{ "name": "Afghan, Coalition Force Targets High-Ranking IMU Senior Leader Overnight", "eventrefnumber": "2010-12-S-129", "text": "Afghan, Coalition Force Targets High-Ranking IMU Senior Leader Overnight\nISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan
For Immediate Release
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KABUL, Afghanistan (Dec. 12) - Afghan and coalition security forces killed an armed insurgent and detained five suspected insurgents during their search for a high-ranking Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan senior leader in Kunduz province last night.

 The targeted individual facilitates suicide bombers from Pakistan for attacks in the province and acts as a liaison for Taliban in the area.

 Intelligence reports led the security force to a series of compounds in Qal'ah-ye Zal district to search for the IMU operative. As the security force approached, they killed one insurgent armed with a machine gun after he threatened the security force.

 After the area was secure, the security force used a loudspeaker to call for all occupants to exit the compound peacefully before the joint security force cleared and secured the buildings. The assault force detained three suspected insurgents based on initial questioning at the scene.

 The assault force protected the women and children throughout the search.", "StartDate": "2010-12-12", "eventtype": "captureandkill", "province": "Kunduz", "citydistrict": "Qala-ye Zal", "village": "", "targetgroup": "IMU", "commander": "", "position": "senior leader", "minkilled": "1", "mincaptured": "5", "capturedcharacterisation": "5", "killedcharacterisation": "1", "killq": "true", "captureq": "true", "killcaptureraid": "true", "airstrike": "false", "noshotsfired": "false", "dataprocessed": "true", "flagged": "false", "glossarymeta": "false", "minleaderskilled": "0", "minfacilitatorskilled": "0", "minleaderscaptured": "0", "minfacilitatorscaptured": "0","leaderq":"false"}