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"name": "Taliban leader and one suspected insurgent detained in Helmand",
"eventrefnumber": "2011-10-S-016",
"text": "2011-10-S-016\nISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan\n \nKABUL, Afghanistan (Oct. 8)\nIn Nad ‘Ali district, Helmand province, a combined Afghan and coalition security force captured a Taliban leader and detained one suspected insurgent during a security operation. The leader facilitated murder and intimidation campaigns against local nationals in the area, as well as, led direct fire and roadside bomb attacks targeting Afghan forces.",
"StartDate": "2011-10-08",
"eventtype": "detention",
"province": "Helmand",
"citydistrict": "Nad Ali",
"village": "",
"targetgroup": "Taliban",
"commander": "",
"position": "leader",
"minkilled": "0",
"mincaptured": "2",
"capturedcharacterisation": "2",
"killedcharacterisation": "",
"killq": "false",
"captureq": "true",
"killcaptureraid": "false",
"airstrike": "false",
"noshotsfired": "false",
"dataprocessed": "true",
"flagged": "false",
"glossarymeta": "false",
"minleaderskilled": "0",
"minfacilitatorskilled": "0",
"minleaderscaptured": "1",
"minfacilitatorscaptured": "0","leaderq":"true"}