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"id": 0,
"page": 9,
"bounding_box": [
"latex_content": "\\begin{table}\n\\centering\n\\begin{tabular}{| l |p{8cm}|}\n\\hline\n\\multicolumn{1}{|c|}{\\R function} & \\multicolumn{1}{c|}{Description}\\\\\n\\hline\n\\code{f.analyzeFMRI.gui()} & Starts an \\R/TclTk based GUI to explore, using the \\pkg{AnalyzeFMRI} package functions, an fMRI data set stored in ANALYZE format. \\tabularnewline\n\\hline\n\\code{f.icast.fmri.gui()} & The GUI provides a quick and easy to use interface for applying spatial or temporal ICA to fMRI data sets in NIFTI format.\\tabularnewline\n\\hline\n\\code{f.plot.volume.gui()} & TclTk GUI to display functional or structural MR images. This GUI is useful for instance to display the results performed with \\code{f.icast.fmri.gui()}.\\tabularnewline \n\\hline\n\\code{} & Reads ANALYZE or NIFTI (\\texttt{.hdr} or \\texttt{.nii}) header file. The format type is automatically detected by first reading the magic field. \\tabularnewline\n\\hline\n\\code{} & Reads ANALYZE or NIFTI image file and puts it into an array. Automatic detection of the format type. \\tabularnewline\n\\hline\n \\code{f.write.analyze(mat,file,...,)} & Stores the data in ANALYZE format: creation of the corresponding \\texttt{.img/.hdr} pair of files.\n \\tabularnewline \n\\hline\n \\code{f.write.nifti(mat,file,size,...)} & Stores the data in NIFTI format: creation of the corresponding \\texttt{.img/.hdr} pair of files or single \\texttt{.nii} file.\n \\tabularnewline \n \\hline \n\\end{tabular}\n\\caption{Seven main functions of our package with their description.\\label{table1}}\n\\end{table}",
"extracted_content": [
"R function",
"Starts an R/TclTk based GUI to explore, using\nthe AnalyzeFMRI package functions, an fMRI\ndata set stored in ANALYZE format."
"The GUI provides a quick and easy to use in-\nterface for applying spatial or temporal ICA to\nfMRI data sets in NIFTI format."
"TclTk GUI to display functional or struc-\ntural MR images. This GUI is useful for in-\nstance to display the results performed with\nf.icast.fmri.gui()."
"Reads ANALYZE or NIFTI (.hdr or .nii)\nheader file. The format type is automatically\ndetected by first reading the magic field."
"Reads ANALYZE or NIFTI image file and puts\nit into an array. Automatic detection of the for-\nmat type."
"Stores the data in ANALYZE format: creation\nof the corresponding .img/.hdr pair of files."
"Stores the data in NIFTI format: creation of the\ncorresponding .img/.hdr pair of files or single\n.nii file."
"similarity_score": 0.9058663028649386,
"table_image": "images/1012.0269v1/table_0.png",
"page_image": "pages/1012.0269v1/page_9.png"
] |