{ "name": "ANA Commandos, U.S. Special Forces Repel Insurgent Attack, Protect Afghan Family", "eventrefnumber": "2010-08-CA-098;2010-08-CA-119", "text": "ANA Commandos, U.S. Special Forces Repel Insurgent Attack, Protect Afghan Family\n
ISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan
For Immediate Release
Download PDF\n\n KABUL, Afghanistan (August 9) - Afghan National Army commandos from the 3rd Kandak, assisted by U.S. special forces, came under attack in Kandahar province Wednesday while conducting a security patrol to degrade and disrupt insurgents. 

The Afghan-led force went to a series of compounds in Howzi Madad located in the Zheray district of Kandahar after intelligence confirmed militant activity. As the partnered force neared the first set of compounds, they came under attack by rocket propelled grenade and small-arms fire from multiple enemy positions, one of which was a mosque being used by insurgents as their headquarters. A special forces commander on the ground said that more than 12 insurgents were killed in an escalation of force. 

\"The males of the village seemed extremely friendly and helpful toward the coalition forces, and even pointed out some improvised explosive devices within the town and asked if we could reduce it for them,\" said the coalition forces commander. While conducting a search of the compounds, local Afghan tips also led to the capture of a person of interest. \"Due to the gallantry of the men and their overwhelming fire superiority, they were able to break the enemy's ability to continue the ambush, and were able to protect a family caught in the cross-fire,\" said the commander. 

\"I'm extremely proud of the work of the commandos and USSF. This operation will lead to future success in ridding insurgents of the area.\"\n\n---\nNot enough information to confirm the connection, but below press release seems to be an update:\n\nISAF Confirms Taliban Commander and Facilitator Deaths\n
ISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan
For Immediate Release
Download PDF

 KABUL, Afghanistan (Aug. 11) -The International Security Assistance Force confirmed a combined security force killed Malauwi Ghulam Haideri, a senior Taliban commander, and Mulauwi Sher Agha, a Taliban facilitator, during an Afghan and coalition force operation Aug. 4. 

During the operation, insurgents immediately engaged the assault force and the subsequent hour-long fire fight resulted in at least 14 insurgents killed. No Afghan or coalition forces were hurt in the operation. During a break in the fighting, the assault force searched the area and found 26 rocket-propelled grenades, multiple automatic weapons, grenades, a recoilless rifle, and anti-personnel mine and approximately 1,000 rounds of ammunition at the scene. The security force destroyed the weapons before they departed the area. 

\"Our main effort is to secure Afghanistan, providing time and space for enduring governance and development initiatives to take root,\" said U.S. Army Col. Rafael Torres, International Security Assistance Force Joint Command Combined Joint Operation Center director. \"Afghan and coalition forces will continue to pursue those standing the way of those goals.\"", "StartDate": "2010-08-04", "eventtype": "insurgentskilled", "province": "Kandahar", "citydistrict": "Zheray", "village": "Howzi Madad", "targetgroup": "Taliban", "commander": "", "position": "senior Taliban commander;facilitator", "minkilled": "14", "mincaptured": "0", "capturedcharacterisation": "", "killedcharacterisation": "more than 12;at least 14", "killq": "true", "captureq": "false", "killcaptureraid": "false", "airstrike": "false", "noshotsfired": "false", "dataprocessed": "true", "flagged": "false", "glossarymeta": "false", "minleaderskilled": "1", "minfacilitatorskilled": "1", "minleaderscaptured": "0", "minfacilitatorscaptured": "0","leaderq":"true"}