[ { "id": 0, "page": 17, "bounding_box": [ 89.73899841308594, 298.5580139160156, 264.28399658203125, 358.5329895019531 ], "latex_content": "\\begin{table}\n\\renewcommand{\\arraystretch}{1.1}\n\\caption{\\small The performance of MRI completion evaluated by PSNR and RRSE under missing ratios of 50\\% and 80\\%. }\n\\label{tab:MRIresults}\n\\centering\n%\\resizebox{1\\textwidth}{!}\n%{\n\\begin{tabular}{ c |c | c | c | c }\n\\hline\n & \\multicolumn{2}{c|}{50\\% missing} & \\multicolumn{2}{c}{80\\% missing} \\\\\n \\cline{2-5}\nMethods & PSNR & RRSE & PSNR & RRSE \\\\\n \\hline\nBTC & {\\bf 26.40} & {\\bf 0.12} & {\\bf22.33} & {\\bf 0.19} \\\\\nWTucker & 23.18 & 0.18 & 21.53 & 0.21 \\\\\ngHOOI & 21.57 & 0.21 & 19.77 & 0.26 \\\\\nHaLRTC & 23.12 & 0.18 & 17.06 & 0.36 \\\\\n\\hline\n\\end{tabular}\n%}\n\\end{table}", "extracted_content": [ [ "Methods", "50% missing", null, "80% missing", null ], [ null, "PSNR", "RRSE", "PSNR", "RRSE" ], [ "BTC\nWTucker\ngHOOI\nHaLRTC", "26.40\n23.18\n21.57\n23.12", "0.12\n0.18\n0.21\n0.18", "22.33\n21.53\n19.77\n17.06", "0.19\n0.21\n0.26\n0.36" ] ], "similarity_score": 0.4986149584487535, "table_image": "images/1508.07416v1/table_0.png", "page_image": "pages/1508.07416v1/page_17.png" } ]