{ | |
"name": "3", | |
"eventrefnumber": "2012-08-S-009", | |
"text": "2012-08-S-009\nFor Immediate Release\n \n \nKABUL, Afghanistan (Aug. 4, 2012)\nDuring a separate operation in Watahpur district, Kunar province, an Afghan and coalition security force engaged a group of heavily armed insurgents with a precision airstrike. A post-strike assessment confirmed multiple insurgents had been killed and several of the heavy weapons had been destroyed. The assessment also confirmed the airstrike had not injured any civilians or damaged any civilian property.", | |
"StartDate": "2012-08-04", | |
"eventtype": "airstrike", | |
"province": "Kunar", | |
"citydistrict": "Watapur", | |
"village": "", | |
"targetgroup": "", | |
"commander": "", | |
"position": "", | |
"minkilled": "3", | |
"mincaptured": "0", | |
"capturedcharacterisation": "", | |
"killedcharacterisation": "multiple", | |
"killq": "true", | |
"captureq": "false", | |
"killcaptureraid": "false", | |
"airstrike": "true", | |
"noshotsfired": "false", | |
"dataprocessed": "true", | |
"flagged": "false", | |
"glossarymeta": "false", | |
"minleaderskilled": "0", | |
"minfacilitatorskilled": "0", | |
"minleaderscaptured": "0", | |
"minfacilitatorscaptured": "0","leaderq":"false"} |