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"name": "1",
"eventrefnumber": "2011-11-S-003",
"text": "ISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan\n2011-11-S-003\n \n\nKABUL, Afghanistan (Nov. 2, 2011) — A combined Afghan and coalition securityforce killed two insurgents and detained one suspected insurgent during an operation in search of a Haqqani network leader in Yahya Khel district, Paktika province, yesterday. \n\nThe leader oversees multiple insurgent fighting cells and is responsible for numerous attacks against Afghan forces. \n\nThe security force observed two armed insurgents during the operation. Assessing an immediate threat, the security force engaged, killing the individuals.\n\nMultiple weapons and bomb making materials were seized by the security force during the operation. ",
"StartDate": "2011-11-01",
"eventtype": "captureandkill",
"province": "Paktika",
"citydistrict": "Yahya Khel",
"village": "",
"targetgroup": "Haqqani",
"commander": "",
"position": "leader",
"minkilled": "2",
"mincaptured": "1",
"capturedcharacterisation": "1",
"killedcharacterisation": "2",
"killq": "true",
"captureq": "true",
"killcaptureraid": "true",
"airstrike": "false",
"noshotsfired": "false",
"dataprocessed": "true",
"flagged": "false",
"glossarymeta": "false",
"minleaderskilled": "0",
"minfacilitatorskilled": "0",
"minleaderscaptured": "0",
"minfacilitatorscaptured": "0","leaderq":"false"}