[ { "id": 0, "page": 3, "bounding_box": [ 338.2699890136719, 432.6499938964844, 548.6900024414062, 517.5400390625 ], "latex_content": "\\begin{table}[htb]\n\\small \n\\begin{center}\n \\caption{Requirement \\changeHKK{assessment} of each method.}\n \\begin{tabular}[width=\\columnwidth]{l|c|c}\\hline \n \\shortstack{}&\\multicolumn{2}{|c}{Requirements} \\\\ \n \\hline \n \\shortstack{Method}&\\shortstack{\\changeHKK{State duration}}&\\shortstack{\\changeHKK{State interval}} \\\\ \n \\hline \n \\hline \n HMM \\cite{Eddy1996}&& \\\\ \\hline\n IO-HMM \\cite{Bengio1995}&& \\\\ \\hline\n HSMM \\cite{Yu2010}\\cite{Murphy2002}&\\checkmark& \\\\ \\hline\n% FO-HMM \\cite{Salzenstein2007}&& \\\\ \\hline\n HMM-selftrans \\cite{Xue2006} &\\checkmark& \\\\ \\hline\n EDM \\cite{Yu2003}&\\checkmark& \\\\ \\hline\n DI-HMM \\changeHK{(Proposal)}&\\checkmark&\\checkmark \\\\ \\hline\n \\end{tabular}\n \\label{tab:Satisfaction}\n\\end{center}\n\\end{table}", "extracted_content": [ [ "", "Requirements", null ], [ "Method", "State duration", "State interval" ], [ "HMM [13]", "", "" ], [ "IO-HMM [15]", "", "" ], [ "HSMM [19][20]", "\u2713", "" ], [ "HMM-selftrans [14]", "\u2713", "" ], [ "EDM [17]", "\u2713", "" ], [ "DI-HMM (Proposal)", "\u2713", "\u2713" ] ], "similarity_score": 0.5672371638141809, "table_image": "images/1508.04928v1/table_0.png", "page_image": "pages/1508.04928v1/page_3.png" }, { "id": 1, "page": 7, "bounding_box": [ 50.66999816894531, 67.93000030517578, 299.3500061035156, 149.4199981689453 ], "latex_content": "\\begin{table}[htb]\n\\normalsize\n\\begin{center}\n \\caption{\\changeHKK{Generated Music Data.}}\n \\begin{tabular}[width=\\columnwidth]{c|c|c}\\hline \n Index & Instrument & Minimum Length of Note\\\\ \\hline \\hline\n Data 1 & Grand Piano & 3/4 length of crotchet\\\\ \\hline\n Data 2 & Grand Piano & 1/2 length of crotchet\\\\ \\hline\n Data 3 & Puncy Grand Piano & 1/4 length of crotchet\\\\ \\hline\n Data 4 & Electric Piano & 1/4 length of crotchet\\\\ \\hline\n Data 5 & Drum & 1/4 length of crotchet\\\\ \\hline\n Data 6 & Organ & 1/2 length of crotchet\\\\ \\hline\n \\end{tabular}\n\\end{center}\n\\end{table}", "extracted_content": [ [ "Index", "Instrument", "Minimum Length of Note" ], [ "Data 1", "Grand Piano", "3/4 length of crotchet" ], [ "Data 2", "Grand Piano", "1/2 length of crotchet" ], [ "Data 3", "Puncy Grand Piano", "1/4 length of crotchet" ], [ "Data 4", "Electric Piano", "1/4 length of crotchet" ], [ "Data 5", "Drum", "1/4 length of crotchet" ], [ "Data 6", "Organ", "1/2 length of crotchet" ] ], "similarity_score": 1.0, "table_image": "images/1508.04928v1/table_1.png", "page_image": "pages/1508.04928v1/page_7.png" } ]