[ { "id": 0, "page": 17, "bounding_box": [ 173.84100341796875, 233.2869873046875, 439.0249938964844, 342.8760070800781 ], "latex_content": "\\begin{table}\n\\centering\n\\begin{tabular}{| l || c | c | c || c | c |} \\hline\n\\multicolumn{1}{| c || }{} & \\multicolumn{3}{c || }{Static Match Rate} & \\multicolumn{2}{c | }{Runtime Precise Rate}\\\\\n\\hline\nBenchmark & \\hspace{1mm} Region \\hspace{1mm} & \\hspace{1mm} Shape \\hspace{1mm} & Injectivity & \\hspace{1mm} Shape \\hspace{1mm} & Injectivity\\\\\n\\hline\n\\bench{power} & 100\\% & 100\\% & 100\\% & 100\\% & 100\\% \\\\\n\\bench{bh} & 100\\% & 90\\% & 87\\% & 100\\% & 100\\% \\\\\n\\hline\n\\bench{db} & 100\\% & 100\\% & 81\\% & 100\\% & 100\\% \\\\\n\\bench{raytracer} & 80\\% & 85\\% & 83\\% & 89\\% & 98\\% \\\\\n\\hline\n\\bench{luindex} & 95\\% & 95\\% & 82\\% & 100\\% & 91\\% \\\\\n\\bench{lusearch} & 93\\% & 90\\% & 84\\% & 96\\% & 89\\% \\\\\n\\bench{runabs} & 97\\% & 98\\% & 87\\% & 94\\% & 90\\% \\\\\n\\hline\n\\end{tabular}\n\\vspace{3mm}\n\\caption{Static Match is percentage of each property correctly predicted by the static analysis \nwhen compared to \\emph{perfect analysis}. Runtime Precise is the percentage of properties that \nthe \\emph{perfect analysis} captures precisely.}\n\\label{tab:precision}\n\\end{table}", "extracted_content": [ [ "", "Static Match Rate", null, null, "Runtime Precise Rate", null ], [ "Benchmark", "Region", "Shape", "Injectivity", "Shape", "Injectivity" ], [ "power\nbh", "100%\n100%", "100%\n90%", "100%\n87%", "100%\n100%", "100%\n100%" ], [ "db\nraytracer", "100%\n80%", "100%\n85%", "81%\n83%", "100%\n89%", "100%\n98%" ], [ "luindex\nlusearch\nrunabs", "95%\n93%\n97%", "95%\n90%\n98%", "82%\n84%\n87%", "100%\n96%\n94%", "91%\n89%\n90%" ] ], "similarity_score": 0.38287752675386444, "table_image": "images/1201.1277v1/table_0.png", "page_image": "pages/1201.1277v1/page_17.png" } ]