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"name": "Several killed and two detained in Helmand",
"eventrefnumber": "2010-07-CA-046",
"text": "Afghan and International Forces Capture, Disrupt Insurgent Activity\nISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan

For Immediate Release\n\n Wednesday night an ANSF and ISAF combined force conducted an operation to detain a Taliban commander located in a compound in Nahr-e-Saraj District, Helmand province. During the operation several insurgents presented an immediate threat to the combined force and were killed, two men were taken into custody by Afghan authorities. 20 kilograms of refined opium\/heroin and a number of weapons were destroyed on site.",
"StartDate": "2010-07-07",
"eventtype": "captureandkill",
"province": "Helmand",
"citydistrict": "Nahr-e Seraj",
"village": "",
"targetgroup": "Taliban",
"commander": "",
"position": "commander",
"minkilled": "3",
"mincaptured": "2",
"capturedcharacterisation": "two",
"killedcharacterisation": "several",
"killq": "true",
"captureq": "true",
"killcaptureraid": "true",
"airstrike": "false",
"noshotsfired": "false",
"dataprocessed": "true",
"flagged": "false",
"glossarymeta": "false",
"minleaderskilled": "0",
"minfacilitatorskilled": "0",
"minleaderscaptured": "0",
"minfacilitatorscaptured": "0","leaderq":"false"}