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"name": "4",
"eventrefnumber": "2012-08-S-020",
"text": "2012-08-S-020\nFor Immediate Release\n \n \nKABUL, Afghanistan (Aug. 10, 2012)\nAn Afghan and coalition security force detained numerous suspected insurgents during an operation to arrest a Haqqani leader in Shwak district, Paktiya province, today. The Haqqani leader is responsible for facilitating attacks against Afghan and coalition forces throughout the district.\n\n2012-08-S-027\n\nKABUL, Afghanistan (August 14)\nAfghan and coalition security force officials confirmed today that a Haqqani leader was one of those detained during an operation in Shwak district, Paktiya province Aug 9. The detained Haqqani leader is responsible for numerous attacks against Afghan and coalition forces in the region.",
"StartDate": "2012-08-09",
"eventtype": "detention",
"province": "Paktya",
"citydistrict": "Shwak",
"village": "",
"targetgroup": "Haqqani",
"commander": "",
"position": "leader",
"minkilled": "0",
"mincaptured": "4",
"capturedcharacterisation": "numerous",
"killedcharacterisation": "",
"killq": "false",
"captureq": "true",
"killcaptureraid": "true",
"airstrike": "false",
"noshotsfired": "false",
"dataprocessed": "true",
"flagged": "false",
"glossarymeta": "false",
"minleaderskilled": "0",
"minfacilitatorskilled": "0",
"minleaderscaptured": "1",
"minfacilitatorscaptured": "0","leaderq":"true"}