{ "name": "Two detained in Khost", "eventrefnumber": "2011-04-S-003", "text": "ISAF Joint Command Operational Update April 2, 2011\nISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan
For Immediate Release

KABUL, Afghanistan (April 2, 2011) 
In Khost province, Afghan and coalition forces detained one Hezb-E Islami Gulbuddin, or HIG, facilitator, one HIG insurgent along with one other suspected insurgent during a security operation in Sabari district, yesterday.

One of the two HIG insurgents detained is involved in the facilitation of grenades, IEDs, and other various explosive materials. He is also responsible for placing IEDs targeting coalition forces.

Based on multiple intelligence sources, the joint security force targeted a suspected HIG compound in the district. Joint security forces isolated the compound before calling all occupants to exit the compound peacefully and ensuring the safety of all women and children.

After initial questioning, joint security forces identified and detained the HIG facilitator along with another highly valued HIG insurgent. The joint security force also detained one additional suspected insurgent for further questioning.", "StartDate": "2011-04-01", "eventtype": "detention", "province": "Khost", "citydistrict": "Sabari district", "village": "", "targetgroup": "HiG", "commander": "", "position": "facilitator", "minkilled": "0", "mincaptured": "3", "capturedcharacterisation": "1;2", "killedcharacterisation": "", "killq": "false", "captureq": "true", "killcaptureraid": "true", "airstrike": "false", "noshotsfired": "false", "dataprocessed": "true", "flagged": "false", "glossarymeta": "false", "minleaderskilled": "0", "minfacilitatorskilled": "0", "minleaderscaptured": "0", "minfacilitatorscaptured": "1","leaderq":"false"}