import re |
import datetime |
import pytest |
import numpy as np |
import pandas as pd |
import rasterio |
from pathlib import Path |
from PIL import Image |
from PIL.ExifTags import TAGS, GPSTAGS |
from numbers import Rational |
from math import isclose |
from geopy import distance |
from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors |
NUMBER_REGEX = re.compile(r'DJI_(\d*)') |
@pytest.fixture |
def expected_low_alt_dirs(): |
return { |
"15.04.2024": {"2m"}, |
"26.04.2024": {"2m"}, |
"07.05.2024": {"2m"}, |
"14.05.2024": {"2m"}, |
"27.05.2024": {"5m", "10m"}, |
"06.06.2024": {"5m", "10m", "20m"}, |
"12.06.2024": {"5m", "10m", "20m"}, |
"24.06.2024": {"5m", "10m", "20m", "40m"}, |
"05.07.2024": {"5m", "10m", "20m", "40m"}, |
"10.07.2024": {"5m","10m", "40m"}, |
"16.07.2024": {"5m", "10m", "20m"}, |
"24.07.2024": {"5m", "10m", "20m", "40m"} |
} |
@pytest.fixture |
def expected_reconstructed_files(): |
return [ |
"dsm.tif", |
"result.tif", |
"result_Blue.tif", |
"result_Green.tif", |
"result_NIR.tif", |
"result_Red.tif", |
"result_RedEdge.tif", |
"index_map/GNDVI.tif", |
"index_map/LCI.tif", |
"index_map/NDRE.tif", |
"index_map/NDVI.tif", |
"index_map/OSAVI.tif", |
"index_map_color/GNDVI_local.tif", |
"index_map_color/LCI_local.tif", |
"index_map_color/NDRE_local.tif", |
"index_map_color/NDVI_local.tif", |
"index_map_color/OSAVI_local.tif", |
] |
@pytest.fixture |
def dates(): |
current_dir = Path('.') |
return [date for date in current_dir.glob("*.2024") if date.is_dir()] |
@pytest.fixture |
def expected_coordinates(): |
points_from_clustering = np.array([ |
[42.652493119731815,23.5335933908046], |
[42.65268404501916,23.53364708716476], |
[42.65289795689655,23.53375856321839], |
[42.65308413122605,23.533792892720307], |
[42.65329313601532,23.53381995498084], |
[42.653500840996166,23.533874733716477], |
[42.653682366858234,23.53394230268199], |
[42.6536356321839,23.534255020114948], |
[42.65358158429118,23.53456061494253], |
[42.65336092049809,23.534458518199237], |
[42.65311266283525,23.53438435153257], |
[42.65285994058642,23.534302500771606], |
[42.65277988131313,23.534278771464646], |
[42.65269517624521,23.534265536398472], |
[42.65256960249042,23.53419812931035], |
[42.652472256704975,23.534161837164753], |
[42.65235443582375,23.534092082375487], |
[42.65221295019157,23.534681908045975], |
[42.652479424329506,23.534787376436785], |
[42.652771164750945,23.53494312452108], |
[42.65309712260537,23.535079702107286], |
[42.653323341954014,23.535162461685825], |
[42.65347431034482,23.535213143678156], |
[42.65338250383142,23.53566046743295], |
[42.65322460919539,23.535642157088123], |
[42.653034226053634,23.53558124042146], |
[42.65280317911878,23.535486852490422], |
[42.65260797605364,23.53538108333333], |
[42.6523800124521,23.53529239559387], |
[42.65213938122605,23.53520383429119], |
[42.65214804310344,23.534911490421457], |
[42.65237861302682,23.534422040229884], |
]) |
assert points_from_clustering.shape == (32, 2) |
return points_from_clustering |
def degrees_to_decimal(degrees: Rational, minutes: Rational, seconds: Rational, direction: str): |
assert(isinstance(degrees, Rational)) |
assert(isinstance(minutes, Rational)) |
assert(isinstance(seconds, Rational)) |
degrees = float(degrees) |
minutes = float(minutes) |
seconds = float(seconds) |
return (degrees + minutes / 60 + seconds / 3600) * (-1 if direction in ['W', 'S'] else 1) |
def get_exif_data(path): |
image = Image.open(path) |
exif_data = {} |
exif = image.getexif() |
assert exif is not None, path |
for tag, value in exif.items(): |
tag_name = TAGS.get(tag, tag) |
exif_data[tag_name] = value |
assert 'DateTime' in exif_data, path |
exif_data['DateTime'] = datetime.datetime.strptime(exif_data['DateTime'], '%Y:%m:%d %H:%M:%S') |
assert 'GPSInfo' in exif_data |
gps_info = {} |
for key,value in exif.get_ifd(0x8825).items(): |
decode = GPSTAGS.get(key, key) |
gps_info[decode] = value |
assert 'GPSLatitude' in gps_info, path |
assert 'GPSLongitude' in gps_info, path |
assert 'GPSAltitude' in gps_info, path |
for key in gps_info.keys(): |
if key == 'GPSLatitude': |
decim = degrees_to_decimal(*gps_info[key], gps_info['GPSLatitudeRef']) |
gps_info[key] = decim |
if key == 'GPSLongitude': |
decim = degrees_to_decimal(*gps_info[key], gps_info['GPSLongitudeRef']) |
gps_info[key] = decim |
exif_data['decoded_gps_info'] = gps_info |
return exif_data |
def test_all_dates_are_present(dates): |
assert len(dates) == 12 |
def test_lowalt_folder_integrity(dates, expected_low_alt_dirs, expected_coordinates): |
neighbors = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=NUM_NEIGHBORS).fit(expected_coordinates) |
points = [] |
for d in dates: |
low_alt_dirs = { lad for lad in d.glob("*m") if lad.is_dir() } |
assert len(low_alt_dirs) > 0 |
assert {n.name for n in low_alt_dirs} == expected_low_alt_dirs[d.name], d.name |
for low_alt_dir in low_alt_dirs: |
altitude = int(low_alt_dir.name[:-1]) + FIELD_ALTITUDE |
jpegs = list(low_alt_dir.glob("*.JPG")) |
jpegs.sort() |
assert len(jpegs) == 32 |
tifs = list(low_alt_dir.glob("*.TIF")) |
assert len(tifs) == 160 |
found_coordinates = {} |
for f in jpegs: |
ed = get_exif_data(f) |
assert ed['DateTime'].strftime("%d.%m.%Y") == d.name |
gps = ed['decoded_gps_info'] |
assert isclose(gps['GPSAltitude'], altitude, rel_tol=0.02), f'{low_alt_dir}, {f}' |
point = (gps['GPSLatitude'], gps['GPSLongitude']) |
indices = neighbors.kneighbors(np.expand_dims(point, 0), return_distance=False).flatten() |
for i in range(NUM_NEIGHBORS): |
nearest_point = tuple(expected_coordinates[indices[i]]) |
if nearest_point not in found_coordinates: |
found_coordinates[nearest_point] = point |
break |
else: |
print(( |
f"WARN: {f} nearest point {nearest_point} for {point} is already claimed by {found_coordinates[nearest_point]}. " |
f"Distance: {distance.distance(point, nearest_point).m}" |
) |
) |
assert nearest_point is not None, (f, point) |
assert distance.distance(point, nearest_point).m < 5.95, (f, point, nearest_point) |
points.append( |
{ |
'date': d.name, |
'altitude': gps['GPSAltitude'], |
'height': altitude - FIELD_ALTITUDE, |
'file': str(f), |
'geometry': point, |
'x': point[0], |
'y': point[1], |
'ref_x': nearest_point[0], |
'ref_y': nearest_point[1], |
} |
) |
jpeg_number = int(NUMBER_REGEX.match(f.name).group(1)) |
assert jpeg_number > 0 and jpeg_number < 9999 |
tif_files = [f.parent / f"DJI_{jpeg_number + i:04d}.TIF" for i in range(1, 6)] |
for tif in tif_files: |
assert tif.exists(), tif |
tif_ed = get_exif_data(tif) |
assert tif_ed['DateTime'].strftime("%d.%m.%Y") == d.name, tif |
tif_gps = tif_ed['decoded_gps_info'] |
assert isclose(tif_gps['GPSAltitude'], gps['GPSAltitude'], rel_tol=1e-3), tif |
assert isclose(tif_gps['GPSLatitude'], gps['GPSLatitude'], rel_tol=1e-7), tif |
assert isclose(tif_gps['GPSLongitude'], gps['GPSLongitude'], rel_tol=1e-7), tif |
assert len(found_coordinates) == 32, (d.name, low_alt_dir.name) |
pd.DataFrame(points).to_csv('points.csv', index=False) |
def test_aerial_folder_integrity(dates): |
for d in dates: |
aerial = d / "aerial" |
assert aerial.exists() |
jpegs = list(aerial.glob("*.JPG")) |
assert len(jpegs) == 36 |
tifs = list(aerial.glob("*.TIF")) |
assert len(tifs) == 180 |
for f in jpegs + tifs: |
ed = get_exif_data(f) |
assert ed['DateTime'].strftime("%d.%m.%Y") == d.name |
def test_terra_folder_integrity(dates, expected_reconstructed_files): |
for d in dates: |
for subdir in [d / "terra/default", d / "terra/lu"]: |
assert subdir.exists() |
assert subdir.is_dir() |
assert {f.name for f in subdir.iterdir()} == {"map", "mission.json"}, subdir |
assert {f.name for f in (subdir / "map").iterdir() if f.is_dir()} == {"index_map", "index_map_color" }, subdir / "map" |
assert {f.name for f in (subdir / "map/index_map").iterdir() if f.is_dir()} == set(), subdir / "map/index_map" |
assert {f.name for f in (subdir / "map/index_map_color").iterdir() if f.is_dir()} == set(), subdir / "map/index_map_color" |
assert (subdir / "map/SDK_Log.txt").exists() == False, subdir |
for f in [subdir / "map" / f for f in expected_reconstructed_files]: |
assert f.exists() |
assert f.is_file() |
dataset = rasterio.open(f) |
if not str(f).endswith("dsm.tif"): |
assert dataset.width >= 3532 and dataset.width <= 3682, f |
assert dataset.height >=3656 and dataset.height <= 3833, f |
if not str(f).endswith("_local.tif"): |
assert dataset.crs.to_epsg() == 4326, f |
b = dataset.bounds |
assert isclose(b.left, 23.533500842872694, rel_tol=1e-5), f |
assert isclose(b.right, 23.536542466168836, rel_tol=1e-5), f |
assert isclose(b.top, 42.65398844980852, rel_tol=1e-5), f |
assert isclose(b.bottom, 42.65168278534697, rel_tol=1e-5), f |
assert f.with_suffix(".prj").exists() |
assert f.with_suffix(".tfw").exists() |
if "index_map" in str(f) and "index_map_color" not in str(f): |
data = dataset.read() |
assert np.nanmin(data) >= -1 |
assert np.nanmax(data) <= 1 |
def test_extra_folder_exists(dates): |
for d in dates: |
extra_dir = (d / "extra") |
assert extra_dir.exists() == False, extra_dir.absolute() |