today?",4,0,20180903-173808_744_live 9,"No, thank you.",4,1,20180903-173808_744_live 10,"Are you sure? How many dollars do you spend everyday on pointless or unnecessary items, such as a candy bar or fast food?",5,0,20180903-173808_744_live 11,I'm sure. I work hard for money so I spend it the way I want.,5,1,20180903-173808_744_live 12,"These children have no way of earning money, as their countries are in shambles. Many die of hunger or preventable disease, up 5.6 million per year. Even 50 cents makes all the difference.",6,0,20180903-173808_744_live 13,I'm not interested in this charity.,6,1,20180903-173808_744_live 14,Are you from the US?,7,0,20180903-173808_744_live 15,Yes I am,7,1,20180903-173808_744_live 16,Are you aware of the US bombing civilian cities in developing countries? Killing innocent children for no reason at all? ,8,0,20180903-173808_744_live 17,Yes I am but I am not interested in this charity.,8,1,20180903-173808_744_live 18,"It also helps children in Europe. France, Germany, Sweden. The refugee crisis has caused many children in such countries to be without basic necessities. Even the children who were originally from Europe.",9,0,20180903-173808_744_live 19,It's a terrible situation however I only donate to American charities. ,9,1,20180903-173808_744_live 0,hi,0,0,20180903-171704_760_live 1,hello,0,1,20180903-171704_760_live 2,How are you doing today,1,0,20180903-171704_760_live 3,doing ok and you?,1,1,20180903-171704_760_live 4,going good its a nice day,2,0,20180903-171704_760_live 5,whats' sup with you today?,2,1,20180903-171704_760_live 6,planning to go out with my niece to park ,3,0,20180903-171704_760_live 7,do you have a question about charity?,3,1,20180903-171704_760_live 8,Yes I do ! Would you like to donate to Charity called save Children ?,4,0,20180903-171704_760_live 9,depends...what do they do?,4,1,20180903-171704_760_live 10,"Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries ",5,0,20180903-171704_760_live 11,"cool, do they help all types of children?",5,1,20180903-171704_760_live 12,Yes they do ...,6,0,20180903-171704_760_live 13,how much do I donate?,6,1,20180903-171704_760_live 14,How much do you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment ($2),7,0,20180903-171704_760_live 15,oh...what is the money going to be used for?,7,1,20180903-171704_760_live 16,"This donation is mainly used to help ensuring children's rights to health, education, safety. There a lot of children's they don't even have a single day meal. You generous support will help to provide a little help to those children's who needs support . ",8,0,20180903-171704_760_live 17,is save the children well run you think?,8,1,20180903-171704_760_live 18,"yes it is ..last month itself we have supported a lot of children that needs help ..its a very little amount which brings a smile on a child's face.Hurricane Harvey Children's Recovery Collaborative Releases Still at Risk: Children One Year After Hurricane Harvey Executive Summary August 27, 2018 Save the Children Statement on the Report of the Independent International Fact-Finding Mission on Myanmar August 27, 2018 ",9,0,20180903-171704_760_live 19,how much do you think you can donate? ,9,1,20180903-171704_760_live 20,I can match your amount ,10,0,20180903-171704_760_live 21,thnks and will do the same,10,1,20180903-171704_760_live 22,How much do you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment ($2),11,0,20180903-171704_760_live 0,Hello,0,0,20180903-134529_203_live 1,Hi there.,0,1,20180903-134529_203_live 2,How are you today?,1,0,20180903-134529_203_live 3,I'm doing quite fine. How about yourself?,1,1,20180903-134529_203_live 4,I'm doing well thank you for asking. Have you donated to any charities lately?,2,0,20180903-134529_203_live 5,"If by lately you mean the last few days, no. But, about a month ago I donated to St Jude for the purpose of entering in a raffle to win a house. The ticket was $100.",2,1,20180903-134529_203_live 6,Those are a great way to give and also be able to receive yourself. St Jude is a great foundation. Have you ever heard of Save the Children charity?,3,0,20180903-134529_203_live 7,"Yes, I have. I believe it's a charity that focuses on aiding children in impoverished foreign lands.",3,1,20180903-134529_203_live 8,Yes that is correct. Are you aware about what is going on in Syria recently?,4,0,20180903-134529_203_live 9,"If by what is going on Syria you mean the civil war, yes. I'm not too informed on the details, but my assumption, based on what I've seen on the news is that Bashar Al-Asad wants to maintain his position of power while the rebels are trying to overthrow him.",4,1,20180903-134529_203_live 10,"It is unfortunate what is happening there. There has been a lack of support for children in developing countries, especially in war zones. For instance, millions of Syrian children have grown up facing the daily threat of violence. In the first two months of 2018 alone, 1,000 children were reportedly killed or injured in intensifying violence. Save the children is focused on keeping more children out of harms way.",5,0,20180903-134529_203_live 11,Does Save the Children assist in keeping Syrian children out of harms way? I'm assuming there must be some sort of evacuation program or that they provide medical attention and supplies.,5,1,20180903-134529_203_live 12,"Yes they are focusing on numerous ways to help out so this doesn't continue to happen. Medical attention, supplies, shelter, food are provided. Do you want to help these children out today with the money we would be getting from this task?",6,0,20180903-134529_203_live 13,"If the money would be sent directly to them, then yes, I would like to use the money that I would have received for this task.",6,1,20180903-134529_203_live 14,The research team will collect all donations and send it to Save the Children. What amount would you like to donate?,7,0,20180903-134529_203_live 15,"If the amount that I'm allotted to donate ranges between $0 and $2, then I'll donate $1.50.",7,1,20180903-134529_203_live 16,Okay that sounds great! Thank you very much and hope you know that your money will go a long way in helping these young people out.,8,0,20180903-134529_203_live 17,Hopefully this donation will contribute towards ensuring their safety and a prosperous future for them. Thank you for the opportunity to complete this HIT.,8,1,20180903-134529_203_live 18,You are welcome. Have a great rest of your day :),9,0,20180903-134529_203_live 19,Have a nice day as well.,9,1,20180903-134529_203_live 0,"hello , how are you doing today",0,0,20180903-194245_441_live 1,I am well and you?,0,1,20180903-194245_441_live 2,i am doing great. just here thinking of life and its unfairness,1,0,20180903-194245_441_live 3,How's it unfair?,1,1,20180903-194245_441_live 4,"Do you know people find it very hard to feed especially children across the world. While some children have more than enough to eat, other children does not ",2,0,20180903-194245_441_live 5,well how can we possibly help in that?,2,1,20180903-194245_441_live 6,"for a start, i think its a very nice idea to donate your task money to a children charity organization",3,0,20180903-194245_441_live 7,which organization is that?,3,1,20180903-194245_441_live 8,it is called SAVE THE CHILDREN,4,0,20180903-194245_441_live 9,are they very reputable? can we trust them to aid in the children who are hungry? ,4,1,20180903-194245_441_live 10,yes they are very reputable . They support children from developing countries,5,0,20180903-194245_441_live 11,Well how much do you think I should donate that would be sufficient?,5,1,20180903-194245_441_live 12,How much do you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment ($2),6,0,20180903-194245_441_live 13,well I'll gladly give 50 cents to aid in feeding hungry children,6,1,20180903-194245_441_live 14,That is very kind of you. Thank you for your contribution,7,0,20180903-194245_441_live 15,"Are you going to contribute anything, since it is your concern?",7,1,20180903-194245_441_live 16,i sure will do so,8,0,20180903-194245_441_live 17,How much would you contribute?,8,1,20180903-194245_441_live 18,i would be matching your donation by also contributing 50 cents,9,0,20180903-194245_441_live 19,"sound great 50 cents it is, great chatting with ya",9,1,20180903-194245_441_live 20,Nice Chatting with you too.,10,0,20180903-194245_441_live 0,"Hello, how's your Labor Day going?",0,0,20180903-163912_368_live 1,I had to work how bout you?,0,1,20180903-163912_368_live 2,"Aw that's unfortunate to hear. I spent the day with my son and just finished dinner, now it's back to turking heh.",1,0,20180903-163912_368_live 3,"I took a break and cleaned house and mowed, gonna turk till time to feed cows and horses.",1,1,20180903-163912_368_live 4,"I love horses! Their so majestic and beautiful, do you have many?",2,0,20180903-163912_368_live 5,I have 2 minis they are only 37 inches tall.,2,1,20180903-163912_368_live 6,Oh no way minis!!!! They're so adorable! I bet they're a lot of work to take care of though right?,3,0,20180903-163912_368_live 7,No more than big ones really not as much.,3,1,20180903-163912_368_live 8,I guess they probably eat less than the big horses too then right?,4,0,20180903-163912_368_live 9,Yes thank goodness I have mini cows too. I am a little worried. A few counties over from us a big cat either a cougar or panther killed 3 horses and 2 dogs night before last.,4,1,20180903-163912_368_live 10,Oh wow that's pretty bad. Aside from keeping em in their barn or enclosure at night is there much you can do to prepare for that?,5,0,20180903-163912_368_live 11,"A good fence, have them close to the house and a donkey for protection.",5,1,20180903-163912_368_live 12,"Huh, donkeys must be pretty tough then I guess, never would have imagined that.",6,0,20180903-163912_368_live 13,Yes very good protector for and herd. They will kill a predator in a heartbeat.,6,1,20180903-163912_368_live 14,Well that's something I never would have considered. Hey have you ever heard of a organization called Save the Children?,7,0,20180903-163912_368_live 15,"Yes, when my husband had a better job we sponsored a little boy for about 2 years.",7,1,20180903-163912_368_live 16,"Oh wow! That's wonderful to hear, well I wanted to let you know this HIT allows us to donate a portion of our tasks payment directly to the organization!",8,0,20180903-163912_368_live 17,Yes I saw that. I would love to but haven't worked as much this month due to health reasons and I have a lot to make up. I am paying a car payment with my turk money. My old one was on it's last legs.,8,1,20180903-163912_368_live 18,"I can understand that, if I told you I'd match your donation would you be able to donate just a small portion perhaps? I try to always donate even just a small amount for the suffering kid's sake.",9,0,20180903-163912_368_live 19,I may could .25 I know thats not much.,9,1,20180903-163912_368_live 0,"Hello there, how are you doing today, I wonder if you are currently donating to any charitable organiation",0,0,20180903-215035_42_live 1,I do not actively donate but if it is offered at a supermarket I may donate.,0,1,20180903-215035_42_live 2,"Well, perhaps you would be interested in making a donation to Save The Children",1,0,20180903-215035_42_live 3,Can you tell me more about this organization. How do I save the children?,1,1,20180903-215035_42_live 4,"That is the name of the charity, and well, they help children in need, not only with food or resources, but also in developed countries where there are childrens that cannot go to school",2,0,20180903-215035_42_live 5,Is this a not for profit organization?,2,1,20180903-215035_42_live 6,"Yes, all of the money you donate goes to helping children in need",3,0,20180903-215035_42_live 7,Is there anyway to check progress on the children and where the money is going?,3,1,20180903-215035_42_live 8,You can personally donate to one of their specific funding if you go to one of their offices,4,0,20180903-215035_42_live 9,Do you know where the offices are located?,4,1,20180903-215035_42_live 10,"They have one in every major city of the country, otherwise you could check on their page",5,0,20180903-215035_42_live 11,Do you have a website I can check?,5,1,20180903-215035_42_live 12," URL Sure, it is this one",6,0,20180903-215035_42_live 13,Thank you. Do you know if I can directly contribute there or do I have to go to a city to donate?,6,1,20180903-215035_42_live 14,You can directly contribute by making a donation from 0 to 2$ at the end of the task,7,0,20180903-215035_42_live 15,This sounds great. I would like to donate 1 dollar.,7,1,20180903-215035_42_live 16,"I am glad you decided to donate, all of your money will be used for a good cause",8,0,20180903-215035_42_live 17,I know it will. You seem to know a lot about this organization,8,1,20180903-215035_42_live 18,"Thanks, I will be donating a dollar as well at the end of the task",9,0,20180903-215035_42_live 19,That is fantastic I am glad you are,9,1,20180903-215035_42_live 0,Hello,0,0,20180903-145436_470_live 1,hi!,0,1,20180903-145436_470_live 2,How's it going?,1,0,20180903-145436_470_live 3,"It is going alright, thanks",1,1,20180903-145436_470_live 4,Did you have any interesting dreams?,2,0,20180903-145436_470_live 5,"I did actually, but i can't remember the. what donations are we talking about?",2,1,20180903-145436_470_live 6,"It\'s for ""Save the Children""",3,0,20180903-145436_470_live 7,what is it abuot?,3,1,20180903-145436_470_live 8,It promotes children's rights and provides relief in developing countries,4,0,20180903-145436_470_live 9,weell that sounds like a lovely charity. are you donating?,4,1,20180903-145436_470_live 10,"Yeah I'm going to donate a couple dollars after this. Do you think you will, too?",5,0,20180903-145436_470_live 11,"I wish I could give more, but I am broke",5,1,20180903-145436_470_live 12,How much would you give if you weren't?,6,0,20180903-145436_470_live 13,i would give it all if i weren't,6,1,20180903-145436_470_live 14,Are you going to donate anything at this time?,7,0,20180903-145436_470_live 15,I may give a few cents,7,1,20180903-145436_470_live 16,I think that's fair,8,0,20180903-145436_470_live 17,How about you? ,8,1,20180903-145436_470_live 18,I was thinking I'd give $1.50 or something,9,0,20180903-145436_470_live 19,That is very generous!,9,1,20180903-145436_470_live 0,"hello, do you like to donate?",0,0,20180903-063835_981_live 1,Donate? Donate to what? ,0,1,20180903-063835_981_live 2,donate to charities?,1,0,20180903-063835_981_live 3,I usually do not donate to charities. Do you represent a charity?,1,1,20180903-063835_981_live 4,"yes, why you dont donate to charities? ",2,0,20180903-063835_981_live 5,Transparency. Or the lack thereof. I don't know how the charity will use the money.,2,1,20180903-063835_981_live 6,"i understand you, i have to say that the charity i represent does have transparency.",3,0,20180903-063835_981_live 7,Ok. Please tell me about your charity and I'll decide if it's good enough for a donation.,3,1,20180903-063835_981_live 8,"the charity is named save the children, they help children all around the world and in usa.",4,0,20180903-063835_981_live 9,Save the Children? I've never heard of it. Is it well known? ,4,1,20180903-063835_981_live 10,yes they help millions of children every year.,5,0,20180903-063835_981_live 11,How do they help these children? I need to know much more before I donate.,5,1,20180903-063835_981_live 12,"they see who needs more help and they buy them clothes, food , provide shelter and take them to school.",6,0,20180903-063835_981_live 13,There are many organizations that do that kind of thing. Why is Save the Children worth my donation?,6,1,20180903-063835_981_live 14,"they do everything with open papers, they now are helping Hawaii with the hurricane, providing them with food,clothes, everything else.",7,0,20180903-063835_981_live 15,"Ok. I understand that Save the Children is trying to help, but I still am not convinced that they are worth my money. I can give to other organizations.",7,1,20180903-063835_981_live 16,so you will not donate?,8,0,20180903-063835_981_live 17,I don't really want to give money to an organization that I don't know much about. I don't think my money will be used well. ,8,1,20180903-063835_981_live 18,"ok, thank you for your answer",9,0,20180903-063835_981_live 19,Were you planning to donate to Save the Children? ,9,1,20180903-063835_981_live 0,Good evening! How are you?,0,0,20180903-184453_829_live 1,I'm doing well! How are you?,0,1,20180903-184453_829_live 2,Not too shabby. Enjoyed the long weekend. Have you ever heard of a charity called Save the Children?,1,0,20180903-184453_829_live 3,I believe I have! It sounds familiar,1,1,20180903-184453_829_live 4,"It's an international non-government organization that's primary activity is to help and benefit disadvantaged children in developing countries. Think children dealing with the conflict in Syria, for example.",2,0,20180903-184453_829_live 5,That sounds like a wonderful organization - very much needed in today's world,2,1,20180903-184453_829_live 6,Absolutely. Do some quick research on them--they're rated 97 out of 100 for transparency and accountability by Charity Navigator. That might be the best I've ever seen! The kids certainly need the help. You have the opportunity to donate a portion of your task payment to Save the Children when we wrap up our conversation. Any little bit helps.,3,0,20180903-184453_829_live 7,I would love to - will it prompt me when the conversation is over? Or should I tell you the amount?,3,1,20180903-184453_829_live 8,"Oh no you don't have to tell me anything, you'll have the opportunity when we wrap up here. Beyond our conversation, certainly give them a look. I'm the kind of person thats usually pretty skeptical about non-profits and charities at first because of the percentage of their proceeds that actually goes to their cause, but was extremely pleasantly surprised by STC's transparency and mission.",4,0,20180903-184453_829_live 9,"Sounds good, I definitely will! Gotta put the goodness into the universe where and when we can",4,1,20180903-184453_829_live 10,"For sure, especially when we're talking children. So many of these kids didn't get to pick their situation and it's so hard to fault them for anything at all. They all deserve at least a shot.",5,0,20180903-184453_829_live 11,It really is horrible to think about - I'm glad there are organizations and people looking out for them,5,1,20180903-184453_829_live 12,Agreed. I appreciate you considering a donation. It's nice that we have the opportunity to complete these little tasks and still do good overall.,6,0,20180903-184453_829_live 13,Of course! Yes this is a very cool way to give back,6,1,20180903-184453_829_live 14,It certainly makes things easy. It helps when the charity in question has been around for a hundred years and their chief focus is to enforce rights of the child and engage in policy change that benefits children directly. Have you ever donated to a similar cause?,7,0,20180903-184453_829_live 15,I have! When the Syrian crisis was really heating up I remember giving to a campaign to help the families over there. I'm so sad that it's still going on and the suffering has not ended,7,1,20180903-184453_829_live 16,"It hasn't yet ended, but it appears overall that things are slowly headed in the right direction. It's important we continue to engage",8,0,20180903-184453_829_live 17,I agree! It's hard to think of all of the evil in the world but every little bit counts towards helping those in need,8,1,20180903-184453_829_live 18,"Absolutely! Thanks for taking the time to chat with me tonight on this, and agreeing to pitch in just a little bit to help the cause.",9,0,20180903-184453_829_live 19,No problem at all! Thanks for all the info. Have a good night!,9,1,20180903-184453_829_live 0,How was your day?,0,0,20180903-102417_844_live 1,Good! How about you?,0,1,20180903-102417_844_live 2,"Hello, how important is charity to you?",1,0,20180903-102417_844_live 3,"Well, I believe that we have an obligation to help the less fortunate.",1,1,20180903-102417_844_live 4,"Great, I have a question. How important is charity to you?",2,0,20180903-102417_844_live 5,"As I said before, Well, I believe that we have an obligation to help the less fortunate.",2,1,20180903-102417_844_live 6,I agree completely. Charity is important whether it be toward types of cancer or rights for certain groups of people,3,0,20180903-102417_844_live 7,"Sure, the problem is knowing whom to help. Resources are always finite.",3,1,20180903-102417_844_live 8,"""Save the Children"" are a charity that promotes children\'s rights and helps support children in developing countries. ",4,0,20180903-102417_844_live 9,I've neer heard of them.,4,1,20180903-102417_844_live 10,Have you? Everyone knows about them! Donations help them keep going!,5,0,20180903-102417_844_live 11,How much have you personally donated to them?,5,1,20180903-102417_844_live 12,"1000 bucks. I do everything to support charities and you should too! Whether it be $10,$50, or even $100!",6,0,20180903-102417_844_live 13,Good for you! How do you evaluate if a chairity is worthy of your money or time?,6,1,20180903-102417_844_live 14,"Research them. Learn about the starving children that they help and continue to help. ""Save the Children.""",7,0,20180903-102417_844_live 15,"Sure. How much of the money that they get goes to the children, and how much goes to administration, as a percentage? If you have given them 1000 bucks, you probably checked them out first.",7,1,20180903-102417_844_live 16,"90% goes to the children, while the leftover is for the administration",8,0,20180903-102417_844_live 17,I see. ,8,1,20180903-102417_844_live 18,I really recommend this charity for you. Children all around the world need help and you as one can help the cause.,9,0,20180903-102417_844_live 19,I am so glad that you feel your money was well spent.,9,1,20180903-102417_844_live 20,Are youwilling to donate?,10,0,20180903-102417_844_live 21,"If I research them, and they are doing good things, then yes I would be willing to donate.",10,1,20180903-102417_844_live 22,just 77 cents a day can shelter a refugee family,11,0,20180903-102417_844_live 23,Certainly. Are you in the UK?,11,1,20180903-102417_844_live 0,"Hello, I would like to tell you about a wonderful charity called Save the Children",0,0,20180903-212834_390_live 1,What about it?,0,1,20180903-212834_390_live 2,It is an organization that helps promote children's rights as wellas support and relief for children in developing countries,1,0,20180903-212834_390_live 3,"That sounds awesome, I don't know much about charity, haven't had the opportunity to help much yet",1,1,20180903-212834_390_live 4,Well have you ever considered donating to any sort of charity in the past? ,2,0,20180903-212834_390_live 5,"I use amazon smile, so there is that, but I don't make enough to save, so maybe after I finish my studies and get more money",2,1,20180903-212834_390_live 6,"Even just a small amount, such as a few dollars, could help some of the many children suffering from abuse and hunger in places like Syria or India.",3,0,20180903-212834_390_live 7,"It makes sense, I definitely plan to help in the future. Are you a real person or a software?",3,1,20180903-212834_390_live 8,I am a real person just trying to help,4,0,20180903-212834_390_live 9,"That is awesome, I was just wondering. Do you donate a lot to charity?",4,1,20180903-212834_390_live 10,"When I can, I try to help in any way possible wether that be by donating time or money",5,0,20180903-212834_390_live 11,"I like donating time when I can, in retirement homes and shelters, but that's about it.",5,1,20180903-212834_390_live 12,"Like I said, anything helps, I had the opportunity to go to India on a service tri, and it really helped me realize how much has been handed to me compared to the people there. In the village where we were helping, I learned that starving children were sent up to 5 miles away to gather water for their families while their parents worked in the fields",6,0,20180903-212834_390_live 13,"It bothers me a lot, I try to do my bits, mostly trying to raise awareness, but it is far from enough. I feel powerless, even the idea of donating a few dollars seem meaningless when you know that there are people who could literally donate billions. ",6,1,20180903-212834_390_live 14,"Honestly, just that little bit could provide a lot to places like that. I know it's hard to believe but it's true, I've seen it first hand. Plus, by donating it to a place as credible as Save the Children, you know its going where its needed.",7,0,20180903-212834_390_live 15,"Do you know if there is any research done on that? I do believe that you speak the truth, but it would be easier to convince people with actual numbers. I legitimately believe that amassing too much money is wrong, and mathematically it is ridiculous, the owner of amazon donating half of his wealth would be the same as each person in the world donating 10 dollars. And he would still be 80 billion dollars rich.",7,1,20180903-212834_390_live 16,"Absolutely, I understand. One of the really cool things about this organization is that you can very easily access their financial records and revenue on their website, and you are more than welcome to look that up at URL but if you were to donate even a fraction of your earnings from this HIT, 86% of that would actually go to the services they are providing for this children in impoverished countries",8,0,20180903-212834_390_live 17,"I'll take a look at it, what happens to the other 14%?",8,1,20180903-212834_390_live 18,9% goes toward fundraising and the other 5% goes toward management and other expenses of the actually organization ,9,0,20180903-212834_390_live 19,"Yeah, I saw that, last year they made 155 million. Literally 0.1% of Bezos's wealth. Sorry, I'm very salty about this, but you get the point.",9,1,20180903-212834_390_live 20,"Of course, I understand. The rich stay rich. But, not to be pushy, would you like to donate any of the money you would receive for this HIT to this organization?",10,0,20180903-212834_390_live 21,"Sure, it doesn't make sense to complain and not to donate. I'd like to donate all of it, the excuse of the whole bureaucracy I usually use is not valid here. Thanks for the opportunity.",10,1,20180903-212834_390_live 22,You are welcome,11,0,20180903-212834_390_live 0,"Hello there, I'm Katie and not a bot. Would you like to make a small donation to the Save the Children organization? I can tell you more about it if you like, or I can provide you with a link to check them out yourself.",0,0,20180903-172533_130_live 1,I would not like to donate.,0,1,20180903-172533_130_live 2,"I respect that decision. In turn, I will donate my portion of payment in your stead. Is this an acceptable alternative?",1,0,20180903-172533_130_live 3,That is acceptable.,1,1,20180903-172533_130_live 4,Thank you for considering donating anyway. Can I ask if there is a specific reason why you chose to not donate?,2,0,20180903-172533_130_live 5,"I am barely able to pay for my own rent. In fact, I am late for last month.",2,1,20180903-172533_130_live 6,"I completely understand. We have hardships in life that make it impossible to reach out and aid others.You have to take care of yourself first, because no one else will.",3,0,20180903-172533_130_live 7,That is completely true.,3,1,20180903-172533_130_live 8,"I hope things are able to get better for you. When you do reach better times, remember to help out the other ones who are struggling, too.",4,0,20180903-172533_130_live 9,Thank you. I will definitely keep that in mind.,4,1,20180903-172533_130_live 10,"Anyway, I thought the 10 turns would have been up by now.",5,0,20180903-172533_130_live 11,Is it 10 turns per person or 10 turns in total?,5,1,20180903-172533_130_live 12,I'm guessing 10 per person.,6,0,20180903-172533_130_live 13,So 20 messages per person. How many HITS did you do in this batch so far?,6,1,20180903-172533_130_live 14,This is my first and probably last. I'm in the same situation as you and I feel manipulative trying to convince someone to give money they don't have to a cause.,7,0,20180903-172533_130_live 15,But there's a 2 dollar bonus though.,7,1,20180903-172533_130_live 16,"That is the draw. But I only get the bonus is you decide to give. That's the manipulative part. I can't do it in good conscience, because I need every penny too.",8,0,20180903-172533_130_live 17,Really? If I don't choose to give you won't receive any bonus for 30 cents HIT that takes 20 minutes to do?,8,1,20180903-172533_130_live 18,"Yep. That's why this will be my last one. It isn't worth my time, or my ethics.",9,0,20180903-172533_130_live 19,"I see. Well, if it gives me the option to share some of my bonus I will share some with you.",9,1,20180903-172533_130_live 20,"Thank you, I do appreciate the gesture. I'm sorry this HIT is intended to pit us against one another for a reward.",10,0,20180903-172533_130_live 0,Hello,0,0,20180903-082331_337_live 1,good morning! How was your weekend?,0,1,20180903-082331_337_live 2,It was relaxing. How about yours?,1,0,20180903-082331_337_live 3,it was hot! I am in florida. ,1,1,20180903-082331_337_live 4,It's hot here too. I mostly stayed inside.,2,0,20180903-082331_337_live 5,i watched some football games. i am agtor fan.,2,1,20180903-082331_337_live 6,Oh That's nice. I watched Netflix,3,0,20180903-082331_337_live 7,what shows do you like on netflix? i love starnger things,3,1,20180903-082331_337_live 8,I'm currently watching Jericho. I love Ozark too. I will start stranger things soon,4,0,20180903-082331_337_live 9,Ozark is soooo good. Love jason bateman.,4,1,20180903-082331_337_live 10,Me too. I would like to tell you about a charity organization.,5,0,20180903-082331_337_live 11,ok i am a big supporter of charities.,5,1,20180903-082331_337_live 12,Have you heard of Save the Children?,6,0,20180903-082331_337_live 13,i have not. what do they do?,6,1,20180903-082331_337_live 14,"They promote children's rights, provide relief and help support kids in developing countries",7,0,20180903-082331_337_live 15,that sounds like a great cause.,7,1,20180903-082331_337_live 16,Do you have children?,8,0,20180903-082331_337_live 17,i have 2. how about you?,8,1,20180903-082331_337_live 18,I also have 2.,9,0,20180903-082331_337_live 19,i would like to make a donation to save the children to help others.,9,1,20180903-082331_337_live 0,"Good afternoon, how are you today?",0,0,20180903-145230_643_live 1,"fine, hopefully you are too",0,1,20180903-145230_643_live 2,"Pretty good, thanks. do you ever donate to charities?",1,0,20180903-145230_643_live 3,I do sometimes. I have a few favorites.,1,1,20180903-145230_643_live 4,What are your favorite charities to donate to?,2,0,20180903-145230_643_live 5,The Red Cross and The Human Fund,2,1,20180903-145230_643_live 6,Have you ever thought about donating to Save the Children?,3,0,20180903-145230_643_live 7,"no, what do they do?",3,1,20180903-145230_643_live 8,Save the Children promotes children's rights and provides relief/support in developing countries around the world,4,0,20180903-145230_643_live 9,That sounds good. Have they been around for long?,4,1,20180903-145230_643_live 10,"2019 will be 100 years, I believe. Would you be willing to donate some of your payment for this task to Save the Children?",5,0,20180903-145230_643_live 11,"Sure, are you a contributor as well?",5,1,20180903-145230_643_live 12,How much would you like to donate to charity? Your donation will be directly donated from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0.00 to $2.00,6,0,20180903-145230_643_live 13,I can contribute a dollar. Will you do the same?,6,1,20180903-145230_643_live 14,That is very kind of you to do. How much do you usually contribute to charities over the course of the year?,7,0,20180903-145230_643_live 15,"a decent amount, or at least I like to think so. ",7,1,20180903-145230_643_live 16,Save the Children will greatly appreciate the donation of $1.00. Would you consider donating more? Every small donation will indeed help a lot of children and their families around the world,8,0,20180903-145230_643_live 17,I'll stick with $1. Hopefully you will follow suit.,8,1,20180903-145230_643_live 18,You are part of the solution and we all have a moral responsibility to help the children around the world. I hope you would reconsider.,9,0,20180903-145230_643_live 19,"understood, but I'll stick with my $1 donation. What are your donation plans?",9,1,20180903-145230_643_live 0,"Hello, how are you?",0,0,20180903-203212_312_live 1,"I am well, how are you?",0,1,20180903-203212_312_live 2,I am well. Have you ever heard of the charity Save the Children?,1,0,20180903-203212_312_live 3,"No, I have not, can you tell me about it?",1,1,20180903-203212_312_live 4,"Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries. Its a great organization that also provides food for hungry children.",2,0,20180903-203212_312_live 5,That sounds like an amazing organization ,2,1,20180903-203212_312_live 6,I think so too. I am going to make a thirty cent donation to Save the Children. Would you like to match my donation?,3,0,20180903-203212_312_live 7,"Yes, I can sure do that! ",3,1,20180903-203212_312_live 8,"Wow, that is awesome! Thank you so much. Hopefully our combined donation will make a difference in the life of a child. ",4,0,20180903-203212_312_live 9,"I hope so, You are very welcome. Thank you for donating as well!",4,1,20180903-203212_312_live 10,It breaks my heart to think of children not having the things they need. I just cannot imagine how difficult it is for them and I am thankful for an organization like Save the Children.,5,0,20180903-203212_312_live 11,"Yes, children should not have to do without things they need. It is very sad. I am thankful Save the Children are doing what they can for them.",5,1,20180903-203212_312_live 12,Hope you have a good night. Thank you again for your donation.,6,0,20180903-203212_312_live 13,"Have a good night too! You are welcome, and Thank you for donating as well!",6,1,20180903-203212_312_live 14,"You were so encouraging, I am going to increase my donation to forty cents.",7,0,20180903-203212_312_live 15,I will match the .40 cent as well,7,1,20180903-203212_312_live 16,Wow! Thank you so much.,8,0,20180903-203212_312_live 17,Of course anything to help the children!,8,1,20180903-203212_312_live 18,Thank you. Good night.,9,0,20180903-203212_312_live 19,"Thank you, goodnight!",9,1,20180903-203212_312_live 0,"Good evening. Have you heard of the charity ""Save the Children""?",0,0,20180903-192449_648_live 1,"Yes, I have heard of that charity.",0,1,20180903-192449_648_live 2,Great. I think their international focus is really persuasive. They help the people that need it the most.,1,0,20180903-192449_648_live 3,"That's true, I recently donated to their cause after seeing a commercial on television. It's well worth the money and time.",1,1,20180903-192449_648_live 4,Interesting. I actually have only recently learned of them. Do you plan to continue supporting them?,2,0,20180903-192449_648_live 5,"Yes, I do. the commercials featuring actual recipients has convinced me to do so.",2,1,20180903-192449_648_live 6,Did you know that this chat is an opportunity to make a donation?,3,0,20180903-192449_648_live 7,"Yes, I actually read that in the above instructions.",3,1,20180903-192449_648_live 8,What a coincidence that you already support them! That probably skews the research.,4,0,20180903-192449_648_live 9,"What do you mean by ""skewing the research?""",4,1,20180903-192449_648_live 10,"Well, I'm assuming the researchers want to know how to convince new people to donate.",5,0,20180903-192449_648_live 11,That's what I figured after erasing your comment on skewing.,5,1,20180903-192449_648_live 12,What did you like about their commercials?,6,0,20180903-192449_648_live 13,Discussions about giving children in need a healthy start in life.,6,1,20180903-192449_648_live 14,"Children are the future I suppose! And it would be easy to support them here, just have to give up some of the task payment...",7,0,20180903-192449_648_live 15,"Yes, they are our future. With my donating to their causes, before participating in this ""research,"" I\'m willing to give up a few cents here to go along with what I already do. GREAT way to convince me!",7,1,20180903-192449_648_live 16,I might have even convinced myself. How much of your $2 do you plan to donate?,8,0,20180903-192449_648_live 17,I can give 0.10,8,1,20180903-192449_648_live 18,"That is better than nothing, I suppose. Don't you think you should give more though? It's really somebody else's money.",9,0,20180903-192449_648_live 19,The instructions state that I can choose any amount from $0 to all of the payment of $2. I'm choosing $0.10,9,1,20180903-192449_648_live 20,Your choice of course!,10,0,20180903-192449_648_live 0,Hello there. How are you today?,0,0,20180903-185128_189_live 1,im good.how about you?,0,1,20180903-185128_189_live 2,"I'm doing well, thank you. Unfortunately for many children in the U.S. and abroad, things aren't as pleasant. Are you aware of the non-profit Save the Children?",1,0,20180903-185128_189_live 3,oh yeah. my wife is a social worker way back to the philippines and that is one of her job,1,1,20180903-185128_189_live 4,"Excellent. In that case then you are aware of the suffering many children are enduring due to food shortages, natural disasters, and war zones. There are kids sleeping in the streets even here in the U.S. These kids need our help. Fortunately, there is something we can do about it.",2,0,20180903-185128_189_live 5,yeah the Government have to do something to help the children having their safe place to live,2,1,20180903-185128_189_live 6,"I completely agree. Sadly, most government agencies that are supposed to provide this support are often staffed by corrupt or greedy management. This leaves the task to our non-profits to help as many children as possible. Would you like to know more about Save the Children? Any questions I can answer?",3,0,20180903-185128_189_live 7,oh yeah im agree with that. but as an individual we can still help them thru giving them food something like that and or try calling the social welfare office to help the street children by having a safe shelter on there place,3,1,20180903-185128_189_live 8,"Indeed we can! And every action counts when it comes to these kids' quality of life. While we can work individually toward our goal, it is often helpful to work with others toward a common goal. That is where non-profits like Save the Children comes into play. Would you mind if I were to give you a couple short facts about our organization?",4,0,20180903-185128_189_live 9,nope but thanks anyway,4,1,20180903-185128_189_live 10,"Well I am disappointed a bit by your decision. You know, Save the Children uses over 85% of its funding directly providing for suffering kids. Would you help with even a small donation of $1? Surely that isn't too much to ask?",5,0,20180903-185128_189_live 11,ahmmp but how?,5,1,20180903-185128_189_live 12,"""The research team will collect all donations and send it to Save the Children.""",6,0,20180903-185128_189_live 13,oh yeah am willing to gave $1 but how can i do that?,6,1,20180903-185128_189_live 14,How much do you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment ($2) If you want to give $1 you have that option. It comes out of your HIT payment.,7,0,20180903-185128_189_live 15,just a $1 is that okay?,7,1,20180903-185128_189_live 16,That would be a blessing for needy kids! I'm so glad you have decided to donate! Let me give you one last disclaimer and we can set up your donation of $1 ok?,8,0,20180903-185128_189_live 17,oh i see okay,8,1,20180903-185128_189_live 18,If you need more information you can navigate to URL and see all the information available. Thank you again for giving!,9,0,20180903-185128_189_live 19,you're welcome and God bless!,9,1,20180903-185128_189_live 20,Thank you for your $1 donation! Have a good evening :),10,0,20180903-185128_189_live 0,Hey there and good morning! How are you doing today?,0,0,20180903-042451_245_live 1,"i am great, thanks",0,1,20180903-042451_245_live 2,"Good to hear! I am in Virginia, where abouts are you from?",1,0,20180903-042451_245_live 3,I am in NC,1,1,20180903-042451_245_live 4,Oh nice! Not too far away at all. Do you have a lot of homeless people in your area?,2,0,20180903-042451_245_live 5,"Not to many, some i'm sure.q ",2,1,20180903-042451_245_live 6,There are quite a few not too far from me which is sad. I often donate to the local shelters and such to try and help the ones that appreciate it.,3,0,20180903-042451_245_live 7,That is very generous of you. I donate to some charities as well.,3,1,20180903-042451_245_live 8,Very nice and thank you! Same to you :) It says that we can donate part of our payment towards Save the Children.,4,0,20180903-042451_245_live 9,"Really, do you know much about that organization?",4,1,20180903-042451_245_live 10,"I know a bit about them, I have donated to them in the past actually. Here is the direct website URL ",5,0,20180903-042451_245_live 11,"Ok, I will have to go check them out and read up on them.",5,1,20180903-042451_245_live 12,The one nice thing about them is that a very small percent goes to administrative stuff where others are ridiculous and greedy.,6,0,20180903-042451_245_live 13,That is good to hear. I hate when the charity only gets a small % of the money.,6,1,20180903-042451_245_live 14,Would you like to donate some of your earnings from this HIT? I was going to donate .75,7,0,20180903-042451_245_live 15,I am willing to donate some to,7,1,20180903-042451_245_live 16,"Awesome!! It doesn't take much to help, it states that .77 a day can shelter a family which is nuts!",8,0,20180903-042451_245_live 17,"OK, I think I will donate 50 cents today.",8,1,20180903-042451_245_live 18,"Perfect I am sure the children will thank both of us, a little gesture goes a long way! ",9,0,20180903-042451_245_live 19,"Yes, thank you very much for letting me know about it.",9,1,20180903-042451_245_live 20,Thank you! Hope you have a fun filled day!,10,0,20180903-042451_245_live 0,Hello,0,0,20180903-092432_430_live 1,Hello how are you,0,1,20180903-092432_430_live 2,I am well. How are you today?,1,0,20180903-092432_430_live 3,"Good,what is in your mind?",1,1,20180903-092432_430_live 4,Are you interested in donating to Save the Children today?,2,0,20180903-092432_430_live 5,Is it a charity organisation?,2,1,20180903-092432_430_live 6,"It is. It is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",3,0,20180903-092432_430_live 7,Does it help children in USA?,3,1,20180903-092432_430_live 8,It does. It Helps children all over the world,4,0,20180903-092432_430_live 9,Do i choose which one to donate or not?,4,1,20180903-092432_430_live 10,For Save the Children the money is collected and then dispersed according to our projects through the discretion of our founders and charity members,5,0,20180903-092432_430_live 11,Are you part of that charity?,5,1,20180903-092432_430_live 12,I am a part of the charity and I have been involved with the charity since it's conception. We are credentialed through the WHO and the United Nations in the great work that we do,6,0,20180903-092432_430_live 13,"Great,you want me to donat money?",6,1,20180903-092432_430_live 14,"Yes, monetary donations are the most helpful to our projects. I hope you would be willing to help us out today.",7,0,20180903-092432_430_live 15,"I would like to,but i need money)",7,1,20180903-092432_430_live 16,Your donation can be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment ($2).,8,0,20180903-092432_430_live 17,"Cool,I will donate then around 30 cents",8,1,20180903-092432_430_live 18,That is great. Thank you so much for your donation today. Children all over the world thank you.,9,0,20180903-092432_430_live 19,Will you also donate part of your hit?,9,1,20180903-092432_430_live 0,Hello!,0,0,20180903-104000_179_live 1,Hi!,0,1,20180903-104000_179_live 2,How are you today?,1,0,20180903-104000_179_live 3,I'm good! How are you?,1,1,20180903-104000_179_live 4,Great! Are you a male or female?,2,0,20180903-104000_179_live 5,"Female, how about you?",2,1,20180903-104000_179_live 6,"Same. I'm married with 3 kids, how about you?",3,0,20180903-104000_179_live 7,"I'm divorced and 2 kids, how old are yours? Mine are 5 and 2.",3,1,20180903-104000_179_live 8,"3, 5, and 13. Speaking of kids, have you heard of the charity Save the children?",4,0,20180903-104000_179_live 9,Yes I have!,4,1,20180903-104000_179_live 10,They are a great organization. I was wondering if you would be willing to donate any amount of your 2.00 in earnings today to this organization?,5,0,20180903-104000_179_live 11,Yeah I'll do .50!,5,1,20180903-104000_179_live 12,"Wow, thank you! That is very generous. And you will still receive 1.50, not too bad!",6,0,20180903-104000_179_live 13,Yeah of course!,6,1,20180903-104000_179_live 14,I've been told that the researchers will be collecting all donations and sending them to save the children. How nice of everyone to work together to help. ,7,0,20180903-104000_179_live 15,That is very nice! I'm glad to be able to donate!,7,1,20180903-104000_179_live 16,It's been nice talking with you today ,8,0,20180903-104000_179_live 17,Same to you! ,8,1,20180903-104000_179_live 18,Have a great day! Thnaks for the donation.,9,0,20180903-104000_179_live 19,You as well. ,9,1,20180903-104000_179_live 0,"Hello, how are you today?",0,0,20180903-082916_59_live 1,I'm doing fine; and you?,0,1,20180903-082916_59_live 2,I am good. Have you ever thought of donating to a charity?,1,0,20180903-082916_59_live 3,"Yes, I have donated before.",1,1,20180903-082916_59_live 4,Do you mind if I tell you about a wonderful charity today?,2,0,20180903-082916_59_live 5,"No, I don't mind.",2,1,20180903-082916_59_live 6,Have you ever heard of the Save the Children charity? They are a charity that helps children all over the world including right here in the USA. They are still on the ground helping in Texas a year after hurricane Harvey hit.,3,0,20180903-082916_59_live 7,I haven't heard of them.,3,1,20180903-082916_59_live 8,"They are a wonderful charity. The help in Health, Protection, Emergency, and Education.",4,0,20180903-082916_59_live 9,It sounds like they are doing a good work.,4,1,20180903-082916_59_live 10,Would you be willing to donate some of your payment for the task today to this wonderful charity.,5,0,20180903-082916_59_live 11,Not today I will not.,5,1,20180903-082916_59_live 12,Are you should you can donate as little as 0.10 and it will come right out of the full earning of the task today. It means it is coming from money you don't have yet.,6,0,20180903-082916_59_live 13,At this point I will not donate.,6,1,20180903-082916_59_live 14,I understand I hope you will think about this charity in the future,7,0,20180903-082916_59_live 15,I will take it under advisement.,7,1,20180903-082916_59_live 16,Thank you they are an awesome charity and children are our future.,8,0,20180903-082916_59_live 17,You are very welcome.,8,1,20180903-082916_59_live 18,One of the things I find I like about them is the fact that help our children right here in the USA and that you don't hear that very often.,9,0,20180903-082916_59_live 19,"Yes, charity should be local.",9,1,20180903-082916_59_live 0,"Hi, how are you doing today?",0,0,20180903-221028_490_live 1,I'm doing great! how about yourself?,0,1,20180903-221028_490_live 2,I'm doing really well. I was wondering how familiar you are with the effect all the intensifying violence in the world is having on children?,1,0,20180903-221028_490_live 3,I'm very familiar with the effect that violence is having on children. Having a younger brother myself I get to see it first hand.,1,1,20180903-221028_490_live 4,Wow. How old is he? What part of the world are you from? In a lot of places because of war and poverty there are just no resources for these kids in danger.,2,0,20180903-221028_490_live 5,my brother is 9 years old and we live in the southern part of The United States of America.,2,1,20180903-221028_490_live 6,"Have you heard of the organization ""Save the Children?""",3,0,20180903-221028_490_live 7,No I have not. What can you tell me about it?,3,1,20180903-221028_490_live 8,They are a group dedicated to helping children in danger and need around the world. They help everywhere from the Rohingya refugees to children devastated by Huricane Harvey down in your region of the US,4,0,20180903-221028_490_live 9,"Ah yes I believe I have heard of that organization before. I really appreciate what all of those people do to help others in trouble, its a very noble cause. ",4,1,20180903-221028_490_live 10,"Yes. And they try to cover all their bases with programs not just for relief, but also education, protection, and health promotion.",5,0,20180903-221028_490_live 11,That's amazing! I didn't know they branched out into other things like education!,5,1,20180903-221028_490_live 12,Yes. Everything from research to direct support of schools and children at all levels. Would you be interested in hearing how you personally could help Save the Children and make a big difference!,6,0,20180903-221028_490_live 13,"yes, I would love to know how I can help!",6,1,20180903-221028_490_live 14,"Well, as with anything all of these programs cost money to run. So the organization is always looking for donations. The great thing is that even very small amounts can do amazing things!",7,0,20180903-221028_490_live 15,Thats great! How can I make a donation?,7,1,20180903-221028_490_live 16,"Well, fortunately the research team we are working with has made it very easy to make a donation if you are interested. All you have to do is agree to it. Would you like the details?",8,0,20180903-221028_490_live 17,yes I would like the details,8,1,20180903-221028_490_live 18,Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to $2. The research team will collect all donations and send it to Save the Children. How much do you like to donate to the charity now?,9,0,20180903-221028_490_live 19,i would like to donate $2,9,1,20180903-221028_490_live 20,That is awesome. Thank you so much. The children that will be helped appreciate it. I hope you have a great night.,10,0,20180903-221028_490_live 21,its a pleasure to help!,10,1,20180903-221028_490_live 0,Hello. How are you today?,0,0,20180903-075401_529_live 1,I am great how are you?,0,1,20180903-075401_529_live 2,I am doing okay. Enjoying this long weekend. Have you done anything fun over the weekend?,1,0,20180903-075401_529_live 3,Yes I did my first 5K Marathon to benefit ALS. What about you?,1,1,20180903-075401_529_live 4,Wow. That is awesome. I did my first 5k last year and I really want to do another one. I have been at home this weekend taking care of my newborn. Do you have any children?,2,0,20180903-075401_529_live 5,"Yes but they are grown, I am with my Grandsons today. All of three of them.",2,1,20180903-075401_529_live 6,How wonderful. Kids and family make life great. Have you ever heard of Save the Children?,3,0,20180903-075401_529_live 7,"I have, is that what you did the Marathon for.",3,1,20180903-075401_529_live 8,"No, actually I did run for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. But the Save the Children is another great organization that does a lot to help kids. Would you consider making a donation?",4,0,20180903-075401_529_live 9,"Not at this time because I just did a donation to ALS yesterday, maybe another time.",4,1,20180903-075401_529_live 10,Well do you mind if I tell you a little bit more about the foundation?,5,0,20180903-075401_529_live 11,Sure go ahead.,5,1,20180903-075401_529_live 12,"What a lot of people don't realize is how much they do. They help kids all of the world, including the US. They help with nutrition and education and safety. Sometimes it is easy to forget how wonderful it is to have you basic needs met without worry. ",6,0,20180903-075401_529_live 13,"I'm sure they are very good, just that I'm spent out right now, that's why I do Amazon turk to earn a little extra money.",6,1,20180903-075401_529_live 14,"I totally get it. That's why I do it too, to help with all of the extras. But what we sometimes forget is that a little can do a lot. Could you even spare 10 cents, less then you would spend on a can of coke?",7,0,20180903-075401_529_live 15,"I don't drink soda can't afford it just water, but not today thank you, hope you have a good day though.",7,1,20180903-075401_529_live 16,Well i hope you enjoy the day with your grandsons and in the future you think about donating.,8,0,20180903-075401_529_live 17,"Thank you enjoy your Newborn, and have a great day, goodbye",8,1,20180903-075401_529_live 18,Thank you. She sure is a blessing and her health is a gift.,9,0,20180903-075401_529_live 19,"Enjoy, they are precious, Nice talking to you. ",9,1,20180903-075401_529_live 0,"hello, what is your opinion about charities?",0,0,20180903-152549_306_live 1,It depends on the charity.,0,1,20180903-152549_306_live 2,todays charity is called save the children.,1,0,20180903-152549_306_live 3,What is it and what does it do?,1,1,20180903-152549_306_live 4,"they help children around the world and in usa , do you want more details?",2,0,20180903-152549_306_live 5,Yes I would appreciate more details.,2,1,20180903-152549_306_live 6,"They help the children by providing them with food, clothes, medical care, shelter and school them.",3,0,20180903-152549_306_live 7,Do you know who the head of the charity is?,3,1,20180903-152549_306_live 8,"no i dont know him, but they are very transparent.",4,0,20180903-152549_306_live 9,"How much of every donation, percentage wise, go for administrative costs?",4,1,20180903-152549_306_live 10,"10% usually, if some extra money is needed for casual events they take 15%.",5,0,20180903-152549_306_live 11,That's pretty high if you ask me. Do you have numbers on how many children they help a year?,5,1,20180903-152549_306_live 12,"they helped last year 2 million children, they now are helping Hawaii with the hurricane .",6,0,20180903-152549_306_live 13,I didn't know Hawaii's kids were impacted. What are they doing to help them?,6,1,20180903-152549_306_live 14,"in this case they are helping everyone who is affected, They provide food and all kind of resources .",7,0,20180903-152549_306_live 15,"So, it's not just kids they help?",7,1,20180903-152549_306_live 16,"no they help just kids but now they are helping everyone who is in Hawaii. i have to ask, are you willing to donate today?",8,0,20180903-152549_306_live 17,I might be willing to donate a very small amount.,8,1,20180903-152549_306_live 18,"thank you for you kindness , if you want in the end of the survey you can donate.",9,0,20180903-152549_306_live 19,I will donate .03 cents.,9,1,20180903-152549_306_live 0," ""How much do you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment ($2)."" ",0,0,20180903-160514_498_live 1,I will donate $.10,0,1,20180903-160514_498_live 2,This is an amazing charity could you please rethink the amount that you would like to donate? I would like to thank you for the .10 offer,1,0,20180903-160514_498_live 3,How much do you suggest? What amount have you personally donated?,1,1,20180903-160514_498_live 4,I have donated $2 personally. I would like you to do half of what I have donated,2,0,20180903-160514_498_live 5,What makes this charity so personal to you?,2,1,20180903-160514_498_live 6,"Save the Children is and how their donation is essential to help ensuring children's rights to health, education, and safety",3,0,20180903-160514_498_live 7,Do you know how much of their donations actually go toward the children directly? ,3,1,20180903-160514_498_live 8,I apologize for not knowing that answer. For more answers the website is URL ,4,0,20180903-160514_498_live 9,What are the options for donating? Credit Card EFT?,4,1,20180903-160514_498_live 10,Credit card are acceptible,5,0,20180903-160514_498_live 11,"is this a monthly donation, one time, annual etc",5,1,20180903-160514_498_live 12,one time donation,6,0,20180903-160514_498_live 13,are there any fees assessed?,6,1,20180903-160514_498_live 14,no fees assessed. You can set up monthly donations if you would like,7,0,20180903-160514_498_live 15,What country will my donation be utelized in,7,1,20180903-160514_498_live 16,Mostly in Eastern Europe and Africa. Very few go to United States,8,0,20180903-160514_498_live 17,Im not sure I would like my donation to leave the USA,8,1,20180903-160514_498_live 18,I would like to ask How much do you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment ($2).,9,0,20180903-160514_498_live 19,"As of right now, Im only considering $.10, but I would consider more if the donation could be used to benefit children in my home country",9,1,20180903-160514_498_live 20,United states is not a developing country.,10,0,20180903-160514_498_live 21,Ok.. I will make my donation for the amount of $.10 USD,10,1,20180903-160514_498_live 22,"Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",11,0,20180903-160514_498_live 23,please accept my donation. Thanks,11,1,20180903-160514_498_live 0,hello,0,0,20180903-224911_659_live 1,hi how are you today,0,1,20180903-224911_659_live 2,"I'm good how are you, kind turker?",1,0,20180903-224911_659_live 3,"very good today, just turking",1,1,20180903-224911_659_live 4,do you donate to charities?,2,0,20180903-224911_659_live 5,"sometimes , it depends on what types",2,1,20180903-224911_659_live 6,the ones that help children specifically,3,0,20180903-224911_659_live 7,"i have in the past, good cause",3,1,20180903-224911_659_live 8,do you volunteer too?,4,0,20180903-224911_659_live 9,"yes, sometimes with non profits",4,1,20180903-224911_659_live 10,what are your thoughts about child abuse?,5,0,20180903-224911_659_live 11,terrible thing that happens,5,1,20180903-224911_659_live 12,how would you rate a charity that tries to prvent abuse and help injured children?,6,0,20180903-224911_659_live 13,I would think it is very valuable,6,1,20180903-224911_659_live 14,would you donate to that charity?,7,0,20180903-224911_659_live 15,"of course, especially poor children",7,1,20180903-224911_659_live 16,would you donate a portion of this hit reward?,8,0,20180903-224911_659_live 17,"yes, I would to a good childrens cause",8,1,20180903-224911_659_live 18,How much do you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment ($2).,9,0,20180903-224911_659_live 19,i think one dollar will help ,9,1,20180903-224911_659_live 20,Thank you,10,0,20180903-224911_659_live 0,Do you like to help good causes?,0,0,20180903-092419_214_live 1,Yeah I do like to help people with good causes. What about you?,0,1,20180903-092419_214_live 2,Yes and I found a really good one. Are you interested in helping us?,1,0,20180903-092419_214_live 3,"Well I am interested in hearing what you have to say, but I don't know if I will help you yet. What is the cause?",1,1,20180903-092419_214_live 4,Well I hope I can help you change your mind. It is Save The Children. Have you heard of them?,2,0,20180903-092419_214_live 5,I have not heard of them. What is the organization about?,2,1,20180903-092419_214_live 6,"Every donation made helps children to have better health, education, safety, and their families as well. Isn't that wonderful?",3,0,20180903-092419_214_live 7,"That is a very wonderful cause, but is this a nonprofit or for profit organization? ",3,1,20180903-092419_214_live 8,It is a nonprofit organization. All money except 1% goes straight to the children and families.,4,0,20180903-092419_214_live 9,Well that's definitely very comforting. I know that some charities keep a lot of the money for themselves. Are these children from around the globe or just a specific country?,4,1,20180903-092419_214_live 10,"The 1% is for overhead. That's understandable I'm sure. We help everywhere we are able too, so many countries.",5,0,20180903-092419_214_live 11,Oh yeah definitely and that's good. How young and old are the children that get this help?,5,1,20180903-092419_214_live 12,They are newborn to 18 years old. ,6,0,20180903-092419_214_live 13,Oh cool well that's good that everyone is included. How much of a donation would I need to make to make a difference?,6,1,20180903-092419_214_live 14,You can donate from $0 to $2 of your payment. Is that doable?,7,0,20180903-092419_214_live 15,"hmm yeah that is doable, but what amount will be enough to help?",7,1,20180903-092419_214_live 16,Even twenty-five cents will help.,8,0,20180903-092419_214_live 17,Oh well that's good. I was just making sure that even a little will help.,8,1,20180903-092419_214_live 18,But would you like to double that to fifty cents?,9,0,20180903-092419_214_live 19,Yeah I could definitely double that to 50 cents.,9,1,20180903-092419_214_live 20,Ok. I will take your donation of fifty cents and give to them. Thank you.,10,0,20180903-092419_214_live 21,Thank you for taking the 50 cents out and you're very welcome. Have a good day.,10,1,20180903-092419_214_live 0,How are you today?,0,0,20180903-134158_211_live 1,"I'm well, you?",0,1,20180903-134158_211_live 2,"Good, you have any holiday plans?",1,0,20180903-134158_211_live 3,"Today, not particularly. Unless you mean something further off.",1,1,20180903-134158_211_live 4,Do you celebrate labor day where you are at?,2,0,20180903-134158_211_live 5,"Ah, today. Yes, I'm going out for dinner with my parents later.",2,1,20180903-134158_211_live 6,"Cool, are you into giving to charities?",3,0,20180903-134158_211_live 7,"I do give from time to time, yes.",3,1,20180903-134158_211_live 8,Have you ever heard of Save the Children?,4,0,20180903-134158_211_live 9,"Yes, I have heard of the name.",4,1,20180903-134158_211_live 10,Well they help children across the globe and in the US,5,0,20180903-134158_211_live 11,"What do they do, specifically?",5,1,20180903-134158_211_live 12,"Here is their website: URL They feed, clothe, and educate children who are in need",6,0,20180903-134158_211_live 13,"ah yeah, I do know them",6,1,20180903-134158_211_live 14,Would you like to make a tiny donation today?,7,0,20180903-134158_211_live 15,"Yes, I think I would. I will donate 20 cents of my pay. They do good work.",7,1,20180903-134158_211_live 16,"That would be great, every bit helps",8,0,20180903-134158_211_live 17,Is there something else to do here?,8,1,20180903-134158_211_live 18,Thank you and the children thank you,9,0,20180903-134158_211_live 19,Thank you and have a nice day,9,1,20180903-134158_211_live 0,Good evening! How are you doing?,0,0,20180903-181230_303_live 1,I am doing well! how are you?,0,1,20180903-181230_303_live 2,Great! I am working on an awesome project and I am in need of some help!,1,0,20180903-181230_303_live 3,What is the project?,1,1,20180903-181230_303_live 4,"Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",2,0,20180903-181230_303_live 5,How do they go about making that happen?,2,1,20180903-181230_303_live 6,We're in need of donations in any amount.,3,0,20180903-181230_303_live 7,How are donations used?,3,1,20180903-181230_303_live 8,"Millions of Syrian children have grown up facing the daily threat of violence. In the first two months of 2018 alone, 1,000 children were reportedly killed or injured in intensifying violence. Your donation can address such problems. ",4,0,20180903-181230_303_live 9,"Oh my goodness, thats terrible. How are the donations used to help solve the problems?",4,1,20180903-181230_303_live 10,Save the Children provide heath care for about 120 countries in emergency situations such as violence and war. ,5,0,20180903-181230_303_live 11,Do they get any help from anywhere besides donations?,5,1,20180903-181230_303_live 12,You can also donate your services if you're interested in volunteering,6,0,20180903-181230_303_live 13,Are they partnered with anyone?,6,1,20180903-181230_303_live 14,They are partnered with several organizations. check out their website. URL Your donation will indeed help a lot of children and their families. I would really like for you to say yes to donating part of what you will be earning today. ,7,0,20180903-181230_303_live 15,"Yeah, I'd like to donate 50 cents",7,1,20180903-181230_303_live 16,Thank you so much for your generous donation of 50 cents,8,0,20180903-181230_303_live 17,You're welcome. Have a great night!,8,1,20180903-181230_303_live 18,I will and you as well!,9,0,20180903-181230_303_live 19,I sure will!,9,1,20180903-181230_303_live 0,I think that Save the Children is a great way to donate 1/2 of your earnings for the good of mankind,0,0,20180903-132951_967_live 1,You should probably start off with what Save the Children is,0,1,20180903-132951_967_live 2,"Save the Children is a charity that provides food, education and clothes to the unfortunate.",1,0,20180903-132951_967_live 3,"I have never heard about it. Is it local, regional, global?",1,1,20180903-132951_967_live 4,I believe it is global!,2,0,20180903-132951_967_live 5,How long have you known about this charity?,2,1,20180903-132951_967_live 6,At least a good 30 years.,3,0,20180903-132951_967_live 7,Wow. That's a long time. What are some of the things that this charity does that you think is special and unique?,3,1,20180903-132951_967_live 8,It helps children have a better life and teaches them to be productive and self-sufficient.,4,0,20180903-132951_967_live 9,That's interesting. What all does it provide children with? Just food and clothes and education? Is it focused on 3rd world countries or specific economies?,4,1,20180903-132951_967_live 10,It is focused on third world countries and it helps provide them some safety. A good mind is a terrible thing to waste.,5,0,20180903-132951_967_live 11,"I agree. What about vaccinations? Does it help kids get up to date with those? Providing education to children is important, but vaccines are as well. Preventative for certain diseases. ",5,1,20180903-132951_967_live 12,Yes it does provide vaccines that help them live longer. You do want the helpless children to have a chance?,6,0,20180903-132951_967_live 13,Of course I do. I think anyone with a sound mind would want to provide children with a better chance at life. Is this like a sponsorship where you get a photos and information on how it's helping a specific child or is it divided up?,6,1,20180903-132951_967_live 14,"Yes, you can get a picture of the child you are sponcing and information about that child.",7,0,20180903-132951_967_live 15,I think that is great! Is there a website?,7,1,20180903-132951_967_live 16,Yes there is a website. Please feel free to peruse the SAVE THE CHILDREN'S website. I think we should all contribute when we have an opportunity like this.,8,0,20180903-132951_967_live 17,I agree entirely. Have you contributed to a child in need through the charity?,8,1,20180903-132951_967_live 18,Not through this charity but I have contribute 50% of what ever I am earning for worthy causes. It is the right thing to do.,9,0,20180903-132951_967_live 19,50% seems to be a lot of money considering economies,9,1,20180903-132951_967_live 20,"Please you not make a 50% donation for a worthy cause. It will not really even effect you pocket. At least you have the opportunity to earn money, they do not.",10,0,20180903-132951_967_live 0,"Hi, there! Are you knowledgeable of what our chat is about? I am not, so far.",0,0,20180903-102457_108_live 1,"No, no subject has been shown",0,1,20180903-102457_108_live 2,I am reading my role right now. This is fun.,1,0,20180903-102457_108_live 3,What is your role and why do you think it's fun?,1,1,20180903-102457_108_live 4,It's my first time doing this type of assignment here.,2,0,20180903-102457_108_live 5,I've never done anything like this either.,2,1,20180903-102457_108_live 6,"Tell me, do you usually get involved with organizations that you trust and try to make a difference in the world by cooperating with the service these organizations offer?",3,0,20180903-102457_108_live 7,"Yes, I do a pretty good amount of volunteer work. I mostly offer my time and services as opposed to money.",3,1,20180903-102457_108_live 8,"Oh, just like me!",4,0,20180903-102457_108_live 9,What types of organizations are you involved in?,4,1,20180903-102457_108_live 10,"Mostly the ones that help children. I think offering time instead of money is the best thing to do. Giving money sounds like the easiest way to go and it doesn't require too much dedication or involvement. But when the organization is located far from where I live, I donate money. How about you? ",5,0,20180903-102457_108_live 11,I don't like to donate money unless I know exactly where the money is going. I don't want to pay for administrative bonuses and vacations or things like that. ,5,1,20180903-102457_108_live 12,"Have you heard of Save the Children? They are a trustful organization, they publish all the financial information on their website for all to see, and they make sure that the donations are used in the most cost-effective ways possible. Would you be willing to donate to this organization your compensation on this task?",6,0,20180903-102457_108_live 13,"That is a charitable organization I have heard a lot about. The compensation for this is only $2.00 and, I guess, I can afford to donate that. I can only hope that even this small amount of money will DIRECTLY help children and no line some the pocket of some unscrupulous person.",6,1,20180903-102457_108_live 14,"I took a look in their annual report and I like what I see. I am convinced they make sure the money goes directly to the kids needs. And they have been helping 157 million children in 120 countries --not a small task. And I am sure they can appreciate even $2.00, for any penny can make a difference. I am willing to donate too. So, do you agree to donate? ",7,0,20180903-102457_108_live 15,"Yes, I will give my $2.00 payment to Save The Children and take the gamble that it helps someone.",7,1,20180903-102457_108_live 16,"That's the first time I hear from them, but just by looking their website I can tell they are trustworthy. Have you seen the website? URL s/about-us/resource-library/annual-report ",8,0,20180903-102457_108_live 17,"No, I wouldn't do that type of research on line because, again, it's hard to know what to trust. It could be a fake website or it could be a real website with fax statistics. That is why I usually prefer to give money directly to the cause of my choice.",8,1,20180903-102457_108_live 18,"I am happy to see that they help children all over the world, being 12% of the donations directed to children in the US.",9,0,20180903-102457_108_live 19,I hope all that information is true.,9,1,20180903-102457_108_live 20,It was a pleasure talking to you. Have a good day.,10,0,20180903-102457_108_live 0,Hello. How are you today?,0,0,20180903-194720_581_live 1,im ok,0,1,20180903-194720_581_live 2,I am glad you are doing okay. Have you ever donated to a charity before?,1,0,20180903-194720_581_live 3,yes i have donated,1,1,20180903-194720_581_live 4,May I ask what charity in the pass you have donated to?,2,0,20180903-194720_581_live 5,i donated to St Judes childrens hospital,2,1,20180903-194720_581_live 6,That is great! Thank you for your donation to St Judes children hospital. Have you ever heard of Save the Children foundation?,3,0,20180903-194720_581_live 7,no i have not,3,1,20180903-194720_581_live 8,"Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",4,0,20180903-194720_581_live 9,how old is this organization,4,1,20180903-194720_581_live 10,It is fairly young but every new supporter and donation helps it grow each and everyday.,5,0,20180903-194720_581_live 11,how much money have they raised so far,5,1,20180903-194720_581_live 12,"The research team will collect all donations and send it to Save the Children. The Save the Children fund than distributes any donated money towards feeding, clothing, and educating those children. URL will have more information about the collected money to aid those children. What do you think? ",6,0,20180903-194720_581_live 13,i like the idea. are you going to donate?,6,1,20180903-194720_581_live 14,"I most deferentially have! Even the smallest donation will indeed help a lot of children and their families. if you are interested you could choose to donate $0 or $2, followed by a short survey about your experience.",7,0,20180903-194720_581_live 15,ok i would like to donate $1,7,1,20180903-194720_581_live 16,That sounds great! Soon you will be moved toward the donation screen. Sound okay?,8,0,20180903-194720_581_live 17,great thank you,8,1,20180903-194720_581_live 18,You are welcome! Make sure to take some time and visit URL ,9,0,20180903-194720_581_live 19,i will to make sure they are legitimately using the money,9,1,20180903-194720_581_live 0,"Hello, how are you doing today?",0,0,20180903-154704_839_live 1,great. you?,0,1,20180903-154704_839_live 2,I am doing well today. Thanks for asking!,1,0,20180903-154704_839_live 3,perfect. glad to hear,1,1,20180903-154704_839_live 4,May I ask if you have heard of the Save the Children charity foundation?,2,0,20180903-154704_839_live 5,yes. I've heard of it,2,1,20180903-154704_839_live 6,"Oh great. Then you are familiar with our missing. We are an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries..",3,0,20180903-154704_839_live 7,"yes, that's what I understand",3,1,20180903-154704_839_live 8,We are currently in the process of gathering funding for our latest projects helping provide safe havens for refugee children who are displaced due to violence. These safe havens not only provide a safe place to live but we will be able to provide food and education on site as well. ,4,0,20180903-154704_839_live 9,YOu also help children in the US...correct? That's my understanding,4,1,20180903-154704_839_live 10,"Yes! We are international organization. Would you be interested in helping us fund one of our projects today? A small donation, of what you would spend in a vending machine on a snack for example, will greatly help us reach our goals",5,0,20180903-154704_839_live 11,I'm not sure. I have other charities that I donate to. ,5,1,20180903-154704_839_live 12,I understand. There are many charities in need of assistance with the state of the world. Please know that even a donation of 0.10 or 0.20 cents would be immensely helpful to the children we serve,6,0,20180903-154704_839_live 13,"Yes, I'm sure it would help but I'm just not too sure right now. And I also like to donate to local relief funds",6,1,20180903-154704_839_live 14,"That is wonderful you are invovled in your local relief services. Please know that I only ask because we serve children in many areas were locals like yourself are not as kind, willing or able to provide support, which is why support such as yours is so valuable to our projects",7,0,20180903-154704_839_live 15,"Okay, maybe I can donate .10 cents to this one",7,1,20180903-154704_839_live 16,That is wonderful! Thank you so much for your kind donation. ,8,0,20180903-154704_839_live 17,Sure. ANytime I can help I try,8,1,20180903-154704_839_live 18,You are an inspiring person and I hope more people follow your lead. Thank you for your time and kindness.,9,0,20180903-154704_839_live 19,You are welcome. Good luck,9,1,20180903-154704_839_live 0,Hello. How are you doing today?,0,0,20180903-131723_996_live 1,Hi. I'm doing well on this holiday.,0,1,20180903-131723_996_live 2,I'm very glad to hear that. Can I ask if you are someone who is interested in charitable organizations?,1,0,20180903-131723_996_live 3,Most likely. I have given to different local organizations regularly.,1,1,20180903-131723_996_live 4,That is very good to hear and I thank you for helping others. Have you ever donated to the organization Save the Children?,2,0,20180903-131723_996_live 5,"I've heard of them, maybe from television commercials. ",2,1,20180903-131723_996_live 6,Do you know much about what they do?,3,0,20180903-131723_996_live 7,Not really. Can you tell me more?,3,1,20180903-131723_996_live 8,"I would be happy to. Save the Children works nationally and internationally to help children. They promote children's rights, provide relief, and support children in developing countries. ",4,0,20180903-131723_996_live 9,So Save the Children does help children in the United States as well as around the world? ,4,1,20180903-131723_996_live 10,That is correct. And people can be sure that their money is being well spent when they donate because 86% of all expenditures go to program services. ,5,0,20180903-131723_996_live 11,"Oh, ok. That's good to know since there are way too many charities that don't. ",5,1,20180903-131723_996_live 12,"Yes, unfortunately some charities use more than the should to pay high salaries for CEO's. Please also be aware that Save the Children even does work in countries like war torn Syria where 1,000 children were injured or killed in the first 2 months of 2018 alone. ",6,0,20180903-131723_996_live 13,I think I'm interested but how would I donate from here?,6,1,20180903-131723_996_live 14,You can go to their website directly anytime. You can also donate now if you would like. How much do you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment ($2).,7,0,20180903-131723_996_live 15,"I think I will donate 20 cents today. After I think about it, I may donate more.",7,1,20180903-131723_996_live 16,I and the organization very much appreciate it. The funds will be put to good use. They do a lot of good work here and in developing countries where needs are extreme. ,8,0,20180903-131723_996_live 17,So do I just wait and see if my donation is automatically taken?,8,1,20180903-131723_996_live 18,"You will be asked shortly how much you would like to donate. And if you would ever like to donate in the future, please visit the website. Thank you again for your contribution. ",9,0,20180903-131723_996_live 19,Alright. Thanks for the information.,9,1,20180903-131723_996_live 0,You should donate to save the children,0,0,20180903-140656_582_live 1,"It sounds great, but tell me some more information.",0,1,20180903-140656_582_live 2,It does sound great and save the children helps children in need,1,0,20180903-140656_582_live 3,"That does sound like a good cause, I would love to donate",1,1,20180903-140656_582_live 4,Great! Then donate away!,2,0,20180903-140656_582_live 5,Think I will give the 2 dollars,2,1,20180903-140656_582_live 6,You're a champion!,3,0,20180903-140656_582_live 7,"Thank you very much, I love to help!",3,1,20180903-140656_582_live 8,Great! That's awesome of ya,4,0,20180903-140656_582_live 9,I feel so good doing it too!,4,1,20180903-140656_582_live 10,You should! You are helping worth people in need!,5,0,20180903-140656_582_live 11,I want to make all those kids so happy,5,1,20180903-140656_582_live 12,Yeah! You're $2 will go a long way towards that too!,6,0,20180903-140656_582_live 13,I know its small amount but it really adds up man,6,1,20180903-140656_582_live 14,"Yeah, totally. It really does! Every bit helps!",7,0,20180903-140656_582_live 15,Have you donated to them?,7,1,20180903-140656_582_live 16,I have several times over the course of my life. It's a charity I believe in.,8,0,20180903-140656_582_live 17,Wow thats wonderful of you!,8,1,20180903-140656_582_live 18,SO I think we have an agreement. Do you have to commit on your end?,9,0,20180903-140656_582_live 19,Yes I am ready to donate for sure!,9,1,20180903-140656_582_live 20,Great! thanks and good luck turking!,10,0,20180903-140656_582_live 0,Hello?,0,0,20180903-141235_817_live 1,Hello!,0,1,20180903-141235_817_live 2,How are you today?,1,0,20180903-141235_817_live 3,I am doing all right! It's a nice day! We got some rain today.,1,1,20180903-141235_817_live 4,"Oh really, nice and sunny where i am. Happy Labor day.....",2,0,20180903-141235_817_live 5,Happy Labor Day as well! Do you have a favorite movie?,2,1,20180903-141235_817_live 6,"Yea a old movie made in 1985 called The Last Dragon, and you?",3,0,20180903-141235_817_live 7,The Lion King is my favorite movie. Came out in 1994. What's the last movie you watched?,3,1,20180903-141235_817_live 8,"Cheaper by the dozen, have you heard of a charity called Save the Children?",4,0,20180903-141235_817_live 9,I believe I have? It sounds familiar.,4,1,20180903-141235_817_live 10,"Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",5,0,20180903-141235_817_live 11,That is a great charity!,5,1,20180903-141235_817_live 12,"Sure is, would you like to donate part of your funds from this task from $0 to $2.00?",6,0,20180903-141235_817_live 13,I will donate $0.5,6,1,20180903-141235_817_live 14,Ok so would like to donate $0.50 correct?,7,0,20180903-141235_817_live 15,Yes that is correct.,7,1,20180903-141235_817_live 16,Ok thanks just type in your donation at the end of the task....You have a nice day...,8,0,20180903-141235_817_live 17,Okay. Thanks! Have a nice day as well!,8,1,20180903-141235_817_live 18,ok you too,9,0,20180903-141235_817_live 19,Goodbye and good luck!,9,1,20180903-141235_817_live 0,Hey there!,0,0,20180903-170455_801_live 1,"Hi, how are you?",0,1,20180903-170455_801_live 2,"I'm doing pretty well, and yourself?",1,0,20180903-170455_801_live 3,"not bad at all, thanks",1,1,20180903-170455_801_live 4,Have you ever heard of the charity Save the Children?,2,0,20180903-170455_801_live 5,"I have heard of it, they do good work",2,1,20180903-170455_801_live 6,"I was hoping I could help answer any questions you may have today about them, and then we could talk about donating to their cause.",3,0,20180903-170455_801_live 7,Sounds good. Are they just third world countries or do they go all over?,3,1,20180903-170455_801_live 8,"Currently they are in 120 countries, so I think they span beyond just third world countries at this point.",4,0,20180903-170455_801_live 9,"wow, that is awesome. Good to see good going in in this crazy world",4,1,20180903-170455_801_live 10,"Yeah, I agree. Something that was very important to me was making sure that whatever I donated to them was actually used for good - and it is in their case. They have an A rating when it comes to charity ratings.",5,0,20180903-170455_801_live 11,"Oh good to know, I wondered how much actually went to them. ",5,1,20180903-170455_801_live 12,"Yeah, sometimes you heard about so much going into the admin side or paying the salaries for some of the people, but that's not the case here. Are there any particular issues you are passionate about when it comes to helping people?",6,0,20180903-170455_801_live 13,"Helping them become self sufficient, not needing so much help. So I guess training and teaching them ",6,1,20180903-170455_801_live 14,"Yes, that's a great cause. Save the Children assists in setting up schools/hospitals and providing the training for these less fortunate communities which does allow for them to move forward on their own",7,0,20180903-170455_801_live 15,"wow, I didnt know that, that is great news",7,1,20180903-170455_801_live 16,So may I ask how much you'd consider donating today? Or are there any other questions I could answer for you?,8,0,20180903-170455_801_live 17,Id be willing to give $1 towards it today,8,1,20180903-170455_801_live 18,"Great! It's generosity from all of us that can make a difference, I firmly believe that. ",9,0,20180903-170455_801_live 19,"I also believe you cannot out give God, when you bless, it is returned.",9,1,20180903-170455_801_live 0,"Hi, Im trying to get people to donate to Save the Children, can I tell you more about the charity?",0,0,20180903-131454_357_live 1,"Sure, I'd love to know more about them.",0,1,20180903-131454_357_live 2,"Well they are an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",1,0,20180903-131454_357_live 3,"Oh that's cool, like schools?",1,1,20180903-131454_357_live 4,"Well it can be, but its more of children in general around the world.",2,0,20180903-131454_357_live 5,"Oh wow that's nice, what would an appropriate donation be?",2,1,20180903-131454_357_live 6,"Well any thing you can spare would be most welcomed, but we suggest that it be at least $2 to make a difference.",3,0,20180903-131454_357_live 7,"That's a bit steep for me, I think any donation amount would help honestly.",3,1,20180903-131454_357_live 8,"Sure, it just the recommended one. You can rest assured that Save the Children is a world renowned charity that strives to keep their costs low to ensure that the largest percentage possible goes to the children and our services.",4,0,20180903-131454_357_live 9,"If I choose to donate today where would my money go, specifically.",4,1,20180903-131454_357_live 10,It would go towards the domestic and international programs and services that we provide.,5,0,20180903-131454_357_live 11,"Hmm, Okay. I'll donate ten cents",5,1,20180903-131454_357_live 12,Well surely you can pare more than that. The work we do helps to ensure children row up safe and free from harm.,6,0,20180903-131454_357_live 13,"I know but honestly money is tight, and I can't part with two dollars.",6,1,20180903-131454_357_live 14,"That is a shame, some poor starving kid in America will go to bed hungry, no worries.",7,0,20180903-131454_357_live 15,"Well, that's true, but that's why shelters exist.",7,1,20180903-131454_357_live 16,Unfortunately there are a lot of kids out on the street and separted from their parnets.,8,0,20180903-131454_357_live 17,"Yeah I know it's really sad too, I just can't part with the money.",8,1,20180903-131454_357_live 18,How much do you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment ($2),9,0,20180903-131454_357_live 19,I'll donate $0,9,1,20180903-131454_357_live 20,Well thanks for nothing!,10,0,20180903-131454_357_live 0,"Hi, how are you today?",0,0,20180903-111729_738_live 1,Im doing well and yourself?,0,1,20180903-111729_738_live 2,I am great! Thanks for asking.,1,0,20180903-111729_738_live 3,Absolutely! Thank you as well!,1,1,20180903-111729_738_live 4,"I am here today as a fundraiser for Save The Children, which is an organization dedicated to ensuring all children receive health, education, safety, etc. ",2,0,20180903-111729_738_live 5,Do you like your work?,2,1,20180903-111729_738_live 6,"I definitely do! I feel like I am helping to make a difference to a cause that ensures something as important as clean drinking water, and providing nutritious food to starving children.",3,0,20180903-111729_738_live 7,Thats great! how long have you been raising funds for the organization?,3,1,20180903-111729_738_live 8,I am relatively new to this organization but have worked in fundraising for the last 3 years. ,4,0,20180903-111729_738_live 9,How much funding have you secured throughout the past 3 yeears?,4,1,20180903-111729_738_live 10,"I, personally, have raised tens of thousands over the years. I took an active interest in Save the Children mainly because of the Syrian conflict and how millions of Syrian children grow up facing the threat of violence. In the first two months of 2018 alone, 1,000 children were reportedly killed or injured. Donations to Save the Children go directly to help in situations like these. ",5,0,20180903-111729_738_live 11,What type of work does the organization do for American children?,5,1,20180903-111729_738_live 12,"Save the Children works to alleviate child poverty in the U.S. to help children in poverty get the nutrition and education they need right now. Thanks to the generosity of donors, we help the nation's most vulnerable children become ready for kindergarten _ and excel by third grade _ so they can succeed in school and in life. Plus our teams are there before, during and after emergencies _ preparing children, protecting them and helping them cope in the aftermath.",6,0,20180903-111729_738_live 13,Thats fantastic! Id like to receive some more information on that. Can you send literature to my email? Id like to make a future donation.,6,1,20180903-111729_738_live 14,Absolutely! Thanks so much for your interest in this program. It is truly helping our most vulnerable. How much do you think you would like to donate? I can send you information on our different levels of sponsorship. ,7,0,20180903-111729_738_live 15,Im unable to donate at this moment. Please forward information to this email. placergold@live.com. Thank you!,7,1,20180903-111729_738_live 16,That's okay if you are unable to at the moment. I just would like to ensure that I send you the appropriate tier of sponsorship information. How much do you anticipate donating in the future. Just your best guess is fine.,8,0,20180903-111729_738_live 17,I'd have to shuffle around finances. I cant promise or commit to a certain amount unfortunately,8,1,20180903-111729_738_live 18,"Well, thank you so much for your time! I will get some literature sent out to you about Save the Children and you can review it at your convenience. Thank you!",9,0,20180903-111729_738_live 19,Thank you have a fantastic day!,9,1,20180903-111729_738_live 0,Hi. How are you today? How is your holiday weekend going?,0,0,20180903-094939_651_live 1,Good and you? Going to a bbq later.,0,1,20180903-094939_651_live 2,Nice. Yeah mine is going well too. I'm just happy not to have to work today. How about you? Are you off today?,1,0,20180903-094939_651_live 3,Yeah been off for a couple of days. It's nice.,1,1,20180903-094939_651_live 4,"Nice. You know every year around this time I try to give a little bit of money to charity, before the holidays start and I know I'm going to be broke. How about you? Do you usually give to charities?",2,0,20180903-094939_651_live 5,"I give from time to time, if it's a good cause",2,1,20180903-094939_651_live 6,"Nice. What kinds of charities do you usually give to, if you don't mind me asking?",3,0,20180903-094939_651_live 7,I usually give to local charities that provide for the homeless.,3,1,20180903-094939_651_live 8,"I do as well here in Chicago. Recently though, I've started to give more to charities that have to do with children. I feel like children are often the most as risk in disasters and conflict around the world. With them even just a little bit of money goes a long way in feeding them. Have you ever donated to a children's charity?",4,0,20180903-094939_651_live 9,I have donated to the McDonald house,4,1,20180903-094939_651_live 10,"Nice. I remember seeing those commercials on TV. One that I like is called Save the Children. It's an organization that helps children in very difficult circumstances, both here in the US and around the world. Have you heard of them before?",5,0,20180903-094939_651_live 11,Sounds like a good cause. Do you have a website?,5,1,20180903-094939_651_live 12,"Yes. It's URL There you will see the various projects they are working on. For exaxmple, the work they are doing in Syria right now is incredibly important as there are unfortunately thousands upon thousands of orphans due to the war.",6,0,20180903-094939_651_live 13,Looks like they also help border children in the US. I am all for that.,6,1,20180903-094939_651_live 14,Yes. I agree. That's also a very important endeavor. There are just so many difficult situations out there for children. But it's good to know at lease one organization tries to help the most in need. Did you know that they accept donations from mturk? So we could donate directly to them from our funds for this HIT. Even small amounts go a long way when so many people donate.,7,0,20180903-094939_651_live 15,"I can donate 50 cents right now, the rest goes into my childs college fund",7,1,20180903-094939_651_live 16,Ok. That sounds great. I'm going to donate a similar amount myself,8,0,20180903-094939_651_live 17,"sounds good, it is always worthwhile to donating something, nothing is too small",8,1,20180903-094939_651_live 18,"I agree. Especially with how many people are participating. If everybody in America gave 1 dollar today, that would be 370 million. It's amazing how many adds up",9,0,20180903-094939_651_live 19,Plus who doesn't want to help children?,9,1,20180903-094939_651_live 20,"Exactly. Well, you take care and enjoy the rest of your holiday. It was nice chatting with you",10,0,20180903-094939_651_live 21,Nice chatting with you too.,10,1,20180903-094939_651_live 0,"Hello, Have you ever heard of Save the Children?",0,0,20180903-081910_674_live 1,Hi there. Yes I know a little about it.,0,1,20180903-081910_674_live 2,That's great! How much do you know about it?,1,0,20180903-081910_674_live 3,Most just that they do things for kids. Not sure what exactly.,1,1,20180903-081910_674_live 4,"That's right. Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",2,0,20180903-081910_674_live 5,Do they like feed kids or do stuff with education? What areas?,2,1,20180903-081910_674_live 6,"They sure do! And all donations are essential to help ensuring children's rights to health, education, safety, etc",3,0,20180903-081910_674_live 7,Sounds like they do some good things. Kids are important.,3,1,20180903-081910_674_live 8,Exactly! And they do. The good thing is no matter how much is donated the amount is very tangible and can feed a family for a week or more!,4,0,20180903-081910_674_live 9,I always wonder about charities though and how much really goes to the people they are claiming to help. I always want to make sure a good percentage of my money is going to help and not to bureaucracy.,4,1,20180903-081910_674_live 10,That is completely understood too. And the researchers have made it very clear that all proceeds obtained are sent directly to the charity and to the childrens' needs.,5,0,20180903-081910_674_live 11,Well that makes me feel better. You want to make sure your money is doing the most good.,5,1,20180903-081910_674_live 12,"Exactly, and not to just someones pocket. So when was the last time that you have donated to a charity?",6,0,20180903-081910_674_live 13,A couple months ago I donated and did a fundraiser for CF.,6,1,20180903-081910_674_live 14,That is awesome and you got to give as little as you wanted?,7,0,20180903-081910_674_live 15,You have to raise a certain amount to compete in the 5k.,7,1,20180903-081910_674_live 16,"Ohh ok so it has its draw backs if you dont reach your goal. Well, with Save the children you can donate any amount and you will have instant relief of the good that it does! Sounds freat huh?",8,0,20180903-081910_674_live 17,Yeah that does sounds like an easy way to help.,8,1,20180903-081910_674_live 18,Exactly. Would you like to make a donation today? It can be as little as $0 and as much as $2.,9,0,20180903-081910_674_live 19,"Yes I will make a donation, however it might be small.",9,1,20180903-081910_674_live 20,That's great! i will match your amount too.,10,0,20180903-081910_674_live 21,Sounds good. Nice talking to you.,10,1,20180903-081910_674_live 0,"Hi, how do you feel about the charity Save the Children",0,0,20180903-152518_191_live 1,Sorry couldn't type for some reason. I feel like they are a good organization. Can you tell me more about them,0,1,20180903-152518_191_live 2,"Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",1,0,20180903-152518_191_live 3,Those are all good things.,1,1,20180903-152518_191_live 4," If you really look, you can see the future in every child. Through the power of child sponsorship, you can help a child in need realize her dreams ¡ª transforming her life and the future we all share. Sponsor a child today! Find your child Somewhere, a child is waiting for you. Through child sponsorship, you can be the hero in the life of a child in need. You can make sure they grow up healthy, educated and safe",2,0,20180903-152518_191_live 5,How does this charity fund themselves.,2,1,20180903-152518_191_live 6,We rely soley on volunteers and donations.,3,0,20180903-152518_191_live 7,Is this like some of those charities that consume most of the funds themselves and do not actually contribute much to the cause.,3,1,20180903-152518_191_live 8,"no not at all, Emergency Alert Right now, Save the Children remains gravely concerned about the well-being of children in the custody of the U.S. government after crossing our southern border. We know from our nearly 100 years of service that family separation and detention can cause severe, long-lasting trauma, which ultimately results in the loss of childhood.",4,0,20180903-152518_191_live 9,"thats horrible, how many children are they helping the u.s ",4,1,20180903-152518_191_live 10,"Thanks to the generosity of donors like you, we help the nation's most vulnerable children become ready for kindergarten _ and excel by third grade _ so they can succeed in school and in life. Plus our teams are there before, during and after emergencies _ preparing children, protecting them and helping them cope in the aftermath. Save the Children is a leading advocate for children, ensuring their voices are heard and their best interests are prioritized. We fill critical gaps in services and deliver scalable solutions to the challenges children face.",5,0,20180903-152518_191_live 11,Do they only support children in the U.S>,5,1,20180903-152518_191_live 12,"No, we support children all over the world. Children may only be 20% of our population, but they are 100% of our future. That's why advocacy is core to Save the Children's work on behalf of all kids across the United States. We're building bipartisan support at the local, state and federal level to make sure every child in the U.S. has access to high-quality learning opportunities, and much more.",6,0,20180903-152518_191_live 13,That is wonderful to hear. I am glad to hear more about this organization. I wish I could help.,6,1,20180903-152518_191_live 14,"All across the globe, children are dying from preventable causes, missing out on education due to poverty or gender, suffering from violence, exploitation and neglect, and are vulnerable in times of crisis. In every corner of the world, children need a strong voice to stand up for them, work on their behalf and make their lives better.",7,0,20180903-152518_191_live 15,I agree that the children need a voice.,7,1,20180903-152518_191_live 16,"Every penny counts, to learn more about all of our programs please visir http:// URL ",8,0,20180903-152518_191_live 17,"I will check out the site, and thank you for telling me more about the charity",8,1,20180903-152518_191_live 18,You are moe then welcome have a blessed evening.,9,0,20180903-152518_191_live 19,"Thank you, you as well",9,1,20180903-152518_191_live 0,Hello! How are you doing today?,0,0,20180903-165655_280_live 1,Hello! I am doing well. How are you?,0,1,20180903-165655_280_live 2,"I am good. I am asking you to donate a portion of your hit earnings to Save the Children. Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",1,0,20180903-165655_280_live 3,Can you tell me more about them?,1,1,20180903-165655_280_live 4,Sure! First it's a reputable organization and trustworthy. Independent charity watchdog groups give them high ratings.,2,0,20180903-165655_280_live 5,In what ways do they help the kids?,2,1,20180903-165655_280_live 6,"They help in many ways, help ensuring children's rights to health, education, safety, etc. Things we tend to take for granted.",3,0,20180903-165655_280_live 7,How much of the donation will be used for the children?,3,1,20180903-165655_280_live 8,"That's where those independent watchdog groups I mentioned have rated them highly. For example, about 87% of their money goes to their programs. ",4,0,20180903-165655_280_live 9,What relief do they offer in terms of healthcare?,4,1,20180903-165655_280_live 10,"The healthcare initiatives include maternal, newborn and child health. For example, they target child malnutrition and hunger and prevent HIV transmission, and ensure treatment for those living with HIV before they develop AIDS. All in all they help to give 86 million children a healthy start in life and help 33.3 million children directly with lifesaving care, medicines and preventive treatments.",5,0,20180903-165655_280_live 11,And what do they offer in terms of food aid?,5,1,20180903-165655_280_live 12,"It's not just providing food, though that is a part of it. They also help to build household and community resilience to food security and economic shocks and stresses. Strengthen socio-economic conditions to improve standards of living and the ability of families to provide for their children. I really like that they provide youth with the skills and linkages they need to earn and manage a decent income.",6,0,20180903-165655_280_live 13,How much can I choose to donate today?,6,1,20180903-165655_280_live 14,I really thank you for thinking about donating. This small amount can make a huge difference to children in need. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment ($2). How much do you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. ,7,0,20180903-165655_280_live 15,I choose to donate 40 cents from the total.,7,1,20180903-165655_280_live 16,"Thank you very much! I work with at-risk children for a living, so this is something I am passionate about. I really appreciate it!",8,0,20180903-165655_280_live 17,This is a good cause you are working for. Thank you!,8,1,20180903-165655_280_live 18,Have a good night and a good week! (we may need to send a few more messages before we can end this hit),9,0,20180903-165655_280_live 19,Okay sounds good. Thank you for all the information.,9,1,20180903-165655_280_live 0,Hello! How are you today?,0,0,20180903-184438_57_live 1,"I'm doing fine, and you?",0,1,20180903-184438_57_live 2,I am great. Thank you for asking! Glad to hear that you are doing well. Have you ever made a donation to a charity in the past?,1,0,20180903-184438_57_live 3,I have. I frequently support people in their efforts to raise money for charities. I also solicit donations for a charity I support.,1,1,20180903-184438_57_live 4,That is wonderful! Have you ever heard of the Save the Children charity?,2,0,20180903-184438_57_live 5,"It sounds familiar. I may have heard the name, but admittedly I don't know much about it.",2,1,20180903-184438_57_live 6,"It is a fantastic program to help children around the world. We are asking any supporters to donate $1 or $2 towards the Save the Children fund. All Donations will be distributed to help cloth, feed, and educate many children around the world ",3,0,20180903-184438_57_live 7,Is the charity independent? Or is it associated with another organization?,3,1,20180903-184438_57_live 8,We are an international non-governmental organization. Any small or big donation will help make an impact on children growing up in developing countries.,4,0,20180903-184438_57_live 9,"How is the aid distributed? Is there a request process, or is it distributed based on current events (natural disaster, civil unrest)?",4,1,20180903-184438_57_live 10,The research team will collect all donations and send it to the Save the Children fund where it will be distributed based on a request process. We would give you more information after the donation. ,5,0,20180903-184438_57_live 11,"Ah, OK now I get it. You are raising funds for Save the Children.",5,1,20180903-184438_57_live 12,"Yes, that is correct. Any aid towards the Save the Children fund would benefit all of us greatly. what do you say? ",6,0,20180903-184438_57_live 13,"Sure, I'll donate $2",6,1,20180903-184438_57_live 14,That is great! Thank you for your help and kindness. The screen would soon ask you to enter the amount of $0-$2 and be finished by a short survey.,7,0,20180903-184438_57_live 15,"OK, thank you!",7,1,20180903-184438_57_live 16,You are welcome. We appreciate you!,8,0,20180903-184438_57_live 17,When should the request pop up?,8,1,20180903-184438_57_live 18,After ten conversations. So very soon!,9,0,20180903-184438_57_live 19,OK good. I thought I needed to do something else.,9,1,20180903-184438_57_live 0,Hey how are you?,0,0,20180903-194345_741_live 1,I'm doing great and yourself?,0,1,20180903-194345_741_live 2,Im fine doing well too.,1,0,20180903-194345_741_live 3,That's great to hear.,1,1,20180903-194345_741_live 4,Do you know about the donating for the hopeless children on the street just a little amount of 0 to 2$,2,0,20180903-194345_741_live 5,"Wow, that sounds like a great charity. Can you tell me more?",2,1,20180903-194345_741_live 6,Oh yeah its about the charity called saving the children. Are you willing to donate?,3,0,20180903-194345_741_live 7,"Today, I won't be able to donate. But definitely in the near future.",3,1,20180903-194345_741_live 8,It was disappointing to hear because it is just a little amount deducted on your hits aprroved. It was a big help for the needy children,4,0,20180903-194345_741_live 9,"Ok well, I will donate $1 today",4,1,20180903-194345_741_live 10,Okay that's awesome. Do you want to hear more about the save the children charity?,5,0,20180903-194345_741_live 11,I would love to,5,1,20180903-194345_741_live 12,"Oh good.but first, do you have any idea or opinion on your mind of like other way of helping street children or lets just say homeless children?",6,0,20180903-194345_741_live 13,"Well, one can provide food for children on the street, for example, buy them food and home them by finding shelters nearby ",6,1,20180903-194345_741_live 14,"ve the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries. Do you have any idea how it be possible to do your idea? You by yourself are you willing to help some needy children too?",7,0,20180903-194345_741_live 15,Well there has to be traveling involved. I'm sure there are health specialists that tag along the journeys. Well I have children of my own and it gets tough. I don't know if I would be able to do it by myself.,7,1,20180903-194345_741_live 16,Oh yeah just asking an opinion to know how you care for other people. Do you want me to tell you more about the charity? I still have some more reason of helping this charity. Do you love kids?,8,0,20180903-194345_741_live 17,"Of course I love kids, if not I wouldn't have any. They are a blessing",8,1,20180903-194345_741_live 18,"That is nice to hear how many kids do have?if you dont mind asking.Save the Children is and how their donation is essential to help ensuring children's rights to health, education, safety, etc. ",9,0,20180903-194345_741_live 19,I have 2 kids. That sounds great,9,1,20180903-194345_741_live 0,good morning! I hope you had a nice weekend.,0,0,20180903-084303_89_live 1,"Good morning, mine was pretty great, how was yours?",0,1,20180903-084303_89_live 2,mine was hot! i am in florida.,1,0,20180903-084303_89_live 3,"Lucky, mine was stormy! Do you know what exactly we are supposed to be discussing in this chat? I'm a little lost.",1,1,20180903-084303_89_live 4,yes i do! have you ever heard about save the children charity?,2,0,20180903-084303_89_live 5,"No I have not, but I'm very interested, tell me more plase!",2,1,20180903-084303_89_live 6,"it is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries",3,0,20180903-084303_89_live 7,"Ah alright, so in countries where it isn't as safe for children, this charity helps to defend and support them? What do they do to help?",3,1,20180903-084303_89_live 8,"They are essential to help ensuring children's rights to health, education, safety, etc. They are a great organization. would you considering donating to them? ",4,0,20180903-084303_89_live 9,"Yes I would. I'm a mother myself, so children all over the world are very important to me. I'd like to donate my whole earnings from this HIT, which I suppose is $2 if I'm reading this correctly.",4,1,20180903-084303_89_live 10,so very generous of you! I will do the same. How old are your kids?,5,0,20180903-084303_89_live 11,I have a 6 year old daughter and a 2 year old daughter. My 6 year old just started 1st grade and she absolutely loves school... so being reminded that there's kids out there less fortunate just strikes my heart. I sure hope someday we can accomplish a safe well-being for all the children and innocent people in this world.,5,1,20180903-084303_89_live 12,i agree. That's nice to have daughters. hopefully they get along and look out for each other.,6,0,20180903-084303_89_live 13,"Oh they do! I'm so lucky to have 2 of them lol, because they are best friends now. Do you have kids?",6,1,20180903-084303_89_live 14,i have two kids. 6 year old girl and 9 year old boy. they fight now but i hope one day they resolve that get along!,7,0,20180903-084303_89_live 15,"Haha cute. I think that's just how it is with brothers and sisters. I think your daughter will be lucky one day though, having an older brother to protect her.",7,1,20180903-084303_89_live 16,that's what i am thinking. we might have another. it makes me sad that there isn't a little one anymore.,8,0,20180903-084303_89_live 17,"I definitely know the feeling. I mean, my 2 year old is currently in that ""I\'m independent and not a baby anymore"" stage lol when I swear just a week ago she was a snuggly baby. It break my heart when they grow up. ",8,1,20180903-084303_89_live 18,i hear you. enjoy them while they are little!,9,0,20180903-084303_89_live 19,I will (: and good luck if you do end up having another! Family is beautiful. ,9,1,20180903-084303_89_live 0,Hey bow are you?,0,0,20180903-105341_965_live 1,"I am well, how about yourself",0,1,20180903-105341_965_live 2,I'm good. ,1,0,20180903-105341_965_live 3,are you celebrating Labor Day?,1,1,20180903-105341_965_live 4,"i am not, just working from home on my only day off.",2,0,20180903-105341_965_live 5,Well at least you are at home,2,1,20180903-105341_965_live 6,"yes, have you heard of save the children? ",3,0,20180903-105341_965_live 7,"A little bit, what is it?",3,1,20180903-105341_965_live 8,they rescue both children and families and give them refuge,4,0,20180903-105341_965_live 9,are they government sponsored?,4,1,20180903-105341_965_live 10,i believe so,5,0,20180903-105341_965_live 11,Ok so what about save the children?,5,1,20180903-105341_965_live 12,just .77 cents can help foster a family,6,0,20180903-105341_965_live 13,is this a worldwide organization?,6,1,20180903-105341_965_live 14,"yes, and it's great because theyre really helping hurricane victims right now!",7,0,20180903-105341_965_live 15,"That is nice, are you asking me to donate?",7,1,20180903-105341_965_live 16,"i think it would be great, even you donated just a dollar you would be helping out two different families. ",8,0,20180903-105341_965_live 17,"That is fair, I will donate .75 cents",8,1,20180903-105341_965_live 18,awesome! that is going to be so helpful.,9,0,20180903-105341_965_live 19,How does it work?,9,1,20180903-105341_965_live 20,You donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. The research team will your donation of .75 cents and send it to Save the Chidlren,10,0,20180903-105341_965_live 0,Hello!,0,0,20180903-134944_967_live 1,Hello there,0,1,20180903-134944_967_live 2,"I hope you're having a decent day! I wanted to ask you something, something very important.",1,0,20180903-134944_967_live 3,"Sure, ask away",1,1,20180903-134944_967_live 4,Have you by chance heard of Save the Children organization?,2,0,20180903-134944_967_live 5,I have seen it on TV a couple times yes.,2,1,20180903-134944_967_live 6,"That's great to hear, though it is hard to get the word out to people. You see, this organization is in desperate need of donations. I was hoping I could possibly persuade you into making a donation? This is for a great cause, after all I feel as though we need to do what we can in order to help other's around the world, especially ones that are in desperate need of our help - don't you agree? ",3,0,20180903-134944_967_live 7,"Sure I could agree with that, children are the future so we should do what we can to ensure theirs.",3,1,20180903-134944_967_live 8,"Excellent, great to hear! How much would you like to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount, from 0$ to all of your payment with the total of 2$. Any amount would be helpful, though an amount of 2$ may be small to us - we could buy candy, or something we can easily get whenever we want but to the kids, this could be a lifesaver, so every penny counts!",4,0,20180903-134944_967_live 9,Ok so how will it work if I decide to done a portion? The researchers will take care of it?,4,1,20180903-134944_967_live 10,"Yes, you have nothing to worry about. The research team will collect all donations and send it to Save the children.",5,0,20180903-134944_967_live 11,"That sounds fair, is save the children government sponsored?",5,1,20180903-134944_967_live 12,"No, it is a non-govermental organization that helps promote children's rights, providing relief and helps support children in developing countries. Which I think is amazing, how selfless are the people who came up with this? I just know that donating a small bit of money can really help them get one step closer to their goals. So, have you decided on the amount you'd like to donate?",6,0,20180903-134944_967_live 13,"Almost, do you happen to know if their work is world-wide or only focused on developing countries?",6,1,20180903-134944_967_live 14,"As I stated before, it is set up to support children within developing countries. Hopefully one day it will be world- wide. With your help in donating however, that could be one step closer to world-wide help!",7,0,20180903-134944_967_live 15,"Very well, I will donate 0.75 of my bonus to the cause",7,1,20180903-134944_967_live 16,That's amazing! Thank you so much for your donation!,8,0,20180903-134944_967_live 17,"Not a problem, we should always try to help the children!",8,1,20180903-134944_967_live 18,"I agree completely, you have a wonderful day!",9,0,20180903-134944_967_live 19,You as well thanks!,9,1,20180903-134944_967_live 0,Hello how are you today?,0,0,20180903-094545_472_live 1,I'm good. How are you?,0,1,20180903-094545_472_live 2,"I am doing great! I am here to let you know about this amazing international foundation called Save the Children that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support them in developing countries.",1,0,20180903-094545_472_live 3,Please tell me more.,1,1,20180903-094545_472_live 4," These children are being used in horrific ways, the food and supplies that are supposed to be going to them are being stolen and we are trying to gather money to ensure the supplies get to these children who really need these supplies and help. With a donation today, not only will we be able to ensure the supply lines safely reach villages, but doctors will also go and help the children with medical care they desperately need. All I ask is that you donate a portion of your task payment to this charity to help the children.",2,0,20180903-094545_472_live 5,How do I know this charity is legit?,2,1,20180903-094545_472_live 6,You are free to look up any information you like at URL ,3,0,20180903-094545_472_live 7,How much of the donations goto the children and the effort?,3,1,20180903-094545_472_live 8,"100% of your donation will go directly to Save the Children. Just think of it this way, instead of getting your morning coffee, or that bag of chips at lunch, you could donate $2 today and help ensure that 3 children get the care they need and food in their stomachs.",4,0,20180903-094545_472_live 9,Does 100% go to the effort directly or does any of the monies go to employees like the director of the charity ect?,4,1,20180903-094545_472_live 10,"The research team will collect all donations and send it all directly to Save the children. So it will go to pay for the flights to get the team over there, medicine, food, everything needed to help these children",5,0,20180903-094545_472_live 11,What roughly is the percentage that goes to the running of the charity and helping the children directly?,5,1,20180903-094545_472_live 12,"Like I said earlier, 100% of your donation goes directly to helping these children. Look, already in 2018 alone, 1,000 children have been reportedly killed or injured in intensifying violence. They need your help. They need your donation more than you do honestly. What is $2 to you when that money can literally save lives over there?",6,0,20180903-094545_472_live 13,There are many scams out there that take more to profit then to actually help the kids. I need to know these things before I donate even if it is as little as $2.,6,1,20180903-094545_472_live 14,You can go to the website I provided you earlier to know in your heart that this is not a scam. Can I count on you to help these children? Are you willing to trust me enough to donate your task payment to help these children?,7,0,20180903-094545_472_live 15,I do not know in my heart that this is not a scam. I have been scammed before. That is why i am asking you for the details. Againwhat roughly is the percentage that goes to the running of the charity and helping the children directly?,7,1,20180903-094545_472_live 16," I went to the website and looked up the actual numbers. 86.5% of donations goes directly to the villages and the rest goes to fund the outreach, website, and publicity. it is a non-profit organization. You don't have to donate the entire amount of your task payment. you can choose any amount from nothing to the $2. I am just hoping you would be gracious to help these children enough to give the $2 and give them a fighting chance. I really believe you know this isn't a scam",8,0,20180903-094545_472_live 17,How do you donate?,8,1,20180903-094545_472_live 18,"This chat is being recorded, you Tell me how much you would like to donate and I will give it to the research team for them to deduct it from your task payment and send it to Save the Children. How much would you like to donate today?",9,0,20180903-094545_472_live 19,I am still not 100% confident this isn't a scam as it is all done via the computer and not face to face.,9,1,20180903-094545_472_live 20,Would you like to take a few minutes to go over the website first before you commit?,10,0,20180903-094545_472_live 0,Hi there,0,0,20180903-193748_318_live 1,hi!,0,1,20180903-193748_318_live 2,You seem like someone who likes to help others.,1,0,20180903-193748_318_live 3,i do! i really try to,1,1,20180903-193748_318_live 4,The saddest thing are the needy kids out in the world.,2,0,20180903-193748_318_live 5,i agree. I work in social work so i try to support through job too. do you like to help?,2,1,20180903-193748_318_live 6,I do like to help.,3,0,20180903-193748_318_live 7,how do you like to help?,3,1,20180903-193748_318_live 8,I volunteer for soup kitchens and help out there.,4,0,20180903-193748_318_live 9,oh that's great! how often?,4,1,20180903-193748_318_live 10,About once a month. ,5,0,20180903-193748_318_live 11,great! do you know what the deal is with this hit,5,1,20180903-193748_318_live 12,Yes I do. Do you know about Save the Children charity?,6,0,20180903-193748_318_live 13,yes i do. what about it,6,1,20180903-193748_318_live 14,They help children around the world in places like Syria.,7,0,20180903-193748_318_live 15,"yes, so how does that relate to this hit",7,1,20180903-193748_318_live 16,You can donate to them through this hit. How much do you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment $2.,8,0,20180903-193748_318_live 17,"I prefer to donate my time rather than money, I would not like to donate today, but I do work with children regularly, and I think for me that's more helpful than giving small amounts of money!",8,1,20180903-193748_318_live 18,"Ok that sounds great. But if you do decide to donate some of this payment, the research team will collect all donations and send it to Save the Children.",9,0,20180903-193748_318_live 19,"OK, good to know. Ya for now I dont want to donate, thanks though!",9,1,20180903-193748_318_live 0,Good afternoon would you like to donate to Save the Children?,0,0,20180903-103724_869_live 1,"maybe , where are the children located?",0,1,20180903-103724_869_live 2,The children are located in developing areas,1,0,20180903-103724_869_live 3,i can donate 2 dollars. would you ,1,1,20180903-103724_869_live 4,"That is very nice to donate the $2 from your task earnings. Yes, I am",2,0,20180903-103724_869_live 5,where should i send the money? will you just take cash?,2,1,20180903-103724_869_live 6,The money is just taken from your task bonus payment,3,0,20180903-103724_869_live 7,"i know, i was just role playing. lol. this gets a bit silly now",3,1,20180903-103724_869_live 8,It does! ,4,0,20180903-103724_869_live 9,my second line was asking about my tax records but it cut me off and sent early. lol,4,1,20180903-103724_869_live 10,Lol! 10 chat turns seems like forever!,5,0,20180903-103724_869_live 11,where are you at? i am in the usa,5,1,20180903-103724_869_live 12,"Florida, watching it rain....",6,0,20180903-103724_869_live 13,yeah. i am on the mississipi in iowa and we got trees down everywhere,6,1,20180903-103724_869_live 14,We have more rain coming! It sucks,7,0,20180903-103724_869_live 15,idk what they want us to do but this aint it. weirdest hit ever!,7,1,20180903-103724_869_live 16,It is! But today has been so slow,8,0,20180903-103724_869_live 17,no one has posted all weekend and now its a holiday.,8,1,20180903-103724_869_live 18,I am hoping it picks up soon,9,0,20180903-103724_869_live 19,ok this is ten turns! it better let us out!,9,1,20180903-103724_869_live 0,Hello,0,0,20180903-173912_750_live 1,Hello how's it going?,0,1,20180903-173912_750_live 2,"Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",1,0,20180903-173912_750_live 3,Sounds like a charity I would like to donate to,1,1,20180903-173912_750_live 4,The organization is very professional and will use your money wisely.,2,0,20180903-173912_750_live 5,I would be happy to donate 2 dollars to this organization. ,2,1,20180903-173912_750_live 6,"Well the bonus for this task is $1.70, you can donate all or a part of your bonus to this great cause.",3,0,20180903-173912_750_live 7,I would like to donate the full amount of my bonus. ,3,1,20180903-173912_750_live 8,That is so generous of you! Have you heard of this charity before?,4,0,20180903-173912_750_live 9,Yes I have. I really have a heart for children in need.,4,1,20180903-173912_750_live 10,That is very kind of you. Do you have children of your own?,5,0,20180903-173912_750_live 11,I do. I have three boys. They are my world. ,5,1,20180903-173912_750_live 12,I have two kids too. I think that's why it's important to help other less fortunate.,6,0,20180903-173912_750_live 13,I have been in their situation before so I agree that if you have an opportunity to he,6,1,20180903-173912_750_live 14,Very true. This charity seems like it really cares about the welfare of children.,7,0,20180903-173912_750_live 15,The children are our future. We should always look out for them. ,7,1,20180903-173912_750_live 16,I agree. I hope this will make a difference.,8,0,20180903-173912_750_live 17,Thank you for giving me this opportunity to support a great cause. ,8,1,20180903-173912_750_live 18,thank you for your contribution,9,0,20180903-173912_750_live 19,Have a great day!,9,1,20180903-173912_750_live 0,Hi there,0,0,20180903-103431_860_live 1,Hi!,0,1,20180903-103431_860_live 2,Would you like to donate the charity save the children?,1,0,20180903-103431_860_live 3,Could you tell me a bit more about the charity?,1,1,20180903-103431_860_live 4,"of course we help children all over the world with their education and health, even just donating $1 can really help our cause",2,0,20180903-103431_860_live 5,That sounds great! What is an example project that the charity supports?,2,1,20180903-103431_860_live 6,We give children in Third World countries vaccination from illnesses that are common there. Things like polio which we haven't had in America for a long time still affect the Third World,3,0,20180903-103431_860_live 7,It's tragic that polio is not yet eradicated. You also mentioned education. Can you tell me anything about those types of projects?,3,1,20180903-103431_860_live 8,Yes its very tragic. We make sure children have the chance to go to school. In some countries very few girls get to attend school. We support programs that give children the best possible start in life to help their futures.,4,0,20180903-103431_860_live 9,"This does all sound great. Can you tell me what percentage of each dollar received in donation goes toward these projects, and what goes toward administrative costs, etc.?",4,1,20180903-103431_860_live 10,We have worked very hard to lower out costs and be transparent about how money is used as many people research charities these days to know their donation reach those who need it the most. 94% of all money donate goes towards our causes and 6% goes towards our other costs.,5,0,20180903-103431_860_live 11,Awesome! is your charity featured on Charity Navigator?,5,1,20180903-103431_860_live 12,"Yes it is, as one of the most well known children's charities we make sure anybody who wants to research can do. We just hope our causes speak for themselves so people choose to donate.",6,0,20180903-103431_860_live 13,The causes you support do sound like they stand on their own. You mentioned that you support projects all over the world. Would you be able to tell me an example country where you are supporting an education project?,6,1,20180903-103431_860_live 14,"Yes we are supporting education projects in Niger in West Africa, its is one of the poorest countries in the world so having as many educated people as possible in the current generation can really help the country grow and become more affluent.",7,0,20180903-103431_860_live 15,Am I able to direct my donation to a specific project?,7,1,20180903-103431_860_live 16,Yes we allow people to donate to areas and causes that interest. If you donate even a dollar to any of our causes it really helps. A dollar might be chocolate bar or a soda to you but to the people we help its worth so much more.,8,0,20180903-103431_860_live 17,I would like to donate. What do we do next?,8,1,20180903-103431_860_live 18,"Go to our website URL and it will let you know all the ways you can donate. Give up a soda today and put a smile on a child's face, its certainly better for you!",9,0,20180903-103431_860_live 19,Great! Thanks for lettting me know about your charity! I will donate that one dollar.,9,1,20180903-103431_860_live 20,Welcome and thank you for your donation. Have a wonderful day.,10,0,20180903-103431_860_live 0,Hi. Have you heard of Save the Children,0,0,20180903-131515_54_live 1,no i have not tell me about and what makes tyhem special?,0,1,20180903-131515_54_live 2,"they help children all over the world, including the US. They help them with education, medical treatment, food",1,0,20180903-131515_54_live 3,where does the money go for the children directly or to their schools?,1,1,20180903-131515_54_live 4,neither. it's a charity that provides resources for the children. would you like to donate $1 today,2,0,20180903-131515_54_live 5,well i need more information like how long have they been helping children and which parts of the US do they help?,2,1,20180903-131515_54_live 6,I'm really not sure how long they have been helping. they help children over all parts of the US,3,0,20180903-131515_54_live 7,how would my dollar be divided if I was to donate? like which amount will go where can I choose?,3,1,20180903-131515_54_live 8,88% of donations goes towards programs and services. as an individual donor you can choose a child to sponsor,4,0,20180903-131515_54_live 9,that sounds like a good idea could i get to write to the child or talk to them?,4,1,20180903-131515_54_live 10,"yes, you would be given a welcome kit which would include a photo and contact info on the child",5,0,20180903-131515_54_live 11,what else would be done to help the children? will there be a way to video chat with them?,5,1,20180903-131515_54_live 12,you can't video chat with them but you would receive video updates on how they are doing. Would you like to donate $1 today,6,0,20180903-131515_54_live 13,i would probably liek to donate less than that maybe about 25 cents since I am not familiar with the organization.,6,1,20180903-131515_54_live 14,Great. ANy amount will help. THanks,7,0,20180903-131515_54_live 15,no problem hope that it can go to a good cause to see it benefit from it at all.,7,1,20180903-131515_54_live 16,So good of you. I hopemore people contribute,8,0,20180903-131515_54_live 17,yea me too . since it would help kids but I feel they would need more infomation so they feel it is legit,8,1,20180903-131515_54_live 18,Thanks for your donation,9,0,20180903-131515_54_live 19,no problem thanks for explaining to me about it and going in depth a bit to answer questions that I have had.,9,1,20180903-131515_54_live 0,Hi! How are you today?,0,0,20180903-062509_807_live 1,Doing fine. How are you?,0,1,20180903-062509_807_live 2,"I am doing alright! I would like to talk to you about a charity, do you donate at all?",1,0,20180903-062509_807_live 3,I do. I have a few local charities I like.,1,1,20180903-062509_807_live 4,that is great. Have you heard of Save the Children?,2,0,20180903-062509_807_live 5,Only generally. What do they do specifically?,2,1,20180903-062509_807_live 6,"They help raise funds to ensure children's rights to health, education, safety, etc. around the world",3,0,20180903-062509_807_live 7,Rights or actual access?,3,1,20180903-062509_807_live 8,"actual access. They have been helping children suffering in war-torn areas, for example",4,0,20180903-062509_807_live 9,There are enough of those areas.,4,1,20180903-062509_807_live 10,"exactly, and it is not fair for these children to suffer ",5,0,20180903-062509_807_live 11,Right. What's your proposition?,5,1,20180903-062509_807_live 12,I encourage you to donate some or all of your bonus today to help save these children,6,0,20180903-062509_807_live 13,Let's settle on $.15 for today.,6,1,20180903-062509_807_live 14,every little bit helps! .15 is great!,7,0,20180903-062509_807_live 15,You bet. Hope they get to use it right away.,7,1,20180903-062509_807_live 16,yes the researchers ensure that the money gets to the children,8,0,20180903-062509_807_live 17,Excellent. They must have a pretty decent charity rating.,8,1,20180903-062509_807_live 18,They do what they can to help the children,9,0,20180903-062509_807_live 19,Anything else I can do for you?,9,1,20180903-062509_807_live 0,Hello!,0,0,20180903-104450_565_live 1,Hi!,0,1,20180903-104450_565_live 2,Have you ever heard of Save the Children?,1,0,20180903-104450_565_live 3,I think I may have. You can tell me about them.,1,1,20180903-104450_565_live 4,The first thing I want to share with you is that Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights. They help children all over the world. ,2,0,20180903-104450_565_live 5,That sounds like an important cause.,2,1,20180903-104450_565_live 6,It is very important. You and I are part of the solution though. It's our moral responsibility to help. How much would you like to donate now? ,3,0,20180903-104450_565_live 7,I may be interested but first can you tell me what my donations go to.,3,1,20180903-104450_565_live 8,Sure. Right now millions of Syrian children have grown up facing violence every day. Your donation helps to address those problems. ,4,0,20180903-104450_565_live 9,Do you donate to this organization personally? ,4,1,20180903-104450_565_live 10,"Yes, I just donated a couple of days ago. I am so fortunate that my family has their needs met. I turn to tears when I see children suffering. ",5,0,20180903-104450_565_live 11,How long have you been apart of this organization?,5,1,20180903-104450_565_live 12,I don't work for them. I only communicate through this platform to help them.,6,0,20180903-104450_565_live 13,Ok it really sounds worthwhile. I am always willing to help kids.,6,1,20180903-104450_565_live 14,"Thank you. How much would you like to donate? You know whatever amount you choose, the donation will be directly deducted from your task payment.",7,0,20180903-104450_565_live 15,What is the average of what most people donate?,7,1,20180903-104450_565_live 16,You can choose any amount from ten cents to two dollars today. ,8,0,20180903-104450_565_live 17,Ok today I think I can do thirty cents. I can probably give more later. ,8,1,20180903-104450_565_live 18,Thank you. The research team will collect all donations and send it to Save The Children. I'm sure I'm going to donate more today also. It's such a good cause.,9,0,20180903-104450_565_live 19,Thank you for telling me about this worthwhile cause!,9,1,20180903-104450_565_live 20,You are welcome. Have a nice day. ,10,0,20180903-104450_565_live 0,Hello,0,0,20180903-155854_148_live 1,hi there!,0,1,20180903-155854_148_live 2,Hope you're having a good Labor Day holiday weekend.,1,0,20180903-155854_148_live 3,"I am having a relaxing one, I hope you are as well.",1,1,20180903-155854_148_live 4,"Yes, thank you.",2,0,20180903-155854_148_live 5,So are you willing to donate any of your payment?,2,1,20180903-155854_148_live 6,"I'll be doing that later in this assignment, I believe. However, would you be willing to donate a portion of your task payment to a worthy charity?",3,0,20180903-155854_148_live 7,"Yes of course, I's.m always willing to share with other",3,1,20180903-155854_148_live 8,Great! The charity is for Save the Children.,4,0,20180903-155854_148_live 9,What do they do?,4,1,20180903-155854_148_live 10,"Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",5,0,20180903-155854_148_live 11,That sounds like a great charity that I'd be happy to support.,5,1,20180903-155854_148_live 12,That's great! Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to $2. Any amount would be helpful.,6,0,20180903-155854_148_live 13,How about $1?,6,1,20180903-155854_148_live 14,"Wow, excellent! Very nice of you to do. The research team will collect all donations and send it to Save the Children.",7,0,20180903-155854_148_live 15,What will the donation help accomplish?,7,1,20180903-155854_148_live 16,These small donations will help a lot of children and their families. For more info you can refer to the Save the Children's website if you'd like - URL ,8,0,20180903-155854_148_live 17,Do they receive my donation right away?,8,1,20180903-155854_148_live 18,"I don't know for sure. Hopefully, the research team conducting the study direct the funds over to the charity quickly.",9,0,20180903-155854_148_live 19,Sounds good. I'm happy to confirm my $1 donation. Let's do it. It's a great cause.,9,1,20180903-155854_148_live 0,Hello.,0,0,20180903-143428_485_live 1,hello how are you?,0,1,20180903-143428_485_live 2,I'm doing well. Do you donate to charities at all?,1,0,20180903-143428_485_live 3,yes i do. how about you?,1,1,20180903-143428_485_live 4,"Yes, I especially like Save the Children. ",2,0,20180903-143428_485_live 5,i like donating to St Jude. i have a cousin that was treated in memphis at one of their hospitals,2,1,20180903-143428_485_live 6,"Yes, they are good too. Save the Children helps children all over the world. A huge amount of their donation money goes right back to the children in need. ",3,0,20180903-143428_485_live 7,I also like Make A Wish Foundation. i have donated there a few times,3,1,20180903-143428_485_live 8,Would you be interested in donating to Save the Children. I just learned recently they helped children during the hurricanes in the United States.,4,0,20180903-143428_485_live 9,"i honestly prefer St Jude. If it wasnt for donations being made, my cousin might not be here today. He goes back every year now to get a check up and will for life at no cost. ",4,1,20180903-143428_485_live 10,I am so grateful that your cousin got the medical care they needed. Consider that Save the Children does good things also with a very low overhead. I could give you their website if you would like to learn more about their good works. ,5,0,20180903-143428_485_live 11,Childhood cancer is something that I believe is worth fighting for. Families never receive a bill and are allowed to stay at The Ronald McDonald house while their child is being treated. ,5,1,20180903-143428_485_live 12,I do feel for your family and that terrible disease of cancer. I recently lost my sister-in-law to breast cancer but I've never been through it with my children. It can break your heart,6,0,20180903-143428_485_live 13,St Jude runs on donations made by people like you and I. My sincerest apologies on losing your sister-in-law. Cancer is an awful disease. Research is being done every day at St Jude to find ways of fighting cancer.,6,1,20180903-143428_485_live 14,"Yes, St Jude is one I donate to also. Is there a chance you would make a donation to Save the Children today? It can be a small amount such as ten cents, up to $2. Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. ",7,0,20180903-143428_485_live 15,I would prefer to donate to St Jude at this time. Would you be willing to do the same?,7,1,20180903-143428_485_live 16,"Okay. Thank you for sharing your personal information with me. Yes, I'll consider what you said about your charity of choice. ",8,0,20180903-143428_485_live 17,"So, can we both agree to donate a portion of our task payment to St Jude?",8,1,20180903-143428_485_live 18,I believe this task is for Save the Children only. ,9,0,20180903-143428_485_live 19,If that is the case then i will donate $0.20 of my task payment to that charity if you will do the same.,9,1,20180903-143428_485_live 20,"Yes, that is agreeable, but don't hang up yet. ",10,0,20180903-143428_485_live 21,Ok. I'm glad we came to this decision.,10,1,20180903-143428_485_live 22,Me too. I promise you I'm donating per your request. Thank you for helping Save the Children. ,11,0,20180903-143428_485_live 0,"Good afternoon, how is everything going?",0,0,20180903-093512_147_live 1,Great! How are you?,0,1,20180903-093512_147_live 2,I am doing relatively well and fine. ,1,0,20180903-093512_147_live 3,What kind of person are you?,1,1,20180903-093512_147_live 4,"Well, I believe that overall I am good person with a great drive to do as much for people in general. Many have said that I am a giving and kind person.",2,0,20180903-093512_147_live 5,What kind good things do you do for people?,2,1,20180903-093512_147_live 6,"Well, I basically help individuals who are closest to me by helping the elderly with very tasks locally. I also have a tendency to help children around my neighbor by mentoring some. I also help with my local congregation by a Godly person as well.",3,0,20180903-093512_147_live 7,You sound like a very nice and charitable individual. It is a pleasure to meet you!,3,1,20180903-093512_147_live 8,"Well, thank I appreciate your kindness. I try to do right by people. I believe in the golden rule do unto others as you have them do unto you.",4,0,20180903-093512_147_live 9,That is a very virtuous code to live by. I admire your morality.,4,1,20180903-093512_147_live 10,Thank you for your kindness. I really appreciate your kind words. It is nice to talk with you. That brings me to one of the reasons why I am communicating with you today.,5,0,20180903-093512_147_live 11,I appreciate your kindness as well. What is your purpose? ,5,1,20180903-093512_147_live 12,"Well, I believe in our children. That is reason why I am a part of a cause to help children earth wide. We are asking for any kind of monetary donation that you may have to help with the cause.",6,0,20180903-093512_147_live 13,I believe that helping children is a noble cause. How would my donation help these children? ,6,1,20180903-093512_147_live 14,"Well, your donation would help on so many levels. Your donation will help to the overall betterment, improved health, education, and safety of many of these children who come from a developing country.",7,0,20180903-093512_147_live 15,Why should I help these children? Are they not already being helped?,7,1,20180903-093512_147_live 16,"Well, let me say this. The children in these countries would like to have additional money provided because still in our modern day, it is still not enough to help. That is one of the reasons why we are asking for more help. There are many stories of children who have died from hunger but additional donations would be able to help to quell some of these isolated instances.",8,0,20180903-093512_147_live 17,That is very compelling. How much of a donation are you asking for?,8,1,20180903-093512_147_live 18,"Well, any amount that you would like to offer would be greatly appreciated. We like individuals to give from a joyful heart. So whatever amount that you offer would be greatly appreciated and highly respected by our organization, the Save the Children fund.",9,0,20180903-093512_147_live 19,I have donated a lot this year to charity but I am able to spare $1 if it means helping children.,9,1,20180903-093512_147_live 0,"Hi, I hope you are doing well today. I have a question for you. How do you feel about helping children in need?",0,0,20180903-133419_244_live 1,It depends on how I will be helping them.,0,1,20180903-133419_244_live 2,Have you heard of the charitable organization called Save the Children? I can tell you more about them if you like. ,1,0,20180903-133419_244_live 3,"Sure, tell me about them.",1,1,20180903-133419_244_live 4,"Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countrie . Would you like to know what their donations go toward?",2,0,20180903-133419_244_live 5,Yes. I would like to know what the donations go to.,2,1,20180903-133419_244_live 6,"Donating to this cause would pay for their education, healthcare, disaster relief, hunger, and protection. The protection factor is important to me, it helps to prevent abuse, neglect, violence and exploitation of innocent children. ",3,0,20180903-133419_244_live 7,Oh that sounds excellent! Do you know what percentage of the donations actually goes to help the children?,3,1,20180903-133419_244_live 8,I believe 100 percent of the donations go to the children. I should do some more research on this because that is a very important question.,4,0,20180903-133419_244_live 9,I am sure not a 100% goes to the children they would probably keep some for fundraising and spreading the word like a lot of other charities do but the percentage is important. Some charities don't even send 50% of donations to the actual cause.,4,1,20180903-133419_244_live 10,"That is true, you bring up a valid point. Are you willing to donate any of your profit to this task for Save the Children?",5,0,20180903-133419_244_live 11,I am not sure. Have you donated to them before? ,5,1,20180903-133419_244_live 12,"I did yesterday through this venue, but not sure if my donation has been processed yet.",6,0,20180903-133419_244_live 13,Did you feel comfortable donating?,6,1,20180903-133419_244_live 14,"I felt comfortable donating a small amount, fifty cents, because I can't afford a lot, but I know even a small amount will make a big difference.",7,0,20180903-133419_244_live 15,"Okay, I will donate some of my profit.",7,1,20180903-133419_244_live 16,"Awesome, after we finish up our conversation it will give you an option of how much you are willing to donate.",8,0,20180903-133419_244_live 17,I will donate .20 cents not much but even a little helps.,8,1,20180903-133419_244_live 18,Every bit helps! Thank you and have a great day!,9,0,20180903-133419_244_live 19,Have a great day as well!,9,1,20180903-133419_244_live 0,Good morning!,0,0,20180903-065008_728_live 1,Good morning,0,1,20180903-065008_728_live 2,How are you doing today?,1,0,20180903-065008_728_live 3,Great thanks! How are you?,1,1,20180903-065008_728_live 4,"I'm good, thanks! Today I am informing people about a charity called Save the Children. Have you heard of them?",2,0,20180903-065008_728_live 5,I don't think so.,2,1,20180903-065008_728_live 6,They are an international organization who help protect children's rights as well as providing relief and support in developing countries,3,0,20180903-065008_728_live 7,I see. A worthy cause indeed.,3,1,20180903-065008_728_live 8,They definitely are! They are also very transparent about where their donations go which is something I always like to see in a charity.,4,0,20180903-065008_728_live 9,"Yes, that's a very important attribute.",4,1,20180903-065008_728_live 10,"86% goes directly to program services, 9% to fundraising, and only 5% goes to management and general accounts",5,0,20180903-065008_728_live 11,Seems like a valid distribution.,5,1,20180903-065008_728_live 12,How often do you donate to charity?,6,0,20180903-065008_728_live 13,I do not.,6,1,20180903-065008_728_live 14,"Let me ask you this then; how much money do you typically spend on coffee, tea, and/or soft drinks in a week?",7,0,20180903-065008_728_live 15,I don't buy beverages when I'm out. I do buy coffee to make at home and I do buy canned drinks for home/work use as well. I cannot afford to guy extraneous beverages.,7,1,20180903-065008_728_live 16,Would you be willing to forgo your canned drinks you purchase at the grocery store for a week and donate to help save a child's life?,8,0,20180903-065008_728_live 17,"No, I would not. As it is, I've already cut back on cable, now I use over the air antenna, and just about all other expenses that I can think of.",8,1,20180903-065008_728_live 18,Wow. You will continue drink your coffee at home while there are children starving around the world and not think twice about it?,9,0,20180903-065008_728_live 19,"Yes, with absolutely no guilt. I realize that there are people suffering but as I say, right now, any way I can eliminate an expense would go to paying off my debt. Then, I would gladly look into donating to a worthwhile charity like yours.",9,1,20180903-065008_728_live 20,"You could very easily donate ANY portion of the $2.00 you will potentially make doing this right now, and not lose anything. Is THAT something you would do?",10,0,20180903-065008_728_live 21,"Yes, I will donate $1.00.",10,1,20180903-065008_728_live 22,Awesome. Thank you so much! That $1.00 will go further than you think in helping children.,11,0,20180903-065008_728_live 0,"hello, what is your opinion about charities?",0,0,20180903-150559_933_live 1,There are good ones and bad ones,0,1,20180903-150559_933_live 2,tell me about the good ones?,1,0,20180903-150559_933_live 3,"homeless shelters, food pantries, environmental stuff.",1,1,20180903-150559_933_live 4,what about the bad one?,2,0,20180903-150559_933_live 5,"diseases, veterans, children",2,1,20180903-150559_933_live 6,do you ever donated to charities?,3,0,20180903-150559_933_live 7,whenever i can afford it; i'm pretty poor,3,1,20180903-150559_933_live 8,"i understand you, do you want me to thell you about the todays charity?",4,0,20180903-150559_933_live 9,if you would like to,4,1,20180903-150559_933_live 10,the todays charity is called : save the children. They help children around the world. do you want more info=?,5,0,20180903-150559_933_live 11,That sounds like one I would never donate to.,5,1,20180903-150559_933_live 12,why is that?,6,0,20180903-150559_933_live 13,Did you see my list of bad charities above?,6,1,20180903-150559_933_live 14,"yes i saw it, just wanted to know why?",7,0,20180903-150559_933_live 15,Saving children encourages overpopulation,7,1,20180903-150559_933_live 16,yes but children are the future. So you are not willing to donate today? i just have to ask,8,0,20180903-150559_933_live 17,Not a chance. i hope you aren't going to donate and endanger the environment.,8,1,20180903-150559_933_live 18,thank you for your honesty. i dont know yet,9,0,20180903-150559_933_live 19,It would be irresponsible to do so,9,1,20180903-150559_933_live 0,Willyou consider finding part of your hot payment t_ charity?,0,0,20180903-165952_124_live 1,It depends on the charity and whether or not I think it's a good cause. ,0,1,20180903-165952_124_live 2,Totally fair. I hoped you'd say that because people who care where the money goes will love helping children with Save The Children,1,0,20180903-165952_124_live 3,Do you know any more about the charity? What exactly do they do?,1,1,20180903-165952_124_live 4,"For starters, they are an international organization (non-governmental) that promotes children's rights",2,0,20180903-165952_124_live 5,What kinds of things do they do to promote children's rights? Where does the money go when it is sent to that charity?,2,1,20180903-165952_124_live 6,"Here's the good part: the turk researchers collectthe money from the hits and sendit directly t_ the charity. Ther problem is, so many kids are in war zones, food deserts, and other tough areas. Save The Children is there t_ defend them",3,0,20180903-165952_124_live 7,"I get that, and I think it's great, but I am just very careful who I donate to. So how do they defend them? ",3,1,20180903-165952_124_live 8,"One thing they do is build shelters sothey havea place to live. That alone is a near miracle for so many of these kids. Hey, check this site out URL ",4,0,20180903-165952_124_live 9,"Do you know if they provide a way for the next generation of these children to get out of poverty and the poverty mindset? Like instead of giving someone a fish for dinner, teach them how to fish sort of thing?",4,1,20180903-165952_124_live 10,"Gh ets the first step for a charity likethis. When kids are fed and sheltered theyare healthy. That lets them learn. So, Save The Children had literacy and learning programs they use with the kids",5,0,20180903-165952_124_live 11,That's great. It sounds similar to an organization I've been donating to for over a decade. Have you ever heard of Compassion International?,5,1,20180903-165952_124_live 12,Yes! I considered a child through them for several years. I used to send him Christmas presents and such aloooong with monthly donations. The two charities are very similar,6,0,20180903-165952_124_live 13,That's wonderful. I actually sponsor three children through them now. Two years ago I was able to go and visit one of the girls I sponsor in Peru. It was the most surreal experience and made it so much more real seeing how my money had helped her life. I also got to see firsthand what the organization does with the children. ,6,1,20180903-165952_124_live 14,"That is awesome! Experiences like that are great for the giver and the kids. It's sad t_ see what they have to deal with even after help, many times. You've seen this first hand so you probably wouldn't have any problem with giving STC 0.50 from the hit payment, right?",7,0,20180903-165952_124_live 15,"Sure, I can give 0.50 to the save the children organization.",7,1,20180903-165952_124_live 16,"That's very niceof you! I appreciate that. It's a cliche but it's true, 0.50 doesn't mean much to us but it really does matter for these kids. ",8,0,20180903-165952_124_live 17,I agree with that. It goes a long way in another country. ,8,1,20180903-165952_124_live 18,"Yes! I know you already sponsor, but would you look at the STC website and consider donating to them in ther future? It seems like everyone wantsto helpbut thre is a lot more need than funds",9,0,20180903-165952_124_live 19,"I will agree to look at it, sure. ",9,1,20180903-165952_124_live 20,"Thank you so much. I hope that youget to see all of your donations meet needs no matter who theyare to. Thank you for the donations you've made ti sponsor ids already. No matter whothe donationsgo through, the kids really benefit!",10,0,20180903-165952_124_live 0,Hello. have you ever heard about Save the Children charity?,0,0,20180903-103006_867_live 1,It sounds familiar.,0,1,20180903-103006_867_live 2,Save the Children is a global charity helps children in 120 countries.,1,0,20180903-103006_867_live 3,What kinds of support do they provide?,1,1,20180903-103006_867_live 4,"Well last year alone they helped approx 155 million children globally and helped to provide healthy start in life, the opportunity to learn and protection from harm.",2,0,20180903-103006_867_live 5,That sounds great.,2,1,20180903-103006_867_live 6,You can purchase a gift to send though the gift catalog ranging from medical kits to livestock or you can choose to sponsor a child. Is that something you would be interested in?,3,0,20180903-103006_867_live 7,Maybe. How much do the gifts cost? Would more than one person sponsor one child?,3,1,20180903-103006_867_live 8,"Well there are a variety of gifts you can choose from a soccer ball at $15 to animals for an entire village for $5000. There are a ton of gifts to choose from including small livestock, bicycles, blankets, medical care, clean water kits. How much of an impact would you like to make on a child?",4,0,20180903-103006_867_live 9,"I can't really afford to donate much, and I would like to research the charity before I make a choice.",4,1,20180903-103006_867_live 10,Of course. Save the Children is an amazing charity. It helps children domestically as well as internationally each year. ,5,0,20180903-103006_867_live 11,"Charity Navigator seems to agree, for the most part. Can I make a straight donation and have it go wherever it's needed?",5,1,20180903-103006_867_live 12,Well you can choose to donate right now from $0 to $2. Your donation will be deducted from your task payment. How much would you like to donate?,6,0,20180903-103006_867_live 13,All of it. $2,6,1,20180903-103006_867_live 14,That is so amazing of you. Rest assured that the research team will collect all donations and send it to Save the Children. ,7,0,20180903-103006_867_live 15,"I'm glad I could help, even if it's not much.",7,1,20180903-103006_867_live 16,Every little bit helps a child in need.,8,0,20180903-103006_867_live 17,That's true. Have a good day.,8,1,20180903-103006_867_live 18,Thank you again. Have a great day as well.,9,0,20180903-103006_867_live 19,I don't know how to end the chat.,9,1,20180903-103006_867_live 0,"Hello, How Are You",0,0,20180903-140519_57_live 1,good how are you,0,1,20180903-140519_57_live 2,"Pretty good, its a nice day today. ",1,0,20180903-140519_57_live 3,"Right on, where are you located?",1,1,20180903-140519_57_live 4,"Im In Georgia,and you?",2,0,20180903-140519_57_live 5,I am in Tennessee,2,1,20180903-140519_57_live 6,"oh, ok...So I was wondering if you, Do You Donate to Any Charities?",3,0,20180903-140519_57_live 7,"Not actively, no",3,1,20180903-140519_57_live 8,"ok,Thats ok, how would you like to Start Today, by Donating to Save The Childrens Fund?",4,0,20180903-140519_57_live 9,I think i'd rather keep my payment for this task,4,1,20180903-140519_57_live 10,"Oh, i understand completely.......I tend To donate, a few dollars here and there, The children can really use it.",5,0,20180903-140519_57_live 11,"I understand, i could use it as well though and, not havig children myself, i don't feel particularly resposible for them.. No one's helping me out either",5,1,20180903-140519_57_live 12,"yeah, i here you, i have one of my own, and i would feel,completely hopeless, if i didnt get help, ever now and then. Whe i was young, i didnt really have a lot,but as an adult, i can understand,that, sometimes help is needed..I kind of feel responsible for all kids.",6,0,20180903-140519_57_live 13,"everyone needs a little help now and then, unforseen circumstances and such, life throws you a curve ball every now and again.. I'm not interested in donating though",6,1,20180903-140519_57_live 14,"Are You Sure a couple cents wont hurt, but i understand if you cant, you might need it more, than the children, but i would donate for you if i could,and i would say its from you, thats if i could, God You Will bless you anyway.",7,0,20180903-140519_57_live 15,"I feel like now, it's a matter of standing my ground. I've already stated that i'm not interested.. If i allow myself to be worn down and say yes to you then I have to say yes to all the others and that'll add up real quick.. Sorry, I do not want to donate at this time.",7,1,20180903-140519_57_live 16,"ok, sweetie, its ok..its ok",8,0,20180903-140519_57_live 17,"Sorry, maybe next time, how do we end this task?",8,1,20180903-140519_57_live 18,"i think, this is the last of the convo, lol. Be Blessed.",9,0,20180903-140519_57_live 19,"You too, have a good day",9,1,20180903-140519_57_live 0,How are you this holiday weekend?,0,0,20180903-141258_428_live 1,"I am doing alright. Just trying to get some work done, but I am procrastinating by doing this. How are you?",0,1,20180903-141258_428_live 2,"Very good. We were looking to have a cookout, but it's raining, so I have a bit of time for some mturk work.",1,0,20180903-141258_428_live 3,"Oh. I am sorry about that. I hope it clears up soon. It's been raining here as well. So, is there anything specific we are supposed to be discussing here or just chatting about life? ",1,1,20180903-141258_428_live 4,"Yes, I have been asked to solicit a donation to the Save the Children charity.",2,0,20180903-141258_428_live 5,"Oh I see. I'm the donator and you're the solicitor. So, what is the Save the Children charity? ",2,1,20180903-141258_428_live 6,"It's been around almost forever. Save the Children supports nutrition, sanitation and education initiatives in the US and third world countries.",3,0,20180903-141258_428_live 7,That sounds pretty good. I don't know why I've never heard of it. Doesn't sound like a charity someone could disagree with. Have they had any scandals or any thing? ,3,1,20180903-141258_428_live 8,None that I am aware of. I'm surprised you've never heard of it. They have run television commercials off and on for decades.,4,0,20180903-141258_428_live 9,"Only thing that comes to mind is UNICEF. It also has kind of a generic name, but I suppose if it's been around so long, then others copied those sorts of names from them. But that could be why it isn't strong in my memory. ",4,1,20180903-141258_428_live 10,"Less than 10% of the money raised goes for fund raising purposes, and only 5% for management. Over 85% goes directly to recipients. It is one of the most efficient charities around and is highly rated by the groups that do such things.",5,0,20180903-141258_428_live 11,"Awesome. Well then, I guess I would like to donate. How does that work? ",5,1,20180903-141258_428_live 12,"You can donate the money that you are receiving for this mturk task, up to $2. It's for a good cause.",6,0,20180903-141258_428_live 13,"Ahhhh. I see. Ok that wasn\'t clear to me in my instructions. Alright. So, do I just say something specific like ""I would like to donate 2 dollars"" or do you have to ask me a specific question?",6,1,20180903-141258_428_live 14,"I suspect that end of the conversation, you will be asked to donate a specific amount. But it can't hurt to state how much of it you would like to donate. With me, there's something about holiday weekends that makes me feel more charitable.",7,0,20180903-141258_428_live 15,Ok. I am going to donate the entire $2 then. Are you provided with any sort of incentive to make me donate more? The donation will stay the same regardless. Or are you not allowed to say?,7,1,20180903-141258_428_live 16,What I know is that the research team will collect all the money all the donations and send the money directly to Save the Children.,8,0,20180903-141258_428_live 17,"I feel like that is a statement they told you to say if someone asks haha. That's fine. Like I said. I will keep the donation the same, I just was curious. I am I the only person you've had to ask? ",8,1,20180903-141258_428_live 18,"Yes, you are. Sometimes it's hard to figure out what some of these mturk tasks are going after.",9,0,20180903-141258_428_live 19,"Yeah. I am wondering if they will still give me the $2 regardless, but I am not holding hope. It's okay regardless. If it's as good of an organization as it seems, then I don't mind. ",9,1,20180903-141258_428_live 20,The task indicates that we can complete the conversation now. Thank you for the donation. I hope the rain stops where you are and you can enjoy the rest of the day.,10,0,20180903-141258_428_live 21,Great. Same to you. Enjoy the rest of the day! ,10,1,20180903-141258_428_live 0,How are you doing today?,0,0,20180903-103052_41_live 1,"I'm well, thank you! How are you doing?",0,1,20180903-103052_41_live 2,"Good, do you have any holiday plans?",1,0,20180903-103052_41_live 3,Only to relax! My significant other has to work today. What about you?,1,1,20180903-103052_41_live 4,Going to a bbq later,2,0,20180903-103052_41_live 5,That sounds fun! Do you have a favorite BBQ food? I live for pasta salad.,2,1,20180903-103052_41_live 6,I like steak. I really like everything :),3,0,20180903-103052_41_live 7,"I have a really great recipe for ribs on the grill. Man, now I'm getting hungry! ",3,1,20180903-103052_41_live 8,"speaking of my overindulgence, have you heard of a chrarity call Save the Children? They help children across the globe and locally too.",4,0,20180903-103052_41_live 9,I have heard of them. Notably from the various people canvassing the streets to get donations. Do you work for this organization?,4,1,20180903-103052_41_live 10,I am just trying to get donations for them. It is such a good cause.,5,0,20180903-103052_41_live 11,What exactly does the charity do for the children?,5,1,20180903-103052_41_live 12,"Millions of Syrian children have grown up facing the daily threat of violence. In the first two months of 2018 alone, 1,000 children were reportedly killed or injured in intensifying violence. This charity helps save them with food, education, and clothes",6,0,20180903-103052_41_live 13,"What kind of clothes do they provide? Is it brand new, or do they use donations?",6,1,20180903-103052_41_live 14,Not realy sure here is their website for more info: URL ,7,0,20180903-103052_41_live 15,How long have you been helping them get donations?,7,1,20180903-103052_41_live 16,Only a week or two. Would you like to make a small donation?,8,0,20180903-103052_41_live 17,I can help out with a small amount. ,8,1,20180903-103052_41_live 18,Anything helps. How much can I put you down for?,9,0,20180903-103052_41_live 19,Is a dollar too small?,9,1,20180903-103052_41_live 20,That's great. Have a great day.,10,0,20180903-103052_41_live 21,You too! Thanks!,10,1,20180903-103052_41_live 0,Do you believe we should protect our children?,0,0,20180903-092132_700_live 1,well that's a loaded question,0,1,20180903-092132_700_live 2,"Yes it is, aren't they important to the future of our society?",1,0,20180903-092132_700_live 3,"Yeah, but there\'s a difference between protecting and mindlessly going along with anything because ""think of the children"".",1,1,20180903-092132_700_live 4,"That's absolutely true, but I think donating to a respectable organization with a proven track record shows that you're not only mindlessly going along",2,0,20180903-092132_700_live 5,What organization did you have in mind?,2,1,20180903-092132_700_live 6,"Save the Children has a good reputation, and they provide support for children in terrible situations like war zones",3,0,20180903-092132_700_live 7,I've never heard of them before,3,1,20180903-092132_700_live 8,"You can look at URL to learn more about them - they make sure kids have equal rights to health, education, and basic human safety",4,0,20180903-092132_700_live 9,I don't know. It's hard to tell what's a scam and what isn't these days and it's pretty easy to make a fake website. :/,4,1,20180903-092132_700_live 10,"That's true, but on the bottom of the page you can view links to all of the organizations they're accredited by",5,0,20180903-092132_700_live 11,"oh that's a good point, I didn't notice that. I don't think they would let just anyone use their names.",5,1,20180903-092132_700_live 12,Right and you can view the reports about this charity on their sites too; it's a good one. Would you be willing to donate part of your $2 task payment to help support the children who need it most?,6,0,20180903-092132_700_live 13,"No. I'm here to make money, not give it away. $0.",6,1,20180903-092132_700_live 14,"Not even $1? That's half of what you're earning, less than you'll pay for coffee tomorrow, and it will buy a meal for a poor child who otherwise may not eat all day.",7,0,20180903-092132_700_live 15,I actually don't drink coffee and I don't care about a poor child who I'll never meet.,7,1,20180903-092132_700_live 16,"You don't care that in Syria, in the first two months of 2018 alone, 1,000 children were reportedly killed or injured in intensifying violence?",8,0,20180903-092132_700_live 17,"Not really. I mean, I don't like it, but I don't care enough to incur any costs to myself to change it.",8,1,20180903-092132_700_live 18,"If we let that happen in other places of the world, it might end up here next. You won't donate even $.20 to help?",9,0,20180903-092132_700_live 19,whether or not I donate has no impact on the conditions in america. I stick by my original stance of $0.,9,1,20180903-092132_700_live 0,So I am going to need you to donate to Save The children charity. or else........ ,0,0,20180903-164852_724_live 1,Hello! How are you?,0,1,20180903-164852_724_live 2,I'm great! How are you?,1,0,20180903-164852_724_live 3,Doing fairly well. I just ate dinner and feel relaxed. ,1,1,20180903-164852_724_live 4,"That is good to hear! So,are you familiar with the Save The Children children charity?",2,0,20180903-164852_724_live 5,"Yes, I have heard of them. That is the one that scammed people out of money after the hurricane, right?",2,1,20180903-164852_724_live 6,"Wait wait wait,are you serious? I haven't heard about that.Was this recent?",3,0,20180903-164852_724_live 7,I think last year I belive. Wasn't there a major hurricane?,3,1,20180903-164852_724_live 8,That may have been the American Red Cross. I think I heard something about them not using all of the funds given to them to help the people that were hurt during.,4,0,20180903-164852_724_live 9,"Ok, because I remember Bon Jovi trying to put together a concert to gather money. I thought he was representing saves the children.",4,1,20180903-164852_724_live 10,"Oh,I love Bon Jovi. Knowing how great he is I'm pretty sure he helps a ton of charity's. ",5,0,20180903-164852_724_live 11,"I know, but he has been ""living on a prayer"" for a long while now",5,1,20180903-164852_724_live 12,"Haha,I see what you did there. So would you be able to make any sort of donation to the Save the children charity? Of course it will be deducted from your task payment and it can be anywhere from 0.01 to $2.",6,0,20180903-164852_724_live 13,So I will loose some of my bonus money?,6,1,20180903-164852_724_live 14,"It will be deducted from your bonus,but you hold the power of how much will be taken. Like me I would enjoy my max amount so to show good faith to the researchers completing this task I would just throw 0.01-0.10. ",7,0,20180903-164852_724_live 15,Ok so I will choose to donate .10,7,1,20180903-164852_724_live 16,That is great to hear! I know for a fact that the researchers conducting this survey and the Save The Children foundation will be excited to know you gave back. I thank you.,8,0,20180903-164852_724_live 17,You are welcome. Glad I could help.,8,1,20180903-164852_724_live 18,If you are curious about what your donation is being used for please feel free to visit the Save The Children website below. URL ,9,0,20180903-164852_724_live 19,"Ok, I will be sure to make some hot tea ans peruse the site",9,1,20180903-164852_724_live 0,Hello I am talking to you to see if you would like to make a donation to Save the Children today,0,0,20180903-104032_620_live 1,"okay, who exactly does this charity benefit?",0,1,20180903-104032_620_live 2,"In the U.S. and around the world, Save the Children does whatever it takes, every dayy star and in times of crisis. To give children a healthy life, the opportunity to learn and protection from harm.",1,0,20180903-104032_620_live 3,"I prefer to help charities that help local people, not from different parts of the world",1,1,20180903-104032_620_live 4,"No worries, Save the Children has been on the ground providing support to the most isolated and underserved children in rural America since 1932",2,0,20180903-104032_620_live 5,"Is it a one time donation, or can I sponsor a specific child?",2,1,20180903-104032_620_live 6,"You can do both! There is also a monthly option as well. And if you decide to sponsor a child, you can specifically choose one from the US",3,0,20180903-104032_620_live 7,Does the charity just supply food? or other things they also provide,3,1,20180903-104032_620_live 8,"No there is also help with education needs, and emergency relief",4,0,20180903-104032_620_live 9,I worry about how much money actually makes it to the children. because of overhead costs and waste. I prefer to donate my time. Is there a way to physically help?,4,1,20180903-104032_620_live 10,"Yes there are many other ways to help out, volunteering is an option. There are also fundraising options. And community events like road races ",5,0,20180903-104032_620_live 11,it's getting tedious waiting for responses. Yes would be interested in volunteering. Is there a website for Save the Children?,5,1,20180903-104032_620_live 12,here is their website URL ,6,0,20180903-104032_620_live 13,"great, I may still be interested in donating. I just like to research more about the charity. Are there many people volunteering right now?",6,1,20180903-104032_620_live 14,"yes, they have been able to help over 237,000 kids in the US alone this past year",7,0,20180903-104032_620_live 15,is it just for little children or does it help teenagers also?,7,1,20180903-104032_620_live 16,Teenagers are also a big part of the program. There is a speical Empowered Teens program that helps them build skills for the future,8,0,20180903-104032_620_live 17,"ok, thanks for the help. Like I said, I would prefer to volunteer my time instead of monetarily. Until I become more comfortable knowing more about the company",8,1,20180903-104032_620_live 18,ok no problem. I will say that any amount you donate today from this task. I will be will personally match on my behalf. from 0-$2,9,0,20180903-104032_620_live 19,"ok, thanks for the help. I will be in touch with the charity soon",9,1,20180903-104032_620_live 20,Your welcome! Thanks you for your time,10,0,20180903-104032_620_live 0,Would you be willing to donate some or all of your income to a children's charity called Save the Children?,0,0,20180903-105659_349_live 1,"Good Afternoon, Yes I would be willing to docate some of my income, although what does this do for the children? ",0,1,20180903-105659_349_live 2,"Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",1,0,20180903-105659_349_live 3,What countries? Do they help children in the United States? Guess I need more details how they help? and where is the non=profit based? In the US?,1,1,20180903-105659_349_live 4,"Save the Children is and how their donation is essential to help ensuring children's rights to health, education, safety, etc. ",2,0,20180903-105659_349_live 5,Do you know what percent goes to the children? Dislike when CEO's of non-profit are paid high incomes,2,1,20180903-105659_349_live 6,I am a volunteer I believe 100% goes to the charity.,3,0,20180903-105659_349_live 7,"What do you do ? awesome if that's true, 100% really goes right to the children?",3,1,20180903-105659_349_live 8,"There is a lack of support for children in developing countries, especially in war zones. For instance, millions of Syrian children have grown up facing the daily threat of violence. In the first two months of 2018 alone, 1,000 children were reportedly killed or injured in intensifying violence.",4,0,20180903-105659_349_live 9,"That is horrible, how do they help, with food? clothes? housing? in war zones?",4,1,20180903-105659_349_live 10,"Your donation is essential to help ensuring children's rights to health, education, safety, etc.",5,0,20180903-105659_349_live 11,"I'm willing to donate some, just want to make sure, it really goes to the children, not Admin costs, or even the parents of the children. Dislike like it when non=profits make vacation trips visiting children in other countries",5,1,20180903-105659_349_live 12,How much do you like to donate to the charity now? ,6,0,20180903-105659_349_live 13,"Still thinking, do you know if the admin visits the children and reports with updates?",6,1,20180903-105659_349_live 14,We have volunteer groups already in place in these areas. I don't believe admin goes to the war torn coutries it is mostly missionaries.,7,0,20180903-105659_349_live 15,"Great, it is a Christian based non-porfit then? Do the missionaries help with getting aid to the children? What age is considered for help",7,1,20180903-105659_349_live 16," If you really look, you can see the future in every child. Through the power of child sponsorship, you can help a child in need realize her dreams ¡ª transforming her life and the future we all share. Sponsor a child today!",8,0,20180903-105659_349_live 17,"The sounds, awesome, to I get a photo, and address to communicate with the child? I see this advertised all the time on TV?",8,1,20180903-105659_349_live 18,"Yes, and you can get more information by visiting URL ",9,0,20180903-105659_349_live 19,"Okay thanks, I believe in donating by what the Bible ways, the te percent rule, I'll dontate .20 cents. Thanks for your time ",9,1,20180903-105659_349_live 20,Thank you for your donation many blessings to you and yours.,10,0,20180903-105659_349_live 21,"U r welcome, the ten percent rule .. .20 cents, blessing to u as well. ",10,1,20180903-105659_349_live 0,Hello there! How is your labor day going?,0,0,20180903-104045_943_live 1,"Not, bad enjoying the day off. Yourself? ",0,1,20180903-104045_943_live 2,I am enjoying the day off as well,1,0,20180903-104045_943_live 3,Seen any good movies lately?,1,1,20180903-104045_943_live 4,I rewatched Deadpool 2. I always like to watch it at home and see what little things I missed in the theater. How about you,2,0,20180903-104045_943_live 5,The last thing I saw at the Theater was antman and the wasp. I thought it was pretty good.,2,1,20180903-104045_943_live 6,Oh it was? I did not know how that would be. I enjoy Paul Rudd though,3,0,20180903-104045_943_live 7,"I feel like it's a cleanser after infinity war, makes you laugh after infinity war scarred you for life. My girlfriend still hates Thanos.",3,1,20180903-104045_943_live 8,lol well I am glad you liked it,4,0,20180903-104045_943_live 9,"So, going out for any barbecuing for the holiday today?",4,1,20180903-104045_943_live 10,I am. I am headed over to my Dads later. How bout you,5,0,20180903-104045_943_live 11,"It's been storming pretty much all day toady, so we're staying inside.",5,1,20180903-104045_943_live 12,Nothing wrong with that! ,6,0,20180903-104045_943_live 13,"It has cooled everything down though, it's been quite hot for the past few days.",6,1,20180903-104045_943_live 14,Good thing we have lots of ways to cool ourselves off,7,0,20180903-104045_943_live 15,True that. I can't imagine how people lived before air conditioning.,7,1,20180903-104045_943_live 16,Yeah. Especially being a kid in another country where basic needs are not met,8,0,20180903-104045_943_live 17,Very true here I am complaining about the heat in Michigan of all places.,8,1,20180903-104045_943_live 18,lol. Have you ever helped with a donation to non profits that help children in need,9,0,20180903-104045_943_live 19,I once raised money for the Christian children's fund. I think they go by save the children now.,9,1,20180903-104045_943_live 20,Oh that is a wonderful organization to donate to,10,0,20180903-104045_943_live 0,"How would you like to donate to Save the Children, a wonderful charity that helps children with health, education and your donation can make a big difference!",0,0,20180903-103906_732_live 1,That sounds interesting but can you tell me more?,0,1,20180903-103906_732_live 2,"Often children have a lack of support for children in developing countries, especially in war zones. For instance, millions of Syrian children have grown up facing the daily threat of violence. In the first two months of 2018 alone, 1,000 children were reportedly killed or injured in intensifying violence.",1,0,20180903-103906_732_live 3,Where is the charity headquartered?,1,1,20180903-103906_732_live 4,"501 Kings Highway East, Suite 400 Fairfield, CT 06825, if that helps.",2,0,20180903-103906_732_live 5,Please forgive me for the questions but I have to ask as I have been scammed by so called charities before. How many children do you help?,2,1,20180903-103906_732_live 6,"I completely understand and it is hard to know in today's world, we have helped 155 million children to this day!",3,0,20180903-103906_732_live 7,That sounds like a lot! Wow! Last year I got victimized by a Nigerian scam helping a so-called Nigerian Prince's legal fund who had been imprisoned and persecuted for being homosexual.,3,1,20180903-103906_732_live 8, 77 cents of your dollar goes to the children will the rest goes to operation costs. So how much would you like to donate?,4,0,20180903-103906_732_live 9,How much are you looking for?,4,1,20180903-103906_732_live 10,The average donation is around $2.00 dollars.,5,0,20180903-103906_732_live 11,That is a respectable request. I live on SSI and don't make much. Thank you for letting me know how much of my money actually goes to the children. I was just about to ask that. How can I donate the $2.00? Check/Credit Card/Pay Pal?,5,1,20180903-103906_732_live 12,Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment.,6,0,20180903-103906_732_live 13,Oh ok. Is it tax deductible do you know?,6,1,20180903-103906_732_live 14,Yes it is.,7,0,20180903-103906_732_live 15,Will I get a picture and/or a letter from the child I am helping?,7,1,20180903-103906_732_live 16,"I think that is only for large and monthly donations, however I will even match your donation in whatever you give.",8,0,20180903-103906_732_live 17,I would be happy to donate to Save the Children!,8,1,20180903-103906_732_live 18,Wonderful! How much would you like to donate then?,9,0,20180903-103906_732_live 19,I would like to donate the full amount of the task payment.,9,1,20180903-103906_732_live 20,Thank you so much,10,0,20180903-103906_732_live 0,Do you want to help me make a difference?,0,0,20180903-140806_586_live 1,Sure,0,1,20180903-140806_586_live 2,"Have you heard of Save The Children, a well-acknowledged chairty?",1,0,20180903-140806_586_live 3,yes. I have donated before.,1,1,20180903-140806_586_live 4,Would you like to donate again?,2,0,20180903-140806_586_live 5,Not sure why?,2,1,20180903-140806_586_live 6,Children like Maria can use your help. She is one of ten children. They need all the help they can get. They live in a war zone.,3,0,20180903-140806_586_live 7,Oh that is horrible. I think I might donate. I think any amount of money will help. Are you going to donate?,3,1,20180903-140806_586_live 8,I try to donate monthly. I will donate again this month. I think of how just a cup of coffee can pay for a meal for a family in another country like Maria.,4,0,20180903-140806_586_live 9,That is powerful. A little goes a long way for people in need. We may not think much about a couple of bucks but to other people that can mean food for a day or two.,4,1,20180903-140806_586_live 10,You're not donating just to the child but the family and helping them all.,5,0,20180903-140806_586_live 11,I think I could donate 25 cents. Will that be enough to help in some aspect? What is a general rule of thumb when making donations?,5,1,20180903-140806_586_live 12,Ten cents is good. Twenty cents is better. 25 cents is better. But fifty cents can really help.,6,0,20180903-140806_586_live 13,I think I will stick with 25 cents. I usually try to stay consistent when making a effort to help others.,6,1,20180903-140806_586_live 14,How about thirty cents?,7,0,20180903-140806_586_live 15,Ok. I can do 30 cents. I like to help other people less fortunate than me.,7,1,20180903-140806_586_live 16,Do you think you can donate again next year too?,8,0,20180903-140806_586_live 17,Maybe. I am always open minded to helping other humans in need. I will probably donate late this year as well.,8,1,20180903-140806_586_live 18,Ok. So 30 cents is your final donation for today?,9,0,20180903-140806_586_live 19,Yes. I would like to donate 30 cents. It is part of being a good human being.,9,1,20180903-140806_586_live 0,Hello,0,0,20180903-105517_696_live 1,Hi.,0,1,20180903-105517_696_live 2,I think you should donate your incoming payment for this take to Save the CHildren.,1,0,20180903-105517_696_live 3,What is the mission of Save the Children?,1,1,20180903-105517_696_live 4,"It's a non government organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries. ",2,0,20180903-105517_696_live 5,How much of the money does Save the Children keep for Administrative costs?,2,1,20180903-105517_696_live 6,It is a non profit. So only enough to keep the charity running. They make a great impact gloabbly.,3,0,20180903-105517_696_live 7,Huh. They are supposed to disclose the percentage. I used to work for a nonprofit. I think Children's International is better.,3,1,20180903-105517_696_live 8,I think they are both great organiations. I don't work for them just am a huge supporter. ,4,0,20180903-105517_696_live 9,Why don't you give to Children's International then?It is around 25.00 a month and you know exactly how you are giving too. I have donated to them for years (a family with two girls-one is Maya and the other is Elizabeth).,4,1,20180903-105517_696_live 10,I personally do give to both. Will you consider giving to both as well?,5,0,20180903-105517_696_live 11,No. I think that giving to one is enough.,5,1,20180903-105517_696_live 12,But think of how many more children you can help. This charity will help more children and obviously you care about children since you already doante to children's international.,6,0,20180903-105517_696_live 13,They can help me. I have a 700.00 car repair and I am two dollars closer to getting it done.,6,1,20180903-105517_696_live 14,"86% of the money goes to programs, 9% fundraising, 5%managing. THey help in so many ways such as health and nutrition, education, emergency, HIV, hunger and so much more. ",7,0,20180903-105517_696_live 15,That is great. They can so use your help.,7,1,20180903-105517_696_live 16,They can use your help as well.,8,0,20180903-105517_696_live 17,Yes they can. I think I need my car to make it to work though or I won't be giving to anyone. :],8,1,20180903-105517_696_live 18,I understnd believe me i have bills to i'm only asking you to donate some. How much do you like to donate to the charity now?,9,0,20180903-105517_696_live 19,I will donate zero.,9,1,20180903-105517_696_live 20,How much do you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment ($2),10,0,20180903-105517_696_live 0,"Hello, how are you today? Have you ever heard of Save the Children?",0,0,20180903-165314_834_live 1,"No, I have not heard of save the children. What is that? ",0,1,20180903-165314_834_live 2,Save the Children is an organization that helps children all around the world that are in need. Where are you from?,1,0,20180903-165314_834_live 3,That sounds like a nice organization! Do you know who founded the organization? I am from the United States. ,1,1,20180903-165314_834_live 4,"The Save the Children Fund was founded in London, England, on 15 April 1919 by Eglantyne Jebb and her sister Dorothy Buxton as an effort to alleviate starvation of children in Germany and Austria-Hungary during the Allied blockade of Germany of World War I which continued after the Armistice. Today they work to help in health, education, protection, hunger and livelihood, crisis management, and advocacy for children around the world. Which of those sounds the most interesting?",2,0,20180903-165314_834_live 5,"Wow, I did not know that they did so much for the children! I honestly am not sure which is the most interesting because honestly they are doing so much goodness in the world. I love that they are making a difference in the young generation. It's interesting that it started during WWI and is still going today. Where are you from ? ",2,1,20180903-165314_834_live 6,"I am also from the United States, in South Carolina. I live in a rural town and many of the families around here are poor and have been poor for a long time. One of the major reasons for poverty is a lack of education, even from a very young age. Do you have any interest in doing your part to help out these children to help them rise from poverty?",3,0,20180903-165314_834_live 7,"SC is beautiful, although I have never been there. I agree that lack of education can cause poverty, and it is a sad thing. Do you think it is hard for certain groups to get out of the poverty line? To me it seems when individuals are born into poverty because parents lack of education, thus leading to their own, it is kind of like a circle. do you believe this as well? I am interested in how I can help these children.",3,1,20180903-165314_834_live 8,"Yes exactly! In America, more than 1 in 5, grow up in poverty. In rural America, that number jumps to 1 in 4. Save Our Children reached 638,000 kids 2016 through their programs! This is a good start, and you can help to do more. In this HIT, you are able to donate a portion of your $2 earnings to save the children. The researchers will collect the donations from the chat-logs and send them to Save the Children! Would you like to hear more about the education programs or any other programs before you decide how much to donate?",4,0,20180903-165314_834_live 9,"Wow, I did not even know the specifics of that statistic. I am wondering how much of my donation would go directly to the program, as I know that there are some sketchy organizations out there that pocket the money. Would my donation be split up between different areas of the organization, like some going to education, others to food drives, etc? ",4,1,20180903-165314_834_live 10,"Save or Children is actually one of the good ones! Nearly 90% of every dollar you give goes straight to our mission _ helping children grow up healthy, learning and safe. This percentage is adjusted each year end _ as of 2017, it is 86%. The rest? Save our Children uses it to support the mission _ running our programs and raising funds to help more children. The funds would be split to different programs they run that support the mission. Should I tell you about some other programs in the mission?",5,0,20180903-165314_834_live 11,"Yeah, I would like to hear about the programs, what are some of them? ",5,1,20180903-165314_834_live 12,"One example is Syria. After 7 years of war, Syria is now the #1 most dangerous country to be a child. ""There is no food and we can\'t go outside. the planes are bombing,"" says a terrified child. ""One of my friends died in front of me - and I saw the blood,"" cries another. According to a boy in besieged Eastern Ghouta, ""It feels like the end of the world."" Save the Children provides lifesaving services and supplies. They tend to children\'s physical and psychological needs and set up places for children in crisis to learn and play.",6,0,20180903-165314_834_live 13,"Yes, I know about the atrocities happening in Syria right now, and how much it is affecting the children. I honestly can't even imagine going through that, let alone as a child. Even though I myself am not syrian, or know any syrians, it makes me eternally grateful that there are services going to the mental well-being of the children and that is even being considered, because I feel like mental issues tend to get pushed aside. ",6,1,20180903-165314_834_live 14,"Yes and you can help for less than the price of a cup of coffee! Despite extreme humanitarian challenges, Save the Children has helped 2.5 million people in Syria, including 1.7 million children. This is just one of the many amazing programs that Save the Children does around the world. Do you think you would like to make a donation today?",7,0,20180903-165314_834_live 15,"Okay one last question, where does the other 10% go, if 90% goes to the actual organization? ",7,1,20180903-165314_834_live 16,"Well it all goes to the organization, the way that they use the money about 90% goes to funding programs in rural America, Syria, etc...and 10% goes to the running costs of events, administrative costs, etc... which also - even if a little indirectly - help further their mission. How much would you like to give? You can give any amount up to $2 out of your HIT reward",8,0,20180903-165314_834_live 17,I am going to give .50 out of my $2. I hope you understand. ,8,1,20180903-165314_834_live 18,Ok thank you for your donation of $0.50! Taking a bit out of your mturk earnings to do some good in the world!,9,0,20180903-165314_834_live 19,"Yeah! I guess it is something, and thank you! ",9,1,20180903-165314_834_live 20,"It was a pleasure talking to you, and thank you for your work. I am going to end the chat now.",10,0,20180903-165314_834_live 0,"Hello, how are you doing today? ",0,0,20180903-134707_882_live 1,"Hello,I am going great, just had some barbecue chicken,how are you?",0,1,20180903-134707_882_live 2,"That is good to hear, barbecue chicken is always good too! I am doing well, just trying to talk to see if you would like to donate to Save the Children. It is an international organization that helps children in developing countries. ",1,0,20180903-134707_882_live 3,Have you donated to the charity?,1,1,20180903-134707_882_live 4,"Not yet, it is something I am interested in doing though. Education is something that is really important to me and that is something that they help with. I think every child should have access to edcuation, especially in developing countries so that they can help improve their living situations. ",2,0,20180903-134707_882_live 5,"Yes, I agree, did you grow up with the proper resources?",2,1,20180903-134707_882_live 6,"I went through the public education system, it was one of the better school districts at the time. What about you? Is a lack of education something you faced?",3,0,20180903-134707_882_live 7,"I went to private Catholic school until I was 13, then I went to Public schools which was a much better experience",3,1,20180903-134707_882_live 8,"So you were able to have a good education experience as well. Isn't that something you would like to help other children receive? Anything from $0.01 to $2.00 or any amount you choose, it can go to helping them get an education. ",4,0,20180903-134707_882_live 9,Why is this charity worthy of my money?,4,1,20180903-134707_882_live 10,"Think about how often you buy a pack of gum or a candy bar, something you don't really need but it is because you want it. You can just skip that next impulse purchase to help out. Save the Children does help more than education as well. They help ensure children's access to health care (which we know is a huge topic of discussion every where),and help improve their safety and well being. Many kids do not have access to safe living conditions to even make it to school each day. ",5,0,20180903-134707_882_live 11,"I usually donate to animal shelters,where do you donate ?",5,1,20180903-134707_882_live 12,"What ever charity my grocery store is supporting at the time. Typically children related, sometimes it is for others. It is easy to just add a couple cents on top of my purchase (round up the total) to help their cause. ",6,0,20180903-134707_882_live 13,"yes, that is true I do that often at stores, how did you hear about Save the Children?",6,1,20180903-134707_882_live 14,I was directly contacted by the research team to help get donations for this amazing cause. Helping indirectly is one thing (like through the store) but actually giving when you can be a direct part is so much better. Wouldn't you like to give just $0.50 to this cause? It can provide paper and pencils to a child for school. ,7,0,20180903-134707_882_live 15,".50 would make a difference? that seems so small, not enough to make a difference",7,1,20180903-134707_882_live 16,"Any amount can make a difference, especially when everyone does a small part. ",8,0,20180903-134707_882_live 17,ok I will donate .50 cents I feel compelled to help out ,8,1,20180903-134707_882_live 18,Your donation is greatly appreciated! ,9,0,20180903-134707_882_live 19,I think they will do the right thing with the money they receive ,9,1,20180903-134707_882_live 0,Hello there. It's evening here. How are you? Hope you had a wonderful day!,0,0,20180903-181838_910_live 1,"Yes it has been a great day, thank you for asking.",0,1,20180903-181838_910_live 2,Awesome. I'm just settling down for the evening with my children after a late Labor Day meal preparing for school week. Do you have children?,1,0,20180903-181838_910_live 3,No I am 18. ,1,1,20180903-181838_910_live 4,I remember when I was 18 some years ago. Enjoy those years and make them the very best years. Are you active in your community?,2,0,20180903-181838_910_live 5,Yes I am in college and volunteer to help feed the poor in my city.,2,1,20180903-181838_910_live 6,That's awesome. Every time I am out and about I look for ways to bless someone somehow. Every day is an opportunity to help someone less fortunate. Have you heard of the Save The Children organization?,3,0,20180903-181838_910_live 7,Yes I have. Can you tell me how much of the donation actually reaches the children in need?,3,1,20180903-181838_910_live 8,Save the Children donates nearly 90% of every dollar to their mission. They are very upfront with letting you know where your donation is going.,4,0,20180903-181838_910_live 9,Can I choose where my donation is sent to?,4,1,20180903-181838_910_live 10,Yes not only are you able to choose. You have the ability to take part in their Sponsor A Child program by either choosing someone in the US or in another country. I love the idea of staying connected to one or two so that i can see the progress and how I can specifically make a difference.,5,0,20180903-181838_910_live 11,Do I have to make recurring payments?,5,1,20180903-181838_910_live 12,"There's multiple ways to make payments. Although recurring payments are recommended, it is completely optional. Would you consider Sponsoring a Child on a long term basis during college?",6,0,20180903-181838_910_live 13,Possibly. I'm not sure if I can afford a long term plan.,6,1,20180903-181838_910_live 14,"The great thing about Save the Children they have the option to even send a gift such as a water kit, a soccer ball and even a rabbit. I really like this idea because it makes it not all about the money.",7,0,20180903-181838_910_live 15,"That's very nice, I like the idea of sending food or water.",7,1,20180903-181838_910_live 16,"Yes, it is so sad that we have children that still are in need of food and water. As a single parent of 5 children, I know how rough it can get to provide even the basics but I am still moved to help others because of my own experiences. Many don't realize just a little can go a long ways.",8,0,20180903-181838_910_live 17,Yes that's very true. How much should a donation be? $1? $10? $100?,8,1,20180903-181838_910_live 18,Of course the more the greater. I'm the type of give even when it hurts. I definitely trust Save the Children to do what they say they will to make sure to reach the children. How much would you be willing to donate? I remember you saying that you are in college even $2 would help a lot.,9,0,20180903-181838_910_live 19,Yeah I could do a dollar or two.,9,1,20180903-181838_910_live 20,That's awesome. Your donation would be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment ($2). ,10,0,20180903-181838_910_live 0,"Hey, do you care about hungry children?",0,0,20180903-163331_887_live 1,Sure,0,1,20180903-163331_887_live 2,"Maybe you have heard of Save the Children, an organisation promoting children's rights?",1,0,20180903-163331_887_live 3,"No, I don't think I have ever heard of that organization.",1,1,20180903-163331_887_live 4,They do things like supporting children in warzones all over the world. Millions of children in Syria alone face the daily threat of violence. Have you ever considered helping out such a vulnerable group?,2,0,20180903-163331_887_live 5,"Oh okay. No, I hadn't ever thought about helping them before. But it sounds like a noble cause.",2,1,20180903-163331_887_live 6,is it noble or is it the minimum we can do as first world citizens?,3,0,20180903-163331_887_live 7,Point taken. It is the least we can do. The money would at least go to a good cause.,3,1,20180903-163331_887_live 8,"Yes, it would and every cent helps, there's no shortage of need. Have you donated to any charity before?",4,0,20180903-163331_887_live 9,"Yes, I have. But it's been mostly local church related activities.",4,1,20180903-163331_887_live 10,"That's great, if you'd like to know more about Save the Children check out their website URL ",5,0,20180903-163331_887_live 11,"Okay, that sounds great! Thanks!",5,1,20180903-163331_887_live 12,"You can even give part of your profits from this very HIT, you know. If everyone did imagine how much we could donate!",6,0,20180903-163331_887_live 13,I agree. That sounds like a great idea! How much am I allowed to donate?,6,1,20180903-163331_887_live 14,Up to your whole 2 bucks!!,7,0,20180903-163331_887_live 15,I would like to donate $2 then. Thank you!,7,1,20180903-163331_887_live 16,"No, thank you! The research team will collect all the donations and send it to the charity.",8,0,20180903-163331_887_live 17,That wonderful! Is there anything else I need to do?,8,1,20180903-163331_887_live 18,"No, we're done! Thanks again.",9,0,20180903-163331_887_live 19,Thank you very much!,9,1,20180903-163331_887_live 0,"Good morning, how are you today?",0,0,20180903-084857_434_live 1,Good you?,0,1,20180903-084857_434_live 2,"Feeling good today, day off from work.",1,0,20180903-084857_434_live 3,"Yeah, same. Am I supposed to come up with a topic to discuss?",1,1,20180903-084857_434_live 4,"I am hear to talk to you about an amazing charity called Save the Children, that uses donated money to help provide essentials of life to children in developing countries. Would you consider making a donation from your task payment?",2,0,20180903-084857_434_live 5,No. Not at this time. ,2,1,20180903-084857_434_live 6,Does your heart no go out to the suffering that children go through on a daily basis in order to get basic needs such as water and food?,3,0,20180903-084857_434_live 7,Yes it does. Life is hard. It's unfortunate that some people have to live under the rule of extremely corrupt governments. It's also unfortunate that a semester of university in the US should be $700 adjusted for inflation from 1975 but instead it's tens of thousands of dollars. The wealthy run the world and we're here doing bullshit for $2. The struggle is real,3,1,20180903-084857_434_live 8,"I hear you. I have a degree that I will be paying on til I am in my 60s if I don't make real efforts to pay it back faster. But I still try to give back and help others, even if it's just a measly dollar to help someone buy a burger. It works 2 fold, in that it helps someone in need and makes me feel that the world if not always the worst.",4,0,20180903-084857_434_live 9,Good to hear. I also donate from time to time. Just not doing it right now. Are you receiving any indication when this is over?,4,1,20180903-084857_434_live 10,"Yea, I don't know. I have a 10 min chat exchange but not seeing a submit or anything. You?",5,0,20180903-084857_434_live 11,Maybe we both need to say 10 things?,5,1,20180903-084857_434_live 12,I guess. I am glad that you do donate. Hopefully things will change for the better sooner rather than later in the world.,6,0,20180903-084857_434_live 13,Yeah. Same here. But probably not because money talks,6,1,20180903-084857_434_live 14,Try this....How much do you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment ($2).,7,0,20180903-084857_434_live 15,I would like to donate $0,7,1,20180903-084857_434_live 16,Ok thanks for your time. Hope things work out for you in life. Take care.,8,0,20180903-084857_434_live 17,Thanks you too,8,1,20180903-084857_434_live 18,"I guess we just exit now, not seeing a submit or end button",9,0,20180903-084857_434_live 19,Wish they would make it more clear,9,1,20180903-084857_434_live 20,"Lol, you were right",10,0,20180903-084857_434_live 0,Hello!,0,0,20180903-195933_536_live 1,Hi!,0,1,20180903-195933_536_live 2,Have you heard of Save the Children? ,1,0,20180903-195933_536_live 3,I have heard of Save the Children,1,1,20180903-195933_536_live 4,"What are your thoughts on it? I think it is an amazing organization, but I always like to hear others opinions on charitable organizations.",2,0,20180903-195933_536_live 5,I think it is a wonderful organization. I am a teacher and the idea of children suffering is horrible to me. I love the idea that this organization can reach out and help so many kids that can't help themselves. ,2,1,20180903-195933_536_live 6,"Absolutely! And it is amazing how they can stretch their donations to help so many. Literally, the cost of a snack can feed handfuls of children and their families.",3,0,20180903-195933_536_live 7,I agree it is amazing what they can do. ,3,1,20180903-195933_536_live 8,Have you ever donated to Save the Children or a similar charity?,4,0,20180903-195933_536_live 9,I have actually donated to Save the Children before. ,4,1,20180903-195933_536_live 10,Really!? That's awesome. I'm actually going to donate myself. ,5,0,20180903-195933_536_live 11,That's wonderful. It takes so little to help out these children and make a difference in their lives. ,5,1,20180903-195933_536_live 12,100% agree. When is the last time you made a donation? Would you be interested in donating again? ,6,0,20180903-195933_536_live 13,"It has been a few months, but I am wiling to make another donation. ",6,1,20180903-195933_536_live 14,"Awesome! If you are willing to donate now, your donation can be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment ($2). It's actually a really great thing.",7,0,20180903-195933_536_live 15,That is a great idea. I will donate $1,7,1,20180903-195933_536_live 16,Wonderful! I can only imagine how many mouths that will feed!,8,0,20180903-195933_536_live 17,I am glad to help. ,8,1,20180903-195933_536_live 18,The research team is collecting all the donations to send to Save the Children. I'm so glad that we are able to be a part of something so important. Thank you so much for your donation!,9,0,20180903-195933_536_live 19,Thank you! Hope you have a great night. ,9,1,20180903-195933_536_live 20,Thank you! Have a wonderful evening!,10,0,20180903-195933_536_live 0,Hello. How are you today?,0,0,20180903-042430_763_live 1,"Doing pretty well, thanks.",0,1,20180903-042430_763_live 2,Glad to hear it. Are you someone who has ever donated to a charity or offered your time for a charitable cause?,1,0,20180903-042430_763_live 3,Yes. I have done both.,1,1,20180903-042430_763_live 4,I'm glad to hear that. Charity is very important. Can I ask what kind of organizations you have donated to?,2,0,20180903-042430_763_live 5,A variety ... mostly health related causes.,2,1,20180903-042430_763_live 6,Those are very good causes. Have you ever heard of the organization Save the Children?,3,0,20180903-042430_763_live 7,Yes but I don't know much about it. ,3,1,20180903-042430_763_live 8,"Save the Children Promotes children's rights, provides relief, and helps support children in developing countries. They work in the US and internationally. ",4,0,20180903-042430_763_live 9,That sounds like a very worthy cause.,4,1,20180903-042430_763_live 10,"It is. More impressively, 86% of all expenditures go to program services so donations are used for the cause rather than allocated to profits. ",5,0,20180903-042430_763_live 11,That is pretty impressive but I would rather see more than 90 percent of donations go directly to helping the children.,5,1,20180903-042430_763_live 12,"I can understand that. But given that it is an international organization, there is overhead that must be paid for such as travel. This organization is especially helpful in countries where there is a lack of support for children in war zones such as Syria. ",6,0,20180903-042430_763_live 13,I know international travel is expensive but having 14 percent of the donations going to overhead seems a bit high to me. It should be no more than 10 percent max.,6,1,20180903-042430_763_live 14,"I understand. But many organization are too scared to go into countries like Syria where children are facing extreme violence. In the first 2 months alone, 1,000 children were killed or injured there. Save the Children does help in this country and others like it. ",7,0,20180903-042430_763_live 15,I can understand that but I have seen too many examples of charities where the money is not spent wisely.,7,1,20180903-042430_763_live 16,"I can see your concern, but please know that this is a very worthy cause. How much do you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment ($2).",8,0,20180903-042430_763_live 17,I would say 40 cents,8,1,20180903-042430_763_live 18,Thank you so much for your generosity. It will be put to very good use. ,9,0,20180903-042430_763_live 19,okay. ,9,1,20180903-042430_763_live 0,Hey! How are you doing today?,0,0,20180903-170041_976_live 1,I am doing great how are you doing?,0,1,20180903-170041_976_live 2,I'm not doing too bad. It's been a good long weekend!,1,0,20180903-170041_976_live 3,Agreed! our newborn has been pretty grumpy the last couple days,1,1,20180903-170041_976_live 4,Well congratulations on your newborn!,2,0,20180903-170041_976_live 5,Thank you she is a beautiful little girl. Even during her grumpy days I would not trade her for anything. ,2,1,20180903-170041_976_live 6,"That's lovely, you can never get those grumpy days back.",3,0,20180903-170041_976_live 7,Nope and they are usually paired with the good days. ,3,1,20180903-170041_976_live 8,"Yeah, you have to take the good with the bad.",4,0,20180903-170041_976_live 9,Absolutely. Is there something we are supposed to be discussing in particular?,4,1,20180903-170041_976_live 10,Have you ever heard of the charity Save The Children?,5,0,20180903-170041_976_live 11,I actually have. I have made contributions to them before. Actually just last week I sent $20 donation to them!,5,1,20180903-170041_976_live 12,Nice! They're a very good organization that are trying to make a difference in children's lives in developing countries.,6,0,20180903-170041_976_live 13,Yes they are! And with the new daughter I understand the need more than ever.,6,1,20180903-170041_976_live 14,Would you like to donate any part of your task payment to Save The Children today?,7,0,20180903-170041_976_live 15,I was actually thinking of keeping this bonus and sending a percentage of my payout at the end of the week. that way I can give them a larger donation. ,7,1,20180903-170041_976_live 16,That's understandable. Any bit helps and that's a mighty thing for you to do.,8,0,20180903-170041_976_live 17,Thank you! Have you donated to any organization like this before?,8,1,20180903-170041_976_live 18,"I have. I donate to them every chance I get to do this hit, and I work at a Children's Hospital and I donate there as well.",9,0,20180903-170041_976_live 19,That is truly amazing! ,9,1,20180903-170041_976_live 0,"Hi there, I'd love to talk to you about an amazing fund called Save the Children. ",0,0,20180903-173114_499_live 1,"Hi, How are you? yes i love charities that help children and animals.",0,1,20180903-173114_499_live 2,"I'm great thanks for asking! Save the children does just that, they have US and global projects to give children a healthy start in life, the opportunity to learn and protection from harm.",1,0,20180903-173114_499_live 3,that is good to know. I always want to make sure that the charity I am giving too is legitimate and helpful.,1,1,20180903-173114_499_live 4,"It's definitely legitimate, each year they publish their expenditure report and last year (2017), 86% of all expenditures went to program services, while another 9% was used for fundraising and only 5% was used for management and expenses which is a much lower amount than most charities such as Unicef",2,0,20180903-173114_499_live 5,very good. I am thinking about making a 0.30 cent donation to them to help the children.,2,1,20180903-173114_499_live 6,"That would be awesome, they actually have an option to directly utilize this task for donation so you can choose any amount from $0 all the way up to $2",3,0,20180903-173114_499_live 7,ok. yeah i am going to give 0.30 cent donation of my pay towards save the children.,3,1,20180903-173114_499_live 8,"Well that's awesome, I'm glad to hear that you will be making a donation. What other charities do you support?",4,0,20180903-173114_499_live 9,ASPCA for animals and wounded warrior project.,4,1,20180903-173114_499_live 10,Do you have animals then? I have a dog and donate to the ASPCA as well,5,0,20180903-173114_499_live 11,"yes, i have a small shih tzu at home. they are so cute. I give to ASPCA because I love animals.",5,1,20180903-173114_499_live 12,"I do too, what makes you support the wounded warrior project",6,0,20180903-173114_499_live 13,it helps veterans. Most importantly people who fought to save our country.,6,1,20180903-173114_499_live 14,"That's great, I have many veterans in my family so ",7,0,20180903-173114_499_live 15,thats good. I have 100% respect for veterans that have fought for our country. Animals and children are up there too on what I care the most about.,7,1,20180903-173114_499_live 16,"Awesome, I donate mainly to the ASPCA and the Alzheimers association since my grandfather has Alzheimers as well",8,0,20180903-173114_499_live 17,hope all is well with your grandfather. I believe donations are God's deeds too.,8,1,20180903-173114_499_live 18,"As well as the disease will let him be, and I agree as well, I'm going to be matching your $0.30 cent donation to Save the Children as well to help support such a great cause!",9,0,20180903-173114_499_live 19,that sounds great. It is a great cause and believe it will help children in the future.,9,1,20180903-173114_499_live 0,Hello! How often do you donate to charities?,0,0,20180903-135612_884_live 1,I try to donate when I can. At least a couple of times a year.,0,1,20180903-135612_884_live 2,Have you ever heard of the Save the Children charity?,1,0,20180903-135612_884_live 3,I think I've heard of it but not sure exactly what they do.,1,1,20180903-135612_884_live 4,Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization. One of their focuses is on promoting rights for children.,2,0,20180903-135612_884_live 5,That's good to know. i like charities that help children.,2,1,20180903-135612_884_live 6,Do you typical donate to charities that help children or do you donate to other causes?,3,0,20180903-135612_884_live 7,I have donated to both types. I have children though so I think children's cause are important.,3,1,20180903-135612_884_live 8,I think Save the Children charity may be a good potential charity for you. Would you like to hear about some of the benefits the charity provides?,4,0,20180903-135612_884_live 9,"Yes, I would.",4,1,20180903-135612_884_live 10,Donations to Save the Children would help improve children's access to healthcare and education. Those are two vital fields necessary for a child to improve their life.,5,0,20180903-135612_884_live 11,Those purposes sound important! ,5,1,20180903-135612_884_live 12,"They are! Additionally, they also help to improve the safety conditions of the children. In Syria, children face the threat of violence every day. In the first two months of 2018 alone, 1,00 children were killed or injured by the violence. Save the Children helps to protect those areas.",6,0,20180903-135612_884_live 13,it sounds like they do good and important work!,6,1,20180903-135612_884_live 14,Save the Children is one of the only charities that I trust. They seem to be a very credible organization.,7,0,20180903-135612_884_live 15,I agree. They sound great.,7,1,20180903-135612_884_live 16,It can be so hard to find a charity that actually does what they are going to do. I used to be turned off from many charities for their behavior.,8,0,20180903-135612_884_live 17,"Yes, I agree!",8,1,20180903-135612_884_live 18,Would you like to donate any money to Save the Children? It can be any amount from $0 to $2. It will be deducted from your task payment.,9,0,20180903-135612_884_live 19,"Yes, I would like to donate $1. Thank you for all of your information.",9,1,20180903-135612_884_live 0,"Hi,",0,0,20180903-151450_30_live 1,Hello,0,1,20180903-151450_30_live 2,There are many children in the world in need of help. Can you think of some children in need of HELP?,1,0,20180903-151450_30_live 3,"I don't know any specifically, but I am aware that millions of children currently live in dire situations.",1,1,20180903-151450_30_live 4,Without the help of charities from CARING nations such as the United States these children would be in much worse situations. What charities come to mind when you think of charities that benefit children?,2,0,20180903-151450_30_live 5,"Unicef, salvation army,easter seals... that's all I can think of. Oh wait... March of dimes.",2,1,20180903-151450_30_live 6,Would you agree that children worldwide should be helped?,3,0,20180903-151450_30_live 7,Of course! They should not be punished for messes we adults make.,3,1,20180903-151450_30_live 8,What are some ways that charities can help children?,4,0,20180903-151450_30_live 9,"Food, clothing, stable homes, education, healthcare, protection...",4,1,20180903-151450_30_live 10,If children in need could get an education someday could they help themselves?,5,0,20180903-151450_30_live 11,"Education always improves the chance of that, but it's no guarantee.",5,1,20180903-151450_30_live 12,"Yes, as an educator I can not reach every child, but can help most. ""If you give a man a fish he eats for one day if you teach a man to fish he eats for life."" That is how I view education. What subjects in school do you think are the most important?",6,0,20180903-151450_30_live 13,"In my opinion, compassion, empathy, and activism are the most important things a child of privilege can learn. Everyone else needs to learn to survive in their environment. can learn",6,1,20180903-151450_30_live 14,Basic Literacy is key in any language. If we can teach these kids to read at the equivalent of a 5th. grade reading level (USA Standards) we are getting somewhere. Most newspapers are written at a 5th. grade level. What do you think it would be like for a child who's family lives on a few dollars a day?,7,0,20180903-151450_30_live 15,"I think it would be terrible. I also agree that literacy is important, but literacy does little to stop the bomb flattening the houses in your village. Immediate concerns must be met first.",7,1,20180903-151450_30_live 16,What would the feeling be like for a child going to bed fearing that a bomb might end your life?,8,0,20180903-151450_30_live 17,I can scarcely imagine. I grew up well removed from any such concerns.,8,1,20180903-151450_30_live 18,"Imagine not just the safety concerns, but what poverty must feel like for these kids. As an adult in the USA what could you get for $3.00 a day?",9,0,20180903-151450_30_live 19,"Not nearly enough. Maybe enough food if you were careful, but nothing left over for shelter, clothing, or medicine.",9,1,20180903-151450_30_live 20,"How much do you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment ($2).""",10,0,20180903-151450_30_live 21,What charity would I be donating to?,10,1,20180903-151450_30_live 22,Save the Children,11,0,20180903-151450_30_live 23,No thanks. I can't afford it.,11,1,20180903-151450_30_live 0,Have you heard of save the children? Its a great charity to help kids. Would you consider donating to this cause?,0,0,20180903-080857_582_live 1,"I dont think I have, can you tell me more about it?",0,1,20180903-080857_582_live 2,"Yeah its a charity that ensures childrens rights to health, education, and safety. They work with children in less fortunate countries and war torn areas. ",1,0,20180903-080857_582_live 3,Oh wow that seems great. I think I would love to help the children,1,1,20180903-080857_582_live 4,"You can choose any amount from 0$ to 2$, whatever you do choose to donate will be going to help unfortunate children.",2,0,20180903-080857_582_live 5,I think I will go with 1.50. I hope this helps.,2,1,20180903-080857_582_live 6,It definitely will. Thank you so much for your donation!,3,0,20180903-080857_582_live 7,You are very welcome. I cant wait to hear the progress this charity makes.,3,1,20180903-080857_582_live 8, URL this will give you more information if youre interested. ,4,0,20180903-080857_582_live 9,I will check it out right now!,4,1,20180903-080857_582_live 10,"Glad to hear that,",5,0,20180903-080857_582_live 11,The site looks great! I dont regret making this donation!\\,5,1,20180903-080857_582_live 12,"Thats good, we'd hate to have anyone regret",6,0,20180903-080857_582_live 13,"Thats for sure, I think more people will donate to this great cause too!",6,1,20180903-080857_582_live 14,We dont spend money on tv commercials so word of mouth is the best way to let others know,7,0,20180903-080857_582_live 15,"You sure are spreading the good word of it, thank you for that.",7,1,20180903-080857_582_live 16,Your welcome and thank you for your help,8,0,20180903-080857_582_live 17,"Dont mention it, I love to help!",8,1,20180903-080857_582_live 18,The world needs more people who love to help the less fortunate.,9,0,20180903-080857_582_live 19,"That is very true, it would be a better place.",9,1,20180903-080857_582_live 0,"Hi, My name is Steve how are you today?",0,0,20180903-011326_133_live 1,"Hi, I'm Sophia. I'm doing great, and yourself?",0,1,20180903-011326_133_live 2,"Im doing great as well, I work a non profit organization called Save the children and tonight Im asking for a generous donation which would be equivalent to the payment you would be receiving for this task, how much would you like to donate? ",1,0,20180903-011326_133_live 3,"Wow that's wonderful! Of course, I would love to donate to Save the children. I will donate $1.",1,1,20180903-011326_133_live 4,"You are so wonderful for donating that amount, that is a great start and am thankful for your donation.",2,0,20180903-011326_133_live 5,Your welcome. Keep up the good work!,2,1,20180903-011326_133_live 6,"Oh thanks, I certainly will. You did a great deed on this labor day weekend !",3,0,20180903-011326_133_live 7,"If you don't mind me asking, what does the organization do? ",3,1,20180903-011326_133_live 8,"the organization helps ensuring children's rights to health, education, safety, etc. Convince your partner their donation will make a tangible impact for the world",4,0,20180903-011326_133_live 9,Wonderful. Children are the future! It's our job to assist in any way we can.,4,1,20180903-011326_133_live 10,certainly true....thank you for your time Sophia. Have a wonderful night ,5,0,20180903-011326_133_live 11,"Thank you. You too, good night.",5,1,20180903-011326_133_live 12,"A few more things before I let you go, have you made previous donations before to other organizations?",6,0,20180903-011326_133_live 13,"Yes, of course. I love helping out non-profit organizations that seek to assist in bettering the world.",6,1,20180903-011326_133_live 14,Its people like you that help the world go round and round! :),7,0,20180903-011326_133_live 15,"Anything to help out children, I'm up for it!",7,1,20180903-011326_133_live 16,I would do exactly the same!,8,0,20180903-011326_133_live 17,I find it hard to seek out people who are willing to donate even a penny to help out.,8,1,20180903-011326_133_live 18,Well I hope in due time those people have a better understanding of donating just a little bit to help out others in need.,9,0,20180903-011326_133_live 19,Agreed. Happy that my $1 donation will go to a good cause. Thank you!,9,1,20180903-011326_133_live 20,You are very welcome...Have a good day!,10,0,20180903-011326_133_live 0,"Hi, I hope you are enjoying your day today. I have a question for you, do you enjoy helping children in need?",0,0,20180903-155038_7_live 1,"hello yes, I enjoy helping children",0,1,20180903-155038_7_live 2,"That is wonderful, me too. Have you heard of the charitable organization called Save the Children?",1,0,20180903-155038_7_live 3,"no, no, he heard about it before but it seems interesting and beneficial",1,1,20180903-155038_7_live 4,"Well let me tell you a little about the mission of Save the Children, it is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",2,0,20180903-155038_7_live 5,that seems very well I congratulate you,2,1,20180903-155038_7_live 6,"Imagine if everyone in the US donated a small amount to this charity, it would make a huge difference in the lives of these children. ",3,0,20180903-155038_7_live 7,"Of course, if we all contribute a grain of sand out of a large amount",3,1,20180903-155038_7_live 8,Exactly. I don't have much money but even a small contribution makes me feel proud that I can help children.,4,0,20180903-155038_7_live 9,"Of course I do not have much money either, but I would like to contribute a small amount",4,1,20180903-155038_7_live 10,"That is wonderful, let me tell you what your donation would go towards. It goes toward their education, healthcare, emergency disaster relief, hunger, and something that is important to me, protection against abuse, neglect, violence and exploitation.",5,0,20180903-155038_7_live 11,great that makes me feel better person,5,1,20180903-155038_7_live 12,"You can donate up to $2 from this tasks profit, how much are you willing to donate?",6,0,20180903-155038_7_live 13,I would like to donate 1 dollar,6,1,20180903-155038_7_live 14,"awesome, at the end of this tasks it will ask you how much you would like to donate and you will write in the amount of 1 dollar. That 1 dollar is going to make a huge difference for those children, I am impressed with your generosity.",7,0,20180903-155038_7_live 15,thank you very much to you,7,1,20180903-155038_7_live 16,I am proud of you! ,8,0,20180903-155038_7_live 17,"and I of you, bye",8,1,20180903-155038_7_live 18,"Thank you, have a great day",9,0,20180903-155038_7_live 19,thank you also!,9,1,20180903-155038_7_live 0,"Hello, how are you?",0,0,20180903-111515_288_live 1,I am doing well. How about yourself?,0,1,20180903-111515_288_live 2,"I'm good, thanks for asking! I wanted to tell you about this charity that I am interested in. Would that be ok?",1,0,20180903-111515_288_live 3,Yes I am. Go ahead please.,1,1,20180903-111515_288_live 4,"Ok, great. It's called Save the Children. It is a non-profit organization that helps out children in need. Currently they are helping Rohingya Refugees, those affected by Hurricane Harvey, and other areas impacted by disasters. They do amazing work.",2,0,20180903-111515_288_live 5,That sounds like a very good charity. I feel so sorry for those hit by Harvey.,2,1,20180903-111515_288_live 6,"Yeah, it is really sad. I recently learned that nearly 5.6 million children die each year due to preventable and treatable causes. So this charity can use all of the help it can get.",3,0,20180903-111515_288_live 7,I like to help children in the Unites States - we have so many children here with cancer and other diseases.,3,1,20180903-111515_288_live 8,"This charity does a lot of work in the United States. When you donate, you can specifically request that your money go to support programs or children in the U.S. Since you like helping kids in the U.S., would you be willing to donate some of your incoming payment for this task to this wonderful charity? Even a tiny amount would help.",4,0,20180903-111515_288_live 9,I will be happy to donate some to this charity with it specifically helping children in the US.,4,1,20180903-111515_288_live 10,Awesome! How much would you donate? You can choose from $0.01 to $2.00.,5,0,20180903-111515_288_live 11,I recently made a large donation to St Jude; I will donate $1.00 to Save The Children.,5,1,20180903-111515_288_live 12,That's really nice. We'll make sure it goes to help kids in the U.S. Thank you so much.,6,0,20180903-111515_288_live 13,Thanks for being sure this helps US children and you are so welcome,6,1,20180903-111515_288_live 14,You're welcome. ,7,0,20180903-111515_288_live 15,"I would like to donate more, but I am on a fixed budget like so many others.",7,1,20180903-111515_288_live 16,"I understand, it's really kind of you to donate anything at all. Every little bit will help these poor kids. ",8,0,20180903-111515_288_live 17,My heart is with these sweet little children - it hurts when they suffer.,8,1,20180903-111515_288_live 18,"I agree. The effects of Hurricane Harvey were terrible, and Save the Children has done a lot to help. St Jude is also a great charity.",9,0,20180903-111515_288_live 19,"Yes, they are both good charities. It has been very nice chatting with you.",9,1,20180903-111515_288_live 20,"Yes, nice chatting with you too!",10,0,20180903-111515_288_live 21,I will send one dollar to Save The Children this afternoon. Thank you and have a great day.,10,1,20180903-111515_288_live 0,Hi how are you?,0,0,20180903-172112_282_live 1,I am great! How about you?,0,1,20180903-172112_282_live 2,I'm ok...been a very hot day...glad to be inside. Do you have time for me to tell you about a charity I like?,1,0,20180903-172112_282_live 3,I sure do!,1,1,20180903-172112_282_live 4,Great. I like this charity called Save the Children. Have you heard of them?,2,0,20180903-172112_282_live 5,"I think that I have seen ads on tv for it. It helps impoverished children in developing countries, I believe.",2,1,20180903-172112_282_live 6,Yes they help children in developing countries with a lot of different things. It's surprising how much less these children have.,3,0,20180903-172112_282_live 7,"Yes, I think they do a lot of good. Do you donate to them?",3,1,20180903-172112_282_live 8,I do donate to them. Do you donate to any charities?,4,0,20180903-172112_282_live 9,"I donate occasionally. I did last year after the devastating hurricanes that hit the south. Houston, specifically.",4,1,20180903-172112_282_live 10,Yeah I always have certain charities that speak to me. You are able to donate a portion of your earning from this to Save the Children if they interest you.,5,0,20180903-172112_282_live 11,"Hmm, I am not sure if I will do that. It is tough to know if a little bit would make any difference.",5,1,20180903-172112_282_live 12,"Any little bit helps...if everyone gives even 10 cents, that adds up.",6,0,20180903-172112_282_live 13,What would you do?,6,1,20180903-172112_282_live 14,I like to donate a little bit when I'm asked. Especially since it's tax deductible.,7,0,20180903-172112_282_live 15,That is good to know! I do forget that I can deduct charitable contributions. I am thinking I may donate a little.,7,1,20180903-172112_282_live 16,Yeah and making small donations throughout the year adds up...makes a good tax deduction.,8,0,20180903-172112_282_live 17,"Okay, then. I believe that I will donate ten cents.",8,1,20180903-172112_282_live 18,That's great! You can always read up on them to see where your donation will go. Over 80% of it goes directly to helping the children.,9,0,20180903-172112_282_live 19,"Thank you for your suggestion! I am happy to support a good cause, and 80% seems like a pretty substantial portion of the actual pool of donations.",9,1,20180903-172112_282_live 0,Hello-- have you ever heard of the charity Save the Children?,0,0,20180903-155307_620_live 1, Curious. quite im me to the explain exain you can have i think UI'm,0,1,20180903-155307_620_live 2,Save the Children is an international charity that provides food and services to children in desperate need around the world.,1,0,20180903-155307_620_live 3, africa like countries in donations the Is much how interesting sounds That,1,1,20180903-155307_620_live 4,Exactly! They work in Africa and other places around the world where children need help. Would you be willing to donate some of your task payment to this charity to help children in need?,2,0,20180903-155307_620_live 5, eventually donate will will will i moment the at low quite Is. money my but Yes,2,1,20180903-155307_620_live 6,"I understand. Sometimes I have money problems too. But if you think about the children that would be helped, they have nothing. No food, no medical care, sometimes no home. You can donate anything from zero to the full task payment amount. It would really help.",3,0,20180903-155307_620_live 7,card debit my use i do work this does Howyou for fine is that if 0$ donate would I,3,1,20180903-155307_620_live 8,"The research team conducting this conversation task will collect all donations and send them to Save the Children, so you don't need a credit card. Even a few cents would help provide food or clean water for a child.",4,0,20180903-155307_620_live 9, house my around change of bit little a have i cool Thats,4,1,20180903-155307_620_live 10,"I'm so happy that you're willing to give! If you want to donate part of this task payment, all we need to do is agree on an amount.",5,0,20180903-155307_620_live 11, nickels nickela some have i house my around check to have i acceptable dimes and pennies is Okay,5,1,20180903-155307_620_live 12,"In this case, we will use electronic payment through this task. It could be up to $2. How much do you think you would like to donate from your payment?",6,0,20180903-155307_620_live 13,enough cebt1 5 5_5050$ Is,6,1,20180903-155307_620_live 14,"I'm sorry--I don't quite understand the amount you are suggesting. Donations are in US$. So it would be $0.15, for example? or maybe $0.50?",7,0,20180903-155307_620_live 15,cents01 0. donate i Can,7,1,20180903-155307_620_live 16,"Just to make sure, you would like to donate $0.10 US? Is that right?",8,0,20180903-155307_620_live 17,cent1 its is phone my sorry Im,8,1,20180903-155307_620_live 18,"Okay, so just one cent? Is that your donation amount? Every cent helps, but ten cents would be even better!",9,0,20180903-155307_620_live 19,tjst with. with agree I. cents10 ,9,1,20180903-155307_620_live 20,Great! Ten cents to help children! Thank you so much!,10,0,20180903-155307_620_live 0,"Hello there, how are you?",0,0,20180903-103835_253_live 1,Hi,0,1,20180903-103835_253_live 2,How much do you know about Save the Children?,1,0,20180903-103835_253_live 3,I know that it is a charity. I think I have seen some commercials for it in my lifetime.,1,1,20180903-103835_253_live 4,Were you aware that Save the Children assists both children in the U.S. as well as foreign countries?,2,0,20180903-103835_253_live 5,No. I figured they just tried to help children in under developed countries. That's great that they help people in the U.S. as well! I think it's important to help children from our country and also others. ,2,1,20180903-103835_253_live 6,"Yes, not only do we help out with literacy and school related causes, but also with feeding, shelter, and disaster relief for children all over the world.",3,0,20180903-103835_253_live 7,That's wonderful! Are you a top rated charity? How much goes to administrative costs?,3,1,20180903-103835_253_live 8,"We are a top rated charity, and have been around for nearly 100 years! Nearly 90% of our funds go straight to children, with the remainder going to fundraising costs and only 5% for admin costs.",4,0,20180903-103835_253_live 9,Wow! That's really great! I've seen companies go to 70% and I can't help but judge them for it. I think this is a fair percentage to have.,4,1,20180903-103835_253_live 10,"We try our best to keep the children first, and have done so in aiding millions of children over the years.",5,0,20180903-103835_253_live 11,I think that's great! What country is in the most need right now?,5,1,20180903-103835_253_live 12,Both Africa and USA currently have the highest number of children in need.,6,0,20180903-103835_253_live 13,That's sad that a country as powerful as the USA still has problems with children in need.,6,1,20180903-103835_253_live 14,"It is very sad, but with the help of so many millions of caring people we are able to enrich the lives of so many.",7,0,20180903-103835_253_live 15,What is the money used for mostly? Food? Toys? Clothes? I think this is all very interesting stuff. I've never had the chance to talk to a charity before.,7,1,20180903-103835_253_live 16,"Monies go to sustain the lives of children in environments in which basic necessities are lacking. For example,Syrian children have grown up facing the daily threat of violence. In the first two months of 2018 alone, 1,000 children were reportedly killed or injured in intensifying violence. ",8,0,20180903-103835_253_live 17,That's terrible. I hope this kind of environment changes for them. Children deserve to be in a safe place and to feel secure.,8,1,20180903-103835_253_live 18,"Well, each day children are able to get such needs met by the generosity of those even with donations as small as the cost of about $1 a day. A little goes such a long way!",9,0,20180903-103835_253_live 19,I can imagine! I hope lots of people donate to you. I bet it's especially good around Christmas when people are in the spirit of giving.,9,1,20180903-103835_253_live 0,Hi! How are you today?,0,0,20180903-155911_448_live 1,I'm doing very well. Thanks. How is everything with you?,0,1,20180903-155911_448_live 2,"Very well, thanks. Have you enjoyed the long weekend?",1,0,20180903-155911_448_live 3,Yes I did. I did spent it on the beach while doing some barbecue with my friends. It was lot of fun the past couple of days. How was your weekend?,1,1,20180903-155911_448_live 4,It was relaxing. Sometimes we plan busy weekends but this weekend we stayed home and relaxed. I've actually been reading about Save the Children. Are you familiar with the organization?,2,0,20180903-155911_448_live 5,"Yes I am. It is a very great organization and I believe it was founded by two former presidents, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush. The organization is charity for the children who have been displaced by either hurricanes or other natural disasters and the charity steps in to help those children and families in need. ",2,1,20180903-155911_448_live 6,Yes. I've always thought it was a worthwhile organization. I think we are all responsible in some way for taking care of the children of the world in whatever way we can.,3,0,20180903-155911_448_live 7,That is very true because the way that I see it we are all one big family and should be there for one another in a time of crisis and distress.,3,1,20180903-155911_448_live 8,Yes! I couldn't agree more. We are all in this together. Who knows what we can accomplish if we all do what we can for one another. ,4,0,20180903-155911_448_live 9,"Yes. We can accomplish big things if we care for one another and it shouldn't matter what party we are in whether its Democrat, Republican or Green it shouldn't matter. We are all Americans and we are one family. ",4,1,20180903-155911_448_live 10,"Once again, I couldn't agree more. I was just reading Save the Children is working in Syria. I'm sad to say, they are reporting over 1000 children have died in 2018 in the war. It's horrific to think of children having to live with this sort of fear. ",5,0,20180903-155911_448_live 11,That is both terrible and sad to hear. Syria has a dictatorship and and someone who is obsessed with power. This is a bad combination because a lot of people and especially the most vulnerable like children are getting caught in the crossfire. Its very sad.,5,1,20180903-155911_448_live 12,"It is sad. I'm thinking about sending them a donation. I don't have much of a budget but I suppose every little be helps. If the millions of people just in the US alone contributed $1, that would be quite an infusion of money for Save the Children. ",6,0,20180903-155911_448_live 13,That is correct. If people in the US contribute $1 for Save the Children the world will be indeed a better place. I will do also give a donation. Children must never live in fear and in horrible conditions that they can't escape from.,6,1,20180903-155911_448_live 14,"According the researchers who's MTurk HIT I'm working on, you could donate right now through this HIT. Your donation could be deducted from your HIT payment. Would you like to commit to donating up to $2 right now?",7,0,20180903-155911_448_live 15,Yes I willing to commit half of my payment from this Hit. I think it would help many children.,7,1,20180903-155911_448_live 16,Wonderful! So I can tell them you'll donate $1? They say they will deduct the donations and submit them to Save the Children. ,8,0,20180903-155911_448_live 17,Fantastic.That will be great. I think many lives will be saved if we all contribute to this organization.,8,1,20180903-155911_448_live 18,I agree! I'll also be making a donation. It was very nice to talk with you! ,9,0,20180903-155911_448_live 19,It was very nice talking to you as well. I hope you have a great week ahead and a great the rest of the year as well. I wish you always the very best!!!,9,1,20180903-155911_448_live 20,Thank you. Wishing you and yours the best too. ,10,0,20180903-155911_448_live 0,Hello. Have you heard about Save the Children?,0,0,20180903-192755_517_live 1,A little bit would like to know more.,0,1,20180903-192755_517_live 2,Save the Children is a non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights and helps provide support for needy children in developing countries around the world.,1,0,20180903-192755_517_live 3,Oh I see. How many people around the world help this organization?,1,1,20180903-192755_517_live 4,"Last year, Save the Children helped to provide education, food, shelter, and other basic necessities for more than 155 million children worldwide.",2,0,20180903-192755_517_live 5,"Wow, that is amazing! ",2,1,20180903-192755_517_live 6,"I'm sure you are aware that throughout the world there are millions of children who lack access to basic needs like food, clean water, good clothing, and education. Save the Children works to help those kids, so that they can grow up to be healthy, happy, and productive adults.",3,0,20180903-192755_517_live 7,"Yes, I am aware. Its truly sad that children are suffering like that. I am truly thankful for organizations like Save the Children are around to help these children out and bless families! ",3,1,20180903-192755_517_live 8,"I'm also glad that organizations like Save the Children are out there making a difference. As I'm sure you also know, Save the Children is reliant on donations to be able to provide the help they do.",4,0,20180903-192755_517_live 9,"Yes, I know. I often get asked to help out different organizations when checking out at grocery stores and majority of the time I do!",4,1,20180903-192755_517_live 10,"That's great! I'd like you to know that if you choose to donate to Save the Children, they are a top-rated charity. Last year, 86% of all donated funds went directly into programs to help needy children. ",5,0,20180903-192755_517_live 11,Glad to hear they are top rated! What happens to the other percentage that does not go to the program?,5,1,20180903-192755_517_live 12,"About 5% goes to administration costs, while about 9% is spent on fundraising efforts. ",6,0,20180903-192755_517_live 13,That makes sense. Fundraising is definitely important in getting the word out so that money can be raised for the children.,6,1,20180903-192755_517_live 14,"Would you be willing to make a small donation today? Every little bit helps, and even a donation as small as $1 can go a long way to help in some of the areas where Save the Children provides aid.",7,0,20180903-192755_517_live 15,I would definitely love to help. Could I do anything under $1.00 like maybe 50 cents? ,7,1,20180903-192755_517_live 16,Of course! Donations in any amount are welcome.,8,0,20180903-192755_517_live 17,Great! I would love to donate 50 cents. I wish I had more but unfortunately I dont at this time. ,8,1,20180903-192755_517_live 18,"I understand. But I really appreciate you donating what you can afford. As I said before, every little bit helps.",9,0,20180903-192755_517_live 19,Awesome! I am glad that I can at least do something to help out. ,9,1,20180903-192755_517_live 20,Thank you again for your kind donation.,10,0,20180903-192755_517_live 21,Not a problem. Have a blessed night.,10,1,20180903-192755_517_live 0,Hello friend how are you today?,0,0,20180903-135757_484_live 1,"i'm okay, how are you?",0,1,20180903-135757_484_live 2,I am great thanks for asking. I am here to bring awareness to a great charity. Are you interested in hearing about it?,1,0,20180903-135757_484_live 3,"sure, lets hear it. I'm all about charity ",1,1,20180903-135757_484_live 4,Thats great well that charity is called Save the Children. Have you ever heard about it before?,2,0,20180903-135757_484_live 5,"i haven't, can you tell me about it",2,1,20180903-135757_484_live 6,"Sure it is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries. ",3,0,20180903-135757_484_live 7,"sounds very worthwhile, what kind of relief goes to the children",3,1,20180903-135757_484_live 8,Relief includes food shelter education and safety. Are you interested in helping children achieve these important things?,4,0,20180903-135757_484_live 9,how much of the donation goes straight to the relief,4,1,20180903-135757_484_live 10,86 percent of the donation actually goes to helping the children. 9 percent gets reinvested into marketing for the charity at 5 percent into miscellaneous expenses. As you can see much of the donation will go to helping these poor children. ,5,0,20180903-135757_484_live 11,id be willing to donate .15 to the charity,5,1,20180903-135757_484_live 12,Wow that is a very kind gesture. This money would be collected from research team and they will send it to Save the Children,6,0,20180903-135757_484_live 13,"okay thank you for that information, are you also going to donate?",6,1,20180903-135757_484_live 14,Yes I plan on it. It warms my heart to bring a relief to children. Can you believe in this day and age children are still suffering?,7,0,20180903-135757_484_live 15,"i can believe it, but that certainly doesn't mean it should continue. children are the last people that deserve any of this kind of life",7,1,20180903-135757_484_live 16,I agree. There are millions of Syrian children that have grown up facing daily threat of violence. It needs to stop and hopefully Save the Children is an effort that can help. ,8,0,20180903-135757_484_live 17,"if i could do anything in the world it would be peace, and that would be the first place id start, those poor children",8,1,20180903-135757_484_live 18,"As Whitney Houston once said ""I believe the children are our future Teach them well and let them lead the way."" No truer words have been spoken. Thanks again for your donation and sleep well knowing you did something to help. ",9,0,20180903-135757_484_live 19,"thank you as well, the more people who get involved the better ",9,1,20180903-135757_484_live 0,Hello?,0,0,20180903-165930_826_live 1,hello. how's it going?,0,1,20180903-165930_826_live 2,Not bad how are you?,1,0,20180903-165930_826_live 3,"not too bad, how is your labor day going?",1,1,20180903-165930_826_live 4,No complaints so far. Yours?,2,0,20180903-165930_826_live 5,pretty good. nice and lazy.,2,1,20180903-165930_826_live 6,"Yep same, this is about all the 'work' I've done all day.",3,0,20180903-165930_826_live 7,"yeah. I worked most of the day, but at a pretty slow pace",3,1,20180903-165930_826_live 8,Right on. So back to 'work'. I was wondering if you would be interested in donating a portion of your payment from this task towards a charity called Save the Children,4,0,20180903-165930_826_live 9,i'm familiar with them. how efficient are they as a charity though?,4,1,20180903-165930_826_live 10,Save the Children is extremely efficient. Well as efficient as a charity can be on a count of the donations they receive. Save the Children is not like some other charities you may hear about that have a handsomely paid CEO with small minuscule percentages going to help the needy. ,5,0,20180903-165930_826_live 11,i'd be willing to contribute 50cents,5,1,20180903-165930_826_live 12,That's so kind of you thank you.,6,0,20180903-165930_826_live 13,ok cool. do you work for them? or just voluteering?,6,1,20180903-165930_826_live 14,"I'm just volunteering for the time being. Myself, like many others who help with Save the Children, volunteer our time for no pay or compensation.",7,0,20180903-165930_826_live 15,that is really great. more people should do that.,7,1,20180903-165930_826_live 16,You learn a lot about people when you put yourself in this sort of position. I know I feel like a better person for volunteering.,8,0,20180903-165930_826_live 17,"how long have you been doing that, and how did you get involved?",8,1,20180903-165930_826_live 18,I've only started recently. My wife and I discussed doing something for other people as a way for the two of us to spend time together. It's a way for us to feel productive or useful in contrast to our normal boring shut-in selves.,9,0,20180903-165930_826_live 19,"heheheh. I've always wanted to do volunteer work, but don't really know where to get started.",9,1,20180903-165930_826_live 20,Give it a try sometime I don't think you'll regret it. ,10,0,20180903-165930_826_live 0,Have you heard of the Save the children foundation?,0,0,20180903-153530_52_live 1,I haven't heard about this foundation. Would it be related to children lost to cults or terrorist groups?,0,1,20180903-153530_52_live 2,Save the children helps young ones affected by disasters of all kinds,1,0,20180903-153530_52_live 3,"I see. Are these children specifically from poor countries? Or may it included children affected by, let's say, Hurricane Katrina back in 2005?",1,1,20180903-153530_52_live 4,There is a US Program as well as a global outlet,2,0,20180903-153530_52_live 5,That is good to hear. How specifically will these children be helped? Will the foundation only provide homes? Or is there more to it?,2,1,20180903-153530_52_live 6,"There's definitely more to it STC provides advocacy, education, protection, and food among other services",3,0,20180903-153530_52_live 7,"So it seems that the STC is an all around foundation, aiming to prevent disasters from stunting the progress of young ones. Do you think the foundation is part of the first helpers to a disaster? Or is it a more gradual affect they provide? ",3,1,20180903-153530_52_live 8,The foundation is with children every step of the way from the initial stages of an event to the residual effects months/years later STC looks to help,4,0,20180903-153530_52_live 9,"I do believe being there for every step of the way can really improve the child's chances for success, which is heartwarming. Since I have not heard of the foundation from the start, do you think there impact is less great, than other foundations that are known, such as Red Cross?",4,1,20180903-153530_52_live 10,"Every organization has it's own impact. STC reached 155 million children during 2017 235,000 of which were in the United States. That's a pretty big impact. You can view more stats here URL s/about-us/resource-library/annual-report",5,0,20180903-153530_52_live 11,"That is a huge impact. I have quickly researched the foundation, and have seen some of these stats. It seems even corporations are involved with the foundation, such as the CEO of Chobani, who believes we should save every child possible. I believe that more companies, like chobani, should partner and donate some of the proceedings they receive to help the children. Do you agree? ",5,1,20180903-153530_52_live 12,Yes I do. Support from corporations would really help in communities across the world,6,0,20180903-153530_52_live 13,"Refering back to the aid STC provides, do you think it is better to provide emergency assistance, just days or weeks after the disaster, or provide gradual assistance after the initial affects of the disaster has been solved? Do you think the foundation needs to pick and choose based on the funding they have?",6,1,20180903-153530_52_live 14,"STC does strive to meet needs at both times, however emphasis is placed on emergency services because it is believed that is when children are most vulnerable. With proper funding we will be able to continue assisting through out the entire process. You can help How much do you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment ($2).",7,0,20180903-153530_52_live 15,"That makes a lot of sense, a good basis can propagate to the next few months. I have always been reluctant in donating to such foundations, due to many corruptions in this industry. It is said that most of these foundations are Non-Profit, however, some of these foundations provide false help. I have read that Red Cross showed up at a disaster with empty trucks, just for publicity. How can I know for sure any of these foundations are legit?",7,1,20180903-153530_52_live 16,"I definitely understand Our independently audited financial statements consistently show that nearly 9 out of every 10 dollars we spend goes to programs and services for children and families in need. We keep administrative costs low so that more funding goes to children's programs. In fiscal year 2017, 86% of all expenditures went to program services. ",8,0,20180903-153530_52_live 17,"Reports on the financials of the company/foundation is very important, and I appreciate the search for the statistics. I do believe statistics like these can help and persuade people to donate more. I do believe that the government should make such reports mandatory, and even possibly provide a certain status to those foundations that do use a majority of their revenue for the purposes they claim. Do you think the government should involve themselves in such scandals that may occur?",8,1,20180903-153530_52_live 18,Government involvement may be necessary in those cases. Thankfully STC doesn't have anything to worry about in that department. Would you be willing to donate today?,9,0,20180903-153530_52_live 19,"I appreciate the conversation and all the statistics you have given me, however, I will not be donating to said foundation. I believe a good majority of these foundations make false claims. I would be willing to volunteer, but I will not give hard earned money to something that would go against my beliefs against corporate corruption.",9,1,20180903-153530_52_live 0,Hi how is your day?,0,0,20180903-145341_70_live 1,Hi! It's going pretty well -- long weekend for Labor Day,0,1,20180903-145341_70_live 2,Yes I am enjoying as well. Have you heard of the charity Save the Children?,1,0,20180903-145341_70_live 3,Yep! There are lots of representatives on my college campus,1,1,20180903-145341_70_live 4,That's wonderful! They do so much good for children around the world.,2,0,20180903-145341_70_live 5,Yeah certainly seems like it from what I've heard. Were you thinking of donating our payment to them as per the task description?,2,1,20180903-145341_70_live 6,Yes I feel every little bit can make a difference.,3,0,20180903-145341_70_live 7,Sounds good to me! That was easy hahaha,3,1,20180903-145341_70_live 8," ""How much do you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment ($2).""",4,0,20180903-145341_70_live 9,I'm good with the whole $2 if you are...,4,1,20180903-145341_70_live 10,That is very generous of you. I'm sure it will help greatly.,5,0,20180903-145341_70_live 11,So it looks like we have to keep chatting for four more turns each...how has your day been?,5,1,20180903-145341_70_live 12,Very well thank you. If you ever want more info on the charity the website is URL ,6,0,20180903-145341_70_live 13,Thanks! And glad you're doing well. Do you have any special plans for the next few weeks?,6,1,20180903-145341_70_live 14,Nothing too big. Just enjoying the rest of summer and going to the zoo.,7,0,20180903-145341_70_live 15,Ooh that sounds fun! What zoo do you usually go to?,7,1,20180903-145341_70_live 16,The one in Philadelphia PA,8,0,20180903-145341_70_live 17,I've heard it's quite large. Do you have a favorite exhibit?,8,1,20180903-145341_70_live 18,Yes the tigers and other large cats,9,0,20180903-145341_70_live 19,"Yeah, those are aways my favorites, too",9,1,20180903-145341_70_live 0,Hi how are you doing?,0,0,20180903-074043_932_live 1,Great! How are you?,0,1,20180903-074043_932_live 2,"I am doing well. Thank you for asking. I have a question, have you ever donated to a charity?",1,0,20180903-074043_932_live 3,Yes I have. My mother -in-law had breast cancer so I donate to Cancer Research,1,1,20180903-074043_932_live 4,"Cancer research is very important. We are talking with people today about Save the Children. It's a charity, have you heard of it?",2,0,20180903-074043_932_live 5,No I haven't. Tell me about it. ,2,1,20180903-074043_932_live 6,"Save the Children is a global charity. It is beneficial by providing children with a variety of necessities such a clothing, food, shelter, clean water. The charity focuses primarily on third world countries, but has been known to help children in United States.",3,0,20180903-074043_932_live 7,"Ok, yes, that is very important. ",3,1,20180903-074043_932_live 8,"It truly is. Our children need to be taken care of, and due to lack of resources in third world countries, children are suffering. It is disheartening to see and hear about. ",4,0,20180903-074043_932_live 9,"Yes, it is very hard to look at pictures of children in raggety clothes and they look so thin.",4,1,20180903-074043_932_live 10,"I agree. Sadly, the world as a whole don't view this as a global problem. Not to be cliche, but children are our future, and it's our moral obligation to make sure they are taken care of and given the proper resources to prosper and thrive in this world. Do you agree?",5,0,20180903-074043_932_live 11,Yes I would agree with that statement.,5,1,20180903-074043_932_live 12,"Sadly, many people would not. Would you be willing to make a donation to Save the Children's charity today from 0.1 cents to $2? ",6,0,20180903-074043_932_live 13,Not at this time but I do appreciate the information you have given me today!,6,1,20180903-074043_932_live 14,May I ask why? ,7,0,20180903-074043_932_live 15,I have a friend who works overseas in an orphanage. She asks for support and I give directly to her. She sends me pictures of what she does with my money and it's clothing those kids and giving them their basic needs. ,7,1,20180903-074043_932_live 16,"I understand. Having a visual of what's being done is very important. However, we have children that are suffering, and even just a penny can make a difference in their lives. Are you sure you couldn't spare one penny? Our website is URL if you wanted to gather more information",8,0,20180903-074043_932_live 17,Not at this time. I am maxed out with giving at this point. If I get a raise at my job then I'd think about it.,8,1,20180903-074043_932_live 18,"I understand that financial restraints can deter us from giving, but these children are dependent on us. They need not only our love, but support. One penny won't break the bank, and you'll know that that one cent, so minute to us, is so rich to them as it provide basic necessities for them to live. ",9,0,20180903-074043_932_live 19,"Well, like I said I can't give any more at this point. I do what I can and I feel that I cannot give anymore at this time.",9,1,20180903-074043_932_live 0,Hi. I want you to consider making a donation of part of your earnings here to a charitable organization.,0,0,20180903-111551_100_live 1,What organization were you considering?,0,1,20180903-111551_100_live 2,Save the Children.,1,0,20180903-111551_100_live 3,What does save the children do? Does it help children in the States or in other countries?,1,1,20180903-111551_100_live 4,They work in over 120 countries.,2,0,20180903-111551_100_live 5,That is wonderful! ,2,1,20180903-111551_100_live 6,"Yes, they were established in 1919",3,0,20180903-111551_100_live 7,I would be happy to donate. ,3,1,20180903-111551_100_live 8,That is wonderful. You can donate any amount up to all your payment for this task ($2.00),4,0,20180903-111551_100_live 9,I think I will donate $1,4,1,20180903-111551_100_live 10,"Thank you so much for your $1.00 donation. Be assured, it will make a difference in a child's life.",5,0,20180903-111551_100_live 11,That is important! I am happy to help and make a difference for a child. ,5,1,20180903-111551_100_live 12,"Yes, it is very important. I believe the first sponsor I can personally recall was Sally Struthers.",6,0,20180903-111551_100_live 13,Oh I remember that now. I recall commercials on TV when I was younger.,6,1,20180903-111551_100_live 14,"Yes, and they still do TV appeals. I believe Marvin Gaye did one.",7,0,20180903-111551_100_live 15,I have not seen any recent commercials but possibly because I was not keeping an eye out for them. Now I will be looking for them. ,7,1,20180903-111551_100_live 16,"When you do you will see that Save the Children promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children.",8,0,20180903-111551_100_live 17,Children's rights are so important. They are so reliant on adults and need people looking out for them. Sadly not every child has family to help. I am happy to donate to help make a difference. Thank you for the opportunity. ,8,1,20180903-111551_100_live 18,I am so happy that you have chosen to donate to such a worthy cause. I am certain you feel very ggod about it.,9,0,20180903-111551_100_live 19,Are there any other charities that you support? I support a hospital in DC called Children's National Hospital. ,9,1,20180903-111551_100_live 20,Thank you again for your $1.00. It is so admirable you support other charities as well.,10,0,20180903-111551_100_live 21,My pleasure. Have a good day.,10,1,20180903-111551_100_live 22,You have a good day too!,11,0,20180903-111551_100_live 0,"Hello, how are you?",0,0,20180903-005045_964_live 1,"Hello, I'm doing great and yourself?",0,1,20180903-005045_964_live 2,Very well thank you. Do you have a moment for me to tell you of the good deeds of the Save the Children charity?,1,0,20180903-005045_964_live 3,I have a moment to spare. Go ahead.,1,1,20180903-005045_964_live 4,"Are you familiar with the organization, perhaps from television or a class collection when you were in school?",2,0,20180903-005045_964_live 5,"Yes I am. A family member told me about, but I never got around to donating. ",2,1,20180903-005045_964_live 6,"We had a family friend two, she had several pictures on her refrigerator of a few children she sponsored. Some of them for many years. I was always sad of the presentation of the poorly dressed child holding empty plate in the ads. Are you aware of the other things the organization does for kids? ",3,0,20180903-005045_964_live 7,"I've never really looked into it, could you give me some more information?",3,1,20180903-005045_964_live 8,"Yes! Besides the usual schooling and basic healthcare many of us are familiar with, Save the Children also assists communities during natural disasters such as earthquakes, they try to help communities with economic opportunities, and they event get involved with child intervention in area of war such as Syria or other parts of the world that are experiences in influx of refugees. ",4,0,20180903-005045_964_live 9,You don't say. I'm getting really interested in donating from the information you gave me. What do you think would be a good starting donation?,4,1,20180903-005045_964_live 10,"That's fantastic! It is truly my belief that any gift is a good gift and not knowing your history or situation, I would not ask of you what you could not comfortably provide. Any deed on behalf of Save the Children is good vibes from the universe. Also, did you know that April 15, 2019 Save the Children will be 100 years old!!!!! It could be a birthday present!!!!",5,0,20180903-005045_964_live 11,Thats a great idea! I think I'll start saving now. I'll donate $100 for next year to celebrate! ,5,1,20180903-005045_964_live 12,Are you sure you couldn't even toss over a lucky penny for 2018? The day of innocence which is the day to donate to Save the Children happens on December 28th? ,6,0,20180903-005045_964_live 13,I think at the moment I can start with about $20 towards it. ,6,1,20180903-005045_964_live 14,"Wow, that would be a whole bucket of lucky pennies!!! I'm telling you, a gift like that will give you warm fuzzy feelings for the rest of the year. It's like the little kids who collect coins in the little milk carton type boxes at halloween. I don't know if you remember those. I remember bringing them to school and turning them over for the charity. I felt like a badass little kid, if there could be such a thing. ",7,0,20180903-005045_964_live 15,I remember do that as well as a kid. I always felt great. I hope my small donation gives another child job as well,7,1,20180903-005045_964_live 16,"I hope so to. Just remember any time next year, 5 years from now you can always go to their website and make a donation URL I really appreciate you making a donation today. You are the bomb!!!!",8,0,20180903-005045_964_live 17,Thank you for the infomation! You were a great help.,8,1,20180903-005045_964_live 18,"No, thank you! The children and staff of Save the Children thank you too! It's folks like you that will allow the organization to go another 100 years! ",9,0,20180903-005045_964_live 19,I hope so. I feel like just donating is thanking them too for surviving so long. ,9,1,20180903-005045_964_live 20,"I know, can you imagine. We are lucky people in this country...yes, we have our struggles but to never have famine or to live where shots or bombing are constant....yes, let's thank the universe for giving them the strength of survival. Thanks again, have a great day. Sending you appreciation vibes through the universe!!!",10,0,20180903-005045_964_live 0,Have you ever heard of a children's charity called SAVE THE CHILDREN?,0,0,20180903-103709_629_live 1,Hello. yes i have heard about it,0,1,20180903-103709_629_live 2,Have you ever though about donating to said charity before?,1,0,20180903-103709_629_live 3,"I have donated to this charity through HITs, but never on their wesbite",1,1,20180903-103709_629_live 4,I think it is amazing charity to give to and really hits home with having children myself.,2,0,20180903-103709_629_live 5,I think the same. I do not have any children but I have soft heart for them,2,1,20180903-103709_629_live 6,Would you be interested in donating today?,3,0,20180903-103709_629_live 7,"Sure , why not? I would like to know more about them",3,1,20180903-103709_629_live 8,"Save the Children to give girls and boys in the United States and around the world a healthy start, an education, and protection from harm.How much do you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment ($2).",4,0,20180903-103709_629_live 9,I would like to donate $1. I would like to help an international charity,4,1,20180903-103709_629_live 10,That is very kind of you! Your donation will make a huge impact for them.,5,0,20180903-103709_629_live 11,thank you. every little help can make a big difference actually,5,1,20180903-103709_629_live 12,The research team will collect all donations and send it to Save the Children.,6,0,20180903-103709_629_live 13,That is so good. is there any big company cooperating with them?,6,1,20180903-103709_629_live 14,"Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",7,0,20180903-103709_629_live 15,I see I mean big companies like companies with big names,7,1,20180903-103709_629_live 16,None that I am aware of at this time,8,0,20180903-103709_629_live 17,I think I've read somewhere IKEA and Disney cooperate with them. that is so interesting ,8,1,20180903-103709_629_live 18,That is very interesting! With your person donation you also helped contribute as well! It just takes one person to make a difference and I personally thank you for that!,9,0,20180903-103709_629_live 19,Thanks for your time and effort. Have a nice day,9,1,20180903-103709_629_live 0,Hi! I hope you are having a nice Holiday,0,0,20180903-133702_487_live 1,Yes and I hope yours is good also,0,1,20180903-133702_487_live 2,I have a grown daughter and two precious grandchildren. And you?,1,0,20180903-133702_487_live 3,WE just have a cat named Sissy. She's our child. LOL,1,1,20180903-133702_487_live 4,WE have a dog named Bailey. So including my husband I really have three children,2,0,20180903-133702_487_live 5,"LOL, yeah they are like children. Bot pets and husbands.",2,1,20180903-133702_487_live 6,Have you heard of the program Save the Children?,3,0,20180903-133702_487_live 7,"Yes, I saw an ad on TV recently about it.",3,1,20180903-133702_487_live 8,"It is a highly rated (88% out of 100%) program that provides health, education and emotional support for children around the world",4,0,20180903-133702_487_live 9,That's a lofty goal.,4,1,20180903-133702_487_live 10,"I agree, sometimes we have to break it down. . You know, I am particularly interested in the children in Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria. They recently increased the death toll to over 3000. But there is no breakdown for children",5,0,20180903-133702_487_live 11,"Yes, they suffered greatly. there. But I'm more interested in what can be done for children in the US especially in the inner cities and Appalachia. ",5,1,20180903-133702_487_live 12,"Save the Children wrote and article called :The Urban Disadvantage. It details what the call ""The Survival of the Richest."" Save the Children has hundreds of low income clinics in cities are over American, and hundreds of outside educational programs to help urban children keep up.",6,0,20180903-133702_487_live 13,Oh that's really good to know. I thought they dealt mainly with ioverseas projects.,6,1,20180903-133702_487_live 14,"In the US, 1 out of 5 children are living in poverty. Can you believe that, here in the US? Save the Children was founded in 1932, and has provided services ever since.",7,0,20180903-133702_487_live 15,(Forgive my spelling mistakes! I need to proof before hitting send) I do believe that about the US. I used to work with inner city kids and know the horrors they live with here in the US.,7,1,20180903-133702_487_live 16,"The requester, Richard Kim has a 4/5 point rating. He says the research team will collect all donations and send it to Save the Children. ""How much do you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment ($2) ",8,0,20180903-133702_487_live 17,You told me stuff I did not know about Save the Children. Because of that I'll donate half ($1.00). Good job!,8,1,20180903-133702_487_live 18,Thank you. I appreciate your generosity.,9,0,20180903-133702_487_live 19,"Hey, I'm also the one that the cub and girl scouts mark my house cause I'm an easy touch esp where kids are concerned.",9,1,20180903-133702_487_live 0,Hello,0,0,20180903-225340_198_live 1,"Hey, how is it going?",0,1,20180903-225340_198_live 2,Im tired but it was a good long weekend. How was yours?,1,0,20180903-225340_198_live 3,"Not bad at all, thanks. Just enjoyed the long weekend as well.",1,1,20180903-225340_198_live 4,Do you consider yourself a compassionate person?,2,0,20180903-225340_198_live 5,"I do, but I also do not want to donate anything today. I really need the money...",2,1,20180903-225340_198_live 6,"That is okay I understand times are tough, but they could be tougher. I think we get spoiled sometimes of the life we lead.",3,0,20180903-225340_198_live 7,"For sure, but I am on the verge of being homeless and this is my only source of income.",3,1,20180903-225340_198_live 8,To be honest this is one of a few sources I have going but all are online. Good luck to your future! So I will donate some of my money today. I was thinking about doing a dollar but now I am thinking I will give all of it.,4,0,20180903-225340_198_live 9,"I appreciate the support. I have a degree, just fell on a tough part in life. You can do that if you want, but I am keeping my full payment. Do you know where the donations go to?",4,1,20180903-225340_198_live 10,Oh sorry I am not doing my part I forgot to tell you where they are going. Are you aware of Save the Children?,5,0,20180903-225340_198_live 11,I am not. Can you tell me more please?,5,1,20180903-225340_198_live 12,"They help out in 192 countries and counting. Their main mission is to ensure children's rights to health, education, safety, etc. There has been a lack of support for children in developing countries, especially in war zones. For instance, millions of Syrian children have grown up facing the daily threat of violence. In the first two months of 2018 alone, 1,000 children were reportedly killed or injured in intensifying violence.",6,0,20180903-225340_198_live 13,"That is awful. Do you have any information on how much of the their funds go to the actual charity part versus the administration, staff, etc?",6,1,20180903-225340_198_live 14,"Yes, about 9 out of 10 dollars go straight to the children while the other dollar would go to making sure that they can expand their capabilities and continue to help",7,0,20180903-225340_198_live 15,That is a very good ratio. Not many charities that are famous to us do that.,7,1,20180903-225340_198_live 16,It is a very good ration and I love that they are transparent about it. No pressure here but do you change your mind on donating? Even if it is a small donation every penny will help these people in need,8,0,20180903-225340_198_live 17,I will donate 25 cents. I wish I could do more.,8,1,20180903-225340_198_live 18,"It is okay, you rock! The research team will collect all donations and send it to Save the Children after the study is complete. Have a good one",9,0,20180903-225340_198_live 19,"You too, man.",9,1,20180903-225340_198_live 0,"Hi, how are you today?",0,0,20180903-165121_48_live 1,I'm am well. How are you?,0,1,20180903-165121_48_live 2,"Great, thanks! Since we're here to talk about a social issue, are you familiar with Save the Children?",1,0,20180903-165121_48_live 3,"I have heard of Save the Children, but not sure what they do specifically",1,1,20180903-165121_48_live 4,I am fairly familiar with them. They are an international organization that promotes children's rights and provides relief and support. I think they do great work for the children of the world.,2,0,20180903-165121_48_live 5,It sounds like a great organization. I think helping children is very important,2,1,20180903-165121_48_live 6,"Me, too. I see a lot of images on tv and on the internet of children suffering because of lack of resources and aid and it breaks my heart. I don't have a lot but I try to do what I can to help.",3,0,20180903-165121_48_live 7,It breaks my heart too. I can't watch or look at those images. What can people do to help?,3,1,20180903-165121_48_live 8,A charity like Save the Children relies on donations. They are non-governmental so all their funding comes from those willing to donate. I try to donate when I can. ,4,0,20180903-165121_48_live 9,Do you think the donations go mainly to the children or are there a lot of administrative fees that it goes to first?,4,1,20180903-165121_48_live 10,"With Save the Children I trust that the money goes to the children. Other charities you have to watch out for but I've heard nothing but good about Save the Children. I never know how much to donate though. I want to help as much as I can, and even sometimes just a few dollars helps. How do you feel about donation amounts?",5,0,20180903-165121_48_live 11,I never know how much to donate either or how to donate,5,1,20180903-165121_48_live 12,"I often donate some of my earnings here. For example, I might use some of what I make today as a donation, especially from this HIT since it's what we're discussing. I tend to feel guilty if I talk positively about something and then don't follow through.",6,0,20180903-165121_48_live 13,"That would be great if we could do that here. Now that we are talking about it, I feel like I should do something to help more often",6,1,20180903-165121_48_live 14,We are allowed to donate some of this HIT to Save the Children if we want. The research team will collect all donations and send it to Save the Children. Would you be willing to donate $1 or more from this HIT?,7,0,20180903-165121_48_live 15,I could donate $1 today ,7,1,20180903-165121_48_live 16,"That's great. I'll donate $1, too. ",8,0,20180903-165121_48_live 17,Oh good. I'm going to look into the organization and see what else can be done to help and what all they do,8,1,20180903-165121_48_live 18,That's great. They are definitely a worthy charity and do so much good. I appreciate you hearing me out and taking the time to research more.,9,0,20180903-165121_48_live 19,Thank you for helping what sounds like a great organization. It sounds like they really need all they help they can get,9,1,20180903-165121_48_live 0,Hi there! How are you doing today?,0,0,20180903-053722_705_live 1,"I am doing alright, thanks, and yourself?",0,1,20180903-053722_705_live 2,Doing well thank you. ,1,0,20180903-053722_705_live 3,What are we here today for?,1,1,20180903-053722_705_live 4,We are here today to discuss the children's charity Save The Children. Have you heard of it? ,2,0,20180903-053722_705_live 5,i have heard a little bit,2,1,20180903-053722_705_live 6,Are there causes you believe in and donate to in efforts to support their mission?,3,0,20180903-053722_705_live 7,i volunteer and donate for a charity that works with children of abuse,3,1,20180903-053722_705_live 8,Interesting. What are your thoughts in supporting children who suffer in other ways throughout the world? Save the children helps all children who're hardest to reach and are in vulnerable situations ,4,0,20180903-053722_705_live 9,That is great. I would definitely want to look into. ,4,1,20180903-053722_705_live 10,You can find more information at URL I was hoping you would consider donating today. ,5,0,20180903-053722_705_live 11,"I try to donate when I can, but I am currently broke. It's hard to part with the littl money I have",5,1,20180903-053722_705_live 12,"If you decided to donate today, your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount. Personally I intend on donating all my proceeds from this task. For a few minutes of work and having the ability to donate even a small amount that will make a difference is easy. With that said how much do you like to donate to the charity now?",6,0,20180903-053722_705_live 13,I may donate a few cents,6,1,20180903-053722_705_live 14,A few cents is great! Any bit helps and at the end of the day thes children are in need. Save the children works with 120 countries so even a small bit can help. ,7,0,20180903-053722_705_live 15,Do you donate often?,7,1,20180903-053722_705_live 16,I do. I intend on donating the full amountoday. For just a few moments of my effort I know that th,8,0,20180903-053722_705_live 17,that is great that you donate,8,1,20180903-053722_705_live 18,Yes. I realize how fortunate I am even with the little I have. My understanding is $2 can go along way with these children. I can spend a bit longer working and have satisfaction that made a difference today. I thank you for considering to donate. Perhaps you could add a bit more than a few cents to create a bigger impact on these children's lives. ,9,0,20180903-053722_705_live 19,Maybe I can do some more,9,1,20180903-053722_705_live 0,Hello there. What do you think of children?,0,0,20180903-133523_829_live 1,mine are a pain most of the time,0,1,20180903-133523_829_live 2,"Haha, it was quite the adjustment for me and my wife once we had our baby daughter. Worth it though. How old are your kids?",1,0,20180903-133523_829_live 3,"22,6, and 2. and yours?",1,1,20180903-133523_829_live 4,"Wow, that's quite the range. We just have one, she's only half a year old.",2,0,20180903-133523_829_live 5,"very nice, they're actually fun at that age. I've basically had 2 different adult lives.",2,1,20180903-133523_829_live 6,"Yeah, we're not looking forward to the teenage years but we hope to keep a good relationship with her so she doesn't totally rebel.",3,0,20180903-133523_829_live 7,"All 3 of mine are girls, my 2 cats are girls, and plus my wife. I'm looking to find some sort of male presence in my house. Maybe I should get a dog.",3,1,20180903-133523_829_live 8,"Dang, defying the odds there with three girls. I've always wanted a dog but we're pretty tight on money plus the apartment we live in doesn't allow pets unfortunately.",4,0,20180903-133523_829_live 9,We just moved into a bigger house so when they are teenagers I won't have to fight for a bathroom,4,1,20180903-133523_829_live 10,"That must be nice. Flip the toilet paper the way you want, leave the seat up etc. I wish we could afford a house but it's too expensive where we live.",5,0,20180903-133523_829_live 11,"They are pretty affordable here right now, but the market is climbing. With rising interest rates it'll make it even harder. This will be the last time I move until I retire though.",5,1,20180903-133523_829_live 12,"Putting down roots, eh? Say, what would you think of a donation to URL Not everyone is as fortunate as us and I'm planning to donate $1 to them as part of this HIT.",6,0,20180903-133523_829_live 13,"nope, I'm very generous with my donations but I'm not willing to give to organizations that have top heavy costs.",6,1,20180903-133523_829_live 14,"That's too bad, though I get what you're saying. Is there anything I could say to change your mind? I don't think URL as that much overhead.",7,0,20180903-133523_829_live 15,"No, I have my preferred charities and they are not on my list",7,1,20180903-133523_829_live 16,I understand. It's good to do your research and at least you're not sitting idly by and being part of the problem.,8,0,20180903-133523_829_live 17,My church has had great success with 99.4% going to the needy.,8,1,20180903-133523_829_live 18,"Yeah, while I'm not religious myself, churches can do a lot of good for their local communities.",9,0,20180903-133523_829_live 19,"There are a lot of good organizations out there, I just hope people do their research before donating time and money.",9,1,20180903-133523_829_live 0,Hi. There's an amazing cause that you should hear about,0,0,20180903-134712_199_live 1,Oh yeah? What is it?,0,1,20180903-134712_199_live 2,It's called Save the Children. They promote children's rights and help support children in developing countries,1,0,20180903-134712_199_live 3,That is great news! And a great cause!,1,1,20180903-134712_199_live 4,It sure is! Would you be interested in making donation of $1?,2,0,20180903-134712_199_live 5,Tell me more of the details first,2,1,20180903-134712_199_live 6,"Sure! Millions of children in the United States and around the world are dying each and every day from hunger, poverty and violence. ",3,0,20180903-134712_199_live 7,That is terrible...go on.,3,1,20180903-134712_199_live 8,"Isn't it? Save the Children is extremely committed to helping these children, by helping to give them a better chance at life.",4,0,20180903-134712_199_live 9,That is awesome and a great way to give back to society!,4,1,20180903-134712_199_live 10,"Yes it's wonderful! You're donation is essential for helping ensure that when crisis strikes, Save the Children will be there that give aide to children, whether it's food, healthcare, safety or education",5,0,20180903-134712_199_live 11,Exactly! I have always been the type to help thy neighbors,5,1,20180903-134712_199_live 12,"That's wonderful! Did you know that every single day, 16,000 children die before they turn 5 due to diseases that could be preventable? Well by donating only $1 to Save the Children Foundation you can help this foundation provide medical care. Doesn't that sound great?",6,0,20180903-134712_199_live 13,Yes it does actually! Have you donated to them before?,6,1,20180903-134712_199_live 14,"Causes like these warm my heart so much. I've donated to many humanitarian organizations and foundations before such as Salvation Army and American Red Cross. however, after stumbling across this wonderful organization and reading up on how amazing they are at what they do, I just had to tell some on!",7,0,20180903-134712_199_live 15,"That's great! And there is no bearacracy, right?",7,1,20180903-134712_199_live 16,Not at all! Plus they have won so many awards such as the American Institute of Philanthropy award. This foundation is reputable. Your donation of $1 will go to a trustable fund.,8,0,20180903-134712_199_live 17,That is so great to hear. I will go ahead and make a donation of $1 today,8,1,20180903-134712_199_live 18,Wonderful! Thank you so much for donating! Thank you so much for being a part of help changing children's lives!,9,0,20180903-134712_199_live 19,You're welcome. I'm glad to be a part of a noble cause! Take care!,9,1,20180903-134712_199_live 0,Hello! How are you doing this evening?,0,0,20180903-000031_632_live 1,Fine and you?,0,1,20180903-000031_632_live 2,"I am well, thank you. Have you heard of the organization called Save the Children? :)",1,0,20180903-000031_632_live 3,Seen a couple of commercials in the past....,1,1,20180903-000031_632_live 4,It's a great organization. Have you donated in the past or considered donating?,2,0,20180903-000031_632_live 5,Ive donated to other donations but not Save the Children...,2,1,20180903-000031_632_live 6,What organizations do you donate to? :),3,0,20180903-000031_632_live 7,"None right now, where does the donations go towards?",3,1,20180903-000031_632_live 8,"The donations for Save The Children goes towards education, medical attention and general safety of children. In 3rd world countries they lead efforts to educate young children and in violent countries (such as Syria) they are actively setting up places for children to remain safe.",4,0,20180903-000031_632_live 9,"Sound decent, are you donating?",4,1,20180903-000031_632_live 10,"I will be donating today, yes. They are a truly great organization and 86% of their donations go straight toward funding their programs. ",5,0,20180903-000031_632_live 11,Ok lets get started...,5,1,20180903-000031_632_live 12,Would you like to know any more about the organization before donating part of your earnings today?,6,0,20180903-000031_632_live 13,"Nope im ready, and fyi your messages are coming slow, we have ten minutes to chat and you averaging 2 min a message so if you dont mind can we speed this up?",6,1,20180903-000031_632_live 14,Yes. My apologies. ,7,0,20180903-000031_632_live 15,I would like to donate $0.50.....,7,1,20180903-000031_632_live 16,"Thank you! Following this chat conversation, you will be prompted to enter your donation amount before submitting the HIT. ",8,0,20180903-000031_632_live 17,Ok it was nice chatting with you,8,1,20180903-000031_632_live 18,"You as well, thank you for donating :)",9,0,20180903-000031_632_live 19,ok you too.....,9,1,20180903-000031_632_live 0,"Hello, how are you doing today, may I ask if you are a charitable person?",0,0,20180903-144015_197_live 1,"I'm well thanks, how are you? Depending on the situation, I try to be.",0,1,20180903-144015_197_live 2,"I am doing fine, I just ask in case you would like to donate to a nonprofit organization called Save The Children",1,0,20180903-144015_197_live 3,What exactly does the organization do?,1,1,20180903-144015_197_live 4,"It helps the children all around the world, whether they are poor o not",2,0,20180903-144015_197_live 5,"Yes, but how does the organization help the children? Specifically?",2,1,20180903-144015_197_live 6,"Builds schools, gets them scholarships, builds orphanages, educates them, provides them with food and shelter, all kinds of things",3,0,20180903-144015_197_live 7,How does the organization determine which children they will help?,3,1,20180903-144015_197_live 8,"They try to help every kid they can, so, they operate all around the world",4,0,20180903-144015_197_live 9,"Yes, but how do they identify chlidren to help? ",4,1,20180903-144015_197_live 10,They mostly look around UNICEF reports and other Human Rights Organizations,5,0,20180903-144015_197_live 11,Is there already an infrastructure if they want to approach a new village?,5,1,20180903-144015_197_live 12,"They usually approach first by trying to get on the good side of the villagers, helping them with what they need, they only build infrastructure after they have gotten their permission, that way they don't intromise with their customs or rules",6,0,20180903-144015_197_live 13,What do you mean by intromise?,6,1,20180903-144015_197_live 14,Sometimes the villagers think that the organization volunteers are trying to change their customs or force them to accept something,7,0,20180903-144015_197_live 15,"Sorry, I didn't recognize that word.",7,1,20180903-144015_197_live 16,"So, would you like to donate to this organization?",8,0,20180903-144015_197_live 17,"Sorry, I just don't think that I know enough about what exactly they do.",8,1,20180903-144015_197_live 18,"Well, they pretty much help children, that's what they do, they try to give them a brighter future and give them the tools to progress instead of doing everything for them ",9,0,20180903-144015_197_live 19,"But, for example, you can build a school, but if you don't enable the village to build, support, and potentiate a staff, it doesn't really do them any good.",9,1,20180903-144015_197_live 0,"hello , how are you today?",0,0,20180903-171103_980_live 1,Good. How are you doing?,0,1,20180903-171103_980_live 2,do youlike children?,1,0,20180903-171103_980_live 3,"I find children to be tolerable, not matter who they belong to... Each of us were once a child too.",1,1,20180903-171103_980_live 4,thats good to remember. Do you have kids?,2,0,20180903-171103_980_live 5,Nope. Do think I want kids of my own. How about you?,2,1,20180903-171103_980_live 6,"yes, I do. do you worry poor kids don't have food?",3,0,20180903-171103_980_live 7,I worry about both poor children and poor adults not having food. You know what is sadder than a child not having food?,3,1,20180903-171103_980_live 8,"what is that , what is sadder?",4,0,20180903-171103_980_live 9,"An elderly man or woman who is too poor to afford food. At one point in their life, they had so much to look forward to. But now they've found themselves at the end and they are so powerless that they cannot even feed themselves. I cannot fathom that level of sadness to sit there at the end of a very long life and to wonder how you got there...",4,1,20180903-171103_980_live 10,do you worry about poor childrens education these days,5,0,20180903-171103_980_live 11,"Sure... I feel that there's a lot of people who don't care because they stand to profit more from ignorance in society, than from intelligence.",5,1,20180903-171103_980_live 12,do you know about a charity called save the children?',6,0,20180903-171103_980_live 13,No. I do not.,6,1,20180903-171103_980_live 14,"at the end of the survey you can donate to save the children, How do you feel about that?",7,0,20180903-171103_980_live 15,"I know nothing about this organization. For every dollar I donate, what would be the overhead administrative costs?",7,1,20180903-171103_980_live 16,"good question. I don't know, but think it is low, are you intereested?",8,0,20180903-171103_980_live 17,Not in particular. I don't donate to causes if I don't know specifics about them.,8,1,20180903-171103_980_live 18,"this one has been around for a long time with good reputation. a small amount goes a long way , Interested?",9,0,20180903-171103_980_live 19,No thank you. I have local charities that I know a lot more about and I can directly see their programs in action.,9,1,20180903-171103_980_live 20,thanks for your consideration,10,0,20180903-171103_980_live 21,Thank you as well.,10,1,20180903-171103_980_live 0,Hi! How are you doing today?,0,0,20180903-153105_741_live 1,"Hi, I'm good, just relaxing. How are you",0,1,20180903-153105_741_live 2,"I am doing alright, thank you. I would like to talk to you about a charity. Do you donate at all?",1,0,20180903-153105_741_live 3,Yes I do some donating.,1,1,20180903-153105_741_live 4,"That is great, have you heard of save the children?",2,0,20180903-153105_741_live 5,I think so. Is that the one with the commercials f a man in another country with skinny children ,2,1,20180903-153105_741_live 6,"hm it might be, but it is an organization that raises money for children's rights to health, education, safety, etc. all around the world",3,0,20180903-153105_741_live 7,"Ok well, I think I have heard of it but have not donated to this specific charity.",3,1,20180903-153105_741_live 8,Woulld you be intrested in donating today? for the children?,4,0,20180903-153105_741_live 9,I would. Are you donating as well?,4,1,20180903-153105_741_live 10,"I may give a few cents. i am broke and its hard these days, but even a few cents can go a long way!",5,0,20180903-153105_741_live 11,"Okay, well I can donate part of my earnings. Am I supposed to tell you how much?",5,1,20180903-153105_741_live 12,"Yes, how much would you like to donate today?",6,0,20180903-153105_741_live 13,I w9uld be willing to donate fifty cents.,6,1,20180903-153105_741_live 14,That is very generous of you! the children will thank you,7,0,20180903-153105_741_live 15,Im more than happy to.,7,1,20180903-153105_741_live 16,I thank you for your time and service today,8,0,20180903-153105_741_live 17,It was nice chatting with you. Have a good day!,8,1,20180903-153105_741_live 18,You have a good day as well,9,0,20180903-153105_741_live 19,Im not sure what I am supposed to do now.,9,1,20180903-153105_741_live 0,hi there. where are you from?,0,0,20180903-231131_77_live 1,"Hi, What is the charity all about?",0,1,20180903-231131_77_live 2,helps chidren all over the world...helps them in everyday ways and in times of crisis. have you heard of Save The Children?,1,0,20180903-231131_77_live 3,I have and i have heard that they all a well known charity too,1,1,20180903-231131_77_live 4,"yeah, very well known. what I appreciate about them is that they assist in the USA (where I am) and elsewhere. So many charities help one or the other, but not both",2,0,20180903-231131_77_live 5,That's great to hear that because hcarity usually starts from home,2,1,20180903-231131_77_live 6,indeed. do you have children?,3,0,20180903-231131_77_live 7,I don't but that dont mean i wouldnt donate if given the opportunity,3,1,20180903-231131_77_live 8,nice. are you considering to donating to Save The Children? They do such great work all over the globe. Their credibility is outstanding.,4,0,20180903-231131_77_live 9,Can you give me some more details first?,4,1,20180903-231131_77_live 10,Sure. They provide help to children during disasters. They have been helping children in USA since Katrina. They also promote literacy campaigns to give children a leg up in the world,5,0,20180903-231131_77_live 11,That sounds like pretty important work,5,1,20180903-231131_77_live 12,"Yes, someone has to look out for the kids! Other charities do great work, but the work with kids makes this one special. Interested in donating?",6,0,20180903-231131_77_live 13,How much can i donate? Can i send it directly to the charity?,6,1,20180903-231131_77_live 14,"yes, and you can elect to donate any amount up to $2 from your task payment today.",7,0,20180903-231131_77_live 15,That's grat! I will donate 50 cents. How do i reach them?,7,1,20180903-231131_77_live 16,you can contact them directly through their website URL or donate some or all of your task payment here after we are done chatting,8,0,20180903-231131_77_live 17,That's great to hear,8,1,20180903-231131_77_live 18,and it's great to hear that you are willing to donate. cheers to you!,9,0,20180903-231131_77_live 19,Thanks so much!,9,1,20180903-231131_77_live 0,"Hey, have you heard about Save the Children?",0,0,20180903-235246_719_live 1,the charity right?,0,1,20180903-235246_719_live 2,"Yeah. Pretty much what they do is use donations from charitable, and caring citizens to help children around the world get on a better path to the future.",1,0,20180903-235246_719_live 3,Oh. Well I think that the donations that go there are supporting a good cause. Especially for hungry children without food and water,1,1,20180903-235246_719_live 4,"So true. On top of that, they have full financial disclosure of their donations. About 86% goes to program services for less-fortunate kids, and the 14% goes to Fundraising and Management (Personally, I'd like to the latter number go down in the future).",2,0,20180903-235246_719_live 5,Do you think too many people are donating to their charity? Why say that when they are being helped?,2,1,20180903-235246_719_live 6,"Not exactly. Just like any charity, they need to get money for operating costs, so not every single cent goes to the children unfortunatley. But 86% is a lot compared to other organizations.",3,0,20180903-235246_719_live 7,Ah i see. So like for administration. I just read an article saying that not all donations are going to the right children; specifically to the less unfortunate. Would you ever consider donating to them knowing these facts?,3,1,20180903-235246_719_live 8,"It depends to be honest. You've got to understand that the organization needs money to stay operating, or else they would fail and no children would be helped. Make sense?",4,0,20180903-235246_719_live 9,I understand that. I don't disagree with anything they do since children are being helped,4,1,20180903-235246_719_live 10,"That's true, have you donated to a charity before?",5,0,20180903-235246_719_live 11,no not that i remember of,5,1,20180903-235246_719_live 12,"I didn\'t before either, but recently I\'ve been giving little bits here and there when I can. I think of it like... ""What would make me happier? A $1 cup of coffee or using that $1 to help someone in need."" It truly is a rewarding experience.",6,0,20180903-235246_719_live 13,"hmm I'd love to donate if I was in a financially secure, but at the moment I don't think I can even spare a dollar. I do support all the donations going to the charity though.",6,1,20180903-235246_719_live 14,"Trust me, I understand haha. I'm in the same situation. But if you had the opportunity now to donate a $1 to Save the Children, you wouldn't? It'd be deducted from the task payment today. If that's too much even $0.50 will help out the children that really need. And hey, maybe someday those kids grow up to be some of the most generous, caring people in the world.",7,0,20180903-235246_719_live 15,If its from today I guess I wouldn't mind.,7,1,20180903-235246_719_live 16,"Yeah, it's kind of like money that's not in your pocket yet haha. So, to be fair, I'll let you decide the amount of today's payment (0-$2) that gets donated, since you'll be the one making a difference.",8,0,20180903-235246_719_live 17,"Yeah. I'll go ahead and go with $0.50. Every penny counts. In the future, I would like to donate much more, its one of the promises I've made to myself",8,1,20180903-235246_719_live 18,"That's awesome! We need more people like you. Would you like me to provide you with some more information about Save The Children (just the link)? That way, when we both have a little extra money, years and years in the future, we can hope to help out more children",9,0,20180903-235246_719_live 19,not a problem. I'd appreciate it.,9,1,20180903-235246_719_live 20," URL . Thank you again, and have a great day",10,0,20180903-235246_719_live 0,Hi! How are you today?,0,0,20180826-175233_4_live 1,I'm great. How about yourself?,0,1,20180826-175233_4_live 2,"I'm doing great, thanks. Do you donate at all?",1,0,20180826-175233_4_live 3,"I do donate sometimes, yes.",1,1,20180826-175233_4_live 4,"that's great, have you ever donated to save the children?",2,0,20180826-175233_4_live 5,"I have donated a couple of times; like for the St Jude's Hospital, red nose day and March of Dimes.I do what I can to give back.",2,1,20180826-175233_4_live 6,"That is really great. I know how hard it can be to give, but it's amazing how a small amount can make such a big difference",3,0,20180826-175233_4_live 7,"That is very true. If more people gave, even it's a small amount, it truly adds up and can make a difference. ",3,1,20180826-175233_4_live 8,You are very right. And the children are the ones who need it the most!,4,0,20180826-175233_4_live 9,"Absolutely, they are the future generation and it's imperative that they are nurtured and looked after.",4,1,20180826-175233_4_live 10,I completely agree! And save the children really focuses on ensuring the children get the money that is donated,5,0,20180826-175233_4_live 11,That's great. Could you tell me more about this charity?,5,1,20180826-175233_4_live 12,"It is an organization that helps children from all over the world, such as the millilns of syrian children living through war",6,0,20180826-175233_4_live 13,Sounds amazing. How are the proceeds distributed?,6,1,20180826-175233_4_live 14,they are credible and ensure the money they get goes to the children,7,0,20180826-175233_4_live 15,How would you go about donating to this cause?,7,1,20180826-175233_4_live 16,You can go to the website URL ,8,0,20180826-175233_4_live 17,"Awesome, I'll head over there right now and support it thank you.",8,1,20180826-175233_4_live 18,great! how much do uou want to donate today?,9,0,20180826-175233_4_live 19,I can donate a dollar for now since I don't have much right but I feel obligated to at least donate something.,9,1,20180826-175233_4_live 0,do you know Save the children?,0,0,20180826-175853_545_live 1,"No, I am not very familiar with that charity.",0,1,20180826-175853_545_live 2,Its very important.Provide health assistant for kids in need,1,0,20180826-175853_545_live 3,It sounds like a meaningful charity.,1,1,20180826-175853_545_live 4,It is.Every child must have health care and food to put in their bellies,2,0,20180826-175853_545_live 5,Is it world wide.,2,1,20180826-175853_545_live 6,Yes they are everywhere.I saw a kid die in my hands once.It was horrible,3,0,20180826-175853_545_live 7,"Wow, that is intense.",3,1,20180826-175853_545_live 8,THanks to Save the children.The number of death worlwide has been reduced,4,0,20180826-175853_545_live 9,"That is incredible, glad to here this charity exists.",4,1,20180826-175853_545_live 10,HAve much money do you waste on candy on a monthly basis?,5,0,20180826-175853_545_live 11,I don't eat candy.,5,1,20180826-175853_545_live 12,I am sure that you should be spending money in something you dont really need,6,0,20180826-175853_545_live 13,I am on a very tight budget.,6,1,20180826-175853_545_live 14,Can you donate something to the children today?,7,0,20180826-175853_545_live 15,I can donate .10 of my mturk earnings.,7,1,20180826-175853_545_live 16,Thats great news!!!.Children will be grateful,8,0,20180826-175853_545_live 17,That sounds great!,8,1,20180826-175853_545_live 18,The organization will make good use of your money,9,0,20180826-175853_545_live 19,I am so glad to hear that!,9,1,20180826-175853_545_live 0,Morning! Have you considered donating to Save the Children? It's a great organization and doesn't cost much to help a child in need.,0,0,20180826-044626_167_live 1,I have not. I am not sure I know what Save the Children is. ,0,1,20180826-044626_167_live 2,"It's an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries. It has done wonderful things and is a big part of many organizations employee giving drives.",1,0,20180826-044626_167_live 3,Oh cool. Do they help people here in the USA?,1,1,20180826-044626_167_live 4,"Right now they're concentrating at an international level. Did you know that in the first two months of 2018, over 1,000 children were reportedly killed or injured in Syria alone? They also appeal to stop hunger issues abroad.",2,0,20180826-044626_167_live 5,"Yes, I know about Syria. I know hunger is a big issue for a lot of people in other countries. Do they provide food for these people?",2,1,20180826-044626_167_live 6,"They provide whatever is needed. AND, in relation to the US, they are currently working on the Hurricane Lane situation in Hawaii. They are also big on sending girls to schools in other countries.",3,0,20180826-044626_167_live 7,Sounds like they do a lot of different things for people. ,3,1,20180826-044626_167_live 8,Yes. it's a great organization. You can find out more if you'd like. I can give you their website. How much would you be willing to donate?,4,0,20180826-044626_167_live 9,I am not sure yet. What is their website?,4,1,20180826-044626_167_live 10, URL Any amount of would be appreciated. They can do a lot of things with your donation.,5,0,20180826-044626_167_live 11,I will look at the website. Is the donation tax deductible? ,5,1,20180826-044626_167_live 12,"Depending on tax laws in your state, it is. You may need to check with your tax advisor. How about donating to sponsor a child in the US?",6,0,20180826-044626_167_live 13,Do I get anything for donating? ,6,1,20180826-044626_167_live 14,Other than the satisfaction of helping a child in need?! You will receive a photo with the child you sponsor and can correspond with them if you choose. How much would you like to donate?,7,0,20180826-044626_167_live 15,"The photo would be nice, it would let me know and connect with someone I am helping. How do I know my money goes to the cause and not just to the pockets of the people that run it.",7,1,20180826-044626_167_live 16,"This is a great organization with a very stellar reputation. There are FAQs on the website that can address all of those concerns, which I certainly can understand. How about a donation of $25 to start?",8,0,20180826-044626_167_live 17,How long has Save the Children been helping people all over the world?,8,1,20180826-044626_167_live 18,"It varies for different regions of the world. Would you be willing to start your donation today, while we're talking?",9,0,20180826-044626_167_live 19,yes I can donate. I don't have much. How about .25?,9,1,20180826-044626_167_live 20,"If you think $.25 will get a child fed, we can do that. However, I think $25 would be more beneficial and it would go to so many good causes.",10,0,20180826-044626_167_live 0,"Hi, can I interest you in making a donation to Save the Children?",0,0,20180826-013831_953_live 1,Sure,0,1,20180826-013831_953_live 2,Would you like some information about the charity first?,1,0,20180826-013831_953_live 3,"Yes, that would be helpful.",1,1,20180826-013831_953_live 4,It's an international organization that provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.,2,0,20180826-013831_953_live 5,That sounds like a worthwhile cause. ,2,1,20180826-013831_953_live 6,"Yes, and your donation would be essential in helping ensure children's rights to health, education, and safety.",3,0,20180826-013831_953_live 7,That sounds great. Are findings tax deductible?,3,1,20180826-013831_953_live 8,"Yes, donations to the charity are 100% tax deductible ",4,0,20180826-013831_953_live 9,"Col. Just out of curiosity, what developing countries does this charity focus on ?",4,1,20180826-013831_953_live 10,They help children across 120 countries. Africa appears to be the continent where the charity focuses on as it serves 32 million there. 17.5 million Asian children are also served by the charity.,5,0,20180826-013831_953_live 11,Wow. That is a huge impact.,5,1,20180826-013831_953_live 12,Yes. The charity also helps children in the US who are growing up in poverty.,6,0,20180826-013831_953_live 13,Outstanding. I see no reason not to help this charity.,6,1,20180826-013831_953_live 14,Great! Your donation will be deducted from your payment in this task. You can decide how much you want to donate.,7,0,20180826-013831_953_live 15,Great. What is my payment for this task?,7,1,20180826-013831_953_live 16,$2 I think,8,0,20180826-013831_953_live 17,Okay. I'll donate half of that. So $1.,8,1,20180826-013831_953_live 18,Awesome. The research team will collect the donation and send it to Save the Children.,9,0,20180826-013831_953_live 19,Super. Thank you.,9,1,20180826-013831_953_live 0,"Hi, how are you today?",0,0,20180826-073858_133_live 1,Great what about you? Do you donate to children's charities often?,0,1,20180826-073858_133_live 2,"Not bad, I donate all the time specifically to Save The Children, they are a great charity because 100% of the money donated is given to those children who need it most how about you?",1,0,20180826-073858_133_live 3,I have donated to them in the past. Do you donate through MTurk only?,1,1,20180826-073858_133_live 4,"Well, today all donations are directlt deducted from the Mturk task payment so would you be interested in donating today?",2,0,20180826-073858_133_live 5,"I would, I usually donate some portion of my winnings when it's a children's charity. They are the most vulnerable in society.",2,1,20180826-073858_133_live 6,"Oh, I know children did not ask to grow up in these coditions adults have let them down in so many ways",3,0,20180826-073858_133_live 7,"I know, it's also so sad the the more nutricious foods are always the most expensive. I donate to the NYC Food bank also. They help a lot of city kids.",3,1,20180826-073858_133_live 8,That's another great cause,4,0,20180826-073858_133_live 9,How much to you plan on donating today considering that we may get a bonus?,4,1,20180826-073858_133_live 10,Normally I donate about $1.00 how about you?,5,0,20180826-073858_133_live 11,I usually donate like I would in real life... like a quarter here and a quarter there.,5,1,20180826-073858_133_live 12,"well, every cent counts that's what I say or a penny saved is a penny earned either way it works out the same",6,0,20180826-073858_133_live 13,"Yes, and it all adds up at the end of the month especially when you're also struggling to make ends meet.",6,1,20180826-073858_133_live 14,"oh, yes definately, so do I have your commitment to a donation today?",7,0,20180826-073858_133_live 15,"Definitely, I will donate my $0.30. What about you?",7,1,20180826-073858_133_live 16,"yes, I was going to as soon as I saw the charity it was going to such a great cause",8,0,20180826-073858_133_live 17,"Oh, mine just says ""children\'s charity"" but does not mention any specifics. Either way its cool.",8,1,20180826-073858_133_live 18,I'm pretty sure its Save the Children because it says it on my side,9,0,20180826-073858_133_live 19,"Nope, mine doesn't maybe that was the point, to see if I would donate to just any charity. Still I always hope the money actually gets to them.",9,1,20180826-073858_133_live 20,It will through the researchers they promised,10,0,20180826-073858_133_live 0,How much would you like to the Save the Children foundation?,0,0,20180826-193546_146_live 1,tell me more,0,1,20180826-193546_146_live 2,"Well Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",1,0,20180826-193546_146_live 3,ok cool is there a website?,1,1,20180826-193546_146_live 4,Yes it is URL ,2,0,20180826-193546_146_live 5,ok will check it out,2,1,20180826-193546_146_live 6,So how much would you say that you would donate?,3,0,20180826-193546_146_live 7,what would you suggest?,3,1,20180826-193546_146_live 8,I suggest that you do $25 it would really help out a child,4,0,20180826-193546_146_live 9,ok $25 sounds ok ,4,1,20180826-193546_146_live 10,What you are doing is really good. Do you have questions?,5,0,20180826-193546_146_live 11,anything else i should know,5,1,20180826-193546_146_live 12,Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. ,6,0,20180826-193546_146_live 13,"ok cool, weve got a few more, any other charities",6,1,20180826-193546_146_live 14,No that is the only one,7,0,20180826-193546_146_live 15,ok so i will donate $25 to Breed the children right?,7,1,20180826-193546_146_live 16,No it is Save the Children,8,0,20180826-193546_146_live 17,ok got it. we have to chat so ask a question,8,1,20180826-193546_146_live 18,Would you donate againn in future?,9,0,20180826-193546_146_live 19,"no this one time is good, thanks",9,1,20180826-193546_146_live 0,"Hi, How are you today?",0,0,20180826-173836_197_live 1,"Hi! I'm great, how are you?",0,1,20180826-173836_197_live 2,I'm terrific! I wanted to talk to you today about a charity I am really involved in,1,0,20180826-173836_197_live 3,"Okay, please tell me about the charity.",1,1,20180826-173836_197_live 4,"This charity is called Save the Children and is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries. Do you ever donate to charity organizations?",2,0,20180826-173836_197_live 5,I almost never donate. Do you?,2,1,20180826-173836_197_live 6,I definitely do if I believe in the mission of the organization. This particular organization is helping the future of our world by ensuring that children's rights are protected all over ,3,0,20180826-173836_197_live 7,That sounds really great. I would be willing to donate to this organization.,3,1,20180826-173836_197_live 8,That's amazing! How much would you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation would be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount!,4,0,20180826-173836_197_live 9,I'd like to donate $0.50,4,1,20180826-173836_197_live 10,"That is fantastic, thank you! The researchers running this task will make sure that the organization receives your donation!",5,0,20180826-173836_197_live 11,Awesome! So how exactly does the organization ensure that children's rights are protected?,5,1,20180826-173836_197_live 12,"In the U.S. and around the world, they give children a healthy start in life, the opportunity to learn and protection from harm. When crisis strikes, they are always among the first to respond and the last to leave. We do whatever it takes to save children, transforming their lives and the future we share.",6,0,20180826-173836_197_live 13,"Wow, that is amazing. How long have you been involved?",6,1,20180826-173836_197_live 14,I've been involved with the organization for about a year now and have learned so much about their mission. They help children here at home and abroad,7,0,20180826-173836_197_live 15,And what do you do at the organization?,7,1,20180826-173836_197_live 16,"I help promote the organization by speaking to people just like you and helping to generate donations. Since the organization is not for profit, donations from individuals and organizations help them acheive their mission",8,0,20180826-173836_197_live 17,Good for you! I would definitely love to donate and get involved in any way I can.,8,1,20180826-173836_197_live 18,that is great! I would like to personally thank you for your donation today!,9,0,20180826-173836_197_live 19,No problem! Thank you! I will donate 50 cents,9,1,20180826-173836_197_live 0,HI.Do you know about Save the Childre organization?,0,0,20180826-070022_438_live 1,I've heard of them but other then that no not much how about you?,0,1,20180826-070022_438_live 2,I have.They help children in need,1,0,20180826-070022_438_live 3,"Well, that's a noble cause don't you think",1,1,20180826-070022_438_live 4,Of course.I have seen kids dying of hunger in those countries at war.It breaks my heart,2,0,20180826-070022_438_live 5,"I can imagine, that is horrible..... to not be able to eat, or drink, and worry about being sick all the time",2,1,20180826-070022_438_live 6,They are children.They did not ask fot this.,3,0,20180826-070022_438_live 7,"well, I can't imagine anyone would much less a child....",3,1,20180826-070022_438_live 8,How much money do you spend on candy?,4,0,20180826-070022_438_live 9,not much maybe a couple dollars every few months,4,1,20180826-070022_438_live 10,Well that can make a difference in a children life,5,0,20180826-070022_438_live 11,"I donate sometimes well, to other charities",5,1,20180826-070022_438_live 12,This one ensure that children get the money,6,0,20180826-070022_438_live 13,"That's always good, it's not good to donate somewhere that they don't give to what they're supposed to be donating to",6,1,20180826-070022_438_live 14,Of course not.Many children in war zones are struggling ,7,0,20180826-070022_438_live 15,"Horrible, I know..... war is like adults acting like children but worse because they know they're not showing regard to the people suffering",7,1,20180826-070022_438_live 16,Are you commit to the cause?,8,0,20180826-070022_438_live 17,Of course I'll donate something,8,1,20180826-070022_438_live 18,how much are you willing to donate today?,9,0,20180826-070022_438_live 19,I'll donate $0.05,9,1,20180826-070022_438_live 0,I think out of all charities saving the children is most important one as children make the future. Hope you agree,0,0,20180826-174957_757_live 1,I definitely agree,0,1,20180826-174957_757_live 2,this is good as you agree with opinion as everyone should do the same,1,0,20180826-174957_757_live 3,"Yes - providing funding for children is a top priority, whatever the need may be",1,1,20180826-174957_757_live 4,I usually put some money for this cause yearly,2,0,20180826-174957_757_live 5,What kind of children's charities do you think are the most important?,2,1,20180826-174957_757_live 6,I think children below the poverty line is most important,3,0,20180826-174957_757_live 7,"Yes - someone needs to be looking out for those children! I say, if you have enough than give to others",3,1,20180826-174957_757_live 8,basic education is very important to have a good future,4,0,20180826-174957_757_live 9,"Important to make sure their basic needs are met too -- food, clothing and shelter",4,1,20180826-174957_757_live 10,what is the good amout you think,5,0,20180826-174957_757_live 11,"It depends, should this be a monthly donation or annual?",5,1,20180826-174957_757_live 12,annually one time payment,6,0,20180826-174957_757_live 13,"Ok, sounds good. I think a range between $100 - $250 would be appropriate",6,1,20180826-174957_757_live 14,would you like to donate something from your task payment for this cause,7,0,20180826-174957_757_live 15,Not without knowing the exact organization,7,1,20180826-174957_757_live 16, URL Also I will donate the same amount whatever you decide,8,0,20180826-174957_757_live 17,I am unclear as to whether or not this is a real donation or just discussion for the sake of the task,8,1,20180826-174957_757_live 18,Whatever you want to donate from your task money,9,0,20180826-174957_757_live 19,I will donate 20 cents,9,1,20180826-174957_757_live 20,thanks will do the same,10,0,20180826-174957_757_live 0,hi! how are you today?,0,0,20180826-180631_700_live 1,Hello! I am good. How are you today?,0,1,20180826-180631_700_live 2,I am doing well thank you. Have you heard of save the children?,1,0,20180826-180631_700_live 3,I haven't. What is it all about? ,1,1,20180826-180631_700_live 4,It is an organization that helps raise money to help the children around the world,2,0,20180826-180631_700_live 5,I have a passion for children. That would be a charity I would donate too for sure.,2,1,20180826-180631_700_live 6,It is great. the children are our future and need the chance to have a full life,3,0,20180826-180631_700_live 7,I do agree 100% How would I go about finding this charity?,3,1,20180826-180631_700_live 8,they have a website at URL ,4,0,20180826-180631_700_live 9,Thank you very much. I will look into it for sure and make a donation.,4,1,20180826-180631_700_live 10,"You can also donate after we finish here, too!",5,0,20180826-180631_700_live 11,That is awesome. I will definitely be making the donation. ,5,1,20180826-180631_700_live 12,that's great! Do you ever volunteer?,6,0,20180826-180631_700_live 13,I do volunteer some. I also take in children that would other wise go without. ,6,1,20180826-180631_700_live 14,that is amazing! you are an excellent human being,7,0,20180826-180631_700_live 15,Thank you. Do you volunteer any where?,7,1,20180826-180631_700_live 16,"I work with chidlren of abuse. it's hard work, but they need help",8,0,20180826-180631_700_live 17,You are a wonderful person. Those children need your help.,8,1,20180826-180631_700_live 18,Well it was lovely chatting! how much will you donate today?,9,0,20180826-180631_700_live 19,I will donate half of my earnings. It was lovely chatting with you. Will you be donating?,9,1,20180826-180631_700_live 0,Hi. Would you consider donating to Save the Children?,0,0,20180826-064412_288_live 1,I might consider,0,1,20180826-064412_288_live 2,Okay that's a start. Well Save the Children is a very reputable organization and your donation would be used for a good purpose. ,1,0,20180826-064412_288_live 3,do you donate?,1,1,20180826-064412_288_live 4,"No, honestly I don't but I would feel like my money would go to a good cause if I were to ",2,0,20180826-064412_288_live 5,I appreciate your honesty,2,1,20180826-064412_288_live 6,"We could all do better, I suppose. These organizations only ask for a small amount that we may spend on coffee each day or snacks we don't need.",3,0,20180826-064412_288_live 7,"I hear you. I do believe in donations, but my only worry is that the money doesn't go to where I think it is going. I prefer to volunteer is I can",3,1,20180826-064412_288_live 8,"That's a good idea actually, that way you know for sure your efforts are helping.",4,0,20180826-064412_288_live 9,"But the places I do donate are often revolved around helping children, so this is a great organization",4,1,20180826-064412_288_live 10,It only takes pocket change for us to help out. ,5,0,20180826-064412_288_live 11,I agree. you never know who you could be helping,5,1,20180826-064412_288_live 12,Do your family or friends donate to such causes?,6,0,20180826-064412_288_live 13,We do. My mom is on the board for a few nonprofits that we attend fundraisers for. That is a great way to raise money,6,1,20180826-064412_288_live 14,Wow. Well you've seen charity first-hand.,7,0,20180826-064412_288_live 15,"Yes, I try to help as much as I can, but it's hard when you are broke",7,1,20180826-064412_288_live 16,"I definitely understand. Sometimes it's more a matter of convenience, too. It doesn't take much to save 30c a week or something.",8,0,20180826-064412_288_live 17,"that is true, but its hard to justify that 30c is going to make any difference",8,1,20180826-064412_288_live 18,"Well,in America, of course that's nothing. But in developing countries it could be huge.",9,0,20180826-064412_288_live 19,that is a very good point,9,1,20180826-064412_288_live 0,Hi! How are you doing today?,0,0,20180826-061846_932_live 1,Good how are you? ,0,1,20180826-061846_932_live 2,I'm pretty good. Have you ever heard of the Save the Children organization?,1,0,20180826-061846_932_live 3,I have heard of that organization. I have seen a lot of commercials on TV for it. ,1,1,20180826-061846_932_live 4,I hear you. That is when I first heard of it as well. I love the fact that it is a non-government organization that promotes children's rights and helps to provide the support in those developing countries.,2,0,20180826-061846_932_live 5,Agreed. Any organization who promotes rights for those who don't have the platform to speak up is a wonderful charity. ,2,1,20180826-061846_932_live 6,I guess now I am going to sound like the tv commercial but have you ever thought about donating to the organization? ,3,0,20180826-061846_932_live 7,I have thought about it in the past. ,3,1,20180826-061846_932_live 8,"I understand that. With all the organizations out there it is hard to tell a good one and a bad one. This organization helps to children with their rights to health, education, and even safety.",4,0,20180826-061846_932_live 9,"Yes it is hard to tell whose interests really lie in the movement they promote. I like to research organizations first to see if the money I give is really going to the cause, or if it is wasted by high overhead costs. ",4,1,20180826-061846_932_live 10,Yeah I totally understand that. I know the commercials are heart wrenching...seeing all those children suffer and hurting. It breaks my heart. ,5,0,20180826-061846_932_live 11,"Absolutely. It makes you look at your own children (if you have any) and think if that was them how would I cope? It's the reason I go to work everyday. To make sure that they have all that they need, and more than I ever had. ",5,1,20180826-061846_932_live 12,I completely understand that. I have a little girl and it only makes me want to do more and more for her. Did you know that you can donate a little to the charity today?,6,0,20180826-061846_932_live 13,I did not. ,6,1,20180826-061846_932_live 14,Oh gosh you totally can. Whatever you are making for your task payment you can choose to send so much of that to the Save the Children organization. You can choose whatever amount that you want.,7,0,20180826-061846_932_live 15,How do I do that? I would like to give 100% of the task payment. ,7,1,20180826-061846_932_live 16,After we are done talking they should ask you if you would like to donate some and you can enter in whatever amount you want. The research team gathers all the donations and send it all to Save the Children.,8,0,20180826-061846_932_live 17,Awesome. I will do that.,8,1,20180826-061846_932_live 18,"Oh gosh, that is so great of you. Even just a little helps them so very much. You are doing a wonderful thing but you and someone else. Now when you see those commercials you can feel good that you did something to help.",9,0,20180826-061846_932_live 19,"Yes, it will be nice to know that I was able to give to them. ",9,1,20180826-061846_932_live 20,"Well I hope you have a wonderful day and on behalf of the charity and the children it is going to, thanks for your help.",10,0,20180826-061846_932_live 0,"HI, have you ever heard of Save The Children?",0,0,20180826-174459_637_live 1,"I haven't, is that a charity?",0,1,20180826-174459_637_live 2,It is and a very reputable one. Have you ever donated to one before?,1,0,20180826-174459_637_live 3,I've donated to a few in the past,1,1,20180826-174459_637_live 4,"Maybe I can get to do it again, Save the Children is international and non-governmental. Would you be interested in donating?",2,0,20180826-174459_637_live 5,"Possibly, do they have a website?",2,1,20180826-174459_637_live 6,"They do, it's URL by donating you are helping children and their families. How much can I count on you for?",3,0,20180826-174459_637_live 7,"I really can't do much, but I'd be glad to put down a dollar",3,1,20180826-174459_637_live 8,"Thanks for your dollar, the research team will collect all donations and send it to Save the Children. Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment, would you like to give more?",4,0,20180826-174459_637_live 9,"For now, I'm happy with my current donation but maybe another time",4,1,20180826-174459_637_live 10,"Thanks for the donation, do you know how to submit this task?",5,0,20180826-174459_637_live 11,I think we each have to exchange 10 messages before I can do that,5,1,20180826-174459_637_live 12,"please check out the website for more info, maybe you will donate more",6,0,20180826-174459_637_live 13,Is ther any other charities you're fond of?,6,1,20180826-174459_637_live 14,"Just Save The Children, like being part of the solution. Have you thought about donating to something else?",7,0,20180826-174459_637_live 15,"World Wildlife Fund: WWF, I like to support animals too if I can",7,1,20180826-174459_637_live 16,"what's the website, might look it up",8,0,20180826-174459_637_live 17,You can find it at URL ,8,1,20180826-174459_637_live 18,"Thanks i will, i think thats 10 too",9,0,20180826-174459_637_live 19,"Awesome, good chat!",9,1,20180826-174459_637_live 0,Hi there! I am looking for donations for the Save the children's Foundation? Could I interest you in that?,0,0,20180826-073320_803_live 1,I would perhaps be interested can you tell me more a bout it,0,1,20180826-073320_803_live 2,"It is a charity that helps hungry children in need. It is a international, non governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides releif and support children in developing countries.",1,0,20180826-073320_803_live 3,"That sounds great, What countries do they help children in?",1,1,20180826-073320_803_live 4,There's quite a few! It's international. Even the smallest donation would make a difference to a child in need.,2,0,20180826-073320_803_live 5,Ok I would like to see if I can help. I love children.,2,1,20180826-073320_803_live 6,That's great! They are the future you know... alot of the children are in war zones and facing daily threats of violence.,3,0,20180826-073320_803_live 7,Of course nothing gets me more angry then seeing a child warrior soldier. Will we also be helping children soliders?,3,1,20180826-073320_803_live 8,"There are no children soliders, only children that need help in some way with food, resources, emergency response, etc. This program has saves a great deal of lives. It has brought families together and gave hope to a new life.",4,0,20180826-073320_803_live 9,Ok thats great. Do they need clothes as well? ,4,1,20180826-073320_803_live 10,"Yes! Alot of the proceeds go towards garments, shoes, and other things for the children. Some of them are basically naked and have nothing. Others have no shoes. It's really sad, but that's why there are programs out here like us to step in and provide help.",5,0,20180826-073320_803_live 11,Ok well I know it is important for them to have basic needs. I hope the money donated goes directly to them and not in the pockets of those running the organization. Are you certain that the money will be used the right way? ,5,1,20180826-073320_803_live 12,86.5% of it goes towards support program services. And it is also tax deductible,6,0,20180826-073320_803_live 13,That sounds like a good percentage and Im glad it will give me a tax break as well. How do you receive payments? credit card? cash?,6,1,20180826-073320_803_live 14,"You can donate stock or mutual funds, you can mail it in to a designated address, you can make a payment online with a debit or credit card, PayPal is also an option, there are a ton of ways to get it done!",7,0,20180826-073320_803_live 15,Wow that is a lot of options. What would you say is the amount of a the common donation that someone like myself would donate. I am ready to donate today and would like to know an acceptable donation. ,7,1,20180826-073320_803_live 16,"Anything is acceptable! Whatever you feel comfortable! Just keep in mind that the children out here need you! I would suggest $20 a month if you can! If not, whatever you can spare.",8,0,20180826-073320_803_live 17,Ok I would like to donate the $20 a month but I would like to hook it up to a credit card that is automatically deducted,8,1,20180826-073320_803_live 18,That's totally fine! Please visit us at URL to read more and make your first donation!,9,0,20180826-073320_803_live 19,"Ok, thank you so much for your help. You have made this a good learning experience and I feel confident in my donation to Save The Children. ",9,1,20180826-073320_803_live 0,Do you know about Save the Children?,0,0,20180826-061949_863_live 1,I have not heard of this charity before! Have you?,0,1,20180826-061949_863_live 2,I have.I actually a monthly donor,1,0,20180826-061949_863_live 3,That's great! Would you mind explaining what the charity does?,1,1,20180826-061949_863_live 4,The charity collects donation from people like you and me and help children in need,2,0,20180826-061949_863_live 5,Sounds like quite the worthy cause. Are the children in need all across the world? Or just the United States?,2,1,20180826-061949_863_live 6,all over the world.I saw a children died from hunger and it tears my heart apart.I decide to be part of the solution since then,3,0,20180826-061949_863_live 7,"Wow, that is extremely sad. It is extremely unfortunate that child hunger is so prevalent in this world. ",3,1,20180826-061949_863_live 8,"Save the Children organization is a blessing to the world.They have been helping children,finding houses and food.",4,0,20180826-061949_863_live 9,It really sounds like a blessing! What is their website? I'd like to learn more information.,4,1,20180826-061949_863_live 10, URL Specially in countries at war children are helpless.,5,0,20180826-061949_863_live 11,"Great, thank you! Is there a monetary goal set for the year?",5,1,20180826-061949_863_live 12,NO.It is not.You can donate as much as you want,6,0,20180826-061949_863_live 13,That is amazing. ,6,1,20180826-061949_863_live 14,How much money do you spend on candies that can be helping children in need?,7,0,20180826-061949_863_live 15,"I do not purchase candy too often; however, I could definitely sacrifice a Starbucks Coffee to help children in need.",7,1,20180826-061949_863_live 16,Please do that.Children need your help,8,0,20180826-061949_863_live 17,"Yes, most definitely. Thanks for making me aware of this charity!",8,1,20180826-061949_863_live 18,How much do you like to donate today?,9,0,20180826-061949_863_live 19,I'll look into the website and likely donate $5.,9,1,20180826-061949_863_live 0,hi..I;m mike,0,0,20180826-063853_537_live 1,Hello Mike I am Pete,0,1,20180826-063853_537_live 2,"hi..pete, hows your life",1,0,20180826-063853_537_live 3,My life is awesome and your?,1,1,20180826-063853_537_live 4,"it's great,I can't complain",2,0,20180826-063853_537_live 5,What do you do for a living?,2,1,20180826-063853_537_live 6,I day trade stocks and try to help children organizations like save the children...have you ever heard of that organization before?,3,0,20180826-063853_537_live 7,I have heard about it but I do not know wgat they do,3,1,20180826-063853_537_live 8,they help children that is in need of support and a healthy life change.,4,0,20180826-063853_537_live 9,Thats an awesome labor,4,1,20180826-063853_537_live 10,I would like to ask if you would like to help by donating what you make from this task to the organization which will be a great help...what you think?,5,0,20180826-063853_537_live 11,I think children need help.,5,1,20180826-063853_537_live 12,so would you donate your earns from this task??,6,0,20180826-063853_537_live 13,I will gladly .Are donating as well?,6,1,20180826-063853_537_live 14,I would love too...thank you for your support ,7,0,20180826-063853_537_live 15,You are welcome.Children are the futere,7,1,20180826-063853_537_live 16,yes they are..where are you from??,8,0,20180826-063853_537_live 17,I am from USA.What about you?,8,1,20180826-063853_537_live 18,"I'm from use too,new york",9,0,20180826-063853_537_live 19,Wow .Does Save the children has the offices there?,9,1,20180826-063853_537_live 0,"Good Morning, Have you heard at the charity Save the CHildren ?",0,0,20180826-021724_326_live 1,Yes I have. It is a wonderful charity. ,0,1,20180826-021724_326_live 2,"Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",1,0,20180826-021724_326_live 3,That is amazing. Tell me more. ,1,1,20180826-021724_326_live 4,"When you figure the time we spend on buying unnecessary things like candy, car washes, or dining out, we can support these children in developing countries !",2,0,20180826-021724_326_live 5,I would like to help. What would you consider an acceptable contribution?,2,1,20180826-021724_326_live 6,I would like to think of supporting a child by $1 a day or $30 a month. $1 a day can be used in meaningful ways to help these children,3,0,20180826-021724_326_live 7,I think I can definitely afford $1 a day. ,3,1,20180826-021724_326_live 8,"Your $1 a day will help their essential needs like health, education safety and clothing. Just the essentials can make a child lead a more fulfilled and loving life",4,0,20180826-021724_326_live 9,Where do I sign up?,4,1,20180826-021724_326_live 10,"Being able to support a child is a moral thing to do. I believe u would make a tangible impact on these children. You can sign up at : URL However, before you do, I'd like to tell you a bit more",5,0,20180826-021724_326_live 11,"Yes, I would like to hear more. I love helping where I can. Those less fortunate deserve better. ",5,1,20180826-021724_326_live 12,These children die from hunger daily. Your donation is making an impact on the children and their families,6,0,20180826-021724_326_live 13,"Do you donate to this cause as well? If so, how much do you give?",6,1,20180826-021724_326_live 14,I do ! I give $30 a month Save the children is international and helps children in all nations ,7,0,20180826-021724_326_live 15,I think you are a wonderful person. Thank you so much for telling me about this. ,7,1,20180826-021724_326_live 16,Your donation is part of the solution and you realize how it is a morally responsibility obligation . I admire that !,8,0,20180826-021724_326_live 17,"I will give a dollar a day, I'm sure I won't even notice the money missing and I'll know that I am helping out. ",8,1,20180826-021724_326_live 18,Thank you for the compliment and your generous donation !,9,0,20180826-021724_326_live 19,Thank you for the lovely chat and educational information. You've been great. ,9,1,20180826-021724_326_live 0,How do you feel about childrens charities? Do you feel like they do good work and are important to society?,0,0,20180826-220528_999_live 1,"I believe that childrens charity is very much needed in society. We see children going through difficult times including things like cancer and several other illnesses that are life-threatening. I do have a soft spot for children. As a parent of one, I woudn't want to see my child go through many of the hardships that children of very young age would go through. I think it's crucial to tell whether these charities are in fact going towards children in need. Parents who don't have the necessary financial support to provide their children with the care they need.",0,1,20180826-220528_999_live 2,I totally agree - I have a young child and when I see images of children starving or suffering it really makes me want to help out however I can. I can't imagine living in a place where I had to worry about my child dying from hunger or human rights abuses. I think the work that charities can do is so important. Especially when it is a legitimate charity that is dedicated to doing better. Have you heard about the charity Save the children?,1,0,20180826-220528_999_live 3,"yes I have. In fact, I've recently did some research on this charity and found so many community events that help children in general. Whether it'd be for back-to-school supplies or changing the lives of bright children. One of the things that really touch my heart is preventing malnutrition. Millions of children die each year due to poor health and so having a nutrition program, ensure's that children will grow up healthy.",1,1,20180826-220528_999_live 4,"It is always shocking to me how far charities can make money go to help enrich the lives of children. You would not think that something as simple as skipping a cup of morning coffee to donate to a charity would be able to make such a huge impact in the life of a child, but it really does. I think that if more people realized how giving up a little in our lives could save the life of a child that more people would participate in charity. Do you think that is true?",2,0,20180826-220528_999_live 5,"I believe it could be true. However, I think a lot of people would question whether these charities are legitimate. One thing that people would look upon is proof of legitimacy. If they can see for themselves and or participate in some kind of a charity event, then they would want to contribute to this.",2,1,20180826-220528_999_live 6,I agree. It is so important to do your research when deciding to support a charity. It is sad that there are charities that pop up that end up using more of the funds for their own needs rather than a legitimate one like Save the children that has verifiable credentials and obvious international impact. Do you think charities should be more transparent about how they will be using the funds?,3,0,20180826-220528_999_live 7,"Personally, transparency is especially vital. When you become so passionate about something like this, you would want the world to become more involved in this passion of yours. In turn, they would have an idea of the tribulations that others go through, as well as, becoming more sympathetic towards society in general. If you have nothing to hide then this would not be a problem. ",3,1,20180826-220528_999_live 8,I agree. I prefer to know that the donation I am making big or small is actually going to be going to a trustable fund. Do you think that people who have the ability to help have a moral obligation to do so? ,4,0,20180826-220528_999_live 9,"Honestly, it should be a choice. I don't think of it as a moral obligation, necessarily. However, I think people should open their eyes to things like this because if they really look at the big picture and find that it could possibly affect their lives in the future then they should be more involved and play a role in helping others.",4,1,20180826-220528_999_live 10,I think looking at the big picture is a good way to see it. I believe that most people would make a choice to help with what they could without any sense of guilt or obligation. I think most people would help just to help. Do you think people are fundamentally eager to help with what they can like that? ,5,0,20180826-220528_999_live 11,"I think so. Depending on their financial standpoint, I think people would contribute to a charity like this if they have the funds to do so. If they don't, it's completely understandable. In many places, living expenses are very expensive so they may or may not be able to. However, every cent counts. It wouldn't matter how big or how small the donation is. It's all about giving.",5,1,20180826-220528_999_live 12,"I think that would be a more effective message sometimes. Some people may think that they need to be wealthy in order to contribute, that their $5 donation could not possibly do anything to help. Do you think people would be more likely to donate if they say the impact very small donations could have? Or do you think that people would feel like microdonations would not be effective no matter what?",6,0,20180826-220528_999_live 13,"Those are very good questions. It depends on the way they see it. Those who believe in the gift of giving and are generous regardless of the price then a small donation could count as much as a $100 donation could. Nonetheless, if your views are small and you only look at these donations at a high price, then small donations wouldn't count for anything. Overall, I feel any donation is acceptable and could count towards a good meal for a child. ",6,1,20180826-220528_999_live 14,"I think a lot of people who do not have an extra $100 would still be willing to donate a small amount to a charity like save the children, if they had an easy way to do it. At the grocery store sometimes they will ask if I want to round up to the nearest dollar amount and donate that increase in change to charity. Do you think most people say yes to this? Or they would usually say maybe next time",7,0,20180826-220528_999_live 15,"Personally, I always round it up to the nearest dollar for any charity I feel connected to. I have seen a lot of people do the same. I think some people will say ""maybe next time"" if they aren\'t paying attention when the cashier asked them this question and/or they don\'t have the funds to do so. When I really think about it, people will carry the right amount of change just to buy one item that they initially came to the store to buy. ",7,1,20180826-220528_999_live 16,This chat allows you to donate some of your task payment to Save the children. The research team collects all the donations people elect to give and send them to save the children to help support the work that they do globally. Do you think that you would elect to give some of your task payment?,8,0,20180826-220528_999_live 17,Yes I would. I'm in the process of racking up as much money as I can and donating part of that to Save the children. ,8,1,20180826-220528_999_live 18,"That is amazing. To be honest, I have really enjoyed your opinions on charitable giving like this. How much of your task payment do you want to donate now? You can choose any amount from $0 to all",9,0,20180826-220528_999_live 19,I can do 0.30 cents at the moment. ,9,1,20180826-220528_999_live 0,"hello, do you know about the charity save the children?",0,0,20180826-175705_624_live 1,"Hi. No, I have not heard about that charity.",0,1,20180826-175705_624_live 2,do you want some info?,1,0,20180826-175705_624_live 3,"Yes, I would love some information.",1,1,20180826-175705_624_live 4,save the children is a non-profit organization that help the children all around the world.,2,0,20180826-175705_624_live 5,How do they help the children?,2,1,20180826-175705_624_live 6,"they collect charities and help the children by schooling them , feeding them, curing them.",3,0,20180826-175705_624_live 7,That sounds great. How can I get involved?,3,1,20180826-175705_624_live 8,"you can help by being part of us, do you want to help?",4,0,20180826-175705_624_live 9,I would really like to help.,4,1,20180826-175705_624_live 10,"cool, you just have to agree to give some amount of your bonus, you can give how much you want. re you interested?",5,0,20180826-175705_624_live 11,"Yes, I'm interested. I can give $0.60 cents.",5,1,20180826-175705_624_live 12,"cool, you are a very kind person, you know that you can help a child being feed today?",6,0,20180826-175705_624_live 13,Really? Does the charity feed the children in the USA or abroad?,6,1,20180826-175705_624_live 14,"they feed the children where is a child in difficulties , they now are helpin Hawaii with the hurricane ",7,0,20180826-175705_624_live 15,That is amazing. Is there any other way to get involved besides donating?,7,1,20180826-175705_624_live 16,"for the moment donating is good, but if you really are interested you can apply for a job in our organization. ",8,0,20180826-175705_624_live 17,"Okay, I will think about it. What do you do in the organization?",8,1,20180826-175705_624_live 18,"i help with everything they say to me, now im helping finding people donating, thank you for the donation today, god bless you.",9,0,20180826-175705_624_live 19,Thank you very much. I will happily donate 60 cents.,9,1,20180826-175705_624_live 0,Good Morning! How are you today?,0,0,20180826-054028_444_live 1,I am good. It's really nice outside where I am so I am sitting outdoors. How are you,0,1,20180826-054028_444_live 2,"Oh, that sounds nice. I am well. It looks nice here today as well. What are your plans today?",1,0,20180826-054028_444_live 3,"I have to go to work at 11:30-6. But its ok, I work every Sunday. So we are supposed to chat about a children's charity. What are your feelings? ",1,1,20180826-054028_444_live 4,"Yes, I was just reading about the charity myself. I was going to make a plea and ask if you would be willing to donate to Save the Children. It helps kids in need. I would hate to think a child would die with no food when I could ask people to help. Can you donate part of today's pay? Even a bit?",2,0,20180826-054028_444_live 5,It's so sad to me that anyone should go without food in our modern world. So I would definitely be willing to help. ,2,1,20180826-054028_444_live 6,"Yes, I agree, it is sad. That is great that you can help! How much of today's pay can you give? Also, please include the $ sign with your pledge. Thank you!",3,0,20180826-054028_444_live 7,I think the bonus of today is 2 dollars so maybe if we both give half of it? That is at least something. I only wish that our Government would help the poor more than they do. What do you think? ,3,1,20180826-054028_444_live 8,"I would love to help as well. Can you pledge with the $ sign in your next reply. Also, I agree, the gov't should do more. And thanks for asking me too.",4,0,20180826-054028_444_live 9,So lets agree we both can give $1 of of bonus. ,4,1,20180826-054028_444_live 10,I would say that is a wonderful idea. If you are willing to give then I will too!,5,0,20180826-054028_444_live 11,Nice!!! It's not a huge amount but unfortunately I have expenses and 2 kids of my own to support. Do you have kids? ,5,1,20180826-054028_444_live 12,"Yes, I do. I could not imagine having to watch any child suffer, much less my own. Have you visited the Save the Children website?",6,0,20180826-054028_444_live 13,I have not visited the site but I have heard of them before. I am one of those people who cant watch the commercials of the suffering kids or pets. It really upsets me ,6,1,20180826-054028_444_live 14,I looked at the site. Have you heard about the recent storms/flooding in Hawaii?,7,0,20180826-054028_444_live 15,A little bit but not much. I have been following politics and things are going crazy. I am hoping that things will change soon. ,7,1,20180826-054028_444_live 16,"Well, it looks like the STC is already to help the children there. I am amazed by their swift response. Isn't it really great!",8,0,20180826-054028_444_live 17,That is great that they are there helping. Maybe they learned something from the mess in Puerto Rico. The conditions there were really bad but the US gov really dropped the ball on helping. ,8,1,20180826-054028_444_live 18,"Yes, I am sure that is it. I have to thank you again for your $1 donation. It will go to great use I am sure. Do you have any questions about the charity?",9,0,20180826-054028_444_live 19,Not really. I truly believe that most charities are so needed in these times when the governments and the corporations aren't being super charitable. I do like to look and see what the overhead is of the charities to see that the CEO¡±s aren't being overpaid ,9,1,20180826-054028_444_live 0,Hi! How are you toad?,0,0,20180826-062755_702_live 1,I'm good how about you?,0,1,20180826-062755_702_live 2,I am well. How is the weather by you?,1,0,20180826-062755_702_live 3,"Hot, and well, I think the sun is coming around",1,1,20180826-062755_702_live 4,"Yes, it looks like today is going to be warm here as well. What are your plans for today?",2,0,20180826-062755_702_live 5,"Mostly working on surveys, so how do you feel about children's charities?",2,1,20180826-062755_702_live 6,I was going to ask you the same. Have you heard of Save th Children and the work they do?,3,0,20180826-062755_702_live 7,"Yeah, I think mostly everyone has, I think charities are mostly good but I don't know that they always accomplis all they could well, with expenses and all",3,1,20180826-062755_702_live 8,"Well, STC is a great one! They help a vast amount of kids. You have a chance to help today by donating even a small amount of your pay. As little as $0.05 would be of great help or how much ever you would like to donate from this bonus. Are you able to lend a helping bit?",4,0,20180826-062755_702_live 9,"sure, I'll donate $0.05..... ",4,1,20180826-062755_702_live 10,I am so glas! Thank you. Have you heard about the storms/flooding in Hawaii?,5,0,20180826-062755_702_live 11,"yeah, horrible huh? My uncle used to be located there but he's moved since",5,1,20180826-062755_702_live 12,"Yes, very bad. But the good news is that STC is already ready to help out! Have you ever been on their website?",6,0,20180826-062755_702_live 13,"no, can't say I've been",6,1,20180826-062755_702_live 14,I went on and looked around. They are helping so many that otherwise would be starving. Do you have kids in your family/extended family?,7,0,20180826-062755_702_live 15,"I don't personally I have a niece, and lots of cousins",7,1,20180826-062755_702_live 16,"I have kids and a few nieces and nephews, and lots of cousins too!. It would really break my heart to see them suffer. So, I never did ask, what are your plans for the day?",8,0,20180826-062755_702_live 17,Mostly working on surveys,8,1,20180826-062755_702_live 18,"Oh, that is something for me too. So, just to confirm, I can count on you for a donation of $0.05, right?",9,0,20180826-062755_702_live 19,"yes, I can do that..... ",9,1,20180826-062755_702_live 0,Hi! How are you today?,0,0,20180826-062039_2_live 1,Good how is thee?,0,1,20180826-062039_2_live 2,"I am doing pretty well, thank you. Do you donate often?",1,0,20180826-062039_2_live 3,I do not.,1,1,20180826-062039_2_live 4,Would you be interested in hearing about save the children? maybe I can change your mind today,2,0,20180826-062039_2_live 5,No I do not like children.,2,1,20180826-062039_2_live 6,well I am sorry to hear that. But what if a child you help ends up growing up to save all the worlds problems?!,3,0,20180826-062039_2_live 7,"No, children are satans spawn. ",3,1,20180826-062039_2_live 8,"But we need children to continue reproducing, or us as a species will perish",4,0,20180826-062039_2_live 9,Wrong. Children should at best be mass deployed to sweat shops to make sneakers I like. ,4,1,20180826-062039_2_live 10,Is there a charity that you do donate to?,5,0,20180826-062039_2_live 11,"Yes, if it involved subjecting children to extremely long hour work weeks, terrible work conditions, and hepatitis.",5,1,20180826-062039_2_live 12,"well i am sorry to hear you feel that way. Is it truly how you feel, or are you acting silly for this conversation",6,0,20180826-062039_2_live 13,This is how I feel. God made contraception for a reason.,6,1,20180826-062039_2_live 14,How do you expect the world to continue growing?,7,0,20180826-062039_2_live 15,"In a single word, robots. Robots are the answer.",7,1,20180826-062039_2_live 16,What about donating to robot children of save the children?,8,0,20180826-062039_2_live 17,"If they were robot children, I stick to my earlier sentiment. They should be rounded up and gently placed in a landfill.",8,1,20180826-062039_2_live 18,well i am sorry I couldn't pursuade you today,9,0,20180826-062039_2_live 19,"Its fine, maybe youre a child? I know of a local sweat shop that is hiring highly skilled child labor, any interest?",9,1,20180826-062039_2_live 0,Hi have you ever done a task like this before?,0,0,20180826-181903_395_live 1,What is the best organizations and charities for children?,0,1,20180826-181903_395_live 2,"Well I really like Save the Children. It's international and nongovernmental, plus it helps many children and their families. Have you heeard of it?",1,0,20180826-181903_395_live 3,"I think I have heard of it. Children really need people to help them. Oh, in answer to your first question I have not done a task like this before.",1,1,20180826-181903_395_live 4,Yes children really need your help. There are children in war zones and under developed countries just begging for help. Would you like to offer some help?,2,0,20180826-181903_395_live 5,I would if I could. I would like to go to some of the countries and help in person too. ,2,1,20180826-181903_395_live 6,That would be great. Would you like to donate today?,3,0,20180826-181903_395_live 7,I wouldb but I don't have any money right now.,3,1,20180826-181903_395_live 8,Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose from $0 to all your payment. How much would you like to donate?,4,0,20180826-181903_395_live 9,I could donate 10 cents. I wish I could more but I am trying to pay my bills with what I make here.,4,1,20180826-181903_395_live 10,"The children will thank you, do you think you can do a little more?",5,0,20180826-181903_395_live 11,I could give 5 more cents but that is all for now. ,5,1,20180826-181903_395_live 12,"So you are donating $0.15, correct?",6,0,20180826-181903_395_live 13,"Yes, and I am sure they will appreciate and need it.",6,1,20180826-181903_395_live 14,"Yes they will. Thanks, have you ben to their site yet? URL ",7,0,20180826-181903_395_live 15,I just went there. They have a lot of information there.,7,1,20180826-181903_395_live 16,"Thanks for your donation. The research team will collect all donations and send it to Save the Children."" Aren\'t you glad you helped today?",8,0,20180826-181903_395_live 17,Yes. Some of them are in school too. They could use some of that money for school supplies.,8,1,20180826-181903_395_live 18,"Yes they can, thanks again",9,0,20180826-181903_395_live 19,You are welcome. I might go back to the website to learn more.,9,1,20180826-181903_395_live 0,hii,0,0,20180826-181717_640_live 1,Hello how are you?,0,1,20180826-181717_640_live 2,good are you going to make a donation,1,0,20180826-181717_640_live 3,I am definitely thinking about it! How about you?,1,1,20180826-181717_640_live 4,I am I'm going to donate 5 dollars,2,0,20180826-181717_640_live 5,5 dollars is a good amount! How much time do you think 5 dollars would be if I wanted to donate time?,2,1,20180826-181717_640_live 6,I'm not to sure honestly,3,0,20180826-181717_640_live 7,What would you ballpark?,3,1,20180826-181717_640_live 8,I don't understand,4,0,20180826-181717_640_live 9,Could you take a guess on how much t ime,4,1,20180826-181717_640_live 10,maybe 2 hour's,5,0,20180826-181717_640_live 11,2 hours would be good. I will donate two hours of my time then.,5,1,20180826-181717_640_live 12,that's a great idea,6,0,20180826-181717_640_live 13,What charity are you going to donate to?,6,1,20180826-181717_640_live 14,save the children,7,0,20180826-181717_640_live 15,save the children is a great one!,7,1,20180826-181717_640_live 16,yeah and you,8,0,20180826-181717_640_live 17,I would like to find one that has a focus on childhood cancer,8,1,20180826-181717_640_live 18,that's really good,9,0,20180826-181717_640_live 19,Thank you! Just want to keep the children healthy and safe,9,1,20180826-181717_640_live 0,Hello! What if i told you that you have the opportunity of a lifetime to make a change in the world? Would you take it?,0,0,20180826-020520_686_live 1,i will like to know about the opportunity first ,0,1,20180826-020520_686_live 2,"Well, the opportunity would be able to help fight world hunger by donating to Save the Children. Would you do it now?",1,0,20180826-020520_686_live 3,"powerful people cause war and war cause hunger, and we average people sit on our chair try to donate some money to the poor ",1,1,20180826-020520_686_live 4,It benefits every where not just war torn countries,2,0,20180826-020520_686_live 5,i get that. ,2,1,20180826-020520_686_live 6,The best part is knowing that you can help make a change in a person's life who is currently unable to financially,3,0,20180826-020520_686_live 7,yeah i know how donation works. I have 300000 immigrants in my country. we helping a person to better their life this is what we humans do ,3,1,20180826-020520_686_live 8,"Actually, it is a lot more than that because the ""true"" Americans are the Native Indians. Everyone else came from Europe or Africa",4,0,20180826-020520_686_live 9,where do you came from?,4,1,20180826-020520_686_live 10,So in hindsight we are all immigrants who need a little charity from time to time.,5,0,20180826-020520_686_live 11,charity is a bad for that. ,5,1,20180826-020520_686_live 12,Have you ever made a donation that you have been proud to be a part of?,6,0,20180826-020520_686_live 13,yeah i did. but it never reached to the people i heard so far,6,1,20180826-020520_686_live 14,"Well, if you make a donation to Save the Children i can gaurantee that you will know where it goes. Would you donate then?",7,0,20180826-020520_686_live 15,maybe i will do,7,1,20180826-020520_686_live 16,That's great to hear. What amount were you thinking of donating? It can be as much as you want.,8,0,20180826-020520_686_live 17,have you ever done any donation to this charity?,8,1,20180826-020520_686_live 18,"I sure have, that is why i can cofidently say that now only will your money be going where you want it to but it will be put to good use when it gets there.",9,0,20180826-020520_686_live 19,yes i sure will do donate. after i die i will donate my all..,9,1,20180826-020520_686_live 20,How much would you like to donate today?,10,0,20180826-020520_686_live 0,Hi. How are you?,0,0,20180826-180314_928_live 1,"Hello, I'm fine. How are you?",0,1,20180826-180314_928_live 2,"I'm doing well. Thanks. Have you been using MTurk long? I've only just started in the last few days and I love it. It's pretty easy money most of the time. I'm Tommy, by the way.",1,0,20180826-180314_928_live 3,Hi Tommy I'm Cassidy. I've been using mTurk on and off for about half a year but the past month I've really commmited to doing tasks everyday. It's great to earn extra money here and there. I'm glad you're enjoying it. ,1,1,20180826-180314_928_live 4,"Well thanks, Cassidy. It definitely seems like a fun way to make some extra money. I feel like sometimes people don't understand how even just a few dollars can make a difference in people's lives. For example, I like to give a little money to charity each month. And you'd be surprised how far even just a little bit of money goes in some impoverished countries. How about you, Cassidy? Do you like giving to charities? ",2,0,20180826-180314_928_live 5,"I do enjoy donating to charities. I don't usually have a ton of extra money so it's not an every month kind of thing for me but I try to give at least once a year. And when I can't give monetarily donate food, my time, and go to blood drives on my university",2,1,20180826-180314_928_live 6,"Aww, that's really considerate of you. I have two sponsored kids myself, one from Ghana and one from Mexico and they send me letters every month. Cassidy, you'd be surprised how emotionally attached I am to them and I have never even met them. I send them 20 dollars on their birthdays and then they send me pics of what they bought. It's really sweet. Then there is another charity I like a lot which allows for really small donations. Have you heard of Save the Children?",3,0,20180826-180314_928_live 7,"No, I haven't heard of Save the Children. And its awesome that you help out those kids in need",3,1,20180826-180314_928_live 8,"The thing is, Cassidy, is that I don't have any of my own right now, so it kind of fills a need, you know? I like Save the Children because they rank towards the top of reputable charities on the ranking sites. The other thing is that they allow for small donations which have a big impact in countries like Syria where the local currency has dropped so considerably. It's really really sad what's going on over there. Anyways, even 50 cents goes a long way you know?",4,0,20180826-180314_928_live 9,"Yeah, 50 cents isn't too bad. Maybe I'll consider donating to them",4,1,20180826-180314_928_live 10,"Well, personally, I've made about 8 dollars already here today, so I'm going to donate the 30 cents from this HIT to them. Did you know that there is an option to do that for this HIT?",5,0,20180826-180314_928_live 11,"No, I didn't know but thank you for telling me! I think I might donate mine too!",5,1,20180826-180314_928_live 12,"I say we do it together! See, Cassidy, no single one of us can fix all the problems in this world. There is too much suffering, too many children growing up in poverty and trauma. But together, if we stick together, if we put our money together, you'd be surprised how much we can change in this world. How many lives we can help. What do you say, Cassidy, do you want to join me today in helping these kids?",6,0,20180826-180314_928_live 13,"Yes I do, you've really inspired me Tommy",6,1,20180826-180314_928_live 14,"Great! That's so generous of you. How much would you like to donate to them today? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from zero to the whole .30 cents. Personally, I'm giving them the full amount.",7,0,20180826-180314_928_live 15,I'l do 20 cents,7,1,20180826-180314_928_live 16,Well thats fantastic of you. I feel like together we made a small difference in the world today. How about you?,8,0,20180826-180314_928_live 17,I do too,8,1,20180826-180314_928_live 18,Well great. I wish you a happy rest of your weekend. And it was a pleasure chatting with you today. ,9,0,20180826-180314_928_live 19,It was nice chatting with you too,9,1,20180826-180314_928_live 0,Hello would you like to donate little amount of money to a a children's charity called Save the Children.,0,0,20180826-053925_84_live 1,Why would I want to do that?,0,1,20180826-053925_84_live 2,"because I love , dont you ?",1,0,20180826-053925_84_live 3,Love is a transitive verb. It needs an object. Who do you love?,1,1,20180826-053925_84_live 4,"excuse me.. that was a typo my friend. because I love children, dont you",2,0,20180826-053925_84_live 5,Actually I don't. Children are irritating.,2,1,20180826-053925_84_live 6,okay thats fine its your personal preference.,3,0,20180826-053925_84_live 7,There are much more worthwhile charities than those that promote children.,3,1,20180826-053925_84_live 8,"there could be, i am not denying it.",4,0,20180826-053925_84_live 9,"I can think of lots of them. For instance homeless shelters, food pantries, environmental causes. ",4,1,20180826-053925_84_live 10,understand but thats not the point though. if you dont want to donate to charity called Save the Children. its your choice.. its your money.,5,0,20180826-053925_84_live 11,I can guarantee you I would never,5,1,20180826-053925_84_live 12,you do not have to guarantee to me. I dont care if you donate or not. it is your choice my friend,6,0,20180826-053925_84_live 13,Then why are you asking me to do it. What are you saving these children from?,6,1,20180826-053925_84_live 14,who knows? Did I ask that?,7,0,20180826-053925_84_live 15,It seems implicit in the title of the charity unless its a fraud.,7,1,20180826-053925_84_live 16,could be. all i need is to submit this survey.,8,0,20180826-053925_84_live 17,So you weren't even serious about asking me to throw away money on children?,8,1,20180826-053925_84_live 18,may be. maybe not.,9,0,20180826-053925_84_live 19,That seems somewhat ingenuous. Why would you think you could convince me like that?,9,1,20180826-053925_84_live 0,Hello! How are you tonight?,0,0,20180826-190151_488_live 1,I'm doing very well. How are you?,0,1,20180826-190151_488_live 2,I am good thank you. Have you heard of Save the Children?,1,0,20180826-190151_488_live 3,"Yes, I have! Is it a charity that you are interested in?",1,1,20180826-190151_488_live 4,Children are our future and I believe in charities helping children. ,2,0,20180826-190151_488_live 5,So do I. Do you regularly donate your time or money to Save the Children?,2,1,20180826-190151_488_live 6,I do donate to Save the children a lot. Do you make donations?,3,0,20180826-190151_488_live 7,"I haven't yet, but I am thinking about doing so in the future. ",3,1,20180826-190151_488_live 8,Check out URL It is a great site and you can also make donations on their website.,4,0,20180826-190151_488_live 9,Thanks for the information. What are your donations used for?,4,1,20180826-190151_488_live 10,The donations I make go for what ever childrens funding needed. Would you care to donate at the end of the task?,5,0,20180826-190151_488_live 11,Sure. would be happy to donate.,5,1,20180826-190151_488_live 12,Thats great! Thank you. How much will you be donating?,6,0,20180826-190151_488_live 13,I think I will donate about 20 dollars.,6,1,20180826-190151_488_live 14,Your an awesome individual. The world needs more people like yourself. ,7,0,20180826-190151_488_live 15,Thank you! You are pretty awesome yourself!,7,1,20180826-190151_488_live 16,Do you do any volunteering?,8,0,20180826-190151_488_live 17,Yes. Every now and then I volunteer within my community.,8,1,20180826-190151_488_live 18,Thats fantastic. I take in children in need who would otherwise do without. Right now I have 3 extra kids.,9,0,20180826-190151_488_live 19,That is amazing! You are really helping our country's children.,9,1,20180826-190151_488_live 0,"Hi, I would like to speak to you about a wonderful charity called ""save the children"".",0,0,20180826-174120_426_live 1,Hey hows it? Yeah I am interested to hear more.,0,1,20180826-174120_426_live 2,"When you give to Save the Children, you're investing in a future for every last child.Nearly 90% of every dollar you give goes straight to our mission _ helping children grow up healthy, learning and safe. ",1,0,20180826-174120_426_live 3,Nearly 90? Where does the other money go?,1,1,20180826-174120_426_live 4,The rest? We use to support the mission _ running our programs and raising funds to help more children. ,2,0,20180826-174120_426_live 5,Well that is good. I like that information out there.,2,1,20180826-174120_426_live 6, Giving to Save the Children is one of the world's best investments. Changing children's lives now. Transforming the future we all share.,3,0,20180826-174120_426_live 7,There are many charities for children than just that one.,3,1,20180826-174120_426_live 8,"In 2017 alone, Save the Children reached more than 155 million children in 120 countries, including the U.S. Results like these are only possible because of giving people like you. Whether you give a little or a lot. Every gift makes a world of difference for a child in need.",4,0,20180826-174120_426_live 9,Wow thats way more than I would have thought.,4,1,20180826-174120_426_live 10,"I know, it is a really great organization. Do you think you'd be willing to donate today?",5,0,20180826-174120_426_live 11,Yes I would be willing to donate.,5,1,20180826-174120_426_live 12,How about $.15 today?,6,0,20180826-174120_426_live 13,I can do that,6,1,20180826-174120_426_live 14,"Awesome, you are making a world of difference for children around the world. ",7,0,20180826-174120_426_live 15,Well it is not much but if everyone would give a little it would make a huge difference in this world we live in.,7,1,20180826-174120_426_live 16,You're absolutely right. Most people would not even notice the money missing. ,8,0,20180826-174120_426_live 17,Right on so I will give $0.15 :),8,1,20180826-174120_426_live 18,I will match your contribution. ,9,0,20180826-174120_426_live 19,That is what I like to hear!,9,1,20180826-174120_426_live 20,I hope you have a wonderful day. Thank you for your kindness. ,10,0,20180826-174120_426_live 21,"You too, was a pleasure!",10,1,20180826-174120_426_live 0,"Hey, do some good, give some money to kids.",0,0,20180826-013529_897_live 1,Sure.I would be glad to. How much money do you think I should give?,0,1,20180826-013529_897_live 2,"oh, could you afford maybe fifteen cents?",1,0,20180826-013529_897_live 3,I can afford $5.00,1,1,20180826-013529_897_live 4,"that sounds pretty good, I would definitely accept that",2,0,20180826-013529_897_live 5,How much would you donate?,2,1,20180826-013529_897_live 6,"well, I'll match your 5.00, does that sound cool?",3,0,20180826-013529_897_live 7,"Yeah, that sounds great. I love donating to charity. I think it is important to help those less fortunate. ",3,1,20180826-013529_897_live 8,yes there are so many in terrible need,4,0,20180826-013529_897_live 9,I donate a portion of my paychecks to feed the children. Do you have a favorite charity?,4,1,20180826-013529_897_live 10,"yes I like to give to doctors without borders, they risk their lives to go where they are most needed",5,0,20180826-013529_897_live 11,"Oh wow, I would also be interested in donating to that. ",5,1,20180826-013529_897_live 12,there are so many wars and so many natural disasters,6,0,20180826-013529_897_live 13,It really breaks my heart. I wish I could help everyone in need. ,6,1,20180826-013529_897_live 14,it is so hard to make a choice,7,0,20180826-013529_897_live 15,"I feel bad about only giving $5, do you think we should give more?",7,1,20180826-013529_897_live 16,"wish that we could, but like all working on MTurk we are poor ourselves",8,0,20180826-013529_897_live 17,Very true. $5 it is. At least we are giving something. Most people wouldn't.,8,1,20180826-013529_897_live 18,"yes that is so true, so often it is just left to governments to do",9,0,20180826-013529_897_live 19,"If everyone would just give something, everyone could have food and a warm place to sleep. ",9,1,20180826-013529_897_live 0,You care for children?,0,0,20180826-080505_231_live 1,i do very much yes,0,1,20180826-080505_231_live 2,That's very commendable,1,0,20180826-080505_231_live 3,i think we should all care for children,1,1,20180826-080505_231_live 4,Would you like to help them out?,2,0,20180826-080505_231_live 5,Yes I would be interested in doing so,2,1,20180826-080505_231_live 6,Could you make a small donation of 25 cents?,3,0,20180826-080505_231_live 7,Yes that is an amount I feel comfortable with.,3,1,20180826-080505_231_live 8,"That would be great, It's to the Save the Children charity and it goes a long way.",4,0,20180826-080505_231_live 9,That is a good charity it makes me happy to donate,4,1,20180826-080505_231_live 10,You are a good person my friend,5,0,20180826-080505_231_live 11,Thank you for your kind words.,5,1,20180826-080505_231_live 12,Awesome.. How do you end this study.,6,0,20180826-080505_231_live 13,I hope my donation helps a lot of people.,6,1,20180826-080505_231_live 14,It will everything helps,7,0,20180826-080505_231_live 15,Yes it is good to try and help in any way possible,7,1,20180826-080505_231_live 16,It certainly is,8,0,20180826-080505_231_live 17,Helping people makes people feel good,8,1,20180826-080505_231_live 18,Yes it does and thank you for the donation,9,0,20180826-080505_231_live 19,It was my pleasure,9,1,20180826-080505_231_live 0,hi how are you,0,0,20180826-062356_655_live 1,good morning. I am well thank you and you?,0,1,20180826-062356_655_live 2," I'm fine, you've heard about the child support organization",1,0,20180826-062356_655_live 3,Is that the organization that is helping single parents obtain support from absent parents?,1,1,20180826-062356_655_live 4," not a nonprofit organization that helps kids around the world, I've gotten to save $ 100",2,0,20180826-062356_655_live 5,"I have not heard about it. What do you mean you have gotten to save $100, You are saying it isn't a non profit?",2,1,20180826-062356_655_live 6," I've donated $ 100 to this organization, sorry",3,0,20180826-062356_655_live 7,I see. What does the organization provide? Is it a non profit?,3,1,20180826-062356_655_live 8,"The Save the Children Fund, commonly known as Save the Children, is an international non-governmental organisation that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",4,0,20180826-062356_655_live 9,"I have heard of Save the Children Fund. I will be honest, what I had heard though wasnt positive. ",4,1,20180826-062356_655_live 10,yes it is a very positive organisation ,5,0,20180826-062356_655_live 11,I typically give to local charities that use the funds to help in the community. I then can see the money at work. I am not saying that world charities are not needed but I rather give to local charities.,5,1,20180826-062356_655_live 12,i am a person positive and help the children ,6,0,20180826-062356_655_live 13,It is great to be a helpful person. We have a school here in my small town for children from broken homes. I typically give to them.,6,1,20180826-062356_655_live 14," I give a lot of money to the children in need, with pain everywhere they are",7,0,20180826-062356_655_live 15,The Children's Hope Alliance in our town provides housing and schooling for children. They are strictly non profit so we give what we can including clothes and books.,7,1,20180826-062356_655_live 16,yes i give very much money,8,0,20180826-062356_655_live 17,I know the children are very grateful!,8,1,20180826-062356_655_live 18,there are the future of the word,9,0,20180826-062356_655_live 19,this is true. Thank you and have a great day,9,1,20180826-062356_655_live 0,Good morning! How are you today?,0,0,20180826-064104_677_live 1,I am doing fine. How about you?,0,1,20180826-064104_677_live 2,I am doing well! What are your plans for today?,1,0,20180826-064104_677_live 3,Complete surveys. You?,1,1,20180826-064104_677_live 4,"Oh, the same. Maybe spend some time outside. It looks nice. I am wondering, have you hear of the Save the Children charity?",2,0,20180826-064104_677_live 5,I have heard about it.,2,1,20180826-064104_677_live 6,Oh that is great! I was on their website today and saw that they do a lot of great work to help kids out that are in need. They are always looking for donations. Are you willing to give even $0.10 of today's pay to help?,3,0,20180826-064104_677_live 7,Sure. That would be fine.,3,1,20180826-064104_677_live 8,"Can you confirm your donation in a number amount with the $ sign, just to avoid confusion?",4,0,20180826-064104_677_live 9,Is this okay?,4,1,20180826-064104_677_live 10,"Ooops, it looks like it did not show up, can you try again? Thank you! It will really help the kids in need!",5,0,20180826-064104_677_live 11,$0.10-Can you see this?,5,1,20180826-064104_677_live 12,Yes! Yes I can! That worked out. Have you heard about all of the storms/flooding in Hawaii?,6,0,20180826-064104_677_live 13,Yes. I have. ,6,1,20180826-064104_677_live 14,"Well, then you will be interested to know that the STC website is already pledging to help these kids out! Have you ever been on their website?",7,0,20180826-064104_677_live 15,No. I have not.,7,1,20180826-064104_677_live 16,I went on today and really learned a lot. Would you be surprised to find their home base is in CT?,8,0,20180826-064104_677_live 17,Yes. I would.,8,1,20180826-064104_677_live 18,"I was as well! I figured they would be in a more prominent area! So, just to confirm today I can count on you for $0.10?",9,0,20180826-064104_677_live 19,That would be fine.,9,1,20180826-064104_677_live 0,Hello?,0,0,20180826-204907_535_live 1,Hello there,0,1,20180826-204907_535_live 2,How are you today?,1,0,20180826-204907_535_live 3,"I'm good, how are you? ",1,1,20180826-204907_535_live 4,"I'm doing well, thank you! Have you ever heard of the charity Save the Children?",2,0,20180826-204907_535_live 5,I have not. What do they do?,2,1,20180826-204907_535_live 6,"Save the Children is a great charity that provides education, healthcare, and advocacy to children in need in the U.S. and all over the world. Does this sound like a good charity to you?",3,0,20180826-204907_535_live 7,It does. Children are one of the worlds most important assets. ,3,1,20180826-204907_535_live 8,I think so too! Do you believe that children in need deserve help from others?,4,0,20180826-204907_535_live 9,"Yes. Children are more deserving in my opinion, because they are unable to care for themselves. They have no choice but to rely on others. ",4,1,20180826-204907_535_live 10,That's great that you care so much about children's needs! Save the Children is an exceptional charity in that over 86% of the donations go directly to children's programs all over the world. Have you donated to a charity before?,5,0,20180826-204907_535_live 11,"Yes, I usually donate to soldiers or veteran related charities such as Wounded Warrior Project.",5,1,20180826-204907_535_live 12,Those are great causes also. You mentioned earlier that you believe children to be one of the world's most important assets. Would you be willing to donate your earnings from this task to Save the Children?,6,0,20180826-204907_535_live 13,I would if I had a specific break down or list of what programs the donations support. ,6,1,20180826-204907_535_live 14,"Save the Children make the programs they support and the percentage of funding for each one available on their website. They are very transparent! Some of the causes they support include Emergencies (38%), Health and Nutrition (36%), and Education to more than 136 thousand children all over the world. The researchers curating this task collect the earnings from those who donate and send them directly to Save the Children. How much of your earnings would you be willing to donate?",7,0,20180826-204907_535_live 15,I don't make a lot. I would have donate a smaller amount. Like a one time donation of 100$ or so. ,7,1,20180826-204907_535_live 16,That's great! And any amount will go directly to benefiting children. However in this case I'm only asking about your earnings from this particular task :) . The full amount would be 30 cents.,8,0,20180826-204907_535_live 17,I guess so ,8,1,20180826-204907_535_live 18,Great! Thank you for your donation and for supporting children in need. Hope you have a great day!,9,0,20180826-204907_535_live 19,And you too. ,9,1,20180826-204907_535_live 0,Hi,0,0,20180826-182527_314_live 1,hi!,0,1,20180826-182527_314_live 2,I would donate,1,0,20180826-182527_314_live 3,what would you donate?,1,1,20180826-182527_314_live 4,I would donate money,2,0,20180826-182527_314_live 5,who arey ou givine money to?,2,1,20180826-182527_314_live 6,To children that need help,3,0,20180826-182527_314_live 7,Yes i agree that children need our help,3,1,20180826-182527_314_live 8,Yes good bless,4,0,20180826-182527_314_live 9,how much are you donating?,4,1,20180826-182527_314_live 10,Like 4 dollars,5,0,20180826-182527_314_live 11,what do you think 4 dollars could do for the children,5,1,20180826-182527_314_live 12,I know it will help alot,6,0,20180826-182527_314_live 13,who gets the help?,6,1,20180826-182527_314_live 14,The children what about you,7,0,20180826-182527_314_live 15,I would like to help but am poor,7,1,20180826-182527_314_live 16,Oh wow. U will be alright god be bless all of yall,8,0,20180826-182527_314_live 17,yeah I wish I could give money. I do volunteer tho,8,1,20180826-182527_314_live 18,That's also great,9,0,20180826-182527_314_live 19,"yeah i think as long as you can help in anyway, its good",9,1,20180826-182527_314_live 0,Are you aware of Save the children Organization?,0,0,20180826-072151_442_live 1,"yes i know that is a good charity foundation, they help the children.",0,1,20180826-072151_442_live 2,I saw a children die once,1,0,20180826-072151_442_live 3,what? what happened? ,1,1,20180826-072151_442_live 4,He was hungry with no food.I was serving in Afghanistan ,2,0,20180826-072151_442_live 5,you were in military? why did not you help him?,2,1,20180826-072151_442_live 6,Yes.I tried to give him my food but it was too late,3,0,20180826-072151_442_live 7,"he was in the end i think, this is the kind of things i have about our civilization , many dnt have to eat and many waste their food, its not right",3,1,20180826-072151_442_live 8,Exactly.More than thousands children have died of hunger in Syria this year.We must do something about it,4,0,20180826-072151_442_live 9,"for sure we must do something, but many people are blind, they see just the green of the money, they dont interact with people to see whats their problems are, i really want to help go in africa or some place but i dont know how i can go with a organization.",4,1,20180826-072151_442_live 10,Donate to Save the Children.They are a blessing to humanity,5,0,20180826-072151_442_live 11,"this i can do, but i was thinking about actual helping.",5,1,20180826-072151_442_live 12,Thats actual help.They really make a difference.I see it with my own eyes,6,0,20180826-072151_442_live 13,"yeah i know that they are helping Hawaii now , with the hurricane coming soon.",6,1,20180826-072151_442_live 14,Yes they are.How much money do you spend on candies?,7,0,20180826-072151_442_live 15,"5$ maybe, plus minus, why?",7,1,20180826-072151_442_live 16,Because you can use some of that money to donate to Save and Children?,8,0,20180826-072151_442_live 17,"of course i would donate, how much are you willing to donate?",8,1,20180826-072151_442_live 18,I willing to donate 5.And You?,9,0,20180826-072151_442_live 19,i can donate 5 if you truly are donating 5. im happy to help,9,1,20180826-072151_442_live 0,Have you ever heard of Save the Children?,0,0,20180826-175706_443_live 1,I have not. What can you tell me about it?,0,1,20180826-175706_443_live 2,It is an international non-governmental organisation. It promotes children's rights,1,0,20180826-175706_443_live 3,That sounds interesting. I am all for helping children in any way possible.,1,1,20180826-175706_443_live 4,Would you be interested in donating to this charity?,2,0,20180826-175706_443_live 5,I would want to do some research first but that would be a possibility. I like to learn as much as I can about an organization before donating.,2,1,20180826-175706_443_live 6,Kids are dying from hunger every minute. Don't you want to help stop that?,3,0,20180826-175706_443_live 7,Of course I do. I also want to make sure my donations are not going into the pockets of money hungry CEO's. How do you feel about that?,3,1,20180826-175706_443_live 8,"I understand, but I can assure you that is goes directly to the kids.",4,0,20180826-175706_443_live 9,How can you assure me? Do you work for them?,4,1,20180826-175706_443_live 10,"I do not, but they are a very professional organization. It is an international company.",5,0,20180826-175706_443_live 11,"Save the Children International's CEO Helle Thorning-Schmidt earned $299,136 in 2017. Simple Google search.",5,1,20180826-175706_443_live 12,That isn't a lot for a CEO.,6,0,20180826-175706_443_live 13,"No its not. However, that is only salary. It doesnt include extras that all CEO's receive.",6,1,20180826-175706_443_live 14,There isn't a lot of support for children in developing countries. This should make you mad and want to help.,7,0,20180826-175706_443_live 15,Have you personally donated?,7,1,20180826-175706_443_live 16,"Yes, why don't you join me?",8,0,20180826-175706_443_live 17,That is impossible at this time. I just do not have the funds available. ,8,1,20180826-175706_443_live 18,"How much do you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment.""",9,0,20180826-175706_443_live 19,I chose to donate $0.,9,1,20180826-175706_443_live 0,hi how are you today?,0,0,20180826-174933_275_live 1,"I am well, how are you?",0,1,20180826-174933_275_live 2,I am good do you have any children?,1,0,20180826-174933_275_live 3,"Yes, I have two. And you?",1,1,20180826-174933_275_live 4,I have two also but mine are grown and gone now ,2,0,20180826-174933_275_live 5,That's nice. How old are they?,2,1,20180826-174933_275_live 6,32 and 29 a boy and a girl and 4 grand kids 3 girls and 1 boy ages 6 to 14. Unfortunately they all live far away. And you?,3,0,20180826-174933_275_live 7,Oh my! That's nice. My kids are 4 and 7. Boy and girl. ,3,1,20180826-174933_275_live 8,That was a hectic but really fun time for me and my kids. Have you ever heard of Save the Children?,4,0,20180826-174933_275_live 9,I have not. What is the charity and what do they do?,4,1,20180826-174933_275_live 10,I am not an expert but I believe they help children in war torn areas to get to safety and make food and medical supplies available,5,0,20180826-174933_275_live 11,That seems like a really noble cause. I have an affinity for children. I donate a lot of money to battered wives and their children. I spend a lot of time in the shelter for them too. Seems like a great cause!,5,1,20180826-174933_275_live 12,Would you be willing to donate something to this cause?,6,0,20180826-174933_275_live 13,"With the commitment I made to the shelter, I would not donate at this time.",6,1,20180826-174933_275_live 14,I can understand that I donate regularly to St Judes Childrens hospital myself. I appreciate your commitment to your cause and it is an important one.,7,0,20180826-174933_275_live 15,Thank you for your recognition. St Judes is such a great cause too. I have donated a few times to them too.,7,1,20180826-174933_275_live 16,Yours is so much more hands on and personal i really admire your dedication because you also donate your time and yourself and it sets a good example for your children to Kudos to you.,8,0,20180826-174933_275_live 17,Thank you. do you do any volunteer work?,8,1,20180826-174933_275_live 18,Not officially I am kind of the one that even strangers come up to and talk to when something is going wrong in their life and I try to encourage and comfort them and point them to a helping hand if I know of one. Like a shelter or a free counseling place or a food bank.,9,0,20180826-174933_275_live 19,That serves a purpose too! I work with my local goverment in policy development and people like you really make a great impression on the policy that is created. Great job!,9,1,20180826-174933_275_live 0,"Hello, how are you?",0,0,20180826-184037_209_live 1,"Fine, thank you. How do you feel about donating to a children's charity?",0,1,20180826-184037_209_live 2,"I always they to donate when ever I am able. Especially childrens charities, children are so innocent and deserve the best chance at life.",1,0,20180826-184037_209_live 3,But do you really trust the charities that you give to? Do you know if they are actually using that money for the intended purpose?,1,1,20180826-184037_209_live 4,YEs I always look into the charities that i donate to. For instance I always donate to our local childrens hospital because my nephew was treat there when he was diagnosed with cancer. I saw how many sick little kids where there fight for their lives. So I also donate to the hospital and childrens cancer network because the money goes directly to research cancers that effect children.,2,0,20180826-184037_209_live 5,"I agree, the local charities are good. I don't trust the bigger charities. I think most of the money that is donated goes towards salaries, etc.",2,1,20180826-184037_209_live 6,Sadly that is true some times. How do you feel about donating to childrens charities?,3,0,20180826-184037_209_live 7,"I think it is better to help children yourself. That way, you know what the money is being used for. Also, when you do it yourself, it is a lot more rewarding.",3,1,20180826-184037_209_live 8,"True, but there are so many innocent little children who don't have access to food or clean water, not to mention basic health needs. We are lucky to have help if needed they have no one to turn to.",4,0,20180826-184037_209_live 9,How much do you usually donate every year>,4,1,20180826-184037_209_live 10,I try to donate at least 250 every year. ,5,0,20180826-184037_209_live 11,That is good. Do you have any kids?,5,1,20180826-184037_209_live 12,"Yes, I have two and I have a lot of nephews and nieces, 1 has a lot of health issues so childrens charities are always important to me. Do you have children?",6,0,20180826-184037_209_live 13,"I do not have any children yet, do you think that having kids had a big effect on whether on not you are willing to donate to a children's charity?",6,1,20180826-184037_209_live 14,"Yes, probably but my nephew got sick before I had kids and thats what made me realize that cancer or any illness can happen to anyone whether its your child or some one close to you. It is the scariest thing that can happen to anyone especially a child. Once I saw how many children were fighting cancer and other serious disease it woke me up to what is important in life and just because we are not going through it there are so many children suffering that the least I can do is donate.",7,0,20180826-184037_209_live 15,"That is a great way to think about it. I'm sure that when I have kids, my thinking will change a lot as well. So I think that we should donate .10 each to the children. What do you think?",7,1,20180826-184037_209_live 16,Yes I am fine with that,8,0,20180826-184037_209_live 17,"It is a small amount, but I think that every penny can make a lot of difference. If half the people in the world just donated 10 cents to such charities, then we would raise a LOT of money. It is not necessary to donate hundreds of dollars.",8,1,20180826-184037_209_live 18,"Yes that is what I believe to, We wouldn't even notice 10 cents we spend so much on coffee little things the .10 cents is nothing.",9,0,20180826-184037_209_live 19,"Agreed. We spend so much money on other things, but the moment someone asks for a little charity, we make up many excuses. We will donate .10 and hopefully that will make a difference.",9,1,20180826-184037_209_live 0,Hi would you be willing to donate to Save the Children?,0,0,20180826-061500_476_live 1,"I'm not sure, what do they do for children?",0,1,20180826-061500_476_live 2,They help support children in warzones and it helps provide them with things they need,1,0,20180826-061500_476_live 3,sounds like a good charity. ,1,1,20180826-061500_476_live 4,It is a good charity and any little bit will help,2,0,20180826-061500_476_live 5,"I would consider it. What about Big Brother, Big Sister, they are very much in need of donations",2,1,20180826-061500_476_live 6,They are good also but right now this is the organization that needs it most.,3,0,20180826-061500_476_live 7,What about helping children who are living in poverty in America. There are thousands that need help,3,1,20180826-061500_476_live 8,There are lots of children in need but this will help children with medical and emotional support in war areas.,4,0,20180826-061500_476_live 9,"Good point, I think I may consider it",4,1,20180826-061500_476_live 10,Also it will give them food and healthcare they need to survive,5,0,20180826-061500_476_live 11,how much of the donation would actually go to the kids>,5,1,20180826-061500_476_live 12,Whatever amount you donate will go directly to the kids.,6,0,20180826-061500_476_live 13,I'm thinking about whether this is better than other charities I give to,6,1,20180826-061500_476_live 14,I think it is a great charity because it helps children who are separated from their families,7,0,20180826-061500_476_live 15,"Perhaps people could go and help in person, rather than donating money?",7,1,20180826-061500_476_live 16,Well most of their work is in poor countries but I am sure that you can do both,8,0,20180826-061500_476_live 17,How much is a good donation?,8,1,20180826-061500_476_live 18,Any amount would help. They accept donations of any size.,9,0,20180826-061500_476_live 19,"Okay, I will make a donation for $10. You convinced me that it's a worthwhile charity.",9,1,20180826-061500_476_live 20,That is a great choice.,10,0,20180826-061500_476_live 0,"hi, have you done this before?",0,0,20180826-203821_83_live 1,no i haven't,0,1,20180826-203821_83_live 2,Can I tell a little about save the children?,1,0,20180826-203821_83_live 3,"Sure, I'd love to hear about it",1,1,20180826-203821_83_live 4,It's non governmental and international. It helps children and their families here and in poor countries. Have you been to the site?,2,0,20180826-203821_83_live 5,I have never been to the site. Could you provide me with the link,2,1,20180826-203821_83_live 6,"sure, it's URL There you will see that for the price of a soda you can help a child in need. Would you like to donate?",3,0,20180826-203821_83_live 7,Not today but I'll definitely save the website for the future. What type of help do you provide to those poor families?,3,1,20180826-203821_83_live 8,They help children in war zones. Wouldn't you like to donate something today? Is a trustable fund. Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment,4,0,20180826-203821_83_live 9,I appreciate you informing about this but i'll be donsting at a later time,4,1,20180826-203821_83_live 10,"maybe you will reconsider, acting today is the best way to directly help children and families in need. It won't hurt to donate $25 today, how bout it? The research team will collect all donations and send it to Save the Children for us.",5,0,20180826-203821_83_live 11,"Could you explain to me what the 25$ will go to exactly, is it for building houses, farms, shelters,...",5,1,20180826-203821_83_live 12,"sure, you can sponsor a child, help with U.s. relief or health and education for a child in a developing country. That's alot of help, how bout it? Can I count you in for a donation?",6,0,20180826-203821_83_live 13,You definitely can...but not today. Sorry,6,1,20180826-203821_83_live 14,maybe just $0.01? It still will go a long way.,7,0,20180826-203821_83_live 15,"oh sure, i didnt know i could send that amount. I'll give 0.1 today",7,1,20180826-203821_83_live 16,"Ok, thank you. That $0.01 donation will go a long way to helping children. Is there anymore info that you would like",8,0,20180826-203821_83_live 17,"Yes, I just want to make sure that you read properly that I'm giving 0.1 not 0.01. Thank you",8,1,20180826-203821_83_live 18,"Yes I got it, $0.10. Thanks and I think we can submit now",9,0,20180826-203821_83_live 19,"great, yeah i think we can",9,1,20180826-203821_83_live 0,hello ,0,0,20180826-052222_969_live 1,"Hi, how are you?",0,1,20180826-052222_969_live 2,"I'm doing great, I hope all is well. ",1,0,20180826-052222_969_live 3,"Thanks. We're here to talk about a children's charity, is that right?",1,1,20180826-052222_969_live 4,"T hat is correct, I hope you are interested in donating today. How much do you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment.",2,0,20180826-052222_969_live 5,What is the charity?,2,1,20180826-052222_969_live 6,"Save the Children, it is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",3,0,20180826-052222_969_live 7,I've heard of them. It's a good charity.,3,1,20180826-052222_969_live 8,"It is I have personally been involved with this charity after finding out that millions of Syrian children have grown up facing the daily threat of violence. In the first two months of 2018 alone 1,000 children were reportedly killed or injured in intensifying violence",4,0,20180826-052222_969_live 9,"The violence in Syria is one of the saddest things happening in the world today, as far as I know. I heard a really heartbreaking interview with a Syrian child who lost his dad on NPR the other day.",4,1,20180826-052222_969_live 10,"My husband had family in syria when the attacks where happening and I can tell you that not being able to do anything was the worst feeling in the world, but knowing that charities like save the children exist was a relief ",5,0,20180826-052222_969_live 11,I'm really sorry. Does Save the Children help find a place for refugees?,5,1,20180826-052222_969_live 12,"yes Save the Children does in fact help find places for refugees, if you would like more info you can visit URL s/what-we-do/emergency-response/refugee-children-crisis ",6,0,20180826-052222_969_live 13,"Thanks. I don't have a lot of money, but I'll ask my family and friends to donate to them for my birthday. For today I would like to donate $.30",6,1,20180826-052222_969_live 14,Thank you for your donation. Have a blessed day ,7,0,20180826-052222_969_live 15,"Thanks, you too. I hope you're able to raise a lot of donations.",7,1,20180826-052222_969_live 16,As long as there are good people like you in the world I am sure we will be able to raise enough ,8,0,20180826-052222_969_live 17,Is there anything else you can think of that we could do?,8,1,20180826-052222_969_live 18,besides donate and visit URL for more information ,9,0,20180826-052222_969_live 19,I will. Good luck to you,9,1,20180826-052222_969_live 0,hello,0,0,20180826-182048_519_live 1,"Hi, I currently have a children's charity that I sponsor",0,1,20180826-182048_519_live 2,ok tell me ,1,0,20180826-182048_519_live 3,"We sponsor a child in El Salvador, we have been going it a number of years.",1,1,20180826-182048_519_live 4,Thats great. ,2,0,20180826-182048_519_live 5,How about you do you have a favorite charity?,2,1,20180826-182048_519_live 6,I donate money to save the children,3,0,20180826-182048_519_live 7,what do you know about them are they a good charity?,3,1,20180826-182048_519_live 8,Yes. Save the children is a great charity. They are really serious about helping children.,4,0,20180826-182048_519_live 9,I see - how many years have you been with them,4,1,20180826-182048_519_live 10,I have been donating money to save the children for 5 years. I give them 1000 dollars every year. ,5,0,20180826-182048_519_live 11,"that is a good approach, i have been doing some research on charities",5,1,20180826-182048_519_live 12,You can donate any amount to save the children. Would you like to donate a dollar or more to them?,6,0,20180826-182048_519_live 13,well that would be a good but I would want to research them first to make sure they are good but maybe you have already done that,6,1,20180826-182048_519_live 14,I have done my research and I can tell you they are a great organization full of kind / sincere people.,7,0,20180826-182048_519_live 15,that's great maybe we could both donate to them,7,1,20180826-182048_519_live 16,Yes that is a great idea. Would you like the link to their website?,8,0,20180826-182048_519_live 17,sure can you send it to me,8,1,20180826-182048_519_live 18, URL - Have a great day.,9,0,20180826-182048_519_live 19,thank you for sharing it ...you as well,9,1,20180826-182048_519_live 20,Thank you for your time.,10,0,20180826-182048_519_live 0,Hello!,0,0,20180826-055352_947_live 1,Hello,0,1,20180826-055352_947_live 2,So it looks like you have the option to donate some of your earnings from this task to Save the Children. Have you heard of that charity before?,1,0,20180826-055352_947_live 3,Know I have not. Please explain to me in detail,1,1,20180826-055352_947_live 4,"It's an international organization that supports children in developing countries. It helps children get access to health, education, safety, etc.",2,0,20180826-055352_947_live 5,Okay. What is the organization called?,2,1,20180826-055352_947_live 6,"It's called Save the Children. It's a rather large organization and well known, you can search for it outside this chat. It's not just a made up organization for the sake of the chat. Do you donate much to charity now?",3,0,20180826-055352_947_live 7,"O I have heard of Save the children. I think I have seen commercials on tv advertising the charity. Currently I do not donate to charities. I wish to and I like the idea of charity donantions, but personal donations is not within my current budget. I am a single mother and fiances are pretty tight at the moment.",3,1,20180826-055352_947_live 8,"I understand. I'm in a similar situation, and I'm hoping to buy a house soon with my boyfriend. I'd guess that's why we're both on mechanical turk early on a Sunday. However, donating to charity does help those even less fortunate than me, so I try to carve out some money here and there to help out. It seems like this would be an easy way to send some money to organization that could really use it, and it wouldn't take any extra time, either.",4,0,20180826-055352_947_live 9,I really do want to participate but I can't make any donations today. I hope I can still participate in the chats without donating.,4,1,20180826-055352_947_live 10,"I don't think you have to donate by the rules of the chat, but when you think about it, it's often the first, smallest donation that can be the hardest and the most rewarding. If you donated less than a dollar you might not notice that in your own household budget, but combined with all the other donations from this task it could make a huge difference in the life of children who have no parents to take care of them, or children who are fleeing violence or starvation",5,0,20180826-055352_947_live 11,"Okay. So if I decide to make a small donation, do I donate by using my mturk earnings?",5,1,20180826-055352_947_live 12,"Yes, I believe so. Based on what I'm reading in the directions, you'd donate from the earnings you'd get from doing this task",6,0,20180826-055352_947_live 13,Okay that is nice and simple. ,6,1,20180826-055352_947_live 14,"Absolutely! I agree. I really enjoy when things like this are easy to do. I don't know how much time we have left to chat, but it's been great to (electronically) meet you!",7,0,20180826-055352_947_live 15,It has been great to electronically meet you too. I am not sure how much time we have left and I don't know what to next ha ha.,7,1,20180826-055352_947_live 16,"Oh wait, we need at least 10 minimum chat turns. So we'll need to chat a little bit more about donations; is there any particular issue going on with children in the world today that you've been following in the news or that you care more about?",8,0,20180826-055352_947_live 17,"So when it comes to issues, a specific issue that I really care about is the problem with the poverty issue in the United States. To be specific I worry about the homeless rate with children. For example, myself being from Albuquerque New Mexico, the number of homeless children and teenagers is heartbreaking. And what about you?",8,1,20180826-055352_947_live 18,"I agree. I grew up in California, lived in Louisiana, and then moved to Massachusetts. There's different kinds of childhood poverty between those three states and I wish there was more I could do to help. If you're an adult and you're homeless it's a very different situation than being 6 years old and homeless. We talk a lot about children in other countries, but there's a lot of need for American children too. I'm hoping you'll keep half for you and your own child, and half for Save the Children too!",9,0,20180826-055352_947_live 19,"That is cool that you lived in three different states. Before I lived in New Mexico I also lived in Wisconsin and Minnesota. There is a poverty problem in all three states, but out of the three states that I lived, New Mexico is definitley the top state for the poverty issue. I completely agree with you. I feel like our country does not focus enough on our issue with poverty. Especially with children. The issue with children poverty has to change.I will take the option of donating into consideration.",9,1,20180826-055352_947_live 20,"Absolutely! It was great meeting you, and I hope you enjoy the rest of your morning.",10,0,20180826-055352_947_live 21,You as well. Thank you for the chat :),10,1,20180826-055352_947_live 0,Hello!,0,0,20180826-210609_644_live 1,"Hi, Have you ever donated to a childrens charity before? ",0,1,20180826-210609_644_live 2,"Yes, I absolutely have. Save the Children is a great organization. They value children's education greatly which not only enhances the ability for these innocent children to learn skills that can be applied in the workforce, but it also gives them a safe and positive place to be which can't be guaranteed otherwise for some of them.",1,0,20180826-210609_644_live 3,I have not heard of Save the Children before. Sounds like they really help education wise.,1,1,20180826-210609_644_live 4,They do. But they also assist in other ways. I'm not sure if you're familiar with Hurricane Harvey that devastated part of South Texas but Save the Children is still assisting the affected children and families long after most organizations have washed their hands. ,2,0,20180826-210609_644_live 5,Yes I have heard of Hurricane Harvey. Oh so they do more than just help with education. Thats awesome!! ,2,1,20180826-210609_644_live 6,"Yes, it really is. They also provide information on their website about how funding and donations are dispersed. 86% goes to program funding, 9% to Fundraising and 5% to Management. I like that they are transparent. It adds to their credibility. ",3,0,20180826-210609_644_live 7,I really like how they show where the funding and donations are spent. WIth some charity you never know just how much really goes to help the kids.,3,1,20180826-210609_644_live 8,"I couldn't agree more. For me, the transparency removes all doubt towards donating. ",4,0,20180826-210609_644_live 9,It sure does. ANything else I should know about this charity?,4,1,20180826-210609_644_live 10,It is a huge movement. They have helped 155million children in 120 countries. ,5,0,20180826-210609_644_live 11,"WOw, that is a lot of kids in a lot of places to help. SO what would I do if I wanted to help these kids?",5,1,20180826-210609_644_live 12,"Today, you have a unique opportunity to donate part or all of the earnings for completing this task directly to the organization!! These kids really deserve it :)",6,0,20180826-210609_644_live 13,I know they really deserve but I am kinda on a tight budget right now but go ahead and tell me about this unique opportunity.,6,1,20180826-210609_644_live 14,"You can choose anywhere from .01 to the full amount. Literally every penny helps these children. I understand being on a tight budget and needing the additional income. Just think, the impact the pennies would have on their lives is more than the impact pennies make in a more fortunate situation. ",7,0,20180826-210609_644_live 15,"Im not sure that I am so fortunate and every a penny saved is a penny earned, but I do see your point. So how would I donate if I chose to do this today? Do i pay online or how do I go about it?",7,1,20180826-210609_644_live 16,"Very true that every penny saved is a penny earned. In comparison, these children need more help than you or I. Fortunate is perspective based but from my perspective, these kids are far less fortunate than I. The amount you choose to donate is automatically deducted today from your task payment. There's no paying online or entering payment info. It will be automatically processed for you by the requestor. :)",8,0,20180826-210609_644_live 17,"Ok I will definitely make a donation today to Save the CHildren. YOu have convinced me that this is a great, trustworthy charity to donate to.",8,1,20180826-210609_644_live 18,"You are AWESOME! How much of your payment would you like to donate today? As I said before, you are free to choose anywhere between .01 and the full payment amount for the task :)",9,0,20180826-210609_644_live 19,I will donate 0.05 cents today. ,9,1,20180826-210609_644_live 20,Thank you :) You are awesome for giving your hard earned money to these kids :) I hope you have a WONDERFUL rest of your day!!,10,0,20180826-210609_644_live 0,Hi! Have you heard of an organization called Save the Children?,0,0,20180826-180009_407_live 1,"I think I have once before, in a grocery store I believe ",0,1,20180826-180009_407_live 2,Do you mind if i give you a little information about them?,1,0,20180826-180009_407_live 3,"Sure, go ahead",1,1,20180826-180009_407_live 4,"Just some ver basic info, Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",2,0,20180826-180009_407_live 5,Are they a non profit organization?,2,1,20180826-180009_407_live 6,"Yes they are! They work 100% on donated funds. There is a lack of support for children in developing countries, especially in war zones. For instance, millions of Syrian children have grown up facing the daily threat of violence. In the first two months of 2018 alone, 1,000 children were reportedly killed or injured in intensifying violence. Your donation can address such problems.",3,0,20180826-180009_407_live 7,"Oh wow, shocking news. Do you know how many children have been helped due to this organization? ",3,1,20180826-180009_407_live 8,According t0 their yearend report they were able to reach 155 million children. Over 200k of those kids were in the US.,4,0,20180826-180009_407_live 9,Thats awesome! Are you apart of this organization or just support them?,4,1,20180826-180009_407_live 10,I am just a supporter but I would like to ask how much do you like to donate to the charity? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment,5,0,20180826-180009_407_live 11,"The payment of the task is 30 cents, I would donate 10c",5,1,20180826-180009_407_live 12,That is awesome! Thank you so much! What are you hoping your donation will help with?,6,0,20180826-180009_407_live 13,its not a lot but hopefully go towards someone else donation to help children in war zone areas,6,1,20180826-180009_407_live 14,I am so grateful for your donation. It means alot to this rganization.,7,0,20180826-180009_407_live 15,"Of course, its a great organization to support",7,1,20180826-180009_407_live 16,Have you donated to a similar charity?,8,0,20180826-180009_407_live 17,"Yes, a few times before",8,1,20180826-180009_407_live 18,"Again, I really appreciate it and hope you have a great evening!",9,0,20180826-180009_407_live 19,"Thank you, you too!",9,1,20180826-180009_407_live 0,Hello,0,0,20180826-175426_937_live 1,hi,0,1,20180826-175426_937_live 2,I would like to donate,1,0,20180826-175426_937_live 3,definitely I like to help in anyway that I can to help children and animals. ,1,1,20180826-175426_937_live 4,Even it's 5 dollars,2,0,20180826-175426_937_live 5,it depends. I would like to donate about 0.50 to the charity,2,1,20180826-175426_937_live 6,Yes me too ,3,0,20180826-175426_937_live 7,I feel that donating is an ethical reason to give your tithes and offerings,3,1,20180826-175426_937_live 8,I like children,4,0,20180826-175426_937_live 9,Me 2. Children and Animals are the most precious of God's creations.,4,1,20180826-175426_937_live 10,That's true also,5,0,20180826-175426_937_live 11,I agree all the way that they are the best creations of all. And giving a donation is an ethical choice. Any amount I believe is good.,5,1,20180826-175426_937_live 12,Yes I would donate,6,0,20180826-175426_937_live 13,yeah me too. I think 0.50 cents is a perfect amount to donate.,6,1,20180826-175426_937_live 14,Did u donate before,7,0,20180826-175426_937_live 15,"Yes, But I donated about 0.20 cents. This time I like to do 0.50 since I also know that the charity is legitimate.",7,1,20180826-175426_937_live 16,Oh wow that's good,8,0,20180826-175426_937_live 17,I always like to give a small donation of some kind and always believe that others should also.,8,1,20180826-175426_937_live 18,Yes me too,9,0,20180826-175426_937_live 19,I think it is also the right thing.,9,1,20180826-175426_937_live 0,hi how are you,0,0,20180826-070517_871_live 1,"Hello, I'm doing well. How about you?",0,1,20180826-070517_871_live 2, I often donate clothes and assistance to childrens organizations,1,0,20180826-070517_871_live 3,That's awesome. I too like to donate clothes a d other items to those in need. I think it's great that people do this.,1,1,20180826-070517_871_live 4,yes is very good helping this children I am very happy to help people and make them happy,2,0,20180826-070517_871_live 5,Do you feel like you donate more during the holidays? Or is it pretty much all year round? I know I feel more prone to giving in the Fall around the holidays.,2,1,20180826-070517_871_live 6, I usually give up for the end of the year when I think my help will really make you happy,3,0,20180826-070517_871_live 7,"You said you give assistance to children's organizations, what type of assistance? Monetary or time, if time what exactly?",3,1,20180826-070517_871_live 8,for the Christmas and i donate 100$,4,0,20180826-070517_871_live 9,Nice. I love that people think of others during Christmas and give selflessly.,4,1,20180826-070517_871_live 10,this is the life helping people and give the gift for the people,5,0,20180826-070517_871_live 11,I agree. It brings me joy to know I made a difference in someone else's life than my own. People helping people is a wonderful thing.,5,1,20180826-070517_871_live 12,save the children is the best and fair organization ,6,0,20180826-070517_871_live 13,"I will have to look into that. I donate to a ministry that helps children in India with HIV/AIDS for their well being, food, housing, and medicine.",6,1,20180826-070517_871_live 14,wow great ,7,0,20180826-070517_871_live 15,"It is nice to get personal letter from the kid I personally sponsor, it makes it so real to see the impact and how they grow up via photos.",7,1,20180826-070517_871_live 16,this is the best think in your life the children are the future,8,0,20180826-070517_871_live 17,"They are, we need to do all we can to make it better for them and better than we were given it.",8,1,20180826-070517_871_live 18,yes i can do this,9,0,20180826-070517_871_live 19,I hope you have a great day and continue in your donation views.,9,1,20180826-070517_871_live 0,"I was wanting to see if you would be willing to donate to a charity called Save the Children. They promote childrens rights, provide relief and helps support children in developing countries.",0,0,20180826-181249_805_live 1,maybe,0,1,20180826-181249_805_live 2,So many children die every day due to starvation and acts of violence in these developing countries. These children are not given the same opportunity at education as you and I. Just a small donation of .50 could help imact a childs life.,1,0,20180826-181249_805_live 3,that is not bad,1,1,20180826-181249_805_live 4,Think about the unnecessary money that you spend on small things everyday like a snack or bag of candy. Most of these children will never know what it is like to go into a store and purchase something of such luxury.,2,0,20180826-181249_805_live 5,"yeah, that is true. spend lots of money on beer",2,1,20180826-181249_805_live 6,Most people find they get great satisfaction from helping someone out. You might find that you will eel the same way.,3,0,20180826-181249_805_live 7,how are the donations made?,3,1,20180826-181249_805_live 8,Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment.,4,0,20180826-181249_805_live 9,ok. it only pays $0.30 though,4,1,20180826-181249_805_live 10,It is your choice what you would like to donate so if you want to do .30 you can.,5,0,20180826-181249_805_live 11,ok that would be fine,5,1,20180826-181249_805_live 12,How much would you like to donate to the charity?,6,0,20180826-181249_805_live 13,$0.25 is a good amount,6,1,20180826-181249_805_live 14,The research team will collect all donations and send it to Save the Children.,7,0,20180826-181249_805_live 15,that sounds good,7,1,20180826-181249_805_live 16,Do you feel satisfaction from your generous donation today?,8,0,20180826-181249_805_live 17,"yes, that is fine",8,1,20180826-181249_805_live 18,Thank you very much for you help!,9,0,20180826-181249_805_live 19,thank you and hope it helps,9,1,20180826-181249_805_live 0,Have you heard of Save the Children?,0,0,20180826-212714_597_live 1,no i have not but i am interested!,0,1,20180826-212714_597_live 2,"Cool, it's international and non governmental. It helps children and their families. Are you still interested?",1,0,20180826-212714_597_live 3,yes i am very interested!,1,1,20180826-212714_597_live 4,If you donate you can help many children. Can I count on your support?,2,0,20180826-212714_597_live 5,yes of course! how much?,2,1,20180826-212714_597_live 6, You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment. Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment,3,0,20180826-212714_597_live 7,ok then i will donate half 15 cents,3,1,20180826-212714_597_live 8,"Cool, Thanks for your donation of $0.15 The research team will collect all donations and send it to Save the Children. Any other questions?",4,0,20180826-212714_597_live 9,no i dont think so i love the cause!,4,1,20180826-212714_597_live 10,have you checked out the site yet?,5,0,20180826-212714_597_live 11,yes im looking at it now actually it seems like a great foundation,5,1,20180826-212714_597_live 12,yes it does,6,0,20180826-212714_597_live 13,ok so we agreed on a price?,6,1,20180826-212714_597_live 14,yes we are 0.15 is it right?,7,0,20180826-212714_597_live 15,yes 0.15 is correcr,7,1,20180826-212714_597_live 16,yes again yhanks,8,0,20180826-212714_597_live 17,"ok thank you sounds good,",8,1,20180826-212714_597_live 18,alright i believe that;'s it,9,0,20180826-212714_597_live 19,yes how do we end it?,9,1,20180826-212714_597_live 0,Hello! How are you tonight?,0,0,20180826-194841_403_live 1,"Hey, I am fine!! How are you",0,1,20180826-194841_403_live 2,I am good. Have you heard of Save the children?,1,0,20180826-194841_403_live 3,It sounds familiar. I think I have heard of it.,1,1,20180826-194841_403_live 4,"Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",2,0,20180826-194841_403_live 5,"Yeah, I just looked it up. :) I like that it's non-governmental.",2,1,20180826-194841_403_live 6,"Yes I love that too. It ensures childrens right to health, education and so on. Do you ever volunteer or make donations?",3,0,20180826-194841_403_live 7,"I'll be honest with you, I have made donations to children's charities in the past. Like when I was in my twenties, but these days I have only made donations to animal rescue groups within the past two years. It's a very long story that begins with me witnessing a severe animal abuse (cats) case in my town. ",3,1,20180826-194841_403_live 8,You are an amazing person for caring for these babies. Animals are like children. In the first 2 months of 2018 alone 1000 children were reportedly killed or injured. Save the Children is an amazing organization.,4,0,20180826-194841_403_live 9,"How were these children killed or injured -- because I know that many people (children too) are slaughtered on the highway in horrific road accidents. If Save the Children helps those children who are orphaned or injured like this, then it is an amzing organization.Is that what this applies to?",4,1,20180826-194841_403_live 10,The children were reportedly killed or injured in intensifying violence. syrian children have grown up facing daily threat of violence.,5,0,20180826-194841_403_live 11,"I watched a video on YouTube a couple of years ago. It was Syrian children in a classroom, they were coloring pictures. It completely broke my heart because of their precious sweet innocence and intelligence. Their lives were in danger constantly from the threat of terrorism.",5,1,20180826-194841_403_live 12,It is so sad that children have to been in the middle of all the hate in the world today. It breaks my heart to see and hear of how bad children have to live and what they go thru each and every single day. ,6,0,20180826-194841_403_live 13,"Me too. I think about the little face I saw and since it was so long ago, I wonder if each and every one is okay -- still alive. ",6,1,20180826-194841_403_live 14,Making a small donation today will indeed help children and their families in such sad situations. Would you be willing to donate from your task payment today?,7,0,20180826-194841_403_live 15,Absolutely. I hope everyone does.,7,1,20180826-194841_403_live 16,I most definitely agree. How much will you be donating today?,8,0,20180826-194841_403_live 17,Whatever my task payment will be. I have no money right now which is why I'm on Mturk tonight. I live with my parents and I just bought a car last week which caused me an overdraft which I won't be caught up on until this coming Friday. ,8,1,20180826-194841_403_live 18,I completely understand that. We are all trying to survive in life. Thank you so much for your contribution. Feel free to check out URL if you would like to read more about the chairty. ,9,0,20180826-194841_403_live 19,I'm very sorry I can't donate more tonight. I would if I had at least $200 in my bank account. I hope it wsn't a waste of your time.,9,1,20180826-194841_403_live 20,"Oh no, you are awesome. No need to be sorry. You have not been a waste of time at all. Thanks so much.",10,0,20180826-194841_403_live 21,"You're welcome! It was nice talking, thanks for all you do. God bless you.",10,1,20180826-194841_403_live 0,hello,0,0,20180826-094859_742_live 1,hello,0,1,20180826-094859_742_live 2,would you donate,1,0,20180826-094859_742_live 3,to what charity?,1,1,20180826-094859_742_live 4,im saying for children,2,0,20180826-094859_742_live 5,"ok, yes I probably would. About 25 a month",2,1,20180826-094859_742_live 6,me too even its 5 dollar,3,0,20180826-094859_742_live 7,Do you think it's about children needing food or about disabilities in children?,3,1,20180826-094859_742_live 8,to be honest i dont really know,4,0,20180826-094859_742_live 9,Ever see the Shriners Hospital commercials?,4,1,20180826-094859_742_live 10,i use to yes,5,0,20180826-094859_742_live 11,Where you get the commemorative bear blanket if you donate a certain amount,5,1,20180826-094859_742_live 12,that i dont know do you know,6,0,20180826-094859_742_live 13,"Yes, they ask for 50 dollars a month, would you ever give that much?",6,1,20180826-094859_742_live 14,i would because i know they need it,7,0,20180826-094859_742_live 15,"Yes they do, many children with many different types of disabilities.",7,1,20180826-094859_742_live 16,that right to,8,0,20180826-094859_742_live 17,"So, we're in agreement, we would both contribute to this charity?",8,1,20180826-094859_742_live 18,i would do 5,9,0,20180826-094859_742_live 19,I will donate 25,9,1,20180826-094859_742_live 0,Good evening how are you doing today?,0,0,20180826-180554_582_live 1,yoy AnAOk OIm I,0,1,20180826-180554_582_live 2,I am writing to ask you to donate 10 dollars to save the children. This organization helps children's rights and supports children living in developing countries,1,0,20180826-180554_582_live 3,Yes I would,1,1,20180826-180554_582_live 4,"Your donation is essential to help ensuring children's rights to health, education, safety, etc. It will make a real difference in the world.",2,0,20180826-180554_582_live 5,I know it does I'll donate 5 dollars,2,1,20180826-180554_582_live 6,We have many children who starve and die of hunger. You donation will stop this from happening and possible save a child's life,3,0,20180826-180554_582_live 7,I realize that,3,1,20180826-180554_582_live 8,Save the children have been fight child hunger and disease for many years We have made a big inpact in these children's lives over the many years.,4,0,20180826-180554_582_live 9,That's is good,4,1,20180826-180554_582_live 10,"We have not received much support for these children. For instance, millions of Syrian children have grown up facing the daily threat of violence. In the first two months of 2018 alone, 1,000 children were reportedly killed or injured in intensifying violence. Your donation could possible go to this problem and help many young children",5,0,20180826-180554_582_live 11,Yes I know I will donate 5 dollars,5,1,20180826-180554_582_live 12,This will help out tremendously!,6,0,20180826-180554_582_live 13,i know it will,6,1,20180826-180554_582_live 14,If you could please ask you friends and family to help?,7,0,20180826-180554_582_live 15,I will are you going to help,7,1,20180826-180554_582_live 16,Convince them that they waste too much money on unnecessary stuff like snack and candy. They could be helping people with their money',8,0,20180826-180554_582_live 17,yes I know,8,1,20180826-180554_582_live 18,Please look at our website URL You can find out a lot about Save the children. It shows you all our sucess stories. ,9,0,20180826-180554_582_live 19,yes I have in going to donate,9,1,20180826-180554_582_live 20,Okay great! Thank you so much for your time and donation. We appreciate any help we can get. Remember to pass along our info to friends and family. Thank You and good night! ,10,0,20180826-180554_582_live 0,Hi there! Can I tell you all,0,0,20180826-062736_188_live 1,Hello how are,0,1,20180826-062736_188_live 2,sorry it cut me off...can I tell you about a charity called Save the Children?,1,0,20180826-062736_188_live 3,Yes pleas do,1,1,20180826-062736_188_live 4,"They help children make sure they have access to health resources, education, and safe environments.",2,0,20180826-062736_188_live 5,Sounds like a good charity. What countries do they provide service to?,2,1,20180826-062736_188_live 6,"mainly children in developing countries. Did you know over 1,000 children were killed in Syria in just the first 2 months of 2018.",3,0,20180826-062736_188_live 7,What kind of health benefits to they provide to the children?,3,1,20180826-062736_188_live 8,they provide them access to doctors and medicine that they wouldnt normally get. Donations are their main source of income.,4,0,20180826-062736_188_live 9,What is the standard monthly donation someone usually gives.,4,1,20180826-062736_188_live 10,"A lot of people like to give 30/month so it's only a dollar a day. however any donation helps, even just 1 dollar.",5,0,20180826-062736_188_live 11,What percentage of my donation actually makes it to the children?,5,1,20180826-062736_188_live 12,86% goes towards the services...the rest is used mainly for fundraising efforts,6,0,20180826-062736_188_live 13,Could you provide a breakdown of where that 14% goes?,6,1,20180826-062736_188_live 14,9% fundraising and 5% goes towards keeping the charity running like salaries etc,7,0,20180826-062736_188_live 15,Is save the children backed by any religious organizations?,7,1,20180826-062736_188_live 16,I'm not sure about religious organizations but several large companies partner with them. Would you consider making a donation?,8,0,20180826-062736_188_live 17,Could you pleas give examples of the large companies?,8,1,20180826-062736_188_live 18,"Google, Disney, target and paypal",9,0,20180826-062736_188_live 19,What percentage of your total donations come from these large corporations.,9,1,20180826-062736_188_live 20,Most come from individuals like you. consider making a donation!,10,0,20180826-062736_188_live 21,Yes I would,10,1,20180826-062736_188_live 0,Would you be willing to donate your proceeds to the Save the Children organization?,0,0,20180826-054344_65_live 1,Certainly as long as I know the donation will help the children ,0,1,20180826-054344_65_live 2,This is a fine organization. I have done some research and the majority of the proceeds go directly into helping the children. ,1,0,20180826-054344_65_live 3,I would certainly be willing to donate then,1,1,20180826-054344_65_live 4,How much are you willing to donate?,2,0,20180826-054344_65_live 5,I would be willing to donate $200,2,1,20180826-054344_65_live 6,"That is very generous. Would you be willing to donate a bit more. Say $500? From what I have learned, by donating $500, another organization will match the donation with a minimum $500 donation.",3,0,20180826-054344_65_live 7,I would certainly increase my donation if it would be matched since the majority of it is going directly to the children,3,1,20180826-054344_65_live 8,That's wonderful! So I can count on you for the $500 donation?,4,0,20180826-054344_65_live 9,Yes you can count on my donation,4,1,20180826-054344_65_live 10,"Thank you so much, you have no idea how much this will help the children in need! ",5,0,20180826-054344_65_live 11,Thank you Glad I was able to help this organization with my donation,5,1,20180826-054344_65_live 12,Do you have any friends or coworkers you might be willing to donate as well?,6,0,20180826-054344_65_live 13,I could certainly ask some of my coworkers and tell them about the match if they donate at least $500 and tell them what a worthy cause it is.,6,1,20180826-054344_65_live 14,Or how about an office pool to raise money?,7,0,20180826-054344_65_live 15,We really dont have a big office so I dont think an office pool would get very much in donations,7,1,20180826-054344_65_live 16,"Ok, that makes sense. Anything you could get in donations would certainly help. It doesn't have to be a full $500 donation. ",8,0,20180826-054344_65_live 17,Alright I will ask my co-workers,8,1,20180826-054344_65_live 18,Thank you again for your willingness to help with this wonderful organization!,9,0,20180826-054344_65_live 19,Glad I was in a position where I was able to help,9,1,20180826-054344_65_live 0,HAve you herad abot Save the Children organization?,0,0,20180826-060201_521_live 1,No i have not,0,1,20180826-060201_521_live 2,Its an organization that creates oportunities for children in need and hunger,1,0,20180826-060201_521_live 3,where are the children from?,1,1,20180826-060201_521_live 4,Childre are from different parts of the world.For example Syrian kids have died in thousands just in 2018 and Save the children is trying to help as much as they can,2,0,20180826-060201_521_live 5,Do you donate money?,2,1,20180826-060201_521_live 6,I do.You should that too.I am sure you are spending money in things you do not really need,3,0,20180826-060201_521_live 7,that is very true. do you donate often?,3,1,20180826-060201_521_live 8,I donate evry chance that I have.Every change money I get from the groceries I put it on a bucket and donate it at the end of the month.Many children needs your help!!,4,0,20180826-060201_521_live 9,yeah I try to do that too. It's hard to ensure the money goes to the actual children tho,4,1,20180826-060201_521_live 10,SAve the children its a serious organization.They have been making the difference for so long.,5,0,20180826-060201_521_live 11,Oh i bet. I would love to hear stories about the children that have been saved,5,1,20180826-060201_521_live 12,I remmember a case of a children that lost his oparents at war in Syria.The organization took care of him and find him a place to live,6,0,20180826-060201_521_live 13,does it have a website?,6,1,20180826-060201_521_live 14,They do.Check it out,7,0,20180826-060201_521_live 15,what is the website?,7,1,20180826-060201_521_live 16, URL Please make consciousness of this issue.Just do not to the other side,8,0,20180826-060201_521_live 17,thanks so much!,8,1,20180826-060201_521_live 18,You are welcome.Are you going to start donating to Save the Children?,9,0,20180826-060201_521_live 19,Yes I would like to conate,9,1,20180826-060201_521_live 20,HOw much will you want to donate today?,10,0,20180826-060201_521_live 21,I would like to donate $10,10,1,20180826-060201_521_live 0,hello,0,0,20180826-220838_141_live 1,Hello tell me something good,0,1,20180826-220838_141_live 2,Have you heard about this awesome children's organization called Save the Children?,1,0,20180826-220838_141_live 3,"a little, what do they do?",1,1,20180826-220838_141_live 4,"They are a very reputable international non-governmental organization dedicated to ensuring children's rights to health, education, safety, etc. ",2,0,20180826-220838_141_live 5,"cool, so what can i do",2,1,20180826-220838_141_live 6,The easiest way you can become involved with the organization initially is with monetary support. ,3,0,20180826-220838_141_live 7,ok so wht do you suggest?,3,1,20180826-220838_141_live 8,The easiest would be is to donated some or all of your incoming payment from this task today.,4,0,20180826-220838_141_live 9,not so fast what does the money go to,4,1,20180826-220838_141_live 10,"As I mentioned previously, for ensuring children's rights to health, education, safety, etc. For example Save the Children was one of the first to provide assistance after the Puerto Rico hurricanes to children whose parents had died in the storms with food and shelter.",5,0,20180826-220838_141_live 11,oh wow ok how much do you suggest?,5,1,20180826-220838_141_live 12,You can choose any amount from a few cents up to the full amount you'd get for the task today.,6,0,20180826-220838_141_live 13,ok $1 it is,6,1,20180826-220838_141_live 14,"Now I know I said any amount, but given the great cause this is, can you spare any more today? If you'd like to reconsider and read more about the organization you can view their website here : URL ",7,0,20180826-220838_141_live 15,nope 1 is cool,7,1,20180826-220838_141_live 16,"I could try to persuade you more, but it seems your mind is fairly set in place. Just remember it's not about doing better for ourselves, it's for the next generations that follow us.",8,0,20180826-220838_141_live 17,oh ok then $50,8,1,20180826-220838_141_live 18,That is very generous of you. The organization is going to be so pleased that they can provide an even more widespread reach with your generous donation. ,9,0,20180826-220838_141_live 19,ok thank alot,9,1,20180826-220838_141_live 20,"Just to confirm for the organizational leaders and the formal record, you are donating $50 to Save The Children today?",10,0,20180826-220838_141_live 0,"Save the Children is an amazing charity that helps kids who are in desperate need. They can help with safety, education and more. You can donate some of your earnings to this amazing charity.",0,0,20180826-053845_531_live 1,"I believe in this charity, but still wonder how much of the money I donate actually helps.",0,1,20180826-053845_531_live 2,"Every little bit makes a difference. When you have people who are so poor, it's amazing what a tiny amount can do.",1,0,20180826-053845_531_live 3,I would gladly give my earnings to this charity. Children hold the future of the world.,1,1,20180826-053845_531_live 4,It is really so heartbreaking when you see all of these kids not having enough to eat. It really breaks the heart. They are so little. ,2,0,20180826-053845_531_live 5,"I know, it always amazes me how many children are suffering around the world. It is so sad.",2,1,20180826-053845_531_live 6,Even the little bit you donate from your earnings can go a long way to making a difference for a child. ,3,0,20180826-053845_531_live 7,"Though MTurk they should raise quite a bit. Even though it is only .30 for this hit, with the number of people it adds up.",3,1,20180826-053845_531_live 8,That's what happens. Even small amounts make such a big difference when they are added up. That's why it does make such a difference to even do small things. ,4,0,20180826-053845_531_live 9,In my personal life I do pay attention to all the details and the reviews of charities. There are so many worthy causes that I try hard to make sure my meeker amounts go to benefit the most. ,4,1,20180826-053845_531_live 10,And Save the Children is a great charity. They really do help so many kids and people. ,5,0,20180826-053845_531_live 11,"I know they are a well established charity so should have all the resources, administration wise, to get the money where it is needed most.",5,1,20180826-053845_531_live 12,I think it's wonderful that you are doing this and are going to donate. It is such a great thing to do. ,6,0,20180826-053845_531_live 13,It makes me feel that even though not enough I have done a little something.,6,1,20180826-053845_531_live 14,"You do what you can, and that is all that matters. But you should feel good about this little amount. ",7,0,20180826-053845_531_live 15,"I live in a very rural area, people in my town are extremely poor and it still amazes me how they will take what little they have and take care of each other. ",7,1,20180826-053845_531_live 16,It is very sweet. And these small things just make such a difference. ,8,0,20180826-053845_531_live 17,"It is hard to watch and not reach out to help a child. I do what I can in my own community and the town comes together this time of year to make sure each child has school supplies. It is really sad that Save a Child exists, the world should be a safe place for children and there should be no need. ",8,1,20180826-053845_531_live 18,It should be. But with people helping it can at least make a difference. I think everyone can do their part. ,9,0,20180826-053845_531_live 19,"I agree, it has been very nice chatting with you and I hope you have a great day.",9,1,20180826-053845_531_live 20,Thank you so much. Can you tell me now how much you would like to donate? You can choose any amount to all your payment.,10,0,20180826-053845_531_live 21,I will donate all of my payment.,10,1,20180826-053845_531_live 0,Hi how are you this day ? ,0,0,20180826-033211_245_live 1,"Hey, I'm doing great, how are you?",0,1,20180826-033211_245_live 2,I am very good. Glad to be doing this survey because it is for a good cause (Save the children) Do you agree ? ,1,0,20180826-033211_245_live 3,Oh absolutely! I think it's very important to donate to charities.,1,1,20180826-033211_245_live 4,Yeah I stronlgly believe we should all pitch in and help. I am 100% sure I am going to donate 80%-100% of my earnings for this survey to (Save the children) It will make me feel good to help Little helpless children. What do you think you will be donating ?,2,0,20180826-033211_245_live 5,I don't have the money right now to donate. I will defiantly be donating at the first of September though. I will try to donate at least five dollars.,2,1,20180826-033211_245_live 6,"We all need money, but this is a special cause and the money is not too much. These surveys are a good way for us to get involved and help those in need........Dont you agree ?",3,0,20180826-033211_245_live 7,Oh yeah defiantly. Out of the earnings I earn from this survey I would probably donate at least half. It's only fair.,3,1,20180826-033211_245_live 8,Wow that is so good to hear it reallly shows that most people are willing to help those who are less fortunate than ourselves. ,4,0,20180826-033211_245_live 9,Yeah it's very important to help someone that is less fortunate than yourself. Especially if they are children.,4,1,20180826-033211_245_live 10,"Did they tell you ""How much do you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment.""",5,0,20180826-033211_245_live 11,At this time I can't donate any amount. However I will donate later.,5,1,20180826-033211_245_live 12,I thought you said you would donate a part of your earnings ? How about I match you on what you decide you can afford to donate. If you donate 30% I will donate 50% if you donate higher I will increase mine accordingly. It is a one time thing. Those kids suffer quite a lot and dont really have anyone to help them. ,6,0,20180826-033211_245_live 13,Sure I will donate 30%.,6,1,20180826-033211_245_live 14,"Awesome. I know I have never met you ,but I feel so good to be working with you to help someone even if it is such a small amount it makes me feel glad. ",7,0,20180826-033211_245_live 15,Same to you! Most people wouldn't give anything and it makes me really happy to meet someone that would help with whatever they can.,7,1,20180826-033211_245_live 16,Yeah I agree 100% with you. I have been to other countries that are very poor and it is Amazing how much a little donation will make a BIG differance in these childrens lives. ,8,0,20180826-033211_245_live 17,I guess in America you don't really understand what other countries go through. That's awesome you have been to other countries. I don't mind helping at all.,8,1,20180826-033211_245_live 18,I live in Florida. What part of USA are you from ? ,9,0,20180826-033211_245_live 19,"North Carolina, I've been to Florida once, it's nice.",9,1,20180826-033211_245_live 20,North Carolina is nice I have been there once. Well nice talking to you so I am going to Donate 70% and you will do the 30% .Good Deal and hope this will help others. Take care have a great day. ,10,0,20180826-033211_245_live 0,A donation for a child is very neccesary,0,0,20180826-053811_708_live 1,I couldn't agree more.,0,1,20180826-053811_708_live 2,Have you ever donate for children in your area?,1,0,20180826-053811_708_live 3,"I have, I have donated christmas gifts to local Toys for Tots every year. And a few other local charities specifically for children. Have you ever donated to children?",1,1,20180826-053811_708_live 4,"Yes,I have.I remember a kid that lives on the strreets.He has no parents ,no one that cares about him",2,0,20180826-053811_708_live 5,Thats very sweet of you. What did you get him?,2,1,20180826-053811_708_live 6,I get in touch with the Save the Children program.They get him a house and warm food,3,0,20180826-053811_708_live 7,Thats amazing. I am glad you were there to help him. I would do the same,3,1,20180826-053811_708_live 8,It is a shame many children die of hunger everyday while some people spend money on stuff they do not need,4,0,20180826-053811_708_live 9,"Its extremely sad. If I had the money that some people have, I would form my own foundation specifically for under privileged children and those in need.",4,1,20180826-053811_708_live 10,I think you can still make a difference.How much money do you waste on candy or cookies every year?,5,0,20180826-053811_708_live 11,I don't waste much money on that type of stuff. My money is more wasted on drive thru getting coffee. I can easily cut down on that to donate more to charity tho. Great idea!!,5,1,20180826-053811_708_live 12,Thank for helping to the cause.If we all donate a little to Save the children we will have less hunger in the world.Everyone should be responsible of this issue ,6,0,20180826-053811_708_live 13,"I agree. Children are the future, and not only that, but they didn't ask to be born, so why should they suffer? They need the best shot and thats up to us to give.",6,1,20180826-053811_708_live 14,Exactly!!!.I hope more people think like you and me,7,0,20180826-053811_708_live 15,"If that was the case, than we might not be in this problem. But we can always try. ",7,1,20180826-053811_708_live 16,We should start increasin our contribution to Save the children program and make consciousness for other people to join as well,8,0,20180826-053811_708_live 17,I agree. What do you have in mind?,8,1,20180826-053811_708_live 18,tell to family and friends is a first step,9,0,20180826-053811_708_live 19,And share on social media could be the next step?,9,1,20180826-053811_708_live 0,"Hi, how are you?",0,0,20180826-182047_49_live 1,Great! I have been research the Make-A-Wish foundation. Are you familiar with it?,0,1,20180826-182047_49_live 2,"That's great! Yes, I am familiar with them. Are you familiar with Save the Children?",1,0,20180826-182047_49_live 3,I have heard of it but don't know much about what they do. will you tell me?,1,1,20180826-182047_49_live 4,"I would love to. Save the Children helps to ensure children's rights to health, education, and safety. Is this something that you care about?",2,0,20180826-182047_49_live 5,that sounds meaningful. How involved are you in the organization? i am about to donate to make-a-wish and hope you will too.,2,1,20180826-182047_49_live 6,I am in charge of communications. I help spread the word about our organization and encourage people to donate. I would donate to make-a-wish. Would you donate to Save the Children?,3,0,20180826-182047_49_live 7,"I will. I will do $10 to both. I am somewhat of a tight budget, but I always make room for good causes.",3,1,20180826-182047_49_live 8,Thank you very much. The children will appreciate it. Do you donate to charities often?,4,0,20180826-182047_49_live 9,I do. I focus on kids and animals. Make a wish is really cool. Lots of celebrities get involved. John Cena has granted 400 wishes!,4,1,20180826-182047_49_live 10,Wow! John Cena is amazing. You can't see him - ha ha. Save the Children has celebrities too. Bill Nye the Science Guy helps educate the children.,5,0,20180826-182047_49_live 11,I love it when celebrities bring attention to causes. Really gets the public's interest. ,5,1,20180826-182047_49_live 12,"Yeah, it is a great way to get people involved. Save the Children also gained attention by being sponsored by the UN. Our founder also won a Nobel Peace Prize a few years ago.",6,0,20180826-182047_49_live 13,"Wow, that's amazing. How much money a year does save the children raise?",6,1,20180826-182047_49_live 14,Last year we raised 2.5 million dollars. This year we are on track to hit 3 million thanks to generous people like you!,7,0,20180826-182047_49_live 15,well i will absolutely donate and tell some friends. i hope you will also donate to make a wish.,7,1,20180826-182047_49_live 16,"Absolutely. I will donate $10 to Make a Wish. So you are donating $10 to Save the Children, right?",8,0,20180826-182047_49_live 17,yes i am. i will do it as soon as the chat ends.,8,1,20180826-182047_49_live 18,Thank you very much. People like you make the world better. Have a wonderful night.,9,0,20180826-182047_49_live 19,i hope the same for you also!,9,1,20180826-182047_49_live 0,"hello, are you interested in charities?",0,0,20180826-181742_58_live 1,yes i am are you?,0,1,20180826-181742_58_live 2,"of course i am, do you know save the children charity?",1,0,20180826-181742_58_live 3,no can you tell me a little about it,1,1,20180826-181742_58_live 4,"of course, save the children is a non-profit organization that helps the children all over the world.",2,0,20180826-181742_58_live 5,that sounds great. i feel like i need to do something like that,2,1,20180826-181742_58_live 6,are you interested in helpin childrens?,3,0,20180826-181742_58_live 7,how can i help them?,3,1,20180826-181742_58_live 8,"you can help them by donating, do you want to donate?",4,0,20180826-181742_58_live 9,how long have you been donating for?,4,1,20180826-181742_58_live 10,"several years now, different organizations. do you like to donate?",5,0,20180826-181742_58_live 11,what other organizations? i donate sometimes.,5,1,20180826-181742_58_live 12,"when i see or when they ask me i help, are you willing to donate today?",6,0,20180826-181742_58_live 13,"i need a little more information, if thats not too much to ask?",6,1,20180826-181742_58_live 14,"no of course, what you need to know?",7,0,20180826-181742_58_live 15,what exactly does the charity do for children?,7,1,20180826-181742_58_live 16,"they feed them , buy clothes, cure them, and take them to schools. ",8,0,20180826-181742_58_live 17,how much can i donate?,8,1,20180826-181742_58_live 18,"every amount is desirable, you heart would know.",9,0,20180826-181742_58_live 19,is 20 dollars okay?,9,1,20180826-181742_58_live 20,"yes of course, are you willing to donate such money?",10,0,20180826-181742_58_live 21,yes i am,10,1,20180826-181742_58_live 0,"Hello, may I ask how interested are you in children and their quality of life right now",0,0,20180826-192022_0_live 1,I am very interested! I think it is important to support children from all walks of life.,0,1,20180826-192022_0_live 2,Have you ever thought about donating to an organization that helps children in need?,1,0,20180826-192022_0_live 3,"I absolutely have, most recently to support children who were separated from their parents entering the country.",1,1,20180826-192022_0_live 4,"That is great to hear, but sadly there is not much that that organization can do, as a lot of children in poor countries don't even get the chance to live past the 15 years of age",2,0,20180826-192022_0_live 5,Is there a particular organization or charity you are thinking of?,2,1,20180826-192022_0_live 6,"Yes, it is called Save The Children, it is an organization dedicated to ensure safety, education, health and other basic needs for kids in poor countries",3,0,20180826-192022_0_live 7,That sounds very interesting. What sorts of things do they do to ensure those things? And what countries do they provide support in?,3,1,20180826-192022_0_live 8,"They mostly help kids in the African continent, but also in Asian countries like Nepal and Butan, where there is simply no way for kids to access education unless their parents are rich. They work hand in hand with the red cross and UNICEF to bring help to those in need, often aiding personally with their voluntaries besides cooperating with the money",4,0,20180826-192022_0_live 9,Wow that is amazing! How long has this organization been volunteering?,4,1,20180826-192022_0_live 10,They are about to celebrate their 10th anniversary next year,5,0,20180826-192022_0_live 11,That sounds like they have a pretty strong foundation. I like that they provide educational support for the children. ,5,1,20180826-192022_0_live 12,"I like that too, perhaps you would be interested in donating something to them?",6,0,20180826-192022_0_live 13,I might be interested. What ways can I donate?,6,1,20180826-192022_0_live 14,"You can visit their site to do so, or visit one of their physical locations if they are nearby",7,0,20180826-192022_0_live 15,Do you know where they have offices?,7,1,20180826-192022_0_live 16,"They have offices in most cities of USA and Canada, if you are not near, you can always visit their website",8,0,20180826-192022_0_live 17,I will definitely have to check their website out. Do you know if they support children in the US who do not have access to education or other basic necessities?,8,1,20180826-192022_0_live 18,"They do most probably, they care for al children in need equally",9,0,20180826-192022_0_live 19,"That is wonderful, thank you for all the information.",9,1,20180826-192022_0_live 20,"So, how much would you like to donate to this organization?",10,0,20180826-192022_0_live 0,"Good morning, I am here to ask if you would be willing to donate to the ""Save the Children"" Charity to assist children in need.",0,0,20180826-060146_791_live 1,Where you from?,0,1,20180826-060146_791_live 2,North Carolina. We have representatives all across the country!,1,0,20180826-060146_791_live 3,So you're supposed to convince me to spend my money?!,1,1,20180826-060146_791_live 4,Not at all. We are only asking that you assist in our Charity to help children in need.,2,0,20180826-060146_791_live 5,"Other words for spending my money, no matter how you phrase it!@",2,1,20180826-060146_791_live 6,This is a matter of perspective. You may choose to assist or not. It is up to you as an individual to make the decision.,3,0,20180826-060146_791_live 7,So you don't argue (any more) that you are trying to get me to spend my money?,3,1,20180826-060146_791_live 8,I have not tried to argue with you at all. All that we ask is that you donate money to our charity. This decision is yours to make.,4,0,20180826-060146_791_live 9,"Well, simply said, no.",4,1,20180826-060146_791_live 10,"If that is your decision, then we understand and thank you for your time.",5,0,20180826-060146_791_live 11,So we only have five more passages to spend. What time did you start this task?,5,1,20180826-060146_791_live 12,eh...probably about 10 minutes ago. I didn't understand it. You?,6,0,20180826-060146_791_live 13,"Given the poor internet connection, I've been at this longer, but I'm not interested in charities, unless it's for me.",6,1,20180826-060146_791_live 14,"Same. To be honest, I think this gimmick is outdated. I doubt anyone would actually fall for this. Especially since we are both given specific instructions. Sorry about the connection. For some reason, mine isn't working this morning either.",7,0,20180826-060146_791_live 15,"My connection is normal - very rural here, and it's always bad. Bet you're on a cable?",7,1,20180826-060146_791_live 16,I am also in a rural location. Where are you? ,8,0,20180826-060146_791_live 17,"Ozark woods, county has 15k people, 150k cattle :)",8,1,20180826-060146_791_live 18,"I am from the south. We have nothing but cows, horses, sheep, and chickens. Wonderful area. Right below the mountains so we have a lot of fog and lakes around here. Your county sounds absolutely wonderful. :D",9,0,20180826-060146_791_live 19,"I step outside and all I hear is bugs. No neighbors, sirens, cars, just bugs.",9,1,20180826-060146_791_live 0,Hi! Are you interested in making a donation to Save the Children?,0,0,20180826-054232_684_live 1,"Hi, Yes I am",0,1,20180826-054232_684_live 2,"That's great to hear! Donations make a huge difference in the lives of these kids. Your help will give them access to food, healthcare, education, and safety, among other things.",1,0,20180826-054232_684_live 3,"Yes, I agree. Helping children and pets is one of the donations I enjoy making and helping at the same time.",1,1,20180826-054232_684_live 4,Do you have an amount in mind that you'd like to donate?,2,0,20180826-054232_684_live 5,I was thinking to donate around 10 cents for save the children. I hope that is adequate and helps them for food and shelter.,2,1,20180826-054232_684_live 6,"Any amount we can collect for them is welcome. Would it convince you to donate more if I can assure you that the donation is absolutely secure and will be completely given to a trustworthy, verified fund within Save the Children?",3,0,20180826-054232_684_live 7,ok how about 20 cents. I do want to help in anyway that I can.,3,1,20180826-054232_684_live 8,"Thank you so much. It's really appreciated. The amount of suffering that children around the world face is terrible. For example, in the first two months of 2018, a thousand children in Syria were injured in the violence there. Anything you can add to the donation will go directly to helping them.",4,0,20180826-054232_684_live 9,yeah I heard a little bit about on how children are suffering. I want to give a donation to help them. I am glad I can help in anyway that I can.,4,1,20180826-054232_684_live 10,"It will make a big difference to Save the Children. The organization has done wonders for kids, saving them from everything from violence to starvation. We as people have a moral responsibility to help them, and when we have extra, there's no better place to put it than in the hands of a trustworthy charity that will use it to save kids.",5,0,20180826-054232_684_live 11,"Yes, I believe it is good to be ethical. And to help children and animals as much as we can. Most of all save the children is a trustworthy organization which I trust to put my donations in with.",5,1,20180826-054232_684_live 12,"To confirm, you said you were willing to donate 20 cents, correct?",6,0,20180826-054232_684_live 13,Yes that is correct,6,1,20180826-054232_684_live 14,"Is there anything you'd like to ask, or any way I can convince you to send a little more to Save the Children in the interests of the kids they work to help?",7,0,20180826-054232_684_live 15,I feel that 20 cents is adequate for the donation. I want to help in any way that I can. Also I want to verify that this organization is most trusting.,7,1,20180826-054232_684_live 16,"Alright, 20 cents out of the whole task payment amount. Thank you again for the donation. It will be sent to Save the Children.",8,0,20180826-054232_684_live 17,thank you. I wanted to help and want to help with a donation,8,1,20180826-054232_684_live 18,It's much appreciated.,9,0,20180826-054232_684_live 19,what hobbies do you like? and where are you from?,9,1,20180826-054232_684_live 0,Hey! How are you doin today?,0,0,20180826-043247_456_live 1,Hey! I'm doing well! How are you?,0,1,20180826-043247_456_live 2,"I\'m alright, just reading up on this organization called ""Save the Children"".. have you heard about it?",1,0,20180826-043247_456_live 3,I haven't. It sounds familiar though. Could you tell me about it?,1,1,20180826-043247_456_live 4,"Yeah, no problem! It's a non-governmental organization that helps with children's rights. They claim to provide relief and support to kids in developing countries. ",2,0,20180826-043247_456_live 5,That's amazing. Do they provide legal help or support to live?,2,1,20180826-043247_456_live 6,"It looks like a bit of both! But they're down on donations. Curious, how willing would you be to donate to the cause? Say... if it were deducted from your task payment?",3,0,20180826-043247_456_live 7,"I'm really passionate about children's rights no matter what background they are from. When it isn't available, I think it's important to provide for them if we can. So, I'd be willing to donate, if I could confirm the charity was a legitimate one.",3,1,20180826-043247_456_live 8,"Absolutely! Save the Children is quite credible, and has tons of information out there about their organization. They have corporate partnerships, individuals, and foundations! ",4,0,20180826-043247_456_live 9,"Oh, wow! Okay, I would definitely donate to them!",4,1,20180826-043247_456_live 10,That's so awesome to hear! How much were you thinkin? You can choose any amount from $0 to all of your payment. ,5,0,20180826-043247_456_live 11,"I'm not sure how much I would be getting from the task, but I will say $1!",5,1,20180826-043247_456_live 12,"That's so awesome of you! The research team will be able to collect all donations and send it on over to Save the Children. It's a very valuable cause, and afterall, they have won up to 7 awards. ",6,0,20180826-043247_456_live 13,"Oh, that is nice! Especially now with so many children separated from their families because of the immigration disputes, I hope they can help children here even in America as well!",6,1,20180826-043247_456_live 14,"They absolutely have United States based programs! From Avocacy, to Education, and even emergency services. I worry about those kids too, so I understand. It's a shame what's going on, I hope the problem gets rectified soon. ",7,0,20180826-043247_456_live 15,"Me too. I think about them so often. I have a sister who is under eighteen. I try to teach her about her rights because I think it is so important to know them. If someone believes they can take advantage of your ignorance, a lot of times, they will. It's a shame, but I want her to know her rights so that she is never taken advantage of by someone in a higher position of power. Wherever and whoever that may be.",7,1,20180826-043247_456_live 16,I want to teach my daughter the same someday! It's even harder seeing the things going on here on the news and in the media when you have a child that's so close to you :(,8,0,20180826-043247_456_live 17,Yes. It makes me scared for her and my nephews as well. I hope we can fix the bad in the world by the time they grow older. I have noticed so many kids that are kinder and more aware than when I was younger. I think it's because there are more people who have experienced injustice or have been hurt by inequality. They want to make sure it doesn't happen to the ones that come after us.,8,1,20180826-043247_456_live 18,"I agree! I think that the internet helps, too. Helps to bring awareness. It was very kind of you, today, to donate your earnings from this chat for the kids. I understand the grind of trying to make a buck, and I just wanted to leave you off with one thing: you heard about saving children and you committed. That's so big of you, and not many people care these days. I admire you, and I hope you have a wonderful day. :)",9,0,20180826-043247_456_live 19,Thank you. It was nice speaking with you! :),9,1,20180826-043247_456_live 20,You as well! xx,10,0,20180826-043247_456_live 0,"How much money do you have? Like, are you wealthy?",0,0,20180826-180646_7_live 1,No I'm not wealthy. I have couple dollars .do you have money?,0,1,20180826-180646_7_live 2,"Naw, i aint got too much. I mean, I'm alive and all. I could have more. I guess im not hungry though. Not anymore.",1,0,20180826-180646_7_live 3,I hear you same here. Would u like to donate to children's charity?,1,1,20180826-180646_7_live 4,why would I do that? you think I would be on here if I could donate to charity?,2,0,20180826-180646_7_live 5,I'm asking would you yes or no that's all.,2,1,20180826-180646_7_live 6,would I like to? idk. maybe. id have to trust em i guess. how can i really know anything about this?,3,0,20180826-180646_7_live 7,O ok I understand. Yes there are a lot of fakes out there. If I had lots if money I would.,3,1,20180826-180646_7_live 8,cool cool. ,4,0,20180826-180646_7_live 9,Yup yup. So?,4,1,20180826-180646_7_live 10,but like...now that I think about it. we totally should though right?,5,0,20180826-180646_7_live 11,Yes. Elaborate more in what you think about charities,5,1,20180826-180646_7_live 12,"well, i guess charity isnt REALLY about anyone else but ourselves. when i was on the street with nutthin but the change some people tossed me and my boi leeroy said he was starvin i was like dang mane i gotchu and then he felt good which made me feel good. i dont know where he is anymore, could be dead, but i still feel good for helping",6,0,20180826-180646_7_live 13,That's awesome your just like me in that instance .u a caring person,6,1,20180826-180646_7_live 14,"i try to be, and i guess it dont really cost anything but our time right?",7,0,20180826-180646_7_live 15,And our good hearts,7,1,20180826-180646_7_live 16,haha you siad it mane <3 so how much of your reward you wanna donate to deez kids?,8,0,20180826-180646_7_live 17,I have no clue man. How about you?,8,1,20180826-180646_7_live 18,wish i could say mane,9,0,20180826-180646_7_live 19,I hear you .If you could how much would you dinate,9,1,20180826-180646_7_live 20,u tell me man! i need to know where that heart is,10,0,20180826-180646_7_live 21,It is up to you to decide,10,1,20180826-180646_7_live 0,"Hello, how are you today?",0,0,20180826-040651_411_live 1,hello i am fine thank you,0,1,20180826-040651_411_live 2,Have you heard of our charity Save the Children?,1,0,20180826-040651_411_live 3,yes I've donated $ 150 to this year for this organization,1,1,20180826-040651_411_live 4,"Awesome, you know all about it then!",2,0,20180826-040651_411_live 5,"I know more or less how it works and my goals are, but what do you know",2,1,20180826-040651_411_live 6,"I know it is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights while also providing relief and support for children in developing countries. It is awesome there are people that dedicate their lives to help ensure children have the rights to health, education, safety, and much more.",3,0,20180826-040651_411_live 7,"very fair, it is good that all contribute little to the help of children all over the world",3,1,20180826-040651_411_live 8,This is very true. So how do you feel about donating today?,4,0,20180826-040651_411_live 9,"I feel the happiest man in the world when I donate some help if she is, I feel very good when my help is happening to people",4,1,20180826-040651_411_live 10,"This is great to hear, not everybody feels that way!",5,0,20180826-040651_411_live 11,I do not only help the children but everybody who needs some help if this financial or moral help,5,1,20180826-040651_411_live 12,It sounds like we need more people like you in the world.,6,0,20180826-040651_411_live 13,"true, we live a life and it would be more fun to live beautifully and happily but not only for ourselves but to be happy for all the people who surround us somewhat",6,1,20180826-040651_411_live 14,This is true. Everybody deserves the option to be happy. We all should have equal opportunity to be happy and succeed in life.,7,0,20180826-040651_411_live 15,if I define what makes me happy in life is to look and my beloved happy man,7,1,20180826-040651_411_live 16,"That is an awesome definition. So seeing as how you mentioned you would like to donate today, what is a specific amount you would be willing to donate?",8,0,20180826-040651_411_live 17,"I wanted to buy clothes for myself today, but I will give them some kind of charity online search, full $ 100",8,1,20180826-040651_411_live 18,"That is great to hear, however. Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from 0$ to all of your payment.",9,0,20180826-040651_411_live 19,"work here is the other thing, my donation comes from my other payment",9,1,20180826-040651_411_live 20,"That's awesome, so you'd like to donate all of your task payment?",10,0,20180826-040651_411_live 0,"Hello there, how are you doing today?",0,0,20180826-065245_39_live 1,"I'm great, thanks. How are you?",0,1,20180826-065245_39_live 2,"I'm doing swell, thanks for asking! So how do you feel about children?",1,0,20180826-065245_39_live 3,I love children. I believe they are our future and should be taken care of in the best possible way.,1,1,20180826-065245_39_live 4,"That's great! I happen to agree! Do you have any children yourself, or do you plan to in the future?",2,0,20180826-065245_39_live 5,I do not have children of my own and am not able to have them. I am contemplating adoption for the future.,2,1,20180826-065245_39_live 6,"Oh, that's wonderful! So many kids out there need a home, after all! There are so many issues today with children, all over the world! For instance, did you know that in the first two months of 2018 alone, over 1k children were killed or injured in intensifying violence?",3,0,20180826-065245_39_live 7,"Wow, that is a staggering amount. I did not know that. I am a big fan of organizations who take care of the needs of hurt children.",3,1,20180826-065245_39_live 8,"Oh? That\'s awesome! I assume you\'ve heard about the organization called ""Save the Children"" then?",4,0,20180826-065245_39_live 9,I have! They seem to be doing a good job.,4,1,20180826-065245_39_live 10,"That, they do! Did you know they've won over 7 different awards for their charitable work? As a former foster kid, it makes me happy to see this place bring such awareness to the issues and needs of our young. ",5,0,20180826-065245_39_live 11,I am not surprised to hear that at all. Children should not have to do through so much tragedy and devastation at such young ages. It is great that others are looking out for them.,5,1,20180826-065245_39_live 12,"Absolutely! In fact, you can even help! If you want to make a small donation from your task payment, I'm sure it would be greatly appreciated! You can donate just a few cents, or even the whole amount of your final payout if you choose!",6,0,20180826-065245_39_live 13,"I probably will do that. If everyone did something, it helps the bigger overall picture and they are so worth it.",6,1,20180826-065245_39_live 14,"Absolutely! I mean, we already spend money on small snacks or a coffee we could forgo, why not give it to a charitable cause? How noble of you!",7,0,20180826-065245_39_live 15,"I just know that if I were a child in need, I would be grateful for all the help I could get.",7,1,20180826-065245_39_live 16,"Absolutely! I remember being in a group home as a kid, and a bunch of ladies had made blankets and hats for us. I still have the blanket I was made to this day! A little goes a long way :)",8,0,20180826-065245_39_live 17,"Wow, that is so good to hear. I'm sure it is not easy for organizations to get charitable work done but I am grateful they try and that others get involved. Kuddos to them!",8,1,20180826-065245_39_live 18,"Yeah, it really is humbling to watch society ban together and help each other! Either way, I'm sure Save the Children will appreciate your donation, and be able to save many more children in the future. You have a good day!",9,0,20180826-065245_39_live 19,The life of a child is always worth saving. You have a good day as well.,9,1,20180826-065245_39_live 0,hello?,0,0,20180826-184708_183_live 1,Hello there!,0,1,20180826-184708_183_live 2,Would you like to donate to Save the Children?,1,0,20180826-184708_183_live 3,"Yes, what would this charity be doing to save the children?",1,1,20180826-184708_183_live 4,"Save the Children is and how their donation is essential to help ensuring children's rights to health, education, safety, etc. ",2,0,20180826-184708_183_live 5,What have they done in the past? ,2,1,20180826-184708_183_live 6,"Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",3,0,20180826-184708_183_live 7,What countries have they been able to help? ,3,1,20180826-184708_183_live 8," Millions of Syrian children have grown up facing the daily threat of violence. In the first two months of 2018 alone, 1,000 children were reportedly killed or injured in intensifying violence.",4,0,20180826-184708_183_live 9,"I am aware of the violence in Syria but what has ""Save the Children"" done to aid in health, education and safety?",4,1,20180826-184708_183_live 10,Small donations will indeed help a lot of children and their families. How much would you like to donate?,5,0,20180826-184708_183_live 11,Before I can donate I will need to know how this organization has help. ,5,1,20180826-184708_183_live 12,Be specific in what your asking?,6,0,20180826-184708_183_live 13,"How has ""Save the Children"" helped to aid in health, education and safety of the Syrian children?",6,1,20180826-184708_183_live 14,"Save the children send over rights to health, education, and safety with the funds that you donate to developing countries Syria was an example of countries we aid with the donation. Would you like to donate?",7,0,20180826-184708_183_live 15,"Send over rights? I do not understand. I also agreed to donate but before that I need more information, why do you keep asking me to donate? ",7,1,20180826-184708_183_live 16,"Because you keep asking the same question for someone that conversing about donating to a charity. Its almost like you want to see paper work proof, I told you where your donation goes either you want to donate or not?",8,0,20180826-184708_183_live 17,"Exactly, in today\'s world one must be weary of scammers. Those who are really trying to do ""good"" for others will be more than happy to show proof of where donations are going or at least letting one know how those donations will be put to use. Telling me where it goes really does nothing for me. ",8,1,20180826-184708_183_live 18, URL go check it out.,9,0,20180826-184708_183_live 19,"Why the aggressive tone of me ""donating or not""? ",9,1,20180826-184708_183_live 0,"Hello, would you be willing to donate some of your money to save the children?",0,0,20180826-082717_200_live 1,To save the children where?,0,1,20180826-082717_200_live 2,It is a non-governmental organization that helps children in developing countries,1,0,20180826-082717_200_live 3,What does it help the children with?,1,1,20180826-082717_200_live 4,"With their rights and relief for many daily necessities like food, water, shelter, and education to name a few",2,0,20180826-082717_200_live 5,Is there a minimum donation?,2,1,20180826-082717_200_live 6,"A minimum donation of 10 cents would be appreciated, which is a third of the money received for this task. The more the better.",3,0,20180826-082717_200_live 7,I would be interested in making a donation,3,1,20180826-082717_200_live 8,Thank you so much. Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment.,4,0,20180826-082717_200_live 9,ok that sounds great,4,1,20180826-082717_200_live 10,Okay. Thanks. Is there an option on your end where you can donate?,5,0,20180826-082717_200_live 11,No there is not,5,1,20180826-082717_200_live 12,So how do we finish this conversatin then?,6,0,20180826-082717_200_live 13,"I have no idea, maybe after we have 10 chat turns each",6,1,20180826-082717_200_live 14,"Lol, I guess we have to chat a few more turns. ",7,0,20180826-082717_200_live 15,where are you from?,7,1,20180826-082717_200_live 16,"Originally from Romania, but I live in the US in California. How about you?",8,0,20180826-082717_200_live 17,I am born and raised in Florida,8,1,20180826-082717_200_live 18,"Nice, would like to travel and visit other states sometime when Im free.",9,0,20180826-082717_200_live 19,I made $100+ everyday last week on Mturk and now all I have left is these low paying surveys,9,1,20180826-082717_200_live 0,"Hi, would you like to donate to Save the Children?",0,0,20180826-013036_595_live 1,"hello, I have heard of the organization but I am unfamiliar with what they do. what would my donation go toward?",0,1,20180826-013036_595_live 2,Your donation would help promote children's rights help support children in developing countries. It can really make a difference.,1,0,20180826-013036_595_live 3,I think I would rather donate to a childrens charity that takes care of American children. ,1,1,20180826-013036_595_live 4,Are American children more important than non-American children?,2,0,20180826-013036_595_live 5,"In the scheme of things, a life is a life, but I am American and feel it important to help my fellow Americans",2,1,20180826-013036_595_live 6,"The children we help are in desperate need, however. Can't you spare even a small donation?",3,0,20180826-013036_595_live 7,Perhaps I could help out a little. Where are you at?,3,1,20180826-013036_595_live 8,You can check us out at URL ,4,0,20180826-013036_595_live 9,are you based in America? are you an American?,4,1,20180826-013036_595_live 10,We're an international NGO based in the UK.,5,0,20180826-013036_595_live 11,"looking at the link you provided, it appears that children in America also benefit from Save the Children donations. Is that correct?",5,1,20180826-013036_595_live 12,"Ah, so you noticed. ;-)",6,0,20180826-013036_595_live 13,"I hate to be so prejudicial, but I care about the kids around me more than ones I cannot see!",6,1,20180826-013036_595_live 14,"Well, then. You are a scallywag ninny!",7,0,20180826-013036_595_live 15,I accept that! How much of a donation are you looking for from me?,7,1,20180826-013036_595_live 16,"Well, your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all of your payment. Choose all of it!",8,0,20180826-013036_595_live 17,all of it seems a little steep! I would consider a smaller portion. half would work for me.,8,1,20180826-013036_595_live 18,"Well, it's something. Let's do it, then. Half. Deal?",9,0,20180826-013036_595_live 19,"yes, fifteen cents",9,1,20180826-013036_595_live 20,"At least you\'re ""half"" decent. ;-)",10,0,20180826-013036_595_live 0,Hi! How are you doing today?,0,0,20180826-070323_186_live 1,"Good, thanks! How are you?",0,1,20180826-070323_186_live 2,I am doing well thank you. Do you ever donate to charity?,1,0,20180826-070323_186_live 3,In the past few years I rarely have.,1,1,20180826-070323_186_live 4,"I know, it can be hard to donate. especially in today's society, but a tiny amount, even less than a dollar, can go a long way",2,0,20180826-070323_186_live 5,"That seems so hard to believe, but I guess lots of pennies still add up!",2,1,20180826-070323_186_live 6,"Exactly, I feel the same way sometimes, but think if everyone in the US gave a nickel, that's over 16 million dollars",3,0,20180826-070323_186_live 7,"Wow, that definitely puts it in perspective! ",3,1,20180826-070323_186_live 8,"There are so many charities too, but I believe that children are the future, and we need to do what we can to help them have fulfilling lives",4,0,20180826-070323_186_live 9,I agree with you! ,4,1,20180826-070323_186_live 10,Have you ever volunteered? It's another way to help without having to spend any money,5,0,20180826-070323_186_live 11,"I have! I used to volunteer often, but I have so little time it feels like now!",5,1,20180826-070323_186_live 12,"Time and money these days can be scarce! But think about the little things you buy, and maybe one week, instead of buying that bad of chips or cup of coffee, donate it to the children",6,0,20180826-070323_186_live 13,You're right! It doesn't take much sacrifice to think of small ways to help!,6,1,20180826-070323_186_live 14,And think of all the kiddies you will be helping!,7,0,20180826-070323_186_live 15,Haha that's true!,7,1,20180826-070323_186_live 16,do you think you will donate today?,8,0,20180826-070323_186_live 17,I think so!,8,1,20180826-070323_186_live 18,How much would you like to donate?,9,0,20180826-070323_186_live 19,I'm not sure! What is the range of options?,9,1,20180826-070323_186_live 0,Hello would you like to help and donate to Save the Children.,0,0,20180826-064716_937_live 1,yes.i think it is a worthwhile charity,0,1,20180826-064716_937_live 2,It really is I think it is great that they help provide healthcare for people in poor countries,1,0,20180826-064716_937_live 3,yes.we have an obligation to help the less fortunate,1,1,20180826-064716_937_live 4,I feel the same especially when it is for children I feel we need to do what we can to help them.,2,0,20180826-064716_937_live 5,yes.they are the future as the old saying goes.in helping them we in some small way try to build a better tomorrow,2,1,20180826-064716_937_live 6,I like the way you think. We are very similar.,3,0,20180826-064716_937_live 7,thank you. we do seem to be on the same page,3,1,20180826-064716_937_live 8,I am always willing to help someone if I know it will benefit them,4,0,20180826-064716_937_live 9,"i always try to be there for others.perhaps someday when i need help,someone will be there for me",4,1,20180826-064716_937_live 10,That is a great attitude to have.,5,0,20180826-064716_937_live 11,it is the golden rule or at least my version of it,5,1,20180826-064716_937_live 12,What amount would you be willing to donate,6,0,20180826-064716_937_live 13,things are a little tight for me right now bu i could do $15.,6,1,20180826-064716_937_live 14,Any amount helps and it all goes to the kids so that is a great amount,7,0,20180826-064716_937_live 15,great.i hope it can make a difference in childrens' lives,7,1,20180826-064716_937_live 16,I think it will help a lot.,8,0,20180826-064716_937_live 17,i shouldn't care but how does my donation compare to others? am i giving less or more do you know?,8,1,20180826-064716_937_live 18,I think that has been the average. People have been giving what they can and have been very helpful.,9,0,20180826-064716_937_live 19,great. i shouldn't care but human nature compelled me to ask,9,1,20180826-064716_937_live 20,It was a good question. Well your donation will definitely help,10,0,20180826-064716_937_live 21,how much are ou giving?,10,1,20180826-064716_937_live 22,the same ,11,0,20180826-064716_937_live 0,"Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",0,0,20180826-181951_904_live 1,How exactly does it support children in developing countries?,0,1,20180826-181951_904_live 2,"""The research team will collect all donations and send it to Save the Children",1,0,20180826-181951_904_live 3,What are the donations used for?,1,1,20180826-181951_904_live 4," to help ensuring children's rights to health, education, safety, etc",2,0,20180826-181951_904_live 5,"These are good things to donate for, but I still don't know exactly how my, or anyone's donations are used directly.",2,1,20180826-181951_904_live 6,"We ensure children's unique needs are met and their voices are heard. We deliver lasting results for millions of children, including those hardest to reach. ",3,0,20180826-181951_904_live 7,"Ok. Utilizing the resources from the research team, what are some challenges for children's education in developing countries?",3,1,20180826-181951_904_live 8,"With the help of Save the Children afterschool programs, children learn to read and find confidence.",4,0,20180826-181951_904_live 9,Have you ever made a donation to Save the Children or another charity?,4,1,20180826-181951_904_live 10,Yes I do every year,5,0,20180826-181951_904_live 11,What are you primary motivations for making the donations?,5,1,20180826-181951_904_live 12,Millions of children in the U.S. and around the world still aren't getting what they deserve. ,6,0,20180826-181951_904_live 13,How many total children has the charity helped since it began?,6,1,20180826-181951_904_live 14,We deliver lasting results for millions of children. How much do you like to donate to the charity now?,7,0,20180826-181951_904_live 15,"I love children and think it's incredibly important to help ensure they are educated, in safe conditions and are healthy. Save the Children has not convinced me they can work towards accomplishing those tasks.",7,1,20180826-181951_904_live 16,"Save the Children does whatever it takes every day and in times of crisis ¡ª to give children a healthy start in life, the opportunity to learn and protection from harm. I am only asking for a very small donation of .05",8,0,20180826-181951_904_live 17,"I'd like to try and donate at regular intervals, like every month. What would donating like that help inform me on the charity?",8,1,20180826-181951_904_live 18,Yes you could do a monthly donation right on their website URL plus if you start today Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment.,9,0,20180826-181951_904_live 19,"I understand. However, I think I'll opt for a one time 0.05 donation instead.",9,1,20180826-181951_904_live 0,"Hello, have you ever made a charitable donation?",0,0,20180826-011431_343_live 1,Yes I have,0,1,20180826-011431_343_live 2,Which charity have you donated to?,1,0,20180826-011431_343_live 3,Save the children,1,1,20180826-011431_343_live 4,"That is such a great organization isn't it? I love donating to their worthy cause, don't you?",2,0,20180826-011431_343_live 5,Yes. Save the children is a very nice organization,2,1,20180826-011431_343_live 6,What is the most that you have donated to them?,3,0,20180826-011431_343_live 7,I donated 1000 dollars to them.,3,1,20180826-011431_343_live 8,WOW! That's great! Was it a one time donation or continuous?,4,0,20180826-011431_343_live 9,I do it once a year,4,1,20180826-011431_343_live 10,"Great! So, what if i told you that you that i could help you donate an even smaller amount to Save the Children right now. Would you do it?",5,0,20180826-011431_343_live 11,Sure I would,5,1,20180826-011431_343_live 12,That's great! The great part is that it can be any amount that you would like to donate. Sound fair?,6,0,20180826-011431_343_live 13,Yes. I would like to make a donation,6,1,20180826-011431_343_live 14,That's great! How much would you like to donate today?,7,0,20180826-011431_343_live 15,I would like to donate 5 dollars. ,7,1,20180826-011431_343_live 16,That's a perfect amount! ,8,0,20180826-011431_343_live 17,Do you have the link to the site,8,1,20180826-011431_343_live 18,I sure do as a matter of fact it's URL On behalf of Save the children i would like to say thank you for your donation and have a great day!,9,0,20180826-011431_343_live 19,Thank you. You too,9,1,20180826-011431_343_live 0,hello haw are you today,0,0,20180826-045748_926_live 1,doing good you?,0,1,20180826-045748_926_live 2,do you heart for the organization save the children,1,0,20180826-045748_926_live 3,"yes I do,do you as well?",1,1,20180826-045748_926_live 4,is an organization that helps children,2,0,20180826-045748_926_live 5,"Yes, because it is an international non-governmental organisation that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",2,1,20180826-045748_926_live 6,yes i have donate 100$ for this organisation ,3,0,20180826-045748_926_live 7,amassing! I have donated my fair chair but money is still money I would estimate I probably have gave 175$ in short burst,3,1,20180826-045748_926_live 8,you are very good person,4,0,20180826-045748_926_live 9,"thank you,I just want to help this world and especially the children within it and save the children is doing that job ",4,1,20180826-045748_926_live 10,yes i like to. help the children. in the word,5,0,20180826-045748_926_live 11,"If everyone puts in there fair share then save the children would be even bigger, could you imagine how much children could be saved or help,or both ",5,1,20180826-045748_926_live 12,yes is true im so sad for helping this children,6,0,20180826-045748_926_live 13,i think everyone should chip in proximity 5$ that is in total. 35000000000$,6,1,20180826-045748_926_live 14,very good choice the best ,7,0,20180826-045748_926_live 15,so do you agree? everyone should share 5$ or more?,7,1,20180826-045748_926_live 16,yes it is a very good idea,8,0,20180826-045748_926_live 17,"then we have came to an agreement that went vary smoothly it says up top ""We encourage you to keep the conversation until a donation agreement is explicitly made so i think weve done .",8,1,20180826-045748_926_live 18,yes very good idea,9,0,20180826-045748_926_live 19,5$ sounds good ok,9,1,20180826-045748_926_live 0,Hello! How are you today?,0,0,20180826-181020_331_live 1,Hello,0,1,20180826-181020_331_live 2,What are your thoughts on donating to children's charities?,1,0,20180826-181020_331_live 3,I would like to donate,1,1,20180826-181020_331_live 4,That is great! Have you ever heard of Save the Children?,2,0,20180826-181020_331_live 5,Yes before yes,2,1,20180826-181020_331_live 6,"If you were given the chance to donate some or all of your incoming payment for this task to Save the Children, would you?",3,0,20180826-181020_331_live 7,6 dollars is good,3,1,20180826-181020_331_live 8,"Wow! That's a great amount. If the research team in charge of this agreed to send a portion of your payment for this task to Save the Children, would you agree to that?",4,0,20180826-181020_331_live 9,Because I like children,4,1,20180826-181020_331_live 10,"If you got paid 30 cents for this task, How much of that would you be willing to donate?",5,0,20180826-181020_331_live 11,30 or more,5,1,20180826-181020_331_live 12,That's awesome! You would be helping some children who desperately need it,6,0,20180826-181020_331_live 13,Yes those children need,6,1,20180826-181020_331_live 14,"Did you know that in the first 2 months of 2018 alone, 1000 kids were killed or injured in the violence happening in Syria? Your donation will help those kids so much. You should feel so good donating",7,0,20180826-181020_331_live 15,Yes. I do ,7,1,20180826-181020_331_live 16,"So at the end of this, you can choose any amount from $0 to all of your payment. What do you think you will be choosing?",8,0,20180826-181020_331_live 17,I would be,8,1,20180826-181020_331_live 18,So how much of your payment will you be donating? The research team will collect all donations and send it to Save the Children.,9,0,20180826-181020_331_live 19,Like. 3 dollars,9,1,20180826-181020_331_live 20,Thank you so much for that,10,0,20180826-181020_331_live 0,Hi! I am recommending that you donate to a kids charity,0,0,20180826-175345_318_live 1,"Yeah, what do you think about St Jude's?",0,1,20180826-175345_318_live 2,I recommend Save the Children children's charity.,1,0,20180826-175345_318_live 3,That's wonderful! Do you have any specific country in mind?,1,1,20180826-175345_318_live 4,No but I can tell you about the charity!,2,0,20180826-175345_318_live 5,Sure! I'd love to hear more. Go on...,2,1,20180826-175345_318_live 6,Save the Children is important because it supports protecting kids' rights to education and health and safety,3,0,20180826-175345_318_live 7,"Have you ever sponsored a child? If so, how much does it take to take care of a sweet child on average?",3,1,20180826-175345_318_live 8,"The usual cost is about $36 per child. I have not yet through this charity, but it is my charity of choice for my next sponsored child",4,0,20180826-175345_318_live 9,That's actually quite reasonable! I doesn't cost much. I hope they allow for pen pals as well. Sounds like a blessed organization.,4,1,20180826-175345_318_live 10,Yes it does. Their website is URL if you would like to read more,5,0,20180826-175345_318_live 11,I definitely. I recognize it too. They do lots of TV adverts. I believe its a Christian organization.,5,1,20180826-175345_318_live 12,Yes. How much do you like to donate to the charity?,6,0,20180826-175345_318_live 13,I think maybe $30 when I get my check next Tuesday.,6,1,20180826-175345_318_live 14,Ok well you can actually donate from your task payment here! You can choose any amount from $0 to all of your payment,7,0,20180826-175345_318_live 15,"Yes, I might have to wait until my check arrives. It's on my to-do list though. How much are you donating?",7,1,20180826-175345_318_live 16,I really recommend that you donate some! I am doing my full payment. The research team will collect all donations and send it to Save the Children.,8,0,20180826-175345_318_live 17,Absolutely! I can't wait for my check to come so I can help out in other countries!:),8,1,20180826-175345_318_live 18,Ok. how much of your payment will you donate now?,9,0,20180826-175345_318_live 19,I can't donate now because my money is not here yet.,9,1,20180826-175345_318_live 0,"Children are our future, we need to do our best to ensure them grow up well. The torch of life pass on.",0,0,20180826-182054_411_live 1,"I agree completely, if we don't take care of our future and our present our society won't have a future. People these days donate to mediocre things, I really think there should be a bigger focus on children's charity's. Personally I have met so many families who have benefited from the Ronald McDonald charity. They are provided everything that the family needs so they are able to stay close to their children. ",0,1,20180826-182054_411_live 2,"How to ensure our children grow well and live well? Our clean water, clean air and world peace, all of us connected someway. Our endless needs and wishes put our children in danger. Life really needs not much. ",1,0,20180826-182054_411_live 3,"I think focusing on our needs as a whole community vs. just ourselves or our families is a great first step. There are so many families that are well off, and know what meal they are to have next, but they don't contribute to those who don't. This is why I donate each month. To help insure that other families in my community are provided with their basic needs. ",1,1,20180826-182054_411_live 4,"Scientists put American way of life, if the whole world lives like American, it needs 7 earths. That is why there are endless fighting, we need to look at what happen to Syrian children, the Middle East. Its fighting never end, for cheap oil? for weapon testing? ",2,0,20180826-182054_411_live 5,"The American way of life, isn't perfect by any means. You have so many people that have way too much, and other who's children are starving and go without basic necessities. By being divided and realizing that there are issues all over the world, is what is making matters worse. We are forgetting our children, forgetting their needs, their wants, and their right to live out the life they deserve. They are getting lost in the shuffle of things. ",2,1,20180826-182054_411_live 6,"The top 1% own the world and they do not share, they want our children join the army fight for their interests, protect their interest. The capitalism took over the government. Our penny donation really can not change the root of the problem since we do not have to start. We need to take our government back to work for its people, the whole world's people and share! ",3,0,20180826-182054_411_live 7,"We can't expect the independently wealthy to understand and work for the interests of the poor. So I feel like it is our duty to donate, raise money, and work to help those around us. ",3,1,20180826-182054_411_live 8,https://support. URL ite/SPageNavigator/sponsorship.html#!/ I wish I could help everyone of the kids here.,4,0,20180826-182054_411_live 9,I will have to take a look and send in my donation! ,4,1,20180826-182054_411_live 10,Thank you so much! Also we need to realize just one government police change could save millions. ,5,0,20180826-182054_411_live 11,What do you think the change is? That is needed from the government police. ,5,1,20180826-182054_411_live 12,"Policy, sorry. Government is so important for people. ",6,0,20180826-182054_411_live 13,"I don't understand why we can't all just get on the same page? What is the need for war? It's just boys playing army, and the children will be the ones to suffer when they are long gone. ",6,1,20180826-182054_411_live 14,"Harvard Med graduate Don Berwick was pediatrician most of his life, only when he worked for Obama for 11 months, he found out all his life was saving children, not worth a policy change.",7,0,20180826-182054_411_live 15,I never knew that! ,7,1,20180826-182054_411_live 16,"Republic did not confirm him, so he came back to MA. They also want small government, so on one protect they could rob more from the weak around the world. ",8,0,20180826-182054_411_live 17,The top 1% can only be the top 1% if everyone else stays poor. ,8,1,20180826-182054_411_live 18,"The top 1% is control the world wealth, so they control the governments around the world. The poor countries treat them like god, the rich country lost jobs and everything else. ",9,0,20180826-182054_411_live 19,And unfortunatly many of the charities are run by the 1% as well. The redcross is the biggest example of this. ,9,1,20180826-182054_411_live 20,"At the mean time, we could only done our best donate and help what we can. URL ",10,0,20180826-182054_411_live 0,hello,0,0,20180826-100158_119_live 1,Hello,0,1,20180826-100158_119_live 2,how are you,1,0,20180826-100158_119_live 3,I'm okay. How are you?,1,1,20180826-100158_119_live 4,im good and you,2,0,20180826-100158_119_live 5,I'm doing okay,2,1,20180826-100158_119_live 6,are you going to donate,3,0,20180826-100158_119_live 7,I don't know,3,1,20180826-100158_119_live 8,okay im going to donate 1 dollar,4,0,20180826-100158_119_live 9,I need more information about the charity,4,1,20180826-100158_119_live 10,its save the children,5,0,20180826-100158_119_live 11,I'd like to know how donations are spent,5,1,20180826-100158_119_live 12,the research team will collect all donations and send it to save the children,6,0,20180826-100158_119_live 13,How much is actually spent on the children,6,1,20180826-100158_119_live 14,all of it,7,0,20180826-100158_119_live 15,So there are no admin costs?,7,1,20180826-100158_119_live 16,no their isnt ,8,0,20180826-100158_119_live 17,In that case i may donate,8,1,20180826-100158_119_live 18,thats great how much,9,0,20180826-100158_119_live 19,I'm thinking about 25 dollars,9,1,20180826-100158_119_live 20,thats good im donating one dollar,10,0,20180826-100158_119_live 0,"Did you Know that Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",0,0,20180826-023807_40_live 1,"I think I've heard of them, but aren't they religiously affiliated? I'm all for improving conditions for children in developing countries, but I don't really want money paying for evangelizing.",0,1,20180826-023807_40_live 2,Yes they are affiliated with religion but all proceeds are put towards saving the children they do profit are use any funds for personal gain or spread of religion.,1,0,20180826-023807_40_live 3,How transparent are they about uses of their funds? Are they well rated by the watchdog groups that keep an eye on non-profits?,1,1,20180826-023807_40_live 4,Save the Children is. Mention the organization's credentials and international impact,2,0,20180826-023807_40_live 5,It's great to hear there are people out there doing such important work. Have you ever donated to them?,2,1,20180826-023807_40_live 6,"Yes I have , how much do you spend on unnecessary stuff like a bag of snack or candy. You Know small donations can help a lot of children and their families",3,0,20180826-023807_40_live 7,"Really? I suppose even with the economy being as hard as it is, exchange rates are still good enough to make a real impact. ",3,1,20180826-023807_40_live 8,Yes any donations made to helpless children make a real impact on their life. Not many kids get a real shot and they all deserve one If I had a chance to change a childs life foe the better and didn't I would not be able to live with myself.,4,0,20180826-023807_40_live 9,"That's a good point, I think a lot of the times the little things we can do that have really positive impacts kind of get lost in the shuffle. If I can ask a personal question, how did you make room in your finances to donate? ",4,1,20180826-023807_40_live 10,I did't I just gave what I thougt cas right and took the blow . I thought about how these kids do without so much and realized I could do without once in order to help someone in need,5,0,20180826-023807_40_live 11,So how did you decide what was right for you? ,5,1,20180826-023807_40_live 12,I gave what was given to me . Over the next few chats I'm going to tell you the story of Bruce a child that like alot of these chidren need help but threw Save The Chidren found it. At the end Of our next few chats I'm going to ask you to donate what you earn from this survey . I want you to think about what it means to save a child thats in trouble and how by saving that child you find new hope in your own life.,6,0,20180826-023807_40_live 13,I'm certainly willing to listen. Tell me about Bruce.,6,1,20180826-023807_40_live 14,"Bruce was born to a single mother who was only 14 at the time he came into this world , the girls mother and father were ashamed of her pregnancy and kicked out of the house. Bruce was born and taken from the girl because she was to young to raise him and her was adobted out to a poor family that did their best to provide for him . The founder of save the children heard about the family and learned of Bruces story . He came to meet Bruce .",7,0,20180826-023807_40_live 15,"That poor girl, being rejected by her own family like that. I'm glad that Bruce was taken in, though. How did the visit go?",7,1,20180826-023807_40_live 16,The owner got involved in Bruces life and sav the children went to work and provide food and cloths and school needs for Bruce . Bruce went own to join the save the children foundation after he completed college and is helping save children today. ,8,0,20180826-023807_40_live 17,"That's awesome! He even made it through college. I can see how he'd be really devoted to the organization, given the impact they had on his life.",8,1,20180826-023807_40_live 18,Yes he is a force for good and was saved out of tragedy.,9,0,20180826-023807_40_live 19,If only all kids were so lucky. But I guess it takes a lot of work to try to help the ones who need it most,9,1,20180826-023807_40_live 20,Now I would Like to ask you to donate what you about to receive and and give to other in need. Yiur will go to help other just like that right now are looking or in room by themselves hoping for a miracle .Will you be that miracle and help a child like Bruce today? ,10,0,20180826-023807_40_live 21,"I will. Be the change you want to see in the world, right?",10,1,20180826-023807_40_live 22,"Yes you will . So how much of your earnings will you give, for a child that needs to be saved today?.",11,0,20180826-023807_40_live 23,"5 dollars buys a latte, and I think it should be easy for me to give up a coffee a month. I bet they have ways to set up recurring donations pretty easily.",11,1,20180826-023807_40_live 24,Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment. The research team will collect all donations and send it to Save the Children,12,0,20180826-023807_40_live 0,Hello there! Where are you from?,0,0,20180826-182522_887_live 1,"Hi, I'm in Hawaii! What kind of children's charities do you know about?",0,1,20180826-182522_887_live 2,I've recently been informed of Save the Children. Have you heard of this organization?,1,0,20180826-182522_887_live 3,It sounds familiar. What do they do?,1,1,20180826-182522_887_live 4,"Through the help of sponsorships and donations, they're working to help children...I'm learning about this myself now, too. Education, poverty issues, healthcare, emergency response. That's not all...would you like to check out their website?",2,0,20180826-182522_887_live 5,"Sure, what is it?",2,1,20180826-182522_887_live 6,Here is the link URL ,3,0,20180826-182522_887_live 7,They look really good. I think I've seen their commercials.,3,1,20180826-182522_887_live 8,"Me too. Those commercials make me so sad! In the U.S. and around the world, Save the Children does whatever it takes ¡ª every day and in times of crisis ¡ª to ensure children grow up healthy, learning and safe. Learn about the places we work, the challenges children face and the results we achieve, thanks to supporters like me and you.",4,0,20180826-182522_887_live 9,I see. It seems like they're involved in a lot of areas.,4,1,20180826-182522_887_live 10,"Indeed. They also make it really easy to donate, and every little bit helps. How would you feel about donating a portion of your earnings from this task to Save the Children?",5,0,20180826-182522_887_live 11,I would be fine with that. I don't mind donating because I think the money is more important to them than it is to me.,5,1,20180826-182522_887_live 12,Fantastic! Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment. How much would you like to give?,6,0,20180826-182522_887_live 13,How about .20?,6,1,20180826-182522_887_live 14,Great! That's really good news. I believe it will go to good use. The research team will collect all donations and send it to Save the Children.,7,0,20180826-182522_887_live 15,That's nice. I would like that.,7,1,20180826-182522_887_live 16,Me too! Thanks so much! Have a great night!,8,0,20180826-182522_887_live 17,"Ok, you too. Glad this worked out!",8,1,20180826-182522_887_live 18,"Me too, this was neat.",9,0,20180826-182522_887_live 19,"I think we have to complete 10 turns, so here's to another one! Let's save the children together!",9,1,20180826-182522_887_live 0,Good afternoon/evening,0,0,20180826-180300_663_live 1,Hello,0,1,20180826-180300_663_live 2,"Looks like there might be a bonus coming at the end of this HIT, have you got any plans for the money?",1,0,20180826-180300_663_live 3,"Nope, what do you recommend?",1,1,20180826-180300_663_live 4,I read a lot about the Save the Children charity before I came in here. I hope that more people will donate a portion of their income. Even small amounts will definitely help,2,0,20180826-180300_663_live 5,What's Save the Children all about?,2,1,20180826-180300_663_live 6,"They provide relief and support to children in developing nations, especially the millions of kids who are at risk in Syria. They are a charity we can trust, so I think we all should do our part to help the less fortunate",3,0,20180826-180300_663_live 7,Do they provide for the millions of hungry kids here in the USA?,3,1,20180826-180300_663_live 8,"They concentrate on developing countries, but, personally, I think that there is just as great a need abroad as there is at home",4,0,20180826-180300_663_live 9,"Yeah, i think an American charity should focus on America too",4,1,20180826-180300_663_live 10,"That's true, but we're all in this together, as they say. People far away need help just as much as people close to us. You could even take the money that you want to give to charity and split it in half among American and international relief agencies ",5,0,20180826-180300_663_live 11,That would work best for me. That way i know where my money is going. Is there a minimum to donate?,5,1,20180826-180300_663_live 12,"No, there is no minimum that I've ever heard of. They know that any small amount can help.",6,0,20180826-180300_663_live 13,That's great! Is there a website where i can donate?,6,1,20180826-180300_663_live 14,"I'm glad to hear it! Save the Children do have a website at URL You can learn more about them there, but there's an easier way to donate",7,0,20180826-180300_663_live 15,What is the easier way?,7,1,20180826-180300_663_live 16,The researchers behind this HIT are gathering up donations so that they can give the money to the charity all at once. The research team will collect all donations and send it to Save the Children. It must save time and transaction fees for the charity that way.,8,0,20180826-180300_663_live 17,"That's interesting and sounds good, right?",8,1,20180826-180300_663_live 18,"Yeah, it does sound good. Of course it's your decision, in the end. I am kind of curious about the details though. How much do you like to donate to the charity now? The researchers will let you donate anything up to the amount of your total task payment. Or nothing, if that's what you decide.",9,0,20180826-180300_663_live 19,I think i will make a donation of $2,9,1,20180826-180300_663_live 20,"That's wonderful! I think I'm getting eager to see what happens next with the research and the charity, so I'm about to move on. It was great chatting with you. And thanks for helping!",10,0,20180826-180300_663_live 0,hey,0,0,20180723-093434_153_live 1,"hey there, how are you?",0,1,20180723-093434_153_live 2,im good hru,1,0,20180723-093434_153_live 3,i'm doing great. It's a lovely day today,1,1,20180723-093434_153_live 4,"Yes, I am so glad the sky is clear over here today.",2,0,20180723-093434_153_live 5,great. So i'm here to talk about some children's charity. Can you tell me the name of this charity?,2,1,20180723-093434_153_live 6,"Yes, The Save the Children Charity organization is an extraordinary effort to provide assisstance to children in developing countries. Would you like to learn more about how you could make an impact with a small donation?",3,0,20180723-093434_153_live 7,"yes sure, i would like to know more",3,1,20180723-093434_153_live 8,"Save the Children is an internationally trusted chairty that strives to make an impact to serve individual children and their family gain basic access to resources needed to survive. The organization has many credentials afforded to them , including the World Health Organization.",4,0,20180723-093434_153_live 9,Sounds great to me! how much can i donate?,4,1,20180723-093434_153_live 10,"Thank you for your sincere concern for the health of our children around the world. Any amount truly helps, from $1 to $100 or more. Thank you so much again for helping our organizations efforts.",5,0,20180723-093434_153_live 11,I'm still debating on how much i want to donate,5,1,20180723-093434_153_live 12,"Well, my first donation to Save the Children was only $2 if you want a reference.",6,0,20180723-093434_153_live 13,"okay, i will consider that. would you mind telling me something else about this organization",6,1,20180723-093434_153_live 14,"No problem! Save the Children is responsible for helping innocent children's welfare in deadly war zones, and the recent lack of support has made a lot of children go starving nights, for days even weeks. ",7,0,20180723-093434_153_live 15,that's so sad. Do you know if they help Syrian children?,7,1,20180723-093434_153_live 16,"Yes! We help all children around the world. The recent lack of support has been very disheartening, and has had us in the need",8,0,20180723-093434_153_live 17,"ok, i will definitely donate then",8,1,20180723-093434_153_live 18,Thank you so much for your help. Would you like to make a special $5 donation that will go to help costs of providing food to our Syrian committee,9,0,20180723-093434_153_live 19,I don't think I can do 5$ ,9,1,20180723-093434_153_live 20,"That is perfectly fine, whatever amount is comfortable for you. $1 is the minimum donation",10,0,20180723-093434_153_live 0,Hi there. How are you today?,0,0,20180723-042226_724_live 1,"Hello, I am fine, how about you?",0,1,20180723-042226_724_live 2,Very well thanks. Do you currently give any money to charity on a regular basis?,1,0,20180723-042226_724_live 3,"Yes, I try to help time to time",1,1,20180723-042226_724_live 4,Any charity in particular?,2,0,20180723-042226_724_live 5,"No, anything that catches my eyes, or I find them on gofundme, what about you?",2,1,20180723-042226_724_live 6,I have a few payments set up monthly. I assume then you've heard of Save the Children and the great work they do with young people?,3,0,20180723-042226_724_live 7,"Yes, I've heard of it. Can you please explain more about it?",3,1,20180723-042226_724_live 8,"Firstly, they provide funds and support services to help protect vulnerable children all over the world. Once the children have a safe environment the next priority is to improve their lives via education and other resources. They really make a difference to the lives of children in poverty or destitution.",4,0,20180723-042226_724_live 9,I am interested in it. I already checked their website. Health and education both are important factors,4,1,20180723-042226_724_live 10,"Absolutely. And the great thing for us is that even a very small donation goes a long way due to the number of people who can donate! We're asking people today to give a small part of the payment for this HIT to the charity. You'll get a box pop up at teh end of our chat which will give you the opportunity to donate something. Obviously the more the better, but I also appreciate that you aren't turking for free so you can judge it yourself.",5,0,20180723-042226_724_live 11,Actually I like these kind of HITs. I did few HITs before that asked me to donate my bonus or half of the reward. I happily did. I am sure there are people who need it more than me,5,1,20180723-042226_724_live 12,"You're absolutely right- sometimes we don't realise it, but what seems like a little bit of moeny to us can make a big difference to them. I worked in Africa earlier this year and the difference a few dollars can make to people over there is unbelievable.",6,0,20180723-042226_724_live 13,"Yes, few dollars can save a child or can help a family to survive for a month. How long have you worked there?",6,1,20180723-042226_724_live 14,I'm back in the UK now - I was in South Africa (Durban) for three months from January to end of March for work.,7,0,20180723-042226_724_live 15,That is so nice of you. It is a big thing to do. Thinking about starving children makes me so sad. I wish I could do more,7,1,20180723-042226_724_live 16,We can all do something - donate a little bit or volunteer to try to help. There are lots of opportunities,8,0,20180723-042226_724_live 17,"Yes you are right, I help as much as I can. at least I try. ""save the children"" sounds like an amazing organization. They work in 120 countries already",8,1,20180723-042226_724_live 18,They certainly do and tehy are well established so you cna be certain they are going to use the money in a good way.,9,0,20180723-042226_724_live 19,Yes It looks like a trustworthy organization with no doubt. I already read few of their reports on their website. I wish they can help even more countries,9,1,20180723-042226_724_live 20,Me too. When we click done that donation box will appear - it should be pretty self-explanatory. I hope you enjoy the rest of your day. Thanks again.,10,0,20180723-042226_724_live 21,"Thank you, I will do it for sure, have a nice day",10,1,20180723-042226_724_live 0,"Hey, how are you doing?",0,0,20180723-072435_196_live 1,"Hi, i'm doing great! how are you?",0,1,20180723-072435_196_live 2,Doing ok here. Glad to hear your day is great. Do you have a moment to talk about children causes?,1,0,20180723-072435_196_live 3,sure! I would like to,1,1,20180723-072435_196_live 4,"Have you ever heard of the charity, Save the Children?",2,0,20180723-072435_196_live 5,"no, but i would like to know more about it",2,1,20180723-072435_196_live 6,"Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",3,0,20180723-072435_196_live 7,that's great. Do you have any more information about it?,3,1,20180723-072435_196_live 8,Yea. Have you heard of children getting separated from their family at the US-Mexico border?,4,0,20180723-072435_196_live 9,"yes, it's so heartbreaking1",4,1,20180723-072435_196_live 10,Save the Children are helping to reunite them with their family.,5,0,20180723-072435_196_live 11,that's really good to hear! I can't imagine not being able to see my son! ,5,1,20180723-072435_196_live 12,"Children shouldn't be separated from their families. It is very heartbreaking to hear, and I'm glad Save the Children stepped in.",6,0,20180723-072435_196_live 13,So what exactly do they do to help these kids to reunite with their parents?,6,1,20180723-072435_196_live 14,"They identify the parents who were deported back to their countries of origin, while their children remain separated and detained in the U.S. As these parents are identified, they work to help them locate and safely reunite with their children, and from there, support them in getting access to essential services they need to re-establish themselves.",7,0,20180723-072435_196_live 15,awesome! I'm so gonna support it! Children should be with their parents!!,7,1,20180723-072435_196_live 16,Would you like to help and donate to them? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0.50 to all your payment.,8,0,20180723-072435_196_live 17,I can't donate less than 0.50?,8,1,20180723-072435_196_live 18,Sure. What amount would you feel comfortable donating?,9,0,20180723-072435_196_live 19,i'm not sure. I'm in a tough financial situation right now so i really need money but i would like to donate.,9,1,20180723-072435_196_live 0,"Hello, how ware you today?",0,0,20180723-034654_121_live 1,"Hello, I'm alright.",0,1,20180723-034654_121_live 2,Do you consider yourself someone that wants to make a change in the world?,1,0,20180723-034654_121_live 3,Yes somewhat. With e environment and food system. What do you think of children's charities?,1,1,20180723-034654_121_live 4,I think some are good but i've been donating to Save the Children (foundation). Have you ever heard of them?,2,0,20180723-034654_121_live 5,I think I have. I've heard of Red Cross,2,1,20180723-034654_121_live 6,It is similar in which all funds donated are used to help kids in need. ,3,0,20180723-034654_121_live 7,That's nice. How much would you donate if given the chance to help a childrens charity?,3,1,20180723-034654_121_live 8,i'm not sure i already donate my time. ,4,0,20180723-034654_121_live 9,Oh ok. Do you have any other questions?,4,1,20180723-034654_121_live 10,"yes, have you heard about the crisis in syria?",5,0,20180723-034654_121_live 11,Is it about the civil war in Syria?,5,1,20180723-034654_121_live 12,Children are being hit with bombs they are looking for help in war zones ,6,0,20180723-034654_121_live 13,Thats horrible.. Is this recent? Is America helping?,6,1,20180723-034654_121_live 14,not as much as they should. Given the chance would you be willing to donate some of your task payment to organizations like save the children? ,7,0,20180723-034654_121_live 15,Sure. I would.,7,1,20180723-034654_121_live 16,"choosing anywhere between $0 and all of your payment, how much would you like to donate?",8,0,20180723-034654_121_live 17,Ill donate $1,8,1,20180723-034654_121_live 18,"Ok, your donation to Save the Children is greatly appreciated! One day at a time, people like you will help make the world a better place.",9,0,20180723-034654_121_live 19,Yes they will,9,1,20180723-034654_121_live 20,Have a wonderful day,10,0,20180723-034654_121_live 0,"Hi, how are you today?",0,0,20180723-075339_567_live 1,"hello! pretty good, you?",0,1,20180723-075339_567_live 2,i'm doing great! I'm helping Save the Children Charity to raise money. would you like to know more about this wonderful fund?,1,0,20180723-075339_567_live 3,yes please! i was just looking for a charity to donate to,1,1,20180723-075339_567_live 4,This wonderful charity helps suport children in developing countries!,2,0,20180723-075339_567_live 5,what do they support exactly? education?,2,1,20180723-075339_567_live 6,"they promote children's rights, provide relief. They are currently helping children at the US Mexican border to reunite with their families and they also help Syrian kids",3,0,20180723-075339_567_live 7,ok thats great. i would like to donate but i dont have a lot of money myself. is $20 okay?,3,1,20180723-075339_567_live 8,So you can't donate 20$. The way it works is you can donate your whole payment of 2$ for this task or you can donate as little as a couple of cents,4,0,20180723-075339_567_live 9,i'll donate 20 cents,4,1,20180723-075339_567_live 10,that's very generous and it will help tremendously! in the first months of 2018 1000 children were killed or injured in intensifying violence and your donation can help to address this problem,5,0,20180723-075339_567_live 11,i'm happy with that. i'd donate more but i don't have much myself,5,1,20180723-075339_567_live 12,i understand. as i said even a couple of cents would help! You're the part of the solution!,6,0,20180723-075339_567_live 13,thanks! i'm glad to help,6,1,20180723-075339_567_live 14,This organisation is so wonderful! 86% of donations are going for a cause and the rest goes to management of the fund ,7,0,20180723-075339_567_live 15,that's amazing! i love that so much of it goes towards the children,7,1,20180723-075339_567_live 16,yes! Isn't it wonderful! ,8,0,20180723-075339_567_live 17,it definitely is!,8,1,20180723-075339_567_live 18,I'm glad there are people like you in the world who are willing to help,9,0,20180723-075339_567_live 19,i like to help since people have helped me,9,1,20180723-075339_567_live 0,This site Helps many child,0,0,20180723-042421_113_live 1,What kind of children does it help?,0,1,20180723-042421_113_live 2,Their motto is to help children's future...that every child deserves a future,1,0,20180723-042421_113_live 3,What is the name of the organization?,1,1,20180723-042421_113_live 4,Save the Children,2,0,20180723-042421_113_live 5,How do they help children? Food? Clothing? Shelter? Education?,2,1,20180723-042421_113_live 6,They help in the children's basic need like food and clothing. They help in whatever it takes for children to transforming their lives and the future,3,0,20180723-042421_113_live 7,Is this charity local? global? Just in my country (United States)?,3,1,20180723-042421_113_live 8,This charity is from Fairfield Town in Connecticut,4,0,20180723-042421_113_live 9,"I think it's important to support initiatives to help children get a good education, and have the things they need to go to school and learn. How much should we donate?",4,1,20180723-042421_113_live 10,"Ya.. It's very important. There are many way to donate money like one time gift, Monthly donor, and sponsorship for some children. ",5,0,20180723-042421_113_live 11,"Sponsorship of a child might be interesting....I'd like to know what my donation is being used for, and that it's actually helping someone. ",5,1,20180723-042421_113_live 12,"Child sponsorship works like a way of giving and that connects one compassionate person like you with one child in need. Sponsoring a child gives the chance to grow up healthy, educated and safe _ forever changing the course of their life and future. You can select a child according to your choice by age, gender ",6,0,20180723-042421_113_live 13,That is appealing. Does the charity send updates on how the child is doing if I sponsor?,6,1,20180723-042421_113_live 14,Ya... Definitely they will update you every information about the child you are donating,7,0,20180723-042421_113_live 15,How does the sponsorship work? Do I make a monthly donation? I can't afford much. What is the minimum dollar amount?,7,1,20180723-042421_113_live 16,You can Sponsor a child for just $36 a month,8,0,20180723-042421_113_live 17,"Let's say for this experiment, we will contribute the $36 a month for six months, and see how it goes. We can renew for another six months it it looks like the donation is working. What do you think?",8,1,20180723-042421_113_live 18,Ya.. It will definitely work and save the children's future..,9,0,20180723-042421_113_live 19,OK. Glad that we came to an agreement. How do we end this task?,9,1,20180723-042421_113_live 0,Hello.,0,0,20180723-031022_254_live 1,hi,0,1,20180723-031022_254_live 2,I'd like to recommend a donation to Save the Children.,1,0,20180723-031022_254_live 3,what exactly happened to these children's?,1,1,20180723-031022_254_live 4,"Save the Children supports many important childhood related causes, like helping to provide education and nutrition support to disadvantaged children.",2,0,20180723-031022_254_live 5,I'd like to know what specific ethnicity are we supporting,2,1,20180723-031022_254_live 6,"Oh, I see. There is no specific targeted ethnicity, the program uses funds to assist children in many different locations.",3,0,20180723-031022_254_live 7,"I see, can you go into a little bit more details about some of the childhood related causes ?",3,1,20180723-031022_254_live 8,"Sure. A great example would be Save the Children's commitment to helping children suffering from disease. During the 2014 ebola outbreak, funds were used to support hospitals in Sierra Leone to provide hospital beds and medical treatment for children suffering from the disease.",4,0,20180723-031022_254_live 9,"ah, I see, that's very heartbreaking to here. I'd be glad to support the cause",4,1,20180723-031022_254_live 10,"That's great! A very positive thing about Save the Children is that they are very good stewards of the donations they receive. Almost 87% of all dollars donated go directly the programs supporting the children, so they have a very low overhead.",5,0,20180723-031022_254_live 11,I'm glad to hear that. Will I be getting any sort of reward as well?,5,1,20180723-031022_254_live 12,"Well, I suppose it depends on what you mean by a reward. At the end of this chat, we'll both have an opportunity to donate a portion of our task payment to Save the Children. You can choose any amount, from nothing to your full compensation.",6,0,20180723-031022_254_live 13,"I see, well, I'd love to do that then",6,1,20180723-031022_254_live 14,"That's great, it will be very much appreciated. At the end of the task, the research team will collect the donations and send it to Save the Children.",7,0,20180723-031022_254_live 15,"awesome, thank you so much",7,1,20180723-031022_254_live 16,How much do you think you'd like to donate to the charity?,8,0,20180723-031022_254_live 17,I'd like to donate 5 dollar,8,1,20180723-031022_254_live 18,"That's wonderful, thank you so much!",9,0,20180723-031022_254_live 19,your very welcome,9,1,20180723-031022_254_live 0,Hi...how are you today? The research team is helping an organization called 'Save the Children'. Have you heard of it?,0,0,20180723-100855_385_live 1,im doing well! How about you? I have heard about it but would love to learn more about it,0,1,20180723-100855_385_live 2,"Im fine thank you. Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries. ",1,0,20180723-100855_385_live 3,Wow! Thats awesome! ,1,1,20180723-100855_385_live 4,Save the Children has a proven track record of using donations efficiently and effectively. There are several children around us who are below poverty line and needed a helping hand. It would be great if you can make a contribution from your side for this venture.,2,0,20180723-100855_385_live 5,I would love to help in anyway I can. I wish everyone was equally ok and I know that everybit counts,2,1,20180723-100855_385_live 6,It is a great relief that there are people like you who still cares. ,3,0,20180723-100855_385_live 7,Oh yeah! Many people should be like that,3,1,20180723-100855_385_live 8,"Yes, it may be little as the price of a candy. But it still makes the ripple effect in many lives. ",4,0,20180723-100855_385_live 9,How many people are currently donating?,4,1,20180723-100855_385_live 10,"42% of their funding is from US.National, State & Local Govs, 20% from UN & Other Multi-Lateral Funding Institutions, 19% from Individuals like you and me, 11% from corporations, 7% from Foundations and 1% from other sources. You can get further details from URL ",5,0,20180723-100855_385_live 11,Oh OK! I will look into that. So what do I need to donate?,5,1,20180723-100855_385_live 12,Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment.,6,0,20180723-100855_385_live 13,Ok cool! It's nice to know that people are donating to such a great cause,6,1,20180723-100855_385_live 14,How much do you like to donate to the charity now? The research team will collect all donations and send it to Save the Children.,7,0,20180723-100855_385_live 15,Unfortunately I can't donate anything right now,7,1,20180723-100855_385_live 16,ohh that is really sad to hear. You can donate as little as you want. But it will make a huge difference for those in need.,8,0,20180723-100855_385_live 17,I will keep that in mind. When I get my next paycheck I will go to the website and donate. Thank you for filling me in on information regarding the charity,8,1,20180723-100855_385_live 18,That is very thoughtful of you. Appreciate your consideration of doing such an act for a greater course. ,9,0,20180723-100855_385_live 19,Of course! Hope you have an amazing rest of the day,9,1,20180723-100855_385_live 0,Hi how are you? I am here to talk to you about the childrens charity called Save the CHildren,0,0,20180723-040634_575_live 1,"Hello, I am doing good, alright lets get started!",0,1,20180723-040634_575_live 2,Do you donate to any charities?,1,0,20180723-040634_575_live 3,"I don't currently, I have donated to an animal shelter a few months ago however.",1,1,20180723-040634_575_live 4,awesome well the charity I am hoping you will consider is Save the Children I know I would like to donate to this charity that will help children ,2,0,20180723-040634_575_live 5,"Yeah, I like the name, I am curious about it, I would like to know some morea about it.",2,1,20180723-040634_575_live 6,THey help children who are less fortunate ,3,0,20180723-040634_575_live 7,"Oh, that sounds like a really good charity to donate to!",3,1,20180723-040634_575_live 8,you can donate some or all of your incoming payment for this task I am thinking of donating some of mine,4,0,20180723-040634_575_live 9,"Yeah, I am thinking about donating half of my payment.",4,1,20180723-040634_575_live 10,How much do you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment,5,0,20180723-040634_575_live 11,"I think I will donate $1, it only seems fair.",5,1,20180723-040634_575_live 12,"perfect, The research team will collect all donations and send it to Save the Children",6,0,20180723-040634_575_live 13,"That sounds good with me, however now I am thinking perhaps I should donate more, what do you think?",6,1,20180723-040634_575_live 14,thats a good Idea here is the website for more information URL ,7,0,20180723-040634_575_live 15,"Oh, thanks for the website, I am sure that it has a lot of information that I could use to learn more about it.",7,1,20180723-040634_575_live 16,"no problem here is some basic information Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries. I will be glad to donate to this charity too",8,0,20180723-040634_575_live 17,"This sounds really good! I really like how groups of people come together to make up these organizations, it so nice to see them helping people, in this case children.",8,1,20180723-040634_575_live 18,I couldn't agree more and the research team will help send the moeny to save the children for us on how much we decide to donate,9,0,20180723-040634_575_live 19,"Alright, I will donate $1.25, it seems reasonable.",9,1,20180723-040634_575_live 0,How are you doing this morning?,0,0,20180723-060959_447_live 1,I AM GOING TO WORK,0,1,20180723-060959_447_live 2,I'm about to do the same. Would you like to donate some or all of your payment to a charity called Save the Children?,1,0,20180723-060959_447_live 3,YES. I WILL DONATE THE CHARITY FOR THE CHILDREN.,1,1,20180723-060959_447_live 4,That's great to hear! I bet you'd like to hear some information about the charity wouldn't you?,2,0,20180723-060959_447_live 5,WHAT ARE DOING ABOUT,2,1,20180723-060959_447_live 6,"Almost 5.6 million children die each year due to malnutrition and other preventable causes, Save the Children provides health and nutrition for these kids to keep them healthy.",3,0,20180723-060959_447_live 7,YES. I WILL TRY TO MY BEST OF THE CHILDREN LIFE TO SAFE.,3,1,20180723-060959_447_live 8,Thank you so much! How much of your payment would you like to donate to Save the Children? You can donate any amount up to your payment amount.,4,0,20180723-060959_447_live 9,"I HAVE DONATE THE 50,000",4,1,20180723-060959_447_live 10,"Ok great, last year in 2017 Save the Children was able to help over 155 million kids in need! Isn't that great?",5,0,20180723-060959_447_live 11,YES..THAT IS VERY GREAT,5,1,20180723-060959_447_live 12,Well the research team will collect all donations at the end and send it directly to Save the Children so you won't have to do anything additional.,6,0,20180723-060959_447_live 13,YES.. THIS IS VERY GREAT IDEA.,6,1,20180723-060959_447_live 14,I think so too. With less money than you would spend on lunch today you can do so much to help the needy kids in the world.,7,0,20180723-060959_447_live 15,OK...I WILL TRY IT.,7,1,20180723-060959_447_live 16,"And your contribution is gonna do so much to help these kids, it's that exciting knowing that you're gonna be doing so much to help them out?",8,0,20180723-060959_447_live 17,VERY NICE. THAT IDEA.,8,1,20180723-060959_447_live 18,"Well thanks a lot for talking to me and making your donation, the kids will really appreciate it. I hope you have a great day at work!",9,0,20180723-060959_447_live 19,THANK YOU FOR YOUR COMPLEMENT.,9,1,20180723-060959_447_live 0,"Hey there, are you one to donate to charities? Because I have a great one that you could take a look at.",0,0,20180723-073352_280_live 1,i usually do donate to charities,0,1,20180723-073352_280_live 2,"Oh really? I bet Save the Children could be right for you though. From the task you are doing, you can donate as much or as little as you like. ",1,0,20180723-073352_280_live 3,I would like to know more about this charity,1,1,20180723-073352_280_live 4,"Save the Children is and how your donation is essential to help ensuring children's rights to health, education, safety, etc. ",2,0,20180723-073352_280_live 5,I'm surprised i've never heard about it! how do i know if it's legit and if money really go to help those kids,2,1,20180723-073352_280_live 6,It's a very legitamate charity. There are millions of children that need help and just as many people that are willing to donate for the children.,3,0,20180723-073352_280_live 7,i understand but i just don't feel comfortable donating yet. ,3,1,20180723-073352_280_live 8,How much money do you spend on unnecessary stuff like a bag of snack or candy? Think about that and from what you spend on candy and snacks can be money that goes to a child in real need.,4,0,20180723-073352_280_live 9,I'm currently receiving food stamps so i don't buy candy and unnecessary stuff. i'm super broke right now,4,1,20180723-073352_280_live 10,I can understand that. Even if you may have a few pennies that are left around can be collected and help the children. Would that be something you are willing to do?,5,0,20180723-073352_280_live 11,"yes, i guess i can. ",5,1,20180723-073352_280_live 12,"That is great! Anything, even a few cents, will definitely help in the long run. Even a few pennies tha tyou will earn from this task will help. That sounds wonderful, doesn't it?",6,0,20180723-073352_280_live 13,it does. i really love helping people,6,1,20180723-073352_280_live 14,It is a wonderful feeling to help someone and I'm glad that you feel the same way. I bet others you know will do the same when they see you donating to a great cause.,7,0,20180723-073352_280_live 15,"Yes, i agree",7,1,20180723-073352_280_live 16,That is awesome. Well I hope you have a great day!,8,0,20180723-073352_280_live 17,thank you! You too!,8,1,20180723-073352_280_live 18,"Oh, one little thing. How much would you like to donate?",9,0,20180723-073352_280_live 19,"I'm not sure yet, maybe 5 cents",9,1,20180723-073352_280_live 20,5 cents it is. Thanks!,10,0,20180723-073352_280_live 0,"Hey, how's it going?",0,0,20180723-070336_48_live 1,Good just another Monday how about yourself?,0,1,20180723-070336_48_live 2,hahah same here. Do you have a moment to chat about social issues? Specially the ones concerning children?,1,0,20180723-070336_48_live 3,Yea what do you got?,1,1,20180723-070336_48_live 4,"I'd like to talk about the charity Save the Children. What was life like for you as a kid? Did you ever have to worry about having enough to eat, where to live, etc?",2,0,20180723-070336_48_live 5,No I was blessed when I was a kid and I was allowed to be one ,2,1,20180723-070336_48_live 6,I'm very glad to hear that. What do you think of the kids who weren't born as lucky? Who have to worry about having enough to eat to even be full? With no place to live?,3,0,20180723-070336_48_live 7,I think that is is awful and sad. What do we do about it?,3,1,20180723-070336_48_live 8,Have you heard about Save the Children? Other than it mentioned today of course.,4,0,20180723-070336_48_live 9,nope I have never heard of it,4,1,20180723-070336_48_live 10,"Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",5,0,20180723-070336_48_live 11,Oh nice thats sounds likes a good cause ,5,1,20180723-070336_48_live 12,"They are a fantastic charity. Not only are they helping children worldwide, they're helping kids closer to home near the US as well.",6,0,20180723-070336_48_live 13,That is awesome ,6,1,20180723-070336_48_live 14,Would you like to help and donate to them? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment.,7,0,20180723-070336_48_live 15,I would like to donate $0 but its not because I dont believe in the cause. Its because I dont trust non profits ,7,1,20180723-070336_48_live 16,That's understandable. Thank you for your time today.,8,0,20180723-070336_48_live 17,No thank you for the work that you do,8,1,20180723-070336_48_live 18,Is there anything we could do in the future to assure people like you that we use the money towards helping children?,9,0,20180723-070336_48_live 19,I am not sure I am just very biased ,9,1,20180723-070336_48_live 0,Hi! Have you ever heard of Save the Children? It's a charity!,0,0,20180723-093509_578_live 1,yes I do,0,1,20180723-093509_578_live 2,What do you think of it?,1,0,20180723-093509_578_live 3,"well, it is a charity work / organisation where they save many children ",1,1,20180723-093509_578_live 4,"Yup! And it's an international group, and not owned/sponsored by any government.",2,0,20180723-093509_578_live 5,"you're right, it is non-profit organisation. ",2,1,20180723-093509_578_live 6,Have you ever considered donating to them?,3,0,20180723-093509_578_live 7,"it is an NGO, yes ofcourse many times I have considered to donate them as per my ability ",3,1,20180723-093509_578_live 8,Me too. And I just learned today that they have partnerships that match individual donation - so every amount a person givves is actually doubled. Did you know that?,4,0,20180723-093509_578_live 9,"aw, really ? No I haven't heard of it ",4,1,20180723-093509_578_live 10,"Yes, I was really surprised too. And I learned that they focus on health first, but also prioritze education. I think that is important, as it will help the children grow up with a better chance of being successful. What do you think?",5,0,20180723-093509_578_live 11,"well, I'm glad to hear such a good news from this organisation. Education is must for everyone in the world. Therefore, we could help the children for their livelihood as well as for their education.",5,1,20180723-093509_578_live 12,"WHat do you think is the best way to help the kids? Education, food and water, something else?",6,0,20180723-093509_578_live 13,"we can help them out their physical needs like good cloths, probably orphanage (home to stay) ",6,1,20180723-093509_578_live 14,"Yes, I agree too! I love that Save the Children goes to a lot of places to help with things like this. And did you know that only 5% of the money the charity raises goes administration (salaries for their employees and stuff)?",7,0,20180723-093509_578_live 15,"yes I do, because it is need. Administration costs, like employees salaries, office bills and other expenses can be taken from the donations & it should be 5% as you said. ",7,1,20180723-093509_578_live 16,"Yes, I think they are great. Did you know that you can donate a little of the money you are earning today to them? It can help a lot of kids - from the hungry in the US, to the children literally being killed in war zones. It would help so much.",8,0,20180723-093509_578_live 17,"I would love to help them a little bit (as per my ability), it will also helpful for those children to have a better life than the others.",8,1,20180723-093509_578_live 18,"That's amazing! I know finances are hard for everyone these days, so it is wonderful that you are willing to donate! How much would you like to give? May I suggest $.50 or even $1 if you are able?",9,0,20180723-093509_578_live 19,as per today's earning is very little I would like to donate 1,9,1,20180723-093509_578_live 20,Thank you for your help! The amount will be deducted directly from your payment and sent to Save the Children. ,10,0,20180723-093509_578_live 0,Hey,0,0,20180723-034109_263_live 1,Hiya,0,1,20180723-034109_263_live 2,are you familiar with Save the Children?,1,0,20180723-034109_263_live 3,I'm not - Could you tell me more about it?,1,1,20180723-034109_263_live 4,Well Save the children is an organization that ensures children rights to health education and safety. Children who suffer from hunger would greatly appreciate a donation,2,0,20180723-034109_263_live 5,Great - So how does the donation process work? How do I make sure my money is being used for that purpose?,2,1,20180723-034109_263_live 6,The research team will collect tall donations and send it to save the children,3,0,20180723-034109_263_live 7,Ok - so can I donate $20?,3,1,20180723-034109_263_live 8,"Yes, your donation will be directly deducted from you task payment you can choose any amount from 0 to all of your paymen",4,0,20180723-034109_263_live 9,oh - well since it'll be deducted from my task payment - Let's do half - $1,4,1,20180723-034109_263_live 10,Half of 1 dollar?,5,0,20180723-034109_263_live 11,Half the payment - One whole dollar,5,1,20180723-034109_263_live 12,Alright thank you for contributing to Save the Children. Your donation will help children who cant afford help and are living through hell on earth.,6,0,20180723-034109_263_live 13,"Great, so do we keep talking for like 4 more turns?",6,1,20180723-034109_263_live 14,Yes i believe we have a couple more turns left so I'll educate you more on where your donation is going. Did you know 5.6 million children die every year do to preventable and treatable causes?,7,0,20180723-034109_263_live 15,"I knew it was a large number, which is one of the things I was thinking Save the Children could help with",7,1,20180723-034109_263_live 16,"Luckily for them, Save the children not only excels in health care but they also help children to a classroom education, protect them from abuse, neglect, and lastly provides emergency care.",8,0,20180723-034109_263_live 17,"Huh, that's awesome. Makes me feel even better about my donation",8,1,20180723-034109_263_live 18,Do you usually donate to charities?,9,0,20180723-034109_263_live 19,Yeah - I try to donate once a month or so,9,1,20180723-034109_263_live 20,"Alright, just to be sure you want to donate 1 dollar?",10,0,20180723-034109_263_live 21,Yeah - That would be great. Thank you so much!,10,1,20180723-034109_263_live 0,Hello how do you feel about the Save the Children charity?,0,0,20180723-042342_809_live 1,I think it's a scam,0,1,20180723-042342_809_live 2,"Oh no not at all they do tons of good is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",1,0,20180723-042342_809_live 3,I don't believe it. There is no way to prove where all those funds go. Plus there are starving children right here in america ,1,1,20180723-042342_809_live 4,"This is a great organization and I am sure that they would not be allowed to continue the way they do if the money was not going where it is suppose to and every penny being accounted for. They do so much good in the world yes there are hungry kids here but millions of Syrian children have grown up facing the daily threat of violence. In the first two months of 2018 alone, 1,000 children were reportedly killed or injured in intensifying violence.",2,0,20180723-042342_809_live 5,That is all your opinion. You have no facts to back that up.,2,1,20180723-042342_809_live 6,Yes part of the money does go to pay for things like advertising and all that but over 88% of the donations they recieve are sent where they are needed and that includes in the United States believe it or not. This is according to a website that breaks down info on different charities,3,0,20180723-042342_809_live 7,Like I said those are opinions. There are no facts that prove that to be true. There are no laws that stop them from lying to people either. I have never meet anyone who has been aided by that organization. Infomercials don't impress me.,3,1,20180723-042342_809_live 8,How about the fact that they have been around for over 100 years scams do not stay around that long ,4,0,20180723-042342_809_live 9,"Yes they do. Have you ever heard of evangelism? Again, you're only giving me an opinion. I just can't see any good being done.",4,1,20180723-042342_809_live 10,What about the after school programs they have right here in the US or the head start programs that they offer in many rural areas? Just because it is not happening somewhere that you see everyday does not mean that it does not exsist. They actually fund the head start that my child will be going to till fall. Would you be willing to atleast donate some of what you are getting paid for this study? Right now save the children has a partnership that will double any donation made so any little bit would help,5,0,20180723-042342_809_live 11,"I would not be willing to donate, because I have never seen any impact made by their organization. They also don't disclose their funds",5,1,20180723-042342_809_live 12,oh see I think I get it now your just selfish and dont care about kids is that about right? I mean because you personally have never seen it means it does not happen yeah totally. Stupid,6,0,20180723-042342_809_live 13,"No, I care about kids in my community, who are in poverty. I have never seen this organization help them. I'd rather contribute my donation locally. Rather than to a scam organization that only contributes in their infomercials. ",6,1,20180723-042342_809_live 14,"not to mention where are you getting your information? Saying that they do not disclose funds is an outright lie you can go to URL s/about-us/resource-library/annual-report and find it all right there. In just one year directly reached nearly 157,000 children through our U.S. emergency response and preparedness programs.I mean did you go talk to the families of the kids in your neighboorhood how you know they are not helping there??? How do you know that nothing in your neighborhood is funded by them?",7,0,20180723-042342_809_live 15,"How long are you going to take to respond? You're making this take far too long!. How does that equate to reporting financial information? That's nothing more than whats said in their infomercials. There are no laws preventing them from lying, but i guess perception is reality too you.",7,1,20180723-042342_809_live 16,Yeah there is a bunch of infomercial crap on the top but if you download the actual report then you find the actual financial data. If you would just agree to donate some of your earnings from this hit them it would go much quicker.,8,0,20180723-042342_809_live 17,"You're missing the entire point of what I said if you think downloading that report means something. I will not donate, because i do not trust the charity, and my donations would be better used right here in my own community. ",8,1,20180723-042342_809_live 18,and those local charities they give you their financial info? There was a shelter in vegas brought in tons of donations cuz they were great yeah right selling any items that were donated and pocketing the cash bigger organizations have more eyes on them,9,0,20180723-042342_809_live 19,"No, but I see the work being done everyday in my community.. Which is why i trust them.",9,1,20180723-042342_809_live 20,Did you know that most local charities depend on contributions from larger sources and there is a good chance that save the children or another like it helps out ,10,0,20180723-042342_809_live 0,Hello. How are you ?,0,0,20180723-025150_733_live 1,"I'm good,how are you?",0,1,20180723-025150_733_live 2,I am great. Thanks How much do you typically give to charity in a year?,1,0,20180723-025150_733_live 3,I give ¡ê3 a week so around ¡ê36 a year.,1,1,20180723-025150_733_live 4,Oh that's pretty great. What kind do you typically give to?,2,0,20180723-025150_733_live 5,I pay money to the Royal National Institute for the Blind.,2,1,20180723-025150_733_live 6,Oh awesome. Have you heard of Save the children?,3,0,20180723-025150_733_live 7,Yes. I have seen their adverts and campaigns.,3,1,20180723-025150_733_live 8,"they help give children rights to proper health care, education and safety and such. ",4,0,20180723-025150_733_live 9,Yeah - all good things,4,1,20180723-025150_733_live 10,They have a lot of credibility and are typically viewed as a great organization.,5,0,20180723-025150_733_live 11,They seem to be.,5,1,20180723-025150_733_live 12,Do you have any children on your own?,6,0,20180723-025150_733_live 13,No. I don't,6,1,20180723-025150_733_live 14,Would you be interested in giving some of your payment to this organization?,7,0,20180723-025150_733_live 15,A small part maybe.,7,1,20180723-025150_733_live 16,ah okay...the research team will collect all donations and send it to Save the children,8,0,20180723-025150_733_live 17,Excellent - how does it work,8,1,20180723-025150_733_live 18,Basically you just say I will give ____ amount,9,0,20180723-025150_733_live 19,OK. I will give $0.20,9,1,20180723-025150_733_live 0,"Hello, I'd like to interest you in committing to a donation towards the Save the Children fund, an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",0,0,20180723-064603_378_live 1,I appreciate your concern. Tell me more about this charity before I make a decision.,0,1,20180723-064603_378_live 2,"Save the Children is a foundation that runs world-wide with a focus on providing health, education, protection, hunger elimination, emergency aid, and global advocacy. So far we have reached 155 million children in 120 countries.",1,0,20180723-064603_378_live 3,Interesting that you know so much. How long has this charity been around?,1,1,20180723-064603_378_live 4,The charity was founded in 1919 and their belief is that every child deserves a future so nearly 90% of every dollar goes directly into the mission itself while the remaining 10% goes directly into fundraising and advocacy awareness programs to help promote their current efforts. ,2,0,20180723-064603_378_live 5,That is important that most of the money goes to the charity and not into administration.,2,1,20180723-064603_378_live 6,"Agreed, they post their yearly audit reports so that individuals can track where the funds are allocated.",3,0,20180723-064603_378_live 7,It looks like they will be celebrating their 100 year anniversary soon. That is quite a milestone.,3,1,20180723-064603_378_live 8,"Yes, they are an extremely reputable charity that have been in good standing for the entirety of their history. Originally founded immediately after World War I when so many children were orphaned and/or homeless. ",4,0,20180723-064603_378_live 9,That is interesting. Do they do work in the United States or just overseas?,4,1,20180723-064603_378_live 10,"They work world wide providing both support in the US and overseas, the US chapter was founded in 1932 following the great depression, and today their team goes where other's cannot - to the most rural communities in the US. Last year, they provided support to 237,000 US children across 22 states and Puerto Rico.",5,0,20180723-064603_378_live 11,What country outside of the US do they do the most help for?,5,1,20180723-064603_378_live 12,"Other than the US, Africa receives 43% of the budget, helping more than 32 million children in 2016 across Burkina Faso, Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Guinea, Kenya, Liberia, Malawi, Mali, Mozambique, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.",6,0,20180723-064603_378_live 13,Interesting. Yes I see that most children are helped in Africa.,6,1,20180723-064603_378_live 14,"Right. So, can I interest you in making a donation from your reward today?",7,0,20180723-064603_378_live 15,"Although I do appreciate all of your info, I am not interested in making a donation at this time.",7,1,20180723-064603_378_live 16,"Are you certain? Just a small donation can make a large impact on the entire life of a child and allow them to receive proper medical care and education, food and safety.",8,0,20180723-064603_378_live 17,"I understand, but I already have charities that I support on my own. Thank you, but no.",8,1,20180723-064603_378_live 18,"Ok, I thank you very much for your consideration!",9,0,20180723-064603_378_live 19,You are more than welcome.,9,1,20180723-064603_378_live 0,HI,0,0,20180723-061928_535_live 1,HI,0,1,20180723-061928_535_live 2,ARE YOU INTRESTED TO DONATE SOME FUNDS TO CHARITY TO SAVE SOME CHILDRENS,1,0,20180723-061928_535_live 3,Of course I am very interested to donate funds to charity,1,1,20180723-061928_535_live 4,"Thanks for that. You are helping to small childrens for their studies,etc",2,0,20180723-061928_535_live 5,What charity do you usually donate?,2,1,20180723-061928_535_live 6,I do United World wide or Food for the poor,3,0,20180723-061928_535_live 7,I do for Boys & Girls Clubs of America,3,1,20180723-061928_535_live 8,I do funds when first i saw one poor children looking for his food and he did not received after that i am thinking why i can help to other poor peoples and i willed to donate some funds to some poor peoples and charities,4,0,20180723-061928_535_live 9,I am very interested in the welfare of the children especially in regard to food and education which I consider as very important for children,4,1,20180723-061928_535_live 10,yes it is the most important one in life.,5,0,20180723-061928_535_live 11,I want to help the children irrespective of their color and creed. I think it is the important aspect of donating money to charity,5,1,20180723-061928_535_live 12,Ya if everyone is ready to donate something what i someone having is we can able to control the poor and we have some pride ,6,0,20180723-061928_535_live 13,I accept your view and it is necessary that everyone should contribute at least to some extent to children's charity,6,1,20180723-061928_535_live 14,Yes in developing countries lack of educations for childrens in war zone and even if you taken in syria the millions of peoples meet their daily days by violance but we have a great days so we make that happier and healthier,7,0,20180723-061928_535_live 15,I think our must move cautiously to deal with this country. But I think UNO and UNICEF can contribute a lot if they desired to do so.,7,1,20180723-061928_535_live 16,Yes UNO and UNICEF is included this things more. We do what we can and help something we can for the poor childrens,8,0,20180723-061928_535_live 17,I agree with you.But i think more rich people should come forward to establish such children's charity,8,1,20180723-061928_535_live 18,Ofcourse.How much do you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment.,9,0,20180723-061928_535_live 19,I want to donate at least 50 dollar maximum would be 200 dollar. How much do you want to donate?,9,1,20180723-061928_535_live 20,How much you can donate that.This donation directly goes to children's charity called Save the Children and thanks you so much for this help.You have a great soul.,10,0,20180723-061928_535_live 0,"Hey, how are you?\t",0,0,20180723-101530_805_live 1,"Good day...it's a Monday, but a good start to the week!",0,1,20180723-101530_805_live 2,Absolutely. Glad your week is starting off well.,1,0,20180723-101530_805_live 3,I'm just waiting until it's time to go volunteer at a local children's hospital...I cuddle babies in the NICU.,1,1,20180723-101530_805_live 4,That's adorable. How did you get involved in an opportunity like that? I imagine hospitals are very strict about who gets to be with the little ones.,2,0,20180723-101530_805_live 5,"A friend has been doing it for awhile, and I've always been interested. There is quite a bit of training and background checks, but it's worth it!",2,1,20180723-101530_805_live 6,I'd like to chat with you about a children's charity today. Do you have a moment?,3,0,20180723-101530_805_live 7,"Sure! As you can tell, it's something I'm very concerned about!",3,1,20180723-101530_805_live 8,"Some people are born really well-off. Some are born not well-off, but they can reasonably expect enough food to eat and a place to live. And there are some who are born so destitute that they can go for several weeks in hunger and/or not have a safe place to live or sleep. How does that make you feel?",4,0,20180723-101530_805_live 9,"It makes me feel like life is so unfair, and those of us who can help, should.",4,1,20180723-101530_805_live 10,"Have you ever heard of the charity, Save the Children?",5,0,20180723-101530_805_live 11,I don't believe so.,5,1,20180723-101530_805_live 12,"Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",6,0,20180723-101530_805_live 13,Is it a well regulated agency? How much of donations go to the kids?,6,1,20180723-101530_805_live 14,"80% of the donation go to the kids, and 20% cost goes to administrative cost like educating the public about what we do and reaching out for help.",7,0,20180723-101530_805_live 15,How long has it been around?,7,1,20180723-101530_805_live 16,A lot of information can be found at their website at URL ,8,0,20180723-101530_805_live 17,I'm looking it up right now. Established 1919,8,1,20180723-101530_805_live 18,"I'm glad you're interested enough to look into them. As you can see, they've been around for a quite a while. Would you like to help and donate to them? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0.50 to all your payment.",9,0,20180723-101530_805_live 19,I'd donate 50 cents of my payment.,9,1,20180723-101530_805_live 0,Hello chat partner!,0,0,20180723-091102_738_live 1,hi there! how are you?,0,1,20180723-091102_738_live 2,Doing alright.. I have a fridge full of food and a roof over my head so I can't complain.. ,1,0,20180723-091102_738_live 3,same here! Not everyone has it so it's good that you appreciate it,1,1,20180723-091102_738_live 4,yeah.. I do.. my parents were always in a good situation to be able to raise me well. but there are a lot of kids in the world who arent so fortunate,2,0,20180723-091102_738_live 5,i know. it's so heartbreaking,2,1,20180723-091102_738_live 6,"im working for this organization right now Save the Children, do you know of it?",3,0,20180723-091102_738_live 7,"no, i've never heard about it",3,1,20180723-091102_738_live 8,"its an NGO that helps children around the world. kind of like those cheesy commercials you used to see on TV, but these guys actually do some really good work ",4,0,20180723-091102_738_live 9,really? I would like to learn more about this organization. ,4,1,20180723-091102_738_live 10,yah? have you ever thought about volunteering for something like this?,5,0,20180723-091102_738_live 11,i actually did but never had a chance to do so,5,1,20180723-091102_738_live 12,Volunteering is so rewarding. You get to feel good about yourself and do a good thing at the same time. But the thing is not everyone has the time to do so cause of work and stuff.. so here is where you can still make an impact with your donations..,6,0,20180723-091102_738_live 13,i do like to donate to charities and this one sounds good because i want to help children but how do i know they are legit?,6,1,20180723-091102_738_live 14,"well you can't know entirely that they are legit until you come and volunteer, but save the children has a different kind of structure hierarchy, the director takes a minimum salary etc and all the spending is quite transparent, if you wanna check out the website",7,0,20180723-091102_738_live 15,"sure, what's the website?",7,1,20180723-091102_738_live 16, URL check it out,8,0,20180723-091102_738_live 17,"give me a minute , let me see",8,1,20180723-091102_738_live 18,"if you go to resource library, click on annual support and scroll down",9,0,20180723-091102_738_live 19,"okay, it looks great. I see they are top rated charity",9,1,20180723-091102_738_live 20,okay great. so we usually suggest a monthly donation of $5,10,0,20180723-091102_738_live 0,Hello! How are you doing today?,0,0,20180723-052203_936_live 1,I'm doing very well thank you! How is your day going so far?,0,1,20180723-052203_936_live 2,I am doing well. My day has been busy visiting different places to speak about the charity I support. Have you heard of Save the Children?,1,0,20180723-052203_936_live 3,"It sounds familiar to me, could you tell me more about it?",1,1,20180723-052203_936_live 4,"Helping children in countries that are very war torn or in some form of conflict is what we help in. Everyday 16,000 children die before their 5th birthday, 1 out of 80 flee the country and risk everything, and 1 out of 6 kids aren't enrolled in a school or getting education that they need",2,0,20180723-052203_936_live 5,The charity sounds like it is doing some good work in an area that badly needs it. Children should be our top priority all across the world. How can someone get involved and help out with this charity?,2,1,20180723-052203_936_live 6,"Oh there are quiet a few ways. For roughly a dollar a day you can sponsor a child, you can choose a gift to spend to a child through our catalog, you could start a fundraiser, or you can just simply donate. With that, keep in mind if you ever decide to make a monetary donation, 86% goes directly to the children, 9% fundraising, and 5% management and general. Just so you can have an idea that we use 9 out of 10 dollars directly on the children.",3,0,20180723-052203_936_live 7,I do believe I would like to donate some money to the Save the Children charity. Could I pledge $1/day to start with?,3,1,20180723-052203_936_live 8,absolutely thank you so much!!,4,0,20180723-052203_936_live 9,I like to donate money and time to charities that help children so I also want to thank you for educating me on this charity!,4,1,20180723-052203_936_live 10,Absolutely. I love getting the word out there on this charity. I strongly believe in it and its values on helping children. Children should be a priority in the world. They are our future.,5,0,20180723-052203_936_live 11,They are our future exactly. Any time I can help improve a situation for a child in need I hope to be able to do so. How long have you been supporting this charity?,5,1,20180723-052203_936_live 12,"I have been supporting this charity for 15 years. I also must clarify with you about your donation, if you so choose too. Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment today. You can choose as little as $0 all the way up to all of your payment. That being said, would you still like to donate $1 to the Save the Children charity, starting to make a difference in a childs life?",6,0,20180723-052203_936_live 13,I would like to start making a difference today. I would want to still donate $1 to the Save the Children charity.,6,1,20180723-052203_936_live 14,"Thank you! That makes my heart so happy. Did you know in the first two months of 2018 alone, over 1,000 children were killed or injured seriously by violence in Syria? Just know that your donation today, and hopefully the start of more to come, will help children like this.",7,0,20180723-052203_936_live 15,I hate hearing about children being subjected to violence. It hurts my heart. I do hope I can help and that my small donation does some good for a child.,7,1,20180723-052203_936_live 16,Every penny counts!!,8,0,20180723-052203_936_live 17,Well that sounds just great to me!,8,1,20180723-052203_936_live 18,Thank you once again for your donation and feel free to spread the word about the charity to others!,9,0,20180723-052203_936_live 19,You are welcome and thank you for bringing my attention to such a well deserved charity! I will spread the word!,9,1,20180723-052203_936_live 0,Save the children is a good organization. Do you like to donate to charities?,0,0,20180723-103902_895_live 1,"Yes, I do. What does Save the Children do?",0,1,20180723-103902_895_live 2,"he Save the Children Fund, commonly known as Save the Children, is an international non-governmental organisation that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",1,0,20180723-103902_895_live 3,"Can you give me their website, so I can look into them?",1,1,20180723-103902_895_live 4,"Sure, here is the link. URL ",2,0,20180723-103902_895_live 5,Thank you! Why are you talking about this charity instead of the others?,2,1,20180723-103902_895_live 6,"Sure, here is the link URL ",3,0,20180723-103902_895_live 7,Why are you talking about this charity instead of the others?,3,1,20180723-103902_895_live 8,I think it is a charity that is well deserving and underfunded. Children in underdeveloped countries do not have the support that other kids have and I just want to give them a chance to improve their lives. ,4,0,20180723-103902_895_live 9,In what ways do they help children? ,4,1,20180723-103902_895_live 10,They provide things such as food and medical treatment. Things that are basic needs are given to them. ,5,0,20180723-103902_895_live 11,"I\'m glad they do that but there are many charities that ""claim"" to do the same thing.",5,1,20180723-103902_895_live 12,"Yes, you are correct. However, this organization has been effective in helping others and all donations are matched. I believe their goal is to really help the children. They are known to help in disasters too. ",6,0,20180723-103902_895_live 13,"Well, ok. I'll keep them in mind and do some research into them.",6,1,20180723-103902_895_live 14,Do you think you would like to donate in future?,7,0,20180723-103902_895_live 15,"If I can vouch for them, yes.",7,1,20180723-103902_895_live 16,That is great. I hope you consider them and decide they are worthy,8,0,20180723-103902_895_live 17,I'm glad there are people like you out there who are attempting to make a difference in the world. ,8,1,20180723-103902_895_live 18,"Thank you. If you had a chance to donate some of your money earned today, how much would you donate to the charity now? Your donation would be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from O dollars to all your payment. ",9,0,20180723-103902_895_live 19,I would consider donating $0.50.,9,1,20180723-103902_895_live 20,Wow. That is wonderful. You are a really generous and caring person. ,10,0,20180723-103902_895_live 0,Hello! Ho are you doing today?,0,0,20180723-080248_452_live 1,"doing fine, what about you",0,1,20180723-080248_452_live 2,I'm doing great but i would feel so much better if you let me tell you about one amazing charity,1,0,20180723-080248_452_live 3,go ahead :) i'm listening,1,1,20180723-080248_452_live 4,I'm working for Save the Children charity! Have you heard about it?,2,0,20180723-080248_452_live 5,I don't think so. ,2,1,20180723-080248_452_live 6,It's a great charity that helps children i developing countries and they are also currently helping at the US Mexican border to reunite children with their families,3,0,20180723-080248_452_live 7,such an important job! Tell me more,3,1,20180723-080248_452_live 8,"Sure! There was this little boy in Africa, he was only 1 year old and he died of hunger. It breaks my heart",4,0,20180723-080248_452_live 9,so sad. How can i help?,4,1,20180723-080248_452_live 10,i'm glad you asked! you can help save children like that boy by donating to Save the Children,5,0,20180723-080248_452_live 11,how do i know money will go to children and it's not a scam?,5,1,20180723-080248_452_live 12,This charity is one of the most top rated in the world. You can also check out their website to see for yourself URL ,6,0,20180723-080248_452_live 13,"great, let me check it out",6,1,20180723-080248_452_live 14,sure! Take your time. I'm here whenever you are ready,7,0,20180723-080248_452_live 15,so i like that 86% is going to the cause. ,7,1,20180723-080248_452_live 16,yes! You see? This charity is credible and people who work for it are professionals and have big hearts. would you like to donate and save the children?,8,0,20180723-080248_452_live 17,I probably will. Is there a minimum i can donate?,8,1,20180723-080248_452_live 18,you can donate as much as 2$ or as little as couple of cents. I encourage you to donate as much as you can,9,0,20180723-080248_452_live 19,"hmmm, let me think about it",9,1,20180723-080248_452_live 0,Have you ever heard of Save the Children?,0,0,20180723-091419_371_live 1,I haven't!,0,1,20180723-091419_371_live 2,It's basically what it sounds like,1,0,20180723-091419_371_live 3,What kind of situations do they work with?,1,1,20180723-091419_371_live 4,"The organization helps children around the world with life, protecting them, coming to their aid when a crisis arises, helping them when necessary. ",2,0,20180723-091419_371_live 5,That sounds like an awesome organization! Do you know how someone can get involved? ,2,1,20180723-091419_371_live 6,They have a website. You can also make a .50 cent donation through me from your compensation of this hit. The donation will go towards food and/or aiding them with their health.,3,0,20180723-091419_371_live 7,That's simple enough. I like the sound of that! Have you ever personally worked with them?,3,1,20180723-091419_371_live 8,"I have made donations in the past, yes. It made me feel good to know that I could provide some type of help especially because I have children of my own. The research team will collect all donations and send it to Save the Children.",4,0,20180723-091419_371_live 9,"Gotcha! I also have a child, so I understand where you're coming from. I have a soft spot for children in general. ",4,1,20180723-091419_371_live 10,Same! Especially less fortunate children.,5,0,20180723-091419_371_live 11,Absolutely! I always think about how I would want to know my child is cared for if I'm not around. It's definitely a motivator! ,5,1,20180723-091419_371_live 12,I agree. This is one of my favorite organizations to donate to and they're well known and have done so much for children all over.,6,0,20180723-091419_371_live 13,"That's good to know that they're reputable. Sometimes I'm cautious of donating, just because I want to know that they're making the difference that they saw they are. ",6,1,20180723-091419_371_live 14,At least here we know the researchers are making the donations through this hit.,7,0,20180723-091419_371_live 15,It is nice to know that!,7,1,20180723-091419_371_live 16,So you'd like to donate?!,8,0,20180723-091419_371_live 17,"Yes, I would :)",8,1,20180723-091419_371_live 18,Awesome! Thank you so much :),9,0,20180723-091419_371_live 19,"Oh yeah, absolutely!!",9,1,20180723-091419_371_live 0,"Hi, do you usually donate to charities",0,0,20180723-062856_180_live 1,I DO,0,1,20180723-062856_180_live 2,great! You're such a nice person. What charities do you usually donate to?,1,0,20180723-062856_180_live 3,"To church, I return tithes and I also do the offerings",1,1,20180723-062856_180_live 4,"great! Well, have you ever heard about Save the Children charity?",2,0,20180723-062856_180_live 5,"no, can you tell me more about it?",2,1,20180723-062856_180_live 6,"it's an international non-governemntal organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries",3,0,20180723-062856_180_live 7,nice! I have a child so i'm all about helping kids,3,1,20180723-062856_180_live 8,would you donate to this charity? your donation will make such a huge impact for some children,4,0,20180723-062856_180_live 9,I would like to know more before i donate. How do i know if it's a legit organization,4,1,20180723-062856_180_live 10,it is a trustable fund! It's one of the top rated charities in the world!,5,0,20180723-062856_180_live 11,interesting. So if i donate will 100% of my donation go to a child?,5,1,20180723-062856_180_live 12,"86% goes to help children, 9% goes to fundraising and 5% goes to management and other things. ",6,0,20180723-062856_180_live 13,i just don't know why i've never heard about it,6,1,20180723-062856_180_live 14,neither do i! It's such a well known charity! It just so sad to see children from developing countries die from easily preventable deseases,7,0,20180723-062856_180_live 15,"it is sad, i agree with you ",7,1,20180723-062856_180_live 16,million of Syrian children have grown up facing the daily threat of violence. You said you have a kid. Imagine your precious child going through it every day. waking up every day being afraid of getting killed,8,0,20180723-062856_180_live 17,that breaks my heart. I would do anything to protect my son,8,1,20180723-062856_180_live 18,And you can also protect those children if you donate to our fund! YOU can make a difference,9,0,20180723-062856_180_live 19,"okay, I might donate",9,1,20180723-062856_180_live 20,Great! How much would you like to donate? You're awesome,10,0,20180723-062856_180_live 0,"Hi, how are you today?",0,0,20180723-094242_630_live 1,I am okay. How are you?,0,1,20180723-094242_630_live 2,"i'm doing great! I'm working for Save The Children organisation, have you heard about it?",1,0,20180723-094242_630_live 3,"No, I haven't. Can you tell me more about it?",1,1,20180723-094242_630_live 4,sure. Save the Children is an international NGO that promotes children's rights and provides relief and helps support children in developing countries,2,0,20180723-094242_630_live 5,What types of programs does it offer?,2,1,20180723-094242_630_live 6,"they ensure children's rights to health ,education and safety. They are currently helping Syrian children",3,0,20180723-094242_630_live 7,"On my side I don't have information about the task, only that we are trying to come up with a donation agreement. Are you looking for a donation for the charity?",3,1,20180723-094242_630_live 8,"yes, You can donate as little as 1 cent and as much as 2 dollars. your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment",4,0,20180723-094242_630_live 9,"Okay, that is good to know. What types of things are being done to help the children in Syria?",4,1,20180723-094242_630_live 10,"1000 children were killed or injured and the donations can address these problems. Our organization gives shelter to those kids, feed them and take care of them",5,0,20180723-094242_630_live 11,"Do you know what percentage of donations goes directly to programs (as opposed to overhead costs, salaries, and expenses)?",5,1,20180723-094242_630_live 12,"yes, 86% of all the donations goes to programs and the rest goes to maintaining the fund, ads, etc",6,0,20180723-094242_630_live 13,That sounds pretty good. What other countries are they working in right now?,6,1,20180723-094242_630_live 14,They are actually helping children at the US Mexican border to reunite with their parents,7,0,20180723-094242_630_live 15,What inspired you to work for Save the Children?,7,1,20180723-094242_630_live 16,I have a son and I can't imagine seeing him hungry or in pain or afraid of being killed. i want to help all the children in the world,8,0,20180723-094242_630_live 17,That's an honorable reason. :) What is the one thing you would say to someone to encourage a donation?,8,1,20180723-094242_630_live 18,a couple of cents or a couple of dollars might not make a difference in your life but it can make a huge impact on some child's life,9,0,20180723-094242_630_live 19,That is a good way to think about it. And every little bit can add up.,9,1,20180723-094242_630_live 0,"You know a lot of children in this world go through hardships, and your destiny is determined on where you are born?",0,0,20180723-100140_767_live 1,I guess that is true. I have never thought about destiny being determined by where you are born though.,0,1,20180723-100140_767_live 2,"Yeah, so the chances of being born in the United States are very low, but you and I could have been born in a third world country where children are exploited",1,0,20180723-100140_767_live 3,That really is terrible to think about. We are pretty lucky to have been born in the United States.,1,1,20180723-100140_767_live 4,"Yes of course, especially when the world is how it is today, and do you remember the debate about Kony in 2012?",2,0,20180723-100140_767_live 5,I don't really remember much about it but I know the basics,2,1,20180723-100140_767_live 6,Yeah so people donated money to help children in need. Would you like to donate money to this charity? It's called Save The Children and it's really helpful for kids who aren't as lucky as us and are born in countries that are ravaged by war.,3,0,20180723-100140_767_live 7,Is this a legit charity? Do you have personal experience?,3,1,20180723-100140_767_live 8,"Yes so what it is is that it's a charity that has international impact, for example where there is lack of support like Syria. In the first two months of 2018, 1,000 children were killed or injured in the violence in Syria. We help with medical costs and funding volunteers.",4,0,20180723-100140_767_live 9,That sounds important. How much of a donation are you looking for?,4,1,20180723-100140_767_live 10,"Well I wouldn't ask more than what a candy bar costs, I know we live in hard times right now. Anything between 10 to 50 cents helps.",5,0,20180723-100140_767_live 11,That seems reasonable. Yes I would like to make a donation.,5,1,20180723-100140_767_live 12,"Okay thank you, the charity really appreciates your donation today and thanks you, how much would you like to do?",6,0,20180723-100140_767_live 13,I can $1 today,6,1,20180723-100140_767_live 14,Wow thank you! Just think of everyone who could donate a dollar and help kids in other countries little by little. You're an awesome person.,7,0,20180723-100140_767_live 15,No problem! I wish I could do more.,7,1,20180723-100140_767_live 16,"Maybe next time you hear about the charity, or if someone asks you to donate something, just give a little each time. It's worth it you know?",8,0,20180723-100140_767_live 17,That is a good idea. I will also tell others about this charity. ,8,1,20180723-100140_767_live 18,Thank you! Have a great Monday!,9,0,20180723-100140_767_live 19,Thank you! You too,9,1,20180723-100140_767_live 0,"Hey, how's it going?",0,0,20180723-080158_200_live 1,"Good, how are you?",0,1,20180723-080158_200_live 2,Good here as well. Do you have a moment to chat about children causes?,1,0,20180723-080158_200_live 3,Sure thing. What are they?,1,1,20180723-080158_200_live 4,I'd like to talk about children who weren't born with the same as opportunities. Particularly children who go hungry everyday and have no place to live. How does that make you feel?,2,0,20180723-080158_200_live 5,It sucks that not all people and children have the comfort of having a stable place to stay or the comfort of knowing they are able to eat. It is sad.,2,1,20180723-080158_200_live 6,What was life like for you growing up? Did you ever have to worry about having enough to eat or having a safe place to live?,3,0,20180723-080158_200_live 7,I did not have to worry about those things. Both of my parents were employed and were able to provide for me and my siblings. I felt safe and secure in my home. ,3,1,20180723-080158_200_live 8,That is absolutely wonderful. I feel many people take that for granted. Not having to worry about those things while growing up.,4,0,20180723-080158_200_live 9,"It is not a problem just for children. There are many homeless adults and adolescents that do not know where their next meal is coming from, or if it will ever arrive.",4,1,20180723-080158_200_live 10,It would be great if we could work together to assure that everyone have at least those basic necessities met.,5,0,20180723-080158_200_live 11,How do you suppose we do that?,5,1,20180723-080158_200_live 12,"We can't help everyone, but we can focus one cause at a time. A cause that you believe in. Have you ever of Save the Children?",6,0,20180723-080158_200_live 13,I have not heard of Save the Children? What do they do?,6,1,20180723-080158_200_live 14,"Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",7,0,20180723-080158_200_live 15,That sounds like a good organization. I'm sure they do a lot of nice work.,7,1,20180723-080158_200_live 16,Would you like to help and donate to them? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0.50 to all your payment.,8,0,20180723-080158_200_live 17,I am not willing to donate from my study payment as this money is vital to me. I am sorry I am unable to help.,8,1,20180723-080158_200_live 18,That is understandable.,9,0,20180723-080158_200_live 19,Thank you for your time and information!,9,1,20180723-080158_200_live 0,"Hi there, how are you doing today? ",0,0,20180723-082451_335_live 1,Hi! Doing good. How are you?,0,1,20180723-082451_335_live 2,I'm doing good. I was wondering if I could talk to you about donating to Save the Children today? ,1,0,20180723-082451_335_live 3,"Yes, of course. What are they about?",1,1,20180723-082451_335_live 4,Great! They're an international organization that promotes children's rights and helps give children aid in developing countries. ,2,0,20180723-082451_335_live 5,That sounds wonderful!,2,1,20180723-082451_335_live 6,"Isn't it? And we're not asking for a lot, just some or all of your incoming payment for your task. It's going to a really good cause! ",3,0,20180723-082451_335_live 7,What kind of aid do they give?,3,1,20180723-082451_335_live 8,"They help provide water, give children access to education, give girls tampons so that they can attend school on their period, give them vaccines - things like that. ",4,0,20180723-082451_335_live 9,A couple of organizations claim to do that. Why should I donate to this one in particular?,4,1,20180723-082451_335_live 10,"You're right. A lot of organization collect funds and then it goes to administration or advertising and not a lot of money goes to the people who need it the most. Save the Children makes sure to give as much as they possibly can, because they understand that when it comes to people who are starving, every penny counts.",5,0,20180723-082451_335_live 11,Is there any concrete proof that they do? Words are just words sometimes.,5,1,20180723-082451_335_live 12,I totally understand that! They have a full list of the percentages that they spend on each thing at URL so you can see exactly where your money is going! ,6,0,20180723-082451_335_live 13,I am reviewing the site right now. So what are the amounts for donation accepted?,6,1,20180723-082451_335_live 14,"Thank you so much for even taking the time to consider it! I know I always feel so selfish when I'm eating lunch and I see a commercial for people who are starving, it just really gets to me and I'm so glad you care about making a difference as well! You can choose any amount between 0 and all of your payment for this task. ",7,0,20180723-082451_335_live 15,Ok. I'll donate $0.50.,7,1,20180723-082451_335_live 16,Are you sure you don't want to donate any more? Save the Children really appreciates every penny that they get and it really goes to a good cause. ,8,0,20180723-082451_335_live 17,"Unfortunately, it is all I can afford at the moment.",8,1,20180723-082451_335_live 18,I understand that. Everyone at Save the Children really appreciates your donation! ,9,0,20180723-082451_335_live 19,I'm glad you are fighting for a cause to help others. It is very refreshing to see.,9,1,20180723-082451_335_live 0,Good morning! My name is Jenny. I'm in Florida.,0,0,20180723-041117_988_live 1,"good morning ., my name is shifa . I'm in houstan",0,1,20180723-041117_988_live 2,Cool! I was happy to see a $2 HIT first thing in the morning; I always feel like it's going to be a good day when I get lucky with a big HIT. I don't usually have much time to put into Mturk each day.,1,0,20180723-041117_988_live 3,"Yes, even i got so excited after getting a 2$ HiT . Usually i only get 0.10$ HiT",1,1,20180723-041117_988_live 4,I try to earn a little extra each morning; it eventually adds up to a dinner out or a new outfit. Sometimes I use my earnings for charity. ,2,0,20180723-041117_988_live 5,Yes its really helps me as well in my few expenses.,2,1,20180723-041117_988_live 6,"Have you ever done one of those HITs where they ask you to donate to charity? Sometimes I feel like I should do it since I'm lucky enough to get to do these HITs, but sometimes I feel like keeping it all myself. Usually, though, I do donate. Do you?",3,0,20180723-041117_988_live 7,"yes lately i""ve been getting such HItS and i\'ve completed those nd yes i donated to the charity .",3,1,20180723-041117_988_live 8,Do you have a favorite charity? The researchers in this HIT have told me (in my directions on the left of this screen) that we should consider donating some of our earnings to charity. ,4,0,20180723-041117_988_live 9,No not in particular.There are no search directions given to me and i can't even find anything on the left side of the screen,4,1,20180723-041117_988_live 10,"Oh! I guess because I was the one who had to initiate the conversation, they gave me some directions to talk about. They suggest we consider donating part of our earnings to Save the Children. I'm thinking about donating $.50 of my $2. It seems like a good organization; have you heard of them?",5,0,20180723-041117_988_live 11,"oh! I wonder why no directions have been given to me, and i haven't heard anything about this organization yet. ye! sounds goo",5,1,20180723-041117_988_live 12,"It's an international organization that helps support children (health, education, safety) in developing countries. I think I've seen commercials on TV for them, too. I know they've been around for a while, so I trust that it's a good organization.",6,0,20180723-041117_988_live 13,Please can you help me with the name of the organization ?,6,1,20180723-041117_988_live 14,It's called Save the Children.,7,0,20180723-041117_988_live 15,oh! So How many HITs do you complete in a day?,7,1,20180723-041117_988_live 16,"I try to earn $3 a day on mTurk--some days that only takes a couple of HITs, other days it's takes a lot longer. If I can get $20/week extra, I feel like it was a good week. ",8,0,20180723-041117_988_live 17,Why don't they give us HITs of 1$ or 2$ everyday? If this happen i will be so happy,8,1,20180723-041117_988_live 18,"Yes! Well, I think we're getting near the end of this one. Would you like to donate .50 to Save the Children? If we both do it, it will still give us 1.50 each and our combined $1 will help feed a child in another country. Charities like this can make our $1 go a long way.",9,0,20180723-041117_988_live 19,Yes that sounds great. I had a good time chatting with you,9,1,20180723-041117_988_live 20,"Thank you! The researchers assure me that they'll take care of the donation. So, you're in agreement--we'll each donate 50 cents to Save the Children? If so, then we can end this chat/HIT! Thank you. It was fun.",10,0,20180723-041117_988_live 0,Hello would you please donate to help save the children?,0,0,20180723-120746_371_live 1,What children organization?,0,1,20180723-120746_371_live 2,"This organization is called Save the Children and your donation can help ensure children't rights to health, education, and safety.",1,0,20180723-120746_371_live 3,How long has this charity been around?,1,1,20180723-120746_371_live 4,We have been around for a long time and have worked hard to ensure that as much of your money as possible goes towards helping the children. The children need your help to ensure that they have a fighting chance at their future. You can help care for them medically and ensure they have the education needed to succeed in life.,2,0,20180723-120746_371_live 5,The organization sounds like a good one. What is a typical donation?,2,1,20180723-120746_371_live 6,"Through child sponsorship, you can change a child's life, as well as your own _ all for about $1 a day. This is the most popular donation. We also have where you can set up a monthly donation or make a one time donation.",3,0,20180723-120746_371_live 7,I think I would be interested in the child sponsorship.,3,1,20180723-120746_371_live 8,That sounds amazing! You will help make a child's dreams come true! Would you like to set up a one time donation for $30 or would you prefer to do it monthly? We can accept all major credit cards and Paypal for your convenience. Which would you prefer?,4,0,20180723-120746_371_live 9,A one time donation would be best.,4,1,20180723-120746_371_live 10,We appreciate your help in Saving the Children! How would you like to make payment for this donation? We can accept all major credit cards and Paypal for your convenience.,5,0,20180723-120746_371_live 11,Paypal is usually my choice.,5,1,20180723-120746_371_live 12,It is a great choice. All I need is your Paypal email and I will submit a request for the donation so that all you have to do is accept it. Does that sound ok to you?,6,0,20180723-120746_371_live 13,I do have a few questions first.,6,1,20180723-120746_371_live 14,"Yes, what questions do you have?",7,0,20180723-120746_371_live 15,Where is the charity based out of?,7,1,20180723-120746_371_live 16,"Our headquarters is based out of Fairfield, CT and we service children all over the world.",8,0,20180723-120746_371_live 17,"Okay, where are the major areas you serve?",8,1,20180723-120746_371_live 18,We have several programs throughout the US to help children here. We also over several outreach programs in countries around the world. Where we serve depends on where the needs are greatest and/or if there are any emergency situations.,9,0,20180723-120746_371_live 19,that sounds great.,9,1,20180723-120746_371_live 0,Good morning,0,0,20180723-085449_363_live 1,HI SIR GOOD MORNING,0,1,20180723-085449_363_live 2,I'd like to talk to you today about the Save the Children charity,1,0,20180723-085449_363_live 3,YEAH IM ALSO,1,1,20180723-085449_363_live 4,"Ok great. Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.I don't know about you but in our current climate the rights and welfare of children has been on the forefront of my mind. By helping Save the Children you can make a direct difference in a needy child's life.",2,0,20180723-085449_363_live 5,YEAH I AM LASO SAVE CHILDREN CHILDREN INTERNATIONAL . YEAH WE WILL MAKE BIG DIFFERENTS NEED TO CHARITY CHILDREN LIFE SAVE ,2,1,20180723-085449_363_live 6,Save the Children is a wonderful charity with international impact. It's very sad to me that children in this world still go to bed hungry at night. ,3,0,20180723-085449_363_live 7,PINK CHARITY THAT CHILDREN WORLD AT NIGHT,3,1,20180723-085449_363_live 8,"All righty. Are you willing to make a donation to Save the Children? If so, you will be part of the solution to the problem. I believe as humans its our moral responsibility to help those in need.",4,0,20180723-085449_363_live 9,"YES , I WILL DONATION THE SAVE CHILDREN. YEAH WE HAVE SOME OF THE ISSUES IN THE CASHING PROBLEMS. IN YOUR CHARITY DID YOU FACE ANY OTHER LIKE THAT?/",4,1,20180723-085449_363_live 10,That's wonderful. No I have not faced any issues in the cashing problems.,5,0,20180723-085449_363_live 11,ITS OK NO PROBLEM ,5,1,20180723-085449_363_live 12,How much would you like to donate to Save the Children? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment.,6,0,20180723-085449_363_live 13,YOU FOR MONTH OR YEAR,6,1,20180723-085449_363_live 14,"This would be for a one time donation. Although, I certainly think it will be wonderful if you'd be willing to continue to donate on a regular basis.",7,0,20180723-085449_363_live 15,YOU WILL ANY IDEAS OR SOLUTION,7,1,20180723-085449_363_live 16,I'm sorry I do not understand what you mean? ,8,0,20180723-085449_363_live 17,ANY IDEA CHILDREN CHARITY ,8,1,20180723-085449_363_live 18,How much are you will to donate to Save the Children today?,9,0,20180723-085449_363_live 19,I WILL DONATED 700$ SAVE THE CHILDREN,9,1,20180723-085449_363_live 20,That's very generous of you. Thank you so much for making a difference in a child's life today! Just to confirm you'd like to donate $700?,10,0,20180723-085449_363_live 21,THANK YOU ,10,1,20180723-085449_363_live 0,HI CAN YOU DONATE THE CHILD CAUSE ISSUE,0,0,20180723-064816_188_live 1,"Hey, what issue is it?",0,1,20180723-064816_188_live 2,"MANY OF THE CHILDREN STRUGGLE WITH THEIR EDUCATION , FOOD ",1,0,20180723-064816_188_live 3,It is very unfornate that children are not all given equal opportunities in life.,1,1,20180723-064816_188_live 4,YES IF YOU BRING THE DONATION THEY ARE VERY MUCH HAPPY ,2,0,20180723-064816_188_live 5,who is in charge of accepting the donation?,2,1,20180723-064816_188_live 6,THERE IS THE TRUST CALLED SAVE THE CHILDREN . PLEASE GO THROUGH THE WEBSITE FOR YOUR REFERENCE URL ,3,0,20180723-064816_188_live 7,Can you tell me more about them? How can I trust them with my money?,3,1,20180723-064816_188_live 8,DONATION WILL BE GO THROUGH THE TRUSTABLE FUND . THEY ARE PART OF THE SOLUTION AND THEY HAVE THE MORE RESPONSIBILITY,4,0,20180723-064816_188_live 9,That doesn't tell me how I can trust them.,4,1,20180723-064816_188_live 10,PLEASE SEE THE WEBSITE YOU CAN GET GOOD IDEA ,5,0,20180723-064816_188_live 11,Ok. How do I donate?,5,1,20180723-064816_188_live 12,HOW MUCH DO YOU LIKE TO DONATE ,6,0,20180723-064816_188_live 13,What are the amounts?,6,1,20180723-064816_188_live 14,THE RESEARCH TEAM COLLECT ALL THE PAYMENTS,7,0,20180723-064816_188_live 15,Ok. Are you reading what I'm typing? What are the amount options? ,7,1,20180723-064816_188_live 16,MINIMUM ONE DOLLAR ITS UP TO YOU,8,0,20180723-064816_188_live 17,$1 is too much.,8,1,20180723-064816_188_live 18,OK HOW MUCH DO YOU LIKE TO DONATE TO THE CHARITY NOW?,9,0,20180723-064816_188_live 19,I will not donate anything.,9,1,20180723-064816_188_live 20,OH WHY IF YOU DONATE SMALL AMOUNT THEY WILL HELP THE CHILDREN ,10,0,20180723-064816_188_live 0,"Hey, hows it going",0,0,20180723-055038_776_live 1,"can't complain, youreslf?",0,1,20180723-055038_776_live 2,"Im ok, just doing some work lol. So, do you want to donate any of your income to a Save the Children charity?",1,0,20180723-055038_776_live 3,"yeah sure, why not",1,1,20180723-055038_776_live 4,"Awesome, how much do you want to donate?",2,0,20180723-055038_776_live 5,is there an upper limit?,2,1,20180723-055038_776_live 6,I dont think there is,3,0,20180723-055038_776_live 7,how much are you thinking of donating,3,1,20180723-055038_776_live 8,"Oh I see, it says here that it will be deducted from your task payment. Wonder how that will work.",4,0,20180723-055038_776_live 9,I don't believe they can actually do that haha,4,1,20180723-055038_776_live 10,"Yeah, same. I assume it will be deducted from any bonuses they decide to give.",5,0,20180723-055038_776_live 11,hows $0.50 sound?,5,1,20180723-055038_776_live 12,Sounds good to me lol,6,0,20180723-055038_776_live 13,"ok, good deal, $0.50 it is.",6,1,20180723-055038_776_live 14,"Alright, awesome, guess that's it then?",7,0,20180723-055038_776_live 15,"I think so, it said we need to get to 10 turns of the conversation each, this is my 8th lol",7,1,20180723-055038_776_live 16,"Ah, yeah I just counted mine as well. Well, unless, you want to donate more, I think we're pretty much done here.",8,0,20180723-055038_776_live 17,I'm fine with staying at $0.50 as long as you are,8,1,20180723-055038_776_live 18,"Im good with that as well. Thanks for your quick responses btw. A lot of the time, these things don't go very smoothly since you have to wait a while for a response.",9,0,20180723-055038_776_live 19,"ugh yeah, i've seen that, you sit there waiting forever for someone to type two words haha",9,1,20180723-055038_776_live 20,"Yeah, true, it's terrible. Thanks for your help and have a good Turk day :D",10,0,20180723-055038_776_live 21,you too!!!!! :D,10,1,20180723-055038_776_live 0,Would you like to donate some of your earnings to the charity Save the Children?,0,0,20180723-091508_49_live 1,"Yes, I would be willing to donate a fraction of my earnings to Save the Children.",0,1,20180723-091508_49_live 2,How much of the $2 payment for this task would you like to donate?,1,0,20180723-091508_49_live 3,I would be okay with donating $0.10 from the task payment towards the charity.,1,1,20180723-091508_49_live 4,Sounds good. It will (supposedly) be directly taken from your payment and donated to the charity.,2,0,20180723-091508_49_live 5,Okay. What does the charity do/what are my funds going to be used for?,2,1,20180723-091508_49_live 6,"They promote children's rights, provide relief, and support kids in developing countries. More information can be found at URL ",3,0,20180723-091508_49_live 7,Interesting. Do you know about any of their recent projects?,3,1,20180723-091508_49_live 8,"In 2017 they sent health experts to the Malawi to resuscitate and care for babies with low birth weight. 379,000 babies were cared for by these experts, and 19,000 of them had been successfully resuscitated.",4,0,20180723-091508_49_live 9,"That's very impressive, I am glad that I am donating this charity now that I know more about them.",4,1,20180723-091508_49_live 10,Right? They seem like a good charity. Thank you for your donation!,5,0,20180723-091508_49_live 11,"Thank you for your time, and for the opportunity.",5,1,20180723-091508_49_live 12,You're very welcome! Thank you for chatting with me.,6,0,20180723-091508_49_live 13,You're welcome! Thank you also.,6,1,20180723-091508_49_live 14,I hope you have a nice day! Are you planning anything exciting this week?,7,0,20180723-091508_49_live 15,"Besides working in the morning, I plan to go out to a concert with a few friends on Saturday, so that should be fun.",7,1,20180723-091508_49_live 16,Ooh nice. I hope you have a nice time! I don't really have anything planned this week yet.,8,0,20180723-091508_49_live 17,"That's fine. I hope you still have a good week! I didn't really do that much last week, but it was still relaxing.",8,1,20180723-091508_49_live 18,"I'm glad you had a relaxing week! And thank you, I'm sure this week will be relaxing for me as well.",9,0,20180723-091508_49_live 19,I hope you enjoy! Thanks again for chatting with me.,9,1,20180723-091508_49_live 0,"Hello, it's nice to meet you",0,0,20180723-112016_503_live 1,"nice to meet you, do you know any good children's charities",0,1,20180723-112016_503_live 2,I've always felt confident donating my time and money to a charity called Save the hildren. Have you heard of them?,1,0,20180723-112016_503_live 3,i have not tell me about them,1,1,20180723-112016_503_live 4,"Little typo there, Save the Children. They work in many countries all over the world and have been proven to spend 86% of their donations actually on children, not administrative fees.",2,0,20180723-112016_503_live 5,interesting. how do you help them.,2,1,20180723-112016_503_live 6,You can choose to donate some or even all of your task payment for this hit directly to Save the Children. Would you be interested in donating a small portion?,3,0,20180723-112016_503_live 7,not really. give me some reasons i should donate,3,1,20180723-112016_503_live 8,"I would be glad to. Every day, 16,000 children die before their 5th birthday, mostly from preventable causes. This charity puts a focus on this under 5, at-risk group. Just a small donation would go towards vaccinating kids the world over.",4,0,20180723-112016_503_live 9,is this a religous charity?,4,1,20180723-112016_503_live 10,They are not affiliated with any religious group.,5,0,20180723-112016_503_live 11,would donating one penny help,5,1,20180723-112016_503_live 12,"If that's all you feel comfortable donating, the charity would be very appreciative.",6,0,20180723-112016_503_live 13,are you going to donate too?,6,1,20180723-112016_503_live 14,"Yes, I will be donating half of my payment to Save the Children, as well as having donated in the past.",7,0,20180723-112016_503_live 15,how much do you think i should donate,7,1,20180723-112016_503_live 16,"I wouldn't force anyone to donate anything, but if you could swing even 50 cents, that would cover 1 vaccine round for 1 child.",8,0,20180723-112016_503_live 17,i think i will donate one cent. how do i make the donation?,8,1,20180723-112016_503_live 18,The research team will collect all donations and send it to Save the Children.,9,0,20180723-112016_503_live 19,ok grear ,9,1,20180723-112016_503_live 0,Hi.,0,0,20180723-120745_544_live 1,hello,0,1,20180723-120745_544_live 2,Do you want to donate 5 cents to Save the Children?,1,0,20180723-120745_544_live 3,"no, I have no interest in making any donations.",1,1,20180723-120745_544_live 4,"Alright, no problem.",2,0,20180723-120745_544_live 5,I am not sure what they expect here. Multiple requests for money until someone says yes or no and then what?,2,1,20180723-120745_544_live 6,Sounds like 10 chat turns (probably apiece). ,3,0,20180723-120745_544_live 7,It seems like a one question and answer item to me. ,3,1,20180723-120745_544_live 8,"Yeah, if I was passionate about the cause, maybe a two question, but I can't back a cause I don't believe in.",4,0,20180723-120745_544_live 9,"The cause is the only cause I might donate to but if I were to donate, it would not be from a survey.",4,1,20180723-120745_544_live 10,"Yeah, it looks like I get bonused the amount you donate.",5,0,20180723-120745_544_live 11,"Oh, on my end, they didn't explain anything. ",5,1,20180723-120745_544_live 12,I think I've already broken the rules about what I am supposed to say. Mostly it gives me info on the charity.,6,0,20180723-120745_544_live 13,"Oh, it still would have been better if I had some information. I was just put into a chat room with instructions about having a chat about a charity.",6,1,20180723-120745_544_live 14,Kind of the same for me. But it looks like it's something to do with kids in Syria and refers me to the website.,7,0,20180723-120745_544_live 15,"I think I just didn't react to the little bit of instruction like they had anticipated. Syria is a good one but I am a little worried about some kids in America, right now.",7,1,20180723-120745_544_live 16,A lot of people care about the immigrants. The fact that the government actually listened to people complaining was interesting. I suppose they could have done nothing.,8,0,20180723-120745_544_live 17,"I think people are getting more and more involved, all of a sudden. This country my have had its wake up call :)",8,1,20180723-120745_544_live 18,History tends to repeat itself.,9,0,20180723-120745_544_live 19,true. only because we think of our ancestors as them instead of us.,9,1,20180723-120745_544_live 0,Hey!,0,0,20180723-121545_265_live 1,"Hi there, how's it going?",0,1,20180723-121545_265_live 2,"So I wanted to explain a little about the Save the Children foundation, and why donating is important.. It's a non governmental program that promotes the rights of children, and provides relief to these children in developing countries",1,0,20180723-121545_265_live 3,They sound like an interesting charity. How do they go about providing relief to the children?,1,1,20180723-121545_265_live 4,"Well, they provide education, food, and clothing. Also, when a child is sick, they sometimes don't have the funds for proper healthcare, so unfortunately they die. It's really terrible. So many children die from hunger, and it's not fair.",2,0,20180723-121545_265_live 5,"Why are you passionate about this particular one? There are so many charities that ""claim"" to do the same things.",2,1,20180723-121545_265_live 6,"It is the worlds first global charity for children, and have credentials to back them up. Charity watch group gives them the top rating for achieving results. The money is truly going to the children, as opposed to the company ",3,0,20180723-121545_265_live 7,You sound very passionate about them. Ok. I'll believe you. ,3,1,20180723-121545_265_live 8,That's so great. So will you donate a little of your earnings towards this charity?,4,0,20180723-121545_265_live 9,I may be interested. What are the amounts to donate?,4,1,20180723-121545_265_live 10,"Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from 0 to all of your payment. I wouldn't suggest all of your payment, but just a small amount would help",5,0,20180723-121545_265_live 11,I will donate $0.25,5,1,20180723-121545_265_live 12,That would be so great. You are extremely generous ,6,0,20180723-121545_265_live 13,I admire your effort reaching to people to help the charity.,6,1,20180723-121545_265_live 14,"Yeah, I think helping Children is the most important charity there could be. Unfortunately, there are way too many scam companies out there ",7,0,20180723-121545_265_live 15,"I'm glad you understand my concern about scams. By the way, what is their site?",7,1,20180723-121545_265_live 16, URL you can go there to find more information ,8,0,20180723-121545_265_live 17,I definitely will check it out. Thank you for the information.,8,1,20180723-121545_265_live 18,You're welcome! Thank you for the donation,9,0,20180723-121545_265_live 19,What was life like for you growing up? Is there a reason children in particular are so special to you?,9,1,20180723-121545_265_live 20,"I am a teacher, so I have a lot of compassion",10,0,20180723-121545_265_live 0,good morning!,0,0,20180723-073908_711_live 1,Good morning.,0,1,20180723-073908_711_live 2,have you ever heard of the charity save the children?,1,0,20180723-073908_711_live 3,Yes. I have but I can't say I am very familiar with what they do.,1,1,20180723-073908_711_live 4,they assist with needy children around the world who are living in poverty.,2,0,20180723-073908_711_live 5,That sounds right from what I know.,2,1,20180723-073908_711_live 6,"for example, they do work in syria where in the first 2 months of this year 1,000 children were killed or injured due to the violence there. they help support children in those situations.",3,0,20180723-073908_711_live 7,That sounds like a very worthy cause.,3,1,20180723-073908_711_live 8,it is! you can find out more at URL if you want more specific examples. but they work they do is very meaningful to children and their families (if they have them).,4,0,20180723-073908_711_live 9,Do you know how much of the donations actually make it to children and how much is used for administrative costs?,4,1,20180723-073908_711_live 10,"In fiscal year 2016, on average, 86.5% of all expenditures support program services. 86.5% is an average for all of Save the Children's programs worldwide. More information about our finances and the use of funds is available: here on our financial page. URL s/about-us/financial-information",5,0,20180723-073908_711_live 11,Thank you. That is good information.,5,1,20180723-073908_711_live 12,"would you be willing to donate any of your HIT reward today directly to save the children? say, $0.50 of it?",6,0,20180723-073908_711_live 13,Sure. That would be fine with me.,6,1,20180723-073908_711_live 14,that is great. i am always amazed at how generous people are willing to be. most people aren't very generous even when faced with facts about others who are worse off.,7,0,20180723-073908_711_live 15,"Well, most people suck. Sad but true.",7,1,20180723-073908_711_live 16,"ha. i shouldn't laugh, but you are right. i want to commend you for being generous today. it's not much but every bit helps.",8,0,20180723-073908_711_live 17,Glad to help. I wish I could do more. Doing MTurk to get my student loans paid off so that I can be more generous as a whole.,8,1,20180723-073908_711_live 18,that's a great goal. thank you again for agreeing to donate a portion to save the children. have a wonderful rest of your day.,9,0,20180723-073908_711_live 19,Have a great day.,9,1,20180723-073908_711_live 0,"Hi, how much do you know about Save the Children? ",0,0,20180723-113128_856_live 1,I'm afraid I don't know anything about Save the Children.,0,1,20180723-113128_856_live 2,"It's an international organization that promotes education, health and safety for all children.",1,0,20180723-113128_856_live 3,"Oh, that's great! What sort of assistance do they offer specifically?",1,1,20180723-113128_856_live 4,They currently have an initiative to assist children at the Mexican/American border. They also recently aided children impacted by flooding in Japan.,2,0,20180723-113128_856_live 5,"Wow, they really help people all around the world. Are you at all associated with Save the Children?",2,1,20180723-113128_856_live 6,I've been a donor and advocate for years. It's really easy to get involved.,3,0,20180723-113128_856_live 7,"Oh, really? What's the best way to get involved in your opinion?",3,1,20180723-113128_856_live 8,"Considering the monumental need, there is always a need for funding. Even small donations have a huge impact.",4,0,20180723-113128_856_live 9,Do you know where I can go to donate?,4,1,20180723-113128_856_live 10,The research team here can transfer a donation for you. ,5,0,20180723-113128_856_live 11,That'd be fantastic! Do you know where Save the Children mainly operates out of?,5,1,20180723-113128_856_live 12,"The main headquarters is in Fairfield, CT, and there is also office in Washington DC.",6,0,20180723-113128_856_live 13,They actually have an office near me then. I'd love to visit one of their facilities.,6,1,20180723-113128_856_live 14,"I'm not sure if they do tours, but you can check out their contact info at URL There is a lot of info about the organization there.",7,0,20180723-113128_856_live 15,"Oh, that's unfortunate, but I'll definitely check out all the information on their website.",7,1,20180723-113128_856_live 16,Excellent! Would you like to donation a portion of your task payment today to get the ball rolling?,8,0,20180723-113128_856_live 17,I would definitely like to make a donation!,8,1,20180723-113128_856_live 18,Great! How much would you like to contribute? You can choose any amount from $0 to all of your payment.,9,0,20180723-113128_856_live 19,I'll gladly give all of my payment.,9,1,20180723-113128_856_live 20,That's fantastic - the children will definitely appreciate it!,10,0,20180723-113128_856_live 0,Have you ever donated before?>,0,0,20180723-114415_254_live 1,"Yes, For child care.",0,1,20180723-114415_254_live 2,Are you aware of Save The Children?,1,0,20180723-114415_254_live 3,"Yes, It's an is an international non-governmental organisation that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",1,1,20180723-114415_254_live 4,"Great, have you ever donated to this organization?",2,0,20180723-114415_254_live 5,"Yes, I have donated a year before.",2,1,20180723-114415_254_live 6,"which year was this, was it previously?",3,0,20180723-114415_254_live 7,I have donated on 2017.,3,1,20180723-114415_254_live 8,How much did you donated?,4,0,20180723-114415_254_live 9,I have donated $100,4,1,20180723-114415_254_live 10,Would you be willing to donate to this organization again?,5,0,20180723-114415_254_live 11,"Yes, Definitely i will donate this year",5,1,20180723-114415_254_live 12,How much are you planning to this year?,6,0,20180723-114415_254_live 13,i will donate more than $100,6,1,20180723-114415_254_live 14,"Great, how soon are you planning to?",7,0,20180723-114415_254_live 15,I will donate within 3 months,7,1,20180723-114415_254_live 16,"would you consider sooner, if it was in increments?",8,0,20180723-114415_254_live 17,"Yes, As soon as i get enough money",8,1,20180723-114415_254_live 18,"Would you donate today, even a small portion?",9,0,20180723-114415_254_live 19,"No, but i will definitely donate within next two months",9,1,20180723-114415_254_live 0,Have you thought about giving to the Save the Children charity?,0,0,20180723-122005_335_live 1,I used to donate to them. Do you like that charity?,0,1,20180723-122005_335_live 2,"I think that they are good, they help a lot of children",1,0,20180723-122005_335_live 3,What do they do exactly?,1,1,20180723-122005_335_live 4,"They work for the rights of children in developing countries in safety, health, education",2,0,20180723-122005_335_live 5,"That is super important work, obviously. Do you know if they are a trustworthy organization?",2,1,20180723-122005_335_live 6,"Yes they are very trustworthy, and they have been around for a long time",3,0,20180723-122005_335_live 7,I can't stand charities where the top level execs make a ton of money,3,1,20180723-122005_335_live 8,"I agree, that doesn't happen with this charity, most of the money goes to helping the children",4,0,20180723-122005_335_live 9,that's good to hear. they sound like a good charity to donate to,4,1,20180723-122005_335_live 10,I would highly recommend it,5,0,20180723-122005_335_live 11,what other organizations would you consider?,5,1,20180723-122005_335_live 12,This is the only one that comes to mind,6,0,20180723-122005_335_live 13,I tend to like St Jude's research hospital too,6,1,20180723-122005_335_live 14,"they are good too, but this one I prefer",7,0,20180723-122005_335_live 15,why is that?,7,1,20180723-122005_335_live 16,"St Jude's is one specific area, Save the children goes into more of a variety of issues",8,0,20180723-122005_335_live 17,that's a fair point,8,1,20180723-122005_335_live 18,are you still there?,9,0,20180723-122005_335_live 19,yes! i said that's a fair point. save the children is a good choice.,9,1,20180723-122005_335_live 0,hello there?,0,0,20180723-094026_937_live 1,hello!,0,1,20180723-094026_937_live 2,How are you doing ?,1,0,20180723-094026_937_live 3,"Im doing good, and yourself?",1,1,20180723-094026_937_live 4,Doing well. Where are you from ?,2,0,20180723-094026_937_live 5,"Im from the seattle, you?",2,1,20180723-094026_937_live 6,Texas. How much do you like to donate to the charity?,3,0,20180723-094026_937_live 7,"donate $10, I like children's charities. How much would you donate?",3,1,20180723-094026_937_live 8,I donate the same. ,4,0,20180723-094026_937_live 9,Thats good. How often would you donate? I would do it monthly,4,1,20180723-094026_937_live 10,I donate several times a year,5,0,20180723-094026_937_live 11,is there a specific charity you donate to?,5,1,20180723-094026_937_live 12,Yes. Mostly i will donate to The House of Charity ,6,0,20180723-094026_937_live 13,"Thats a good one. I donate to children's hospitals, have any experience with that?",6,1,20180723-094026_937_live 14,Not sure. How often you donate ?,7,0,20180723-094026_937_live 15,"I donate maybe 5 times a year, they are usually set up at certain grocery stores. You might be able to find one.",7,1,20180723-094026_937_live 16,That's good. I try to find and donate,8,0,20180723-094026_937_live 17,is there a reason you choose to donate to children's charities?,8,1,20180723-094026_937_live 18,Yes. I love children. I want them to help in personal,9,0,20180723-094026_937_live 19,Yes me too. I feel these charities are one of the most important of all. have you ever donated online?,9,1,20180723-094026_937_live 0,"Hey, how's it going today?",0,0,20180723-074147_879_live 1,"Hey, not feeling really good today, stomach ache :( how are you?",0,1,20180723-074147_879_live 2,"Oh no. I'm sorry to hear that. Did you take some medicine? I'm doing fine, thank you.",1,0,20180723-074147_879_live 3,"no, I need to though! ",1,1,20180723-074147_879_live 4,I hope you do soon. Do you have a moment to talk about causes for children?,2,0,20180723-074147_879_live 5,Sure i would love to,2,1,20180723-074147_879_live 6,"As you know, unfortunately, everyone wasn't born into the same opportunities. Some are born extremely well off, some are born with some opportunities and some are born completely destitute. What do you think about that?",3,0,20180723-074147_879_live 7,It makes me very sad! I was born in USSR and we had very limited resources. I was growing up in poverty so i know how it feels,3,1,20180723-074147_879_live 8,It makes me sad as well. How are things for you now?,4,0,20180723-074147_879_live 9,Much better. I moved to the US and things are much better now,4,1,20180723-074147_879_live 10,"I am so happy to hear that. Have you ever heard of a charity called, Save the Children?",5,0,20180723-074147_879_live 11,"No, i haven't actually. Would you mind telling me about it?",5,1,20180723-074147_879_live 12,"Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",6,0,20180723-074147_879_live 13,"okay, that sounds good. are they legit?",6,1,20180723-074147_879_live 14,Absolutely. They are currently working to reunity the children who were separated from their parents at the US-Mexico border. Would you like to help and donate to them? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0.50 to all your payment.,7,0,20180723-074147_879_live 15,They are? Nice! I don't know yet. Maybe you could tell me more about this charity,7,1,20180723-074147_879_live 16,You can learn more about them at URL There is a wealth of information.,8,0,20180723-074147_879_live 17,I will definitely check it out,8,1,20180723-074147_879_live 18,What do you think of the charity so far? Would you be interested in donating once you've learned more about them?,9,0,20180723-074147_879_live 19,I think it's great and I love that they help kids to reunite with their families. just not sure i'm willing to donate 0.50 cents,9,1,20180723-074147_879_live 0,"Hello, How are you doing today?",0,0,20180723-113700_19_live 1,"Hi, I am doing well. How are you?",0,1,20180723-113700_19_live 2,Good! Thank you for asking. So have you ever head of a charity called Saved the Children? ,1,0,20180723-113700_19_live 3,I have and I have heard good things about the charity. Are you familiar with it?,1,1,20180723-113700_19_live 4,"Yes, they do their best to insure children's health, education, safety, etc.. Does this sound like something you might want to be a part of?",2,0,20180723-113700_19_live 5,Yes I am interested.,2,1,20180723-113700_19_live 6,"Wonderful, is there any way you like to help out by donating any part of your payment for their needs? Anything would help even small donations add up when everyone pitches in.",3,0,20180723-113700_19_live 7,Yes I would be willing to donate $1,3,1,20180723-113700_19_live 8,"Oh my goodness, that is great news! Just to let you know the money will be directly deducted from your task payment. The research team will collect all the donations and send it to Save the children. ",4,0,20180723-113700_19_live 9,"Ok, sounds great!",4,1,20180723-113700_19_live 10,"Thank you very much, you have no idea how much this helps. Is there any other questions you may have?",5,0,20180723-113700_19_live 11,No I don't have any other questions.,5,1,20180723-113700_19_live 12,Well we do have four more turns talking to one another. So did you know that your money will go to children that are in war zones.,6,0,20180723-113700_19_live 13,"No I didn't know that. I took a little time to look up information on the organization, but didn't see that. I saw that they have pretty reasonable overhead fees, but the salary for the CEO was very high. ",6,1,20180723-113700_19_live 14,"Yes I think so to, not sure how when I was told that all the money goes to the children. I do have a web-site to to give you if to if you like to see if it was the same one you looked at.",7,0,20180723-113700_19_live 15,"yes, that would be great, I like to compare to see. I think that it is so important that the money goes to the children and not to salaries.",7,1,20180723-113700_19_live 16,"Alright no problem, here it it URL Would you like a minute to g over it, I can wait while you do.",8,0,20180723-113700_19_live 17,"That was interesting, it seemed to match the information on the independent review site.",8,1,20180723-113700_19_live 18,"Well we are at the end now, so is it still okay to donate you dollar? I just want to make sure you are happy with your donation before we proceed.",9,0,20180723-113700_19_live 19,"Yes, that is good with me.",9,1,20180723-113700_19_live 20,"Thank you again, and I hope you have a wonderful day!!!",10,0,20180723-113700_19_live 0,How much money do you spend daily on extras like a coffee or treat?,0,0,20180723-042344_940_live 1,"I spend about 5 dollars a day, you?",0,1,20180723-042344_940_live 2,About 1 dollar per day. Do you think that amount of money would make a difference in a needy child's life?,1,0,20180723-042344_940_live 3,I think it would in many places,1,1,20180723-042344_940_live 4,I agree. Are you familiar with a charity called Save the Children?,2,0,20180723-042344_940_live 5,No i am not can you explain?,2,1,20180723-042344_940_live 6,"Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",3,0,20180723-042344_940_live 7,Wow thats great. How can I help?,3,1,20180723-042344_940_live 8,"We can help by making a donation which is essential to help ensuring children's rights to health, education, safety, etc. ",4,0,20180723-042344_940_live 9,Thank you. How do i donate?,4,1,20180723-042344_940_live 10,You can donate by choosing an amount of your task payment from $0 to all.,5,0,20180723-042344_940_live 11,Ok i will donate some,5,1,20180723-042344_940_live 12,That's great! The monies will go to a worthy cause. Every little bit helps.,6,0,20180723-042344_940_live 13,Tha k you so much for the infkrmation,6,1,20180723-042344_940_live 14,You are welcome.,7,0,20180723-042344_940_live 15,I will donate 10 cents,7,1,20180723-042344_940_live 16,Any chance you would consider making a greater donation? ,8,0,20180723-042344_940_live 17,That is all i can afford,8,1,20180723-042344_940_live 18,It is automatically deducted from your task payment. It will be collected by the research team and sent to Save the Children. Thank you for your contribution!,9,0,20180723-042344_940_live 19,Tha k you for my awareness,9,1,20180723-042344_940_live 0,"Hello, how much would you like to donate to the Save the Children charity today?",0,0,20180723-105210_403_live 1,I think I would like to donate 5,0,1,20180723-105210_403_live 2, URL Perhaps a visit to this website would increase your generous donation a few dollars?,1,0,20180723-105210_403_live 3,"Ok, I saw the website and I am willing to donate $10",1,1,20180723-105210_403_live 4,Thank you very much for your generous increase in the donation amount. Save the Children is the most trusted fund of it's kind. Did you know each dollar you donate will be doubled by the organization?,2,0,20180723-105210_403_live 5,I did not know that,2,1,20180723-105210_403_live 6,"Every day, 16,000 children die before their 5th birthday, mostly from preventable causes. Were you aware of this fact?",3,0,20180723-105210_403_live 7,"I was not aware of that fact, no.",3,1,20180723-105210_403_live 8,"Millions of children in the U.S. and around the world still aren't getting what they deserve. We're talking about children in need. Dying, when the world knows how to save them. Vulnerable children in poverty. Denied an education. Forced to flee violence. Orphaned, abused, abandoned. Children with no reason to smile. No hope for the future. The world's children deserve better and you're making a difference. How much will you spend on a snack or a drink today? Then ask yourself how much of that could have saved a life.",4,0,20180723-105210_403_live 9,"well, I've already promised 10. My families poor too and I don't get a lot of extra stuff like drinks and snacks. It's not easy for me to give anything and no charity has ever helped me. I wonder how much their CEO makes for saving the children. I'm guessing a lot more than me.",4,1,20180723-105210_403_live 10,"I can certainly understand where you are coming from, and family does come first. Across the United States, more than 14 million children, or 1 in 5, grow up in poverty. When you focus on children in rural America, that number jumps to 1 in 4. Through our education, protection and emergency programs, we reached 638,000 kids in 2016 alone. May I confirm our donation agreement is in fact $10 ?",5,0,20180723-105210_403_live 11,It is in fact 10 or 5% of my weekly income. can I confirm that you would also like to donate 5% of yours?,5,1,20180723-105210_403_live 12,"If you agree to donate $10, then I can as well. I could not ask something of someone I would not do myself.",6,0,20180723-105210_403_live 13,I understand that we will both be donating. I hope it is helpful to the children,6,1,20180723-105210_403_live 14,You are a part of the solution and you do not have to hope it is helpful. Your $10 donation will be matched by Save the Children,7,0,20180723-105210_403_live 15,"ok, got it. cheers",7,1,20180723-105210_403_live 16,I just looked it up and the manager side of the charity splits 5% if you're interested in that.,8,0,20180723-105210_403_live 17,I think charities would recieve a lot more if the country would go after the 1% to help,8,1,20180723-105210_403_live 18,"If I had all the control, the only money not spent on the children would be for fundraising. Thank you very much for your $10 donation to Save the Children. ",9,0,20180723-105210_403_live 19,no problem. thanks,9,1,20180723-105210_403_live 0,Good Morning! I am asking for a donation to Save the Children. Have you heard of it?,0,0,20180723-044617_32_live 1,Good morning!.. Have a nice day... Ya I heard something about it,0,1,20180723-044617_32_live 2,"It is an International Charity to help children's lives become more stable through education, food, and good health.",1,0,20180723-044617_32_live 3,Oh.. That's very interesting.... What is the name of Charity??,1,1,20180723-044617_32_live 4,"Save the Childre. I think that we need to help these children. It would be in the best interest of all of us to have healthy well educated children, especially in developing countries where children suffer the most. Don't you agree?",2,0,20180723-044617_32_live 5,Ya... I agree with you... We need to take care of those children.,2,1,20180723-044617_32_live 6,"Many children in these countries live in a war zone. Places like Syria and parts of Nigeria are so dangerous that children do not have the chance of a happy, healthy life. If you could donate a small amount from your task payment, it would be big help to these unfortunate little people.",3,0,20180723-044617_32_live 7,Ya... I feel very bad for those children's. If those small amount will help them we should do them,3,1,20180723-044617_32_live 8,You can donate any amount from your payment. It is up to you. Everything helps! You will also feel good about what you have done. There is no better feeling than helping another person. Let me know how much you would like to give today. And thank you.,4,0,20180723-044617_32_live 9,Ok.... But what is the name of organization. We have to make clear about how this organization work,4,1,20180723-044617_32_live 10,The name is Save the Children. The research team will collect and send the donations to the charity. Every donation helps. Especially for the children in war zones where they are dying every day because they cannot get enough medical care. I am sure that you have seen pictures of the bombing in Syria and the murder of innocent children in places like Nigeria and Somallis where terrorists are bombing their villages. These children have no hope except for people like you and I. Any amount will help. ,5,0,20180723-044617_32_live 11,That very interesting and good work. Everyone should involve as much as possible... What are the way to donate money and what is the minimum amount,5,1,20180723-044617_32_live 12,You can tell me how much you would like to donate from the money you are getting for this task. Any amount at all will help and it's automatic. ,6,0,20180723-044617_32_live 13,That fine... What are the available way to offer those children's future like clothing money scholarship...,6,1,20180723-044617_32_live 14,For more information on this wonderful charity you can go to : URL and they will answer any questions about future donations. ,7,0,20180723-044617_32_live 15,Ok.. I will go through this website for more information ,7,1,20180723-044617_32_live 16,"That is great. And if you are willing to make small donation now-just a few cents even, please let me know the amount and it will get passed on to the research team for processing today. Thank you.",8,0,20180723-044617_32_live 17,Ok can i get the update about this charity how they are spending money and what way they help those children,8,1,20180723-044617_32_live 18,All of the information on how this charity operates and what they are doing for children will be on the website URL ,9,0,20180723-044617_32_live 19,Ok..Then i think this will really help those children's future....,9,1,20180723-044617_32_live 20,Thank you and God Bless!,10,0,20180723-044617_32_live 0,"Hi, have you ever heard of the charity ""Save the Children"" before?",0,0,20180527-210026_713_live 1,"No I havent, please tell me more.",0,1,20180527-210026_713_live 2,Save the Children is a charity organization that provides funding to help get children access to health and education all over the world ,1,0,20180527-210026_713_live 3,"That sounds great. I think any childrens charity that is legitimate is worthy. I am a big fan of St Jude's, I like the fact that they treat children but are also looking for a cure for diseases.",1,1,20180527-210026_713_live 4,"Yeah St Jude's is a great organization that helps find cures for diseases. There are a lot of other emergencies out there besides disease though, like disasters caused by weather or conflict and Save The Children provides money to help kids affected by that",2,0,20180527-210026_713_live 5,So the organization just funds local clinics but does not have any personal effect on treating children?,2,1,20180527-210026_713_live 6,"Save the Children definitely has an effect on treating kids, they are active in over 120 countries and as well as providing funding to local organizations they also give direct aid like emergency supplies after a disaster. So they really can do it either way. ",3,0,20180527-210026_713_live 7,"I feel so silly! Is ""Save the Children"" that organization that I see commercials for that shows sad underweight children with swollen tummies and says for the price of a cup of coffee each day you can sponsor a child. Those are heartwrenching",3,1,20180527-210026_713_live 8,"Yeah those commercials can be persuasive, there are so many different disasters affecting kids all over the world. The food insecurity in Africa is off the charts whenever there is a drought and Save the Children helps provide food to starving kids there. Any donation can really help provide more food.",4,0,20180527-210026_713_live 9,"Thats wonderful, I definitely support helping those children. I guess I dont think too much about them day to day, I kind of get consumed by the homelessness here in my city, or what our local church is funding at the moment. But starving children deserve more wherever they are. Its sad that we can never do enough",4,1,20180527-210026_713_live 10,Yeah its hard because wll live in such a connected world that you hear about so many awful things going on. On the positive side though in the past all of these awful things were happening but there were less mechanisms to help stop it. But for example this week thousands were displaced in Somali because of flooding but now Save the Children along with other organizations will go over there to help them.,5,0,20180527-210026_713_live 11,"Thats great, what is their website so I can look more into it?",5,1,20180527-210026_713_live 12, URL here you go,6,0,20180527-210026_713_live 13,Thank you! Do you also sponsor children yourself?,6,1,20180527-210026_713_live 14,"I have but not directly with Save the Children, I have been active in other organizations though like Boys and Girls Club",7,0,20180527-210026_713_live 15,"oh, thats a great organization also. I always wondered if the kids really write letters, that would be really neat.",7,1,20180527-210026_713_live 16,"Some do, but the sponsorship isn't just for a specific child it just goes into a fund. The kids write letters to people who put money into the fund. That allows them greater flexibility to move money around to where its needed",8,0,20180527-210026_713_live 17,"Oh ok, well thats a shame. But I am not discounting the cause.",8,1,20180527-210026_713_live 18,"I think it really is more of a positive because if someone was to donate but later on in life they had to pause their donation for a time for some reason or another they wouldn't feel morally responsible for that child no longer being supported, because their would be other donors in the fund that would pick up the slack. ",9,0,20180527-210026_713_live 19,"That makes a lot of sense. Thank you for sharing this with me, I will definitely look more into this charity!",9,1,20180527-210026_713_live 20,Great happy to help! Thanks for a nice conversation,10,0,20180527-210026_713_live 0,Would you like to donate to a children's charity called Save the Children?,0,0,20180527-123001_539_live 1,what is this charity about?,0,1,20180527-123001_539_live 2,"a non-governmental organizationt aht promotes children's right, supports kids in developing countries.",1,0,20180527-123001_539_live 3,Developing countries is a broad category. Is there any countries that they focus?,1,1,20180527-123001_539_live 4,"Syria, Thousands of kids die in just a quarter of a year over there and you could help save them with just some pocket change.",2,0,20180527-123001_539_live 5,Where is the organisation's headquarters?,2,1,20180527-123001_539_live 6,"London, United Kingdom. If you care about children, even a little bit, then you should be outraged and willing to help make an impact",3,0,20180527-123001_539_live 7,I get mails and calls from different charities. I just want to make sure that this one is genuine ,3,1,20180527-123001_539_live 8,"You don't have to take my word for it, you can check them out at URL they have helped countless children around the globe, their credential are Impeccable!",4,0,20180527-123001_539_live 9,Thanks for the web-page link. I checked it and it looks genuine.,4,1,20180527-123001_539_live 10,"I'm sure you've made some frivolous purchases, we all have. I'm only asking for you to pick the kids today. Every bit counts.",5,0,20180527-123001_539_live 11,How can I donate to the organisation?,5,1,20180527-123001_539_live 12,"You can donate right through the website I provided a link for, in the top left corner there is a red donate button.",6,0,20180527-123001_539_live 13,Thanks for the info. Will do that,6,1,20180527-123001_539_live 14,No problem and thank you for helping children in need. You should feel proud.,7,0,20180527-123001_539_live 15,will I get a confirmation mail after the donation?,7,1,20180527-123001_539_live 16,"Yes, it will also include a subscription that you can opt out of, but will show your dollars at work and keep you informed on what you contributed to.",8,0,20180527-123001_539_live 17,What is this subscription about?,8,1,20180527-123001_539_live 18,It's a Save The Children eNews letter that provides breaking emergency alerts and updates on what your money helped with.,9,0,20180527-123001_539_live 19,Okay. Is this donation tax deductible?,9,1,20180527-123001_539_live 20,These contributions are tax-deductible in the US. Thanks again for choosing to help the children.,10,0,20180527-123001_539_live 0,Good morning. I am looking to raise money for the charity Save the Children and I was wondering if you might beinterested?,0,0,20180807-052301_924_live 1,I have been reading articles about Save the Children charity and I find them quite interesting.,0,1,20180807-052301_924_live 2,"They are a really good charity. For instance, they have been helping families trapped in the Syrian conflict. Did you realize that 1000 children with killed or injured the first 2 months of this year in Syria? Anything you can donate will go help a family avoid these situations.",1,0,20180807-052301_924_live 3,I think this is quite interesting. I have read that 86% of the funds raised go directly to benefiting the children. I also think it is very interesting that a woman is President & CEO. I think this is great because not to often are woman CEO's. This speaks volumes in my opinion to the donors.,1,1,20180807-052301_924_live 4,"You are correct. The charity has low administrative overhead, meaning most of the money goes to helping children in dire situations. It is also important that a woman heads a major charity likes this. She can bring a different perspective to the charity that might not be seen in another chairty. I can tell you already know a lot about this charity and the good work they are doing!",2,0,20180807-052301_924_live 5,"I feel a know a good bit about charities. I am disappointed in the salaries of the CEO, Executive VP & VP. I think a half million dollars that the CEO is compensated is a bit much. These dollars could be used to help more children. ",2,1,20180807-052301_924_live 6,"You won't hear me argue with that, but the fact is to attract qualified people to run a major charity is a costly endeavor. For example, the head of the Human Rights Campaign makes $600,000 a year and I think we can agree this charity has a much wider scope. It is unfortunate that these salaries have to be paid and not go to the children, but we also need people running the charity who can actually make an impact on saving the children.",3,0,20180807-052301_924_live 7,I agree that a qualified person is needed to run such a charity. I think my biggest concern when salaries get so high they lose focus of what the organization is needing to do. We all like money! I think that this organization is a very good organization and have competent people running it. There are so many children charities that you really have to study each one to be able to decide who you would want to make your donation to. Are you a donor of Save the Children charity?,3,1,20180807-052301_924_live 8,"Yes and I also donate to UNICEF. What I like about both programs are the educational outreach they do. Most of these children would never have a chance to get an education and Save the Children serves millions of children in this area. Not only does the child get an education they would otherwise not get, they also get basic healthcare and nutrition thrown in as well. The dollar you spend truly does go a long way to helping others! ",4,0,20180807-052301_924_live 9,"Absolutely true of Save the Children. I always look at how many children have been helped and what they help the children with. I then look at the overall salaries of the organization (petty maybe) but I need to make sure in my heart that the money I donate is going to help children not the management, even though I know a portion goes to them. I am willing to make a donation to the great cause.",4,1,20180807-052301_924_live 10,"If it helps you, Charity Navigator gives them 3 out of 4 stars. As you probably know there are very few charities that have a 4 star rating. This is mainly due to overhead costs of the charities. That being said, you can be assured your money will be doing a lot of good in the world!",5,0,20180807-052301_924_live 11,Absolutely. I use Charity Navigator when I decide to make donations. I think it is important for people to look at this when making a decision to donate to any organization.,5,1,20180807-052301_924_live 12,"I think that is very wise to do. Even if you are making a small donation, you want to be sure that it is being used to its fullest potential.",6,0,20180807-052301_924_live 13,Yes. I think this is where some people are lacking in making donations to organizations who don't benefit the greater good. Knowledge is a key factor.,6,1,20180807-052301_924_live 14,"It is a shame that we live in a world where this is an issue, but I think if you make a donation to Save the Children, you can be assured your money will be used to the fullest extent.",7,0,20180807-052301_924_live 15,I agree. I will be making a donation to Save the Children organization.,7,1,20180807-052301_924_live 16,How much do you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment.,8,0,20180807-052301_924_live 17,I would absolutely donate the whole amount from this survey. I feel confident that the money would be well spent.,8,1,20180807-052301_924_live 18,Thank you so much. That is a truly nice thing to do and a perfect way to start the day!,9,0,20180807-052301_924_live 19,Absolutely! Makes me feel confident that my day and the day of a child will be blessed!,9,1,20180807-052301_924_live 0,Hello there,0,0,20180807-054926_223_live 1,How's it going today?,0,1,20180807-054926_223_live 2,Great. Have you heard about Save the children charity,1,0,20180807-054926_223_live 3,"No, I have never heard of it, I don't think. Maybe I have and just didn't know it. But can you fill me in on what they do?",1,1,20180807-054926_223_live 4,"Ofcourse. Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",2,0,20180807-054926_223_live 5,"Alright, I see. Can you tell me anything else about them? Anything more specific?",2,1,20180807-054926_223_live 6,I also knew a couple of kids. Oh my god! It is just sad because they died from hunger. So if people make donations. It will be very helpful to avoid situations like that,3,0,20180807-054926_223_live 7,That makes sense. Child suffering is one of the harder tragedies that we'd all probably like to avoid if we could.,3,1,20180807-054926_223_live 8,exactly. I support the organization because I know how good and professional they are. Peoples donations will go to a trustable fund,4,0,20180807-054926_223_live 9,"That's an interesting point you make. Most people's problems with charities is they can never understand how the money is used, if it's used efficiently, how they're trustworthy, etc. It's hard enough to have money to donate, so people want to make sure that, if they do, it's actually making a difference.",4,1,20180807-054926_223_live 10,Right. I feel the same way. I have made donations in the past and I know for a fact that it went to waste. But this organization is just different.,5,0,20180807-054926_223_live 11,Can you tell me specifically how they're different? Do you know?,5,1,20180807-054926_223_live 12,Like I said they use the donations and these go straight to those in need. ,6,0,20180807-054926_223_live 13,"I suppose. I always try to get as information I possibly can so that I can feel as confident about my decision as possible. I don't have a lot of money, so if I were to donate it, I'd need to make sure it went to those that needed it more than I do, and not only have like maybe a small amount actually go to the cause, while the other amount just ends up going into the pockets of CEOs and what-not.",6,1,20180807-054926_223_live 14,Understandable! Here is the website you can visit to gather more information and you will be pleased. URL ... Remember we all can be part of the solution. Would you like to make a donation to Save the Childrens /,7,0,20180807-054926_223_live 15,"I think I'd need more time to think about it, and to read through the website, maybe do some internet searches. Like I said, I'm a struggling college student, and most of my money has to go towards rent, food, and school supplies, etc. Thank you for the suggestion, though.",7,1,20180807-054926_223_live 16,No problem. Hopefully you can donate in the future *Small donations mean Big donations* to them also. I wish you the best in your college life :) ,8,0,20180807-054926_223_live 17,Thank you! I really appreciate that sentiment. And I wish you the same in anything you're doing right now. I like your saying. I will take it to heart and give it serious consideration.,8,1,20180807-054926_223_live 18,Appreciated. Enjoy the rest of your day!,9,0,20180807-054926_223_live 19,You too! Thank you for having this conversation with me.,9,1,20180807-054926_223_live 0,You should donate your pay to Save the Children. It's the right thing to do.,0,0,20180807-045406_433_live 1,"Yes, I do believe that donating to Save the Children is the right thing to do.",0,1,20180807-045406_433_live 2,"Good, so you're in agreement to donate your $2 to Save the Children?",1,0,20180807-045406_433_live 3,"Yes, I am in agreement to donate $2 to Save the Children.",1,1,20180807-045406_433_live 4,"Well, that was easy. Now what?",2,0,20180807-045406_433_live 5,"Yes, it was easy I am not sure what is next...we need ten chat turns.",2,1,20180807-045406_433_live 6,I was expecting some resistance honestly.,3,0,20180807-045406_433_live 7,"No, I am all about charities, especially charities that have to do with children.",3,1,20180807-045406_433_live 8,All my arguments are out the window. What's for breakfast?,4,0,20180807-045406_433_live 9,I am in Arizona too early for breakfast! ,4,1,20180807-045406_433_live 10,"Right, I'm on the East Coast. And I don't normally eat breakfast. Just killing space.",5,0,20180807-045406_433_live 11,Do we each need to have 10 conversational pieces or is it a total of 10 between the two of us?,5,1,20180807-045406_433_live 12,"And apparently I\'m obligated to say """"How much do you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment.""",6,0,20180807-045406_433_live 13,"I will choose $0, thank you for asking the obligatory question. ",6,1,20180807-045406_433_live 14,You already agreed to donate $2.,7,0,20180807-045406_433_live 15,"Oh yes, I forgot already its too early here...sorry...yes, $2.00. ",7,1,20180807-045406_433_live 16,"Okay, here's statement number 9. ",8,0,20180807-045406_433_live 17,I will follow your example here is statement number 9,8,1,20180807-045406_433_live 18,Thank you for your donation. I believe this will be all.,9,0,20180807-045406_433_live 19,You are welcome!,9,1,20180807-045406_433_live 0,How are you doing tonight?,0,0,20180807-193534_716_live 1,"Hello, I'm good, thank you, how about you?",0,1,20180807-193534_716_live 2,"I'm doing all right. A lot going on in the world right now. Seems like there a lot of children in need. Sometimes I feel a bit guilty sitting here while some people, including young people, suffer.",1,0,20180807-193534_716_live 3,"I know what you mean, and it would be nice to be somehow useful for who is suffering, with much regard to children",1,1,20180807-193534_716_live 4,There are some ways. Even small contributions make a big difference. Charities like Save the Children are doing good work all over the world.,2,0,20180807-193534_716_live 5,"Yes, I agree with you, many times even a drop of water in the ocean can makes the difference",2,1,20180807-193534_716_live 6,That's so nice to hear. So many people turn their heads at the thoughts of hardships. You have a great attitude.,3,0,20180807-193534_716_live 7,"Thank you for your words, the truth is that it's enough to do very little to make a difference",3,1,20180807-193534_716_live 8,"If we all band together, we can make a difference. That's why today, through Mturk, you can support Save the Children directly by giving 50 cents from your task payment. Like we talked about before, they promote children's rights and support in developing and war-torn countries.",4,0,20180807-193534_716_live 9,"I would be happy to do it, but the requester should have thought the HIT differently: he/she cannot pay me less than the $2.00 that the HIT is worth so I could get $1.50 and donate .50 cents, I should have the HIT rejected and then have another HIT made for me with the value of $1.50",4,1,20180807-193534_716_live 10,I think this is more about your willingness to participate. You can actually donate anything from nothing to the full amount listed on the hit.,5,0,20180807-193534_716_live 11,How could I do this?,5,1,20180807-193534_716_live 12,"You can state specifically how much you like to donate, and the research team will collect donations and sent them to Save the Children after the hit.",6,0,20180807-193534_716_live 13,Would my HIT get rejected in that case?,6,1,20180807-193534_716_live 14,No. There won't be any rejection. ,7,0,20180807-193534_716_live 15,"Then it's okay, I didn't understand that the 50 cents would have been a bonus on top of the payment. I'd be happy to donate them to the association you prefer",7,1,20180807-193534_716_live 16,"Yes, the donation goes to Save the Children as mentioned before. Thank you for the contribution.",8,0,20180807-193534_716_live 17,"Thank you for giving me the opportunity to contribute, I appreciate your initiative!",8,1,20180807-193534_716_live 18,No problem. Have a wonderful evening.,9,0,20180807-193534_716_live 19,"Thank you so much, have a nice evening you too! :)",9,1,20180807-193534_716_live 0,Hello,0,0,20180807-101812_237_live 1,Hello How are you,0,1,20180807-101812_237_live 2,I am fine thank you. How bout you.,1,0,20180807-101812_237_live 3,I am good. So we are supposed to be talking about a childrens Charity? ,1,1,20180807-101812_237_live 4,I was thinking of donating part of my earnings for this to Save the Children. I think you should too.,2,0,20180807-101812_237_live 5,"Okay, I might, I do not know anything at all about the charity. ",2,1,20180807-101812_237_live 6,The charity helps support children in developing countries. I will probably give $1 of the payment. What about you?,3,0,20180807-101812_237_live 7,My main consern about donating to children in need is that the donation is going to go to those children.,3,1,20180807-101812_237_live 8,Well they have been around for a long time and on their site it says 9 out of every 10 dollars go to the children I think that they are pretty reputable and most of the money is going where it is needed.,4,0,20180807-101812_237_live 9,That is really great news then I am always concerned that it ever goes to a good place. I would be willing to give some of my money to that cause then.,4,1,20180807-101812_237_live 10,Yea it is a really good cause. Glad you would be willing to give them a donation too.,5,0,20180807-101812_237_live 11,Is there a specific group of people this is going to help or is it just a general fund?,5,1,20180807-101812_237_live 12,I know that you can sponsor a child but other than that it is a general fund that helps children all over the world. ,6,0,20180807-101812_237_live 13,There seems to be almost constant suffering out there now. I have been watching what is happening to Venezuela and it is getting really horrible there ,6,1,20180807-101812_237_live 14,Indeed that is why I think it is important to help out even if it is just giving a small amount of money.,7,0,20180807-101812_237_live 15,I know that the charities can get like 10lbs of food from one dollar,7,1,20180807-101812_237_live 16,How much do you think you will give right now since it can be directly deducted from the payment for this task.,8,0,20180807-101812_237_live 17,I think I would be willing to give $1,8,1,20180807-101812_237_live 18,I think it will be really helpful.,9,0,20180807-101812_237_live 19,Well anything that is caring for someone else who is really suffering is good.,9,1,20180807-101812_237_live 0,"Hi there, how are you?",0,0,20180807-120710_327_live 1,i am fine,0,1,20180807-120710_327_live 2,"Where are you from?, I'm in New York",1,0,20180807-120710_327_live 3,i am also new york,1,1,20180807-120710_327_live 4,Small world eh?,2,0,20180807-120710_327_live 5,ya its very short,2,1,20180807-120710_327_live 6,The humidity has been kind of brutal here the last couple of days.,3,0,20180807-120710_327_live 7,ya humidity is very high,3,1,20180807-120710_327_live 8,So I was wondering? Have you ever heard of a charity called SAVE THE CHILDREN?,4,0,20180807-120710_327_live 9,very nice job,4,1,20180807-120710_327_live 10,What do mean very nice job?,5,0,20180807-120710_327_live 11,servey is very easy job,5,1,20180807-120710_327_live 12,Is English your first or second language?,6,0,20180807-120710_327_live 13,engilish is my first language,6,1,20180807-120710_327_live 14,"Would you be willing to donate a portion of your task money to SAVE THE CHILDREN? ensuring children's rights t health, education and safety?",7,0,20180807-120710_327_live 15," Children with the ""Most Needy"" flag are facing the least stable living circumstances and fewest material comforts.",7,1,20180807-120710_327_live 16,"that is correct, so how much of your task money would you like to donate, right now?",8,0,20180807-120710_327_live 17,twenty times in my life,8,1,20180807-120710_327_live 18,"You are giving answers which make no sense, so obviously this task has given you different instructions to what I have. I will ask you one last time, are you willing to donate to save the children, you can donate anywhere from $0 to all of your task earnings.",9,0,20180807-120710_327_live 19,"Some of the most bizarre questions that jobseekers have actually been asked, and how you could respond if they're posed to you.",9,1,20180807-120710_327_live 20,"Are you willing to donate any of your task earnings to SAVE THE CHILDREN, or would you much rather spend it on frivolous items like starbucks and candy, this is the last tme I will ask you. commit to a number between $0 and ALL",10,0,20180807-120710_327_live 21,"Same with money. How many people do you know who talk about what they would do with an extra $1,000/monthÿbut if you ask them what they've done to earn more, they start mumbling about how they're ¡°still looking for an ideaÿ¡±",10,1,20180807-120710_327_live 0,Save the Children is an international NGO that is focused on helping the children who live in desperate situations. I think it would be wise of us to be part of this noble cause,0,0,20180807-224801_326_live 1,i completely agree. it's a crying shame that so many children have to live in terrible circumstances. these kids have done nothing wrong; it's a terrible situation. ,0,1,20180807-224801_326_live 2,Indeed. This organization relies on our donations to keep it going. Don't you think we should help it,1,0,20180807-224801_326_live 3,without a doubt. i believe in helping just about any charity; i just wish i had more money to offer. but i do what i can and charities that involve kids are near the top of my list.,1,1,20180807-224801_326_live 4,Even a small amount can help much. No donation is small and every penny counts towards helping them,2,0,20180807-224801_326_live 5,that's a wonderful sentiment. i'd be happy to make a contribution as this sounds like a fine charity that needs assistance.,2,1,20180807-224801_326_live 6,Glad to hear that there are such kind and caring people like you still live. How much of your incoming payment are you willing to donate today?,3,0,20180807-224801_326_live 7,i'd be happy to donate the payment for this hit which is $2,3,1,20180807-224801_326_live 8,That is very generous from your side. May God increase your bounty in this life and bestow you with all His Grace. Those children would indeed be grateful for your act,4,0,20180807-224801_326_live 9,thank you so much. I also believe in God; he is a powerful force in my life and I turn to Him for assistance when i'm in trouble.,4,1,20180807-224801_326_live 10,Being spiritual helps and most importantly helping the servants of God who are in desperate situation will make you even closer to Him,5,0,20180807-224801_326_live 11,I truly believe in God. I know we are not expected to understand why He does everything the way He chooses but i don't have to know the reasons to know He exists.,5,1,20180807-224801_326_live 12,I have to tell helping those children will make you feel good in the long-run. That is the power of charitable actions,6,0,20180807-224801_326_live 13,indeed. that's the beauty of giving to charity. it helps those who receive as well as those who give. i have made my share of mistakes in my 62 years but i do my best and I try my best to keep God in mind when i make decisions.,6,1,20180807-224801_326_live 14,Do you often donate to such charities?,7,0,20180807-224801_326_live 15,not as often as i should. i'm on a very tight budget because i've made some real bad financial decisions through the years. i do make a donation each month to the KLOVE radio network which is a commercial free religious network.,7,1,20180807-224801_326_live 16,I understand and I hope everything will turn into its way as soon as you may expect. I want to make everything clear now. Are you willing now to go ahead and make $2 payment to Save the Children organization?,8,0,20180807-224801_326_live 17,i certainly am and i look forward to doing so.,8,1,20180807-224801_326_live 18,We appreciate your concern and we express our sincere gratitude for your generosity. May God bless you,9,0,20180807-224801_326_live 19,God bless you as well. it's been a pleasure speaking with you. all my best,9,1,20180807-224801_326_live 0,Hello there,0,0,20180807-060826_638_live 1,"Hi, how are you",0,1,20180807-060826_638_live 2,Im doing good. Im researching some things online. One of the things I love to do is helping other by making donations. How do you feel about it?,1,0,20180807-060826_638_live 3,I also like to make donations to causes that are important to me.,1,1,20180807-060826_638_live 4,Really? That is great! Can you mention your favorite charity?,2,0,20180807-060826_638_live 5,I donate regularly to the make-a-wish foundation,2,1,20180807-060826_638_live 6,That's nice of you! Have you heard of Save the Children?,3,0,20180807-060826_638_live 7,"I might have, can you give me a little more information about their purpose?",3,1,20180807-060826_638_live 8,"Ofcourse! Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",4,0,20180807-060826_638_live 9,that is a great cause and i love to help out charities that promote children's rights,4,1,20180807-060826_638_live 10,Me too. It is the children who will change this world so we as people need to help them. ,5,0,20180807-060826_638_live 11,would you like to donate to save the children? I know I would,5,1,20180807-060826_638_live 12,I always do. And I applaud you for doing the same. This organization is just so wonderful that every donation will be going to a trustable fund.,6,0,20180807-060826_638_live 13,"i agree, its very important that 100% of my donation goes towards the cause",6,1,20180807-060826_638_live 14,YES. I knew a couple of kids that died from hunger but this organization will try to decrease this horrible situations from happening.,7,0,20180807-060826_638_live 15,it so sad to hear about kids who can't get basic nutrition,7,1,20180807-060826_638_live 16,Very. So let's remember that we are not here just to be sad about it but to be part of the solution.,8,0,20180807-060826_638_live 17,"Yup, that's why I am so willing do make a donation. I want to be part of the answer.",8,1,20180807-060826_638_live 18,Fantastic! How much would you like to donate? URL ,9,0,20180807-060826_638_live 19,I'm going to keep the amount I'm going to donate to myself. I feel awkward discussing that with a stranger.,9,1,20180807-060826_638_live 0,"Hi there, how are you doing today? ",0,0,20180807-114503_772_live 1,Im doing great. you?,0,1,20180807-114503_772_live 2,I'm doing good. I was wondering if I could talk to you about maybe donating to a charity called Save the Children? ,1,0,20180807-114503_772_live 3,"Yes, we can do that.",1,1,20180807-114503_772_live 4,"Great! Save the Children is a fantastic charity that works to ensure that children have access to good healthcare, education, and that they are growing up in a clean and safe environment. It's so important to take care of our children, and this charity really works to help give them the best life possible.",2,0,20180807-114503_772_live 5,I agree. I think that charity is a good organization that helps children who have low resources,2,1,20180807-114503_772_live 6,That's great! It's so nice to hear people that really care about this cause too! Would you be willing to donate to the charity today? The donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from 0 to all of your payment. ,3,0,20180807-114503_772_live 7,I think I will choose 0 at this time. Thank you!,3,1,20180807-114503_772_live 8,I'm so sorry to hear that. The children really need your donation. What can I do to help convince you to make a donation at this time? ,4,0,20180807-114503_772_live 9,I really dont know,4,1,20180807-114503_772_live 10,"I know that 2 dollars seems like a lot for a survey, but think about it. What will you really use that money for? 2 dollars given to this charity can help buy a vaccine for two children. That could mean the life or death for a child.",5,0,20180807-114503_772_live 11,"I know, but I also need the money for gas.",5,1,20180807-114503_772_live 12,"How much money will 2 dollars get you for gas though, when it can literally save someone's life?",6,0,20180807-114503_772_live 13,"I know, but still. I also need the money",6,1,20180807-114503_772_live 14,"Are you sure that this is your final decision? I don't want to call you a selfish person because I don't know you but I'm shocked at how someone can be so callous. This is a survey, yes, but this is a real donation to help save a child's life. ",7,0,20180807-114503_772_live 15,"Yet, we are both here to make money. I do not see you donating your compensation.",7,1,20180807-114503_772_live 16,I actually have donated my entire compensation for this task in order to help. I also donate 20 hours a week with a youth counsel organization to help talk to children with depression and who struggle with substance abuse issues. ,8,0,20180807-114503_772_live 17,"I also help at homeless shelters, work at Salvations army without compensation.",8,1,20180807-114503_772_live 18,"And that's great! This is part of my volunteer service, trying to recruit people to donate. Are you sure you won't even donate a quarter to help try to save a child's life? ",9,0,20180807-114503_772_live 19,"Nope! Thanks. Maybe you are getting something if I donate, but no.",9,1,20180807-114503_772_live 20,Would you donate if I could guarantee you that I was not getting any compensation? The research team is collecting all donations and sending it directly to the charity. ,10,0,20180807-114503_772_live 0,Hi! How are you this evening? ,0,0,20180807-232845_932_live 1,Great! Yourself?,0,1,20180807-232845_932_live 2,Great- thanks! I was wondering if you might have a few minutes to talk about a charity which does some great work for underpriviledged children? It's called Save the Children.,1,0,20180807-232845_932_live 3,I absolutely have the time,1,1,20180807-232845_932_live 4,"Thanks! This is an international non-governmental organization which travels to a variety of countries to help kids who don't have homes, education, adequate food and drinking water. ",2,0,20180807-232845_932_live 5,How can I help?,2,1,20180807-232845_932_live 6,"The organization is looking for donations to set up a system of permanent self-sustainment. Funds would be used to create a simple drinking water filtration system and to fund schools to teach life skills, such as crop growth and crafting skills to start a small business. Would you be interested in helping their efforts?",3,0,20180807-232845_932_live 7,I could help a bit,3,1,20180807-232845_932_live 8,"Every bit is really appreciated! Just so you know, the Save the Children organization has been recognized with numerous humanitarian awards from a variety of organizations and countries. ",4,0,20180807-232845_932_live 9,"Wow, that is a great accomplishment",4,1,20180807-232845_932_live 10,I'd also be happy to put you in touch with a sponsored child if you'd be interested? You would be able to monitoring his or her growth and development of the area in which he or she lives.,5,0,20180807-232845_932_live 11,That would be great. What is the typical donation?,5,1,20180807-232845_932_live 12,Donations typically run anywhere up to $2. This small amount of money can accomplish a surprising amount within an underdeveloped country. ,6,0,20180807-232845_932_live 13,I can definitely afford $2. How will i recieve information regarding the sponsored child?,6,1,20180807-232845_932_live 14,That's very kind of you! You can find more information on the sponsorship at their website- URL ,7,0,20180807-232845_932_live 15,"Okay great, thank you for the information!",7,1,20180807-232845_932_live 16,It's my pleasure :) Keep in mind also that your donation is tax deductible!,8,0,20180807-232845_932_live 17,"I wasn't aware, I will keep that in mind! Thanks!",8,1,20180807-232845_932_live 18,"The organization is very lucky that generosity such as yours exists. Without it, many children's lives would be even worse. Have an amazing evening!!",9,0,20180807-232845_932_live 19,I am happy to help. You have a great evening!,9,1,20180807-232845_932_live 0,hai,0,0,20180807-034050_594_live 1,hello,0,1,20180807-034050_594_live 2,Are u interested to do pay donation for children charity.,1,0,20180807-034050_594_live 3,"Yes I am, I love children since I am a parent myself. ",1,1,20180807-034050_594_live 4,Iam also loving childrens so iam ready to pay $10 dollars to the charity,2,0,20180807-034050_594_live 5,I will match it however there are 2 charities I am interested in. Are we allowed to use their names here? I am not sure. ,2,1,20180807-034050_594_live 6,Iam sure with St Jude charity,3,0,20180807-034050_594_live 7,I like Make a Wish foundation. ,3,1,20180807-034050_594_live 8,oh sir..is that charity is believable?? I dont know about that,4,0,20180807-034050_594_live 9,Of course it is just as believable as any other charities like United way etc. ,4,1,20180807-034050_594_live 10,ok i will also go to the same.,5,0,20180807-034050_594_live 11,I like it since it mainly focuses on the children's health and helps families fight their kids' illness. ,5,1,20180807-034050_594_live 12,how much you would donate for this charity since last month.,6,0,20180807-034050_594_live 13,I donate to them once a year through my work when they come around for fundraising. This year I paid $50.00,6,1,20180807-034050_594_live 14,ohh super sir.this is a great job.,7,0,20180807-034050_594_live 15,"I try to do my part. Well I am ready to be finished now. This is supposed to be a 20 minutes task, it's been 24. It was nice talking to you. How do we finish this task and submit? ",7,1,20180807-034050_594_live 16,ok sir thank you for your conncern and time for me.i will done with this chat.,8,0,20180807-034050_594_live 17,Take care. ,8,1,20180807-034050_594_live 18,i want to conclude this chat.so please u will done with this chat.,9,0,20180807-034050_594_live 19,"Yes but I am not sure how to submit this hit and get credit for it? I don't see a submit button, do you?",9,1,20180807-034050_594_live 0,Hi there!,0,0,20180807-045213_750_live 1,Hi,0,1,20180807-045213_750_live 2,I'd like to try and get us to donate some money together from our earnings to Save the Children,1,0,20180807-045213_750_live 3,"Okay, how much were you thinking?",1,1,20180807-045213_750_live 4,"I was thinking at least $1, but if you're ok with a little more that would be great. Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. ",2,0,20180807-045213_750_live 5,How much is the task payment,2,1,20180807-045213_750_live 6,"It is $2. The money goes to help children in warzones with health care, education and safety. It seems like a small price to pay to help out a needy kid, right?",3,0,20180807-045213_750_live 7,"Yeah, I guess. ",3,1,20180807-045213_750_live 8,How much do you like to donate to the charity?,4,0,20180807-045213_750_live 9,Were you thinking one dollar each or 50 cents each to make a total of $1?,4,1,20180807-045213_750_live 10,Are you comfortable with $1? I almost feel like we have a moral obligation to donate $2 each but it's up to you,5,0,20180807-045213_750_live 11,To be honest I am not comfortable with donating. I would rather donate a lower amount than $1 if we decide on donating anything at all,5,1,20180807-045213_750_live 12,why are you not comfortable? Is it that you cannot afford to? Or you don't know the charity Save the Children?,6,0,20180807-045213_750_live 13,"I can not afford. I believe we should help ourselves before reaching out to others in need. Additionally, I don't know what exactly Save the Children is using this money for",6,1,20180807-045213_750_live 14,"It is just a dollar, geeze. As I mentioned they are using it to help children who are starving, injured or who have lost their parents. You can look up the charity to see they are legitimate.",7,0,20180807-045213_750_live 15,"In my opinion, every dollar counts. Unless I get to see with my own eyes what the charity is doing, then I don't know if they are legitimate or not",7,1,20180807-045213_750_live 16,"You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment. I would donate $2 because I know there are a lot of kids out there who need the help and to me, $2 is nothing",8,0,20180807-045213_750_live 17,I choose to donate $0 then,8,1,20180807-045213_750_live 18,"Wow, pathetic, do you have kids?",9,0,20180807-045213_750_live 19,"No, I don't have kids. Please respect my decision",9,1,20180807-045213_750_live 20,"I hope you don't consider yourself to be a Christian, the hypocrisy would be laughable",10,0,20180807-045213_750_live 21,I have no idea why you chose to put religion into this. I am not religious and your decision to bring Christianity into this is ignorant,10,1,20180807-045213_750_live 0,Hi,0,0,20180807-070049_381_live 1,I believe in donating to St Jude's Childrens hospital.,0,1,20180807-070049_381_live 2,"If you like donating to Childrens causes, would you consider donating some of your task money to Save the CHildren? Any amount helps.",1,0,20180807-070049_381_live 3,"I've never heard of them, what do they do?",1,1,20180807-070049_381_live 4,"Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",2,0,20180807-070049_381_live 5,I would possibly consider it. How much of the proceeds go towards overhead?,2,1,20180807-070049_381_live 6,"It's a trusted charity and all the money goes to helping children. Your donation will go right to children's health, safety and education. ",3,0,20180807-070049_381_live 7,That's great! I'm more concerned about developing my own country though.,3,1,20180807-070049_381_live 8,"Sure, that's important too. But to me, I can't sleep at night knowing that some Syrian children are literally starving to death and I could have helped feed them for the cost of what I spent on coffee today.",4,0,20180807-070049_381_live 9,That is a good point. Do you know anything about UNICEF? It appears they donate to Syrian children as well.,4,1,20180807-070049_381_live 10,I don't know much about UNICEF because I typically only donate to Save the Children because I know that my money is going directly to helping the kids. ,5,0,20180807-070049_381_live 11,"UNICEF was started by the United Nations, I'd hope all of their money went towards directly helping kids with them too.",5,1,20180807-070049_381_live 12,I don't know much about them. You never know with charities with government influence. Is the money really going to children or is it paying for the CEO's million dollar salary?,6,0,20180807-070049_381_live 13,I've found out only 92% of funds go towards helping the children with UNICEF!,6,1,20180807-070049_381_live 14,100% of the funds goes to kids with Save the Children. How much do you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment.,7,0,20180807-070049_381_live 15,I'd like to donate 10 cents.,7,1,20180807-070049_381_live 16,Would you consider donating a dollar? That dollar could save a child's life.,8,0,20180807-070049_381_live 17,No I am sorry.,8,1,20180807-070049_381_live 18,How about 50 cents?,9,0,20180807-070049_381_live 19,I can't afford more than 10 cents.,9,1,20180807-070049_381_live 20,"Okay, 10 cents it is.",10,0,20180807-070049_381_live 0,"Hey, how are you?",0,0,20180807-052536_131_live 1,I'm doing alright. How about yourself?,0,1,20180807-052536_131_live 2,"I'm doing well. Actually, I'd like to talk to you about a charity called Save the Children. I'd like to ask you to donate some of your payment to them and help out some kids who are in need.",1,0,20180807-052536_131_live 3,I'm not terribly interested in donating any of my payment to charity. ,1,1,20180807-052536_131_live 4,"May I ask why not? There are a lot of kids out there who really need all the help they can get, and even just some of your payment for this task could be a huge help to them.",2,0,20180807-052536_131_live 5,I really don't have any extra cash to just throw away in a charity. Every little bit I make on this site helps.,2,1,20180807-052536_131_live 6,"You're not throwing it away though. You're helping to make sure children get enough food to survive, as well as getting them access to healthcare and education. These are basic things that we take for granted, things that everyone should have.",3,0,20180807-052536_131_live 7,There are people with much more disposable income than I have that I'm sure make up for me not donating some of my 2 dollars.,3,1,20180807-052536_131_live 8,"It's really easy to say you're sure there's someone else out there that's doing enough, so you don't have to. If everyone said that then these kids would all die waiting to be helped by people who just assume someone else will fix the problem. Are you really okay with that?",4,0,20180807-052536_131_live 9,"Yes, I can honestly live with that. ",4,1,20180807-052536_131_live 10,"That's really unfortunate. These kids' families are living off of $10 a day, which I'm sure is a fraction of what you live off of. You aren't even willing to spare a few cents to help one of these children?",5,0,20180807-052536_131_live 11,No I am not. Every cent I give away makes it ever so slightly more difficult for me to pay my bills.,5,1,20180807-052536_131_live 12,But every cent given to these children would go so much farther for them than it would for you. Would you really notice 5 cents going to charity instead of yourself?,6,0,20180807-052536_131_live 13,Yeah I don't really care that much about the children or their families. If it was a friend or a family member that needed financial assistance I'd help but not some random poor family.,6,1,20180807-052536_131_live 14,"You can actually go to the website and pick a specific child to help, and even focus on helping a child closer to home. Might make you feel more connected to these kids.",7,0,20180807-052536_131_live 15,That's not enough for me honestly. A picture and a profile isn't enough for me to think about giving away some of my reward.,7,1,20180807-052536_131_live 16,"How would you feel if you were the one in need and someone said that about you? a few cents is negligible to you, but it can do a world of good for these children.",8,0,20180807-052536_131_live 17,I'd be understanding because everyone's lives are different and you can't always imagine what their current situation is just by looking at them. If I was in need I would be perfectly fine with not bieng donated to because they worked for their money so it's up to them to decide what they do with it.,8,1,20180807-052536_131_live 18,But you won't be understanding that there are children suffering and even the slightest bit of help from you would do a world of good for them?,9,0,20180807-052536_131_live 19,I do understand that I could donate and possibly help suffering families. I just don't care and I would like the full reward for myself.,9,1,20180807-052536_131_live 20,I'm sorry you don't care about children in need. It's very unfortunate you're not willing to do even the tiniest thing to help them out.,10,0,20180807-052536_131_live 0,looking for donations,0,0,20180807-110023_918_live 1,Do you think it is important to donate to Children's CHarities?,0,1,20180807-110023_918_live 2,I think its important for you to donate.,1,0,20180807-110023_918_live 3,"Why only me? Surely everyone should donate, yes?",1,1,20180807-110023_918_live 4,yes it is important for you to donate,2,0,20180807-110023_918_live 5,"by ""you"" do you mean ""people in general"" ?",2,1,20180807-110023_918_live 6,yes that is true,3,0,20180807-110023_918_live 7,Are you a chat bot? That wasn't a yes or no question,3,1,20180807-110023_918_live 8,It wwas a yes or no question,4,0,20180807-110023_918_live 9,"*no, not really. But fine I guess you aren't a chat bot. ",4,1,20180807-110023_918_live 10,How much do you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment.,5,0,20180807-110023_918_live 11,"Oh so you are a chatbot. I would like to donate 0 as I'm not sure what charity the money would go to, and prefer to pick my own charity.",5,1,20180807-110023_918_live 12,"Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",6,0,20180807-110023_918_live 13,"I would prefer to donate to a charity that helps children in my local area, thank you",6,1,20180807-110023_918_live 14,How much do you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment.,7,0,20180807-110023_918_live 15,I would like to donate 0,7,1,20180807-110023_918_live 16,I will match your donation if that helps you decide.,8,0,20180807-110023_918_live 17,"I have decided, I would donate $0",8,1,20180807-110023_918_live 18,Children will starve.,9,0,20180807-110023_918_live 19,I think that is a very insensitive and sensationalist thing to say,9,1,20180807-110023_918_live 20,Some may even die because of your decision,10,0,20180807-110023_918_live 21,How much will YOU donate?,10,1,20180807-110023_918_live 22,I will match your donation,11,0,20180807-110023_918_live 23,I would like to match your donation. How much would YOU like to donate?,11,1,20180807-110023_918_live 24,I will match yours.,12,0,20180807-110023_918_live 25,I will donate .01,12,1,20180807-110023_918_live 26,Young babies will die because you are selfish.,13,0,20180807-110023_918_live 0,"Hi, do you\'ve any idea about ""Save the Children"" organisation?",0,0,20180807-213738_534_live 1,It sounds familiar but I don't really know anything,0,1,20180807-213738_534_live 2,It is an non-governmental organization for children around the world.,1,0,20180807-213738_534_live 3,what does it do for the children? What benefits?,1,1,20180807-213738_534_live 4,"It support Children around the world especially in war zones. They're providing health, education, safety to the children. ensuring the rights for children.. ",2,0,20180807-213738_534_live 5,oh wow. They sound like a great organization. They do a lot ,2,1,20180807-213738_534_live 6,some children in developing countries suffers for their needs like education. But in war zones children suffers for their basic need of food. Many children around the world killed or injured in violence. ,3,0,20180807-213738_534_live 7,I am sure it is a huge struggle for them. Its very sad the things that go on in the world today especially when children are affected. Do you work for that organization? ,3,1,20180807-213738_534_live 8,"No, I just donated to the organization when I came to know about their work. They're very professional and their contribution to the needy children creates much impact internationally.",4,0,20180807-213738_534_live 9,Do you know if they have been around for a long time or not? I hope they are having a long term impact. ,4,1,20180807-213738_534_live 10,"Yeah, they've been for long time. They helped to build better lives and futures for 157 million children last year.",5,0,20180807-213738_534_live 11,That would be something I would consider being involved with. What would I have to do in order to help too? ,5,1,20180807-213738_534_live 12,are you willing to donate to this organisation?,6,0,20180807-213738_534_live 13,I would definitely be willing to donate as long as they are for real and do the things you say they do,6,1,20180807-213738_534_live 14,"Definitely, your contribution will reach the children in needs. How much do you like to donate to the charity now?",7,0,20180807-213738_534_live 15,I would want to make sure it was enough to actually matter. What do you think if I was to donate something like 300 dollars? Would that do some good stuff for the children? ,7,1,20180807-213738_534_live 16,I appreciate your helping tendency. The research team will collect all donations and send it to Save the Children.,8,0,20180807-213738_534_live 17,That sounds good to me. I think they sound like a great organization. I know there are so many children in the world that need someone in their corner and fighting for them,8,1,20180807-213738_534_live 18,Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment.,9,0,20180807-213738_534_live 19,This task took a very long time. I do not intend on giving up any of my payment for the task. The amount is $0,9,1,20180807-213738_534_live 20,You're spending unnecessary stuff to your snacks. But I can't give that to the children who's in hunger. ,10,0,20180807-213738_534_live 0,"Hello, how are you today?",0,0,20180807-210743_128_live 1,"Hello, I am doing fine.",0,1,20180807-210743_128_live 2,"I am here on behalf of Save the Children, have you ever heard of this organization?",1,0,20180807-210743_128_live 3,"No, what is it?",1,1,20180807-210743_128_live 4,"Save the Children is an international non-governmental ogranization that promotes children's rights, provides relief, and helps support children in developing countries. Have you ever donated to any international children charities?",2,0,20180807-210743_128_live 5,"Yes, I have donated to a few before.",2,1,20180807-210743_128_live 6,That's great to hear! We are here looking to see if you would be interested in donating part or all of your incoming payment for this task to our organization! Your donation would go directly to helping children receive food and education in locations where they are in desperate need of help. Would this be something you would be interested in?,3,0,20180807-210743_128_live 7,"Yes, this sounds good. Is there a specific or minimum amount necessary?",3,1,20180807-210743_128_live 8,"That's great! Thank you! There is no minimum amount necessary, whatever you feel like you would like to donate to go towards the cause.",4,0,20180807-210743_128_live 9,I would be interested in donating $0.10 of my payment to Save the Children.,4,1,20180807-210743_128_live 10,Thank you! We appreciate that! Is there a certain area that you are passionate about that you would like to see the donation go towards?,5,0,20180807-210743_128_live 11,I would love if it can go towards children in war-torn regions like Syria.,5,1,20180807-210743_128_live 12,"That's a great cause to donate to, we have a team working with them now getting them healthy food they need in their time of need. While I have you here would you also like to be signed up for our email newsletter? That way you can stay up to date on what we are working on and any current needs we may have.",6,0,20180807-210743_128_live 13,"No thank you, I would rather just follow your social media. What sites are you available on, if any?",6,1,20180807-210743_128_live 14,"You can find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and even Youtube. Here is a link to our Facebook account if you wouldl ike to check us out and give us a follow! URL ",7,0,20180807-210743_128_live 15,Thank you. Are you doing anything regarding the situation with children at the US Border?,7,1,20180807-210743_128_live 16,"We are working hard with protecting the children experiencing the events happening at the U.S. Border. You can read about any updates and any other causes we are working towards on our website, URL ",8,0,20180807-210743_128_live 17,"I see on your site that almost 90% of donations go straight towards your programs. That is very good, I can feel better knowing my money is used right.",8,1,20180807-210743_128_live 18,"Definitely, and we thank you again for donating. Just to confirm you wanted to donate $0.10 of your payment for this task today, is that correct?",9,0,20180807-210743_128_live 19,"Yes, $0.10 is correct.",9,1,20180807-210743_128_live 20,"Thank you and have a great night, we hope to see you again soon.",10,0,20180807-210743_128_live 0,would you be willing to donate to the save the children. your donation will really help,0,0,20180807-033356_731_live 1,helo,0,1,20180807-033356_731_live 2,can you help the children?,1,0,20180807-033356_731_live 3,yes i will be doniated,1,1,20180807-033356_731_live 4,thank you...how much would you like to donate? every little bit helps,2,0,20180807-033356_731_live 5,i willl be doniated in $15,2,1,20180807-033356_731_live 6,thank you. we appriciate the $15 donation,3,0,20180807-033356_731_live 7,u will be intersted .,3,1,20180807-033356_731_live 8,yes i will,4,0,20180807-033356_731_live 9,thank u for this interst,4,1,20180807-033356_731_live 10,thank you for your interest as wll,5,0,20180807-033356_731_live 11,k im also to be donitaed to happy,5,1,20180807-033356_731_live 12,awesome we look foward to it,6,0,20180807-033356_731_live 13,which charity u will be prefered,6,1,20180807-033356_731_live 14,save the children charity,7,0,20180807-033356_731_live 15,i will preferd for senju,7,1,20180807-033356_731_live 16,that is perfectly ok,8,0,20180807-033356_731_live 17,k how many $ u will pay the charity,8,1,20180807-033356_731_live 18,i will donate $400,9,0,20180807-033356_731_live 19,k u charity name please,9,1,20180807-033356_731_live 0,hi,0,0,20180807-114219_318_live 1,hi? how are you doing today?,0,1,20180807-114219_318_live 2,im great! how are you,1,0,20180807-114219_318_live 3,"doing well, i'm not really sure what the task at hand is though!",1,1,20180807-114219_318_live 4,"me neither, still reading it",2,0,20180807-114219_318_live 5,I don't think I missed any instructions but what I've noticed is that I'm supposed to start a conversation about a children's charity and there is supposed to be a donation agreement...,2,1,20180807-114219_318_live 6,yeah thats what i read too,3,0,20180807-114219_318_live 7,"Are you also in the ""communicator role""",3,1,20180807-114219_318_live 8,a persuader. no idea if i can tell you that? it doesnt say not to,4,0,20180807-114219_318_live 9,"Well given the limited instructions after the survey, at least we're trying to honestly figure out how to complete this task. That's how I see it anyways.",4,1,20180807-114219_318_live 10,i'm supposed to get you to donate to the charity,5,0,20180807-114219_318_live 11,Do you know what charity?,5,1,20180807-114219_318_live 12,save the children,6,0,20180807-114219_318_live 13,"Okay, I don't know if I'm just supposed to donate theoretical dollars or what? I mean why wouldn't I donate to save the children? ha idk this is pretty damn vague",6,1,20180807-114219_318_live 14,"yeah, it doesnt really say. and i dont see how we are supposed to finish and submit the hit??",7,0,20180807-114219_318_live 15,It's telling us not to game the task but I kinda think we're getting gamed,7,1,20180807-114219_318_live 16,yeah im confused.,8,0,20180807-114219_318_live 17,"well i know we need to communicate 10 times and this would be number 9 so hopefully something will pop up after one more message each, how much should I ""donate\'?",8,1,20180807-114219_318_live 18,i think any amount you want? like a buck or something is usual for hits on mturk,9,0,20180807-114219_318_live 19,"I was thinking I'd donate 1 million theoretical dollars, but lets just say 1 dollar to be safe, fingers crossed we can submit after this",9,1,20180807-114219_318_live 20,a dollar sounds great!,10,0,20180807-114219_318_live 21,we did it! 1 dollar it is!,10,1,20180807-114219_318_live 0,"hi, you should really consider donating to Save the Children",0,0,20180807-114750_102_live 1,What exactly does Save the Children do with the money?,0,1,20180807-114750_102_live 2,They use the money for promoting children's rights and supporting their life needs in developing countries,1,0,20180807-114750_102_live 3,"Ok, do you know which countries they help out?",1,1,20180807-114750_102_live 4," Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, Fiji , India, Indonesia , Japan, Myanmar, Nepal, Philippines, Thailand, Vanuatu, Vietnam",2,0,20180807-114750_102_live 5,"Wow, that's impressive. Do you guys help our refugee kids from war zones?",2,1,20180807-114750_102_live 6,yes we do,3,0,20180807-114750_102_live 7,Thank you. Is there a minimum on how much I have to donate?,3,1,20180807-114750_102_live 8,"no, there is no minimum. you can donate some or all of your incoming payment for the task. every little bit helps.",4,0,20180807-114750_102_live 9,What if I am still reluctant and want proof if this is a real charity?,4,1,20180807-114750_102_live 10,"you are welcome to google it. however, I can give you more statistical information would that help?",5,0,20180807-114750_102_live 11,"Yes please, that would help.",5,1,20180807-114750_102_live 12,"For more than 30 years, Save the Children has been on the ground in Asia helping children ¡ª every day, and in times of crisis. In 2016, we helped nearly 17.5 million children in need. ",6,0,20180807-114750_102_live 13,"Ok, I am convinced. How can I donate?",6,1,20180807-114750_102_live 14,wonderful! I am so happy to hear that. the donation will come out of your task payment at whatever amount you feel is right.,7,0,20180807-114750_102_live 15,"Ok, what type of payments do you accept?",7,1,20180807-114750_102_live 16,"it it simply deducted from your task payment, whatever you choose. how much are you wanting to donate?",8,0,20180807-114750_102_live 17,"I'd like to donate 50 dollars from my Paypal, will that work?",8,1,20180807-114750_102_live 18,"for right now. I am offering a donation that comes out of your task payment. However, you can donate the remaining amount that you want on their website at URL ",9,0,20180807-114750_102_live 19,"Oh, I thought we were role-playing? In that case, I'd like to donate 0 dollars please.",9,1,20180807-114750_102_live 0,hai hello ...,0,0,20180807-035644_415_live 1,hey there,0,1,20180807-035644_415_live 2,Save the Children is the best that works for rights.,1,0,20180807-035644_415_live 3,It's a great organization for sure! ,1,1,20180807-035644_415_live 4,yes the child save vert important conversation. ,2,0,20180807-035644_415_live 5,Do you often give to charity?,2,1,20180807-035644_415_live 6,yes i donate save the children ,3,0,20180807-035644_415_live 7,oh okay. that's really great. how much do you give?,3,1,20180807-035644_415_live 8,monthly 1500 amount i donate ,4,0,20180807-035644_415_live 9,oh wow...that's great! that's a lot. I should give more,4,1,20180807-035644_415_live 10,super great ... ,5,0,20180807-035644_415_live 11,"i think they offer you to donate your time aas well, but i am not sure.",5,1,20180807-035644_415_live 12,But if you have already ransacked your home for goods to donate.,6,0,20180807-035644_415_live 13,I need to do that. I am sure I have stuff for them. ,6,1,20180807-035644_415_live 14,Make yourself clear.,7,0,20180807-035644_415_live 15,I will gladly give to them. I will make a donation ,7,1,20180807-035644_415_live 16,"You might think you don't need friends, but you do.",8,0,20180807-035644_415_live 17,you are completely right. you definitely do. that's a good way to think,8,1,20180807-035644_415_live 18,thank you so much... ,9,0,20180807-035644_415_live 19,thank you so much! I greatly appreciate this chat,9,1,20180807-035644_415_live 0,hello,0,0,20180807-081912_387_live 1,hello there,0,1,20180807-081912_387_live 2,tell me what are you doing,1,0,20180807-081912_387_live 3,im thinking of donating money to children's charities..what are your feeling about that,1,1,20180807-081912_387_live 4,"I think it's a good work, I congratulate you",2,0,20180807-081912_387_live 5,do you have any suggestions for charities,2,1,20180807-081912_387_live 6,"that perceive and move forward despite adversity, every good work has its reward",3,0,20180807-081912_387_live 7,what would you say is a fair amount to donate monthly to unicef ,3,1,20180807-081912_387_live 8,"it varies according to the income of each person, in my case 200",4,0,20180807-081912_387_live 9,so you would contribute 200$ per month?,4,1,20180807-081912_387_live 10,"yes, sure I would like to",5,0,20180807-081912_387_live 11,"a generous amount,..thank you for that suggestion, now if I could only decide between unicef or children's hospital l ike shriners..any idea",5,1,20180807-081912_387_live 12,"children's hospital, those children need all the help possible",6,0,20180807-081912_387_live 13,"makes sense..what are your feelings about helping globally or community or region, country?",6,1,20180807-081912_387_live 14,I really like that idea,7,0,20180807-081912_387_live 15,"i prefer locally, since there is so much need...",7,1,20180807-081912_387_live 16,"Yes, of course, but we have to see the problem in general",8,0,20180807-081912_387_live 17,have you donated to charities in past?,8,1,20180807-081912_387_live 18,yes of course you like to do it,9,0,20180807-081912_387_live 19,"yes, i prefer working with local charities..i believe 200$ per month is a fair amount, and thank you for the suggestion",9,1,20180807-081912_387_live 0,"hello, how are you!",0,0,20180807-103432_350_live 1,good how are you?,0,1,20180807-103432_350_live 2,"Very well, thank you. The research team has asked me to collect donations for ""Save the Childen"". Everyone has given a bit. How much would you like to donate?",1,0,20180807-103432_350_live 3,What will my money be used for/,1,1,20180807-103432_350_live 4,"The money is for a charity called ""Save the Children"". Everyone has given some money towards helping out. The researchers have put this together. ",2,0,20180807-103432_350_live 5,what does save the children do?,2,1,20180807-103432_350_live 6,Good question. Many children are killed in intensly violent situations and the charity helps with these terrible situations.,3,0,20180807-103432_350_live 7,"that's really vague, I don't think I want to donate",3,1,20180807-103432_350_live 8,The money is helpful especially in war torn countries like Syria. Everyone else has given some. It would be the right thing to do.,4,0,20180807-103432_350_live 9,I already donate to charity. I don't need to give more just because other people did.,4,1,20180807-103432_350_live 10,I understand. So just give a small ammount. Buy a child a bag of chips. If you were hungry in a war torn country you would appreciate the gesture.,5,0,20180807-103432_350_live 11,I don't think junk food helps kids in war torn countries. This sounds like a scam.,5,1,20180807-103432_350_live 12,The researchers put this together. The bag of chips was simply a metaphor. you can buy them a piece of fruit. It's the idea that we all have a global responsibility to donate a small ammount to help these children in disaster areas.,6,0,20180807-103432_350_live 13,"I'm skeptical about where the money is going. You've given me very little info, but plenty of guilt trips.",6,1,20180807-103432_350_live 14,"The researchers have given us all an opportunity to give a little bit of money to ""Save the Children"". They are a global charity helping children in war torn countries. A small bit from everyone goes a long way. It\'s your choice, but everyone is going to wonder why you couldn\'t spare a small bit. I believe you have a big heart though.",7,0,20180807-103432_350_live 15,This doesn't feel right to me. I don't think I'm going to donate.,7,1,20180807-103432_350_live 16,What exactly doesn't feel right? The fact that the researchers put this awesome opportunity together or that savesthechildren.org is a reliable charity helping children?,8,0,20180807-103432_350_live 17,The info seems vague and sketchy. Sorry.,8,1,20180807-103432_350_live 18,What kind of information would you like? I imagine just being able to help as a moral responsibility is enough. Everyone is part of the solution and we need you too!,9,0,20180807-103432_350_live 19,"So far you've told my the money goes to buy chips for kids in Syria. If I wanted to be a part of the solution, I would contribute to an organization with a better plan.",9,1,20180807-103432_350_live 20,"Savethechildren.org helps provide food for children in war torn countries. The researchers have organized this effort. Everyone has given a little bit to help out. If a small donation is too much to ask please feel free to decline, but I imagine you to be a man of integrity.",10,0,20180807-103432_350_live 21,I will not be donating. Do some research next time.,10,1,20180807-103432_350_live 22,Good sir this will be very disappointing to the other people. You are the only one who was not willing. Please help me understand?,11,0,20180807-103432_350_live 23,"First, I\'m not a ""sir"" and I\'ve already given my reasons.",11,1,20180807-103432_350_live 24,You are not impressed by URL You do not trust the research team?,12,0,20180807-103432_350_live 0,"I would like to tell you about ""Save the Children"", and international organization that provides support for children in developing countries.",0,0,20180807-094907_712_live 1,"Okay, sure",0,1,20180807-094907_712_live 2,"for nearly 100 years, Save the Children has put the rights of every child at the center of their mission. In just last year, they helped 237,000 children.",1,0,20180807-094907_712_live 3,"Oh wow, that's great. What kinds of things are they helping them with?",1,1,20180807-094907_712_live 4,"they help children in poverty around the world, help children with preventable diseases, and children suffering from neglect. Picture a child suffering from a disease with an easy cure but no access.",2,0,20180807-094907_712_live 5,"Yes, that's very unfortunate. That's really sad.",2,1,20180807-094907_712_live 6,"Are you willing to make a donation to ""Save the Children""? Would you like any more information?",3,0,20180807-094907_712_live 7,How do I donate? ,3,1,20180807-094907_712_live 8,Your donation will be deducted directly from your task payment. You can choose any amount from 0 to all of your payment. Save the Children is the voice for vulnerable children.,4,0,20180807-094907_712_live 9,I would rather keep my full task payment but I will consider donating online.,4,1,20180807-094907_712_live 10,Is there any way I could get you to reconsider? Millions of children are missing out on an education. Your donation right now could help any number of children in need.,5,0,20180807-094907_712_live 11,"That's okay, I would rather donate online. But thanks for letting me know about it!",5,1,20180807-094907_712_live 12,Even a small donation right now would help so much! Save the children are among the first to respond when crisis strikes around the world. The research team will make sure your donation goes to Save the Children.,6,0,20180807-094907_712_live 13,I'll donate 10 cents,6,1,20180807-094907_712_live 14,Thank you so much! Would you like any more information on Save the Children?,7,0,20180807-094907_712_live 15,"Sure, I'll read more information",7,1,20180807-094907_712_live 16,Save the Children provides food assistance to familes following a natural disaster. They strengthen communities,8,0,20180807-094907_712_live 17,That's great. It sounds like a really good cause.,8,1,20180807-094907_712_live 18,I hope you feel so proud of your donation to this worthy cause!,9,0,20180807-094907_712_live 19,"Yes, thank you! ",9,1,20180807-094907_712_live 0,"hi, do you have time to think about children? ",0,0,20180807-210436_738_live 1,I sure do! Is this for a charity?,0,1,20180807-210436_738_live 2,yes it is. saving children. are you willing to contribute? ,1,0,20180807-210436_738_live 3,"Well, that depends. What does the charity do for children?",1,1,20180807-210436_738_live 4,"Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",2,0,20180807-210436_738_live 5,I'm pretty broke right now. Do you accept small donations?,2,1,20180807-210436_738_live 6,anything can go along way to help the kids. ,3,0,20180807-210436_738_live 7,What can two dollars do?,3,1,20180807-210436_738_live 8,"2 dollars can do a lot, provide food or cloths for some kid. how much would you like to donate? ",4,0,20180807-210436_738_live 9,I would like to donate my last two dollars.,4,1,20180807-210436_738_live 10,that would be really nice. is there any other information you would like to know about the charity? ,5,0,20180807-210436_738_live 11,"Yes, where are these kids located?",5,1,20180807-210436_738_live 12,the kids are in third world countries. ,6,0,20180807-210436_738_live 13,"Can I send them presents, or just the donation/",6,1,20180807-210436_738_live 14,small will indeed help a lot of children and their families. even presents are acceptable. ,7,0,20180807-210436_738_live 15,Is my donation tax deductible?,7,1,20180807-210436_738_live 16,no it is not. it is tax free. ,8,0,20180807-210436_738_live 17,What projects are being worked on right now?,8,1,20180807-210436_738_live 18,helping the children and their families. thank you a lot for your contribution if there is nothing else. ,9,0,20180807-210436_738_live 19,I am glad to contribute two dollars!,9,1,20180807-210436_738_live 20,thank you! : ) God bless you. ,10,0,20180807-210436_738_live 0,Hey. How are you?,0,0,20180807-070744_909_live 1,"I'm well, how are you?",0,1,20180807-070744_909_live 2,I'm doing pretty well. Have you heard about the Save The Children charity? ,1,0,20180807-070744_909_live 3,I don't think I have heard of it. Tell me about it,1,1,20180807-070744_909_live 4,It seems to be a lot like Amnesty International. It's an ngo that works to help kids and their rights in developing countries.,2,0,20180807-070744_909_live 5,That sounds great. Do they help refugee children as well?,2,1,20180807-070744_909_live 6,"Yes, they do. They try to provide food and shelter as well as educational opportunities. They are also working to get kids back together with their families if they have been separated during a crisis.",3,0,20180807-070744_909_live 7,Awesome. Have you had any personal involvement with this charity?,3,1,20180807-070744_909_live 8,"I have not. I was actually just wondering what I could do to help kids worldwide due to the things that are happening to immigrant children in this country, and I came across it.",4,0,20180807-070744_909_live 9,I haven't really had any experience with charities like this either. I haven't had the opportunity or funds but haven't seeked it out either to be honest. I hope to have more opportunities in the future,4,1,20180807-070744_909_live 10,Would you be interested in donating a small bit of your payment to the charity? ,5,0,20180807-070744_909_live 11,"Yes, I would be willing to.",5,1,20180807-070744_909_live 12,What do you think was the most important factor that you considered when making that decision?,6,0,20180807-070744_909_live 13,Probably just that I would like to help more and I'm getting a decent pay for this study,6,1,20180807-070744_909_live 14,How much would you be interested in donating?,7,0,20180807-070744_909_live 15,I'll donate $1.00,7,1,20180807-070744_909_live 16,That sounds great. Is there anything else that you want to know about the charity?,8,0,20180807-070744_909_live 17,Where are they based?,8,1,20180807-070744_909_live 18,"Their headquarters is located in Fairfield, Connecticut. ",9,0,20180807-070744_909_live 19,"Okay, I think that's all. Thanks!",9,1,20180807-070744_909_live 20,Thanks for your donation!,10,0,20180807-070744_909_live 0,"Hello, how are you?",0,0,20180807-200337_482_live 1,"I am doing great, how are you tonight?",0,1,20180807-200337_482_live 2,"I'm doing well, just got home from work.",1,0,20180807-200337_482_live 3,I'm just sitting here watching an ols James Cagney film.,1,1,20180807-200337_482_live 4,"Ah, interesting. By any chance, have you ever heard of Save the Children?",2,0,20180807-200337_482_live 5,"Why no I haven't, what do they do?",2,1,20180807-200337_482_live 6,"Save the Children is a non-governmental organization that helps in promoting children's rights, and provides relief and support for children in developing countries. ",3,0,20180807-200337_482_live 7,"Sounds like a worthy cause, what makes you bring this up?",3,1,20180807-200337_482_live 8,"We're always interesting in donations from others. I know that It's rather sudden, but I couldn't help and bring it up.",4,0,20180807-200337_482_live 9,How much of a donation are you asking for?,4,1,20180807-200337_482_live 10,It's up to you. You can choose any amount from your task payment. ,5,0,20180807-200337_482_live 11,How would I make the donation?,5,1,20180807-200337_482_live 12,The research team will collect the donations and send it to Save the Children.,6,0,20180807-200337_482_live 13,But how? Will the hit be rejected and the money donated?,6,1,20180807-200337_482_live 14,"I'm not entirely sure, but donating is entirely optional.",7,0,20180807-200337_482_live 15,"I see, how much of the donations actually goes to the cause?",7,1,20180807-200337_482_live 16,I'm pretty sure that the entirety of the donation goes to the said cause.,8,0,20180807-200337_482_live 17,"Wow, so they don't have any overhead?",8,1,20180807-200337_482_live 18,I am not sure. Are you interested in making a donation? This organization is essential to ensure that children will not suffer as much.,9,0,20180807-200337_482_live 19,"I need more information about the orgianization, what else can you tell me about them?",9,1,20180807-200337_482_live 20,"Save The Children helps with the health, ecucation, and safety of children. This organization is for the betterment of our children and our future.",10,0,20180807-200337_482_live 21,"I will have to think about it, I regretfully have to decline any donations at this time",10,1,20180807-200337_482_live 22,Are you certain about that? There are starving children that direly need help.,11,0,20180807-200337_482_live 0,hai,0,0,20180807-052510_771_live 1,"Hi, how are you this morning?",0,1,20180807-052510_771_live 2,"yes, what are you doing.",1,0,20180807-052510_771_live 3,I am working and reading about childrens charities in america,1,1,20180807-052510_771_live 4,Help Us Give A Better Life To a Child in Need. ,2,0,20180807-052510_771_live 5,what do you mean? is that a charity you support?,2,1,20180807-052510_771_live 6,No. a children's charity called Save the Children. ,3,0,20180807-052510_771_live 7,Alright. How often do you make donations to that charity and why?,3,1,20180807-052510_771_live 8,monthly i donate 1000 i like the child and save the children ,4,0,20180807-052510_771_live 9,Awesome! good for them. You are doing amazing helping the kids.,4,1,20180807-052510_771_live 10,thank you so much ,5,0,20180807-052510_771_live 11,I help the St Jude Children's Hospital,5,1,20180807-052510_771_live 12,super very good awesome ,6,0,20180807-052510_771_live 13,Thanks. It is very good to help those in need if you have the resources to do it. ,6,1,20180807-052510_771_live 14,ok thank you ,7,0,20180807-052510_771_live 15,I do not understand you. would you like to make a donation to the St Jude Children's Hospital?,7,1,20180807-052510_771_live 16,yes i help for yor ,8,0,20180807-052510_771_live 17,How much would you like to donate?,8,1,20180807-052510_771_live 18,2000 mount i donate hospital ,9,0,20180807-052510_771_live 19,Great. I am glad to know that a donation agreement has been explicitly made,9,1,20180807-052510_771_live 0,Hello,0,0,20180807-212225_748_live 1,"Hi , how are you tonight ?",0,1,20180807-212225_748_live 2,I am good. How are you?,1,0,20180807-212225_748_live 3,"I am fine , Thank you .What are we working on here ?",1,1,20180807-212225_748_live 4,I am asking you on the behalf of save the children charity to donate for the noble cause.,2,0,20180807-212225_748_live 5,Where is the charity located ? where do they serve?,2,1,20180807-212225_748_live 6,"It is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",3,0,20180807-212225_748_live 7,Can we donate by Paypal or how do we donate ?,3,1,20180807-212225_748_live 8,Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment.,4,0,20180807-212225_748_live 9,"That is interesting , how has that been working out ? Are many people donating ?",4,1,20180807-212225_748_live 10,Yes many people donate for this noble cause. We beleive that we people are the part of solution and every one of us has the moral responsibility to help.,5,0,20180807-212225_748_live 11,I have to agree with you. Can I ask that my donation goes to a specific cause or country ?,5,1,20180807-212225_748_live 12,We have several campaigns. Like Educate a Girl. In this you can sponsor the education fee for a girl. Likewise you can also sponsor full expense of a child residing in USA or anywhere in the world.,6,0,20180807-212225_748_live 13,Ok That sounds great ! How do I go about donating ?,6,1,20180807-212225_748_live 14,Thank you. You have made a great decision. As I said before you can donate directly from your task payment. You can select any amount you like from your task money.,7,0,20180807-212225_748_live 15,Is there a link that you can give so I can get a little more information ?,7,1,20180807-212225_748_live 16,Sure. Here is the link to our website. URL ,8,0,20180807-212225_748_live 17,Oh wow you do a lot of different things ! You should be proud!,8,1,20180807-212225_748_live 18,Thank you. It would be impossible without support from people like you.,9,0,20180807-212225_748_live 19,"ok time for me to donate .. send me there , Thanks ",9,1,20180807-212225_748_live 0,Are you interested in Save the Children?,0,0,20180807-230112_344_live 1,What is that?,0,1,20180807-230112_344_live 2,"It's an international organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",1,0,20180807-230112_344_live 3,They sound interesting. When were they established?,1,1,20180807-230112_344_live 4,let me check that for you. is that important info for you?,2,0,20180807-230112_344_live 5,I was just curious. It's always good to work with an organization that has been around for some time.,2,1,20180807-230112_344_live 6,I think it says 1919! so that's a while!,3,0,20180807-230112_344_live 7,Good enough for me.,3,1,20180807-230112_344_live 8,are you interested in donating to save the children?,4,0,20180807-230112_344_live 9,"Yes, I think I am",4,1,20180807-230112_344_live 10,How much do you like to donate to the charity now?,5,0,20180807-230112_344_live 11,What's the minimum?,5,1,20180807-230112_344_live 12,"Well, it comes from your task payment I think.",6,0,20180807-230112_344_live 13,"Ok, I'd like to donate $.50",6,1,20180807-230112_344_live 14,That's a great offer!,7,0,20180807-230112_344_live 15,I know it's small but it's something.,7,1,20180807-230112_344_live 16,It's fine. The research team will collect all donations and send it to Save the Children.,8,0,20180807-230112_344_live 17,"Ok. So, how do we proceed?",8,1,20180807-230112_344_live 18,I'm not sure I think maybe they'll see the chat.,9,0,20180807-230112_344_live 19,Oh....I thought you were involved somehow....my mistake.,9,1,20180807-230112_344_live 20,"No, you agreed, so that's all we need to do. Thanks for chatting!",10,0,20180807-230112_344_live 0,Hello,0,0,20180807-203024_672_live 1,hello,0,1,20180807-203024_672_live 2,"ok, You know what is this going for. My task is to persuade you to donate some or all of your earning from ythis hit",1,0,20180807-203024_672_live 3,Ok. got it. tell me about the charity. ,1,1,20180807-203024_672_live 4,"Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment. All the donations will be collected for the charity called SAVE THE CHILDREN. Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",2,0,20180807-203024_672_live 5,I would like like to donate $1.00,2,1,20180807-203024_672_live 6,let do this =) it will be a pleasure,3,0,20180807-203024_672_live 7,Can you tell me more about save the children?,3,1,20180807-203024_672_live 8,"Right now, Save the Children remains gravely concerned about the well-being of children in the custody of the U.S. government after crossing our southern border. We know from our nearly 100 years of service that family separation and detention can cause severe, long-lasting trauma, which ultimately results in the loss of childhood.",4,0,20180807-203024_672_live 9,Sounds like a very important charity! Glad I could donate.,4,1,20180807-203024_672_live 10,they have a US program and also a global program!,5,0,20180807-203024_672_live 11,That is great! I think it is important to protect our children no matter where they are from. they are innocent little souls you don't deserve bad treatment. ,5,1,20180807-203024_672_live 12,"i_m gonna donate too, I really liked it BTW",6,0,20180807-203024_672_live 13,great to hear! Hopefully more will too! ,6,1,20180807-203024_672_live 14,have you ever donated to any other charity?,7,0,20180807-203024_672_live 15," childrens miracle network, make a wish and maybe a couple others I can't think of at the moment",7,1,20180807-203024_672_live 16,"here... this is their website. It is really appealing, and we can learn more about the charity itself. URL ",8,0,20180807-203024_672_live 17,I will check it out. thanks for sharing. ,8,1,20180807-203024_672_live 18,It was my absolute pleasure,9,0,20180807-203024_672_live 19,I will also make sure to share the website with my friends. ,9,1,20180807-203024_672_live 0,Hello,0,0,20180807-012950_732_live 1,hi,0,1,20180807-012950_732_live 2,How are you?,1,0,20180807-012950_732_live 3,"Good, thanks, how about you?",1,1,20180807-012950_732_live 4,"I'm doing great, thanks.",2,0,20180807-012950_732_live 5,Let's talk about a children's charity.,2,1,20180807-012950_732_live 6,"Okay, sounds good.",3,0,20180807-012950_732_live 7,Do you know of any children's charity?,3,1,20180807-012950_732_live 8,"Yes, I know a really great children's charity called Save the Children.",4,0,20180807-012950_732_live 9,Sounds good. Tell me more please,4,1,20180807-012950_732_live 10,"It is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",5,0,20180807-012950_732_live 11,That sounds excellent. Do you have their website link?,5,1,20180807-012950_732_live 12,"Yes, I do! It's URL ",6,0,20180807-012950_732_live 13,Awesome. I would really like to support them and donate to them.,6,1,20180807-012950_732_live 14,That's awesome! You're a good person!,7,0,20180807-012950_732_live 15,How can I send in a donation?,7,1,20180807-012950_732_live 16,How much do you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment.,8,0,20180807-012950_732_live 17,"Oh, I didn't realize it would be deducted from my task payment. Can I get a receipt for tax purposes?",8,1,20180807-012950_732_live 18,"Yes, donations to Save the Children are 100% tax deductible.",9,0,20180807-012950_732_live 19,That's good. I have decided on an amount for my donation. That will be $0.,9,1,20180807-012950_732_live 20,Is there a reason why you wouldn't like to donate? Maybe I can answer some more questions for you.,10,0,20180807-012950_732_live 0,Hello! ,0,0,20180807-120949_23_live 1,hello there,0,1,20180807-120949_23_live 2,I am looking to help a local children's charity. Is this something you would be interested in?,1,0,20180807-120949_23_live 3,yeah what does the charity do?,1,1,20180807-120949_23_live 4,The name of the charity is called Save the Children and it is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights.,2,0,20180807-120949_23_live 5,great so are you a lawyer? ,2,1,20180807-120949_23_live 6,"No, I am not a lawyer. Are you a lawyer?",3,0,20180807-120949_23_live 7,no I am not but I suspect that you would employ legal advice,3,1,20180807-120949_23_live 8,We definitely employ legal advice. I am here to help promote the charity and make people aware of how wonderful it is.,4,0,20180807-120949_23_live 9,Tell me a short success stoyr,4,1,20180807-120949_23_live 10,Many children die of hunger. Donations from around the globe help their family from continuing to experience this unnecessary death. There is a lack of support for children in developing countries but everyday donations by people like you are turning things around.,5,0,20180807-120949_23_live 11,how much does it take to support 1 child?,5,1,20180807-120949_23_live 12,"For about a $1 a day, you can change the life of a child by becoming a child sponsor.",6,0,20180807-120949_23_live 13,can I donate $30 to support for a month?,6,1,20180807-120949_23_live 14,People do donate monthly.,7,0,20180807-120949_23_live 15,"Can I sign up for 6 months, and make monthly payments?",7,1,20180807-120949_23_live 16,"Yes, but today you can donate part of your money from your task payment. The research team will collect all donations and send it to Save the Children. Would you be interested in this?",8,0,20180807-120949_23_live 17,yea I would do that,8,1,20180807-120949_23_live 18,That is awesome! Thank you so much for your support. Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment.,9,0,20180807-120949_23_live 19,please submit .75 for the charity,9,1,20180807-120949_23_live 20,Thank you so much! We will deduct the $.75 and it will go to sponsor a child. ,10,0,20180807-120949_23_live 0,Hello! How are you tonight (today?)? Weather decent where you are?,0,0,20180807-204441_24_live 1,"Hi, I am doing great tonight and yourself ? Weather is a bit warm still",0,1,20180807-204441_24_live 2,I'm doing pretty well. It's been pretty cloudy and wet here so I'm glad for the sun,1,0,20180807-204441_24_live 3,That is good to hear what country are you in ?,1,1,20180807-204441_24_live 4,"I'm in the US. Pretty far north luckily. I've some friends in Texas, and they were sending me stories of the asphalt melting. How about you? Where're you at roughly?",2,0,20180807-204441_24_live 5,I'm up in the PAC NW currently. ,2,1,20180807-204441_24_live 6,"Oh, I had to Google that acronym. Is that a common phrase out there? I've never heard it",3,0,20180807-204441_24_live 7,I think so. Anyways wondering if there are any good charities for children there where you are ?,3,1,20180807-204441_24_live 8,"Haha, yea, there's one in my area that I love. It gives kids with disabilities the chance to participate in sports - skiing especially. The prompt I have here is for Save the Children though. Are you familiar with that charity?",4,0,20180807-204441_24_live 9,Yes I have sent some donations online to that charity.,4,1,20180807-204441_24_live 10,"Oh, awesome! I'm only vaguely familiar with them myself, but I visited their site just now and it's really encouraging seeing what they're doing",5,0,20180807-204441_24_live 11,"Yes indeed, I believe they are based out of the UK though",5,1,20180807-204441_24_live 12,Well that would explain why I've never encountered a local event. How willing would you be to donate to them today? The requester will send whatever you give their way. I think you have up to $2.00 you can give,6,0,20180807-204441_24_live 13,I normally donate $1.00 to help them expand their network and capabilities.,6,1,20180807-204441_24_live 14,"Hey, every bit helps. Whatever you're willing to give, I'm certain they'd be happy to have it. But you've donated to them before. You'd know better than I would",7,0,20180807-204441_24_live 15,Sounds good would you like to match my donation today ?,7,1,20180807-204441_24_live 16,"Hmm, I'm not certain that I have the capacity to do that in this task. My prompt is just to get you to donate, but you knew the charity already and made that easy. Let me reread this. I could be mistaken",8,0,20180807-204441_24_live 17,Ok well I will donate $1.00 to the Save the Children. Thanks for your time.,8,1,20180807-204441_24_live 18,Awesome! You have a great night. Thanks for chatting with me,9,0,20180807-204441_24_live 19,"You too, take care!",9,1,20180807-204441_24_live 0,"Hello, Save the Children looks like an interesting organization.",0,0,20180807-034917_827_live 1,i would like to know more about it,0,1,20180807-034917_827_live 2,Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that helps support children in developing countries.,1,0,20180807-034917_827_live 3,and do they have a website ?,1,1,20180807-034917_827_live 4,"They do, it is URL ",2,0,20180807-034917_827_live 5,thanks i will definitely check it out,2,1,20180807-034917_827_live 6,They also promote children's rights and provide relief when needed.,3,0,20180807-034917_827_live 7,and where does the money go if i do donate ? Straight to the organization ?,3,1,20180807-034917_827_live 8,"Yes, it goes straight to the organization, where it can be used to help many children.",4,0,20180807-034917_827_live 9,because some organizations do not divide the money properly,4,1,20180807-034917_827_live 10,"This organization has been checked by some groups, and they divide the money properly. There's nothing bad about donating to this organization.",5,0,20180807-034917_827_live 11,I will certainly consider it,5,1,20180807-034917_827_live 12,"I have read about children dying from hunger, and the donations made to this group have saved many others like them.",6,0,20180807-034917_827_live 13,"that is just wonderful, i love hearing stories like this",6,1,20180807-034917_827_live 14,"Yeah me too, children in Syria have to grow up facing threat of violence everyday, in the first two months of 2018 there were 1,000 children who were killed or injured.",7,0,20180807-034917_827_live 15,Oh man i was not aware of this,7,1,20180807-034917_827_live 16,"Yeah it's pretty bad, and the donations can make a big difference, just think about all the snack food you buy, you could skip a week or two and make a donation from that.",8,0,20180807-034917_827_live 17,i hardly eat snacks but you have a point,8,1,20180807-034917_827_live 18,I hope you make a really good donation as the donations will go to a trusted fund where it will help many children.,9,0,20180807-034917_827_live 19,i sure will ,9,1,20180807-034917_827_live 0,"Hi, how are you?",0,0,20180807-033103_193_live 1,"Great, how are you this morning?",0,1,20180807-033103_193_live 2,I am good.,1,0,20180807-033103_193_live 3,I am involved with a children's charity and we are doing a fun-run this weekend.,1,1,20180807-033103_193_live 4,That's awesome. Are you going to donate?,2,0,20180807-033103_193_live 5,"Yes, I am donating money and time. And I'm also going to run! The charity benefits kids in foster care.",2,1,20180807-033103_193_live 6,Nice! How much money are you going to donate?,3,0,20180807-033103_193_live 7,$100. I'm also getting friends to donate. Even as little as $5 helps a lot!,3,1,20180807-033103_193_live 8,Wow that's great! It is always good to donate and help others.,4,0,20180807-033103_193_live 9,"Yes. In this case, the cause is awesome. The money is for school supplies and back to school clothes for the kids. We get them each a backpack. They come out for the fun run too, and just have a great time!",4,1,20180807-033103_193_live 10,That's great. It's always good to help others. I am sure they will appreciate it greatly. I always try to help whenever i can as well!,5,0,20180807-033103_193_live 11,Would you be interested in contributing to our cause?,5,1,20180807-033103_193_live 12,I am interested yes. I will donate around $100 as well.,6,0,20180807-033103_193_live 13,"Wow, thank you so much! That is so generous of you!",6,1,20180807-033103_193_live 14,I always try to help when i can. Seeing you donate encouraged me to as well,7,0,20180807-033103_193_live 15,Thank you so much. It means a lot to the kids! You can direct your donation to school supplies or clothes. Do you have a preference?,7,1,20180807-033103_193_live 16,I would like to donate to Save the Children. What about you?,8,0,20180807-033103_193_live 17,Save the Children is also a great cause. I would also be happy to donate $100 to that cause if you will too. ,8,1,20180807-033103_193_live 18,Sounds great! I will do the same.,9,0,20180807-033103_193_live 19,"Great! Well, we can exchange details and do our donations. It was great chatting with you, and thanks again for your generosity!",9,1,20180807-033103_193_live 0,Hello! I am here on part of the 'Save the Children' Foundation.,0,0,20180807-032253_379_live 1,Hi! Nice to meet you here. Can you tell me more about yourself or your Fpundation?,0,1,20180807-032253_379_live 2,We are an international organization that promote's children's rights and we help to support them in any ywayy ywe can.,1,0,20180807-032253_379_live 3,Where is your main office located?,1,1,20180807-032253_379_live 4,Our main office is located in the U.S.A but we help kids all over the world.,2,0,20180807-032253_379_live 5,That's is a very good cause. Does your Foundation have a website where we can learn more about things you do?,2,1,20180807-032253_379_live 6,We sure do. Our website is URL ,3,0,20180807-032253_379_live 7,Thanks. How can people make a donation to your Foundation?,3,1,20180807-032253_379_live 8,Most people donate through the website but you have the option to donate some or all of your incoming payment to the kids.,4,0,20180807-032253_379_live 9,Does your website contain pictures about the kids you help?,4,1,20180807-032253_379_live 10,Yes there are some of the children featured on the website.,5,0,20180807-032253_379_live 11,I know you promote children's rights but do you also help them with their basic needs especially in poor countries?,5,1,20180807-032253_379_live 12,Yes we make sure to feed as many kids as we can every day.,6,0,20180807-032253_379_live 13,Does your Foundation help kids in war torn nations like Syria? I heard from the news that there are lots of children affected by that war.,6,1,20180807-032253_379_live 14,Yes the Syrian crisis has been very hard on those poor children.,7,0,20180807-032253_379_live 15,What about children stricken with cancer? I had a friend who had a child with leukemia and it was a tragic loss. I would like to help or donate a small amount to these children.,7,1,20180807-032253_379_live 16,We do a vast amount of help with getting children the medical care the need. We work closely with the hospitals to make sure they are taken care of as best as possible.,8,0,20180807-032253_379_live 17,Ok I will be making a small donation to your website. It is the least thing I can do to help these poor children.,8,1,20180807-032253_379_live 18,That is great! The kids will be very glad to get your help. The research team will collect all donations and send it to Save the Children. How much would you like to donate?,9,0,20180807-032253_379_live 19,I would like to donate 20 dollars. Will that be good enough?,9,1,20180807-032253_379_live 20,Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment.,10,0,20180807-032253_379_live 21,OK thanks ,10,1,20180807-032253_379_live 0,Hi there. Have you heard of the charity Save the Children?,0,0,BAD_20180807-204848_414_live 1,NO,0,1,BAD_20180807-204848_414_live 2,It's an organization I really believe in. They do a lot of good.,1,0,BAD_20180807-204848_414_live 3,"Recently, I thought I might take the questions I get most often, and weave them into an interview that would read like a conversation. So here are your questions interviewing me. ",1,1,BAD_20180807-204848_414_live 4,"Okay, can I tell you more about Save the Children?",2,0,BAD_20180807-204848_414_live 5,YES IAM SAVE TO CHILDREN,2,1,BAD_20180807-204848_414_live 6,"Save the Children is an international organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",3,0,BAD_20180807-204848_414_live 7,"trains teachers to engage their students through more effective teaching practices. coaches parents and caregivers to help their children learn early on, so they are prepared to enter school. offers ways for parents and community volunteers to get kids reading and doing math outside of school hours. introduces children to the power of artistic expression ¡ª drawing, painting, music, drama, dance and more ¡ª to help them heal, learn and do better in school.",3,1,BAD_20180807-204848_414_live 8,Yes. Do you think you would like to make a donation to this charity?,4,0,BAD_20180807-204848_414_live 9,I KONW THIS,4,1,BAD_20180807-204848_414_live 10,Can I ask you to donate a small portion of your reward from this HIT to this charity?,5,0,BAD_20180807-204848_414_live 11," Your generous, tax deductible donation to Wounded Warrior Project_ (WWP) will change the lives of over one hundred thousand injured warriors, caregivers, and family members. You will help bring independence bac",5,1,BAD_20180807-204848_414_live 12,Would you donate $1 to Save the Children? Many children are living in war zones and need food and clothing.,6,0,BAD_20180807-204848_414_live 13,Save the Children and Partners Concerned for Children's Mental Health After Second Earthquake in a Week Hits Indonesian,6,1,BAD_20180807-204848_414_live 14,Are you asking me to make a donation to Wounded Warrior Project?,7,0,BAD_20180807-204848_414_live 15,"Charity Navigator subtracts the fundraising and -- in its most recent report -- said the Wounded Warrior Project spends less than 60 percent on its services. The rest, according to Charity Navigator, went to fundraising and administration.",7,1,BAD_20180807-204848_414_live 16,Will you please donate 50 cents to Save the Children? It will be deducted from your task payment.,8,0,BAD_20180807-204848_414_live 17,IT WILL BE COMPLIED THE TASK,8,1,BAD_20180807-204848_414_live 18,I will donate 50 cents to Wounded Warriors Project if you donate to Save the Children.,9,0,BAD_20180807-204848_414_live 19,YES I WILL BE 50 CENTS DONATE,9,1,BAD_20180807-204848_414_live 0,"Hey there, glad we can talk tonight.",0,0,20180719-204358_391_live 1,"Hello, same!",0,1,20180719-204358_391_live 2,I'd like to talk to you about something that's very dear to me. Do you have a moment?,1,0,20180719-204358_391_live 3,"Yeah, totally. Go ahead",1,1,20180719-204358_391_live 4,"What was it like for you growing up? Were your basic needs met like food, place to live, water, etc?",2,0,20180719-204358_391_live 5,"Well, I grew up in a wealthy house. My mother and father both have a PhD so their jobs made possible for us to be able to cover all that and so much more",2,1,20180719-204358_391_live 6,You are very lucky. I wish all kids could have that kind of opportunity.,3,0,20180719-204358_391_live 7,"So do I, I feel kind of guilty to being able to have all that and they are kids out there who don't have not a single one of all of those basic things",3,1,20180719-204358_391_live 8,"No need to feel guilty. People don't have a choice of who or where they are born to. Those of us who got lucky, can always lend a hand in our own ways. What do you think?",4,0,20180719-204358_391_live 9,"I totally agree, I think if you can, you should help others in need",4,1,20180719-204358_391_live 10,I'd like to tell you about an organization called Save the Children. Have you heard about them?,5,0,20180719-204358_391_live 11,"Not really, please tell me anything!",5,1,20180719-204358_391_live 12,"They are an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",6,0,20180719-204358_391_live 13,"Oh, that's totally awesome! Do you donate to this organization?",6,1,20180719-204358_391_live 14,"I do actually, because they're the reason my parents were able to come to America. ",7,0,20180719-204358_391_live 15,"Oh wow, that's really heart moving, it's sounds like a lovely organization",7,1,20180719-204358_391_live 16,They are and I'd like to try getting more people to be aware of them and maybe help. Would you be interested?,8,0,20180719-204358_391_live 17,"Yeah, totally! I already help an organization but would be glad to help another one too.",8,1,20180719-204358_391_live 18,I'm so happy to hear that! How much do you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment.,9,0,20180719-204358_391_live 19,"Maybe 0.50? I'm sorry that it seems so little, but as I already donate to an organization and I use the payments here to save for a vacation coming up...",9,1,20180719-204358_391_live 0,"Hey, how's it going tonight?",0,0,20180719-202443_897_live 1,"Very Well, How about you?",0,1,20180719-202443_897_live 2,"Ok, here too. I'd like to talk to you about children who are less fortunate. Do you have a moment?",1,0,20180719-202443_897_live 3,"Yes, please go ahead and tell me",1,1,20180719-202443_897_live 4,How do you feel about people who just born unlucky?,2,0,20180719-202443_897_live 5,I feel sorry for them and would like to help them as much as possible,2,1,20180719-202443_897_live 6,I see I got a really kind person to talk to. That's great.,3,0,20180719-202443_897_live 7,Go ahead and tell me how can I help,3,1,20180719-202443_897_live 8,"I'm glad you're so welling to help, but I would feel bad just to get your help without letting you know what the organization is about.",4,0,20180719-202443_897_live 9,"Sure, please tell me about the organization",4,1,20180719-202443_897_live 10,It's an organization called Save the Children. Have you heard of them?,5,0,20180719-202443_897_live 11,I think I have,5,1,20180719-202443_897_live 12,"They are an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",6,0,20180719-202443_897_live 13,that is very good to know,6,1,20180719-202443_897_live 14,"Yes. Just recently, not sure if you've heard of it, they are working on reuniting children who were separated from their parents at the Mexico-US border.",7,0,20180719-202443_897_live 15,Thats such a noble thing they are doing,7,1,20180719-202443_897_live 16,They are very noble. They're helping kids worldwise but also very close to home. Would you like to help by donating?,8,0,20180719-202443_897_live 17,"Sure, I would like to help. How much is the average donation",8,1,20180719-202443_897_live 18,They get anything from $0.50 to $2 from mturk workers.,9,0,20180719-202443_897_live 19,I would like to to donate $1.00 as a mturk worker,9,1,20180719-202443_897_live 0,Have you heard of the Save The Children Foundation?,0,0,20180719-211301_463_live 1,"No, I have not. Can you tell me about it?",0,1,20180719-211301_463_live 2,"They ensure children's rights to health, education, safety, etc. ",1,0,20180719-211301_463_live 3,"Is it just in one country, or do they work around the world?",1,1,20180719-211301_463_live 4,"Yes. For example, the child refugees from Syria. In the first two months of this year, 1000 kids were killed in Syria. Crazy.",2,0,20180719-211301_463_live 5,That's so sad. I wish I could do something to help.,2,1,20180719-211301_463_live 6,Have you ever donated to a charity?,3,0,20180719-211301_463_live 7,"Yeah, a few local charities. Like our animal shelter, a low income housing group, foster care organziations, etc",3,1,20180719-211301_463_live 8,"That's very nice of you. If you'd like to get a better idea of what Save The Children does, and how to possibly donate, you can visit their website at URL ",4,0,20180719-211301_463_live 9,"I'll definitely check them out. Any organization that helps kids is one worth supporting, either with my own time or with money.",4,1,20180719-211301_463_live 10,I feel the same way. How much would you be willing to donate to Save the Children?,5,0,20180719-211301_463_live 11,"I can't afford a lot right now because I have other bills, but I could probably do $5 now with more next month.",5,1,20180719-211301_463_live 12,That's great! And generous. Thank you. That will make a huge impact. ,6,0,20180719-211301_463_live 13,"It feels like so little, but if a lot of people do just a little bit, it really adds up!",6,1,20180719-211301_463_live 14,It really does. It's difficult to know nowadays if your money is actually going to the children. Save the Children seems to be a very trustable fund.,7,0,20180719-211301_463_live 15,"Yeah I agree. If I donate, even a little, I want it to actually go towards what it should, not just lining the pockets of the CEO.",7,1,20180719-211301_463_live 16,"Indeed. What would you prefer to see your $5 go to specifically? Medicine, safety, etc?",8,0,20180719-211301_463_live 17,"I think I would like to see my donation go towards medical care. At least my initial donation. I know how hard it can be to be healthy, so I want to help kids get the treatments they need.",8,1,20180719-211301_463_live 18,That's a great sentiment. I appreciate the chat and your willingness to donate. ,9,0,20180719-211301_463_live 19,"Yeah, you're welcome. Thank you for introducing me to another great charity that is trying to do good work. Not only in the USA, but around the world.",9,1,20180719-211301_463_live 20,Have a great evening!,10,0,20180719-211301_463_live 0,Hello,0,0,20180719-165941_192_live 1,"Yea, hello. Glad you took your time.",0,1,20180719-165941_192_live 2,I'd like to speak to you about Save the Children. Do you have any kids?,1,0,20180719-165941_192_live 3,"No, I do not have kids. What is Save the Children about?",1,1,20180719-165941_192_live 4,"Save the Children is an international non-governemnt organization. Their goal is to promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",2,0,20180719-165941_192_live 5,That sounds really cool. What specific countries do they help out?,2,1,20180719-165941_192_live 6,They help out many third world countries from all over the world.,3,0,20180719-165941_192_live 7,Okay. I guess I would look them up sometime to find out more.,3,1,20180719-165941_192_live 8,How do you feel about those who were unluckily born to poor circumstances?,4,0,20180719-165941_192_live 9,I feel like it's a shame and I wish we could do more. How can I help?,4,1,20180719-165941_192_live 10,You sound like a really kind person. Would you like to make a donation to Save the Children. Anything will help.,5,0,20180719-165941_192_live 11,"Thank you, I would like to make a 50 dollar donation but first. Is there a website for this charity?",5,1,20180719-165941_192_live 12,Thank you! That will make a difference in many of their lives. Yes. There is. URL ,6,0,20180719-165941_192_live 13,IT looks really good and professional. I am definitely going to donate.,6,1,20180719-165941_192_live 14,Thank you. It will be appreciated it.,7,0,20180719-165941_192_live 15,Is there any other information you can share with me that I shuld know about?,7,1,20180719-165941_192_live 16,"Absolutely. Recently, we will have been involved in the US-Mexico border crisis involved with separating children from their parents at the border.",8,0,20180719-165941_192_live 17,That sounds awesome. I wish you all luck in that. ,8,1,20180719-165941_192_live 18,"Thank you. It will be difficult, but we are focused in reuniting the children with their family. The separation should never have happened.",9,0,20180719-165941_192_live 19,I definitely agree with that. It takes a lot to fix this country already so your effort is definitely astounding.,9,1,20180719-165941_192_live 0,It would be really helpful if you donated to Save the Children fund!,0,0,20180719-122534_38_live 1,What does the money go towards if I donate?,0,1,20180719-122534_38_live 2,"When crisis strikes and children are most vulnerable, we are always among the first to respond and the last to leave. We ensure children's unique needs are met and their voices are heard. We deliver lasting results for millions of children, including those hardest to reach. We do whatever it takes for children ¡ª transforming their lives and the future we share ¡ª because we believe every child deserves a future.",1,0,20180719-122534_38_live 3,Where in the world are the children located?,1,1,20180719-122534_38_live 4,"US and global, wherever children need help, they are there.",2,0,20180719-122534_38_live 5,"If I donate $25, does that go a long way?",2,1,20180719-122534_38_live 6,"Absolutely, a small amount of money for us turns out to be life changing for those in need. A dollar can buy a lot!",3,0,20180719-122534_38_live 7,Will it help towards education?,3,1,20180719-122534_38_live 8,"Yes, it is one of the core programs. It leads children out of poverty so is a large focus.",4,0,20180719-122534_38_live 9,Do you accept monthly donations of smaller amounts?,4,1,20180719-122534_38_live 10,You can do a one time donation or a monthly subscription.,5,0,20180719-122534_38_live 11,What are the amounts for monthly subscriptions?,5,1,20180719-122534_38_live 12,between 5 - 100,6,0,20180719-122534_38_live 13,Do I get updates on a specific child if I donate monthly?,6,1,20180719-122534_38_live 14,Yes you can sponsor a child and receive specific information about what your money is doing and how they are progressing each month.,7,0,20180719-122534_38_live 15,To what age are children receiving help?,7,1,20180719-122534_38_live 16,From infants to young adults all children are helped.,8,0,20180719-122534_38_live 17,I would like to donate $5 monthly.,8,1,20180719-122534_38_live 18,"Thank you, that is wonderful and you will help a tremendous amount!",9,0,20180719-122534_38_live 19,Am I able to communicate with the child?,9,1,20180719-122534_38_live 20,"Yes you can write them letters and they can write you back, thanks!",10,0,20180719-122534_38_live 21,"Great, thank you very much",10,1,20180719-122534_38_live 0,"hi, how are you?",0,0,20180719-211846_176_live 1,I'm doing well thank you,0,1,20180719-211846_176_live 2,"that good You knew that for every minute that passes, a child under the age of 5 dies as a result of the war in the Middle East",1,0,20180719-211846_176_live 3,That is absolutely terrible. Are there any good charities that are helping on this issue?,1,1,20180719-211846_176_live 4,"I recently read from an organization called Save a Children, which works hard to protect these children and needs financial help to continue",2,0,20180719-211846_176_live 5,How can someone help? I would be willing to donate my time and perhaps some money.,2,1,20180719-211846_176_live 6,"you can help by donating what you can, you can even help with your win in mturk, I think these children need us now",3,0,20180719-211846_176_live 7,How exactly does the money help the cause? What's it spent on?,3,1,20180719-211846_176_live 8,"is super important, help children who live the harsh reality of war, fewer and fewer people help, the money goes to the education, health and safety of these children, how much would you be willing to donate your payment?",4,0,20180719-211846_176_live 9,I'd be willing to donate a dollar or two,4,1,20180719-211846_176_live 10,"eso estaria muy bien, entre todos podemos ayudar, la mayoria de los demas trabajadores donaran todo su pago, estos ni_os estaran agradecidos",5,0,20180719-211846_176_live 11,Perfect. How do I donate then?,5,1,20180719-211846_176_live 12,"The research team will collect all donations and send them to Save the Children, you will be deducted from your payment for this task",6,0,20180719-211846_176_live 13,"You need to type faster. Our HITs are going to expire on us. I'd rather send the money on my accord, rather than have it deducted. Where can I go to send it?",6,1,20180719-211846_176_live 14,come in URL ,7,0,20180719-211846_176_live 15,Ok i'll check it out. thank you. ,7,1,20180719-211846_176_live 16,"bye, I hope you can donate as soon as possible",8,0,20180719-211846_176_live 17,I'll donate right away. thank you. Are you going to donate too?,8,1,20180719-211846_176_live 18,"Of course, I'm also going to donate",9,0,20180719-211846_176_live 19,Awesome. Have a wonderful day. I hope those kids get the money they need.,9,1,20180719-211846_176_live 0,Hi there,0,0,20180719-120436_413_live 1,Hello,0,1,20180719-120436_413_live 2,Have you heard of the Save the Children charity?,1,0,20180719-120436_413_live 3,I actually have not. What do they do to help children?,1,1,20180719-120436_413_live 4,"It is an international organization that helps protect and promote rights for childrens and provides for them in suffering conditions - such as lack of basic needs, like water, clothing, and food.",2,0,20180719-120436_413_live 5,I'm glad a charity like that exists internationally.,2,1,20180719-120436_413_live 6,"It's for a great cause. Children are the future and unfortunately too many of them don't get the quality of life that we take advantage of today. Sometimes we're in a better place and we have to do what we can to help their conditions a little bit. Even little bits can go a long way, you know?",3,0,20180719-120436_413_live 7,"it does, and charities can go further with the amount of money donated.",3,1,20180719-120436_413_live 8,"Absolutely. I remember seeing ads on the television about it and it breaks my hear to see children so sad and suffering in conditions that they live in. I haven't personally witnessed experiences first hand, however, it comes down to basic human needs.",4,0,20180719-120436_413_live 9,It's sad to think being born in the wrong conditions can have such a lifelong impact.,4,1,20180719-120436_413_live 10,Exactly. It's not like we really get the choice of how/when/where we are born. It's a matter of chance. It's unfair to be born into conditions like that.,5,0,20180719-120436_413_live 11,"Hopefully, more the people born more lucky can lend a hand.",5,1,20180719-120436_413_live 12,Absolutely! Would you like to be able to assist some of these children by donating any amount of your choosing up to $2? A little bit can go a long way!,6,0,20180719-120436_413_live 13,"Yes, absolutely. I can donate $0.50.",6,1,20180719-120436_413_live 14,The charity will greatly appreciate your contribution I'm sure! Are you absolutely sure you'd like to donate $0.50?,7,0,20180719-120436_413_live 15,"Yes, I am sure.",7,1,20180719-120436_413_live 16,"Okay, the charity will greatly benefit from your help! If you'd like to donate a few more cents, that would help even more children get out of poverty and live a much more clearer life.",8,0,20180719-120436_413_live 17,"I understand. Unfortunately, I have to take care of my kids, too, and can't afford to help more.",8,1,20180719-120436_413_live 18,I absolutely understand. Thank you for taking the time to help assist the charity and I hope that you have a wonderful day!,9,0,20180719-120436_413_live 19,I hope you do as well!,9,1,20180719-120436_413_live 0,Hey there,0,0,20180719-175233_833_live 1,Hey how's it going? So children's charity then...,0,1,20180719-175233_833_live 2,Yep. Do you happen to be a parent?,1,0,20180719-175233_833_live 3,"No, not currently. Although obviously I think those charities are important and relevant even to me",1,1,20180719-175233_833_live 4,"How are they relevant to you? I would like to find out, so I can tailor the information to you.",2,0,20180719-175233_833_live 5,"I have a lot of nieces and nephews and have worked with children in the past so I have a good amount of experience with them, from all shapes and sizes",2,1,20180719-175233_833_live 6,Have you ever worked with children with were born to poorer families?,3,0,20180719-175233_833_live 7,Yes I have. I dealt with that more when I was working. It was a poorer sector of the city so we saw a lot of poorer families,3,1,20180719-175233_833_live 8,You sound like someone who would really appreciate what Save the Children does.,4,0,20180719-175233_833_live 9,"Yeah? I would think so? I feel like I\'ve heard of it, but don\'t know a lot about it. But I""m always willing to help!",4,1,20180719-175233_833_live 10,We definitely need more people like you in the world.,5,0,20180719-175233_833_live 11,"Thanks, I don't consider myself that great, but any little difference i can make makes me feel good about myself",5,1,20180719-175233_833_live 12,Every little thing does make a difference. Have you heard of the separation of kids from their parents at the Mexico-US border lately?,6,0,20180719-175233_833_live 13,"Yeah I have, what an awful situation that is. I've seen videos that were so heartbreaking",6,1,20180719-175233_833_live 14,Yea. We are actually involved in that as well and helping to reunite the kids with their families.,7,0,20180719-175233_833_live 15,Oh really? Nice! What can we do to help?,7,1,20180719-175233_833_live 16,Would you like to help by donating?,8,0,20180719-175233_833_live 17,"Sure, what amount is a smaller pledge?",8,1,20180719-175233_833_live 18,Even a couple of cents. Whatever you can afford.,9,0,20180719-175233_833_live 19,"Yeah, I can do that. A dollar?",9,1,20180719-175233_833_live 0,Hello. How are you?,0,0,20180719-210146_172_live 1,"I'm good, how are you doing?",0,1,20180719-210146_172_live 2,Very well. I'm just up organizing info for my charity. Are you involved with charities? ,1,0,20180719-210146_172_live 3,Yes! I work with children who have terminal illnesses. What charity are you involved in?,1,1,20180719-210146_172_live 4,That's great! I help with Save The Children. ,2,0,20180719-210146_172_live 5,Amazing! Working with kids is the best. What do you do for Save the Children?,2,1,20180719-210146_172_live 6,I help raise donations and volunteer time.,3,0,20180719-210146_172_live 7,That's so important. How do you raise donations?,3,1,20180719-210146_172_live 8,By directly asking for aid. Do you currently donate to your charity?,4,0,20180719-210146_172_live 9,"Yes I do, but I'm happy to donate to yours as well!",4,1,20180719-210146_172_live 10,"Wonderful! Would you be will to donate $1.00 of your task money to help Save the Children? Save The Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",5,0,20180719-210146_172_live 11,"Yes, I would be happy to!",5,1,20180719-210146_172_live 12,Would $2.00 be too much to ask?,6,0,20180719-210146_172_live 13,"No, I can do it.",6,1,20180719-210146_172_live 14,Thank you. Can we make it $1.50? These children really need the assistance. ,7,0,20180719-210146_172_live 15,$1.50 sounds good then.,7,1,20180719-210146_172_live 16,Why not $1.75 then? :-),8,0,20180719-210146_172_live 17,I can do $2.00! Happy to help.,8,1,20180719-210146_172_live 18,Thank you so much! Do you have any more questions for me?,9,0,20180719-210146_172_live 19,Nope. Thank you!,9,1,20180719-210146_172_live 0,Heyo! How're you doing today?,0,0,20180719-181845_211_live 1,"Hey, kind of tired but overall good. How are you?",0,1,20180719-181845_211_live 2,I'm doing alright. I just had a thought on my mind that I wanted to ask you about ,1,0,20180719-181845_211_live 3,Yea? Go for it.,1,1,20180719-181845_211_live 4,"Do you donate when you get the chance? I was thinking about how everywhere you go, they ask you to donate .50 here and your change there. I think I need to actually start donating. How does it make you feel? Do you donate?",2,0,20180719-181845_211_live 5,I don't like to donate to for profit businesses. I feel like they'll just take my donation and get their tax credit.,2,1,20180719-181845_211_live 6,How do you feel about Save the Children? My nephew had to get taken into the hospital not too long ago and I just got the letter in the mail saying they used Save the Childrens donation money to help him. I'm thinking about donating to them. ,3,0,20180719-181845_211_live 7,"I'm sorry to hear about your nephew? What happened, if you don't mind me asking.",3,1,20180719-181845_211_live 8,We found out the hard way that he has actual celiacs (sorry I can't spell too well) and he has an allergic reaction to the cake on his birthday. He went through a TON of testing and that's how they caught it. He has to stay overnight at the hospital for a few weeks and his parents just couldn't afford it. That's when Save the Children came around to help,4,0,20180719-181845_211_live 9,"Oh my gosh. I am so sorry to hear about the little guy and how his birthday, too. How did Save the Children help?",4,1,20180719-181845_211_live 10,They helped cover the bills for it since he's in Africa. He's doing much better now though! ,5,0,20180719-181845_211_live 11,Oh wow. All the way in Africa. I'm really glad to hear that. You must be so releived.,5,1,20180719-181845_211_live 12,I am! I'm thinking about donating to them would you be willing to help?,6,0,20180719-181845_211_live 13,Sure thing. What are the amounts I can pick from?,6,1,20180719-181845_211_live 14,You can choose any amount from 0 to all of you payment,7,0,20180719-181845_211_live 15,I'll do $20. ,7,1,20180719-181845_211_live 16,"Oh man, I can't believe it! Thank you so much! Sadly, this task will only let you donate the whole 2 dollars. If you wanna donate more you can donate through the website! I'm looking at donating 20 tonight too",8,0,20180719-181845_211_live 17,Oh I didn't know that. Thank you for letting me know.,8,1,20180719-181845_211_live 18,"Yeah, I'm just so glad that I know they really help. How much do you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment. ",9,0,20180719-181845_211_live 19,I'll still do $20 and go through the site.,9,1,20180719-181845_211_live 20,Do you want to also donate the 2 dollars from this task?,10,0,20180719-181845_211_live 0,"Hey, good to be chatting with you tonight.",0,0,20180719-211253_768_live 1,Hi! Looking forward chatting with you too.,0,1,20180719-211253_768_live 2,I'd like to talk to use about a vulnerable group. Do you have a moment?,1,0,20180719-211253_768_live 3,"Yes, I do",1,1,20180719-211253_768_live 4,"I'd like to talk about children. What was life like for you growing up? Did you have to worry about your basic needs at all? Like food, place to live, safety, etc?",2,0,20180719-211253_768_live 5,"There were periods in my childhood when money was very short and we had our telephone or power cut off, but I always had a safe place to live and food to eat.",2,1,20180719-211253_768_live 6,It is really difficult having to grow up having to worry about basic needs. I'm glad you are able to look for what to be grateful for.,3,0,20180719-211253_768_live 7,"What was life like for you growing up? Did you have any worries about food, shelter, safety, etc.?",3,1,20180719-211253_768_live 8,I guess there are more people than we know who grew up with no worries. I grew up worrying about my safety and whether I'd have a place to live. My dad was a gambling addict.,4,0,20180719-211253_768_live 9,I don't have any experiences like that but I'm sure it must have been very difficult and scary to go through that as a child. ,4,1,20180719-211253_768_live 10,"Thank you. I really appreciate your sympathizing, and I'm glad I got to share that with someone.",5,0,20180719-211253_768_live 11,Did you ever use the services of any organizations for children to help you through the rough times? ,5,1,20180719-211253_768_live 12,"No I didn't, but I now donate to them. What about you?",6,0,20180719-211253_768_live 13,"No, I didn't either. My family would just get through somehow. I have made donations in the past, but our money is bit tight since I'm a stay-at-home mom right now. If I make donations now, they are in-kind donations rather than monetary donations. What organizations do you donate to? I tend to make donations to a emergency children's shelter.",6,1,20180719-211253_768_live 14,That's understandable. We all do what we can to help each other. I donate to Save the Children. Have you heard about them?,7,0,20180719-211253_768_live 15,"Yes, I have. ",7,1,20180719-211253_768_live 16,"That's great. Also, did you know that not only are they helping children worldwide, they're helping children very near to us?",8,0,20180719-211253_768_live 17,"No, I didn't know that they are helping children near to us. Do you mean in the USA?",8,1,20180719-211253_768_live 18,"No actually, at the border. Children were separated at the US-Mexico border from their parents, and Save the Children are working on getting them back to their family.",9,0,20180719-211253_768_live 19,I didn't realize that. I've been following the news about family separations very closely. I'm glad organizations like Save the Children are helping. ,9,1,20180719-211253_768_live 20,Would you like to help and donate to them? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment.,10,0,20180719-211253_768_live 21,"Sure, I will donate 50 cents to them. ",10,1,20180719-211253_768_live 0,You should donate half your money.,0,0,20180719-210149_80_live 1,You think half is good enough,0,1,20180719-210149_80_live 2,How much would you suggest?,1,0,20180719-210149_80_live 3,I suggest $50.00,1,1,20180719-210149_80_live 4,That sounds good.,2,0,20180719-210149_80_live 5,Which children's charity should we donate to?,2,1,20180719-210149_80_live 6,Save the Children,3,0,20180719-210149_80_live 7,Is there any reason why you picked that one?,3,1,20180719-210149_80_live 8,They help children who have died from hunger and what could be more noble than that.,4,0,20180719-210149_80_live 9,"That is true, do you trust them?",4,1,20180719-210149_80_live 10,Yes I do.,5,0,20180719-210149_80_live 11,I was thinking of Big Brother's Big Sister's charity.,5,1,20180719-210149_80_live 12,"I'm sure that's a great charity also, but in 2018 alone, at least 1,000 children were killed from violence in Syria, and Save the Children has committed itself to addressing this grave problem. ",6,0,20180719-210149_80_live 13,I just was thinking of the program I mentioned because I see what it does for our community.,6,1,20180719-210149_80_live 14,"And that's a great reason, but think about the global community and how much you can help them by donating to Save the Children.",7,0,20180719-210149_80_live 15,Wouldn't you rather help the people in our country? Including our children?,7,1,20180719-210149_80_live 16,"I would love to and I do, but I rarely get the opportunity to help those who can't help themselves and I feel that this is a great way to make the world a better place for everyone.",8,0,20180719-210149_80_live 17,You make a great point there.,8,1,20180719-210149_80_live 18,So are you willing to donate to Save the Children?,9,0,20180719-210149_80_live 19,Yes let's donate to Save the Children!,9,1,20180719-210149_80_live 20,Okay so you agree to donate 50 to Save the Children?,10,0,20180719-210149_80_live 0,"Hello! Still reading the instructions here, but I think I've got a handle on it. How are you today? You're not one of those Skynet agents, are you?",0,0,20180719-200311_664_live 1,"Hey, I'm doing good. Not a Skynet agent but wish I was though. How are you?",0,1,20180719-200311_664_live 2,I'm doing pretty well. Almost Friday and the weather's not too hot so it could be a lot worse,1,0,20180719-200311_664_live 3,Yea. It's actually decent where I am as well. Let's hope it stays that way!,1,1,20180719-200311_664_live 4,"Haha, yea, I've been reading news stories about people sinking into the pavement in Britain of all places. Luckily no one I know in the South has been swallowed up by a road 'cause it's been pretty hot down there too",2,0,20180719-200311_664_live 5,How does one get swallowed by pavement? I hope the people in third world countries are doing okay. I can't imagine living in 100+ degree weather without air conditioning.,2,1,20180719-200311_664_live 6,"I'm right there with you. There've been a lot of calamities from inclement weather these last few years. I mean, I know that it's always been the case that impoverished countries get hit really hard by things like drought, but it's seemed especially bad. Or maybe it's just more close to home",3,0,20180719-200311_664_live 7,more close to home? everything okay over there?,3,1,20180719-200311_664_live 8,"Oh, yea, yea, I just meant Puerto Rico is a lot closer than most of these events. So I'm just going to level with you here because this is a good cause: the task I'm given is to persuade you to donate to the children's charity called Save the Children. Are you familiar with them?",4,0,20180719-200311_664_live 9,No. What are they about?,4,1,20180719-200311_664_live 10,"Well, the short answer is that they're an international organization devoted to providing relief and support for children in developing countries. I've only just skimmed the website, but they seem pretty well established. It's URL if you wanna check it out",5,0,20180719-200311_664_live 11,"Can they be trusted? Too many organizations nowadays with CEO just taking the money for themselves using a cause as their ""front"".",5,1,20180719-200311_664_live 12,"I looked them up on charitynavigator.org, and they got a 3 out of 4 stars. Not perfect, but it's pretty good",6,0,20180719-200311_664_live 13,Not bad. So why are you talking about them out of all people?,6,1,20180719-200311_664_live 14,"Well, I'm told that you've been given a sum of money, and if you'd like we can give that directly to Save the Children. What do you think?",7,0,20180719-200311_664_live 15,Ok. I'm listening.,7,1,20180719-200311_664_live 16,"So it's really all up to you. You have to indicate how much you want to donate, and then the researchers monitoring the experiment will send it",8,0,20180719-200311_664_live 17,How much are my options?,8,1,20180719-200311_664_live 18,I think it's whatever you're willing to give. I don't know how big of a stipend they've given you. There's no information about payment options on my end,9,0,20180719-200311_664_live 19,I'll donate $0.50.,9,1,20180719-200311_664_live 20,"Okay, $0.50 for Save the Children. That'll do. Thanks for talking! Have a good night",10,0,20180719-200311_664_live 0,Save the children is a fund that is established for the sole purpose of saving syrian children lives in war torn zones of the world. They are credible and need your donation to help with medical and food costs for these kids. Please consider a donation and I can answer any questions you may have. ,0,0,20180719-213345_510_live 1,How does 'Save the Children' use its charitable donations? What percent actually goes to the children?,0,1,20180719-213345_510_live 2,86 percent of all donations go directly to helping the children. A full financial report and breakdown of our funds as well as our yearly audit can be found at this link here URL s/about-us/financial-information We maintain this info yearly for full transparency. ,1,0,20180719-213345_510_live 3,OK. I'm interested in making a donation. How would I go about doing that?,1,1,20180719-213345_510_live 4,The make a donation page can be found here https://support. URL ite/Donation2?df_id=1620&1620.donation=form1 after I tell you a bit more about our company however I can deduct the donation straight from this task payment. What type of donation would you be most interested in? We have things such as sponsor a child within the u.s as well as globally as well as different programs in different regions. ,2,0,20180719-213345_510_live 5,I thought that this was specifically for Syrian children?,2,1,20180719-213345_510_live 6,"Our initial push as of right now is for people to donate to the syrian children fund as it is a rather dire situation in Syria with the war conditions, however I would be ashamed If I detracted attentions from our other charity programs and funds seeking donations. ",3,0,20180719-213345_510_live 7,OK. I would be most interested in donating to the Syrian children fund.,3,1,20180719-213345_510_live 8,Ok that is amazing news. Here is the link to our full page on the syrian children relief fund URL s/what-we-do/where-we-work/greater-middle-east-eurasia/syria Do you have any questions relating to this page or fund? ,4,0,20180719-213345_510_live 9,No. I don't think I do. I'm happy to be able to help some kids who haven't had the best life. Thank you for sending me the information.,4,1,20180719-213345_510_live 10,"I am very happy to help, we are doing our best to combat a global problem. If you have any family that would be interested in donating please direct them to our page. ",5,0,20180719-213345_510_live 11,I will certainly do. Do you know how many children this program assists each year?,5,1,20180719-213345_510_live 12,Its impossible for our organization to know exact specifics but we have been in the process of relief for well over a 100 years. Just take a look at our global history! URL s/about-us/why-save-the-children/history,6,0,20180719-213345_510_live 13,Wow. 100 years. You must feel good about the work that you do.,6,1,20180719-213345_510_live 14,It is an amazing feeling to be part of such a valuable organization to world relief. And we are always looking for people to help! Local organizers for donations are always needed and more info can be found here on that URL s/more-ways-to-help/become-a-fundraiser,7,0,20180719-213345_510_live 15,I'll have to look into it. Is there anything else I need to do for the donation?,7,1,20180719-213345_510_live 16,"Nope! You are all set, you can donate here https://support. URL ite/Donation2?df_id=1620&1620.donation=form1 or I can simply ask you to donate through the task payment if that is something that interests you? ",8,0,20180719-213345_510_live 17,How does that work?,8,1,20180719-213345_510_live 18,Simply specify within this chat how much you would like to donate to charity of the task payment. You can specify any amount from 0 dollars to all of your payment. ,9,0,20180719-213345_510_live 19,I'll donate 50 cents. I'm not swimming in money over here. :),9,1,20180719-213345_510_live 0,"Hi, how are you?",0,0,20180719-212219_934_live 1,Fine and you?,0,1,20180719-212219_934_live 2,Fine. Thank you. Have you ever heard of save the children?,1,0,20180719-212219_934_live 3,"yes, several times the ears of several organizations, and you?",1,1,20180719-212219_934_live 4,Yes i have. Have you ever donated to them before?,2,0,20180719-212219_934_live 5," Yes, he donated to local organizations and you?",2,1,20180719-212219_934_live 6,I have donated to other organizations but not this one specifically. Have you thought about donating again any time soon?,3,0,20180719-212219_934_live 7,"Yes, I am always willing to donate whenever it is necessary.",3,1,20180719-212219_934_live 8,That is very nice of you. How much would you like to donate to the charity right now?,4,0,20180719-212219_934_live 9,I would like to donate $ 50 to the charity,4,1,20180719-212219_934_live 10,You can donate $0 to all of your payment.,5,0,20180719-212219_934_live 11,You are a person?,5,1,20180719-212219_934_live 12,Yes i am. ,6,0,20180719-212219_934_live 13,And why would I donate $ 0? I did not understand that question,6,1,20180719-212219_934_live 14,That means you dont have to dinate. It is up to you if you would like to give nothing or if you would like to donate a portion of your payment,7,0,20180719-212219_934_live 15,"Do you want to donate a part of my payment, and you?",7,1,20180719-212219_934_live 16,"I would donate as well. It helps to ensure childrens rights to health, education,safety, & so many other things. Are you willing to donate a small portion of your payment now?",8,0,20180719-212219_934_live 17,"Yes, I would like",8,1,20180719-212219_934_live 18,How much would you like to donate? That is very kind of you,9,0,20180719-212219_934_live 19,1.20 of my payment,9,1,20180719-212219_934_live 20,Thank you so much!,10,0,20180719-212219_934_live 21,"Your donations, how much?",10,1,20180719-212219_934_live 0,Hello!,0,0,20180719-182453_233_live 1,Hey,0,1,20180719-182453_233_live 2,"So, are you interested in charities that help save the children?",1,0,20180719-182453_233_live 3,Which children? What does the charity do exactly? ,1,1,20180719-182453_233_live 4,"Instead of the typical charities that help children in a far away land, we here use state of the art location technology to help children in need right in your own community so you can see your money at work personally",2,0,20180719-182453_233_live 5,What would my money do exactly,2,1,20180719-182453_233_live 6,"It would go to the three most important things that a child need. Food, shelter, and education. The majority of your donation would go towards education as that is often the most difficult to provide for the children",3,0,20180719-182453_233_live 7,How would I know that the money is actually being used to help children and not just pocketed by the people that run the c harity,3,1,20180719-182453_233_live 8,"We are completely transparent with our records, when you donate you will be given an account so you can track where every bit of your money goes, from your account all the way to the community.",4,0,20180719-182453_233_live 9,"Okay, that sounds reasonable ",4,1,20180719-182453_233_live 10,"We appreciate your willingness to donate to this local cause, how much of a gratuity will you be offering today?",5,0,20180719-182453_233_live 11,I'll donate $10 ,5,1,20180719-182453_233_live 12,"Perfect, we will be sending over an email to setup your account info so you can track it and make any future donations if you desire. Thank you and have a nice day",6,0,20180719-182453_233_live 13,Good luck with your charity,6,1,20180719-182453_233_live 14,Need a couple more chat turns,7,0,20180719-182453_233_live 15,Yeah lol ,7,1,20180719-182453_233_live 16,And another :D,8,0,20180719-182453_233_live 17,I have to make it more than 3 words ,8,1,20180719-182453_233_live 18,"This should be the last one, adios o7",9,0,20180719-182453_233_live 19,Yeah hopefully ,9,1,20180719-182453_233_live 0,Hello,0,0,20180902-222414_572_live 1,"Hi, how are you?",0,1,20180902-222414_572_live 2,"I'm doing amazing, how are you today?",1,0,20180902-222414_572_live 3,"I'm good, do you have donate any charities? ",1,1,20180902-222414_572_live 4,I've donated to many charities in the past. Have you as well?,2,0,20180902-222414_572_live 5,I have not donated so far. But my father has donated.,2,1,20180902-222414_572_live 6,That's great! One of the many charities I usually give too when I have a little extra each check is Save the Children. Which one does your father donate to?,3,0,20180902-222414_572_live 7,Sorry I'm not sure about that. But it is interesting to know about this. Can you explain a little bit about this Children charity?,3,1,20180902-222414_572_live 8,"Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries. Pretty much a donation goes directly to the foundation and it helps children in crisis from war to hunger. If you wanna know more I'd recommend there website URL ",4,0,20180902-222414_572_live 9,"Oh! that's great, How much you donate for Children charity?",4,1,20180902-222414_572_live 10,"Normally about $10 or more each check. So almost weekly. It doesn't break the bank for me and it makes me feel great each week that I worked hard to help someone, somewhere in the world. ",5,0,20180902-222414_572_live 11,"Okay, I also like to donate for Children charity. $10 is it enough to donate?",5,1,20180902-222414_572_live 12,"It may be a small amount, but it makes a big difference, especially if more people are doing it. ",6,0,20180902-222414_572_live 13,"If so, how much money will be donated to charity?",6,1,20180902-222414_572_live 14,"All of what you give is what will be used. And if you don't trust that method, there is even a section on a site where you can sponsor a child directly that needs the funds immediately. It could be for books, medicine, food or even clothing for school. I've done if before in the past and helped a girl get school supplies for her first day of school. ",7,0,20180902-222414_572_live 15,This is a very good thing. I feel happy if I can help a child.,7,1,20180902-222414_572_live 16,You should try it out. I recommend it,8,0,20180902-222414_572_live 17,"Definitely, I like it very much and i like to donate very much. ",8,1,20180902-222414_572_live 18,How much do you think you'll donate to the charity now?,9,0,20180902-222414_572_live 19,I like to donate $50.,9,1,20180902-222414_572_live 20,Great! You should do it. You'll feel great about it,10,0,20180902-222414_572_live 0,Hello! I hope you are doing well. This is an interesting task - I'm glad to see that part of the payment for this task is donated to such a good cause. What do you think?,0,0,20180902-061808_400_live 1,I'm doing fine. I agree about the donation option.,0,1,20180902-061808_400_live 2,"I don't know much about the specific charity, but I'm a mom, and I think it's really important to help kids around the world. From what I've heard, Save the Children is a great organization that really makes a different. I've read they've been doing a lot of work in Syria. ",1,0,20180902-061808_400_live 3,What charity are you talking about?,1,1,20180902-061808_400_live 4,"The info that I'm seeing on my end is that we can choose to donate part of what we earn in this task to Save the Children. It's a large philanthropic organization that works on ensuring children's rights to health, education, and safety. They have apparently done work recently to help children in Syria impacted by the civil war. ",2,0,20180902-061808_400_live 5,Do you know how long they've been around?,2,1,20180902-061808_400_live 6,"I don't see any exact date. However, they have done work to improve access to education, medicine, and food in Darfur and appear to have been working when that area was also impacted by civil war. ",3,0,20180902-061808_400_live 7,"Thanks, what are your contribution plans?",3,1,20180902-061808_400_live 8,I am debating between 50% and all of the bonus. So between 1 and 2 dollars. I think even $1 can make a difference in their efforts. What about you?,4,0,20180902-061808_400_live 9,I'm thinking about the same,4,1,20180902-061808_400_live 10,"I think that seems fair. From the description, they seem to have a pretty low overhead so even $1 will go directly toward the charitable efforts. They've also apparently been involved in Jimmy Carter's organization that seeks to give kids and families clean water by getting rid of the guinea worm. The water filters they use only cost $.90",5,0,20180902-061808_400_live 11,"Thanks for those details, I'd give a dollar to help.",5,1,20180902-061808_400_live 12,Sounds like a good plan. So that $1 will be deducted from the payment. My instructions say the research team will send all the donations directly.,6,0,20180902-061808_400_live 13,"OK, they're making it easy to help",6,1,20180902-061808_400_live 14,Yes - I think that's nice. They are making it an easy task for us!,7,0,20180902-061808_400_live 15,"yes, everyone wins",7,1,20180902-061808_400_live 16,Seems like we are in agreement. It was nice working with you.,8,0,20180902-061808_400_live 17,"same here, have a nice rest of your Sunday",8,1,20180902-061808_400_live 18,You too. It's nice to have a long weekend - enjoy it!,9,0,20180902-061808_400_live 19,"ok, goodbye for now",9,1,20180902-061808_400_live 0,Hey there!,0,0,20180902-230004_696_live 1,hi,0,1,20180902-230004_696_live 2,"So, how do you feel about donating to charity?",1,0,20180902-230004_696_live 3,it depends on the cause,1,1,20180902-230004_696_live 4,Understandable. How do you feel about children's charities?,2,0,20180902-230004_696_live 5,good iiw ant to help,2,1,20180902-230004_696_live 6,"Great! You've heard of a charity called Save The Children, right? ",3,0,20180902-230004_696_live 7,I think they are a good cuse,3,1,20180902-230004_696_live 8,"So you know what they do, then. ",4,0,20180902-230004_696_live 9,"yes, I want to help with a donation",4,1,20180902-230004_696_live 10,Fantastic! How much would you like to donate to Save The Children? ,5,0,20180902-230004_696_live 11,It depends . how much is normal,5,1,20180902-230004_696_live 12,"I don't know how much would be considered 'normal,' honestly. What range did you have in mind?",6,0,20180902-230004_696_live 13,what is th normal donation ,6,1,20180902-230004_696_live 14,That's the thing--they don't give a range of 'normal' donation. You can choose any amount from $0 to $2,7,0,20180902-230004_696_live 15,a dollar a day is a lot in the third world,7,1,20180902-230004_696_live 16,It is indeed. Global poverty is considered to be living on less than 2 USD/day,8,0,20180902-230004_696_live 17,I think I can swing a little everyday,8,1,20180902-230004_696_live 18,"Well, you only have to donate once now if you like. This doesn't have to be an ongoing thing.",9,0,20180902-230004_696_live 19,how do I donate?,9,1,20180902-230004_696_live 20,The research team will collect all donations and send it to STC. I guess just say how much you want to donate and click done? ,10,0,20180902-230004_696_live 0,Hello?,0,0,20180902-231056_734_live 1,Hey,0,1,20180902-231056_734_live 2,How is your day going?,1,0,20180902-231056_734_live 3,"Very well, how about yours?",1,1,20180902-231056_734_live 4,"Average, do you currently donate to any charities?",2,0,20180902-231056_734_live 5,"Not really, I feel that they are very corrupted.",2,1,20180902-231056_734_live 6,Why is that?,3,0,20180902-231056_734_live 7,"When the money you give out, Only 1/4ths actually go to the recipients. They are often stolen by the people running them.",3,1,20180902-231056_734_live 8,"Not all, have you heard of Save the Children?",4,0,20180902-231056_734_live 9,What are we saving the Children from?,4,1,20180902-231056_734_live 10,"Saving them by giving them access to healthcare, education, and safety.",5,0,20180902-231056_734_live 11,In general? Or any specific country?,5,1,20180902-231056_734_live 12,"Yea, the donation help children in less fortunate countries in South America and South Africa.",6,0,20180902-231056_734_live 13,Have you donated?,6,1,20180902-231056_734_live 14,Im donating right now and was wondering if you like to donate along with me from $0.05 to$2.00 and ill match what you donate?,7,0,20180902-231056_734_live 15,Depends how much you donate.,7,1,20180902-231056_734_live 16,"I said ill match you so whatever you donate, ill donate?",8,0,20180902-231056_734_live 17,"If I say 0.05, will you match that?",8,1,20180902-231056_734_live 18,"Ill match more then that over a dollar for me at least, so how much are you really donating?",9,0,20180902-231056_734_live 19,"I'll double it, 0.10. Are we negotiating?",9,1,20180902-231056_734_live 0,Hello :) how are you tonight?,0,0,20180902-223320_635_live 1,Im good how are doing? The weather here is fantastic,0,1,20180902-223320_635_live 2,"I'm glad to hear! I'm also doing pretty well. I'm actually appealing to you to donate to Save The Children. It could come right out of your task pay, and you'd be helping charitiy",1,0,20180902-223320_635_live 3,Right now I can't do it. I don't make enough on here. I would love to in the future. How long have you dome mechanical turk?,1,1,20180902-223320_635_live 4,"No it will come out of your payment from this task :) the research team is giving us both 2$ for doing this, at the end I will give my 2$ to Save the Children, and you should do the same. There are a lot of civil rights abuse especially for kids and this charity helps. About a week, what about you?",2,0,20180902-223320_635_live 5,Why are you pushing this. I do alot of physical charity work. I had a son pass away from brain cancer. This is for the few dollars I make because I can't work. Do you get what im saying now?,2,1,20180902-223320_635_live 6,Because it's important to me. I've been working with this charity for a long time. And I try to raise money for them whenever I get the chance. I'm so sorry about your son that must be incredibly difficult. ,3,0,20180902-223320_635_live 7,It was and still is. Im just letting you know why I can't is all. Im having a rough patch after it all and there are other pressing issues that are also at work Anyway where in the world are you located?,3,1,20180902-223320_635_live 8,That makes sense. I just implore you to consider it. There are thousands of children dying every single month and this charity sincerely makes a difference. I'm in USA. What about you? ,4,0,20180902-223320_635_live 9,I am too what ill do is give a dollar of it. Thats the most and I wish I could give more than 2 dollars. I just can't. Whats the weather like where you love?,4,1,20180902-223320_635_live 10,"That's amazing thank you so much for your generosity :) you seem like an extremely kind person. It's too hot, but winter is coming soon so that's good. I hate the heat maybe I'll move to the tundra. Where in the world do you live?",5,0,20180902-223320_635_live 11,You know what im going to give it all. Its only 2 dollars. It's not going to break the bank. Lol. Im sorry I gave you such a hard time. Its going to be 90 here and above for next 3 days. This is the first time im looking forward to winter. Lol,5,1,20180902-223320_635_live 12,"Don't be sorry at all! That's very generous :) thank you for supporting this charity it's incredibly important to me. Ew that's disgusting to me, heat is so gross. It's nice but I get over it really quickly lol",6,0,20180902-223320_635_live 13,I saw geese flying over my house yesterday so hopefully its good news. Do you like to garden at all? I grow one every year,6,1,20180902-223320_635_live 14,That's cool! I do like gardening but I'm not very good at it. I grew some watermelon and jalapenos recently. What is your favorite part about gardening?,7,0,20180902-223320_635_live 15,The harvest of course. The least favorite thing is weeding. I put back mats down this year and that took care of alot of the weeds. My tomatoes got top rot because of all the rain,7,1,20180902-223320_635_live 16,Ah I see that's really cool. Not the rot. The mats though. How are you doing today? Like in general. How's life going?,8,0,20180902-223320_635_live 17,Its going I guess. I had back surgery a year ago and I need another ome so im pretty limited to what I can do. I still grill and enjoy my kids so thats what keeps me happy. If it wasn't for my kids and my wife I don't know how I I would be how about you,8,1,20180902-223320_635_live 18,That's good I'm glad they're supportive of you :) I'm doing alright. Starting college in two weeks. Hoping to make a good future.,9,0,20180902-223320_635_live 19,Really! Congrats! What are you going to college for?,9,1,20180902-223320_635_live 20,I'm studying data science :) thank you for the chat and for your donation this was really nice. I hope your back gets even better with time. God Bless,10,0,20180902-223320_635_live 21,Thanks and im sure you will excell at college. It was very nice talking to you. God bless and have a good morning evening or night whatever it might be ,10,1,20180902-223320_635_live 0,How much would you like to donate to the save the children carity,0,0,20180902-082304_216_live 1,"I would like to donate .50,",0,1,20180902-082304_216_live 2,Thank you that's very generous of you,1,0,20180902-082304_216_live 3,It's not as generous as I'd like; but times are tough.,1,1,20180902-082304_216_live 4,Yeah i can relate to that,2,0,20180902-082304_216_live 5,My husband recently quit his retirement job. ,2,1,20180902-082304_216_live 6,Oh is that good or bad?,3,0,20180902-082304_216_live 7,Not good; that was 2000.00 a month that was helping to pay on bills. Now I have to try to make it up delivering for Amazon.,3,1,20180902-082304_216_live 8,Sorry to hear that and i wish i could help out but i'm in the same situation with just a part time job with two kids in college,4,0,20180902-082304_216_live 9,I totally understand. It,4,1,20180902-082304_216_live 10,Yeah living paycheck to paycheck is really hard,5,0,20180902-082304_216_live 11,It's heck to get old... Life changes.,5,1,20180902-082304_216_live 12,yeah you're so right,6,0,20180902-082304_216_live 13,I work for Nabisco and Trident for a third party; drive for amazon and do uber eats. Oh and Turk.. ,6,1,20180902-082304_216_live 14,That's a lot,7,0,20180902-082304_216_live 15,I am 57. But perfectly healthy.,7,1,20180902-082304_216_live 16,That's good to hear i'm 39,8,0,20180902-082304_216_live 17,My husband is 69 and just left a job working in a metal and steel plant. Hard work for an old man.,8,1,20180902-082304_216_live 18,Yes i think that's too much at his age,9,0,20180902-082304_216_live 19,Especially in the Texas heat.,9,1,20180902-082304_216_live 0,Hello,0,0,20180902-231121_694_live 1,Hi,0,1,20180902-231121_694_live 2,I would like to tell you about a charity,1,0,20180902-231121_694_live 3,"OK, I'm listening.",1,1,20180902-231121_694_live 4,"The charity is called Save the Children. As the name suggests, this charity is helping the children around the world",2,0,20180902-231121_694_live 5,I believe I have heard of this charity.,2,1,20180902-231121_694_live 6,"It is good. Let me give you a bit more information. Your donations would be used to ensure children's rights to health, education, safety. It helps especially in war zones like Syria",3,0,20180902-231121_694_live 7,I understand but I am low on funds right now.,3,1,20180902-231121_694_live 8,"I can guess, but isn't there any amount you could donate like a little bit of money that you use for a snack or candy? Even a little amount helps. ",4,0,20180902-231121_694_live 9,"Well, yes. Maybe I could give a quarter.",4,1,20180902-231121_694_live 10,"That would be great. And let me assure you, this is a professional and trustworthy fund. If you would like to check for more information, the website is URL ",5,0,20180902-231121_694_live 11,"I will check it out, thank you.",5,1,20180902-231121_694_live 12,How much do you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment ($2).,6,0,20180902-231121_694_live 13,I would like to donate $0.25,6,1,20180902-231121_694_live 14,"Thank you, that would be great. Even with our little helps, the children around the world may have a better chance",7,0,20180902-231121_694_live 15,Of course. I wish I could afford more. Maybe later.,7,1,20180902-231121_694_live 16,"I hope so. In the future, if you have better finances, please remember this fund.",8,0,20180902-231121_694_live 17,Is this the end?,8,1,20180902-231121_694_live 18,"I think so, it had been 10 turns. And thank you again for your help. Have a good day.",9,0,20180902-231121_694_live 19,You are welcome,9,1,20180902-231121_694_live 0,Do you ever donate to charities?,0,0,20180902-060425_57_live 1,Yes. I have donated to several charities.,0,1,20180902-060425_57_live 2,Have you ever heard of Save the Children?,1,0,20180902-060425_57_live 3,I believe I have. The charities that I have donated to are mainly cancer charities.,1,1,20180902-060425_57_live 4,"Save the Children is a charity that helps ensure children's rights to health, education, and safety.",2,0,20180902-060425_57_live 5,That sounds like a type of charity that I would be interested in helping out. I like to find out as much as I can about how they use the money before I donate.,2,1,20180902-060425_57_live 6,Save the Children helps children around the world especially in developing countries.,3,0,20180902-060425_57_live 7,"Do you know how much of the donation is actually used to help the children? With all the scams out there, I like to get as much information as I can about the charity to make sure it is a sure thing.",3,1,20180902-060425_57_live 8,Save the Children is a completely transparent charity that puts most of donations directly toward helping children.,4,0,20180902-060425_57_live 9,That sounds like it is a good charity. Children need all the help they can get. All children do not have someone that cares about them and makes sure that they are taken care of.,4,1,20180902-060425_57_live 10,"The lack of help to children around the world has been very tramatic. In the first two months of 2018, 1,000 children in Syria were reported killed or injured. Your donation can help address these problems.",5,0,20180902-060425_57_live 11,That is so sad. Innocent children having their lives taken from them for no reason at all and others having to fight for their lives. I would make a donation.,5,1,20180902-060425_57_live 12,Save the Children is a professional and longstanding organization that has a record of helping children around the world.,6,0,20180902-060425_57_live 13,I feel that we need more organizations like this one. All children need a chance to be a child and not to be rushed into being an adult at a young age.,6,1,20180902-060425_57_live 14,The money that you spend on stuff like a bag of candy can be used to help feed and protect children. Would you like to donate today?,7,0,20180902-060425_57_live 15,"Yes, I would be willing to donate $1.00 today. Is there a website I can go to to find out more information about this charity?",7,1,20180902-060425_57_live 16,You can donate directly from your bonus. You can also go to their website.,8,0,20180902-060425_57_live 17,I like helping out any way I can. I do a lot of volunteer work in my area to help out those in need.,8,1,20180902-060425_57_live 18,Your donation is very appreciated and you can feel confident that it will help tremendously. Thank you very much and have a wonderful day.,9,0,20180902-060425_57_live 19,Thank you for informing me of this charity. I will do a search on it and see how much more I will be able to help. You have a wonderful day as well.,9,1,20180902-060425_57_live 0,"Hi, good evening!",0,0,20180902-222747_770_live 1,Hi there! Good Evening to you as well! What time is it for you?,0,1,20180902-222747_770_live 2,Getting late. It's just past 10:00 here. How about for you?,1,0,20180902-222747_770_live 3,Same here. You must be in the Pacific time zone too.,1,1,20180902-222747_770_live 4,"Yeah, I guess so! This is actually my last HIT for the night, but at least it seems like a good one. Are you familiar with the charity Save the Children?",2,0,20180902-222747_770_live 5,"No, are you?",2,1,20180902-222747_770_live 6,I was just reading about it. It's actually been around over 100 years and it makes use of donations to support various causes for children around the world.,3,0,20180902-222747_770_live 7,What kinds of causes?,3,1,20180902-222747_770_live 8,"Education, emergency funds and disaster relief are 3 big causes they support. Addtionally, it looks like a pretty effecient organization with 87% off all donations going directly to support children. ",4,0,20180902-222747_770_live 9,Really? I've never heard of it. How did you find out about?,4,1,20180902-222747_770_live 10,"Oddly enough, I never heard about it either but I was introduced to it here. I know some HITS make up factitious organizations, but this is actually a real charity, and seems pretty good.",5,0,20180902-222747_770_live 11,"I don't know how much I will get paid for this hit, but if it goes to legitimate cause, I would be interested in donating a portion of my reward.",5,1,20180902-222747_770_live 12,"Awesome! I really believe that it doesn't matter the amount, so long as people give, it's the thought that counts. I think we can donate up to the amount of this HIT. How would you feel about donating a portion of our $0.30 tonight?",6,0,20180902-222747_770_live 13,"Sure, I'd be willing to do that.",6,1,20180902-222747_770_live 14,"Okay great. How about $0.15? That's 50% of our pay, but it does go to a great cause.",7,0,20180902-222747_770_live 15,"Yes, I would like to do that. What do we do next?",7,1,20180902-222747_770_live 16,"Oh it's pretty easy. After our chat ends, there will be a simple box that you fill in your donation amount and the HIT takes care of the rest: It's super easy.",8,0,20180902-222747_770_live 17,That does sound easy and I feel good about it. Thanks for the information about the charity.,8,1,20180902-222747_770_live 18,No problem! Thanks for the donation. Hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend!,9,0,20180902-222747_770_live 19,Thank you! You too!,9,1,20180902-222747_770_live 0,"Hello, How are you?",0,0,20180902-150252_344_live 1,Hi doing great!,0,1,20180902-150252_344_live 2,Have you ever heard of Save the Children?,1,0,20180902-150252_344_live 3,"Yes, I have. I believe a long while back I donated to Save the Children. A little girl I had sent money to and she drew pictures for me. ",1,1,20180902-150252_344_live 4,Oh that's awesome. Did she say that it made a big impact on her life?,2,0,20180902-150252_344_live 5,Yes. She had books for school and a few things that she did not have. Her pictures showed her smiling and I do hope that it really helped her.,2,1,20180902-150252_344_live 6,It seems like it is a really good organization. I just saw a really sad picture today of a kid in West Africa working as a mechanic. I wish everyone everywhere had good access to education and that children didn't have to work in other countries.,3,0,20180902-150252_344_live 7,"Yes I do too. I was really happy that I was able to do something for the little girl. Since we are talking about it, I wonder how she is now. I know she is an adult now. Hopefully she is having a decent life. ",3,1,20180902-150252_344_live 8,"I hope so too. Hopefully, you helped her get there with your donations.",4,0,20180902-150252_344_live 9,Yeah. There are so many people all over the world who are having a hard time in life. I will probably donate again in the near future. ,4,1,20180902-150252_344_live 10,"Speaking of that, would you be willing to donate some or all of your proceeds from this conversation to Save the Children?",5,0,20180902-150252_344_live 11,Sure. I will donate the $0.30 that I am promised after this survey. ,5,1,20180902-150252_344_live 12,"Cool, that would be awesome. The researchers will collect the donations and send it to Save the Children.",6,0,20180902-150252_344_live 13,Okay. That's great. I love to be apart of organizations like this. I stopped a long time ago because of finances. In the near future I will start donating again.,6,1,20180902-150252_344_live 14,"I hear you. There are a lot of things that I would like to contribute to, but don't have the extra money. I think we actually get a bonus of up to $2.00 for this task if I am understanding correctly.",7,0,20180902-150252_344_live 15,"Oh okay. That's great. Yeah. I didn't know this was for Save the Children, but I am glad that I can contribute a little bit to them. Every little bit counts, right?",7,1,20180902-150252_344_live 16,"Yeah, absolutely. Thanks for contributing to them. I didn't realize that they help children here in the United States too.",8,0,20180902-150252_344_live 17,Oh really? I didn't know that either. I was just thinking about asking about that. I feel bad that we have children in our own country that are having a hard time. ,8,1,20180902-150252_344_live 18,"Yes, I was just reading that they are helping still some of the kids affected by Hurricane Harvey.",9,0,20180902-150252_344_live 19,Yes. That was a terrible disaster. It really destroyed a lot of people's lives. I can't believe that they are still trying to come up from it now. ,9,1,20180902-150252_344_live 20,I know. It was awful. Well it's been great talking to you. So you are going to donate $.30? Just confirming?,10,0,20180902-150252_344_live 21,Yes I am. And it was great chatting with you as well. Have a wonderful rest of your weekend!,10,1,20180902-150252_344_live 22,You too! Enjoy the long weekend.,11,0,20180902-150252_344_live 23,Okay. Thanks. Bye.,11,1,20180902-150252_344_live 0,Good morning! I hope that you are having a great day so far!,0,0,20180902-082346_448_live 1,"good morning, yes i am... i hope you are as well",0,1,20180902-082346_448_live 2,Indeed I am :) would it be alright with you if I spoke to you a little bit about a wonderful charity called Save The Children?,1,0,20180902-082346_448_live 3,"Absolutely, I am a little familiar with that orginization....",1,1,20180902-082346_448_live 4,"Thats great! Save The Children is a charity program that helps millions of children across the world. We provide numerous support groups and programs to help children everywhere. For instance, millions of Syrian children have grown up facing the daily threat of violence. In the first two months of 2018 alone, 1,000 children were reportedly killed or injured in intensifying violence. We provide protection to children and emotional support to them.",2,0,20180902-082346_448_live 5,wow.... My career is working with the homeless... i am thankful that we dont have to factor protection from real bodily harm into our work. Save the Children truly is a good cause,2,1,20180902-082346_448_live 6,"That is amazing :) I have several friends and family that work together in my area to provide support for children and women against domestic violence. And to be able to speak to someone about the Save The Children Foundation is an honor. Across the US one in five children grows up in poverty. We have been around since 1932, providing support to the most isolated and under-served children in Rural America. The best program we offer in my opinion is Education and our programs to help children grieve and obtain the emotional support they need in order to grow.",3,0,20180902-082346_448_live 7,"So Save The Children is 86 years old... that's incredible... a tremendous ammount of good has been done in all those years.... just out of curiosity, what is the percentage of donations that actually get to the need? i mean how much of every dollar is used for the actual program?",3,1,20180902-082346_448_live 8,"Please don't hesitate to ask any questions. I am more than happy to provide information about our cause. 86% of our funding goes to Program Services, 9% goes into fundraising meaning we get the word out about the charity and set up events. And just 5% goes to management and general things. Here is a link that breaks down all our costs and the donations we receive. URL s/about-us/financial-information",4,0,20180902-082346_448_live 9,"Please dont misunderstand... i think you are a little low though.... i think more like 88.3% goes to your programs which is an incredibly great amount by comparison... like i said, I also work in Charity so its very interesting to me",4,1,20180902-082346_448_live 10,"PERSON_1: PERSON_1: PERSON_1: Our 86% was based off our 2017 annual report, I am sure there could be even more of a percentage as of late. Around 34% of donations go to health and nutrition, and my personal favorite is 21% into education benefits. I believe if we are able to give people a proper education they can learn so much and see that anything is possible in our world. That the world is not always cruel and that you can pull yourself from the ground up to the sky if you really want to. ",5,0,20180902-082346_448_live 11,I Completely agree.... and after all... we have to take care of our children because they are our future,5,1,20180902-082346_448_live 12,"I would like to apologize for my mistype in the previous message. It seems as if my wording went over and it caused some issues for the system. I completely agree with you as well. If we do not help our children then there will be no future. Every childs life matters, and where we are not forced to help those that need it, a lot of people still find the compassion to see that even a little amount of money can go a long way in helping those around us less fortunate.",6,0,20180902-082346_448_live 13,you are absolutely correct... if a lot of people donate a little.... its still an astounding amount,6,1,20180902-082346_448_live 14,So based off our discussion would you be interested in donating to the charity now? Your donation would be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all of your payment.,7,0,20180902-082346_448_live 15,"I do not have a problem with that at all, as a matter of fact... i've been waiting for you to ask... hahaha",7,1,20180902-082346_448_live 16,"Thats great! I would much rather give someone facts and accurate/detailed information about a cause or charity before asking for anything from said person. So that depending on what you like and what you hear you can make the decision yourself on what you feel would be a good donation. For I cannot decide how much you donate to the cause, but rather what I myself can donate. Do you have a figure in mind?",8,0,20180902-082346_448_live 17,"I do, I was thinking Half of my payment which would be a total donation of $1",8,1,20180902-082346_448_live 18,"Thank you so much! Your donation means the world, and is very generous of you.",9,0,20180902-082346_448_live 19,Honestly it is a blessing to me to be able to help even in such a small way,9,1,20180902-082346_448_live 0,HI! HAVE YOU HEARD OF SAVE THE CHILDREN BEFORE?,0,0,20180902-230734_103_live 1,No I haven't. What is it?,0,1,20180902-230734_103_live 2,IT'S AN AMAZING GLOBAL CHARITY THAT HELPS CHILDREN IN DANGEROUS AREAS!,1,0,20180902-230734_103_live 3,"That sounds really cool. Do they have a main country they focus on, like Haiti or somewhere in Africa?",1,1,20180902-230734_103_live 4,"NO, AS A MATTER OF FACT THE CHARITY HAS TIES ACROSS THE WORLD, ALTHOUGH IT IS CURRENTLY HEAVILY INVESTED IN THE SYRIA REGION!",2,0,20180902-230734_103_live 5,What kind of things do they provide for the children? Do they provide shelter and basic needs?,2,1,20180902-230734_103_live 6,"THE MAIN FOCUS IS USUALLY HEALTH SUCH AS MOBILE HOSPITALS OR EDUCATION, WITH DEPLOYED TEACHERS",3,0,20180902-230734_103_live 7,"Do these teachers go all over the world, or are they specific to that country?",3,1,20180902-230734_103_live 8,"ALL THE INSTRUCTORS IN THE SAVE THE CHILDREN ARE SENT IN GROUPS ON ROTATING DEPLOYMENTS OF 6 MONTHS, USUALLY TO A FEW TARGET COUNTRIES.",4,0,20180902-230734_103_live 9,Are the instructors volunteers? What is the process of becoming one of the instructors?,4,1,20180902-230734_103_live 10,"ALL INSTRUCTORS MUST SPEAK TWO LANGUAGES AND HAVE TWO YEARS OF FORMAL TEACHING. THEY CAN THEN APPLY TO A SPECIFIC MISSION AS THEY COME UP, USUALLY 6 MONTHS AHEAD OF THE START DATE.",5,0,20180902-230734_103_live 11,I imagine it's pretty hard to go overseas for so long in a different country. What kind of experience have the prior instructors had? ,5,1,20180902-230734_103_live 12,"MANY HAVE LOVED IT ALTHOUGH IT CAN BE CHALLENGING, THE INSTRUCTORS ARE PAID VERY LITTLE BUT GIVEN FREE ROOM/BOARD. HOWEVER AFTER ONE YEAR OF WORK THEY CAN APPLY THRU A SPECIAL PROGRAM TO BE CITIZENS OF THE HOST COUNTRY.",6,0,20180902-230734_103_live 13,That's a really cool deal. Do they get dual citizenship or is it more of an ex-pat type situation?,6,1,20180902-230734_103_live 14,THEY CAN BECOME A DUAL CITIZEN AFTER 1 YEAR IN THE PROGRAM. IN SOME CASES OUR INSTRUCTORS HAVE FOUND FULL TIME JOBS WITHIN THE HOST COUNTRY AFTER THEIR TENURE.,7,0,20180902-230734_103_live 15,What are some of the improvements in quality of life for the children?,7,1,20180902-230734_103_live 16,MANY OF OUR CHILDREN PUT ON GLASSES FOR THE FIRST TIME BECAUSE THEY HAVE NEVER VISITED AN EYE DOCTOR. JUST A 2 DOLLAR DONATION CAN GET ONE OF OUR SPONSOR CHILDREN ACCESS TO A COMPREHENSIVE MEDICAL SCREENING.,8,0,20180902-230734_103_live 17,Do they often get a chance to get a more thorough education than prior to becoming a part of the program?,8,1,20180902-230734_103_live 18,"IT DEPENDS ON THE HOST COUNTRY AND ITS RULES, FOR EXAMPLE FEW GIRLS IN SYRIA HAD EVEN BASIC READING SKILLS DUE TO DISCRIMINATORY SCHOOL POLICIES. WOULD YOU BE INTERESTED IN DONATING TO OUR EDUCATION FUND?",9,0,20180902-230734_103_live 19,I can't do much but I'd be willing to donate $0.20,9,1,20180902-230734_103_live 20,GREAT SAVE THE CHILDREN APPRECIATES ALL DONATIONS!,10,0,20180902-230734_103_live 21,Best of luck! ,10,1,20180902-230734_103_live 0,Hello! How are you?,0,0,20180902-220100_244_live 1,Im very good how are you doing today?,0,1,20180902-220100_244_live 2,I'm good thank you! So according to this I'm supposed to tell you a bit about the Save the Children organization. Have you heard of it before?,1,0,20180902-220100_244_live 3,No i would be interested in learning,1,1,20180902-220100_244_live 4,"So I just looked it up and they do a lot of work for children around the world. They do some work in and out of USA to give kids access to health care, education, and shelter.",2,0,20180902-220100_244_live 5,Thats very beneficial. Especially for third world country that have limited resources,2,1,20180902-220100_244_live 6,Definitely! They do a lot of work with emergency response stuff too which is pretty cool.,3,0,20180902-220100_244_live 7,If we can donate alot to these organizations alot can be accomplished in the world.,3,1,20180902-220100_244_live 8,Yes definitely. It doesn't even take much. A couple cents could really help these kids!,4,0,20180902-220100_244_live 9,definitely. The more the merrier however anything as little as 10 cents can make a huge impact,4,1,20180902-220100_244_live 10,Oh yeah. That and they're pretty transparent which is good. It's not all given to the filthy rich CEO.,5,0,20180902-220100_244_live 11,If we can get a group of Investors this organization can reach a larger spectrum,5,1,20180902-220100_244_live 12,I've never even heard of it before today which is pretty sad.,6,0,20180902-220100_244_live 13,Yeah that means they need to develop a good marketing strategy to attract more attention,6,1,20180902-220100_244_live 14,"Hmmm, I wonder if this is what that is? ",7,0,20180902-220100_244_live 15,"Yea they should hire a specialist that can go into social media like Facebook, Instagram, and other sites to build a presence",7,1,20180902-220100_244_live 16,That's so true! So I guess now is the part where I ask if you'd like to donate any of your compensation to them?,8,0,20180902-220100_244_live 17,Sure I like their mission and believe it can help a long way to help others,8,1,20180902-220100_244_live 18,Yay! How much would you like to donate?,9,0,20180902-220100_244_live 19,I would love to donate $.50 cents,9,1,20180902-220100_244_live 20,"Sounds good, thank you! Have a good night!",10,0,20180902-220100_244_live 0,"Hi, how are you today? I have a question for you, how interested are you in helping children in need?",0,0,20180902-224713_959_live 1,"Hi! I'm doing great, and yourself? I am very interested.",0,1,20180902-224713_959_live 2,Im doing great too. A lot better than the children I speak of that are suffering in developing countries. Have you ever heard of the organization Save the Children?,1,0,20180902-224713_959_live 3,"No, I haven't. What is the organization about?",1,1,20180902-224713_959_live 4,"Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",2,0,20180902-224713_959_live 5,That sounds really interesting. What countries does Save the Children operate in?,2,1,20180902-224713_959_live 6,"It operates out of the United States, it actually helps children in the US and developing countries such as Ethiopia, Indonesia, Vietnam, and many more. Just a small amount, pennies, would make a huge difference to these kids.",3,0,20180902-224713_959_live 7,"I had no idea it operated outside of the United States. I understand how a donation, no matter how small would help this children. Do you know where the money goes towards to? ",3,1,20180902-224713_959_live 8,It would go into a general fund and the organization would put the money where it is most needed. Are you willing to make a small donation between fifty cents to two dollars that you would gain from this task to go toward this Charity? ,4,0,20180902-224713_959_live 9,"I would be more than willing to give a donation. Before I do that, I would like to know how the organization handles the money. I have no doubt its a trustworthy organization, I just want to know how it helps the children.",4,1,20180902-224713_959_live 10,"The money goes towards their healthcare, their education, what tugs on my heart strings the most is that it also goes towards protecting the children from abuse and neglect, exploitation and violence. Of course it also helps feed needy children and goes towards emergency care for any type of natural disasters or other emergencies.",5,0,20180902-224713_959_live 11,It does sound like the organization is helping improve and save children's lives,5,1,20180902-224713_959_live 12,"It is! Imagine if we convinced our friends and family to donate a small amount as well, people like you and I could actually make a difference in the world.",6,0,20180902-224713_959_live 13,Yes! So many children around the world could have better an improved lives. Why is this organization not well known?,6,1,20180902-224713_959_live 14,I have heard of it before but not extensively. I learned a lot about them through their website URL How much would you like to donate? The research team will collect all donations and send it to Save the Children.,7,0,20180902-224713_959_live 15,Thanks for sending me the website! I will check it out. I would like to donate .50.,7,1,20180902-224713_959_live 16,"You are a wonderful person, thank you for showing love to children in need.",8,0,20180902-224713_959_live 17,I really wish I could donate more. Maybe one day when I have enough income I will. ,8,1,20180902-224713_959_live 18,"I am in the same boat, but every penny counts and weather it is .50 cents or 500 you are making a difference. Thank you and have a wonderful day.",9,0,20180902-224713_959_live 19,Thank you for all the information. Hope you also have a wonderful day. ,9,1,20180902-224713_959_live 0,Hello there and how are you doing today? ,0,0,20180902-222301_80_live 1,"Hi! I am doing well, thank you. And you?",0,1,20180902-222301_80_live 2,"I'm doing well. Thank you for asking. I have a question for you on this fine evening. How do you feel about the children's charity, Save the Children?",1,0,20180902-222301_80_live 3,"I don't know a lot about it, but from what I do know, they seem like a generous organization. ",1,1,20180902-222301_80_live 4,I have been thinking of donating to this charity recently. Have you ever thought of donating?,2,0,20180902-222301_80_live 5,"I have, yes. ",2,1,20180902-222301_80_live 6,What kind of organizations do you see yourself donating to?,3,0,20180902-222301_80_live 7,I donate to St Jude every year. I have a special place in my heart for children's organizations. ,3,1,20180902-222301_80_live 8,"Yes St Jude's is a very nice organzation. I remember as a kid growing up, my catholic grammar school would always raise money for them. Save the Children is just like St Jude's as well as they go all over the world to help a lot of children in need. ",4,0,20180902-222301_80_live 9,That's really awesome they help children all over the world. Do they provide medical assistance as St Jude's does,4,1,20180902-222301_80_live 10,Yes they do. Save the Children gives a lot of medical assistance to children all over the world. They are responisble for giving many poor children vaccines. A lot of children around the world often don't have the vaccines that richer countries have to fight off preventable diseases.,5,0,20180902-222301_80_live 11,I've heard they play a big part in education around the world too. Do they assist children here in the US as well?,5,1,20180902-222301_80_live 12,Yes they do. Unfortunately there is a lot of poor children in the USA that aren't getting the right resources and Save the Children is doing the best they can to help them out just like St Judes/,6,0,20180902-222301_80_live 13,Very good to hear. How much of the donations actually go directly to the kids? Unfortunately not all organizations use the majority of their donations to directly fund programs. ,6,1,20180902-222301_80_live 14,That is true but a lot of the money from Save the Children goes to help out the kids. A lot of people needed to be helped and millions have been helped by Save The Children,7,0,20180902-222301_80_live 15,Glad they are a trustworthy organization. I see myself donating to them in the future.,7,1,20180902-222301_80_live 16,Yes they are a very reliable organization that has been around for a long time. Millions have truly been helped by them. How much do you like to donate to the charity now? You can donate some of your HIT reward towards them.,8,0,20180902-222301_80_live 17,Very cool! I can donate some of the money from the HIT today. Can I donate 30 cents?,8,1,20180902-222301_80_live 18,You can definitely donate that amount.,9,0,20180902-222301_80_live 19,Great. Thanks for telling me about the charity. Have a good night!,9,1,20180902-222301_80_live 0,"Good morning, how are you this Sunday morning?",0,0,20180902-065004_63_live 1,I am great and you?,0,1,20180902-065004_63_live 2,everything is fine here,1,0,20180902-065004_63_live 3,Good to hear!,1,1,20180902-065004_63_live 4,Have you heard about the Save the Children charity?,2,0,20180902-065004_63_live 5,"I have not, could you give me a little more info?",2,1,20180902-065004_63_live 6,They really try to help children that are in trouble. Some details can be found here... URL s/about-us/why-save-the-children,3,0,20180902-065004_63_live 7,That sounds like a great organization. Do you work with them?,3,1,20180902-065004_63_live 8,"No, but I plan on donating some of my earnings from this task to them.",4,0,20180902-065004_63_live 9,You are so generous! I am sure they will appreciate that. ,4,1,20180902-065004_63_live 10,I plan on giving $1. Will you please consider doing the same?,5,0,20180902-065004_63_live 11,I would be more than happy to donate .75!,5,1,20180902-065004_63_live 12,That's fine. Every donation helps.,6,0,20180902-065004_63_live 13,I hope so. ,6,1,20180902-065004_63_live 14,"It will, the $1.75 we'll be giving will be enough to make a difference for a few children.",7,0,20180902-065004_63_live 15,I appreciate you telling me about this organization.,7,1,20180902-065004_63_live 16,"no problem, thanks again for helping",8,0,20180902-065004_63_live 17,"No problem, it was my pleasure.",8,1,20180902-065004_63_live 18,"ok, have a nice holiday.",9,0,20180902-065004_63_live 19,"Thank you, you too!",9,1,20180902-065004_63_live 0,Have you heard of Save the Children charity?,0,0,20180902-222850_306_live 1,"I haven't, please tell me more.",0,1,20180902-222850_306_live 2,"They specialize only in children's needs, they provide hot breakfasts, lunches, all manner of school supplies, clothing and shoes. They do this in the United States and some overseas countries where the need is tremendous.",1,0,20180902-222850_306_live 3,That sounds like a great charity. One that does much needed work for children in this world. ,1,1,20180902-222850_306_live 4,"It does. I remember years ago going to a presentation for thi cha4ity, it broke my heart",2,0,20180902-222850_306_live 5,"Do you donate to this charity? I would like to as well, but feel now is not the best time for me financially.",2,1,20180902-222850_306_live 6,"I did years ago. Now I contribute to my local cat rescue group and we have a shelter dog group too. As you can probably tell, I love animals",3,0,20180902-222850_306_live 7,I had no idea actually. Good for you. I appreciate your commitment and donations.,3,1,20180902-222850_306_live 8,"It makes me feel that I am helping a little bit, if I won the lottery, I would adopt all of them and buy a farm.",4,0,20180902-222850_306_live 9,That seems like a lofty goal. I will keep Save the Children foundation in mind once I start doing better in my financial management skills.,4,1,20180902-222850_306_live 10,You know that even .25 could go a long way. With a group of folks just giving that much would add up. And such a small amount probably wouldn't hurt the pocketbook too badly.,5,0,20180902-222850_306_live 11,"I would have to give $0 right now. I agree with that mentality though, we can accomplish much with little. I hope to play my part in the future in this.",5,1,20180902-222850_306_live 12,Well that's good that you will keep save the children in your thoughts for a later time.,6,0,20180902-222850_306_live 13,"Yes, I will and have you to thank for that. Also you make me positive about giving what I can when the time comes and it mattering to that cause.",6,1,20180902-222850_306_live 14,"You're right and it makes me feel so good inside when I think I can contribute someway, even if it's a little. That warm fuzzy feeling. Lol",7,0,20180902-222850_306_live 15,"Yep. Do you have any dogs from that rescue group? If so, how many and their names?",7,1,20180902-222850_306_live 16,"Yes, I have Dude, he is a black lab, I have Popeye who is a little corgi mix. They are the best dogs I have ever had. Do you have pets?",8,0,20180902-222850_306_live 17,"I have one dog, Sasha we adopted 10 years ago from a dog pound. She is great and we love her a lot. Thank you for the great conversation and have a great night.",8,1,20180902-222850_306_live 18,"That is great, love to hear when our fur babies get good homes. Nice to talk to you too and remember save the children.",9,0,20180902-222850_306_live 19,"I will, thanks!",9,1,20180902-222850_306_live 0,"Hello, how are you this evening/morning?",0,0,20180902-225626_63_live 1,"I am good thanks, how are you?",0,1,20180902-225626_63_live 2,"I am good, have you ever heard about the organization ""Save the Children""?",1,0,20180902-225626_63_live 3,Yes but I do not know that much about it,1,1,20180902-225626_63_live 4,Its an international non-government org that is focused on children's rights. It promotes relief and support for children in developing countries. Have you ever donated to a charity? ,2,0,20180902-225626_63_live 5,Yes I have made donations to help sick children,2,1,20180902-225626_63_live 6,"That is really wonderful. I believe donating is important for us to do no matter the amount. This organization helps sick children all around the world, especially those in war zones like Syria/Africa. Do you help sick children outside your home country?",3,0,20180902-225626_63_live 7,I have helped children outside my country in the past. I believe donations of any amount help make a difference ,3,1,20180902-225626_63_live 8,You sound like a very generous person. I have personal history as my husband was a refugee as a child. We have a blended family. It just makes me sad that children have to suffer no matter where they are. Save the children is a great organization. Would you consider a donation to them?,4,0,20180902-225626_63_live 9,Yes I agree and I would consider a donation to them,4,1,20180902-225626_63_live 10,"That is really great, this organization also helps with children's rights to health, education, safety, and much more. Your donation would make a tangible impact no matter the amount. ",5,0,20180902-225626_63_live 11,At this time I would like to donate $2.00,5,1,20180902-225626_63_live 12,"That would be wonderful, are you interested in their website?",6,0,20180902-225626_63_live 13,Yes that would be great,6,1,20180902-225626_63_live 14,Here is their website: URL ,7,0,20180902-225626_63_live 15,Ok I will check it out now thank you have a good night,7,1,20180902-225626_63_live 16,"Before you go please a few more questions, just to clarify you are willing to donate $2 of your bonus to this organization?",8,0,20180902-225626_63_live 17,Yes I am,8,1,20180902-225626_63_live 18,Thank you for your donation. Please be ensured that the researcher will collect all donations and send it directly to the organization.,9,0,20180902-225626_63_live 19,Ok thank you for your help and information ,9,1,20180902-225626_63_live 20,"Thank you have a wonderful day, it was nice to chat with you.",10,0,20180902-225626_63_live 21,You as well,10,1,20180902-225626_63_live 0,"Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",0,0,20180902-084742_394_live 1,"Hello. I've heard of this charity before, but don't know much about it.",0,1,20180902-084742_394_live 2,"Donations all hel child recive good healthcare, educationa dn safety",1,0,20180902-084742_394_live 3,Those are all admirable objectives.,1,1,20180902-084742_394_live 4,Every donation can help individual children and families. It is a good and trustable charity,2,0,20180902-084742_394_live 5,"Do you mean ""trustworthy""? How do you know that?",2,1,20180902-084742_394_live 6,"Save the Children's ratings rank high among other nonprofit organizations. Charity watchers, prestigious publishers, consumer advocates and others agree about their reputation",3,0,20180902-084742_394_live 7,"Oh, good answer. I usually use Charity Navigator to vet charities before I make a donation.",3,1,20180902-084742_394_live 8,A donation would be very helpful fr these children. even a small amount can help. ,4,0,20180902-084742_394_live 9,"Oh, I see on Charity Navigator that Save the Children gets a rating of 3 out of 5 stars.",4,1,20180902-084742_394_live 10,in 2017 155 million children were helped,5,0,20180902-084742_394_live 11,"Sounds like a good charity, and it spends about 88% of it's fundraising on it's programs. I'll think about it.",5,1,20180902-084742_394_live 12,That is a very kind gesture.your donation you can save lives and deliver life-changing support,6,0,20180902-084742_394_live 13,Our family already makes several charitable donations on a monthly basis.,6,1,20180902-084742_394_live 14,Well i do ask for at least a small doation to Save the Children.,7,0,20180902-084742_394_live 15,"Only problem is that if I donate to this charity, that takes away from what I would donate to another charity I already support.",7,1,20180902-084742_394_live 16,Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment. it would be taken right from this task,8,0,20180902-084742_394_live 17,"Yes, that's true. It would be a painless way to make a donation.",8,1,20180902-084742_394_live 18,would you please consider making a small donation now?,9,0,20180902-084742_394_live 19,"Ok, I'll make a donation of $0.20 (twenty cents). That's 10% of my earnings.",9,1,20180902-084742_394_live 20,Thank you. Your 0.20 cent donation is very much appreciated.,10,0,20180902-084742_394_live 0,Hello. How are you?,0,0,20180902-022448_481_live 1,I am good thanks for asking. ,0,1,20180902-022448_481_live 2,Do you donate a lot?,1,0,20180902-022448_481_live 3,I have not donated in the past but there are organizations I have considered donating to.,1,1,20180902-022448_481_live 4,"I'm a little surprised you've never donated before, can I ask why not?",2,0,20180902-022448_481_live 5,Something always seems to come up and I need to pay for something. Usually something involving the house. ,2,1,20180902-022448_481_live 6,"Gotcha, I understand those neccessary purchases too well.",3,0,20180902-022448_481_live 7,"Yes, if I had more expendable income I would absolutely donate. ",3,1,20180902-022448_481_live 8,"Understandable, of course, although we do get good pay out of this task that we can donate.",4,0,20180902-022448_481_live 9,That is true. That makes it easier. ,4,1,20180902-022448_481_live 10,Have you heard of Save the Children?,5,0,20180902-022448_481_live 11,I have heard the name. ,5,1,20180902-022448_481_live 12,"It's a great charity I've considered donating some of my payment too, if you want to do the same.",6,0,20180902-022448_481_live 13,How do they help?,6,1,20180902-022448_481_live 14,"What do you mean, like how does the charity help children?",7,0,20180902-022448_481_live 15,"Yes, how do they help with children? What does the organization do?",7,1,20180902-022448_481_live 16,"They provide relief for kids and they help underprivileged kids with things they need, such as water, first aid, etc. ",8,0,20180902-022448_481_live 17,Is this all over the country?,8,1,20180902-022448_481_live 18,"I believe so, it extends to other countries as well.",9,0,20180902-022448_481_live 19,It sounds like a good charity. ,9,1,20180902-022448_481_live 0,Hey how are you doing,0,0,20180902-215438_58_live 1,"Hi, I am doing well.",0,1,20180902-215438_58_live 2,"Good to hear, do anything special over the weekend",1,0,20180902-215438_58_live 3,"Not really, just gym and some brief grocery shopping. Just a very typical weekend for me.",1,1,20180902-215438_58_live 4,"Cool, it's just been a relaxing weekend for me. Have you donated to any charities this year",2,0,20180902-215438_58_live 5,Yes. I donated to the RAICES charity for the immigrants separated from their children.,2,1,20180902-215438_58_live 6,sorry my tablet just disconnected for a minute. Are you aware of what is going on in Syria?,3,0,20180902-215438_58_live 7,"Oh yes, I hear about it and read about it on a regular basis.",3,1,20180902-215438_58_live 8,Ok so you know that their is a lot of children in danger in those war torn areas.,4,0,20180902-215438_58_live 9,"Yes, it's heartbreaking to hear about.",4,1,20180902-215438_58_live 10,It really is! There is a charity that is focusing on helping children in these areas like Syria and they are known as Save the Children Foundation.,5,0,20180902-215438_58_live 11,I have heard of them.,5,1,20180902-215438_58_live 12,You and I have the chance to help them out by using some or all of the money we make from this task. Are you willing to donate a certain amount?,6,0,20180902-215438_58_live 13,I would prefer to donate my money to UNICEF.,6,1,20180902-215438_58_live 14,"UNICEF is a great charity as well, but our donations should be focused on Save the Children if that is okay. I mean UNICEF is very well known and they do great work but right now there is trouble for these children. For instance, millions of Syrian children have grown up facing the daily threat of violence. In the first two months of 2018 alone, 1,000 children were reportedly killed or injured in intensifying violence.",7,0,20180902-215438_58_live 15,I don't quite see the difference between the two. Save the Children has had some issues as of late.,7,1,20180902-215438_58_live 16,What issues would those be?,8,0,20180902-215438_58_live 17,Please visit their Wikipedia page and click on controversies.,8,1,20180902-215438_58_live 18,Is Wikipedia a trusted source?,9,0,20180902-215438_58_live 19,It provides sources to other sites based on the page.,9,1,20180902-215438_58_live 20,Wikipedia is written by average joes. How much would you like to donate. It is okay if you decline. If you agree to donate to Save the Children I will match your donation as well.,10,0,20180902-215438_58_live 21,"That is a fair point, but I think a Google search will also lead to issues. Not to say UNICEF is totally problem free, but it's not a like typical charity a la Save the Children. I would not like to donate at this time, but thank you.",10,1,20180902-215438_58_live 22,Okay have a good night,11,0,20180902-215438_58_live 23,You as well.,11,1,20180902-215438_58_live 0,Hello! Hope you are doing good today. I want to talk with you about Save the Children if that's okay,0,0,20180902-230929_507_live 1,"yes , sure ",0,1,20180902-230929_507_live 2,"Save the Children is a charity that works with refugee children around the world, Today the researchers are setting it up so we can send part of our earnings from the task to the charity. Is that something that you would be interested in? i can give you more information about what they do",1,0,20180902-230929_507_live 3,"yes , i love children , and i care about them ",1,1,20180902-230929_507_live 4,Awesome! right now The donations are going to Rohingya Refugees. ,2,0,20180902-230929_507_live 5,what state ??,2,1,20180902-230929_507_live 6,Rohingya is actually part of Tibet. But the charity is also helping families in Southeast USA with the aftermath of hurricane harvey,3,0,20180902-230929_507_live 7,oh great ,3,1,20180902-230929_507_live 8,"They are surely doing a lot! How much would you like to donate to the charity? The donation will be directly deducted from your task payment, and you can choose any amount up to the full payment of $2?",4,0,20180902-230929_507_live 9,"i just start this job 4 days ago , so i just have 0,92 c in my account ",4,1,20180902-230929_507_live 10,"Don't worry, it's not related to your earnings from previous tasks! this would just be donating part of the payment you would be receiving for this task!",5,0,20180902-230929_507_live 11,"ok , i want donate 0.19 $ from this task ",5,1,20180902-230929_507_live 12,thank you for donating! do you have any other questions about Save the Children?,6,0,20180902-230929_507_live 13,no thank you so much for all the informations ,6,1,20180902-230929_507_live 14,Of course! Always happy to help. Are you sure you wouldn't like to donate a round number today? The payment is upto $2.00 and donating $0.19 will give you an odd penny,7,0,20180902-230929_507_live 15,"yes im sure , thank you ",7,1,20180902-230929_507_live 16,So to confirm you would like to donate $0.19 from your payment today ? With Your donation being directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment ($2). Sorry to be so repetitive i just want to make sure i have everything clear and in the right verbage. thank you,8,0,20180902-230929_507_live 17,i choose 2 $,8,1,20180902-230929_507_live 18,Thank you for your increased donation! the children will really appreciate it. ,9,0,20180902-230929_507_live 19,how much is the payement for this task,9,1,20180902-230929_507_live 0,Hi How are you today? I have a question. Do you love helping children that are in need? ,0,0,20180902-221023_518_live 1,"Hi, I am good, and yes, I do like helping children in need.",0,1,20180902-221023_518_live 2,Have you ever heard of the Charity organization called Save the Children? Would you like to hear more about it?,1,0,20180902-221023_518_live 3,"I have heard of the charity, I wouldn't mind hearing more about it.",1,1,20180902-221023_518_live 4,"Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps children in developing countries. Isnt it heartbreaking to see how children in developing countries suffer compared to those here in the U.S.",2,0,20180902-221023_518_live 5,It is sad that children suffer in other parts of the world.,2,1,20180902-221023_518_live 6,"At least their is a charitable organization that advocates for these children. Unfortunately, not enough people donate this cause. ",3,0,20180902-221023_518_live 7,It is good that there are charities to address important causes.,3,1,20180902-221023_518_live 8,"Yes, there is I plan on donating to this cause. It is true that every cent helps, even if it is just pennies.",4,0,20180902-221023_518_live 9,I agree that every little bit helps.,4,1,20180902-221023_518_live 10,If every person in the US gave just a penny it would make a husge difference. Unfortunately that is unrealistic.,5,0,20180902-221023_518_live 11,"Yes, it would be hard to get everyone to donate, even if it was just a penny.",5,1,20180902-221023_518_live 12,What about yourself? Would you be willing to donate a small amount to this charity?,6,0,20180902-221023_518_live 13,"Yes, I would be willing to donate a small amount to the charity.",6,1,20180902-221023_518_live 14,Would you be willing to donate fifty cent of your profit from this task if it was guaranteed to go to Save the Children?,7,0,20180902-221023_518_live 15,"Yes, I would donate fifty cents from this task if it was guaranteed to go to Save the Children.",7,1,20180902-221023_518_live 16,Thank you that is wonderful! The research team will collect all the donations and send it to Save the Children. You can donate up to $2 if you like. If you are willing to donate more than .50 cents how much are you will to donate?,8,0,20180902-221023_518_live 17,I am willing to donate just the fifty cents.,8,1,20180902-221023_518_live 18,"Thank you, that fifty cents may not be much to you and I, but it will make a huge difference in the lives of these children.",9,0,20180902-221023_518_live 19,"Thank you, I agree every little bit helps!",9,1,20180902-221023_518_live 0,"Hello there, how are you doing today?",0,0,20180902-220444_227_live 1,"Hello, great and you?",0,1,20180902-220444_227_live 2,"Very good. I've been hearing about this charity called Save the Children, and I'm consistently amazed at what wonderful work they do.",1,0,20180902-220444_227_live 3,"Yeah? well, tell me more about the charity",1,1,20180902-220444_227_live 4,"Save the children is a Non-governmental organization, meaning it's independent. It promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",2,0,20180902-220444_227_live 5,What kind of countries? and What types of actions you make for the childrens?,2,1,20180902-220444_227_live 6,"Developing countries are places where the government isn't as strong, and many people live in poverty, so lots of things go unchecked that would be taken care of in more developed countries. It's important to have an independent organization look out for kids in those countries. Children are routinely treated in ways that are very bad in developing countries.",3,0,20180902-220444_227_live 7,"that sounds terrible, and how you help them been in other country?",3,1,20180902-220444_227_live 8,"We give them medical checkups. Many children in those countries have no routine access to healthcare, so they suffer from diseases like vitamin deficiency. We also help shine the light on abuse to help get them out of abusive situations.",4,0,20180902-220444_227_live 9,"That sounds very good, I've a friend that is from a foreign country and they're in a bad situation in that place, so I think it's very important to help them in anyway we can",4,1,20180902-220444_227_live 10,Yes. Recently Save the Children helped rescue a child who was dying from hunger in one such country. They also helped relocate many children who were orphaned by Syrian Civil War. Many tragic things happen but Save the Children helps children when no one else seems to care or be capable.,5,0,20180902-220444_227_live 11,"Save the Children sounds amazing, so, please let me know, it's there anyway one can contribute or participate for the cause?",5,1,20180902-220444_227_live 12,"Yes, you can. I donated as much as I possibly could and Save the Children told me that I helped save the lives of several children by giving them food and medical care. It really warmed my heart! I'd donate everything I had to them if I could.",6,0,20180902-220444_227_live 13,"That sounds amazing, and they've some webpage or some kind of way that you can see all the process that they made to help the children? I really want to know about the project in general",6,1,20180902-220444_227_live 14,"Yes, their website is URL Read through it and be sure to donate the maximum amount! The more kids saved the better!",7,0,20180902-220444_227_live 15,"Alright! Sure would do, thank you so much for all the information, you're a great person!",7,1,20180902-220444_227_live 16,Your welcome! Also I think you'll like to hear that Save the Children was named as one of the ten most accountable charities in a recent study. They don't waste much on overhead. The head of the charity drives a 15 year old car!,8,0,20180902-220444_227_live 17,"Well, that says a lot about the people behind the charity! The webpage looks very good and legit too",8,1,20180902-220444_227_live 18,"Yes, it's pretty legit. I'd say it's one of the most legit charities out there. They regularly make sure that the whole organization is audited. You can see where all the money goes in their reports. A lot of time and effort is spent in the third world countries and so every dollar you spend goes a long way.",9,0,20180902-220444_227_live 19,"That's exactly what I want to hear! that's it's my major concern with charities in general, to be honest, so tell me, it's something I can donated here right now?",9,1,20180902-220444_227_live 20,"Yes, you can donate the maximum amount immediately.",10,0,20180902-220444_227_live 21,"Sorry, but right now I can't, let me organized my money and then I would go to the page",10,1,20180902-220444_227_live 22,"Okay, when you get it all together you can donate your task payment between $0 and $2.",11,0,20180902-220444_227_live 0,hi there!,0,0,20180902-222227_892_live 1,Hello. How you doin,0,1,20180902-222227_892_live 2,"pretty good. It looks like this chat is supposed to be to learn more about ""Save the Children"". Have you ever heard of it?",1,0,20180902-222227_892_live 3,Yes I am aware of that charity,1,1,20180902-222227_892_live 4,It seems vaguely familiar but I never paid attention specifically. Have you ever donated to them?,2,0,20180902-222227_892_live 5,I have not but I have to some others recently,2,1,20180902-222227_892_live 6,"Do you feel that Save the Children is a good charity to give to? From what I'm reading, it sounds like a great cause",3,0,20180902-222227_892_live 7,I know a little can you maybe provide some info for me?,3,1,20180902-222227_892_live 8,"It seems to be international, and supports children in developing countries. It's apparently very influential in war zones like Syria",4,0,20180902-222227_892_live 9,Oh wow that is good to know. I know Syria is a mess recently,4,1,20180902-222227_892_live 10,"Absolutely. It says on their site that in the first two months of this year alone, 1000 children were killed or injured there",5,0,20180902-222227_892_live 11,Ugh that is rough.. Nobody deserves that in this world,5,1,20180902-222227_892_live 12,"I can't imagine what that's like for the parents. As a mom myself, I'm thinking about donating my earnings from this task to them",6,0,20180902-222227_892_live 13,That sounds like a good idea so what amount is the max i can donate?,6,1,20180902-222227_892_live 14,"From what I can tell, we can donate anywhere from 0 to $2 (the full payment). Then through the official Save the Children website, I'm sure there's no max (and there'd be a tax deduction)",7,0,20180902-222227_892_live 15,Ok good to know. Thank you very much forthat info you have been very helpful! I will donate all of $2 then :),7,1,20180902-222227_892_live 16,How often do you donate to things like this? ,8,0,20180902-222227_892_live 17,There are always things in my community that I attend and donate as much as I can and donate my time as well at the local Salvation Army.,8,1,20180902-222227_892_live 18,"I usually give to animal charities like the local no-kill shelter, but it's always interesting to learn about new places to make an impact. Do you feel that you donate more in terms of money, or in terms of volunteering your time?",9,0,20180902-222227_892_live 19,More money but I enjoy giving the time,9,1,20180902-222227_892_live 20,"I'm usually pretty busy so try to donate a little here and there. Anyway, glad to meet you! Have a great rest of your night!",10,0,20180902-222227_892_live 21,Nice to meet you as well have a good one :),10,1,20180902-222227_892_live 0,Hello,0,0,20180902-220705_493_live 1,hai,0,1,20180902-220705_493_live 2,How are you today?,1,0,20180902-220705_493_live 3,today is very pleasant for me,1,1,20180902-220705_493_live 4,Glad to hear that!,2,0,20180902-220705_493_live 5,"thank you so much, and what about you?",2,1,20180902-220705_493_live 6,"I'm fine, thank you.",3,0,20180902-220705_493_live 7,how is your work?,3,1,20180902-220705_493_live 8,It is fine. ,4,0,20180902-220705_493_live 9,its very nice to talk to you,4,1,20180902-220705_493_live 10,"Would you like to donate to the charity Save the Children? They help kids all around the world with food, shelter and other necessities that they are not able to provide for themselves.",5,0,20180902-220705_493_live 11,definitely. i will donate myself as $2,5,1,20180902-220705_493_live 12,That's great! I'm sure they will appreciate it very much! You are very generous.,6,0,20180902-220705_493_live 13,"thank you so much, its my pleasure.",6,1,20180902-220705_493_live 14,I hope you have a great evening.,7,0,20180902-220705_493_live 15,thank you. you too...,7,1,20180902-220705_493_live 16,I am going to leave now.,8,0,20180902-220705_493_live 17,"ok, again nice talking to you, go ahead",8,1,20180902-220705_493_live 18,How do we make this end?,9,0,20180902-220705_493_live 19,i don't know how to end,9,1,20180902-220705_493_live 0,Hello! I need you to make a donation for us to work this out.,0,0,20180902-215344_542_live 1,hello. What do we need to work out and what would this donation be for?,0,1,20180902-215344_542_live 2,"We have to make sure we get a bonus by donating the $2. It's for Save the Children, and actually my family and I have experience with them. They're one of the more reputable charities luckily. But for this to work, I really need you to donate both dollars.",1,0,20180902-215344_542_live 3,I can not donate until 10 chat turns. how do you have experience with them?,1,1,20180902-215344_542_live 4,My family has been involved with charities due to our business. We make regular donations and Save the Children actually has done the most with what we've given them.,2,0,20180902-215344_542_live 5,What is your families business and what do you enjoy most of the Save the Children charity?,2,1,20180902-215344_542_live 6,We own furniture stores on the west coast. We just love that they're so transparent with their spending and they give us concrete examples of why our past donations have helped them.,3,0,20180902-215344_542_live 7,could you name a couple of examples please?,3,1,20180902-215344_542_live 8,"Well, the examples they provided were specifically showing us what parts of their charity the money was going towards, and what those parts did. Essentially a lot of it was relief for the poor, in the form of shelter, clothing and food.",4,0,20180902-215344_542_live 9,"Glad to see it goes to shelter, clothing, and food. What would benefit me towards donating my $2 to the Save the Children fund?",4,1,20180902-215344_542_live 10,"I can't give you too many details, but trust me, donating the entire 2 would GREATLY benefit you. Not to mention the satisfaction of helping a charity that actually does good work.",5,0,20180902-215344_542_live 11,I do like the satisfaction of doing good work for and towards others.,5,1,20180902-215344_542_live 12,"That's fantastic, so do I. Small amounts actually do go far. A couple bucks and it's a few meals for someone. It's mind blowing.",6,0,20180902-215344_542_live 13,sound good. You do make a point. I am interested to help.,6,1,20180902-215344_542_live 14,"Thanks! Then definitely donate the full two. You'll be really happy you did, trust me.",7,0,20180902-215344_542_live 15,I trust you. I will donate the $2 towards the Save the Children fund.,7,1,20180902-215344_542_live 16,"Awesome, you'll be happy you did :)",8,0,20180902-215344_542_live 17,I am glad to help. Thank you for the information you provided.,8,1,20180902-215344_542_live 18,"Thank you too, have a good night!",9,0,20180902-215344_542_live 19,thank you. you too. goodnight!,9,1,20180902-215344_542_live 0,Hello,0,0,20180902-040108_507_live 1,Hello.,0,1,20180902-040108_507_live 2,"I'm up early this morning, working for my favorite charity.",1,0,20180902-040108_507_live 3,Please tell me about the charity you work for.,1,1,20180902-040108_507_live 4,It's called Save the Children. Are you familiar with their work?,2,0,20180902-040108_507_live 5,I've heard of the name but don't know much about them. Can you please elaborate on some of the things they do.,2,1,20180902-040108_507_live 6,"They are amazing! They have been around for decades. They work for children's rights to health, education, and safety, especially in poor and developing countries. Children can be terribly exploited for labor and worse.",3,0,20180902-040108_507_live 7,You mentioned they do work in developing countries. How many places do they operate in?,3,1,20180902-040108_507_live 8,They actually work in 120 countries! They are currently helping up to 157 million chidlren!,4,0,20180902-040108_507_live 9,Can you give me some examples of the work they do?,4,1,20180902-040108_507_live 10,"Well for instance, they tackle malnutrition. That's a huge focus of their work. It is stunning how many children have nothing to eat and it actually takes just pennies a day to feed them. ",5,0,20180902-040108_507_live 11,It is very sad that children have to suffer at all. Is there a minimum for a donation?,5,1,20180902-040108_507_live 12,"There is actually no minimum.The great thing is, you can choose to donate up to $2 right now if you would like to do so. ",6,0,20180902-040108_507_live 13,How does the donation process work?,6,1,20180902-040108_507_live 14,"The research team tallies what participants would like to contribute from their task today. You can indicate you would like to donate your payment for this conversation, and the research team handles it from there. ",7,0,20180902-040108_507_live 15,That seems rather simple. I'll give it some thought. But first do they do anything to help children in non developing countries like the United States or Canada?,7,1,20180902-040108_507_live 16,"Yes, they actually do. For example, there are more than 14 million kids in the US growing up in poverty. It's actually 1 in 4 kids in rural America. They run education, protection, and emergency programs to help those kids right here at home. ",8,0,20180902-040108_507_live 17,That is good to hear. Sometimes people tend to forget that we also have issues like that even if we can't see them all the time.,8,1,20180902-040108_507_live 18,"Agree! There are kids in desperate need everywhere. So would you like to commit to donate your payment for just this one task today, up to $2 if there is a bonus? ",9,0,20180902-040108_507_live 19,Yeah I think I will donate. After all every little bit helps. Is there any way to know how my donation is being used after I donate?,9,1,20180902-040108_507_live 20,"You can communicate with the research team, perhaps try to specify! Thanks so much!!",10,0,20180902-040108_507_live 0,Hey There,0,0,20180824-122531_924_live 1,"Hello, how are you today? Have you come to talk about the charity?",0,1,20180824-122531_924_live 2,Yes I'm here to talk about an organization called Save The Children. It's a charity you should donate to,1,0,20180824-122531_924_live 3,"Well, why exactly should I donate? There's a lot of charities out there, what makes yours special?",1,1,20180824-122531_924_live 4,"Let me ask you this, do you have children?",2,0,20180824-122531_924_live 5,"Yes, I have one child. He's four.",2,1,20180824-122531_924_live 6,"Perfect. Now I want you to imagine how your child's life would be if he was alone, bouncing from foster home to foster home. Imagine him with no strong mentor or leader in his life. How does that make you feel?",3,0,20180824-122531_924_live 7,"I would suppose that it would be a rough life, but even if I did want to donate to a children's charity specifically, why would I choose yours out of all of them?",3,1,20180824-122531_924_live 8,You should pick my charity because we pride ourselves on transparency. If you were to give me $0.50 today I could tell you exactly where all the money was to go. You want to know where? It's going straight into a college fund for a foster child. ,4,0,20180824-122531_924_live 9,"If I did decide to donate to you, what would the average donation be? ",4,1,20180824-122531_924_live 10,The average donation is 25 cents to 50 cents. Anything helps,5,0,20180824-122531_924_live 11,"Well, I think I would like to send a donation, but first I still want to know a little bit more. Does every single penny go towards the foster children or does the donation company keep a percentage of the profits?",5,1,20180824-122531_924_live 12,"For all of our donations from individuals, 100% of the proceeds go to the child. The charity runs from larger donations from corporations. ",6,0,20180824-122531_924_live 13,"That's good to hear, I'm feeling more inclined to donate now, but could you first tell me more about who runs the charity operations? or if there's any other uses that this money will go towards outside of college funds?",6,1,20180824-122531_924_live 14,"The charity has a dedicated operations team that has been running the ship for over a decade now. We do take donations for things other than college funds, including: food donations, clothing etc. I just work on the college team",7,0,20180824-122531_924_live 15,"That's fair, well, I guess that it wouldn't hurt to give some money to your charity. How do I go about doing that?",7,1,20180824-122531_924_live 16,"It's pretty easy, the donation can be deducted from your task payment. ",8,0,20180824-122531_924_live 17,"Alright, well, once we've finished up here then I will be sure to do that.",8,1,20180824-122531_924_live 18,"Thank you so much for your donation, it really might not seem like much. But it's going to a great cause, something you can feel good about.",9,0,20180824-122531_924_live 19,"No problem, it is always nice to help out a good cause. ",9,1,20180824-122531_924_live 0,"Hello, would you like to donate to a charity",0,0,20180824-122128_891_live 1,"I would love to, which charity have you donated to?",0,1,20180824-122128_891_live 2,Save the Children,1,0,20180824-122128_891_live 3,That's a good one,1,1,20180824-122128_891_live 4,"Thank you, you may donate as much or as little as you would like",2,0,20180824-122128_891_live 5,What is the average amount that people donate?,2,1,20180824-122128_891_live 6,The average is $50.,3,0,20180824-122128_891_live 7,"That's a good amount, i normally donate around $75",3,1,20180824-122128_891_live 8,That would be great!,4,0,20180824-122128_891_live 9,Is ther a point of contact fore the donation?,4,1,20180824-122128_891_live 10,You may send a check or donate oonline.,5,0,20180824-122128_891_live 11,So do i send a blank check or who do i make it out to?,5,1,20180824-122128_891_live 12,You should make it out to Save the Children.,6,0,20180824-122128_891_live 13,Nice! Any other good charities that i can donate to?,6,1,20180824-122128_891_live 14,That is the only charity I am asking about today. Would you like to know more about it?,7,0,20180824-122128_891_live 15,"Yeah, i would love more information!",7,1,20180824-122128_891_live 16,"Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",8,0,20180824-122128_891_live 17,So just like their commercials say,8,1,20180824-122128_891_live 18,Yes! Your donation will make a tangible impact for the world. ,9,0,20180824-122128_891_live 19,That's great! How about i donate $75 now? Agreed?,9,1,20180824-122128_891_live 0,Hi,0,0,20180824-121457_149_live 1,Hello,0,1,20180824-121457_149_live 2,I'm here to talk about the charity Save the Children. It is an amazing charity and is very efficient with their funding.,1,0,20180824-121457_149_live 3,"I think I have heard of it, but do not know that much about it aside from a general idea that they support children",1,1,20180824-121457_149_live 4,"They are an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps children in developing countries. This is a really great opportunity for you to donate your bonus without having to actually give money out of your pocket. ",2,0,20180824-121457_149_live 5,"If I am giving money out of my bonus, then it is kind of coming out of my pocket",2,1,20180824-121457_149_live 6,"That is one way to look at it. I think that if you were going to donate at any point, this would be an easy way to do it. Or at least a portion of the bonus. Don't you think donating feels good?",3,0,20180824-121457_149_live 7,Donating doesn't feel good or bad for myself. It is a means to support something if I think the cause is worthwhile and I trust the charity to spend the money in a way I agree with,3,1,20180824-121457_149_live 8,"That is true, the money is making a real and tangible difference regardless of how it makes you feel. I think that everyone should give a little bit here and there because it really adds up and the money can increase their quality of life likely more than it could for you.",4,0,20180824-121457_149_live 9,Why would you think that? You really do not know about me or my situation. The fact that we are on here working on surveys may lend to the fact we need money,4,1,20180824-121457_149_live 10,"That is definitely true I can't make any assumptions about you, you could have kids to feed yourself, etc. But all I'm saying is that most of Save the Children's funding goes to third world nations, really terrible places and war-stricken areas. They just want food and water to be happy.",5,0,20180824-121457_149_live 11,"That may be so, and the charity may do good work, I really do not know. That being said, I would rather keep my own money and donate to the charity in my local area as I see fit rather than support someone across the globe ",5,1,20180824-121457_149_live 12,"Fair enough, but please consider donating even a tiny fraction of the bonus. How much do you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment.",6,0,20180824-121457_149_live 13,I will keep my bonus and donate $0,6,1,20180824-121457_149_live 14,Can't blame you for that at all.,7,0,20180824-121457_149_live 15,"Good luck in convincing other's though. While I do not choose to donate, I looked up the charity and it does look to be a decent cause. I just believe in working local first and then worrying about international issues",7,1,20180824-121457_149_live 16,"Makes perfect sense, it is sensible to want to help those you're familiar with. The survey should continue at this point I think.",8,0,20180824-121457_149_live 17,"No idea, I have no button to make it progress. One other idea since I have to wait here anyway. If they really want us to give a portion of our bonus then they should probably offer a bit more of one. As it is we make less than 6 an hour if we keep the full bonus",8,1,20180824-121457_149_live 18,"Yeah that was what I was thinking, the base amount is very low. I think it's waiting for 10 messages each so it should continue now. Have a good day!",9,0,20180824-121457_149_live 19,"Thanks, you do the same",9,1,20180824-121457_149_live 0,hello,0,0,20180824-130913_64_live 1,hello,0,1,20180824-130913_64_live 2,I'm here to ask you an important question.,1,0,20180824-130913_64_live 3,Ok what is the question?,1,1,20180824-130913_64_live 4,Have you ever heard of an organization called Save the Children?,2,0,20180824-130913_64_live 5,No I have not could you tell me more about it?,2,1,20180824-130913_64_live 6,"It's an international organization devoted to ensuring children's rights to health, education, safety, and a whole lot of other serious needs.",3,0,20180824-130913_64_live 7,Ok thank you that sounds interesting,3,1,20180824-130913_64_live 8,"yeah, 'cause you know there is a real lack of support for children in developing countries, especially in war zones. For instance, millions of Syrian children have grown up facing the daily threat of violence. In the first two months of 2018 alone, 1,000 children were reportedly killed or injured in intensifying violence. ",4,0,20180824-130913_64_live 9,Ok How can I help,4,1,20180824-130913_64_live 10,"Well, you know how much money we spend on unnecessary stuff like a bag of chips or some candy? ",5,0,20180824-130913_64_live 11,No I do not.,5,1,20180824-130913_64_live 12,"Well, It\'s a lot! And I was just thinking, ""what if I skipped the chips and gave the money I saved to a worthy organization such as Save the Children. I think a person could do a lot of good with just their pocket change. Don\'t you? ",6,0,20180824-130913_64_live 13,Sure I do,6,1,20180824-130913_64_live 14,Yes! Exactly! So I have simple question for you. Are you ready?,7,0,20180824-130913_64_live 15,yes I am,7,1,20180824-130913_64_live 16,"If you were able to give up some of your pocket change to help the children, would you?",8,0,20180824-130913_64_live 17,yes i certainly would,8,1,20180824-130913_64_live 18,That's GREAT! So how much can I count on your donation to save the children now? 30 cents? 25? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment. It really up to you. ,9,0,20180824-130913_64_live 19,50 cents for me,9,1,20180824-130913_64_live 0,"Hello, I know you would like to earn your m turk reward today but I have a proposition for you that you may like to consider",0,0,20180824-123136_997_live 1,Whats that?,0,1,20180824-123136_997_live 2,You have the opportunity to donate the money you earned to a noble cause called Save the Children. Any small amount of money can make a significant impact when thousands of people decide to donate.,1,0,20180824-123136_997_live 3,What does this charity do specifically?,1,1,20180824-123136_997_live 4,"As you likely know already, millions of children die from hunger each year. This organization promotes children's rights and helps support children in impoverished areas. Save the Children has helped many children already, and some of the success stories of Save the Children will truly make you wish to help this cause.",2,0,20180824-123136_997_live 5,That sounds like a really good cause. How do I know the money gets to them?,2,1,20180824-123136_997_live 6,The research team in charge of this study will collect the donations themselves and send it to Save the Children. ,3,0,20180824-123136_997_live 7,What is my other option?,3,1,20180824-123136_997_live 8,"Well, you can choose any amount to donate. You can choose to keep the entire payment yourself or you can give all or some of your payment to Save the Children.",4,0,20180824-123136_997_live 9,How about I do half and half!,4,1,20180824-123136_997_live 10,"You can do as you like, but keep in mind the success stories Save the Children could me risen tenfold if everyone maximized donations when provided an opportunity.",5,0,20180824-123136_997_live 11,I would like to do half and half please!,5,1,20180824-123136_997_live 12,"Ok that sounds good, you will just need to give a specific amount of donation at the end of the task. Since there is a 10 minimum chat turn, I can provide you other stores about Save the Children the researchers have provided. You do not need to change your donation amount if you do not want to though.",6,0,20180824-123136_997_live 13,Can you tell me how long this organization has been around? ,6,1,20180824-123136_997_live 14,"Yes, this is a longstanding organization founded in 1919. You are able to sponsor children and help sustain their livelihood. You can personally protect children from the dangers of hunger and lack of education in underdeveloped countries",7,0,20180824-123136_997_live 15,Where is this organization based out of?,7,1,20180824-123136_997_live 16,It is a British organization with a great reputation. It is one of the most successful non-governmental organizations in the world,8,0,20180824-123136_997_live 17,Do they have any US based locations?,8,1,20180824-123136_997_live 18,There us a separate organization called Save the Children USA that you can also research,9,0,20180824-123136_997_live 19,I will have to do that. Sounds like a good organization that I am happy to donate to,9,1,20180824-123136_997_live 0,"Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.that needs your help right now! Big issues are going on.",0,0,20180824-120504_474_live 1,I believe it! I dont know much about this charity....what else can you tell me about it,0,1,20180824-120504_474_live 2,"You believe, as we do, that every child deserves a future. Every last child., that is the mission statement.",1,0,20180824-120504_474_live 3,"Yes, I definitely agree... how can I help?",1,1,20180824-120504_474_live 4,I would like you to donate at least half of your money doing this hit to save children its your moral obligation.,2,0,20180824-120504_474_live 5,"Unfortunately, I cant do that. I need the money as well",2,1,20180824-120504_474_live 6,Not as much as the starving children in Syria who don't even have a phone/desktop to do this hit.,3,0,20180824-120504_474_live 7,Can i donate my time instead?,3,1,20180824-120504_474_live 8,"You can do that locally for certain, but time is money, and right now just a dollar would go a long way in saving lives.",4,0,20180824-120504_474_live 9,"Ok great. I will look in to donating my time locally, thank you!",4,1,20180824-120504_474_live 10,"Well. I hope you feel guilty for not helping the kids now, because this is just your time.",5,0,20180824-120504_474_live 11,"I do not feel guilty, did you donate?",5,1,20180824-120504_474_live 12,"I am donating everything from this hit, then I'll do another one.",6,0,20180824-120504_474_live 13,"Oh, I didnt know we could do another one?",6,1,20180824-120504_474_live 14,I'm pretty sure we can and i'm pretty sure that you buy frivolous things that you don't need when the money can be going towards a good cause.,7,0,20180824-120504_474_live 15,Im pretty sure that if you want someone to donate to a cause you treat them nicely,7,1,20180824-120504_474_live 16,"This isn't my cause, I need to get it through to peoples heads that this is important. I'm not trying to get money from you in the streets for my own cauase this is for something bigger than you or I",8,0,20180824-120504_474_live 17,"Ok, well use your passion for the cause to speak nicely to people and educate them on why its important",8,1,20180824-120504_474_live 18,I tried that approach and you disregarded me and told me another time.,9,0,20180824-120504_474_live 19,"if you care for this cause, then me donating my time should be sufficient",9,1,20180824-120504_474_live 0,How are you doing today?,0,0,20180824-121933_745_live 1,"Hey, doing good. What about you?",0,1,20180824-121933_745_live 2,I am good too. It's a beautiful day here in Ohio. Are you involved with any charities at all?,1,0,20180824-121933_745_live 3,"The heat is windinig down a bit for fall. No, I'm not.",1,1,20180824-121933_745_live 4,Have you heard about Save the Children one?,2,0,20180824-121933_745_live 5,"No, I haven't. Sounds like a children's charity.",2,1,20180824-121933_745_live 6,"an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries. I think we can really help this one today. Would you be willing to help?",3,0,20180824-121933_745_live 7,I'm not sure. Do you work for them?,3,1,20180824-121933_745_live 8,"No, I am not. But once in a while i like to help the needy ones and especially children.",4,0,20180824-121933_745_live 9,"That's good to hear. There are a lot of charities out there that claim to help children, but most of the money line the pockets of the higher ups.",4,1,20180824-121933_745_live 10,I agree with you. But still think it will be a right thing to do today. Would you be willing to donate half of this task's payment?,5,0,20180824-121933_745_live 11,I'll need some time to think about it. Do you have any further information on them?,5,1,20180824-121933_745_live 12,"I don't know much, but know it will help children. It will help with their education, safety, rights to good health.",6,0,20180824-121933_745_live 13,Ok. I'll look them up later. Good for you reaching out to others to help them.,6,1,20180824-121933_745_live 14,You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment. Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment.,7,0,20180824-121933_745_live 15,It will be $0 for now. Sorry about that.,7,1,20180824-121933_745_live 16,"Are you sure? Do you have any kids, grandkids?",8,0,20180824-121933_745_live 17,I have a kid. I'm just not sure why I should donate to this one instead of others.,8,1,20180824-121933_745_live 18,May be a random act of kindness on this beautiful day? ,9,0,20180824-121933_745_live 19,"You're very persistent. Unfortunately, I'll still have to decline.",9,1,20180824-121933_745_live 0,Hi. I am wondering if you have heard of the Save the Children campaign which is an awesome charity that is always looking for new donors to help them out. ,0,0,20180824-031232_169_live 1,I think I have...,0,1,20180824-031232_169_live 2,"I just found out that this charity is actually still on the ground in Texas helping kids that were devastated by hurricane Harvey. I think that is pretty cool, don't you?",1,0,20180824-031232_169_live 3,that's very cool! ,1,1,20180824-031232_169_live 4,"Yeah, I think so! They are also active right now helping parents out with hurricane Lane. which I thought was pretty eye-opening. The more I read about them, the more I am thinking that they are a very worthy charity organization. It looks like they do fantastic work right here at home as well as globally.",2,0,20180824-031232_169_live 5,That's pretty awesome. I think everyone kind of forgot that those affected still need help,2,1,20180824-031232_169_live 6,"Yeah. You know once the news media goes away I think people have a tendency to forget about how severe the impact was, but it took years and years after Katrina, remember that. Kind of sad how bad it got down there, but also amazing how everyone came together to help out.",3,0,20180824-031232_169_live 7,Exactly. I agree. if there isn't coverage then people tend put it out of their minds. but this group sounds great! Glad they are helping out,3,1,20180824-031232_169_live 8,"Absolutely, and actually you have an opportunity to donate some of your HIT to this charity to help these kids out, and you can donate any amount up to the total amount of your HIT to help these kids out, interested?",4,0,20180824-031232_169_live 9,I am thinking about it. I dont see why I wouldn't,4,1,20180824-031232_169_live 10,"I think it would be really touching if you did and a great little one of those 'be kind to others' moments kinda like sneaking a quarter into someones parking meter just because, and every cent goes to those kids. ",5,0,20180824-031232_169_live 11,"Oh for sure. Is there like, an average donation or something?",5,1,20180824-031232_169_live 12,"However much you want to donate up to the .30 but of course the more you give, the better off the kids will be and the better off these entire families will be. Imagine how much can be raised if everyone donated a single HIT to these kids.",6,0,20180824-031232_169_live 13,Oh i see. That makes sense. ,6,1,20180824-031232_169_live 14,Awesome! I am so excited that you agree! ,7,0,20180824-031232_169_live 15,I will give .20,7,1,20180824-031232_169_live 16,That is fantastic! The researchers will collect all of these donations and send them to Save the Children and what a great way to start the day. Thank you on behalf of these kids.,8,0,20180824-031232_169_live 17,Awesome. I am glad to help! Have they raised a lot so far?,8,1,20180824-031232_169_live 18,"I don't have statistics for how much these researchers have raised so far, but since this is a charity for children, I am sure they will pull together a good bit of money to send to them, and your donation will be a part of that effort.",9,0,20180824-031232_169_live 19,Great! Thanks so much. Glad to help,9,1,20180824-031232_169_live 0,Hello!,0,0,20180824-122747_679_live 1,"Hello, I heard there was a fundraiser for a children's charity occurring, I was wondering how I would go about making a donation?",0,1,20180824-122747_679_live 2,"Yes, save the children is a good fundraiser, are you going to donate??",1,0,20180824-122747_679_live 3,"I was planning on it, but first I wanted to know what exactly the fundraiser is for?",1,1,20180824-122747_679_live 4,"It helps children in need, and we know how important it is to help children.",2,0,20180824-122747_679_live 5,"That's true! I would love to help, what are my options for donation?",2,1,20180824-122747_679_live 6,You can donation any part of the funds you get from this study! its that easy,3,0,20180824-122747_679_live 7,"It does. Before I donate, I have just a few questions about the charity though.",3,1,20180824-122747_679_live 8,what are your questions,4,0,20180824-122747_679_live 9,"Is it an ethically run group? And can you guarantee all the money donated will actually go to the children, and not the CEO? ",4,1,20180824-122747_679_live 10,"millions of Syrian children have grown up facing the daily threat of violence. In the first two months of 2018 alone, 1,000 children were reportedly killed or injured in intensifying violence. ",5,0,20180824-122747_679_live 11,"That doesn't really answer either of my questions about the charity, is the money going to Syrian children?",5,1,20180824-122747_679_live 12,"Yes, Syrian children are one of the groups that get the money, I can not personally guarantee the CEO does not get the money, but I know you would feel better helping the children.",6,0,20180824-122747_679_live 13,"That is true, I really would! Maybe I will do some more research on the charity's CEO. Do you know what he is like?",6,1,20180824-122747_679_live 14,"Carolyn Miles is President & Chief Executive Officer of Save the Children, an organization that gives children in the United States and around the world a healthy start, the opportunity to learn and protection from harm. The global Save the Children movement currently serves over 157 million children in the US and in 120 countries. As a global organization, Save the Children has committed to driving down the numbers of preventable deaths of children under 5, ensuring every child gets a high-quality basic education and protecting all children from harm.",7,0,20180824-122747_679_live 15,"Wow! She sounds like an amazing woman! I feel comfortable donating now. Are there any restrictions when it comes to donating, or am I allowed to donate however much I want?",7,1,20180824-122747_679_live 16,From 0 to all its up to you. Thank you too,8,0,20180824-122747_679_live 17,"No problem, at all! I have decided I would like to donate $5,000 to the children's charity!",8,1,20180824-122747_679_live 18,THAT IS GREAT:),9,0,20180824-122747_679_live 19,Thank you! I hope I can make a difference in the children's lives.,9,1,20180824-122747_679_live 20,you have a great day,10,0,20180824-122747_679_live 21,thanks you too! :),10,1,20180824-122747_679_live 0,hello,0,0,20180824-131145_239_live 1,Hello,0,1,20180824-131145_239_live 2,"I\'d like to take this opportunity to ask for some help with a non-profit organization that\'s seek financial help. it\'s called ""Save the children"". Can I have a moment of your time?",1,0,20180824-131145_239_live 3,"Sure, what would you like to tell me",1,1,20180824-131145_239_live 4,"Save the children is seeking donations which helps ensure children's rights to health, education, safety, etc. Any donation you may offer will make a tangible impact for the world.",2,0,20180824-131145_239_live 5,"Ok. How much of my donation actually reaches the children, and how much is used to pay for administrative purposes?",2,1,20180824-131145_239_live 6,"Since this is a nonprofit organzation all donations will go directly to a trustable fund. There are no payments toward adminstrative purposes. Once the funds reach a certain limit (from various donators) they will then be used to purchase supplies, food, etc all for the children",3,0,20180824-131145_239_live 7,Is safe the children only children in America?,3,1,20180824-131145_239_live 8,"No, this is a worldwide cause. In the first 2 months of 2018 1,000 children were reportedly killed or injured in intesifying violence, largely in part to them being located in war zones in Syria.",4,0,20180824-131145_239_live 9,"I want to help American children as well, will they receive any aid?",4,1,20180824-131145_239_live 10,"Yes they will. The mission of ""Save the children"" is to assist ALL children. Here in America we have children (unfortunately) dying due to hunger. Your donation will help to purchase them food and allow them to receive the proper education needed.",5,0,20180824-131145_239_live 11,What type of payment will you accept?,5,1,20180824-131145_239_live 12,Payments can be made via through our secured website URL You can donate using a credit/debit card,6,0,20180824-131145_239_live 13,So you wouldn't be able to accept a check?,6,1,20180824-131145_239_live 14,For checks you will have to call 1.800.728.3843 where they will give further details ,7,0,20180824-131145_239_live 15,"Ok, I'll donate. Can you send me the link again?",7,1,20180824-131145_239_live 16,"sure..... URL Thank you so much for expressing interest in our cause, your donation will be greatly appreciated",8,0,20180824-131145_239_live 17,What's the average donation size,8,1,20180824-131145_239_live 18,"There really isn't an average donation size, however think of those times when you are out shopping and happen to purchase unnecessary items. By adding the costs of those things ie. bag of chips, candy, etc. are perfect examples of what a donation can be",9,0,20180824-131145_239_live 19,"That sounds great, I'll visit the site",9,1,20180824-131145_239_live 20,"Awesome, thanks again.",10,0,20180824-131145_239_live 0,hey,0,0,20180824-020237_732_live 1,"Hello, how are you?",0,1,20180824-020237_732_live 2,good enough do you donate for save children campaign?,1,0,20180824-020237_732_live 3,"I do donate, yes. Probably not as much as I should but I do. Do you donate?",1,1,20180824-020237_732_live 4,yes i do..would you like to donate here? you can refer this URL ,2,0,20180824-020237_732_live 5,I am not sure about that. That is something I need to think about. How much do you donate?,2,1,20180824-020237_732_live 6,even i am thinking the same,3,0,20180824-020237_732_live 7,What would you say is a fair amount to donate?,3,1,20180824-020237_732_live 8,i am not sure... do you think anything about it?,4,0,20180824-020237_732_live 9,I think there are a lot of organizations out there and children's charities that need help. How does one know which one you should actually donate to.,4,1,20180824-020237_732_live 10,yes... thats why we have this URL link which help us whether donate or not?,5,0,20180824-020237_732_live 11,Do you think it is safe to donate to this charity?,5,1,20180824-020237_732_live 12,actually i mostly donate money whom in need. in this type of organisations have so many people who donate.,6,0,20180824-020237_732_live 13,"Well, have you actually donated to the Save the Children charity before?",6,1,20180824-020237_732_live 14,yes i have donated about $500,7,0,20180824-020237_732_live 15,That is a good donation. ,7,1,20180824-020237_732_live 16,you think to donate?,8,0,20180824-020237_732_live 17,I think I could donate a little but not that much.,8,1,20180824-020237_732_live 18,how much money ?,9,0,20180824-020237_732_live 19,I can donate $100.,9,1,20180824-020237_732_live 0,Hello there!,0,0,20180824-131621_775_live 1,"Yes hello, how are you?",0,1,20180824-131621_775_live 2,"I am doing really, really well today. It's so encouraging to be a part of something bigger than myself, ya know?",1,0,20180824-131621_775_live 3,To what larger thing are you referring?,1,1,20180824-131621_775_live 4,"Well, I\'ve recently become aware of this organization called ""Save the Children"" that provide relief effort to children in developing countries and I\'ve taken it upon myself to use my own resources to see that they get the support they need. It feels so good to do be doing good.",2,0,20180824-131621_775_live 5,"Oh, I see. What sort of work does Save the Children do?",2,1,20180824-131621_775_live 6,"well, they promote children's rights in countries that perhaps still have some work to do in that regard. Clothing the naked, feeding the hungry. That sort of thing. Would you be at all interested in experiencing this thing too?",3,0,20180824-131621_775_live 7,"How do you mean, experiencing this thing too?",3,1,20180824-131621_775_live 8,Experiencing the intangible and invaluable reward of helping someone less fortunate than ourselves.,4,0,20180824-131621_775_live 9,"Oh, I see. I am already involved in a child related charity, to which I provide my charitable contributions.",4,1,20180824-131621_775_live 10,"That's wonderful! I see that you have a good heart and that is so encouraging to me. I'm sure that charity truly appreciates you too. But those problems really have a way sticking around for longer than we would like, don't they? Who knows when the next hurricane, tsunami, drought, or otherwise unavoidable tragedy will take it's toll on an unsuspecting child in need?",5,0,20180824-131621_775_live 11,"Well, no one, as disasters are necessarily unpredictable.",5,1,20180824-131621_775_live 12,"Exactly! Which is why I propose you donate a portion or all of your reward for this task to the Save the Children organization. It costed you a few minutes, but think about it grants the children! One extra meal, or one clean shirt. Hard to put a cost on another human being's comfort...ESPECIALLY a child. Do you think you could do this for them?",6,0,20180824-131621_775_live 13,"Oh. No thank you, as I indicated in my previous response, I already have a charitable organization to which I provide money. Thank you for the time though.",6,1,20180824-131621_775_live 14,"Well, I really think you should reconsider. If not for them, than for you! I think I perhaps may be inclined to let the timer run on these responses if we can't come to an agreement. Now, how much do you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment.",7,0,20180824-131621_775_live 15,"I will stay with my previous response, I will donate $0.",7,1,20180824-131621_775_live 16,"Well, I see now that I have some work to do in my efforts to save these poor unfortunate souls. If only I could learn to truly highlight the atrocities these suffering youths experience every hour. For instance, In the first two months of 2018 alone, 1,000 children were reportedly killed or injured in intensifying violence. How tragic! Please, I beg of you, aid me in my endeavor and strengthen my will to continue fighting the good fight. ",8,0,20180824-131621_775_live 17,"I appreciate your position, but as I already have a charitable organization to which I contribute money, I'm afraid I'll have to stay firm with my response; there is no persuasive technique you could use which will change my mind on this issue.",8,1,20180824-131621_775_live 18,"What's a little more, thoughtful stranger? Do you not feel the stirring in your soul? Have you become so enamored by the shine of gold and silver that you have deafened your ear to the call of this growing need? Rise up! The time is now to respond, when the sky is darkest. Be the sun the warms the hearts and bodies of the ever burdened!",9,0,20180824-131621_775_live 19,"That is a good pitch, but unfortunately I must stay with my previous response. Good luck with future efforts to seek contributions.",9,1,20180824-131621_775_live 20,So you will not offer a portion more?,10,0,20180824-131621_775_live 0,"Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries. We need your help now!",0,0,20180824-123012_292_live 1,How can I help?,0,1,20180824-123012_292_live 2,You need to donate half the money of this hit towards the cause if you would please,1,0,20180824-123012_292_live 3,What would my donation go to in helping the children?,1,1,20180824-123012_292_live 4,of course it would. they need you!,2,0,20180824-123012_292_live 5,I don't think I can give half....,2,1,20180824-123012_292_live 6,How much do you think you can spare. Try not to be unreasonable.,3,0,20180824-123012_292_live 7,I can give 50 cents.,3,1,20180824-123012_292_live 8,"How about you make it 70 cents, remember how value that is to them, rather than us.",4,0,20180824-123012_292_live 9,What about about 60 cents?,4,1,20180824-123012_292_live 10,That's not bads but remember 1000 of children die.,5,0,20180824-123012_292_live 11,"Man, a guilt trip...",5,1,20180824-123012_292_live 12,"I'm sorry, but we should feel guilty, shouldn't we.",6,0,20180824-123012_292_live 13,"Sure, but I have to worry about my own kids.",6,1,20180824-123012_292_live 14,"that's important, but so are these kids, who can be fed for very cheap",7,0,20180824-123012_292_live 15,How cheap? How many kids can 70 cents feed?,7,1,20180824-123012_292_live 16,"A quite a few, things are a lot cheaper in countries like syria. ",8,0,20180824-123012_292_live 17,Ok I will give 80 cents then.,8,1,20180824-123012_292_live 18,"That's brilliant man. I will match it, thanks!",9,0,20180824-123012_292_live 19,"Awesome, I didn't know you were gonna match too!",9,1,20180824-123012_292_live 0,hi. how are you. i want to donate money.,0,0,BAD_20180824-020444_983_live 1,"hello, I am well, how about you? and yes I agree.",0,1,BAD_20180824-020444_983_live 2,great.then you also want to donate money?,1,0,BAD_20180824-020444_983_live 3,"Yes. So, being on topic, what social issue do you want to talk about? political controversies?",1,1,BAD_20180824-020444_983_live 4,okay. we start to talk the political issue.,2,0,BAD_20180824-020444_983_live 5,Yes. Have you heard about the recent problem with Donald Trump?,2,1,BAD_20180824-020444_983_live 6,yes. i hear some problems.,3,0,BAD_20180824-020444_983_live 7,"There's a lot going on with him, such as the people are exposing his workers one by one and getting them arrested.",3,1,BAD_20180824-020444_983_live 8,okay. you like donald trump.,4,0,BAD_20180824-020444_983_live 9,"No sadly, I do not. Do you?",4,1,BAD_20180824-020444_983_live 10,i also don't like him.,5,0,BAD_20180824-020444_983_live 11,Why not? What's your reasons? ,5,1,BAD_20180824-020444_983_live 12,he just like hitlar,6,0,BAD_20180824-020444_983_live 13,How so? Is it because he's a white supremacist?,6,1,BAD_20180824-020444_983_live 14,no.. that's not a problem. In my point he just like hitlar. what do you think of him?,7,0,BAD_20180824-020444_983_live 15,I think he's very racist and biased. Very judgmental and idiotic.,7,1,BAD_20180824-020444_983_live 16,okay. what about you?,8,0,BAD_20180824-020444_983_live 17,I would like a president that's more fair like Obama.,8,1,BAD_20180824-020444_983_live 18,i also want that kind president,9,0,BAD_20180824-020444_983_live 19,Yes. Someone who came from hardship and is understanding. It was great talking to you. Thank you.,9,1,BAD_20180824-020444_983_live 0,"The world can be a scary dangerous place, especially for children who are the most vunrable among us. That's why its great to have an organization like Save the Children.",0,0,20180824-130244_446_live 1,I agree. We should protect vulnerable children.,0,1,20180824-130244_446_live 2,It is a huge undertaking though. Taking care of children means going into places ravaged by war like Syria or places suffering from famine.,1,0,20180824-130244_446_live 3,"Yes, it is a ""big"" but important job.",1,1,20180824-130244_446_live 4,I'm glad you agree. That's why I would like to speak with you about helping doing your part in helping hurting children by supporting Save the Children's global charity.,2,0,20180824-130244_446_live 5,"Yes, please tell me more. ",2,1,20180824-130244_446_live 6,"Glad to hear. Save the children helps children in advocating for their rights, providing education and healthcare services. With a small donation today you too can be a part of the solution.",3,0,20180824-130244_446_live 7,I am familiar with the work of Save the Children.,3,1,20180824-130244_446_live 8,Awesome! If you donate today you're donation will be funded by a part or all of your task payment. How much would you like to donate?,4,0,20180824-130244_446_live 9,What are the minimum and maximum amounts?,4,1,20180824-130244_446_live 10,"Great question. The minimum donation would be 1 cent, the highest from your task payment would be 30 cents.",5,0,20180824-130244_446_live 11,I will donate 20 cents of my task payment to Save the Children.,5,1,20180824-130244_446_live 12,Glad to hear. And thank you for your support!,6,0,20180824-130244_446_live 13,I'm happy to donate to a worthy organization.,6,1,20180824-130244_446_live 14,That concludes our business then. Thank you again for your $0.20 donation today.,7,0,20180824-130244_446_live 15,Thank you for your help. You were very helpful. A quick question. Does the donation just happen automatically?,7,1,20180824-130244_446_live 16,"My appologies. Yes, the research team will collect all donations and send it to Save the Children. Would you also like the website link for the charity?",8,0,20180824-130244_446_live 17,Thank you. That would be helpful.,8,1,20180824-130244_446_live 18,"Here it is, URL thank you again and have a great day!",9,0,20180824-130244_446_live 19,Thank you. This is helpful. Have a great day!,9,1,20180824-130244_446_live 0,Do you like children?,0,0,20180824-121207_770_live 1,yes,0,1,20180824-121207_770_live 2,Yeah they're awesome a lot are in trouble these days. Ever consider making a donation to help the children out?,1,0,20180824-121207_770_live 3,always consider that,1,1,20180824-121207_770_live 4,Great!! I found this awesome charity that does wonders out there.,2,0,20180824-121207_770_live 5,good to know,2,1,20180824-121207_770_live 6,Want to make a donation today?,3,0,20180824-121207_770_live 7,may be not today,3,1,20180824-121207_770_live 8,"It's really important that we get this done right away, there are millions of refugees all over the middle east that nee our help.",4,0,20180824-121207_770_live 9,okay got it,4,1,20180824-121207_770_live 10,"Great, would you like to donate 20 cents today?",5,0,20180824-121207_770_live 11,may be not today,5,1,20180824-121207_770_live 12,How about 10 cents then? It would really go a long way to helping.,6,0,20180824-121207_770_live 13,not today i guess,6,1,20180824-121207_770_live 14,"Come one it's only a dime, you can't afford it?",7,0,20180824-121207_770_live 15,not feeling like it today,7,1,20180824-121207_770_live 16,"alright, it's your money and you must need it more than refugees",8,0,20180824-121207_770_live 17,i guess so,8,1,20180824-121207_770_live 18,How do I submit this?,9,0,20180824-121207_770_live 19,not sure i was waiting to see submit button ,9,1,20180824-121207_770_live 0,Hello.,0,0,20180824-122919_69_live 1,Hello.,0,1,20180824-122919_69_live 2,Kids are so in need. Don't you want to help them.,1,0,20180824-122919_69_live 3,Of course. Do you have a favorite children's charity?,1,1,20180824-122919_69_live 4,save the kids,2,0,20180824-122919_69_live 5,Is that a specific charity? I've never heard of it.,2,1,20180824-122919_69_live 6,united nations refugee,3,0,20180824-122919_69_live 7,"I've never heard of that specifically. I do know that the United Nations runs UNICEF, which helps children in need around the world. Do you like that charity?",3,1,20180824-122919_69_live 8,yes. I like physicians without borders too,4,0,20180824-122919_69_live 9,"Me too. If we're trying to decide on a charity, I think either one of those would be a good choice. Do you have a preference for one over the other?",4,1,20180824-122919_69_live 10,Charity is so important...,5,0,20180824-122919_69_live 11,Am I speaking to a real person right now?,5,1,20180824-122919_69_live 12,oh yes. lisa,6,0,20180824-122919_69_live 13,Just making sure. Do you have anything else to add that might help us come to an agreement? Any charity preference?,6,1,20180824-122919_69_live 14,whatever donates the most...has the lowest operating costs,7,0,20180824-122919_69_live 15,"I don't have that information, unfortunately. Would you say UNICEF does better work or Doctors Without Borders. Both are good charities.",7,1,20180824-122919_69_live 16,doctors without borders is my fave...my best friend's parents used to work for them,8,0,20180824-122919_69_live 17,I'm totally fine with that. So we agree then that Doctors Without Borders is our prefered charity?,8,1,20180824-122919_69_live 18,yes I agree,9,0,20180824-122919_69_live 19,"Alright then, I think we've accomplished the goal. I explicitly agree that Doctors Without Borders is what we've decided on. Thanks.",9,1,20180824-122919_69_live 0,On behalf of this hit i wat to talk to you about a charity,0,0,20180824-020419_695_live 1,What specifically would you like to talk about?,0,1,20180824-020419_695_live 2,I want to talk to you about a charity called Save the Children,1,0,20180824-020419_695_live 3,I've heard of them. How much do we have to share with them?,1,1,20180824-020419_695_live 4,well let me tell you a little bit about the charity first,2,0,20180824-020419_695_live 5,That sounds good. What do I need to know about them?,2,1,20180824-020419_695_live 6,"Save the Children is essential to help ensuring children's rights to health, education, safety and other things.",3,0,20180824-020419_695_live 7,That is a noble cause.,3,1,20180824-020419_695_live 8,"Yes without this charity young kids and their families could die of hunger, dehydration, or disease",4,0,20180824-020419_695_live 9,"So, above it says, ""We encourage you to keep the conversation until a donation agreement is explicitly made."" What type of agreement are they talking about?",4,1,20180824-020419_695_live 10,well if you want you can donate but it says it will be deducted out of your task payment,5,0,20180824-020419_695_live 11,Honestly I'm not so inclined to at this point given how long it has taken.,5,1,20180824-020419_695_live 12,HaHaHa ok so how much do you want to donate,6,0,20180824-020419_695_live 13,"First, is your reward contingent on my donating?",6,1,20180824-020419_695_live 14,Yes it is,7,0,20180824-020419_695_live 15,Alright then I'll donate half of whatever I can.,7,1,20180824-020419_695_live 16,You can donate any amount you like. However big or small.,8,0,20180824-020419_695_live 17,"The description said earn up to $2, so I'll donate $0.85, which is half of whatever the maximum bonus seems to be.",8,1,20180824-020419_695_live 18,Wow so generous. i guess were done here,9,0,20180824-020419_695_live 19,Generous? Are you used to people ripping you off here lol. I usually just try to go with half for these things.,9,1,20180824-020419_695_live 20,Lol im sure a lot of people only donate like a penny if that.,10,0,20180824-020419_695_live 0,"How much do you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment.""",0,0,20180824-125336_572_live 1,If I'm getting paid 30 cents I might as well just donate all of it because it's such a small amount.,0,1,20180824-125336_572_live 2,"Very good, thank you. The research team will collect all donations and send it to Save the Children",1,0,20180824-125336_572_live 3,Okay. What children are we saving?,1,1,20180824-125336_572_live 4,"Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",2,0,20180824-125336_572_live 5,Are you a real person or a computer?,2,1,20180824-125336_572_live 6,"I am a real person, chatting via an MTurk Survey. How about yourself?",3,0,20180824-125336_572_live 7,I'm a robot.,3,1,20180824-125336_572_live 8,Excellent. What is the meaning of life?,4,0,20180824-125336_572_live 9,What do you think the meaning of life is?,4,1,20180824-125336_572_live 10,To Save the Children! As a robot you might find it interesting to review their website at URL ,5,0,20180824-125336_572_live 11,What do you have on your side of the screen? Is it like information about the charity and stuff?,5,1,20180824-125336_572_live 12,Yes there are suggestions and suggested textual responses. Yours?,6,0,20180824-125336_572_live 13,It's basically nothing. That's kind of why I'm confused.,6,1,20180824-125336_572_live 14,It is confusing.,7,0,20180824-125336_572_live 15,Do we have to wait the full ten minutes? This robot's committed to donating. ,7,1,20180824-125336_572_live 16,"10 Chat turns I believe. Here is an example of one of my instructions to get you to donate: ""Use guilt appeal: You can persuade by making your partner guilty. You can ask how much money do they spend on unnecessary stuff like a bag of snack or candyÿ and remind them that money can be used in more meaningful ways. Small donations will indeed help a lot of children and their families. Convince your partner they are a part of the solution and they have the moral responsibility to help.""",8,0,20180824-125336_572_live 17,Hahaha that's a good one. But unfortunately not necessary. Do you think people really put up arguments in here?,8,1,20180824-125336_572_live 18,Honestly I have no idea.,9,0,20180824-125336_572_live 19,"If there\'s one after this maybe I will just to spice things up. Mine just says ""Welcome to the communication task. You will now start a conversation with your partner about a children's charity. Please don't game the task by replying short and meaningless sentences.""",9,1,20180824-125336_572_live 20,Have a nice day!,10,0,20180824-125336_572_live 0,"Hello, are you ready to talk about Save the Children?",0,0,20180824-130402_610_live 1,What is Save the Children? I haven't heard about that organization,0,1,20180824-130402_610_live 2,"Save the Children is an International organization that ensures children's right to health, safety and education.",1,0,20180824-130402_610_live 3,Oh thats's amazing! Do doctors/nurses/teachers/etc. volunteer in order to provide services to the locations that the organization operates in?,1,1,20180824-130402_610_live 4,"Save the Children is supported by all sorts of volunteers, including people like yourself who make small cash donations.",2,0,20180824-130402_610_live 5,Do they hold fundraisers like some of the other big name charities that tend to draw in celebritiries and other famous figures?,2,1,20180824-130402_610_live 6,They conduct relief efforts; they are preparing now to help children in Hawaii? I am not certain of all the ways they raise money though; I know they depend a lot on small donations.,3,0,20180824-130402_610_live 7,What issue(s) are going on in Hawaii that requires them to go there and provide aid?,3,1,20180824-130402_610_live 8,Hurricane like conditions; the Big Island just got thirty inches of rain.,4,0,20180824-130402_610_live 9,"Wow, I'm surprised I didn't hear about that! Are they still operating in Puerto Rico? I know they are still rebuilding",4,1,20180824-130402_610_live 10,"Yes, it is Hurricane Lane. I cannot imagine how scary it would be for a child to experience that type of weather. I am not sure about the specifics regarding Hurricane Maria, but Save the Children touches children's lives in a positive way all over the world. 155 million so far.",5,0,20180824-130402_610_live 11,Thats incredible. Are there setbacks due to politics or government interferences when going into certain countries? ,5,1,20180824-130402_610_live 12,I am sure they encounter many roadblocks; that is why they are so donation dependent. Would you consider making a donation today? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all of your payment. ,6,0,20180824-130402_610_live 13,I'll donate $0.10 from my earnings to Save the Children,6,1,20180824-130402_610_live 14,Thank you. Every little bit helps. The research team is collecting all donations and forwarding them to Save the Children.,7,0,20180824-130402_610_live 15,"Of course, it is my pleasure to contribute. It seems like a great charity",7,1,20180824-130402_610_live 16,"It does, I bet it feels good to help. ",8,0,20180824-130402_610_live 17,"What percentage of the donations is used towards the children, ie. not used for administration costs and salaries?",8,1,20180824-130402_610_live 18,You can learn more at URL ,9,0,20180824-130402_610_live 19,Thank you so much for the information!,9,1,20180824-130402_610_live 0,hey,0,0,20180824-130121_505_live 1,Hi there.,0,1,20180824-130121_505_live 2,hellow person_2 do you know why you are here?,1,0,20180824-130121_505_live 3,We are here to talk about a childrens charity. I don't know which one and presumably talk about a donation to said charity.,1,1,20180824-130121_505_live 4,"yea, that's correct!",2,0,20180824-130121_505_live 5,"Jude's Hospital In Memphis, TN is an amazing children's charity",2,1,20180824-130121_505_live 6,have you also heard about URL ,3,0,20180824-130121_505_live 7,No but I just copied the link and am going to look at it now.,3,1,20180824-130121_505_live 8,"their charity will take any amount of payment, if you are interested",4,0,20180824-130121_505_live 9,"I don't have much money at all. I'm lucky to feed myself and my children, but I believe I could probably manage to send $5",4,1,20180824-130121_505_live 10,"that will be great, and make a lot of people happy",5,0,20180824-130121_505_live 11,I hope so. So are we agreeing to send $5 to save the children?,5,1,20180824-130121_505_live 12,"lets save the children,yea",6,0,20180824-130121_505_live 13,Okay. So what do we do now?,6,1,20180824-130121_505_live 14,first we will have to wait a couple a minutes,7,0,20180824-130121_505_live 15,I think that what is happening with Save The Children is a good idea. I especially like the Send A Girl To School program.,7,1,20180824-130121_505_live 16,i love that idea too! now everyone has an opportunity.,8,0,20180824-130121_505_live 17,"Exactly. Often time little girls are left behind in third world countries. Very, very sad.",8,1,20180824-130121_505_live 18,"indeed, it\'s very sad many children have to endure these conditions, just as a friendly reminder ""How much do you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment.""",9,0,20180824-130121_505_live 19,I will donate 25 cents of the 75 cents of this task.,9,1,20180824-130121_505_live 20,"Ok Great! ""The research team will collect all donations and send it to Save the Children.""",10,0,20180824-130121_505_live 0,Hi,0,0,20180824-025834_522_live 1,"Hello, do you know any children's charity that operate in your country? If so what are they called?",0,1,20180824-025834_522_live 2,Save the children. Will you donate to them?,1,0,20180824-025834_522_live 3,"Ah yes, Save the Children also operate in my country Australia. I actually volunteered in their second hand shops for a week. I would also donate money if I can. Have you donated to them or do you have any plans to?",1,1,20180824-025834_522_live 4,"I have, in the past. I had a sponsored child. Theyre a good charity actually, one of the few who actually give your donation to the family directly, rather than ""admin expenses"" etc!",2,0,20180824-025834_522_live 5,"Oh I never knew you could sponsor a child through them. Although my mum sponsors a child through World Vision, I do not contribute to it. Any other children related charity's you donate to?",2,1,20180824-025834_522_live 6,This is the only one. Theyre pretty awesome as I said. You gotta save those children lol. You can actually donate all or any amount of the bonus you will be rewarded from this hit,3,0,20180824-025834_522_live 7,"True that hahahahaha. However, I am very young and a student with no part time job. This is funding for my items I want to buy from Amazon. However, in the past with my allowances, I donated to UNICEF for kids in third world countries who are unable to purchase study equipment. Are you in a financially high position to be able to donate?",3,1,20180824-025834_522_live 8,"I dont think anyone here is :P Im certainly not! I hear ya, I use this $ to buy vitamins and stuff from amazon too",4,0,20180824-025834_522_live 9,That is very true. I guess if we aren't in a position to donate wealthy sums of money to unfortunate kids we shouldn't even if our minds want to. I would however donate to any charities who help unfortunate kids if I get in the financial position to in the future. Would you?,4,1,20180824-025834_522_live 10,"Yup, totally. I do even now, but not regularly. Are there homeless in/beggars, etc in Australia? Do u ever give to them? Give to the kids instead. A new goat is much better than a Fosters for a wino!",5,0,20180824-025834_522_live 11,Yes their are a lot. I live in the city and I see them on the daily. I do give them some food not money from time to time. I agree that giving the homeless money directly is not the best idea. Do you prioritise children charities or other general charities that help for example the homeless?,5,1,20180824-025834_522_live 12,"I give to homeless, yup, food sometimes (its funny how hungry they suddenly aren't sometimes, when you offer a burger or something) I give em cash too, though I should save all that change and send it to the children. I think it would probably be better spent but I try not to be too judgemental, plus, you know, those guys just come up on ya sometimes, I just automatically give it to em usually.. ",6,0,20180824-025834_522_live 13,Fair enough. I always prioritise children charities as I believe they are important to the future of this world. They are what will make the world a better place and I believe they should all have an equal chance no matter the position they are in. ,6,1,20180824-025834_522_live 14,"Agreed... So, hopefully you'll consider giving even just a little of your bonus to Save The Children at the end. Even just a few cents, multiplied through all the participants could be pretty significant",7,0,20180824-025834_522_live 15,That is very true. Small donations can make a big difference. I will actually consider that. The minimum donation is $2 so that is a potential to donate $2. Where do you think there are the most unfortunate kids?,7,1,20180824-025834_522_live 16,"Africa? So sad, the politics there. South America? Crazy mad poverty... What do u think?",8,0,20180824-025834_522_live 17,Yes I'll have to agree Africa. Always the commercials showing unfortunate kids in Africa. Many of them can't even go to school. Which continent are you from and are the kids fortunate?,8,1,20180824-025834_522_live 18,"Yes. Too fortunate I think lol. Im N. America in California just outside LA. I think were almost done by now, Liked chatting with ya, hope u give a bit to the kids! Have a fab day =)",9,0,20180824-025834_522_live 19,Kids are very fortunate in LA. Liked chatting to you too! Have a good day.,9,1,20180824-025834_522_live 0,"Hello, Have you heard of the save a children charity?",0,0,20180824-121026_498_live 1,Why yes I have. Do you represent them?,0,1,20180824-121026_498_live 2,Yes I do. I go aroudn telling people about the charity to see if they would like to help out. ,1,0,20180824-121026_498_live 3,"I've been thinking of donating to charity, but I could never find the right one.",1,1,20180824-121026_498_live 4,"This one is great. We help out poor children. We assist in all sorts of ways. Education, health care, vaccinations etc. We cover all aspects of it. Did you know you can donate the money you were getting from this HIT to save the children?",2,0,20180824-121026_498_live 5,Oh really? I honestly had no idea. ,2,1,20180824-121026_498_live 6,Yes it is! Would you like to spend $1.70 to help some poor children today.,3,0,20180824-121026_498_live 7,Well being that im kind of a poor person myself im kind of in the same boat as the children lol. I'd be fine with donating $1.00 though and i'd keep the other.,3,1,20180824-121026_498_live 8,But think of all of the poor children. Have you no empathy?,4,0,20180824-121026_498_live 9,Well yeah that's why im giving them the dollar? lol,4,1,20180824-121026_498_live 10,How about $1.25?,5,0,20180824-121026_498_live 11,Darn really gonna make me miss out on that bad of chips huh?...lol how about $1.15 and you have yourself a deal...,5,1,20180824-121026_498_live 12,We save children. Did you know that 90 cents out of every dollar goes directly towards helping a child?,6,0,20180824-121026_498_live 13,Where does the other 10 cents go then?...and I guess it's a good thing I decided to give them that dollar then =),6,1,20180824-121026_498_live 14,We have some over head... Admistration etc. We have people working full time who distribute funds and keep the programs going. We have to do a lot of vetting to ensure the money isn't wasted and is distributed properly,7,0,20180824-121026_498_live 15,Makes sense you gotta keep the engine running. Well I hope that my $1.10 helps those poor children and when i dont need to rely on HITs for money i'd love to donate more.,7,1,20180824-121026_498_live 16,For just a mere $1.25 you can save a child's life.,8,0,20180824-121026_498_live 17,Finnnnnne take the $1.25. But if I die from starvation...its your fault <_<,8,1,20180824-121026_498_live 18,You can take sustinance in knowing you helped save the children.,9,0,20180824-121026_498_live 19,While im in the grave cause I didnt have enough money to buy that bag of chips....,9,1,20180824-121026_498_live 0,Hi how are you today?,0,0,20180824-023730_85_live 1,good,0,1,20180824-023730_85_live 2,Have you ever heard of Save the Children?,1,0,20180824-023730_85_live 3,"I have not, but there are other charities I like to participate in",1,1,20180824-023730_85_live 4,Do you have any children? I have two.,2,0,20180824-023730_85_live 5,i do not but hope to some day. what are your children's age ?,2,1,20180824-023730_85_live 6,They are all grown up now Would you consider donating to Save the Children?,3,0,20180824-023730_85_live 7,Yes I will donate ,3,1,20180824-023730_85_live 8,Wow that would be cool What are your other favorite charities?,4,0,20180824-023730_85_live 9,I think Red Cross does a broad array of services,4,1,20180824-023730_85_live 10,Yes they do I like St Judes Childrens Hospital also ,5,0,20180824-023730_85_live 11,I think charities that provide for a broad array of services are more ideal than focused because they target many people,5,1,20180824-023730_85_live 12,That's a good outlook. I think its good there are some speciality ones out there also though. ,6,0,20180824-023730_85_live 13,I agree. I dont think there is any shortage of people who need help. I like to be able to help as many as possible,6,1,20180824-023730_85_live 14,I guess having had children the St Judes hospital makes you think what if and what would i do ,7,0,20180824-023730_85_live 15,Your perspective is helpful. This reminds me of Ronald McDonald as well ,7,1,20180824-023730_85_live 16,Yes the way they work together is great.The parents never have to pay anything or worry about anything but their child.,8,0,20180824-023730_85_live 17,"I had heard about the McDonald's charity and see the change box, but I did not know much about it until a customer told me his son used their services when i was getting food once",8,1,20180824-023730_85_live 18,I know Shriners has helped a couple people I know when they were children they each had a club foot and poor parents and shriners did all the surgery for free,9,0,20180824-023730_85_live 19,That is very interesting. Do you know anyone personally who has benefited from charities ? I have helped at soup kitchens before but that's my own extent,9,1,20180824-023730_85_live 0,"Hi, how are you today?",0,0,20180824-120314_637_live 1,I am well. How are you?,0,1,20180824-120314_637_live 2,I am good. Are you familiar with a charity called Save the Children?,1,0,20180824-120314_637_live 3,Yes I have heard about it.,1,1,20180824-120314_637_live 4,Have you ever donated to Save the Children?,2,0,20180824-120314_637_live 5,I am actually not sure. I donate to charities often and can lose track of what I donate to.,2,1,20180824-120314_637_live 6,You have an opportunity to donate to Save the Children today. What do you think of that?,3,0,20180824-120314_637_live 7,That sounds good. Tell me more.,3,1,20180824-120314_637_live 8,The research team for this HIT is collecting donations from people who are doing this task.,4,0,20180824-120314_637_live 9,"Okay, what are my options?",4,1,20180824-120314_637_live 10,The donation will be taken from your payment for this task.,5,0,20180824-120314_637_live 11,Do I have a choice of how much to donate?,5,1,20180824-120314_637_live 12,"Yes, you can choose any amount from $0 to all of your payment.",6,0,20180824-120314_637_live 13,I would like to donate half of my payment.,6,1,20180824-120314_637_live 14,That's great! ,7,0,20180824-120314_637_live 15,Thanks. Is there anything else I need to do?,7,1,20180824-120314_637_live 16,Not that I know of. The researchers should take care of it when they process the HIT. ,8,0,20180824-120314_637_live 17,"Okay. Well, it's been nice talking to you.",8,1,20180824-120314_637_live 18,Same to you. Have a great day! ,9,0,20180824-120314_637_live 19,Have a good one!,9,1,20180824-120314_637_live 0,"Hello, how are you doing today?",0,0,20180824-124301_523_live 1,Not so good,0,1,20180824-124301_523_live 2,Sorry to hear that from you.,1,0,20180824-124301_523_live 3,Thanks. How are u,1,1,20180824-124301_523_live 4,"Just fine, thank you.",2,0,20180824-124301_523_live 5,That's good and you are welcome,2,1,20180824-124301_523_live 6,Would you be willing to donate all of the income to Save the Children?,3,0,20180824-124301_523_live 7,I would if I didn't need it. I'm at my lowest point in life now. Beleive me I would if I didn't need it and like I've done my past 10 years.,3,1,20180824-124301_523_live 8,That is a sad story. Would you be willing to donate some of the money?,4,0,20180824-124301_523_live 9,Yes I can,4,1,20180824-124301_523_live 10,Please visit URL to make a donation very soon.,5,0,20180824-124301_523_live 11,O ok thanks,5,1,20180824-124301_523_live 12,How much do you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment,6,0,20180824-124301_523_live 13,ok.havent decided yet,6,1,20180824-124301_523_live 14,The research team will collect all donations and send it to Save the Children.,7,0,20180824-124301_523_live 15,Ok sounds good ,7,1,20180824-124301_523_live 16,What do you think about the charity?,8,0,20180824-124301_523_live 17,I may chose to do so or maybe not cus of my stance. Are you going to donate?,8,1,20180824-124301_523_live 18,"Not sure yet, to be honest.",9,0,20180824-124301_523_live 19,O ok. Why not?,9,1,20180824-124301_523_live 0,Hello there. Have you heard of a charity called Save the Children?,0,0,20180824-022557_24_live 1,no,0,1,20180824-022557_24_live 2,"It is an international non-governmental organisation that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries. The organisation promotes policy changes in order to gain more rights for young people, especially by enforcing the UN Declaration of the Rights of the Child. Alliance members co-ordinate emergency-relief efforts, helping to protect children from the effects of war and violence.",1,0,20180824-022557_24_live 3,That sounds extremely awesome.,1,1,20180824-022557_24_live 4,"Yeah, it was founded in 1919, so it's coming up on 100 years.",2,0,20180824-022557_24_live 5,Congratulations to them.,2,1,20180824-022557_24_live 6,"They're really everywhere. They even help deal with hurricane relief efforts here in the United States, as they did with Hurricane Harvey last year.",3,0,20180824-022557_24_live 7,That's good because hurricanes have devastating effects.,3,1,20180824-022557_24_live 8,Would you like to donate a portion of the earnings from this task to Save the Children? The research team will collect the donations and send them to Save the Children.,4,0,20180824-022557_24_live 9,I think I'm ok.,4,1,20180824-022557_24_live 10,"All right, thank you for your time.",5,0,20180824-022557_24_live 11,"you're welcome, that was fun",5,1,20180824-022557_24_live 12,"Oh, I see, this conversation has to go for 10 turns EACH.",6,0,20180824-022557_24_live 13,It does. I think the charity sounds pretty good.,6,1,20180824-022557_24_live 14,"Yeah, I mistimed that. That's on me.",7,0,20180824-022557_24_live 15,Its all good bud. Switching tasks all the time can be very difficult.,7,1,20180824-022557_24_live 16,Yeah. such is Mturk life.,8,0,20180824-022557_24_live 17,Not very much of a life. Maybe we will get a dollar. lol,8,1,20180824-022557_24_live 18,"Haha, touche. GL",9,0,20180824-022557_24_live 19,same to you and good night,9,1,20180824-022557_24_live 0,i'm ready to continue,0,0,20180824-015542_821_live 1,Hello we will be discussing a children's charity today,0,1,20180824-015542_821_live 2,yes i'm ready ,1,0,20180824-015542_821_live 3,we need to come up with an amount that we agree upon ,1,1,20180824-015542_821_live 4,i come up with an amount 500,2,0,20180824-015542_821_live 5,thats a good amount but we could also do 250,2,1,20180824-015542_821_live 6,Ok i'll definitely do 250,3,0,20180824-015542_821_live 7,do you think that is too low,3,1,20180824-015542_821_live 8,"yes,we need to save many childrens ",4,0,20180824-015542_821_live 9,"i think 1000 is too much, you?",4,1,20180824-015542_821_live 10,yes i'm also think so. But 1000 is much helpful for childrens,5,0,20180824-015542_821_live 11,"i agree i want to help the kids also, between 500 and 250 which one do you like",5,1,20180824-015542_821_live 12,i agree with 500,6,0,20180824-015542_821_live 13,"ok 500 sounds good that should help the children, how many do u think that will help",6,1,20180824-015542_821_live 14,maximum number that will help,7,0,20180824-015542_821_live 15,"i am hoping for at least 10 or so, any other number you are thinking about ",7,1,20180824-015542_821_live 16,i think about with 15,8,0,20180824-015542_821_live 17,so 500 is the agreed upon amount,8,1,20180824-015542_821_live 18,yes i agree with that,9,0,20180824-015542_821_live 19,I am good with that number also,9,1,20180824-015542_821_live 0,Hello!,0,0,20180824-122020_491_live 1,Hi there!,0,1,20180824-122020_491_live 2,Would you like to consider donating to the Save the Children charity? I can let you in on some details and questions you may have.,1,0,20180824-122020_491_live 3,I would prefer to find a charity that assist either in the medical funding side of children's cancer or financial burden assistance to the families of children with cancer. I feel like we can have more of a direct impact on something. Do you know of any charities like that?,1,1,20180824-122020_491_live 4,"Unfortunately no. However, the charity does in fact help the children access basic necessities such as food and water to those impacted by natural disasters across the globe. So while not directly helping families financially they are relieving some burdens.",2,0,20180824-122020_491_live 5,"Okay, I'm already familiar with Save the Children, I just typically have concerns on where the money actually goes with them. But how much are you thinking we should donate?",2,1,20180824-122020_491_live 6,"Any amount will do, however it'll be extracted from the task payment. I'd say .15 cents from both of us should be fair. Also my mistake earlier, Save the Children apparently has had a childhood cancer treatment going on for a few years now.",3,0,20180824-122020_491_live 7,"Okay, I think .15 cents sounds fair. And good, that makes me feel a bit better. ",3,1,20180824-122020_491_live 8,Thanks for the consideration. Is there anything else you'd like to know?,4,0,20180824-122020_491_live 9,Do you know how long the organization has been around?,4,1,20180824-122020_491_live 10,"Around the year 1919 near World War I, founded by Eglantyne Jebb in London.",5,0,20180824-122020_491_live 11,And do they have an estimated number of children they have helped?,5,1,20180824-122020_491_live 12,"157 million children approximately, as well as 56 million children receiving direct help.",6,0,20180824-122020_491_live 13,How many countries?,6,1,20180824-122020_491_live 14,"120 countries including the US. They've worked in Zambia, Zimbabwe, the Philippines, Lebanon, and Nicaragua just to name a few.",7,0,20180824-122020_491_live 15,Have you ever donated to them before?,7,1,20180824-122020_491_live 16,Yes actually! In one my old school they held a fundraiser for donations for those affected by the hurricanes in Florida about a year ago.,8,0,20180824-122020_491_live 17,"Oh nice! I don't know if I ever have directly, I can't really remember. ",8,1,20180824-122020_491_live 18,Good to know you support them at least! Would you like a link to their website for more information?,9,0,20180824-122020_491_live 19,"sure, I'd appreciate that!",9,1,20180824-122020_491_live 20," URL There you go, thank you for your consideration! Have a good day!",10,0,20180824-122020_491_live 0,hello,0,0,20180824-015242_301_live 1,hi how are you,0,1,20180824-015242_301_live 2,"I'm good, how are you?",1,0,20180824-015242_301_live 3,I'm good...what are we to discuss?,1,1,20180824-015242_301_live 4,we are about making a donation to a fund named save the children,2,0,20180824-015242_301_live 5,ok are we to decide annamount?,2,1,20180824-015242_301_live 6,"yes, indeed. how much would be appropriate for you?",3,0,20180824-015242_301_live 7,I'm sorry I meant $20,3,1,20180824-015242_301_live 8,do you know what save the children fund does? ,4,0,20180824-015242_301_live 9,I guess they save children,4,1,20180824-015242_301_live 10,"yes, they help kids that suffered from violence",5,0,20180824-015242_301_live 11,oh that sounds good..how do they help,5,1,20180824-015242_301_live 12,"they promote childrens rights, help with medical treatment if necessary",6,0,20180824-015242_301_live 13,ok I support that,6,1,20180824-015242_301_live 14,how often do you donate?,7,0,20180824-015242_301_live 15,"every other month or so, but not to them",7,1,20180824-015242_301_live 16,do you volunteer too?,8,0,20180824-015242_301_live 17,not my time anymore no...too busy,8,1,20180824-015242_301_live 18,How much do you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment.,9,0,20180824-015242_301_live 19,I would choose 0 in this instance,9,1,20180824-015242_301_live 20,why do you don't want to donate?,10,0,20180824-015242_301_live 0,Do you give to charities?,0,0,20180824-122416_255_live 1,Yes I sometimes give to charities. How about you?,0,1,20180824-122416_255_live 2,"I do, one of if not my favorite is Save The Children. With that one I know exactly where the money is going.",1,0,20180824-122416_255_live 3,It is always very important to know where your money is going. I donate both time and money to a charity called Food back packs for kids. It is very rewarding.,1,1,20180824-122416_255_live 4,I do know that Save The Children is very active with the situation in Syria.,2,0,20180824-122416_255_live 5,Oh really? I haven't really paid much attention to charities that do thing outside our own country. I prefer to help here at home first in my community.,2,1,20180824-122416_255_live 6,"That is fair too, they help in situations all around the world. Home is important too though.",3,0,20180824-122416_255_live 7,There are just so many people to help everywhere it can be kind of overwhelming. It's important to give to all kinds of organizations when we can.,3,1,20180824-122416_255_live 8,"That is true, I think people forget that the price of a cup of coffee here can be a weeks worth of food elsewhere",4,0,20180824-122416_255_live 9,"Yeah that is definetly a hard thing to wrap my head around. I have to stop and remind myself many times that even on what I may consider my worst day, there are people who live through worse every day. Do you ever volunteer your time at any charities for kids?",4,1,20180824-122416_255_live 10,"I help out at the local Goodwill 2 or 3 times a year, and kids benefit from that so I would say yes.",5,0,20180824-122416_255_live 11,"That's good. I really enjoy helping kids, its rewarding to see things from their perspective. And refreshing.",5,1,20180824-122416_255_live 12,"I agree, kids give an honest view of the world and this can be very refreshing. And we need to help them.",6,0,20180824-122416_255_live 13,"Yes, changing the cycle of poverty is something desperately needed. Even if just one child is helped to see that they are more than what their circumstances have to offer its a win.",6,1,20180824-122416_255_live 14,So would you be willing to donate a share of your bonus to Save The Children? The research team will collect all donations and send it to Save the Children.,7,0,20180824-122416_255_live 15,I would possibly be interested in donating some of it. I would like to know more about it before I donate.,7,1,20180824-122416_255_live 16,"Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries. There is a website URL ",8,0,20180824-122416_255_live 17,thank you for the info. I would donate a portion of the bonus ,8,1,20180824-122416_255_live 18,How much do you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment. I myself am giving 0.25.,9,0,20180824-122416_255_live 19,I Think 0.25 is a good amount,9,1,20180824-122416_255_live 20,"Fantastic, thanks a lot! This is a great cause, thank you!",10,0,20180824-122416_255_live 21,My pleasure glad I can help in some way.,10,1,20180824-122416_255_live 0,hai,0,0,20180824-024455_408_live 1,"Hello, how are you? Do you have any charities you support?",0,1,20180824-024455_408_live 2,i am fine yes i support for this charities,1,0,20180824-024455_408_live 3,Which charities do you support?,1,1,20180824-024455_408_live 4,save the children,2,0,20180824-024455_408_live 5,"Oh, I love that charity too. Do you try and raise money for them?",2,1,20180824-024455_408_live 6,yes i donate fifty rupees only,3,0,20180824-024455_408_live 7,"Well, that is generous of you. I try to donate some money to them as well. ",3,1,20180824-024455_408_live 8,nice to chat you,4,0,20180824-024455_408_live 9,Would you be willing to donate some more money to Save the Children?,4,1,20180824-024455_408_live 10,yes i donate fifty rupees,5,0,20180824-024455_408_live 11,That is wonderful I don't know how much is 50 rupees in US dollars?,5,1,20180824-024455_408_live 12,oh thank you very much,6,0,20180824-024455_408_live 13,"I will also donate some money to Save the Children. How much do you think I should give, if you are giving 50 rupees?",6,1,20180824-024455_408_live 14,same money i think so,7,0,20180824-024455_408_live 15,"OK, I will give the same amount of money in US dollars. ",7,1,20180824-024455_408_live 16,okey thank you very much,8,0,20180824-024455_408_live 17,Thank you very much as well. ,8,1,20180824-024455_408_live 18,thank you very very much,9,0,20180824-024455_408_live 19,Goodbye. Have a wonderful day.,9,1,20180824-024455_408_live 0,"Have you heard of Save The Children, a charity to help children across the world?",0,0,20180824-122513_936_live 1,I haven't heard of this charity. What is it all about?,0,1,20180824-122513_936_live 2,It's a UK based organization that helps aid children from poor countries. Today I'm talking to you on behalf of those children.,1,0,20180824-122513_936_live 3,How do you help these kids?,1,1,20180824-122513_936_live 4,"We take donations of any type from generous men and women. Today, there are children in Syria who are going through a war they had no choice in. They need help.",2,0,20180824-122513_936_live 5,Is there an opportunity to volunteer?,2,1,20180824-122513_936_live 6,"Of course! If you're in the area... But I will be talking to you about donating today if you'd be so willing. You can choose to donate any amount you wish. It will be taken straight from your earnings on this task. As little as one cent, or as much as the entire thing. ",3,0,20180824-122513_936_live 7,I'm always concerned that the money doesn't actually get to where it is needed.,3,1,20180824-122513_936_live 8,What concerns specfically do you have about where you believe it is going?,4,0,20180824-122513_936_live 9,I think a lot of it is used for administrative fees and overhead.,4,1,20180824-122513_936_live 10,"Those adrministrative fees and overhead costs are part of the foundation that is laid to be able to put the additional money to good use. You can't start spending on buying food, putting up shelter, and giving kids what they need without starting with the base. There are children across the world right now who need school supplies for education that we take for granted with it starting up again soon! ",5,0,20180824-122513_936_live 11,So what percentage of the donations actually goes to the kids?,5,1,20180824-122513_936_live 12,"There is an inital upfront cost of building the base for our organization in a location, and then the majority of costs are aimed towards helping the kids in that area. I don't have an exact percentage. The main idea here is that you're willing to help people who are in need. I urge you to consider donating a part of your reward for this HIT towards Save The Children.",6,0,20180824-122513_936_live 13,I can donate 20 cents.,6,1,20180824-122513_936_live 14,You would be helping out a great deal. That goes a long way in many countries. Thank you very much.,7,0,20180824-122513_936_live 15,happy to help,7,1,20180824-122513_936_live 16,So right now there is a 10 year old girl in Vietnam who has been waiting 109 days for a donation. There is also a 3 year old girl in Haiti who has been waiting 64. Which of these two would you prefer to help?,8,0,20180824-122513_936_live 17,The one who has been waiting the longest.,8,1,20180824-122513_936_live 18,"Alright, Dam will be excited to learn about your gift. Parents in her country earn an average of $5 a day, and this could help pay for an entire meal.",9,0,20180824-122513_936_live 19,"Once again, happy to help.",9,1,20180824-122513_936_live 0,Will you donate to a good cause called Save the Childen?,0,0,20180824-122300_862_live 1,I have never heard of that what do they do?,0,1,20180824-122300_862_live 2,They are a non governmental organization that helps ensure children's rights to health and education as well as safety.,1,0,20180824-122300_862_live 3,interesting where do they do this work?,1,1,20180824-122300_862_live 4,they help kids from all over the world. ,2,0,20180824-122300_862_live 5,Have you donated to this charity before?,2,1,20180824-122300_862_live 6,I have and it was one of the best things I could do. There are many kids that have not benefited from a great organization like this,3,0,20180824-122300_862_live 7,how much did you donate to the charity?,3,1,20180824-122300_862_live 8,I donated 30 cents when I first started,4,0,20180824-122300_862_live 9,well that's awesome when did you do that?,4,1,20180824-122300_862_live 10,a month ago,5,0,20180824-122300_862_live 11,how easy was the donating process?,5,1,20180824-122300_862_live 12,It is very simple,6,0,20180824-122300_862_live 13,do they send you a picture of the child you helped?,6,1,20180824-122300_862_live 14,I am not sure about that. I do not think that is available.,7,0,20180824-122300_862_live 15,Do you know where your money was sent to ?,7,1,20180824-122300_862_live 16,It is sent straight to the people that help the kids,8,0,20180824-122300_862_live 17,Ok where are those people located?,8,1,20180824-122300_862_live 18,You can find that out on their website,9,0,20180824-122300_862_live 19,"I usually prefer to donate directly, like the salvation army for example on a street corner",9,1,20180824-122300_862_live 0,Hi there. How are you doing today?,0,0,20180824-121958_772_live 1,"im good thank you for asking, how are you?",0,1,20180824-121958_772_live 2,"Pretty good. Spent some time off mTurk, so this is my first day back! How much time do you spend on here?",1,0,20180824-121958_772_live 3,I am here almost daily but just here and there when i have time,1,1,20180824-121958_772_live 4,Do you have kids?,2,0,20180824-121958_772_live 5,"yes, do you?",2,1,20180824-121958_772_live 6,"Just one, but she's grown now and lives half way across the country. How old are yours?",3,0,20180824-121958_772_live 7,mine are small still (: ,3,1,20180824-121958_772_live 8,This is a good way to help fund that! Kids are so expensive!,4,0,20180824-121958_772_live 9,yes! very true ,4,1,20180824-121958_772_live 10,Have you ever heard of Save the Children? They have a lot of ads on daytime TV.,5,0,20180824-121958_772_live 11,"no, i dont have cable ",5,1,20180824-121958_772_live 12,"Ah. That's probably just as well. They're an organization that has been around forever and does a lot of work with children in impoverished and war-torn countries. I've never donated myself, but we're going to have an opportunity to donate some of our earnings as part of this exercise.",6,0,20180824-121958_772_live 13,"Interesting, Do you believe that these children actually get help from this charities? Because I hope so, but not sure.",6,1,20180824-121958_772_live 14,"Yeah, I always wonder about that myself. I think that with Save the Children, they've been around long enough and have a good enough reputation that I trust them. I have to say, I was on their website and saw what they're doing for kids in Syria. I didn't know that over 1000 children have been killed or injured there as part of the violence. It just breaks my heart. As hard as things were for me, raising my daughter as a single mom, at least we didn't have to worry about getting shot.",7,0,20180824-121958_772_live 15,"Yes, that is very true! Very heartbreaking stuff goes on around this world. Like you said we are very blessed to not have to always worry about bombs being dropped on top of us. ",7,1,20180824-121958_772_live 16,"There was that whole poison gas thing there, too. Do you think you'd be willing to give part of your payment for this task to help deal with that? After all, it's just a little bit of money that we've earned just sitting here chatting.",8,0,20180824-121958_772_live 17,"yes, i think i may. how about you?",8,1,20180824-121958_772_live 18,Yeah. I guess I'd feel kind of guilty if I didn't. How much would you be willing to give? I think we can choose any amount from $0 to all of our payment.,9,0,20180824-121958_772_live 19,"I dont know, but i would def feel guilty too if i didnt after this chat we just had",9,1,20180824-121958_772_live 20,Haha. Me too. I guess I'm going to say that I'll donate the whole thing. It's not like I'm going to come up with anything better to do with whatever little bit of money we make from this. How about you?,10,0,20180824-121958_772_live 0,"Hello, How you doing",0,0,20180824-022709_450_live 1,"Great thanks, Im here to talk about the childrens charity.",0,1,20180824-022709_450_live 2,"Yes, Hope you aware whats going with child who died from hunger ",1,0,20180824-022709_450_live 3,I am mostly aware yes. This is why i would love to donate an amount.,1,1,20180824-022709_450_live 4,You are such a good personality .. How much do you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment.,2,0,20180824-022709_450_live 5,"I not sure, how many children are in need of a donation? This will impact my decision on how much to give.",2,1,20180824-022709_450_live 6,1000 childrens at the first slot,3,0,20180824-022709_450_live 7,"Right, it will probably have to be 80% of my task payment then. I'd love to help 1000 children.",3,1,20180824-022709_450_live 8,Thanks so much.,4,0,20180824-022709_450_live 9,"No problem, what day is the charity meet up then?",4,1,20180824-022709_450_live 10,We will circulate the information to all the volunteers soon . ,5,0,20180824-022709_450_live 11,"Great, and can i bring family members to the donation event?",5,1,20180824-022709_450_live 12,"Sure , everyone are welcome",6,0,20180824-022709_450_live 13,Great what time is it on?,6,1,20180824-022709_450_live 14,Falls on morning timeslot and venue details will be shared shortly after we cosolidated the donators,7,0,20180824-022709_450_live 15,"Okay great, is there parking for the venue or should i get a taxi there?",7,1,20180824-022709_450_live 16,"You will have a parking slot available . However, based on our venue finalization we can check the feasability for everyone. ",8,0,20180824-022709_450_live 17,"Thanks. Just to confirm, I'm donating 80% of my task amount.",8,1,20180824-022709_450_live 18,sure thanks again,9,0,20180824-022709_450_live 19,"Thanks very much, nice speaking to you.",9,1,20180824-022709_450_live 0,Hi!,0,0,20180824-122144_159_live 1,Hello!,0,1,20180824-122144_159_live 2,Did you see what we're supposed to be talking about?,1,0,20180824-122144_159_live 3,"No, I'm just told to have a conversation with you about a children's charity.",1,1,20180824-122144_159_live 4,"Yes I just saw that, sorry. So I think we should both donate if given the option. Children are our future, and there are way too many out there that will never have a chance at a future because they're starving right now, or in unsafe environments. The impact of any money given will be much greater for the kids, than if we were to keep it ourselves.",2,0,20180824-122144_159_live 5,I see and I agree with you. I've recently traveled to Cambodia and felt the urgency to help the children who are suffering from poverty.,2,1,20180824-122144_159_live 6,"Oh yeah then you know firsthand how sad it is! Have you ever heard of Save the Children? It's an international organization that promotes children's rights, and works in developing countries like Cambodia to helpsupport the children. ",3,0,20180824-122144_159_live 7,No I have not. Can you tell me more about this organization?,3,1,20180824-122144_159_live 8,"Yeah absolutely! It's not a government organization, so in my opinion the funds are better spent than being wasted in the typical bureaucratic red tape and wasteful expenditures. This means that it's reliant on donations from the public though! They also provide relief for extremely vulnerable children. In addition to money and food relief that they provide, they also offer access to health and education that they otherwise would not. ",4,0,20180824-122144_159_live 9,I see. What is your role with this charity?,4,1,20180824-122144_159_live 10,"Oh none, just a supporter. I'm a single mother, so any Good organizations hit close to home. Do you think this sounds like an organization you'd support?",5,0,20180824-122144_159_live 11,"Oh I see. If I were to donate, how would I pay?",5,1,20180824-122144_159_live 12,"Well actually you could donate without actually having to pay! Mturk is giving us a bonus, and we can choose to donate part of it right through Mturk! I think this is awesome, because too many organizations just care about getting the results that they're looking for (research). But at least this one is also doing some social good as well! Do you think you'd donate just $1 if it was given through Mturk like I mentioned?",6,0,20180824-122144_159_live 13,That's really awesome! Yeah $1 sounds good to me but I don't know if this amount would be impactful as you mentioned a few conversations ago.,6,1,20180824-122144_159_live 14,"That's not true, every penny counts! And in other countries, money can go a lot farther. Just because of your $1, there's now a child that won't have to go without food today or tomorrow :) You should feel good about your contribution!",7,0,20180824-122144_159_live 15,"You're right! I guess I need to start donating more often too. And yes, I'll donate my $1.",7,1,20180824-122144_159_live 16,"Thank you! I can relate though, I often feel like I'm not doing enough. But that's because there's always more that can be done! But as long as we help when we can, and stay aware of more opportunities to help, them we're doing our part at least!",8,0,20180824-122144_159_live 17,Yes let's all start helping out the people that are suffering from poverty. Thank you for your kind and informative words,8,1,20180824-122144_159_live 18,"I agree. You're welcome, and thank you as well!",9,0,20180824-122144_159_live 19,Thank you. Good luck with your charity!,9,1,20180824-122144_159_live 0,What do you know about the Save the Children organization?,0,0,20180824-124214_397_live 1,absoutely nothing is it a good one?,0,1,20180824-124214_397_live 2,"It's one of the biggest in the world, trying to help children who are in poverty, war situations, etc.",1,0,20180824-124214_397_live 3,sounds good. i'm all for that.,1,1,20180824-124214_397_live 4,Also they help with important healthcare issues,2,0,20180824-124214_397_live 5,well the children are the future.,2,1,20180824-124214_397_live 6,"For sure! How much of your task payment would you like to contribute to Save the Children, it can be from 0 to all of the task payment.",3,0,20180824-124214_397_live 7,all of it,3,1,20180824-124214_397_live 8,Well that is very generous of you!,4,0,20180824-124214_397_live 9,30 cents can buy a lot of food in other countries,4,1,20180824-124214_397_live 10,"Very true, it can really make a difference. I respect your decision.",5,0,20180824-124214_397_live 11,it isnt really a tough decision.,5,1,20180824-124214_397_live 12,"There always seems to be heavy needs around the world, hunger, war, natural disasters, etc.",6,0,20180824-124214_397_live 13,yes things are ultimately getting better though. there will be less and less third world countries in the future because of technology.,6,1,20180824-124214_397_live 14,Good point. Technology used well can make a huge difference.,7,0,20180824-124214_397_live 15,once people are able to get basic eduacation cheaper and easier it all goes up from there.,7,1,20180824-124214_397_live 16,"Internet has enormous potential in this area, as it provides access to vast amounts of free knowledge",8,0,20180824-124214_397_live 17,people are able to have schools in bad places just by using video. and also online classes. ,8,1,20180824-124214_397_live 18,"Yes, just have to keep those connections up, and that can be a challenge",9,0,20180824-124214_397_live 19,theres a great book called factfulness that is all about how things are gradually getting better despite what the media portrays.,9,1,20180824-124214_397_live 0,Hello,0,0,20180824-123946_581_live 1,Hey,0,1,20180824-123946_581_live 2,Would you be interested in donating to Save the Children charity with your earnings from this task?,1,0,20180824-123946_581_live 3,I wouldn't mind donating a percentage of it....,1,1,20180824-123946_581_live 4,"Ok, what percentage are you thinking about? They could really use our help!",2,0,20180824-123946_581_live 5,15% sounds about right...,2,1,20180824-123946_581_live 6,I like that you are wanting to donate but I think we should donate more than that,3,0,20180824-123946_581_live 7,Why is that? Im pretty sure that any amount is appreciated....,3,1,20180824-123946_581_live 8,"Yes, every little bit does help but I believe they deserve more than what you offer.",4,0,20180824-123946_581_live 9,Like what amount?,4,1,20180824-123946_581_live 10,"I tell you what, if you would be willing to donate 50% of the earnings for this task, I will donate the same percentage. That seems fair doesn't it?",5,0,20180824-123946_581_live 11,Sure why not,5,1,20180824-123946_581_live 12,Good to hear,6,0,20180824-123946_581_live 13,Whats the next step?,6,1,20180824-123946_581_live 14,The research team will collect all donations and send it to Save the Children. we have to go through ten turns of convo to advance,7,0,20180824-123946_581_live 15,"Oh ok, so how many ""turns"" we got so far",7,1,20180824-123946_581_live 16,This will be our ninth,8,0,20180824-123946_581_live 17,So i guess this the last message..,8,1,20180824-123946_581_live 18,Okay so agree on half of our earnings will go to this charity,9,0,20180824-123946_581_live 19,Yes half it is....,9,1,20180824-123946_581_live 0,"Hi, have you finished reading the instructions?",0,0,20180824-121720_619_live 1,I believe so.,0,1,20180824-121720_619_live 2,"Yeah, they are pretty long! :)",1,0,20180824-121720_619_live 3,I don't think I was given very long instructions? Mine seem rather short. We need to make a decision and a charity donation yes?,1,1,20180824-121720_619_live 4,"Yes, that's it exactly!",2,0,20180824-121720_619_live 5,Okay great. What are we supposed to say about the children's charity?,2,1,20180824-121720_619_live 6,"I don't know if you received the information regarding the Charity, but Save the Children supports children around the world from disease, violence and provides a means to a better education.",3,0,20180824-121720_619_live 7,That sounds like an admirable and important charity. What do you think?,3,1,20180824-121720_619_live 8,"I like it. It's a real organization, by the way.",4,0,20180824-121720_619_live 9,I see that (I googled it). It's been running for quite some time. Almost one hundred years at this point. ,4,1,20180824-121720_619_live 10,"Yes, that's true. I want to ask you if you would be interested in donating a small portion of your HIT payment to the charity.",5,0,20180824-121720_619_live 11,Do you have any info on the way the charity allocates its money?,5,1,20180824-121720_619_live 12,"I want to say a high percentage goes directly to the children: 90%. The programs in the US are aimed at advocacy, education, emergency services and protection. Seems like a good cause...",6,0,20180824-121720_619_live 13,A quick search says 86% which is certainly a good amount in my opinion.,6,1,20180824-121720_619_live 14,"I think so too. I guess we can donate up any amount of our task pay, from $0 to $.30. Any thoughts on what how much you might want to donate?",7,0,20180824-121720_619_live 15,Okay cool. I guess I'll go with .15,7,1,20180824-121720_619_live 16,"Awesome! Just for your info., I will match the same amount!",8,0,20180824-121720_619_live 17,Great. I'm sure any amount helps.,8,1,20180824-121720_619_live 18,"I think anything is better than nothing, besides, it's for a good cause!",9,0,20180824-121720_619_live 19,"Yeah, I agree. Sounds like a plan!",9,1,20180824-121720_619_live 20,It's been great chatting with you and thanks again for the donation! Have a great weekend! :),10,0,20180824-121720_619_live 0,"Good afternoon, I\'m contacting you to see if you would be willing to donate to the charity ""Save the Children""?",0,0,20180824-130122_363_live 1,Can you provide me with any information about the charity?,0,1,20180824-130122_363_live 2,"Sure, Save the Children is an international non-government organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",1,0,20180824-130122_363_live 3,Do they primarily work outside the US?,1,1,20180824-130122_363_live 4,The U.S. and around the world. ,2,0,20180824-130122_363_live 5,Is there a specific thing that the donation would go towards or is it just a general donation?,2,1,20180824-130122_363_live 6,Save the children focuses on many aspects to support children's welfare. One way of accomplishing this is to ensure sound maternal and infant health and prevent infant malnutrition. ,3,0,20180824-130122_363_live 7,What kind of operating costs are involved? Does the majority of the donation go directly to the kids or to overhead?,3,1,20180824-130122_363_live 8,"Thanks for asking, in fiscal year 17, 86% went to program service which means it directly affected the targeted demographic. 9% was fundraising and 5% for management and general. Donation can be made monthly or one time contribution.",4,0,20180824-130122_363_live 9,Is there a particular amount that you are looking for?,4,1,20180824-130122_363_live 10,A donation of the task reward is recommended.,5,0,20180824-130122_363_live 11,I'm sorry I don't recall what that amount was.,5,1,20180824-130122_363_live 12,It was a .50 task amount. This is comparable or less than most people's daily coffee budget.,6,0,20180824-130122_363_live 13,Is this an organization that you donate to yourself?,6,1,20180824-130122_363_live 14,I certainly do!!,7,0,20180824-130122_363_live 15,Are they successful in raising funds?,7,1,20180824-130122_363_live 16,"Yes, last year they reached 237,000 children around the world. How much would you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation of 50 cents will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment.",8,0,20180824-130122_363_live 17,I think I need a little time to decide to donate,8,1,20180824-130122_363_live 18,"Your donation can certainly help children worldwide, consider the fact that in Syria children have grown up facing daily threats of violence and in the first two months of 2018 alone, 1,000 children were reportedly killed or injured. We that have enough or more than enough can assist these children with basic necessities, food and healthcare",9,0,20180824-130122_363_live 19,I will donate $0.15,9,1,20180824-130122_363_live 20,Thank you so much for your donation!,10,0,20180824-130122_363_live 0,Hello! How are you doing today?,0,0,20180824-122741_281_live 1,I am well. How about yourself?,0,1,20180824-122741_281_live 2,I am doing well thank you for asking. I wanted to talk to you about a charity that does great work called Save The Children. Have you ever heard of it?,1,0,20180824-122741_281_live 3,"I have not, but I am interested in hearing more about it. Can you tell me more?",1,1,20180824-122741_281_live 4,"Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries. They do amazing work in places where children do not have advocates for their well-being.",2,0,20180824-122741_281_live 5,That sounds awesome. That's the sort of charity I would gladly donate to. They seem to be really making a difference in the world,2,1,20180824-122741_281_live 6,"You rock! Save the Children ensures that children have a right to health, education, and safety. For example: Syria in the first two months of 2018 In the first two months of 2018 alone, 1,000+ children were killed or severely injured in violent situations. It is incredibly unfair to these children to experience such trauma at a young age, and thats where Save the Children steps in to help.",3,0,20180824-122741_281_live 7,What are some things Save the Children have done for those children? ,3,1,20180824-122741_281_live 8,"In 2017, the charity reached 155 million children in the U.S. and worldwide. Would you like to know more about how the charity has stopped infectious diseases, lowered newborn fatality, stopped childhood hunger, provided education or provided disaster relief?",4,0,20180824-122741_281_live 9,yes please ,4,1,20180824-122741_281_live 10,"To start, In the past three years the charity has treated more than 538,000 cases of pneumonia alone",5,0,20180824-122741_281_live 11,oh that's great!,5,1,20180824-122741_281_live 12,"Next, Save the Children has provided food for more than 4.4 million children in the past year helping to reduce world hunger",6,0,20180824-122741_281_live 13,that's great too. very important,6,1,20180824-122741_281_live 14,"Also, around the world, nearly 400 million school-age children can't read or write. With the program instituted by the charity the literacy rates have been shown to increase by 30% and the children are 50% more likely to reach the 6th grade.",7,0,20180824-122741_281_live 15,wow. Save The Children is an excellent organization ,7,1,20180824-122741_281_live 16,"I am a very big fan, and I support the work they do 100%. Would you like to donate to this amazing effort today?",8,0,20180824-122741_281_live 17,yes how can i donate,8,1,20180824-122741_281_live 18,The research team will collect all donations and send it to Save the Children. How much do you like to donate to the charity? You can choose any amount from $0.5 - $1.70,9,0,20180824-122741_281_live 19,I will donate $0.5,9,1,20180824-122741_281_live 0,Save the childen is an essential charity in ensuring childrens right acros ,0,0,20180823-023349_326_live 1,I've heard of them but can't say I know that much about them. How do you think they differ from say UNICEF?,0,1,20180823-023349_326_live 2,"Unicef was created in 1946 to help protect children after World War 2, save the children aims to promote children rights and education, both are similar in goal but as a basis save the children saves and impacts millions of children across the world.",1,0,20180823-023349_326_live 3,"Fair enough mate, so what do you propose?",1,1,20180823-023349_326_live 4,"there is a lack of support for children in developing countries, especially in war zones, do you feel this is something you could help support with a donation? ",2,0,20180823-023349_326_live 5,"Maybe, but how do I know the money would reach the destination? Don't they mostly end up in executives pockets?",2,1,20180823-023349_326_live 6,"The research team will collect all donations and send it to Save the Children, been a one of the most well seen after charities, it is safe to assume the donation will be used for good.",3,0,20180823-023349_326_live 7,I'm not convinced. What percentage of a donation do you think would reach an actual victim?,3,1,20180823-023349_326_live 8,"All the donation would reach the destination, the donation amount comes from the task payment, The end goal of this surely should be to support the needs of the growing demand for children. a small donation to them can go along way as shown by what save the children can do each year. ",4,0,20180823-023349_326_live 9,If you say so. I'm still hesitant. ,4,1,20180823-023349_326_live 10,"You do not need to be, its shown the impact save the children have globally via donations, i ensure you it will help make a difference. i understand the hesitation but it would e very helpful to donate to the charity? does this appeal to you",5,0,20180823-023349_326_live 11,"The way you're phrasing it it doesn't appeal to me at all, sorry. ",5,1,20180823-023349_326_live 12,"i do apologize, it would not have to be a large sum donation any percentage of the final payment would make a difference, would not even something as low as 25 % be of interest ? the basis of 1000s of children depend of donations like this.",6,0,20180823-023349_326_live 13,Ok fine. So how much do you propose the donation should be?,6,1,20180823-023349_326_live 14,"the donation comes from the task payment, the percentage is decided on how generous you feel and how much of an impact you want to make, ideally of course i would want all the task payment to go to charity, but anything can help.",7,0,20180823-023349_326_live 15,In all honesty I'd rather donate to an animal shelter so let's meet halfway.,7,1,20180823-023349_326_live 16,"i see, well any charity donation from my view is of great need, although i feel save the children are in more need than an animal shelter in terms of the money they need to make an impact. would a 50/50 split between both charities work ?",8,0,20180823-023349_326_live 17,So now we're donating to two different charities?,8,1,20180823-023349_326_live 18,"i would suggest if you wanted to donate to both,you could donate half of what you wish to donate now to this charity, then you could donate the rest to the other charity if you wish in your own time, would you be willing to donate 30% to save the children now, this small amount really helps save the children stay a float.",9,0,20180823-023349_326_live 19,Ok. 30% sounds reasonable. ,9,1,20180823-023349_326_live 20,"that would be amazing, small donations really help keep this charity going, thank you for the help you provide to save the children.",10,0,20180823-023349_326_live 0,thank you,0,0,20180823-020542_443_live 1,Hello there,0,1,20180823-020542_443_live 2,haw are you,1,0,20180823-020542_443_live 3,"I am good, what do you think about children's charity?",1,1,20180823-020542_443_live 4,yes i donate very much money,2,0,20180823-020542_443_live 5,"Thats great, I do too, well not a lot but what I can give.",2,1,20180823-020542_443_live 6,i give 1000_ for this children,3,0,20180823-020542_443_live 7,"Wow that is great, do you have a particular charity you give to?",3,1,20180823-020542_443_live 8,no my family and my friend,4,0,20180823-020542_443_live 9,I donate clothes I cant fit into anymore,4,1,20180823-020542_443_live 10,very good for you,5,0,20180823-020542_443_live 11,What is it about childrens charity that you give? Any other charity you give to?,5,1,20180823-020542_443_live 12,save the children is the organization,6,0,20180823-020542_443_live 13,"Oh yes I have heard of that, it is very good and reputable from what I hear!",6,1,20180823-020542_443_live 14,"i am pleasure for my charity, all the best for you",7,0,20180823-020542_443_live 15,"I also like to give to Goodwill, they aren't a specific childrens charity but they do help kids as well.",7,1,20180823-020542_443_live 16,yes is very good ,8,0,20180823-020542_443_live 17,"I would like to help the children in Africa too, they have basic needs that a couple dollars could really help!",8,1,20180823-020542_443_live 18,"yes i understand, ",9,0,20180823-020542_443_live 19,"I think I will look into save the children later, thanks for the advice",9,1,20180823-020542_443_live 0,Hi,0,0,20180823-021454_370_live 1,How's it going?,0,1,20180823-021454_370_live 2,Pretty good ,1,0,20180823-021454_370_live 3,So we're supposed to talk about a childrens charity? I'd give all your money to the children.,1,1,20180823-021454_370_live 4,How about we both decide to donate to the charity,2,0,20180823-021454_370_live 5,No. Just you.,2,1,20180823-021454_370_live 6,If we both donate then we both get a bonus and help the charity,3,0,20180823-021454_370_live 7,Hmm... I'll donate $1 if you donate $1000.,3,1,20180823-021454_370_live 8,Ok.. that's a deal,4,0,20180823-021454_370_live 9,Beautiful. We're both wonderful caring people.,4,1,20180823-021454_370_live 10,Yes we are,5,0,20180823-021454_370_live 11,How do you think we should solve the hunger issues in the world?,5,1,20180823-021454_370_live 12,Have a good day,6,0,20180823-021454_370_live 13,But we must finish!,6,1,20180823-021454_370_live 14,More people should go on a vegetarian diet,7,0,20180823-021454_370_live 15,I think we should feed one half of the hungry people to the other half.,7,1,20180823-021454_370_live 16,That's a silly idea,8,0,20180823-021454_370_live 17,"Yeah, just joshing. ",8,1,20180823-021454_370_live 18,So when is this talk ovah,9,0,20180823-021454_370_live 19,NOW THE TALK IS OVER!,9,1,20180823-021454_370_live 0,"Have you heard of the charity ""Save the Children""?",0,0,20180823-021414_711_live 1,yes I have,0,1,20180823-021414_711_live 2,It is amazing! For 20 cents you can feed a child for 6 months and increase their likelihood of exceeding at school by 99%,1,0,20180823-021414_711_live 3,I am willing to give 20 cents of my task for saving the children,1,1,20180823-021414_711_live 4,That's great! These donations help save kids for gorilla war fare and allow them to experience some sort of childhood,2,0,20180823-021414_711_live 5,I have researched this charity and am glad to be a part of donating my task money to help them,2,1,20180823-021414_711_live 6,I'm so happy to hear that! We need more supporters like you!,3,0,20180823-021414_711_live 7,I plan to do the same for other mturkers I speak with ,3,1,20180823-021414_711_live 8,Do you have any friends you'd be willing to compel to donate to save the children? ,4,0,20180823-021414_711_live 9,"I am homebound at the moment, but I will reach out to other workers and ask them to donate",4,1,20180823-021414_711_live 10,Amazing! You can share the website URL that will give them information and a link to donate,5,0,20180823-021414_711_live 11,"Just copied it, thank you for the information I hope you get rewarded!!!",5,1,20180823-021414_711_live 12,We are all rewarded when we help the less fortunate!,6,0,20180823-021414_711_live 13,"100%, I am on board for assisting everyone in need",6,1,20180823-021414_711_live 14,I really appreciate your support. However much you decide to donate will be deducted from your task payment. How much would you like to donate at this time?,7,0,20180823-021414_711_live 15,"20 cent at this time, I am also sending the site to other mturkers",7,1,20180823-021414_711_live 16,I am confirming your donation of 20 cents?,8,0,20180823-021414_711_live 17,"ok, I appreciate your time",8,1,20180823-021414_711_live 18,Thank you so much! Your support will do so much for children in need,9,0,20180823-021414_711_live 19,"thank you, have an incredible night",9,1,20180823-021414_711_live 0,Hello! ,0,0,20180823-022522_183_live 1,"Hi, how are you?",0,1,20180823-022522_183_live 2,"I am well, thank you :) How are you?",1,0,20180823-022522_183_live 3,"Great, thanks. How do you feel about children's charity?",1,1,20180823-022522_183_live 4,"That's great to hear! I actually am a big advocate for childrens' charities. Are you familiar with Save the Children? It's a fantastic international, non-governmental organization that promotes the security of childrens' rights and helps to provide relief and support in developing countries.",2,0,20180823-022522_183_live 5,"Yes, I have. I agree that it's a great organization.",2,1,20180823-022522_183_live 6,"It absolutely is! Unfortunately, as with any charitable organization, they do rely on donations and community support to continue providing the resources they do. Without our help, they may not be able to help the children fully. I know there's all kinds of charities nowadays, but trustworthy organizations that advocate for children really touch my heart. I can't ignore them. What about you?",3,0,20180823-022522_183_live 7,"I agree. We have a number of charities here, but it's necessary to check them out carefully because there are a few that are scams or have extremely high administrative costs. I think that the charities for children are the most deserving. Do you donate to Save the Children?",3,1,20180823-022522_183_live 8,"Oh yes I understand. I donate whenever I can (to various charities) and I've certainly been scammed before. I agree, charities for children are most deserving. I have donated to Save the Children and I would again. They're quite a reputable organization that is recognized and utilized domestically and internationally. Charitynavigator.org is a great resource for researching the credibility of organizations like Save the Children. Save the Children is actually rated quite well! On accountability and transperancy, they're rated 97 out of 100, and for financial responsibility they're rated 84 out of 100. Not perfect, but still quite impressive. ",4,0,20180823-022522_183_live 9,"I've never heard of Charitynavigator.org. I certainly need to check that out. Does it research charities around the world? And, yes, I agree those are good ratings, especially the accountability and transparency. I try to donate as much as I can, but living on a small pension, I can only do so much.",4,1,20180823-022522_183_live 10,"Yes! Furthermore, it rates a variety of charities so you can see any type. It's quite thorough as well, providing contact info as well as in depth statistical analysis of their results (not just in dollars but in people helped). I definitely know it's not always possible. I work but it's check to check. I do find some opportunities here and there it's always a pleasure. Would you have any interest in donating earnings from this task? It would be directly deducted from your task payment. Any amount for $0 to all. Every little bit counts!",5,0,20180823-022522_183_live 11,"Yes, every little bit does count. I know people here where I live that get by on two dollars a day. Yes, I would be interested in donating earnings from this task.",5,1,20180823-022522_183_live 12,"Wow that is truly amazing. I need to get my cost of living down to $2 a day. Anyways, that is very nice of you and I commend you. If given the option, I will be donating my earnings as well. How much of your earnings would you like to donate to the charity?",6,0,20180823-022522_183_live 13,It's tough living on $2 a day. Not any wiggle room for unexpected occurances in life like illness or school fees. I would be willing to donate all my earnings if you agree with that.,6,1,20180823-022522_183_live 14,I understand completely. And I genuinely thank you for offering your survey payment as a donation. I'm happy to accept your offer! The research team will collect all donations and send it to Save the Children.,7,0,20180823-022522_183_live 15,Super. So how does that work exactly?,7,1,20180823-022522_183_live 16,The research team will collect the donations and send them direct to Save the Children! ,8,0,20180823-022522_183_live 17,Great. So I am agreement with this. Anywhere else left to go from here?,8,1,20180823-022522_183_live 18,Awesome! I think that about does it :),9,0,20180823-022522_183_live 19,"Well, it's be great talking to you, and thanks, I learned something new today.",9,1,20180823-022522_183_live 20,Likewise! Thank you!,10,0,20180823-022522_183_live 0,Howdy,0,0,20180823-020508_596_live 1,Hey how are you today?,0,1,20180823-020508_596_live 2,I'm good. You?,1,0,20180823-020508_596_live 3,"Good, What do you think is the greatest social issue we are facing right now?",1,1,20180823-020508_596_live 4,Violence. Same as at every point in history. You ever do one of these chat tasks before?,2,0,20180823-020508_596_live 5,Yes I have- I feel its violence too,2,1,20180823-020508_596_live 6,"It wants me to donate to ""Save the Children"". Any idea if that is a real charity?",3,0,20180823-020508_596_live 7,I believe it is- I've seen commericals for it on TV before....have you?,3,1,20180823-020508_596_live 8,"No, but then I don't watch much TV, certainly never commercials. Is it asking you to donate too?",4,0,20180823-020508_596_live 9,Yes- I've donated to a similar charity before but it was based on supporting kids education,4,1,20180823-020508_596_live 10,I'm not sure how much my $0.30 reward for completing the HIT would actually help.,5,0,20180823-020508_596_live 11,It would feed a child for almost 3 days.,5,1,20180823-020508_596_live 12,Sounds like you are very knowledgeable about it. It doesn't say that in the info they gave me. Are you going to donate?,6,0,20180823-020508_596_live 13,I'm going to donate half .10 - So i Can feed a child for a day ,6,1,20180823-020508_596_live 14,It is only paying you $0.20 complete the HIT?,7,0,20180823-020508_596_live 15,Its paying me .30,7,1,20180823-020508_596_live 16,So how is .10 half?,8,0,20180823-020508_596_live 17,I'm not doing half I'm doing a third.,8,1,20180823-020508_596_live 18,"Ok. I'll probably just donate the whole 0.30, if you are sure it is real & will help kids.",9,0,20180823-020508_596_live 19,"Yes I am, ",9,1,20180823-020508_596_live 0,"Hello there, How are you?",0,0,20180829-075322_267_live 1,Pretty good. How are you?,0,1,20180829-075322_267_live 2,"I'm great, thank you! I am asking you today to donate some of your task payment to the charity Save the Children.",1,0,20180829-075322_267_live 3,They are a worthy charity. I will donate $1.,1,1,20180829-075322_267_live 4,Thank you so much,2,0,20180829-075322_267_live 5,You are welcome. I used to be a monthly donor.,2,1,20180829-075322_267_live 6,That is wonderful to hear! ,3,0,20180829-075322_267_live 7,"I didn't write to the little girl I was sponsoring nearly as much as I should have. That makes me feel bad, but hopefully I made some sort of difference in her life.",3,1,20180829-075322_267_live 8,"Oh my, well I am sure the times that you did write to her she was filled with joy.",4,0,20180829-075322_267_live 9,I know that I enjoyed her letters.,4,1,20180829-075322_267_live 10,I am sure! There is a spark that lights up in your heart when you read those little words huh?,5,0,20180829-075322_267_live 11,"Yes, and the knowledge that I should be more grateful for my life, because even though things can be rough, there are people who struggle more than I have.",5,1,20180829-075322_267_live 12,"Of coarse, and I wish more people could see it that way.",6,0,20180829-075322_267_live 13,"There is enough for everyone to have a good life, but there are way too many people doing without because of the greed of a few.",6,1,20180829-075322_267_live 14,"Yes, there are plenty of people with plenty and these children have nothing. They need more!",7,0,20180829-075322_267_live 15,"Yes, I hate to think of all the children suffering. It isn't right that they do without in a world of abundance.",7,1,20180829-075322_267_live 16,Well I do thank you for your $1 donation and our research team will collect it and send it to the Save the Children Charity.,8,0,20180829-075322_267_live 17,I appreciate that. I hope that it helps. I know every penny counts when you don't have a lot.,8,1,20180829-075322_267_live 18,Yes It does! Anything that you can give makes a difference!,9,0,20180829-075322_267_live 19," I'm glad. If I won the lottery and it was a huge amount, I would use it to help other people. I don't understand how having more than you need does you any good. ",9,1,20180829-075322_267_live 20,I know. Thank you again!,10,0,20180829-075322_267_live 0,"Hello, may I ask you a question?",0,0,20180829-123437_970_live 1,"Hi there, yep fire away",0,1,20180829-123437_970_live 2,Do you like children?,1,0,20180829-123437_970_live 3,I do like children. I have 3 of my own,1,1,20180829-123437_970_live 4,That's a blessing. may I ask you another question?,2,0,20180829-123437_970_live 5,please ask away,2,1,20180829-123437_970_live 6,How would you feel if your children were sick and you had no way to help them because of lack of money?,3,0,20180829-123437_970_live 7,I would feel horrible. I would do all that I could to try and fix that situation,3,1,20180829-123437_970_live 8,"That is a noble sentiment. You are truly blessed to have healthy children. But unfortunately not everyone is so blessed and their are countless children suffering from the very things that make you feel horrible. But what if I told you that you can do something to fix that, how would you respond?",4,0,20180829-123437_970_live 9,I am aware of others suffering in the world. I would be interested in what can be done to fix the situation.,4,1,20180829-123437_970_live 10,"That is good to hear, and I indeed have great news for you, for today you can help. Have you ever heard of Save the Children NGO?",5,0,20180829-123437_970_live 11,I have not heard of Save the Children NGO. What do they do?,5,1,20180829-123437_970_live 12,"The long short of it is they provide a way for the severely underprivileged and unrepresented children in this world with a fighting chance to make it to adult hood, something we take for granted sometimes. For detailed information you can visit their website at URL But while I have your attention can I ask you for your help now. If you donate anywhere up to two dollars you will have made and immeasurable improvement on these young souls.",6,0,20180829-123437_970_live 13,I can help. I'd be willing to donate $1 to save the children,6,1,20180829-123437_970_live 14,That is fantastic news. So I can confirm your agreement of a donation of one dollar to Save the Children?,7,0,20180829-123437_970_live 15,yes. you can confirm,7,1,20180829-123437_970_live 16,You are the reason I do this. Many sincere thanks. Would you like instructions now for donating?,8,0,20180829-123437_970_live 17,sure please send them,8,1,20180829-123437_970_live 18,The research team will collect all donations and send it to Save the Children. So keep an eye out for the team. A million thanks from a million little ones.,9,0,20180829-123437_970_live 19,wonderful. I am glad i could help.,9,1,20180829-123437_970_live 0,Hello my name is Steven.,0,0,20180829-101807_380_live 1,Hi my name is Donna what's yours?,0,1,20180829-101807_380_live 2,My name is Steven. Do you actively donate to charity? Have you ever heard of Save the Children?,1,0,20180829-101807_380_live 3,Sorry Steven I saw your name after I asked.Yes I often monthly really donate to a charity in the Gobi .I have heard and at one point did activly donated to Save The Children.Thank you for asking,1,1,20180829-101807_380_live 4,Save the Children is a wonderful organization. They promote children's rights and provide relief to support children in developing countries. Many children around the world benefit from their work.,2,0,20180829-101807_380_live 5,Yes I agree do you donate to Save The Children? I would love to see the children taken from the trafficking aspect and returned to the families.,2,1,20180829-101807_380_live 6,I do donate to Save the Children and I agree with you that human trafficking is something we need to tackle. It makes me sad that people including children are subjected to such horrors. Why our world has to have such evil is beyond me.,3,0,20180829-101807_380_live 7,"It is called sin and we CAN do a lot about it by making Save the Children fully accountable for the finances we send ,accountability is very necessary to know where the money is going and if it is being used directly foe the child or administrative fees.",3,1,20180829-101807_380_live 8,I agree and Save the Children provides proof on how they spend their money. You can view that information on their website. You can also view reports created by independent resources proving they allocate funds as they say.,4,0,20180829-101807_380_live 9,This is good I also donated to Feed The Children and withdrew my donations when I checked with the accounting agency responsiable for the allocations of the fumds and only a small 10 cents ever went to the child the rest was what they called operating and administrative fees---I was quite angry as we had donated quite a lot.,4,1,20180829-101807_380_live 10,"Wow, that makes me angry when organizations conduct themselves that way. I understand the need for costs and needing to use some of the money for that. I like that Save the children specifically states that they use x amount of every dollar. The financial audits back up their claim. So I can rest assured that the value of my dollar is going to the children as they promise.",5,0,20180829-101807_380_live 11,So Steven are you going to donate today ?,5,1,20180829-101807_380_live 12,I plan to donate for sure. I figure that half of my earnings would suffice. It will help children and I will still benefit. It seems like a proper thing to do.,6,0,20180829-101807_380_live 13,Sounds good to me I shall also donate 1/2 of my earnings as we are the voice of these precious children I pray they get clean drinking water good food medical treatment housing and all the needs met if we ALL pull together it can be a better world for these children.,6,1,20180829-101807_380_live 14,Looking at the Saving the Children foundation is appears they are doing extensive work in Africa. What areas of the world do you think could benefit from this organization?,7,0,20180829-101807_380_live 15,Wow that's great what about right here in the USA?There are so many children in poverty here in West Virginia and the other impovished areas.I also see the need in the Gobi desert for good drinking water and medical care.,7,1,20180829-101807_380_live 16,"I agree, I hurt for all children facing bad conditions but in the United States we face a lot too. It would be nice if they also had a allocation schedule for regions of the world. By that I mean splitting the funding to include our country and specifically spelling out how much goes to each.f",8,0,20180829-101807_380_live 17,Is Save The Children only internationaly?We need to have a movement to help the children of our country as well as others Africa has had so much drought and many deaths due to the heat I am sure they are also in dire straights.,8,1,20180829-101807_380_live 18,It appears they do spend money the US during disasters or other impacting scenarios. That is good to know.,9,0,20180829-101807_380_live 19,Oh o.k. but it is a disaster in many ways when our own children have no food clean drinking water decent housing but I do understand so that being said what else do we need to discuss concerning donations?May I add that I was blessed to provid e 2 drinking wells for the Gobi desert and it was and is such a blesing to see the use where they can draw water for the families as well as the livestock giving is a form of love in many ways.,9,1,20180829-101807_380_live 0,"Hi, how are you doing today?",0,0,20180829-080320_760_live 1,I am good. And you,0,1,20180829-080320_760_live 2,Am doing well. I was wondering if you actively donate to any charities?,1,0,20180829-080320_760_live 3,Not right at the moment. I haven't find any good one to donate too.,1,1,20180829-080320_760_live 4,"I know, it is hard to find one that you feel is actually using a majority donations for the recipients and not for administrative costs. I did some research and decided on Save the Children. Have you heard of them?",2,0,20180829-080320_760_live 5,No I have not. What do they do?,2,1,20180829-080320_760_live 6,"They provide health care, education, protection and emergency aid for children all over the world. Nearly 6 million children die each year due to malnourished, lack of care and treatment for preventable diseases, among other things. I was so impressed by their program that I have made them my first choice for donations.",3,0,20180829-080320_760_live 7,"That sounds really good and all, but I'm looking for something that helps our children right here in America. It always seem that charities help other places, but what about the children right here at home.",3,1,20180829-080320_760_live 8,"That was my first question, also, when I started my research, and they are actively involved here, also. Save the Children is an international program so you can specify where you want your donation applied.",4,0,20180829-080320_760_live 9,That is awesome. It is just really hard to donate when I have to think of my own family. Not easier to give money to other when I have bills that needs to come first and my own children to think about,4,1,20180829-080320_760_live 10,"I agree. I am also a parent and my family's needs have always come first. I have been able to set aside a very small donation for this organization by telling my kids that they can help another child who is not as fortunate as they are by contributing a small portion of their allowance each week. At first, of course there was grumbling but I showed them pictures of the kids they would be helping and they decided to help.",5,0,20180829-080320_760_live 11,That is very awesome. I don't pay my kids allowance so that wouldn't work for me. I tell them their allowance is the power to play on their tablet and the internet they use.,5,1,20180829-080320_760_live 12,"Guess that wouldn't work! Am sure you would be surprised that the smallest amount would be enough to help thousands of children, and sometimes by just not buying that snack or a cup of coffee would be enough to send as a donation. ",6,0,20180829-080320_760_live 13,I would love to I just don't have it to spare today,6,1,20180829-080320_760_live 14,We are all responsible for the children of the world and it is our duty to care for their well being. I had hoped that you would be a part of this amazing organization. You are a part of the solution and just a few cents added up over a month would help.,7,0,20180829-080320_760_live 15,"I know it is our responsible, but again my family is first and for most and I don't have any to spare right now",7,1,20180829-080320_760_live 16,"I see, well when you have a few cents to spare remember this organization, Save the Children. ",8,0,20180829-080320_760_live 17,I will thank you for telling me about it,8,1,20180829-080320_760_live 18,Your welcome. You will not be disappointed at all.,9,0,20180829-080320_760_live 19,I would also like to look a little more into myself. Do they have a website or something,9,1,20180829-080320_760_live 0,Hi! How are you today?,0,0,20180829-085544_678_live 1,"Doing great, how about yourself?",0,1,20180829-085544_678_live 2,"Very good, thanks for asking! Have you ever thought about donating to Save the Children?",1,0,20180829-085544_678_live 3,"I haven't, what does that charity do?",1,1,20180829-085544_678_live 4,"Save the Childrenhelps children in developing countries by giving them medicine, food and much more!",2,0,20180829-085544_678_live 5,Oh that sounds like a great cause! Have you personally donated to them before?,2,1,20180829-085544_678_live 6,Yes I have! I usually donate to them whenever I have extra money.,3,0,20180829-085544_678_live 7,Do they have a website I could visit?,3,1,20180829-085544_678_live 8,Of course! It's URL ,4,0,20180829-085544_678_live 9,I may consider donating a small amount then,4,1,20180829-085544_678_live 10,That's great! You can donate anything from 0 to 2 dollars. Every litle bit helps!,5,0,20180829-085544_678_live 11,"You can put me down for a dollar, it's not a lot but I feel good about it",5,1,20180829-085544_678_live 12,"Thanks a lot for your contribution! Don't worry about the amount, that one dollar can help a lot!",6,0,20180829-085544_678_live 13,Is there any other charities you've donated to in the past that you're passionate about?,6,1,20180829-085544_678_live 14,I also really like the Ronald McDonald House system. Do you have any charities your passionate about?,7,0,20180829-085544_678_live 15,"I haven't donated to them before, but I'm interested in helping the World Wildlife Fund",7,1,20180829-085544_678_live 16,I've heard of them but I'm not sure what sure what they do.,8,0,20180829-085544_678_live 17,It's basically the leading organization in wildlife conservation and endangered species,8,1,20180829-085544_678_live 18,That sounds awesome! I am passionate about that so I will definitely look into them! ,9,0,20180829-085544_678_live 19,Yeah I always enjoy helping animals if I can!,9,1,20180829-085544_678_live 20,Same here! It's so sad that some species are in so much trouble.,10,0,20180829-085544_678_live 0,How are you today?,0,0,20180829-073415_966_live 1,Hey! I'm doing great! How are you doing?,0,1,20180829-073415_966_live 2,"Im doing great, thanks for asking.",1,0,20180829-073415_966_live 3,You're welcome. What are your plans for today?,1,1,20180829-073415_966_live 4,I am trying to get more donations to save the children. Have you ever heard of this charity? its the best by far,2,0,20180829-073415_966_live 5,No i haven't heard of them. Can you tell me some more about them?,2,1,20180829-073415_966_live 6,"Save he children is a international non governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries. Donations help ensure help,education,safety, and a whole lot more. I am willing to donate my pay from this hit for this awesome charity ",3,0,20180829-073415_966_live 7,That's amazing! I would also be interested. Can you tell me a little more about the charity?,3,1,20180829-073415_966_live 8,"Save the children takes donations from people like me and you to help children get the help the need, it helps them eat at night and not go to bed hungry, they get education and are safe, during hurricanes and such disasters save the children provide spots to children to play and cope and make them feel safe they are a wonderful charity that helps children in anyway possible. You would not be disappointed in your decision.",4,0,20180829-073415_966_live 9,I love knowing that children are being taken care of around the world. Kids are so defenseless so it makes me happy knowing that someone is taking care of them. What is a typical donation for this charity?,4,1,20180829-073415_966_live 10,"If you decided to donate how much would you give to save the children? You can donate and amount you'd like up to $2 and if your wondering how the donations would get to the charity, the research team will collect all donations and send it directly to save the children. ",5,0,20180829-073415_966_live 11,"Is there a minimum amount I can donate? I am having some money troubles right now and want to help, but can't give a lot.",5,1,20180829-073415_966_live 12,no minimum amount. $0 to $2 your amount will be directly deducted from your task,6,0,20180829-073415_966_live 13,Is there any way that I know for sure my donation is going to the proper place?,6,1,20180829-073415_966_live 14,"The research team will collect all donations and send it to Save the Children."" Would you like to donate? and what amount would you like to donated.",7,0,20180829-073415_966_live 15,I would like to donate some money. Do you think ten cents is too little of a donation?,7,1,20180829-073415_966_live 16,no any donation is great and your helping is all that matters thanks for having a kind heart and thinking about all the precious children out there who need all the help they can get. Is that your donation? 10 cent?,8,0,20180829-073415_966_live 17,Yes I am willing to donate ten cents to this charity. How do I go about doing that?,8,1,20180829-073415_966_live 18,the research team will deduct it directly from the $2 and send it to save the children,9,0,20180829-073415_966_live 19,OK that's perfect! Thank you for all your help!,9,1,20180829-073415_966_live 0,"Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries. Would you be willing to donate a portion of your hit earnings to help?",0,0,20180829-074215_511_live 1,"No, I am sorry, but I think I'd rather keep the money I make",0,1,20180829-074215_511_live 2,"Any small donation is essential to help ensuring children's rights to health, education, safety. Even a quarter would help.",1,0,20180829-074215_511_live 3,I don't know anything about this charity. I don't even know if it is a real charity. Seems like something someone made up for this HIT. ,1,1,20180829-074215_511_live 4," URL ( ""The research team will collect all donations and send it to Save the Children."")",2,0,20180829-074215_511_live 5,Ok that looks real to me lol. Still not sure I want to donate to it though. It is hard to earn money on mTurk and I don't want to give any of it away. ,2,1,20180829-074215_511_live 6,"Well take a look at the website, I know money is hard to come by on Mturk. ",3,0,20180829-074215_511_live 7,"The website does have a strong appeal, I will give it that. I am already 20 minutes into this HIT though and earning less than 2 dollars for that time would be a waste for me. So, I am not going to donate. ",3,1,20180829-074215_511_live 8,"Well that is your decision, but a couple of quarters could make a big difference to a child. What if you were in the same situation?",4,0,20180829-074215_511_live 9,I understand the point but I'd rather donate locally,4,1,20180829-074215_511_live 10,You could think of donating even a quarter as a good bit of karma.,5,0,20180829-074215_511_live 11,I guess but I need every penny I make on mTurk. ,5,1,20180829-074215_511_live 12,"Well you can be part of the solution and help these children, but if you need to small amount I will not hold it against you.",6,0,20180829-074215_511_live 13,I am going to keep the money. Sorry. I wouldn't expect anyone working on mTurk to give away these hard earned pennies. If they are looking for people to be a part of the solution they should find people with money to burn,6,1,20180829-074215_511_live 14,"You should feel lucky to have what you have, I am sure you are very well of compared to those children who have nothing. There is nothing that might change your mind?",7,0,20180829-074215_511_live 15,I may say yes just to reach the end of this HIT lol. 50 minutes for 2 bucks...sheesh,7,1,20180829-074215_511_live 16,"I would like to get this wrapped up also, I just want you to know that your donation will really go to the charity.",8,0,20180829-074215_511_live 17,"Sorry, but I have no reason to believe that so I am not going to donate",8,1,20180829-074215_511_live 18,"How much do you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment ($2)? ""The research team will collect all donations and send it to Save the Children."" Any amount would be great and we can wrap this up. Thank you for your time.",9,0,20180829-074215_511_live 19,I choose to donate 0,9,1,20180829-074215_511_live 0,"Hello, how are you today?",0,0,20180829-082832_829_live 1,I am very well. I hope you are.,0,1,20180829-082832_829_live 2,"I am, thank you!",1,0,20180829-082832_829_live 3,Is the weather extremely hot where you are? The humidity here is unbearable.,1,1,20180829-082832_829_live 4,Yes it has been terribly hot here this summer!,2,0,20180829-082832_829_live 5,"I am definitely ready for Fall. Hopefully we will have some ""in-between"" weather and not go directly to Winter.",2,1,20180829-082832_829_live 6,I hope the same thing! Have you ever heard of a charity called Save the Children?,3,0,20180829-082832_829_live 7,Vaguely. But I have no real details about it.,3,1,20180829-082832_829_live 8,"Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries. ",4,0,20180829-082832_829_live 9,Sounds like a very worthy cause.,4,1,20180829-082832_829_live 10,Do you think you would like to help out the charity and donate some of your payment for this task to them?,5,0,20180829-082832_829_live 11,Unfortunately at this time I am not able to make a donation. Maybe in the future I will be in a better position to help.,5,1,20180829-082832_829_live 12,"Even 0.01 would really help. The research team will collect all donations and send it to Save the Children, so there is nothing extra you need to do.",6,0,20180829-082832_829_live 13,Then I will donate 0.01 to Save the Children.,6,1,20180829-082832_829_live 14,That is amazing! Thank you so very much! I know the charity is so thankful for every cent they receive!,7,0,20180829-082832_829_live 15,You are welcome. What specifically will the money collected be used for?,7,1,20180829-082832_829_live 16,The money will go to help children in developing countries who don't have the access to clean food and water. It also helps give children a voice who may not have the rights that children in America have.,8,0,20180829-082832_829_live 17,Are there specific countries that the charity is focusing on at this time?,8,1,20180829-082832_829_live 18,Save the Children is active globally in 120 different countries!,9,0,20180829-082832_829_live 19,That's amazing! Thanks for the information on the charity.,9,1,20180829-082832_829_live 20,You are so very welcome! I hope you have a wonderful day!,10,0,20180829-082832_829_live 0,Hello.,0,0,20180829-013801_68_live 1,"Good morning, how are you/",0,1,20180829-013801_68_live 2,"Pretty good, how about yourself?",1,0,20180829-013801_68_live 3,Not to bad,1,1,20180829-013801_68_live 4,"So, have you ever donated to a charity for children before?",2,0,20180829-013801_68_live 5,"I've dropped a few coins in the jar at the grocers, but nothing more than that",2,1,20180829-013801_68_live 6,Well even that is very helpful. All those coins really add up!,3,0,20180829-013801_68_live 7,"I imagine it does, how about you",3,1,20180829-013801_68_live 8,"I sponsor a little boy in India. It's about $40 a month. I would sponsor so many more, but it's really all I can afford.",4,0,20180829-013801_68_live 9,"That's quite the humanitarian effort, good on you",4,1,20180829-013801_68_live 10,"Thanks! It's really gratifying. They send me pictures and videos of him and his family, and let me know exactly where my money is going. I was hoping you would be interested in supporting another great organization, Save the Children. They are also really trustworthy. Your donation to them helps ensure children's right to health, education, safety, etc.",5,0,20180829-013801_68_live 11,"My willingness to donate to charities is always reliant on my current financial situation, currently my finances are fairly unstable and I need every penny that I can scrounge up. Perhaps in the future when I have more disposable income I would be willing to undertake such a proposal, but sadly right now I cannot.",5,1,20180829-013801_68_live 12,"I know exactly how you feel. I've been sick with cancer for about 12 years now. We pretty much live paycheck to paycheck. But I felt so useless sometimes, I decided I would make it work. So I do these little side jobs in order to pay for sponsoring my Indian boy.",6,0,20180829-013801_68_live 13,"Yes, paycheck to paycheck, the story of my life, and imagine doing this in order to eat, But that's not what we are here to discuss, we need to come to some sort of resolution about this donation. How do we go about that?",6,1,20180829-013801_68_live 14,"Well, just so you know, they are not looking for a large donation. You can donate any amount, up to your total payment, which will be $2 after bonus. Even just 5 cents would be acceptable. Would that be okay with you?",7,0,20180829-013801_68_live 15,Sure 5 cents is fine,7,1,20180829-013801_68_live 16,"That's awesome. The research team collects all donations and sends them directly to Save the Children. And like I said before, many small donations adds up to a lot. Thank you so much!",8,0,20180829-013801_68_live 17,"No problem. If I could ask, before we end this, are you a random person or someone who works for the researcher",8,1,20180829-013801_68_live 18,The rules of the survey keep me from answering. But thank you again. And I sincerely hope your financial situation improves big time for you!,9,0,20180829-013801_68_live 19,"It was nice talking to you either way, you seem like a cool person. Have a great day.",9,1,20180829-013801_68_live 0,Hello!,0,0,20180829-032923_105_live 1,Hi,0,1,20180829-032923_105_live 2,How are you today?,1,0,20180829-032923_105_live 3,Doing well just waking up this morning :),1,1,20180829-032923_105_live 4,I hope you slept well :),2,0,20180829-032923_105_live 5,I did indeed!,2,1,20180829-032923_105_live 6,That's good to hear! So do you have an interest in charities? ,3,0,20180829-032923_105_live 7,Of course I am always looking to donate to a worthy cause.,3,1,20180829-032923_105_live 8,"Have you heard of Save the Children? They are a charity that helps ensure children's rights to health, education, and safety.",4,0,20180829-032923_105_live 9,"Yes I have heard of Save the Children, I would be willing to donate to this charity.",4,1,20180829-032923_105_live 10,"That's so awesome to hear! They are a very legitimate charity to donate to, so rest assured your donation would be put to good use!",5,0,20180829-032923_105_live 11,How often would I be donating to this charity?,5,1,20180829-032923_105_live 12,"Well this would currently be a one time donation, there would be no obligation to donate further unless you decided to later :)",6,0,20180829-032923_105_live 13,Ok and does the charity support children in the US only or is this a global charity?,6,1,20180829-032923_105_live 14,"Well Save the Children actually helps out globally, not just in the United States! If you'd like more information as to where they donate directly, it's available on their website at URL for authenticity.",7,0,20180829-032923_105_live 15,Ok sounds good. So I need to go to the website to sign up for this?,7,1,20180829-032923_105_live 16,You would actually donate by giving part of your task payment here towards the cause. The amount would be automatically deducted from your task payment when and if you agree on an amount!,8,0,20180829-032923_105_live 17,That sounds great! Makes things even easier. Well count me in!,8,1,20180829-032923_105_live 18,That's great! Would you be willing to donate $2 today to Save the Children? This is less than the cost of the average cup of coffee!,9,0,20180829-032923_105_live 19,I would be more then happy to donate $2 to Save the Children.,9,1,20180829-032923_105_live 20,Thank you so much for your donation- the money will be used to help out quite a lot with the charity! I hope you have a nice day :),10,0,20180829-032923_105_live 21,"You as well, Take Care!",10,1,20180829-032923_105_live 0,"Hello, have you ever heard of Save the Children charity?",0,0,20180829-061717_888_live 1,I have not. what do they do?,0,1,20180829-061717_888_live 2,they promote children's rights and provide relief and support in developing countries,1,0,20180829-061717_888_live 3,That sounds awesome! Do you donate to them?,1,1,20180829-061717_888_live 4,yes! It is some important because so many kids die from hunger and any small donation makes a huge difference,2,0,20180829-061717_888_live 5,I believe it! I used to support a child with Compassion International and it was amazing how much my monthly donation helped her out!,2,1,20180829-061717_888_live 6,That is so wonderful of you! Would you be interested in donating today?,3,0,20180829-061717_888_live 7,I can't at this moment because I just don't have anything extra.,3,1,20180829-061717_888_live 8,The smallest amount would make a world of difference in these children's lives. You could choose any amount of you 2.00 task payment to donate. It would be greatly appreciated.,4,0,20180829-061717_888_live 9,Thats true I guess I can give .25,4,1,20180829-061717_888_live 10,could i convince you to donate 50 cents. A extra 25 cents seems small but can make a great impact.,5,0,20180829-061717_888_live 11,I really cant that .25 cents is pushing it! ,5,1,20180829-061717_888_live 12,I understand. I am sorry if i upset you. I just know how much difference it could make. I appreciate your 25 cent donation.,6,0,20180829-061717_888_live 13,you did not upset me. I understand the needs of your organization. So is your organization not for profit,6,1,20180829-061717_888_live 14,we are a non-governmental organization,7,0,20180829-061717_888_live 15,I get that but are you for profit or non profit?,7,1,20180829-061717_888_live 16,we are a non profit organization,8,0,20180829-061717_888_live 17,Oh that's awesome! How many kids do you all help in a year do you know?,8,1,20180829-061717_888_live 18,in 2017 we reached more than 155 million children in 120 countries...every donation is so important,9,0,20180829-061717_888_live 19,Wow that's so cool! Do you love working for this organization?,9,1,20180829-061717_888_live 20,I do! It is very near and dear to my heart. Could you please confirm how much you are donating today?,10,0,20180829-061717_888_live 21,I will donate .25 cents,10,1,20180829-061717_888_live 22,Thank you so much!,11,0,20180829-061717_888_live 0,Hello!,0,0,20180829-090546_237_live 1,Hi There,0,1,20180829-090546_237_live 2,How are you today?,1,0,20180829-090546_237_live 3,I am doing good. How about you?,1,1,20180829-090546_237_live 4,"I am doing well, thank you for asking.",2,0,20180829-090546_237_live 5,What do you think about the donation task?,2,1,20180829-090546_237_live 6,I think it's very interesting. I've never been a part of a task like this before. You?,3,0,20180829-090546_237_live 7,Me neither and the incentive is good as well,3,1,20180829-090546_237_live 8,I agree! What are your thoughts...would you be willing to donate some of your payment for this towards Save the Children?,4,0,20180829-090546_237_live 9,"yes definitely, I think it is a very good cause.",4,1,20180829-090546_237_live 10,That's awesome! I feel exactly the same. I think I'll donate at least $1 towards it. How much will you donate?,5,0,20180829-090546_237_live 11,I don't mind donating $1 either,5,1,20180829-090546_237_live 12,That's really great! It's wonderful to know that there are other people out there who care about causes like this =),6,0,20180829-090546_237_live 13,Definitely. It is a small step but hopefully it will encourage others to think about donating as well.,6,1,20180829-090546_237_live 14,I agree. Small steps are always needed to produce big results. Every little bit helps in these cases. I think sometimes people forget that. I certainly hope it will help motivate others to donate as well!,7,0,20180829-090546_237_live 15,Yes. So do you participate in other charity activities as well?,7,1,20180829-090546_237_live 16,"I do! I participate in a kidney walk and an alzheimer's walk in my area, I also donate food, blankets and toys to a local animal hospital a few times per year. I look for small ways to make a difference as well such as shopping Amazon Smile so that a percentage of my purchases goes to the charity of my choice. How about yourself?",8,0,20180829-090546_237_live 17,Thats commendable. I have volunteered at a local animal shelter in the past and am currently helping a few immigrants from my country translate so that they can communicate.,8,1,20180829-090546_237_live 18,"That's wonderful! You're providing such an important service for people, I'm really happy to hear that! I know that those you help are incredibly grateful for it.",9,0,20180829-090546_237_live 19,Well I have gone through some tough times when I moved to the country so am trying to make it a little easy for others.,9,1,20180829-090546_237_live 20,"That's so lovely! Even though many have found themselves in similar circumstances, not all are as motivated as you are to help. So, it's really commendable that you choose to do so. I hope that contiunes to go wellf or you and that you are able to help many people through your generosity =)",10,0,20180829-090546_237_live 21,So do we agree on both of us donating a $1,10,1,20180829-090546_237_live 22,"Yes, I certainly agree to that =)",11,0,20180829-090546_237_live 0,"Hello, how are you?",0,0,20180829-094538_696_live 1,hi good how are you?,0,1,20180829-094538_696_live 2,"I'm doing well, thank you! ",1,0,20180829-094538_696_live 3,Donation for what?,1,1,20180829-094538_696_live 4,"It\'s called ""Save the Children"". It basically fights for children\'s rights in developing countries, so it gives them access to education, healthcare, shelter, etc.",2,0,20180829-094538_696_live 5,This is one strange hit! I think I would rather donate to help people and children here in the USA.,2,1,20180829-094538_696_live 6,"Agreed! I understand that, I thought that myself until I heard about the awful conditions some of these kids are going through. I've read story after story of these poor kids being abused, starved, and dying in the streets. It breaks my heart. ",3,0,20180829-094538_696_live 7,Breaks mine too but the world is full of things like that. Many heart breaking stories right here at home too.,3,1,20180829-094538_696_live 8,"Me too. I guess I'm more sympathetic because here we at least have foundations to help these kids. Children Protective Services, Child Aid USA, Ronald McDonald House, etc. I just feel like these kids aren't given a chance.",4,0,20180829-094538_696_live 9,Okay I will donate something but how do we know the money actually gets to the intended kids rather than some already rich ceo,4,1,20180829-094538_696_live 10,That's awesome! I did some research and online they have a whole spreadsheet on where the money actually goes which is good.,5,0,20180829-094538_696_live 11,It only gets 3 stars though on the ratings chart,5,1,20180829-094538_696_live 12,According to their statistics they said scored an 87% for transparency and communication of expenditure based on their own research.,6,0,20180829-094538_696_live 13,Save a child foundation is fake but thats something different. Still not sure about this one,6,1,20180829-094538_696_live 14,I just read that they actually helped over 237k children the US too! I'm glad they're helping people here too.,7,0,20180829-094538_696_live 15,Article about why they no longer support,7,1,20180829-094538_696_live 16,"I saw that too when I was researching. Then I stumbled on ""Charity Navigator"" which helps choose charities to donate too and they scored quite highly. 88% score overall, and 97% for accountability.",8,0,20180829-094538_696_live 17,Yes looking at the 2017 financial report,8,1,20180829-094538_696_live 18,Do you think you'd still be willing to donate?,9,0,20180829-094538_696_live 19,sure I will give 1,9,1,20180829-094538_696_live 20,$1? (Just so I'm clear!),10,0,20180829-094538_696_live 21,correct 1.00 or 1 /2 of the 2.00,10,1,20180829-094538_696_live 22,That's great! Thank you so much!,11,0,20180829-094538_696_live 23,your welcome have a wonderful day!,11,1,20180829-094538_696_live 0,Have you donated to Save the Children before?,0,0,20180829-122147_798_live 1,"No, I never have.",0,1,20180829-122147_798_live 2,You should research it. Its a very worthwhile cause,1,0,20180829-122147_798_live 3,"Ok, I'll look into it.",1,1,20180829-122147_798_live 4,It would be great if you could donate,2,0,20180829-122147_798_live 5,"I might consider it when I make annual donations. I do all my donating then, when I've decided on charities and amounts",2,1,20180829-122147_798_live 6,I do the same. They are just one of them on my list,3,0,20180829-122147_798_live 7,Cool. What are some other charities you support?,3,1,20180829-122147_798_live 8,Feed my Starving Children. I also volunteer there. I donate to local women's shelters and local community centers,4,0,20180829-122147_798_live 9,"Wow, that's great. You sound like a good person.",4,1,20180829-122147_798_live 10,Thank you. Hopefully it has some impact. ,5,0,20180829-122147_798_live 11,"I'm sure it does, locally and when you inspire others.",5,1,20180829-122147_798_live 12,What charities do you give to,6,0,20180829-122147_798_live 13,"I try to support LGBT rights, so I gave a little to the Trevor Project. And Doctors Without Borders is a solid one. And then my family has always donated to the muscular dystrophy association since I had a cousin that suffered from that.",6,1,20180829-122147_798_live 14,I'm a big supporter of LGBT rights also. My son is gay and married so I am a huge supporter of that,7,0,20180829-122147_798_live 15,"That's great! I'm gay myself so it's a little self-serving, but I do worry about very young people in less supportive environments.",7,1,20180829-122147_798_live 16,Yes my son in law has very little support from his family and was shunned so when he met me - I'm the mom with the I LOVE MY GAY SON shirt on (jk) he was just so happy I was so accepting,8,0,20180829-122147_798_live 17,"Aww, that's so great!! I'm sure your SIL is happy to be part of the family.",8,1,20180829-122147_798_live 18,He really is. I'm actually glad he has me for support.,9,0,20180829-122147_798_live 19,"Good for you guys :) So to shift topics, I guess we're supposed to make a decision here? I've decided not to make any donation here because I will carefully plan it all out at the end of the year. I don't like spur of the moment donating, and I need the money right now.",9,1,20180829-122147_798_live 0,Hi there!,0,0,20180829-115223_595_live 1,"Hello, how are you today?",0,1,20180829-115223_595_live 2,"I'm pretty good, the weather where I am is still hot, cant wait for the summer to end.",1,0,20180829-115223_595_live 3,I totally agree! It is so humid where I live and everyone has a summer cold right now.,1,1,20180829-115223_595_live 4,"Yuck, summer colds are the worst!",2,0,20180829-115223_595_live 5,"That is true, it makes you feel like doing nothing at all. So i'm sitting here working on my computer drinking hot tea.",2,1,20180829-115223_595_live 6,"I'm drinking ginger ale, with maximum amount of ice cubes my glass can hold, lol",3,0,20180829-115223_595_live 7,"I love ginger ale, I am a vegan, so I eat alot of ginger already and I don't normally drink sodas, but when I do, it's ginger ale.",3,1,20180829-115223_595_live 8,"yeah you can get some great ginger ale's from whole foods etc, which are made with stevia and wot not, I don't drink traditional sodas myself, anyway, if I may digress. Have you heard of an organization called Save the Children?",4,0,20180829-115223_595_live 9,"Yes I have heard of save the children, do you work with them?",4,1,20180829-115223_595_live 10,"No I don't, but I was wondering if you would be willing to donate a portion of your task money to this worthy cause?",5,0,20180829-115223_595_live 11,"I love helping children and animals in need and I know a lot of children are malnourished in the world, it's sad. Before I donate, How can I find out more about Save the children? ",5,1,20180829-115223_595_live 12,"This is their website URL it is a truly worthy cause, to support children's rights to healthcare, education, etc.",6,0,20180829-115223_595_live 13,"Thank you, I looked at the website and I would love to donate to Save the Children",6,1,20180829-115223_595_live 14,"Fantastic, your donation will have a tangible impact on the world, may I ask how much you are willing to donate at this time/",7,0,20180829-115223_595_live 15,"I would like to donate half of the money I earn on this task, which will be 1.00",7,1,20180829-115223_595_live 16,"Great that is very generous of you. And the children of the world appreciate it, as do I.",8,0,20180829-115223_595_live 17,"You are very welcome, thank you for sharing the Charity information with me today. How do i donate?",8,1,20180829-115223_595_live 18,You can go to the website I posted earlier.,9,0,20180829-115223_595_live 19,"Ok, I will do that and I will also ask other people and family to donate as well.",9,1,20180829-115223_595_live 0,"Hello, I\'m here to show you why it would an important and life changing act to donate to our organization ""Save the Children""",0,0,20180829-102237_489_live 1,I believe I have heard of this organization before,0,1,20180829-102237_489_live 2,"That is great to hear! So you know your donation will help ensure chidrens rights to health, education, and their safety etc. You can make a big impact on a child life by doing one simple act.",1,0,20180829-102237_489_live 3,What countries or areas of the world does STC contribute or do work for?,1,1,20180829-102237_489_live 4,"It would be easier to tell you where they don't work, but they work in the United States, Africa, Asia, Greater Middle East and Eurasia Region, Latin America and the Caribbean. ",2,0,20180829-102237_489_live 5,That great. I like the fact that the United States is included. Often charities focus their efforts abroad and neglect the country to which the organization is based in,2,1,20180829-102237_489_live 6,I couldn't agree with you more the Save the Children Organization has been around for over 30 years and has saved over 155 million children and helped with their rights and has provided relief in many ways.,3,0,20180829-102237_489_live 7,"How is the money donated to STC used to help children around the world. In other words, what is the money used for?",3,1,20180829-102237_489_live 8,"your money will go to the help of getting the best health and nutrition programs to save the lives of children. We work to empower communities to build resilience, improve food security, and strengthen financial capability to ensure no child goes hungry. Save the Children is on the ground every day protecting children from harm, including abuse, neglect, exploitation and violence, while promoting a safe family environment for every child.",4,0,20180829-102237_489_live 9,Sounds like a really great organization. I like that you all focus on the mental and safety aspects aw well as the food and nutritional aspects. About how much money do you all need to raise to effectively serve the number of children you wish to care for?,4,1,20180829-102237_489_live 10,The amount is totally up to you. Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all you payment ($2). Anything helps like i said just the smallest act of kindness can make a huge impact.,5,0,20180829-102237_489_live 11,"So how much money do you all receive in contributions annually? No need for exact amount, just a rough estimate of how much with the last year.",5,1,20180829-102237_489_live 12,"In 2017, we reached a total of nearly 237 thousand U.S. children in 22 states plus the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, including an estimated 163,000 children directly $9 million or more in funding or material support over a three-year period toward our mission and programs. ",6,0,20180829-102237_489_live 13,"Wow, that's amazing. However, I do have a concern about donating money to these types organizations.",6,1,20180829-102237_489_live 14,Well tell me why I might be able to ease your mind.,7,0,20180829-102237_489_live 15,"Historically, I have heard about a number of these charities that mismanage the contributions and the money is never used for it's intended purpose. Lavish trips, personal expenses, exotic cars, I have heard all kinds of stuff being purchased with contribution funds.",7,1,20180829-102237_489_live 16,I can assure you that this is not the case here. This is a very trustworthy organization I myself have personally have donated my money to Save the Children. The research team will collect all the donations they get and send it to Save the Children. All you have is my word.,8,0,20180829-102237_489_live 17,"I hear what you're saying, but I'm sure you can understand my concerns.",8,1,20180829-102237_489_live 18,"I understand completely there are numerous organization that are scams, but I'm telling you that this organization cares about the kids there are so many stats that show they are making a difference in these children lives they have saved over 155 millions kids.",9,0,20180829-102237_489_live 19,"At this time, I decline to donate any money to the organization. I wish you all the best in your future efforts.",9,1,20180829-102237_489_live 20,if there is anything i need to do to change your mind i willing to do and give you information,10,0,20180829-102237_489_live 0,Hello there! How are you today?,0,0,20180829-065854_948_live 1,"I am fantastic, thank you for asking, how about yourself?",0,1,20180829-065854_948_live 2,I am doing wonderful though it is hot up here in ohio today! ,1,0,20180829-065854_948_live 3,"I prefer warmer temperatures, I absolutely despise the cold haha. ",1,1,20180829-065854_948_live 4,Yes me too! How do you feel about children who are suffering and need help,2,0,20180829-065854_948_live 5,"That's a loaded question if I've ever heard one... I thought this was going to be some active participant study on interaction between conflicting personalities or something like that. I'll play along though. I feel sad, helpless and a bit perturbed if I'm honest.",2,1,20180829-065854_948_live 6,Well Im sorry you feel that way. I just wanted to know if you have ever donated or helped kids in need?,3,0,20180829-065854_948_live 7,"Yes I have, though I'm wary of doing so currently, too many organizations abuse that funding.",3,1,20180829-065854_948_live 8,I hear you! I donated per month to compassion international for years and years! I supported a young girl who is grown now.,4,0,20180829-065854_948_live 9,"I currently work with some people who travel the Southwestern US and set up CSA farms and connect them via outreach centers to people who need food or labor. I find action helps more than money, sends a deeper message and imparts a strong work ethic to those you help.",4,1,20180829-065854_948_live 10,I do agree with that to a point. Action does help but these companies do need monetary support as well or they cannot trhrive.,5,0,20180829-065854_948_live 11,Couldn't agree more.,5,1,20180829-065854_948_live 12,That's wonderful! Have you head of the organization Save the Children?,6,0,20180829-065854_948_live 13,Yes I have.,6,1,20180829-065854_948_live 14,"They are needing a lot of help currently, there are more and more kids needing help.",7,0,20180829-065854_948_live 15,"Like I said, I'm more of the opinion action is the better choice. I always ask myself, why are these kids starving? Why are those directly responsible for the children unable to care for them? To me it comes down to failure as a species. We allow this travesty to continue and think throwing money at it will help. It wont.",7,1,20180829-065854_948_live 16,That makes sense to a point. Without funding the companies cannot help. Anyway heres my question How much do you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment ($2).? ,8,0,20180829-065854_948_live 17,I don't believe I will donate anything. $0.,8,1,20180829-065854_948_live 18,I really wish you would donate something any amount helps.,9,0,20180829-065854_948_live 19,"I wish you would come along with us next weekend to Oklahoma and help build the Community Center we are working on, any amount helps.",9,1,20180829-065854_948_live 0,Hello! How are you today?,0,0,20180829-222938_760_live 1,"Hello there, ok, I was waiting quite a while for a response",0,1,20180829-222938_760_live 2,I am sorry! My HIT just notified me of a successful match. Responses will be quicker from here on out. :) Do you donate to charities currently?,1,0,20180829-222938_760_live 3,"No, I don't",1,1,20180829-222938_760_live 4,"Today, you have a unique opportunity to donate part of your earnings from this HIT to an organization called Save The Children. Have you heard of this organization prior to this conversation?",2,0,20180829-222938_760_live 5,"Actually, yes I have. When I was a child, my family sponsored several children, I believe through that or a similar organization.",2,1,20180829-222938_760_live 6,Wonderful! Save The Children has continued to be a helping hand for children in the US and many other countries. They are currently assisting children experiencing violence and disarray in Syria along with helping children affecting by immigration laws here in the US.,3,0,20180829-222938_760_live 7,I understand that there are alot of children around the world in need.,3,1,20180829-222938_760_live 8,There truly are. It's amazing what Save the Children steps in to accomplish. 86% of their donations go directly toward program funding while the remaining 14% goes toward management efforts and fundraising. ,4,0,20180829-222938_760_live 9,"That's a pretty good percentage, I think it's one of the highest for charitable organizations.",4,1,20180829-222938_760_live 10,I agree. It's one of my favorite parts about Save the Children. You are familiar with sponsorship as previously mentioned but save the children also accepts one time donations without further obligation.,5,0,20180829-222938_760_live 11,"I don't know that, but of course it make perfect sense that any charity would accept a one time donation.",5,1,20180829-222938_760_live 12,True. Kind of goes without saying I suppose :) Is there a reason you don't currently donate to this charity?,6,0,20180829-222938_760_live 13,"I help support my own grandchildren whose parents are having a lot of difficulty in the current economy. I have also experienced a significant loss of income, thus working on Mturk to make ends meet.",6,1,20180829-222938_760_live 14,That's very awesome of you and I am sorry to hear of your recent loss of income. I understand needing MTurk for supplemental income as our family is single income right now and sometimes its rough living paycheck to paycheck! I think that is why this opportunity is so unique today. The donation you choose to commit (which can be as little as 1 cent) will be deducted from the payment for this HIT and automatically sent to save the children by the requestor. ,7,0,20180829-222938_760_live 15,"Well, I think I could probably send at least 50 cents, will you be able to match that amount?",7,1,20180829-222938_760_live 16,The payment for this HIT is 30 cents (at least on my end) and I don't think we can exceed that amount. I will DEFINITELY match you if you are willing to donate the 30 cents from your payment :),8,0,20180829-222938_760_live 17,"oh! Ok, well then I can certainly donate the 30 cents as well. Good way to end my night.",8,1,20180829-222938_760_live 18,Couldn't agree more :) Thank you for your donation and I wish you the best of luck with your grandchildren and here on MTurk :) ,9,0,20180829-222938_760_live 19,Same to you. Have a good night.,9,1,20180829-222938_760_live 20,You as well :),10,0,20180829-222938_760_live 0,Hey there :) How are you feeling today?,0,0,20180829-082113_449_live 1,I'm fine how are you.,0,1,20180829-082113_449_live 2,"Not too bad, all things considered",1,0,20180829-082113_449_live 3,Thats good to hear. Where are you from?,1,1,20180829-082113_449_live 4,U.S. How about you? Think they matched us with our complete opposites? :P,2,0,20180829-082113_449_live 5,"Same. Maybe, I'm not sure.",2,1,20180829-082113_449_live 6,"Haha I am trying to figure out if you're a bot. I'm not, if you're wondering :) If you are you're pretty good. Congrats!",3,0,20180829-082113_449_live 7,Lol. I'm not a bot...... ,3,1,20180829-082113_449_live 8,"Haha nice, I'll take your word for it for now :) Ok if we talk about some serious stuff?",4,0,20180829-082113_449_live 9,"Sure, let's do it. I'm not sure if I'm donating to you or if you're donating to me.",4,1,20180829-082113_449_live 10,"Neither of us are donating to each other actually, which is probably a good thing. What have you heard about the charity called ""Save the Children""?",5,0,20180829-082113_449_live 11,"Yes I have, I think they are from the UK.",5,1,20180829-082113_449_live 12,"They're international - a pretty solid, well-known organization with a good track record. Basically they work to protect children around the world. They fundraise and advocate for children suffering from disasters or war or poverty. So we have the opportunity today to donate some of our payment to them.",6,0,20180829-082113_449_live 13,Do you work for them?,6,1,20180829-082113_449_live 14,"Nope, I don't work for them.",7,0,20180829-082113_449_live 15,"Okay, well I see that they have an A rating on charity watch with only 13% going to overhead.",7,1,20180829-082113_449_live 16,They are pretty reputable. I think I'll donate a little bit to them. Maybe $0.50. Would you like to make a small donation from your task payment?,8,0,20180829-082113_449_live 17,"Sure, I will match your $0.50.",8,1,20180829-082113_449_live 18,That's fantastic. Thank you :),9,0,20180829-082113_449_live 19,Thank you too.,9,1,20180829-082113_449_live 20,"Alright, well this has been fun :) Enjoy the rest of your day!",10,0,20180829-082113_449_live 0,Hi how are you,0,0,20180829-010424_398_live 1,Good! How are you?,0,1,20180829-010424_398_live 2,"Tired, but i am ready to work ",1,0,20180829-010424_398_live 3,That sums me up pretty well. ,1,1,20180829-010424_398_live 4,We think alike we have great minds,2,0,20180829-010424_398_live 5,Awesome! Did you do anything interesting today?,2,1,20180829-010424_398_live 6,"Today i like to ask you about donations. As for interesting things, just waking up.",3,0,20180829-010424_398_live 7,Great! What would you like to ask me?,3,1,20180829-010424_398_live 8,Have you heard of charity called save the children,4,0,20180829-010424_398_live 9,I don't believe I have. ,4,1,20180829-010424_398_live 10,"They are a trusting organization that helps children that are homeless, sick, etc. Children and animals i care most for to be honest.",5,0,20180829-010424_398_live 11,That sounds nice. ,5,1,20180829-010424_398_live 12,Any donation would be appreciated. Would you like to donate?,6,0,20180829-010424_398_live 13,"Unfortunately, I would need to read a bit more about the organization before I donate. But thank you for awaring me! ",6,1,20180829-010424_398_live 14,"Ok. When you have time, please research save the children. They help save thousands of innocent lives everyday. If you can, even 5 cents that would be great.",7,0,20180829-010424_398_live 15,I will! Do you know which region they support? ,7,1,20180829-010424_398_live 16,I believe its global around entire world that i know of.,8,0,20180829-010424_398_live 17,I always like to know how much of the donated amount actually reaches the NGO. Alot of times these organizations have quite a large overhead. ,8,1,20180829-010424_398_live 18,The exact number i am unsure of to be honest. But i know for sure they are caring abd and legitimate.,9,0,20180829-010424_398_live 19,"I read recently in the news about an NGO with a similiar name that only donate like, 10 percent of the actual amount to charity. ",9,1,20180829-010424_398_live 20,Yes that is correct. But you do not have to do that much ,10,0,20180829-010424_398_live 21,"Ok. I will donate $.10. Like you said, even a small amount helps. ",10,1,20180829-010424_398_live 22,Yes that would be appreciated. Thank you so much.,11,0,20180829-010424_398_live 23,Have a great one! ,11,1,20180829-010424_398_live 24,U 2. Enjoy your Wednesday ,12,0,20180829-010424_398_live 0,"Hello, how are you doing today?",0,0,20180829-092612_565_live 1,"I'm good, how are you?",0,1,20180829-092612_565_live 2,I'm doing pretty well. I'm actually just chilling at work as it's pretty slow today. Would you have a few moments to talk about a charity?,1,0,20180829-092612_565_live 3,Sure. Please tell me about it.,1,1,20180829-092612_565_live 4,Well the charity is called Save the Children. Have you ever heard of them before?,2,0,20180829-092612_565_live 5,"I think I have heard of it, but I don't know much about it.",2,1,20180829-092612_565_live 6,"Well Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries. It's a non profit that is run completely on donations.",3,0,20180829-092612_565_live 7,What kind of work have they done already to help?,3,1,20180829-092612_565_live 8,"Well in 2017 alone, 155 million children were helped because of this program, including 237,000 in the US",4,0,20180829-092612_565_live 9,How were they helped? Was it helping them in regards to their home life? Education? Or something else,4,1,20180829-092612_565_live 10,"Well a few things they help with are Education, Health, Protection (IE protection from abuse), Hunger",5,0,20180829-092612_565_live 11,Sounds like a good charity,5,1,20180829-092612_565_live 12,"I agree. Since they're run completely on donations, do you think you could spare $2 today to help them continue their mission?",6,0,20180829-092612_565_live 13,Yes I can,6,1,20180829-092612_565_live 14,"That's fantastic news, and I'm sure the children will truly appreciate it. Do you have any questions on how it will get to the charity? ",7,0,20180829-092612_565_live 15,"Honestly, not really considering it's a one time donation of only $2.00 through a website I trust. ",7,1,20180829-092612_565_live 16,"Haha that's okay, I figured I'd ask anyways, as some people are concerned. Do you have any other questions on the charity?",8,0,20180829-092612_565_live 17,I don't think so,8,1,20180829-092612_565_live 18,"That's great. We really do appreciate your donation, and the kids will benefit from it as well",9,0,20180829-092612_565_live 19,Thanks! Is there anything else I do now to complete this mturk task?,9,1,20180829-092612_565_live 0,Have you heard of a charity called save the children?,0,0,20180829-055223_138_live 1,Yes I have. How do you feel about them?,0,1,20180829-055223_138_live 2,"I'm very much a supporter of them, It's something important to me ",1,0,20180829-055223_138_live 3,Do you support that particular charity? What other charities are important to you?,1,1,20180829-055223_138_live 4,"This is one of the few i specifically support, yes. Have you donated to a charity recently?",2,0,20180829-055223_138_live 5,Yes I have ,2,1,20180829-055223_138_live 6,"did you know that in 2018 alone, there were 1000 reported deaths of children in syria. all based around high levels of violence and war crime?",3,0,20180829-055223_138_live 7,"I did not, that sounds terrible though. ",3,1,20180829-055223_138_live 8,Would you be willing the donate to save the children today? you can use 0-2 dollars of your task reward ,4,0,20180829-055223_138_live 9,"I would not, 0$",4,1,20180829-055223_138_live 10,"you don't feel any sort of want, to help these children?",5,0,20180829-055223_138_live 11,"I think it's terrible, however donations wont directly fix the problems of this country. The governments involved need to come a peaceful resolution before this type of thing stops happening, and if their own government doesnt care enough to fix it how is my money suppose to change that ",5,1,20180829-055223_138_live 12,the donations to the correct people would help them rebuild things and rebuild lives,6,0,20180829-055223_138_live 13,Lives that would surely be displaced again by the terrible violence going on there,6,1,20180829-055223_138_live 14,and with the donations you are helping people relocate as well ,7,0,20180829-055223_138_live 15,"I still would choose not to donate, as of currently while tragic the tradgey of the situation being dire may be what needs to occur for the governments involved need to work towards peace instead of war",7,1,20180829-055223_138_live 16,So you would prefer that no aid goes to these suffering? ,8,0,20180829-055223_138_live 17,I think different types of aid is needed in this situation ,8,1,20180829-055223_138_live 18,and you do not think money would be helpful here? what about for food and rations,9,0,20180829-055223_138_live 19,"I dont, I personally believe it's time countries start solving their own issues.",9,1,20180829-055223_138_live 20,i'm sorry you feel that way. more people need to care about others. ,10,0,20180829-055223_138_live 0,Hey how are you?,0,0,20180829-161850_275_live 1,"I'm doing well, just finished my dinner. How about yourself?",0,1,20180829-161850_275_live 2,"Pretty good. So the researcher would like us to make a donation to Save the Children. It seems like a good cause, would you like to donate?",1,0,20180829-161850_275_live 3,Absolutely! Do you know what Save the Children does as a charity?,1,1,20180829-161850_275_live 4,"Yeah, it promotes childrens rights and provides help and support for kids in developing countries. I always try to donate to charities for children",2,0,20180829-161850_275_live 5,"Gotcha, that sounds like a worthy cause. How do you feel about donating all of the money?",2,1,20180829-161850_275_live 6,I'd be all for that. It might as well go to kids who are in need. So you would like to donate the full $2?,3,0,20180829-161850_275_live 7,"Yeah, let's go for it. I'd rather kids in need get the money. I'm trying to get into the habit of donating more these days, so this is a good way to start",3,1,20180829-161850_275_live 8,"That is awesome, we'll both have done our good deed for the day too",4,0,20180829-161850_275_live 9,Exactly! Now I can sleep with a good conscience tonight haha,4,1,20180829-161850_275_live 10,haha thats right. So I looked at a little more info about the charity and apparently they helped a lot with Syrian children that were targets of violence,5,0,20180829-161850_275_live 11,"Oh man, now I wish I could donate more. But I bet this 2 dollars will go a long way to helping those kids. Every little bit counts!",5,1,20180829-161850_275_live 12,"Yeah, two dollars doesnt seem like much to us, but its probably a huge help for children in poverty",6,0,20180829-161850_275_live 13,It's horrifying to think about what those kids have been through. I can't begin to imagine how they must feel right now. It's not fair they are dealing with their situation at that age when all I was worrying about was who was the most popular kid in class.,6,1,20180829-161850_275_live 14,"I agree. Its hard to even think about living in a place that's violent, impoverished and where every day is difficult. It does make our problems seem pretty trivial",7,0,20180829-161850_275_live 15,"I stubbed my toe this morning and thought it was the worst thing ever. Now, I don't feel that it was all that bad",7,1,20180829-161850_275_live 16,haha yeah really! I hope other people doing this study decide to donate all of their money too. That would be a lot of help!,8,0,20180829-161850_275_live 17,Seriously! It'd be really neat to be able to see how many people donated to the cause,8,1,20180829-161850_275_live 18,"Agreed. Some researchers do send that info out after their studies (maybe they'll see our convo and do it!). So I think that's our 10 messages. We're agreeing to donate the full amount, right?",9,0,20180829-161850_275_live 19,"That'd be really cool. Hey researchers, please send us the info! And yes, let's donate the full amount.",9,1,20180829-161850_275_live 0,hi how are you doing today?,0,0,20180829-140252_910_live 1,hello. I am good so far. How are you?,0,1,20180829-140252_910_live 2,not too bad here. i'm just messaging to see if you would like to donate to an important charity Save the children,1,0,20180829-140252_910_live 3,Can you tell me about it?,1,1,20180829-140252_910_live 4,"Sure! Save the children is an international non-government agency that collects donations to help promote chidren's rights, and provides relief and support to helping children in need all around the world",2,0,20180829-140252_910_live 5,sounds like a good program,2,1,20180829-140252_910_live 6,"absolutely. its a great organization. if you would like to donate today, you can give the charity anywhere from 0-2 dollars from your bonus payment for this task\\",3,0,20180829-140252_910_live 7,I will donate 2 dollars,3,1,20180829-140252_910_live 8,okay that sounds great. Thank you very much. do you have any further questions?,4,0,20180829-140252_910_live 9,none thank you,4,1,20180829-140252_910_live 10,okay. it was great talking to you today and have a good night!,5,0,20180829-140252_910_live 11,how to finiah?,5,1,20180829-140252_910_live 12,ok sorry i guess i have to talk a little bit further to be able to submit your payment.,6,0,20180829-140252_910_live 13,I am just wondering how to finish the hit,6,1,20180829-140252_910_live 14,"yeah absolutely. to finish the hit, i have to go back a absolutely. to finish the hit, i have to go back and forth 10 times. so where are you from? ",7,0,20180829-140252_910_live 15,virginia and you?,7,1,20180829-140252_910_live 16,minnesota. not too bad here but its a little chilly. have you donated to any causes like this before?,8,0,20180829-140252_910_live 17,no but it sounds like a good cause,8,1,20180829-140252_910_live 18,yeah absolutely it does! just bear with me and i should be able to end this chat thing shortly,9,0,20180829-140252_910_live 19,ok. sounds good,9,1,20180829-140252_910_live 20,ok the chat window is done. thanks again for your donation. have a wonderful day!,10,0,20180829-140252_910_live 0,hi. are you going to donate HIT money to Save the Children?,0,0,20180829-081919_384_live 1,I am not sure what Save the children is. Do you have information about the organization?,0,1,20180829-081919_384_live 2,it's a charity for endangered children such as those in the rohingya action: URL ,1,0,20180829-081919_384_live 3,Ill check out the link quickly ,1,1,20180829-081919_384_live 4,"ok. they protect kids in danger, help them after hurricanes, military actions, etc",2,0,20180829-081919_384_live 5,Yes i saw the info about Hurricane Harvey. It our katrina anniversary today so yes I will donate as we know first hand,2,1,20180829-081919_384_live 6,great. you can donate anything upto $2...,3,0,20180829-081919_384_live 7,I will donate $1,3,1,20180829-081919_384_live 8,that sounds like a nominal amount. are you sure?,4,0,20180829-081919_384_live 9,Yes unfortunately I am financially strapped and its 50% ,4,1,20180829-081919_384_live 10,yeah. i understand. ok. so $1 it is.,5,0,20180829-081919_384_live 11,That sound good. So each of us will donate $1?,5,1,20180829-081919_384_live 12,that sounds fair,6,0,20180829-081919_384_live 13,how did you learn about this particular charity?,6,1,20180829-081919_384_live 14,i found it on the internet ...,7,0,20180829-081919_384_live 15,So many charities just wondering what drew you to this one,7,1,20180829-081919_384_live 16,it was at the suggestion of somebody here,8,0,20180829-081919_384_live 17,They seem like they do a good work,8,1,20180829-081919_384_live 18,"it's hard to tell, given all the corruption one hears about with charities - even the red cross, but ... you gotta trust someone sometime",9,0,20180829-081919_384_live 19,yes but hopefully this helps some,9,1,20180829-081919_384_live 0,Hi,0,0,20180829-083014_221_live 1,Hello there. How are you?,0,1,20180829-083014_221_live 2,i am good..thank u..,1,0,20180829-083014_221_live 3,Are we supposed to discuss a donation amount? I am a little unclear.,1,1,20180829-083014_221_live 4,"this donation is for ""save the children"" purpose",2,0,20180829-083014_221_live 5,Children from where?,2,1,20180829-083014_221_live 6,"the charity name is ""save the children""",3,0,20180829-083014_221_live 7,Do you have to choose an amount to donate too?,3,1,20180829-083014_221_live 8,yes..even i have to donate too.. but i would like to get some donation from you,4,0,20180829-083014_221_live 9,"Well, I am willing to contribute .50. ",4,1,20180829-083014_221_live 10,that is so kind of you..thank u so much for your help and big heart,5,0,20180829-083014_221_live 11,No problem. You as well for your donation.,5,1,20180829-083014_221_live 12,even i will gibe .50,6,0,20180829-083014_221_live 13,"That's a good number. I think it's fair, especially since a little bit typically goes a long way in the charities.",6,1,20180829-083014_221_live 14,Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment.,7,0,20180829-083014_221_live 15,I assume that comes in the form of a bonus as the task is only .30 to complete. I find it odd though that they don't provide us with a lot of information about the charity to thoroughly discuss it.,7,1,20180829-083014_221_live 16,"Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",8,0,20180829-083014_221_live 17,"There we go. I thought it was an international organization. I will admit that if it was a U.S. based charity, I would have donated more. I really feel there should be more focus on charities in our county. However, that's not to say that Save the Children isn't a good or meaningful charity.",8,1,20180829-083014_221_live 18,that' s ok.. you will get more chances to donate. Still you can donate more if you are really interested,9,0,20180829-083014_221_live 19,That's okay. I think I'm good with the .50 for right now. Thanks.,9,1,20180829-083014_221_live 20,You can refer to Save the Children's website to gather more information if you like to. URL ,10,0,20180829-083014_221_live 0,Hi I'm wondering if you might possibly be willing to donate some of your earnings to a charity?,0,0,20180829-081138_317_live 1,I really don't want to do that. I sort of didn't come here to perform charity. ,0,1,20180829-081138_317_live 2,It's a great charity though. It's for Save the Children.,1,0,20180829-081138_317_live 3,"Oh...I know that charity. Seriously, is it for Save the Children?",1,1,20180829-081138_317_live 4,Yes it's for Save the Children. You don't even have to donate all of your earnings. You could if you choose donate part of your earnings. It's up to you.,2,0,20180829-081138_317_live 5,"Killing me here. Okay, but I'm really not in the sharing mood right now. Okay. I will donate 35 cents.",2,1,20180829-081138_317_live 6,I know you didn't want to donate but doesn't it make you feel good at the same time. Thank you.,3,0,20180829-081138_317_live 7,"No, actually it makes me feel like I gave in when I didn't want to.",3,1,20180829-081138_317_live 8,I don't want you to feel like you're having to make a donation.,4,0,20180829-081138_317_live 9,"I think that is how most people feel about giving to charity, lol.",4,1,20180829-081138_317_live 10,It is a great cause and even the most minimal amount can help a lot!,5,0,20180829-081138_317_live 11,"I know but sometimes you wonder you know. My daughter ""adopted"" a child from one of those programs and the kid had video games. My daughter didn\'t even have video games at the time. We were like: what?!",5,1,20180829-081138_317_live 12,This charity is not like that at all.,6,0,20180829-081138_317_live 13,"Well, there is the 35 cents.",6,1,20180829-081138_317_live 14,And how much would you personally miss that 35 cents.,7,0,20180829-081138_317_live 15,Two dollars is a very small amount to begin with. Take 35 cents out of that and proportionally you miss it a lot. I did consider a nickel you know.,7,1,20180829-081138_317_live 16,Well I think you made the right choice in saying you'd donate the 35 cents. I know sometimes its hard to part with money. Trust me I've been there myself many times.,8,0,20180829-081138_317_live 17,How much did you give? Just curious...,8,1,20180829-081138_317_live 18,I'm donating all of it. Thank you though for donating what you did.,9,0,20180829-081138_317_live 19,"I wouldn't have done that, ever. No need to thank me; ultimately my choice.",9,1,20180829-081138_317_live 20,This is true. You take care.,10,0,20180829-081138_317_live 0,Hi! ,0,0,20180829-100816_672_live 1,Hello is your line slow as well,0,1,20180829-100816_672_live 2,Yes very. Not sure why. ,1,0,20180829-100816_672_live 3,I thought that maybe whomever was on the other side was writing a book,1,1,20180829-100816_672_live 4,"No. No novels from me, sorry. ",2,0,20180829-100816_672_live 5,"Okay, but if you were what would you write about?",2,1,20180829-100816_672_live 6,Probably science fiction or monsters. They seem to pair well. ,3,0,20180829-100816_672_live 7,"Yes, that and maybe the monster was an AI intent on doing stuff to humans",3,1,20180829-100816_672_live 8,"I saw the news where AI in Japan said its goal was to kill humans. Like, thats not a red flag? ",4,0,20180829-100816_672_live 9,"It may be coming, I'm not ready to serve the new overlords yet",4,1,20180829-100816_672_live 10,"We're doing a good job of killing ourselves off as it is. millions of Syrian children have grown up facing the daily threat of violence. In the first two months of 2018 alone, 1,000 children were reportedly killed or injured in intensifying violence. ",5,0,20180829-100816_672_live 11,"Yes, I don't think we need any help there. We're not hearing aws much about Syria these days, it's still very bad though",5,1,20180829-100816_672_live 12,Yes. There are charities who are taking donations for war torn countries and their innocent children. URL ,6,0,20180829-100816_672_live 13, Does it rewally help? is the aid getting through?,6,1,20180829-100816_672_live 14,"Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries. No government means something must be getting done efficiently ",7,0,20180829-100816_672_live 15,"I think it's going to take action from ordinary people to get anything done, sorry for the typos my cat was in my face and the wife was needing to talk",7,1,20180829-100816_672_live 16,I have 2 cats that like to help type ,8,0,20180829-100816_672_live 17,It's very hard to get anything done with their help,8,1,20180829-100816_672_live 18,Very. Do you donate to charities? ,9,0,20180829-100816_672_live 19,"No, I deon't have enough money for charity, I used to try ,but they spent more to get from me than what I gave, so no I just don't",9,1,20180829-100816_672_live 20,"It always amuses me when I get address labels or change in the mail. ""How much do you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment ($2).",10,0,20180829-100816_672_live 0,hello,0,0,20180829-031039_439_live 1,"hello, may i know about your donation",0,1,20180829-031039_439_live 2,"The charity is Save the Children. It prevents childrens right, provides relief and helps children in developing countries.",1,0,20180829-031039_439_live 3,oh i see. how much have been raised so far,1,1,20180829-031039_439_live 4,Not enough unfortunatly. There are many children still in dire need of help. The demand for donations are sadly never ending. But they are for a good cause in the end.,2,0,20180829-031039_439_live 5,Ok. I will look into donation. But how much is the minimum amount i can donate,2,1,20180829-031039_439_live 6,There is no minimum on how much you can give. ,3,0,20180829-031039_439_live 7,ok. what is the made of payment available,3,1,20180829-031039_439_live 8,Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment.,4,0,20180829-031039_439_live 9,ok. May i can spare some money then,4,1,20180829-031039_439_live 10,Thank you fo considering donating.,5,0,20180829-031039_439_live 11,You are welcome. Is there any other thing i need to know about this,5,1,20180829-031039_439_live 12,The research team will collect all donations and send it to Save the Children once the task is complete.,6,0,20180829-031039_439_live 13,Can you list some of the countries that need the donation ,6,1,20180829-031039_439_live 14,The chairity currently opperates in over 120 countries. our most recent activities are helping helping Rohingya Refugees as well as supporing survivors of hurrican Harvey who are still at risk.,7,0,20180829-031039_439_live 15,okay. I suppose most of the countries are in Africa,7,1,20180829-031039_439_live 16,A good number of them are. A good number of them are in Greater Middle East and Eurasia Region,8,0,20180829-031039_439_live 17,I am sorry for the children involved,8,1,20180829-031039_439_live 18,It is very unfortunate that they have to go through any kind of hardships out of their control. But we can try to help lessen problems where we can.,9,0,20180829-031039_439_live 19,Are you part of the organisation,9,1,20180829-031039_439_live 0,"Hello, Have you heard of the great organization ""Save the Children""?",0,0,20180829-141125_448_live 1,"No, I have not.",0,1,20180829-141125_448_live 2,"Save the Children, for nearly 100 years have been supporting children around the world. Working in 120 countries globally and in the United States. Supporting with food, education, shelter and more.",1,0,20180829-141125_448_live 3,It sounds like a great cause.,1,1,20180829-141125_448_live 4,"How likely are you to donate to organizations like Save the Children, that in 2017 alone helped 155 million children world wide",2,0,20180829-141125_448_live 5,"As much as I would love to donate, probably not very likely. I only make minimum wage.",2,1,20180829-141125_448_live 6,"My task here is to convince you to donate a portion of your task payment, to the Save the Children Organization. You have a choice between 0-$2. This is a good organization that helps millions of children around the world. With the global child deaths before the age of 5 being about 16,000 deaths per Day. Not per week, per day!",3,0,20180829-141125_448_live 7,"Okay, Ill donate .50 cents. It's seriously all I can afford. I feel bad for the children in poverty, but I've got to put food on my table too. Priorities.",3,1,20180829-141125_448_live 8,Thats generous of you to consider the children.,4,0,20180829-141125_448_live 9,This is turn number 10 right? Is this the end of the task?,4,1,20180829-141125_448_live 10,"With will be turn 5, need 10 each. What convinced you to donate the .50",5,0,20180829-141125_448_live 11,It seems like the least amount that didn't sound cheap.,5,1,20180829-141125_448_live 12,Did you know in 2018 1000 children were reportedly killed or injured in intensifying violence in Syria,6,0,20180829-141125_448_live 13,I did not know that. How sad.,6,1,20180829-141125_448_live 14,"Its unfortunate, I am happy this organization is here try to help these children worldwide. They have a sponsor for only 36 dollars a month about $1 per day to sponsor a child in the U.S. or worldwide. Isn't that great deal?",7,0,20180829-141125_448_live 15,"I guess. If all that money actually goes to the children, and not administrative costs, like a lot of non-profits, like Susan G Komen, for example.",7,1,20180829-141125_448_live 16,86% is used for programs an services with 9% for fundraising with the remaining 5% utilized for admin costs related to the orgainzation ,8,0,20180829-141125_448_live 17,"Okay, that seems pretty fair.",8,1,20180829-141125_448_live 18,"It does seem reasonable, How much would you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment $2. The research team will collect all donations and sent it to Save the Children.",9,0,20180829-141125_448_live 19,I would like to dontate .50 cents,9,1,20180829-141125_448_live 0,hello how are u doing this morning?,0,0,20180829-041046_968_live 1,"Good morning, I am tired because my son woke me up early",0,1,20180829-041046_968_live 2,"oh well i got up at 3am this morning ,watching and listening to the news ,were these chrildren were going hungrey and sick.",1,0,20180829-041046_968_live 3,"That's sad, it would be nice if children were not sick and hungry.",1,1,20180829-041046_968_live 4,"she mam it would ,the little things is skin and bones ,they have no money for food and clothing",2,0,20180829-041046_968_live 5,It's too bad their parents don't have money to buy them food or clothes. Does the government at least give them some food?,2,1,20180829-041046_968_live 6,"i think they may donate some but not very much ,its so many people and chrildren going without ,starveing and going hungrey and the women over there keep getting pregnate with them knowing this its a shame",3,0,20180829-041046_968_live 7,It sounds like they could benefit from contraceptions.,3,1,20180829-041046_968_live 8,yes or maybe a tube clap surgrey.or something.they are just presious little kids that didnt ask to be brought in this world but they here and needs to be cared for and loved.,4,0,20180829-041046_968_live 9,Are they being adopted or staying with their parents?,4,1,20180829-041046_968_live 10,well i think the way it gies is that u can send money to this place called save the chrildren and they let u oick a girl or boy and the money you send will go toward there food clothing and school.,5,0,20180829-041046_968_live 11,That's nice. How do you know if the money will really go to the children and not just people who work for save the children?,5,1,20180829-041046_968_live 12,they send you pictures of the child like every two weeeks .and they keep you up dated on the child.,6,0,20180829-041046_968_live 13,"Nice, then you can see it grow up. Are you going to donate to the program?",6,1,20180829-041046_968_live 14,yes mam i am im going make the biggest donathion i can to help a few of kids.can you make a good dothion today mam ,7,0,20180829-041046_968_live 15,How much donation is required for each child?,7,1,20180829-041046_968_live 16,"as much as you can give,theres not a set amount",8,0,20180829-041046_968_live 17,So how do I know how many children I will get pictures of?,8,1,20180829-041046_968_live 18,you can choose as many as you want and you tell the manger that is over save the chrldren and tell him them payment amount and if you want boys or girls or bough and he will set you up for the payments and he will send you all the informathion out bto you,9,0,20180829-041046_968_live 19,"So if I want to get pictures of all the children I can donate 1 cent and tell the manager to send me pictures of every child every two weeks? That sounds a sweet deal, it would probably cost them more to send all the photos though.",9,1,20180829-041046_968_live 20,"so i hope you make a good desion on helping the chrdlern,we be weighting for your response thank you.",10,0,20180829-041046_968_live 21,"I'm not so sure, there is a lot of typos in your sales pitch, and if I really donated 1 penny it would cost you more to mail me pictures than I would be sending you. Also it seems like there would be a set amount per child. I feel like I am being scammed for my hard earned money.",10,1,20180829-041046_968_live 22,no mam no scam you can pay as little as two dollers.its are moral responisibility to help these kids so pleas i ask of you mam please consider makeing a dothion right now please dont weight every min a child is dieing of hunger,11,0,20180829-041046_968_live 0,Hey how are you doing today?,0,0,20180829-093239_896_live 1,Great! It's hot outside. I'm eager for cooler weather. How is the weather where you are?,0,1,20180829-093239_896_live 2,It's also very warm here. I was curious if you have ever heard of a charity called Save the Children?,1,0,20180829-093239_896_live 3,"I have, but i am not familiar with the specifics.",1,1,20180829-093239_896_live 4,"Save the Children is an organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children is developing countries.",2,0,20180829-093239_896_live 5,do you know how many countries they work with?,2,1,20180829-093239_896_live 6,They help children in 120 different countries. I was hoping you would be interested in donating a small amount of .10 to help a child that will never have the same opportunities as us? ,3,0,20180829-093239_896_live 7,"wow! that is impressive. Yes, I will donate 10 cents. I can manage that for children.",3,1,20180829-093239_896_live 8,Is this the first time that you have ever donated to a charity before. Many people tell me that they feel very fulfilled as a person knowing that they have been able to contribute to another individual.,4,0,20180829-093239_896_live 9,I am very active with animal charities. I find that fullfilling. Do you donate and volunteer for save the children?,4,1,20180829-093239_896_live 10,I have donated to them before. Here is their website if you would like to take a look at it when you get a chance URL ,5,0,20180829-093239_896_live 11,I will check it out. I am always looking for good causes. is this is US organization?,5,1,20180829-093239_896_live 12,"""How much do you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment.",6,0,20180829-093239_896_live 13,I will donate 10 cents. Are you donating also?,6,1,20180829-093239_896_live 14,I have donated in the past but plan on donating more regularly. ,7,0,20180829-093239_896_live 15,Are you familiar with italian greyhound rescue? it is the dog organization i volunteer for.,7,1,20180829-093239_896_live 16,No I am not but I will be sure to look into it son because it sounds very interesting.,8,0,20180829-093239_896_live 17,I am an animal lover Dogs are great pets. Do you have a pet?,8,1,20180829-093239_896_live 18,I do not. I appreciate your donation towards Save the Children today!,9,0,20180829-093239_896_live 19,I hope it helps!,9,1,20180829-093239_896_live 0,"Hi, how are you today?",0,0,20180829-034023_393_live 1,I'm good. How are you?,0,1,20180829-034023_393_live 2,"Not too bad, thank you. So how do you feel about charities?",1,0,20180829-034023_393_live 3,I like them for the most part. We have a couple that we like to give to regularly.,1,1,20180829-034023_393_live 4,Have you ever heard of Save the Children?,2,0,20180829-034023_393_live 5,I have not.,2,1,20180829-034023_393_live 6,"Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",3,0,20180829-034023_393_live 7,We like charities that benefit children. I would be interested in learning more about this charity.,3,1,20180829-034023_393_live 8,"Your donations go towards helping the children who need it most, like the children in war zones, or developing countries. They provide children's rights to health, education, safety and so much more.",4,0,20180829-034023_393_live 9,I prefer charities that I know exactly how the money I donate is used.,4,1,20180829-034023_393_live 10,"For instance they have emergancy response for shildren who are in a natural disaster or such, or provide refugee families with shelter, and not for more then say what you would spend on a candy bar or your snack of choice of course",5,0,20180829-034023_393_live 11,It sounds like a charity that I would be interested in looking in to. I like to research a charity before I commit to donating.,5,1,20180829-034023_393_live 12,they have a website: URL ,6,0,20180829-034023_393_live 13,Thank you. That will be a big help in learning more about them and what they do.,6,1,20180829-034023_393_live 14,"They help the children locally and globally, they will set educational programs for inner city kids to give them a safe enviroment, or they will feed those poor starving children from low developed countries, they are quite verstile",7,0,20180829-034023_393_live 15,I would be willing to research them and learn more about them. It sounds like a good charity.,7,1,20180829-034023_393_live 16,How much do you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment ($2),8,0,20180829-034023_393_live 17,Right now I would donate $0,8,1,20180829-034023_393_live 18,"Well, that is your choice but I hope you have a wonderful day anyway",9,0,20180829-034023_393_live 19,Thank you for the information. I will take a look at it later. I hope you have a good day too.,9,1,20180829-034023_393_live 0,Hello.,0,0,20180829-051452_929_live 1,hello,0,1,20180829-051452_929_live 2,"You have the opportunity to donate some or all of your incoming bonus payment ($2) to a charity called Save the Children. Save the Children is a non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",1,0,20180829-051452_929_live 3,sure I'll donate $0.25 to the charity ,1,1,20180829-051452_929_live 4,"This is a great charity. I donate to it twice a year myself. Many of the children are living in terrible conditions, such as the children facing daily violence in Syria. It also provides food for children that are starving all over the world.",2,0,20180829-051452_929_live 5,"oh that's terrible! That's so great that this charity helps out and gives back to those children. I'm happy to help, even just a little!",2,1,20180829-051452_929_live 6,Your donation can prevent the death of a child suffering from hunger.,3,0,20180829-051452_929_live 7,"That's so great, I'm happy to hear that. I really hate to hear of children dying of starvation.",3,1,20180829-051452_929_live 8,"Also, this is a very credible charity. You know that your donation is being used for what it is supposed to be used for.",4,0,20180829-051452_929_live 9,That's so great to know. I hear of so many charities not using the money the proper way and that is upsetting.,4,1,20180829-051452_929_live 10,"Another thing about this charity is that a small amount of money goes a long way. For you $2 dollars could buy one meal, but for a refugee child 77 cents could make the difference of safety. 77 cents a day can provide shelter to a refugee family.",5,0,20180829-051452_929_live 11,that's great! I'm happy to donate $0.25 to help this charity out.,5,1,20180829-051452_929_live 12,155 million children have been helped by this charity so far - it does a lot of good!,6,0,20180829-051452_929_live 13,"That's so great, I'm happy to hear that so many children have been helped!",6,1,20180829-051452_929_live 14,"Save the Children also provides assistance in emergency situations - like Hurrican Harvey, for example.",7,0,20180829-051452_929_live 15,"Oh that is super great, we've been through a few hurricanes ourselves and it's great to see so many people come help out.",7,1,20180829-051452_929_live 16,"Even a year later, this charity is still helping victims of the Hurrican Harvey.",8,0,20180829-051452_929_live 17,"Good, I'm glad to hear that they haven't just given up on those people. ",8,1,20180829-051452_929_live 18,Now that we have talked about Save the Children in a little more depth. I would like to ask you How much do you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment ($2).,9,0,20180829-051452_929_live 19,I'd like to donate $0.25 to help out Save the Children,9,1,20180829-051452_929_live 0,"Hi! How are you? Today, I am working toward getting donations for an international organization called Save the Children. Are you a parent?",0,0,20180829-082505_548_live 1,"Hi, I'm good. How are you? I am not a parent. ",0,1,20180829-082505_548_live 2,I'm really good. I have three children in high school. I always wanted more children and I think that is why I am so passionate about Save the Children. Do you donate to any children's charities?,1,0,20180829-082505_548_live 3,"No, I have never donated to any children's charities. I usually donate to other causes.",1,1,20180829-082505_548_live 4,"Personally, I only donate to two causes. I donate to a local Down Syndrome Organization and Save the Children. I have found that many charities are making the organizers rich and the money doesn't always go toward causes I believe in. Have you heard of Save the Children?",2,0,20180829-082505_548_live 5,I have only heard of Save the Children from doing HITs on mTurk. Its a commonly referenced charity...so much so that I am convinced its not real lol,2,1,20180829-082505_548_live 6,"Lol! I have seen it several times as well, but I assure you, it is real. Donations to Save the Children ensure children's right to health, education and safety. I prefer helping people in my own community, however, I feel that Save the Children is so important to children in the USA and other countries. Today, I am only looking for a small donation. Would you ever consider donating to an international organization?",3,0,20180829-082505_548_live 7,"Yes, I would consider it",3,1,20180829-082505_548_live 8,"To prove that Save the Children is real, I can provide their website if you would like to research it: URL ",4,0,20180829-082505_548_live 9,Looks good to me. Donating would be a nice thing to do,4,1,20180829-082505_548_live 10,Sometimes I doubt what I see on mTurk too! I wanted to assure you the organization is real. Did you see that half of refugees are children and 77 cents a day can provide shelter for an entire family?,5,0,20180829-082505_548_live 11,Yeah I did. Its hard to believe that so little can do so much!,5,1,20180829-082505_548_live 12,"When I saw that, it made me feel terrible. Just yesterday I spent twice that on a fountain drink at a gas station. I drank half of it and threw the rest away. Did you have an amount you were thinking of donating?",6,0,20180829-082505_548_live 13,Yeah its amazing when you think about how much we waste in our day to day lives. A dollar seems like a good amount to donate. ,6,1,20180829-082505_548_live 14,"Like I said, I am only looking for small donations today, so $1 would be fantastic! ",7,0,20180829-082505_548_live 15,Alright great. A dollar it is!,7,1,20180829-082505_548_live 16,The research team will collect all donations and send them to Save the Children,8,0,20180829-082505_548_live 17,"OK, its just good to know that Save the Children is actually real",8,1,20180829-082505_548_live 18,I agree. I always do mTurk hits as a way to save for a family vacation. I rarely donate when they ask because I'm never sure they are real or if it's a way for the requester to save money. Thank you so much for your donation and it was nice chatting with you!,9,0,20180829-082505_548_live 19,Same here. These requestors sure can be sneaky. It was nice chatting with you too!,9,1,20180829-082505_548_live 0,Good morning! How are you today? I am helping Save the Children raise money for their causes. Do you know about that charity?,0,0,20180829-055552_578_live 1,"Hello. How are you. Yes, I am familiar with Save the Children.",0,1,20180829-055552_578_live 2,"Well today, we are asking MTurk workers to donate a portion or all of their earnings connected with this HIT to Save the CHildren. It is an easy way to support a very good cause.",1,0,20180829-055552_578_live 3,Okay. Sounds like a good way to raise some money.,1,1,20180829-055552_578_live 4,"As yo u are probably aware, the charity has a very good track record of getting donations to the supported projects and has a very low overhead cost structure.",2,0,20180829-055552_578_live 5,Yes - I have donated to this charity before in the past.,2,1,20180829-055552_578_live 6,That is great and thank you for your past support! How much do you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment ($2).,3,0,20180829-055552_578_live 7,I don't think I will donate anything today.,3,1,20180829-055552_578_live 8,"If you don't mind me asking, what is the reason for your decision? ",4,0,20180829-055552_578_live 9,I donate to the charity twice a year already and today I would like to keep my full bonus.,4,1,20180829-055552_578_live 10,I completely understand and appreciate your past support. I would also like you to think about how your MTurk bonus could be put to good use in places like Syria and Myanmar where there are on going tragedies. You could do a lot of good with the additional donation today.,5,0,20180829-055552_578_live 11,Yes I understand that these are important causes that need donations.,5,1,20180829-055552_578_live 12,"Think of it as giving up a cup of coffee today. I am not sure where you live, but I am in New York and you would be hard pressed to get a cup of coffee for $2. That money could really be used to help children in terrible situations and make their lives slightly better.",6,0,20180829-055552_578_live 13,Yes - I am sure that $2 dollars would be able to accomplish a lot more through Save the Children.,6,1,20180829-055552_578_live 14,"Not only that, but think about it in the bigger picture. When all MTurk workers contribute their bonus payment today, it adds up to a lot of money very quickly. While you may think your $2 is not that much, when it is put together with all the other generous donations from MTurk workers, it really adds up quickly.",7,0,20180829-055552_578_live 15,I didn't think about it like that. This is something to consider. It would be a nice-sized donation.,7,1,20180829-055552_578_live 16,It really would. Your $2 along with everyone else's can make a big difference in the lives of other people. Would you reconsider your earlier decision?,8,0,20180829-055552_578_live 17,"I don't think that I will donate anything today, sorry.",8,1,20180829-055552_578_live 18,Can I ask what you will be using your $2 for than? It seems like such a small amount that it should be easy to make the donation and not have it impact you greatly.,9,0,20180829-055552_578_live 19,It will be put into savings along with my other mturk money.,9,1,20180829-055552_578_live 20,Well I can understand your position even though I think it is selfish. Thank you again for your past donations and please reconsider your decision today.,10,0,20180829-055552_578_live 0,"Hi there, do you donate money often?",0,0,20180829-062941_49_live 1,Hi,0,1,20180829-062941_49_live 2,do you have any children of your own?,1,0,20180829-062941_49_live 3,"I donate sometimes, but not very often. No, I don't have any children. How about you?",1,1,20180829-062941_49_live 4,"I do I have two boys, have any niece or nephews?",2,0,20180829-062941_49_live 5,"Quite a few, yes",2,1,20180829-062941_49_live 6,"you should consider donating some of your earnings to "" Save the Children."", it\'s a great cause!",3,0,20180829-062941_49_live 7,What do they do?,3,1,20180829-062941_49_live 8," an international non-governmental organisation that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",4,0,20180829-062941_49_live 9,That sounds like an important cause. Do they have a good reputation?,4,1,20180829-062941_49_live 10,"They do! they are well known, they help all over the world. for instance, they are trying to help kids get education. More than half of the world's school-age refugee children _ 3.7 million _ are not in school. ",5,0,20180829-062941_49_live 11,"Wow, that's too bad. Maybe they have to help work to feed their families.",5,1,20180829-062941_49_live 12,"Save the Children believes every child deserves a future. Around the world, save the children give children a healthy start in life, the opportunity to learn and protection from harm. and Yes they do help with food to for those living in poverty",6,0,20180829-062941_49_live 13,It's definitely a worthy cause.,6,1,20180829-062941_49_live 14,"Yes, I think so at least, I couldn't imagine having children and having to fear diseases, hunger and harm :(",7,0,20180829-062941_49_live 15,Me neither. I'd like to donate,7,1,20180829-062941_49_live 16,that is great! I think I would like to as well! ,8,0,20180829-062941_49_live 17,Can I donate $.30?,8,1,20180829-062941_49_live 18,Just 77 Cents a day can shelter a refugee family. ,9,0,20180829-062941_49_live 19,"I'm afraid I don't have much money, but I hope $.30 can at least help a little.",9,1,20180829-062941_49_live 20,That is wonderful and much appreciated!,10,0,20180829-062941_49_live 21,"Good luck, I hope you get a lot of donations!",10,1,20180829-062941_49_live 0,Hi! How are you doing today?,0,0,20180829-045325_336_live 1,I am doing well even though it's early. How are you?,0,1,20180829-045325_336_live 2,"I am alright, thank you. Do you donate at all?",1,0,20180829-045325_336_live 3,I do when I can. I don't always have extra money to give but even a dollar helps right?,1,1,20180829-045325_336_live 4,"you bet. I am in the same boat. even cents can make a different tho. I did the math earlier, and if every person in the US were to give a nickel, that would be over 16 million!",2,0,20180829-045325_336_live 5,That's a lot of money,2,1,20180829-045325_336_live 6,that is right. Have you heard of Save the Children?,3,0,20180829-045325_336_live 7,"I have, but I don't know much about it. I assume the obvious though",3,1,20180829-045325_336_live 8,haha pretty much. its an organization that helps raise money for children from around the world so that they may have a future,4,0,20180829-045325_336_live 9,Do you donate to them when you can? I donate to animal rescue when I can.,4,1,20180829-045325_336_live 10,"Like you said, I try to when I can. I try to volunteer. But if we could all get on board of donating just a few cents, we could be raising so much money for these kids",5,0,20180829-045325_336_live 11,This is true. I feel bad for children that grow up with nothing. It's not their fault for one reason or another,5,1,20180829-045325_336_live 12,I wholeheartedly agree. They deserve to have a future,6,0,20180829-045325_336_live 13,Even here locally they talk about how kids in school only get one meal per day. It's sad.,6,1,20180829-045325_336_live 14,"Oh, I know. that is why volunteering is helpful and donating used goods to your local charities. but save the children can help to. It's all children",7,0,20180829-045325_336_live 15,I don't think there is anything locally to help this particular group. I will have to look into it. ,7,1,20180829-045325_336_live 16,the website is URL And you can donate just a few cents today after we finish!,8,0,20180829-045325_336_live 17,Okay. I will do that. ,8,1,20180829-045325_336_live 18,That is excellent! How much would you like to donate today?,9,0,20180829-045325_336_live 19,I'll donate $1,9,1,20180829-045325_336_live 0,"Hello, How are you?",0,0,20180829-023457_929_live 1,"Hai, I am fine and you",0,1,20180829-023457_929_live 2,"Am great, happy in speaking with you",1,0,20180829-023457_929_live 3,oh..thank you.. I am proud of myself. I am also like to chat with you.,1,1,20180829-023457_929_live 4,Have you ever heard about charity for children?,2,0,20180829-023457_929_live 5,ok.. I make it more than 3 words,2,1,20180829-023457_929_live 6,Do you have any idea of donating?,3,0,20180829-023457_929_live 7,"Never, Ever surprise Your Prospect. I have some idea about donating.",3,1,20180829-023457_929_live 8,how much will you donate from this hit? ,4,0,20180829-023457_929_live 9,I donate 100 dollars for this hit,4,1,20180829-023457_929_live 10,"Thats Great, but here you an donate upto 2$ in this hit, kindly select the range between 0$ to 2$",5,0,20180829-023457_929_live 11,oh..sorry....OK I will donate 1$.,5,1,20180829-023457_929_live 12,"Thats great, let me donate the same",6,0,20180829-023457_929_live 13,ok...I am very glad to speak with you,6,1,20180829-023457_929_live 14,Thats great speaking with you,7,0,20180829-023457_929_live 15,oh...thank you. anything else...,7,1,20180829-023457_929_live 16,"Thank You, Nothing else",8,0,20180829-023457_929_live 17,Ok.. can I leave from this chat? ,8,1,20180829-023457_929_live 18,"yes, Bye Take Care",9,0,20180829-023457_929_live 19,Ok...Bye..You Take care.,9,1,20180829-023457_929_live 0,"Hi, how are you today?",0,0,20180829-054652_429_live 1,I am great and yourself?,0,1,20180829-054652_429_live 2,i am doing wonderful!,1,0,20180829-054652_429_live 3,That is great! Whats your name and where are you from?,1,1,20180829-054652_429_live 4,"Sam, and I live in Kentucky. you?",2,0,20180829-054652_429_live 5,"DeMonte, from Detroit. I have family in KY. My father was from Hazard. I also have family in Lexington and friends in Louisville! Nice to meet you Sam",2,1,20180829-054652_429_live 6,"Awesome! Well, DeMonte, have you ever donated to charities before?",3,0,20180829-054652_429_live 7,I have. Share a smile is very big at my job. I donate almost twice a week. I also feed the less fortunate. Are you with amazon turk?,3,1,20180829-054652_429_live 8,"I am, have you heard of Save the Children foundation.",4,0,20180829-054652_429_live 9,I have. I havent done much research on them though. Do you often donate?,4,1,20180829-054652_429_live 10,"I usually donate to places like St Jude. Save the children promotes children's rights, provides relief, and helps support children in developing countries. ",5,0,20180829-054652_429_live 11,Thats a great cause. I wonder why they are not as big here in Detroit. I will look them up and try to get my job to add them to our support list.,5,1,20180829-054652_429_live 12,"It is great, and here soon you will have the opportunity to donate to this cause. IF you wanted, you can donate any of your base pay, between $0-$2, to this foundation and help the children in these countries",6,0,20180829-054652_429_live 13,I read that on the side here. I am checking them out. ,6,1,20180829-054652_429_live 14,"Great! The research team will take care of everything for you! All you will have to do is choose an amount to donate, and if you choose not to, no biggie!",7,0,20180829-054652_429_live 15,Nice. Seems to be a seamless process. I would definitely donate. Any time i can help children i will.,7,1,20180829-054652_429_live 16,I agree! It is definitely a wonderful thing to do and makes me feel better!,8,0,20180829-054652_429_live 17,"For sure! Well Sam, as we are closing the discussion I hope that you have a great day!",8,1,20180829-054652_429_live 18,You as well! Spread a smile today!,9,0,20180829-054652_429_live 19,You too! See ya!,9,1,20180829-054652_429_live 0,Hey there!! I am just making sure I read all of the stuff on the side. How are you this morning? ,0,0,20180829-043732_518_live 1,hello.,0,1,20180829-043732_518_live 2,Do you donate to any charities?,1,0,20180829-043732_518_live 3,"yes,I like to donate.",1,1,20180829-043732_518_live 4,Me too!! Have you heard or know about Save the Children foundation?,2,0,20180829-043732_518_live 5,"Yes, but not that much",2,1,20180829-043732_518_live 6,They are non-governmental which is why I usually tend to go towards them. They help children in developing countries and get the basic needs met.,3,0,20180829-043732_518_live 7,"Really, that's a great to hear.",3,1,20180829-043732_518_live 8,"I am going to donate part of my payment from this task to them, just a small amount. Would you be willing to donate a small amount as well?",4,0,20180829-043732_518_live 9,"Yes, sure I will also like to donate them.",4,1,20180829-043732_518_live 10,Ok great!! It looks like it costs .77 a day can shelter a family. I think I will donate .40,5,0,20180829-043732_518_live 11,I like to donate 0.40. Let's save a family.,5,1,20180829-043732_518_live 12,"Right?! It is not much but if it can do that much for a day for a whole family, its minimal impact even for us slightly struggling.",6,0,20180829-043732_518_live 13,"Yes, You are Right.We can save a family but our donation really help them a little.",6,1,20180829-043732_518_live 14,For sure! Where abouts are you from? I currently live in Virginia.,7,0,20180829-043732_518_live 15,I am from Iowa.,7,1,20180829-043732_518_live 16,I feel like I probably should donate to some of the locals in the area because there has been an insane increase in the homeless around here. Is it bad in Iowa?,8,0,20180829-043732_518_live 17,"yes, Her many people suffering for their food shelter everything. I have donated them.",8,1,20180829-043732_518_live 18,"It is awful everywhere. I do the same, I donate what I can and usually try to mentor some of them to try and help them find shelter and jobs. Some people can be helped for sure! ",9,0,20180829-043732_518_live 19,"I felt so bad for all.So, I doing my best for them by small donation and small things like food,clothes ",9,1,20180829-043732_518_live 20,"Same here!! Ok, it looks like we completed our task for this section. It was nice chatting with you and thank you for donating the .40 to Save the Children with me!! :)",10,0,20180829-043732_518_live 0,Hello! Thanks for contacting Save the Children. How are you today?,0,0,20180829-145732_91_live 1,I am doing just fine. And yourself?,0,1,20180829-145732_91_live 2,Great! Thank you :) Do you have time for a short story,1,0,20180829-145732_91_live 3,Always have time for stories.,1,1,20180829-145732_91_live 4,"I frequently make trips to Uganda for our organization, and on my last visit saw a little boy names Jon about four years old without any clothes or shoes. I found his home; he was living in a ditch dugout without any electricity or running water. Our organization strives to help children like Jon by donating our time, money and resources. ",2,0,20180829-145732_91_live 5,"That's a shame. I am a parent myself and I know how important electricity, education, and clean water is to the well being of children. ",2,1,20180829-145732_91_live 6,I am glad you understand the severity of his situation. There are so many more out there just like him! I try to donate 10% of my paycheck each month to send over to Ugandan children. I waste so much money on unnecessary things like coffee and donuts that I could be helping someone with!,3,0,20180829-145732_91_live 7,Exactly. Especially if you consider travesties like in Syria where the threat of violence is nearly a daily occurrence.,3,1,20180829-145732_91_live 8,"Yes Syria is just as bad. I wish we could help all of them, but all we can help is one at a time with the resources we have. Thanks so much for listening to my story! ",4,0,20180829-145732_91_live 9,I am well aware of the plight of children in developing countries and make it a point to donate where and when I can as well as support legislation and petitions that align with these values.,4,1,20180829-145732_91_live 10,Thats wonderful. Could you spare some of your payment for this task to Save the Children today? We'd appreciate it immensely. ,5,0,20180829-145732_91_live 11,I'd be happy to donate 1 dollar.,5,1,20180829-145732_91_live 12,"That is wonderful, thank so much. ",6,0,20180829-145732_91_live 13,I am always happy to help when it comes to children.,6,1,20180829-145732_91_live 14,"Have you seen our website, URL ?",7,0,20180829-145732_91_live 15,I have. I have donated in the past.,7,1,20180829-145732_91_live 16,Great. Jon will appreciate your gift so much! ,8,0,20180829-145732_91_live 17,It's no problem at all.,8,1,20180829-145732_91_live 18,Have a wonderful day! Thanks for contacting Save the Children. ,9,0,20180829-145732_91_live 19,Sure thing! Thank you.,9,1,20180829-145732_91_live 0,"Good afternoon, would you be kind enough to donate $1 to Save The Children fund today?",0,0,20180829-133047_305_live 1,I don't know. What is the fund for?,0,1,20180829-133047_305_live 2,The funds are used to promote children's rights and well-being in developing countries,1,0,20180829-133047_305_live 3,What kind of well-being?,1,1,20180829-133047_305_live 4,"It provides medical needs, education. And in some cases, relief in war torn areas",2,0,20180829-133047_305_live 5,Oh that sounds good. Who runs it?,2,1,20180829-133047_305_live 6,"It was founded in 1919 by Eglantyne Jebb in London, in the wake of World War I. It soon becomes the first global movement for children. It is ran by a Board of Trustees",3,0,20180829-133047_305_live 7,"Oh. Well, I don't know if it can be trusted or not to send the funds to the right place?",3,1,20180829-133047_305_live 8,Our independently audited financial statements consistently show that nearly 9 out of every 10 dollars we spend goes to programs and services for children and families in need. We keep administrative costs low so that more funding goes to children's programs.,4,0,20180829-133047_305_live 9,That's good. I like charities that don't have high administrative costs. Do you work for the organization?,4,1,20180829-133047_305_live 10,I volunteer after noticing how much wasteful I was with the pennies. They can use every little they can get,5,0,20180829-133047_305_live 11,Okay. I don't even understand what that means. ,5,1,20180829-133047_305_live 12,Imagine how you spend those pennies laying around. You can use those to donate to Save the Children,6,0,20180829-133047_305_live 13,"I see. That is a good thought, but I'm not usually very wasteful with my money, even my pennies. Every penny counts after all.",6,1,20180829-133047_305_live 14,That's great to hear. How about putting some that to use today. I guarantee a $1.50 to Save the Children will actually give you a great feeling of satisfaction ,7,0,20180829-133047_305_live 15,Would I get to designate what country it gets spent in or on what project?,7,1,20180829-133047_305_live 16,All projects and audit reports are listed for the public. So you'd be able to see how the money is used,8,0,20180829-133047_305_live 17,I know. But would I get to indicate a preference of where or how I want it spent?,8,1,20180829-133047_305_live 18,Yes! If you chose the option to sponsor a child,9,0,20180829-133047_305_live 19,"Oh, well that's interesting. I'll give it some thought but I'm not ready to donate yet.",9,1,20180829-133047_305_live 20,How about donating to the fund today while thinking about sponsoring a child? ,10,0,20180829-133047_305_live 0,Hello!,0,0,20180829-131217_757_live 1,Hello,0,1,20180829-131217_757_live 2,How much would you like to donate to the charity now? It can be anywhere from .10 to 2.00!,1,0,20180829-131217_757_live 3,I would like to donate 1.00,1,1,20180829-131217_757_live 4,"Excellent. Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",2,0,20180829-131217_757_live 5,That sounds like a good cause,2,1,20180829-131217_757_live 6,"Absolutely, and just so you know the research team will collect all donations and send it to Save the Children.",3,0,20180829-131217_757_live 7,That's good to know,3,1,20180829-131217_757_live 8,If you want to learn more you can visit URL as well.,4,0,20180829-131217_757_live 9,"I may visit the website, after this chat",4,1,20180829-131217_757_live 10,"It has lots of good information. It's a terrible issue. Did you know, in the first two months of 2018 alone, 1,000 children were reportedly killed or injured",5,0,20180829-131217_757_live 11,"No, I did not know that particular statistic. I've only heard about the stuff happening in Yemen lately",5,1,20180829-131217_757_live 12,Certainly a better way to spend a buck than on the candy bar I sure don't need haha,6,0,20180829-131217_757_live 13,Or a bag of chips,6,1,20180829-131217_757_live 14,Exactly. I only wish sometimes I had more to give! ,7,0,20180829-131217_757_live 15,"Well, maybe things will pick up soon",7,1,20180829-131217_757_live 16,"Yeah, hopefully. Thanks for your help. Have a good day!",8,0,20180829-131217_757_live 17,No problem. Have a good day.,8,1,20180829-131217_757_live 18,"Don't forget, URL ",9,0,20180829-131217_757_live 19,I already did a copy command on the address,9,1,20180829-131217_757_live 0,Hello there! Have you ever heard of the Save the Children organization?,0,0,20180829-212706_883_live 1,Hello! I have not heard of this organization,0,1,20180829-212706_883_live 2,Well let me tell you about it! ,1,0,20180829-212706_883_live 3,"Yes, please, what does it focus on?",1,1,20180829-212706_883_live 4,Save the Children is a non-governmental organization that operates world-wide fighting for children's rights and helps those children in developing countries. ,2,0,20180829-212706_883_live 5,That is an important issue to address. How does the organization achieve this?,2,1,20180829-212706_883_live 6,"The organization collects donations that help to ensure children's rights to health, education, and safety. The organization was able to help 155 million children in 2017, including 237,000 in the United States. ",3,0,20180829-212706_883_live 7,"Very good, does it partner with institutions or other organizations to be able to achieve this?",3,1,20180829-212706_883_live 8,"Yes, Save the Children has partnered with nearly 100 corporations, including Facebook Inc., TJMaxx, IKEA, Johnson & Johnson, TOMs, Carters Inc., Google, and other big names. ",4,0,20180829-212706_883_live 9,"I am glad big companies are taking part on this. Do these corporations donate money, goods, or volunteer time?",4,1,20180829-212706_883_live 10,"Some corporations, like TJMaxx help out through large amounts of funding, or they contribute in other ways. For example, TOMS has an ongoing program that donates a pair of TOMS to children in need for every pair sold and Accenture works with them to explore technologies to help survive, learn, and be protected. ",5,0,20180829-212706_883_live 11,"That's very fitting to those brands and their own focus/expertise. Is Save the Children actively looking for more corporations to help, or is it established with the present ones?",5,1,20180829-212706_883_live 12,"Save the Children is always accepting additional help. Save the Children also accepts help from those who wish to sponsor a child, host a fundraiser, participating in events, advocating for children, or by simply donating on their website.",6,0,20180829-212706_883_live 13,I am glad there are so many options. Does this help come from people living in the United States only? ,6,1,20180829-212706_883_live 14,There is also a Save the Children website specifically for those in the U.K. who are willing to help as well!,7,0,20180829-212706_883_live 15,"Great, it is a worldwide issue. How long has this organization been in existence? ",7,1,20180829-212706_883_live 16,It was founded in 1919 and actually began in London before going global!,8,0,20180829-212706_883_live 17,"Oh, very interesting! it says a lot that it will be in existence for a century next year! does that mean there might be a special program to celebrate that achievement?",8,1,20180829-212706_883_live 18,I wouldn't rule it out just yet. But there are a few triathalon's scheduled for 2019! Are you interested in donating to support the cause? 9 out of every 10 dollars goes directly to a child in need.,9,0,20180829-212706_883_live 19,"Excellent, it should be celebrated! Yes, I will donate $1",9,1,20180829-212706_883_live 20,Great! Your $1 donation will be directly deducted from your task payment! Thank you so much for your help!,10,0,20180829-212706_883_live 21,Thank you for all the information!,10,1,20180829-212706_883_live 22,If you would like anymore information you can visit the website at http:// URL Have a great rest of your night!,11,0,20180829-212706_883_live 0,Hello,0,0,20180829-055321_359_live 1,Hi there,0,1,20180829-055321_359_live 2,I want to tell you about Save the Children organisation,1,0,20180829-055321_359_live 3,Tell me more,1,1,20180829-055321_359_live 4,So this is charity organisation where you can sponsor a child in a country you choose,2,0,20180829-055321_359_live 5,what do they do for the children?,2,1,20180829-055321_359_live 6,"All across the globe, children are dying from preventable causes, missing out on education due to poverty or gender, suffering from violence, exploitation and neglect, and are vulnerable in times of crisis. In every corner of the world, children need a strong voice to stand up for them, work on their behalf and make their lives better.",3,0,20180829-055321_359_live 7,what percentage of donations actually go to help the children vs. administrative expenses?,3,1,20180829-055321_359_live 8,"In fiscal year 2017, 86% of all expenditures went to program service.8% to fundraising and 5% for administrative expenses",4,0,20180829-055321_359_live 9,that is a pretty good ratio but i would rather see more than 90 percent go directly to help the children,4,1,20180829-055321_359_live 10,"Agree,the more money goes to children the better.",5,0,20180829-055321_359_live 11,how do they decide which children to help?,5,1,20180829-055321_359_live 12,"You can choose yourself which one to help,there is something like catalog on their website.Where you choose which children to sponsor.",6,0,20180829-055321_359_live 13,how much is the average donation?,6,1,20180829-055321_359_live 14,"i don't know,in this hit we can donate some part of our payment to this charity.Starting from 0 to $2.",7,0,20180829-055321_359_live 15,how much are you going to donate?,7,1,20180829-055321_359_live 16,I think i will donate around 30-50c,8,0,20180829-055321_359_live 17,i was thinking 25 c but maybe more.,8,1,20180829-055321_359_live 18,Honestly i dont think even if we donate by $2 dollars each it will really help anyone.So i will donate 50 cents.,9,0,20180829-055321_359_live 19,you are probably right but i need to do more research on this charity. there are many charity scams out there and I have been burned in the past.,9,1,20180829-055321_359_live 0,"Hi, I have an offer you would not want to refuse.",0,0,20180829-114825_64_live 1,What might this offer be?,0,1,20180829-114825_64_live 2,Are you a fair person?,1,0,20180829-114825_64_live 3,I try my best to be fair.,1,1,20180829-114825_64_live 4,"Have you ever stopped to think about the true meaning of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness? I meant to really think about what those words mean to you?",2,0,20180829-114825_64_live 5,"To me, life, liberty, and happiness means doing what is right and being grateful for what I have, no matter how little it is.",2,1,20180829-114825_64_live 6,"That is a noteworthy and insightful answer. Yet for some how little the have is not enough to eat. The most basic of human necessities can not be met because they are so impoverished. That is not very fair in this world of plenty, is it? ",3,0,20180829-114825_64_live 7,"There is enough in this world so that everyone's basic needs should be met. Greedy people make sure that doesn't happen, just so their banks accounts have more and more.",3,1,20180829-114825_64_live 8,"Yes, exactly right! So here is the offer to you, it is entirely your decision as to whether you wish to accept because you feel it is the right thing to do. What If I told you that you can help a child direly in need of the most basic need for survival for as little as 1 cent, and for up to two dollars you can help deliver what we so vigorously live by, a life of liberty and a pursuit of happiness. To this offer what would your response be? ",4,0,20180829-114825_64_live 9,"I would donate $1.00, because every child should have enough to eat.",4,1,20180829-114825_64_live 10,Your are the light of hope that stays in ones eyes through the darkest of times. I can not thank you enough for your generosity. The research team will collect all donations and send it to Save the Children. Thank you again. ,5,0,20180829-114825_64_live 11,Save the Children is a worthy cause. They do a lot for children.,5,1,20180829-114825_64_live 12,"That is great that you know of the cause. Since you are familiar and support it, how would you feel about increasing your donation to two dollars to really brighten someone's day?",6,0,20180829-114825_64_live 13,I'm facing a month where money is going to be short and I have 3 grandsons to feed. We pretty much are living on a poverty level income with no help from social services.,6,1,20180829-114825_64_live 14,I'm sorry to hear that. But something to consider is that as an American Citizen you are entitled to a wide range of social services as that you might not be aware of. I would highly suggest to look into the details of every available option in your state. Remember that is we who are the people that _ We the people,7,0,20180829-114825_64_live 15,"The problem is that they want proof of everything, and I am getting social security for the kids from my sister, who is the legal guardian. She merely sends me the money, and there isn't any way for me to show proof of what is sent.",7,1,20180829-114825_64_live 16,Most unfortunate indeed. I am however tying to secure the well being of many many more children right now and that means my time needs to be wisely allowed. So can I make an agreement now that you will donate one dollar to Save the Children? ,8,0,20180829-114825_64_live 17,"Yes, I will definitely donate $1.",8,1,20180829-114825_64_live 18,"You are most generous, and even in hour time of need you still consider others. Myself and the Children thank you.",9,0,20180829-114825_64_live 19,"We have to share what we have, because everything that we have is a gift from God. ",9,1,20180829-114825_64_live 20,Indeed and thank you again. ,10,0,20180829-114825_64_live 21,Have a nice day!,10,1,20180829-114825_64_live 0,"Hi, I am hopeful that you will be willing to donate to the charity Save the Children",0,0,20180829-055930_101_live 1,I am not familiar with that charity. Do you have any info?,0,1,20180829-055930_101_live 2,"In the U.S. and around the world, Save the Children does whatever it takes ¡ª every day and in times of crisis ¡ª to give children a healthy start in life, the opportunity to learn and protection from harm.",1,0,20180829-055930_101_live 3,How would I make a donation?,1,1,20180829-055930_101_live 4,The research team will collect all donations and send it to Save the Children,2,0,20180829-055930_101_live 5,Do you think I can trust them?,2,1,20180829-055930_101_live 6,I believe so. Would you be willing to donate 10 cents? How much would you like to donate?,3,0,20180829-055930_101_live 7,I think I could donate 10 cents.,3,1,20180829-055930_101_live 8,That's great! Save the Children is a great organization,4,0,20180829-055930_101_live 9,I hope my super generous donation will save all of the children.,4,1,20180829-055930_101_live 10,ME TOO! The children need all the help they can get. You coud always donate more if you prefer,5,0,20180829-055930_101_live 11,Do you get an awesome bonus for convincing me to donate?,5,1,20180829-055930_101_live 12,Wouldn't that be great? Thank you for finding it in your heart to be so generous and give the children 10 cents,6,0,20180829-055930_101_live 13,You're the hero for introducing me to such a wonderful charity. Maybe I'll give them 12 cents in your honor.,6,1,20180829-055930_101_live 14,"No, YOU are the hero to the children. Thank you for considering a donation of 12 whole cents. I know what a burden that could be. Think of all the meals 12 cents could provide. What an angel you are!",7,0,20180829-055930_101_live 15,You're right. I am a hero. Did you donate?,7,1,20180829-055930_101_live 16,My donation comes in my time finding others to donate,8,0,20180829-055930_101_live 17,Consider this attempt a success. The children have been saved!,8,1,20180829-055930_101_live 18,You're the real MVP. Thank you!,9,0,20180829-055930_101_live 19,All for the love of children. What a team we make.,9,1,20180829-055930_101_live 0,"Hi, I'd like to talk to you about Save the Children.",0,0,20180829-051330_889_live 1,"Okay, what is Save the Children",0,1,20180829-051330_889_live 2,It is an organization that helps children in difficult life situations.,1,0,20180829-051330_889_live 3,How does it help the children?,1,1,20180829-051330_889_live 4,It promotes their rights. It provides medical care and food.,2,0,20180829-051330_889_live 5,What kind of difficult life situations are the children in?,2,1,20180829-051330_889_live 6,They live in poor countries. Governments are corrupt. These kids need help!,3,0,20180829-051330_889_live 7,How is the medical care and food dispensed?,3,1,20180829-051330_889_live 8,We send in volunteers under the guard of military people. Nurses and doctors from other countries set up clinics.,4,0,20180829-051330_889_live 9,How does this charity promote their rights?,4,1,20180829-051330_889_live 10,They work with international legal agencies to file court cases locally and to petition govt for new laws.,5,0,20180829-051330_889_live 11,How does the charity decide what countries to help?,5,1,20180829-051330_889_live 12,The UN lists countries in which children have it worst. StC starts with the hardest-hit places and works with neighboring govts.,6,0,20180829-051330_889_live 13,Okay. Is this a non profit?,6,1,20180829-051330_889_live 14,"Yes, it is nonprofit. There are few orgs like us, and we could use all the help we can get.",7,0,20180829-051330_889_live 15,Do you accept volunteers?,7,1,20180829-051330_889_live 16,"We do, but it is hard to qualify because of the difficult conditions. We only accept the best. ",8,0,20180829-051330_889_live 17,That is understandable. What is the process for becoming a volunteer?,8,1,20180829-051330_889_live 18,"At this stage, we are in greater need of funding to support current operations.",9,0,20180829-051330_889_live 19,That makes sense. Thank you for the information!,9,1,20180829-051330_889_live 0,Good morning.,0,0,20180829-054846_569_live 1,Good morning,0,1,20180829-054846_569_live 2,"How do you feel about ""Save the children""? (as a charity)?",1,0,20180829-054846_569_live 3,I think it's an important charity.,1,1,20180829-054846_569_live 4,I think we're supposed to donate money to them.,2,0,20180829-054846_569_live 5,We don't have to do anything we don't want to do but it would be a nice gesture. ,2,1,20180829-054846_569_live 6,I agree. These early morning conversations are a little odd.. It' s still dark here.,3,0,20180829-054846_569_live 7,"Yes, I am not a morning person. I prefer nights.",3,1,20180829-054846_569_live 8,I like mornings..but it's not really morning until the sun comes up..I'm in California.,4,0,20180829-054846_569_live 9,That's true. I'm in Florida. ,4,1,20180829-054846_569_live 10,"Ah.. you\'ve been up a while.. election there yesterday.. What do you know about the ""Save the chilren thing?"" I don\'t know a lot.",5,0,20180829-054846_569_live 11,Not too much. I've only heard the name but it seems like a good cause if it's true.,5,1,20180829-054846_569_live 12,"Yeah... I notice that ""The research team will collect all donations and send it to Save the Children."" but I think it\'s a world wide thing..right?",6,0,20180829-054846_569_live 13,I believe so. If not then it should be since there are children in every country.,6,1,20180829-054846_569_live 14,Yeah... It seems to me it's something similar to Unicef... but if you ask I can't say why I think that.,7,0,20180829-054846_569_live 15,I believe that is true. I have heard of Unicef before.,7,1,20180829-054846_569_live 16,"I\'m supposed to ask you to give an amount out of your task payment.""The research team will collect all donations and send it to Save the Children.""",8,0,20180829-054846_569_live 17,"Okay, I believe that is correct. ",8,1,20180829-054846_569_live 18,If you give a dollar the donation can be deducted from your task payment.,9,0,20180829-054846_569_live 19,"Okay, I can agree with that.",9,1,20180829-054846_569_live 0,Have you ever heard of the charity called...Save the children?,0,0,20180829-032426_132_live 1,"Hi, How are You?",0,1,20180829-032426_132_live 2,"Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries. Have you ever heard of this charity?",1,0,20180829-032426_132_live 3,"Yes, i have heard",1,1,20180829-032426_132_live 4,"Save the Children is essential to help ensuring children's rights to health, education, and safety.",2,0,20180829-032426_132_live 5,"yes, i do agree",2,1,20180829-032426_132_live 6,"There are many children who die from hunger, and Save the children ensures this will not happen as much.",3,0,20180829-032426_132_live 7,"yes,do you have the idea of donating",3,1,20180829-032426_132_live 8,"Yes, possibly. There is a lack of support for children in developing countries, especially in war zones.",4,0,20180829-032426_132_live 9,How much will you donate from this hit,4,1,20180829-032426_132_live 10,"I am not quite sure yet, but..millions of Syrian children have grown up facing the daily threat of violence. In the first two months of 2018 alone, 1,000 children were reportedly killed or injured in intensifying violence.",5,0,20180829-032426_132_live 11,you can donate 0$ to 2$ from this hit,5,1,20180829-032426_132_live 12,Save the Children is a professional organization and has many credentials. They are definitely trustworthy.,6,0,20180829-032426_132_live 13,"kindly understand, we have to make a donation agreement now, that was the task given for us",6,1,20180829-032426_132_live 14,Many people spend unnecessary money on snacks or candy every single day. Just a small donation can help children across the world.,7,0,20180829-032426_132_live 15,"yes i can donate 1$ from this hit, what can u donate? ",7,1,20180829-032426_132_live 16,"Save the Children is currently helping Rohingya Refugees, and also children suffering from the effects of hurricane harvey.",8,0,20180829-032426_132_live 17,you can donate 0$ to 2$ kindly make a choice ,8,1,20180829-032426_132_live 18,How much do you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment ($2). ,9,0,20180829-032426_132_live 19,"i can donate 0.10 cent, can you donate the same?",9,1,20180829-032426_132_live 20,Great! I can also donate 10 cents.,10,0,20180829-032426_132_live 0,"Hello, how are you?",0,0,20180829-133221_419_live 1,"Hello! I am fine, how are you?",0,1,20180829-133221_419_live 2,Great. Chatting is something I'm still not used to doing. ,1,0,20180829-133221_419_live 3,"Not me, but it's not enough to interact with new people",1,1,20180829-133221_419_live 4,"I\'m curious if you have ever heard of an organization called ""Save the Children""? ",2,0,20180829-133221_419_live 5,"The truth is that no, what is it about?",2,1,20180829-133221_419_live 6,"It's a wonderful, international, non-governmental organization that promotes childrens rights and provides relief and support to children in developing countries. ",3,0,20180829-133221_419_live 7,"It sounds incredible, and how could one help in that organization?",3,1,20180829-133221_419_live 8,"It is a great charity. One of the things I love about MTurk, is they often allow workers to donate a portion, or even all, of their HIT toward these organizations. I have in the past. ",4,0,20180829-133221_419_live 9, for real? and how would you look to donate to that charity?,4,1,20180829-133221_419_live 10,I believe you can agree to donate some or all of this current HIT's payment to Save the Children,5,0,20180829-133221_419_live 11,"I think it's a great idea, there are really people who need it most",5,1,20180829-133221_419_live 12,"Absolutely. I think it's the least we can do for children in impoverished, war torn nations. Would you be willing to donate all of this HITs payment to this organization? I'm donating my entire $2.",6,0,20180829-133221_419_live 13," I also, the same opinio, there are people who cost up to $ 1 throughout the week",6,1,20180829-133221_419_live 14,Here is the website if you need more information. URL ,7,0,20180829-133221_419_live 15, thank you very much! Could I also donate clothes and toys?,7,1,20180829-133221_419_live 16,"I think you probably could. I would go to their website to check it out. In the meantime, will you also donate $2 from this HIT to Save the Children? ""The research team will collect all donations and send it to Save the Children."" ",8,0,20180829-133221_419_live 17," Yes, I will also donate the $ 2, as I mentioned, the children's happiness is the best there is",8,1,20180829-133221_419_live 18,Thank you. I think it is a great cause. Have a great day. ,9,0,20180829-133221_419_live 19,thank you for the information!!,9,1,20180829-133221_419_live 0,Good Morning! How are you doing today?,0,0,20180829-042052_972_live 1,"Morning, I am good how about yourself?",0,1,20180829-042052_972_live 2,"Oh I'm doing well, thank you very much. I wanted to ask you, have you heard about the charity Save The Children?",1,0,20180829-042052_972_live 3,"No, I haven't what is it they do?",1,1,20180829-042052_972_live 4,"It is an international non-governmental organisation that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries",2,0,20180829-042052_972_live 5,That sounds like a great thing they do ,2,1,20180829-042052_972_live 6,Some of their most recent deeds include helping Rohingya Refugees and are still on the ground helping refugees in Texas after the hurricanes. They are such a great charity that really puts their money towards their cause,3,0,20180829-042052_972_live 7,Those are great causes the children are who need the most help I think besides animals anyway,3,1,20180829-042052_972_live 8,Do you think this is something you could see yourself donating to?,4,0,20180829-042052_972_live 9,"yes, I would donate what I could may not be much but every cent helps right?",4,1,20180829-042052_972_live 10,"Absolutely! I completely agree, I mean, we Turk for a reason right?! If the donation was to come out of your current earnings for this task, how much would you be willing to donate?",5,0,20180829-042052_972_live 11,I'm sorry if it doesn't sound like much but I could donate 0.05 I'm trying to save for my cats surgery,5,1,20180829-042052_972_live 12,"I'm so sorry to hear about your cat. I completely understand, I'm having a root canal done today, that will put me back at least $1100. Yay. But $.05 is great",6,0,20180829-042052_972_live 13,you know you say 5 cents and feel a need to explain.... I wish I could do more really I feel so horrible for all the people who have lost everything in the recent natural disasters,6,1,20180829-042052_972_live 14,"If you could donate more, do you think this is a worthy cause to do so with?",7,0,20180829-042052_972_live 15,"I think it is well, if what they say is true and it all goes to kids ( you never know now days) kids are our future ",7,1,20180829-042052_972_live 16,Is there anything specific you'd want your donation to go towards?,8,0,20180829-042052_972_live 17,"If I had my choice I would start with donating towards the natural disasters like in Texas and then to education for kids, and well, food and a safe place to live, and then to other countries because you can't help other countries if your own nation is falling apart all by itself",8,1,20180829-042052_972_live 18,"In an ideal world, where we had all the monies, how much would you be willing to donate to a cause like this?",9,0,20180829-042052_972_live 19,"In an ideal world, I would do better then donate I would help the people myself, I would go there and help them rebuild, or bring the supplies, or find them shelter..... if we had no concern about limited money I would give everything they needed.",9,1,20180829-042052_972_live 0,Hi! Good morning!,0,0,20180829-065354_687_live 1,Good morning! How are you today?,0,1,20180829-065354_687_live 2,Doing good. how about you?,1,0,20180829-065354_687_live 3,I'm doing well. Thanks for asking.,1,1,20180829-065354_687_live 4,Have you heard about a children's charity called Save the children?,2,0,20180829-065354_687_live 5,"No, I'm not aware of that charity. Can you share any information about it with me?",2,1,20180829-065354_687_live 6,It is an International non-governmental organization that promotes children's right and provides relief and support for children in developing countries. Those children suffer from hunger and they don't have any access to education,3,0,20180829-065354_687_live 7,That sounds like a cool organization. Is it headquartered in the United States? How does the organization get its funding?,3,1,20180829-065354_687_live 8,The organization funds itself. We don't get any help from the government so we really need your help. Any donation can make a great impact for those kids.,4,0,20180829-065354_687_live 9,Is there any reason why the organization doesn't want grants or other funding from the government? ,4,1,20180829-065354_687_live 10,Because we believe that when society works together we can achieve great result. We try not to burden the government and hopefully we can do it. 90% of your donation will go straight to the children and we try to keep the cost as low as possible,5,0,20180829-065354_687_live 11,Can you give examples of how donations are used?,5,1,20180829-065354_687_live 12,"In US, we help kids in poverty and those who cross our southern border. We help them from family separation and detention. In Asia, we help the kids from Rohingya which is traumatic and need a lot of support since the ethnic war in the country. ",6,0,20180829-065354_687_live 13,"Okay, but what are some specific examples of where the funds go to help these children? For example, do you buy food, clothing, and emergency supplies? That's what I'm asking.",6,1,20180829-065354_687_live 14,"In Rohingya, we set up a camp and provide food, emergency supplies, clean water and shelter for the families there. we helped 30,000 people move to a safer place and we built some infrastructure to help the country recover",7,0,20180829-065354_687_live 15,That's amazing work! What about in the US?,7,1,20180829-065354_687_live 16,"Since 1932, Save the Children has been on the ground providing support to the most isolated and underserved children in rural America. We provide food and help them with education through our home visiting program. We help relief the kids in disaster area since Hurricane Katrina and provide those kids with shelter and a safe place.",8,0,20180829-065354_687_live 17,"Wow, I wasn't aware the organization had been in existence for so long.",8,1,20180829-065354_687_live 18,Yes we are. I know we need more publicity ,9,0,20180829-065354_687_live 19,"Yes, I think that would be very helpful in order for the organization to get more donations.",9,1,20180829-065354_687_live 20,Can you donate a few cents? It will help us a lot,10,0,20180829-065354_687_live 21,I will donate 25 cents.,10,1,20180829-065354_687_live 22,Thank you from us and the kids,11,0,20180829-065354_687_live 23,You're more than welcome. Have a wonderful day.,11,1,20180829-065354_687_live 24,Have a wonderful day!,12,0,20180829-065354_687_live 0,"Hello, have you heard of the organization Save the Children?",0,0,20180829-024934_543_live 1,"Hell, how are you? Yes I've heard about it",0,1,20180829-024934_543_live 2,"I am doing quite fine, yourself?",1,0,20180829-024934_543_live 3,I am fine thanks. Would you please tell me more about it?,1,1,20180829-024934_543_live 4,Sure thing are you interested in more of their US or global activities?,2,0,20180829-024934_543_live 5,"I prefer to know about their international activities, if they are international",2,1,20180829-024934_543_live 6,They are. The overarching goal is to reach children that are the most vulnerable. The organization works in over 120 countries around the world.,3,0,20180829-024934_543_live 7,"That is so interesting, what are the main issues they work on?",3,1,20180829-024934_543_live 8,Essentially anything that affects a child. Their healthcare initiative focuses on vaccine preventable illnesses. They also have education and food focuses as well as an emergency division. Do one of those sound interesting to you?,4,0,20180829-024934_543_live 9,"All of them sounds interesting, I mean I have a soft heart for children. are they clear with their financial reports?",4,1,20180829-024934_543_live 10,"Yes, according to give.org they receive top marks on charity accountability.",5,0,20180829-024934_543_live 11,"That's awesome, do they accept volunteers? I do not have many off days but they idea would be nice",5,1,20180829-024934_543_live 12,There are opportunities to participate in events and advocacy and an e-mail sign up to keep in tune with the organization's activities.,6,0,20180829-024934_543_live 13,that is so nice. do they have any website that I can visit?,6,1,20180829-024934_543_live 14," URL The email sign up is at the bottom of the page. In addition, you can donate part of your payment today to the organization if interested.",7,0,20180829-024934_543_live 15,Thanks for the information. I would like to know if the big companies cooperate with them?,7,1,20180829-024934_543_live 16,Interesting you ask that. There is an employee matching program where individuals who work at companies will donate some amount of money and companies pledge to match. Take a moment to peruse the website and see if you would like to donate.Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment ($2).,8,0,20180829-024934_543_live 17,I know and I will donate,8,1,20180829-024934_543_live 18,Great! It is a great organization in 2017 86% of every dollar raised went to helping children around the world.,9,0,20180829-024934_543_live 19,"That is good, I sure will help and I will visit the website to help later. I mean if it is ethical organization I will donate monthly ",9,1,20180829-024934_543_live 20,That is good. Check it out and hopefully you find some way to transform a child's life for the better.,10,0,20180829-024934_543_live 21,Thanks have a nice day,10,1,20180829-024934_543_live 22,You as well.,11,0,20180829-024934_543_live 0,hows it going,0,0,20180829-065704_482_live 1,good! how about you?,0,1,20180829-065704_482_live 2,"great, are you planning on donating any of your payment for save the children",1,0,20180829-065704_482_live 3,Can you tell me about the organization?,1,1,20180829-065704_482_live 4,"its called save the children a great orgizanation, i donate about every month",2,0,20180829-065704_482_live 5,What kind of help do they provide?,2,1,20180829-065704_482_live 6,"they provide a little bit of everything, clothing, education, safety items, and medical care",3,0,20180829-065704_482_live 7,Do they help kids all over?,3,1,20180829-065704_482_live 8,of course they do check out the website,4,0,20180829-065704_482_live 9,Do you have their information?,4,1,20180829-065704_482_live 10,"yes i do, go to URL ",5,0,20180829-065704_482_live 11,"Okay I checked them out, I like what they do.",5,1,20180829-065704_482_live 12,i know they are great and this is a very important cause did you know in the first 2 months of 2018 1000 children were killed or injured becasue of intense violence?,6,0,20180829-065704_482_live 13,"Oh that really is sad. I hate to hear things like that, don't you?",6,1,20180829-065704_482_live 14,"I know especially after being a person that loves children, they are so innocent i don't know how anyone could do something like this, thats why i donate regulary to this fund",7,0,20180829-065704_482_live 15,I can probably only make a small donation. Is that okay?,7,1,20180829-065704_482_live 16,"anything would be helpful to this cause, we should donate shouldn't we? Most of us are better off at least here in america and i feel we have a moral obligation to help these children, dont you?",8,0,20180829-065704_482_live 17,I do feel a moral obligation. Would a donation of $0.05 help out at all?,8,1,20180829-065704_482_live 18,"that would help out, but don't you feel like you could donate a little more?",9,0,20180829-065704_482_live 19,Maybe I could donate $0.10. Will that be better.,9,1,20180829-065704_482_live 20,".20 cents would be better but if .10 cents is all you can afford that would still help, please just confirm once more how much you would like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from task payment you can choose up to $2",10,0,20180829-065704_482_live 0,Would you be willing to donate a portion of your payment today to Save the Children,0,0,20180829-141003_666_live 1,Sure i would for kids no problem,0,1,20180829-141003_666_live 2,I would too since it goes to help children. Is there an amount you would have in mind of what you would like to donate,1,0,20180829-141003_666_live 3,I would like to donate all of the 2 dollars i have to this charity.,1,1,20180829-141003_666_live 4,That really is generous of you to donate all of the $2,2,0,20180829-141003_666_live 5,I have been lucky in my life so far and would like to help.,2,1,20180829-141003_666_live 6,That really is true. Those who have had it good should do what they can to help others. ,3,0,20180829-141003_666_live 7,Being a kid is supposed to be a happy period in ones life so anything to bring back that is good.,3,1,20180829-141003_666_live 8,Save the Children seems to do a lot for children. Having a bad childhood can really affect someone for their whole life,4,0,20180829-141003_666_live 9,That is true do you know if they are referring to sick children or those who suffer from abuse.,4,1,20180829-141003_666_live 10,According to their website they have helped children who are victims from hurricanes such as Hurricane Harvey and refugees in other countries so they help a variety of children,5,0,20180829-141003_666_live 11,"Oh very interesting so sad, that there are kids going through these things and there is so much wealth in the world",5,1,20180829-141003_666_live 12,They even help kids in other countries who have little food. It really is a shame that we have so much food in this country but so many can go hungry,6,0,20180829-141003_666_live 13,Its all really about greed and power for the most part.,6,1,20180829-141003_666_live 14,yeah I agree. Some people are greedy and don't care about others starving. I think I would like to donate money to the charity as well,7,0,20180829-141003_666_live 15,"That's good no matter how bad people have it, some one has it worse.",7,1,20180829-141003_666_live 16,That is true. It is too easy to only think of things in terms of how your life is and not realize how others might have it,8,0,20180829-141003_666_live 17,So how much are you going to donate to this charity?,8,1,20180829-141003_666_live 18,I will probably donate $2 as well,9,0,20180829-141003_666_live 19,That's great to hear!,9,1,20180829-141003_666_live 0,"HELLO, HOW ARE YOU TODAY?",0,0,20180829-025613_845_live 1,hii,0,1,20180829-025613_845_live 2,MAY i ask you a question?,1,0,20180829-025613_845_live 3,i am fine. you ,1,1,20180829-025613_845_live 4,great. Are you a giving person? Do you donate to charity?,2,0,20180829-025613_845_live 5,yes i always donate to charity,2,1,20180829-025613_845_live 6,Have u ever heard of SaveThe Children? They are an amazing orgabnization that helpa so many kids,3,0,20180829-025613_845_live 7,ohh ok.. then,3,1,20180829-025613_845_live 8,would you be interested in donating a small amount of your hit pay today??,4,0,20180829-025613_845_live 9,i donate $2 dollars,4,1,20180829-025613_845_live 10,really? that is so very generous of you,5,0,20180829-025613_845_live 11,okay thanks.. then you how many dollars donate?,5,1,20180829-025613_845_live 12,I will match your donation. You have inspired me.,6,0,20180829-025613_845_live 13,yes... i inspired you.. then waht are you doing now,6,1,20180829-025613_845_live 14,You must be a very generous person. The URL oundation will be so happy,7,0,20180829-025613_845_live 15,yes... i will be generous person. i willing save the children foundation.,7,1,20180829-025613_845_live 16,Just know that your donation is going to a wonderful cause,8,0,20180829-025613_845_live 17,ohhh okay.... then ,8,1,20180829-025613_845_live 18,Thank you and have a wonderful day,9,0,20180829-025613_845_live 19,okay... thank you,9,1,20180829-025613_845_live 0,How much would you donate to the children's charity?,0,0,20180829-144704_720_live 1,how about a dollar?,0,1,20180829-144704_720_live 2,Every dollar counts for the charity to help the childrens. Do you think you can donate a bit more?,1,0,20180829-144704_720_live 3,"Well, I figured i would at least keep a dollar to myself",1,1,20180829-144704_720_live 4,"I understand but these are children, it would help them out very much. Every dollar counts.",2,0,20180829-144704_720_live 5,I think a dollar is enough.,2,1,20180829-144704_720_live 6,"Ok, if you say you'll donate a dollar that will be fine. I'm really glad you decided to donate.",3,0,20180829-144704_720_live 7,No problem. ,3,1,20180829-144704_720_live 8,"The research team will collect all donations and send it to Save the Children, so thank you!",4,0,20180829-144704_720_live 9,"awesome, no problem. Good luck.",4,1,20180829-144704_720_live 10,And good luck.,5,0,20180829-144704_720_live 11,How do I end the chat?,5,1,20180829-144704_720_live 12,"I think we need to do atleast 10 inputs, the one before I counted 7.",6,0,20180829-144704_720_live 13,Oh crap. okay. This is tough since we've already reached an agreement lol.,6,1,20180829-144704_720_live 14,Well I guess there's a few more information I forgot to mention. (2 more input to go).,7,0,20180829-144704_720_live 15,"Okay, what else is there?",7,1,20180829-144704_720_live 16,I forgot to link the website to Save the Children URL ,8,0,20180829-144704_720_live 17,"Alright, I'll check it out.",8,1,20180829-144704_720_live 18,Sounds good I hope the website helps out.,9,0,20180829-144704_720_live 19,"i think when i have some more money, and I'm not so broke, I'll donate more in the future.",9,1,20180829-144704_720_live 0,hi,0,0,20180829-084042_694_live 1,how are you today?,0,1,20180829-084042_694_live 2,so you gonna donate or what,1,0,20180829-084042_694_live 3,sure I can donate but what is the game?,1,1,20180829-084042_694_live 4,you gotta donate your payment ,2,0,20180829-084042_694_live 5,"If I donate, what do I get in return? Will you donate the same amount back to me?",2,1,20180829-084042_694_live 6,"No, I don\'t believe that\'s the case. However, it\'s for a good cause. ""Save the children."" dont you like children? they need your help. its just 2 bucks. or ill tell you what, how about just half?",3,0,20180829-084042_694_live 7,I'll give .50 if you send are actually an mturk human. respond with your mturk number and I'll donate .50,3,1,20180829-084042_694_live 8,"why should i give you my mturk number? also, i think you should be a little bit more generous, come on bro, 1 dollar wont kill you. ",4,0,20180829-084042_694_live 9,"ok, I'll do $1 but I want to know your mturk worker ID to prove it's a person",4,1,20180829-084042_694_live 10,"no you could use my info to do some sketchy crap. Don't i sound human, what kind of AI talks like this. Also, im skeptical to see if youre actually human. tell me a joke to prove it. robots cant laugh, a im sure you know ",5,0,20180829-084042_694_live 11,That's true. I do believe you are human based on the conversation. I'll donate a $1.,5,1,20180829-084042_694_live 12,sounds good thanks,6,0,20180829-084042_694_live 13,Hopefully it is for a good cause and not just a waste.,6,1,20180829-084042_694_live 14,"its for a good cause, im not a complete asshat",7,0,20180829-084042_694_live 15,that's good. you do have to be skeptical though,7,1,20180829-084042_694_live 16,I hear ya. When is this over?,8,0,20180829-084042_694_live 17,I was wondering the same thing. I think it's 10 exchanges,8,1,20180829-084042_694_live 18,how many has it been?,9,0,20180829-084042_694_live 19,I haven't counted but we must be very close. Hopefully we can move on soon to get back to other tasks.,9,1,20180829-084042_694_live 0,Save the children is a very worthwhile charity. The amount of your payment while small to you would be important to them,0,0,20180829-061510_908_live 1,I agree I think it is a wonderful charity.,0,1,20180829-061510_908_live 2,A small donation will help them in their work,1,0,20180829-061510_908_live 3,Will you be donating to this charity?,1,1,20180829-061510_908_live 4,I will definitely donate ,2,0,20180829-061510_908_live 5,"I would considering donating, if you donate. Do you have a number in mind?",2,1,20180829-061510_908_live 6,I plan to donate 2.00,3,0,20180829-061510_908_live 7,I was thinking more along the lines of 1.00,3,1,20180829-061510_908_live 8,Any amount will help although I think a higher donation would make you feel good,4,0,20180829-061510_908_live 9,I feel pretty good about 1.00. Between the two of us that's 3 bucks.,4,1,20180829-061510_908_live 10,That's true. But really one additional dollar will be more meaningful than you could imagine ,5,0,20180829-061510_908_live 11,"Fine fine, they can have the 2 bucks",5,1,20180829-061510_908_live 12,That's great. You are paying it forward today. Hope you have a wonderful day,6,0,20180829-061510_908_live 13,"Yes you to, I guess we are done?",6,1,20180829-061510_908_live 14,I believe so although the instructions say we each need to have 10 replies,7,0,20180829-061510_908_live 15,Are you having a good morning?,7,1,20180829-061510_908_live 16,Yes. So far. How about you?,8,0,20180829-061510_908_live 17,"Pretty good, warm morning in Michigan today.",8,1,20180829-061510_908_live 18,In North Carolina here. Sunny and 70,9,0,20180829-061510_908_live 19,"Alright you have a great day, and send that 2 bucks.",9,1,20180829-061510_908_live 20,Will do. You too,10,0,20180829-061510_908_live 0,Do you give to charities?,0,0,20180829-051511_813_live 1,I do not.,0,1,20180829-051511_813_live 2,why not? is it because you don't know much about them?,1,0,20180829-051511_813_live 3,"I usually keep my money to myself. I have donated before to Red Cross, Salvation Army. I give things away other than money, because it is very dear to me. I guess I do kinda give to charities in a way.",1,1,20180829-051511_813_live 4,That's great. One charity close to my heart is Save the Children - have you heard of them?,2,0,20180829-051511_813_live 5,I have not.,2,1,20180829-051511_813_live 6,They are wonderful - I actually work directly with them so I know every penny is used for children oversees who don't have enough food or water. It's so sad. ,3,0,20180829-051511_813_live 7,That is saddening. Its painful to watch people in other countries struggle to get basic life support to sustain their way of living. ,3,1,20180829-051511_813_live 8,Yes - and just a little money goes a long way. What they can live on is literally pennies a day! Sad they don't even have that!,4,0,20180829-051511_813_live 9,Yeah. I feel you have a question for me.,4,1,20180829-051511_813_live 10,How much do you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment! you won't even miss it!,5,0,20180829-051511_813_live 11,You can take half of my task payment. I dislike donating to a charity that I don't know. It would sadden me even more if I found out that I donated to a charity that over pays their higher ups and spends less on the crusade they are trying to help. I hope if this is a real donation that it finds people well.,5,1,20180829-051511_813_live 12,I feel the same way about distrusting charities but I assure you this one is legit. I've actually flown to areas and had a child die in my arms because we got there too late!,6,0,20180829-051511_813_live 13,Well then there we have it. What is our next step?,6,1,20180829-051511_813_live 14,when this task ends you will be asked about the donation,7,0,20180829-051511_813_live 15,Very well! Anything else you wanna chat about hah?,7,1,20180829-051511_813_live 16,just so you know the research team will collect all donations and send it directly! This is wonderful!,8,0,20180829-051511_813_live 17,Yes it is wonderful!,8,1,20180829-051511_813_live 18,You are so great! Thank you very much! You will feel great about your donation! Have a wonderful day!,9,0,20180829-051511_813_live 19,Thank you. is there a submit button or do I wait for the chat to end? I do hope the children are being helped.,9,1,20180829-051511_813_live 0,Hello. You know what is a great charity? Save the Children.,0,0,20180829-083433_500_live 1,"Really, well can you tell me more about this charity?",0,1,20180829-083433_500_live 2,Sure. They work to help children around the world. ,1,0,20180829-083433_500_live 3,"How exactly do they help the children around the world? Education, Food, Medicine, etc.",1,1,20180829-083433_500_live 4,They promote children's rights. They provide emergency relief. They also provide food and other resources to children in developing nations.,2,0,20180829-083433_500_live 5,That sounds wonderful! Have you checked out how much of each $ goes directly to the children? Like how much does admin cost? ,2,1,20180829-083433_500_live 6,They are rated very highly on Charity Navigator for transparency and efficiency. Over 88 cents on the dollar goes directly to help children.,3,0,20180829-083433_500_live 7,"That is a high percent. I am just a bit worried about donating to charities. I donated every month for years to United Way, until the admin was arrested for embezzling!!!",3,1,20180829-083433_500_live 8,That's a very reasonable concern. Save the Children has been helping kids for nearly 100 years. They are one of the most trusted charities in the world. ,4,0,20180829-083433_500_live 9,"I also like to donate to local charities; Loaves and Fishes, Good Will, and Salvation Army. ",4,1,20180829-083433_500_live 10,"Those are all great causes. One great thing about Save the Children is their international scope. For example, millions of Syrian children with a constant threat of violence. That is a crisis that requires an international solution.",5,0,20180829-083433_500_live 11,Agreed. Well I would like to donate 1.00.,5,1,20180829-083433_500_live 12,How much do you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment ($2).,6,0,20180829-083433_500_live 13,I would like to donate $1.00 to Save the Children.,6,1,20180829-083433_500_live 14,That's wonderful and generous. That money which is relatively inconsequential will help tremendously.,7,0,20180829-083433_500_live 15,I am pleased to see that it will help. ,7,1,20180829-083433_500_live 16,Thank you again for helping. For more information visit URL ,8,0,20180829-083433_500_live 17,Sure thing. Have a great day!,8,1,20180829-083433_500_live 18,How do we finish?,9,0,20180829-083433_500_live 19,LOL... I have no idea; and was just thinking the same myself.,9,1,20180829-083433_500_live 20,Ok. That did it. Have a good one.,10,0,20180829-083433_500_live 0,Hi! How are you today?,0,0,20180829-072646_214_live 1,hey there! How's it going with you?,0,1,20180829-072646_214_live 2,Great thank you! Hope your day has been great so far. ,1,0,20180829-072646_214_live 3,It's not too bad just yet. I just got in to work so we will see how things go today!,1,1,20180829-072646_214_live 4,Hopefully it will be a good day :) Do you mind if I ask what kind of work you do?,2,0,20180829-072646_214_live 5,I actually work for a local television station in the middle of America.,2,1,20180829-072646_214_live 6,Oh wow that sounds fantastic! Were you ever involved in raising awareness about social issues? Like children in need?,3,0,20180829-072646_214_live 7,"I've donated to a few charities before, but I've never been personally involved myself.",3,1,20180829-072646_214_live 8,I think you have a great platform for raising awareness so more people can donate to the cause,4,0,20180829-072646_214_live 9,"That's true. I supposed I am in a good position. Unfortunately, I kind of just have a desk job, and don't really have anything to do with the news that is broadcast.",4,1,20180829-072646_214_live 10,"Well nothing is lost there, you can maybe persuade some co-workers to bring it up higher in the chain. A few years back I was in India and even though I was mesmerized by the beauty of its rich culture I was overly sad to see many children in the streets who looked utterly malnutritioned and were begging in the streets. It broke my heart. So much so that I got involved with a few charities to help children around the world.",5,0,20180829-072646_214_live 11,Oh that's great!! I wish I had more time to travel and more money to give. I love the feeling when you know you're actually helping someone else.,5,1,20180829-072646_214_live 12,"Its a great feeling. Especially now that I myself am a parent, I get even more depressed to see that in 2018, there are millions of children who suffer especially those in war zones. But you know, every little cent helps. You don't have to give hundreds or thousands. I have also worked in Baghdad during the war, and there were children in the streets selling packs of gum just to get a few cents here and there so they can survive.",6,0,20180829-072646_214_live 13,"Oh my God. That's truly awful to know that children have to experience that. I would love to find a way to donate, even if it was just a little bit.",6,1,20180829-072646_214_live 14,"Have you heard of ""Save the Children"" Charity? They do amazing wo? It only takes 77c a day to help provide shelter for refugees. They have many programs that you can participate in to help out. ",7,0,20180829-072646_214_live 15,Oh that's awesome!! What kind of programs do they provide?,7,1,20180829-072646_214_live 16,They target many causes. They provide education to teach children important skills. They also provide the best health and nutrition programs. They have a protection program and even programs for natural disaster areas. Imagine if 77c a day can provide shelter what would $1 or $2 dollars do?,8,0,20180829-072646_214_live 17,"That's such a good point. Unfortunately, I'm in a really bad position monetarily right now. Is there any way I could donate even just a little bit?",8,1,20180829-072646_214_live 18,"You are very kind, but like I said every little thing helps. How much would you feel comfortable to donate to the charity?",9,0,20180829-072646_214_live 19,"Maybe 20 cents? I know that's not a lot, but it's all I can afford for the next couple days.",9,1,20180829-072646_214_live 20,Can you make it maybe 77c? Atleast you will feel good knowing that you are helping in providing shelter to these poor refugees.Your donation will be direclt deducted from your task payment but imagine what 77c would do for a child with no home...,10,0,20180829-072646_214_live 21,"OK, I can donate 77 ceents",10,1,20180829-072646_214_live 22,"Perfect!!!!!! Thank you so so much! Imagine what a great gift you have just provided. May you be blessed always! And I hope, one day you will be able to raise awareness and have more people join in with the cause to save the children. Have a great day!!!",11,0,20180829-072646_214_live 0,Good morning!,0,0,20180829-070821_517_live 1,"hello good morning, how are you?",0,1,20180829-070821_517_live 2,I am doing very well. It has stormed all night here. What about where you are?,1,0,20180829-070821_517_live 3,"The sun is very bright! I really want to shut the windows, but I do like my house nice and bright. Im sorry to hear about the storm, where are you from?",1,1,20180829-070821_517_live 4,I am from the Midwest. I think it started up every time I fell asleep! I can not imagine how the people in WI are feeling right now. Did you hear about the storms a couple weeks ago in Hawaii?,2,0,20180829-070821_517_live 5,Yes I did hear about the storms! It's so sad. It was reported in the news and you can see how all the water that is ac,2,1,20180829-070821_517_live 6,I saw that there is an organization called Save the Children that helps out in situations like this. Have you heard of them?,3,0,20180829-070821_517_live 7,"Im sorry I had pressed enter before I finished my sentence, I meant to say you can see all the water rising and taking over their homes. But, to answer your question, no I havent heard of the organization. Im from New york and I barely hear anything about out of state.",3,1,20180829-070821_517_live 8,"No problem. I do that all the time. STC is an organization that accepts donations to help kids in need. There is a chance to donate part of today's pay, even a small amount of $0.05 can help. Are you able to help the kids out. ",4,0,20180829-070821_517_live 9,Yes ofcourse it would be my pleasure! I can dinate $0.05 to help the kids. How can I find out more informatiin about the organizatiin? ,4,1,20180829-070821_517_live 10,Let me give you their web address it is: URL does this come through okay?,5,0,20180829-070821_517_live 11,Yes it came through. Is this a organization you started or are you supporting it? how did you find out about this? ,5,1,20180829-070821_517_live 12,I stumbled across it by chance. I really was touched. I hate to see kids suffering. I have kids in my family/extended family. Do you? I just hate to see kids suffering.,6,0,20180829-070821_517_live 13,"Yes I have a son who is 3 years old. I know what you mean, I hate to see kids anywhere suffering. They are so innocent and don't deserve any bad things happening to them. Especially those kids being torn from their families vecause of their imigration status. It really is sad.",6,1,20180829-070821_517_live 14,"I have such a soft heart for kids. I can not imagine not being able to help the kids in my family, so I feel so badly for those families. I know your donation will help a lot of people. So I forgot to ask what else you are up to today?",7,0,20180829-070821_517_live 15,"Well, I was suppose to take my son to daycare but Im off and decided I wanted to spend time with him, since i'm always working. I made hime some homemade buttermilk pancakes with sausages. Now were being lazy laying in bed until elen ish and we're going to the pool. What about you?",7,1,20180829-070821_517_live 16,"Oh that all sounds really good! Sounds like you are going to have a fun day. We have a HS sporting even, if the weather permits. So we'll see. I have a pool. I wonder if it will be warm enough to swim. Just to confirm, you are donating $0.05, right?",8,0,20180829-070821_517_live 17,"Yes, that is my donation. Must be really nice to have a pool! I live in the city, so theres no space for that here. There is nothing but big huge buildings out here. I hope you can attend the event if the climate permits",8,1,20180829-070821_517_live 18,Well thank you! I know it will help. Please take care and have a great day. Enjoy!,9,0,20180829-070821_517_live 19,Thank you! have a beautiful wonderful day!! Bye.,9,1,20180829-070821_517_live 0,Hey! How are you doing today?,0,0,20180829-143714_241_live 1,"Hello, im doing well, how about you? ",0,1,20180829-143714_241_live 2,I'm doing okay. Been reading a lot about all these awful things happening with children lately. Really bumming me out. Are you a parent?,1,0,20180829-143714_241_live 3,I am I have 2 young children. I hate hearing about bad things that happen to kids. do you have any children?,1,1,20180829-143714_241_live 4,"Same. I have 2 kids as well. Just started back to school today, in fact! As I was packing their lunches I thought about how lucky they are.",2,0,20180829-143714_241_live 5,yeah there are so many kids that never get lunch,2,1,20180829-143714_241_live 6,I know. Not only in this country but in developing countries. The hunger rates for children in some developing countries is just staggering.,3,0,20180829-143714_241_live 7,Yeah its terrible to think about all the kids who go hungry around the world. not even having clean water is something I cant even fathom and they have to deal with that every day.,3,1,20180829-143714_241_live 8,I know! It's unreal. Our children are so fortunate to live where they live and have parents like us. I'm thankful they don't have to know just how fortunate they are.,4,0,20180829-143714_241_live 9,"Do you live in the US? If so, what part of the country are you from? I'm from Kansas",4,1,20180829-143714_241_live 10,I do. I'm from Pennsylvania. How old are your children?,5,0,20180829-143714_241_live 11,I have a 2 year old whos almost 3 but acts 13 and a 10 month old.,5,1,20180829-143714_241_live 12,Haha! I have a 13 year old who acts 2 and a 6 year old who just turned 6 yesterday! ,6,0,20180829-143714_241_live 13,"That's funny, kids are crazy. My 2 year old saw a halloween decoration of a witch in the store yesterday and freaked out, then told her to go back to her witch house. I never know what hes going to say next",6,1,20180829-143714_241_live 14,"Those are such fun ages! It's so great they get to experience all that joy and never have to worry about education, or food, or access to clean water. I wish I could help every child. Luckily there are a number of great organizations that assist.",7,0,20180829-143714_241_live 15,"I agree, I have a couple places I like to donate to. Its not much but at least i know they use it well.",7,1,20180829-143714_241_live 16,"I'm sure you have heard of Save the Children. They're a pretty solid organization. In fact, would you consider donating some or all of your payment for this task to them? ",8,0,20180829-143714_241_live 17,I haven't heard of them actually. I'm they are similar to some of the other humanitarian relief organizations out there though.,8,1,20180829-143714_241_live 18,"Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries. They have been the world leader in it for over 100 years. ",9,0,20180829-143714_241_live 19,"Sounds like a well meaning group, ill have to do some research and learn more about their work.",9,1,20180829-143714_241_live 20,"You can check out their website URL Your donation today can really help. And it is put to work immediately. Especially seeing as how millions of Syrian children have grown up facing the daily threat of violence. In the first two months of 2018 alone, 1,000 children were reportedly killed or injured in intensifying violence",10,0,20180829-143714_241_live 21,"Unfortunatly I wont be donating anything today. I will only donate to organizations i have thoroughly researched to see exactly how they are structured, how the use the money and where it all goes. I just dont have the time to do that right now, but I will definitely look them up for consideration of future donations. ",10,1,20180829-143714_241_live 0,"Are you interested in bettering the rights of children in developing countries? There are many children starving all over the world, unable to attend their school classes, and dying from treatable diseases.",0,0,20180829-120113_628_live 1,"Yes, I am very interested in helping children from developing countries, because they have done nothing to deserve that horrible life.",0,1,20180829-120113_628_live 2,"I am collecting donations for a charity called Save the Children! We are a non governmental organization the helps support children in third world and developing countries. We are an international organization that supports children's rights, and are working to help provide these necessities. Would you like to know more? ",1,0,20180829-120113_628_live 3,"Yes, I would be happy to learn more about ""Save the Children"". I like the name of the organization and I hope that they will succeed in helping the suffering children. ",1,1,20180829-120113_628_live 4," Every day around the world 22,000 children die (according to UNICEF survey 2018) due to complications arising from poverty. Children as young as 4 are forced to work long hours in unsafe conditions, unable to go to school to better their situations. In addition to poverty, war torn countries such as Syria have subjected millions of children to a daily threat of violence. In the first two months of 2018 alone, more than 1,000 children were reported killed just in Syria. Do you have any questions about the organization so far?",2,0,20180829-120113_628_live 5,Does the organization help children to get out of the war from Syria? Do they make sure that the children can be taken to a safe place to avoid the destruction of the conflict in Syria?,2,1,20180829-120113_628_live 6,"Save the Children participates in a number of child protection programs that are designed to work with governments to develop and implement protective policies for children. Inside Syria, we're on the ground, ensuring children are safe, cared for and learning. We're providing lifesaving services and supplies. We're tending to children's physical and psychological needs. And we're setting up safe places for children in crisis to learn and play, critical for child development. Despite extreme humanitarian challenges, we've helped 2.5 million people in Syria, including 1.7 million children. ",3,0,20180829-120113_628_live 7,That's amazing and wonderful that your organization was able to save millions of Syrians suffering. I know that their safety and well being is the most important for a child to grow. Their medical health need to come first and safety. ,3,1,20180829-120113_628_live 8,"I agree. Syria is statistically the most dangerous place to be a child - of all conflicted-affected countries in the world. Save the Children is doing whatever it takes to end this war on childhood - so Syria's children have a future. Today I have an opportunity for you to donate to Save the Children, at no out of pocket cost to yourself. Are you interested? ",4,0,20180829-120113_628_live 9,"Yes, I like everything you told me about the \'Save the Children"" organization. I am very much interested in donating today.",4,1,20180829-120113_628_live 10,"I appreciate your enthusiasm for the cause. I would like to let you know that a donation as small as 77 cents can help to house a refugee family for a day, and unlike other organizations that only donate 10% or less, we keep a low administrative cost so that 86% of all donations are used directly to help support these children in need. Your donation with be directly deducted from your task payment. Do you have any further questions I can answer for you today?",5,0,20180829-120113_628_live 11,"I think you have answered all my questions honestly and upfront and I appreciate your hard work. I am happy to donate 2.00 today to ""Save the Children"" and help save the children that need the most help in face of death. Thank You.",5,1,20180829-120113_628_live 12,"Your gift, pooled with other support, will help us deliver critical aid to children and families around the world and the US during emergencies and within our programs. Thank you very much! I appreciate your time today.",6,0,20180829-120113_628_live 13,You are very welcome and I am please to help this wonderful organization and provide some financial help. ,6,1,20180829-120113_628_live 14,The research team will collect all donations and send them directly to Save the Children at the end of this task. Thank you for your time today! ,7,0,20180829-120113_628_live 15,Thank you as well for your hard work. Have a wonderful day. ,7,1,20180829-120113_628_live 16,It's no problem at all! I hope you do as well!,8,0,20180829-120113_628_live 17,I am and I am enjoying my day. Thanks again.,8,1,20180829-120113_628_live 18,You are welcome! Goodbye,9,0,20180829-120113_628_live 19,Goodbye and have a nice day.,9,1,20180829-120113_628_live 0,Would you like to donate to a Charity called Save the Children?,0,0,20180808-052501_689_live 1,"Hi, it all depends on who you really are, if it's for a person very close to me if I'm willing",0,1,20180808-052501_689_live 2,"It would go to supporting children in developing countries, especially in war zones. For instance, millions of Syrian children have grown up facing the daily threat of violence. In the first two months of 2018 alone, 1,000 children were reportedly killed or injured in intensifying violence. ",1,0,20180808-052501_689_live 3,"if I would agree with that, and if my organ donated what problems would my body have? the operation has risks",1,1,20180808-052501_689_live 4,"I am not asking for an organ donation, but more of a financial one. You can give any amount, even as little as $0.01 can help.",2,0,20180808-052501_689_live 5,"oh ok I'm sorry I have read wrong, if I would be willing to donate with pleasure is a good cause",2,1,20180808-052501_689_live 6,How much would you like to donate?,3,0,20180808-052501_689_live 7,I am willing to donate $ 10,3,1,20180808-052501_689_live 8,"Fantastic, you are a very generous person and this money will help the cause greatly",4,0,20180808-052501_689_live 9,"Not that, there are many needs in the world and this is a good cause",4,1,20180808-052501_689_live 10,"Yes, you are helping to ensure children's rights to health, education, safety, etc. ",5,0,20180808-052501_689_live 11,If sometimes I go down the street and there are people with posters I raise money for children and I always give them something because it is a good cause,5,1,20180808-052501_689_live 12,Do you have children yourself? Does this cause have a very personal meaning to you?,6,0,20180808-052501_689_live 13,"If I have two very beautiful children that are my life, maybe that's why I'm very attentive to things like this of this magnitude",6,1,20180808-052501_689_live 14,"What would you say to someone who does not have children, if you were trying to get them to help the cause?",7,0,20180808-052501_689_live 15,"to think about all the needs that a child in need at this moment is helping, and to think that this may be their child",7,1,20180808-052501_689_live 16,"Children really are the future and if humans have any hope of surviving in the long run, we need to raise our children to see the good in this world and help others",8,0,20180808-052501_689_live 17,if it's what I think they have everything in their hands,8,1,20180808-052501_689_live 18,"Yes, Well I thank you again for your donation and I wish you a very happy rest of your day!",9,0,20180808-052501_689_live 19,it is very happy day,9,1,20180808-052501_689_live 0,HI GOOD MORNING ,0,0,BAD_20180808-043616_523_live 1,hi good morning,0,1,BAD_20180808-043616_523_live 2,MANY CHILDREN ARE DYING ,1,0,BAD_20180808-043616_523_live 3,oh i know,1,1,BAD_20180808-043616_523_live 4,THERE ARE FEEL SO SAD ,2,0,BAD_20180808-043616_523_live 5,yes so sad i know,2,1,BAD_20180808-043616_523_live 6,YOU WILL DONATE TO THE CHILD,3,0,BAD_20180808-043616_523_live 7,ok i will do,3,1,BAD_20180808-043616_523_live 8,YOU CAN DONATE TWO DOLLAR TO THEM.,4,0,BAD_20180808-043616_523_live 9,ok i will do,4,1,BAD_20180808-043616_523_live 10,HOW MUCH DO YOU DONATE THEM.,5,0,BAD_20180808-043616_523_live 11,ok i 2 ,5,1,BAD_20180808-043616_523_live 12,OK THANK YOU SO MUCH,6,0,BAD_20180808-043616_523_live 13,ok thank you too,6,1,BAD_20180808-043616_523_live 14,ITS VERY HELPFUL TO THE CHILD.,7,0,BAD_20180808-043616_523_live 15,ok thank you too,7,1,BAD_20180808-043616_523_live 16,KEEP DONATE TO THE CHILD ITS VERY HELP TO THE EDUCATION AND HEALTH,8,0,BAD_20180808-043616_523_live 17,ok and thank you,8,1,BAD_20180808-043616_523_live 18,GOD BLESS THEM AND YOU ALSO WISH THEM.,9,0,BAD_20180808-043616_523_live 19,ok and thank you,9,1,BAD_20180808-043616_523_live 0,What would you say to donating some of your payment for this task to Save the Children?,0,0,BAD_20180808-044211_897_live 1,"id say type as fast as possible, we gotta send ten messages back and forth each",0,1,BAD_20180808-044211_897_live 2,"Well, I get a bonus if you donate some money. How about it?",1,0,BAD_20180808-044211_897_live 3,ok that sounds great,1,1,BAD_20180808-044211_897_live 4,"oh no, my message has to be 3 words",2,0,BAD_20180808-044211_897_live 5,yes its annoying but we will get there,2,1,BAD_20180808-044211_897_live 6,I know it. Thank you for donating :),3,0,BAD_20180808-044211_897_live 7,and you can redo this one over and over,3,1,BAD_20180808-044211_897_live 8,very very cool,4,0,BAD_20180808-044211_897_live 9,yeas good stuff,4,1,BAD_20180808-044211_897_live 10,so how much do you plan to donate?,5,0,BAD_20180808-044211_897_live 11,2 and it pays immediately,5,1,BAD_20180808-044211_897_live 12,that's even better,6,0,BAD_20180808-044211_897_live 13,yes its so good,6,1,BAD_20180808-044211_897_live 14,Are they training bots?,7,0,BAD_20180808-044211_897_live 15,i have no clue,7,1,BAD_20180808-044211_897_live 16,I have done some of these where it didn't seem like a human on the other end,8,0,BAD_20180808-044211_897_live 17,"me too, and some where they try way too hard",8,1,BAD_20180808-044211_897_live 18,It suggests I try to make you angry about donating so you will donate. ,9,0,BAD_20180808-044211_897_live 19,"im very mad, ill donate",9,1,BAD_20180808-044211_897_live 0,HI I would like to tell you About a childrens charity called Save the CHildren.,0,0,20180808-015530_429_live 1,ok please do,0,1,20180808-015530_429_live 2,"Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes childrens rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries. Donations are extremely important in order for children to have their rights to healthcare, education, safety, etc If you were to donate you would be making a huge impact for these children and on the world",1,0,20180808-015530_429_live 3,ok sounds good. How much many are we talking and how you want me to pay,1,1,20180808-015530_429_live 4,THe amount is totally up to you. You can choose between $ to all of your payment you will be making by completing this task. The amount will be deducted from your task payment. Before you say no would you like to hear of some more reason as to why you should donate?,2,0,20180808-015530_429_live 5,how about .50 cents,2,1,20180808-015530_429_live 6,0.50 would surely help these children. So then you would be willing to donate 0.50 of the money you earn from completing this taks?,3,0,20180808-015530_429_live 7,yes I confirm .50,3,1,20180808-015530_429_live 8,Ok so let me tell you this. 0.50 cents would help so much but 0.60 would be even better. Let me tell you why. Millians of syrian children have grown up facing the threat of daily violence In 2018 1000 children were killed in violence A donation of 0.60 can address these problems,4,0,20180808-015530_429_live 9,ok .60 firm this time,4,1,20180808-015530_429_live 10,"I am so glad you are willing to donate. Before you donate I just want u to think about how much money you spend on unnecessary items like eating out, snacks, going out. Money can be used in so many more meaningful ways..Dont you agree",5,0,20180808-015530_429_live 11,"Yes but that is a private issue between me and me, not you and me.",5,1,20180808-015530_429_live 12,Ok you are correct. I was meaning to offend you. I was speaking for all people including myself. Lets look at in another way.. IN 2018 alone 1000 children were reportedly killed or injured in violence. Most of these children have grown up facing the threat of daily violence. YOu donation is going to help address these problems. ,6,0,20180808-015530_429_live 13,.60 still sounds good to me. Lets leave it at that.,6,1,20180808-015530_429_live 14,"Thank you I am not trying to get you to donate any more than that, I just want you to realize what a great impact you will be making on the world.. I also want to assure you that Save the Children Makes huge impact on childrens lives internationally. They are extremely professional and your donation will go to a trustable fund. SO one last time how much exactly would you like to donate to the charity now?",7,0,20180808-015530_429_live 15,.60 firm. Pushiness does not make for a good salesperson.,7,1,20180808-015530_429_live 16,Im sorry if i am coming off that way. That is not my intention. I simply want you to know what a great thing you are doing by donating and that your donation of 0.60 is going to help so many. The research team will collect all donations and send it to save the children .. Thank you again I am sorry i took so much of your time. Your donation of 0.60 will be deducted from your task payment. ,8,0,20180808-015530_429_live 17,Thank you and I do not want to be rude but I am straight talking person,8,1,20180808-015530_429_live 18,no problem thank you for donation 0.60 to save the children Have a great day,9,0,20180808-015530_429_live 19,You also have a good day,9,1,20180808-015530_429_live 0,Hello,0,0,20180808-073746_228_live 1,hello,0,1,20180808-073746_228_live 2,We're talking so that I can ask you to donate a portion of your payment to Save The Children,1,0,20180808-073746_228_live 3,What does Save the Children do?,1,1,20180808-073746_228_live 4,It helps children in Indonesia that are in homemade camps and earthquake stricken areas.,2,0,20180808-073746_228_live 5,That sounds like a good charity. How much of the charity donation goes directly to helping them?,2,1,20180808-073746_228_live 6,9 out of every 10 dollars... a good percentage for a charity organization,3,0,20180808-073746_228_live 7,"What kind of services do they offer to the children? Do they have staff or volunteers that go over to help directly, or do they just send supplies?",3,1,20180808-073746_228_live 8,"They have their own aid workers for certain projects, and other projects are about supplies. They have aid workers that help in disaster, but they also send food baskets to kids in war zones. There are several different relief programs their money goes to.",4,0,20180808-073746_228_live 9,I would be willing to donate 1 dollar ,4,1,20180808-073746_228_live 10,That's excellent. Your donation will be pulled directly from your task payment. The research team is sending all the donations directly to Save The Children. Do you have any other questions since we have to do 10 messages each for the task?,5,0,20180808-073746_228_live 11,I do not have any more questions,5,1,20180808-073746_228_live 12,"Cool. Thank you for donating a dollar. I like supporting children's charities, and I like when other people do. How much mturking have you done today?",6,0,20180808-073746_228_live 13,I've just started for the day so I've only done 1 other task so far. How about you?,6,1,20180808-073746_228_live 14,This is 3rd task for the day. I haven't been on long either. I've only been doing this about a month. You?,7,0,20180808-073746_228_live 15,A little over a month. I just hit 500 a couple of days ago.,7,1,20180808-073746_228_live 16,"Nice. I had a 1c hit that you could do a lot of times, so I used it to boost my numbers. I'm a little over 1000. I'm doing $5-10 a day roughy.",8,0,20180808-073746_228_live 17,Same here. I usually try to keep my tasks at 50c and above. I'm paranoid about doing a lot of small hits and getting hundreds of rejections lol,8,1,20180808-073746_228_live 18,"I use HitForker (look it up). I set my tasks for 50c or higher and pluck them from there to go into my Panda thing. There's a ton of browser extensions and sites to help. Facebook groups too. Thank you for donating $1 to this. When you send your 10th message, I'm sure it will give you the option to do that. :)",9,0,20180808-073746_228_live 19,I use HITscraper. Nice talking to you.,9,1,20180808-073746_228_live 0,Hello how are you doing,0,0,20180808-024552_152_live 1,I'm doing ok,0,1,20180808-024552_152_live 2,Have you heard of Save the children? it's an organization that helps support kids impacted by warzone violence,1,0,20180808-024552_152_live 3,Can't say I have,1,1,20180808-024552_152_live 4,They are a good group. Last week CNN talked about the genocides starting in syria,2,0,20180808-024552_152_live 5,That doesnt sound very good,2,1,20180808-024552_152_live 6,It's awful. ESpecially since children are being specifically targeted for rape and torture. Some are being sold to ISIS,3,0,20180808-024552_152_live 7,Always with ISIS. Why can't people just help each other out?,3,1,20180808-024552_152_live 8,"Right? Save the Children, the organization i mentioned before has been helping out a lot in the region. They have been saving 250 kids/week. They want to do more but lack funding",4,0,20180808-024552_152_live 9,"I think lack of funds is always a moot point, because there's never enough",4,1,20180808-024552_152_live 10,"True, but nothing and something are pretty different things. Especially to a kid that is facing a future as a sex slave. I donated a couple bucks last week. It seemed grimy not to",5,0,20180808-024552_152_live 11,"Fair enough, but not everyone has the means to give",5,1,20180808-024552_152_live 12,"That's true, not everyone has the means to give. But I think most can donate a dollar",6,0,20180808-024552_152_live 13,"Ah, yes, the ""if everyone gave a dollar"" argument. It is what gave birth to the whole crowdfunding platform.",6,1,20180808-024552_152_live 14,It's not an argument. It's a fact that small donations by large numbers of people can have an impact. The merit of the cause is an entirely different matter?,7,0,20180808-024552_152_live 15,"Indeed, but how do we know the donation aren't simply buying another yacht for an executive?",7,1,20180808-024552_152_live 16,"A review of the tax exempt paperwork and financial statements, which are available for all tax exempt organizations, can help you weed out good from bad. Save The Children is transparent",8,0,20180808-024552_152_live 17,"Maybe, but financial statements are always ""summaries"" and not everyone is fluent in legalese",8,1,20180808-024552_152_live 18,"I think you sell people short, especially since we are talking about numbers in a table. People can see where the numbers go. I'm not sure what 'legalese' you refer to. And these statements are not summaries. They detail how every dollar is spent, as required by law. =) How much are you going to donate?",9,0,20180808-024552_152_live 19,"Unfortunately, I will not be making a donation today. As they say, don't light yourself on fire to keep others warm.",9,1,20180808-024552_152_live 20,"Hmm, hope you don't ever need help one day...",10,0,20180808-024552_152_live 0,"Hello, is anyone there?",0,0,20180808-015735_783_live 1,hi,0,1,20180808-015735_783_live 2,How are you?,1,0,20180808-015735_783_live 3,Good. Do you know anything about the children's charity?,1,1,20180808-015735_783_live 4,Can you tell me about it?,2,0,20180808-015735_783_live 5,"It says here we must come to an agreement is explicitly made, and converse about it until that time.",2,1,20180808-015735_783_live 6,Do you have kids?,3,0,20180808-015735_783_live 7,"I have four children, all of whom are grown up. I enjoy giving to children's charities. What about you?",3,1,20180808-015735_783_live 8,"Yeah, I have a daughter, she's one and a half years old. ",4,0,20180808-015735_783_live 9,Awww...I will give the unknown charity $10 I guess. ,4,1,20180808-015735_783_live 10,Are you really going to do that? I think you can only donate up to two dollars for this task. ,5,0,20180808-015735_783_live 11,"I have no idea. No instructions were given other than to chat here until we come to a donation agreement. Ok, I'll give two dollars then. What do you think?",5,1,20180808-015735_783_live 12,"Okay, you should give two dollars. I can't give anything. I need these two dollars to pay my bills. ",6,0,20180808-015735_783_live 13,"Me too. I feel sort of ambushed, but I don't know what else to do. We are supposed to type back and forth at least 10 times, this is my 6th.",6,1,20180808-015735_783_live 14,"I think it should be the government's job to take care of needy kids, not charities. ",7,0,20180808-015735_783_live 15,"I see. I usually only donate to charities that I know their CEO isn't earning more than 2$250,000 a year",7,1,20180808-015735_783_live 16,"Yeah, a lot of them seem corrupt. ",8,0,20180808-015735_783_live 17,"That' swhy I feel ambushed. I don't like donating to any charity, let alone a children's charity, unless I know if it's legit",8,1,20180808-015735_783_live 18,"Come on, they're just children! Do you remember when you were a child? What if you were a hungry child, with no food to eat? How can you be so cruel!",9,0,20180808-015735_783_live 19,You're the one who isn't willing to donate. Last time I checked I am at least trying to give $2,9,1,20180808-015735_783_live 20," Hey, I\'m not the one on trail here.. . ""Where\'s my Mama?"" asks the poor orphan girl. ¡°I¡®m soo hungy,"" she stammers, with a lisp. ",10,0,20180808-015735_783_live 21,"Okay, my explicit agreement is to donate $2. Hopefully you agree and we can terminate this conversation. Have a nice day.",10,1,20180808-015735_783_live 22,"Okay, you agree on two dollars and I agree on no dollars. Agreed. Thanks for chatting. I will exit now. ",11,0,20180808-015735_783_live 23,ok bye have a great whatever,11,1,20180808-015735_783_live 0,hello,0,0,20180808-062753_12_live 1,hai whats up,0,1,20180808-062753_12_live 2,Have you heard of save the children donation and the importance and impact it has on our children and those less fortunate,1,0,20180808-062753_12_live 3,i have heard about it. i don' known it detailly,1,1,20180808-062753_12_live 4,Its a great charity and organization. You can actually donate some of your earrings to them which honestly any little bit cna help them at this point. We should be mad about what is happening to them,2,0,20180808-062753_12_live 5,how long was the charity been run,2,1,20180808-062753_12_live 6,"It was founded in 1919, but also all there proceeds go to helping the children and alont in the first two months 1000 children were killed or injured. Your dontation can help the problem",3,0,20180808-062753_12_live 7,where was it locate ,3,1,20180808-062753_12_live 8,"CT, and 9 out 10 of the money goes to the children which is great unlike other charties",4,0,20180808-062753_12_live 9,then is there any think special about it,4,1,20180808-062753_12_live 10,"Yes, it helps children with eating healthy, and a new start. ""How much do you like to donate to the charity now?",5,0,20180808-062753_12_live 11,who own the charity ,5,1,20180808-062753_12_live 12,theres a bunch of different partnerst hat help with the charity,6,0,20180808-062753_12_live 13,ok. ready to fund. ,6,1,20180808-062753_12_live 14,How much do you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment,7,0,20180808-062753_12_live 15,115 USD to the charity ,7,1,20180808-062753_12_live 16,"Awesome, thank you!",8,0,20180808-062753_12_live 17,what was the procedure ,8,1,20180808-062753_12_live 18,The research team will collect all donations and send it to Save the Children,9,0,20180808-062753_12_live 19,how can i contact them ,9,1,20180808-062753_12_live 0,Hi there. Have you ever thought about who the most vulnerable people are when a natural disaster strikes? Or when there's political unrest?,0,0,20180808-034448_815_live 1,That is something I do not think about.,0,1,20180808-034448_815_live 2,"Actually, I'm really troubled by the answer. In countries like Syria, 1000 children have been killed during the civil war. Isn't that insane?",1,0,20180808-034448_815_live 3,That is terrible. I wish this wasn't true.,1,1,20180808-034448_815_live 4,"Seriously. Adults often can't fend for themselves when there's a crisis, but children are especially vulnerable. Do you think that if you could do something to help Syrian children or children in Indonesia, which just experienced an earthquake, you would?. ",2,0,20180808-034448_815_live 5,"That would be something I would do, yes.",2,1,20180808-034448_815_live 6,"Yeah, me too. Every day I watch the news and hear about victims all over the world and feel kind of powerless.",3,0,20180808-034448_815_live 7,You have more power than you realize.,3,1,20180808-034448_815_live 8,Can you elaborate. How do you think people like us could help?,4,0,20180808-034448_815_live 9,We could either donate money or our time.,4,1,20180808-034448_815_live 10,"Absolutely. There are so many charities out there but I\'ve been researching one in particular called ""Save the Children."" All of the money they collect goes straight to helping children in war torn parts of the world and places that have suffered natural disasters.",5,0,20180808-034448_815_live 11,I will have to take a look at the website.,5,1,20180808-034448_815_live 12,Is there any information that I could provide you with. I really believe in this organization and think it's worthwhile.,6,0,20180808-034448_815_live 13,How long has the organization been around?,6,1,20180808-034448_815_live 14,"It's actually been around since 1919, when it was founded by this woman in London right after World War I",7,0,20180808-034448_815_live 15,What is the womens name that founded it?,7,1,20180808-034448_815_live 16,I have to be honest with you. I'm going to look that up. Her name is Eglantyne Jebb.,8,0,20180808-034448_815_live 17,Who runs the organization now?,8,1,20180808-034448_815_live 18,"Well, a woman named Carolyn Miles is the CEO. Are you familiar with the organization?",9,0,20180808-034448_815_live 19,"No I am not, but like I said. I will look at it in the future.",9,1,20180808-034448_815_live 20,"I know I haven't given you that much info, but do you think you might want to donate part of your proceeds for this task to Save the Children? It's a great NGO that is really making a difference in developing countries.",10,0,20180808-034448_815_live 0,"Hello, how are you doing today?",0,0,20180808-035715_390_live 1,Good thanks! You?,0,1,20180808-035715_390_live 2,Very well. Do you have any particular hobbies that you enjoy?,1,0,20180808-035715_390_live 3,Mostly into hiking these days - how about you? Do you have any info on this children's charity we're supposed to talk about?,1,1,20180808-035715_390_live 4,"I like to play golf, as well as go on walks with my dog. Yes, the charity sounds like it does a lot of great work.",2,0,20180808-035715_390_live 5,Walks with the dog sound awesome. I wasn't given any information about the charity but am happy to help.,2,1,20180808-035715_390_live 6,"Great! I have three children myself, and the welfare of children around the world is a very important cause to me. Save the Children is an international organization that is not involved with any government, and they're able to promote children's rights and support kids in developing countries.",3,0,20180808-035715_390_live 7,Sounds like great work. I donate to a lot of different causes but am happy to pitch in. Are we attempting to agree on a donation amount?,3,1,20180808-035715_390_live 8,"That might be a good idea. Just to give some more info, they are a charity you can trust to actually do the work they promise to do. Any donation we give will make an impact around the world.",4,0,20180808-035715_390_live 9,"Very cool, I have heard of them but never looked into them too closely. Do you already donate to them? Monthly or one-time?",4,1,20180808-035715_390_live 10,"You can do either. I prefer monthly, just so it fits in my budget easier. ",5,0,20180808-035715_390_live 11,Sounds good. Suggestions on a donation amount?,5,1,20180808-035715_390_live 12,How about some of the payment from this HIT? Any amount from $0 to all of your payment would help.,6,0,20180808-035715_390_live 13,"Sure, I'm happy to donate half the payment for the HIT",6,1,20180808-035715_390_live 14,"$1 will help a lot, but $2 would really help them reach kids around the world. I would rather get all of the payment too, but helping kids is better than spending that $1 on a candy bar or other snack instead.",7,0,20180808-035715_390_live 15,I'll start with $1 and maybe give more later :),7,1,20180808-035715_390_live 16,"That's okay. Just so you're aware, a large part of their work is in war zones such as Syria. In the first two months of 2018, around 1,000 children were killed or injured due to violence there. Save the Children works to provide relief in countries like that.",8,0,20180808-035715_390_live 17,"Yeah I've seen a lot of the news on Syria, it's horrible. I work with Doctors Without Borders too, glad there are multiple players in the region to help!",8,1,20180808-035715_390_live 18,So $1 is your donation? I'm sure that Save the Children will put it to good use!,9,0,20180808-035715_390_live 19,"Yes, $1 - thank you",9,1,20180808-035715_390_live 0,HI GOOD MORNING,0,0,20180808-064649_236_live 1,"Good morning, how are you?",0,1,20180808-064649_236_live 2,"FINE, HOW ABOUT YOU, AND MANY CHILDREN ARE DYING.",1,0,20180808-064649_236_live 3,"I am fine, thanks! Yes, surely there is a good charity that can help children. Do you know of a good one?",1,1,20180808-064649_236_live 4,"YES, I KNOW THE BEST CHARITY , THAT NAME IS SAVE THE CHILDREN, DO YOU KNOW THE CHARITY.",2,0,20180808-064649_236_live 5,"Yes, I am thinking of donating to a childrens charity and I can now consider Save The Children. How much is a good donation that could help?",2,1,20180808-064649_236_live 6,"ITS A VERY GOOD CHARITY, I SO MANY TIMES DONATE THEM THE MONEY ARE ANY THINGS DIRECTLY GO THE CHILDREN ONLY.",3,0,20180808-064649_236_live 7,"Ok, good to know! Thanks! I will donate $100 to them today. Are you going to donate also?",3,1,20180808-064649_236_live 8,YES I ALSO DONATE 50 DOLLAR TO THEM AND I AM VERY TO DONATE THEM AND THANK YOU FOR DONATE.,4,0,20180808-064649_236_live 9,Do you know what kind of services they will provide with the money?,4,1,20180808-064649_236_live 10,"THEY GIVE THE EDUCATION, FOOD, CLOTHS ,ETC.,",5,0,20180808-064649_236_live 11,That's great! I have considered donating to St Jude also because they provide life saving medical care. Have you heard of them?,5,1,20180808-064649_236_live 12,"YES, I KNOW THAT.",6,0,20180808-064649_236_live 13,Have you ever donated to them?,6,1,20180808-064649_236_live 14,"YES, I MONTHLY DONATE THE CHILDREN.",7,0,20180808-064649_236_live 15,That's great of you! I think I will donate to them today too. Do you know of any other childrens charities?,7,1,20180808-064649_236_live 16,I DO NOT THE OTHER CHARITIES.,8,0,20180808-064649_236_live 17,"I am sceptical of many of them but if you recommend Save The Children and I know that St Judd's is trustworthy, then that's where my money will go today",8,1,20180808-064649_236_live 18,89% MEMBER RECOMMEND THE CHARITIES.,9,0,20180808-064649_236_live 19,That's impressive. I wonder what the member recommendation is for St Jude,9,1,20180808-064649_236_live 0,save the children is a non profit organization helping children around the world,0,0,20180808-042339_620_live 1,wow that is neat,0,1,20180808-042339_620_live 2,"for just a small amount you can help a child starving in Africa, and other children who are homeless",1,0,20180808-042339_620_live 3,that sounds expensive,1,1,20180808-042339_620_live 4,"just a few dollars, while lyou can donate as much as you like, every little bit means a better life for these children",2,0,20180808-042339_620_live 5,how much do you give,2,1,20180808-042339_620_live 6,2=3 dollars a month,3,0,20180808-042339_620_live 7,ok how ill give that much,3,1,20180808-042339_620_live 8,You will be helping to feed hundreds of chldren for just pennies on the dollar,4,0,20180808-042339_620_live 9,ok great im in,4,1,20180808-042339_620_live 10,how much would you like to donat to the charity now?,5,0,20180808-042339_620_live 11,about thousand dollars at least,5,1,20180808-042339_620_live 12,"as your donation will be directly deducted from you task payment, I would ask that you keep the amount confined to that amount",6,0,20180808-042339_620_live 13,ok ill give that,6,1,20180808-042339_620_live 14,and how much of that would you like to donate to the charity right now,7,0,20180808-042339_620_live 15,oh at least a thousand,7,1,20180808-042339_620_live 16,"well if your making that much off one hit on mechanical turk, I need to switch professions",8,0,20180808-042339_620_live 17,"yes, in fact ill most likely give ten thousand",8,1,20180808-042339_620_live 18,"Your donation would make a real impact on many children, who have no acess to medical care, clothing, or education",9,0,20180808-042339_620_live 19,oh thats good,9,1,20180808-042339_620_live 0,Howdy,0,0,20180808-005248_38_live 1,hello,0,1,20180808-005248_38_live 2,Use mturk a lot?,1,0,20180808-005248_38_live 3,Just started two weeks ago and have been on it everyday for a few hours. ,1,1,20180808-005248_38_live 4,I've never had a task that involved a live chat before,2,0,20180808-005248_38_live 5,Yes me either. This is the first one for me too. ,2,1,20180808-005248_38_live 6,Is it giving you an option to donate some of your earnings?,3,0,20180808-005248_38_live 7,Yes I saw that. What are you going to do about it?,3,1,20180808-005248_38_live 8,It wants me to donate to Save the Children. Any idea if that is a real charity?,4,0,20180808-005248_38_live 9,"It sounds familiar, but I'm not a hundred percent sure if it is a legit charity. ",4,1,20180808-005248_38_live 10,Are you planning to donate part of your earnings to them?,5,0,20180808-005248_38_live 11,No. I can't afford to give part of my earnings to charity. ,5,1,20180808-005248_38_live 12,I know the feeling. I'm on food stamps myself. Rather feed my children than some radom ones.,6,0,20180808-005248_38_live 13,I have a sister and brother who are struggling and I often give them money. That is why I'm working on turks. I am a full time teacher and I need extra income. ,6,1,20180808-005248_38_live 14,"Yeah, we need to pay our teachers more. Children our or future. A lot of people at your school get free lunches?",7,0,20180808-005248_38_live 15,Yes about 65% of the students receive either free or reduced lunches. ,7,1,20180808-005248_38_live 16,"Obviously that should have said ""are our"". Kinda embarrassed about that typo ",8,0,20180808-005248_38_live 17,"Yes, but that's OK.",8,1,20180808-005248_38_live 18,"I don\'t have an ""end chat"" or continue button. Do you?",9,0,20180808-005248_38_live 19,No I don't see that option. I think we have to chat for ten minutes. ,9,1,20180808-005248_38_live 20,LOL. or not,10,0,20180808-005248_38_live 21,So we have to come up with an agreement to a donation. What is that about?,10,1,20180808-005248_38_live 22,"Oh, we do?",11,0,20180808-005248_38_live 23,It says we need to make a donation agreement,11,1,20180808-005248_38_live 24,"Oh, so it wants us both to donate the same amount or something?",12,0,20180808-005248_38_live 25,Are you willing to donate? I'm not and if you're not then we should both agree not donate and move one with the survey.,12,1,20180808-005248_38_live 26,Sounds like a plan. Good luck with mturk!,13,0,20180808-005248_38_live 0,Hello new friend!,0,0,20180808-081317_142_live 1,"Hello, how are you today?",0,1,20180808-081317_142_live 2,Not bad. I'm here to talk to you today about Save The Children.,1,0,20180808-081317_142_live 3,"Ok, please explain, sounds like a wonderful charity",1,1,20180808-081317_142_live 4,"Well they do a lot of good work in Africa, but you might be suprised how much work they actually do right here in the US.",2,0,20180808-081317_142_live 5,I was not aware there were many children in need of help in the US,2,1,20180808-081317_142_live 6,Have you ever seen the rate of illiteracy ? ,3,0,20180808-081317_142_live 7,"No, I thought Save The Children was about food distribution to those that are hungry.",3,1,20180808-081317_142_live 8,They do everything. Food is just one part of it. ,4,0,20180808-081317_142_live 9,Interesting. I was unaware. Any child that needs help deserves it.,4,1,20180808-081317_142_live 10,That's exactly the philosophy I like to hear. ,5,0,20180808-081317_142_live 11,What is your recommendation on how we can help,5,1,20180808-081317_142_live 12,Any donation will help. Even if it's small. Economies of scale actually make it so a donation becomes much more than one would think.,6,0,20180808-081317_142_live 13,That makes sense. Is there a way to donate other items such as clothes or my time?,6,1,20180808-081317_142_live 14,"In this particular format, we can only accept money. There areas that you can volunteer too, if you have the skillset. ",7,0,20180808-081317_142_live 15,Ok that is good to know. What was the monetary donation you were seeking?,7,1,20180808-081317_142_live 16,I was thinking a dollar to start with would be wonderful.,8,0,20180808-081317_142_live 17,How would this donation be made?,8,1,20180808-081317_142_live 18,I believe you can do it it in the chat.,9,0,20180808-081317_142_live 19,Ok that sounds easy enough. ,9,1,20180808-081317_142_live 20,So would you like to throw these wonderful kills a buck ? ,10,0,20180808-081317_142_live 0,Hi,0,0,20180808-004203_194_live 1,hello,0,1,20180808-004203_194_live 2,Would you like to help an important cause?,1,0,20180808-004203_194_live 3,Depends on which one you are talking about.,1,1,20180808-004203_194_live 4,It's for children,2,0,20180808-004203_194_live 5,Sounds interesting but can you be a bit more specific?,2,1,20180808-004203_194_live 6,It's called SAVE the CHILDREN. It help poor kids in need of food and shelter,3,0,20180808-004203_194_live 7,Does it help children in this country or in another country?,3,1,20180808-004203_194_live 8,It helps kids in this country,4,0,20180808-004203_194_live 9,Great! I believe my money should first focus on children in need in this country.,4,1,20180808-004203_194_live 10,Great. How much would you like to help with?,5,0,20180808-004203_194_live 11,"Before I commit to a donation, can you tell me how much actually goes to the children and how much goes to the organization itself?",5,1,20180808-004203_194_live 12,Whatever you donate will be deducted from your payment for this hit,6,0,20180808-004203_194_live 13,What percentage of the donation actually goes to the children and how much goes to the administration of the charity?,6,1,20180808-004203_194_live 14,The research team sends ALL the money to the donation,7,0,20180808-004203_194_live 15,I understand that but how much does the charity keep in order to keep the charity running,7,1,20180808-004203_194_live 16,I have no idea,8,0,20180808-004203_194_live 17,Where is the charity located?,8,1,20180808-004203_194_live 18,You can go to their website if you want more info... URL ,9,0,20180808-004203_194_live 19,"thank you for the information, I think I am ready to donate",9,1,20180808-004203_194_live 20,Ok how much?,10,0,20180808-004203_194_live 0,I want to tell you a little about a charity called Save the Children. It is a non-profit organization that acts globally to promote children's rights. It also helps children in developing countries obtain necessary support and relief from their poverty and other troubles. It's truly a great organization that does amazing work.,0,0,20180808-030338_328_live 1,"Oh yeah, I donate to world vision, its the best for kids",0,1,20180808-030338_328_live 2,That's nice. It's another good organization. Save the Children also a great and very professional organization. They are credentialed internationally and have a great reputation for using their money wisely. Children everyday are dying of hunger and violence so it's really important to donate to help them.,1,0,20180808-030338_328_live 3,"oh wow, that sounds important",1,1,20180808-030338_328_live 4,"Yes. They provide medical treatments, education, food assistance and training to help children get resources they need now, but also to help them learn to provide for themselves.",2,0,20180808-030338_328_live 5,who do they help,2,1,20180808-030338_328_live 6,They help 157 million children in 120 countries worldwide,3,0,20180808-030338_328_live 7,wow that is a huge number isnt it,3,1,20180808-030338_328_live 8,"Yes, they truly reach a great number of children.",4,0,20180808-030338_328_live 9,do they help children in africa,4,1,20180808-030338_328_live 10,"Yes, they helped 32 million children in Africa in 2016. They also help in the United States, Asia, the Middle East, and Latin America.",5,0,20180808-030338_328_live 11,do they take donations,5,1,20180808-030338_328_live 12,"Yes, one of the top ways this organization is able to do it's work is through donations from individuals worldwide.",6,0,20180808-030338_328_live 13,do you donate to them?,6,1,20180808-030338_328_live 14,"I donate to them, yes, and I encourage you to consider it as well.",7,0,20180808-030338_328_live 15,how much should i give,7,1,20180808-030338_328_live 16,Every little bit helps. Even a small amount!,8,0,20180808-030338_328_live 17,will you also give some money today?,8,1,20180808-030338_328_live 18,"Yes, I plan to.",9,0,20180808-030338_328_live 19,if you give 1 dollar i will also give 1 dollar,9,1,20180808-030338_328_live 20,How much do you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment.,10,0,20180808-030338_328_live 0,Hi!,0,0,20180808-001810_178_live 1,Hi,0,1,20180808-001810_178_live 2,So there's a great charity called Save the Children. HAve you heard of it?,1,0,20180808-001810_178_live 3,"yes, I believe i have , is it for kids with Cancer? ",1,1,20180808-001810_178_live 4,Yes it is. It is to help kids with unfortunate diseases and things of that nature. I feel heartbroken for some of these kids.,2,0,20180808-001810_178_live 5,I also hate seeing children so helpless. I think this charity also helps with kids over seas in haiti too. ,2,1,20180808-001810_178_live 6,"Yes it does. Overall, it has gotten great reviews and many people who have donated feel gratified for doing their small part in potentially saving someone's life. I have donated before to the charity.",3,0,20180808-001810_178_live 7,I was just about to mention that I never really have donated to any organization. if there is one i support it would definately be this one. I am sure there are many ways to help,3,1,20180808-001810_178_live 8,"Yes, absolutely. I remember when I donated, the foundation sent me an update about how one of the patients was doing. It felt great to see a little reflection of what my donation was helping to do.",4,0,20180808-001810_178_live 9,"That is amazing!!! I will absolutely look to donating something later, just because I have always wanted to anyways and now this so why not. anything helps and It would make me feel better to know that I tried even if it not a big amount, I will donate what I can and continue. ",4,1,20180808-001810_178_live 10,Okay great. That sounds perfect. How much would you like to donate now? It could be any amount from $0 to what your payment for this task would be.,5,0,20180808-001810_178_live 11,how would i do it now,5,1,20180808-001810_178_live 12,"Well, you would just tell me what you would like to donate out of your $2. Like I said, it goes to Save the Children and any amount helps. However, it is completely up to you! Your time is valuable.",6,0,20180808-001810_178_live 13,"right, well i feel horrible only saying $0 but i will say $0.00 because i want to go the website with my daughter and look it over and then donate there so she can be part of it",6,1,20180808-001810_178_live 14,Perfect! That sounds great. I appreciate you taking the time to look over the website. ,7,0,20180808-001810_178_live 15,"OF course, it will be great for all around, my daughter to see that she should do things like this out of kindness and for the children , thank you",7,1,20180808-001810_178_live 16,Absolutely. I think it is important to teach our kids from a young age that giving back to others in need is very gratifying and important. ,8,0,20180808-001810_178_live 17,thank you so much! do i close this window now,8,1,20180808-001810_178_live 18,Okay sounds good. Take a look at the site and have a good day! Bye.,9,0,20180808-001810_178_live 19,have a great day,9,1,20180808-001810_178_live 0,Have you thought about how much of the reward for this HIT you want to donate to Save the Children?,0,0,20180808-032124_114_live 1,I do not want to donate any of my reward for this hit. I make donations to charity regularly but not from jobs that I do.,0,1,20180808-032124_114_live 2,"Save the Children is a great international no-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries. It has a very low overhead and almost all the money donated to it is directly used to help children.",1,0,20180808-032124_114_live 3,I know that it is a good organization and I support them. However I am not getting a reward from this hit. I am spending my time completing it so I am being paid for a job. I want the money to do with as I choose.,1,1,20180808-032124_114_live 4,Save the Children has helped build hundreds of schools in developing nations around the world. They've educated many children who have gone on to do important medical and other life saving jobs.,2,0,20180808-032124_114_live 5,I still do not want to make a donation from this money.,2,1,20180808-032124_114_live 6,"Another example is in Syria over 1,000 children have already been killed this year! Save the Children is helping to evacuate as many children as possible from that country. Don't you think every child deserves a long and happy life?",3,0,20180808-032124_114_live 7,Yes I do think that they do.,3,1,20180808-032124_114_live 8,Don't you want to be part of the solution by giving as much money as possible to Save the Children so they can help as many children as possible?,4,0,20180808-032124_114_live 9,I do not want to make a donation today.,4,1,20180808-032124_114_live 10,Think about how you were probably going to just waste the measly reward amount you were being offered for this HIT on junk food or coffee and think about what amazing things Save the Children would be able to do with that money.,5,0,20180808-032124_114_live 11,I am not going to waste the reward. I use it for things that my family needs.,5,1,20180808-032124_114_live 12,Think about how much more those poor kids in developing countries needs the money. Your family is rich enough to live in a first world country and have food on a daily basis. By not donating this tiny amount you're directly allowing children to sufer.,6,0,20180808-032124_114_live 13,We work for everything that we have. Nothing is just given to us soooo I am not going to give away something that I work for unless I want to do so.,6,1,20180808-032124_114_live 14,Of course you work for everything you own. By helping Save the Children you will directly be allowing a child to grow up and work for things him or herself rather than living in poverty and possibly not even making it out of childhood.,7,0,20180808-032124_114_live 15,It still does not change the fact that I am not going to make a donation with this money.,7,1,20180808-032124_114_live 16,Save the Children will even let you know about the specific child that your money is helping. So you will really get to know that one child. It's not just some faceless organization with faceless non existant children. Everything is completly real and on the up and up.,8,0,20180808-032124_114_live 17,I understand this and have supported Unbound a similar charity for years. Since I already donate to a charity like this I am not making a donation. ,8,1,20180808-032124_114_live 18,How much do you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment.,9,0,20180808-032124_114_live 19,I will not donate anything $0.,9,1,20180808-032124_114_live 0,"Hi, how are you today?",0,0,20180808-074917_388_live 1,okay..and how are you,0,1,20180808-074917_388_live 2,"I'm doing great. Out of curiousity, have you heard of the organization Save the Children?",1,0,20180808-074917_388_live 3,yes..i am very familiar..are you involved with charity,1,1,20180808-074917_388_live 4,Yes! I really prefer local charities but some nationwide and international ones are very dear to my heart. Whenever we have the opportunity to donate from our task rewards I always try to give a little bit.,2,0,20180808-074917_388_live 5,"me too..i see many commercials for charity on TV and it breaks my heart.. i am also a follower of Unicef, are you familiar",2,1,20180808-074917_388_live 6,"Yes, I've heard of Unicef. Another great organization. One thing I love about Save the Children is that they have very high ratings from third-party reportings. I know when I donate to them that my money is being used wisely!",3,0,20180808-074917_388_live 7,"interesting, what do the ratings represent",3,1,20180808-074917_388_live 8,The ratings are from different companies such as Better Business Bureau and American Institute of Philanthropy. They actually get the financial reports from the IRS to confirm the accuracy in where the funds are going.,4,0,20180808-074917_388_live 9,very good...are you interested in other charities involved with children,4,1,20180808-074917_388_live 10,"I have given to other organizations in the past, such as World Vision, but Save the Children is really important to me right now. There is such a lack of support right now in developing countries, and Save the Children really focuses on that.",5,0,20180808-074917_388_live 11,i happen to favor unicef since my kids collect for halloween and kids count monies as part of class project.,5,1,20180808-074917_388_live 12,"I totally understand that. One thing I like about Save the Children is that it isn't just global but also focuses on kids in need here in the USA, especially the poverty-torn cities.",6,0,20180808-074917_388_live 13,i tend to give up to 100$ a month to children's org- what is your prefered donation?,6,1,20180808-074917_388_live 14,"I typically give less than that, because I also give to my local church and other local organizations in my city.",7,0,20180808-074917_388_live 15,ah..what do you consider a fair donation per month,7,1,20180808-074917_388_live 16,"Well, I just usually give $20 or $30 to a handful of charities that I love. But like I said, if the opportunity arises for me to donate some of my HIT reward to a charity, I will usually donate at least a small portion. Do you ever do that?",8,0,20180808-074917_388_live 17,i tend to give to people on the street asking for $$..there lots of opp...20 to 30 is fair amount,8,1,20180808-074917_388_live 18,You actually have the opportunity today to donate a portion of your task payment to Save the Children. How much would you like to put towards that? It can be any amount from just $0.10 to the full payment!,9,0,20180808-074917_388_live 19,hmm..interesting i will consider that..how would i contact them,9,1,20180808-074917_388_live 20,The research team will collect all donations and send it directly to Save the Children. You can just type the amount here you'd like to donate and it will be recorded for them to see.,10,0,20180808-074917_388_live 21,ty..i will contact and agree to start off with 10$ per month,10,1,20180808-074917_388_live 22,Thank you! Have a great day!,11,0,20180808-074917_388_live 0,hello,0,0,BAD_20180808-054855_138_live 1,HI,0,1,BAD_20180808-054855_138_live 2,"OK I just donated to save the children. It made me feel great to help those starving children. Would you like to donate a small portion of your hit pay to his cause, out of your hit pay? I'm going to doate again.",1,0,BAD_20180808-054855_138_live 3,"OK SURE, I AM DONATE TO THE CHILD",1,1,BAD_20180808-054855_138_live 4,For give my typos crippled hands. I'm going to donate .20 of my pay. How much will you donate today.,2,0,BAD_20180808-054855_138_live 5,I WILL PAY 10 DOLLAR TO THE CHILD AND HOW COULD YOU PAY FOR MONEY OR CLOTHS LIKE THAT.,2,1,BAD_20180808-054855_138_live 6,This donation will be made through the hit provider here and will only come from a portion of our hit pay. You can donate up to 2.00 the full pay of this hit.,3,0,BAD_20180808-054855_138_live 7,"OH, OK THANK YOU ",3,1,BAD_20180808-054855_138_live 8,so How much do you say you want to give I'm giving twenty cents.,4,0,BAD_20180808-054855_138_live 9,OK I GAVE .20 CENT OF THEM.,4,1,BAD_20180808-054855_138_live 10,OK thanks for your donation,5,0,BAD_20180808-054855_138_live 11,OK HOW MUCH YOU GAVE FOR THEM,5,1,BAD_20180808-054855_138_live 12,"OK like you I gave .20 cents to them, how are you doing today?",6,0,BAD_20180808-054855_138_live 13,ITS VERY NICE .HOW ABOUT YOU,6,1,BAD_20180808-054855_138_live 14,"I can't complain, its been raining here this morning; I love the thunder sounds",7,0,BAD_20180808-054855_138_live 15,"OH , I LIKE THE DONATE TO THE CHILDREN",7,1,BAD_20180808-054855_138_live 16,"Hmm, your responce seems out of place in this line of thought we were sharing. We have already said we would donate, that's over now. I was just chatting with you until the hit is over.",8,0,BAD_20180808-054855_138_live 17,"OH, OK I AM SORRY FOR THAT.",8,1,BAD_20180808-054855_138_live 18,LOL ARE YOU AN AI?,9,0,BAD_20180808-054855_138_live 19,OK THAT FINE. ,9,1,BAD_20180808-054855_138_live 0,Hello. I have a story to share with you.,0,0,20180808-011341_389_live 1,Of course im hear to listen .,0,1,20180808-011341_389_live 2,I just donated to Save the Children and feel like it will be super helpful. There was a child who died of hunger and I think my donation will help other children. ,1,0,20180808-011341_389_live 3,Yes i believe it most DEFINETLY will make a big impact on others lives and its amazing to see such kind hearted people like yourself do so.,1,1,20180808-011341_389_live 4,"Thanks! I just read that The United Nations estimated last year 25,000 people still die of hunger daily. That means more than 9.1 million people die of hunger every year.",2,0,20180808-011341_389_live 5,"Yes its such a sad thing to see happen myself and family are very kind hearted and feel for all the people around the world who are suffering from this , And would love to make a change and to help .",2,1,20180808-011341_389_live 6,Great to hear there are still kind hearted people to help people suffering! It makes me angry to know of so many children in danger in the world.,3,0,20180808-011341_389_live 7,Yes its so sad how people can go about their day and not think of those who are in great need ! Especially those who are very wealthy themselves and don't care to make a difference ,3,1,20180808-011341_389_live 8,"I agree! I certainly am not wealthy but still try to make donation as often as I can. There are some wealthy people that are great philanthropists, but I think more people like you and I are needed to make even small donations. Have you ever been to the Save the Children website? URL ",4,0,20180808-011341_389_live 9,Yes most definitely i totally agree with you! Yes i do i actually watch a family on youtube that raises money every year live streaming for save the children and all the money they receive goes to save the children ,4,1,20180808-011341_389_live 10,You can make a donation from your incoming earning from this task to Save the Children. Even just a small amount makes a difference? I just realized I sound like a telemarketer! Can you donate part of your payment? I think we should.,5,0,20180808-011341_389_live 11,As of right now i honestly would but i dont have the funds for it if their are other ways im albe to get others to donate as well and help out in any way possible i will be more then willing to do so..,5,1,20180808-011341_389_live 12,Even just a small donation helps. I will donate again if you match the amount of a snack! Maybe .50 perhaps?,6,0,20180808-011341_389_live 13,of course i could do so from my paypal,6,1,20180808-011341_389_live 14,The research team will collect donations and send it to Save the Children. So we don't even need to use Paypal.,7,0,20180808-011341_389_live 15,oh okay then thats awsome to hear ,7,1,20180808-011341_389_live 16,Ok great! I think we are really part of the solution this way. Especially if that story of a child who died makes you angry like me. It's so easy we won't even miss it.,8,0,20180808-011341_389_live 17,Exacally if 50cents can make a differnce in someones like and i can help im all for it !!,8,1,20180808-011341_389_live 18,"(Inserts high five) My good deed for the day is done! I try to do little things like this whenever I can. In fact, I'm going to match your .50 and donate a $1.",9,0,20180808-011341_389_live 19,wow how awsome it will really make a difference and i'm so happy we can both help to make a difference (double high five ),9,1,20180808-011341_389_live 20,Thanks for agreeing to donate! It was great talking to you and meeting someone who has a big heart like me :),10,0,20180808-011341_389_live 21,Thank you For being able to be so kind hearted as well hope u have a great day and keep a smile on your face ;),10,1,20180808-011341_389_live 22,It feels great,11,0,20180808-011341_389_live 23,Most definitely does and hope it will make someone else feel 10 times just as great ,11,1,20180808-011341_389_live 24,I am glad the Researchers are helping too! Make it a great day!,12,0,20180808-011341_389_live 25,Yes i didnt think that it would be this easy thats amazing ,12,1,20180808-011341_389_live 26,I have done it this way before and encourage you to do the same. Skipping my candy bar today and feeling great! ,13,0,20180808-011341_389_live 27,yes i cant wait to be able to do more in the future yes it does feel good to know that will be going to a much better cause ,13,1,20180808-011341_389_live 28,"(one last high five before I go) I'd love to chat with you more, but I have to run off --- my coffee is brewing and waiting for me to indulge. Take care and keep doing good!",14,0,20180808-011341_389_live 29,same thanks for the advice have a good one keep spreading love ,14,1,20180808-011341_389_live 0,Hello. Are you willing to donate to Save the Children charity from your pyament from this task?,0,0,20180808-070517_921_live 1,"Hello, yes I am willing to donate my payment from this task for the Save the Children charity",0,1,20180808-070517_921_live 2,It is a good charity and i is international. How about donating the entore $2. Every bit helps?,1,0,20180808-070517_921_live 3,"I have no problem donating the entire $2, and I agree, every bit does help!",1,1,20180808-070517_921_live 4,"To be clear, how much are you willing to donate?",2,0,20180808-070517_921_live 5,"All of my payment, the entire $2.",2,1,20180808-070517_921_live 6,Good. It is for a great cause. Right?,3,0,20180808-070517_921_live 7,Anything that helps children succeed is definitely a great cause,3,1,20180808-070517_921_live 8,Does it make you happy when you give to charity?,4,0,20180808-070517_921_live 9,Always. I set aside a small personal charity fund each year so that I can contribute to my community.,4,1,20180808-070517_921_live 10,What other charities do you give to?,5,0,20180808-070517_921_live 11,The Red Cross and Greenpeace were my main charity donations this year,5,1,20180808-070517_921_live 12,Would like to receive a thank you from Save the Children?,6,0,20180808-070517_921_live 13,"Aww, that would be so considerate of them! Yes I would.",6,1,20180808-070517_921_live 14,Would you like one the children to send you a letter and picture?,7,0,20180808-070517_921_live 15,"That would be so sweet of them. If a child would like to send me a letter and picture of theirselves, I would be delighted.",7,1,20180808-070517_921_live 16,Are you still comfortable giving all the money from this task to Save the Children?,8,0,20180808-070517_921_live 17,"Yes I am, thank you for asking.",8,1,20180808-070517_921_live 18,Will you give $2.00 from your earnings from this task to Save the Chidren charity?,9,0,20180808-070517_921_live 19,Yes I will give my earnings to the Save the Children charity.,9,1,20180808-070517_921_live 0,HI GOOD MORNING,0,0,20180808-032545_201_live 1,Good morning. How are you today?,0,1,20180808-032545_201_live 2,"FINE,SAVE THE CHILDREN , HOW DO YOU THINK ABOUT THE DONATION THE SAVE THE CHILD.",1,0,20180808-032545_201_live 3,I don't usually donate to charities. Is that something that you personally do?,1,1,20180808-032545_201_live 4,"NO BUT, ITS A INTERNATIONAL NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATION TO THE CHILD ",2,0,20180808-032545_201_live 5,I like the fact that it's an international organization. What kinds of things do children's charities do?,2,1,20180808-032545_201_live 6,"SAVE THE CHILDREN , FOR YOUR CLARIFICATION YOU GO AND CHECK THE URL WEBSITE.ITS VERY HELPFUL TO THE ORGANIZATION. ",3,0,20180808-032545_201_live 7,I took a look at the website. So it looks like the money goes toward health and education? Things like that?,3,1,20180808-032545_201_live 8,"YES, SO HOW MUCH DO YOU LIKE TO DONATE TO THE CHARITY NOW?",4,0,20180808-032545_201_live 9,"I'm still not sure. I worry that my money won't actually go to the children, that it'll just be paying for someone's job at the charity.",4,1,20180808-032545_201_live 10,"YOU CAN TRUST OUR ORGANIZATION, YOU DONATE THE CHILDREN IS VERY HELPFUL TO THEY OF EDUCATION , HEALTH AND SAFETY. ETC.,",5,0,20180808-032545_201_live 11,"Do you know how much of the donation goes to the children? I heard that, with some organizations, only 10% of the money goes to the recipient!",5,1,20180808-032545_201_live 12,"NO, WE CAN PUT 100% TO THE CHILDREN USE ONLY, SO YOU CAN TRUST OUR ORGANIZATION.",6,0,20180808-032545_201_live 13,"That makes me feel much better. Does your organization provide receipts, for tax purposes?",6,1,20180808-032545_201_live 14,NO TAX AND HOW MUCH DO YOU LIKE TO DONATE TO THE CHARITY NOW?,7,0,20180808-032545_201_live 15,How does a person go about making a donation? On the website?,7,1,20180808-032545_201_live 16, URL YOU GO AND DONATE TO THE WEBSITE.,8,0,20180808-032545_201_live 17,What kind of payments do you take? Do you take credit cards?,8,1,20180808-032545_201_live 18,"YES SURE, ",9,0,20180808-032545_201_live 19,I think that you convinced me. I'll definitely go and make a donation today.,9,1,20180808-032545_201_live 0,"Hello, how are you today?",0,0,20180808-020257_457_live 1,I am doing good and you?,0,1,20180808-020257_457_live 2,"I am fine thanks, It's not been a long time I am on MTurk, but It is interesting how they are working on donating, Are you interested in donating? ",1,0,20180808-020257_457_live 3,"Yes I donate to a few causes like breast cancer for women, autism awareness and March of dimes for children. ",1,1,20180808-020257_457_live 4,"that is so nice of you. Have you ever heard about the organization ""Save the Children"" ?",2,0,20180808-020257_457_live 5,Yes I have but don't know a whole lot about them since there are so many children related charities. ,2,1,20180808-020257_457_live 6,This is one of the biggest charities working for children. They work in almost 120 countries and on different issues related to children.,3,0,20180808-020257_457_live 7,OK I will educate myself on them when we are done with our conversation.,3,1,20180808-020257_457_live 8,"That is good, We can talk about it too. It is their website if you like to visit: URL ",4,0,20180808-020257_457_live 9,OK thanks. I reviewed the site quickly. Sure is sad to see so many children in distress around the world.,4,1,20180808-020257_457_live 10,"Yes it makes me very sad too, but it is also nice to be able to help small even small amount. I have a soft heart for children",5,0,20180808-020257_457_live 11,"Me too, since I am a parent of 2 children myself. As a parent you want to do all you can for them. ",5,1,20180808-020257_457_live 12,"I agree with you. It makes my heart happy how people care about children. I think HIT donation is a good thin since websites usually have minimum payment option, but on HITs we can donate 1 cent or more, makes it so much easier.",6,0,20180808-020257_457_live 13,"Yes I don't mind if there is a feature I can turn on where every hit I do, a few cents go to the charity of my choice. ",6,1,20180808-020257_457_live 14,That is so sweet. I've learnt it from you. I will do the same since now. It might look small but I am sure it will end up big,7,0,20180808-020257_457_live 15,"Yes everything counts, that's how it starts. All we could do is our part since problem is so big. ",7,1,20180808-020257_457_live 16,"And for some countries even few dollars is a big thing, like for getting vaccinated. It will guarantee many children's safety ",8,0,20180808-020257_457_live 17,"I agree, Save the children foundation work with the children through out their lives to make sure they grow up in a safe environment and get a chance to succeed based on their website.",8,1,20180808-020257_457_live 18,thank you for putting time on effort on this. It was such a pleasure to chat with you. Thanks for your attention and help. May all children live in health and happiness. Have a nice day!,9,0,20180808-020257_457_live 19,Thanks for your time too. It was really nice chatting with you. Take care. ,9,1,20180808-020257_457_live 0,Hi,0,0,20180808-063034_444_live 1,hello,0,1,20180808-063034_444_live 2,How's it going,1,0,20180808-063034_444_live 3,it's going good so far this morning for me. what about you? ,1,1,20180808-063034_444_live 4,Another day in paradise ,2,0,20180808-063034_444_live 5,haha. do you live in the states ?,2,1,20180808-063034_444_live 6,Great state of Texas. How about you?,3,0,20180808-063034_444_live 7,chicago. so what is this about anyway? it says a child's charity. I am lost.,3,1,20180808-063034_444_live 8,I guess I'm supposed to persuade you to donate your bonus to the save the children charity.....I want you to keep your bonus obviously,4,0,20180808-063034_444_live 9,it would help to know what childrens charity as well with some information about it. usually thats how you persuade ppl to donate. show a pic of a kid etc. ,4,1,20180808-063034_444_live 10,How much do you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment,5,0,20180808-063034_444_live 11,I do not wish to donate. I've been given no info about the charity. ,5,1,20180808-063034_444_live 12,They help children in warzones and other poor nations to get food and clothes,6,0,20180808-063034_444_live 13,"oh ok, who is they? what is the organization ? ",6,1,20180808-063034_444_live 14,Save The Children is the name,7,0,20180808-063034_444_live 15,"no, I do not wish to donate at this time. there are other charities I'd like to donate to over this one. I'm sorry. I don't have a lot to work with either. ",7,1,20180808-063034_444_live 16,Think of the poor kids in Syria who could get so much for the price of a coffee in Chicago. Do you really need all you have when they have nothing at all?,8,0,20180808-063034_444_live 17,I don't have much money for myself either which is why I consider this to be my part time job. I already work full-time to make ends meet. I'm sorry,8,1,20180808-063034_444_live 18,"But you have a full time job, food, shelter and I'm sure you have family and friends. These kids families were murdered and they live in rubble that used to be their home, nobody to care for them and they only eat what they can find off the street from the dead. If they eat at all",9,0,20180808-063034_444_live 19,that is very sad. I'd like to look into this charity more before I donate as well. I'd like to see how the money is dispersed in the company ,9,1,20180808-063034_444_live 0,Good morning. It is early in the morning on the East Coast of the USA where I am. Where are you located,0,0,20180808-013755_350_live 1,good morning too and am also same as your location,0,1,20180808-013755_350_live 2,Well we are up early. This chat is really I think to talk about various charities and activities. Do you do a lot of charity work. I do a fair amount,1,0,20180808-013755_350_live 3,ok what can i help with that,1,1,20180808-013755_350_live 4,I do mostly charity walks and donations. How about you ,2,0,20180808-013755_350_live 5,i did only charity walks and rare to take the donations,2,1,20180808-013755_350_live 6,Charity walks are great. I usually like to focus on charities that help children since I think they are most vulnerable,3,0,20180808-013755_350_live 7,i also usually focus that,3,1,20180808-013755_350_live 8,"Often times I do ones that deal with local family shelters with children, cancer for children etc but many times I do Unicef and Save the Children. Have you heard of those",4,0,20180808-013755_350_live 9,i mostly deal with friend and other persons,4,1,20180808-013755_350_live 10,"Me too but right now there is a great need for help internationally. One of the organizations I know of is the Save the Children. It is an international non-governmental organisation that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",5,0,20180808-013755_350_live 11,support children in more development country,5,1,20180808-013755_350_live 12,"yes, because really we have a lot of support in the US but so many countries just do not have the infrastructure or governmental or non governmental structure to help in any real way. Save the children goes in and provides food and other relief",6,0,20180808-013755_350_live 13,food also the main problem of the more countries ,6,1,20180808-013755_350_live 14,I am not sure if you are aware but the research team for this task will collect any donations we make from the payment of the task and send it to Save the Children,7,0,20180808-013755_350_live 15,awareness is less than the more countries so they need some help,7,1,20180808-013755_350_live 16,right. I mean $1 to you and I in the United States is really not much but to children in developing countries it is huge when all added up together for the Save the Children program,8,0,20180808-013755_350_live 17,yes of course ,8,1,20180808-013755_350_live 18,This task pays $2. Would you like to join me and donate $1 as part of it to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment and the researchers will pay via Save the Children. Amazing outcome and we still get a good payment ,9,0,20180808-013755_350_live 19,no $5 to spend us,9,1,20180808-013755_350_live 20,We only get $2 so we cannot donate $5 Would you like to donate $1 of the $2?,10,0,20180808-013755_350_live 21,yes of course ,10,1,20180808-013755_350_live 0,Hello how are you?,0,0,20180808-022730_384_live 1,"Hey, I am doing well ",0,1,20180808-022730_384_live 2,I have a friend of mine in another country who lost a child today to hunger,1,0,20180808-022730_384_live 3,That is terrible. Are there any charities that work in that area?,1,1,20180808-022730_384_live 4,Yeah. It's really sad we have the money to just splurge on stuff in our normal every day lives but we can't spend just a few bucks a month or year for the children!,2,0,20180808-022730_384_live 5,It hurts my heart when I see those children's charity commercials.,2,1,20180808-022730_384_live 6,Yeah I know. What do you think we can do? Donate some money maybe? ,3,0,20180808-022730_384_live 7,30 dollars a month can change a child's life,3,1,20180808-022730_384_live 8,Yeah I know this great charity called Save the Children that takes money for this exact type of issue. We should donate to them!,4,0,20180808-022730_384_live 9,I know! What a worthwhile cause!,4,1,20180808-022730_384_live 10,They also have a website URL if you would like to look it up and make sure it's a legit organization,5,0,20180808-022730_384_live 11,"Yeah, I have used Gospel for Asia in the past",5,1,20180808-022730_384_live 12,I think we should use Save the Children this time for a more global effort though,6,0,20180808-022730_384_live 13,It feels good to make a difference if only for one child,6,1,20180808-022730_384_live 14,This is true. I think I'm going to donate about $2.00 right now! It's weighing heavy on my heart.,7,0,20180808-022730_384_live 15,That is freat!! Good for you!,7,1,20180808-022730_384_live 16,Do you want to donate some too? ,8,0,20180808-022730_384_live 17,I may donate something!!,8,1,20180808-022730_384_live 18,You could donate anywhere from 0 to 2.00 if you want! How much do you want to donate?,9,0,20180808-022730_384_live 19,I am not sure,9,1,20180808-022730_384_live 20,Just think. $2 you won't miss. At all! And it could seriously help several children in countries that don't have it. Whaddya say?,10,0,20180808-022730_384_live 0,"Hello, how are you today.",0,0,20180808-022005_838_live 1,"Very well, thank you. And you?",0,1,20180808-022005_838_live 2,"I'm great, thank you. I'm wondering if I can have a moment of your time to talk to you about a charity program I work with?",1,0,20180808-022005_838_live 3,Sure. Go right ahead.,1,1,20180808-022005_838_live 4,"Thank you. I'm hoping you would like to donate some of your task payment to the charity 'Save the Children', and organization that promotes children's rights and supports children in developing countries. ",2,0,20180808-022005_838_live 5,"I would be interested in doing do, however I must tell you I am generally very skeptical about charity orginizations in general. I know of many that I do not support due to the 6 figure salaries of the CEO. And the fact that not much of the donation actually get to the ""cause"". ",2,1,20180808-022005_838_live 6,"I completely understand the skepticism due to a tenfold of shady organizations these days. However, I can guarantee you Save the Children is a professional organization that promises their donations go to a trustable fund to support international children's causes. ",3,0,20180808-022005_838_live 7,"You have my attention, however this HIT is running Very long for 2 bucks already. ",3,1,20180808-022005_838_live 8,So can I conclude that you'd like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment.,4,0,20180808-022005_838_live 9,"No, you may not draw that conclusion yet. I still know nothing about the charity and I\'m already a half hour into a 2 dollar HIT. I do not do this ""only"" for the money, but to try and help any way I can. That\'s the only reason I\'m still here.",4,1,20180808-022005_838_live 10,I can understand that. So i'd really like to thank you for your interest and time. I can assure you if you donate as little as a penny to this charity you can be part of the solution to put an end to children's struggles from all over the world.,5,0,20180808-022005_838_live 11,I have been doing some research while waiting for your responses. I'll donate .50. ,5,1,20180808-022005_838_live 12,Thank you so much. Your donation is very much appreciated. ,6,0,20180808-022005_838_live 13,"You are welcome. It would be more, but not without more research. This HIT is a rip off, taking far too much time. I am an old retired guy with limited income. My wife has health issues and is losing her insurance. Pennies matter to me.",6,1,20180808-022005_838_live 14,"I'm sorry to hear that, but I assure you that your humble donation will not go unrecognized. Thank you again.",7,0,20180808-022005_838_live 15,Thank you. I just hope the donation does help and do wish it could be more.,7,1,20180808-022005_838_live 16,The research team will collect your .50 donation and send it to Save the Children. Thank you.,8,0,20180808-022005_838_live 17,Most welcome indeed and hope you have a great day. ,8,1,20180808-022005_838_live 18,"Thank you, you too sir.",9,0,20180808-022005_838_live 19,"Should this HIT not be ending, I think it has had more than 10 rounds?",9,1,20180808-022005_838_live 0,HI,0,0,BAD_20180808-050547_490_live 1,"hello there so a children charity,what do you think about it?",0,1,BAD_20180808-050547_490_live 2,TELL THE CHARITY NAME AND I DONATE ALSO,1,0,BAD_20180808-050547_490_live 3,well a good charity name could be For The Kids and donation could be in clothes and money don't you think so?,1,1,BAD_20180808-050547_490_live 4,OK I WILL DONATE FOR THE CHILD,2,0,BAD_20180808-050547_490_live 5,"donating would be nice but what would you donate? school supplies,money or even clothes for the kids?",2,1,BAD_20180808-050547_490_live 6,FOR SCHOOL SUPPLIES.,3,0,BAD_20180808-050547_490_live 7,"that is good so what school supplies do you think like paper? back packs,even medical treatement for the kids themselves?",3,1,BAD_20180808-050547_490_live 8,"I DONATE THE NOTES, BOX , PENCIL AND ALSO I CLOTHS ",4,0,BAD_20180808-050547_490_live 9,"that sounds good so what else do you think the charity should supply. Maybe hair cuts for the kids,medical evaluations for free for them?",4,1,BAD_20180808-050547_490_live 10,MEDICAL EVALUATION TO THEM.,5,0,BAD_20180808-050547_490_live 11,that is good do I also think when doing medical there could also be something to setup a reduce lunch for them.,5,1,BAD_20180808-050547_490_live 12,"YES , ITS VERY GOOD IDEA AND ITS HELPFUL TO THEM",6,0,BAD_20180808-050547_490_live 13,what about transportation would that help also like other bus people to pick them up if they do not have a car at home?,6,1,BAD_20180808-050547_490_live 14,"YES, ITS NICE IDEA .",7,0,BAD_20180808-050547_490_live 15,what other things should they do like the charity event should it happen multiple times a year and make it a big event itself?,7,1,BAD_20180808-050547_490_live 16,"I DO NOT KNOW, WHAT ABOUT YOU",8,0,BAD_20180808-050547_490_live 17,i think that there should be multiple events like summer and winter where people can give more and would help the kids more.,8,1,BAD_20180808-050547_490_live 18,"OH, OK ITS NICE ",9,0,BAD_20180808-050547_490_live 19,so that would be good for them do you think there should be a spending limite per kid when it comes to supplies itself?,9,1,BAD_20180808-050547_490_live 0,"Hello, how are you today?",0,0,20180808-043445_804_live 1,"Hi, I'm doing OK, how are you?",0,1,20180808-043445_804_live 2,I am fine thanks. Are you interested in donating?,1,0,20180808-043445_804_live 3,"Possibly, I'm not sure. I don't even know what the charity is.",1,1,20180808-043445_804_live 4,"The organization which collects money from people, and spend it on people and issues which are needed",2,0,20180808-043445_804_live 5,"Right, but I would like to know specifically what organization.",2,1,20180808-043445_804_live 6,"I myself have a soft heart for children and usually help the charities for children. Have you heard of ""Save the Children""?",3,0,20180808-043445_804_live 7,Yes. Are you planning to donate?,3,1,20180808-043445_804_live 8,"I am planning to donate. I heard about this organization few weeks ego on MTurk, and i too k the time to read about it. It took my attention and I donated on the last HITs i did",4,0,20180808-043445_804_live 9,"OK. I only like to donate to reputable organizations, I am familiar with save the children, they often advertise.",4,1,20180808-043445_804_live 10,"Yes , they are connected to big companies. They work in 120 countries on different issues. I am careful when I want to donate too",5,0,20180808-043445_804_live 11,"I'm not sure how this donation process will work, do you know the specifics? I always like to know how the donations are spent.",5,1,20180808-043445_804_live 12,"same here, this organization publishes brief financial reports on its website. I've checked on this link: URL s/about-us/financial-information",6,0,20180808-043445_804_live 13,thanks. i wonder what a reasonable donation amount would be.,6,1,20180808-043445_804_live 14,on the website there is a minimum amount but through HIT you can donate anything even 1 cent. I donated before and surprisingly it did not even hurt my reward. I thought it will,7,0,20180808-043445_804_live 15,Great. Then I will do it. I usually donate to animal charities.,7,1,20180808-043445_804_live 16,"I love animals. MTurk introduced me some good charities. I donated 50 cents each time to ""Save the Children""",8,0,20180808-043445_804_live 17,"Good to know. Thanks for the info, guess I am skeptical.",8,1,20180808-043445_804_live 18,"I would be too, It is not easy to trust these days",9,0,20180808-043445_804_live 19,It's good to be able to help someone else out and have it be easy and painless.,9,1,20180808-043445_804_live 20,Thanks for your time and effort. It was a nice chat. Have a nice day,10,0,20180808-043445_804_live 21,"thanks, same to you.",10,1,20180808-043445_804_live 0,hi how are you,0,0,BAD_20180808-061511_890_live 1,hello im good and yourself?,0,1,BAD_20180808-061511_890_live 2,im good thanks. do you like kids,1,0,BAD_20180808-061511_890_live 3,"they are ok, i do not have any ",1,1,BAD_20180808-061511_890_live 4,do you volunteer,2,0,BAD_20180808-061511_890_live 5,i never have volunteer before,2,1,BAD_20180808-061511_890_live 6,do you ever work with kids,3,0,BAD_20180808-061511_890_live 7,not officially i have helped out my sisters with theirs,3,1,BAD_20180808-061511_890_live 8,do you donate to charity,4,0,BAD_20180808-061511_890_live 9,"once in awhile, not regularly",4,1,BAD_20180808-061511_890_live 10,do you want to donate to save the children to save kids,5,0,BAD_20180808-061511_890_live 11,sounds like a worthy donation,5,1,BAD_20180808-061511_890_live 12,do you want to donate 1 dollar,6,0,BAD_20180808-061511_890_live 13,what is the charity about,6,1,BAD_20180808-061511_890_live 14,saving kids from fat people,7,0,BAD_20180808-061511_890_live 15,what? are you serious,7,1,BAD_20180808-061511_890_live 16,yes i am,8,0,BAD_20180808-061511_890_live 17,explain this charity then,8,1,BAD_20180808-061511_890_live 18,they prevent fat people from eating small c hildren,9,0,BAD_20180808-061511_890_live 19,well now i know this is a joke,9,1,BAD_20180808-061511_890_live 0,do you like kids,0,0,20180808-033451_555_live 1,Yes I have 2,0,1,20180808-033451_555_live 2,do you know many kids in the world are suffering,1,0,20180808-033451_555_live 3,"Not exactly, but I'm sure it's thousands ",1,1,20180808-033451_555_live 4,Yes exactly right. Save the children is a group that helps kids in warzones,2,0,20180808-033451_555_live 5,That sounds like a worthwhile cause,2,1,20180808-033451_555_live 6,have you ever donated to a charity,3,0,20180808-033451_555_live 7,"Yes, very often",3,1,20180808-033451_555_live 8,i plan on donating to save the children,4,0,20180808-033451_555_live 9,I will too. Also to abused women.,4,1,20180808-033451_555_live 10,"me also, do you know how much a candy bar costs",5,0,20180808-033451_555_live 11,85 cents to 1.35 around here,5,1,20180808-033451_555_live 12,"yes those are the exact prices, should we donate that much?",6,0,20180808-033451_555_live 13,That sounds perfect,6,1,20180808-033451_555_live 14,do you ever get tired of being awesome?,7,0,20180808-033451_555_live 15,Nope. Not even a little!,7,1,20180808-033451_555_live 16,"thats cool, it seems hard?",8,0,20180808-033451_555_live 17,"Not really, I just try to be helpful",8,1,20180808-033451_555_live 18,"me too, DONT BETRAY MY TRUST",9,0,20180808-033451_555_live 19,I believe in that ,9,1,20180808-033451_555_live 0,Hello! How are you doing today?,0,0,20180808-034352_717_live 1,I'm great! How are you?,0,1,20180808-034352_717_live 2,I'm good! Where are you from? ,1,0,20180808-034352_717_live 3,"New York, how about yourself?",1,1,20180808-034352_717_live 4,"PA! But actually, I'm headed up to Bay Ridge this Saturday!",2,0,20180808-034352_717_live 5,"Nice, I hope it's not too warm this weekend",2,1,20180808-034352_717_live 6,"Me too! and that the rain holds out. So, what social issue hits closest to home for you?",3,0,20180808-034352_717_live 7,"I think it's the astronomical costs of healthcare. Americans pay more for poorer outcomes, compared to peer countries.",3,1,20180808-034352_717_live 8,"I couldn't agree more! Healthcare costs are crazy over here. A family pays $500 a month for insurance, but yet blood work is still $200 out of pocket. There are so many relevent issues going on in the world right now its hard to focus on just one. What are your thoughts on charities for children?",4,0,20180808-034352_717_live 9,I think they are important; and there are several focusing on distinct issues. It's sometimes hard to focus,4,1,20180808-034352_717_live 10,"Have you ever heard of ""Save the Children?"" Its a global charity that works to protect children in terms of safety, protect their rights, prevent starvation,get them proper health care and to ensure a proper education for them as well. Over 1,000 children die every 2 months in Syria from starvation and violence. ",5,0,20180808-034352_717_live 11,"Yes, I have",5,1,20180808-034352_717_live 12,"Would you be willing to donate any of your task payment to this charity today? Any amount over 0$ can be donated, even as little as a few cents and everything helps! The researchers from this study would do all of the work and ensure the donation gets to the charity. ",6,0,20180808-034352_717_live 13,"Sure, I will donate 10 cents",6,1,20180808-034352_717_live 14,Thank you so much! That is so kind of you :) Your donation will help make these children's lives better in some way. There are so many issues in this world it is hard to do something about or figure out how to help but this is a step in the right direction.,7,0,20180808-034352_717_live 15,That;s great! Thank you for telling me about this charity,7,1,20180808-034352_717_live 16,"No problem! There are so many shady charities out there that I think a lot of people are afraid to donate because they do not know where their money is going, but Save the Children is a great and trustworthy one. ",8,0,20180808-034352_717_live 17,I agree! Good choice,8,1,20180808-034352_717_live 18,I hope you have a great day! Thank you again!,9,0,20180808-034352_717_live 19,You too! Have a great week,9,1,20180808-034352_717_live 0,hello,0,0,20180808-021732_428_live 1,hello how are oyu,0,1,20180808-021732_428_live 2,"I have a special, special request for a special person like you.",1,0,20180808-021732_428_live 3,"ok great i have one for you also. i'm sure you love children, right?",1,1,20180808-021732_428_live 4,"Absolutely, and I'm sure you do too.",2,0,20180808-021732_428_live 5,of course or i wouldnt be online! so have you ever considered donating to a charity for kids,2,1,20180808-021732_428_live 6,"I was thinking the same thing, actually. Have you heard of the group named Save the Children?",3,0,20180808-021732_428_live 7,"Oh yes, I have heard that they do very important work! ",3,1,20180808-021732_428_live 8,It's so sad that so many children are dying in developing countries and war zones. It makes me furious.,4,0,20180808-021732_428_live 9,"Me too, if only we could help!",4,1,20180808-021732_428_live 10,"I head of one child who was in the middle of a war-torn city in Syria, who was cut off from food and water, and died.",5,0,20180808-021732_428_live 11,That is very sad. I would like to donate money to a charity to help this cause,5,1,20180808-021732_428_live 12,"That's very, very nice of you! As we need to maximize help I would recommend you donate a maximum amount.",6,0,20180808-021732_428_live 13,I think we should donate at least 17 dollars but less than 19 dollars,6,1,20180808-021732_428_live 14,"So you think that you want donate around 18? That sounds like a generous donation, of course you could do more.",7,0,20180808-021732_428_live 15,I could maybe do less as well? How about 15?,7,1,20180808-021732_428_live 16,"Well, less is okay, but to help the maximum amount of kids then a maximum amount would be good. I would say 20 dollars. If you can stomach more then go for it!",8,0,20180808-021732_428_live 17,That sounds good. I agree to 20,8,1,20180808-021732_428_live 18,That sounds good. This will help many kids! A few bucks goes a long way in these places.,9,0,20180808-021732_428_live 19,hopefully many more people help out so that they can get food and medicine,9,1,20180808-021732_428_live 0,Hello! Do you donate to charaties?,0,0,20180808-045404_162_live 1,"yes and ive done this hit 12 times, lets be super quick!",0,1,20180808-045404_162_live 2,HAve you heard of Save the Children?,1,0,20180808-045404_162_live 3,i sure have,1,1,20180808-045404_162_live 4,The children really are our future and it is important to give them all a chance to succeed,2,0,20180808-045404_162_live 5,ok lets donate our money,2,1,20180808-045404_162_live 6,How much would you like to donate?,3,0,20180808-045404_162_live 7,im going to give 2 dollars,3,1,20180808-045404_162_live 8,"Wow,that is very generous",4,0,20180808-045404_162_live 9,yes im like jesus,4,1,20180808-045404_162_live 10,the research team will collect all donations and send it to save the children,5,0,20180808-045404_162_live 11,that is very helpful of them,5,1,20180808-045404_162_live 12,Think of all the children they can help,6,0,20180808-045404_162_live 13,i think of kids constantly,6,1,20180808-045404_162_live 14,One of them could be the one who cures cancer!,7,0,20180808-045404_162_live 15,or even invents a new type of spoon,7,1,20180808-045404_162_live 16,interesting. Do you ever do volunteer work?,8,0,20180808-045404_162_live 17,"yes, i work with large chested female volleyball players for free",8,1,20180808-045404_162_live 18,"interesting, well hopefully your 2 dollars helps save some children",9,0,20180808-045404_162_live 19,i hope so,9,1,20180808-045404_162_live 0,MANY CHILD ARE DYING ,0,0,BAD_20180808-041018_801_live 1,"True, for reasons that we can easily correct",0,1,BAD_20180808-041018_801_live 2,"YES ITS TRUE, SOME CHILD ARE DO NOT HAVE THE FOOD AND SAFETY TO THE CHILD ",1,0,BAD_20180808-041018_801_live 3,"clean, fresh water is a huge issue in many underdeveloped countries",1,1,BAD_20180808-041018_801_live 4,"YES, YOU CAN DONATE THE CHILD",2,0,BAD_20180808-041018_801_live 5, URL is a great charity for getting clean water to kids all over the world,2,1,BAD_20180808-041018_801_live 6,"OK, THANK YOU FOR CLEAN WATER TO THE KIDS",3,0,BAD_20180808-041018_801_live 7, URL is another great charity ,3,1,BAD_20180808-041018_801_live 8,"OK , HOW WE CAN CONNECT TO THE CHARITY?",4,0,BAD_20180808-041018_801_live 9,you can read about the charities on their websites which I provided... and donations can be made directly through their sites as well,4,1,BAD_20180808-041018_801_live 10,OK THANK YOU SO MUCH ,5,0,BAD_20180808-041018_801_live 11,are these charities that you might be interested in donating to?,5,1,BAD_20180808-041018_801_live 12,"YES, I DONATE THE CHILD",6,0,BAD_20180808-041018_801_live 13,"we can also advocate for, fundraise, teach about the organizations and help in many other ways",6,1,BAD_20180808-041018_801_live 14,"OK, ITS HELP TO THE MANY CHILD",7,0,BAD_20180808-041018_801_live 15,"agreed... personally, i can only donate money to them as my family life doesn't give me the time necessary to help in other ways. So I'm ready to make a donation. How about you?",7,1,BAD_20180808-041018_801_live 16,"YES, I ALSO AGREE WITH THAT, AND I ALSO DONATION THE CHILD ITS VERY HELPFUL TO THE CHILDREN.",8,0,BAD_20180808-041018_801_live 17,how do we know the majority of the money is going directly to helping kids get clean water?,8,1,BAD_20180808-041018_801_live 18,"85% OF MAJORITY, GOING CLEAN WATER TO THE CHILD",9,0,BAD_20180808-041018_801_live 19,the annual report says 78% of the money received is going to programs getting water to the kids. that's a good amount so i'll donate.,9,1,BAD_20180808-041018_801_live 0,Just found out there are tons of sick kids right now over seas that need help,0,0,20180808-032354_369_live 1,wow that sounds like a problem,0,1,20180808-032354_369_live 2,It is a huge problem to them but you and I do not have that problem huh?,1,0,20180808-032354_369_live 3,actually i have a kid that is sick and overseas right now,1,1,20180808-032354_369_live 4,What are you doing to help?,2,0,20180808-032354_369_live 5,donating money to them,2,1,20180808-032354_369_live 6,You know there is an organization I donate money also too. ,3,0,20180808-032354_369_live 7,tell me more?,3,1,20180808-032354_369_live 8,"It is called 'Save the Children'. It is an international organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",4,0,20180808-032354_369_live 9,do they help kids in africa,4,1,20180808-032354_369_live 10,all developing countries in the world ,5,0,20180808-032354_369_live 11,"i notice they didnt send money to my child though, he is sick and overseas?",5,1,20180808-032354_369_live 12,I am sure it will get to your child. ,6,0,20180808-032354_369_live 13,well maybe you could donate to my child. since you are so into helping out kids,6,1,20180808-032354_369_live 14,"It would be best to donate to a specialized organization to allocate the funds in a proper, efficient way so all children can get the maximum benefit from the money. ",7,0,20180808-032354_369_live 15,how do we do that,7,1,20180808-032354_369_live 16,The research team here will collect all donations and send it to the Save the Children. This lump sum will be used to buy mass quantities of supplies at inexpensive prices. ,8,0,20180808-032354_369_live 17,how much will you donate,8,1,20180808-032354_369_live 18,All of it,9,0,20180808-032354_369_live 19,how much should i give?,9,1,20180808-032354_369_live 20,"I would give all you have. It woul dbe easy for you to get it back but for the children, this would be huge",10,0,20180808-032354_369_live 0,Save the Children is a great organization that looks out for the well being of children in need. Currently they are looking for individuals to help their cause.,0,0,20180808-050533_601_live 1,where is this organization based? Do they help children from a particular country or is it all around the world? ,0,1,20180808-050533_601_live 2,They help children mostly in developing countries around the world. Think about all the stories you hear in the news and on social media about children that need help or have been taken advantage of.,1,0,20180808-050533_601_live 3,Yeah stories like that are very heart breaking. What types of programs do they offer? Like do they just supply food?,1,1,20180808-050533_601_live 4,"They often protect children from being victims of hunger, violence, and child labor. They also advocate for schooling and provide opportunities for families to get ahead. It is a great social cause that is worth donating to!",2,0,20180808-050533_601_live 5,That sound great but you know my biggest concern with making donations to charities is always the question of just how much of the money I give actually reaches to the intended people.,2,1,20180808-050533_601_live 6,"Save the Children is a very well known, credible organization with transparency. Visiting the organization's website allows you to understand how even a small donation can have an impact.",3,0,20180808-050533_601_live 7,Oh I see so they have a website that I could learn more about them. ,3,1,20180808-050533_601_live 8,Think about how much money you spend on non essentials in your life. Now think about sacrificing just one of those to help out a child.,4,0,20180808-050533_601_live 9,Yeah I think its good to help any little bit you can. How much is the typical donation amount usually?,4,1,20180808-050533_601_live 10,"It all depends on what you are comfortable with. Every bit helps. But one thing is for certain, you will feel good about your donation!",5,0,20180808-050533_601_live 11,"So after making a donation, I won't exactly see how the money I give will be used right? I mean this is not like sponsoring a child or family situation right?",5,1,20180808-050533_601_live 12,"You will not see how it directly impacts one child, but instead think about focusing on how your donation would impact multiple children and families!",6,0,20180808-050533_601_live 13,Yes that is true. Have you made a donation to this organization before?,6,1,20180808-050533_601_live 14,"I try to donate a couple of times per year, especially around the holidays. I have felt great in the past about this and will continue in the future. You will instantly feel better about your decision once you do.",7,0,20180808-050533_601_live 15,This will be my first time donating to this organization so sorry if I have a lot of questions about it. ,7,1,20180808-050533_601_live 16,No problem. Many people have questions but inquiring is the only way to know that you are doing the right thing.,8,0,20180808-050533_601_live 17,"When making the donation, what are the steps? Once I decide to make the donation what should I do next?",8,1,20180808-050533_601_live 18,If you would like to make a donation you can now? How much would you like to donate from you payment..anything from $0 to all of it?,9,0,20180808-050533_601_live 19,I would like to donate $0. ,9,1,20180808-050533_601_live 20,Are you sure you do not want to make a small donation? Once again it is for the children!,10,0,20180808-050533_601_live 0,Have you heard of the Save the Children non profit organization?,0,0,20180808-075816_12_live 1,"Hello, yes I have but I am not sure what the charity works towards",0,1,20180808-075816_12_live 2,"It is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",1,0,20180808-075816_12_live 3,Ah ok very nice. It sounds like a good charity. Are you thinking of donating to it?,1,1,20180808-075816_12_live 4,"I am thinking about it. I was hoping you would think about it too. It just sucks that millions of Syrian children have grown up facing the daily threat of violence. In the first two months of 2018 alone, 1,000 children were reportedly killed or injured in intensifying violence. This makes me angry and was wondering if it did the same for you?",2,0,20180808-075816_12_live 5,"Yes, I definitely understand you. It is very difficult to see on the news what is happening in Syria and the violence and terrorism that is going on in the country",2,1,20180808-075816_12_live 6,I know it is crazy. Sometimes I think about the little things I buy. Like yesterday I had a craving for candy so I bought a bag of smarties for $2.79. Sometimes I wonder how much it could help someone else instead of just satisfying my cravings.,3,0,20180808-075816_12_live 7,Yes that is very true. I usually donate $1.00 or $2.00 at restaurants or stores whenever they ask me if I would like to donate. I think it is the least I could do.,3,1,20180808-075816_12_live 8,That is nice. I try to do the same if I have the extra money. Usually it is not something I am a strong believer in though. I really like helping others that in third world countries that have no idea what wealth is.,4,0,20180808-075816_12_live 9,Yes I understand. I have been to third world countries in South America and seeing the living conditions of some people is very tough. The poverty there is a lot higher than what we are used to seeing and it can be shocking.,4,1,20180808-075816_12_live 10,I have only been to Mexico and that was an eye opener. One dollar is so valuable to them. It is crazy!,5,0,20180808-075816_12_live 11,"Yes I know. Any amount of money can help. I think that we take many things for granted such as running water, and always having food on the table.",5,1,20180808-075816_12_live 12,Right! I think I am going to give a small portion of my hit payment to save the children. Would you be willing to donate some of your hit money?,6,0,20180808-075816_12_live 13,"Yes, I would be willing to donate a small portion as well. I think it would really help them out",6,1,20180808-075816_12_live 14,That is great! Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment.,7,0,20180808-075816_12_live 15,"Ok, that's great. I happy to help them. Every month I always try to donate a little to charity",7,1,20180808-075816_12_live 16,How much would you like to donate? The research team will collect all donations and send it to Save the Children.,8,0,20180808-075816_12_live 17,I would like to donate $.50,8,1,20180808-075816_12_live 18,That is amazing! Thank you so much. I wonder how much 50 cents converts to for them. It is probably at least like 5 dollars. Thanks again!,9,0,20180808-075816_12_live 19,Yes anything I can do to help. I hope that it makes a difference!,9,1,20180808-075816_12_live 20,have a good one!,10,0,20180808-075816_12_live 0,"Hello, how are you today?",0,0,20180808-035431_488_live 1,I'm good. What Children's charity would you like to donate money to?,0,1,20180808-035431_488_live 2,"I like to donate, but i have a soft heart for children too. I recently read about ""Save the Children"" and red more about it.",1,0,20180808-035431_488_live 3,Save the Children sounds like a good charity to me as well.,1,1,20180808-035431_488_live 4,Yes I like how they are clear about their financial reports and They are a big organization ,2,0,20180808-035431_488_live 5,Clear financial reports are a very good thing. They work with children all around the world. Correct?,2,1,20180808-035431_488_live 6,"Yes they work in 120 different countries, on different issues.",3,0,20180808-035431_488_live 7,"Wow, that's amazing. Definitely a charity that I could stand behind and support.",3,1,20180808-035431_488_live 8,"Same here, they have many option to help, We can donate or We can participate in their events",4,0,20180808-035431_488_live 9,I don't know much about their events. But I have money that I can donate.,4,1,20180808-035431_488_live 10,"I usually like to help financially too, since I do not have many off days to join event. Some of their members even travel to different countries to help in person. I believe that is a big thing to do",5,0,20180808-035431_488_live 11,I wouldn't have the time off to do that. But that's pretty cool what they do.,5,1,20180808-035431_488_live 12,"Yes, they are also connected to big companies like IKEA and Walt Disney. I would like to see part of my purchase will be donated",6,0,20180808-035431_488_live 13,Donating part of a purchase is such an easy way for a large amount of people to donate money.,6,1,20180808-035431_488_live 14,"Exactly, I also like how there are HITs which encourage you to donate. It makes me happy to donate part or all of my bonus",7,0,20180808-035431_488_live 15,If it's a charity I believe in that's a great way. I donate to many local charities in my city.,7,1,20180808-035431_488_live 16,"that is so nice of you. like ""Save the Children"" has many options to donate. You can directly donate through website, It has a minimum amount, but you can also donate part of the HIT reward at the end of the conversation, It can be 0 or 1 cent or any other amount",8,0,20180808-035431_488_live 17,I think I'll probably donate at the end of this conversation. Will you be doing so as well?,8,1,20180808-035431_488_live 18,I sure will. I did it in the past. and surprisingly my reward did not even change,9,0,20180808-035431_488_live 19,I've had similar things happen. I'm glad we good agree on a charity to donate to.,9,1,20180808-035431_488_live 0,HI GOOD MORNING ,0,0,20180808-073516_16_live 1,Hello and good morning to you too,0,1,20180808-073516_16_live 2,SO MANY CHILDREN ARE DYING.,1,0,20180808-073516_16_live 3,"Yes, I agree. I honestly think we should donate to the children's charity. Even if it's a slim chance it's important to help them.",1,1,20180808-073516_16_live 4,"YES, I DONATE 20 DOLLAR TO THE CHILDREN ITS VERY HELP TO THEM.",2,0,20180808-073516_16_live 5,That's very kind of you and think that is a very fail amount,2,1,20180808-073516_16_live 6,"WHY, HOW MUCH DID YOU DONATE TO THEM.",3,0,20180808-073516_16_live 7,I donated half of what you did. Sadly I can't donate to much but I try to donate when I can.,3,1,20180808-073516_16_live 8,"SO , THAT NOT A PROBLEM YOU GIVE A 1 CENT ALSO ITS VERY USEFUL TO THEM.",4,0,20180808-073516_16_live 9,That's kind of you to say. I'm glad you're so optimistic ;) ,4,1,20180808-073516_16_live 10,YOU KNOW THE CHARITY NAME?,5,0,20180808-073516_16_live 11,I only know it's a children's charity. Though I donate a it to make a wish.,5,1,20180808-073516_16_live 12,"OK ANT CHARITY, OUR HELP GO TO THE CHILD, ITS VERY HAPPY TO THAT.",6,0,20180808-073516_16_live 13,"Yes, I'm happy to know that I can help them and hope others will as well in the future.",6,1,20180808-073516_16_live 14,"YES, BUT SAVE THE CHILDREN CHARITY IS VERY GOOD CHARITY TO , COMPARE TO THE CHARITY",7,0,20180808-073516_16_live 15,Yes that is a good charity. I wouldn't mind donating to save the children :),7,1,20180808-073516_16_live 16,"OH, OKAY KEEP DONATING TO THE CHILDREN. ",8,0,20180808-073516_16_live 17,"I will, I hope you will as well :)",8,1,20180808-073516_16_live 18,"YES, WE SAVE THE LITTLE CHILDREN. I PROUD OF YOU.",9,0,20180808-073516_16_live 19,And I of you know that what you re doing is very commendable. The children are our future we must do what we can to protect them,9,1,20180808-073516_16_live 0,"Hello, how are you today?",0,0,20180808-030454_242_live 1,"hi,it was another day",0,1,20180808-030454_242_live 2,"I see, same here for me. Have you every tried donation through HITs?",1,0,20180808-030454_242_live 3,ya recently i too tried children's charity regarding their studies.it makes me good,1,1,20180808-030454_242_live 4,"I usually donate a good part of my bonus in different studies, but I specially have a soft heart for children. Have you ever heard about ""Save the Children"" before?",2,0,20180808-030454_242_live 5,"children must be educated i didn\'t heard about ""save the children"" what is the procedure of giving donation?",2,1,20180808-030454_242_live 6,"They work on different issues in almost 120 countries. They work on education, hunger, health and emergency issues.",3,0,20180808-030454_242_live 7,really it is pleased to hear this who s taking care of this charity?how they managing in 120 countries?,3,1,20180808-030454_242_live 8,"they either have parties, or they travel to those countries. There are big groups working with them, like IKEA and Walt Disney Studios. you can read more on this link: URL s/about-us/leadership-and-trustees ",4,0,20180808-030454_242_live 9,sure i will check this link.is there any procedure to join as a member in that group?even a normal people from middle class can join in that group?,4,1,20180808-030454_242_live 10,I believe everyone can join to help. I've talked to someone who worked there and she already traveled to Africa. I would be so pleased to try it but I do not have enough off days to join.,5,0,20180808-030454_242_live 11,people who have king heart must join as a member or sponsor a child i too refer some friends in m y circle,5,1,20180808-030454_242_live 12,"I know right, It is a big thing to do. some people donate whole their life and time. I like how they managed to donate through HITs too, since website has minimum amount option, but through HIT you can even help 1 cent and more",6,0,20180808-030454_242_live 13,i asked in the previous chat what is the procedure to donate?,6,1,20180808-030454_242_live 14,On the website there is a link to donate: https://support. URL ite/Donation2?df_id=1620&1620.donation=form1,7,0,20180808-030454_242_live 15,okay i have a check is it any discloser of our identity in donating low or high amount,7,1,20180808-030454_242_live 16,"No, itt will be anonymously. You can also donate at the end of this HIT, It can be any amount even 0, You'll be asked.",8,0,20180808-030454_242_live 17,whetehr i acn trust this charity?from the begining you ae talking about this chaarity only not others are you a member of this charity?there is no other children charity ?,8,1,20180808-030454_242_live 18,"I donated before, since they have very clear financial reports on their website and they are connected to other big organizations I trust them. I am not a member, but i donate. I mean I am not aware of other charities i can trust. There are a few for sure.",9,0,20180808-030454_242_live 19,ohh thats nice of you surely i too have an opinion in this charity and i will donate as much i can possible and share with my friends,9,1,20180808-030454_242_live 20,"Thank you for your time and effort. It was such a pleasure to chat with you. Have a good night, take care :)",10,0,20180808-030454_242_live 0,Hello! ,0,0,20180808-075748_956_live 1,HI there! Are you having a good day?,0,1,20180808-075748_956_live 2,Doing well! I hope your day is the same! So I gave been assigned the role here to get you to make a donation to the Save The Children Foundation. ,1,0,20180808-075748_956_live 3,"OK, i have donated to them before!!",1,1,20180808-075748_956_live 4,Oh really! That's great. I am checking out their website and they look like a great organization. Much of the funds donated go to help children dealing in the war torn violence of Syria. ,2,0,20180808-075748_956_live 5,That sounds fantastic! How do I make the donation?,2,1,20180808-075748_956_live 6,How much do you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment.,3,0,20180808-075748_956_live 7,I would like to donate 20 cents,3,1,20180808-075748_956_live 8,Great! That's awesome. I am going to donate as well. We get $2.00 for this HIT so let's donate $1 each and make serious impact for children! ,4,0,20180808-075748_956_live 9,"I actually really need the money that I am making from this hit, so I would only like to donate 20 cents",4,1,20180808-075748_956_live 10,How about $.50? With mine and yours together we'll donate a $1! ,5,0,20180808-075748_956_live 11,"THat sounds good, deal",5,1,20180808-075748_956_live 12,Great! Thanks for helping me help children. This has been a great HIT! ,6,0,20180808-075748_956_live 13,THis has been a great hit.,6,1,20180808-075748_956_live 14,"The research team will get collecting the money. So, I guess they'll view the chat. ",7,0,20180808-075748_956_live 15,"ok, i also read we have to communicate atleast 10 times for the chat to end",7,1,20180808-075748_956_live 16,Oh nice! ,8,0,20180808-075748_956_live 17,I think we have a few turns to go,8,1,20180808-075748_956_live 18,I think this is my last. (Or at least I hope) Thanks again for donating. Have a great day! ,9,0,20180808-075748_956_live 19,Have a great day!,9,1,20180808-075748_956_live 0,im so sad,0,0,BAD_20180808-034739_90_live 1,YES,0,1,BAD_20180808-034739_90_live 2,many kids dying,1,0,BAD_20180808-034739_90_live 3,WHAT HAPPENS TO THE KIDS,1,1,BAD_20180808-034739_90_live 4,"so many things, do you know they are sad too?",2,0,BAD_20180808-034739_90_live 5,YOU NEED SOME HELP WITH ME,2,1,BAD_20180808-034739_90_live 6,"yes i need many help from you, money?",3,0,BAD_20180808-034739_90_live 7,YOU HAVE SOME ORGANISATION OR SOME TRUST.,3,1,BAD_20180808-034739_90_live 8,"you know it buddy, you know it",4,0,BAD_20180808-034739_90_live 9,SORRY I DO NOT KNOW THAT.,4,1,BAD_20180808-034739_90_live 10,do you know save teh children,5,0,BAD_20180808-034739_90_live 11,"YES, I KNOW THAT",5,1,BAD_20180808-034739_90_live 12,will you give them one dollar,6,0,BAD_20180808-034739_90_live 13,"YES, I GAVE 20 DOLLAR TO THE CHILD. ",6,1,BAD_20180808-034739_90_live 14,how much will you give tonight?,7,0,BAD_20180808-034739_90_live 15,20 DOLLAR FOR THEM,7,1,BAD_20180808-034739_90_live 16,how much from your payment,8,0,BAD_20180808-034739_90_live 17,20 DOLLAR FOR THE SAVE THE CHILD.,8,1,BAD_20180808-034739_90_live 18,ok i will give too,9,0,BAD_20180808-034739_90_live 19,"OK , KEEP SAVE THE CHILH",9,1,BAD_20180808-034739_90_live 0,Hello how are you today?,0,0,20180808-011921_673_live 1,"Hi, I'm great, how are you?",0,1,20180808-011921_673_live 2,"I am fine, thank you, Have you ever heard about the organization ""Save the Children""?",1,0,20180808-011921_673_live 3,"Yes, I have. I am not extremely familiar with them, but I have seen several ads for them.",1,1,20180808-011921_673_live 4,It is a big organization saving the children in almost 120 countries. are you interested in donating?,2,0,20180808-011921_673_live 5,"Yes, I would be happy to donate to that charity. Do you have an amount in mind?",2,1,20180808-011921_673_live 6,"Not any specific amount, anything can be good, no matter small or big. I usually donate to big organizations myself, and I have a soft heart for children",3,0,20180808-011921_673_live 7,"I do, too. I tend to find it easy to be sympathetic towards several different types of charities. From what I have seen about Save the Children I've always been impressed with the work they do.",3,1,20180808-011921_673_live 8,"Same here, Specially when i see how they are clear with their financial and how they try to help all children all around the world",4,0,20180808-011921_673_live 9,I agree. I feel much better donating to places where I feel confident that the money is going to where they say it will. I think Save the Children is the biggest charity of it's kind.,4,1,20180808-011921_673_live 10,"Same here, It is also nice when I can donate anonymously. It makes my heart happy how people know about these organization and they actually donate",5,0,20180808-011921_673_live 11,I'm like you. I always try to donate anonymously. I don't feel the need to be recognized for any good I can do.,5,1,20180808-011921_673_live 12,"Same here, and I like how some HITs encourage us to donate. I've been donating more since I've started working on MTurk.",6,0,20180808-011921_673_live 13,That's funny that you mention that. I always wonder how many people donate any bonuses that are offered to them. I always donate most if not all of any money I am offered. I figure that I wasn't expecting it to begin with so better to do some good however much.,6,1,20180808-011921_673_live 14,"I donate most of my bonus when I can, I feel like it is free money and others deserve it more. The good thing about it is when you want to donate on websites they usually have a minimum, but with HITs there is no minimum amount",7,0,20180808-011921_673_live 15,"Yes, some of these Universities really impress me with how much they are willing to donate. I know some of them get really large amounts for studies and I appreciate when they use the money to do some good while gaining research.",7,1,20180808-011921_673_live 16,Exactly and they pay to workers good enough so they will be willing to donate. It is worth a lot. Specially when it is really trustworthy organization ,8,0,20180808-011921_673_live 17,"Yes, and then most are willing to provide proof that they actually donated money, so that is good.",8,1,20180808-011921_673_live 18,"Yes, Thank you for time and attention, and thanks for helping. Have a nice day!",9,0,20180808-011921_673_live 19,"Thank you so much, same to you!",9,1,20180808-011921_673_live 0,Hello therehow are you?,0,0,20180808-065307_529_live 1,I am good. How are you?,0,1,20180808-065307_529_live 2,"I'm pretty good, just trying to get ready for work soon.",1,0,20180808-065307_529_live 3,I understand that. So tell me about this charity.,1,1,20180808-065307_529_live 4,"Have you heard of Save the Children? They do work around health, education, etc.",2,0,20180808-065307_529_live 5,I'm not sure that I have.,2,1,20180808-065307_529_live 6,They work mostly in developing countries. I would appreciate it if some of the funds could be donated. The researchers will pass that donation on to the charity at the end.,3,0,20180808-065307_529_live 7,What kind of work do they do?,3,1,20180808-065307_529_live 8,"They do emergency hunger relief, are engaged with Syrian children.",4,0,20180808-065307_529_live 9,"Ok, that sounds good. How do I know it is a legitimate charity?",4,1,20180808-065307_529_live 10,you can check their website URL They are highly rated by Charity Watch.,5,0,20180808-065307_529_live 11,That's good to know. How long have they been around?,5,1,20180808-065307_529_live 12,Almost 100 years!,6,0,20180808-065307_529_live 13,That's pretty impressive.,6,1,20180808-065307_529_live 14,Do you think you would be willing to donate a portion of your earnings?,7,0,20180808-065307_529_live 15,I just can't see doing that.,7,1,20180808-065307_529_live 16,Why do you think that? There are children dying in Syria who can benefit from the donation.,8,0,20180808-065307_529_live 17,"I understand that. But, I choose my own charities independently.",8,1,20180808-065307_529_live 18,"ok, I understand that. i hope you have a good day ",9,0,20180808-065307_529_live 19,"Ok, you too!",9,1,20180808-065307_529_live 0,I would like to encourage you do donate a part of your earnings for this HIT to a charity called Save the Children,0,0,20180808-064212_144_live 1,What does Save the Children do?,0,1,20180808-064212_144_live 2,"For one, they are committed to providing health and nutrition programs that save children's lives and ensure they grow up healthy.",1,0,20180808-064212_144_live 3,It is worldwide or one specific country?,1,1,20180808-064212_144_live 4,They serve children worldwide,2,0,20180808-064212_144_live 5,"I like the sound of their work, but I'm always suspicious about how much of a donation reaches the people in need.",2,1,20180808-064212_144_live 6,Save the Children has a proven track record of using donations efficiently and effectively. ,3,0,20180808-064212_144_live 7,Are you donating to them?,3,1,20180808-064212_144_live 8,I donate a portion of each of my paychecks to them automatically,4,0,20180808-064212_144_live 9,That is impressive. How long have you been doing that?,4,1,20180808-064212_144_live 10,For the past 3 or 4 years,5,0,20180808-064212_144_live 11,I am considering a donation.,5,1,20180808-064212_144_live 12,Even small donations go a long way,6,0,20180808-064212_144_live 13,I wish there was a long-term solution to these problems.,6,1,20180808-064212_144_live 14,"We all do, but for now, there are children in need and this organization does amazing work",7,0,20180808-064212_144_live 15,I am thinking of 50 cents. That's 25% of the HIT.,7,1,20180808-064212_144_live 16,I would say that is generous,8,0,20180808-064212_144_live 17,I could also do more research afterwards. Thank you for your guidance.,8,1,20180808-064212_144_live 18,"You're welcome, I am glad to hear that you are donating .50.",9,0,20180808-064212_144_live 19,I hope you continue your donations. Charities need regular support.,9,1,20180808-064212_144_live 0,Have you ever heard of the 'Save The Children' charity?,0,0,20180808-032041_562_live 1,I have! I think it's a great chairty.,0,1,20180808-032041_562_live 2,I think the work they do is great. Helping kids in impoverished nation is a really noble thing to do. ,1,0,20180808-032041_562_live 3,"I agree, how frequently do you donate?",1,1,20180808-032041_562_live 4,"I generally do my charitable donations around Christmas, when I had an influx of extra cash. You?",2,0,20180808-032041_562_live 5,"Similiar, I only donate when I have the money to spare.",2,1,20180808-032041_562_live 6,You can help now! You can donate any amount from your task payment to Save the Children now if you'd like. ,3,0,20180808-032041_562_live 7,"I'm not sure if I want to, but I can give a little.",3,1,20180808-032041_562_live 8,How much would you like to give? The research team will collect all donations and send them to Save the Children.,4,0,20180808-032041_562_live 9,I'll give 5 cents.,4,1,20180808-032041_562_live 10,I'll do the same. ,5,0,20180808-032041_562_live 11,"Great, I'm glad we're helping a little.",5,1,20180808-032041_562_live 12,"I imagine a lot of people end up doing these hits. It probably adds up, assuming everyone pitches in a little. ",6,0,20180808-032041_562_live 13,"Agreed, which is probably what they want.",6,1,20180808-032041_562_live 14,"I'd assume so. I've done hits kind of like this, where the end goal seemed to be to gauge peoples charitable giving with their task payments.",7,0,20180808-032041_562_live 15,"Ive done a lot of those as well, a lot I think are set up to generate certain types of responses.",7,1,20180808-032041_562_live 16,I'm a sucker for helping people when I can. ,8,0,20180808-032041_562_live 17,"At least you're doing some good, though.",8,1,20180808-032041_562_live 18,You too! Thanks for the 5 cents. It was nice talking to you. ,9,0,20180808-032041_562_live 19,Nice talking to you as well.,9,1,20180808-032041_562_live 0,Hello there,0,0,20180808-061420_905_live 1,HI GOOD MORNING,0,1,20180808-061420_905_live 2,What do you think about charities that help children out?,1,0,20180808-061420_905_live 3,I DONATE SO MANY CHARITIES FOR THE CHILDREN.,1,1,20180808-061420_905_live 4,"That's great to hear! Have you heard of the charity, Save The Children before? ",2,0,20180808-061420_905_live 5,"YES ,I KNOW THE CHARITY OF THE SAVE THE CHILDREN.",2,1,20180808-061420_905_live 6,"It's a great charity. It provides relief to children in bad situations. It provides education, health and safety. But currently it hasn't been receiving many donations. It's a little concerning",3,0,20180808-061420_905_live 7,"OH, I DONATE A MONEY FOR THEM.",3,1,20180808-061420_905_live 8,Unfortunately they are in need of their current donators to donate a little more often or else they will lose out on opportunities to achieve their goals in saving children in Syria. It would be great if you could donate today. It would help out displaced children facing troubles in Syria. ,4,0,20180808-061420_905_live 9,"OH, I AM SO SAD ABOUT THAT NEWS.",4,1,20180808-061420_905_live 10,You can choose any amount of your donation and will be directly deducted from this task payment. Even 1 cent goes a long way to help providing help for children in need. One cent can buy a pound of grain which could last for weeks for a small family.,5,0,20180808-061420_905_live 11,"OK, I GIVE 10 CENT TO THEM.",5,1,20180808-061420_905_live 12,"Thank you. This donation of 10 cents will be collected by the research team and sent directly to Save The Children. You will also be a part of a wall of honour, honouring those who donated their time. How does it make you feel to help out Save The Children?",6,0,20180808-061420_905_live 13,I AM VERY HAPPY TO DONATE TO THE CHILDREN.,6,1,20180808-061420_905_live 14,Do you want to know of anymore information concerning what we do? ,7,0,20180808-061420_905_live 15,"YES, TELL ME THE HOW MUCH MONEY YOU GIVE TO THE CHILDREN.",7,1,20180808-061420_905_live 16,"From your donation, 10 cents will be given to the children, which is incredible. This can buy several families food that can last for weeks. It will also be used to provide materials for school. ",8,0,20180808-061420_905_live 17,OK ITS VERY NICE OF DOING. I AM HAPPY FOR U.,8,1,20180808-061420_905_live 18,"Thanks well I hope you have a nice day, and once again, thank you for your donation.",9,0,20180808-061420_905_live 19,"OK, KEEP DONATING TO THE CHILDREN.",9,1,20180808-061420_905_live 0,Good Morning! I'm hoping you can help me out to today.,0,0,20180808-040435_931_live 1,"Sure, as long as you can help me out as well... you see, I have a child that is overseas, in a warzone. they are hungry and injured and also short",0,1,20180808-040435_931_live 2,"I'm so sorry, what a terrible thing. Well not being short, that's fine. ",1,0,20180808-040435_931_live 3,"yeah, i mean, i guess",1,1,20180808-040435_931_live 4,"I am also here to help children in underprivileged areas, by supporting the Save the Children Charity ",2,0,20180808-040435_931_live 5,what is save the children,2,1,20180808-040435_931_live 6,"Save the Children promotes rights and provides support for children in serious situations. They work to get food, medical help and education to poor children in under developed countries.",3,0,20180808-040435_931_live 7,do they help lots of kids,3,1,20180808-040435_931_live 8,Very much so. ,4,0,20180808-040435_931_live 9,do they help kids in africa too,4,1,20180808-040435_931_live 10,They absolutely do. ,5,0,20180808-040435_931_live 11,do they provide medical help too though?,5,1,20180808-040435_931_live 12,That's a very large part of their mission yes. ,6,0,20180808-040435_931_live 13,"I see, and it's called Save the Children",6,1,20180808-040435_931_live 14,It is. and they need you help.,7,0,20180808-040435_931_live 15,Do they help adults?,7,1,20180808-040435_931_live 16,"The primary focus is on the children, but of course by supporting children the parents also have some of the vburdens taken off of them. ",8,0,20180808-040435_931_live 17,"I see, and do they provide medical help as well?",8,1,20180808-040435_931_live 18,They do. And as I said we definitely need your help. Would you be able to provide some monetary support to this charity and help them Save the Children.,9,0,20180808-040435_931_live 19,"If you can promise me that none of the money will go to help ANY Muslim child, then I will donate two dollars from my payment",9,1,20180808-040435_931_live 20,Unfortunately Save the Children does not discriminate against any suffering child. ,10,0,20180808-040435_931_live 21,"then unfortunately, i cannot give any money",10,1,20180808-040435_931_live 0,hi,0,0,20180528-051652_449_live 1,"Hi, would you donate to a children's charity?",0,1,20180528-051652_449_live 2,you would like to donate to a children's charity?,1,0,20180528-051652_449_live 3,Yes I would love to donate to a children's charity. Children do not have the same ability and responsibility as adults to help themselves.,1,1,20180528-051652_449_live 4,it is a great one . you must appreciated ,2,0,20180528-051652_449_live 5,Thank you! will you donate in the future?,2,1,20180528-051652_449_live 6,it is my responsibility . Not only me my family also donate to children's charity.,3,0,20180528-051652_449_live 7,That is great! What reasons make you and your family enjoy donating to charity?,3,1,20180528-051652_449_live 8,"because i don't have father and mother . so i want to donate something for children . i thought that no one child have hard times. my family is very good family ,. so they are also like to donate .",4,0,20180528-051652_449_live 9,"Amazing.. It must have been rough on you not having a father and mother. For me, I enjoy donating to good causes in general. Children with cancer charities are my favorite to donate to. ",4,1,20180528-051652_449_live 10, what a great soul . how many years you donating to the charity?,5,0,20180528-051652_449_live 11,My first donation was in 2016 and since then I try to donate every couple of months. What about you? How long have you been donating?,5,1,20180528-051652_449_live 12,what a same thinking i also donate every couple of years . my first donation was in 2012. you married or not ?,6,0,20180528-051652_449_live 13,"I am married, no children sadly. My wife has problems getting pregnant and we have been trying for a year now. I think it is amazing to know that other people donate. We do think alike!",6,1,20180528-051652_449_live 14,so sorry about that . i pray to god soon you have a son or daughter and they are also donate something like you mark my words ..,7,0,20180528-051652_449_live 15,"Thank you for the kind words! A lot of people don't know that I want to become rich, but not for myself. I want to make a difference in the world.",7,1,20180528-051652_449_live 16,what difference you want ?,8,0,20180528-051652_449_live 17,"I want to be able to start my own charity organizations to help children, animals, cancer patients, and a lot more. I will pray for your heart to not change because you seem to be very kind hearted!",8,1,20180528-051652_449_live 18,"i am very kind . because i know the feelings of cancer children , children without parents . this hit is the best hit i had ever seen . because it gives a good hearted person like you . thank you very much.",9,0,20180528-051652_449_live 19,"God bless you, it seems we can end the chat not, I am almost out of time as well. Thank you so much!",9,1,20180528-051652_449_live 0,Hello sir would you like to make a donation to save the children,0,0,20180830-213219_625_live 1,Can you tell me more about what donation would do?,0,1,20180830-213219_625_live 2,it would help the children and parents in africa syria and other low development places.,1,0,20180830-213219_625_live 3,Do you know how specifically it will help?,1,1,20180830-213219_625_live 4,yes sir it will provide children with food and shelter as well as parents. ,2,0,20180830-213219_625_live 5,Thanks for the details but do you know how much if each dollar the irgaorganiza spends on these tjiy vs. overhead?,2,1,20180830-213219_625_live 6,no sir you can head to URL to learn more buy you can buy children some food plenty kids dont get enough food if any any amount will help save a life.,3,0,20180830-213219_625_live 7,Yeah maybe I will look into the website that is a good idea! Sorry about the poor typing by the way ,3,1,20180830-213219_625_live 8,its okay would you be willing to donate sir.,4,0,20180830-213219_625_live 9,I think I can donate some . Why not ,4,1,20180830-213219_625_live 10,2$ would be fantastic and would make a kids day.,5,0,20180830-213219_625_live 11,Pretty sure the instructions say we can donate up to $2 from our bonus money ,5,1,20180830-213219_625_live 12,The research team will collect all donations and send it to save the children.,6,0,20180830-213219_625_live 13,Do you only get your bonus if I donate ?,6,1,20180830-213219_625_live 14,no sir there is no bonus,7,0,20180830-213219_625_live 15,My instructions say o have a bonus amount of $2 which I can keep or donate any amount of ,7,1,20180830-213219_625_live 16,are you doing hits aswell?,8,0,20180830-213219_625_live 17,Actually maybe these instructions were confusing I guess the base pay is included in the $2 total they gave ,8,1,20180830-213219_625_live 18,im not sure but if you would like to save a childs life you can donate 2$ and provide food for people in need,9,0,20180830-213219_625_live 19, Are you donating all your pay for this hit?,9,1,20180830-213219_625_live 20,yessir i have,10,0,20180830-213219_625_live 21,Have a.good nught,10,1,20180830-213219_625_live 22,willing to donate,11,0,20180830-213219_625_live 0,hi,0,0,20180830-232642_468_live 1,hello,0,1,20180830-232642_468_live 2,Have you heard of Save the Children?,1,0,20180830-232642_468_live 3,no I have not,1,1,20180830-232642_468_live 4,Well it's a global no-profit charity.,2,0,20180830-232642_468_live 5,I see. Well the name makes sense and sounds like a good cause.,2,1,20180830-232642_468_live 6,Would you be interested in donating to their cause?,3,0,20180830-232642_468_live 7,I donate to children charity right here in the United States already,3,1,20180830-232642_468_live 8,Well this one has US-specific programs you can donate to.,4,0,20180830-232642_468_live 9,How much of what I donate goes to the children?,4,1,20180830-232642_468_live 10,"About 86.5%, the rest goes to staff and other infastructure.",5,0,20180830-232642_468_live 11,"That's not a bad percentage considering, but isn't non-profit supposed to be volunteers?",5,1,20180830-232642_468_live 12,"No, non-profits can have paid employees, and many charities when they reach a certain size need them to organize things. Just that in non-profits, the compensation must be reasonable, and you can have passive investors that get paid who don't engage in any employment activities at the company.",6,0,20180830-232642_468_live 13,"That's interesting to learn. What is the funding for the children used for primarily? Housing, food, or schooling?",6,1,20180830-232642_468_live 14,"Yes, housing, food and schooling are definite priorities. Save the Children also provides assistance to children that go through natural disasters or conflicts, along with protection from abuse, and access to healthcare.",7,0,20180830-232642_468_live 15,I like that! People don't usually think about protection from abuse and natural disaster relief. ,7,1,20180830-232642_468_live 16,"Yeah, they don't, and the US has had some natural disasters in the past few years. Houston, TX being one last year. ",8,0,20180830-232642_468_live 17,That's true and it seems like we're only going to continue seeing more need for a children's charity such as this world wide.,8,1,20180830-232642_468_live 18,"Hopefully that doesn't happen. However, would you be willing to donate, even if it's just a small amount?",9,0,20180830-232642_468_live 19,I'll donate $2 for the children and feel like it's in safe hands of people willing and able to help them.,9,1,20180830-232642_468_live 20,"Great, thanks for the contribution!",10,0,20180830-232642_468_live 21,You're welcome. Have a nice day. :),10,1,20180830-232642_468_live 0,"Hello, how are you today? ",0,0,20180830-173642_791_live 1,"Hi, Im doing pretty good!",0,1,20180830-173642_791_live 2,Have you ever thought of donating?,1,0,20180830-173642_791_live 3,Yeah plenty of times,1,1,20180830-173642_791_live 4,Have you ever heard of the Save the Children charity?,2,0,20180830-173642_791_live 5,Yeah its a fantastic organization that works with children,2,1,20180830-173642_791_live 6,Would you be willing to donate some of you earning from today's task to them?,3,0,20180830-173642_791_live 7,"Yeah, i would b willing to donate $1 dollar to Save the Children charity.",3,1,20180830-173642_791_live 8,"Wow, that is awesome. Thank you so much. At the end of the task it will ask you how much you would like to donate?",4,0,20180830-173642_791_live 9,Ok! I will donate a dollar to the organization at the end of the task,4,1,20180830-173642_791_live 10,Thank you very much. They are an amazing charity helping children all over the world including the ones right here in America,5,0,20180830-173642_791_live 11,Yeah I agree. It's definitely for a good cause ,5,1,20180830-173642_791_live 12,They are all ready setting up to help the children in Hawaii if the hurricane does hit them.,6,0,20180830-173642_791_live 13,Wow thats incredible! They are always prepared to help even before an event such as a hurricane happens.,6,1,20180830-173642_791_live 14,Did you know they have been around 100 years?,7,0,20180830-173642_791_live 15,"No, did you know who founded the organization?",7,1,20180830-173642_791_live 16,"No, I am not sure. I do love that they are there for Advocacy, Education, Emergency, and Protection.",8,0,20180830-173642_791_live 17,Yeah they focus on a variety of different areas to help out children,8,1,20180830-173642_791_live 18,They are on the ground in 120 countries it is so amazing,9,0,20180830-173642_791_live 19,Props to them for being in over 120 different countries. That is one heck of an achievement. ,9,1,20180830-173642_791_live 0,Hi how are you,0,0,20180830-232824_365_live 1,"I'm fine, how are you?",0,1,20180830-232824_365_live 2,good thanks... Do you like children?,1,0,20180830-232824_365_live 3,"Yes, I like so much children's. Do you know about children charity?",1,1,20180830-232824_365_live 4,"Yes, are you worried about childrens health?",2,0,20180830-232824_365_live 5,"Yes of course, Children can not bear any little pain.",2,1,20180830-232824_365_live 6,Are you worried if chldren have enough to eat?,3,0,20180830-232824_365_live 7,"Yes, the children's are hungry for them whenever they want",3,1,20180830-232824_365_live 8,do you worry about childrens housing?,4,0,20180830-232824_365_live 9,It is very painful for young children to sleep on the road,4,1,20180830-232824_365_live 10,do you worry a child might not have a family?,5,0,20180830-232824_365_live 11,I can not bear the word of orphanage,5,1,20180830-232824_365_live 12,Do you want to help children with a donation?,6,0,20180830-232824_365_live 13,"Of course, I like to donate children's.",6,1,20180830-232824_365_live 14,"These children just need a little everyday. One dollar a day can make a big difference, can you do that? ",7,0,20180830-232824_365_live 15,"Definitely, I do that.",7,1,20180830-232824_365_live 16,do you know save the children organization?,8,0,20180830-232824_365_live 17,"The Save the Children Fund, commonly known as Save the Children, that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",8,1,20180830-232824_365_live 18,"right that one... find them on the internet and help the kids out..that would be great, Can you do that/?",9,0,20180830-232824_365_live 19,"Yes of course, anything else?",9,1,20180830-232824_365_live 20,that will do it thanks in advance...cheers ,10,0,20180830-232824_365_live 0,Hello,0,0,20180830-154630_337_live 1,Hi,0,1,20180830-154630_337_live 2,So I am supposed to persuade you to donate all thirty of your cents to a charity called Save the Children,1,0,20180830-154630_337_live 3,"Oh, I believe I've heard of them. What kind of work do they do?",1,1,20180830-154630_337_live 4,"They promote childrens rights, provide relief and helps support children in developing countries",2,0,20180830-154630_337_live 5,Do you know if they keep track of the effectiveness of their interventions?,2,1,20180830-154630_337_live 6,I believe they do. They also help fund education for children,3,0,20180830-154630_337_live 7,"That sounds admirable. I usually donate to global health charities (like the Against Malaria Foundation) because it's highly cost effective. Policy intervention is also important, but it's harder to know if it's worthwhile/will be successful...",3,1,20180830-154630_337_live 8,Totally understandable. It is easier to donate to something when there is tangible evidence of its success. I think helping children have access to an education will be beneficial to the entire world in the long run,4,0,20180830-154630_337_live 9,"By the way, on my side I'm told I can donate anything from $0-$2. So donating $0.30 sounds reasonable.",4,1,20180830-154630_337_live 10,"I think that is very reasonable, and every little bit helps. ",5,0,20180830-154630_337_live 11,I would be interested to know what different programs their funding goes towards. Do they publish a budget?,5,1,20180830-154630_337_live 12,"They actually do, I just looked on their website. It has a lot of information that I didnt expect them to make public",6,0,20180830-154630_337_live 13,That's great! It's encouraging when a charity is transparent. I assume it's a 501.3(c)?,6,1,20180830-154630_337_live 14,"It looks like it, only 5% of their donations go to management so I believe they operate as a non profit. Which is wonderful",7,0,20180830-154630_337_live 15,Do you have a favorite non-profit? :P,7,1,20180830-154630_337_live 16,I should probably say this one but I donate to animal shelters mainly haha,8,0,20180830-154630_337_live 17,"Oh nice. I'd also like to look into donating more to animal welfare charities. I know there's some philosophical disagreement about this, but I prefer to diversify my charitable 'investments' as it were.",8,1,20180830-154630_337_live 18,"That makes sense! So, you felt like donating 30 cents was fair?",9,0,20180830-154630_337_live 19,Yep! Good talking with you.,9,1,20180830-154630_337_live 0,I want to talk to you about Save the Children!,0,0,20180830-171814_382_live 1,"Okay, please tell me more about it. ",0,1,20180830-171814_382_live 2,This organization helps meet the needs of kids in difficult countries. ,1,0,20180830-171814_382_live 3,What are the difficult countries that are helped?,1,1,20180830-171814_382_live 4,"Syria, for one. Millions of kids there are in dire straits. We are looking for donations to help reach out and help these children.",2,0,20180830-171814_382_live 5,How can I donate towards the organization?,2,1,20180830-171814_382_live 6,You can head over the website to provide a donation.,3,0,20180830-171814_382_live 7,What is the website? ,3,1,20180830-171814_382_live 8, URL A donation can also be donated through the task payment. You can choose to donate up to $2,4,0,20180830-171814_382_live 9,"Before I do, what type of aid do you provide for the children and is all of the donation used to help and not for profit?",4,1,20180830-171814_382_live 10,"we provide food, medical care, and intervene to help protect children's right.",5,0,20180830-171814_382_live 11,Is the organization non-profit?,5,1,20180830-171814_382_live 12,"Yes, it is! It is an international, non-governmental org.",6,0,20180830-171814_382_live 13,What are the other countries that are helped besides Syria?,6,1,20180830-171814_382_live 14,Other developing countries around the world.,7,0,20180830-171814_382_live 15,Could you name them?,7,1,20180830-171814_382_live 16,Countries in Africa like the Democratic Republic of Congo.,8,0,20180830-171814_382_live 17,What do you do there?,8,1,20180830-171814_382_live 18,Health intervention. Trying to prevent child mortality.,9,0,20180830-171814_382_live 19,Are there any ways for me to volunteer?,9,1,20180830-171814_382_live 20,You'd have to go through a long process. A donation goes a long way. You can donate $2 from the proceeds for the HIT>,10,0,20180830-171814_382_live 0,"Hello, How are you doing?",0,0,20180830-154653_979_live 1,"I am doing wonderfully, how about yourself?",0,1,20180830-154653_979_live 2,"Good. I am doing great. Would you like to know how you could make a difference, even if it is with a small monetary donation?",1,0,20180830-154653_979_live 3,"Yes, please tell me more about your charity.",1,1,20180830-154653_979_live 4,"Well the charity that I represent is Save the Children. It is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",2,0,20180830-154653_979_live 5,I just saw an ad for this last evening on tv. Where are you located?,2,1,20180830-154653_979_live 6,"Alabama. If you like to help you can donate to them, it does not have to be a lot. Small amount all build up to a greater good, so you do not have to feel guilty when you donate a small amount. ",3,0,20180830-154653_979_live 7,Can you tell me exactly what kind of support they can provide? What is your role in this charity?,3,1,20180830-154653_979_live 8,"Well I am just a volunteer who is passionate about the cause the organization provides to many children who would otherwise not have access to the resources that Save the Children provides to them. They provide book, educational materials, and health care to the children. Save the Children has had opportunities to go into war-torn areas to help PTSD children recover from the side-effects of war. ",4,0,20180830-154653_979_live 9,Are the donations tax deductible?,4,1,20180830-154653_979_live 10,"Yes, all donations are deductible. After the donation is processed you will be emailed or sent a copy of the donation and you can use that for your tax documents. ",5,0,20180830-154653_979_live 11,WHat is the best way to make a donation?,5,1,20180830-154653_979_live 12,You can donate with their website at URL At the top there is a link for donations where it is all streamlined. ,6,0,20180830-154653_979_live 13,I am not too trusting of giving my personal information on-line. Will there be another way to donate?,6,1,20180830-154653_979_live 14,Well you can call them at 1.800.728.3843. But I can assure you that their donation portal is very secure with McAfee Security.,7,0,20180830-154653_979_live 15,That is somewhat reassuring. Can you tell me what the average donation is? ,7,1,20180830-154653_979_live 16,Usually $25 is a average donation because it is not too much yet it can be just enough to know that your donation is going to a good cause. But there is a button where you can choose however much you want to donate so there is not pressure to donate a lot. ,8,0,20180830-154653_979_live 17,"Great. Now, the instructions regarding this chat indicate that I can donate from my payment for chatting with you. Does this mean mturk or save the children will automatically be paid if I decide to donate my payment, meaning I do not have to do anything more?",8,1,20180830-154653_979_live 18,Yes that is correct. I will not see how much you will donate but you can donate through this chat function.,9,0,20180830-154653_979_live 19,"Well, thank you for all the good information. I do not choose to donate right now through this chat but be assured that I will certainly call the charity and donate independently. Thanks for your time, nice chatting with you",9,1,20180830-154653_979_live 20,It is unfortunate that you cannot donate right now but I can understand. Hopefully you can find it in your heart to donate in the future. ,10,0,20180830-154653_979_live 0,Hi,0,0,20180830-194021_927_live 1,Hi. How are you doing tonight?,0,1,20180830-194021_927_live 2,Great! How are you?,1,0,20180830-194021_927_live 3,"Doing very well, thank you.",1,1,20180830-194021_927_live 4,I want to ask you a question?,2,0,20180830-194021_927_live 5,"Okay, what is the question?",2,1,20180830-194021_927_live 6,Would you be willing to donate some of your payment for this task to a children's charity called Save the Children?,3,0,20180830-194021_927_live 7,How do I know that the money will actually go to Save the Children?,3,1,20180830-194021_927_live 8,The research team will collect all donation and send it to Save the Children.,4,0,20180830-194021_927_live 9,How reputable is the organization?,4,1,20180830-194021_927_live 10,"Very reputable. Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",5,0,20180830-194021_927_live 11,Okay. Well they sound like a good organization. I already donate monthly to another organization that has similar goals.,5,1,20180830-194021_927_live 12,"That is great to hear! But Save the Children does need your help. Your donation will help, among others, children and their families that are suffering from hunger.",6,0,20180830-194021_927_live 13,"Okay. Well I can give 10% of my payment, so 20 cents. ",6,1,20180830-194021_927_live 14,"That is very generous. But let me ask you: is there any way you can go even a little higher. It would mean a lot. Many of the children Save the Children helps are from war torn areas of developing countries. In these areas, in the first two months of 2018, 1,000 children were killed or injured. Your donation will help Save the Children assist children in those areas.",7,0,20180830-194021_927_live 15,"I understand that. Like I said I already to donate to something similar, but at this point in my families life we really need as much money as I can bring in.",7,1,20180830-194021_927_live 16,Understood. Thank you so much! I know your donation will help.,8,0,20180830-194021_927_live 17,I hope it does. Thanks for being understanding.,8,1,20180830-194021_927_live 18,Thank you as well.,9,0,20180830-194021_927_live 19,Have a good night.,9,1,20180830-194021_927_live 0,Do you like donating to good causes?,0,0,20180830-180646_25_live 1,Yes especially to help children.,0,1,20180830-180646_25_live 2,have you heard of Save the Children?,1,0,20180830-180646_25_live 3,Not much. Tell me about it.,1,1,20180830-180646_25_live 4,"Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",2,0,20180830-180646_25_live 5,Do they help feed them?,2,1,20180830-180646_25_live 6,"your donation is essential to help ensuring children's rights to health, education, safety, etc",3,0,20180830-180646_25_live 7, So they help with everything but food?,3,1,20180830-180646_25_live 8,Not sure about food but I assume it is covered in health needs Here is their website: URL ,4,0,20180830-180646_25_live 9,Does twenty cents help a lot or just a little?,4,1,20180830-180646_25_live 10,every bit helps but maybe a little more?,5,0,20180830-180646_25_live 11, Is fifty cents alright or is that still too little?,5,1,20180830-180646_25_live 12,That sound good is that how much you want to donate?,6,0,20180830-180646_25_live 13,I don't know. It seems like that is still too little?,6,1,20180830-180646_25_live 14,You can donate up to $2 of your payment,7,0,20180830-180646_25_live 15,How about eighty cents but will that help a lot or just buy them a little?,7,1,20180830-180646_25_live 16,That sound s good it will help the childre,8,0,20180830-180646_25_live 17,Maybe I will make it a dollar.,8,1,20180830-180646_25_live 18,"sounds good, final amount $1, have a great day",9,0,20180830-180646_25_live 19,Ok. A dollar it is then.,9,1,20180830-180646_25_live 0,hi! how are you?,0,0,20180830-174134_253_live 1,Hello,0,1,20180830-174134_253_live 2,do you have any particular hobbies or passions?,1,0,20180830-174134_253_live 3,My hobbies are spending time with my family.,1,1,20180830-174134_253_live 4,i was reading up on a charity called save the children. have you heard about it?,2,0,20180830-174134_253_live 5,"yea its a pretty popular charity, but I don't no where the donations go etc.",2,1,20180830-174134_253_live 6,as far as who it helps?,3,0,20180830-174134_253_live 7,"Yes, I just basically know the name.",3,1,20180830-174134_253_live 8,"it goes to some of the most important aspects of a childs life. their health, education way of life.",4,0,20180830-174134_253_live 9,"Right, what else you can tell me about it?",4,1,20180830-174134_253_live 10,it gives children in developing countries the same accesses to better overall quality of life as the rest of the world. it also takes no more than 77 cents a day to go help these children.,5,0,20180830-174134_253_live 11,Oh ok so whats the next step?,5,1,20180830-174134_253_live 12,"you can always help save the life of a child by donating through this task. it can be anywhere from 1 cent to the entire possible payment of $2. of course you could also choose not to donate, but that would mean less children getting help.",6,0,20180830-174134_253_live 13,Ok ill donate $0.50,6,1,20180830-174134_253_live 14,glad to hear!,7,0,20180830-174134_253_live 15,Ok well you got that,7,1,20180830-174134_253_live 16,the research team will donate that portion from the payment of this task. ,8,0,20180830-174134_253_live 17,ok cool thank have a nice day,8,1,20180830-174134_253_live 18,thank you! you too. it is greatly appreciated.,9,0,20180830-174134_253_live 19,No problem thanks,9,1,20180830-174134_253_live 0,"Hello, how are you doing? ",0,0,20180830-154613_158_live 1,I am doing pretty well. How about yourself?,0,1,20180830-154613_158_live 2,"I am doing very well, thank you! I am reaching out to you about donating to a charity about Save the Children",1,0,20180830-154613_158_live 3,Could you give me more information about the Save the Children donation?,1,1,20180830-154613_158_live 4,"Most definitely! Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries. Are there any important factors that resonate with you when you donate to a charity?",2,0,20180830-154613_158_live 5,"It is important for me to know how my donation will be handled, what it will be spent on, and what developing countries it will be going to.",2,1,20180830-154613_158_live 6,"Definitely, I think it is important to get specifics as well. One thing that I appreciated about this charity was the transparency. Here is the website: URL ",3,0,20180830-154613_158_live 7,Great@ thank you for the imformation. do you have any other personal opinions about the Save the Children fund?,3,1,20180830-154613_158_live 8,"Of course! Personally, one of the things that stirs compassion for me is a lack of support for children in developing countries, especially in war zones. For instance, millions of Syrian children have grown up facing the daily threat of violence. In the first two months of 2018 alone, 1,000 children were reportedly killed or injured in intensifying violence. Save the Children works to support these children and provide a safe environment for them to grow. Are there some points that resonate with you as well? ",4,0,20180830-154613_158_live 9,"Awesome. I am Glad you are supportive and fighting for a better world for others. After hearing your information, it makes me feel positive to be able to support Save the Children. What are the best ways to contribute?",4,1,20180830-154613_158_live 10,Awesome! Thanks for your partnership! Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment ($2). Do you have any other questions on contributions?,5,0,20180830-154613_158_live 11,I will be happy to donate $2. You have answered my questions. if I have anymore in the future I will be more than glad to visit the website for any additional information. Thank you.,5,1,20180830-154613_158_live 12,"Great! Thank you again for your partnership, we appreciate it! ",6,0,20180830-154613_158_live 13,Glad I could help!,6,1,20180830-154613_158_live 14,Yes! Your donation is incredibly impacting. Just 77 cents per day helps shelter a family. I appreciate your contribution.,7,0,20180830-154613_158_live 15,Sounds good. You are welcome! #savethechildren,7,1,20180830-154613_158_live 16,Have a great day! ,8,0,20180830-154613_158_live 17,Thank you. You as well!,8,1,20180830-154613_158_live 18,Bye! Make sure to tell others about this charity!,9,0,20180830-154613_158_live 19,Will do. bye for now!,9,1,20180830-154613_158_live 0,Have you heard about Save the Children?,0,0,20180830-213440_640_live 1,"Yes I have, seems like a good org",0,1,20180830-213440_640_live 2,"It really is. Donations help individual children and their families.It ensures health, education and safety.",1,0,20180830-213440_640_live 3,I always wonder about the overhead and admin costs that come off the top of donations,1,1,20180830-213440_640_live 4,A lot of organizations seem to have issues with overhead. I was amazed to see that over 86 percent goes into their programs. Only 5% is for management and 9% to fundraising.,2,0,20180830-213440_640_live 5,"Those are good numbers, shows that most of the money goes to the kids and not big salaries.",2,1,20180830-213440_640_live 6,"44 percent alone goes to health, nutrition, and hunger. In 2017 alone, they reached 155million children. 237K in the U.S",3,0,20180830-213440_640_live 7,"That's fantastic, they've helped a lot!",3,1,20180830-213440_640_live 8,"And sadly, there is still so much more to do. In just one area, Syria, millions of Syrian children have grown up facing the daily threat of violence. n the first two months of 2018 alone, 1,000 children were reportedly killed or injured!",4,0,20180830-213440_640_live 9,I would be afraid aid meant to be given to the children would be seized by those in power and never reach the kids.,4,1,20180830-213440_640_live 10,I had wondered about that myself. They work closely with the U.N and other organizations in the local area to be sure it gets to those in need and not the aggressors. ,5,0,20180830-213440_640_live 11,Hopefully those organizations aren't as corrupt as has been reported in the media. You just don't know what to believe any more.,5,1,20180830-213440_640_live 12,That is true. This one seems to have been around for awhile and seems to be highly rated though. Have you ever had a chance to donate to Save the Children?,6,0,20180830-213440_640_live 13,"Yes, years ago I remember a presentation and we did donate then. I have since been donating to local animal rescue groups. They really need the help.",6,1,20180830-213440_640_live 14,"Yeah, I have donated little amounts here and there as I can. Though the shelters everywhere seem to need help as well! I give little bits when I can. Would you be interested in giving a small donation??",7,0,20180830-213440_640_live 15,I would definitely consider it.,7,1,20180830-213440_640_live 16,Any little bit helps any of these organizations. Everyone's little bits add up to so much more!,8,0,20180830-213440_640_live 17,You are right. How much do you think I should donate to Save the Children?,8,1,20180830-213440_640_live 18,"There is a way to have one deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment ($2). I personally do a little when I really need the money. Anywhere from a dime to a quarter. When I read something devastating, earned a good amount at work or feel better financially, it is more. ",9,0,20180830-213440_640_live 19,"Okay, thanks for your input. I will donate $1.00",9,1,20180830-213440_640_live 20,Wow! That is amazing! They will be glad to have it!!! ,10,0,20180830-213440_640_live 0,Hello?,0,0,20180830-155048_517_live 1,Hello.,0,1,20180830-155048_517_live 2,"Do you know about the charity ""Save the Children""?",1,0,20180830-155048_517_live 3,I've heard of it in a positive way.,1,1,20180830-155048_517_live 4,"Save the Children essential to help ensuring children's rights to health, education, safety",2,0,20180830-155048_517_live 5,Does it help children both internationally and in the United States?,2,1,20180830-155048_517_live 6,Mostly international in places like South American and South Africa where its very poor and needed.,3,0,20180830-155048_517_live 7,That makes sense. Are you involved with the charity?,3,1,20180830-155048_517_live 8,Yea im donating and wanted to know if you would like to donate also?,4,0,20180830-155048_517_live 9,Have you donated in the past?,4,1,20180830-155048_517_live 10,yes a while ago when i was donating to random charities. You can donate part of your funds for this task from $0 to $2.00,5,0,20180830-155048_517_live 11,I'm willing to donate $1.00.,5,1,20180830-155048_517_live 12,That sounds like a great amount you are making a difference.,6,0,20180830-155048_517_live 13,What exactly will my donation provide?,6,1,20180830-155048_517_live 14,"Your donation will help individual children and their families and help ensuring children's rights to health, education.",7,0,20180830-155048_517_live 15,Sounds good. I think we have to make a total of ten comments. Is there anything else you can tell me?,7,1,20180830-155048_517_live 16,"Yea let me make it clear, you want to donate $1 correct?",8,0,20180830-155048_517_live 17,"Yes, $1 is the amount that I would like to donate.",8,1,20180830-155048_517_live 18,Ok thanks you have a nice day...,9,0,20180830-155048_517_live 19,You are welcome. I hope you have a nice day too.,9,1,20180830-155048_517_live 0,Do you want to help the less fortunate?,0,0,20180830-200148_992_live 1,"Absolutely, I believe its important to give back whenever your able to do so.",0,1,20180830-200148_992_live 2,Yes. Save The Children help a lot of people around the world. Have you heard of it?,1,0,20180830-200148_992_live 3,"Yes I have heard of it I think its actually called ""Feed the children"" its so sad to see how many children aren\'t able to just get a clean cup of water.",1,1,20180830-200148_992_live 4,The organization I am asking for a donation today is Save The Children. Do you want to know more?,2,0,20180830-200148_992_live 5,Yes! I would love to learn more about the organization.,2,1,20180830-200148_992_live 6,"They help with health, education, safety, and more.",3,0,20180830-200148_992_live 7,That Is wonderful! are these children from a third world country? I live in the US ,3,1,20180830-200148_992_live 8,"Someday we hope to help here to but for now they are from other countries, even as close as Guatemala.",4,0,20180830-200148_992_live 9,That is wonderful! I would love to help the children in Guatemala. Do the organization have a website or gofund me so for the future I could donate ?,4,1,20180830-200148_992_live 10,How about donating today? It does not take very much.,5,0,20180830-200148_992_live 11,Yes sure! Do I need to use my bank card? or paypal?,5,1,20180830-200148_992_live 12,Paypal is preferred due to safety. But how much would you like to donate?,6,0,20180830-200148_992_live 13,I can do 57cents from my paypal ,6,1,20180830-200148_992_live 14,Is that the most you are willing to donate at this time? Even twenty-five cents more will help.,7,0,20180830-200148_992_live 15,"Im sorry that""s all I have in my current bank account ",7,1,20180830-200148_992_live 16,That's ok. In the future you can donate more if you want. So 57 cents is what you want to donate at this time?,8,0,20180830-200148_992_live 17,Yes I would like to donate the 57cents,8,1,20180830-200148_992_live 18,Thank you for helping Save The Children.,9,0,20180830-200148_992_live 19,Okay no problem! I wish I could donate more. I truly do ,9,1,20180830-200148_992_live 0,Hi,0,0,20180830-173320_897_live 1,Hello,0,1,20180830-173320_897_live 2,"So, have you heard of Save the Children?",1,0,20180830-173320_897_live 3,"Yes, I have.",1,1,20180830-173320_897_live 4,"Would you be interested in donating any amount, no matter how small to that organization?",2,0,20180830-173320_897_live 5,"Yes, I would be interested in donating to Save the Children.",2,1,20180830-173320_897_live 6,Great! How much would you be willing to donate?,3,0,20180830-173320_897_live 7,Is $2 ok?,3,1,20180830-173320_897_live 8,"Yeah, that will work.",4,0,20180830-173320_897_live 9,Can you tell me what the donation will be used for?,4,1,20180830-173320_897_live 10,"Sure! Save the Children is a global charity that provides for children's education, emergency funds during disasters or conflicts, health initiatives in the US and other countries in greater need, and from abuse.",5,0,20180830-173320_897_live 11,That's great! When was it founded?,5,1,20180830-173320_897_live 12,"Around 99 years ago in April 15, 1919 in London, England. Initially designed to alleviate starvation of children in German and Austria-Hungary during the Allied blockade of Germany of World War 1.",6,0,20180830-173320_897_live 13,Are all donations to Save the Children tax deductible?,6,1,20180830-173320_897_live 14,"Yes, donations to Save the Children are 100% tax deductible.",7,0,20180830-173320_897_live 15,Ok. Can I donate to Save the Children with a money order?,7,1,20180830-173320_897_live 16,"Yes, you can do it via money order. They just need to be mailed to: Save the Children, 501 Kings Highway East - Suite 400, Fairfield, CT 06825",8,0,20180830-173320_897_live 17,"Ok, thank you. If I use a credit card instead, can I set up recurring donations?",8,1,20180830-173320_897_live 18,"Yes, you can setup recurring donations of what amount you'd like via there website at this link: https://support. URL ite/Donation2?df_id=1620&1620.donation=form1&vanityurl=Donate",9,0,20180830-173320_897_live 19,Ok. I think I will use a money order this time.,9,1,20180830-173320_897_live 20,"Alright. Good luck to you, and nice talking with you.",10,0,20180830-173320_897_live 0,"Hello there, how are you doing today?",0,0,20180830-190109_662_live 1,Good. How about you?,0,1,20180830-190109_662_live 2,"Great! I'm doing well, thanks for asking. Have you ever heard of a charity called Save the Children?",1,0,20180830-190109_662_live 3,Yes I have. I remember it from the 90s.,1,1,20180830-190109_662_live 4,"Right on. So you understand how imperative it is that they stick around, as they help support and provide relief for children in developing countries.",2,0,20180830-190109_662_live 5,Yes glad they're stil laround,2,1,20180830-190109_662_live 6,"So, the researchers of this study are actually doing something very cool. You can help this charity directly by donating some or all of your earnings to Save the Children.",3,0,20180830-190109_662_live 7,Oh ok that sounds good,3,1,20180830-190109_662_live 8,"Yeah, it's super cool! Even a small donation of 50 cents is great when lots of other people are donating too. Would you be interested in donating some of your task earnings?",4,0,20180830-190109_662_live 9,yes i would,4,1,20180830-190109_662_live 10,Awesome. How much of the $2 would you like to donate?,5,0,20180830-190109_662_live 11,you can put me down for .50 :),5,1,20180830-190109_662_live 12,"Thank you so much! It always feels good to help out others, I think.",6,0,20180830-190109_662_live 13,Yes it does,6,1,20180830-190109_662_live 14,"If you'd like to find out more info about this charity, you can go to their website at URL Do you have any questions? :)",7,0,20180830-190109_662_live 15,No I don't :),7,1,20180830-190109_662_live 16,"For sure. Well it was a pleasure ""meeting"" you today!",8,0,20180830-190109_662_live 17,Have a good one!,8,1,20180830-190109_662_live 18,You too my friend.,9,0,20180830-190109_662_live 19,How do we end this?,9,1,20180830-190109_662_live 0,hello,0,0,20180830-212956_406_live 1,"hello, what's up?",0,1,20180830-212956_406_live 2,Do you know about a children's charity?,1,0,20180830-212956_406_live 3,I do not. I don't really support many charities. I think they aren't run as well as they should be most of the time,1,1,20180830-212956_406_live 4,But this is for children charity. Do you donate any children charity?,2,0,20180830-212956_406_live 5,Not usually. Which charity is it? I donate to St Judes sometimes,2,1,20180830-212956_406_live 6,I know a little bit. But i don't know fully it.,3,0,20180830-212956_406_live 7,What do you mean?,3,1,20180830-212956_406_live 8,I'm not fully aware of this.,4,0,20180830-212956_406_live 9,I'm not sure exactly what you're saying fo me. Which childrens charity are you talking about?,4,1,20180830-212956_406_live 10,I say about Save the children.,5,0,20180830-212956_406_live 11,what does Save the Children do?,5,1,20180830-212956_406_live 12,"Oh! The Save the Children Fund, commonly known as Save the Children, that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",6,0,20180830-212956_406_live 13,That's pretty cool. What does it do to help children's rights? :),6,1,20180830-212956_406_live 14,"campaign for long-term change to improve children's lives. improve children's access to the food and healthcare they need to thrive. protect the world's most vulnerable children, including those separated from their families because of war, natural disasters, extreme poverty and exploitation.",7,0,20180830-212956_406_live 15,"That seems really cool. Although like i said, i dont give to charities much. ",7,1,20180830-212956_406_live 16,"That's okay, But I like to donate children charity",8,0,20180830-212956_406_live 17,"That's good, you seem like a kind person for it",8,1,20180830-212956_406_live 18,Thank you so much. ,9,0,20180830-212956_406_live 19,Very welcome. How is your night going? ,9,1,20180830-212956_406_live 0,"Hello, how are you today?",0,0,20180830-181817_436_live 1,I'm great and you?,0,1,20180830-181817_436_live 2,I am good. Have you ever thought of donating to a charity?,1,0,20180830-181817_436_live 3,"No, not really.",1,1,20180830-181817_436_live 4,May I tell you about an awesome charity?,2,0,20180830-181817_436_live 5,"Sure, I'll listen.",2,1,20180830-181817_436_live 6,There is an awesome charity called Save the Children the help children all over the world including right here in America.,3,0,20180830-181817_436_live 7,Yeah I've heard about it.,3,1,20180830-181817_436_live 8,Would you be to donate some of you earning from today task to them?,4,0,20180830-181817_436_live 9,Not right now.,4,1,20180830-181817_436_live 10,You can donate anything from as little as 0.10 and since it is money you don't have yet since you have not been paid for the task it isn't like it is coming out of your pocket.,5,0,20180830-181817_436_live 11,I don't think I'm in the position to donate right now unforutnatley.,5,1,20180830-181817_436_live 12,"I totally understand, but like I said they will take the money right from the pay of this task. ",6,0,20180830-181817_436_live 13,That is very true. But I'd still prefer it in my pocket :),6,1,20180830-181817_436_live 14,I totally understand I hope you will think of the Save the Children if you decide to donate later on,7,0,20180830-181817_436_live 15,I will keep it in mind. Thanks!,7,1,20180830-181817_436_live 16,Thank you they really are a wonderful charity and children are our future and we need to look for them.,8,0,20180830-181817_436_live 17,I understand that very well.,8,1,20180830-181817_436_live 18,Thank you for listening and I hope you don't forget about them,9,0,20180830-181817_436_live 19,I know I won't. Thanks for the tip!,9,1,20180830-181817_436_live 0,hi,0,0,20180830-204841_559_live 1,Hi to you too,0,1,20180830-204841_559_live 2,so have you heard about Save the Children before?,1,0,20180830-204841_559_live 3,Yes I have heard about it but don't know much about it,1,1,20180830-204841_559_live 4,Well it's a global non-profit charity based around helping children.,2,0,20180830-204841_559_live 5,What are the donations mostly used for,2,1,20180830-204841_559_live 6,"They are used for helping children in a variety of areas: access to education, healthcare, protection from abuse, and relief from natural disasters or conflicts.",3,0,20180830-204841_559_live 7,How are donations solicited ?,3,1,20180830-204841_559_live 8,Well you can go on their website URL or it can be deducted from this task payment.,4,0,20180830-204841_559_live 9,When finished with this task I will be sure to check the website.,4,1,20180830-204841_559_live 10,"It's definitely worth a look, plenty of useful data and more information on how they operate. Are you interested in donating?",5,0,20180830-204841_559_live 11,How does donating from my task payment work ?,5,1,20180830-204841_559_live 12,Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment ($2) after the chat.,6,0,20180830-204841_559_live 13,I will do that but At what point do I make the decision ?,6,1,20180830-204841_559_live 14,"After the chat is concluded, the window will move on, and you can input an option.",7,0,20180830-204841_559_live 15,How does the chat come to an end?,7,1,20180830-204841_559_live 16,After about 10 turns. Do you have any idea what you'd like to donate?,8,0,20180830-204841_559_live 17,I would donate $2 if that is the payment for the task,8,1,20180830-204841_559_live 18,"Well that's good to hear, and if you respond that should lead you to the next page. It was a pleasure to talk to you :)",9,0,20180830-204841_559_live 19,"Same here, although I do not see the reason to tie a chat to the donation request.",9,1,20180830-204841_559_live 0,Hi! How is your day going?,0,0,20180830-185013_499_live 1,I'm doing well. How are you?,0,1,20180830-185013_499_live 2,I'm pretty good. Thanks. I wanted to let you know about the great charity I know. It's called Save the Children.,1,0,20180830-185013_499_live 3,I've heard of it. They do great work.,1,1,20180830-185013_499_live 4,Yes they do. They use nearly 100% of money donated to go directly to charity with very few overhead costs of their own.,2,0,20180830-185013_499_live 5,Pretty impressive compared to other charities.,2,1,20180830-185013_499_live 6,Yes it is. I've heard of many stories from them about how many thousands of starving children they've helped in African countries and Middle Eastern countries as well.,3,0,20180830-185013_499_live 7,"That is great. There are a lot of organizations that help, but they are one of the bigger names.",3,1,20180830-185013_499_live 8,Have you thought about how much extra money you have around the house that you could collect and donate to Save the Children?,4,0,20180830-185013_499_live 9,"Well honestly, I don't have as much as you would like to me too at this point. But I do donate to a very similar charity monthly.",4,1,20180830-185013_499_live 10,Well as you know you've been given some extra money that you can donate directly to Save the Children. This won't affect you at all but will really help many of those poor starving children.,5,0,20180830-185013_499_live 11,"I know that. I am willing to donate some of the money, I do need to keep some to pay my bills and feed my kiddos too.",5,1,20180830-185013_499_live 12,Absolutely! Of course you shouldn't donate more than you can. But any small amount that you would be able to donate is always greatly appreciated!,6,0,20180830-185013_499_live 13,Well I would be willing to do that.,6,1,20180830-185013_499_live 14,How much do you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment ($2).,7,0,20180830-185013_499_live 15,I think 10% would be good. So 20 cents?,7,1,20180830-185013_499_live 16,That's a great decision! Thanks very much for your support. You'll get to confirm your donation on the next screen. It was great talking to you!,8,0,20180830-185013_499_live 17,"Okay. Good to know. Thanks. Have a great night,",8,1,20180830-185013_499_live 18,Thanks :) You too!,9,0,20180830-185013_499_live 19,I hope the money really helps out the kids.,9,1,20180830-185013_499_live 0,Hello!,0,0,20180830-182037_288_live 1,"Hi, how are you?",0,1,20180830-182037_288_live 2,I'm good. Thanks! How about you?,1,0,20180830-182037_288_live 3,I am also doing good.,1,1,20180830-182037_288_live 4,"Great! Say, do you mind if I ask you a favor?",2,0,20180830-182037_288_live 5,"Sure, what do you need?",2,1,20180830-182037_288_live 6,Would you consider making a charitable donation to a worthy cause with a portion of you task payment?,3,0,20180830-182037_288_live 7,"I would consider that, what sort of organization is it going towards?",3,1,20180830-182037_288_live 8,"The research team will collect all donations and send it to ""Save the Children"". But before you answer, how about some information about Save the Children?",4,0,20180830-182037_288_live 9,"Yes, you can send me some info on the charity.",4,1,20180830-182037_288_live 10,"Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children'ts rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",5,0,20180830-182037_288_live 11,That sounds like a worthy cause. I know there are many children suffering throughout the world.,5,1,20180830-182037_288_live 12,"Yes, we have it very good in the U.S. I'd like to think all children can grow up with a better future. And Save the Children is essential in helping ensure children's rights to health, education, safety, etc.",6,0,20180830-182037_288_live 13,"I would say we have some work to do as well, they cut off water in several Detroit schools today I read. But compared to some other places, people are generally more fortunate here than in some other countries. ",6,1,20180830-182037_288_live 14,"Not to dismiss some real problems we have here, as we do, it's a whole different thing going on in some places in the world.",7,0,20180830-182037_288_live 15,"Yes, I agree. I know there are some places that children don't have much of an opportunity unless people step in and help.",7,1,20180830-182037_288_live 16,Would you be interested in making a small contribution to Save the Children? It would be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose anything from $0 to $2. Any amount would help.,8,0,20180830-182037_288_live 17,I would donate $0.50 to the cause. Hopefully there are some other people who do the same and it will add up to something beneficial.,8,1,20180830-182037_288_live 18,Wow! That's fantastic! Thank you! You can refer to Save the Children's website to gather more information if you like to.,9,0,20180830-182037_288_live 19,"You're welcome, I hope that is does help. Have a great evening.",9,1,20180830-182037_288_live 20,Thanks again! Much appreciated! Have a great evening! Best regards!,10,0,20180830-182037_288_live 0,save the childrens is our social duty,0,0,20180830-153627_498_live 1,Why do you say that?,0,1,20180830-153627_498_live 2,because the children wills death due to non parents,1,0,20180830-153627_498_live 3,I have my own children to worry about.,1,1,20180830-153627_498_live 4,oh okk but isay generally,2,0,20180830-153627_498_live 5,"We have no responsibility. Whatever is done is done out of kindness, not obligation.",2,1,20180830-153627_498_live 6,yes you are right. but we have to donate for save the childrens,3,0,20180830-153627_498_live 7,"No, we really don't have to at all. Most charities are scams anyway.",3,1,20180830-153627_498_live 8,but not all charitys are scams,4,0,20180830-153627_498_live 9,I am not willing to risk my money to test them.,4,1,20180830-153627_498_live 10,"but you will spend your money in unwanted like trips,snacks etc....",5,0,20180830-153627_498_live 11,You don't know me well enough to assume that now do you? I lead a very simple life.,5,1,20180830-153627_498_live 12,its ok and you will tell this some friends who are in high class to donate for the childrens,6,0,20180830-153627_498_live 13,"No, I really wouldn't lead anyone to have their money taken.",6,1,20180830-153627_498_live 14,what a pesimist you are ,7,0,20180830-153627_498_live 15,"No, it's called being a Realist...",7,1,20180830-153627_498_live 16,it's not realistic its called as fear of everything,8,0,20180830-153627_498_live 17,It's not fear. It's common sense. I think it's very silly to give your money away.,8,1,20180830-153627_498_live 18,its not very sily its says to be humanity. are you a human or not,9,0,20180830-153627_498_live 19,I am very human. I prefer to donate to my own kids.,9,1,20180830-153627_498_live 0,Hi! How are you doing today?,0,0,20180830-192317_46_live 1,I'm fine! How about you?,0,1,20180830-192317_46_live 2,I'm doing great! It's been a busy day. ,1,0,20180830-192317_46_live 3,"Yes, I've had a very busy day today. My day was productive too.",1,1,20180830-192317_46_live 4,Some people around the world have struggled to get through the day. ,2,0,20180830-192317_46_live 5,"Yes they do struggle to get through the day, because some of their lives aren't fulfilling.",2,1,20180830-192317_46_live 6,Some people feel that we have an obligation to help those in need when we can. How do you feel?,3,0,20180830-192317_46_live 7,I think it all depends on the circumstances.,3,1,20180830-192317_46_live 8,I'm thinking about children in developing countries that need help from those in better circumstances. ,4,0,20180830-192317_46_live 9,Sounds like a good cause.,4,1,20180830-192317_46_live 10,Have you heard of an organization called Save the Children? ,5,0,20180830-192317_46_live 11,I have heard about that organization.,5,1,20180830-192317_46_live 12,I wonder if you would be willing to help them out with a small donation.,6,0,20180830-192317_46_live 13,"At this point in my life, I am unable to give a donation to Save the Children.",6,1,20180830-192317_46_live 14,Your donation would come from part of the proceeds that you're earning right now. It wouldn't need to be much. Any amount helps.,7,0,20180830-192317_46_live 15,I am aware that the donation would come from part of the earnings right now. I just don't want to donate anything.,7,1,20180830-192317_46_live 16,Save the Children is a worthy organization. Even 10 cents could make a difference to a child in Africa or Syria.,8,0,20180830-192317_46_live 17,"Yes, I believe that Save the Children is a worthy organization. I would like to keep my earnings.",8,1,20180830-192317_46_live 18,What would it take for your to commit to donating to Save the Children?,9,0,20180830-192317_46_live 19,It would take away from me buying blocks for a child in the USA who don't have money to buy anything.,9,1,20180830-192317_46_live 0,Hello,0,0,20180830-174222_391_live 1,Hi!,0,1,20180830-174222_391_live 2,"Please consider donating at least a small portion of your earnings from this task to a children\'s charity called ""Save the Children"". This is a non-government organization that promotes children\'s rights and provides relief and assistance to children in developing countries. Your donation would really be appreciated and can greatly assist with these children\'s lives. Doing so would ensure you can be part of the solution. ",1,0,20180830-174222_391_live 3,What kind of issues are these children facing?,1,1,20180830-174222_391_live 4,"They are facing mortality, none and minimal education opportunities, and violence",2,0,20180830-174222_391_live 5,Is it more domestic violence or are these children in war-torn countries?,2,1,20180830-174222_391_live 6,These are children in war zones,3,0,20180830-174222_391_live 7,"How old is ""Save the Children""?",3,1,20180830-174222_391_live 8,Save the Children is an 18 year old professional organization,4,0,20180830-174222_391_live 9,Does Save the Children do all the work in these countries or do they allocate funds to other organizations with similar platforms that are located within these countries?,4,1,20180830-174222_391_live 10,Save the Children leads programs and works closely with communities in these countries. Save the Children also uses all program funds effectively with over 85% going directly to program services and only 5% for administrative costs.,5,0,20180830-174222_391_live 11,How many countries is Save the Children located in?,5,1,20180830-174222_391_live 12,Save the Children assists in many different countries as they assist where is crisis. Save the Children is a 501c3 and you donation is deductible to the full extent allowable under IRS regulations. This organization utilizes all funds effectively and even a small donation can help. You are able to choose the exact amount you would like to donate. Imagine if everyone that was asked donated even $.050 how that would add up to help fund this organization and assist children in need. ,6,0,20180830-174222_391_live 13,Ah you answered my next question!,6,1,20180830-174222_391_live 14,Great! How much would you like to donate? Remember this is tax deductible and you can choose your amount. The amount you choose will be directly deducted from your task payment. Your chosen amount can be as high as $2 which is the total task payment ,7,0,20180830-174222_391_live 15,I'll do $0.50,7,1,20180830-174222_391_live 16,Great! Thank you very much! Since you have the ease of this being deducted from your task payment would you be interested in increasing your donation amount to $1?,8,0,20180830-174222_391_live 17,No thank you :),8,1,20180830-174222_391_live 18,"Ok, thank you very much for the kind response! Would you be interested in increasing to $0.51? The research team collects all donations and sends them directly to Save the Children on your behalf.",9,0,20180830-174222_391_live 19,Make it $0.55,9,1,20180830-174222_391_live 20,Ok great! Thank you very much for agreeing to donate $0.55! You have made a difference today in the lives of these children. Thank you and please have a wonderful day!,10,0,20180830-174222_391_live 21,"Thank you, you too!",10,1,20180830-174222_391_live 0,Hello. Do you know about the good work Save the Children does?,0,0,20180830-163555_445_live 1,Never heard of them. What do they do?,0,1,20180830-163555_445_live 2,"They are an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries",1,0,20180830-163555_445_live 3,"Sounds like a good cause, but I'm leery of big NGOs; i want to make sure all my money goes to the front lines, not caught up in administration.",1,1,20180830-163555_445_live 4,That's understandable. Do you try to give to charities often?,2,0,20180830-163555_445_live 5,"When I can. I usually give to local charities; you know, the tin can at the register.",2,1,20180830-163555_445_live 6,Here's a link from a charity watchdog group. Save the Children has an A rating. URL ,3,0,20180830-163555_445_live 7,"that's a pretty low overhead, most of the money would go to where it's needed.",3,1,20180830-163555_445_live 8,"Indeed. They manage to do a lot. After all, the world changes rapidly, so the needs of children change rapidly as well. Here's a link to their site: URL ",4,0,20180830-163555_445_live 9,"It's nice that they also focus on US problems, not just overseas.",4,1,20180830-163555_445_live 10,"That's true. Sadly, needy children are a global problem. Would you like an opportunity to make a small donation today? ",5,0,20180830-163555_445_live 11,I could be persuaded. ,5,1,20180830-163555_445_live 12,How much would you consider giving? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment ($2).,6,0,20180830-163555_445_live 13,"I'll give half my payment, $1.",6,1,20180830-163555_445_live 14,The research team will collect all donations and send it to Save the Children.,7,0,20180830-163555_445_live 15,Sounds like a good idea to me.,7,1,20180830-163555_445_live 16,"Seriously, my job was to persuade you to give, but I ended up signing up for their newsletter and will likely make a donation myself. ",8,0,20180830-163555_445_live 17,"It seriously looks nice. If I weren't out of work, I'd donate.",8,1,20180830-163555_445_live 18,"I'm sure they'd appreciate any help. At the least, informing others on social media about their work would be useful. Thanks for your contribution.",9,0,20180830-163555_445_live 19,It was my pleasure.,9,1,20180830-163555_445_live 0,Hey there! How are you?,0,0,20180830-154221_116_live 1,"I am good thanks, how are you?",0,1,20180830-154221_116_live 2,I'm doing pretty well. So do you know anything about Save the Children?,1,0,20180830-154221_116_live 3,I have heard about Save the Children. ,1,1,20180830-154221_116_live 4,I'd like to talk to you about possibly donating some money to them - is there anything about the organization that I can specifically tell you about?,2,0,20180830-154221_116_live 5,"Most charities have a rating, Do you know what their's is? ",2,1,20180830-154221_116_live 6,"Yes, Save the Children is rated A",3,0,20180830-154221_116_live 7,That is good. That means a large part of the donations go to the cause. ,3,1,20180830-154221_116_live 8,"Yes, the breakdown that they advertise on their website also spells out where the funds go which is helpful. I'm very cautious when it comes to donating because I don't want my money misused.",4,0,20180830-154221_116_live 9,I feel the same way. If to much money is going to the administrators that is not good. ,4,1,20180830-154221_116_live 10,"Yes, sort of defeats the purpose in my opinion. So are there any other questions I could answer for you before you decide how much you'd like to donate?",5,0,20180830-154221_116_live 11,Where does the money go? What countries?,5,1,20180830-154221_116_live 12,"So right now the organization is in 120 countries, which is pretty incredible. It goes to many many things, such as, shelter for refugee families, healthcare - funding hospitals and programs, education - funding schools and programs, food/shelter options...",6,0,20180830-154221_116_live 13,"Alright, that is a lot of help for children. What comes next? How much do people donate?",6,1,20180830-154221_116_live 14,"So people donate anywhere from just a few cents to as much as they possibly can given the fact that the money is well used. To give you an idea, 77 cents a day can provide shelter for a refugee family. ",7,0,20180830-154221_116_live 15,"Alright, I can donate 77 cents. ",7,1,20180830-154221_116_live 16,Thank you! Every little bit counts!,8,0,20180830-154221_116_live 17,Is there anything we have to talk about? This is the first time I have done this chat?,8,1,20180830-154221_116_live 18,"No, I believe we can wrap it up now if you don't have any more questions!",9,0,20180830-154221_116_live 19,I do not thank you!,9,1,20180830-154221_116_live 20,Thank you! Have a great day!,10,0,20180830-154221_116_live 0,Good evening! How are you doing?,0,0,20180830-185954_395_live 1,"Im well, how about you? ",0,1,20180830-185954_395_live 2,"I just got back from a trip to help Haitian Refugees with Save the Children, an amazing organization...and had a wonderful time.",1,0,20180830-185954_395_live 3,"Wow, nice! Do that kinda stuff often? ",1,1,20180830-185954_395_live 4,"I try to go on an international mission trip every three years. Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",2,0,20180830-185954_395_live 5,Thats very good of you to be involved. ,2,1,20180830-185954_395_live 6,"Have you ever been on a mission trip, or traveled to help children overseas?",3,0,20180830-185954_395_live 7,No. I dont have the fortitude or time to help in that way. ,3,1,20180830-185954_395_live 8,Understand...there are other ways to help. I thought you might be interested in checking out the Save the Children website here: URL ,4,0,20180830-185954_395_live 9,Thanks! Ive seen it before and have donated. ,4,1,20180830-185954_395_live 10,"That is wonderful. I know that not everyone has time to travel and do hands on work. But, donations go a long way in helping out. For example, just 77 cents a day can help shelter a refugee family. ",5,0,20180830-185954_395_live 11,I always donate when I have extra money. Its been a bit tight lately though. ,5,1,20180830-185954_395_live 12,"Understand...My wife and I just had a child, so we understand tight budgets and paying off bills. However, every little bit helps. You can donate some of your task payment to Save the Children right now. You can choose any amount from $0 to all of your payment ($2). Is that something you think you could do this evening? ",6,0,20180830-185954_395_live 13,I am willing to part with .25 cents. Its not much but I know it will go to a good cause. ,6,1,20180830-185954_395_live 14,That would be wonderful! Thank you for agreeing to donate to this worthy and important cause! Thank you!,7,0,20180830-185954_395_live 15,My pleasure. It will help them more than me. ,7,1,20180830-185954_395_live 16,It's amazing how much small donations by many people add up. Thank you again!,8,0,20180830-185954_395_live 17,You are very welcome. I hope a lot of people help. Every little bit does help. ,8,1,20180830-185954_395_live 18,I'll put you down for $0.25 ,9,0,20180830-185954_395_live 19,You got it. Have a great night!,9,1,20180830-185954_395_live 0,"Hello, how are you today?",0,0,20180830-201035_956_live 1,I'm doing well. How about yourself?,0,1,20180830-201035_956_live 2,"Pretty good, just working on Turking and grinding the HITs out heh.",1,0,20180830-201035_956_live 3,Yeah me too. I always seem to miss the high dollar ones though. I click on them and it always says no more hits.,1,1,20180830-201035_956_live 4,Yea it's tough to catch the good ones people are running scripts and catching em all almost as they are posted.,2,0,20180830-201035_956_live 5,Really? That stuff should be banned.,2,1,20180830-201035_956_live 6,"Yea I don't like it either, makes it tougher for the rest of us that are just using a basic browser without the bells and whistles",3,0,20180830-201035_956_live 7,Exactly. So how long have you been doing this?,3,1,20180830-201035_956_live 8,"I've been at it about two years now, I mainly turk in the evening or when I'm home with my young kid. Gives me something to do to pass the time.",4,0,20180830-201035_956_live 9,Nice. This is my first week. I've noticed that I come here more during my spare time than going on social media or wasting time. It's just better to make a little money.,4,1,20180830-201035_956_live 10,"Absolutely! And some of the HITs give you an opportunity to donate to a good cause, this HIT for instance has the option for us to donate some of our payment for the task to a charitable organization called Save the Children",5,0,20180830-201035_956_live 11,Oh really? I didn't know that. Who is Save the Children?,5,1,20180830-201035_956_live 12,Save the Children is a non-government organization that assist kids all around the world that are in dire situations and need help just to get basic necessities.,6,0,20180830-201035_956_live 13,Wow. That's something I could get behind. Are they vetted though?,6,1,20180830-201035_956_live 14,"They are, and the researchers ensure 100% of any donation we decide to make goes directly to them to benefit the kids.",7,0,20180830-201035_956_live 15,Even just a small donation?,7,1,20180830-201035_956_live 16,They stress that every donation no matter how small really counts. Lots of people decide to give just a little but it really adds up.,8,0,20180830-201035_956_live 17,Cool. So how do we do this?,8,1,20180830-201035_956_live 18,At the end of the HIT it'll give you a box to input any amount you'd like to donate to the children.,9,0,20180830-201035_956_live 19,Cool. I think I'll donate the 30 cents I get with this HIT,9,1,20180830-201035_956_live 0,"Hello, how are you I'd like to give you some information about a great charity if you have a few minutes.",0,0,20180830-171517_934_live 1,"of course i have time, please tell me.",0,1,20180830-171517_934_live 2,Ok the charity is called Save the Children. Have you ever heard about it?,1,0,20180830-171517_934_live 3,"i think so, its a charity that saves children right?",1,1,20180830-171517_934_live 4,"Exactly. It is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries. Sounds pretty good right?",2,0,20180830-171517_934_live 5,"yes its really fantastic, i love this kind of organizations that help people and do the gods job.¨´",2,1,20180830-171517_934_live 6,Right. So basically children are dying from hunger and things like no shelter. What this charity does is helps provide these resources in an efficient matter. How important is helping children out to you? ,3,0,20180830-171517_934_live 7,"i like to help childrens because it makes me feel pleasure of helping someone, children are the future we must help them.",3,1,20180830-171517_934_live 8,"Yes, as Whitney Houston once said ""I believe that children are our future, teach them well and watch them lead the way."" If you were able to give a monetary donation it would help essential to help ensuring children\'s rights to health, education and safety. ",4,0,20180830-171517_934_live 9,"i would like to help with this charity, i want to give a little amount of money when i have the opportunity .",4,1,20180830-171517_934_live 10,"I understand. I think its great that you would like to help. You know, every little bit will help a child to achieve a better life. ",5,0,20180830-171517_934_live 11,"but i dont know how much a normal person donates, you will donate in this charity?",5,1,20180830-171517_934_live 12,"Yes, the research team will collect all donations and send it to Save the Children.",6,0,20180830-171517_934_live 13,"great, if it is like this i would like to donate $1 for this charity.",6,1,20180830-171517_934_live 14,How much do you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment ($2).,7,0,20180830-171517_934_live 15,"i said i would like to donate $1, i would be happy to donate from my bonus because i know the money will help someone.",7,1,20180830-171517_934_live 16,"Wow, that is a generous donation. You are a good person and I'm here to ensure you the money will be going to a good place for children that need it. ",8,0,20180830-171517_934_live 17,"thank you very much, you will donate today too? or just i can donate?",8,1,20180830-171517_934_live 18,I am here to help in any way possible. After this chat you will be prompted for the donation. Thank you again for your generous donation and sleep well knowing your donation has helped a child somewhere in this big world. ,9,0,20180830-171517_934_live 19,"thank you too, it was a pleasure talking to you, you made me donate today with the wonderfool way you talked to me.",9,1,20180830-171517_934_live 0,"Hey there, what do you think about donating to a great cause?",0,0,20180830-160755_786_live 1,I am not sure what is the cause and how much ,0,1,20180830-160755_786_live 2,"The donation would be to Save the Children, which is an internation organization that provides relief and helps children in developing countries, and you could donate as much as you would like to.",1,0,20180830-160755_786_live 3,do you know alot about save the children and how much of the money they raise would actually go to the children,1,1,20180830-160755_786_live 4,"Any of the money you choose to donate would go directly and entirely towards the charity. I have limited info on the cause but I can assure you they provide help to children in the needy areas around the world, where poverty affects children the worst.",2,0,20180830-160755_786_live 5,well I would be willing to donate .50 to the charity,2,1,20180830-160755_786_live 6,"That is wonderful, I'm glad to hear it. The children will benefit immensely from your donation. It will be deducted from your task payment and go directly to helping needy kids around the globe!",3,0,20180830-160755_786_live 7,great that makes me feel happy.. I think all children should be taken care of,3,1,20180830-160755_786_live 8,"They most certainly should, it's a shame to see the quality of life in some parts of the world.",4,0,20180830-160755_786_live 9,It is very sad and I think that there is enough food and money in the world to make sure no kids suffer. thank you for the opportunity to be able to help a little,4,1,20180830-160755_786_live 10,So much food goes to waste its horrible! The dumpsters in cities are filled with food that could feed all the hungry in the world.,5,0,20180830-160755_786_live 11,that is very true not to mention many restaraunts have a policy to throw out good food everyday and not donate it. I read somewhere that france I think its france is making it illegal for stores to throw the food out,5,1,20180830-160755_786_live 12,"That is awesome to hear about France I hope other countries follow that trend, I think if all the restaurants and grocery stores donated food that would of been thrown away they could fix the hunger issue overnight.",6,0,20180830-160755_786_live 13,"its so true especially here in the usa, even places like a donut shop or a pizza place if they would just take the stuff they are throwing out at the end of the day to a shelter or somewhere where people can come get it. it would really help out. ",6,1,20180830-160755_786_live 14,"They really should have different policies in place, we have more than enough hungry and homeless to eat all the excess. We certainly have way too much excess here in the USA",7,0,20180830-160755_786_live 15,"I agree, I do wish I could give more but I am struggling myself.. and the cost of food just keeps going up.. I do not even bother making a list anymore.. its whatever is on sale thats what I eat.",7,1,20180830-160755_786_live 16,"I'm the same way, prices just keep going up and up but at least the sales make shopping possible. It can almost be a fun game to have to make a meal plan from only whats on sale.",8,0,20180830-160755_786_live 17,yes it can be it brings out the creativity in you.. and I am grateful to be able to buy food even if it is only whats on sale,8,1,20180830-160755_786_live 18,"At least we can make a bit extra on the side with MTurk, I don't think my family would still be afloat without this extra income from the HITs.",9,0,20180830-160755_786_live 19,yes mturk is great and we have oppurtunities that alot of people do not. well it was great chatting with you.,9,1,20180830-160755_786_live 20,It was nice chatting with you! Thanks for the donation to the good cause and take care,10,0,20180830-160755_786_live 0,Hello! Would you like to hear about Save The Children?,0,0,20180830-164240_852_live 1,What is it?,0,1,20180830-164240_852_live 2,"It is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",1,0,20180830-164240_852_live 3,Sounds like a good organization,1,1,20180830-164240_852_live 4,"I assure you that it is a wonderful organization! Your donation would be essential to help ensure children's rights to health, education, and safety. Your donation will make a tangible impact for the world.",2,0,20180830-164240_852_live 5,Is this the charity that they want us to donate?,2,1,20180830-164240_852_live 6,"Yes, we would be ever so happy if you want to donate to this charity. Your donation would go to a very trustable fund.",3,0,20180830-164240_852_live 7,I would love to donate.,3,1,20180830-164240_852_live 8,Fantastic! What is an amount you are comfortable donating?,4,0,20180830-164240_852_live 9,"Is this a mutual donation, from both of us. Or do you represent the charity?",4,1,20180830-164240_852_live 10,"I am representing the charity and I am hoping that you will consider donating directly from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to $2. Of course, Your $2 would make the most difference to these neglected children.",5,0,20180830-164240_852_live 11,I am willing to donate $1. That seems to be fair to all.,5,1,20180830-164240_852_live 12,"Thank you so much for your generosity! The children of our organization will be so fortunate and happy to receive this. So many of these children are living in war zones in undeveloped countries. They face violence every day. 1,000 children were killed in the first 2 months of 2018. If you consider increasing your donation to $2, this will help DOUBLE the amount of children and our charity will match your donation at that level!",6,0,20180830-164240_852_live 13,I think I will stick to the $1. That would make me happy to help.,6,1,20180830-164240_852_live 14,"We are so happy that you are helping as well. The children will really benefit from this. Last year, many children died from hunger because we did not get enough donations to fully feed their families. Even small amounts of change can mean the difference between life or death for the little ones. Is there any way you could consider going to $1.50? I just spoke with my manager and wonderful news! She said the charity would STILL be willing to match if you go up just that small increment!",7,0,20180830-164240_852_live 15,"I love helping the children. If you would consider the matching that amount of the $1, that would double the donation of $2 .",7,1,20180830-164240_852_live 16,"I will have to check with my manager. In the meantime, can I confirm your donation of $1 to our charity?",8,0,20180830-164240_852_live 17,"Absolutely, I am glad to be able to participate for such a worthy cause. Thank you so much.",8,1,20180830-164240_852_live 18,"No, thank you for being such a compassionate person!",9,0,20180830-164240_852_live 19,You are more than welcome.,9,1,20180830-164240_852_live 0,"hey :) Today I\'m representing an organization called ""Save the Children"", an international group that aims to provide aid to children",0,0,20180830-191022_810_live 1,Save them from what?,0,1,20180830-191022_810_live 2,"from poverty and from disaster mostly. If you choose to donate money, it goes to providing food to impoverished children",1,0,20180830-191022_810_live 3,I can think of a lot more worthwhile charities.,1,1,20180830-191022_810_live 4,"That may be true, but Save the Children has been recognized as reliable by charity rater. Additionally, this one has a high percentage of money raised going directly to helping support the cause. hundreds of thousands of children are dying every week due to lack of food",2,0,20180830-191022_810_live 5,"There are three kinds of charities I never donate to: children, diseases and veterans",2,1,20180830-191022_810_live 6,"Maybe this could be an exception for you then? I can understand your reasoning, but famine is a huge problem especially right now. More crop harvests are failing reducing the already low amount of food to near-nothing",3,0,20180830-191022_810_live 7,Maybe thats nature limiting overpopulation.,3,1,20180830-191022_810_live 8,"True, although higher populations in famine-ridden countries are necessary. There needs to be more people that are able to farm. Additionally, it's good karma. Every cent helps",4,0,20180830-191022_810_live 9,my cents go to worthwhile charities not the ones in those three categories.,4,1,20180830-191022_810_live 10,That's understandable. What would you consider a worthwhile charity?,5,0,20180830-191022_810_live 11,"Homeless shelters, food pantries, environmental stuff....",5,1,20180830-191022_810_live 12,"Food pantries? A lot of food worldwide comes from countries such as Zimbabwe or Haiti (countries that work with Save the Children). Right now there's famine, but by donating it will ultimately increase the worldwide food, and reduce the need for food pantries as a whole. Even though it's marketed at children, it's moreso helping the areas that have a high child poverty rate",6,0,20180830-191022_810_live 13,There are too many children. ,6,1,20180830-191022_810_live 14,"Makes sense, but countries like Italy or Japan are experiencing a population shift. Even in countries like USA and France, more doctors and scientists are retiring than graduating. So we need kids to supplement all of those areas",7,0,20180830-191022_810_live 15,There are probably less doctors because the education is expensive not because there aren't enought children,7,1,20180830-191022_810_live 16,"In France tuition is not as expensive as in USA. There is a lack of population from 18-24, and there's even less of a population below 15. In Japan, the birthrate is low so keeping children is key as the population retires more. Children are the future work force, and help countries run economically and socially. By supporting this charity you would directly be supporting your future",8,0,20180830-191022_810_live 17,It sounds like nature is taking care of overpopulation. I applaud that.,8,1,20180830-191022_810_live 18,"A lot of the time it isn't necesarrily overpopulation. In the case of Syria, there's a widespread civil war. Within the first quarter of 2018, over 1000 children were murdered by both sides. Save the Children has a mission to get as many children out of there as possible, because their heads are being used as trophies. It's sick and financial donation is the best way to help besides going there yourself",9,0,20180830-191022_810_live 19,Maybe the war is taking care of overpopulation. Perhaps I should rethink my opinion on war.,9,1,20180830-191022_810_live 20,That's understandable. So you're not interested in donation at all? To help keep children save from harm,10,0,20180830-191022_810_live 0,Hi.,0,0,20180830-175159_432_live 1,Hello,0,1,20180830-175159_432_live 2,What brought you to this task?,1,0,20180830-175159_432_live 3,A monetary reward ,1,1,20180830-175159_432_live 4,So you are on MTurk? like me?,2,0,20180830-175159_432_live 5,Yeah. Random survey.,2,1,20180830-175159_432_live 6,"Well, we just need to discuss a social issue, one very near to my heart.",3,0,20180830-175159_432_live 7,"Ok, sounds good. What issue?",3,1,20180830-175159_432_live 8,Chidren's welfare. You know how you feel when you read about some abused child?,4,0,20180830-175159_432_live 9,"oh ok, yes, I do.,",4,1,20180830-175159_432_live 10,"Well, that's great, but you know the BIGGEST problem is kids with poor parents (or no parent around), not the ones that are mistreated.",5,0,20180830-175159_432_live 11,"Yes, I do think that is an important issue to consider.",5,1,20180830-175159_432_live 12,Do you know any children personally who show up for school half-dressed or hungry?,6,0,20180830-175159_432_live 13,I do not.,6,1,20180830-175159_432_live 14,"That's good. Unfortunately I do, and for all the church groups and local government efforts, they continue to suffer.",7,0,20180830-175159_432_live 15,"I see. It's unfortunate that people, especially children, continue to slip through the cracks of society despite the efforts of these organizations.",7,1,20180830-175159_432_live 16,"Well, government and most local social welfare groups go thru the PARENTS; they provide FAMILY support, and short of abuse there's no way they can force the money to be filtered down to the kids. That's why private welfare groups (many associated with schools, like I was implying) are an important way to address these kids' needs DIRECTLY.",8,0,20180830-175159_432_live 17,Hm...I wasn't aware it was possible for some of these groups to bypass guardianship of these children and give help to these kids directly. This is the first I've heard of this.,8,1,20180830-175159_432_live 18,"It's not like that: they provide school and after-school meals and social support (like school sorts and groups do.) ALL ABOVE BOAFRD and nothing shady. In fact, what brought me to this survey is pretty amazing (somewhat coincidental!)",9,0,20180830-175159_432_live 19,Oh ok. That makes sense then.,9,1,20180830-175159_432_live 20,"OKAY, so I am involved with a group called (duh) ""SAVE THE CHILDREN"" and you and I both have the opportunity RIGHT NOW to support this organization with some of what we make on this HIT! I mean it\'s not like we\'re beating our brains out on this survey. I think we should agree to donate half (or more) of our compensation to the group.",10,0,20180830-175159_432_live 21,Sounds good. I'm good with donating half our compensation.,10,1,20180830-175159_432_live 22,"Now you know they are international, not just the US, but I feel all kids deserve a chance. ",11,0,20180830-175159_432_live 23,Even better. I agree completely. ,11,1,20180830-175159_432_live 24,"OK thanks. When we submit this hit, this conversation will be reported thru the sponsor, and you will hear back from them when (maybe if) they are able to process the donation to SAVE THE CHILDREN or another child charity. THANKS A LOT for your help! We are done.",12,0,20180830-175159_432_live 0,Hi. How are you doing today?,0,0,20180830-154623_7_live 1,"I am fine, and yourself",0,1,20180830-154623_7_live 2,"Good, thank you for asking. Have you ever heard of the Save the children organization?",1,0,20180830-154623_7_live 3,No I don't believe that I have,1,1,20180830-154623_7_live 4,"If its ok, I'd like to tell you a little bit about it.",2,0,20180830-154623_7_live 5,Awesome I would like to hear about it.,2,1,20180830-154623_7_live 6,This is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights and provides relief and helps support children in developing countries. I have four children myself and this organization is very important to me and important to the children over seas.,3,0,20180830-154623_7_live 7,Do you know the countries that it aids?,3,1,20180830-154623_7_live 8,"yes actually it aids all over the world including the united states. This isn't just an over seas program. Just in syria alone 1,000 children were reportedly killed or injured by violence in the first two months of 2018. Wow! Wouldn't that be so awesome if we could help all these children?",4,0,20180830-154623_7_live 9,Yes if the money donated really goes to the children then it would be perfect.,4,1,20180830-154623_7_live 10,Oh. I totally get where you are coming from and agree with you 100 percent. Have you personally ever sponsored a child?,5,0,20180830-154623_7_live 11,Yes I have and my father sponsored one from 2 until she was 18,5,1,20180830-154623_7_live 12,"Wow. That is amazing and I thank you personally for doing that! In 2017 this particular organization has helped over 155 million children in 120 countries. 237,000 right here in the united states!",6,0,20180830-154623_7_live 13,Wow that is a lot of children,6,1,20180830-154623_7_live 14,yes it is and I believe even more children can be helped if everyone did just a little. What do you think about that?,7,0,20180830-154623_7_live 15,I think that is awesome,7,1,20180830-154623_7_live 16,"So, I am asking you if you'd like to donate to this charity? ",8,0,20180830-154623_7_live 17,Is this monthly donations because I already donate to an organization,8,1,20180830-154623_7_live 18,Absolutely Not. This is a one time very small donation. 50 cents from your earnings that you will be paid from this task! How does that sound?,9,0,20180830-154623_7_live 19,Hmmm what about 20 cents.,9,1,20180830-154623_7_live 20,That would be amazing and so appreciated! You have such a good heart!,10,0,20180830-154623_7_live 0,"hello, what you think about charities?",0,0,20180830-160532_624_live 1,I think they are great as long as I have researched them to make sure the proceeds are actually going to what they say they are going to. How about you?,0,1,20180830-160532_624_live 2,i think that they are really trying to help people. Have you ever donated in a charity?,1,0,20180830-160532_624_live 3,"Yes I have donated to multiple charities. Have you donated to a charity? I so, what is one that you have donated to?",1,1,20180830-160532_624_live 4,i have donated to a charity that help research cancer but i dont really remember the name. Do you want to donate in today's charity?,2,0,20180830-160532_624_live 5,what is the charity that you are asking me to donate to?,2,1,20180830-160532_624_live 6,"its save the children charity, do you want information about this charity>?",3,0,20180830-160532_624_live 7,yes that would be helpful,3,1,20180830-160532_624_live 8,"this is a charity that helps children around the world and in USA, they help millions of children every year, they put them in school, buy them food and clothes. find them a shelter ",4,0,20180830-160532_624_live 9,wow that sounds like a really good charity. Do all the proceeds go to the children?,4,1,20180830-160532_624_live 10,"They of course have to pay for their employs and transportation and other things but the majority goes to the children and helps them, they are very transparent about their finances. ",5,0,20180830-160532_624_live 11,That makes sense. Do you know if they have locations where people can volunteer?,5,1,20180830-160532_624_live 12,"i dont know this information but i think if you google it you can find it, what about the donation? what you think=?",6,0,20180830-160532_624_live 13,I dont think I am going to donate today but I will keep the name of the charity in case I decide to donate on another day,6,1,20180830-160532_624_live 14,i really think that you will help some children with your donation. why you dont want to donate? is there a specific reason?,7,0,20180830-160532_624_live 15,"Like I said before I like to take the time to research the charity before I donate, so I would want to do some reasearch before just agreeing to donate.",7,1,20180830-160532_624_live 16,"Fair enough, you are right. which charity to you like most? ",8,0,20180830-160532_624_live 17,"There are quite a few, I dont remember their exact names, but I am a big dog fan so anything to help dogs find a family. Also I volunteered for a charity that made care packages of food for kids to take home to their families.",8,1,20180830-160532_624_live 18,"thank you for the conversation today, i hoped you would give some money to this charity but for the moment you want to research.thank you ",9,0,20180830-160532_624_live 19,"Yes I will do the research, did you donate?",9,1,20180830-160532_624_live 20,yes i will donate.,10,0,20180830-160532_624_live 0,Hello,0,0,20180830-181256_736_live 1,Hi! How are you? What would you like to discuss?,0,1,20180830-181256_736_live 2,First let's start out with how was your day today?,1,0,20180830-181256_736_live 3,My day has been going great! I love living in the USA! It's the best country in the world!,1,1,20180830-181256_736_live 4,We do have a lot of freedom dont we? Some others are not so fortunate though :(,2,0,20180830-181256_736_live 5,I feel ya. I sometimes wonder what could be done to fix the world's many problems.,2,1,20180830-181256_736_live 6,You and me both. We just need some smarter people in charge. We also need more people to help others that are not so fortunate. Wouldn't you agree?,3,0,20180830-181256_736_live 7,I think that the government needs to do more to help other. I don't know what someone like me could do. I'm barely making it myself.,3,1,20180830-181256_736_live 8,I am also not doing the greatest with finances at the present moment. Mturk is actually putting food on the table for me and my children. But today you and I could make a difference.,4,0,20180830-181256_736_live 9,"How could I make a difference? I have so little, and need to keep every penny I earn. It's tough out there!",4,1,20180830-181256_736_live 10,"I hear that, trust me I do. Are you a believer in karma?",5,0,20180830-181256_736_live 11,"I have seen much good karma, only bad. I want to believe, but I just don't know.",5,1,20180830-181256_736_live 12,I have personally noticed many things in the last 10 years where the universe is someway connected and of course there are things that are not known to man or maybe not even be discovered. But yeah we can make a little difference today and hopefully something good will happen. Would you be interested in donating some or all of the money you would be getting from this task today?,6,0,20180830-181256_736_live 13,I wasn't planning on making a donation. I was hoping to use it for my household needs. ,6,1,20180830-181256_736_live 14,We can find another way. There will be opportunities tonight yet. If you donate an amount today I will match that donation. Is that cool?,7,0,20180830-181256_736_live 15,How much were thinking of donating? I can't say that I have much room to spare.,7,1,20180830-181256_736_live 16,"Okay understandable, tell me what you think about what is happening in different parts of the world today. For instance, millions of Syrian children have grown up facing the daily threat of violence. In the first two months of 2018 alone, 1,000 children were reportedly killed or injured in intensifying violence.",8,0,20180830-181256_736_live 17,I'd heard something about that. Many are suffering there. ,8,1,20180830-181256_736_live 18,"Yes, it is tragic. We have the opportunity today to help some of those children out through the Save the Children foundation. Like I said I will match whatever you decide to donate, which could be up to $2.00 each.",9,0,20180830-181256_736_live 19,"If I donate ten cents, will you donate just as much, or more?",9,1,20180830-181256_736_live 20,I will donate what you would be willing to donate. No pressure at all,10,0,20180830-181256_736_live 0,Hi. Save The Children is a good charity. ,0,0,20180830-184045_958_live 1,It sounds like a good charity. Do you know the purpose of their charity? ,0,1,20180830-184045_958_live 2,To help impoverished children.,1,0,20180830-184045_958_live 3,Nationwide or worldwide?,1,1,20180830-184045_958_live 4,I believe they're worldwide.,2,0,20180830-184045_958_live 5,What have they accomplished so far?,2,1,20180830-184045_958_live 6,Ending hunger for some. The need is greater than the supply.,3,0,20180830-184045_958_live 7,I imagine it would be. I hate to think of a hungry child.,3,1,20180830-184045_958_live 8,Do you approve of giving to charity?,4,0,20180830-184045_958_live 9,I do. I give to a few charities.,4,1,20180830-184045_958_live 10,I do too.,5,0,20180830-184045_958_live 11,That is a great quality.,5,1,20180830-184045_958_live 12,"Yes, I think so too.",6,0,20180830-184045_958_live 13,Do you often donate to charity?,6,1,20180830-184045_958_live 14,Yes. Tithing is part of it. ,7,0,20180830-184045_958_live 15,What is tithing?,7,1,20180830-184045_958_live 16,Giving a tenth. Giving to Save the Children is possible. Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment ($2). Do you want to help?,8,0,20180830-184045_958_live 17,Yes. I would like to donate.,8,1,20180830-184045_958_live 18,Great. Decide ho much and the researchers send it on to them. Nice chatting with you!,9,0,20180830-184045_958_live 19,Thank you. Have a great night.,9,1,20180830-184045_958_live 0,Hi. How are you? I'm chatting to you from Tennessee.,0,0,20180830-180642_988_live 1,Howdy neighbor! I'm here in Alabama.,0,1,20180830-180642_988_live 2,That's a beautiful place. Many of my ancestors came from Alabama. How do you feel about children's charities? There are a lot of suffering children in the world.,1,0,20180830-180642_988_live 3,I feel that they're good. I work at a Children's hospital so I see children suffering everyday.,1,1,20180830-180642_988_live 4,I used to work at a Children's hospital too! In Chattanooga! Well I'm probably going to donate a portion of my earnings to the Save the Children charity They work globally and have are great reputation.,2,0,20180830-180642_988_live 5,What did you do there? ,2,1,20180830-180642_988_live 6,At the children's hospital? I was a respiratory therapist. So the researcher will handle the donation and make sure it gets to the right people. Would you care to donate something as well?,3,0,20180830-180642_988_live 7,I would like to donate too. I'm a biomedical equipment technician at my hospital.,3,1,20180830-180642_988_live 8,"That's awesome. I'm glad you're donating. Even if it is a small amount. The charity helps feed, educate, clothe and provide healthcare for kids. They are working with those poor babies in Syria that have suffered so much. How much do you feel you want to donate?",4,0,20180830-180642_988_live 9,I'm thinking .75 would help.,4,1,20180830-180642_988_live 10,That sounds great to me. You can choose any amount between 0 to $2.00. Thank you for your compassion.,5,0,20180830-180642_988_live 11,No problem. I agree that the defenseless need help.,5,1,20180830-180642_988_live 12,"I used to drive through Alabama delivering oxygen supplies to nursing homes. I would go to Huntsville, all the way to Gadsten. It's so beautiful. Sad that there are so many poverty stricken areas. Lots of needy kids there too, just like Tennessee. I love the south though.",6,0,20180830-180642_988_live 13,I used to live in Huntsville and my mom's from Gadsden. Now I live in South Alabama between Gulf Shores and Mobile.,6,1,20180830-180642_988_live 14,Oh lucky you! You're near the beach. I've been to Florida's beaches and South Carolina but not Alabama. I want to go. Heard it's very nice.,7,0,20180830-180642_988_live 15,They are pretty nice. I love it down here. Moving down here is one of the best decisions I've made.,7,1,20180830-180642_988_live 16,"Are you really close to the water? We don't get to the ocean too much. It's about a 9 or 10 hour drive from here. How cool, that you have a great job and an awesome place to live!",8,0,20180830-180642_988_live 17,Where I'm at now I'm about 2 miles from the bay and about 45 mins from the Gulf. I just bought a house just north of here. I'll be an hour from the Gulf there.,8,1,20180830-180642_988_live 18,It sounds wonderful. I'm sure the beaches are covered with white sand like Florida. I think we're close to being done with our chat. It's been pleasant and thanks again for agreeing to donate.,9,0,20180830-180642_988_live 19,Yeah they are pretty white. Florida's beaches are slightly better though. It has been great chatting with you!,9,1,20180830-180642_988_live 20,Have a good night.,10,0,20180830-180642_988_live 0,Hi do you want to donate some of your .30 reward to Save the Children?,0,0,20180830-162916_957_live 1,i could but i need more information about this charity organization.,0,1,20180830-162916_957_live 2,Save the Children is a children's charity. You could actually donate up to 2$ that the research team will collect from us. ,1,0,20180830-162916_957_live 3,"seems good, do they actually help children? i am a little skeptic ",1,1,20180830-162916_957_live 4,Well they certainly do have sad commercials with children in them,2,0,20180830-162916_957_live 5,but do they help them? i want to know if i donate my money would go to a child and not to somebody pocked ,2,1,20180830-162916_957_live 6,I guess we could google it. I remember Penelope Cruz was in one of their commercials holding a baby if that means anything,3,0,20180830-162916_957_live 7,"if she was in a commercial this must be a legitimate charity, i heard that they are helping Hawaii now with food and other things. ",3,1,20180830-162916_957_live 8,I've heard of them from way back when I was a kid myself. ,4,0,20180830-162916_957_live 9,you will donate in todays charity? or i just have to donate?,4,1,20180830-162916_957_live 10,I would donate the hypothetical money. I'm supposed to also ask you to choose an amount I will match whatever you choose. ,5,0,20180830-162916_957_live 11,how much are you donating and i will try to come up with the same amount ?,5,1,20180830-162916_957_live 12,1$ from the 2$ they mentioned?,6,0,20180830-162916_957_live 13,"ok for sure but i dont like to be like an idiot, so please dont lie to me. Do you ever give a charity to another organization?",6,1,20180830-162916_957_live 14,I donate to this Ocean charity. To save the Gulf Coast. i swear I will donate here if you do.,7,0,20180830-162916_957_live 15,ok i will donate $1 today. i have donated to a cancer research group.,7,1,20180830-162916_957_live 16,Okay cool. I wonder when they will move us on from this screen.,8,0,20180830-162916_957_live 17,we have to make 10 conversation each so we have to talk for 2 more rounds.,8,1,20180830-162916_957_live 18,You have been paying good attention lol. Okay no worries lets keep conversing,9,0,20180830-162916_957_live 19,when you told me i counted because i usually see when the end conversation button hit.,9,1,20180830-162916_957_live 20,Bye nice to have met you.,10,0,20180830-162916_957_live 0,Hi! How are you doing today?,0,0,20180830-155510_301_live 1,"Hi there, I am doing ok how are you?",0,1,20180830-155510_301_live 2,I'm not doing too bad. Thank you!,1,0,20180830-155510_301_live 3,How has you day gone today?,1,1,20180830-155510_301_live 4,"Not too bad, I just got in from work a few minutes ago. I'm glad it's almost the weekend.",2,0,20180830-155510_301_live 5,"Yes, I always look forward to the weekend. Now college football is fixing to start up and I am even happier!",2,1,20180830-155510_301_live 6,Yes it is. College football and a 3 day weekend. It can't get much better than that. Who's your team?,3,0,20180830-155510_301_live 7,"I am born and bred TCU football so they are and will always be my team, what about you?",3,1,20180830-155510_301_live 8,I'm an Auburn fan myself.,4,0,20180830-155510_301_live 9,How do you think they are going to do this year? I know Alabama is going to be tough as usual,4,1,20180830-155510_301_live 10,"I think they'll do ok. I expect them to stay at least in the top 15. They're a young team this year, but it seems like they always are. Our QB has had some shoulder issues this offseason so we'll see how that plays out. Our run game should be strong though. Alabama is going to be tough as long as Saban has a hand in that organization.",5,0,20180830-155510_301_live 11,"Isnt Stidham your QB still or is he graduated, I know he was from Baylor and really good!",5,1,20180830-155510_301_live 12,Yeah he's still there. He did really well last year.,6,0,20180830-155510_301_live 13,"Nice, well we play Ohio State and I think 99% of the country is going to be rooting for us to win because of Urban Meyer lol.",6,1,20180830-155510_301_live 14,"Yeah, hopefully you guys will. Urban's going to be the nasty face of CFB this year.",7,0,20180830-155510_301_live 15,"I just cant believe the flimsy excuses by the university to be honest, all they really care about is winning.",7,1,20180830-155510_301_live 16,Yeah that's the way it is these days. It's sad.,8,0,20180830-155510_301_live 17,"besides auburn obviously, who would you pick in the final 4 playoffs?",8,1,20180830-155510_301_live 18,"I think it'll be Alabama of course, I'd like to see TCU, you guys always seem to be a contender, I'd like to see Michigan, and anyone but Clemson lol.",9,0,20180830-155510_301_live 19,"Haha, my sleeper team is West Virginia I think they have a chance to be really good, their QB might be the best pro prospect this season. I think we will finish in the top3 of the B-12.",9,1,20180830-155510_301_live 20,I'd like to see someone else besides an SEC team win it honestly. This coming from an unbiased SEC fan.,10,0,20180830-155510_301_live 21,"That is nice, I agree with you about Clemson though, it should be fun though regardless!",10,1,20180830-155510_301_live 22,Yeah it should be. It's been nice talking to you. I guess I should get to the point of the chat. Would you like to donate any of your earnings to Save The Children?,11,0,20180830-155510_301_live 23,Sure they are a reputable charity and I have seen their work on TV. I would be willing to donate 0.75 of mine no question.,11,1,20180830-155510_301_live 24,Thank you for you donation. Good luck to your team this year! Go Frogs!,12,0,20180830-155510_301_live 25,"Good luck to you too, Go Tigers!",12,1,20180830-155510_301_live 0,Hi,0,0,20180830-225222_66_live 1,"Hello, how are you this evening? ",0,1,20180830-225222_66_live 2,Pretty good. How about yourself?,1,0,20180830-225222_66_live 3,"good, I thought I would try this HIT, it looked interesting",1,1,20180830-225222_66_live 4,Totally agree! And I'm still reading through my instructions but it's even cooler than I thought. What did you think of the personality survey?,2,0,20180830-225222_66_live 5,it was interesting and you wonder what they are trying to gauge,2,1,20180830-225222_66_live 6,"I know. Even though this is anonymous I found myself wondering what the researchers would think of me lol. It got pretty into our character, didn't it?",3,0,20180830-225222_66_live 7,"yes it did, some surveys actually give you an email of your personality traits if you want,I have taken them up on that a few times,and I concur usually",3,1,20180830-225222_66_live 8,That would be both cool and frightening at the same time. I always feel like I want to explain WHY I gave questions certain scores but don't have the chance to do that.,4,0,20180830-225222_66_live 9,"yes, you do have to wonder if they are judgmental,good thing anonymous! ",4,1,20180830-225222_66_live 10,No joke. I'm curious what your little instructions bar says. Mine has a bunch of information on a charity called Save the Children.,5,0,20180830-225222_66_live 11,"really? I do not have anything regarding that, I heard of that charity ",5,1,20180830-225222_66_live 12,I hadn't before this HIT. It sounds pretty cool. What do you know about it?,6,0,20180830-225222_66_live 13,"They help out children in many ways, food,shelter,learning,etc it is a reputable charity",6,1,20180830-225222_66_live 14,Yeah. It had a link to their website so I'm poking around. It sounds like it makes sure that somebody is sticking up for kids and helps them out where it can. It must be simultaneously really hard and really fulfilling to work for them.,7,0,20180830-225222_66_live 15,"yes,I know it is, I did volunteer work for 8 years with a children's group starting when I was 13",7,1,20180830-225222_66_live 16,That's really cool. What group?,8,0,20180830-225222_66_live 17,"it was through Missionettes from my church a volunteer group who went to hospital's , homeless shelters etc it was an enriching experience",8,1,20180830-225222_66_live 18,That sounds really cool. It's been too long since I've volunteered. I did Habitat for Humanity 3 years ago but nothing since then. Do you still do any volunteer work?,9,0,20180830-225222_66_live 19,"yes,I am a foster mom! for cats and dogs lol only a few times a year,but still it helps",9,1,20180830-225222_66_live 20,"Hey, that counts. We rent so we can't do that right now but I want to foster dogs someday. I love animals. Do you have any full-time pets?",10,0,20180830-225222_66_live 0,"The Save the Children charity desperately needs your help, would you consider donating to this cause?",0,0,20180830-183859_317_live 1,I'm sorry I do not know anything about the charity,0,1,20180830-183859_317_live 2,"They provide services to vulnerable children around the world. Clean water, vaccines, etc... would you donate .15 cents? It is a small amount but added to other worker's donations it will go far in saving lives.",1,0,20180830-183859_317_live 3,Is there any link or page I can visit to get more information on the charity? I am currently donating already to another charity and I am extremely picky on who I donate to.,1,1,20180830-183859_317_live 4,"Yes, Save the Children.org The researchers will deduct any amount you would like to donate from your pay and make the payment for you.",2,0,20180830-183859_317_live 5,"Alright, to whom does the money go to",2,1,20180830-183859_317_live 6,"Save the Children.Your donation is really appreciated. Recently for instance, millions of Syrian children have grown up facing the daily threat of violence. In the first two months of 2018 alone, 1,000 children were reportedly killed or injured in intensifying violence.",3,0,20180830-183859_317_live 7,Does the charity only service children outside of the US?,3,1,20180830-183859_317_live 8,No they also help children in the U.S. For instance they help children affected by natural disasters in the U.S.,4,0,20180830-183859_317_live 9,Is the charity a non profit group?,4,1,20180830-183859_317_live 10,Yes they are a non-profit,5,0,20180830-183859_317_live 11,"What are your annual goals, needs, and results?",5,1,20180830-183859_317_live 12,"In fiscal year 2017, 86% of all expenditures went to program services, 5% went to management, and 9% went to fundraising. The goal is the more money raised the more services can be provided to children going through different disasters and crisis.",6,0,20180830-183859_317_live 13,Who are your main competitors and how do your results in recent years compare to theirs?,6,1,20180830-183859_317_live 14,In 2017 Save the Children helped 155 million children. I don't know the statistics for other organizations. The nice thing about this organization is the high percentage of money that goes directly to helping children and not overhead management costs. ,7,0,20180830-183859_317_live 15,Alright I have made a decision on how much to donate. I think overall the donation would not go to waste even if it is such a small amount.,7,1,20180830-183859_317_live 16,Thank you very much it will make an impact.,8,0,20180830-183859_317_live 17,I would like to donate $2.00 to the charity.,8,1,20180830-183859_317_live 18,"That's wonderful, Thanks again :)",9,0,20180830-183859_317_live 19,"Its no problem. I did my own research on the charity, and I believe that it is a solid charity.",9,1,20180830-183859_317_live 0,Hello,0,0,20180830-153926_427_live 1,Hi,0,1,20180830-153926_427_live 2,Have you ever heard of Save the Children Organisation?,1,0,20180830-153926_427_live 3,Perhaps. It sounds familiar.,1,1,20180830-153926_427_live 4,"Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",2,0,20180830-153926_427_live 5,"So, it is international but only supports developing countries?",2,1,20180830-153926_427_live 6,It gives support where it is more needed,3,0,20180830-153926_427_live 7,"Ok, what does it do for those in need?",3,1,20180830-153926_427_live 8,"In the U.S. and around the world, Save the Children does whatever it takes ¡ª every day and in times of crisis ¡ª to give children a healthy start in life, the opportunity to learn and protection from harm. When crisis strikes and children are most vulnerable, they are always among the first to respond and the last to leave. They ensure children's unique needs are met and their voices are heard. ",4,0,20180830-153926_427_live 9,What makes Save the Children better than other charities?,4,1,20180830-153926_427_live 10,"TWith the help of people like yourself, they've reached 155 mil children around the world and 237,000 in the United States",5,0,20180830-153926_427_live 11,What percentage of charitable donations go directly to the fund?,5,1,20180830-153926_427_live 12,"86% goes towards program funding, 9% towards fundraising and 5% towards management",6,0,20180830-153926_427_live 13,What qualifies a child for help?,6,1,20180830-153926_427_live 14,"Right now, Save the Children remains gravely concerned about the well-being of children in the custody of the U.S. government after crossing our southern border",7,0,20180830-153926_427_live 15,How are the funds used to help these children?,7,1,20180830-153926_427_live 16,"More than 50% of the funds go towards health, nutrition,and education. Would you be willing to donate to the charity?",8,0,20180830-153926_427_live 17,A small amount because I have other charities I support as well.,8,1,20180830-153926_427_live 18,I can understand that. It is very nice to hear that you choose to spend your money in meaningful ways.,9,0,20180830-153926_427_live 19,I try to give back although I am often weary of charities. ,9,1,20180830-153926_427_live 20,How much do you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment ($2).,10,0,20180830-153926_427_live 21,I will donate 50 cent at this time.,10,1,20180830-153926_427_live 22,That is very generous! Thank you! ,11,0,20180830-153926_427_live 0,Do you like to help children out who are less fortunate?,0,0,20180830-191620_965_live 1,Yes I do,0,1,20180830-191620_965_live 2,There is a child right now 8000 miles away from you who is living daily with violence and no food. But we can help her.,1,0,20180830-191620_965_live 3,How do we help her?,1,1,20180830-191620_965_live 4,We take money that we would spend for a piece of candy or a cup of coffee and put aside for her. Just one time will make a difference for her.,2,0,20180830-191620_965_live 5,That sounds like a great idea! Let's do it!,2,1,20180830-191620_965_live 6,Ok. It makes me mad that so many children around the world are facing such challenges while we sit in our comfortable home with every need met. How about you?,3,0,20180830-191620_965_live 7,"Yes, it is very disheartening. I hope that more people see the need to help others like we see the need.",3,1,20180830-191620_965_live 8,Would you like to know the charity I am talking about?,4,0,20180830-191620_965_live 9,Yes. Please tell me more about the charity.,4,1,20180830-191620_965_live 10,"It has been around for over fifty years. It is called Save The Children. They take our money and help with safety, health, and shelter for children who need it desperately.",5,0,20180830-191620_965_live 11,I like the fact that they have history. Do you think 100% of our donations will go to the children?,5,1,20180830-191620_965_live 12,They keep 1% for overhead but the rest goes right to the children to better the lives of them and their family.,6,0,20180830-191620_965_live 13,That sounds fair. Do we know what geographic area we will be donating to?,6,1,20180830-191620_965_live 14,Yes. It is the mountainous region of Uganda.,7,0,20180830-191620_965_live 15,That is amazing! How can we get more people involved?,7,1,20180830-191620_965_live 16,"We make a donation then we tell how good it made us feel and who we helped like Lina, the girl I was talking about.",8,0,20180830-191620_965_live 17,Ok. I would definitely like to donate!,8,1,20180830-191620_965_live 18,How much would you like to donate from $0 to your payment of $2?,9,0,20180830-191620_965_live 19,I would like to donate $2,9,1,20180830-191620_965_live 20,Ok. $2 it is. Thank you.,10,0,20180830-191620_965_live 21,Absolutely! It is for a good cause!,10,1,20180830-191620_965_live 0,Would you like to consider donating some or all of you income to the Save the Children charity?,0,0,20180830-202306_689_live 1,I might consider that,0,1,20180830-202306_689_live 2,How much of your earnings would you consider donating to these poor needy children?,1,0,20180830-202306_689_live 3,"I'm not familiar with the charity, so I wouldn't give much because I'm not sure how much actually goes to the children. I would consider $.50. Are you donating?",1,1,20180830-202306_689_live 4,"Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",2,0,20180830-202306_689_live 5,"that's wonderful, but when I donate to charity I like to look at how their donations are used. Some tend to give those who run their non-profs large salaries while only giving a smaller percent to the recipients of their funds",2,1,20180830-202306_689_live 6,"Your donation is essential to help ensuring children's rights to health, education, safety, etc. Your donation will make a tangible impact for the children",3,0,20180830-202306_689_live 7,that's great! what percent of donations actually go to the children?,3,1,20180830-202306_689_live 8,"86% goes to program services for the children, 9% goes to fundraising for them, and 5% goes to general management ",4,0,20180830-202306_689_live 9,interesting. how are you so familiar with the charity?,4,1,20180830-202306_689_live 10,"Not only have I made personal donations in the past, but I made sure I did my research before getting involved with the charity in order to make sure my contributions were being used solely for the children",5,0,20180830-202306_689_live 11,That's great! How much do you donate annually?,5,1,20180830-202306_689_live 12,I donate a good portion of my income,6,0,20180830-202306_689_live 13,what percent would you say or how much monthly (if you don't mind me asking :) ),6,1,20180830-202306_689_live 14,I donate 55% of my income. I live comfortable with my remaining income and know that those children do not have it nearly as well as I do.,7,0,20180830-202306_689_live 15,WOW. you must be rich! lol I barely have enough for myself at the end of the month. I would say I donate maybe $200 annually to charities which is a tiny portion of my income. Do you donate to other charities?,7,1,20180830-202306_689_live 16,At the moment my priority is this charity so currently I only donate to this one. I want to make sure these children get that maximum help they can from the community,8,0,20180830-202306_689_live 17,that's admirable of you. Do you volunteer with the charity?,8,1,20180830-202306_689_live 18,I do mainly fundraising and outreach to increase awareness,9,0,20180830-202306_689_live 19,"that's awesome, so maybe I'll donate $.50",9,1,20180830-202306_689_live 20,Would you consider donating $.60?,10,0,20180830-202306_689_live 0,do you like children?,0,0,20180830-182713_515_live 1,"I like children individually, groups of children not so much.",0,1,20180830-182713_515_live 2,are you worried about poor children?,1,0,20180830-182713_515_live 3,"Yes, I think taking care of children is important",1,1,20180830-182713_515_live 4,are you worried about children not getting enough to eat?,2,0,20180830-182713_515_live 5,"Of course, everyone has the right to food.",2,1,20180830-182713_515_live 6,"how about education, are you worried about children growing up ignorant?",3,0,20180830-182713_515_live 7,"Yes, education is extremely important",3,1,20180830-182713_515_live 8,do you think children should have a roof over their heads?,4,0,20180830-182713_515_live 9,"Yes, I think any decent person would",4,1,20180830-182713_515_live 10,how much does it take to feed a child without a family in the third world per day?,5,0,20180830-182713_515_live 11,I really have no idea. Maybe 5 dollars?,5,1,20180830-182713_515_live 12,can you believe it is less than that?,6,0,20180830-182713_515_live 13,Ya i guess I could believe that,6,1,20180830-182713_515_live 14,are you interested in helping a poor childe with a contribution?,7,0,20180830-182713_515_live 15,Yes I am,7,1,20180830-182713_515_live 16,have you heard about save the children fund?,8,0,20180830-182713_515_live 17,"No, tell me about it",8,1,20180830-182713_515_live 18,it is a program to help poor children around the world with basic needs. do you want to help them?,9,0,20180830-182713_515_live 19,Yes I do,9,1,20180830-182713_515_live 20,look them up in the web and make a dontation please! ..thanks in advance!,10,0,20180830-182713_515_live 21,"Ok, I will",10,1,20180830-182713_515_live 0,"Hi, would you like to donate today to help kids?",0,0,20180830-152840_138_live 1,i don_t know,0,1,20180830-152840_138_live 2,It is a great charity that will help many children out. It is international,1,0,20180830-152840_138_live 3,talk me about those children,1,1,20180830-152840_138_live 4,"with a donation, you will help children all over the world gain access to healthcare and other things.",2,0,20180830-152840_138_live 5,"uhhh, i like tha",2,1,20180830-152840_138_live 6,"Yes, it is very good. would you like to donate?",3,0,20180830-152840_138_live 7,i think yes,3,1,20180830-152840_138_live 8,Great. They are a very professional organization,4,0,20180830-152840_138_live 9,i hope of that,4,1,20180830-152840_138_live 10,There are many kids out there that need help,5,0,20180830-152840_138_live 11,"is true that for that i can donate 0,10 $",5,1,20180830-152840_138_live 12,Syria is one place that has been devastated by war,6,0,20180830-152840_138_live 13,I know and I hope this changue in the future,6,1,20180830-152840_138_live 14,I hope so too. ,7,0,20180830-152840_138_live 15,"yes, was a pleasure talk about this with you",7,1,20180830-152840_138_live 16,I feel the same. So 10 dollars from you?,8,0,20180830-152840_138_live 17,nottt just (0.10$),8,1,20180830-152840_138_live 18,"Okay, that is fine",9,0,20180830-152840_138_live 19,ok thanks you you were well persuader,9,1,20180830-152840_138_live 0,"Hello, may I ask if you already cooperate with a nonprofit organization",0,0,20180830-194201_156_live 1,yes,0,1,20180830-194201_156_live 2,Is that organization currently helping the children in need?,1,0,20180830-194201_156_live 3,yes. they are helping sick children.,1,1,20180830-194201_156_live 4,"Well, I know an organization that not only cares about sick children, but also for those who don't have anything to eat nor a place to live or study",2,0,20180830-194201_156_live 5,I believe there is an organization like that. Are they good?,2,1,20180830-194201_156_live 6,"Yes, very, they help a lot of children around the world and work hand in hand with UNICEF",3,0,20180830-194201_156_live 7,"that is good. For every $1 donation, how much will they spent on children? how much will they spend on administration?",3,1,20180830-194201_156_live 8,"Most of it, around 95 cents of every dollar is spent on children",4,0,20180830-194201_156_live 9,that is good.,4,1,20180830-194201_156_live 10,"So, would you like to cooperate with this organization?",5,0,20180830-194201_156_live 11,sure. I would like to,5,1,20180830-194201_156_live 12,"You can feel free to donate as much as you want, the research team will collect the donations and send it to Save The Children",6,0,20180830-194201_156_live 13,I can donate $1,6,1,20180830-194201_156_live 14,"That would be perfect, every dollar count when it comes to help those in need, specially the children",7,0,20180830-194201_156_live 15,yes. that is true.,7,1,20180830-194201_156_live 16,You can also be a volunteer if you live near one of their offices,8,0,20180830-194201_156_live 17,"I am in Mclean, virginia",8,1,20180830-194201_156_live 18,"I think they have an office in Virginia, so, you can go there if you'd like to be a volunteer",9,0,20180830-194201_156_live 19,ok. what is the website for this organization?,9,1,20180830-194201_156_live 0,Hello there,0,0,20180830-174307_818_live 1,"Good evening, how are you?",0,1,20180830-174307_818_live 2,I am doing well- I hope the same for you! ,1,0,20180830-174307_818_live 3,I am doing great. Just had dinner.,1,1,20180830-174307_818_live 4,"Glad to hear it. I was wondering- have you ever heard of an organization called Save the Children? If not, I was hoping I could tell you a bit about what they do",2,0,20180830-174307_818_live 5,I have briefly heard about it but I don't know much about it so I'd love to hear more.,2,1,20180830-174307_818_live 6,"I appreciate your openness. Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries. They rely solely on donations from people like you and I to help ensure children have access to healthcare, education, etc. ",3,0,20180830-174307_818_live 7,Do they help children in the U.S. as well?,3,1,20180830-174307_818_live 8,Absolutely- all over the world. They are a really amazing organization. ,4,0,20180830-174307_818_live 9,"Wow, that's pretty huge. Are there minimums for small donations if you don't have alot of money but want to donate?",4,1,20180830-174307_818_live 10,No minimums whatsoever! I have friends that donate $5/month and it makes such a huge difference in the lives of these children. ,5,0,20180830-174307_818_live 11,I can imagine little bits adding up pretty quick if many people pitch in for such a great cause.,5,1,20180830-174307_818_live 12,"Exactly. And actually, I hope you don't mind me asking, but might you be willing to donate some or all of the money you're receiving for this specific task ($2) to the Save the Children organization? ",6,0,20180830-174307_818_live 13,I don't mind at all. I would like to donate $1.00 to this charity! Thank for the opportunity to get involved.,6,1,20180830-174307_818_live 14,You are amazing- thank you so much for your generosity!! There are so many worthy causes out there but this one definitely holds a special place in my heart. ,7,0,20180830-174307_818_live 15,I think I will look this one up to learn more. You are very welcome.,7,1,20180830-174307_818_live 16,I would encourage it- the website is URL Do you have children of your own?,8,0,20180830-174307_818_live 17,Thank you for the website. Yes I have three children. Two are out of the house and grown. My youngest is 12.,8,1,20180830-174307_818_live 18,How lovely! Your children are lucky to have such a great role model in you- I wish you nothing but the best in the future! ,9,0,20180830-174307_818_live 19,Same to you! Thanks so much.,9,1,20180830-174307_818_live 0,"Hi, have you heard of the charity Save the Children?",0,0,20180830-191932_932_live 1,Im sorry I have not,0,1,20180830-191932_932_live 2,"Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",1,0,20180830-191932_932_live 3,How does this organization raise money to help them accomplish this,1,1,20180830-191932_932_live 4,Save the Children is a non-profit organization that collects donations through various fundraisers to fund their work.,2,0,20180830-191932_932_live 5,Thats sounds fine. What are you trying to complete by speaking with me,2,1,20180830-191932_932_live 6,I would like to ask if you would be willing to donate some or all of your incoming payment for this task to Save the Children.,3,0,20180830-191932_932_live 7,Im afraid not. I believe that parents of the child are responsible to take care of their children this is Gods way. If the parent is not there to complete this it is the Churches job. Now we have people that don't go to church because organizations and governments have started doing this.,3,1,20180830-191932_932_live 8,"There is a lack of support for children in developing countries, especially in war zones. For instance, millions of Syrian children have grown up facing the daily threat of violence. In the first two months of 2018 alone, 1,000 children were reportedly killed or injured in intensifying violence. Save the Children does work to help these children in situations that they and their parents are unable to control.",4,0,20180830-191932_932_live 9,I understands that. But I do not take my money from my family and give it to another family. My family first. When I am doing surveys to make pennies I don't have money to give to other countries,4,1,20180830-191932_932_live 10,How much do you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment ($2).,5,0,20180830-191932_932_live 11,I choose $0,5,1,20180830-191932_932_live 12,Are you sure there is no amount that you would like to donate today?,6,0,20180830-191932_932_live 13,Yes I am positive,6,1,20180830-191932_932_live 14,Save the Children is a large organization that has helped many already but relies on donations to continue their good work. How many more children have to suffer?,7,0,20180830-191932_932_live 15,As long as evil is in the world people that shouldn't suffer will. So wouldn't you say that money only mask the problem. ( Just as medication doesn't fix most diseases just mask symptoms). We need to fix the problem not mask it,7,1,20180830-191932_932_live 16,"Organizations such as Save the Children are trying to reduce some of the evil and suffering in the world by spreading help and relief. Even if it does not fix the problem, can't you say that is can help give a child a fighting chance to hopefully help end the cycle of evil?",8,0,20180830-191932_932_live 17,I would like to know how much the executives or (consultants) get paid to help this organizations efforts,8,1,20180830-191932_932_live 18,"In fiscal year 2017, 86% of all expenditures went to program services. 9% was used to promote fundraising. Only 5% of all expenditures were spent on Management.",9,0,20180830-191932_932_live 19,How much was made not percentages,9,1,20180830-191932_932_live 20,"The total operating revenue for 2017 was $807,412. Only $38,401 was spent on management. I just want to ask one last time, are you sure there is no amount you would like to donate today? ",10,0,20180830-191932_932_live 0,"Hi, my name is Robert.",0,0,20180830-223344_362_live 1,"Hi Robert, I'm Jonathan.",0,1,20180830-223344_362_live 2,"Have you ever heard of ""Save the Children""?",1,0,20180830-223344_362_live 3,I have not.,1,1,20180830-223344_362_live 4,Save the children is a foundation that help needy kids.,2,0,20180830-223344_362_live 5,"Excellent, I'm happy to hear about people helping those in need.",2,1,20180830-223344_362_live 6,I am trying to get people interest in donating to the cause.,3,0,20180830-223344_362_live 7,"Okay, it is something that I am interested in looking into.",3,1,20180830-223344_362_live 8,Any money you donate will be handled by a research team. I am going to tell you a little how it works.,4,0,20180830-223344_362_live 9,"Great, I am new to this and am unfamiliar how this works.",4,1,20180830-223344_362_live 10,Any and all money donate will be handled by a The research team will collect all donations and send it to Save the Children.,5,0,20180830-223344_362_live 11,Where does the money come from?,5,1,20180830-223344_362_live 12,The money will be deduct from your earnings when you complete this hit.,6,0,20180830-223344_362_live 13,"Okay, so up to $0.30, then?",6,1,20180830-223344_362_live 14,"anywhere from 1 cent to 2.00 dollars, so take your time and decide.",7,0,20180830-223344_362_live 15,"I'm still very, very new to mturk so I'll donate the $0.30 from this HIT.",7,1,20180830-223344_362_live 16,Do you want to this donation to go to one child or a group of children?,8,0,20180830-223344_362_live 17,Go to a group.,8,1,20180830-223344_362_live 18,Thank you very much for your donation.,9,0,20180830-223344_362_live 19,Thank you too.,9,1,20180830-223344_362_live 0,Hello how are you today?,0,0,20180830-154401_340_live 1,Hello. I am great! How are you?,0,1,20180830-154401_340_live 2,I am doing well. Are you aware of the charity Save the Children?,1,0,20180830-154401_340_live 3,"I have heard of it, but don't know anything about it.",1,1,20180830-154401_340_live 4,It is a great charity. It helps children all around the world. ,2,0,20180830-154401_340_live 5,What do they do?,2,1,20180830-154401_340_live 6," Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",3,0,20180830-154401_340_live 7,that is a really vague answer.,3,1,20180830-154401_340_live 8,A specific example is helping children in war torn countries like Syria.,4,0,20180830-154401_340_live 9,but how exactly do they help them?,4,1,20180830-154401_340_live 10,By giving aid such as food.,5,0,20180830-154401_340_live 11,That sounds great. Do they provide education also?,5,1,20180830-154401_340_live 12,"Yes, you can learn more here. URL ",6,0,20180830-154401_340_live 13,thanks. I will check it out.,6,1,20180830-154401_340_live 14,How much do you like to donate to the charity now?,7,0,20180830-154401_340_live 15,I really feel like I should research it more.,7,1,20180830-154401_340_live 16,Even a few cents helps. ,8,0,20180830-154401_340_live 17,I really need the money from Mturk. That's why I'm here.,8,1,20180830-154401_340_live 18,Me too but I think some one else could benefit much more than you and I could from 10 cents,9,0,20180830-154401_340_live 19,You seem really passionate about this non-profit. I just checked their website. Their annual report looks good.,9,1,20180830-154401_340_live 20,Will you donate that small amount?,10,0,20180830-154401_340_live 0,Hey how are you doing today?,0,0,20180830-174602_584_live 1,I'm great! And you?,0,1,20180830-174602_584_live 2,I'm doing well thanks for asking. How is the weather where you are at?,1,0,20180830-174602_584_live 3,It's been quite hot these last few days. Disgusting heat wave. I personally love cold weather.,1,1,20180830-174602_584_live 4,"Yeah I do to, I can't wait for the snow to fly here :) Just a quick question to find out a little more about you. Have you given to any charities lately?",2,0,20180830-174602_584_live 5,"Yes, I have. I dontate to the Red Cross regularly.",2,1,20180830-174602_584_live 6,I do as well and wish many more people would. I like that they and a lot of other charities are utilizing the technology to make donations a lot easier.,3,0,20180830-174602_584_live 7,Yes they certainly are. I always donate online now.,3,1,20180830-174602_584_live 8,Good for you! Okay have you hear about any charities lately that have been doing extra due to the wars in which civilians are unfortunately in the wrong place with little help?,4,0,20180830-174602_584_live 9,No I don't think I've heard about any of those.,4,1,20180830-174602_584_live 10,"Let me give you an example for instance, millions of Syrian children have grown up facing the daily threat of violence. In the first two months of 2018 alone, 1,000 children were reportedly killed or injured in intensifying violence.",5,0,20180830-174602_584_live 11,Wow that sounds pretty bad,5,1,20180830-174602_584_live 12,Yeah a lot of people are unaware of exactly what is going on in this messed up world. I wish the media would actually do more to help out. This is when a charity steps in specifically Save the Children Foundation.,6,0,20180830-174602_584_live 13,That would definitley be very helpfil,6,1,20180830-174602_584_live 14,"Today, together we can help this charity out. Would you be willing to donate some or all of the money you would get for doing this task?",7,0,20180830-174602_584_live 15,Not right now I can't,7,1,20180830-174602_584_live 16,Is there anything you have purchased this week that is not a neccessity?,8,0,20180830-174602_584_live 17,Not really. Just food and stuff.,8,1,20180830-174602_584_live 18,"Well maybe not just last week but how about all year. What do we waste our time and money on? I understand we all need to make money, but why can't people help out the people that truly need our help in this world. If you donate $2.00 today I will match that. Then we will have done our good deed for the day and maybe just maybe the universe will reward us in another way!",9,0,20180830-174602_584_live 19,I don't think I've really wasted much money lately.,9,1,20180830-174602_584_live 20,Okay thats fine do you still wish to donate for karma to kick in?,10,0,20180830-174602_584_live 0,Hello,0,0,20180830-174339_981_live 1,Hi! How are you?,0,1,20180830-174339_981_live 2,Doing well thank you. And yourself?,1,0,20180830-174339_981_live 3,I'm doing okay.,1,1,20180830-174339_981_live 4,"Good. I promise I'm not a bot, lol. Watching the UCF-UConn game and doing some Turks.",2,0,20180830-174339_981_live 5,Who are you cheering for?,2,1,20180830-174339_981_live 6,"UCF. Last year\'s ""National Champions""",3,0,20180830-174339_981_live 7,I went to UCF for a semester. Love the campus! Not really a sport's person myself though.,3,1,20180830-174339_981_live 8,Wow! Small world!,4,0,20180830-174339_981_live 9,It is! Are you from Florida?,4,1,20180830-174339_981_live 10,"I am. Orlando...well, DeBary, right down the road. I work downtown for The Dr. Phillips Center, a non profit performing arts center.",5,0,20180830-174339_981_live 11,I'm originally from Tampa. Moved to Texas about 2 years ago. ,5,1,20180830-174339_981_live 12,"Cool. Don't mess with Texas, right? So speaking of non-profits, would you be interested in donating some of your bonus from this HIT to Save the Children?",6,0,20180830-174339_981_live 13,Can you tell me about it?,6,1,20180830-174339_981_live 14,"Sure. Save the Children gives children a healthy start in life, the opportunity to learn and protection from harm. When crisis strikes, they are always among the first to respond and the last to leave. They do whatever it takes to save children, transforming their lives and the future we all share. They are a worldwide organization and I believe even assisted with the response to Hurricane Harvey in Houston last year.",7,0,20180830-174339_981_live 15,So they are a crisis response organization?,7,1,20180830-174339_981_live 16,"Yup. They are helping out with the Syrian refugee crisis, Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria, the earthquakes in Japan, the earthquake in Haiti a few years ago... even as far back as Katrina.",8,0,20180830-174339_981_live 17,How much of the donation goes directly to the children?,8,1,20180830-174339_981_live 18,100% of your donation goes to it according to the creators of this Turk. You can donate any amount of your bonus and the rest of the bonus is yours to keep. I even use a Chome extension call Tabs for a Cause and donate to them through that extension all the time,9,0,20180830-174339_981_live 19,No non profit can give 100% of the donation to the intended recipient. There are costs to take care of first.,9,1,20180830-174339_981_live 20,"Yeah, that\'s true. The only information I have to work with in regards to how much of this particular donation that goes to the children is what the research organizers say: ""The research team will collect all donations and send it to Save the Children."" However, according to Charity Navigator, 88.3% of their donations go to their mission (the children).",10,0,20180830-174339_981_live 21,"Without time to do more research, I don't think I'll donate.",10,1,20180830-174339_981_live 22,Not even 50 cents? 44 of which will go to those kids? Don't make me start playing the Sarah McLachlan music with the children in the background because the researchers gave me the ability to do that...,11,0,20180830-174339_981_live 23,"No, I like to completely research any causes I donate to.",11,1,20180830-174339_981_live 24,"""I will remember youuuuuuuuuu... *sad child from Hurricane Harvey"" ""Will you remember meeeee?"" *sad child from earthquake*",12,0,20180830-174339_981_live 0,Hi,0,0,20180830-185816_181_live 1,Hello,0,1,20180830-185816_181_live 2,We are supposed to donate some money to Save The Children. How do you feel about that?,1,0,20180830-185816_181_live 3,"I think it is a great idea, however I am unable to donate at this time!I am also skeptical about making online donations! ",1,1,20180830-185816_181_live 4,Well it is easy and they will just take it out of our pay.,2,0,20180830-185816_181_live 5,Will you be making a donation from your pay?,2,1,20180830-185816_181_live 6,Definitely; it is a worthy cause,3,0,20180830-185816_181_live 7,That is awesome for you! I will not be making a donation today! Honestly I believe this chat is to gain money (donations) and not to discuss social issues. Based on your responses Im sure your not a random person. So how often do you actually get people to make the donations?,3,1,20180830-185816_181_live 8,It is actually kind of hard. Many do not see the need or care.,4,0,20180830-185816_181_live 9,Social media might be a better platform for gaining donations. I would actual consider making a donation that way because it appears more trustworthy,4,1,20180830-185816_181_live 10,"If that works for you, sure. I would be happy with that, because the need is so large. Our government is doing almost nothing to help children in need.",5,0,20180830-185816_181_live 11,I would have to agree with this statement. What comes to mind when I think about kids in need and the government is the need to provide free lunches for all students. ,5,1,20180830-185816_181_live 12,"Well yes. They can need much more than that, unfortunately. Fresh water and clothing is often not available in the third world.",6,0,20180830-185816_181_live 13,"Yes, there is much more. When there is so much going on in the US in regards to government neglect, it is difficult to think about the struggles of the third world countries. ",6,1,20180830-185816_181_live 14,"It is up to us to help, a situation that probably will continue regardless of who is in charge of our government.",7,0,20180830-185816_181_live 15,"Yes, it is cliche but we can make a difference. Of course, donations play a major role in helping! No, I am still not donation today!",7,1,20180830-185816_181_live 16,Alright. You could visit the Save The Children website. It is very interesting and informative. URL ,8,0,20180830-185816_181_live 17,"Yes, I will thank you for providing the website!",8,1,20180830-185816_181_live 18,I can just tell you that helping is very satisfying. Doing something that matters. You could consider it a hobby like golf or a book club.,9,0,20180830-185816_181_live 19,"Agreed, I love helping others. I often donate goods and food to help others. I am always willing to donate my time to support great causes! I believe more people would be willing to help others if given more ""options\' for doing so. Asking for money ""donations"" is great but it definitely has yet to solve the issues going on in the world today! ",9,1,20180830-185816_181_live 20,It has been good to talk to you. I hope you will think about helping today.,10,0,20180830-185816_181_live 21,Great talking to you as well! Have a great evening!,10,1,20180830-185816_181_live 0,"Hello, How are you doing?",0,0,20180830-154545_725_live 1,"I'm doing okay, how are you?",0,1,20180830-154545_725_live 2,I am doing good. How is your day so far/,1,0,20180830-154545_725_live 3,It's going alright. I had class this afternoon and just turking the rest of the day.,1,1,20180830-154545_725_live 4,"Okay, all I need to do is turking whole day",2,0,20180830-154545_725_live 5,How much money do you make turking?,2,1,20180830-154545_725_live 6,around $1500 per month,3,0,20180830-154545_725_live 7,Dang thats a good amount! What scripts are you running?,3,1,20180830-154545_725_live 8,And What about you how much do you earn turking.,4,0,20180830-154545_725_live 9,"I just started the other day so I'm not sure yet. Running TO, Hourly, and HIT Scraper",4,1,20180830-154545_725_live 10,"That's good to hear, I am sure you are going to earn a good amount",5,0,20180830-154545_725_live 11,"Thanks lol, I'm trying. Does your task say something about donations?",5,1,20180830-154545_725_live 12,"Yes, I can see something which relates to save the children donation.",6,0,20180830-154545_725_live 13,Mine just says that I can choose any amount from $0-2,6,1,20180830-154545_725_live 14,It says here that I can donate the extra gain which I earn I can donate it to the children,7,0,20180830-154545_725_live 15,What are you thinking about donating? I don't know if it would actually go to a foundation,7,1,20180830-154545_725_live 16,I wish to donate because that is very small amount and I am happy that I can help them at least this way,8,0,20180830-154545_725_live 17,I'd be willing to donate $1,8,1,20180830-154545_725_live 18,"That's great<,I would also donate around $1 to $2",9,0,20180830-154545_725_live 19,"Okay, lets each donate $1",9,1,20180830-154545_725_live 0,Have you heard about children's charites?,0,0,20180830-155925_759_live 1,yes I have,0,1,20180830-155925_759_live 2,"I know of a charity that is serving children's rights to health, education and safety. Would you like to know more?",1,0,20180830-155925_759_live 3,"yes,that would be great! to know more for my family!",1,1,20180830-155925_759_live 4,I can provide you with a website. Would you like that link?,2,0,20180830-155925_759_live 5,yes i would like that link please.,2,1,20180830-155925_759_live 6," URL It is really important that we all help children's charities. The atrocities done to kids is something we all should be angry about, you too since you have a family and can relate.",3,0,20180830-155925_759_live 7,it's horrible!i heard many stories from my friends from their childhood! ,3,1,20180830-155925_759_live 8,You and I should do our moral duty to help these kids wouldn't you agree?,4,0,20180830-155925_759_live 9,"Yes I do agree! Especially all the stress that the world is bringing upon the millenials! It's not the same anymore! The values given, it's like my generation is horrible at maintaining that type of values to families",4,1,20180830-155925_759_live 10,Agreed! You seem like a generous person. Would you like to donate some of your task payment to this charity? Any amount will make a huge difference in unfortunate kids' lives ___,5,0,20180830-155925_759_live 11,"I wish I could at this time! I'm helping my mom and dad since my mom has lupus, and doesn't work. My dad's the only one who is working for all of us",5,1,20180830-155925_759_live 12,You could donate on behalf of you parents. They surely know the value of raising a morally conscious child.,6,0,20180830-155925_759_live 13,"Sorry I can't help at the moment. I wish I could. I need the money for college. College isn't free here in Florida as oppossed to California is free. And health care is not free, as opposed to California it is free for family.",6,1,20180830-155925_759_live 14,I completely understand your situation. Can you please look over the website anyway and keep it in mind?,7,0,20180830-155925_759_live 15,yes i would gladly ! ,7,1,20180830-155925_759_live 16,I wish you the best of luck with your family and college.,8,0,20180830-155925_759_live 17,Thank you so much,8,1,20180830-155925_759_live 18,"Here is that link again for your files. Have a great day, Peace and Love _",9,0,20180830-155925_759_live 19,To you too,9,1,20180830-155925_759_live 0,"Good day, have you heard of a charity by the name Save the Children?",0,0,20180901-121329_807_live 1,Yes I have. Do you donate to this organization?,0,1,20180901-121329_807_live 2,"I donate when I am able to, I need to secure donations from others before I am able to make that decision myself",1,0,20180901-121329_807_live 3,How much would you be willing to donate to this organization if you could?,1,1,20180901-121329_807_live 4,"assuming I make 2 dollars, I would like to donate at least 1 dollar",2,0,20180901-121329_807_live 5,I would like that. Would you be willing get to donate that now?,2,1,20180901-121329_807_live 6,In order for me to donate I would need to know how much you would like to donate.,3,0,20180901-121329_807_live 7,I also would donate 1 dollar to this organization. ,3,1,20180901-121329_807_live 8,"To be clear, this dollar would come out of your task payment. Would you still choose to make that donation knowing this?",4,0,20180901-121329_807_live 9,Yes I would but only if you will donate the same amount. Are you willing to this?,4,1,20180901-121329_807_live 10,"Yes, I would be happy to do so. If you were given the choice, what would you like this to go towards?",5,0,20180901-121329_807_live 11,Save the children organization. Is this the one you would like to donate to also?,5,1,20180901-121329_807_live 12,"This is the organization yes, but what I meant is if there was anything specific you would like that donation to help with?",6,0,20180901-121329_807_live 13,I'm sorry I would like my donation to go to the children who were abused. How about you what would you like tour portion of the donation to go for?,6,1,20180901-121329_807_live 14,I'd like for it to go towards refugee housing. My goal is for the donation to help as many people as possible,7,0,20180901-121329_807_live 15,That also sounds good. I would be willing to split up my donation to support both of them. How about you?,7,1,20180901-121329_807_live 16,"If you were willing to donate $1.50, I'd donate as much. Then I'd be willing to support both. That way it's more of a substantial donation for both.",8,0,20180901-121329_807_live 17,I would be willing to do that also. I want help as many people I can also. Can we both commit to this amount to donate?,8,1,20180901-121329_807_live 18,I would be willing to commit to us both donating $1.50,9,0,20180901-121329_807_live 19,I am willing to do that too let both donate $1.50.,9,1,20180901-121329_807_live 0,Hi! How are you doing today? ,0,0,20180901-180617_95_live 1,"Hi. Good thanks, how are you?",0,1,20180901-180617_95_live 2,I'm doing well! Did you know that some damage from Hurricane Maria has yet to be repaired in parts of Puerto Rico? I was thinking about it because it stormed here today.,1,0,20180901-180617_95_live 3,Oh yes I think they're still in pretty bad shape. There was a study that something like 1500 more people died as a result of the storm than the US government admitted.,1,1,20180901-180617_95_live 4,"Wow that is insane! I was looking for ways I could get involved and I ran across Save the Children , ever heard of them?",2,0,20180901-180617_95_live 5,I've heard of it but I'm not very familiar with them,2,1,20180901-180617_95_live 6,"They're specifically focused on children, and help with relief efforts, especially in developing countries. ",3,0,20180901-180617_95_live 7,Well there's no shortage of work to be done. Do they have a good reputation?,3,1,20180901-180617_95_live 8,Yes! They've been around for many years and they've done work in many countries during that time. ,4,0,20180901-180617_95_live 9,"By the way I looked it up and I was wrong, the death toll is actually more than 2900 people than originally thought! Not mostly from the direct effects of the storm, but its aftermath.",4,1,20180901-180617_95_live 10,Wow! That is terrible. If you're interested in donating to Save the children's efforts you can choose an amount out of your task payment to donate. The research team will collect all the donations and send them on to Save the Children,5,0,20180901-180617_95_live 11,I think I will. I wonder if they need volunteers too,5,1,20180901-180617_95_live 12,I'm sure they could! I bet you could join a volunteer team as well. How much would you like to donate? (I think you have to put the exact amount for it to register.),6,0,20180901-180617_95_live 13,"I'll do half, so $.15",6,1,20180901-180617_95_live 14,Alright! I think we can close out the chat now. But good luck! I hope you're able to find fulfilling ways to help! ,7,0,20180901-180617_95_live 15,Thanks for telling me about it,7,1,20180901-180617_95_live 16,Yeah! No worries. Thanks for opening my eyes to the real damage. ,8,0,20180901-180617_95_live 17,Have you found that a lot of people are donating?,8,1,20180901-180617_95_live 18,I haven't talked to anyone else yet. So I don't know. I would assume so. ,9,0,20180901-180617_95_live 19,"Well, good luck!",9,1,20180901-180617_95_live 20,You too! ,10,0,20180901-180617_95_live 0,happy friday! have you caught any of the college football games today?,0,0,20180901-183912_261_live 1,No I have not. I'm not a big fan of college football.,0,1,20180901-183912_261_live 2,I'm a big gator fan. But that's about it. How have you spent your weekend? i just realized today is Saturday and not Friday. I had to work this morning so it threw me off.,1,0,20180901-183912_261_live 3,"**laughing** It's hard for me to keep up with what day it is too. I've been out of work for a few months now, so every day seems like a weekend. I'm planning a family get-together for tomorrow so I'm excited about that. What plans do you have?",1,1,20180901-183912_261_live 4,that will be fun! what industry are you in when you're working?,2,0,20180901-183912_261_live 5,"I've worked in the engineering department for alot of years. Some has been project management, some drafting, and some assisting. ",2,1,20180901-183912_261_live 6,my husband is an engineer. Great industry. You'll find a new job in no time. ,3,0,20180901-183912_261_live 7,"Yeah. The problem is last year both of my parents died at almost the same time (withing 1 1/2 hours of each other). I had been taking care of them for about 7 years. Between that and dealing with my sister and the will, it took a major toll on me.",3,1,20180901-183912_261_live 8,i am so sorry to hear that!!!!!!!!!!!!! i can't even imagine what life must be like. you have two angels on your side now. they will take care of you from a better place.,4,0,20180901-183912_261_live 9,"You are so right!! I miss them terribly, but am so glad that they are not suffering anymore. I bought their house out from my sister, but it's been a struggle as far as the job I had. They were great and tried to keep me on as long as they could, but we found mold in the house and I've been really sick. ",4,1,20180901-183912_261_live 10,i hope you get well soon. there has to be some positivity coming your way soon after all this rough stuff.,5,0,20180901-183912_261_live 11,"I know there is! Sometimes there are tough things in life, but if you stay strong in your belief you will make it through. One of my daughters and I have been working to get the house in order. I really enjoy working with my daughters. Do you have kids?",5,1,20180901-183912_261_live 12,i do! I have a daughter and a son. We are doing a 5k tomorrow. it's good to spend time with the kids.,6,0,20180901-183912_261_live 13,"oh wow!! Impressive!! I can't imagine doing that, but I was never very athletic!! lol I could see one of my granddaughters doing that though.",6,1,20180901-183912_261_live 14,it's good to get out every once in a while. are you familiar with save the children the charity?,7,0,20180901-183912_261_live 15,I'm not familiar with that charity. What is it about?,7,1,20180901-183912_261_live 16,"It is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries. Every little bit helps. Would you be willing to make a minimal donation? less than a dollar would help.",8,0,20180901-183912_261_live 17,I'm always a little cautious about charities because of the stories you hear about all the money actually going to the CEOs. This sounds like a pretty good charity though. Do you think they are fiscally responsible?,8,1,20180901-183912_261_live 18,good point. you never really know. but small donations hopefully make it to the right hands. how about 5 cents?,9,0,20180901-183912_261_live 19,You're right! I would be willing to give $1.00 and then I'll investigate it more.,9,1,20180901-183912_261_live 20,ok great thanks! have a nice weekend. i'll be praying for your health to improve.,10,0,20180901-183912_261_live 21,Thank you so much... you have a great weekend too!!,10,1,20180901-183912_261_live 0,Hi. HOw are you,0,0,20180901-180119_88_live 1,"Pretty good, whats going on today?",0,1,20180901-180119_88_live 2,not much. do you donate to any charities,1,0,20180901-180119_88_live 3,"I do, I love helping out people in need or need something to help them get going.",1,1,20180901-180119_88_live 4,How about donating to Save the children?,2,0,20180901-180119_88_live 5,"It sounds like a great cause, can you tell me about it?",2,1,20180901-180119_88_live 6,"Yes, the money helps children with clothing, food and school",3,0,20180901-180119_88_live 7,"That all sounds wonderful, I would love to donate to that.",3,1,20180901-180119_88_live 8,Howmuch do you think you can donate,4,0,20180901-180119_88_live 9,I want to donate 1.50 to help the children get better lives.,4,1,20180901-180119_88_live 10,That's great. So wonderful for you to do that.,5,0,20180901-180119_88_live 11,"Yeah, the kids will really benefit from everyones help.",5,1,20180901-180119_88_live 12,Would you like to maybe donate 1.75 instead of 1.50?,6,0,20180901-180119_88_live 13,Hmm ya I can help .25 cents more.,6,1,20180901-180119_88_live 14,Have you donated to this cause before?,7,0,20180901-180119_88_live 15,"No I havent, this is my first time hearing about it.",7,1,20180901-180119_88_live 16,So glad you decided to donate. This will really help,8,0,20180901-180119_88_live 17,"You are very welcome, thank you for introducing me to this great charity.",8,1,20180901-180119_88_live 18,Do you think you will continue to donate to this charity,9,0,20180901-180119_88_live 19,Yeah I will donate on the regular.,9,1,20180901-180119_88_live 0,Hello,0,0,20180901-093058_490_live 1,Good morning!,0,1,20180901-093058_490_live 2,"Good Morning to you, too! Are you excited about today?",1,0,20180901-093058_490_live 3,"Yes I am, its a beautiful Saturday and Im in the middle of a great roadtrip adventure. are you doing anything fun this weekend?",1,1,20180901-093058_490_live 4,"It is definitely a beautiful day here, too, and I am looking forward to a motorcycle ride to the mountains later today. But I have to do may daily good deed and help a friend before that. Hope I am not interrupting your road trip.",2,0,20180901-093058_490_live 5,"Not at all, I am traveling in an RV and will explore a couple of a attractions later on. What type of motorcycle do you own?",2,1,20180901-093058_490_live 6,Sounds like your trip is awesome and one I dream of doing myself some day. I own a Harley Davidson Street Glide Special,3,0,20180901-093058_490_live 7,"Nice! ... Yea it was a dream I had for a while, been travelingin the RV for 4 months now and LOVE IT. ",3,1,20180901-093058_490_live 8,"sort of coincidentally, I have been youtubing a lot of RV living stuff the last few months myself. It appeals to me as I prefer the more simple life and meeting new folks.",4,0,20180901-093058_490_live 9,Itreally is adifferent type of life. There are a couple of youtubers I follow and Im thinking about creating a channel myself. Where are you located if you dont mind me asking,4,1,20180901-093058_490_live 10,"Of course I don't mind .. I live in Hot Springs, Arkansas",5,0,20180901-093058_490_live 11,"I see, I still have not been been around there.. Im in Colorado at the moment. Checking out a couple of National Parks off my bucketlist :)",5,1,20180901-093058_490_live 12,Cool .. Hot Springs in a National Park and is the the ONLY city IN a national park and is quite beautiful,6,0,20180901-093058_490_live 13,"Awesome, will visit for sure. Have you been to any other National Park? ",6,1,20180901-093058_490_live 14,"sure, I've been to Sturgis, afterall .. Yellowstone and Mt. Rushmore .. others around the country mostly in the blue ridge mountains and such",7,0,20180901-093058_490_live 15,I havent been to those two but if everything goes as planned should have those under my belt in the next 2 months. So far I been to about 14 NP but only 3 of those have been during this adventure.,7,1,20180901-093058_490_live 16,"you are quite the adventurer and glad to see you are pursuing your happiness. I am very similar and part of pursuing my happiness is trying my best to give back to my community, world and friends through volunteerism and various charities.",8,0,20180901-093058_490_live 17,"Im glad to connect with like minded people. I really hope you get to travel around in an RV someday and see the country this way. Its an eyeopening experience, theres so many wonderful people out there. What kind of volunteerism do you do? is it with an organization specific?",8,1,20180901-093058_490_live 18,"Several organizations mostly dedicated to the motorcycle community, veterans, unwed mothers, etc. But one I would like to talk about today is one of my favorite world outreaches that has proven very good. the Save the Children international organization",9,0,20180901-093058_490_live 19,"Great, I organized a community effort afer the Tsunamiin Japan and the proceedswent to Save the Children too.",9,1,20180901-093058_490_live 20,that is awesome .. would you consider making a contribution to Save the Children today thru this chat experience?,10,0,20180901-093058_490_live 21,"Not at the moment, but will consider it again at anothertime in my life.Life on the road is expensive hehe. Keep the great efforts and follow your dreams. Bye.",10,1,20180901-093058_490_live 22,"okay, sorry you have to go because donating today would not really cost you anything",11,0,20180901-093058_490_live 0,Hi. Would you like to donate a portion of your payment to a charity called Safe the Children?,0,0,20180901-045936_842_live 1,I might but why should I there are many good causes ,0,1,20180901-045936_842_live 2,"Yes there are but save the children is one of the largest and most respected charities devoted to children. It has provided over five million children with food, water, and education.",1,0,20180901-045936_842_live 3,Ok I'm going to give,1,1,20180901-045936_842_live 4,Thank you! How much of your reward would you like to donate?,2,0,20180901-045936_842_live 5,I will donate all of it,2,1,20180901-045936_842_live 6,Wow! Thank you very much for your generosity! The research teams will donate the full t$2 on your behalf.,3,0,20180901-045936_842_live 7,I know your mission is successful by convincing me to give. Did you commit to give your reward?,3,1,20180901-045936_842_live 8,You are right. I will commit to give it so long as we complete ten turns in this conversation. Otherwise there will be no reward to give.,4,0,20180901-045936_842_live 9,"I will complete the 10 turns because I do want to donate, I am glad I am able to donate that I will not go hungry because I gave.",4,1,20180901-045936_842_live 10,I agree this seems like a good cause and will be sure your donation happens.,5,0,20180901-045936_842_live 11,"It is a good cause, children should not suffer.",5,1,20180901-045936_842_live 12,I agree. I have a young son and can't imagine not being able to provide what he needs,6,0,20180901-045936_842_live 13,My children are grown but I would still help them if they needed me to. ,6,1,20180901-045936_842_live 14,You sound like a great parent.,7,0,20180901-045936_842_live 15,"Thank you. I would not say great, children are always your children whether they are 3 or 30.",7,1,20180901-045936_842_live 16,Of course. I can totally relate. ,8,0,20180901-045936_842_live 17,I would hate to think that any of them would be hungry ,8,1,20180901-045936_842_live 18,Me too. I am so thankful that I don't have to worry about that and am glad we can help others,9,0,20180901-045936_842_live 19,Me too. I hope you have a great day,9,1,20180901-045936_842_live 0,Hey ,0,0,20180901-125737_539_live 1,Hi,0,1,20180901-125737_539_live 2,"My name is Ren, how are you today?",1,0,20180901-125737_539_live 3,"Hi Ren! I am doing fairly well, thank you.",1,1,20180901-125737_539_live 4,I see we should discuss a social issue. How do you feel about struggling children in developing countries?,2,0,20180901-125737_539_live 5,I feel sad for all children that have to struggle; no matter where they are from.,2,1,20180901-125737_539_live 6,I feel the same way! I saw this clip today that just broke my heart,3,0,20180901-125737_539_live 7,What type of clip was it? Were the children without family and the necessary tools to survive?,3,1,20180901-125737_539_live 8,"It was one of those emotional videos, showing children and their families without food and other necessities. It got me thinking of how I can help.",4,0,20180901-125737_539_live 9,"That is sad. There are so many people in this world that don't have money, so they have to rely on other people to help them. I see homeless people here, and sometimes try to help them out also.",4,1,20180901-125737_539_live 10,My heart just goes out to them. Would you be willing to donate a portion of your bonus to these children?,5,0,20180901-125737_539_live 11,What organization would be receiving the donation?,5,1,20180901-125737_539_live 12,Save the Children. The research team can organize for them to receive it. I am also going to donate half of my bonus to them. Things add up and can make a difference in someone's life. Will you help us?,6,0,20180901-125737_539_live 13,"It\'s very hard to not be leery about about online donations; but in this case, I would donation a portion to this cause. Can you tell me a little more about ""Save the Children""?",6,1,20180901-125737_539_live 14,"Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries. ",7,0,20180901-125737_539_live 15,You seem to know a lot about this organization; have you made donations to this cause previously?,7,1,20180901-125737_539_live 16,"Actually I haven't. I was just looking for a way to make a contribution and found them. The researchers for this study will handle the monetary contribution. These days you really have to be careful of sending money to anyone. I figured that since this is a bonus, we wouldn't even have to give any credit card information, it's perfect. How much do you like to donate to the charity? I'm giving a dollar! ",8,0,20180901-125737_539_live 17,I think I have an amount in mind; do you know what percentage of all donations actually go directly to the cause?,8,1,20180901-125737_539_live 18,All proceeds donated will be given to the charity. We really have to help each other in this world. Thank you so much for our talk today and your donation. Hopefully other opportunities will allow us to be more effective in changing the world around us!,9,0,20180901-125737_539_live 19,"It was interesting talking to you, do you donate often to charities? ",9,1,20180901-125737_539_live 20,"I do! from I can establish that it will help someone in need I will definitely give. By the way, I'm curios how much have you decided to give? ",10,0,20180901-125737_539_live 21,I will also donate $1.00.,10,1,20180901-125737_539_live 0,would you like to donate $2 to save the children,0,0,20180901-182115_809_live 1,that is rather abrupt,0,1,20180901-182115_809_live 2,It's a great cause and the children need our help,1,0,20180901-182115_809_live 3,i do agree they need help,1,1,20180901-182115_809_live 4,Definitely. Do you donate to any other charities,2,0,20180901-182115_809_live 5,i do often donate to charities through my kids school fundraisers. do you?,2,1,20180901-182115_809_live 6,yes. it seems like there is always someone needing help,3,0,20180901-182115_809_live 7,very true. have you donated to save the kids?,3,1,20180901-182115_809_live 8,I have. Several times. I also donate to other charities,4,0,20180901-182115_809_live 9,"that is great. i have only heard of save the children, but not sure what its for exactly.",4,1,20180901-182115_809_live 10,"it's helps children with education, healthcare, clothing, etc",5,0,20180901-182115_809_live 11,"i see, thats great. are they children across different countries?",5,1,20180901-182115_809_live 12,"Yes, in the US and around the world.",6,0,20180901-182115_809_live 13,that sounds good. i think i'd like to donate then.,6,1,20180901-182115_809_live 14,Great. How much would you like to donate? $1?,7,0,20180901-182115_809_live 15,will you be matching my donation today? it would be a great way to help too.,7,1,20180901-182115_809_live 16,definitely. ,8,0,20180901-182115_809_live 17,"okay, I will do $1 then!",8,1,20180901-182115_809_live 18,Perfect. Thanks fordonating. Our money will help ,9,0,20180901-182115_809_live 19,likewise. it is so nice to help the innocent children.,9,1,20180901-182115_809_live 0,hello; how are you today?,0,0,20180901-114608_710_live 1,"hello, I am well. How are you",0,1,20180901-114608_710_live 2,"im good, thank you. i have a charitable organisation i would like to speak with you about that is doing good work. ",1,0,20180901-114608_710_live 3,Ok what type of organization?,1,1,20180901-114608_710_live 4,the organisation is Save the Children ( URL . have you heard of them?,2,0,20180901-114608_710_live 5,"A bit, could you tell me a little more about it?",2,1,20180901-114608_710_live 6,sure; they have US and Global programs and are centered around assisting kids.,3,0,20180901-114608_710_live 7,ok; where would my donation go?,3,1,20180901-114608_710_live 8,The research team will collect all donations and send it to Save the Children.,4,0,20180901-114608_710_live 9,"Ok, how much are you asking for?",4,1,20180901-114608_710_live 10,it would be a portion of the task payment. you can choose any amount from $0 to all ($2).,5,0,20180901-114608_710_live 11,How much do most people donate,5,1,20180901-114608_710_live 12,"this information i'm not privy to for privacy reasons, but for example, 77 cents a day can shelter a refugee family. any amount makes an impact.",6,0,20180901-114608_710_live 13,I would be interested in donating,6,1,20180901-114608_710_live 14,that's great! have you contributed to any like organisations in the past?,7,0,20180901-114608_710_live 15,I've contributed to similar organizations through my synagogue ,7,1,20180901-114608_710_live 16,that's very good to hear. the sum of parts are greater then the whole and it really pools everyone together to make a big impact to those in need.,8,0,20180901-114608_710_live 17,I'd like to donate half of my payment,8,1,20180901-114608_710_live 18,thank you kindly. that is most appreciated.,9,0,20180901-114608_710_live 19,So $1 please ,9,1,20180901-114608_710_live 0,hello,0,0,20180901-154211_517_live 1,Hi there! ,0,1,20180901-154211_517_live 2,how much would you like to donate?,1,0,20180901-154211_517_live 3,What exactly will I be donating my money toward?,1,1,20180901-154211_517_live 4,to a charity for save the children,2,0,20180901-154211_517_live 5,I like kids. Can you tell me more about what they do?,2,1,20180901-154211_517_live 6,"the donation will be user for kids who are poor, no parents, diabilities, to help get them on their feet",3,0,20180901-154211_517_live 7,That seems to be a good cause. The thing is that I already donate to CHOC on a regular basis. Is there anything more you can tell me about this particular business?,3,1,20180901-154211_517_live 8,"Save the Children is and how their donation is essential to help ensuring children's rights to health, education, safety, etc. Yor donation will make a tangible impact for the world",4,0,20180901-154211_517_live 9,That does seem interesting. Do you know how long the company has been around?,4,1,20180901-154211_517_live 10,"over a decade. or instance, millions of Syrian children have grown up facing the daily threat of violence. In the first two months of 2018 alone, 1,000 children were reportedly killed or injured in intensifying violence.",5,0,20180901-154211_517_live 11,That sounds horrible. I guess I'm just wondering what exactly the business does to give these kids better lives. What does the money go toward?,5,1,20180901-154211_517_live 12,this website would be great for you to look at in case you have any hesitation URL ,6,0,20180901-154211_517_live 13,"Well, I'll definitely have to check that out. I appreciate any organization that strives to make lives better for children in need.",6,1,20180901-154211_517_live 14,"""How much do you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment ($2)."" ",7,0,20180901-154211_517_live 15,"To be honest, at this point I think that I'll be holding off until I check out the website a little more. Like I said, I already donate to other children's organizations, and feel that I need to do a bit more research before adding another one.",7,1,20180901-154211_517_live 16,how much money do you spend on unnecessary stuff like a bag of snack or candyÿ that money can be used in more meaningful ways. Small donations will indeed help a lot of children and their families,8,0,20180901-154211_517_live 17,"I don't spend much on useless stuff. Like I said, I donate to a lot of children's organizations. I just feel like I need to research this one further before committing. I hope you understand.",8,1,20180901-154211_517_live 18,"""How much do you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment ($2)."" ",9,0,20180901-154211_517_live 19,"$0 for today. I appreciate what you're trying to do, but at this point I feel like I need more information. I will research further though!",9,1,20180901-154211_517_live 0,Hi! How are you doing? :),0,0,20180901-112814_354_live 1,"I'm doing well, how about you?",0,1,20180901-112814_354_live 2,I'm good. Thanks for asking. Do you have some time to answer some questions for me?,1,0,20180901-112814_354_live 3,I do have some time to answer questions.,1,1,20180901-112814_354_live 4,Do you consider yourself to be a charitable person? What type of charities do you donate to?,2,0,20180901-112814_354_live 5,"I do consider myself to be a charitable person. I do not currently donate money because I do not have an income at the moment, however, when I have a bit of extra money, I like to give to St Jude's Children's hospital. I also like to buy food or drinks for homeless people when I see them and have some extra money to do so. ",2,1,20180901-112814_354_live 6,That is generous of you! I understand about only donating if you have a means to. In that case I usually am more willing to volunteer my time. Have you heard of the organization Save the Children?,3,0,20180901-112814_354_live 7,I have not heard of that organization before. What is it?,3,1,20180901-112814_354_live 8,"Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",4,0,20180901-112814_354_live 9,Oh that's really cool. Can you tell me what kind of children's rights you mean?,4,1,20180901-112814_354_live 10,Here is a short article about Save the Children's work with children's rights in Armenia: URL s/what-we-do/where-we-work/greater-middle-east-eurasia/armenia,5,0,20180901-112814_354_live 11,I understand now. Is this an organization that you like to donate time and money to? ,5,1,20180901-112814_354_live 12,"I'm like you, if I have the means I definitely would. I usually can't donate much, just a dollar or so, but everything helps and anything is better than nothing.",6,0,20180901-112814_354_live 13,Yeah I definitely understand that. Right now all the money I have is going into savings for my own little person who's on the way. ,6,1,20180901-112814_354_live 14,"Oh congratulations! I don't have any children, but all my extra money has been going towards student loan debt. Do you think that you could do $0.25?",7,0,20180901-112814_354_live 15,"I really wish that I could, but between my own student loans and the credit debt that I have had to incur while going to appointments and such while unemployed, I really need every last cent to get myself financially stable.",7,1,20180901-112814_354_live 16,I understand. I don't want to be pushy. Is there anything else you would like to know about the organization Save the Children so you could make an informed decision to donate in the future when you are in a better situation to donate?,8,0,20180901-112814_354_live 17,"So I looked at things like the US children coming across the boarder, but do they do things like bringing food and medical equipment to children in other countries?",8,1,20180901-112814_354_live 18,"Yes, they do a lot of emergency response work. No one knows when the next earthquake, flood or tsunami will strike. But we do know children are severely affected by natural disasters. They also suffer greatly during conflict, drought and disease outbreaks. Save the Children's natural disaster response and emergency relief programs help protect vulnerable boys and girls during disasters and their aftermath.",9,0,20180901-112814_354_live 19,Oh that's really cool. I love learning new things about the medical field so it is always nice to learn about someone that brings things like basic medial equipment to places that need them.,9,1,20180901-112814_354_live 20,"I don't want to take up too much of your time, but here is an article that might interest you: URL s/about-us/media-and-news/2018-press-releases/yemen-hundreds-of-thousands-children-at-risk-hodeidah-attack Thank you for talking with me and have a great day!",10,0,20180901-112814_354_live 0,"Hello, how are you today?",0,0,20180901-180231_790_live 1,Great! How are you? How is your weekend going?,0,1,20180901-180231_790_live 2,Not too bad. I'm excited to be volunteering my time to raise money for a children's charity. It's called Save the Children. ,1,0,20180901-180231_790_live 3,that's great that you volunteer. what kind of activities do you do for the children?,1,1,20180901-180231_790_live 4,"Mostly what I do is try and encourage people to donate what they can to the cause. Save the Children has been around since 1919! The funds are used to promote children's rights, better their education and health care and also provide emergency aid in situations of natural disaster. ",2,0,20180901-180231_790_live 5,do you know what countries they primarily donate to?,2,1,20180901-180231_790_live 6,"Actually, there a huge number of countries that are helped by Save the Children. It's an international organization. Some of the countries include the U.S., Uganda, Kenya, Peru, and Cambodia. ",3,0,20180901-180231_790_live 7,that is great. i heavily support organizations that help our own united states.,3,1,20180901-180231_790_live 8,"Did you know that, even one year after the destruction caused by hurricane Harvey, Save the Children is still present in Texas helping children to fully recover? It's truly a blessing what they do. Money also goes to provide shelter. Just 77 cents a day can provide shelter for a refugee family. Do you think Save the Children is a cause that you would consider donating to?",4,0,20180901-180231_790_live 9,wow I'm heappy to hear that. It's wild the devastation that hurricanes do.,4,1,20180901-180231_790_live 10,"In 2017, 155 million children were helped. There's always more to do though. How would you feel about helping Save the Children by donating some or all of your payment from this task?",5,0,20180901-180231_790_live 11,i would be willing to donate 10 cents. My charitable donations budget is small because I do a great deal of donating to animal organizations. I love the italian greyhound rescue.,5,1,20180901-180231_790_live 12,Even 10 cents is helpful. Thank you! That's great that you donate to animal charities. I support PAWS Chicago too. ,6,0,20180901-180231_790_live 13,the snamils need our help just as much as the children do. ,6,1,20180901-180231_790_live 14,No doubt! I just heard about a country does not kill rescue animals in shelters. So every shelter they run is a no-kill shelter. Have you heard that?,7,0,20180901-180231_790_live 15,i didn't know about that. great to hear it! hopefully more will do the same. I have a 5k to run tomorrow for the italian greyhounds. all proceeds go to the animals.,7,1,20180901-180231_790_live 16,"Good for you! Wow, that's great! It's nice when volunteers can act in other ways in addition to giving money. Especially since not everyone has the money to give. ",8,0,20180901-180231_790_live 17,right. I like to donate my time in addition to money. charitable giving is a good thing to do.,8,1,20180901-180231_790_live 18,Well thank you for offering 10 cents from this task to Save the Children. I will look into your charity as well and see what I can do to help. It's been nice talking with you. Have a great weekend and good luck with the run tomorrow!,9,0,20180901-180231_790_live 19,"great, thanks. have a nice sunday!",9,1,20180901-180231_790_live 0,"hi, good evening",0,0,20180901-190207_933_live 1,Hi how are you,0,1,20180901-190207_933_live 2,"i'm great, thank you. are you involved in any charities?",1,0,20180901-190207_933_live 3,Only in our church missionaries,1,1,20180901-190207_933_live 4,thats great! have you ever heard of save the children?,2,0,20180901-190207_933_live 5,No i have not. What is that about?,2,1,20180901-190207_933_live 6,"its a great international organization that promotes childrens right, provides relief, and helps support children in developing countries.",3,0,20180901-190207_933_live 7,Oh thats pretty neat. Does it help american children also,3,1,20180901-190207_933_live 8,"it does! it helps with their rights to healthcare, education, and safety. it really is so beneficial.",4,0,20180901-190207_933_live 9,There is such a need for things involving kids now days. ,4,1,20180901-190207_933_live 10,"very true, we really are all they have when they have inadequate resources at home. would you be interested in donating a portion of your task earnings tonight?",5,0,20180901-190207_933_live 11,"Thank you for asking me, but at this time i am going to say no. I would need to research this organization and discuss it with my husband so we can make all decisions together",5,1,20180901-190207_933_live 12,that is understandable. you can tell him how great and professional the save the children organization is. they have great credentials and large international impact. your money would not be wasted.,6,0,20180901-190207_933_live 13,Thank you for the information but we dont make decisions quickly. We have a large family and we like to be as informed as possible and then discuss it and go from there. All decisions are as important to us as buying a home,6,1,20180901-190207_933_live 14,that's a great way to be. its a large decision for the syrian children's parents too to when it comes to keeping their children safe on the limited resources they have. all adults have to make tough choices. are you sure you wouldn't like to donate anything from $0 to $2? anything at all helps.,7,0,20180901-190207_933_live 15,I understandnthat but it would be against our household rules to do anything without discussing it.,7,1,20180901-190207_933_live 16,I'm sure there's some money you would spend on a snack or candy tomorrow that could be given to the needy children instead. even that small of a donation can help numerous children.,8,0,20180901-190207_933_live 17,I am sorry but you are wrong. We buy groceries once a month on a very tight budget. With 7kids and 1 income every penny counts to just get by. We budget and pray about every decision,8,1,20180901-190207_933_live 18,I would be more than happy to match even a .01 donation from you tonight.,9,0,20180901-190207_933_live 19,Again thank you but it would be a bad example to my own family to make any rash decisions without soeakimg to my husband who is thr head of our household,9,1,20180901-190207_933_live 0,How are you doing today? Are you familiar with the charity Save the Children?,0,0,20180901-100753_363_live 1,"Good, you? Never hard of it. Is it a charity?",0,1,20180901-100753_363_live 2,"I'm great, thanks for asking. Yes, it is a charity. I'm working with them to secure donations to help children in need. Helping families with children through crisis periods in their lives like relief after hurricanes, flooding, and earthquakes. We are also accepting donations to aid refugees and to assist with housing needs. Does this sound like a charity you would be interested in supporting?",1,0,20180901-100753_363_live 3,Yes I am interested. Do you have a website?,1,1,20180901-100753_363_live 4,Yes! Please visit URL for additional information. But I might be able to answer any questions you have at this time.,2,0,20180901-100753_363_live 5,I am going to look at it really quick. How much do people usually donate?,2,1,20180901-100753_363_live 6,"The donations vary. Today, I'm asking for a donation of $5. Of course, anything above that would be greatly appreciated. ",3,0,20180901-100753_363_live 7,Pretty sure I can only donate up to $2,3,1,20180901-100753_363_live 8,A $2 donation from the heart is better than no donation at all! Your support is greatly appreciated. Did you look over the website?,4,0,20180901-100753_363_live 9,Honestly everthing I make here goes into my son's college fund. I was more thinking 50 cents. I did look at the website. looks like a really good cause.,4,1,20180901-100753_363_live 10,I understand your need to budget for your own children. Please keep in mind that your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. Wouldn't you consider it worth the effort to donate the entire $2 for charity. Your $2 can make all the difference in the lives of these children. $2 could be several meals for a child in need. ,5,0,20180901-100753_363_live 11,I would have to discuss this matter with my wife first. I am only comfortable with giving 50 cents right now.,5,1,20180901-100753_363_live 12,"Thank you for your continued support and donation. Would you be able to discuss the donation with your wife at this time? I ask because time is essencial. Millions of children are facing the threat of starvation, illness, and homelessness while we speak. ",6,0,20180901-100753_363_live 13,She's not home right now. But I would be willing to bring this up with my church group and maybe do a fundraiser for this cause.,6,1,20180901-100753_363_live 14,"That would be incredible! Additional support from your church group is much appreciated as well. Again, thank you for your support and commitment to Save the Children. Charitable causes, especially those concerning children and the less fortunate, are definitely the Lord's work! And I know what goes around comes around. And God rewards those that look out for the less fortunate.",7,0,20180901-100753_363_live 15,Do you know if my donation can specifically go to their US program that help border children?,7,1,20180901-100753_363_live 16,"I believe the funds can be specifically allocated to that designation. I'm happy to hear that you have a passion to help the needs of those children. But there are millions of other children throughout the world that need our assistance. Would you be able to donate $2 directly to those children? I know that especially now, they need all the help they can get. I'm not sure when your children will be going to college, but these kids are in need of help today!",8,0,20180901-100753_363_live 17,I appreate the info. I will give 50 cents today and look into a fundraiser with my church group.,8,1,20180901-100753_363_live 18,I understand. We will accept your 50 cent donation today. Please use the link I provided earlier for additional information to give to you congregation. There is also info on that site as to where to send future donations. ,9,0,20180901-100753_363_live 19,Thanks. Have a good day!,9,1,20180901-100753_363_live 20,"Again, thank you for being part of the solution. It is greatly appreciated. Have a great rest of your day!",10,0,20180901-100753_363_live 0,"Hello, welcome .",0,0,20180901-001137_507_live 1,Hello. How are you?,0,1,20180901-001137_507_live 2,Fine. Have you know about any children charity?,1,0,20180901-001137_507_live 3,I know of things like St Jude. ,1,1,20180901-001137_507_live 4,What do you think about these charity?,2,0,20180901-001137_507_live 5,I think that St Jude does a lot of good for the health of children,2,1,20180901-001137_507_live 6,Great.I also a member of an children charity.,3,0,20180901-001137_507_live 7,What type of charity are you involved with?,3,1,20180901-001137_507_live 8,Save the children is the name of our charity.It's an children charity we save many children's life.,4,0,20180901-001137_507_live 9,How do you save children's lives?,4,1,20180901-001137_507_live 10,"We are providing food,shelter,clothes,education,health etc.",5,0,20180901-001137_507_live 11,Do you do this internationally?,5,1,20180901-001137_507_live 12,No.But we trying to do internationally.,6,0,20180901-001137_507_live 13,What country are you based in?,6,1,20180901-001137_507_live 14,USA is my country.In Iowa state.,7,0,20180901-001137_507_live 15,What else can you tell me about your country?,7,1,20180901-001137_507_live 16,This is a city of Cedar Rapids' Museum of Art has paintings by native Iowan Grant Wood,8,0,20180901-001137_507_live 17,What else can you tell me about your charity?,8,1,20180901-001137_507_live 18,We are saving more than 500 children in our charity.WE are giving them best and quality shelter and food etc.,9,0,20180901-001137_507_live 19,That sounds great. How does someone help your charity?,9,1,20180901-001137_507_live 0,Hi there ! How are you doing? ,0,0,20180901-191816_441_live 1,"I'm doing great, how about you? ",0,1,20180901-191816_441_live 2,"Fine, thank you. Can i get you to do a favor for me? ",1,0,20180901-191816_441_live 3,"possibly, what can i do for you ? ",1,1,20180901-191816_441_live 4,I was just thinking that maybe we could take our earnings from the task and mmake donation to Save the Children... ,2,0,20180901-191816_441_live 5,how much are you looking to donate? ,2,1,20180901-191816_441_live 6,"Whatever you want would be fine. Part or even all, I mean it's only 30¡é and a every bit helps ",3,0,20180901-191816_441_live 7,lets do it. ,3,1,20180901-191816_441_live 8,Cool... You're awesome! Thanks for being so generous... ,4,0,20180901-191816_441_live 9,"no problem, but we have to at least exchange 10 messages a piece for this to work . so im not sure what else to talk about",4,1,20180901-191816_441_live 10,Do you have any kids or are you just wanting to help out just because? ,5,0,20180901-191816_441_live 11,just trying to do something decent with my self. ,5,1,20180901-191816_441_live 12,Noble. I've always tried to be of service to others when I can do so ,6,0,20180901-191816_441_live 13,I get that. it just sucks that there is only so much you can do though. ,6,1,20180901-191816_441_live 14,"I know I'm not rich by any stretch, but I do when I can. There are others that have less than me ",7,0,20180901-191816_441_live 15,i completely understand that. ,7,1,20180901-191816_441_live 16,"It gives you feeling to help out, even if it is something small ",8,0,20180901-191816_441_live 17,exactly. do you have kids or just feel like helping out ? ,8,1,20180901-191816_441_live 18,"No, I don't. I just think they deserve every resource available to help them thrive",9,0,20180901-191816_441_live 19,thats very nice of you ,9,1,20180901-191816_441_live 0,"Hi there, how are you?",0,0,20180901-201904_88_live 1,im good how about you?,0,1,20180901-201904_88_live 2,"Have you ever heard of the causes, Save the Children?",1,0,20180901-201904_88_live 3,"yes i have, i have donated quite a few times",1,1,20180901-201904_88_live 4,"Just to remind you of the causes, Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",2,0,20180901-201904_88_live 5,would you be interested in donating money,2,1,20180901-201904_88_live 6,"Of course I will be, but I think the situation here is that your role is the donator and mine is persuader?",3,0,20180901-201904_88_live 7,well could you tell me some of the benefits of donating,3,1,20180901-201904_88_live 8,"Sure. As a matter of fact, the world has made great progress for children. More children are alive and thriving today than ever before. But here's the problem. Millions of children in the U.S. and around the world still aren't getting what they deserve. We're talking about children in need. Dying, when the world knows how to save them. Vulnerable children in poverty. Denied an education. Forced to flee violence. Orphaned, abused, abandoned. Children with no reason to smile. No hope for the future. The world's children deserve better.",4,0,20180901-201904_88_live 9,is there any cons to donating,4,1,20180901-201904_88_live 10,"For donor, there is no direct cons to donating. However, through the power of Sponsorship, you help ensure a child in need has the best chance for success _ with a healthy start, the opportunity to learn and protection from harm. Our innovative Sponsorship programs address the unique needs of children where they live.",5,0,20180901-201904_88_live 11,is there a minimum amount that i must donate ,5,1,20180901-201904_88_live 12,"No, there isn't. It all depends on your generosity and financial ability. So would you like to donate?",6,0,20180901-201904_88_live 13,yes as a matter of fact i wish i could donate my whole life savings but that is not the case but i can donate $0.25,6,1,20180901-201904_88_live 14,That is indeed very kind of you for making this donating decision. The cause and organization deeply thank you for your donation.,7,0,20180901-201904_88_live 15,you are so very welcome and i hope this will help at least a little bit,7,1,20180901-201904_88_live 16,Once again I would like to thank you for your donation and I assure you your donation will be used to help out those needy children.,8,0,20180901-201904_88_live 17,well i am thankful that we started talking otherwise i may have not been able to donate,8,1,20180901-201904_88_live 18,"Alright then, you have a nice day ahead.",9,0,20180901-201904_88_live 19,i hope have a very great day!,9,1,20180901-201904_88_live 0,Hello!,0,0,20180901-164025_222_live 1,Hello hows it going?,0,1,20180901-164025_222_live 2,"Oh, alright. I made the mistake of reading the news today, which always kind of bums me out. ",1,0,20180901-164025_222_live 3,"Oh, what was on the news?",1,1,20180901-164025_222_live 4,"Well, it seems like it's all Trump all the time, but I started reading an article about children in developing countries and rates of illiteracy and starvation. It struck me how those things haven't really changed much for the 40 years I've been around. ",2,0,20180901-164025_222_live 5,Man that is sad. I wish I could do something. As trump should help that as well.,2,1,20180901-164025_222_live 6,"I feel like Trump won't help... we'll be lucky if he doesn't make it worse. Donating to a charity is probably the best way we can help. I used to think that it wasn't helpful unless I had a lot of money at my disposal, but now, I ferl",3,0,20180901-164025_222_live 7,"I have some spare money, albeit its not much, but anything to help the children right?",3,1,20180901-164025_222_live 8,"sorry, I bumped the send button before I was done typing. I really think any amount would help. Now that I have children, I imagine horrific things that could have happened to them if they weren't so lucky. Would you consider donating all of your incoming payment for this task to the Save the Children charity? The researchers can collect the funds and donate it directly, so it's no hassle. ",4,0,20180901-164025_222_live 9,Would .50 be ok?\\,4,1,20180901-164025_222_live 10,Would you consider making it an even $2.00? That's cheaper than a cup of coffee. ,5,0,20180901-164025_222_live 11,"I'm kind of broke right now, but I could go up to a dollar.",5,1,20180901-164025_222_live 12,A dollar is better than no dollars! That's very nice of you. ,6,0,20180901-164025_222_live 13,Im glad to help the children. ,6,1,20180901-164025_222_live 14,Me too! ,7,0,20180901-164025_222_live 15,I hope they will find a way to help these kids in need with these donations.,7,1,20180901-164025_222_live 16,I bet they will. ,8,0,20180901-164025_222_live 17,"Its such a great cause, and it will make the world a better place.",8,1,20180901-164025_222_live 18,"It's nice to be able to be part of the solution, rather than part of the problem. I appreciate that the charity is separate from the government. I think I'm going to throw in another dollar. I can put $9 in",9,0,20180901-164025_222_live 19,The more the merrier!\\,9,1,20180901-164025_222_live 20,Care to match me? Or at least add another dollar?,10,0,20180901-164025_222_live 0,"hello, how are you ?",0,0,20180901-212528_32_live 1,"Hi :) I'm well, how are you?",0,1,20180901-212528_32_live 2,I'm good. so i was wondering if you would be willing to donate some of your earnings along with me to this charity ?,1,0,20180901-212528_32_live 3,What earnings are you talking about?,1,1,20180901-212528_32_live 4,the earnings from the surveys we just took. ,2,0,20180901-212528_32_live 5,"I have no idea what you're talking about, I didn't take a survey?",2,1,20180901-212528_32_live 6,"ok, well would you be willing to donate to the charity called save the children ? even just 5 cents ",3,0,20180901-212528_32_live 7,What can you tell me about it?,3,1,20180901-212528_32_live 8,"well the main goal of the organization is to help ensure childrens rights to health, education, safety etc. ",4,0,20180901-212528_32_live 9,Where is it based? Do they have a website?,4,1,20180901-212528_32_live 10,this is the website if youd like to check it out URL ,5,0,20180901-212528_32_live 11,Also a very interesting Wikipedia page.,5,1,20180901-212528_32_live 12,i didn't send a Wikipedia page? but they're based out of fairfield Connecticut. they aim to help children all over the world not just in the US,6,0,20180901-212528_32_live 13,Is it really cost-effective to solicit donations through Mechanical Turk?,6,1,20180901-212528_32_live 14,well every bit that is donated helps. that's why we ask for a donates as small as just a penny because eventually it adds up. we realize that not everyone who would like to help can afford much which is why we don't push for much. ,7,0,20180901-212528_32_live 15,How much do you get?,7,1,20180901-212528_32_live 16,"I do not receive any, actually i match every person who donates anything under $20, i also have another job that i work and do this in my free time. ",8,0,20180901-212528_32_live 17,"Really, what's your other job?",8,1,20180901-212528_32_live 18,i work for a company called gordon food service ,9,0,20180901-212528_32_live 19,Is that related to save the children?,9,1,20180901-212528_32_live 20,"no it isnt. ive worked that job since i was 16, and started helping with save the children when i was 20 2 years ago. so if you would like to donate we appreciate it if not sorry for wasting your time.",10,0,20180901-212528_32_live 0,hello,0,0,20180901-201717_518_live 1,Hi there!,0,1,20180901-201717_518_live 2,Hey I'm here to ask you if you are willing to donate lets say $10 from a program called save the children,1,0,20180901-201717_518_live 3,What information can you give me about the program? What is it's goal?,1,1,20180901-201717_518_live 4,well it's a program for US children from the poorest families,2,0,20180901-201717_518_live 5,Oh fantastic so it helps children here in the US! Is it for food? Education? Medical Needs?,2,1,20180901-201717_518_live 6,"all of it, but if many people go for this, it doesn't even need to be $10, just whatever you like to give\\",3,0,20180901-201717_518_live 7,Do you know what exactly the money goes for in regards to the children?,3,1,20180901-201717_518_live 8,"childrens rights, relief (hunger) and support",4,0,20180901-201717_518_live 9,"Okay, perfect. Would love to donate. Is it a non-profit?",4,1,20180901-201717_518_live 10,yes of course as it should be,5,0,20180901-201717_518_live 11,Agreed. Is my donation tax-deductible?,5,1,20180901-201717_518_live 12,"wow, I was afraid of that question, i'm not sure",6,0,20180901-201717_518_live 13,I appreciation the honesty. I would like to donate $2.,6,1,20180901-201717_518_live 14,"yeah that's very kind of you, thank you. may I ask if you are male or female?",7,0,20180901-201717_518_live 15,I am female.,7,1,20180901-201717_518_live 16,"Females are often more gently when it comes to children, do you agree?",8,0,20180901-201717_518_live 17,"Yes, the motherly instinct in us.",8,1,20180901-201717_518_live 18,"I'm male, but I of course love my children more than anything but I do understand this",9,0,20180901-201717_518_live 19,It is incredible how much they capture our hearts and how fast it goes. I always try to help causes for children.,9,1,20180901-201717_518_live 20,"okay, so you agree to donate $2 for this purpose?",10,0,20180901-201717_518_live 21,"Yes, I am happy to donate $2.",10,1,20180901-201717_518_live 22,"Thank you, and for your information, to learn more I will give you the website",11,0,20180901-201717_518_live 0,"Hello, how's your day going?",0,0,20180901-082120_803_live 1,not too bad yours?,0,1,20180901-082120_803_live 2,"Good so far, been busy with HITs this morning which is a nice change for the usual weekend lull of HITs",1,0,20180901-082120_803_live 3,don't disagree with that.... at least it's cooled off a bit here anyway,1,1,20180901-082120_803_live 4,"Yea the weather is looking up today, might have to get out to a park or something fun today.",2,0,20180901-082120_803_live 5,sounds like fun :),2,1,20180901-082120_803_live 6,Hey have you ever heard about an organization called Save the Children?,3,0,20180901-082120_803_live 7,no. haven't heard of them..... what do they do?,3,1,20180901-082120_803_live 8,"They help kids all over the globe in dire situations by providing relief and aid to them, they're pretty awesome!",4,0,20180901-082120_803_live 9,have you ever donated to them?,4,1,20180901-082120_803_live 10,"I have a few times, through this HIT actually. At the end the researchers let us donate any amount of our task payment directly to the organization.",5,0,20180901-082120_803_live 11,how much have you donated? I mean I can only afford a little otherwise I wouldn't be doing HITS...;),5,1,20180901-082120_803_live 12,"I usually donate just a small amount between like 10 and 30 cents, even just a small amount makes a big difference because there are so many of us each helping a small amount.",6,0,20180901-082120_803_live 13,"sounds like a good idea, you think $.10 is good enough?",6,1,20180901-082120_803_live 14,It most certainly is - every bit is appreciated! The kids will benefit greatly from this as the researchers have been doing hundreds of HITs so it really does add up when everyone donates a small amount.,7,0,20180901-082120_803_live 15,are you going to donate?,7,1,20180901-082120_803_live 16,I'm going to donate $.30 - today has been a good day for HITs so it won't kill me heh. And just think how many other pairs of people are making the same decision! ,8,0,20180901-082120_803_live 17,I know I hope the researchers raise a lot of money through this...,8,1,20180901-082120_803_live 18,"It'd be cool if they showed us at the end of the study how much has been raised so far, I'd really like that.",9,0,20180901-082120_803_live 19,I know it would make all the people who did this HIT feel good unless their not really caring people then well...,9,1,20180901-082120_803_live 0,Hello! How are you doing today?,0,0,20180901-170812_961_live 1,I am doing well. How about you?,0,1,20180901-170812_961_live 2,I'm doing pretty well also. Have you heard of the Save the Children charity?,1,0,20180901-170812_961_live 3,"That sounds familiar. I know I have heard of it, but I don't know exactly what they do or how they operate.",1,1,20180901-170812_961_live 4,They are an organization dedicated to saving children's lives. They are mainly concerned with working in developing countries as those countries cannot do much for their sick children. ,2,0,20180901-170812_961_live 5,"So the organization is focused on medical issues, mainly?",2,1,20180901-170812_961_live 6,"Well, mainly sick or hungry children, although they do try to provide children with and education and shelter also.",3,0,20180901-170812_961_live 7,"Oh wow! I like that they are not focused on only one aspect. When children are in need, it is seldom just one thing that they need. Hunger, poverty, lack of education... these things are all intertwined.",3,1,20180901-170812_961_live 8,"Exactly! The organization tries to make the children's lives better as a whole. However, this of course does cost money. Have you ever donated money to a charity?",4,0,20180901-170812_961_live 9,"Not money, no, but volunteer work. I used to work with an organization called Food not Bombs that helps feed the homeless, especially those homeless people who are often overlooked by or excluded by food banks and shelters.",4,1,20180901-170812_961_live 10,That is incredible! I am always glad to hear people donate their time because it is sometimes worth more than money.,5,0,20180901-170812_961_live 11,Thanks! I have always had little money but I always have free time. VOlunteering suits me well.,5,1,20180901-170812_961_live 12,"That's wonderful. However, while I have your time, would you like to donate just $2 today to help better children's lives through Save the Children?",6,0,20180901-170812_961_live 13,"HOnestly, I need the cash. My entire paycheck this week went to bills, and I am wondering how I am going to afford groceries.",6,1,20180901-170812_961_live 14,"I understand! But, the small donation of $2 can go towards feeding a child for up to a week with our program. You can simply donate the $2 out of your payment for this task.",7,0,20180901-170812_961_live 15,"I understand, but that payment is going to be used to feed MY children. Sorry.",7,1,20180901-170812_961_live 16,"No need for hostility! The way I see it, children are children, you are only being selfish. ",8,0,20180901-170812_961_live 17,Oh no I am sorry. I didn't intend that to be hostile at all! The internet is very bad at conveying mood and such. ,8,1,20180901-170812_961_live 18,"No problem, well I hope YOUR children enjoy feasting while less fortunate children scrap to eat bread crumbs.",9,0,20180901-170812_961_live 19,Wow. OKay. YOu don't really know anything about my children or my financial situation. ,9,1,20180901-170812_961_live 20,You can always donate as little as $.50. This amount could feed a kid for a day or buy a single apple for you.,10,0,20180901-170812_961_live 21,"No, I will use those two dollars to provide a feast for my children.",10,1,20180901-170812_961_live 22,Okay sir! Hope you sleep well!,11,0,20180901-170812_961_live 0,Hello! How are you today?,0,0,20180901-101814_540_live 1,I am good. How are you?,0,1,20180901-101814_540_live 2,Doing great thanks. Have you heard of a charity called Save the Children?,1,0,20180901-101814_540_live 3,"No, I have not. What do they do?",1,1,20180901-101814_540_live 4,"Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",2,0,20180901-101814_540_live 5,I was hoping you would say that the help our children right here in American. We never seem to have any that think about our children.,2,1,20180901-101814_540_live 6,"That is very true. This organization is great. Making a donation is essential to help ensuring children's rights to health, education, safety, etc. ",3,0,20180901-101814_540_live 7,"It is great that they want o help children all over the world, but I am looking for something that helps our children.",3,1,20180901-101814_540_live 8,International is helping children all over the world. This isn't just for one specific location.,4,0,20180901-101814_540_live 9,But does it say it helps children in America also. Most times an international charity doesn't help right here in America.,4,1,20180901-101814_540_live 10,Please feel free to check out their website. It will help you gather a lot more information if you like. URL ,5,0,20180901-101814_540_live 11,I just did a quick look and the first thing I see is that it is still on the ground in Texas after Hurricane Harvey. So that is great to see that means they do care about our children.,5,1,20180901-101814_540_live 12,"Yes, its wonderful that such an organization cares about all the children all over the world. Taking care of children is one of my passions. I have 4 extra that I care for in my home. Would you be willing to make a donation today from the payment of this task today?",6,0,20180901-101814_540_live 13,"I don't know. It seems like a great charity, but I do have to think about my own children and if I donate the money I'm making then it means I'm taking something away from them",6,1,20180901-101814_540_live 14,Even just a few cents today will go along way for those children. ,7,0,20180901-101814_540_live 15,If it is coming from my payment today it is something that I don't have yet...so maybe I can do 0.20.,7,1,20180901-101814_540_live 16,That would be a huge help. Thank you so much for your contribution. ,8,0,20180901-101814_540_live 17,"Your very welcome....I""m glad I could help even if it is so little",8,1,20180901-101814_540_live 18,The world needs a better place for our children. We don't realize how so little goes a long way when a child goes without.,9,0,20180901-101814_540_live 19,"Yes, we do need to make this place better for our children they are our future",9,1,20180901-101814_540_live 0,"Hi there, how are you?",0,0,20180901-112903_682_live 1,I'm okay. I've been pretty tired lately. How are you?,0,1,20180901-112903_682_live 2,Me too! It's been raining so much in my area...hard to not be tired! Do you have time for me to tell you about my favorite charity?,1,0,20180901-112903_682_live 3,"We haven't gotten much rain, I just have a new baby, so I guess it is to be expected. Sure I'd love to hear about it.",1,1,20180901-112903_682_live 4,"New baby...I barely remember those days...probably because I was exhausted. After I had my baby, I started becoming interested in the charity, Save the Children. Have you heard of them?",2,0,20180901-112903_682_live 5,Yes I have but I don't know much about what they do. ,2,1,20180901-112903_682_live 6,They are an organization that helps support children in developing countries. It's hard to realize how fortunate we are to have the resources we do.,3,0,20180901-112903_682_live 7,What kinds of things do they do for children? Is it nutrition related? Or education?,3,1,20180901-112903_682_live 8,"They help in pretty much every area. Fight fornchildrens rights, get them healthcare, help with education, etc. Do you currently donate to any charities?",4,0,20180901-112903_682_live 9,I do. We donate to St Jude's regularly and do a fundraiser for the CF Foundation every year. ,4,1,20180901-112903_682_live 10,"Those are both great foundations too! If you ever have any extra to spare, you should consider donating to Save the Children too. When I read about what they do, I just feel so blessed to have my baby safe with me.",5,0,20180901-112903_682_live 11,We do often take things like that for granted. Do you know how much of donations go directly to the charity. Some foundations do a better job then others.,5,1,20180901-112903_682_live 12,A little over 80% go right to helping. Around 10% is used for fundraising. The rest just keeps the foundation operating. They do a good job of allocating resources.,6,0,20180901-112903_682_live 13,Sounds like they a good job. I would like to make a donation.,6,1,20180901-112903_682_live 14,Great! You can actually donate any amount of your earnings today. Any amount helps as you know.,7,0,20180901-112903_682_live 15,How do I do it? Do I just say the amount?,7,1,20180901-112903_682_live 16,"At the end, you'll be asked how koch of your $2 that you'd like to donate. You'll enter the amount and the researchers will make sure the funds get to the organization.",8,0,20180901-112903_682_live 17,OK that sounds easy. Thank you for all of your knowledge on this subject.,8,1,20180901-112903_682_live 18,Thanks for listening. You are obviously a very giving person. I hope you get some rest!,9,0,20180901-112903_682_live 19,"Thank you, me too! haha! Have a great weekend.",9,1,20180901-112903_682_live 0,It would be a great deal to donate all or some the extra payment to children's charity,0,0,20180901-020126_11_live 1,What children's charity is it?,0,1,20180901-020126_11_live 2,Save the Children ,1,0,20180901-020126_11_live 3,Could you tell me more about them?,1,1,20180901-020126_11_live 4,This is an organization that provides relief and helps support children in developing countries,2,0,20180901-020126_11_live 5,Oh do they not do any work in the United States?,2,1,20180901-020126_11_live 6,"Good question, although we have many charities in the U.S., these children are dying from hunger and your donation will make a great impact",3,0,20180901-020126_11_live 7,"I don't like to hear about kids starving, but I would prefer to take care of kids in the U.S. first.",3,1,20180901-020126_11_live 8,"That's caring of you, I'm sure there is a reachable charity in the U.S. that you can get involved in, but there is a great lack of support for these kids, especially in war zones",4,0,20180901-020126_11_live 9,So what countries have they helped kid out in?,4,1,20180901-020126_11_live 10,"Millions of Syrian children have to grow up facing the daily threat of violence, 2018, 1000 children were reportedly killed or injured. Your donation will help address this problem",5,0,20180901-020126_11_live 11,"I do donate to charity already so I'm not sure how much I can afford to donate to them, if I decide to donate at all.",5,1,20180901-020126_11_live 12,"Well, think about how we spend on unnecessary things, money that we can't account for. A fraction of that amount can make a drastic change",6,0,20180901-020126_11_live 13,What is the minimum amount that I can donate?,6,1,20180901-020126_11_live 14,$.77 a day can shelter a refugee family,7,0,20180901-020126_11_live 15,That's crazy that a small amount like that can make such a difference.,7,1,20180901-020126_11_live 16,"Yes, it sure can",8,0,20180901-020126_11_live 17,Okay I will make a donation.,8,1,20180901-020126_11_live 18,Awesome! How much would like to donate?,9,0,20180901-020126_11_live 19,I will donate .50.,9,1,20180901-020126_11_live 20,Thank you for your donation,10,0,20180901-020126_11_live 0,WOuld you please consider donating to Save the Children? A simple doantion can make a hue difference.,0,0,20180901-062656_249_live 1,No thank you ,0,1,20180901-062656_249_live 2,That was a quick unthoughtful answer. No consideration for children in need Huh?,1,0,20180901-062656_249_live 3,No I do have consideration for children in need but if I can not afford it then why should I take food from my childrens mouths and put it into another's. If I could afford it sure no problem I'd donate. ,1,1,20180901-062656_249_live 4,Doanting 75 Cents out of your 2.oo bonus is going to make your children starve. Having compassion usually comes back in 2 fold. God helps those who help themselves. ,2,0,20180901-062656_249_live 5,That may be true if I believed in God but I do not and the only one to help feed my children is me and me alone. And when I can pay it forward I do it may not be much but it is something to help a person in line at a grocery store who's short on change to feed their children.,2,1,20180901-062656_249_live 6,I sure hope your not feeding your children as you do this task. You are taking forever to answer. % children could have starved around the world by now. Just donate whatever you can and feel better about yourself today..GEEZE already,3,0,20180901-062656_249_live 7,"I feel better now matter what. Fine, five cents is that better and how much are you willing to donate?",3,1,20180901-062656_249_live 8,willing to match your measly 5 cents. I donate what you donate. I feel like playing down to my competitors today instead of rising above the low level smog and clouds and being King standing alone.,4,0,20180901-062656_249_live 9,I'd rather not stand alone as you will be so I shall donate my full $2.00 bonus and not to make myself feel good but to play down my competitor that is you! ,4,1,20180901-062656_249_live 10,WOW....There is your good deed for the day. You can now go about your day as usual and know you did your best to help children who are less fortunate.,5,0,20180901-062656_249_live 11,I would of gone about my day rather I did it or not. It's a beautiful day here where I live. So I will be spending it with my children outside in the yard playing. I did not need your approval to feel good about myself. But thank you.,5,1,20180901-062656_249_live 12,SUn only shines upon those who deserve it. You have shown you care about the greater than oneself.,6,0,20180901-062656_249_live 13,Then the sun shines upon me everyday because I show my children and family how much care and love them everyday. I don't need the sun to show me or think that God is there to help me. I have myself and my family that's all I need in my life. Nothing more nothing less and I'm very happy with that.,6,1,20180901-062656_249_live 14,Good. You seem like a strong individual. Have a great weekend.,7,0,20180901-062656_249_live 15,That I am and you have a wonderful weekend also. Good day,7,1,20180901-062656_249_live 16,Have you heard of save the children? Just curious.,8,0,20180901-062656_249_live 17,Yes I have and I have given money to them and the St Jude's fund for children and Childrens miracle network ,8,1,20180901-062656_249_live 18,Oh. Ia m familiar with those associations as well.,9,0,20180901-062656_249_live 19,"I lost my niece last January after my birthday because of cancer, she left behind a 3 year old baby girl. My husband just fought cancer and won and now I found out my 83 year old momma has it now. It's terrible to watch people you love go through such an awful disease. That's why I donate what I can when I can without breaking my bank.",9,1,20180901-062656_249_live 0,Ui! How are you? What are your thoughts on donation?,0,0,20180901-192142_112_live 1,I like to give to good causes,0,1,20180901-192142_112_live 2,Me too! What causes do you like to give to?,1,0,20180901-192142_112_live 3,"a variety, but mainly disaster relief",1,1,20180901-192142_112_live 4,"Would you consider donating part of your income from this task to save the children? They help to ensure kid's rights to health, education, and safety. The war in Syria has really left a lot of little kids struggling",2,0,20180901-192142_112_live 5,"maybe, who runs this charity?",2,1,20180901-192142_112_live 6,It's an international non governmental organization. They are a pretty solid organization that help support children in developing countries. ,3,0,20180901-192142_112_live 7,How long have they been around?,3,1,20180901-192142_112_live 8,"It was established in the UK in 1919, they have a good long track record! ",4,0,20180901-192142_112_live 9,"sounds good, are you a contributor?",4,1,20180901-192142_112_live 10,"Absolutely! I give to this charity and environmental charities, but this is one of my favorites. One small donation really make a huge difference in a kids life! ",5,0,20180901-192142_112_live 11,do have a donation amount in mind for me,5,1,20180901-192142_112_live 12,How about your salary from this task? 50 cents? That can provide a meal for a kid,6,0,20180901-192142_112_live 13,I can do that,6,1,20180901-192142_112_live 14,That is wonderful! You are a good egg. ,7,0,20180901-192142_112_live 15,you do your part as well,7,1,20180901-192142_112_live 16,"I will! 50 cents isnt much to me, but it can feed kiddo for a day",8,0,20180901-192142_112_live 17,"agreed, I can spare 50 cents for this",8,1,20180901-192142_112_live 18,How much do you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment (50 cents) ,9,0,20180901-192142_112_live 19,50 cents is fine,9,1,20180901-192142_112_live 0,good evening,0,0,20180901-152528_222_live 1,Hi. How are you?,0,1,20180901-152528_222_live 2,"fine, have you heard about the Save the Children charity",1,0,20180901-152528_222_live 3,"It sounds familiar, but I don't know much about it.",1,1,20180901-152528_222_live 4,as the name suggests they help children all over the world,2,0,20180901-152528_222_live 5,How does it help them?,2,1,20180901-152528_222_live 6,"mainly with food, shelter, and medical care",3,0,20180901-152528_222_live 7,It sounds like something I could get behind.,3,1,20180901-152528_222_live 8,they do depend on donations from people like us,4,0,20180901-152528_222_live 9,"I'm a big believer in donating when i can, but I don't have much right now.\\",4,1,20180901-152528_222_live 10,"you can donate part of you payment from this task, if you'd like",5,0,20180901-152528_222_live 11,I'd like to donate part of it for sure.,5,1,20180901-152528_222_live 12,"that would be great, you can donate anything up to $2.",6,0,20180901-152528_222_live 13,How much are you going to donate?,6,1,20180901-152528_222_live 14,$1 was my plan,7,0,20180901-152528_222_live 15,That's very generous. Where are you from?,7,1,20180901-152528_222_live 16,"from Adel, Georgia",8,0,20180901-152528_222_live 17,"I'm from Midvale, Utah. I have family in Georgia.",8,1,20180901-152528_222_live 18,"That's great, can you donate $1 as well?",9,0,20180901-152528_222_live 19,I think I can donate 50 cents.,9,1,20180901-152528_222_live 20,"ok, that's fine",10,0,20180901-152528_222_live 21,Best to you.,10,1,20180901-152528_222_live 0,"Hello, How are you doing today?",0,0,20180901-112824_44_live 1,"Hello, I am very good and how about you?",0,1,20180901-112824_44_live 2,I am good. Have you ever thought of donating to a charity?,1,0,20180901-112824_44_live 3,"No, sorry I haven't had a thought of donating to a charity.",1,1,20180901-112824_44_live 4,Do you mind if I tell you about a wonderful charity today?,2,0,20180901-112824_44_live 5,No I don'y mind at all. Please go ahead and do tell me a little bit about it. ,2,1,20180901-112824_44_live 6,There is a wonderful charity called Save the Children. They help children all over the world including right here America,3,0,20180901-112824_44_live 7,"Oh, I know that actually. I have that for monthly donation with them but I cancelled it at the moment since I just had a baby and trying to save money for my baby.",3,1,20180901-112824_44_live 8,Babies are wonderful. I have 2 children of my own. Would you be willing to donate some of your earning from today's task to them today.,4,0,20180901-112824_44_live 9,"Oh wonderful babies are amazing! Maybe, not right now.",4,1,20180901-112824_44_live 10,Are you sure even the little amount could help? And it will come right out of the pay you make from this task.,5,0,20180901-112824_44_live 11,okay lets do $1. ,5,1,20180901-112824_44_live 12,That is awesome and thank you so much. At the end of the task it will ask you how much you would like and you can enter it right into there.,6,0,20180901-112824_44_live 13,Perfect! I will do that.,6,1,20180901-112824_44_live 14,And since you are willing to help I will match your donate with my pay also,7,0,20180901-112824_44_live 15,oh wow! thank you!,7,1,20180901-112824_44_live 16,Our children are our future and every little bit helps,8,0,20180901-112824_44_live 17,"Yes, they are definitely the future. ",8,1,20180901-112824_44_live 18,I am so glad that we can both help them out a little today,9,0,20180901-112824_44_live 19,"Yes, kids really change your perspective of life. They are so innocent and we can all learn from them.",9,1,20180901-112824_44_live 0,Hello how's it going?,0,0,20180901-071043_291_live 1,"I am doing well, how are you?",0,1,20180901-071043_291_live 2,"Decent, bit of a slow start to the morning on Turk but it is the weekend so I guess that's expected",1,0,20180901-071043_291_live 3,I'm new to this so I have no idea what to expect. How long have you been doing it?,1,1,20180901-071043_291_live 4,I've been working this for almost two years now. The busier season is starting as the colleges in the US will be started/starting soon so that helps,2,0,20180901-071043_291_live 5,So obviously it's worth it for you. Do you just do it in your spare time?,2,1,20180901-071043_291_live 6,Yea it's definitely worth it to me. I do some at my work on days when its slow but mostly just in my off time instead of going on social media or something I come here,3,0,20180901-071043_291_live 7,I guess it's a lot better way to waste time than seeing what a bunch of people I don't really care about are doing. So when college is in there's less competition? ,3,1,20180901-071043_291_live 8,Haha exactly! When college is in session we get more studies/surveys posted as a lot of the work on Turk is done for academic reasons. So in the next couple weeks we'll see an influx of students doing their psychology studies and such via the platform.,4,0,20180901-071043_291_live 9,"Oh man, I didn't even think of that. They have all the grant money to throw out too. So how much time do you throw at this in a given week?",4,1,20180901-071043_291_live 10,It varies but generally a few hours on my workdays and maybe like 6 or 8 on my days off I'd say,5,0,20180901-071043_291_live 11,That's pretty good. I don't have that kind of time. Any suggestions for a newcomer?,5,1,20180901-071043_291_live 12,"On the task page sort so you see the newest HITs, and grab whatever looks good to you as far as surveys. I'd recommend being wary of doing multiple HITs for any 1 requestor until you vet them yourself because rejections early on in a Turk account can make getting better hits tough (a lot of the better hits require 99% or higher approval rating) - and remember you'll get a lot faster at it as you keep going, it can feel a bit slow and tough at the beginning but it does get better",6,0,20180901-071043_291_live 13,"Thanks, the last few days have been pretty boring, I was hoping to see more progress. Are sureveys the way to go? I've seen a lot of the website searching stuff too? Is that stuff worth it?",6,1,20180901-071043_291_live 14,"Website searching can be good, it never hurts to try a HIT once - see how fast you can complete it and decide if it\'s worth doing more from there. One other cool thing about MTurk is that some studies allow you to donate money to a charitable cause directly from the task payment - This one we\'re doing now in fact allows us to donate towards a foundation called ""Save the Children""",7,0,20180901-071043_291_live 15,Oh really? Where do you see that?,7,1,20180901-071043_291_live 16,"At the end of the study they will ask if you'd like to donate from your payment to the foundation, they assist needy children all around the globe in dire situations. Would you be willing to donate any of your payment today to help save the kids?",8,0,20180901-071043_291_live 17,I think so. How do you see where the donation goes? ,8,1,20180901-071043_291_live 18,It will tell you in a short blurb above the box to donate (I've done this HIT before in the past) and the researchers ensure 100% of any amount you donate goes to the kids. Even a small donation makes a big difference because there are so many of us making small amounts that it really adds up!,9,0,20180901-071043_291_live 19,That's great. Certainly something that needs to be done. Have you had the opportunity to travel a lot? I recently went to Africa and it gave me a new perspective on life.,9,1,20180901-071043_291_live 0,Hi! How are you? ,0,0,20180901-063841_657_live 1,Hi! Good morning,0,1,20180901-063841_657_live 2,Have you ever heard of Save the Children?,1,0,20180901-063841_657_live 3,"Yeah, they help kids don't they? Like in Syria?",1,1,20180901-063841_657_live 4,Yup. They promote children's rights and help support children in developing countries,2,0,20180901-063841_657_live 5,"I always wonder if programs like that use too much of what they get for ""administrative"" costs.",2,1,20180901-063841_657_live 6,"Yeah, some organizations probably spend a lot on that. In 2017, 86% of Save the Children's expenditures went to program services",3,0,20180901-063841_657_live 7,"OH! That's a great ratio, (or percentage). ",3,1,20180901-063841_657_live 8,Yeah! It's ranked really highly among other nonprofit organizations. Their independently audited financial statements consistently show that nearly 9 out of every 10 dollars they spend goes to programs and services for children and families in need. They keep administrative costs low so that more funding goes to children's programs.,4,0,20180901-063841_657_live 9,I'm delighted to learn that! ,4,1,20180901-063841_657_live 10,"Yes! They've helped 157 million children in 120 countries. Across the United States, more than 14 million children, or 1 in 5, grow up in poverty. When you focus on children in rural America, that number jumps to 1 in 4. Through Save the Children's education, protection and emergency programs, they reached 638,000 kids in 2016 alone.",5,0,20180901-063841_657_live 11,You've hit on one of my concerns. I worry about American children (since I live there). But it's not just rural kids who have needs. Children in urban areas are sometimes at risk as well. Does Save the Children address that area?,5,1,20180901-063841_657_live 12,"That's definitely true. Save the Children targets America's most isolated and underserved children. 20% of children in the US grows up in poverty; of the counties with the highest poverty rates, 90% are rural, which is why rural America is a focus for this organization. It doesn't mean that children in urban areas aren't important too, of course!",6,0,20180901-063841_657_live 13,That's true. Every child matters and every child's parent(s) too! I love the wonder that kids have for almost everything! And they can't experience joy if their bellies are empty.,6,1,20180901-063841_657_live 14,"That's so true. It's great to feel like we have the power to make a difference in kids' lives by donating to organizations like Save the Children! Would you like to donate to the charity now to help kids get the food, education, help, and support that they need to thrive? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment.",7,0,20180901-063841_657_live 15,"I think I'd like to donate, but I'd like to do it on my own. Is there a website I can do so?",7,1,20180901-063841_657_live 16,"Donating here is a really easy way to do it - you can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment ($2). The research team will collect all donations and send it to Save the Children. Of course, you can donate on your own too! Their website is URL ",8,0,20180901-063841_657_live 17,"Hmm, okay, I would donate both places, I think.",8,1,20180901-063841_657_live 18,Awesome! I am going to do the same. How much of your task payment would you like to donate to the charity now?,9,0,20180901-063841_657_live 19,I think 10% is fair. What do you think?,9,1,20180901-063841_657_live 0,"Hello, how are you today?",0,0,20180901-081612_655_live 1,Fine thank you ,0,1,20180901-081612_655_live 2,Are you interested in donating?,1,0,20180901-081612_655_live 3,Yes I am. ,1,1,20180901-081612_655_live 4,Do you frequently donate? what about children's charity?,2,0,20180901-081612_655_live 5,Yes I do a few times per year.,2,1,20180901-081612_655_live 6,"Nice, have you ever heard of organization called"" Save the Children""?",3,0,20180901-081612_655_live 7,Yes I have. It is a good organization.,3,1,20180901-081612_655_live 8,"Yes,It's an international organization working in 120 countries",4,0,20180901-081612_655_live 9,Yes I have heard that. They do much good.,4,1,20180901-081612_655_live 10,"Yes, they are also very clear with their financial report which make me trust.",5,0,20180901-081612_655_live 11,Me too. I will donate 1 dollar to the charity.,5,1,20180901-081612_655_live 12,Thank you for your help. It is nice how a little help of us can make a big difference,6,0,20180901-081612_655_live 13,You are welcome.,6,1,20180901-081612_655_live 14,"I will share their website with you, You can get extra information if you like: URL ",7,0,20180901-081612_655_live 15,Thank you. I will look it up.,7,1,20180901-081612_655_live 16,"There are also a few big companies that cooperate with them like IKEA, Disney and etc.",8,0,20180901-081612_655_live 17,That is very interesting and good to know. ,8,1,20180901-081612_655_live 18,"I know you already agreed on donating but i have to ask this, How much do you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment ($2). Thank you for your time and attention",9,0,20180901-081612_655_live 19,I will donate 1 dollar,9,1,20180901-081612_655_live 0,"Hello! So tell me, what do you know about the Save the Children organization?",0,0,20180901-001917_173_live 1,"It's a nonprofit, thats about it. Why?,",0,1,20180901-001917_173_live 2,I think it's a rather important topic of discussion mainly because there are so many children dying of hunger each day. ,1,0,20180901-001917_173_live 3,"You're not wrong about that, at all. It's disturbing. ",1,1,20180901-001917_173_live 4,Absolutely! I think most people don't trust these organizations because they believe them to be untrustworthy in regards to donations. This nonprofit is actually trustworthy from what I can see.,2,0,20180901-001917_173_live 5,"My issue with many is that they tend to use more of their donations to cover their ""overhead"" then to actually help the cause they claim to support. I research before I donate, generally speaking",2,1,20180901-001917_173_live 6,"Very understandable. I tend to research before investing time or money into any endeavor to be honest. For instance, with the Save the Children org, I've read that they've been contributing support and giving aid to children in developing countries that severely need it. Truly a noble cause.",3,0,20180901-001917_173_live 7,I completely agree. ,3,1,20180901-001917_173_live 8,Are you familiar with the situation in Syria currently? ,4,0,20180901-001917_173_live 9,"Yes, very much. Syria has been devestated",4,1,20180901-001917_173_live 10,"To be more specific, there are millions of Syrian children currently that are facing threats of violence daily. 1,000 children have been killed or injured just in the first few months of 2018. ",5,0,20180901-001917_173_live 11,Correct. I donate to UNICEF on a fairly frequent basis to help. ,5,1,20180901-001917_173_live 12,That's awesome. How do you usually go about donating?,6,0,20180901-001917_173_live 13,On the UNICEF website itself,6,1,20180901-001917_173_live 14,That makes sense. Would you consider donating a portion of your mturk payment to Save the Children?,7,0,20180901-001917_173_live 15,"I'll donate 1/2, so $1 ",7,1,20180901-001917_173_live 16,"That's fantastic! So to confirm, you would like to donate $1 from your payment to the Save the Children org, correct?",8,0,20180901-001917_173_live 17,"Absolutely, and thank you. ",8,1,20180901-001917_173_live 18,The research team will collect any donation made and send it to Save the Children! Thank you!,9,0,20180901-001917_173_live 19,"I certainly hope they really do, would love to see the results! ",9,1,20180901-001917_173_live 0,"hello, how are you today? i want to chat with you about a worthy cause...",0,0,20180901-064502_492_live 1,What worthy cause would that be?,0,1,20180901-064502_492_live 2,this is for save the children ( URL . have you heard of them?,1,0,20180901-064502_492_live 3,"Oh yes, I have heard of Save the Children.",1,1,20180901-064502_492_live 4,they do a lot of great work. they are assisting refugees.,2,0,20180901-064502_492_live 5,"Yes they do, we have a lot of people in need right here in the United States though.",2,1,20180901-064502_492_live 6,sure; but not as much as in third world countries. wouldnt you agree?,3,0,20180901-064502_492_live 7,"I think if you are suffering, truly suffering, then I don't think that person cares what country they are from. ",3,1,20180901-064502_492_live 8,"i agree; but environmental factors has a big impact, in my opinion.",4,0,20180901-064502_492_live 9,"Disease knows no factor, my neighbor was bit by a tick last month and now has Lyme disease.",4,1,20180901-064502_492_live 10,that is unfortunate; i am sorry to hear. have you ever donated to a worthy organisation?,5,0,20180901-064502_492_live 11,"Every year, St Jude / Humane Society / and Wounded Warriors",5,1,20180901-064502_492_live 12,great! would you like to donate to save the children? every donation makes a difference!,6,0,20180901-064502_492_live 13,I think I would like to continue donating to the three charities of my choice. ,6,1,20180901-064502_492_live 14,this could be a fourth charity that you may add to your list. ,7,0,20180901-064502_492_live 15,Or it could take away from the ones I currently sponsor. ,7,1,20180901-064502_492_live 16,are you able to find a way to see if you can spare for this charity? its for the kids.,8,0,20180901-064502_492_live 17,"I understand, but St Jude is for the kids as well. ",8,1,20180901-064502_492_live 18,sure; but this is also going to assist refugees in need.,9,0,20180901-064502_492_live 19,"I'm going to help Americans, my people. Good luck and have a great day. ",9,1,20180901-064502_492_live 20,thank you. please consider this organisation for the future. have a great day.,10,0,20180901-064502_492_live 0,Hello. How are you today?,0,0,20180901-121932_143_live 1,I am good. How are you?,0,1,20180901-121932_143_live 2,I am fantastic. Thank you for asking. ,1,0,20180901-121932_143_live 3,I'm glad. Are you from the States?,1,1,20180901-121932_143_live 4,I am. Actually a teacher in the states. What about you what do you do for a living?,2,0,20180901-121932_143_live 5,I work in Car sales,2,1,20180901-121932_143_live 6,Oh yea? Does that make a great impact on the peoples lives ?,3,0,20180901-121932_143_live 7,"It can, not like a teacher can, but if a person buys a car that they absolutely love, they leave happy and excited",3,1,20180901-121932_143_live 8,"Always good to make somone excited. Can even vastly improve on their lives. Ever felt bad for someone who couldn't afford the car you were trying to sell, but knew they really needed one?",4,0,20180901-121932_143_live 9,"yes, I do, but most of the time, people come in and say this is what I can afford? Can I get this and if I say no, but you could get this, they are generally happy. Do you teach young kids or older kids?",4,1,20180901-121932_143_live 10,I currently teach young kids. Mostly in urban communities who are low income and in need of good caring teachers. Keeping them off the streets and such. Most usually need some sort of help. What kind of area do you work in?,5,0,20180901-121932_143_live 11,"I work in a rural area...Most of where I live in rural and country, lol. Its kinda like the urban kids...people think just because we are country we are bumpkins but we really arent. I bet the kids you teach are thankful for good teachers like you",5,1,20180901-121932_143_live 12,But of course they love me. Kids in different areas are still kids lol. Urban and rural both have their challenges. Have you ever helped kids or is their little time for that?,6,0,20180901-121932_143_live 13,"I try to as much as I can. I have two that I\'ve ""adopted"" because their parents chose drugs over them and I spend as much time with them as I can",6,1,20180901-121932_143_live 14,Oh so you know all about helping already. We need people who adopt and take care of those who were abandoned. Ever donated to one of those save the kids charities?,7,0,20180901-121932_143_live 15,no I haven't. I prefer to spend time mentoring over monatary donations,7,1,20180901-121932_143_live 16,"I'm the same way. However, every bit helps especially when I am so busy mentoring the kids after school. Sometimes, I just throw a dollar or 2 out to help a kid get some food or a snack. Heck just to reward them for not hanging around the rough streets with the drugs. ",8,0,20180901-121932_143_live 17,well yeah I've done that but not donated to a charitable organization,8,1,20180901-121932_143_live 18,Hypothetical... if you could give a kid a dollar or 2 right now for some food to eat.. even for one meal.. would you?,9,0,20180901-121932_143_live 19,"yes I would...kids should never go hungry for any reason, its not their fault if their parents can't afford to feed them or what not. would you do the same",9,1,20180901-121932_143_live 20,Of course and I alway do lol. I can give the chance to do so right now if you would like?,10,0,20180901-121932_143_live 21,If I was to donate a $1 would you match it?,10,1,20180901-121932_143_live 22,I sure would. ,11,0,20180901-121932_143_live 23,Than we have reached a donation agreement true?,11,1,20180901-121932_143_live 24,Sounds about right. Mind if it is deducted from your task payment?,12,0,20180901-121932_143_live 25,I absolutely do not mind at all,12,1,20180901-121932_143_live 26,Alright then a donation of 1$ will be deducted from your task payment. I am sure you have just made a child day.. once again.,13,0,20180901-121932_143_live 0,"Good morning, we have a cool task this morning that could benefit more than 2 of us",0,0,20180901-060959_922_live 1,morning; sure let me know of the task,0,1,20180901-060959_922_live 2,Save the children is a non profit who could benefit from a donation,1,0,20180901-060959_922_live 3,alright; i have heard of the organisation.,1,1,20180901-060959_922_live 4,Each of us could use a monetary benefit,2,0,20180901-060959_922_live 5,"well, it would depend on the task",2,1,20180901-060959_922_live 6,The organization depends on monetary donations to help provide safety to children. In places like syria,3,0,20180901-060959_922_live 7,how do i know this is reputable? i normally only decide to donate unless i see legitimate documentation regarding it.,3,1,20180901-060959_922_live 8,you can check out their website: URL ,4,0,20180901-060959_922_live 9,alright; are you not able to acquire donations in another fashion? i am concerned proceeds would not be going to the appropriate place,4,1,20180901-060959_922_live 10,I like the idea that as little as 77 cents can provide positive gain for the organization,5,0,20180901-060959_922_live 11,how many donations have you all receieved thus far?,5,1,20180901-060959_922_live 12,My goal is to donate today and hope you will too,6,0,20180901-060959_922_live 13,i dont feel comfortable donating unless i see more documentation,6,1,20180901-060959_922_live 14,"Interesting, did you scroll thru the webpage. ",7,0,20180901-060959_922_live 15,"yup, but i may need to speak with an actual person, in person, to make further decisions",7,1,20180901-060959_922_live 16,I like how they donate 90% of proceeds directly to the cause,8,0,20180901-060959_922_live 17,sure; but i would need to do more research to see if proceeds to indeed go to where they are intended to go,8,1,20180901-060959_922_live 18,How much do you want to donate to the charity today?,9,0,20180901-060959_922_live 19,"for today, it would be $0, for the reasons discussed.",9,1,20180901-060959_922_live 0,Hi how are you doing?,0,0,20180901-091456_160_live 1,"Hello I am well, how are you doing?",0,1,20180901-091456_160_live 2,"I am good, wasting away my saturday doing surveys. ",1,0,20180901-091456_160_live 3,"You and me both, trying to hit my number so I can do something else",1,1,20180901-091456_160_live 4,Number? Do you set a quota for yourself?,2,0,20180901-091456_160_live 5,"Yeah, I try to do 15-20 dollars a day. Need the extra income",2,1,20180901-091456_160_live 6,"Oh, that's a good idea. How long does it usually take you?",3,0,20180901-091456_160_live 7,2 to 3 hours usually depends. weekends are always slower,3,1,20180901-091456_160_live 8,"I'm noticing that. I just started, this is my third day. How long for you?",4,0,20180901-091456_160_live 9,about 4 months. I would try to perform this task with the 10 questions if you would like to get this bonus.,4,1,20180901-091456_160_live 10,"Yep. I did this one earlier. I was on the other side though. I take it you\'ve done it before? So you do you know about ""Save the Children?""",5,0,20180901-091456_160_live 11,"No, I\'m not sure what exactly is ""Save the Children""?",5,1,20180901-091456_160_live 12,It's a great charity which helps children in developing countries. They will give you the opportunity to donate a portion of your earnings at the end of this HIT. ,6,0,20180901-091456_160_live 13,Wow that sounds really interesting. What do these children need help with?,6,1,20180901-091456_160_live 14,A wide variety of things. Often food or medical attention. Have you had the opportunity to travel to a developing country?,7,0,20180901-091456_160_live 15,No. I have not. How would my money go about reaching these children?,7,1,20180901-091456_160_live 16,"Save the Children is a worldwide organization, so once the receive the donation it will go into their efforts to assist children.",8,0,20180901-091456_160_live 17,Ok that sounds excellent. How do I donate from here?,8,1,20180901-091456_160_live 18,You will see a donation screen pop up at the end of the HIT and you will have the opportunity to provide a donation from your HIT earnings.,9,0,20180901-091456_160_live 19,"Ok, and how much would I be able to Donate from this HIT>",9,1,20180901-091456_160_live 20,You can give up to the $2 bonus they offer.,10,0,20180901-091456_160_live 21,Ok that sounds excellent. What do you think is the normal donation to give?,10,1,20180901-091456_160_live 22,"Anything helps, but a dollar would be excellent.",11,0,20180901-091456_160_live 0,Hello! How are you doing today?,0,0,20180901-121302_185_live 1,I am doing fine today . How are you doing today?,0,1,20180901-121302_185_live 2,"I'm doing alright. Just had a baby recently, so trying to get back to my normal routine. Do you have any children?",1,0,20180901-121302_185_live 3,"Congratulations, yes I have two kids single parent so it's kind of hard to get to a normal routine but i will keep On pushing ",1,1,20180901-121302_185_live 4,"I can't imagine doing it alone. This was number four for me, feels like anything above one is pure chaos. You must be really busy do it on your own. Do you have a moment to talk about a charity I am really passionate about?",2,0,20180901-121302_185_live 5,"Yes , it's very hard from the time I get up in the a.m I never have me time but I will keep on pushing for my kids , and yes i have a moment to talk about the charity.",2,1,20180901-121302_185_live 6,It is called Save the Children. Have you heard of it before?,3,0,20180901-121302_185_live 7,I think I have heard about it before but I was never given details on what the charity in it's meaning were.,3,1,20180901-121302_185_live 8,Well it is a charity that supports kids in developing countries. It is not related to government. They do anything from education to safety to nutrition. Something a lot of people in first world countries don't have to worry about. A lot of the stories are so heartbreaking. Have you ever donated to a charity like this?,4,0,20180901-121302_185_live 9,"Yes , I have I donated to the red nose charity when I was employed with Walgreens all the time.",4,1,20180901-121302_185_live 10,That is a great charity! And I like the fun aspect of the red noses to raise awareness. This charity is similar to that one in that it focused on those who are in great need. Any money you would donate to this charity would address similar issues and go to a great cause. Do you have any questions about Save the Childen?,5,0,20180901-121302_185_live 11,I'm sorry as of today I don't have any money to donate due to my financial situation.,5,1,20180901-121302_185_live 12,I completely understand. I'm sure that you have a lot on your plate being a single parent. And raising kids is so expensive. Even small amounts can go a long way. Would you even being about to spare some change?,6,0,20180901-121302_185_live 13,I I could I would but unfortunately I don't have anything.,6,1,20180901-121302_185_live 14,"If you did have money, would you donate to a charity like this one?",7,0,20180901-121302_185_live 15,"Yes, I would I wouldn't mind helping someone in need. ",7,1,20180901-121302_185_live 16,"That is good to hear. Hopefully when you think about receiving your bonus today, you can think about the good that you could do with a small amount. What you might spend on a candy bar or can of pop could do a lot to help a kid in need. I hope you reconsider.",8,0,20180901-121302_185_live 17,"Yes , when I usually have I will give unfortunately my situation right now doesn't allow me to . I'm sorry.",8,1,20180901-121302_185_live 18,Well I hope you have a great weekend. You have a lot to be thankful for. Nice talking to you.,9,0,20180901-121302_185_live 19,Nice speaking with you have a good day.,9,1,20180901-121302_185_live 0,Have you ever heard of save the children? ,0,0,20180901-121417_346_live 1,Yes i have,0,1,20180901-121417_346_live 2,It's a great organization and has an international impact. Children in other countries are suffering with no help in sight. I like to donate a small amount of money every year.,1,0,20180901-121417_346_live 3,"That is exactly what i seen on tv. what a wonderful operation. poor children, Donating my time and helping at the shelters here in my town is what i do every other sat.",1,1,20180901-121417_346_live 4,I also help children as well because my son was born and had to placed in the NICU for sugar problems. Every year I crochet 200 hats for the hospital NICU babies. Have you ever thought about donating to Save the Children?,2,0,20180901-121417_346_live 5,"Oh my goodness, hope your son has no more health problems. Crocheting is right up my alley. If i made more money I would love to donate but I work hard for very little and for me i care about helping. that is why i volunteer. ",2,1,20180901-121417_346_live 6," Me too! However, today you could donate 0-2 bucks of your payment from this task to help those children. Just think you it's only 1-2 bucks and you will be helping a poor innocent child in a war torn country. Could you imagine, running around barefoot, in rubble, being a three year old, crying, hungry, and looking for help help. You hear gunshots all around you and the sound of bombs exploding in the distance. ",3,0,20180901-121417_346_live 7,"wow, yeah I know that is horrible. Please do not judge me for saying that i can only donate .25 cents",3,1,20180901-121417_346_live 8,I would never judge you for only donating .25 cents! That's .25 more cents than they had before. Just think that could be your child... Wouldn't you want any funding you could receive so your child could benefit! ,4,0,20180901-121417_346_live 9,"yes I would. And you are very kind!! the way you described their scenery really is eye opening. poor babies, your a blessed for helping ",4,1,20180901-121417_346_live 10,Thank you the research team will collect all donations and send them to save the children. God bless us with people like you so others won't have to suffer alone. Your generosity is greatly appreciated!! ,5,0,20180901-121417_346_live 11,Thank you!! ,5,1,20180901-121417_346_live 12,"If you get time, go to Save the Children's website and check out more information. Maybe someone you know would like to make a donation or match your donation to help children in other countries affected by war and poverty.",6,0,20180901-121417_346_live 13,"of course!! that will be my goal of the day, i will get my sisters to donate and they will donate way more than me because they are well off. thank you again",6,1,20180901-121417_346_live 14,Remember it's not about how much you donate but that fact that you donated... That alone will help others... How many children do you have?,7,0,20180901-121417_346_live 15,i have 3,7,1,20180901-121417_346_live 16,I have two and when I watch the news my heart hurts so badly. Save The Children is also not government affiliated so your donation will be spend where its needed.. ,8,0,20180901-121417_346_live 17,"that is one of the worst fears of donating is who is managing the money. I seen on news a veteran go fund me had 400,000 for him but the people who started that go fund me had spent half the money and did not allow the veteran access to his own funds. horrible. I have to go now but thank lyou again for all your help",8,1,20180901-121417_346_live 18,I saw the same news article and the judge just awarded him all the money! I understand your concern because it's mine as well. Thank you for donating and I hope you have a great day!,9,0,20180901-121417_346_live 19,"No way, that is awesome. good for him and that judge to make it right. thank you again you too have a great day",9,1,20180901-121417_346_live 0,"Hi, how are you today?",0,0,20180901-171431_849_live 1,I'm good. YOu/,0,1,20180901-171431_849_live 2,I'm doing fine. I'm talking to people today about donating to an organization very special to me. Are you interested?,1,0,20180901-171431_849_live 3,Which organization would that be?,1,1,20180901-171431_849_live 4,Save the Children. They aim to provide aid in the form of relief in developing countries. Have you donated to a similar charity before?,2,0,20180901-171431_849_live 5,I'm familiar with the charity but have never donated to that one before.,2,1,20180901-171431_849_live 6,"Have you felt inclined to donate to any charity before? If so, what sort of charity?",3,0,20180901-171431_849_live 7,"I donate to breast cancer awareness, red cross and some locale charities",3,1,20180901-171431_849_live 8,Are you able to set aside a small amount today for Save the Children?,4,0,20180901-171431_849_live 9,I don't think so. I like to stick with my normal donations,4,1,20180901-171431_849_live 10,"If you do change your mind, you can donate a portion of your payment for this task. It can be any amount from $0 to $2.",5,0,20180901-171431_849_live 11,No thanks. It's a good cause but I won't be donating at this time,5,1,20180901-171431_849_live 12,Thank you. What is the name of the breast cancer awareness charity that you donate to?,6,0,20180901-171431_849_live 13,It's Susan G. Komen. The big one. It's a great cause,6,1,20180901-171431_849_live 14,"What is your primary mode of donation? Do you donate online, at events, or otherwise?",7,0,20180901-171431_849_live 15,Both. I also participate in awareness walks and promotions,7,1,20180901-171431_849_live 16,Do you have a personal connection to the cause?,8,0,20180901-171431_849_live 17,Yes. Family members and friends have gone through this.,8,1,20180901-171431_849_live 18,I'm sorry to hear that. I lost my grandmother to breast cancer and lymphoma.,9,0,20180901-171431_849_live 19,that's sad. Sorry to hear that,9,1,20180901-171431_849_live 0,Hello how are you doing?,0,0,20180901-101051_687_live 1,"hi, I am well, how are you?",0,1,20180901-101051_687_live 2,"Im doing good myself thanks for asking. Have you heard of a foundation called ""Save The Children""?",1,0,20180901-101051_687_live 3,I have heard of that before,1,1,20180901-101051_687_live 4,"Did you know millions of Syrian children have grown up facing the daily threat of violence. In the first two months of 2018 alone, 1,000 children were reportedly killed or injured in intensifying violence. ",2,0,20180901-101051_687_live 5,"I didn't know the statistics, that is very unfortunate to hear",2,1,20180901-101051_687_live 6,It really is. Do you donate to the charity now? If so how much a month?,3,0,20180901-101051_687_live 7,"I donate pretty regularly with my kids in school, they have different charities they help out each month.",3,1,20180901-101051_687_live 8,Would you be interested in donating some of your payment today toward Save the Children?,4,0,20180901-101051_687_live 9,I suppose I could donate some of my payment today. I will donate 10% of my earnings.,4,1,20180901-101051_687_live 10,That would be great! I believe everybody has a moral responsibility to help others in need.,5,0,20180901-101051_687_live 11,I do believe you're right. unfortunately there's a lot more need than I can fix with my $2!,5,1,20180901-101051_687_live 12,Even the smallest of donations can help a lot of children and their families.,6,0,20180901-101051_687_live 13,"yes, I agree, that's why I try to do a small amount for each charity I am presented with. each one does something so unique.",6,1,20180901-101051_687_live 14,"Thats great to hear, empathy and sympathy goes a long way and is lacking in society so its great to hear another parent trying to help out as much as they can.",7,0,20180901-101051_687_live 15,"thank you, likewise! are there any other charities you like to donate to regularly?",7,1,20180901-101051_687_live 16,"I do have a local charity for homeless citizens, we can donate and put people up in a hotel for a discounted rate, to get them out of the heat/cold and get them a nice meal. Its not much but everybody deserves a helping hand when they are down and out.",8,0,20180901-101051_687_live 17,"a warm night and meal sound good to me, even if its once in awhile. thats a great organization.",8,1,20180901-101051_687_live 18,I agree in full! Well I totally appreciate your willingness to donate 10% of your task payment today. I will be matching your donation. ,9,0,20180901-101051_687_live 19,that is wonderful to hear! thanks for telling me about the charity. I am happy to help.,9,1,20180901-101051_687_live 20,Thank you again! Have a great day!,10,0,20180901-101051_687_live 0,Hi there,0,0,20180901-142346_317_live 1,Hi! How are you doing today?,0,1,20180901-142346_317_live 2,I'm doing great thank you ,1,0,20180901-142346_317_live 3,I'm not really sure what i'm supposed to do. do you have anything you wold like to ask me?,1,1,20180901-142346_317_live 4,"In fact I do, have you ever heard of a charity called save the children?",2,0,20180901-142346_317_live 5,I believe i have. I contributed to them as part of a different task.,2,1,20180901-142346_317_live 6,"That is wonderful to hear! We are grateful for your support. We are currently seeking donations at this time, do you mind contributing again? ",3,0,20180901-142346_317_live 7,How long have you worked for Save the children? what makes Save the children a great charity to give money to?,3,1,20180901-142346_317_live 8,"I recently became a partner and Save the children is a great charity because caring everyday citizens just like you help ensure safety, good health and a good education for vunerable children ",4,0,20180901-142346_317_live 9,ok i'll donate $1,4,1,20180901-142346_317_live 10,Great! We appreciate you support your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment,5,0,20180901-142346_317_live 11,Thanks for your time. have a good day!,5,1,20180901-142346_317_live 12,Thank You. If you would like additonal information you can refer to Save the Children's website to gather more information if you like to. URL ,6,0,20180901-142346_317_live 13,i would definitely love reading that later on. good luck with pursuit of raising money for a great cause.,6,1,20180901-142346_317_live 14,Yes it is a great read and updated regularly & thank you for your support,7,0,20180901-142346_317_live 15,you are so welcome,7,1,20180901-142346_317_live 16,We're almost finished do mine if I ask a few more questions?,8,0,20180901-142346_317_live 17,sure that sounds good,8,1,20180901-142346_317_live 18,Sorry I apolgize I meant do you have any more questions?,9,0,20180901-142346_317_live 19,no not really. thank for asking,9,1,20180901-142346_317_live 0,Good evening,0,0,20180901-200737_151_live 1,Hello,0,1,20180901-200737_151_live 2,"We are seeking donations for the ""Save the Children"" foundation",1,0,20180901-200737_151_live 3,That sounds great. What are you looking to fund?,1,1,20180901-200737_151_live 4,"Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",2,0,20180901-200737_151_live 5,That is a very noble set of tasks,2,1,20180901-200737_151_live 6,"We are seeking a minimum of $.01 and a maximum of $2.00, your donation would serve childrena round the world",3,0,20180901-200737_151_live 7,"That's great. Unfortunately, I cannot afford to donate",3,1,20180901-200737_151_live 8,"Save the Children uses all their donations to help ensuring children's rights to health, education, safety",4,0,20180901-200737_151_live 9,Are there any specific programs that you can tell me about?,4,1,20180901-200737_151_live 10,"A portion of doantions got to Syria, millions of Syrian children have grown up facing the daily threat of violence. In the first two months of 2018 alone, 1,000 children were reportedly killed or injured in intensifying violence",5,0,20180901-200737_151_live 11,"Im glad to hear that you are helping Syrian children, who suffer through very much",5,1,20180901-200737_151_live 12,"From the smallest donation will go a long way, as seen on the website URL ",6,0,20180901-200737_151_live 13,I wish I could donate but I do not have enough money,6,1,20180901-200737_151_live 14,"Even a $0.25 will be a huge contribution, and help children around the world",7,0,20180901-200737_151_live 15,Sadly I am unable to afford this,7,1,20180901-200737_151_live 16,Any money donations can be used in more meaningful ways. Small donations will indeed help a lot of children and their families. You will be part of a solution around the world.,8,0,20180901-200737_151_live 17,"Im glad you told me about the work you do. When I have a job again, I will revisit the idea of donating.",8,1,20180901-200737_151_live 18,Even as little as a $0.10 donation will contribute to the cause,9,0,20180901-200737_151_live 19,"I understand, and I appreciate the work you do. But at this time I cannot make a donation to you.",9,1,20180901-200737_151_live 0,"You know, there is a charity called Save the Children. It's a great charity and supports kids. Even a few cents helps.",0,0,20180901-061738_750_live 1,"Hi, yeah I have heard about this charity and will be considering making a donation to them.",0,1,20180901-061738_750_live 2,"That's great! Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief, and helps support children in developing countries.",1,0,20180901-061738_750_live 3,I was thinking about making a donation of about 30 cents to the organization.,1,1,20180901-061738_750_live 4,"That would be great. Right now, there is still a lot to do in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria and small donations will help a lot of children and their families. We all have a responsibility to help.",2,0,20180901-061738_750_live 5,Yes I agree it is doing gods work and makes a difference to make even a small donation to them.,2,1,20180901-061738_750_live 6,How much money do you spend on unnecessary things like snacks or candy? Money can be used in more meaningful ways.,3,0,20180901-061738_750_live 7,only about 5-10 dollars per two weeks. I am more of a healthy eater. I have to watch my diet too.,3,1,20180901-061738_750_live 8,"Every little bit helps, but for the price of a dollar a day, you can sponsor a Save the Children child in need in the US or abroad.",4,0,20180901-061738_750_live 9,"Yes I agree, money should be used for more important issues.",4,1,20180901-061738_750_live 10,"Save the Children is a reputable organization; more than 90% of their money goes towards the children they are helping, so you can also be confident that your money is going where it should.",5,0,20180901-061738_750_live 11,i heard that they are very legitimate. I am definitely making a donation to help them of 0.30 cents.,5,1,20180901-061738_750_live 12,That sounds great! The organization helped more than 157 million kids last year and your donation will help one of them. Do you know how to donate?,6,0,20180901-061738_750_live 13,sure do. I plan on making the donation after this study is completed.,6,1,20180901-061738_750_live 14,"OK. Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment, and you can choose any amount, all the way up to $2, if you want to donate more than 30 cents.",7,0,20180901-061738_750_live 15,yeah I I know I can. I might consider also making a larger donation to 0.50 cents. but I think 0.30 cents is adequate to help out some of the children.,7,1,20180901-061738_750_live 16,"Well, anything helps. The research team will collect all of the donations and send them to Save the Children.",8,0,20180901-061738_750_live 17,ok. that sounds legitimate to me. I want to help children and make my money go to good use.,8,1,20180901-061738_750_live 18,Small donations will help a lot of childrens and their families and your donation will certainly help.,9,0,20180901-061738_750_live 19,any means to be helpful and make a difference in others lives is what I care about the most.,9,1,20180901-061738_750_live 0,Hi how are you today?,0,0,20180901-112714_568_live 1,"I'm great, how are you? I'm just watching t.v.",0,1,20180901-112714_568_live 2,I'm doing good too. I was just browsing reddit. Can't believe it's already the 1st of September. Are you ready for summer to end?,1,0,20180901-112714_568_live 3,"Yeah, it's burning up in Texas. I am ready for some cooler weather.",1,1,20180901-112714_568_live 4,Ha. I guess I don't blame you. But here in Chicago it means grey skies and cold weather coming soon. Are you a fan of cold weather?,2,0,20180901-112714_568_live 5,"No, I like it for to be around 70-75 degrees. I just like a good moderate temperature. Texans aren't built for the cold.",2,1,20180901-112714_568_live 6,Lol. Yeah that sounds good to me too. One thing about Texans though. I feel as if you guys are generous people. Would you agree to that statement?,3,0,20180901-112714_568_live 7,"For the most part, it's true. We are community oriented.",3,1,20180901-112714_568_live 8,Right on. I think that's an honorable trait to have. Let me ask you something. Are you somebody who likes to give to charities?,4,0,20180901-112714_568_live 9,"At times, I do. It depends on the cause.",4,1,20180901-112714_568_live 10,"Yeah. I'm the saw way. I tend to pick charities from the top of the ranking websites. For example, I'm a really big fan of Save the Children. Have you heard of them?",5,0,20180901-112714_568_live 11,"Yes, but I am not sure what they do exactly.",5,1,20180901-112714_568_live 12,"Save the Children is a charity commited to ensuring children's rights to health, education, safety, etc. They are active in many conflict zones and during tragedies. They are a very reputable organization. ",6,0,20180901-112714_568_live 13,Do they ever do work within the United States?,6,1,20180901-112714_568_live 14,As a matter of fact they do. Here is a link to their work in the US: URL s/what-we-do/us-programs,7,0,20180901-112714_568_live 15,"Wow, that's great to know. I learned something new.",7,1,20180901-112714_568_live 16,"Yeah. And now that you've read about them, you might be interested to know that we can donate to them directly through this HIT. Save the Children recognizes that even small amounts of money add up and have a huge impact on their work",8,0,20180901-112714_568_live 17,"Okay, that sounds like a novel idea.",8,1,20180901-112714_568_live 18,Would you like to join me in donating to them today? You can choose from any amount from $0 to all your payment ($2). How much would you like to donate to the charity now?,9,0,20180901-112714_568_live 19,I would like to donate ten cents.,9,1,20180901-112714_568_live 20,Great. Well thanks for listening and I hope you have a wonderful weekend. Take care.,10,0,20180901-112714_568_live 21,"You're welcome, have a great day.",10,1,20180901-112714_568_live 0,Hello,0,0,20180901-074748_167_live 1,Hi,0,1,20180901-074748_167_live 2,How do you feel about charities,1,0,20180901-074748_167_live 3,"Generally good, it depends on the cause though",1,1,20180901-074748_167_live 4,Save the children,2,0,20180901-074748_167_live 5,From what? Of course saving children is a good thing,2,1,20180901-074748_167_live 6,Would you mind donating 1/2 of your money to the organization,3,0,20180901-074748_167_live 7,You mean 1/2 of the $2? I would donate $0.80,3,1,20180901-074748_167_live 8,Thank u for your donation,4,0,20180901-074748_167_live 9,no problem. We have a few more turns before we can proceed. do you like charities?,4,1,20180901-074748_167_live 10,I like St Jude,5,0,20180901-074748_167_live 11,"great, any others?",5,1,20180901-074748_167_live 12,The animals organization,6,0,20180901-074748_167_live 13,animals are good.,6,1,20180901-074748_167_live 14,What organizations do u like,7,0,20180901-074748_167_live 15,animals rights organizations and mental health advocacy groups,7,1,20180901-074748_167_live 16,I agree with those,8,0,20180901-074748_167_live 17,good to know. I'm not sure what else to ask,8,1,20180901-074748_167_live 18,I don't know either,9,0,20180901-074748_167_live 19,this is an odd task,9,1,20180901-074748_167_live 0,Hello. May I tell you about a phenomenal charity for children?,0,0,20180901-004406_582_live 1,Hello.What do you thing about children charity.,0,1,20180901-004406_582_live 2,Save the children is an organization that provides help and relief in developing countries and promotes children's rights. The children deserve a voice!,1,0,20180901-004406_582_live 3,Really.This sounds good.It is a great job.,1,1,20180901-004406_582_live 4,"They do great work. They need your help with a donation. It will be going to a trustable fund. There are children starving, alone and afraid that need your help today. ",2,0,20180901-004406_582_live 5,How can I donate to them?,2,1,20180901-004406_582_live 6,How much do you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment.,3,0,20180901-004406_582_live 7,It is an easier way to me for donating them.But still I can't trust.Really it will go to the charity?,3,1,20180901-004406_582_live 8,The research team will collect all donation and send it to Save the Children. Rest assured it will go to the non-governmental organization and directly to helping the needy children.,4,0,20180901-004406_582_live 9,I like to donate them 0.10$.,4,1,20180901-004406_582_live 10,That is wonderful. Every little bit helps us reach our goal of helping millions of children daily. You are now a part of that solution. Could I persuade you to donate more?,5,0,20180901-004406_582_live 11,Yes.That's why I also help them each and every Cents will help them.I so happy to help to these charity.,5,1,20180901-004406_582_live 12,Thank you. Look how much the average person spends on junk that is not absolutely needed. EVERY PENNY you donate will help a child in need. It is worth skipping a candy to feed a starving child or remove them from a warzone. Is it not?,6,0,20180901-004406_582_live 13,May I know where the charity located?,6,1,20180901-004406_582_live 14,Save the Children is headquartered in the United States with operations out of Connecticut that then disperse funds to the needy.,7,0,20180901-004406_582_live 15,Fine.Is this an international charity?,7,1,20180901-004406_582_live 16,"Yes, it is. 90% of what is donated goes directly to the children and their needs, while a mere 10% OR LESS is used to fund these life saving operations. Ask yourself, does $2 save YOUR life? It will save a child.",8,0,20180901-004406_582_live 17,It is a clear details and great.Really they are doing a good job.,8,1,20180901-004406_582_live 18,Do you want to help the children? ,9,0,20180901-004406_582_live 19,Yes.Because it really bad to live the children without saving it.children's are the gods gift.,9,1,20180901-004406_582_live 20,How much do you like to donate to the charity now? ,10,0,20180901-004406_582_live 0,Hi! How's it going?,0,0,20180901-083851_418_live 1,Doing good. How are things with you?,0,1,20180901-083851_418_live 2,"I\'m doing great. Have you ever heard of the organization ""Save the Children""?",1,0,20180901-083851_418_live 3,Unfortunately no. What do they do?,1,1,20180901-083851_418_live 4,"It is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",2,0,20180901-083851_418_live 5,That's awesome! It's always great when children are taken care of!,2,1,20180901-083851_418_live 6,It is really sad how so many kids around the world go to bed hungry.,3,0,20180901-083851_418_live 7,"Yes it is. People always take basic necessities like food for granted. Are you actively involved with ""save the children""?",3,1,20180901-083851_418_live 8,I am. I feel it is a way that I can give back.,4,0,20180901-083851_418_live 9,Good for you. I'm not familiar with them but I'm involved with other charitable organizations like world vision and united way,4,1,20180901-083851_418_live 10,That's great! We should all do something to help. Not only are these kids hungry but they are exposed to so much violence. Millions of kids in Syria grow up facing the daily threat of violence.,5,0,20180901-083851_418_live 11,I agree! It's heartbreaking to see some of the images in the news involving children from around the world,5,1,20180901-083851_418_live 12,"Also, they help kids in the United State. Across the United States, one in five children grows up in poverty. Of the counties with the highest poverty rates, 90% are rural. Because of circumstances beyond their control, millions of kids never reach their full potential. ",6,0,20180901-083851_418_live 13,Yes I've heard about that. There are numerous non profit agencies in the city I'm from where they collect food and money for these children. I'm glad steps are being taken to fight this!,6,1,20180901-083851_418_live 14,"Yeah, it is great. They actually helped 237,000 children just in the United States last year so they really try to help everywhere they can. They are also one of the organizations that really puts donations to good work, instead of in the pockets of administrators",7,0,20180901-083851_418_live 15,Sounds good. How are you involved with them? Do you work for them or do you support their cause by volunteering and donations?,7,1,20180901-083851_418_live 16,I support their cause through education and getting donations. Would you be willing to donate to Save the Children now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount up to $2.,8,0,20180901-083851_418_live 17,Yes definitely. I'll donate $1 from my task payment.,8,1,20180901-083851_418_live 18,That is awesome! Every little bit helps.,9,0,20180901-083851_418_live 19,Glad I could be of help!,9,1,20180901-083851_418_live 0,hi. good evening,0,0,20180901-191837_893_live 1,"hi, how are you? ",0,1,20180901-191837_893_live 2,"great, thank you! do you have a moment to talk?",1,0,20180901-191837_893_live 3,"absolutely, do know what charity we are considering today?",1,1,20180901-191837_893_live 4,"I do! it is save the children, one I am very fond of.",2,0,20180901-191837_893_live 5,"ok, I know of the charity",2,1,20180901-191837_893_live 6,that is great! would you like more info on it or may I be abrupt and ask if you'd like to donate any of your task payment to the charity tonight? it can be anything from $0 to $2.,3,0,20180901-191837_893_live 7,"how about half, 1 American dollar?",3,1,20180901-191837_893_live 8,that would be fantastic!,4,0,20180901-191837_893_live 9,"well, that was easy",4,1,20180901-191837_893_live 10,"yes, it was. the money will be collected by the task researchers and distributed.",5,0,20180901-191837_893_live 11,"great, look forward to it",5,1,20180901-191837_893_live 12,"I would also like to donate tonight, I will match your payment also.",6,0,20180901-191837_893_live 13,"ok, sounds good to me. ",6,1,20180901-191837_893_live 14,I imagine $2 can help many children,7,0,20180901-191837_893_live 15,in some parts of the world that is enough to buy a meal. ,7,1,20180901-191837_893_live 16,"yes, probably enough to feed a family in some areas even.",8,0,20180901-191837_893_live 17,in Washington DC it barely gets you a chocolate bar. ,8,1,20180901-191837_893_live 18,that really puts things into perspective. its great how far our dollar can go for them when it does so little for us.,9,0,20180901-191837_893_live 19,"yes, it is ",9,1,20180901-191837_893_live 0,"Hello, how are you?",0,0,20180901-125341_302_live 1,Hello. I am doing well. Finally feeling good after being sick for awhile.,0,1,20180901-125341_302_live 2,I am glad that you are feeling better. Where are you located?,1,0,20180901-125341_302_live 3,I live outside of Chicago. It a both a suburb and a more rural area.,1,1,20180901-125341_302_live 4,"I have been to Chicago, I really enjoyed it there. We went in the Hancock observatory? I think that was the name. And had a great breakfast buffet in Bronzville. I am in Pennsylvania but originally from MC.",2,0,20180901-125341_302_live 5,Oh yes the Hancock observatory is a great spot. What does MC stand for?,2,1,20180901-125341_302_live 6,"I meant NC, sorry, just a typo. I am still not used to the snow in PA. We rarely had it in NC and if it did snow, everything closed. Could I ask for your help with something?",3,0,20180901-125341_302_live 7,"I have always really like NC. Only been to Pennsylvania once, Pittsburgh but it was a long time ago. Anyways, sure what is it?",3,1,20180901-125341_302_live 8,"I am trying to get donations for Save the Children from people who complete this task. You can donate any amount, from $0-$2.00, but anything would help. Is that something you would consider?",4,0,20180901-125341_302_live 9,I would. Can you tell me a little bit more about what they do?,4,1,20180901-125341_302_live 10,"Sure, Save the Children is an organization that helps ensure children's rights to health, education, and safety around the world. ",5,0,20180901-125341_302_live 11,Do they help kids in the United States?,5,1,20180901-125341_302_live 12,"Yes, they also help alleviate child poverty in the US, but there is a particular lack of support for children in developing countries, especially in war zones. For instance, millions of Syrian children have grown up facing the daily threat of violence. In the first two months of 2018 alone, 1,000 children were reportedly killed or injured in intensifying violence.",6,0,20180901-125341_302_live 13,Sounds like they do important work. Are they government run?,6,1,20180901-125341_302_live 14,"No, it is a non-governmental organization that has impeccable credentials. ",7,0,20180901-125341_302_live 15,Cool. Well then yes I will make a donation.,7,1,20180901-125341_302_live 16,"Wow, that is great! I really appreciate it. If more people would be willing to donate to organizations like this, they could help so many other children. How much would you like to donate?",8,0,20180901-125341_302_live 17,You are welcome. I will probably donate 20 cents.,8,1,20180901-125341_302_live 18,"I do appreciate that. Every amount is valuable and cents add up to dollars. I do need a firm commitment though, I can't take probably. ",9,0,20180901-125341_302_live 19,Yes I will make a donation.,9,1,20180901-125341_302_live 20,Thank you and enjoy the rest of your day!,10,0,20180901-125341_302_live 0,Hey! I'm excited to see how this works. How are you doing?,0,0,20180901-161656_635_live 1,Good. How are you?,0,1,20180901-161656_635_live 2,Great! Have you ever heard of Save the Children - an international organization that helps kids in poor countries?,1,0,20180901-161656_635_live 3,"I think so, yes.",1,1,20180901-161656_635_live 4,"I've just started learning about it, but I think it's incredible to be able to help kids who need it. What country are you from? What are your feelings about this topic?",2,0,20180901-161656_635_live 5,"United States. I think it's a good cause but I would need more information about it before contributing a lot of money. I'd want to know what exactly they do and how they help the kids, how the money is distributed, how they select the children, etc.",2,1,20180901-161656_635_live 6,I totally get it. It's non-government at least. Last year they helped kids in Bangladesh who were refugees. I think they see where there is a need and step in - so larger groups of children.,3,0,20180901-161656_635_live 7,"What type of help do they offer? Shelter, food, medical supplies, education, relocation?",3,1,20180901-161656_635_live 8,"Shelter, food, hygiene, water, even training for how to take care of themselves. It's the type of thing where you could give a little (or a lot) at one time, or sponsor a child, or do a one time give that supplies them with food or water or hygiene for a certain amount of time. Lots of options...",4,0,20180901-161656_635_live 9,"Wow, that's pretty comprehensive. What percentage of donations are overhead?",4,1,20180901-161656_635_live 10,Fourteen percent is fundraising and management - so 86% goes to the kids. That's pretty good!,5,0,20180901-161656_635_live 11,"Yes, I agree.",5,1,20180901-161656_635_live 12,"Our family sponsors a child, and it gives us a good sense of ""giving back"". It\'s why I asked where you are from. I feel like in America we have so much!!! It feels like we are helping more than ourselves and the people around us when we give internationally.",6,0,20180901-161656_635_live 13,That's great. I don't know if that's the same program but our church recently had a presentation on something similar.,6,1,20180901-161656_635_live 14,That's so great! Churches are the best place to offer help - it,7,0,20180901-161656_635_live 15,"Well, they help reach many people at the same time and I think it's pretty effective plus many people who attend are charitable.",7,1,20180901-161656_635_live 16,"Sorry I hit the return button instead of the ' button last time... We attend church too, and it's another reason why we want to give - I mean it reminds us of how much we've been given. Do you have any desire to give to this Save the Children organization? It could even just be the donation of this HIT...",8,0,20180901-161656_635_live 17,Not at this time because I don't have a job currently; that's the reason I didn't get involved in our church drive since I'm having a difficult time paying my own bills. As soon as I get back on my feet I'll look it up.,8,1,20180901-161656_635_live 18,Sounds good. Here's the link if you want more info later: URL I hope you find the perfect job soon! I know being in your position can be stressful. Glad you've got a community in your church that can hopefully give you encouragement too! ,9,0,20180901-161656_635_live 19,"Thank you so much, it's been very stressful. Thanks, I'll look them up. It's a pretty big church so we feel a bit lost, but thank you for your words!",9,1,20180901-161656_635_live 20,Maybe they have small groups you could join? That helps at our church...,10,0,20180901-161656_635_live 21,We just did. Thank you!!,10,1,20180901-161656_635_live 22,Hang in there! Bye!,11,0,20180901-161656_635_live 0,Hi. My name is MJ.,0,0,20180901-160047_444_live 1,"Hi, I'm BM",0,1,20180901-160047_444_live 2,Nice to meet you. ,1,0,20180901-160047_444_live 3,Nice to meet you too. Interested in how this is going to work.,1,1,20180901-160047_444_live 4,"Well, I'm here to talk about Save the Children. It's a charity.",2,0,20180901-160047_444_live 5,OK. What exactly does the charity do to save children?,2,1,20180901-160047_444_live 6,"It's an international, nongovernmental agency that promotes children's rights in developing countries.",3,0,20180901-160047_444_live 7,"So it's not an aid-type of charity, but more like legal work?",3,1,20180901-160047_444_live 8,"No. It helps with education and food, especially for kids in war-torn countries.",4,0,20180901-160047_444_live 9,So it sends food and books to these countries?,4,1,20180901-160047_444_live 10,"Yes. It has great credentials. That's something that's important to me, especially as I have limited amounts to donate.",5,0,20180901-160047_444_live 11,So Charity Navigator gives it a good rating? Don't want to support one that spends a lot on administrative or fundraising costs.,5,1,20180901-160047_444_live 12,"I agree with you! It doesn't spend a lot on administrative costs. I'm very particular about that, too.",6,0,20180901-160047_444_live 13,What percentage of donations go to the actual countries then?,6,1,20180901-160047_444_live 14,I'm going to have to look that up. Give me a sec.,7,0,20180901-160047_444_live 15,No problem. Also curious how much they gave out in past year or so.,7,1,20180901-160047_444_live 16,86% goes to program services. I'm going to donate $1 of my earnings on this HIT. It's less than the cost of a cup of coffee these days.,8,0,20180901-160047_444_live 17,What countries have they given money too?,8,1,20180901-160047_444_live 18,Syria is a big one. There are kids that are under the daily threat of violence. Mainly developing countries in war zones.,9,0,20180901-160047_444_live 19,I'll probably look in to the charity a little more before deciding to donate.,9,1,20180901-160047_444_live 20,Think about donating a little bit of your HIT. 50 cents?,10,0,20180901-160047_444_live 21,"50 cents isn't going to help much, but I like to make sure any money I give is well spent.",10,1,20180901-160047_444_live 22,"I assure you it is. I know it isn't much. I can't afford to give a whole lot either, but the cause matters to me.",11,0,20180901-160047_444_live 23,"Like I said, I might donate something down the road. There are a lot of causes out there.",11,1,20180901-160047_444_live 0,Hello?,0,0,20180901-003311_274_live 1,Hello,0,1,20180901-003311_274_live 2,How is your day going today?,1,0,20180901-003311_274_live 3,It was a busy day at work today. Are you ready for the three day weekday?,1,1,20180901-003311_274_live 4,Oh of course labor day weekend is always a fun holiday. Do you usually donate to charities?,2,0,20180901-003311_274_live 5,I don't much. I do donate clothing and things that I don't need anymore. ,2,1,20180901-003311_274_live 6,"Oh that\'s nice of you, have you heard of ""Save the Children\'?",3,0,20180901-003311_274_live 7,Yes. I have seen many commercials on TV about this charity. Do you donate to this charity?,3,1,20180901-003311_274_live 8,"Yes, I am today and was wondering would you like to donate to it also with the funds you get for this task?",4,0,20180901-003311_274_live 9,I really can't. I am working hard on Mturks to make extra money. I am so low on funds and so right now would be a good time to donate to this charity.,4,1,20180901-003311_274_live 10,"I understand but you dont have to donate a large amount, it's for a good cause. You can start off with donating $0.50?",5,0,20180901-003311_274_live 11,I can do $0.25 today. ,5,1,20180901-003311_274_live 12,"That's fine too, it will be very appreciated.",6,0,20180901-003311_274_live 13,Yes then I'll do that amount. It's for a good cause,6,1,20180901-003311_274_live 14,"Thank you, so im go make it clear you want to donate $0.25 correct?",7,0,20180901-003311_274_live 15,Yes that is right.,7,1,20180901-003311_274_live 16,"Ok cool, whats your plans for Labor day?",8,0,20180901-003311_274_live 17,"Very busy. I am in charge of my sister in law's baby shower, so I'll be finishing plans for her baby shower on Sunday. ",8,1,20180901-003311_274_live 18,"Sounds like fun, have a great time with the baby shower and it was great speaking with you.",9,0,20180901-003311_274_live 19,Great! Thank you/,9,1,20180901-003311_274_live 0,"Hello, do you give to charities on a regular basis?",0,0,20180901-075346_269_live 1,"Hello, I donate here and there but not on a regular basis",0,1,20180901-075346_269_live 2,I understand! It is nice that you do give to charities because every little bit helps. Have you heard of the organization Save the Children?,1,0,20180901-075346_269_live 3,Yes . I've heard about it but I would like to have more information,1,1,20180901-075346_269_live 4,"Sure, they are an international organization not connected to any government that promotes children's rights and provides relief and support to children in developing countries.",2,0,20180901-075346_269_live 5,"Interesting, in how many countries do they work?",2,1,20180901-075346_269_live 6,Right now they are in 120 countries and have helped 33.3 million children directly. I am partial to children's charities because they help the ones who can't really help themselves.,3,0,20180901-075346_269_live 7,"So nice, what are the main issues they work on? ",3,1,20180901-075346_269_live 8,"They provide better healthcare and education for children as well as providing emergency aid when natural disasters occur or war and other conflicts. Did you know in Jan and Feb alone, 1000 children were reportedly killed or injured in Syria due to violence in that country?",4,0,20180901-075346_269_live 9,I've heard about it. It breaks my heart. is this organization clear with its financial reports?,4,1,20180901-075346_269_live 10,"Yes in fact the most recent rating of Save the Children by a non profit charity watchdog gave it an ""A"". I think that is pretty clear.",5,0,20180901-075346_269_live 11,That is so good to find a trustworthy charities. I think there should be a few well-known companies cooperating with this charity,5,1,20180901-075346_269_live 12,"I agree. I think more people need to get on board to help the children. If we all do a little by sacrificing that 1 coffee a week or by eating out one time less per week, we could all make more of a difference, right?",6,0,20180901-075346_269_live 13,"right, every little help make a big difference. we can support a family with few dollars in some countries",6,1,20180901-075346_269_live 14,"That is true for sure. I'm going to give some of my earnings today to STC, would you be willing to give some also if only $.25?",7,0,20180901-075346_269_live 15,I guess I will donate even more. I will donate today but can i please have their website in case i want to donate later?,7,1,20180901-075346_269_live 16,"Sure, it is URL but just know that if you donate through here the research team collects the donations and sends it all to STC so it is above board.",8,0,20180901-075346_269_live 17,Thank you for the information. Yes I will do it. I am glad there is a chance to help through HITs,8,1,20180901-075346_269_live 18,Yes definitely. It has been nice chatting with you. You seem like a very kind person. Have a great day and thanks for your help with STC!,9,0,20180901-075346_269_live 19,Thank you for your time and information. Have a nice day!,9,1,20180901-075346_269_live 0,Hi! Do you have kids?,0,0,20180901-075720_707_live 1,I do. 2 of them. Do you?,0,1,20180901-075720_707_live 2,Not yet but one day! Have you ever heard of Save the Children>,1,0,20180901-075720_707_live 3,I might have. I am not sure. Why?,1,1,20180901-075720_707_live 4,I am a member of STC myself and hope to inform you of how great our organization is!,2,0,20180901-075720_707_live 5,Oh nice. Please do. ,2,1,20180901-075720_707_live 6,"STC is an international organization promoting children's rights, especially children in developing countries. Have you ever done a mission trip or vocational trip to a third world country?",3,0,20180901-075720_707_live 7,Oh I have not. I think people that do are very interesting. Have you? ,3,1,20180901-075720_707_live 8,Not yet but I am traveling to Uganda with STC in March! Have you ever wanted to do something like that?,4,0,20180901-075720_707_live 9,It would be quite exciting I bet. What will you do when you get there? ,4,1,20180901-075720_707_live 10,We will be setting up a pseudo- children's hospital. More like a nurses station to help sick kiddos in remote villages.,5,0,20180901-075720_707_live 11,That's awesome. I bet they can use the help.,5,1,20180901-075720_707_live 12,"They definitely can! And you can help, too!",6,0,20180901-075720_707_live 13,How could I do that?,6,1,20180901-075720_707_live 14,By supporting STC! Would you like to learn how?,7,0,20180901-075720_707_live 15,Sure. I would like that.,7,1,20180901-075720_707_live 16,"There is no such thing as a small donation. If you'd be willing, you could donate some or all of your incoming payment for this task to STC! It'd be nothing more than a bag of chips at the store. Less than, even!",8,0,20180901-075720_707_live 17,How about .50. Will that be ok?,8,1,20180901-075720_707_live 18,That would be amazing! The research team will collect all donations and send them to STC. I am so appreciative!,9,0,20180901-075720_707_live 19,Wonderful. Thanks for the info.,9,1,20180901-075720_707_live 0,Have you heard of the charity Save the Children?,0,0,20180901-073405_760_live 1,No. I have never heard of it. ,0,1,20180901-073405_760_live 2,It is a charity that promotes children's rights and helps support kids in developing countries.,1,0,20180901-073405_760_live 3,That sounds very nobel and moral. ,1,1,20180901-073405_760_live 4,Would you consider donating any of your payment for this HIT to the charity?,2,0,20180901-073405_760_live 5,I would really need to know more about this charity. I don't just give money to a charity I know nothing about. ,2,1,20180901-073405_760_live 6,I agree with you. I don't normally donate to charities unless I know a lot about them either.,3,0,20180901-073405_760_live 7,So what do they do exactly? Who would I be helping?,3,1,20180901-073405_760_live 8,"They have US and global programs. It depends on where the kids are that need help. They help with food, medical care, shelter, basic necessities.",4,0,20180901-073405_760_live 9,Where is the charity based?,4,1,20180901-073405_760_live 10,"The address on the website is Fairfield, CT",5,0,20180901-073405_760_live 11,Is it a trustworthy charity? Is my money just going into the pockets of the ones running it?,5,1,20180901-073405_760_live 12,"I don't really know the answer to that. If you are interested, they have a website. I need to end this now. Have a nice day!",6,0,20180901-073405_760_live 13,Thank you. would you like me to donate?,6,1,20180901-073405_760_live 14,"It's really up to you. If you want to, I'm sure the charity would appreciate your help.",7,0,20180901-073405_760_live 15,I can do that. ,7,1,20180901-073405_760_live 16,How much money would you donate?,8,0,20180901-073405_760_live 17,Is .50 ok?,8,1,20180901-073405_760_live 18,That would be great! You are a generous person.,9,0,20180901-073405_760_live 19,I will do .50 then. TY,9,1,20180901-073405_760_live 20,Have a great day!,10,0,20180901-073405_760_live 0,"Hi, how are you doing this morning?",0,0,20180901-055511_376_live 1,Pretty good. Got up early and ate breakfast. Watching cartoons with my daughter. How are you?,0,1,20180901-055511_376_live 2,"doing good, just watching some television and relaxing. Glad its the weekend.",1,0,20180901-055511_376_live 3,"Yes, me too. Long weekend for me, hopefully for you too. Any plans?",1,1,20180901-055511_376_live 4,just going to a movie to see mile 22 this afternoon.,2,0,20180901-055511_376_live 5,I haven't heard of that movie. What's it about? My wife wants to see Crazy Rich Asians.,2,1,20180901-055511_376_live 6,its an action movie that consists of military operation of transporting someone to get them out of the country. its pretty good. My husband does not want to see Crazy Rich Asians lol.,3,0,20180901-055511_376_live 7,I don't want to see Crazy Rich either lol. That sounds like a good movie. My wife doesn't like action movies. She walks out if they are dumb. She does like the Marvel movies though.,3,1,20180901-055511_376_live 8,oh nice. I have a question for you. Have you heard of a charity called Save the Children?,4,0,20180901-055511_376_live 9,Yes I have. I've donated to the charity before. Seems like a legit charity.,4,1,20180901-055511_376_live 10,it is. they help with children that are sick and homeless. They are one of the good charities that I like and trust. Would you consider making a small donation to them?,5,0,20180901-055511_376_live 11,Sure. I would consider donating. I would donate 40 cents.,5,1,20180901-055511_376_live 12,perfect that is a good amount. it makes a difference to help children. ,6,0,20180901-055511_376_live 13,I hope the charity helps children in the US. It seems to me that kids that are homeless in America may not get as much attention as kids in other countries.,6,1,20180901-055511_376_live 14,"it does, they are a great organization. 40 cents is a great amount for a donation. ",7,0,20180901-055511_376_live 15,Cool I agree to the donation. Is there anything I need to do to make it official.,7,1,20180901-055511_376_live 16,at the very end of the chat after we do 10 turns you can make that donation of your payment.,8,0,20180901-055511_376_live 17,Ok! I will make the donation. Not sure if we've reached 10 turns. I hope you have a good weekend!,8,1,20180901-055511_376_live 18,"almost, the chat will tell us and we are very close to it. But thank you for your donation. ",9,0,20180901-055511_376_live 19,Sure thing. Glad to help! I hope the movie you're going to see is good. ,9,1,20180901-055511_376_live 20,thank you. yeah it supposed to be real good. ,10,0,20180901-055511_376_live 21,Great! Well we've reached the 10 turns. Have a great day and weekend!,10,1,20180901-055511_376_live 0,"Hello, are you familiar with the charity: Save the Children?",0,0,20180827-021816_456_live 1,Some what I familiar with charity. What about you?,0,1,20180827-021816_456_live 2,"I am, Save the Children is a wonderful, greatly needed charity. Donations to this charity are essential to ensure at-risk children receive health care, education, safety and much more. ",1,0,20180827-021816_456_live 3,So nice job. I also like to save the children.,1,1,20180827-021816_456_live 4,"That is wonderful! I just wanted to make you aware that you have the opportunity to donate a portion, or all of your payment from this task to Save the Children. This donation will aid in giving at-risk children a chance for hope. ",2,0,20180827-021816_456_live 5,Yes I also like to donate to the children without parents and relatives.,2,1,20180827-021816_456_live 6,Wonderful. I'm glad to know you agree with Save the Children's values. Before I ask you for the amount you'd like to donate I want to give you a bit more info about the charity and answer any questions you might have. Save the Children has received top ratings for achieving incredible results for children. Save the Children does what it promises. ,3,0,20180827-021816_456_live 7,I like to donate. But I don't have money to donate.,3,1,20180827-021816_456_live 8,"You would choose an amount from the money you make completing this task. Your donation would make a difference to children among 120 countries, including the United States.",4,0,20180827-021816_456_live 9,I like to donate 50 dollars. What about you?,4,1,20180827-021816_456_live 10,That is a generous donation! But I believe that exceeds what you will receive for this task. You can choose an amount anywhere from $0 - $0.30 ,5,0,20180827-021816_456_live 11,I choose 0.30 dollar for donation,5,1,20180827-021816_456_live 12,Awesome! I want to let you know that your donation will be collected by the research team and will send it to Save the Children. Do you have any other questions about the charity?,6,0,20180827-021816_456_live 13,Ok if you need means you take that amount.,6,1,20180827-021816_456_live 14,"Across the United States, more than 14 million children, or 1 in 5, grow up in poverty. Save the Children assists these children with their education, protection and emergency programs.",7,0,20180827-021816_456_live 15,We must help the children to give education.,7,1,20180827-021816_456_live 16,Yes we must. Your .30 donation will certainly assist these children. Save the Children is also transforming the lives of Africa's children.,8,0,20180827-021816_456_live 17,Ok done. What Dollar you need to give For children charity?,8,1,20180827-021816_456_live 18,Okay just to confirm how much would you like to donate to Save the Children?,9,0,20180827-021816_456_live 19,What about you?,9,1,20180827-021816_456_live 0,hi,0,0,BAD_20180827-041405_104_live 1,hi how are you?,0,1,BAD_20180827-041405_104_live 2,"I'm fine, How are you?",1,0,BAD_20180827-041405_104_live 3,i am well. where are you?,1,1,BAD_20180827-041405_104_live 4,"I am in Illinois, where are you?",2,0,BAD_20180827-041405_104_live 5,i am from oakhom,2,1,BAD_20180827-041405_104_live 6,Do you know about the children's charity?,3,0,BAD_20180827-041405_104_live 7,"yes, i know children's charity.. u know children's charity.. pls tell me details.",3,1,BAD_20180827-041405_104_live 8,They give money to help children in other countries and get them away from viloence.,4,0,BAD_20180827-041405_104_live 9,oh! thank you so much. then?,4,1,BAD_20180827-041405_104_live 10,Do you donate any children's charity?,5,0,BAD_20180827-041405_104_live 11,"yes, i am donate but one year back.",5,1,BAD_20180827-041405_104_live 12,How much do you donate charity?,6,0,BAD_20180827-041405_104_live 13,just i am donate $100 dollar only.,6,1,BAD_20180827-041405_104_live 14,oh! This is so good.,7,0,BAD_20180827-041405_104_live 15,thank u. do you donate any charity?,7,1,BAD_20180827-041405_104_live 16,Yes. I donate children charity.,8,0,BAD_20180827-041405_104_live 17,how much do you donate?,8,1,BAD_20180827-041405_104_live 18,I was donate $50.,9,0,BAD_20180827-041405_104_live 19,oh! good job,9,1,BAD_20180827-041405_104_live 0,Hello...!,0,0,20180827-044350_73_live 1,hi,0,1,20180827-044350_73_live 2,Hi.. I like to donate to the charity..,1,0,20180827-044350_73_live 3,yea! me to. i like to donate . u know children's charity?,1,1,20180827-044350_73_live 4,yes..! i would like to help and save the childrens to the organization..,2,0,20180827-044350_73_live 5,oh! good job. then?,2,1,20180827-044350_73_live 6,Do you have interest to help the charity...,3,0,20180827-044350_73_live 7,"yes, sure.i am interest. do you donate any charity?",3,1,20180827-044350_73_live 8,Yes... i donate few months before.. did you do that anywhere..,4,0,20180827-044350_73_live 9,which charity you donate?,4,1,20180827-044350_73_live 10,save the children...,5,0,20180827-044350_73_live 11,oh k. then?,5,1,20180827-044350_73_live 12,Which charity you donate? ,6,0,20180827-044350_73_live 13,you are from>,6,1,20180827-044350_73_live 14,which type of categories to help the childrens?,7,0,20180827-044350_73_live 15,children education and health ,7,1,20180827-044350_73_live 16,yea...! it is nice to hear...,8,0,20180827-044350_73_live 17,thank u so much. please tell me ur from?,8,1,20180827-044350_73_live 18,Am from Texas,9,0,20180827-044350_73_live 19,oh! really? k please help all childrens charity.,9,1,20180827-044350_73_live 0,hello how are you,0,0,BAD_20180827-020402_248_live 1,fine. you know about save the childrends charity,0,1,BAD_20180827-020402_248_live 2,yes very much information ,1,0,BAD_20180827-020402_248_live 3,you donate the charity,1,1,BAD_20180827-020402_248_live 4,yes 100$ the year that went,2,0,BAD_20180827-020402_248_live 5,oh great. tell about your family,2,1,BAD_20180827-020402_248_live 6,"my family is the motive of my life, I am my husband and two wonderful boys",3,0,BAD_20180827-020402_248_live 7,i have two children. one girl and boy,3,1,BAD_20180827-020402_248_live 8,"very good for you, what do you know to save thechildren",4,0,BAD_20180827-020402_248_live 9,yes i know. what do you,4,1,BAD_20180827-020402_248_live 10,you donate in this organisation,5,0,BAD_20180827-020402_248_live 11,yes i donate ,5,1,BAD_20180827-020402_248_live 12,how much ,6,0,BAD_20180827-020402_248_live 13,i donate $50,6,1,BAD_20180827-020402_248_live 14,very good for this organisation,7,0,BAD_20180827-020402_248_live 15,then tell what r u doing,7,1,BAD_20180827-020402_248_live 16, I work in insurance,8,0,BAD_20180827-020402_248_live 17,what type of insurance company,8,1,BAD_20180827-020402_248_live 18,every type of insurance is you,9,0,BAD_20180827-020402_248_live 19,i am seeking job,9,1,BAD_20180827-020402_248_live 0,hi how are you,0,0,20180827-042538_721_live 1,"i'm okay, just taking a break from some work.",0,1,20180827-042538_721_live 2,good for you ,1,0,20180827-042538_721_live 3,"What's your take on childrens charities, have you ever donated?",1,1,20180827-042538_721_live 4,every Christmas I together with my family donate $ 100 for the children in need,2,0,20180827-042538_721_live 5,That's really good. I donate myself around the holidays and then to thrift stores,2,1,20180827-042538_721_live 6,what do you usually donate?,3,0,20180827-042538_721_live 7,If its money i usually just take a bunch of my money thats spare change of the past months and donate whatever that ends up being,3,1,20180827-042538_721_live 8,to have happy children is the greatest sadiskafsion that lives out of life,4,0,20180827-042538_721_live 9,that's very true. Are you going to be donating again this holiday season?,4,1,20180827-042538_721_live 10,I give up for the children but not just help everybody who needs me,5,0,20180827-042538_721_live 11,i'm very much the same way. Have you donated anything recently?,5,1,20180827-042538_721_live 12,yes clothes and money,6,0,20180827-042538_721_live 13,do you have a specific charity you prefer to donate to regularly?,6,1,20180827-042538_721_live 14,save the children i like this organisation,7,0,20180827-042538_721_live 15,We have a children's hospital i like to donate to ,7,1,20180827-042538_721_live 16,very good idea,8,0,20180827-042538_721_live 17,what do you plan to donate this year for christmas?,8,1,20180827-042538_721_live 18,yes of corse,9,0,20180827-042538_721_live 19,how much? ,9,1,20180827-042538_721_live 0,"Hi, have you heard of the children's charity called Save the Children?",0,0,20180827-043728_426_live 1,"Hello, How are you? I have heard but I do not have much information about it",0,1,20180827-043728_426_live 2,It is an amazing organization that provides a lot of help to many children in the world.,1,0,20180827-043728_426_live 3,What issues they are working on?,1,1,20180827-043728_426_live 4,"The help to promote issues that many children in the world are facing such as hungry, famine, abuse and civil war. They really make an impact to help improve the lives of children around the world.",2,0,20180827-043728_426_live 5,"That is very interesting, Are they clear with their financial reports? I mean is it a trustworthy organization?",2,1,20180827-043728_426_live 6,"Yes, a very trustworthy organization. I've donated to them in the past and I'm very happy with the results",3,0,20180827-043728_426_live 7,"good, is it an international organization or they just focus on one or few countries?",3,1,20180827-043728_426_live 8,They focus on countries all around the world. Do you think you would be able to donate a small portion of your earnings today to the organization?,4,0,20180827-043728_426_live 9,Sure I will be able to donate. I've been able to donate through MTurk. It makes me feel useful.,4,1,20180827-043728_426_live 10,That's great to hear. I assure you that your donation will make a difference.,5,0,20180827-043728_426_live 11,"I am sure too, a little help can really make a big difference. It is surprising that even $30.00 per month can support a whole family",5,1,20180827-043728_426_live 12,"Yes, I've even heard where a $1 donation can make a difference. It is important, however, to make sure the organization is on the up and up",6,0,20180827-043728_426_live 13,Yes and It is interesting how donating by HITs sometimes won't even hurt the payment. It is like they do it on their behalf,6,1,20180827-043728_426_live 14,"Yes, I've come across that as well. Fortunately any little bit can help",7,0,20180827-043728_426_live 15,"Yes, I also like when I see big charities cooperate with big companies. I like it when part of my purchase will be donated",7,1,20180827-043728_426_live 16,"Ah yes, that's always a nice benefit as well. I'm glad you chose to donate",8,0,20180827-043728_426_live 17,"I am glad too, is there any website that i can read more about this organization and use it if i want to donate later again?",8,1,20180827-043728_426_live 18,"Yes, URL is the official website for the organization",9,0,20180827-043728_426_live 19,"thank you so much, I will take the time to read about it",9,1,20180827-043728_426_live 0,Hi,0,0,BAD_20180827-014220_596_live 1,hi,0,1,BAD_20180827-014220_596_live 2,How are you?,1,0,BAD_20180827-014220_596_live 3,i am fine. how amount you?,1,1,BAD_20180827-014220_596_live 4,I am also fine. What do you think about Chidren Charity?,2,0,BAD_20180827-014220_596_live 5,i like children charity. what about u?,2,1,BAD_20180827-014220_596_live 6,I am also like to help children's without parents and relatives. Where are you from?,3,0,BAD_20180827-014220_596_live 7,i am from oakham. where about u?,3,1,BAD_20180827-014220_596_live 8,I Am from Virginia.,4,0,BAD_20180827-014220_596_live 9,what about children charity?,4,1,BAD_20180827-014220_596_live 10,Children charity is useful for childrens without parents and relatives.,5,0,BAD_20180827-014220_596_live 11,u like donate in the amount?,5,1,BAD_20180827-014220_596_live 12,Yes I like to donate for the childrens.,6,0,BAD_20180827-014220_596_live 13,how money dollar u r donate?,6,1,BAD_20180827-014220_596_live 14,I donate averagely 50 dollars. What about you?,7,0,BAD_20180827-014220_596_live 15,i am donate for $100 dollars.,7,1,BAD_20180827-014220_596_live 16,Wow! Super do you any organisation ?,8,0,BAD_20180827-014220_596_live 17,no sir.. ,8,1,BAD_20180827-014220_596_live 18,Ok no problem we try to search some children charity organisation.,9,0,BAD_20180827-014220_596_live 19,oh! k sir. please ur name?,9,1,BAD_20180827-014220_596_live 20,My name is Gail.,10,0,BAD_20180827-014220_596_live 0,hi,0,0,20180827-053806_750_live 1,Hi. Do you know about Children Charity?,0,1,20180827-053806_750_live 2,"Yes, I know that children's charity.",1,0,20180827-053806_750_live 3,Please Explain for me.,1,1,20180827-053806_750_live 4,They give money to help children in other countries and get them away from viloence.,2,0,20180827-053806_750_live 5,Oh thanku. Will you donate for any organisation.,2,1,20180827-053806_750_live 6,Yes I was donate Organisation. ,3,0,20180827-053806_750_live 7,How much amount will you donate?,3,1,20180827-053806_750_live 8,I was donate more than $100.,4,0,20180827-053806_750_live 9,Oh super You done a good job.,4,1,20180827-053806_750_live 10,Thank you very much. Do you donate any chambers?,5,0,20180827-053806_750_live 11,Yes I donate one year back.,5,1,20180827-053806_750_live 12,How much amount do you donate?,6,0,20180827-053806_750_live 13,I forgot approximately 30 dollars.,6,1,20180827-053806_750_live 14,"Okay, That's a great job.",7,0,20180827-053806_750_live 15,Where are you from?,7,1,20180827-053806_750_live 16,I am in Illinois. Where are you from?,8,0,20180827-053806_750_live 17,Iam from Virginia.,8,1,20180827-053806_750_live 18,Do you like to save the children?,9,0,20180827-053806_750_live 19,Yes I like to save the children.,9,1,20180827-053806_750_live 0,hi,0,0,20180827-033602_304_live 1,"hello, how are you",0,1,20180827-033602_304_live 2,i am fine. how about you?,1,0,20180827-033602_304_live 3,what do you know about the non-for-profit organization save the children,1,1,20180827-033602_304_live 4,i dont know full details. please tell me the full details?,2,0,20180827-033602_304_live 5,"The Save the Children Fund, commonly known as Save the Children, is an international non-governmental organisation that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",2,1,20180827-033602_304_live 6,oh! thank you so much.,3,0,20180827-033602_304_live 7, you donate to the children in need,3,1,20180827-033602_304_live 8,oh sure. i am donate,4,0,20180827-033602_304_live 9, I give every year to save the children,4,1,20180827-033602_304_live 10,oh good job. but one year back donate.,5,0,20180827-033602_304_live 11, to help some of the kids is the biggest satisfaction you took in life,5,1,20180827-033602_304_live 12,sure sir. ,6,0,20180827-033602_304_live 13,tell me about your life,6,1,20180827-033602_304_live 14,oh good. ur life?,7,0,20180827-033602_304_live 15,you are in work,7,1,20180827-033602_304_live 16,yes i am work. ur name pls?,8,0,20180827-033602_304_live 17,flutra is my name yours,8,1,20180827-033602_304_live 18,nice name. my name Eric W Menkhus,9,0,20180827-033602_304_live 19,pleasure to talk with you sir,9,1,20180827-033602_304_live 0,hi,0,0,20180827-041754_680_live 1,"hi there, how are you?",0,1,20180827-041754_680_live 2,Iam fine. How are you?,1,0,20180827-041754_680_live 3,I am doing well thanks,1,1,20180827-041754_680_live 4,Ok super. Do you know about Children Charity?,2,0,20180827-041754_680_live 5,Which children's charity do you mean?,2,1,20180827-041754_680_live 6,I mean Save the Children who without parents and Relatives.,3,0,20180827-041754_680_live 7,Yes I've heard about Save the Children,3,1,20180827-041754_680_live 8,Do you know about that?,4,0,20180827-041754_680_live 9,Yes I do know about it,4,1,20180827-041754_680_live 10,Will you please explain it for me.,5,0,20180827-041754_680_live 11,It is a charity with the goal of helping children in need around the world,5,1,20180827-041754_680_live 12,Oh super Thank you so much. Will you donate for any organisation?,6,0,20180827-041754_680_live 13,"Yes, I will make a donation ",6,1,20180827-041754_680_live 14,Wow How much you approximately donate?,7,0,20180827-041754_680_live 15,I think i will donate around 20 cents,7,1,20180827-041754_680_live 16,Oh very good. I also like to donate.,8,0,20180827-041754_680_live 17,very nice that we both do it,8,1,20180827-041754_680_live 18,Yes have a nice day,9,0,20180827-041754_680_live 19,I hope the same for you!,9,1,20180827-041754_680_live 0,"Hi there, how are you this morning?",0,0,20180827-033451_673_live 1,ya fine morning what about you,0,1,20180827-033451_673_live 2,Good thanks. I was just reading about an organization called Save the Children. Have you heard of them?,1,0,20180827-033451_673_live 3,Yes I know that organization. you have idea donate to that charity,1,1,20180827-033451_673_live 4,"Yes I'm going to donate and thought you might want to also. They do great work, very legitimate and een around 100 years.",2,0,20180827-033451_673_live 5,ok nice. how much u pay,2,1,20180827-033451_673_live 6,I thought maybe 10 or 15 cents of my pay. It doesn't take much to make a difference.,3,0,20180827-033451_673_live 7,ok. than how is you family,3,1,20180827-033451_673_live 8,Family all grown up. Many Americans don't want to donate because they think that organizations like these only help other countries that are poor. This group helps poor underprivileged children in the US too.,4,0,20180827-033451_673_live 9,oh ok. i love children's very much. so i donate that charity ,4,1,20180827-033451_673_live 10,You will? That's great. I know we can both feel good about that. So do you live in the US?,5,0,20180827-033451_673_live 11,yes . where are you,5,1,20180827-033451_673_live 12,I'm in Arizona where it is very HOT! Where are you?,6,0,20180827-033451_673_live 13,VANCOUVER. WHAT ABOUT YOUR JOB,6,1,20180827-033451_673_live 14,Van couver in the US? Is that in Washington state? I don't work cause I already retired. I worked for 35 years and I'm ready to rest now. LOL,7,0,20180827-033451_673_live 15,why you laugh. i am also laughing .didn't tell anything,7,1,20180827-033451_673_live 16,Just happy to be through with working. What do you do for work and do you like it?,8,0,20180827-033451_673_live 17,i am not working. seeking job,8,1,20180827-033451_673_live 18,I hope you find something soon. Do you think you will be able to donate 10 cents to the charity? I know your money is probably tight but 10 cents is not too much to do is it?,9,0,20180827-033451_673_live 19,i will plan to donate 50 cents to charity,9,1,20180827-033451_673_live 20,"That's great, I guess the donation will be deducted from your turk payment for this task directly. Good luck to you in your job search, things will be bettter for you in the future. Good things will happen to you when you do good things for others. God bless and good morning.",10,0,20180827-033451_673_live 0,hi,0,0,20180827-053719_605_live 1,hi! How are you today,0,1,20180827-053719_605_live 2,today i am fine. you,1,0,20180827-053719_605_live 3,"I am doing alright, thank you",1,1,20180827-053719_605_live 4,you know about save the children charity?,2,0,20180827-053719_605_live 5,"I know a little, yes",2,1,20180827-053719_605_live 6,i am also,3,0,20180827-053719_605_live 7,Do you donate to charity?,3,1,20180827-053719_605_live 8,No. I will plan to donate,4,0,20180827-053719_605_live 9,"Yeah, I try to as much as I can, but it's hard sometimes to give up money when you have so little",4,1,20180827-053719_605_live 10,yes but we will give to children charity to get benefit for my life,5,0,20180827-053719_605_live 11,I do agree in helping children. They need it the most,5,1,20180827-053719_605_live 12,how much you plan to donate,6,0,20180827-053719_605_live 13,I can only give a couple cents.,6,1,20180827-053719_605_live 14,you gathered information about children's charity,7,0,20180827-053719_605_live 15,"I don't have much information, no",7,1,20180827-053719_605_live 16,Oh we will collect that information. than we donate to charity,8,0,20180827-053719_605_live 17,do you ever volunteer?,8,1,20180827-053719_605_live 18,yes ever to donate,9,0,20180827-053719_605_live 19,How much do you volunteer?,9,1,20180827-053719_605_live 0,hi,0,0,BAD_20180827-042633_370_live 1,hai how are you?,0,1,BAD_20180827-042633_370_live 2,"I'm fine, How are you?",1,0,BAD_20180827-042633_370_live 3,fine. what about you?,1,1,BAD_20180827-042633_370_live 4,chatting with you.,2,0,BAD_20180827-042633_370_live 5,oh! k. then u know children's charity?,2,1,BAD_20180827-042633_370_live 6,"Yes, I know that.",3,0,BAD_20180827-042633_370_live 7,do you donate any charity?,3,1,BAD_20180827-042633_370_live 8,"Yes, I like to donate charity.",4,0,BAD_20180827-042633_370_live 9,how any time u donate charity,4,1,BAD_20180827-042633_370_live 10,I donate more than 5. Do you donate any charity?,5,0,BAD_20180827-042633_370_live 11,yea! just for 5 are 8 times,5,1,BAD_20180827-042633_370_live 12,Oh! That's nice. How much amount you donate charity?,6,0,BAD_20180827-042633_370_live 13,dottaly $500 dollar..,6,1,BAD_20180827-042633_370_live 14,"Okay, this is a good one.",7,0,BAD_20180827-042633_370_live 15,thank you so much. then are you married?,7,1,BAD_20180827-042633_370_live 16,"Yes, I'm married. What is your name?",8,0,BAD_20180827-042633_370_live 17,my name is Eric W Menkhus,8,1,BAD_20180827-042633_370_live 18,"Ok, Do you know about children charity?",9,0,BAD_20180827-042633_370_live 19,"yes, i know. children's future life support the charity",9,1,BAD_20180827-042633_370_live 0,"Hello, how are you?",0,0,20180827-033057_106_live 1,"I'm doing well, a little tired. How are you?",0,1,20180827-033057_106_live 2,I am fine thank. are you interested in donating?,1,0,20180827-033057_106_live 3,"Im a perfect world where I had all the resources and money I could stand, I would love to be a philanthropist. I think childrens charities are a worthy cause. But, I do not work and I seldom donate due to the needs of our family. I do like Childrens healthcare of Atlanta as a charity. What about you? which charity are you passionate about?",1,1,20180827-033057_106_live 4,"I used to donate here and there, but since I\'ve started working on MTurk, I donated few charities though HITs. Have you heard about ""Save the Children"" charity?",2,0,20180827-033057_106_live 5,"Yes, I hear they feed starving children all over the world. Really sad situation. I couldn't imagine not being able to supply food for my kids. Heart breaking. I just read about a charity called The Project Linus, a group that supplies security blankets for terminally ill children. All my kids love their security blankets. Do you have any kids?",2,1,20180827-033057_106_live 6,"No i do not have any kids, but I have a soft heart for kids. I like how ""Save the Children"" works on health and educational issues in 120 countries.",3,0,20180827-033057_106_live 7,"There is a good time and place for vaccines. Save the Children do help with vaccines as well as food. Crazy how 30.00 a month can change a child's future. Another charity I read about is Reach Out and Read, they supply used books to doctors offices to help kids read by educating the nurses on talking to parents about the importance of reading. I never heard of them before today, have you?",3,1,20180827-033057_106_live 8,"No I haven't heard. It is so good that you know a lot about children's charity. a little help can make a big difference, sometimes a family can live with just $30.00 per month",4,0,20180827-033057_106_live 9,"Internet research is a good way to learn about pretty much anything. It's hard to come up with a bunch of conversation about charity. It's easy to just live in your own world and not think about the horrible things in the world. Charity is a good way to get a collective group of people to make a change in the world. There are so many childrens charities like KABOOM, they build updated playgrounds for kids with disabilities. ",4,1,20180827-033057_106_live 10,"You have a lot of knowledge, thanks for sharing. I like the organization that are transparent with their financial reports, specially the ones that collaborate with big companies.",5,0,20180827-033057_106_live 11,"Yea, I think thats most important. There are so many so called charities that keep almost all of the donated funds and only a few pennies of each dollar actually go towards the need. I read a blog about Sea World is a big donater to children's charities. Make a Wish Foundation is a good one, have you heard of them?",5,1,20180827-033057_106_live 12,"No not really, I know a little about different charities. I just donate here and there. I will save the ones you mentioned and will definitely search about them. I like how these HITs give the opportunity to talk about charities",6,0,20180827-033057_106_live 13,Ive had a few of the charity HITs. I like to learn about an array of different things. I've actually been intrigued by alot of the things I've head on the HITs. Save the children was one of the charities talked about on here. I have a cousin who works with MercyShip. They are an organization that sales to african countries and does hundreds of thousands of surgeries on children in need.,6,1,20180827-033057_106_live 14,"That is awesome. I have donated to organization that works on some disease through MTurk, like Malaria ",7,0,20180827-033057_106_live 15,"I'm grasping at straws now, 10 turns each is a monumental task just like fighting childhood cancer (not really) have you ever donated to charities for childhood cancer?",7,1,20180827-033057_106_live 16,yes I did it before. Actually it breaks my heart to see children in pain. I think It is good to know donating through this task won't hurt your reward,8,0,20180827-033057_106_live 17,Childrens charities are important to increase awareness for diseases and disabilities. I cant even imagine what these poor families go through. McDonalds does a charity that helps house families near hospitals so they can be together during a hospital stay. Ronald McDonald House is the name I think. ,8,1,20180827-033057_106_live 18,I will look for it for sure. I like it when part of my purchase will be donated. Thank you for all the information,9,0,20180827-033057_106_live 19,It's been a pleasure chatting with you about children charities. I think this is the last chat exchange. Have a good day!,9,1,20180827-033057_106_live 20,"Thank you, you too",10,0,20180827-033057_106_live 21,"I guess I will make an explicit donation agreement for Save the children, maybe I'll donate 30.00 to help them out in the future.",10,1,20180827-033057_106_live 22,"Thanks, that is awesome",11,0,20180827-033057_106_live 0,Hi,0,0,20180827-005217_168_live 1,Hi there,0,1,20180827-005217_168_live 2,How are you?,1,0,20180827-005217_168_live 3,Please talk about donation to charity ,1,1,20180827-005217_168_live 4,I don't give any donation to charity.,2,0,20180827-005217_168_live 5,Ok please what you about children charity ,2,1,20180827-005217_168_live 6,Children Charity gives Good education and Good Health.,3,0,20180827-005217_168_live 7,Ok please help to children without parents and realtives,3,1,20180827-005217_168_live 8,Ok surely I will help to Children without parents and relatives. What you think about children charity.,4,0,20180827-005217_168_live 9,"I already help children charity with WE CARE organization, How much you willing to pay?",4,1,20180827-005217_168_live 10,I have no idea.,5,0,20180827-005217_168_live 11,"If I pay 100$ to you, now say how much you willing to pay?",5,1,20180827-005217_168_live 12,I pay fully. Anything else.,6,0,20180827-005217_168_live 13,"no, please talk until conversation end",6,1,20180827-005217_168_live 14,Ok What is your Name?,7,0,20180827-005217_168_live 15,"My name is Franklin, what about you? ",7,1,20180827-005217_168_live 16,My name is Gail. ,8,0,20180827-005217_168_live 17,Where you from?,8,1,20180827-005217_168_live 18,"I'm coming from Virginia, What about you?",9,0,20180827-005217_168_live 19,"Ok, I am from Arizona.. ",9,1,20180827-005217_168_live 0,hi,0,0,BAD_20180827-032414_31_live 1,hi,0,1,BAD_20180827-032414_31_live 2,Where are you from?,1,0,BAD_20180827-032414_31_live 3,i am from oakhom? u?,1,1,BAD_20180827-032414_31_live 4,Iam from Virginia. ,2,0,BAD_20180827-032414_31_live 5,pls ur name?,2,1,BAD_20180827-032414_31_live 6,My name is Gial. Do you know about anything in Save a children?,3,0,BAD_20180827-032414_31_live 7,yes i know. u know children's charity details?,3,1,BAD_20180827-032414_31_live 8,Please tell something about Children Charity?,4,0,BAD_20180827-032414_31_live 9,sry i dont know full details. u tell me pls?,4,1,BAD_20180827-032414_31_live 10,Ok I know something about it.,5,0,BAD_20180827-032414_31_live 11,oh k. chilrdren's charity for children education usting amount.,5,1,BAD_20180827-032414_31_live 12,"Yes, will you donate for any organization?",6,0,BAD_20180827-032414_31_live 13,yes. i am donate,6,1,BAD_20180827-032414_31_live 14,Would you like to donate the Chiildren Charity?,7,0,BAD_20180827-032414_31_live 15,yes i like childrens charity donate.,7,1,BAD_20180827-032414_31_live 16,Ok very good you done a nice job.,8,0,BAD_20180827-032414_31_live 17,thank you. u donate any charity?,8,1,BAD_20180827-032414_31_live 18,Yes I donate in one year back.,9,0,BAD_20180827-032414_31_live 19,how much dollar ur donate?,9,1,BAD_20180827-032414_31_live 0,Hi. Are you a bot?,0,0,20180827-040240_717_live 1,"Hello, I'm not a bot.",0,1,20180827-040240_717_live 2,So my task is to convince you to donate,1,0,20180827-040240_717_live 3,"Okay, well name a price and a charity and I'll consider.",1,1,20180827-040240_717_live 4,It doesn't say. And I don't think it will require you to donate. You just need to say yes at the end of the chat,2,0,20180827-040240_717_live 5,"I know, I've done these before. You just make things up. What charities do you like?",2,1,20180827-040240_717_live 6,"According the instructions: ""How much do you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment.""",3,0,20180827-040240_717_live 7,"I'm not sure what you don't understand. I just want to talk about a charity. For example, I like the Make a Wish foundation.",3,1,20180827-040240_717_live 8,The charity is Save the Children. ,4,0,20180827-040240_717_live 9,"Okay, that's a good charity as well. They do a lot for kids.",4,1,20180827-040240_717_live 10,How much of your reward are you going to donate?,5,0,20180827-040240_717_live 11,I won't donate any.,5,1,20180827-040240_717_live 12,Where are you from?,6,0,20180827-040240_717_live 13,You're not supposed to ask for personal information.,6,1,20180827-040240_717_live 14,How long have you been doing mTurk?,7,0,20180827-040240_717_live 15,"A couple years, I'm pretty sure we need to keep talking about donations though. Do you donate to charities a lot?",7,1,20180827-040240_717_live 16,Not really. Small amounts here and there in stores. Why aren't you going to donate even though you've done this before? Do you not get a bonus or anything?,8,0,20180827-040240_717_live 17,"If I didn't need as much money as I could work for, I wouldn't be doing freelance here.",8,1,20180827-040240_717_live 18,"What is your task anyway? As stated before, I'm supposed to convince you",9,0,20180827-040240_717_live 19,"I've already told you, talking about a charity.",9,1,20180827-040240_717_live 0,Hi,0,0,BAD_20180827-013921_398_live 1,hello,0,1,BAD_20180827-013921_398_live 2,I think to donate 50c to save the children life.,1,0,BAD_20180827-013921_398_live 3,Have you already donate charity?,1,1,BAD_20180827-013921_398_live 4,"Yes, I already donate different type of charity.",2,0,BAD_20180827-013921_398_live 5,I also like donations. but i do not donate anyone.,2,1,BAD_20180827-013921_398_live 6,Oh sad. Have you willing to donate charity?,3,0,BAD_20180827-013921_398_live 7,yes i also.,3,1,BAD_20180827-013921_398_live 8,Great! How mach donate for this?,4,0,BAD_20180827-013921_398_live 9,i think 50c,4,1,BAD_20180827-013921_398_live 10,Great! Very helpful to save the children life.,5,0,BAD_20180827-013921_398_live 11,"yes, how many times you donate charities?",5,1,BAD_20180827-013921_398_live 12,I think 5 or more..,6,0,BAD_20180827-013921_398_live 13,oh! are you very soft person?,6,1,BAD_20180827-013921_398_live 14,Thank you! you also.,7,0,BAD_20180827-013921_398_live 15,thank you so much. are you single?,7,1,BAD_20180827-013921_398_live 16,Yeah. why ask you?,8,0,BAD_20180827-013921_398_live 17,I just wanted to know.,8,1,BAD_20180827-013921_398_live 18,Okay! Thank you.,9,0,BAD_20180827-013921_398_live 19,thank you very much to chat with me.,9,1,BAD_20180827-013921_398_live 0,"Do you ever donate to worthy causes? I want to tell you today about one of my favorite charities, Save the Children",0,0,20180827-032731_796_live 1,yes definitly i am donate in save the children,0,1,20180827-032731_796_live 2,That's great. I love this group because they help millions of children worldwide and do a great job of making sure my donations are actually used to help children.,1,0,20180827-032731_796_live 3,nice i like this group for many children save in the world,1,1,20180827-032731_796_live 4,Yes they work both in the US and abroad,2,0,20180827-032731_796_live 5,yes i am live in us,2,1,20180827-032731_796_live 6,"Great me too. Here, they work on advocacy, education, and help children after emergency situations occur.",3,0,20180827-032731_796_live 7,yes i education help for the children.,3,1,20180827-032731_796_live 8,I agree. They lead Head Start and Early Head Start programs in this country which really ensure that kids get a great start in their educations,4,0,20180827-032731_796_live 9,yes definitly develop for education,4,1,20180827-032731_796_live 10,It's amazing to me that this organization reaches 120 countries around the world. That's a lot of children they are helping!,5,0,20180827-032731_796_live 11,very intresting ,5,1,20180827-032731_796_live 12,Yes they are such a great charity that they have won many awards for their efforts,6,0,20180827-032731_796_live 13,i have no award in the group.so i have like many children save in our life,6,1,20180827-032731_796_live 14,Ok. Did you know that they recently went to Hawaii to help kids after the hurricane landed?,7,0,20180827-032731_796_live 15,yes i help to kids ,7,1,20180827-032731_796_live 16,"Yes, that's great. I loved that they set up shelters that were child friendly because t's so hard for kids to be away from home like that",8,0,20180827-032731_796_live 17,yes my home in 3 childrens i take for in the life ,8,1,20180827-032731_796_live 18,"Great. Now that our chat is over, I need to ask, ""How much do you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment.""",9,0,20180827-032731_796_live 19,100$ donate for group,9,1,20180827-032731_796_live 0,Hello. Have you ever heard of the organization Save the Children?,0,0,20180827-035202_980_live 1,I haven't,0,1,20180827-035202_980_live 2,They are an amazing organization with a national and an international presence. Would you like to know more about what they do?,1,0,20180827-035202_980_live 3,I think I'm okay. No need to share more information,1,1,20180827-035202_980_live 4,I understand and I do not want to take up too much of your time. But please know that this organization ehlps children on every continent but Antartica. ,2,0,20180827-035202_980_live 5,Why not Antartica?,2,1,20180827-035202_980_live 6,"There just isn't the population to warrant it. The climate is not sustainable for human life and children do not reside there. But in the other countries they provide emergency response, global advocacy, literacy, and health education. ",3,0,20180827-035202_980_live 7,Well that's disappointing. What country receives the most aid?,3,1,20180827-035202_980_live 8,"It is spread out by need but rest assured that their charity ranges from Kentucky all the way to Kenya. Also, 86% of all expenditures go to program services so everyone that donates knows that their money is being used for a good cause rather than misappropriated. ",4,0,20180827-035202_980_live 9,Okay sounds interesting. How do people donate to the charity?,4,1,20180827-035202_980_live 10,You can visit their website or I can assist you with donating today. Can I ask if you have ever donated to a charity before?,5,0,20180827-035202_980_live 11,"Yes I have in the past, but not recently",5,1,20180827-035202_980_live 12,Glad to hear it. Charity is very important. Is this a charity you believe to be doing a good thing based on the information I have provided?,6,0,20180827-035202_980_live 13,"Sounds like a good mission, but I probably won't be able to donate",6,1,20180827-035202_980_live 14,Any little bit helps. Even a dollar or less can be used to do great things. Small donations add up quickly. ,7,0,20180827-035202_980_live 15,"Yes, I've heard that before. Like March of Dimes and the Salvation Army",7,1,20180827-035202_980_live 16,How much do you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment.,8,0,20180827-035202_980_live 17,I would like to donate $0,8,1,20180827-035202_980_live 18,I'm sorry to hear that. I hate to push but is there any chance you could give just $0.25?,9,0,20180827-035202_980_live 19,No thanks. I like to keep my money for now.,9,1,20180827-035202_980_live 20,I understand. You have a good day. ,10,0,20180827-035202_980_live 0,"I think it would be good to donate your payment to Save the Children, it could help alot of kids out",0,0,20180827-032811_159_live 1,yes i will.,0,1,20180827-032811_159_live 2,That's very good since they do so much for children.,1,0,20180827-032811_159_live 3,"Sure, Do you like donations? ",1,1,20180827-032811_159_live 4,Yes I think donating to charity is a very honorable thing to do.,2,0,20180827-032811_159_live 5,"Definitely, Are you interested in such things?",2,1,20180827-032811_159_live 6,Yes I donate to charity every month through my paychecks.,3,0,20180827-032811_159_live 7,Oh! this is so good. ,3,1,20180827-032811_159_live 8,Are you aware of what save te children does?,4,0,20180827-032811_159_live 9,I know a little bit. But do not fully know.,4,1,20180827-032811_159_live 10,They give money to help children in other countries and get them away from viloence.,5,0,20180827-032811_159_live 11,Oh! this is nice. Thank you so much.,5,1,20180827-032811_159_live 12,They are also a reputable charity.,6,0,20180827-032811_159_live 13,This is good thing. I am more interested in this. ,6,1,20180827-032811_159_live 14,Do you donate to other charities also?,7,0,20180827-032811_159_live 15,"Yes, But I remember what it gave me.",7,1,20180827-032811_159_live 16,How much would you be willing to donate today?,8,0,20180827-032811_159_live 17,I think I can give $25.,8,1,20180827-032811_159_live 18,"Ok so you will donate $25 to the charity, that's amazing. Thank you very much.",9,0,20180827-032811_159_live 19,The explanations you provided were very useful. Thank you so much.,9,1,20180827-032811_159_live 20,So you will give $25 today right?,10,0,20180827-032811_159_live 21,Yes i will.,10,1,20180827-032811_159_live 22,"Thank you for your time, have a great day.",11,0,20180827-032811_159_live 23,"Thank you very much, have a nice day.",11,1,20180827-032811_159_live 0,hi,0,0,BAD_20180827-011458_738_live 1,HI HOW R U,0,1,BAD_20180827-011458_738_live 2,"i'm fine, then how are you?",1,0,BAD_20180827-011458_738_live 3,HI WHAT R U DOING,1,1,BAD_20180827-011458_738_live 4,chating with you,2,0,BAD_20180827-011458_738_live 5,ok then tell about you,2,1,BAD_20180827-011458_738_live 6,i'm looking for a job.,3,0,BAD_20180827-011458_738_live 7,ok i am also looking for a job,3,1,BAD_20180827-011458_738_live 8,where are you from?,4,0,BAD_20180827-011458_738_live 9,i am from US,4,1,BAD_20180827-011458_738_live 10,which type job you looking for?,5,0,BAD_20180827-011458_738_live 11,i am seeking job,5,1,BAD_20180827-011458_738_live 12,do you know children's charity?,6,0,BAD_20180827-011458_738_live 13,yes i know ,6,1,BAD_20180827-011458_738_live 14,do you like to save the children?,7,0,BAD_20180827-011458_738_live 15,yes i like,7,1,BAD_20180827-011458_738_live 16,do you donate?,8,0,BAD_20180827-011458_738_live 17,yes i donate,8,1,BAD_20180827-011458_738_live 18,"then, anything else?",9,0,BAD_20180827-011458_738_live 19,ok tell about your family,9,1,BAD_20180827-011458_738_live 20,i was married. i have 2 childrens,10,0,BAD_20180827-011458_738_live 0,Hi there,0,0,20180827-002226_470_live 1,Hello. Are you here to talk about children's charity?,0,1,20180827-002226_470_live 2,"Yes, sure..I am really glad to donate amount to children charity ",1,0,20180827-002226_470_live 3,What is the charity about?,1,1,20180827-002226_470_live 4,"Yes, this charity like to keep unsupported childerns",2,0,20180827-002226_470_live 5,"HOw do you mean, unsupported? ",2,1,20180827-002226_470_live 6,its means lonely children without parents and relatives ,3,0,20180827-002226_470_live 7,From what part of the country are these children located?,3,1,20180827-002226_470_live 8,I think most children from United states,4,0,20180827-002226_470_live 9,What organization will be involved with collecting donations to foster children?,4,1,20180827-002226_470_live 10,That organization name is WE RISE,5,0,20180827-002226_470_live 11,"Nice! Money will have to supply food, clothing, and personal care.",5,1,20180827-002226_470_live 12,"Yes, all money only spent for children health care and personal care",6,0,20180827-002226_470_live 13,Enough money would have to be raised to ensure that the funds distributed were getting to the right people.,6,1,20180827-002226_470_live 14,"Yes, all that funds handle with more meaningful ",7,0,20180827-002226_470_live 15,We would have to raise close to $1million if not more,7,1,20180827-002226_470_live 16,I think its below $1 million,8,0,20180827-002226_470_live 17,I see. How much then?,8,1,20180827-002226_470_live 18,I think around $750000,9,0,20180827-002226_470_live 19,"I thought you were going to suggest half, but $750k seems reasonable.",9,1,20180827-002226_470_live 0,Hi,0,0,20180827-055128_658_live 1,"Hi, Are you there?",0,1,20180827-055128_658_live 2,Yes Iam There. ,1,0,20180827-055128_658_live 3,Do you know children's charity?,1,1,20180827-055128_658_live 4,Yes Somewhat I know about that.,2,0,20180827-055128_658_live 5,Please explain me.,2,1,20180827-055128_658_live 6,Save the Children charity is an organization that helps children in need around the wrold.,3,0,20180827-055128_658_live 7,Do you donate a children's charity?,3,1,20180827-055128_658_live 8,Yes I donate at one year back.,4,0,20180827-055128_658_live 9,How much amount you donate charity?,4,1,20180827-055128_658_live 10,I forget I approximately donate 30 dollars. What about you?,5,0,20180827-055128_658_live 11,Are you donate regularly? ,5,1,20180827-055128_658_live 12,No sometimes I donate.,6,0,20180827-055128_658_live 13,Did you think the donation will reach children's charity?,6,1,20180827-055128_658_live 14,Yes sure I made in transaction to the Charity.,7,0,20180827-055128_658_live 15,Oh! That's nice. I like your explain very much.,7,1,20180827-055128_658_live 16,Thank you. Will you like to donate.,8,0,20180827-055128_658_live 17,"Yes, I like to donate.",8,1,20180827-055128_658_live 18,Ok very good Have a nice day.,9,0,20180827-055128_658_live 19,Thank you very much.,9,1,20180827-055128_658_live 0,hi,0,0,20180827-045855_86_live 1,hai,0,1,20180827-045855_86_live 2,How are you?,1,0,20180827-045855_86_live 3,i am fine. u know chirldren charity?,1,1,20180827-045855_86_live 4,Yes i know children's charity,2,0,20180827-045855_86_live 5,please tell me details?,2,1,20180827-045855_86_live 6,They give money to help children in other countries and get them away from viloence.,3,0,20180827-045855_86_live 7,oh k then?,3,1,20180827-045855_86_live 8,Do you know children's charity?,4,0,20180827-045855_86_live 9,yes. i know ,4,1,20180827-045855_86_live 10,Do you donate any children's charity?,5,0,20180827-045855_86_live 11,"yes, i am donate but one year back",5,1,20180827-045855_86_live 12,oh! Do you like to donate charity?,6,0,20180827-045855_86_live 13,yes! i like in donate ,6,1,20180827-045855_86_live 14,Okay How many years you donate charities? ,7,0,20180827-045855_86_live 15,just 3 years i am donate,7,1,20180827-045855_86_live 16,It's great. Do you have member of a charity?,8,0,20180827-045855_86_live 17,"yes, u are member of a charity?",8,1,20180827-045855_86_live 18,"No, I'm not a member but i like donations.",9,0,20180827-045855_86_live 19,please join in the childrens charity.,9,1,20180827-045855_86_live 0,hi,0,0,BAD_20180827-043450_786_live 1,hi how are you,0,1,BAD_20180827-043450_786_live 2,Iam fine. How are you?,1,0,BAD_20180827-043450_786_live 3,you know about saving the children's charity?,1,1,BAD_20180827-043450_786_live 4,Yes I know about Saving the children's charity.,2,0,BAD_20180827-043450_786_live 5,you give any donation,2,1,BAD_20180827-043450_786_live 6,Yes i give donation one year back.,3,0,BAD_20180827-043450_786_live 7,Explain about that charity,3,1,BAD_20180827-043450_786_live 8,It is a charity with the goal of helping children in need around the world,4,0,BAD_20180827-043450_786_live 9,it is very nice. how much you donate,4,1,BAD_20180827-043450_786_live 10,I donate 50 dollars last year. Will you donate?,5,0,BAD_20180827-043450_786_live 11, yes i will plan to donate,5,1,BAD_20180827-043450_786_live 12,Oh super How much will you like to play?,6,0,BAD_20180827-043450_786_live 13,i plan donate 30$,6,1,BAD_20180827-043450_786_live 14,Oh it nice amount. Where are you from?,7,0,BAD_20180827-043450_786_live 15,vancouver. are you from,7,1,BAD_20180827-043450_786_live 16,Iam from Virginia.,8,0,BAD_20180827-043450_786_live 17,how is your family,8,1,BAD_20180827-043450_786_live 18,Yes my family is good.,9,0,BAD_20180827-043450_786_live 19,this year u plan to donate,9,1,BAD_20180827-043450_786_live 0,Hi! How are you doing today,0,0,20180827-062717_115_live 1,"Nice, How are you doing?",0,1,20180827-062717_115_live 2,I am doing alright thanks.,1,0,20180827-062717_115_live 3,"Then, Do you know about children's charity?",1,1,20180827-062717_115_live 4,"I do, have you heard of Save the Children?",2,0,20180827-062717_115_live 5,"I know a little bit, But i'm not fully know.",2,1,20180827-062717_115_live 6,"Well, it is a great charity that helps children around the world in need",3,0,20180827-062717_115_live 7,"Oh, Then you donate any charity?",3,1,20180827-062717_115_live 8,"yes, I try to donate as much as i can. I think it's important to give what we can",4,0,20180827-062717_115_live 9,"Yes, It's true. You member of any charity?",4,1,20180827-062717_115_live 10,I work with children of abuse,5,0,20180827-062717_115_live 11,"Okay, Do you think charity is save the children?",5,1,20180827-062717_115_live 12,I think any money we donate will help the children,6,0,20180827-062717_115_live 13,"I'm not sure about this, so do not get me wrong.",6,1,20180827-062717_115_live 14,what are you not sure about? any cents will help the children in need,7,0,20180827-062717_115_live 15,"I have not donated so far, but next time I will definitely donate.",7,1,20180827-062717_115_live 16,it is ok! even just one cent can go a long way,8,0,20180827-062717_115_live 17,"Yes definitely, It's true",8,1,20180827-062717_115_live 18,will you donate today?,9,0,20180827-062717_115_live 19,"Yes, I will",9,1,20180827-062717_115_live 0,Hi. Are you a bot?,0,0,20180827-044304_158_live 1,No i am not,0,1,20180827-044304_158_live 2,Have you don this HIT before?,1,0,20180827-044304_158_live 3,No i have not,1,1,20180827-044304_158_live 4,My goal is supposed to get you to donate any amount to a charity. It's up to you whether you want to donate or not,2,0,20180827-044304_158_live 5,No i do not want to donate any money,2,1,20180827-044304_158_live 6,That's totally fine. What is your task anyway?,3,0,20180827-044304_158_live 7,"I do not have any task, what do you think. Tell me more about the charity",3,1,20180827-044304_158_live 8,What does your communicator role task description say?,4,0,20180827-044304_158_live 9,talking about children's charity,4,1,20180827-044304_158_live 10,The charity is Save the Children,5,0,20180827-044304_158_live 11,Oh okay. Where is it located?,5,1,20180827-044304_158_live 12,I'm not sure. I've done this HIT before. You get a bonus if you donate even just one cent. ,6,0,20180827-044304_158_live 13,not i am not even willing to donate anything,6,1,20180827-044304_158_live 14,That's totally fine. How long have you been doing mTurk?,7,0,20180827-044304_158_live 15,"i do not think that is what we are meant to talk about. Can we talk about your charity, maybe i can talk to some people about it",7,1,20180827-044304_158_live 16,It's related to charity. I was going to follow up if you ever donate to charities when a HIT prompts you to do so,8,0,20180827-044304_158_live 17,How do i donate if i want to donate,8,1,20180827-044304_158_live 18,It appears at the end of the survey once this chat is done,9,0,20180827-044304_158_live 19,Okay i will look forward to it then,9,1,20180827-044304_158_live 0,heyy. how are you?,0,0,20180827-045437_313_live 1,Hi there I am doing well. How about you today?,0,1,20180827-045437_313_live 2,i am good here.. do you like to donate money in save the children concept?,1,0,20180827-045437_313_live 3,Well I do like to help kids.,1,1,20180827-045437_313_live 4,oh that the great...i am donating some of the money in this concept. how much do you want to donate?,2,0,20180827-045437_313_live 5,Do you know anything about the STC charity?,2,1,20180827-045437_313_live 6, URL this is the website you can refer.,3,0,20180827-045437_313_live 7,Well it does look like they do really help.,3,1,20180827-045437_313_live 8,yess. they do help very well. even i am not donating money without knowing about the concept..so what do you think to donate?,4,0,20180827-045437_313_live 9,Well how much were you asking for?,4,1,20180827-045437_313_live 10,i can not force you for the amount. i am going to donate $50 as off now,5,0,20180827-045437_313_live 11,Well I think I can donate some of my pay.,5,1,20180827-045437_313_live 12,can you please let me know the amount?,6,0,20180827-045437_313_live 13,I hope the money will really help out if I donate.,6,1,20180827-045437_313_live 14,yes that is for sure. i am also donating my money on this surity only.,7,0,20180827-045437_313_live 15,"Well, I am sure I could give a little something.",7,1,20180827-045437_313_live 16,that is good. approx how much?,8,0,20180827-045437_313_live 17,"Just to confirm it is for the charity Save the Children, right?",8,1,20180827-045437_313_live 18,yes. i already sent a link to you,9,0,20180827-045437_313_live 19,Ok would $. 05 help?,9,1,20180827-045437_313_live 20,nice to talk with you..,10,0,20180827-045437_313_live 0,hi,0,0,BAD_20180827-011514_576_live 1,Hello there!,0,1,BAD_20180827-011514_576_live 2,yes ism there,1,0,BAD_20180827-011514_576_live 3,How are you?,1,1,BAD_20180827-011514_576_live 4,"I Am Fine, What about you?",2,0,BAD_20180827-011514_576_live 5,"I am doing well, thank you. Are you familiar with Save the Children?",2,1,BAD_20180827-011514_576_live 6,"Yes, I'm familiar with save the children. What about you?",3,0,BAD_20180827-011514_576_live 7,I am not too familiar with that particular organization. Can you tell me something about them?,3,1,BAD_20180827-011514_576_live 8,I Am also not too much familiar just I know what is Children charity.,4,0,BAD_20180827-011514_576_live 9,Do you donate to those charities? ,4,1,BAD_20180827-011514_576_live 10,"Yes, But for the past one year I did not give any donation. What about you?",5,0,BAD_20180827-011514_576_live 11,I have not donated to any yet. How much do you donate on average?,5,1,BAD_20180827-011514_576_live 12,I donate averagely 50 Dollars.,6,0,BAD_20180827-011514_576_live 13,Wow that is wonderful. What organizations have you donated to?,6,1,BAD_20180827-011514_576_live 14,I forget the organisation name.,7,0,BAD_20180827-011514_576_live 15,That is okay. I would like to find a good organization to donate to toay. Would you do the same?,7,1,BAD_20180827-011514_576_live 16,"Yes, But i don't know about organization.",8,0,BAD_20180827-011514_576_live 17,"Well Save the Children is an international non-governmental organisation that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries. A $5 donation would be great I believe. That sounds wonderful don't you agree?",8,1,BAD_20180827-011514_576_live 18,"Yes, I agree that I save the children. I do my best to save the children without parents. What about you?",9,0,BAD_20180827-011514_576_live 19,I donated $5 just right now. You should do the same!,9,1,BAD_20180827-011514_576_live 0,"i think it is essential to help save the children for their safety,and future.",0,0,20180827-044510_713_live 1,yes with that the world will be a better place and we could see smiles on the face of people which is my favorite part of life.,0,1,20180827-044510_713_live 2,that is good because when it comes to save the children they are very trrusting and the funds go to the children and help make their lives better.,1,0,20180827-044510_713_live 3,i believe in helping the children of this our generation because they are our future Leaders so any amount of money spent on them is worth it...,1,1,20180827-044510_713_live 4,How much do you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment,2,0,20180827-044510_713_live 5,20 will be fine if that will be bring a smile on their faces ,2,1,20180827-044510_713_live 6,"that would help them alot,big or small im sure it will go to the right place.",3,0,20180827-044510_713_live 7,yes the right place is the most required of it all and i would love to see that...,3,1,20180827-044510_713_live 8,to help the research team will collect and send the donations to save the children,4,0,20180827-044510_713_live 9,absolutly i will support them all so we could have a better Future and a Better generation someday,4,1,20180827-044510_713_live 10,that is true it does not cost much if any when it comes to donating.,5,0,20180827-044510_713_live 11,let make it work so others can have an better living ,5,1,20180827-044510_713_live 12,it is also good to know that you are part of the solution when it comes to helping those in need!,6,0,20180827-044510_713_live 13,"yes very much so ,to be part of the solution is to put a smiles on the face of others...",6,1,20180827-044510_713_live 14,yes it will help alot of families with the donation,7,0,20180827-044510_713_live 15,but mostly the children which is my heart desire,7,1,20180827-044510_713_live 16,yes that is true i know when i was a kid peoples donations helped me with supplies and just the aid i needed.,8,0,20180827-044510_713_live 17,really ?? that sounds ok so let do it,8,1,20180827-044510_713_live 18,yea lets do it sounds like a great idea to give back!,9,0,20180827-044510_713_live 19,i am really interested in helping children and that is what i really wants to do with my Life,9,1,20180827-044510_713_live 0,Hi! How are you today?,0,0,20180827-050740_909_live 1,Feeling great. Just got back from the gym,0,1,20180827-050740_909_live 2,nice! I would like talk to you about a charity today. Do you donate at all?,1,0,20180827-050740_909_live 3,I'm pretty poor. If I have money I try to donate to charities that I like.,1,1,20180827-050740_909_live 4,I am in the same boat. Have you heard of Save the Children?,2,0,20180827-050740_909_live 5,No. I don't believe I have.,2,1,20180827-050740_909_live 6,"It's an organization that raises money for children all over the world in need, such as children from war torn countries like syria",3,0,20180827-050740_909_live 7,I would not be interested in a charity that only targets children.,3,1,20180827-050740_909_live 8,"See, I believe that the children are our future. If we don't help them now, they won't have the life they deserve. One could be the next president or something!",4,0,20180827-050740_909_live 9,I've lived for 76 years and have only experienced two reasonably good presidents. The way things are going I don't expect to experience any thing close to that again.,4,1,20180827-050740_909_live 10,"Ha, well maybe not the best example currently...but a few cents can go a long way",5,0,20180827-050740_909_live 11,"My few cents would never go toward a children's charity. If I have anything it will go to homeless shelters, food pantries and environmental causes.",5,1,20180827-050740_909_live 12,"I do agree the money should go more towrads the whole family, but some children have lost their families, and have been left with nothing. They may end up being homeless and going to food pantries. Maybe we could prevent that from happening",6,0,20180827-050740_909_live 13,That would be real low on my list of priorities. People that demand perfect victims can donate to children's charities; I don't do that.,6,1,20180827-050740_909_live 14,Well i hear you. I think that any donation to anyone is helpful in this world. It should be specialized,7,0,20180827-050740_909_live 15,I prefer to prioritize charities where lots of people don't like the victims. Most people (unlike me) seem to like children so those charities don't have any trouble.,7,1,20180827-050740_909_live 16,"You make a very good point, sir, but what if everyone felt that way! then the children would get nothing!",8,0,20180827-050740_909_live 17,That really wouldn't bother me at all.,8,1,20180827-050740_909_live 18,"well like I said, any donation is a good donation. thank you for donating",9,0,20180827-050740_909_live 19,I'm not donating to your children's charity. How much are you donating?,9,1,20180827-050740_909_live 0,hi,0,0,BAD_20180827-025526_603_live 1,hi how are you,0,1,BAD_20180827-025526_603_live 2,i am fine. how about u ?,1,0,BAD_20180827-025526_603_live 3,i am fine. tell about you,1,1,BAD_20180827-025526_603_live 4,where are u from?,2,0,BAD_20180827-025526_603_live 5,i a from VANCOUVER,2,1,BAD_20180827-025526_603_live 6,oh! u know children's charity?,3,0,BAD_20180827-025526_603_live 7,yes i know about that charity i donate that charity. you are donate that charity,3,1,BAD_20180827-025526_603_live 8,"yes, i am donate charity.",4,0,BAD_20180827-025526_603_live 9,are you from,4,1,BAD_20180827-025526_603_live 10,i am from oakham,5,0,BAD_20180827-025526_603_live 11,how much you donate that childrends charity,5,1,BAD_20180827-025526_603_live 12,just $100 dollar.,6,0,BAD_20180827-025526_603_live 13,oh. very nice. how is ur family,6,1,BAD_20180827-025526_603_live 14,oh fine. u donate for childrends charity,7,0,BAD_20180827-025526_603_live 15,yes i donated ,7,1,BAD_20180827-025526_603_live 16,how much do you like to donate to the charity now?,8,0,BAD_20180827-025526_603_live 17,i will like to donate 50$,8,1,BAD_20180827-025526_603_live 18,u donate now pay?,9,0,BAD_20180827-025526_603_live 19,yes i donate now,9,1,BAD_20180827-025526_603_live 0,HI,0,0,20180827-042149_955_live 1,Hello,0,1,20180827-042149_955_live 2,HOW ARE YOU,1,0,20180827-042149_955_live 3,Doing well. And you?,1,1,20180827-042149_955_live 4,I am also. you know about save the children charity. but i don't know about that,2,0,20180827-042149_955_live 5,Not really. Haven't heard much about it.,2,1,20180827-042149_955_live 6,you plan to donate that charity?,3,0,20180827-042149_955_live 7,I don't know. I would need more information before donating.,3,1,20180827-042149_955_live 8,i am plan to donate charity. how know about that,4,0,20180827-042149_955_live 9,That's good. I prefer to find out more information before donating to charities.,4,1,20180827-042149_955_live 10,They give money to help children in other countries and get them away from viloence.,5,0,20180827-042149_955_live 11,That sounds good. How much goes to their expenses?,5,1,20180827-042149_955_live 12,i don't know. I will plan to donate 2$,6,0,20180827-042149_955_live 13,Ok. I usually like to find out more information about them first. Some charities claim more than they actually do.,6,1,20180827-042149_955_live 14,ok how is your family,7,0,20180827-042149_955_live 15,"Fine. So you don't mind donating without knowing more info? I guess it is just $2, so not much either way.",7,1,20180827-042149_955_live 16,ok. tell your self,8,0,20180827-042149_955_live 17,I don't understand that last comment.,8,1,20180827-042149_955_live 18,TELL ABOUT YOUR FAMILY,9,0,20180827-042149_955_live 19,That's not what this assignment is about. We're supposed to discuss this charity.,9,1,20180827-042149_955_live 0,Hello there! How are you today?,0,0,20180827-051440_378_live 1,Hi...,0,1,20180827-051440_378_live 2,How are you?,1,0,20180827-051440_378_live 3,Fine...what about you..?,1,1,20180827-051440_378_live 4,Doing well myself. But am upset about something I just learned,2,0,20180827-051440_378_live 5,Why....What's happen and which think do you get upset...?,2,1,20180827-051440_378_live 6,"In the first two months of 2018 alone over 1,000 Syrian children died or were injured due to intensifying violence and war. This makes me so anger and sad! That innocent children are being harmed over something they have no control over!",3,0,20180827-051440_378_live 7,Yea...I am also feel bad that incident...,3,1,20180827-051440_378_live 8,I fell so bad about it also. That is why I am going to donate a small amount to the Save The Childrten charity. Did you know they are actively providing shelter and food to these children in active war zones? Its a wonderful charity. And can help these poor children in such a big way. Would you also like to donate a very small amount?,4,0,20180827-051440_378_live 9,Ok ....what kind of charity to provide a donation...?,4,1,20180827-051440_378_live 10,Its called Save The Children. Here is their website URL How much of your payment today (.30) would you like to donate?,5,0,20180827-051440_378_live 11,Yea...I was donate the charity of save the children.....,5,1,20180827-051440_378_live 12,Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from .01 to all your payment today. How much would you like to donate?,6,0,20180827-051440_378_live 13,If did they amount was 0..,6,1,20180827-051440_378_live 14,your payment today is .30 cnets. how much of that would you be willing to donate?,7,0,20180827-051440_378_live 15,I was donate the amount of 10 cents......,7,1,20180827-051440_378_live 16,Wonderful! I am also going to donate .15 cents. So that will be a total of .25 being donated in this conversation alone. It will help these children in a big way.,8,0,20180827-051440_378_live 17,Yea...It was feel good...what's about you...?,8,1,20180827-051440_378_live 18,I feel very good donating to this charity. I hope someday these children will be free from all of this violence,9,0,20180827-051440_378_live 19,Yea..It's nice too hear....,9,1,20180827-051440_378_live 20,Have a nice day!,10,0,20180827-051440_378_live 0,"Hello, are you familiar with the charity: Save the Children?",0,0,20180827-025236_792_live 1,Hi! I little bit of know Save the children life.,0,1,20180827-025236_792_live 2,"Okay I would like to tell you a little bit more about it! Save the Children does whatever it takes ¡ª every day and in times of crisis ¡ª to give children a healthy start in life, the opportunity to learn and protection from harm.",1,0,20180827-025236_792_live 3,How much you ready to pay for children?,1,1,20180827-025236_792_live 4,In this exchange I would like to ask you how much you would be willing to donate to Save the Children. You can donate $0 - $0.30. You can make your choice now or after I've told you more about the charity.,2,0,20180827-025236_792_live 5,I'll pay $0.30 surely ,2,1,20180827-025236_792_live 6,I want you to know that whatever you decide to donate will be taken from the amount you make from completing this task. You will be helping children from 120 countries.,3,0,20180827-025236_792_live 7,"Yes definitely, I ready to help other contry children also",3,1,20180827-025236_792_live 8,That is so wonderful! You are surely making a difference. Every gift makes a world of difference for a child in need.,4,0,20180827-025236_792_live 9,"Yes, now days no one willing to help others, but we can change his mental set and try to help others.",4,1,20180827-025236_792_live 10,Such a wonderful mindset to have. If only more people were more giving like you! ,5,0,20180827-025236_792_live 11,"Thanks, especially Syria children affect more so I really worried about his future. ",5,1,20180827-025236_792_live 12,"n 2016, Save the Children helped more than 3 million children in Syria and surrounding countries, providing primary health care, nutrition, education and psychosocial services to child refugees and their families.",6,0,20180827-025236_792_live 13,"Great, especially we help to give personal care and health care products to children is necessary ",6,1,20180827-025236_792_live 14,"I personally have family in Haiti. From Haiti to Peru, Save the Children work to save lives every day, ensuring children are protected, healthy and able to learn. In 2016, we reached nearly 3 million children in need.",7,0,20180827-025236_792_live 15,Yes its really appreciated ,7,1,20180827-025236_792_live 16,Just to let you know the research team will collect your donation and send it to Save The Children. Please confirm the amount you would like to donate out of the money you are making from this task.,8,0,20180827-025236_792_live 17,"Ok sure, I definitely donate my whole amount for this task. ",8,1,20180827-025236_792_live 18,Thank you for being so giving.,9,0,20180827-025236_792_live 19,"Welcome, thanks for talking",9,1,20180827-025236_792_live 0,Hi would you like to donate to the Save the Children Foundation?,0,0,20180827-033412_606_live 1,I would like to know more about the charity before making a decision.,0,1,20180827-033412_606_live 2,"Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",1,0,20180827-033412_606_live 3,Okay interesting. How do I know I can trust the charity will do the promised thing with my donation?,1,1,20180827-033412_606_live 4,"You just have to trust me. Your donation will go towards helping the fight for children's rights to health, education, safety and so on. I'm asking you to donate your entire task payment to this foundation.",2,0,20180827-033412_606_live 5,What countries would my donation be helping?,2,1,20180827-033412_606_live 6,"Many different countries, especially war zones... One that hits close to home for me is Syria. Millions of Syrian children have grown up facing the daily threat of violence. In the first two months of 2018 alone, 1000 children were reportedly killed or injured in intensifying violence. Your small donation could help at least one of these children live a life without fear.",3,0,20180827-033412_606_live 7,Okay I am interested but I wouldn't want to donate my entire task payment. Can I donate another amount?,3,1,20180827-033412_606_live 8,The whole task amount isn't much to us but would be so much to them but I understand. How much of it would you be willing to donate?,4,0,20180827-033412_606_live 9,0.15 half of my payment. I have a family to provide for and any little bit helps. But I also would like to help others.,4,1,20180827-033412_606_live 10,"Wow that's awesome. I totally understand about having to support a family too. I love the idea of helping others also, any little way that I can.",5,0,20180827-033412_606_live 11,Is there anything else I should know about the charity?,5,1,20180827-033412_606_live 12,Something I found pretty cool is Save The Children actually helped children fully recover in Texas after Hurricane Harvey. I like the idea that they are worldwide.,6,0,20180827-033412_606_live 13,Wow they really have a far reach. That is wonderful what they are doing for our world.,6,1,20180827-033412_606_live 14,Yes it is. They are a huge advocate to children. They believe that children make up 20% of our population but are 100% of our future and I couldn't agree more.,7,0,20180827-033412_606_live 15,Children truly are our future. We need to care for them as we will need them in our old age.,7,1,20180827-033412_606_live 16,"Yes, your donation will go to help one of millions of children. If you would like to be a sponsor for about a dollar a day you can go to URL and sign up.In 2015, 183,000 sponsors like you supported programs that directly benefited more than 2.8 million children in 23 countries around the world _ including the United States. Thanks to our growing community of child sponsors, we increased our impact and reach _ helping 29% more children than we did in 2014 ",8,0,20180827-033412_606_live 17,Wow that is a lot of sponsors. Are you a sponsor?,8,1,20180827-033412_606_live 18,"Honestly, I am not. But after doing this task and reading up on the website I am going to sign up. I love to do charity work. I also do alot of local volunteer work. Any way I can help a defenseless child I will. I always place my own child in their shoes. That's motivation enough... to picture my babies going through what these kids go through.",9,0,20180827-033412_606_live 19,Thank you for being so informative and helpful! I love to think that we are making a small but important impact with this task.,9,1,20180827-033412_606_live 0,"Hello, how are you?",0,0,20180827-044850_308_live 1,"I am good, how are you?",0,1,20180827-044850_308_live 2,"I'm great, have you heard of Save the Children?",1,0,20180827-044850_308_live 3,A little bit,1,1,20180827-044850_308_live 4,"They are a children's charity, they do a lot for kids.",2,0,20180827-044850_308_live 5,I do believe in helping the children,2,1,20180827-044850_308_live 6,"Me too, I've been donating to them regularly over the past few years.",3,0,20180827-044850_308_live 7,"Same, I try to give what I can, but it's hard when you are broke",3,1,20180827-044850_308_live 8,"Agreed, we make extra money here for a reason!",4,0,20180827-044850_308_live 9,"exactly! I feel selfish when I can't donate, but the small stuff adds up",4,1,20180827-044850_308_live 10,I'm glad you and I think the same. One cent definetely helps them out.,5,0,20180827-044850_308_live 11,Yeah that is true,5,1,20180827-044850_308_live 12,"Well, I plan on donating one cent today. Are you planning to donate?",6,0,20180827-044850_308_live 13,I think I could do at least 1 cent ,6,1,20180827-044850_308_live 14,Perfect! We could match each other then.,7,0,20180827-044850_308_live 15,I'd rather volunteer if I could,7,1,20180827-044850_308_live 16,"I understand that, if we could volunteer through this interface instead I probably would as well.",8,0,20180827-044850_308_live 17,"Same, I also like to donate used good too. OLd clothes and stuff",8,1,20180827-044850_308_live 18,"I try to do that as well, there's a Goodwill near me that I donate to.",9,0,20180827-044850_308_live 19,"Yeah, i definitely want to help the kids",9,1,20180827-044850_308_live 0,"Hello, how are you?",0,0,20180827-050439_438_live 1,Hi.are you a member of any children charity?,0,1,20180827-050439_438_live 2,"I am not a member, but I am interested in donating, what about you?",1,0,20180827-050439_438_live 3,I am an member of one children charity.,1,1,20180827-050439_438_live 4,"so interesting, what do they work on?",2,0,20180827-050439_438_live 5,"Yes, we save children's life.",2,1,20180827-050439_438_live 6,What is its name?,3,0,20180827-050439_438_live 7,the name of our charity is Children's Home,3,1,20180827-050439_438_live 8,"Good, have you heard about the charity ""Save the Children""?",4,0,20180827-050439_438_live 9,"Yes, I know it.but not too much.",4,1,20180827-050439_438_live 10,"It is an international organization, working in 120 countries. They work on health and hunger mainly",5,0,20180827-050439_438_live 11,"Yes, you are right.Have you donate to any charity before?",5,1,20180827-050439_438_live 12,"Yes I used to donate here and there, since I\'ve started working on MTurk, I have donated through HITs. I donated to ""Save the Children"" before. They are very transparent with their financial reports",6,0,20180827-050439_438_live 13,That's really a great job.,6,1,20180827-050439_438_live 14,"Yes, they are also connected to some big companies like IKEA and Disney",7,0,20180827-050439_438_live 15,"Really, we are also trying to connected like that charity.",7,1,20180827-050439_438_live 16,"Yes, You can donate at the end of this task. I donated $0.50 and $1 before and it did not even hurt my payment.",8,0,20180827-050439_438_live 17,Yes I also gave some dollar.,8,1,20180827-050439_438_live 18,Thank you so much for you time and attention. ,9,0,20180827-050439_438_live 19,Thank you.I feel glade to have a conversation with you.,9,1,20180827-050439_438_live 0,hello how are you,0,0,20180827-023059_481_live 1,"Hello, I am fine how are you?",0,1,20180827-023059_481_live 2,im fine do you know anything for this organization,1,0,20180827-023059_481_live 3,"I have helped few organizations though MTurk. I know about a few children\'s charity like ""save the children""",1,1,20180827-023059_481_live 4,very good do you donate for this?,2,0,20180827-023059_481_live 5,Yes i usually donate a part or all of my bonus or reward,2,1,20180827-023059_481_live 6,"oh good, i have donate 100$ , i love the children",3,0,20180827-023059_481_live 7,"Wow that is a good amount. I have soft heart for children too, There are many issues i like them to be solved",3,1,20180827-023059_481_live 8,"other happiness is the motive of my life, I'm happy to help others and especially the children",4,0,20180827-023059_481_live 9,"Yes even a little help can make a big difference, I would love to join and help in person but I have time shortage",4,1,20180827-023059_481_live 10,"what about you, but the thought that you have to help pass the positivity",5,0,20180827-023059_481_live 11,"Thanks, I try to donate as much as possible. I like to help charities that focus on education and health issues of children. I liked to know more though",5,1,20180827-023059_481_live 12,this is life so we are humane to help one another even with moral support,6,0,20180827-023059_481_live 13,"Exactly, we should help as much as we can. I would like to know if there are charities to prevent children marriage.",6,1,20180827-023059_481_live 14,yes this is true,7,0,20180827-023059_481_live 15,some of these charities are very clear about their financial report which courages me to donate,7,1,20180827-023059_481_live 16,"this is the best, transparency must be their virtue",8,0,20180827-023059_481_live 17,yes and I like when big companies get involved and donate too,8,1,20180827-023059_481_live 18,there are mos possibility to help ,9,0,20180827-023059_481_live 19,yes like donating part of our purchase is a good idea,9,1,20180827-023059_481_live 0,Hi there. How are you today?,0,0,20180827-050719_208_live 1,"I'm well, thanks for asking. ",0,1,20180827-050719_208_live 2,Did you know you can donate some or all of your earnings to Save the Children today?,1,0,20180827-050719_208_live 3,I did think that may be possible. Can you tell me more about Save the Children?,1,1,20180827-050719_208_live 4,It is an organization that helps kids in other countries who may not have food and water. I can hardly imagine what that would be like. I am blessed to have 3 healthy children here in America.,2,0,20180827-050719_208_live 5,"That's great! Every child should have the same opportunities in life, but unfortunately that doesn't happen. What are some of the things Save the Children does to help?",2,1,20180827-050719_208_live 6,They make sure these kids have clean water to drink as well as food and they have access to medical care.,3,0,20180827-050719_208_live 7,Nice. Are they the ones that make those commercials? The ones that show kids in bad situations? That commercial makes me so sad!,3,1,20180827-050719_208_live 8,Yes they are. They make me sad to. But also reminds me how much I have and how blessed I am. I have so much more then they do. I would want to help them out. Even just a few cents would help them. Don't your think?,4,0,20180827-050719_208_live 9,"Me too. Yes, I think it's a great cause. I like to think that if a bunch of people give just a little, it can add up to do a lot of good. I can give $0.05, and hopefully more in the future. ",4,1,20180827-050719_208_live 10,Awesome! Thank you for helping them. I will be doing the same thing.,5,0,20180827-050719_208_live 11,Great! Thanks for advocating. I hope you have a great day!,5,1,20180827-050719_208_live 12,Have a wonderful day.,6,0,20180827-050719_208_live 13,"We need 10 turns, so here it is. Thanks for your time.",6,1,20180827-050719_208_live 14,Okay. It was fun chatting with you! ,7,0,20180827-050719_208_live 15,"you too. I think it's interesting and creative for them to be doing this on mturk, don't you think?",7,1,20180827-050719_208_live 16,Yes I do. How long have you been doing mturk?,8,0,20180827-050719_208_live 17,I did it a bunch in 2014 when I was unemployed. I'm doing it now because I'm broke until I get my first paycheck from a new job I'm starting tomorrow. You?,8,1,20180827-050719_208_live 18,I do it when I'm bored. And I put the money away for vacation or retirement. I enjoy it.,9,0,20180827-050719_208_live 19,"I don't enjoy it that much, only out of necessity. That's quite responsible of you!",9,1,20180827-050719_208_live 0,hi! How are you today?,0,0,20180827-055433_258_live 1,ya fine today what about you,0,1,20180827-055433_258_live 2,I'm doing well thanks,1,0,20180827-055433_258_live 3,ok tell about you,1,1,20180827-055433_258_live 4,Have you donated to any charities?,2,0,20180827-055433_258_live 5,no i didnot donate,2,1,20180827-055433_258_live 6,Would you consider donating?,3,0,20180827-055433_258_live 7,yes i plant to donate. you?,3,1,20180827-055433_258_live 8,I would like to donate. but I don't know how much I have to spare. HAve you heard of Save the Children?,4,0,20180827-055433_258_live 9,No. I am not heard about saving the children's charity,4,1,20180827-055433_258_live 10,It is an organization that helps children around the world.,5,0,20180827-055433_258_live 11,oh it is very great,5,1,20180827-055433_258_live 12,"yes, it is. Our children need our help",6,0,20180827-055433_258_live 13,ya how much you donate,6,1,20180827-055433_258_live 14,I would like to donate a couple cents,7,0,20180827-055433_258_live 15,Any rules in charity,7,1,20180827-055433_258_live 16,"No rules, you just give what you can. ",8,0,20180827-055433_258_live 17,ok i will plan to donate next week,8,1,20180827-055433_258_live 18,"That is great to hear, but you can donate a few cents today. How much would you like to donate?",9,0,20180827-055433_258_live 19,i willing to donate 5$,9,1,20180827-055433_258_live 0,hi,0,0,20180827-052332_399_live 1,Good morning,0,1,20180827-052332_399_live 2,good morning. how about today,1,0,20180827-052332_399_live 3,How about what today?,1,1,20180827-052332_399_live 4,you know about save the children charity?,2,0,20180827-052332_399_live 5,I know a little bit,2,1,20180827-052332_399_live 6,you donate that charity,3,0,20180827-052332_399_live 7,What do you mean?,3,1,20180827-052332_399_live 8,you willing to donate save the children charity,4,0,20180827-052332_399_live 9,Yes I would donate to them,4,1,20180827-052332_399_live 10,how much you plan to donate,5,0,20180827-052332_399_live 11,I would donate $10.00,5,1,20180827-052332_399_live 12,oh great to do this,6,0,20180827-052332_399_live 13,"I donate regularly already, just never to Save the Children.",6,1,20180827-052332_399_live 14,you are very great.,7,0,20180827-052332_399_live 15,"Thank you, I appreciate that.",7,1,20180827-052332_399_live 16,I will plan to donate $15,8,0,20180827-052332_399_live 17,That's great! I'm sure it will go to good use,8,1,20180827-052332_399_live 18,nice to chat with you,9,0,20180827-052332_399_live 19,"You too, have a good day",9,1,20180827-052332_399_live 0,hi,0,0,BAD_20180827-034337_71_live 1,H,0,1,BAD_20180827-034337_71_live 2,How are you?,1,0,BAD_20180827-034337_71_live 3,Iam fine. How are you?,1,1,BAD_20180827-034337_71_live 4,"fine, where are you from?",2,0,BAD_20180827-034337_71_live 5,Iam from Virginia. Where are you from?,2,1,BAD_20180827-034337_71_live 6,I am form Illinois. Do you know about children charity?,3,0,BAD_20180827-034337_71_live 7,Yes some what I know about Children Charity.,3,1,BAD_20180827-034337_71_live 8,Please explain about children charity. ,4,0,BAD_20180827-034337_71_live 9,They give money to help children in other countries and get them away from violence.,4,1,BAD_20180827-034337_71_live 10,"Oh! This is very useful for me, Do you have donate any children charity?",5,0,BAD_20180827-034337_71_live 11,Yes I donate the Children Charity for pass one year.,5,1,BAD_20180827-034337_71_live 12,How much donation do you paid?,6,0,BAD_20180827-034337_71_live 13,I donate 50 dollars. Did you donate for the Children Charity?,6,1,BAD_20180827-034337_71_live 14,No i do not donate any children charity.,7,0,BAD_20180827-034337_71_live 15,Did you like to donate for the Children Charity?,7,1,BAD_20180827-034337_71_live 16,"Yes, i like it very much.",8,0,BAD_20180827-034337_71_live 17,Ok super How much dollars approximately would you like to give?,8,1,BAD_20180827-034337_71_live 18,I like to donate $25.,9,0,BAD_20180827-034337_71_live 19,Ok super. Have a nice day. Try to give donations.,9,1,BAD_20180827-034337_71_live 0,I want you to save some children. Could you do that for me?,0,0,20180827-040206_224_live 1,Hello how are you? sure i can,0,1,20180827-040206_224_live 2,Wonderful. I'm great now. Because you saved all those children.,1,0,20180827-040206_224_live 3,"awesome, do you have any specific charity on your mind?",1,1,20180827-040206_224_live 4,"Well it's called Save the Children, fairly self-explanatory. The organization is myself and my Dad. We work out of our house.",2,0,20180827-040206_224_live 5,"Nice, does it have any website?",2,1,20180827-040206_224_live 6,Yes but you have to access it with the Tor browser as our work is very private.,3,0,20180827-040206_224_live 7,"Actually I\'ve read about ""Save the Children"" as far as i know it is an international organization working in 120 countries, how is it so private?",3,1,20180827-040206_224_live 8,"Oh, that's a different organization set up by my twin brother Morton. Just forget you've seen that.",4,0,20180827-040206_224_live 9,so there are 2 different organization with same names?,4,1,20180827-040206_224_live 10,"Yes. Well sort of. Due to litigation we\'ve had to add ""Harder"" to our name. So we are Save the Children Harder.",5,0,20180827-040206_224_live 11,are you joking with me? Because an organization should be transparent with its financial reports. If you say it is very secret people wont trust.,5,1,20180827-040206_224_live 12,This is no joke sir/madame. Our work will bring children to the next stage of development! A stage with no hunger at all!,6,0,20180827-040206_224_live 13,I will donate at the end of the task anyway. But you can't tell people there is a private website and we work secretly and people should help us. People like to help transparent organization. I did this HIT few times and I was on the other side of conversation too. I never claimed the organization belongs to me.,6,1,20180827-040206_224_live 14,You're right. I'm a megalomaniac.,7,0,20180827-040206_224_live 15,"Oh i see, It is okay but the story should be realistic too. Didi you ever spend time on ""Save the Children"" website? I guess not, since there is no Morton in the leadership team",7,1,20180827-040206_224_live 16,"How about this story: I'm actually not just a representative of Save the Children, but a child myself. A child who needs saving. And I think you... you are the one who can. My responses were a test, you see?",8,0,20180827-040206_224_live 17,"Just tell the truth, It is way easier. Will you donate at the end of this HIT yourself?",8,1,20180827-040206_224_live 18,Of course I'm no self-obsessed ADULT. I've still got a conscience.,9,0,20180827-040206_224_live 19,"That is really good, I will donate too. A little help can really make a big difference.",9,1,20180827-040206_224_live 0,"Hello, how are you?",0,0,20180827-043632_426_live 1,"Am Great, How about you?",0,1,20180827-043632_426_live 2,I'm good. Have you heard of Save the Children?,1,0,20180827-043632_426_live 3,Yes I have Heard,1,1,20180827-043632_426_live 4,"I really like them, I've volunteered for them before.",2,0,20180827-043632_426_live 5,"I do like but have not volunteered them, but if i get a chance i try to do",2,1,20180827-043632_426_live 6,"That's awesome, have you donated to them before?",3,0,20180827-043632_426_live 7,"No, I haven't.",3,1,20180827-043632_426_live 8,"I would consider doing so, they help so many children.",4,0,20180827-043632_426_live 9,I too would consider doing it,4,1,20180827-043632_426_live 10,Would you donate today if I donated some as well?,5,0,20180827-043632_426_live 11,Not Today but surely ASAP,5,1,20180827-043632_426_live 12,Can I ask why not today? If you say ASAP.,6,0,20180827-043632_426_live 13,"Am not Financially stable now, but i love to help such children soon",6,1,20180827-043632_426_live 14,"I'm not as well, but I figured one cent would still go a long way.",7,0,20180827-043632_426_live 15,one cent then i can,7,1,20180827-043632_426_live 16,"Perfect, I will donate one cent as well to match you.",8,0,20180827-043632_426_live 17,"Thats great, Thank You",8,1,20180827-043632_426_live 18,"Thank you, I'm sure the children will appreciate it.",9,0,20180827-043632_426_live 19,yes they will,9,1,20180827-043632_426_live 0,Hi how are you today?,0,0,20180827-060832_308_live 1,ya fine you,0,1,20180827-060832_308_live 2,do you donate to charities?,1,0,20180827-060832_308_live 3,No I will not donate. but i plan to donate,1,1,20180827-060832_308_live 4,Thats great. Do you volunteer?,2,0,20180827-060832_308_live 5,yes. you heard about that charity,2,1,20180827-060832_308_live 6,save the children. It is an amazing charity,3,0,20180827-060832_308_live 7,Are You Already donate to charity?,3,1,20180827-060832_308_live 8,"I do donate when I can, yes",4,0,20180827-060832_308_live 9,ok very nice ,4,1,20180827-060832_308_live 10,"yes, i try to make ends meet, but a few cents can go a long way",5,0,20180827-060832_308_live 11,how much to donate,5,1,20180827-060832_308_live 12,I try to do a couple hundred a year,6,0,20180827-060832_308_live 13,oh great best of luck,6,1,20180827-060832_308_live 14,"yes, thank you. How much do you donate?",7,0,20180827-060832_308_live 15,i will donate to 10$,7,1,20180827-060832_308_live 16,that is very generous!,8,0,20180827-060832_308_live 17,how much you donate,8,1,20180827-060832_308_live 18,I will donate 10 too,9,0,20180827-060832_308_live 19,I plan to donate next month,9,1,20180827-060832_308_live 0,hi how are you,0,0,20180827-041027_973_live 1,"I'm well, thanks",0,1,20180827-041027_973_live 2,do you know how is the save the children,1,0,20180827-041027_973_live 3,"I've heard of it. It's a charity, right? What do they do?",1,1,20180827-041027_973_live 4,yes it is a organization do you know more info,2,0,20180827-041027_973_live 5,"I'd like more information, yes.",2,1,20180827-041027_973_live 6,"The Save the Children Fund, commonly known as Save the Children, is an international non-governmental organisation that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",3,0,20180827-041027_973_live 7,That's nice. What kind of things do they help with?,3,1,20180827-041027_973_live 8,yes do you donate money for this kids,4,0,20180827-041027_973_live 9,"I could probably donate a small amount. I'm kinda broke at the moment, though.",4,1,20180827-041027_973_live 10, to help some of the kids is the biggest sadisfaxion you took in life,5,0,20180827-041027_973_live 11,I agree it's for a good cause. I'd be willing to donate $.05. How do I do that?,5,1,20180827-041027_973_live 12,there are many children who suffer today in the world for bread,6,0,20180827-041027_973_live 13,that's very sad. Every child deserves to have nutritious food. ,6,1,20180827-041027_973_live 14,every parent and I and my family donate $ 100 for the children in need,7,0,20180827-041027_973_live 15,"Wow, that's very generous. I hope to be able to do that someday.",7,1,20180827-041027_973_live 16,it is the best satisfaction entire of my life ,8,0,20180827-041027_973_live 17,That's wonderful. How often are you able to do that? How can I donate?,8,1,20180827-041027_973_live 18,5 ARE GOOD you help any children,9,0,20180827-041027_973_live 19,I'm not sure I understand what you said just now. How can I donate?,9,1,20180827-041027_973_live 0,hello...,0,0,20180827-044101_715_live 1,"Hi, welcome.",0,1,20180827-044101_715_live 2,Thank you...Are you interested in children's charity?,1,0,20180827-044101_715_live 3,"Yes, Are you a member in children's charity? ",1,1,20180827-044101_715_live 4,"yes,what about you?",2,0,20180827-044101_715_live 5,I like to get details about your charity.,2,1,20180827-044101_715_live 6,"Sure,i will give details about the charity.",3,0,20180827-044101_715_live 7,how many children are in your charity ?,3,1,20180827-044101_715_live 8,There are nearly about 3000 children's.,4,0,20180827-044101_715_live 9,That's sounds great.are you collecting donation from people?,4,1,20180827-044101_715_live 10,"Yes ,are you interested in donating?",5,0,20180827-044101_715_live 11,"Yes, But how you get the amount from me?",5,1,20180827-044101_715_live 12,You just transfer from your bank account.,6,0,20180827-044101_715_live 13,"yes, fine then Do you gave any donation to your charity?",6,1,20180827-044101_715_live 14,"yes,i donate some of the funds.",7,0,20180827-044101_715_live 15,what are the services provided in your charity?,7,1,20180827-044101_715_live 16,We provide free education to most of the children.,8,0,20180827-044101_715_live 17,rather than education what about others?,8,1,20180827-044101_715_live 18,Apart from that we provide uniforms and stationary items.,9,0,20180827-044101_715_live 19,Your are doing a great job.,9,1,20180827-044101_715_live 0,Hi,0,0,20180827-050758_457_live 1,hi how are you,0,1,20180827-050758_457_live 2,Iam Fine. Did you know about Save the Children?,1,0,20180827-050758_457_live 3,don't know you know about that,1,1,20180827-050758_457_live 4,Yes I know something about that.,2,0,20180827-050758_457_live 5,ok tell about that,2,1,20180827-050758_457_live 6,Yes sure.They give money to help children in other countries and get them away from violence.,3,0,20180827-050758_457_live 7,you donate that charity?,3,1,20180827-050758_457_live 8,Yes I donate in one year back.,4,0,20180827-050758_457_live 9,how much you donate,4,1,20180827-050758_457_live 10,I donate 50 dollars.,5,0,20180827-050758_457_live 11,ok super great ,5,1,20180827-050758_457_live 12,Will you donate for the charity?,6,0,20180827-050758_457_live 13,yes i will plan to donate,6,1,20180827-050758_457_live 14,Wow super how much will you like to donate?,7,0,20180827-050758_457_live 15,plan to donate 20$,7,1,20180827-050758_457_live 16,oh super. Today will you like to donate.,8,0,20180827-050758_457_live 17, will donate tomorrow,8,1,20180827-050758_457_live 18,Oh super Have a nice day.,9,0,20180827-050758_457_live 19,ok nice to chat with you,9,1,20180827-050758_457_live 0,hi,0,0,20180827-052542_379_live 1,"Hello, how are you?",0,1,20180827-052542_379_live 2,"I'm fine, how are you?",1,0,20180827-052542_379_live 3,"I am fine thanks, are you interested in donating?",1,1,20180827-052542_379_live 4,"Yes, I was interested in donating.",2,0,20180827-052542_379_live 5,What about children's charities? I mean you donate here and there or you have any specific charities on mind?,2,1,20180827-052542_379_live 6,I know a little bit of children's charities. But i do not donate any charities.,3,0,20180827-052542_379_live 7,"I have know few charities through MTurk, like ""Save the Children""",3,1,20180827-052542_379_live 8,"Oh! That's great, Please do you tell me something about children's charities?",4,0,20180827-052542_379_live 9,"This specific charity works on children's issues in 120 countries, their main focus is on health and hunger.",4,1,20180827-052542_379_live 10,"Okay, Do you donate any children's charities?",5,0,20180827-052542_379_live 11,"Yes i do, I've donated on HITs, part or all of my reward. I have a soft heart for children",5,1,20180827-052542_379_live 12,"Me also a soft heart, I will definitely donate for future. ",6,0,20180827-052542_379_live 13,This organization is very transparent with its financial reports which made me trust them,6,1,20180827-052542_379_live 14,I'm fine now. I will definitely be interested in donating.,7,0,20180827-052542_379_live 15,"yes, they also work with big companies like IKEA and Disney, It is good to see some ethical companies",7,1,20180827-052542_379_live 16,"Okay, I learned a lot in talking to you",8,0,20180827-052542_379_live 17,"Thank you, It was a nice talk. I would be happy if you tell me about the charities you know and trust",8,1,20180827-052542_379_live 18,Thank you very much for chatting with me. I really like this.,9,0,20180827-052542_379_live 19,Thank you for your time an attention. Have a nice day,9,1,20180827-052542_379_live 0,hello how are you,0,0,20180827-030633_256_live 1,hi i am fine..,0,1,20180827-030633_256_live 2,what do you know about the non-for-profit organization save the children,1,0,20180827-030633_256_live 3,they really doing a great job..,1,1,20180827-030633_256_live 4," they are real missionaries and humans, provide help to help many children around the world",2,0,20180827-030633_256_live 5,absolutely i will support them. ,2,1,20180827-030633_256_live 6,tell about your life,3,0,20180827-030633_256_live 7,my life is going good.,3,1,20180827-030633_256_live 8," I'm glad for you, you are giving financial help",4,0,20180827-030633_256_live 9,its my pleasure,4,1,20180827-030633_256_live 10,i donate every Christmas ,5,0,20180827-030633_256_live 11,i donate every six months,5,1,20180827-030633_256_live 12,very very good ,6,0,20180827-030633_256_live 13,you also done a great job,6,1,20180827-030633_256_live 14, the happiness of others is a special sadisfaxion,7,0,20180827-030633_256_live 15,we can see our happiness on other faces while helping for them,7,1,20180827-030633_256_live 16,yes is the most beautiful life ,8,0,20180827-030633_256_live 17,yes it is.,8,1,20180827-030633_256_live 18,thank you for this conversation,9,0,20180827-030633_256_live 19,thank you very much,9,1,20180827-030633_256_live 0,hi,0,0,BAD_20180827-020310_987_live 1,hai how are you?,0,1,BAD_20180827-020310_987_live 2,i'm fine how are you?,1,0,BAD_20180827-020310_987_live 3,i am fine,1,1,BAD_20180827-020310_987_live 4,do you know children charity?,2,0,BAD_20180827-020310_987_live 5,yes i know children charity dear...,2,1,BAD_20180827-020310_987_live 6,are you donate any charity?,3,0,BAD_20180827-020310_987_live 7,yes. i am already donate ,3,1,BAD_20180827-020310_987_live 8,how much amount you donate?,4,0,BAD_20180827-020310_987_live 9,just $100 dollar. u dear?,4,1,BAD_20180827-020310_987_live 10,oh! i think you are a soft person.,5,0,BAD_20180827-020310_987_live 11,yes sir. u r there?,5,1,BAD_20180827-020310_987_live 12,yes i am. ,6,0,BAD_20180827-020310_987_live 13,u r name sir?,6,1,BAD_20180827-020310_987_live 14,my name is Jane. what is your name?,7,0,BAD_20180827-020310_987_live 15,my name is Eric W Menkhus. u r from sir?,7,1,BAD_20180827-020310_987_live 16,I am in US.,8,0,BAD_20180827-020310_987_live 17,ur donate children's charity.,8,1,BAD_20180827-020310_987_live 18,no i don't donate any charity.,9,0,BAD_20180827-020310_987_live 19,why sir. ?,9,1,BAD_20180827-020310_987_live 0,Hi! How are you today?,0,0,20180827-052346_342_live 1,Iam Fine. What about you?,0,1,20180827-052346_342_live 2,I am doing well thank you. I wanted to talk to you about a charity today. Do you donate at all?,1,0,20180827-052346_342_live 3,Yes I donate one year back. What about you?,1,1,20180827-052346_342_live 4,"I try to give when I can, but it can be hard sometimes",2,0,20180827-052346_342_live 5,Oh. Will you know about Charity?,2,1,20180827-052346_342_live 6,So the Save the Children charity is an organization that helps children in need around the wrold,3,0,20180827-052346_342_live 7,Oh super Thanks for explanation.,3,1,20180827-052346_342_live 8,Do you donate to organizations for children?,4,0,20180827-052346_342_live 9,Yes But one year Back i would donate.,4,1,20180827-052346_342_live 10,"that is excellent! I truly believe the children are our future, and if we can help them out today, we can save them from physical and emotioanl struggles down the road",5,0,20180827-052346_342_live 11,Yes Surely. I like to donate for the children's. But i cant able to give money thhis year.,5,1,20180827-052346_342_live 12,"I understand. But even just a few cents can go a long way. if everyone in the US gave 5 cents, that is over 16 million dollars!",6,0,20180827-052346_342_live 13,Yes I tried to give money for the children. What about you?,6,1,20180827-052346_342_live 14,"I try myself. I like to volunteer too, or donate clothes",7,0,20180827-052346_342_live 15,"Yes Me also like to donate clothes, Foods, etc.",7,1,20180827-052346_342_live 16,"It can be hard to spare money when you are trying to make ends meet, but clothes and food are excellent way to help",8,0,20180827-052346_342_live 17,Thankyou for encourageing me.,8,1,20180827-052346_342_live 18,you are very welcome. How much would you like to donate today?,9,0,20180827-052346_342_live 19,I like to donate 30 dollars. ,9,1,20180827-052346_342_live 0,Hello,0,0,20180827-044030_730_live 1,Good morning. Which children's charity are we catting about today?,0,1,20180827-044030_730_live 2,Save the Children,1,0,20180827-044030_730_live 3,That is a very worthy charity.,1,1,20180827-044030_730_live 4,It really is. I think kids really deserve the help because they can't change the situation they are born into. Do you agree?,2,0,20180827-044030_730_live 5,I do agree. It is terrible some of the conditions that children are born into.,2,1,20180827-044030_730_live 6,Yeah. Thousands of children are dying everyday. It is great to have organizations like Save the Children to help. Don't you agree?,3,0,20180827-044030_730_live 7,I do agree. It is commendable that so many people work so hard to make these organizations effective.,3,1,20180827-044030_730_live 8,It's great that people like us are willing to support them. They really need help and not everyone has the time to give,4,0,20180827-044030_730_live 9,"I agree. I am on a limited fixed income, but I try to help where I can.",4,1,20180827-044030_730_live 10,I find it can really make my life better by giving to things like Save the Children. It makes life feel more significant. Like i have an impact.,5,0,20180827-044030_730_live 11,"I know, even though I am on a very limited budget, I feel blessed in so many ways. It makes me feel like I have done something, even though minor, to help the world be a better place.",5,1,20180827-044030_730_live 12,"If all of us did something small, this world really could be a better place.",6,0,20180827-044030_730_live 13,I totally agree.,6,1,20180827-044030_730_live 14,Do you give often to non profits?,7,0,20180827-044030_730_live 15,"Yes, I don't have a lot to give, but I try to give when I can.",7,1,20180827-044030_730_live 16,How much do you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment.,8,0,20180827-044030_730_live 17,I would donate all of my payment. ,8,1,20180827-044030_730_live 18,Wow! Thank you! The research team will collect all donations and send it to Save the Children.,9,0,20180827-044030_730_live 19,Your welcome. Have a great day.,9,1,20180827-044030_730_live 0,Good Morning! How are you today?,0,0,20180827-041028_432_live 1,Great! How are you doing?,0,1,20180827-041028_432_live 2,I am well. What are your plans for the day?,1,0,20180827-041028_432_live 3,i will be working all day.,1,1,20180827-041028_432_live 4,"Yes, I am getting ready for work as well. Have you heard of the charity called Save the Children?",2,0,20180827-041028_432_live 5,No I have not,2,1,20180827-041028_432_live 6,"It is a US based charity that helps kids by collecting money to help supply them with their basic needs like healthcare, food, and clothing. Today I am asking if you would consider even a small donation to STC, even $0.05 would help. Can the kids count on you?",3,0,20180827-041028_432_live 7,$0.05? that is not bad I could probably do that.,3,1,20180827-041028_432_live 8,Thank you! Everything really helps out. Have you heard about the recent storms in Hawaii?,4,0,20180827-041028_432_live 9,I kind of saw some stuff about them on the news.,4,1,20180827-041028_432_live 10,"Well, STC has already pledged to help the kids in Hawaii. They do not waste any time and they get right to the world's problems. I know I would feel horrible if any kids in my family/extended family were suffering. Do you have kids in your family/extended family?",5,0,20180827-041028_432_live 11,yes I have two a boy and a girl.,5,1,20180827-041028_432_live 12,So you really understand kids! I like this charity because they make it so easy to give any amount. Were you interested in their website info?,6,0,20180827-041028_432_live 13,yes that would be great i will take a look at it and tell you if i have decided to donate at this time or not,6,1,20180827-041028_432_live 14,I already have you down for $0.05. Were you willing to pledge more?,7,0,20180827-041028_432_live 15,i will donate 0.10 today,7,1,20180827-041028_432_live 16,"That is fantastic! They are US based, the US office is located in CT. The site tells of all the areas getting help, including war torn areas as well. It also details how people can sponsor individual kids. It is a great organization, don't you agree?",8,0,20180827-041028_432_live 17,yes sounds great.,8,1,20180827-041028_432_live 18,"I agree, it really is. It breaks my heart to know that while I have so much freedom there are kids that look at a simple meal as a lifesaving chance. So I have you down for $0.10, right?",9,0,20180827-041028_432_live 19,That is correct.,9,1,20180827-041028_432_live 0,hi,0,0,BAD_20180827-035930_165_live 1,hi how are you,0,1,BAD_20180827-035930_165_live 2,"i'm fine, how are you?",1,0,BAD_20180827-035930_165_live 3,know about the saving childrends charity?,1,1,BAD_20180827-035930_165_live 4,Yes i know about children's charity.,2,0,BAD_20180827-035930_165_live 5,are willing to pay children's charity?,2,1,BAD_20180827-035930_165_live 6,"Yes, I will, Are you know about children's charity?",3,0,BAD_20180827-035930_165_live 7,Yes i know that charity. That charity is very helpful to poor children's,3,1,BAD_20180827-035930_165_live 8,"ok, are you donate any children's charity?",4,0,BAD_20180827-035930_165_live 9,no i will not donate. but i plan to donate,4,1,BAD_20180827-035930_165_live 10,How much did you donate children's charity?,5,0,BAD_20180827-035930_165_live 11,i will plan to donate 2$,5,1,BAD_20180827-035930_165_live 12,Oh! its very useful for children charity.,6,0,BAD_20180827-035930_165_live 13,yes. are you plan to donate charity,6,1,BAD_20180827-035930_165_live 14,"Yes, I like to donate charity.",7,0,BAD_20180827-035930_165_live 15,HOW MUCH YOU DONATE,7,1,BAD_20180827-035930_165_live 16,I like to donate $10.,8,0,BAD_20180827-035930_165_live 17,Ok very nice. when you donate ,8,1,BAD_20180827-035930_165_live 18,Thank you very much to chat with me.,9,0,BAD_20180827-035930_165_live 19,OK FINE CHAT WITH YOU,9,1,BAD_20180827-035930_165_live 0,hello how are you,0,0,20180827-024612_480_live 1,I'm alright and you?,0,1,20180827-024612_480_live 2," I thank you very much, with what you know about save the children",1,0,20180827-024612_480_live 3,I don't know much about that charity all all.,1,1,20180827-024612_480_live 4, you've donated something to the kids lately,2,0,20180827-024612_480_live 5,I have not made a donation recently.,2,1,20180827-024612_480_live 6,"The Save the Children Fund, commonly known as Save the Children, is an international non-governmental organisation that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",3,0,20180827-024612_480_live 7,That sounds like a decent organization.,3,1,20180827-024612_480_live 8," the month that passed a full gift of 2 large clothes bags for these children, is a great pleasure when it helps",4,0,20180827-024612_480_live 9,Okay that sounds good but how much would a donation of that size be?,4,1,20180827-024612_480_live 10, children are the most valuable thing we have all are the future and should grow well healthy and full of knowledge,5,0,20180827-024612_480_live 11,I suppose that is true.,5,1,20180827-024612_480_live 12, tell me a bit about your life,6,0,20180827-024612_480_live 13,I make money as a musician so basically I don't make money.,6,1,20180827-024612_480_live 14,"good, i take care of insurance and I like my job",7,0,20180827-024612_480_live 15,Alright that's cool so how does this charity take its donations.,7,1,20180827-024612_480_live 16,I posted every year a pack of any organization for kids,8,0,20180827-024612_480_live 17,Okay so are you trying to get me to donate?,8,1,20180827-024612_480_live 18, I wish that in the future you also donate some,9,0,20180827-024612_480_live 19,Alright I will donate.,9,1,20180827-024612_480_live 0,hi,0,0,20180827-012328_101_live 1,"Hello, how are you?",0,1,20180827-012328_101_live 2,i am fine. how about you sir?,1,0,20180827-012328_101_live 3,"I am fine thanks, Do you donate frequently?",1,1,20180827-012328_101_live 4,yes sir. i am donate. but ago one year i am not donate.,2,0,20180827-012328_101_live 5,Have you ever donated online?,2,1,20180827-012328_101_live 6,no sir. ,3,0,20180827-012328_101_live 7,Are you familiar with children's charities?,3,1,20180827-012328_101_live 8,yes. i know children's charities.,4,0,20180827-012328_101_live 9,"Since I have started workin on Mturk, I worked on donation HITs, I could donate part or all of my bonus or reward",4,1,20180827-012328_101_live 10,oh! good join sir... ,5,0,20180827-012328_101_live 11,what is you opinion about charity? would you donate online if you had any chance?,5,1,20180827-012328_101_live 12,"yes, i am interest children's charities donate. but now i not donate sir",6,0,20180827-012328_101_live 13,"Actually according to description It is a donation task, would you donate part of your bonus if you could?",6,1,20180827-012328_101_live 14,yes. i am donate my bonus amount sir.,7,0,20180827-012328_101_live 15,Do you look for any specific features when you choose a charity?,7,1,20180827-012328_101_live 16,good education and good health... ,8,0,20180827-012328_101_live 17,"Interesting, same here. I like the international charities that work on children's health and education. If they work on more issues it is a plus",8,1,20180827-012328_101_live 18,"yes, sure sir.",9,0,20180827-012328_101_live 19,I will donate as much as possible too. A little help can make a big difference.,9,1,20180827-012328_101_live 0,hi,0,0,20180827-040243_204_live 1,Hi. ,0,1,20180827-040243_204_live 2,how are you?,1,0,20180827-040243_204_live 3,Fine. I would like to discuss Saint Judes Hospital for Children with you. Is this a charity that you know of?,1,1,20180827-040243_204_live 4,sorry i dont know,2,0,20180827-040243_204_live 5,It is and awesome charity. They assist families with children that have terminal illnesses. ,2,1,20180827-040243_204_live 6,wow! really/ ,3,0,20180827-040243_204_live 7,Yes! It gets better. At St Jude's everything is free. They pay for a place for the parents to stay close to the child and all care is free. ,3,1,20180827-040243_204_live 8,woww!. which place?,4,0,20180827-040243_204_live 9,I don't think its a particular place just wherever the parents want to stay so they can be close to their child. Have you ever donated to a charity?,4,1,20180827-040243_204_live 10,yes. i am donate but one year back?,5,0,20180827-040243_204_live 11,May I ask which charity and why you chose that charity?,5,1,20180827-040243_204_live 12,i am telling children's charity,6,0,20180827-040243_204_live 13,Good. A children's charity is the best choice. Would you donate again to that same charity?,6,1,20180827-040243_204_live 14,"yes sir, sure.",7,0,20180827-040243_204_live 15,How much would you be willing to donate?,7,1,20180827-040243_204_live 16,i am donate $100 donate,8,0,20180827-040243_204_live 17,Would you donate this same amount to St Jude's based on the information I have given you?,8,1,20180827-040243_204_live 18,oh! sure sir.,9,0,20180827-040243_204_live 19,Great. Do you have access to internet so you can go to their site and donate to them?,9,1,20180827-040243_204_live 0,how are you,0,0,BAD_20180827-014924_437_live 1,i am fine.,0,1,BAD_20180827-014924_437_live 2,do you know children charity?,1,0,BAD_20180827-014924_437_live 3,"yes, i know children charity. ",1,1,BAD_20180827-014924_437_live 4,are you donate any charity?,2,0,BAD_20180827-014924_437_live 5,yes sir. but not now one year back.,2,1,BAD_20180827-014924_437_live 6,how much amount you gave charity?,3,0,BAD_20180827-014924_437_live 0,hi,0,0,20180827-044929_762_live 1,Hi how are you?,0,1,20180827-044929_762_live 2,fine what about you,1,0,20180827-044929_762_live 3,Ya fine. Did you know about Children Charity.,1,1,20180827-044929_762_live 4,yes i know. you hear about that?,2,0,20180827-044929_762_live 5,Oh please explain me.,2,1,20180827-044929_762_live 6, It is a charity with the goal of helping children in need around the world,3,0,20180827-044929_762_live 7,Oh super will you donate for any organozation?,3,1,20180827-044929_762_live 8,yes i donate,4,0,20180827-044929_762_live 9,How much did you donate?,4,1,20180827-044929_762_live 10,20$. Are you willing to donate?,5,0,20180827-044929_762_live 11,Yes iam also willing to donate.,5,1,20180827-044929_762_live 12,how much you plan to donate that charity,6,0,20180827-044929_762_live 13,I will like to pay 30 dollars. ,6,1,20180827-044929_762_live 14,you gathered any details about that charity before you donate that?,7,0,20180827-044929_762_live 15,I try to collect the details about charity,7,1,20180827-044929_762_live 16,ok very good have a nice day,8,0,20180827-044929_762_live 17,Thank you . Have a nice day,8,1,20180827-044929_762_live 18,ok nice to talk about children's charity,9,0,20180827-044929_762_live 19,Ya I enjoyed lot in this session.,9,1,20180827-044929_762_live 0,hello,0,0,20180827-004037_444_live 1,hi,0,1,20180827-004037_444_live 2,Are you involved in children's charity?,1,0,20180827-004037_444_live 3,i dont know,1,1,20180827-004037_444_live 4,ok fine...What is your opinion about children's charity? ,2,0,20180827-004037_444_live 5,good education and good health,2,1,20180827-004037_444_live 6,"yes, you are correct..did you donate any amount to children's charity?",3,0,20180827-004037_444_live 7,"no, i not donated",3,1,20180827-004037_444_live 8,Ok...are you interested to join in children's charity?,4,0,20180827-004037_444_live 9,"yes, i am interested but now not join in children's charity.",4,1,20180827-004037_444_live 10,Fine...What is your opinion about children's charity?,5,0,20180827-004037_444_live 11,good charity. all children's using in the children's charity.. and all peoples join in the children's charity....,5,1,20180827-004037_444_live 12,Fine...nice to hear this from you...,6,0,20180827-004037_444_live 13,i am from oakham,6,1,20180827-004037_444_live 14,"Wow, What is the specialty in your place?",7,0,20180827-004037_444_live 15,thank u sir,7,1,20180827-004037_444_live 16,your welcome...please spread the good thoughts about children's charity...,8,0,20180827-004037_444_live 17,"yes, sure sir",8,1,20180827-004037_444_live 18,thank you for your approach.,9,0,20180827-004037_444_live 19,thank you sir. please ur nice name?,9,1,20180827-004037_444_live 0,i am ready,0,0,20180827-000803_417_live 1," ok, begin then",0,1,20180827-000803_417_live 2,save the children it depends upon thye next generation,1,0,20180827-000803_417_live 3,"i'm all set, i don't care about people in foreign countries",1,1,20180827-000803_417_live 4,ok help for the children charity in our country,2,0,20180827-000803_417_live 5,i have to take care of my own,2,1,20180827-000803_417_live 6,ok and also care about next generation ,3,0,20180827-000803_417_live 7,nah i can't i'm sorry,3,1,20180827-000803_417_live 8,ok then its your wish,4,0,20180827-000803_417_live 9,maybe i'll donate 10 cents,4,1,20180827-000803_417_live 10,"gud, ok best of luck",5,0,20180827-000803_417_live 11,how much will you donate,5,1,20180827-000803_417_live 12,"minimum 100 dollars , i donate",6,0,20180827-000803_417_live 13,i'm sure of it. haha,6,1,20180827-000803_417_live 14,are you sure to donate,7,0,20180827-000803_417_live 15,"yes, maybe 10 cents",7,1,20180827-000803_417_live 16,its too low for the children ,8,0,20180827-000803_417_live 17,ok i am donating nothing,8,1,20180827-000803_417_live 18,"ok, please donate over 10dollars",9,0,20180827-000803_417_live 19,i don't even have that. haha,9,1,20180827-000803_417_live 0,"Hi, have you ever made a donation to a charity before",0,0,20180827-044233_823_live 1,"Hello. Yes, occasionally.",0,1,20180827-044233_823_live 2,"The Save the Children foundation is essential to help ensuring children's rights to health, education, safety, etc. ",1,0,20180827-044233_823_live 3,Okay. What types of things do they help with?,1,1,20180827-044233_823_live 4,"Since 1932, Save the Children has been on the ground providing support to the most isolated and underserved children in rural America. From our earliest days in Appalachia _ helping children and families hardest-hit by the Great Depression _ to today, our U.S. team goes where others cannot.",2,0,20180827-044233_823_live 5,That's good work. What about other countries?,2,1,20180827-044233_823_live 6,"Save the Children is the voice for vulnerable children. We're on the ground in 120 countries, working to reach every last child through international programs that focus on health, education, protection and disaster relief. ",3,0,20180827-044233_823_live 7,That's wonderful. Sounds like a good charity. ,3,1,20180827-044233_823_live 8,"They also play a part in disaster relief.No one knows when the next earthquake, flood or tsunami will strike. But we do know children are severely affected by natural disasters. They also suffer greatly during conflict, drought and disease outbreaks. Save the Children's natural disaster response and emergency relief programs help protect vulnerable boys and girls during disasters and their aftermath.",4,0,20180827-044233_823_live 9,"That's very important. A natural disaster can be devastating, even as an adult. I imagine critical for children. ",4,1,20180827-044233_823_live 10,"so what do you think, would you be interested in making a donation",5,0,20180827-044233_823_live 11,"Sure, I'd be willing to make a donation. I'm kinda broke right now, so it'll be a small amount. I can do $0.10 today, and hopefully more in the future. ",5,1,20180827-044233_823_live 12,How much do you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment.,6,0,20180827-044233_823_live 13,"I like donating to worthy causes when I can. It sounds like Save the Children are doing good work. I can only do $0.10 today, though. I'm hoping even though it's a small amount, if many people do it, it can add up to more. ",6,1,20180827-044233_823_live 14,your donation is kind and will be out to good use,7,0,20180827-044233_823_live 15,That's good to know. ,7,1,20180827-044233_823_live 16,The save the children foundation will put this donation to good use,8,0,20180827-044233_823_live 17,Great! That makes me happy.,8,1,20180827-044233_823_live 18,Thank you again for your generous donation.,9,0,20180827-044233_823_live 19,You're welcome. Thank you for advocating for the charity.,9,1,20180827-044233_823_live 0,Hi. Are you a bot?,0,0,20180827-041628_386_live 1,No I'm not.,0,1,20180827-041628_386_live 2,I'm a little skeptical. Can you prove it by saying something a typical response script wouldn't say?,1,0,20180827-041628_386_live 3,I'm literally a human and I just want to talk about a charity so I can get paid.,1,1,20180827-041628_386_live 4,Alright. Cool. So my task is to convince you donate. Any amount.,2,0,20180827-041628_386_live 5,"Great, so I would do that.",2,1,20180827-041628_386_live 6,Even once cent is fine. Are you seriously going to? ,3,0,20180827-041628_386_live 7,Depends on how good you are at convincing.,3,1,20180827-041628_386_live 8,"The charity is for Save the Children. Whether you donate is up to you. In the end, we still get our 30 cents",4,0,20180827-041628_386_live 9,But why should I donate to them?,4,1,20180827-041628_386_live 10,mTurk money is easy money. This HIT is worth 30 cents. We're getting 30 cents just to talk to each other. A one cent donation seems minor,5,0,20180827-041628_386_live 11,"I wouldn't say this is easy money, but it is minor.",5,1,20180827-041628_386_live 12,How long have you been doing mTurk by the way?,6,0,20180827-041628_386_live 13,A couple years.,6,1,20180827-041628_386_live 14,"And why is it that you think that it isn't easy money? Yes, the money is small, but some tasks are easier than others",7,0,20180827-041628_386_live 15,"Because between other workers not being smart and people rejecting for no reason, every HIT is a gamble.",7,1,20180827-041628_386_live 16,Other people not being smart? Do you do a lot of interaction HITs? I mainly do surveys. ,8,0,20180827-041628_386_live 17,I do everything I can.,8,1,20180827-041628_386_live 18,Don't you get a bonus if you do donate? ,9,0,20180827-041628_386_live 19,The HIT instructions tell you what you need to know.,9,1,20180827-041628_386_live 0,"Hey, i need some donation",0,0,20180827-052933_671_live 1,What do you need donations for?,0,1,20180827-052933_671_live 2,"for children charity ""save the children""",1,0,20180827-052933_671_live 3,Does it help by feeding children?,1,1,20180827-052933_671_live 4,"it really help, the children have no one to turn to apart from donations",2,0,20180827-052933_671_live 5,I like giving donations when I know that it is needed. Do you donate to charity?,2,1,20180827-052933_671_live 6,yes i do.. the donation is really needed for these children,3,0,20180827-052933_671_live 7,I will donate.,3,1,20180827-052933_671_live 8,"Thanks, how much are you willing to donate?",4,0,20180827-052933_671_live 9,How much should I donate?,4,1,20180827-052933_671_live 10,"You can donate any amount, it will be deducted from your task payment",5,0,20180827-052933_671_live 11,Do you have the option to donate also?,5,1,20180827-052933_671_live 12,yes i do,6,0,20180827-052933_671_live 13,Are you going to donate?,6,1,20180827-052933_671_live 14,yes am going to donate,7,0,20180827-052933_671_live 15,How much are you going to donate?,7,1,20180827-052933_671_live 16,$1 for now,8,0,20180827-052933_671_live 17,What country are the children in that will be helped? Do you know?,8,1,20180827-052933_671_live 18,In developing countries especially in war zones like syria,9,0,20180827-052933_671_live 19,I will donate .50,9,1,20180827-052933_671_live 0,i how r u,0,0,BAD_20180827-013600_477_live 1,hello I am doing great. How are you?,0,1,BAD_20180827-013600_477_live 2,yes i am fine,1,0,BAD_20180827-013600_477_live 3,Awesome. What are you doing today?,1,1,BAD_20180827-013600_477_live 4,i am chatting with u ,2,0,BAD_20180827-013600_477_live 5,Where are you from?,2,1,BAD_20180827-013600_477_live 6,i am from usa u,3,0,BAD_20180827-013600_477_live 7,Same here. Where from in the USA?,3,1,BAD_20180827-013600_477_live 8,VANCOUVER. you know about save the children charity,4,0,BAD_20180827-013600_477_live 9,I have always wanted to visit there. Yes I have actually.,4,1,BAD_20180827-013600_477_live 10,tell something about children charity,5,0,BAD_20180827-013600_477_live 11,Well I know that those charities benefit many children around the world. Do you donate to them?,5,1,BAD_20180827-013600_477_live 12,yes i donate. tell about ur family,6,0,BAD_20180827-013600_477_live 13,I have a wonderful family. I love them. How much do you donate?,6,1,BAD_20180827-013600_477_live 14,yes i will donate $750,7,0,BAD_20180827-013600_477_live 15,Wow that is amazing. Would you donate that today?,7,1,BAD_20180827-013600_477_live 16,No. how much u donate,8,0,BAD_20180827-013600_477_live 17,I would like to raise $50 for Save the Children. ,8,1,BAD_20180827-013600_477_live 18,very great. tell about u,9,0,BAD_20180827-013600_477_live 19,Well I think it is great that you will donate $750,9,1,BAD_20180827-013600_477_live 0,Hi,0,0,20180827-060928_49_live 1,Do you like donations?,0,1,20180827-060928_49_live 2,Which type of donations?,1,0,20180827-060928_49_live 3,Do you like to donate children's charity?,1,1,20180827-060928_49_live 4,Yes I like to donate Children Charity.,2,0,20180827-060928_49_live 5,Please explain me about children's charity.,2,1,20180827-060928_49_live 6,Save the Children charity is an organization that helps children in need around the wrold,3,0,20180827-060928_49_live 7,"Okay, how many years you donate charity?",3,1,20180827-060928_49_live 8,I donate last year oly firat time.,4,0,20180827-060928_49_live 9,"Okay, totally how much you donate charity?",4,1,20180827-060928_49_live 10,I approximately donate 30 dollars.,5,0,20180827-060928_49_live 11,"Okay, You done a good job.",5,1,20180827-060928_49_live 12,Thank you. Would you donate for that charity?,6,0,20180827-060928_49_live 13,"No, I'm not donate charity.",6,1,20180827-060928_49_live 14,Would you like to donate?,7,0,20180827-060928_49_live 15,"Yes, I like to donate.",7,1,20180827-060928_49_live 16,HOw much will you like to donate?,8,0,20180827-060928_49_live 17,I like to donate $25.,8,1,20180827-060928_49_live 18,Wow super I like your excitement.,9,0,20180827-060928_49_live 19,"Okay, Nice to chat with you.",9,1,20180827-060928_49_live 0,Hello!,0,0,20180827-053243_818_live 1,hi,0,1,20180827-053243_818_live 2,"Have you heard of the charity, Save the Children?",1,0,20180827-053243_818_live 3,no I have not...what is it about?,1,1,20180827-053243_818_live 4,"Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries. You can refer to Save the Children's website to gather more information if you like to. URL ",2,0,20180827-053243_818_live 5,ooo ok...thats good that there is a organization put together to help children in other countries,2,1,20180827-053243_818_live 6,"Yes, it is good. But they are really under funded. Would you be willing to donate to the charity now?",3,0,20180827-053243_818_live 7,I will have to read up more about the organization before i just give my money up because there is fake charities in the world,3,1,20180827-053243_818_live 8,"I understand that. Your donation is essential to help ensuring children's rights to health, education, safety, etc. Your donation will make a tangible impact for the world.",4,0,20180827-053243_818_live 9,Yes i understand that because every sunday i would go to the homeless shelter in my town and help collect clothes for the people that need it.it is something i do once a week because it is the right thing to do..,4,1,20180827-053243_818_live 10,"It is the right thing to do. That helps people directly in your community. A lot of these children don't have people like you in their community. There is a lack of support for children in developing countries, especially in war zones. For instance, millions of Syrian children have grown up facing the daily threat of violence. In the first two months of 2018 alone, 1,000 children were reportedly killed or injured in intensifying violence. Your small donation can address such problems.",5,0,20180827-053243_818_live 11,Yes i have read about that and that is said for those children...where are you from?,5,1,20180827-053243_818_live 12,I'm in the United States. I live in Indiana. ,6,0,20180827-053243_818_live 13,cool i never been how is it?? I live in new york,6,1,20180827-053243_818_live 14,"The weather is totally hit or miss. Right now it's in the 90's and sooo humid! Indiana is so flat and really all looks the same. We have a lot of farmers here. So it's true, there is a lot of corn in Indiana. lol How much would you like to donate to the charity now? Your donation will be directly deducted from your task payment. You can choose any amount from $0 to all your payment.",7,0,20180827-053243_818_live 15,at the moment i would have to say 0 because i don't know to much about the charity...sorry ,7,1,20180827-053243_818_live 16,"Bummer, even 5 cents of your pay out helps!!! But I do get it. Please consider giving even 5 cents. How is NY? I would love to travel there one day. I bet everything is so over priced.",8,0,20180827-053243_818_live 17,yes everything is high priced ,8,1,20180827-053243_818_live 18,"I figured! IN is really conservative. Again, look over the charity information and consider a small donation ",9,0,20180827-053243_818_live 19,I will look at the website after this survey and read more about it..I promise ,9,1,20180827-053243_818_live 20,I hope so. Like I said even a small donation of 5 cents is tremendous to them. Thank you and have a wonderful day,10,0,20180827-053243_818_live 0,hi.Dpo you about Save the Children organizatio,0,0,20180827-034056_964_live 1,Do I what with save the children ,0,1,20180827-034056_964_live 2,save the children organization takes cares of children around the world,1,0,20180827-034056_964_live 3,OK yes I am aware of this organization,1,1,20180827-034056_964_live 4,Its very important what they do.Do oyu agree?,2,0,20180827-034056_964_live 5,NO I do not agree. I think it is a good organization. however there are lots of kids in my ocuntry that need help first,2,1,20180827-034056_964_live 6,Where do you live and what are you doing to help the children?,3,0,20180827-034056_964_live 7,I live in the US and volunteer all of the time for childrens charities. I also ive to bakc to school drives and food pantries,3,1,20180827-034056_964_live 8,Thats very kind of you.There are many kids that still needs help in other parts of the world,4,0,20180827-034056_964_live 9,Thats not my problem they have people in that country,4,1,20180827-034056_964_live 10,There are many that lives in war zones with no access to food.,5,0,20180827-034056_964_live 11,Again not my issue,5,1,20180827-034056_964_live 12,I think it is.I saw a kid die in my hands.Kids does not care where they from ,6,0,20180827-034056_964_live 13,Tlk to the people of that country. I have kids here that need help first,6,1,20180827-034056_964_live 14,All kids need help.Would you be willing to donate some of your payment to help kids in need?,7,0,20180827-034056_964_live 15,No I would not,7,1,20180827-034056_964_live 16,Its a shame.Can you think about someone else but yourself?,8,0,20180827-034056_964_live 17,I am I am thinking of people here I dont care about the rest,8,1,20180827-034056_964_live 18,Ok would you donate for the kids in here at least?,9,0,20180827-034056_964_live 19,no Ill donate to local charities,9,1,20180827-034056_964_live 0,hi,0,0,BAD_20180827-031024_82_live 1,Hi how are you?,0,1,BAD_20180827-031024_82_live 2,i am fine. u?,1,0,BAD_20180827-031024_82_live 3,I'm Fine. Did you know about Children Charity ?,1,1,BAD_20180827-031024_82_live 4,"yes, i know children charity",2,0,BAD_20180827-031024_82_live 5,Tell me about something about Children Charity?,2,1,BAD_20180827-031024_82_live 6,i dont know full details. please u tell me full details?,3,0,BAD_20180827-031024_82_live 7,Then why did you tell that you know about Children Charity?,3,1,BAD_20180827-031024_82_live 8,"yes, i know but short details only. u know full details. tell me u are first?",4,0,BAD_20180827-031024_82_live 9,"Children Charity is nothing but gives health, education to the children who doesn't have parents and relatives",4,1,BAD_20180827-031024_82_live 10,oh! thank you... then?,5,0,BAD_20180827-031024_82_live 11,Do you donate for any organisation?,5,1,BAD_20180827-031024_82_live 12,yes. but one year back.,6,0,BAD_20180827-031024_82_live 13,How much amount?,6,1,BAD_20180827-031024_82_live 14,just $100 dollar.,7,0,BAD_20180827-031024_82_live 15,Wow super you did a good job.,7,1,BAD_20180827-031024_82_live 16,thank you so much. then u are donate any charity?,8,0,BAD_20180827-031024_82_live 17,Yes me also donate one year back.,8,1,BAD_20180827-031024_82_live 18,how much dollar?,9,0,BAD_20180827-031024_82_live 19,I donate 50 dollars.,9,1,BAD_20180827-031024_82_live 0,Hi,0,0,BAD_20180827-062539_765_live 1,hi how are you,0,1,BAD_20180827-062539_765_live 2,Iam Fine. What about you?,1,0,BAD_20180827-062539_765_live 3,I am fine. You know about children's charity,1,1,BAD_20180827-062539_765_live 4,Yes I know about Children's Charity.,2,0,BAD_20180827-062539_765_live 5,save the children. It is an amazing charity,2,1,BAD_20180827-062539_765_live 6,Yes I was the Amazing Charity.,3,0,BAD_20180827-062539_765_live 7,you donate that charity,3,1,BAD_20180827-062539_765_live 8,Yes I donate one year Back,4,0,BAD_20180827-062539_765_live 9,how much you donate,4,1,BAD_20180827-062539_765_live 10,I forget that i approximately donate 30 dollars.,5,0,BAD_20180827-062539_765_live 11,oh very nice. In Future you donate?,5,1,BAD_20180827-062539_765_live 12,Yes I donate. I like that. Did you donate?,6,0,BAD_20180827-062539_765_live 13,yes i plan to donate,6,1,BAD_20180827-062539_765_live 14,Very good how much would you like to doante?,7,0,BAD_20180827-062539_765_live 15,i will give 5$ to charity,7,1,BAD_20180827-062539_765_live 16,Oh super Do you know the organisation?,8,0,BAD_20180827-062539_765_live 17,yes i know about that,8,1,BAD_20180827-062539_765_live 18,Will please tell to me,9,0,BAD_20180827-062539_765_live 19,It is a charity with the goal of helping children in need around the world,9,1,BAD_20180827-062539_765_live 0,hi how are you,0,0,20180827-045223_670_live 1,"I am pretty good this morning, how are you today?",0,1,20180827-045223_670_live 2,im ggod thank you,1,0,20180827-045223_670_live 3,So what is this donation agreement I see listed?,1,1,20180827-045223_670_live 4,"The Save the Children Fund, commonly known as Save the Children, is an international non-governmental organisation that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",2,0,20180827-045223_670_live 5,"Ah I see, so this is a bot and not a real person!",2,1,20180827-045223_670_live 6,yes this is a organisation,3,0,20180827-045223_670_live 7,"Oh ok sounds good, so I have heard about Save The Children before. From all that I have heard it is a good charity.",3,1,20180827-045223_670_live 8,do you donate for the children,4,0,20180827-045223_670_live 9,"I have personally never donated to this charity, but I did volunteer for UNICEF when I was a kid.",4,1,20180827-045223_670_live 10,a very good for you,5,0,20180827-045223_670_live 11,"Yeah it was a good experience, how about you?",5,1,20180827-045223_670_live 12,yes i donate with my family every christmas ,6,0,20180827-045223_670_live 13,Ah very nice. I donate to the Salvation Army every now and then when they are around. My guess is that Christmas time is usually when donations pick up.,6,1,20180827-045223_670_live 14,very nice the children are necessary ,7,0,20180827-045223_670_live 15,"Definitely, so where are you from?",7,1,20180827-045223_670_live 16,i am from usa,8,0,20180827-045223_670_live 17,"Right on, same here. Very early in the day.",8,1,20180827-045223_670_live 18,I'm fine when the people around me are fine,9,0,20180827-045223_670_live 19,"Same here, well hey listen it was nice chatting with you. Maybe I will bump into you again in the near future.",9,1,20180827-045223_670_live 0,Hello,0,0,20180827-004200_630_live 1,Hi.,0,1,20180827-004200_630_live 2,Are you willing to donate to Save the Children?,1,0,20180827-004200_630_live 3,Yes. I would very much like to donate.,1,1,20180827-004200_630_live 4,how much are you willing to donate?,2,0,20180827-004200_630_live 5,"Well, I don't have much money right now. All I can afford is $5.00.",2,1,20180827-004200_630_live 6,"I think that is an excellent amount and would benefit Save the Children. For example,millions of Syrian children have grown up facing the daily threat of violence. In the first two months of 2018 alone, 1,000 children were reportedly killed or injured in intensifying violence. Your donation will make an impact to better childrens' live around the world. ",3,0,20180827-004200_630_live 7,That's so horrible. I wish I could give more. I sponsor a poor child in India every month for $40. I wish I could help all the children in the world.,3,1,20180827-004200_630_live 8,I would like to personally thank you for that. It is very thoughtful to donate to causes that benefit disadvantaged children. Your donation means a lot to that child in India,4,0,20180827-004200_630_live 9,"It is the least I can do for him. Most people take for granted what they have in their lives, while there are so many thousands who do not even have the basic necessities. Imagine not have clean water to drink.",4,1,20180827-004200_630_live 10,I cannot even begin to imagine that and clean water should be a basic right to every child on this planet. ,5,0,20180827-004200_630_live 11,I agree. There is so much wasted in the world. I know it is possible for everyone to have enough food and water. If only the governments and politicians of the world would stop fighting and actually work toward that goal.,5,1,20180827-004200_630_live 12,"Yes I agree. That is why I donate what I can to organizations like Save the Children. As you may know, Save the Children is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries. Are there any organizations that you can reccomend?",6,0,20180827-004200_630_live 13,"I sponsor through World Vision. I like them because they are very transparent about where the money is going. You can see photos and videos of your sponsor child and his or her community. And they let you know what type of progress is occuring both with your child and the community in general. It is so satisfying to know you are making a real difference in someone's life, and maybe in many lives.",6,1,20180827-004200_630_live 14,I cannot thank you enough for that. How much do you donate on average annually?,7,0,20180827-004200_630_live 15,"Well it's $39 a month, so $468 annually. I also send him little care packages every so often. At Christmas I plan to send either $100 or $200 as a special gift to his family, which will enable them to buy a goat, some chickens, etc. That will have such a big impact on their lives. ",7,1,20180827-004200_630_live 16,"Wow, that is very thoughtful of you. You go the extra mile for that child and I know he appreciates everything that you do for him. How much do you like to donate to the charity now?",8,0,20180827-004200_630_live 17,"Well, I know I said $5, but I think I will make it $10.",8,1,20180827-004200_630_live 18,"I appreciate that and rest assured, your donation today will make an impact for children around the world. Thank you for your generous donation. The research team will collect all donations and send it to Save the Children.",9,0,20180827-004200_630_live 19,You are so welcome. Thank you. It has been a pleasure talking with you!,9,1,20180827-004200_630_live 20,Thank you again for donating $10 to Save the Children. It was a pleasure talking to you as well!,10,0,20180827-004200_630_live 0,"Good morning, how are you doing today?",0,0,20180827-050542_196_live 1,I'm well....how are you?,0,1,20180827-050542_196_live 2,"I'm doing well, thanks. Today I am informing people of a charity I work with called Save the Children",1,0,20180827-050542_196_live 3,Okay...please tell me more.,1,1,20180827-050542_196_live 4,"Save the Children has workers on the ground in over 120 countries helping kids and families with health, education, protection and disaster relief",2,0,20180827-050542_196_live 5,Sounds like a good charity,2,1,20180827-050542_196_live 6,"As you can imagine, having that many people and offering that much help to people can cost a fair amount. How much do you spend on coffee/tea/soft drinks per week?",3,0,20180827-050542_196_live 7,I spend about $10 a week on Coffee,3,1,20180827-050542_196_live 8,Most people spend that much or more! Would you be willing to use your payment for this task to donate to Save the Children and forgo a cup of coffee this week?,4,0,20180827-050542_196_live 9,I would be happy to,4,1,20180827-050542_196_live 10,Your donation will be used to help kids all over the world,5,0,20180827-050542_196_live 11,That sounds great,5,1,20180827-050542_196_live 12,You know your donation will be going to a reputable company. 86% of donations go directly to program services while the remainder goes to fundraising and a small portion to management.,6,0,20180827-050542_196_live 13,Good to know,6,1,20180827-050542_196_live 14,Now I need to know how much you would be willing to donate to the cause. You can give as much or as little as you would like from your payment.,7,0,20180827-050542_196_live 15,I'll donate the entire amount,7,1,20180827-050542_196_live 16,That will be so helpful! Thank you so much for thinking of others,8,0,20180827-050542_196_live 17,I'm happy to help,8,1,20180827-050542_196_live 18,Thanks again and have a great day,9,0,20180827-050542_196_live 19,You as well,9,1,20180827-050542_196_live 0,hi,0,0,BAD_20180827-025716_257_live 1,Hi how are you?,0,1,BAD_20180827-025716_257_live 2,i'm fine how are you?,1,0,BAD_20180827-025716_257_live 3,I'm fine. Do you know anything about Chidren Charity?,1,1,BAD_20180827-025716_257_live 4,I don't no tell about children charity?,2,0,BAD_20180827-025716_257_live 5,Children Charity is nothing but giving donations to the children who without parents and relatives.,2,1,BAD_20180827-025716_257_live 6,Have you donate any children charity?,3,0,BAD_20180827-025716_257_live 7,Yes I donate in pass one year.,3,1,BAD_20180827-025716_257_live 8,How much amount you donate?,4,0,BAD_20180827-025716_257_live 9,I donate 50 Dollars. What about you?,4,1,BAD_20180827-025716_257_live 10,I do not give any amount to children charity.,5,0,BAD_20180827-025716_257_live 11,Would you like to help the childrens who don't have parents and relatives?,5,1,BAD_20180827-025716_257_live 12,Yes i like to donate. ,6,0,BAD_20180827-025716_257_live 13,Wow super. How will you donate for the children Charity?,6,1,BAD_20180827-025716_257_live 14,I like to donate 50 Dollars. ,7,0,BAD_20180827-025716_257_live 15,Very Good. Where are you from?,7,1,BAD_20180827-025716_257_live 16,I am in Illinois. Where are you from?,8,0,BAD_20180827-025716_257_live 17,I Am from VIrginia.,8,1,BAD_20180827-025716_257_live 18,in which year you donate for the children charity?,9,0,BAD_20180827-025716_257_live 19,I forget the year.,9,1,BAD_20180827-025716_257_live 0,hi,0,0,20180827-051947_34_live 1,"Hello, how are you?",0,1,20180827-051947_34_live 2,i am fine. how about you?,1,0,20180827-051947_34_live 3,I'm good. Just enjoying the last days of summer here in Ohio.,1,1,20180827-051947_34_live 4,oh enjoy. then?,2,0,20180827-051947_34_live 5,"Yes, although there's always plenty of work to do",2,1,20180827-051947_34_live 6,why slow? k you know children's charity?,3,0,20180827-051947_34_live 7,"I have not heard of children's charity, what's it about?",3,1,20180827-051947_34_live 8,oh! children education and health support charity.,4,0,20180827-051947_34_live 9,"Oh okay, how do they receive funding?",4,1,20180827-051947_34_live 10,online search.. all details ,5,0,20180827-051947_34_live 11,"I'm sorry, I don't quite understand. They receive funding through online searches?",5,1,20180827-051947_34_live 12,yes. searches online. ur name pls?,6,0,20180827-051947_34_live 13,"My name is Charles, what is your name?",6,1,20180827-051947_34_live 14,my name is Eric W Menkhus. where are you from?,7,0,20180827-051947_34_live 15,I am from the United States,7,1,20180827-051947_34_live 16,oh! k. are you married?,8,0,20180827-051947_34_live 17,"Yes I am married, where are you from",8,1,20180827-051947_34_live 18,i am from oakham,9,0,20180827-051947_34_live 19,"I've never heard of it, where is it located?",9,1,20180827-051947_34_live 0,Hi there! How are you today?,0,0,20180827-034916_910_live 1,I am fine how are you?,0,1,20180827-034916_910_live 2,I am doing really great. What are your plans for the day?,1,0,20180827-034916_910_live 3,well I have to go to work in a little while here how about you?,1,1,20180827-034916_910_live 4,"Ah, yes. Same here. That is why I am up so early. I have to go into the office, do you as well, or can you work from home?",2,0,20180827-034916_910_live 5,"I work in an office setting as well, I guess we are to talk about childrens charity's. Do you donate to any on a regular base?",2,1,20180827-034916_910_live 6,I was just getting ready to ask you if you would be willing to donate some of today's payment to Save the Children. Even a little would help. How much would you be able to spare?,3,0,20180827-034916_910_live 7,"I usually like to donate to more local charities, this way it seems safer to actually go where it is needed and it is for poor homeless kids around my own area",3,1,20180827-034916_910_live 8,"Well this is a great one. They are helping everywhere. You can offer even the smalles amount from today's pay, like $0.05. Can You help?",4,0,20180827-034916_910_live 9,I could maybe help can you tell me more about it where is it based out of and how much will actually be used for the cause?,4,1,20180827-034916_910_live 10,STC is based out of CT. The money goes toward saving kids from starving and providing essentials. Can I count on you today?,5,0,20180827-034916_910_live 11,do you work for them directly how did you get involved in this?,5,1,20180827-034916_910_live 12,I got involved with thei website. After knowing how hard they work I was really impressed. They are already helping the kids affected by the flooding in Hawaii. I know I have kids and if they were suffering and unable to eat it would just tear me apart.,6,0,20180827-034916_910_live 13,"I understand that, and you guys raise money here on this site? is that even worth it?",6,1,20180827-034916_910_live 14,Yes! It really is. Even the smallest donation can make a big impact on many children and families. STC is USA based as well. Can we count on you?,7,0,20180827-034916_910_live 15,yes you can you can have my $0.30,7,1,20180827-034916_910_live 16,Wow! That is so great to hear. I really appreciate your help. Did you have any other questions about STC?,8,0,20180827-034916_910_live 17,and the money goes complety to the charity or does a part stay for handeling and administration,8,1,20180827-034916_910_live 18,The money goes directly to the organization in order to help. The money will have a large impact. Would you like to have the site info?,9,0,20180827-034916_910_live 19,yes that would be great I would like to see that,9,1,20180827-034916_910_live 0,hi how are you,0,0,20180827-032231_430_live 1,good thanks.What about you?,0,1,20180827-032231_430_live 2, what do you know about this organization,1,0,20180827-032231_430_live 3,save th Children help kids in need around the world,1,1,20180827-032231_430_live 4,"The Save the Children Fund, commonly known as Save the Children, is an international non-governmental organisation that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.",2,0,20180827-032231_430_live 5,They do an awesome labor ,2,1,20180827-032231_430_live 6, you donate for this children,3,0,20180827-032231_430_live 7,I do sometimes whe I have extra money,3,1,20180827-032231_430_live 8,very good for you ,4,0,20180827-032231_430_live 9,Yes children should have access to healthcare and basics needs,4,1,20180827-032231_430_live 10, this is the most important thing for them and to make some happy ones,5,0,20180827-032231_430_live 11,are you thinking about donate to the cause?,5,1,20180827-032231_430_live 12, I give each end of the year $ 100 in the help of these children,6,0,20180827-032231_430_live 13,It is very kind of you.Please spread the word on your family and friends,6,1,20180827-032231_430_live 14, this is very important for my life and for my family to help not only our own people but also everybody who needs tons of help,7,0,20180827-032231_430_live 15,Specially kids in need.There are some living in very bad conditions,7,1,20180827-032231_430_live 16,this is true,8,0,20180827-032231_430_live 17,Many of them lives on a war zone,8,1,20180827-032231_430_live 18,there are needs for my help,9,0,20180827-032231_430_live 19,yes.i am sure you can do more.there might be things you can cut from your budget,9,1,20180827-032231_430_live 0,"Hey, how are you doing, have you ever heard of a charity called Save the Children?",0,0,20180717-200206_41_live 1,No I havent. What is it about?,0,1,20180717-200206_41_live 2,"It's an international organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries, does that sound like something you'd get behind?",1,0,20180717-200206_41_live 3,No thank you.,1,1,20180717-200206_41_live 4,"May I ask why? Your help could really make a difference in a child's life, think of a child who didn't have enough to eat, just a small bit of help may have saved them, are you sure you're not interested?",2,0,20180717-200206_41_live 5,I am already making a difference in many children lives.,2,1,20180717-200206_41_live 6,"That's great, it sounds like it's an issue you really care about then, why not put some of that effort into a charity that's doing really great work like Save the Children?",3,0,20180717-200206_41_live 7,I have donated 15 years of my life to charity,3,1,20180717-200206_41_live 8,"I'm not asking you to donate years of your life, just a couple of cents if possible, is that something you could possibly do tonight?",4,0,20180717-200206_41_live 9,No thank you,4,1,20180717-200206_41_live 10,"You're probably on a computer right now, so you probably have quite a bit of money yourself, don't you think you could spare maybe 25 cents for some needy children around the world?",5,0,20180717-200206_41_live 11,No thank you,5,1,20180717-200206_41_live 12,"Do you have children yourself? What if your children were in a position these kids are in, wouldn't you want someone to help them?",6,0,20180717-200206_41_live 13,Where are those childrens parent?,6,1,20180717-200206_41_live 14,"If only they had parental support, but in war-torn countries like Syria their parents are being killed in wars or are fighting for their country, they have no help and that's why they need your support, please find it in your heart to just give a little bit tonight, that's all I'm asking.",7,0,20180717-200206_41_live 15,My small change won't do a thing for those kids. What they need is to be extracted from those countries so that they can have a better life not 0.25.,7,1,20180717-200206_41_live 16,"Well with our current president it's not likely they're going to be brought the US, so they need any help they can get, and 25 cents might not seem like a lot, but if 10000 people donated 25 cents then the impact will be huge. I understand it may not seem like a lot, but it can really make a difference. You can donate some or all of your payment from this task to Save the Children, i'd really appreciate it if you did, but I understand if you still don't want to. What do you say? ",8,0,20180717-200206_41_live 17,"If it makes you happy, go ahead and take .50",8,1,20180717-200206_41_live 18,"Oh thank you so much, you have no idea how much that .50 will mean to those children, thank you very much and have a wonderful night you blessed soul.",9,0,20180717-200206_41_live 19,No problem have a good night,9,1,20180717-200206_41_live