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"name": "1",
"eventrefnumber": "2012-06-S-006",
"text": "2012-06-S-006\nFor Immediate Release\n\nKABUL, Afghanistan (JUN 03) — Afghan and coalition security forces conducted an operation to detain an Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan facilitator in Argo district, Badakhshan province, today.\nThe IMU facilitator supplies weapons and explosive devices to insurgents for attacks against Afghan security forces and coalition troops throughout province.\nDuring the operation, the security force was attacked by two groups of insurgents. The security force returned fire and requested a precision airstrike. \nAfter the airstrike, the Afghan and coalition security force conducted a follow-on assessment of the area and determined no civilians had been harmed and multiple insurgents had been killed.\nAs a result of the operation, the security force recovered five AK-47s, three RPG launchers, several RPG rounds and multiple grenades.",
"StartDate": "2012-06-03",
"eventtype": "airstrike",
"province": "Badakhshan",
"citydistrict": "Argo",
"village": "",
"targetgroup": "IMU",
"commander": "",
"position": "facilitator",
"minkilled": "3",
"mincaptured": "0",
"capturedcharacterisation": "",
"killedcharacterisation": "multiple",
"killq": "true",
"captureq": "false",
"killcaptureraid": "false",
"airstrike": "true",
"noshotsfired": "false",
"dataprocessed": "true",
"flagged": "false",
"glossarymeta": "false",
"minleaderskilled": "0",
"minfacilitatorskilled": "0",
"minleaderscaptured": "0",
"minfacilitatorscaptured": "0","leaderq":"false"}