[ { "id": 0, "page": 3, "bounding_box": [ 192.93800354003906, 72.19903564453125, 402.3382568359375, 111.25299072265625 ], "latex_content": "\\begin{table}\n\\begin{center}\n\\begin{tabular}{|c||c|c|}\n\\hline \n & Uninfected $\\male$ & Infected $\\male$\\\\\n\\hline \n\\hline \nUninfected $\\female$ & \\bf Uninfected & \\bf \\color{red}Sterile eggs \\\\\n\\hline \nInfected $\\female$ & \\bf Infected & \\bf Infected \\\\\n\\hline \n\\end{tabular}\n\\end{center}\n\\caption{\\label{tab:incompatibilidade-citoplasm=0000E1tica}Cytoplasmic incompatibility and vertical transmission of {\\em Wolbachia} bacteria.\nThe state of the offspring is indicated, depending on the parents status}\n\\label{ta2}\n\\end{table}", "extracted_content": [ [ "", "Uninfected\n\u2642", "Infected\n\u2642" ], [ "Uninfected\n\u2640", "Uninfected", "Sterile eggs" ], [ "Infected\n\u2640", "Infected", "Infected" ] ], "similarity_score": 0.4116222760290557, "table_image": "images/1503.05216v1/table_0.png", "page_image": "pages/1503.05216v1/page_3.png" }, { "id": 1, "page": 4, "bounding_box": [ 115.9020004272461, 72.19903564453125, 479.3729901994978, 146.72003173828125 ], "latex_content": "\\begin{table}\n\\begin{center}\n\\begin{tabular}{|r|l|}\n\\hline\nNotation & Meaning\\\\\n\\hline\\hline\n$\\alpha_U, \\alpha_W$ & Fecundity rates of uninfected and infected insects\\\\\n$\\nu$ & Rate of transfer from the preliminary to the adult stage\\\\\n$\\mu$ & Mortality rate of uninfected and infected insects in preliminary stage\\\\\n$\\mu k$ & Characteristic of the additional mortality rate in preliminary stage\\\\\n$\\mu_U, \\mu_W$ & Mortality rates of uninfected and infected insects at adult stage\\\\\n\\hline\n\\end{tabular}\n\\caption{List of parameters of model \\eqref{eq1}}\n\\label{ta1}\n\\end{center}\n\\end{table}", "extracted_content": [ [ "Notation", "Meaning" ], [ "\u03b1 , \u03b1\nU W\n\u03bd\n\u00b5\n\u00b5k\n\u00b5 , \u00b5\nU W", "Fecundity rates of uninfected and infected insects\nRate of transfer from the preliminary to the adult stage\nMortality rate of uninfected and infected insects in preliminary stage\nCharacteristic of the additional mortality rate in preliminary stage\nMortality rates of uninfected and infected insects at adult stage" ] ], "similarity_score": 0.40629095674967236, "table_image": "images/1503.05216v1/table_1.png", "page_image": "pages/1503.05216v1/page_4.png" } ]