{ | |
"name": "2 suspected insurgents detained in Khost", | |
"eventrefnumber": "2010-07-CA-051", | |
"text": "July 9: ISAF Operations in Helmand, Kapisa, Khost Provinces\nISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan 2010-07-CA-051 For Immediate Release\n\n Afghan and coalition forces detained two suspected insurgents in Khost province last night while pursuing a Haqqani network commander responsible for planning and facilitating attacks against coalition forces. The commander is also the head mullah of a Haqqani madrassa in the village of Laken, which he uses to plan attacks and recruit Haqqani operatives and suicide bombers. A security force went to the madrassa in Matun district and searched the area. After an Afghan-only force searched the madrassa and secured the scene, they detained the suspected insurgents for further questioning. The security force found 14 grenades and a number of guns at the madrassa. No shots were fired and women and children in the area were protected by the security force.", | |
"StartDate": "2010-07-08", | |
"eventtype": "detention", | |
"province": "Khost", | |
"citydistrict": "Matun", | |
"village": "", | |
"targetgroup": "Haqqani", | |
"commander": "", | |
"position": "commander", | |
"minkilled": "0", | |
"mincaptured": "2", | |
"capturedcharacterisation": "two", | |
"killedcharacterisation": "", | |
"killq": "false", | |
"captureq": "true", | |
"killcaptureraid": "true", | |
"airstrike": "false", | |
"noshotsfired": "true", | |
"dataprocessed": "true", | |
"flagged": "false", | |
"glossarymeta": "false", | |
"minleaderskilled": "0", | |
"minfacilitatorskilled": "0", | |
"minleaderscaptured": "0", | |
"minfacilitatorscaptured": "0","leaderq":"false"} |