Don't comment your code. Refactor it. - mcrittenden https://critter.blog/2020/09/15/dont-comment-your-code-refactor-it/ ====== jfengel The most important "comments" in your code are names. Taking a chunk of code and giving it a name gives you a small bit of free text to explain what it does. The function signature gives you a few more words to play with: foo(Bar x) -> Baz is a function that foos a Bar into a Baz. (Another reason why functions should have as few arguments as you can manage.) A well-named piece of code will often read almost like natural language text. People tend to ignore comments anyway. The fewer of them you have, the more likely they'll take notice of one that's actually important. ------ valand > Explaining why the most obvious code wasn’t written. (Design decisions) This is actually the most important thing in this article. The technical why of things are often overlooked in today's software development. It rarely is the problem until the original maintainer moves out to other project. Non- technical contributor sometimes won't or can't be bothered with it because either it is pretty complex, they have a lot in their plates doing non- technical stuffs, or both. While commenting on the what is DISCOURAGED because 1.) comments can be quickly outdated and they are not tested/compiled 2.) they can be replaced with self-documenting code, commenting on the why must be ENCOURAGED, unless the software has a dedicated technical manuals / design document, which is pretty rare these days. > The problem with comments is that they have no compile-time check and tend > to be forgotten. It’s very easy to change your code but forget about the > comments. I write a bit of Rust and they have partial comment check on compile time. We can write example in the comments and they actually runs and get converted into a documentation. Neat! ------ mariaanton89 agree...
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
The Myth of Multitasking - robg http://www.thenewatlantis.com/publications/article_detail.asp?id=414&css=print ====== bryarcanium If you are interested in time and multitasking, look at some of anthropologist Edward Hall's stuff. Monochronism and Polychronism have been co-opted to apply to individuals but they were coined by Hall to describe patterns of culture. A highly monochronic culture would be Germany; things happen one at a time, from start to finish, where a new thing starts. A highly polychronic culture would be a lot of latin cultures, where whatever is most important that second takes precedence, no matter when you started it (this is usually determined socially; family>customer, for example). Most cultures are more complex than that, though. Japanese business tends to be highly polychronic in the planning stages, where a consensus must be reached and all the time in the world is taken to reach it. However, once the decision has been made, the implementation is not only wicked fast but highly monochronic. He's worth looking into if you really want to make the leap from how multi- tasking affects individuals to how it affects complex systems. ------ lvecsey They conflate a few different issues here, the first is interleaving which is ok since you don't really suffer a performance loss or mental setback. The other one is a context switch, for example when a manager interrupts you with something trivial. Theres nothing more effective at stalling a high speed pipeline than that. ~~~ scott_s Can you explain what you mean by interleaving? My intuitive definition ends up being the same as multitasking. ~~~ cconstantine I'm guessing the grandparent post is talking about working on multiple (2, maybe 3) tasks. While waiting for something from one task like a compile/test run to complete or a response from another developer on a question, you can work on the other. This allows you to fill empty time with something productive and lets you context switch at favorable times. That kind of soft context switch is fairly easy to manage. A task coming and forcing a context switch in the middle of something incurs a much higher penalty. ~~~ scott_s Still sounds like plain 'ol multitasking to me, as does the other reply. ~~~ fallentimes But with multitasking you're working on something at the direct cost of working on something else and indirect cost of time lost switching context. With this, you work on things while other items are being autoworked on (e.g. running a test or a crawl, downloading a file). ------ carruthk Multitasking is a pernicious evil of our times! Also the cost of context switching (especially for developers) can be hours per day.
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
Fuck-That Money - joshuap https://www.honeybadger.io/blog/f-ck-that-money/ ====== JohnFen This essay is spot on. I'm a big believer in having "fuck that" money. When I have less than that, I feel trapped for obvious reasons. When I have more than that, then the money itself brings additional headaches and pains that also grind me down. ~~~ joshuap Thanks John! ------ downerending Agree, though it's kind of an odd way to express the idea. Looking at it another way, make sure your expenses always remain so low that you can simply walk away from any job. That's the only way to remain free.
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
HTML5 Scorecard: Chrome for Android Beta - mariuz http://www.sencha.com/blog/html5-scorecard-chrome-mobile-beta/ ====== ypcx "This item cannot be installed in your device's country." Whoever did that - I'd deny them access to any cafe or restaurant not located on their home street, because you know, it's not on their home street! APK download links from the XDA forum (I've installed from the first one): <http://dl.dropbox.com/u/22987550/com.android.chrome-1.apk> [https://dl.dropbox.com/0/view/h01lx63elymar7i/com.android.ch...](https://dl.dropbox.com/0/view/h01lx63elymar7i/com.android.chrome-1.apk.zip) ~~~ nextparadigms Very strange that they did that. Any one care to guess why they only allowed it in some countries? Is it just because the developers forgot to check all the country boxes? ------ poutine Doesn't look it supports server sent events, a pity as they're much nicer to deal with than websockets (which it does support unlike the native browser). Still going to be a long time until we can depend on these technologies for android as uptake on chrome is going to be slow. ------ leeoniya "Happily, the very new -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch property, which debuted in iOS 5, is also now available in Chrome for Android. It’s smooth and fast. (Nice job Chrome team!)" vendor prefix glorification :`( ~~~ polyvole Many good things in CSS3 started out as a vendor prefix. Don't be silly.
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
How choosing the wrong cloud provider could kill your SaaS startup - ponderatul http://blog.howtoweb.co/2015/11/cloud-infrastructure/ ====== stephenr Not a single mention of the biggest risk that apparently no one considers anymore: Vendor lock in. If your business is tied specifically to Amazon or Google or Azure "cloud" services, you might as well get out the hacksaw because you've already shot yourself in the foot and it's turned gangrenous while you had a circle jerk about how your startup is so "cloudy". Besides that. Jesus fucking christ 2MB of shit to serve me 12KB of text on a white page? Are you fucking kidding me? ~~~ ponderatul Well, everyone is speaking about what they have encountered. But I see your point. Companies should look ahead to when they reach a bigger scale. ~~~ stephenr Vendor lock-in isn't just an issue with scale. You can be a small player and still get fucked over when your sole vendor increases prices/stops running a service/changes a service drastically/has large amounts of downtime/etc If you use standard components that you deploy yourself, you are beholden to no single provider, and you can even split your hosting between DCs operated by different companies, to reduce the chances of 'whole-of-org' issues. Honestly a server vendor should be treated how most people _want_ phone/internet companies to act (dumb pipes): a dumb VM/Physical Host provider. ------ ponderatul Hi, I don't post much, but I read a lot from the content here and haven't seen too much written about choosing a cloud provider for a SaaS Startup. It seems to me a critical decision in the life of a startup, that if you get wrong, can cost you at least a few months of catching-up to get back to your initial pace. Does anyone have any similar experiences to share ?
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
Docker and Security - mwcampbell http://blog.docker.io/2014/02/docker-and-security/ ====== kogir Containers are great for isolating trusted applications from one another to ease deployment, but using them for multi-tenant security is ill advised. Since all containers share the same kernel, any local privilege escalation vulnerability in Linux can be used to escape the container. Such vulnerabilities are much more common than vulnerabilities in mature hypervisors, so virtualization is the safer choice. ~~~ tptacek This, and also bear in mind that kernel crypto state, particularly for the RNG, is shared. ~~~ sneak Oh, fuck. I hadn't even _thought_ of that. That's disaster. ~~~ SvenDowideit only if you're expecting containers to somehow be a unicorn that lets you give people you don't know have your root password. :) ------ aroch So, does Docker run their blog in its own docker container? If so, it crashed! ~~~ jamtur01 Oops. Looks like a little hiccup but we're back. ------ voltagex_ Was this written in response to an irresponsible disclosure? ~~~ jamtur01 Hi We didn't have an irresponsible disclosure. We did recently present some of this information and were asked about our security policy. That policy wasn't yet published or announced so we decided it was important to get it out there, especially leading up to the Docker 1.0 release. Please feel free to contact me, james@docker.com, if you have any questions or concerns about the policy. Thanks! ~~~ voltagex_ Hm, maybe my comment sounded more harsh than I meant it to - I was more curious because I've seen similar statements from other companies after something bad had happened. Thanks for clarifying. ------ kbar13 502 Bad Gateway _
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
Bill Ackman Scored a 10k% Return Amid Coronavirus Market Meltdown - spking https://observer.com/2020/03/hedge-fund-bill-ackman-profit-coronavirus-market-crash/ ====== cjbenedikt Let's not jump to conclusions before we can see the losses on his portfolio which he will have to net off. After all it was a hedge...
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
What Is Apache Beam and How Is It Used? - johnson_mark1 http://www.talend.com/blog/2016/05/02/introduction-to-apache-beam ====== ericand Google's take: [https://cloud.google.com/blog/big-data/2016/05/why-apache- be...](https://cloud.google.com/blog/big-data/2016/05/why-apache-beam-a- google-perspective) Data Artisan's take: [http://data-artisans.com/why-apache-beam/](http://data- artisans.com/why-apache-beam/)
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
A Nixon Deepfake, a 'Moon Disaster' Speech and an Information Ecosystem at Risk - LinuxBender https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/a-nixon-deepfake-a-moon-disaster-speech-and-an-information-ecosystem-at-risk/ ====== mellosouls Currently being discussed in another thread: [https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=23896996](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=23896996) ~~~ dang Comments moved thither. Thanks!
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
Business Card Ray Tracer (2013) - harel http://fabiensanglard.net/rayTracing_back_of_business_card/index.php ====== eat_veggies Also see this one: [https://mzucker.github.io/2016/08/03/miniray.html](https://mzucker.github.io/2016/08/03/miniray.html) which generated the logo for the IOCCC! ~~~ mroche Andrew Kensler did it again for Grace Hopper Celebration 2018 for Pixar's Recruiting booth: [http://fabiensanglard.net/postcard_pathtracer/index.html](http://fabiensanglard.net/postcard_pathtracer/index.html) Pictures of the postcard can be found in the footnotes of that page. ------ sehugg Look at that subtle off-white coloring. The tasteful thickness of it. Oh, my God. It even has a watermark. ------ wurst_case You like that huh? [https://www.dwitter.net/](https://www.dwitter.net/) ------ r-w They misspelled “Courier” in the CSS. ------ RandyRanderson Honest question: why do ppl do this? ~~~ alanbernstein I dunno, why do people play golf? ------ rimher This is so fascinating! ------ Criper1Tookus I see a bug in the code. Columns 14 and 17 do not appear to be working. If the vector values are replaced with 524251 (which is the sum of 2^0 through 2^18) we should get 9 rows of 19 shiny spheres, but we get 9 rows of 17 shiny spheres with the spheres at positions 14 and 17 missing from each row. Can anybody say why this might be? ------ bitmadness Really neat project, beautiful code.
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
Show HN: Nabaroo, discover and collect media from social networks - rtrankler http://nabaroo.com ====== mercnet What exactly does this do? Does it crawl my social networks for pictures, videos, and links? Please add more information, a demo, or a video to the landing page. Also, the background is straining my eyes. ~~~ rtrankler Using the APIs, it gives you ability to search and discover photos, videos, and audio from your social networks authenticated with the site. Users can then hand pick their favorite media and organize it collections. Functionally it's similar to pinterest but with a broader range content. Thank you for the feedback! ------ hsx I think this is a great idea but do you store these images? If someone were to set the content to private, would it still be available through Nabaroo ..? ~~~ rtrankler No, we don't. The content is accessed dynamically so the private content wouldn't be accessible once it is set to private. Also, on Nabaroo you can choose to keep your collections private w/ an option to invite select users only.
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
Show HN: Golang Websocket Chat Room Server - starlineventure https://github.com/dafinley/websocket ====== starlineventure There's an ios and android app setup to work with it: [https://github.com/dafinley/twilio-video-app- android](https://github.com/dafinley/twilio-video-app-android) [https://github.com/dafinley/twilio-video-app- ios](https://github.com/dafinley/twilio-video-app-ios)
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
Umami, the fifth basic taste - nyellin http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Umami ====== metafunctor ...which doesn't actually exist: [http://www.gourmet.com/magazine/2000s/2008/07/scienceofflavo...](http://www.gourmet.com/magazine/2000s/2008/07/scienceofflavor)
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
Ask HN: I am turning 20 today.Got some advice?(as an entrepreneur or a developer) - pvsukale1 I am a newbie web developer. and a wannabe entrepreneur . I am confused about a lot of things .like grad school , to focus on studies or some idea. I am asking for some advice you got for me as an developer or entrepreneur. ====== thecupisblue I am not much older than you and started working professionally when I was your age, tho I did toy with programming since I was a kid. There is one quote I like that really makes the huge difference in everything. "No matter how you feel, get up, dress up, show up". Go to meetups. Considering another language? Go to their meetups. No meetups for your field of interest? Start one. Join slack communities. Join local facebook groups. Help others. Like, if you know someone who wants to learn development, needs help finding a job, needs advice or similar - as long as they aren't a leach/asshole, help them, it will come back to you. Reputation matters. Learn from older developers around you. Ask questions, be polite, if you think they won't help, try their ego: "Hey, I know you're an expert on X...". As people below said, learn about marketing and sales, learn people skills, knowing that stuff is a ticket to be more than a code monkey and will make you a better entrepreneur. Speak at as many conferences, panels, talks as you can. Don't tie your identity to the company you work for. Read books by people smarter than you. Don't argue with people on the Internet, it's useless, especially on social networks. ~~~ pvsukale1 thank you for your advice. being part of developer communities really helps.I have gained a significant amount of knowledge in these online meetups, forums. ------ FlopV Do everything you do, with a sense of passion. Don't half ass anything. This isn't limited to learning web development or starting a company as an entrepreneur. Have passion in your personal relationships, your health, your fun, your downtime. Enjoy the ride and execute, don't be afraid to make mistakes and don't get stuck "thinking" about what you need to do, you're better off "doing". ~~~ J-dawg Do you have any practical tips for doing this on a daily basis? I read your comment and completely agreed with the sentiment, but then found myself thinking "what can I do differently?" I'm a lot older than the OP, and fear I have spent a lot of my life living without passion. ~~~ FlopV 1\. Get quality sleep, if I don't sleep well, my mind is foggy all day, and I'm just going through the motions. 7-9 hours is key for me depending on the night. 2\. Wake up a little earlier than you need to be up. This way you won't be rushing to start your day, and you'll feel a less stressed. 3\. Write down/be aware of your goals. Break them into small achievable tasks, this way you aren't overwhelmed, but you're constantly working towards them. 4\. Block your schedule for what you want to achieve, this way you do that specific thing, instead of trying to do 10 things, and focus on what that block is for. 5\. Look at things with prospective, you've only have so much time on this earth. This is tough and my own view changed with a near death experience, although I'd avoid that one...ha! ~~~ pvsukale1 yeah and the "you've got only one life" perspective kept me inspired many times. and good sleep is rare (I am in college) but I have realized the importance of it . :) I am trying to wake up early and go for running and stuff ! ------ trost Read the book "So Good They Can't Ignore You" by Cal Newport. It's not about web dev or entrepreneurship, but it's well worth the read. (I'm a web dev turned entrepreneur, so I know it suits your situation). I'm finally reading it and it is eye-opening. In short: Become really good at what you do through deliberate practice. This will open doors and get you where you want to go. ~~~ pvsukale1 thanx man for the suggestion :-) will read that book ..for sure. ------ BjoernKW Learn about marketing and sales. Talk to and connect with people. More importantly, listen to them first. Don't try to focus on ideas, rather train your mind to be aware of problems - big and small - around you. Take notes about problems you noticed and review those notes from time to time. Talking to people and noticing things will let you discover true opportunities while thinking about ideas for yourself is more like a gamble: You might fluke it but it'll really be down to sheer luck. A word about passion: Doing something you love is essential but don't limit yourself to something that you've determined to be passionate about early on. As with problems around you rather be open-minded and let passion come to you. There can be passion in the most unlikely places (I for one am quite passionate about creating boring enterprise software because there's plenty of improvement to be made in that area, particularly in terms of usability and UX) ~~~ pvsukale1 thank you for your advice. and yeah it is true ..unless you keep an open mind you don't know what else are you passionate about :) ------ kdamken Happy birthday. Go to this site, and read through this article - [http://www.mrmoneymustache.com/2013/02/22/getting-rich- from-...](http://www.mrmoneymustache.com/2013/02/22/getting-rich-from-zero-to- hero-in-one-blog-post/). Focus on saving. As a developer, you can save a lot of money by the time you're thirty, likely enough that you won't ever need to work again. I'm not saying you'd have to, but you can give yourself the ability to choose when you work, how often you work, and what you work on. ~~~ pvsukale1 thank for your advice ! :)will keep this in mind!savings! ~~~ kdamken No problem! Basically you'd want to follow these steps: 1\. Keep your living expenses as low as you can while increasing your salary as much as you can. 2\. Try and save at least 50% of your income. After you have six months of living expenses saved as an emergency fund, focus on maxing out your tax sheltered retirement funds - your 401k and IRA's. Make sure to invest in low cost index funds. 3\. If you have money left after, open a brokerage account with Vanguard and look into investing in their low cost index funds as well. Poor as much money as you can into this. More on picking index funds [https://www.bogleheads.org/wiki/Lazy_portfolios](https://www.bogleheads.org/wiki/Lazy_portfolios) ------ noir_lord Don't take your health or general physical condition for granted. It's _a lot_ harder to get back in shape than stay in shape. ~~~ pvsukale1 sure will keep that in mind!! ;) ------ MalcolmDiggs Work less. Smile more. :) Seriously, this is one of the best times of your life...unless you take a job that squeezes every bit of energy and life out of you. Achieving work-life balance early in your career will make this profession sustainable for you in the long run; so I'd focus on that. Beyond that: do whatever jobs interest you at the time, live on less than you make, and don't forget to backup your work. ~~~ pvsukale1 :) thanks. I just want to ask .. work-life balance is it important in your 20's ? ~~~ MalcolmDiggs Life is important in your 20s. If you max-out the time you're working, you'll miss some of the best parts of life. You're only young once. ------ sharemywin entrepreneurship is about sales. Even the SV hype machine is doing a major sales job on people. If you don't like to sell or know some one that does that you like to work with. Find a hobby you'll be happier. ~~~ pvsukale1 ok ;) ~~~ sharemywin I've built several sites/businesses that if I could sell I would be a millionaire. ~~~ pvsukale1 what you gonna do about the selling part? I mean how do you develope it ? ~~~ sharemywin I mean sell a service not sell the sites. ------ dividual Don't seek trophies. Nearly every endeavor in our modern world is some form of gamification. Degrees are gamification, or traveling is gamification (Think of those stamps they put on your passport. Did you really travel just to get a little stamp, or learn something new?). Build on strengths. We all have weaknesses and it is worthwhile finding these weaknesses early so that you're not hung up about them later. You can only build on strength. Don't waste a thousand lifetimes fixing weakness. Get a routine. The secret of success is invariably found in daily routine. Everyone has their own routine. The key is to make progress with the routine and have an 'upper hand' over others. ~~~ pvsukale1 thank you very much for your advice!that gamification thing is really true! ------ max_ Beat Procastination!!! [http://waitbutwhy.com/2013/11/how-to-beat- procrastination.ht...](http://waitbutwhy.com/2013/11/how-to-beat- procrastination.html) ~~~ pvsukale1 :) procrastination is a major issue ------ alc90 Just start - build things - don't stop. Don't fear failure. Make big bets starting yesterday - because at 20 you have nothing to lose - no wife, no kids. ~~~ osullivj Yes! Take risks, try new stuff, follow your muse. Later on, possibly with responsibilities like partner, kids & mortgage you won't have so much freedom. ~~~ pvsukale1 thanks :). I am trying to build stuff ! [https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=11674372](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=11674372) ------ hvo First of all,happy birthday to you. My advice to you is to avoid distraction at all cost.When you set goals to achieve something meaningful in life,you will almost always come to face distraction at some point.Distraction can come in different shades and shapes. I encourage you to learn how to separate signal from noise. I wish you well. ~~~ pvsukale1 thank you very much for your advice! ------ bo_Olean Just Two things: 1) Always be writing code to build things. 2) Be selling what you build. Without (1) you won't grow professionally. Without (2) you won't survive. ~~~ pvsukale1 thanks :) . how to learn about the selling part? ------ savoiadilucania Stay off the Internet and read books. ------ tmaly try to identify patterns of things that work for you. No one likes taking advice, but if you can figure out some good shortcuts, you can focus on creating value. I am just finishing up an audio book of Linchpin by Seth Godin. It has some great ideas in there in regards to being a remarkable artist instead of being a cog in the machine. I think this is important, especially as we are moving away from a manufacturing based economy. ~~~ pvsukale1 :) can you explain a little more about creating a value? thanks ------ erac1e When you are 30 you will probably be less enthusiastic about cutting code. Have a backup plan. ~~~ pvsukale1 :)
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
Wireless vehicle-to-vehicle communication would be required in new cars - serg_chernata http://www.theverge.com/2016/12/13/13936342/wireless-vehicle-to-vehicle-communication-v2v-v2i-dot-nhtsa ====== blendo From the fact sheet [https://www.safercar.gov/v2v/pdf/V2V_NPRM_Fact_Sheet_121316_...](https://www.safercar.gov/v2v/pdf/V2V_NPRM_Fact_Sheet_121316_v1.pdf): What data is exchanged? The data, known as the “basic safety message” (BSM), is exchanged between vehicles and contains vehicle dynamics information such as heading, speed, and location. The BSM is updated and broadcast up to 10 times per second to surrounding vehicles. The information is received by other vehicles equipped with V2V devices and processed to determine collision threats. Based on that information, if required, a warning could be issued to drivers to take appropriate action to avoid an imminent crash. Will drivers’ privacy be at riskw hen V2V is deployed? By design, the V2V system will not collect, broadcast, or share information linked or linkable, as a practical matter, to individuals or their vehicles. V2V-enabled vehicles exchange only generic safety information. The system is designed to operate without using any personal information about specific vehicles or drivers. The details are at: [http://www.safercar.gov/v2v/pdf/V2V%20NPRM_Web_Version.pdf](http://www.safercar.gov/v2v/pdf/V2V%20NPRM_Web_Version.pdf) See particularly "Proposed V2V Basic Safety Message (BSM) Content". This includes a 32-bit random id, transmitting 10 messages per second, to include time, lat/lng/elevation, speed, heading, acceleration, and yaw (yaw being the rate at which the vehicle’s direction is changing (i.e., the rate at which the vehicle’s face is pivoting towards the left or the right). Range will be about 300 meters. And this goody: A PER of less than 10% aligns with the ASTM standard E2213-03 (2003) where “(2) DSRC devices must be capable of transferring messages to and from vehicles at speeds of 85 mph with a Packet Error Rate (PER) of less than 10 % for PSDU lengths of 1000 bytes and to and from vehicles at speeds of 120 mph with a PER of less than 10 % for PSDU lengths of 64 bytes.” I expect real benefits when traffic lights could also transmit messages such as "Hey you people coming from the North and Sound, I'm going to turn red in 10 seconds." And as an urban pedestrian, I want a portable unit. Sorry, Tesla owners, your "Ludicrous" mode may be periodically downgraded to "Meek and Mild" mode.
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
Check if your data was shared with Cambridge analytica FB check tool - askari01 https://www.facebook.com/help/1873665312923476?helpref=search&sr=1&query=cambridge ====== forkerenok The cynic in me keeps wondering whether this is a genuine attempt at getting some transparency points or FB wants to more precisely analyze how many people actually care... ~~~ panarky This only applies to the leak of 84 million profiles to Cambridge Analytica. This leak was less than 4% of a much larger leak that's not getting much attention. Why doesn't Facebook alert users if their profile was leaked to "malicious actors" who collected profiles of "most of its 2 billion users worldwide". [https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the- switch/wp/2018/04/04...](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the- switch/wp/2018/04/04/facebook-said-the-personal-data-of-most-its-2-billion- users-has-been-collected-and-shared-with-outsiders/) ~~~ aylmao I think the reason this isn't being reported much on is because it wasn't a leak. It sounds like it was just a scrape of data from the site. Scraping websites to collect public information is nothing new. Malicious actors do it all the time, as do non-malicious actors too. Google literally does it. EDIT: I'm all for facebook messed up and we need more guarantees but lets be objective though. The CA issue is an issue, this 2 billion thing is just a web-crawler. ~~~ panarky No, this wasn't just garden variety web crawling. Sites can control whether they get crawled or not. Facebook, for example, stops Google from crawling Facebook profiles. But Facebook allowed "malicious actors" to access to user profiles for "most of its 2 billion users worldwide". These 2 billion users didn't choose to expose their personal information to "malicious actors", Facebook did it without their consent. ------ devilmoon What about those of us that actually deleted Facebook after the scandal? How are we supposed to check if our data was shared with CA if Facebook requires you to be logged in to check? ~~~ hshehehjdjdjd If Facebook purged your information, how could they verify your identity? They don’t want to provide the ability to check if an arbitrary person was leaked, because that has its own privacy issues. So in this context I wonder what you expect them to do. ~~~ devilmoon Facebook takes up to 90 days to purge my information from their systems (if ever, I am quite sure a ghost account will always remain and it will be a strong one as well since they've collected so much information on me throughout the years). They have my email address, they could just email everyone whose data was shared. ------ creo Hey Facebook, how about you notify people, not other way around? ~~~ andrewguenther Everyone who was impacted is getting a notification at the top of their feed. Looks like it isn't showing up for everyone immediately though, I first heard about it two days ago and I just saw it today. ~~~ primitur They've got my email. They can send me an email notification. Methinks they don't want to do that because lawyers. ~~~ HenryBemis I won't downvote you, I will just say: duh! the objective is that you spend more time on Facebook, NOT on your mailbox :) ~~~ notheguyouthink Is "duh" really a meaningful statement here? We're discussing this because Facebook is already in "trouble" for scummy tactics. Doesn't _" duh, of course they want you to login"_ sort of accept one of those tactics? Imo, yes - email should totally be possible, without logging in ideally, if they wanted to truly save face. The fact that they aren't is, of course, a clear indication that they aren't being honest, instead they're primarily concerned with using this as a scummy tactic to get their hooks into your brain again. So.. no, not duh, imo. If we accept "duh", we start lowering our expectations, in the same way that American politics has as of late. We lose our base position, indicating when we should be outraged/etc. ------ kerng Step 1) Login to Facebook. Sorry, that's not how breach notification works. Facebook attempts to continue making money off of their customers data being leaked. ------ tudorw "you must log in first", er no, I deleted my account, I'd still like to know what they shared, is that possible ? ~~~ nevi-me I think there's no incentive to do that. \- "I deleted my account 3 months ago, so how come my records still exist on your servers"? \- If a class-action or some other litigation takes place, proof that n+1 people's into was shared is worse than n people's info. If an account is deleted, perhaps less risk. \- If the only non-creepy way of verifying who I am is logging in, and I can't log in anymore, any other option is bad PR for FB, and is subject to abuse. ~~~ tudorw I have not checked, but it would seem likely I still have some rights to know what they know about me, does anyone know their current legal obligation to fulfil my right to be forgotten ? ------ gjm11 One thing I find interesting about this is the very cautious wording of the message you get in the "good" case. 'As a result, it doesn't appear your Facebook information was shared with Cambridge Analytica _by "This is Your Digital Life"_.' They don't say your information wasn't shared with Cambridge Analytica. They don't even say your information "doesn't appear" to have been shared with Cambridge Analytica. They say it doesn't appear to have been shared _by this particular route_. Mere caution on general principles? Or do they know or suspect that there may be other means by which Facebook users' data have been shared with Cambridge Analytica? ------ verteu Is there a tool to check if my social graph data was scraped by the Obama campaign? Or is this only a scandal when it helps Republicans? [1] [https://twitter.com/cld276/status/975568130117459975](https://twitter.com/cld276/status/975568130117459975) [2] [http://thehill.com/opinion/technology/379245-whats-genius- fo...](http://thehill.com/opinion/technology/379245-whats-genius-for-obama-is- scandal-when-it-comes-to-trump) ~~~ btown There is a subtle difference in that the Obama campaign obtained consent from the friend who volunteered their subgraph to use that data for political purposes, whereas Cambridge Analytica’s academic sources obtained no such consent from anyone. One could argue that the distinction is less meaningful as Obama’s usage was not very well informed consent. But it’s a distinction nonetheless. And beyond that, Facebook has no incentive to expand the scope of their PR problem by advertising this lesser known fact. As the tweet cites, Facebook was politically biased in a specific enforcement action in the past. That does not itself indicate that there is any political reasoning behind the decision not to release an Obama tool today. ------ aphextron >”You must log in first.” ~~~ jsendros I'm not sure how you expected to avoid this. ~~~ aphextron Because I deleted my account immediately upon learning about the disclosures. I assumed the notifications would come via email or SMS. They've never had trouble doing that before now. For FB to turn this into yet another data collection vector, as well as tricking people who may have “deactivated” their accounts into logging back in and stopping the deactivation process, is just the height of evil absurdity. This is beyond the pale even for them. ------ blablabla123 Check, probably not shared for me and my friends. That's not surprising though as I'm from Germany. And of course it's "not shared" for most Facebook users. However this is highly misleading as this is just one example of data harvesting on Facebook. ------ stuaxo I find it very hard to imagine that "This is your digital life" was the only source CA used. It's more logical that they would have had an ongoing effort to keep collecting data. ------ Tycho What’s funny about this whole thing is that nobody really cares that _their own_ data may have been accessed by CA, they are just angry that _other_ people, meaning gullible Trump supporters, may have been affected. ~~~ aksss It’s a ridiculous narrative (the trump thing). Any explanation for behavior of a group that depends on patronizing assumptions rarely reflects a true understanding of that group’s motivations. It’s not a reason to let up on Facebook but it’s always been a stretch to think that in an election with billions spent that Hillary lost because of this shit. Try a simpler explanation: Hillary was a shit candidate who many distrust, and she worked very hard to get that reputation. ~~~ vostok > Try a simpler explanation: Hillary was a shit candidate who many distrust, > and she worked very hard to get that reputation. It seems to me that many people who are not Clinton worked very hard at manufacturing this reputation. ------ itakedrugs Is it possible to know if they target democrats?
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
What Do Real Thugs Think of The Wire? - tyn http://freakonomics.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/01/09/what-do-real-thugs-think-of-the-wire/ ====== whimsy Full list of links to the story. 1: [http://freakonomics.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/01/09/what-do- rea...](http://freakonomics.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/01/09/what-do-real-thugs- think-of-the-wire/) 2: [http://freakonomics.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/01/18/what-do- rea...](http://freakonomics.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/01/18/what-do-real-thugs- think-of-the-wire-part-two/) 3: [http://freakonomics.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/01/25/what-do- rea...](http://freakonomics.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/01/25/what-do-real-thugs- think-of-the-wire-part-three/) 4: [http://freakonomics.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/01/31/what-do- rea...](http://freakonomics.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/01/31/what-do-real-thugs- think-of-the-wire-part-four/) 5: [http://freakonomics.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/02/07/what-do- rea...](http://freakonomics.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/02/07/what-do-real-thugs- think-of-the-wire-part-five/) 6: [http://freakonomics.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/02/12/what-do- rea...](http://freakonomics.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/02/12/what-do-real-thugs- think-of-the-wire-part-six/) 7: [http://freakonomics.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/02/22/what-do- rea...](http://freakonomics.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/02/22/what-do-real-thugs- think-of-the-wire-part-seven/) 8: [http://freakonomics.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/02/28/what-do- rea...](http://freakonomics.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/02/28/what-do-real-thugs- think-of-the-wire-part-eight/) 9: [http://freakonomics.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/03/10/what-do- rea...](http://freakonomics.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/03/10/what-do-real-thugs- think-of-the-wire-part-nine/) (This is worse than multi-page stories. =( ) ~~~ pavel_lishin > This is worse than multi-page stories. =( But I bet dead simple to write. I mean, sure, getting in touch with these people and getting them to speak honestly to you is hard, and keeping them coming back probably isn't easy either, but... you go hang out with them, write down what they say, and type it out. ~~~ whimsy Ah, I was merely commenting on the format of the story. It wasn't HARD to get this list, but it was non-trivial. ------ jonathanjaeger The Wire is, in my opinion, the best show in the history of television (or at least of what I've seen). The Wire seems to have received a lot of critical acclaim and a cult following, especially after its end. Too bad it never got the popularity it deserved when comparing it to The Sopranos. Although I like The Sopranos, I think The Wire brought a lot more to the table in terms of writing, gritty realism, and pure entertainment. ~~~ proemeth One thing that can be both a quality and a problem, is that The Wire is very demanding. A lot of what happens is implicit or not directly seen on camera. Also, episodes are not as self-contained as, for instance Mad Men, where you can watch one stand-alone, without needing too much background on who's who, and what happened before. ~~~ jonathanjaeger Exactly, especially when story arcs last a complete season and sometimes longer. You find that many people can't commit to it. It's not Law & Order.. ------ thristian On a related note, a video game journalist gets Yakuza bosses to play and review Sega's "Yakuza 3": <http://boingboing.net/2010/08/10/yakuza-3-review.html> ~~~ prodigal_erik Cool. Have to admit I'm surprised they sought anonymity. I remember Dave Barry writing > The _yakuza_ are about as clandestine as the National Football League. > Everybody knows who they are. Many of them get large tattoos and chop of > finger joints to demonstrate loyalty or some other important gangster > quality. Also they're the only people in Japan who wear double-breasted > suits, white ties, and sunglasses. "Hi!" their outfits shout. "We're > gangsters!" ~~~ wahnfrieden Everyone knows who is a yakuza, but they don't necessarily broadcast their individual identities. ------ rudenoise As I see a few Wire fans replying here, I'd like to recommend two related books that will give more insight and provoke some thought (if you haven't done so already): Homicide (a year on the killing streets), David Simon [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homicide:_A_Year_on_the_Killing...](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homicide:_A_Year_on_the_Killing_Streets) The Corner: A Year in the Life of an Inner-City Neighborhood, David Simon and Ed Burns [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Corner:_A_Year_in_the_Life_...](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Corner:_A_Year_in_the_Life_of_an_Inner- City_Neighborhood) ------ mise Spoiler alert for the first point. ------ WalterBright Apparently this reporter is capable of actually doing real research on thug life, rather than the Harvard professors who use "The Wire" as a lazy alternative to studying reality. ------ ojbyrne They got some things right, as I recall: "Shine proposed that Marlo would kill Prop Joe; the youngest attendee, the 29-year-old Flavor, placed $2,500 on Clay Davis escaping indictment" ~~~ kenjackson In the Netflix era, spoilers son, spoilers! I would have been interested to get their take on Omar. ~~~ llimllib I suspect it would require some heavy editing to be suitable for the Times.
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
Yummy cookies across domains - Killswitch https://github.com/blog/1466-yummy-cookies-across-domains ====== ultimoo This is a great article. It is nice that github is comprehensively explaining how they are protecting user data to reassure their users. However, this is one of the rare blog posts that go on to educate the reader about the technical aspects of something (in this case -- cookie attack vectors) that they can put to use somewhere in their own projects. Unlike a high level gloating blog post that is meant to inspire awe in the readers about how awesome company X is doing thing Y. ------ 0x0 Very well written blogpost, but it would be nice if they didn't downplay the severity of the original blog post: A PoC of how you could clone private repositories, such as the github.com source code itself at github.com/github/github (as an assumed example) ~~~ homakov Until the fix everything was possible. I think they meant "within this few weeks period you could not fixate CSRF token" ------ samarudge Would adding a HMAC string to the cookie value not get around this issue? For example, Tornado has the set_secure_cookie method ([http://www.tornadoweb.org/en/stable/web.html#tornado.web.Req...](http://www.tornadoweb.org/en/stable/web.html#tornado.web.RequestHandler.set_secure_cookie)), would this not prevent this sort of attack? Even if a script modified the cookies, they would never (well, hopefully never) be able to generate the correct HMAC token so the server could just discard the cookies. You'd still be able to sign a user out but there wouldn't be a security issue (I think). Anyone smart able to verify/refute? ~~~ X-Istence You as the attacker can visit the page and get yourself a session cookie that is valid and set that on the victim's computer... ~~~ samarudge Would it increase security to include the user-agent, or part of the user- agent, in the HMAC secret? So the secret was "abc123Mozilla[etc]", that would then presumably require identical browsers to work, at the expense of logging everyone out every time their browser updates. Or include all, or part of the IP address to restrict the network. ~~~ X-Istence Using the IP address to restrict it would work, since now the attacker would need to have the same IP address to get a session that will stick, but this may cause users to be logged out when their ISP changes their IP, or when they move from home to a coffee shop for instance. ------ magic_haze Doesn't this issue affect Tumblr (and Blogspot, and Wordpress) as well? They all allow arbitrary javascript to be injected by the user in a subdomain, so how are they tackling it? ~~~ arb99 IIRC only the blog front ends are on the blogspot.com domain. All user logins/blog admin etc are on the blogger.com domain (and no *.blogger.com domains). (not used their services for ages, so there might be more overlap than i remember) ------ cpeterso It sounds like Rack should fix these cookie vulnerabilities, so users don't need to rely on middleware workarounds. ~~~ tanoku These are not vulnerabilities in Rack (necessarily), but in the way the cookie spec has been drafted and the way Chrome decides to implement it. There's nothing that can be "fixed" in Rack: the only definitive fix is a domain migration. ------ samholmes What sort of malicious things can be accomplished with a cookie tossing attack?
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
Pretending it isn’t there: how we think about the nuclear threat - monort https://www.currentaffairs.org/2017/06/pretending-it-isnt-there ====== qubex Like the author, I spend a significant amount of time pondering the utter horror that nuclear war would entail, the death and destruction it would rain upon innocent _hundreds of millions_ of innocent civilians. I find myself pondering whether my own home city of Milan, a relative backwater strategically, would nonetheless be worth a deliberately targeted warhead "just for the sake of thorougness". What that would look like, what it would cause, what would happen to me and everybody I know, what the aftermath would be. It's truly horrifying. In a certain sense I get annoyed whenever I read or hear endless hand-wringing over the latest terrorist attack (Manchester and, as of last night, London now featuring largely in the European public discourse, as well as the bewilderment that Italy itself has not yet been a theatre for such atrocities). Why does it annoy me? Because in terms of impact what these hate- fuelled young men can do is negligible compared to what a single high-impact, low-probability event involving thermonukes could entail. Every morning I wake up and read the latest outrage tweeted by Trump, and I find myself quaking in fear at the thought that whilst he rabidly poked at his twitter account in the dead of night an aide was not far away with a nuclear briefcase that can inflict essentially infinite damage upon the world, and that it'll be in his possession for the next 1,326 days and nights.
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
Developers vs iphone - sinzone http://www.techcrunch.com/2009/11/12/facebook-please-back-developers-vs-iphone/ ====== bluebird Surprise, surprise... Yet another post against Apple on TechCrunch. ------ nikcub bad title, I know - and you mangled it further, but still, +1 from me.
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
Show HN: Simple Binary Data Visualization in R - tincholio http://martin.varela.fi/post/simple-binary-data-visualization/ ====== rcthompson For the observation toward the end that compressed files seem highly uniform, this makes sense intuitively. If there were any visible patterns, that would imply that the data is further compressible, which would mean the compressor didn't do it's job very well. ------ lottin > as.tibble(cbind(x,y,z)) %>% na.omit() Why on earth would anyone write that instead of na.omit(as.tibble(cbind(x,y,z)))? Baffles me. ~~~ confounded Alternatively, x %>% bind_cols(y, z) %>% as.tibble() %>% na.omit() Makes the order of execution a little clearer (and uses more dplyr conventions). I still nest functions when working interactively with a REPL, but for code I'll have to reread in the future, the pipes save me much head scratching. Death to the pyramid of doom. ~~~ minimaxir For emphasis, bind_cols is a dplyr function (meaning it gets the speed boost from using Rcpp, albeit not much difference when adding a few columns), while cbind is a base function which does not. dplyr nowadays obsoletes most of the basic building blocks of data frame construction, although they are hidden in the docs. ------ fractal618 thank you for sharing this! i'd like to try and recreate this in R. ~~~ tincholio Hi, author here. You can use the code in there as a starting point, it's rather simple!
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
Understanding Slices in Go - codezero http://www.goinggo.net/2013/08/understanding-slices-in-go-programming.html ====== AYBABTME Understanding slices : - slice.c, http://golang.org/src/pkg/runtime/slice.c - Dynamic arrays, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dynamic_array
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
AVR support merged into Rust nightly - zargon https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/commit/e91bf6c881dc8fa50dc18fc2f518a6c22424ddb5 ====== shepmaster Note that there is still plenty of work to be done in LLVM, Rust, and the ecosystem. For example, function pointers accessed in global variables have the incorrect relocation applied. This notably affects the ability to use futures executors. However, a lot of things do work, and we are always looking for more people to contribute! Check out [https://book.avr-rust.com/](https://book.avr-rust.com/) for more. ------ pedalpete Perfect timing, I just started learning how to get Rust running on Arduino Nano yesterday. The Arduino tooling left a bit to be desired, and we don't want to re-write when we move from prototype to production. I'm sure I'll make mistakes which means I'll have to re-write a ton, but at least this is starting to get me part-way to a good working environnment. ------ mfgs What does this mean for someone who is quite familiar with AVR but new to Rust? How much of what I can normally achieve in my AVR projects can now be done under Rust? ~~~ zargon In theory, Rust can completely replace C for AVR development. Based on what shepmaster said, certain Rust features may not work yet. I'm also a Rust newbie. This article is a great intro to Rust for microcontrollers (but it's for ARM Cortex): [https://interrupt.memfault.com/blog/zero-to-main- rust-1](https://interrupt.memfault.com/blog/zero-to-main-rust-1) ------ karmakaze This is really cool. I had seen some ATmega microcontrollers but not it's AVR naming. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AVR_microcontrollers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AVR_microcontrollers)
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
An Interactive Quine in Clojure - tosh http://blog.klipse.tech/clojure/2019/01/08/quines-in-clojure.html ====== DannyB2 I think that using any kind of self-referential technique in a quine is cheating. If you learn how to write a quine in an 'ordinary' language, then the same technique works in Clojure or anything else. SPOILER There is basically a pattern to how it works. The program consists of a Start and a Finish section. In the middle are two arrays of strings. The first array is the strings of the code of the Start section, and the second array is the Finish section. The Start and/or Finish section are the mechanics that prints out the two arrays of strings. First print out the first array, eg, the Start section. Next print out the first array again, but 'quoted' in a way that it actually forms the code that initializes the first array. Next print out the second array in the same quoted way that it actually forms the code initializing the second array. Last, print out the second array. ------ Insanity I quite like Quines :) Here's a bunch more of them: [http://wiki.c2.com/?QuineProgram](http://wiki.c2.com/?QuineProgram) ------ Scarbutt Clojure is a great language on its own, like many articles show. But it feels like a big chore when you are doing business apps. You are between these two worlds, debugging imperative java code/libs and debugging clojure functional code/libs at the same time. ~~~ tombert I have to respectfully disagree. I find that Clojure makes dealing with Java pretty straightforward, and in fact is (in some ways) a "nicer Java than Java", especially if you don't mind paying the cost of runtime reflection. For example, the way you call a method is by using the (.myMethod args) syntax. Imagine we have something like this: (defn myCoolFunction [myarg] (.myMethod myarg "some argument")) This effectively gives us a level of structured typing...I don't particularly care _what_ myarg is, as long as it has myMethod defined. There are other features that make interop with Java pretty pleasant. The `doto` macro allows you to have a nice encapsulated system when you have to do a bunch of property setting methods. (doto (MyClass.) (.setSomething 1) (.setSomethingElse 2) (.setSomethingElse 3)) Or, for that matter, the ability to directly compose methods and functions together without intermediate variables with the threading macros (-> myObject (.myMethod 1) (.myOtherMethod 2) (some-regular-function 3) (.anotherMethod 4)) My point is not to be a salesman for Clojure (even though I love the language), but rather to point out that the interop with Java tends to work very well, at least in my experience. ------ jjtheblunt Is that "quine" not similar to the y combinator?
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
The Evil Within the Comparison Functions (C,C++,C#) - DmitryNovikov https://software.intel.com/en-us/articles/the-evil-within-the-comparison-functions ====== jepler This is why you should use clever language features such as macros (C) and pointers to member data (C++). If your code looks like this, there's no scope for accidentally comparing two fields in the same object, or comparing different fields in the two different objects: return less_helper(pt1, pt2)(&pt::x)(&pt::y); with pt::x and pt::y being integers, this ends up the same size as the open- coded version on the clang versions I tested, but two instructions longer on the gcc versions I tested, because gcc does not succeed in eliminating a needless comparison of y<x. (x86_64 in both cases) This could be fixed by taking away the automatic conversion to bool and requiring the last comparison in the chain to specify that it _IS_ the last one.
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
Autify – driving UI overlay - zdedu https://www.producthunt.com/tech/autify-driving-ui-overlay ====== zdedu Hey guys, so I just launched my newest startup Autify. I’d love to hear your feedback. Autify about gesture based smartphone controlling.
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
I hate Forth - dimitar http://www.embedded.com/story/OEG20010731S0028 ====== gvb My observation of Forth is that it is used to write an _undocumented_ [1] DSL and then solve the actual problem using that DSL. This is great if you were the one that wrote the DSL and thus understand it intimately (having a prodigious ability to memorize is pretty important too). On the other hand, it sucks if you didn't write the DSL and have to understand how to use it or fix bugs in it because you first have to reverse-engineer the DSL. Reverse-engineering the DSL may take as long as writing it in the first case. [1] The biggest documentation failure I typically have seen in Forth is a failure to document the word's parameters, i.e. the stack contents going into and returning from words. This is aggravated by the stack manipulation operations duping, swapping, etc. that look more like a game of "15 squares" <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fifteen_puzzle> than an algorithm. ~~~ chipsy Stack languages present a troublesome problem for documentation. Forth in particular is untyped, but my own experience was with a small compiler/interpreter I wrote over a dynamic language(haXe). The language was easy to implement, and it solved one domain problem very well(in-game dialogue) and another not so well(choreographing two-dimensional movement patterns). I've filed it away as "cool experiment." My implementation allowed the same syntax to be used with different semantics - a batch compiled word, or words sliced up into lists of function calls, which made them usable in continuation-passing style - very useful for my in-game dialogue. The debugging I encountered mostly revolved around correcting stack manipulations so that things lined up with the right parameters. The brevity of these languages comes from the stack allowing implicit parametrization; just list your data and then the word you want to use. The downside comes from this property also allowing the stack to leak when under or over-parametrized - enabling mystery behavior or crashes that you wouldn't see with C-style calling conventions. On the other hand, a major plus: Working with the stack lets you avoid littering your code with named variables. This is what enables Forth words to have extremely high density and readability, and I've incorporated more of this style into my coding elsewhere, so that in the most extreme case, I might go ahead and set up a stack in(for example) an object, and then list out method calls like a high-level Forth operation: obj.wordA(); obj.wordB(); obj.wordC(); Blending this with more imperative or functional constructs, I can get the best of both worlds: something compact and readable but also self-documenting, with decent type and parameter safeness. ------ CapitalistCartr Reminds me of cats. Ask someone who hates cats to describe cats, and cat lovers will agree with the description. Cat hater ends with something like, "And that's why I hate cats," while cat lover ends with, "And that's why I love cats." Both to the same description. ~~~ DannoHung I like cats, but I am really allergic to them, and thus hate being around them. What is the similar situation for a programming language? ~~~ zck I have had people assert that they are allergic to parentheses, causing them to hate Lisp. Of course, offering to make them a read macro to let them use any two other characters in place of parentheses didn't help, but such is life. ------ jrockway What a strange article. He's upset because it's easy to experiment and test with Forth? OH NOES, TEH TERRIBLES!! If you don't like interactive development, then just type everything into a file, compile it, and run. The choice is yours. If there's something to complain about with respect to Forth it's the flakiness of concatenative programming. I'd rather write a program in terms of function application or sending messages than in stack transforms. That's why I don't like Forth, and is probably the only _real_ reason to dislike it. Everything the author dislikes is in his coworkers, not in the language. ------ pvdm He mentioned everything I like about Forth. Peek and poke machine registers. Quick check out of hardware. Forth should be in the toolkit of any one bringing up new hardware. What is there to hate about it ? Every tool has it's limitations and should be judiciously applied to each task. ------ colig Note the article was written in 2001. ------ csmeder "Well, now when this all is over, I want to tell you that thisarticle definitely was a joke. ... But why people did not take this article as a joke? Because one has to know Forth to understand this joke. Given that most people do not know Forth, distribution of such articles is anti-education." The article was satire? ------ csmeder Are any HN users using forth in your personal life at work? I haven't seen it mentioned here much. ~~~ vineeth It's used as a shell interface in Open Firmware. So, it's in more places than most realize. BTW, the phrase "personal life at work" is amusing. ~~~ csmeder haha, oops. I meant to say "personal life or work"... ------ Daniel_Newby This seems to be a rant about the limitations of certain language tools, not the language itself.
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
Vruby alpha – like virtualenv, but for ruby - joefiorini https://github.com/joefiorini/vruby ====== joefiorini For the last few months before I stopped doing Ruby full time I was using a workflow (on OS X) in which I downloaded a binary Ruby build (the one rvm uses when you do "rvm install --binary" on OS X) and extracted it to "/opt/rubies/2.1.0". I created a script called "activate" that exports the environment variables necessary to run Ruby and placed it under "bin". Then for each project I would copy the entire ruby installation to my project root in a folder called "vruby". To load ruby for that project I would run "source vruby/bin/activate". It would setup all the environment variables with GEM_HOME pointing to a ".gem" folder under the project's root. Therefore gems are isolated to each project. To unload, I just close the terminal. The vruby project automates this workflow, by installing a binary ruby using Traveling Ruby and symlinking it to the local project using GNU stow. The plan is to eventually support multiple Ruby versions and more platforms than just my Linux box. Unfortunately, I no longer do Ruby full time and don't have the bandwidth to make it as robust as I'd like. If you like this solution and need help setting it up, don't be afraid to get in touch.
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
'Tap Tap Revenge 3' going free today as Tapulous bets on virtual goods - fromedome http://www.businessinsider.com/tap-tap-revenge-3-going-free-today-as-tapulous-bets-on-virtual-goods-2009-12 ====== cmelbye I want a version of Tap Tap Revenge that is $5.99 _without_ advertisements. Video interstitial ads? Guess which iPhone game I'm going to be avoiding now.
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
Interview: Creating a FOSS printed circuit board design tool - Jefro118 https://www.sourcesort.com/interview/urban-bruhin-librepcb ====== redis_mlc FYI: KiCad is very good and is funded by CERN: [http://www.kicad- pcb.org/](http://www.kicad-pcb.org/) Licence is GPL3/AGPL3. KiCad has high-end drawing features, but the commercial tools will always have better parts libraries. ------ Jefro118 Editor here. This interview is a great example of a useful project emerging from frustration and tinkering. Urban was unsatisfied with the proprietary tools for making PCBs while building a quadcopter, and ended up making something much bigger in the course of solving his own problem.
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
Gitter – Chat, for GitHub - ejdyksen https://gitter.im/ ====== rileytg Looks really nice but you guys ask for too many permissions! SSH keys?? [http://cl.ly/U1pP](http://cl.ly/U1pP) ~~~ mydigitalself Hey, I've answered this numerous times in this thread, but I'll say it again, very loudly and very definitively: WE DO NOT WRITE TO YOUR SSH KEYS, EVER. EVER. EVER. We don't even read them. Unfortunately, as beautiful as GitHub's API is, they've got their scopes for permissions completely wrong and we know they are working to fix this. Short answer: [https://gitter.zendesk.com/hc/en- us/articles/200178961-Why-d...](https://gitter.zendesk.com/hc/en- us/articles/200178961-Why-do-you-ask-for-write-access-to-my-profile) Long answer: [https://gitter.zendesk.com/hc/en- us/articles/200176672-Authe...](https://gitter.zendesk.com/hc/en- us/articles/200176672-Authenticating-with-GitHub) Mike ~~~ mdcatlin I see your explanation in [https://gitter.im/login/explain](https://gitter.im/login/explain) and it suggests a business solution that doesn't require me to believe the promises of someone I don't yet trust. "In order to create a good first-time user experience that allows people to create and join chat rooms for public repositories and organisations... [the rest of the technical explanation]". Stop doing this. Make this feature optional. I don't even want a public chat room for my company's private repo. ~~~ mydigitalself It has nothing to do with your company's private repo, it has to do with getting a list of ORGS you belong to. In fact chats for private repos is a completely separate matter and we allow users to upgrade their access to GitHub's repo scope if they want access to private repos. Otherwise we'd have to do: * signup (only public repos) * upgrade permissions -> org chats * upgrade permissions -> repo chats And so then users need to understand three levels of permissions and scope and I don't want to burden people with that level of cognitive overload. It's hard enough to explain to people that they need to elevate privileges to get private repo access. Whilst a few people share your view, we've had nearly 10,000 grant us this access in a very short space of time and so it's not massively affecting our product right now and we have confidence in the future that GitHub will change their permissions and introduce a read-only permission that we will then switch to. ------ mydigitalself Hey, thanks for posting. Mike here from Gitter. I know a lot of this audience are pretty bullish on IRC and so we're also busy testing an IRC bridge for Gitter. Once you've signed up, feel free to go to [https://irc.gitter.im](https://irc.gitter.im) and give it a whirl. Feel free to leave any feedback on Gitter here or get in touch with us via our chat room: [https://gitter.im/gitterHQ/gitter](https://gitter.im/gitterHQ/gitter) or [http://support.gitter.im](http://support.gitter.im) ~~~ coherentpony Mike? Why did you have to change you name? _He 's_ the one who sucks! ------ mikexstudios This is really cool, but is there a reason why the authorization permissions requires r/w access to: Private email addresses, and SSH keys? ~~~ mydigitalself Hey Mike, We don't ever write anything to your profile. As explained in the link below, this is a standard GitHub permission. PS your SSH keys are 100% public: [https://api.github.com/users/mikexstudios/keys](https://api.github.com/users/mikexstudios/keys) Mike Short answer: [https://gitter.zendesk.com/hc/en- us/articles/200178961-Why-d...](https://gitter.zendesk.com/hc/en- us/articles/200178961-Why-do-you-ask-for-write-access-to-my-profile-) Long answer: [https://gitter.zendesk.com/hc/en- us/articles/200176672-Authe...](https://gitter.zendesk.com/hc/en- us/articles/200176672-Authenticating-with-GitHub) ~~~ misterdai Any idea if GitHub will ever alter the way that works so you can avoid it giving you write access. I was all ready to give Gitter a go until I saw the permissions that would be granted. Sure you're trust worthy but us IT types can be paranoid ;-) ~~~ suprememoocow Hi, this is Andrew from Gitter. And we completely understand. We're waiting on Github to update their OAuth scopes, and we understand that they're working on it. If you're not comfortable with the OAuth permissions Gitter requires, you could try Gitter's sister product, Troupe [https://trou.pe](https://trou.pe). It's got most of the same features, but with less Github integration and no markdown or syntax highlighting. ------ imjared Pretty cool but I can't see having another chat client on top of Hipchat. Wish there was some way to bake this into Hipchat since the features look awesome. Great work! ~~~ mydigitalself Thanks! We've got a few people migrating from Campfire and Hipchat to us... :) ------ sunkarapk I have been using this since the beginning for my open source project [https://github.com/pksunkara/alpaca](https://github.com/pksunkara/alpaca). They provide very good support. And the features are awesome. Short story, Gitter is awesome! [https://gitter.im/pksunkara/alpaca](https://gitter.im/pksunkara/alpaca) ~~~ suprememoocow Thanks for all the brilliant support Pavan! In fact, Gitter uses Pavan's excellent Octonode library ([https://github.com/pksunkara/octonode](https://github.com/pksunkara/octonode)) for all it's communications with Github. ------ dangoor We've been testing it for Brackets: [https://gitter.im/adobe/brackets](https://gitter.im/adobe/brackets) It's a really cool service and I think one of the big considerations for us right now is that our freenode channel (#brackets) has 86 people in it as I type this. We've potentially got some inertia to overcome. ------ mariocesar Awesome :) I just integrated with sorl-thumbnail, I don't know if it will be a fully replacement for our IRC channel, however I'm sure most of the devs will give it a try. Gitter Room: [https://gitter.im/mariocesar/sorl- thumbnail](https://gitter.im/mariocesar/sorl-thumbnail) ~~~ mydigitalself Feel free to give our IRC bridge a go to. It's very new and still very much in test phase. [https://irc.gitter.im](https://irc.gitter.im) Let us know you get along with it: [https://gitter.im/gitterHQ/gitter](https://gitter.im/gitterHQ/gitter) [http://support.gitter.im](http://support.gitter.im) Mike ------ joeblau Could you guys add the Webpage Icons[1]? [1] - [https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/AppleA...](https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/AppleApplications/Reference/SafariWebContent/ConfiguringWebApplications/ConfiguringWebApplications.html) ~~~ mydigitalself Great request, will certainly look into it. We'll also have an iOS app out soon. ~~~ joeblau That was going to be my original question until I actually used my _reading_ skills. ------ namuol Reminds me a lot of Slack[1], but the gh-flavored-markdown and tighter issue and CI integration make Gitter stand out. Any chance of BitBucket integration? [1] ([http://slack.com/](http://slack.com/)) ~~~ mydigitalself BitBucket is coming soon! Follow us on twitter for updates (@gitchat) ------ yssrn Is there a privacy policy or ToS? I don't see one on the site. ------ jbranchaud It looks great, I'd love to try it, but I am not comfortable with how many permissions it requires on my Github account. ~~~ mydigitalself Hey, We don't use those permissions, unfortunately as good as GitHub's API is, their scopes are very limited. short answer: [https://gitter.zendesk.com/hc/en- us/articles/200178961-Why-d...](https://gitter.zendesk.com/hc/en- us/articles/200178961-Why-do-you-ask-for-write-access-to-my-profile) long answer: [https://gitter.zendesk.com/hc/en- us/articles/200176672-Authe...](https://gitter.zendesk.com/hc/en- us/articles/200176672-Authenticating-with-GitHub) ~~~ mynameisfiber Maybe a good solution would be to request a less privileged token if the user doesn't want integration with private repos. Then, if they want to upgrade to integration with private repos they need to get a new oauth token with the relevant privileges. I'd love to try this service out, but I also don't want to hand out oauth tokens that can read my ssh keys. EDIT: Just read more comments and saw that my github ssh keys are completely public. I guess that makes sense since they are public keys! ------ hartator How do this compare to HipChat? Seems interesting. ------ twir Where's the privacy policy?
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
Liked the Stripe CTF? The World's Largest Student-Run CTF is this Weekend - dguido https://csawctf.poly.edu/ ====== dguido There are 700+ teams currently registered. The competition is open to anyone, but only students are eligible for the over $200,000 in prizes and travel scholarships to attend the final round in NYC.
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
The Uncertainty of Science by Richard Feynman (1963) - micaeloliveira http://fermatslibrary.com/s/the-uncertainty-of-science ====== joaorico Feynman has another fantastic talk on "What is Science?" [1]. Among other things, at a certain point in that talk, this is how he lays out his "best definition of science": "What science is, I think, may be something like this: There was on this planet an evolution of life to a stage that there were evolved animals, which are intelligent. I don't mean just human beings, but animals which play and which can learn something from experience--like cats. But at this stage each animal would have to learn from its own experience. They gradually develop, until some animal [primates?] could learn from experience more rapidly and could even learn from another’s experience by watching, or one could show the other, or he saw what the other one did. So there came a possibility that all might learn it, but the transmission was inefficient and they would die, and maybe the one who learned it died, too, before he could pass it on to others. The question is: is it possible to learn more rapidly what somebody learned from some accident than the rate at which the thing is being forgotten, either because of bad memory or because of the death of the learner or inventors? So there came a time, perhaps, when for some species [humans?] the rate at which learning was increased, reached such a pitch that suddenly a completely new thing happened: things could be learned by one individual animal, passed on to another, and another fast enough that it was not lost to the race. Thus became possible an accumulation of knowledge of the race. This has been called time-binding. I don't know who first called it this. At any rate, we have here [in this hall] some samples of those animals, sitting here trying to bind one experience to another, each one trying to learn from the other. This phenomenon of having a memory for the race, of having an accumulated knowledge passable from one generation to another, was new in the world--but it had a disease in it: it was possible to pass on ideas which were not profitable for the race. The race has ideas, but they are not necessarily profitable. So there came a time in which the ideas, although accumulated very slowly, were all accumulations not only of practical and useful things, but great accumulations of all types of prejudices, and strange and odd beliefs. Then a way of avoiding the disease was discovered. This is to doubt that what is being passed from the past is in fact true, and to try to find out ab initio again from experience what the situation is, rather than trusting the experience of the past in the form in which it is passed down. And that is what science is: the result of the discovery that it is worthwhile rechecking by new direct experience, and not necessarily trusting the [human] race['s] experience from the past. I see it that way. That is my best definition." [1] Feynman, R. P., "What is Science?" The Physics Teacher Vol. 7, issue 6, 1969, pp. 313-320 [http://www.fotuva.org/feynman/what_is_science.html](http://www.fotuva.org/feynman/what_is_science.html)
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
The Truth About Rod Vagg - maxharris https://medium.com/@rvagg/the-truth-about-rod-vagg-f063f6a53557 ====== wolco "It is evidence to others that Node.js may not be serious about its commitment to community and inclusivity." When a project focuses on other things unrelated to the core reason why they exist things like this happen. To the outside world these issues seem unrelated to why they use the language. Inclusivity seems more like creating documentation in different languages rather than kick someone out over a retweet with an acceptable message to the average node user. ~~~ curtisblaine Does Node _need_ to be inclusive anyways? We're taking for granted that inclusivity is good for a technical project just because it feels "right", and because they told us that it is right. But does it help or does it harm? Does it really help to take people onboard who are less technically and more politically oriented? Does it really help to hold down criticism to not offend anyone, risking a situations where points are never made and emphasis is never placed? We have an example of a successful and long lived open source project - Linux - which is famous for being exclusive and "snarky". Yet, it has taken over the server and embedded world. Would it have been the same if it had a committee kicking out and reprimanding people for not adhering to a Code of Conduct where everyone has to be kind and mindful and avoid criticizing the way things are done? Because people, when they're working, will eventually be not nice to each other. They will write snarky comments and they will be rough and they will always prefer qualities related to the work they're doing (technical / architectural proficiency) to qualities related to the social and politics sphere. Technical projects are technical, deal with it. ~~~ zimpenfish > Yet, [Linux] has taken over the server and embedded world I would posit that this is nothing to do with Linus being a dickbag to people and everything to do with a) they focused on "getting shit working" over "purity", b) were (as best I can tell) much more open to contributions and partnerships than the _BSDs, and c) expanded rapidly to cover just about every little niche there was. Any of the _BSDs (or other OSs, I guess) could have had the same viral trajectory if they'd focused on the same things instead of their ideological purity, code stability, et al. > But does it help or does it harm? I believe there are several studies that show increasing diversity can improve technical projects because this reduces "situations where points are never made". > Does it really help to take people onboard who are less technically and more > politically oriented? That depends - does your project exist in a world that contains politics? Is it meant to solve problems for human beings? Both of those benefit from diversity because, and this will shock you, a very small percentage of the world is comprised of privileged white dudes. ~~~ curtisblaine > a) they focused on "getting shit working" over "purity" Also, they focused on "getting shit working" over "making sure to not offend anyone". > b) were (as best I can tell) much more open to contributions and > partnerships than the BSDs And they managed to be more "open to contributions" despite having a "dickbag" as benevolent dictator and an "hostile environment" (as you probably would put it) to beginner devs. And not having a CoC for 20 years. So maybe it's not terribly essential to be forcibly inclusive in order to be open to contributions? > c) expanded rapidly to cover just about every little niche there was. Again, they managed that _being a non-diverse environment_ , by most meters of (modern) judgement. So maybe it's not so essential to be inclusive when you manage to cover _all_ niches in no time? It was so exclusive that managed to cover _everyone 's_ needs? How's that even possible? > I believe there are several studies that show increasing diversity can > improve technical projects because this reduces "situations where points are > never made". Indeed, but you have to consider that being overly-inclusive opens the doors to bike-shedding and, for example, wanting to exclude perfectly capable programmers just because they communicate aggressively. I believe that more points are made (and I don't find difficult to believe studies prove that), but are highly capable people valued correctly in such an environment? Is it an _overall_ gain, in all aspects? > That depends - does your project exist in a world that contains politics? A lot of stuff exist in a world that contains politics, but doesn't have to be political. Is medicine political? Obviously yes. Are you "including" surgeons based on their right to be there? No. But I concede that there should be an overall body with actual powers controlling that a series of Code of Conducts, known and approved by anyone (by representation) are respected. And that this body should be periodically elected democratically. Oh, wait... we have one - it's called "Government" and the CoC are called "laws". Having that, do we really need to tell people on Github to avoid telling others to "stop saying bullshit" because it's offensive? Do we need to make kindness mandatory? Do we need to favour inclusion over technical prowess? Sounds like the recipe for a disaster. ~~~ zimpenfish > more "open to contributions" Yes - and Linus wasn't involved in most of them (since he delegated subtrees) which makes your "despite having a dickbag in charge" completely irrelevant. > Maybe it's not terribly essential to be forcibly inclusive in order to be > open to contributions But you'll note I specifically said "more open [...] than the BSDs" \- it wasn't an absolute. The Linux kernel is very much not open to contributions per se -but- compared with the *BSDs etc. it is a paragon of welcome. > exclude perfectly capable programmers just because they communicate > aggressively Being able to communicate effectively - and that generally excludes "aggressively" \- is an important part of being a capable (and better) programmer. > Are you "including" surgeons based on their right to be there? No. What? > you have to consider that being overly-inclusive opens the doors to bike- > shedding Ironic that you call it "bike-shedding" when that was coined from a project that wasn't "overly-inclusive". Almost as if your link between the two is fanciful nonsense. It's clear your only argument is "I don't like inclusivity" and that's fine - you're on the wrong side of history and doomed to fail. ~~~ curtisblaine > which makes your "despite having a dickbag in charge" completely irrelevant So not having a CoC and having a dickbag in charge is OK? Cool! QED! > Being able to communicate effectively - and that generally excludes > "aggressively" It doesn't. Aggressivity doesn't exclude efficiency. Aggressivity is a human interaction with a purpose. If used correctly it can express emphasis with amazing efficiency. > Ironic that you call it "bike-shedding" when that was coined from a project > that wasn't "overly-inclusive". Bike-shedding is a reality in non-inclusive project like FreeBSD. Now imagine in "inclusive" projects where every word has to be carefully weighted in order to not offend anyone. People fighting not only over the color of the bike shed, but also on the political undertones of supporting bikes, on the percentage of male and/or white bike riders, all while constantly accusing each other of being threatening. Exponential bullshitting and no work done :) > It's clear your only argument is "I don't like inclusivity" Actually, I like it. But, in a technical project, it should always come after the actual "getting shit done" part. > you're on the wrong side of history and doomed to fail. Am I? I was there in the 90s, when riot grrrls were all the shit and PC peaked. I wasn't terribly impressed back then and I'm not impressed now :) ------ nailer Half the case here has been assisted by the removal of details for the thread. Unless you read the archived version with working links (available online but also reproduced in this article) you'd have no idea what Rod actually tweeted. Linking to a Quilette article and screen capping abuse you receive doesn't mean you're a 'known hostile' and all the various hyperbole that's been around in the last couple of days. ------ lord_jim (after reading through [https://github.com/nodejs/board/issues/58](https://github.com/nodejs/board/issues/58) and other issues related to this situation) The Github comment revision needs to stop. It makes it impossible for people who were not involved in the original conversation to understand what actually happened. Without a full archive of all revisions, you cannot even judge if the edits were made in good faith or if the current text represents the author's original intent. It casts doubt on everything. The whole mess is even worse on long threads like the ones linked to. Editing a comment that other users responded to can make the responding comments look silly or stupid, or completely change the meaning of their response. This is mostly a process thing but Github also needs to improve how edits are handled. ------ zaphirplane This story is everywhere, i don't feel you are drumming up support by this. The options of the responses seem negative to the ppl behind the fork ~~~ nailer Is 'you' Rod, Max or the people behind the fork? Having trouble parsing your comment.
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
STF - Use commodity hardware to build your own scalable storage system - draegtun http://stf-storage.github.com/ ====== draegtun Daisuke Maki gave a talk on using STF at livedoor.com - _Serve Billions Of User Uploaded Media On PSGI and Commodity Hardware_ | <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_SR4xAY7eno>
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
Ask HN: How to handle Payroll for remote “employees” payroll outside the U.S.? - hichamin ====== raooll I work as a remote employee for a us based startup out of India. I raise and invoice every month corresponding to the salary account. For all legal purposes, I'm a consultant to the company. ------ thisone every time I've looked at remote (out of country) work, it was always as a contractor/consultant. Never as a true employee. That way the company pays an invoice, the contractor handles all their own taxes. Treating your "foreign" remote workforce as employees I imagine will land you in some tricky international waters much better suited for your accountant, tax attorney, and your general business lawyer. ------ busymichael All of my remote contractors invoice me weekly. We just use a shared google spreadsheet that track times on one tab and sums it on another by week. I actually handle payments via xoom.com -- it is now owned by paypal. It takes a little work to setup a new payee, but once you have paid a person once, you can pay them again very easily. ------ gt2 If they are US citizens then whichever way you would pay the non-remote probably. If they aren't, then they will tell you which is best for their situation/country according to what's available there and the lowest fees. ------ hemantv Www.rippling.com
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
Frameworks vs. Libraries in PHP - pauljonas http://www.otton.org/2008/08/05/frameworks-libraries-php-zend/ ====== cousin_it Can't help but link to IMO the best piece on libraries vs frameworks: "I’d really like to give you this fork Jimmy, but you’re gonna need a knife and plate to use it." <http://an9.org/devdev/why_frameworks_suck> ~~~ Hexstream That seems a gripe about _monolithic_ frameworks... There's no reason a framework can't be organised as a coherent collection of libraries of which you can pick only the ones you need and that lets you assemble an "instantiation" of the framework by choosing a variant of each type module you need. ~~~ cousin_it Here's my humble perspective on code reachability and the fork/knife/plate thing. Good: a library function with no dependencies, that accepts and returns primitive data structures. Worse: a library with lots of dependencies, and a set of idiotic "data types" or "classes" I have to construct just to access the functionality. Worst: a "framework" that calls your code itself, and requires a specific "environment" that should be "set up properly". ------ markbao I use Kohana primarily. It is an excellent framework supporting only PHP5, with a great ORM engine and extensibility. It's fast, efficient, and organized. Their community isn't yet as strong as CodeIgniter's, but it's growing rapidly (2.2 just released!) ~~~ jamongkad Been hearing alot of good things about this framework and community. Currently I'm submitting libraries to the CI hive. Will they be compatible with Kohana? ~~~ markbao Depends. It would probably need certain customizations to fit into the Kohana system. Definitely check into the Kohana IRC channel, the lead developers who ported the CodeIgniter libraries themselves will be in there and will be there to help you (#kohana on irc.freenode.net.) The fundamental differences (general structure, etc.) between Kohana and CodeIgniter are currently pretty low, so it shouldn't be too much. ------ richtaur Eh, not much value in this article. Really, you take a fantastic set of tools like symfony, and shrug it off with a one-liner like "over-engineered?" Lousy and unfair. ~~~ MrFantsyPants I've been working on a symfony project for the last six months, and after it ends, I hope to never see it again. Over-engineered fits, but I also have issues with many of their choices. In the end, I would have built a better product in the time allotted using something else, even my own primitive codebase. Having come to know it pretty damn well, I'd have trouble recommending it to anyone else. ~~~ pauljonas I looked at Symfony, CakePHP, and a few others (at time, Zend was not anywhere near production ready), and all just seemed like (a) overkill or (b) inadequate. In the final analysis, I wrote my own framework. On the flip side, homebrew framework development has become a larger project in recent years. Nowdays, you need to include in AJAX integration, slicker client UI, mobile phone accommodation, web services API, multimedia handling, etc.... And you're going to be reliant on 3rd party libraries that you need to research, choose, perhaps configure and upgrade at intervals. Have used Rails for a few projects and it provided a constant stream of annoyances as anytime you attempted to do something that didn't quite fit into the DHH "vision", it was a hassle. Though I liked the DB migration setup in spite of the lock in to autoincrement integer keys. ------ lyime has anyone used Kohana php here? ~~~ gigawatt I'm in the middle of learning PHP with plans to learn a framework afterwards. I had pretty much decided on CodeIgniter since I'm such a big fan of ExpressionEngine, and EE 2.0 will be based on CI. But Kohana definitely looks interesting - based on CI, but with full PHP5 support. And the payment library looks particularly enticing. The one thing that makes me a little leery is that the CI docs looks a lot more complete than the Kohana docs, and I am guessing the CI community is more robust. I'd love to hear some feedback from anyone who has used both CI and Kohana...
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
Ask HN: Will cryptocurrency bubble as large as the dotcom bubble? - codewithcheese As the Ethereum market cap approaches Bitcoin and ICOs are going on sale every week. How would one compare the cryptocurrency bubble to the dotcom bubble in terms of scale? ====== airbreather Bubble will continue while there are still new victims to attract.
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
Blocklist Facebook domains - z0a https://github.com/jmdugan/blocklists/blob/master/corporations/facebook/all ====== jiaweihli I highly recommend using uMatrix[1][2] if you're very privacy-conscious. It's the full-blown everything-at-your-fingertips console. By default, it blocks third-party scripts/cookies/XHRs/frames (with an additional explicit blacklist). You then manually whitelist on a matrix which types of requests from which domains you want to allow. Your preferences are saved. It is a bit annoying the first time you visit any new domain, because you need to go through a bootstrapping whitelist process to make it work. After a while I find I do it almost automatically though. I use it in conjunction with uBlock Origin and Disconnect, and it _still_ catches the vast majority of things. As a nice side-effect, I find I keep pretty up-to-date with new SAAS companies coming out! \--- [1] [https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/umatrix/ogfcmafjal...](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/umatrix/ogfcmafjalglgifnmanfmnieipoejdcf) [2] [https://addons.mozilla.org/en- US/firefox/addon/umatrix/](https://addons.mozilla.org/en- US/firefox/addon/umatrix/) ~~~ joeblau Any browser plugin is inferior to using a hosts file. Hosts file's blackhole _any_ network request before even attempting to make a connection. These browser plugins only help if you're using the specific browser — they aren't going to help that electron/desktop app that's phoning home. They wont help block inline media links (Messages on a Mac pre-rendering links) that show up in your chat programs which attempt to resolve to Facebook. They also wont block any software dependency library that you install without properly checking if it's got some social media tracking engine built in. I don't even waste time or cpu cycles with browser based blocking applications. Steven Black's[1] maintained hosts files are the best for blocking adware, malware, fakenews, gambling , porn and social media outlets. [1] - [https://github.com/StevenBlack/hosts/](https://github.com/StevenBlack/hosts/) ~~~ geofft > _they aren 't going to help that electron/desktop app that's phoning home._ What's your threat model? Mine is third-party tracking cookies, and desktop apps don't share my browser's cookie jar. So while technically I can be tracked by IP from a desktop app, Facebook can't tell if it's me or someone else at the same coffee shop. In particular, one nice thing about Chrome extensions is that they _don 't_ apply to incognito windows. I regularly use HTTPS Everywhere in block-all- HTTP-requests mode + an incognito window on wifi connections I don't trust, because the incognito window will permit plaintext requests, but it doesn't read my cookies or write to my cache, so it's sandboxed from my actual web browsing. I can safely read some random website that doesn't support HTTPS with my only concern being my own eyes reading a compromised page; none of my logged-in sessions are at risk. > _any software dependency library that you install without properly checking > if it 's got some social media tracking engine built in._ ... is this a thing? (I totally believe that it's becoming a thing, I just haven't seen it yet and am morbidly curious.) ~~~ traviscj Browser fingerprinting is an easy path toward a “stronger than ip” correlation. [1] is an interesting starting point. 1: [https://panopticlick.eff.org](https://panopticlick.eff.org) ~~~ chopin That works only with JavaScript active which uMatrix blocks for 3rd party. The sites one visits mainly are not known for 1st party fingerprinting (that's mainly done by the ad networks). The extra paranoids (like me) can also block JS for certain 1st party sites. I use uMatrix only experimentally (I rely on NoScript) but it offers a fascinating flexibility of control if one is in the mood. As well, NoScript is near useless when doing stuff with AWS where uMatrix offers the right flexibility (allow from site Y, but only when fetched from site X). ~~~ traviscj Derp, I missed the obvious. Thanks. I had heard of uMatrix but didn't realize it had that functionality, which is pretty cool! Thanks for sharing! ------ Digital-Citizen Yet again, software freedom fighters got there years ago. Free Software Foundation got there earlier. From publishing [https://www.fsf.org/facebook](https://www.fsf.org/facebook) published on on Dec 20, 2010. FSF & GNU Project founder Richard Stallman has been rightly objecting to Facebook for years in his talks and on his personal website at [https://stallman.org/facebook.html](https://stallman.org/facebook.html). Long-time former FSF lawyer Eben Moglen rightly called Facebook "a monstrous surveillance engine" and pointed out the ugliness of Facebook's endless surveillance (at length in [http://snowdenandthefuture.info/PartIII.html](http://snowdenandthefuture.info/PartIII.html) but in other places in the same lecture series as well). See [http://snowdenandthefuture.info/](http://snowdenandthefuture.info/) for the entire series of talks. ~~~ heretoo Yes, but where do they offer solutions to transition (emphasis on transition) from what people currently use to a more open ecosystem? At least in the software licensing arena, having personally visited a lecture from Stallman, I was left with the impression that he wasn't offering a solution, just a vision of a Utopia without any guidance on how to transition to it -- more specifically, how would we make money from open source software, when currently proprietary software is the default for making money. ~~~ cyphar > how would we make money from open source software There are many existing examples, so this is clearly a solved problem already. You charge for support, or for feature requests, and so on. That's how SUSE and RedHat make their money. The flaw with looking at proprietary software's monitisation is that it usually just boils down to "pay for the binary". This obviously won't work with free software, you need to charge for development rather than access (though you can also use a seat-based model where you only provide support for machines that have valid licenses). (I work for SUSE.) ~~~ heretoo That definately is one solution, but perhaps made possible by restricting distribution of software in the first place to get a leg up (see comments regarding improvements and distribution restrictions regarding installer scripts in SLS [http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/2750](http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/2750)). This suggests that it isn't a solved problem, because the initial conversion to an open source model (or free software) with support on the side may have required a different model to start the venture. None the less, it's admirable, and hopefully a net benefit for everyone. My point was more about Stallman and co calling foul with regards to software freedom, codifying their own ideal, but not giving directions to reach that ideal. This feels like a safe pulpit to sit upon, where their view isn't falsifiable, useful when they want to say "I told you so", and eventually taking all credit for everyone else's efforts in between to make the end goal possible. ~~~ cyphar > perhaps made possible by restricting distribution of software in the first > place to get a leg up This is incorrect, you can download the full ISOs for SLE from the SUSE website, with 30 days worth of updates. The source code (and the system required to build it) is all publicly available on [https://buid.opensuse.org/](https://buid.opensuse.org/). I beleive RedHat have something similar. I'm also not sure that an interview _from 1994_ with the creator of Slackware is a good indicator of the current state of distribution business models. Though even in 1994, both RedHat and SUSE were selling enterprise distributions. ~~~ heretoo Since the past determines the future, the relevant part of the 1994 interview is "... Instead, he claimed distribution rights on the Slackware install scripts since they were derived from ones included in SLS...", which as I understand it, is the restriction of distribution I was referring to (perhaps redistribution is more accurate). This suggests that the business model benefited from restricting redistribution and modification of the source code, so breaks the assumptions that the business model was purely based on making money from open source, and so doesn't fully support the idea that proprietary software is unnecessary, in the case where we take SUSE as an example of saying it is "already solved". ------ alcover I wonder how Facebook devs feel when they read such posts. Do they feel rejected ? shameful ? Does their salary really outweigh this collective disapproval of their peers ? ~~~ secondarychris I actually just got a job there out of school, starting in a few months. Reading these comments is certainly interesting although it's not news to me that Hacker News hates Facebook. I've long been skeptical of the effects of social media though, and I'm taking this job mostly just because doing otherwise seems like a really poor career choice. Plus it seems like Facebook is here to stay, and I can dream of helping to fix the problem instead of just enabling it. ~~~ not_kurt_godel You are enabling it. You know that and it will gnaw at your soul and make you deeply unhappy as long as you work there. ~~~ joering2 I spilled OJ at myself when I read his post. I mean its great he is so gullible to believe he can change something at such big corp, and he reminds me when I was 16 with big head of dreams how to change the world. But seriously - do we know any single example of an intern coming to a big corp and "saving it" \- by that I mean steering it off the dark and deceiving waters and actually bringing it into light for the good of society and people in general?? ~~~ Grangar Didn't Snowden have intentions to leak NSA documents right from the start..? ------ lwhsiao Pi-Hole [1] is another nice way to filter domains at the DNS level network wide, if you want a wider reaching solution that supports wildcards. Great way to use an extra Pi if you have one sitting around. \--- [1] [https://pi-hole.net/](https://pi-hole.net/) ~~~ madez Sadly, Pi-Hole is not integrated into Debian. I feel uneasy running software not from the Debian repository. I hope Pi-Hole will be packaged soon. ~~~ arbitrage Debian has had its share of fuck-ups in its package management system. There's very little difference between blindly trusting debian, vs blindly trusting pihole. Don't pretend you check out the contents of all the packages you use. ~~~ madez That is unnecessarily aggressive. Also, besides the snarkyness, it is a bad argument. What you write seems to be an appeal to hypocrisy. To see that, the following analogon might be helpful: One doesn't need to personally comprehend every decision in a democracy to have more trust in it than in a dictatorship, and one can say that without living in a democracy. ------ bhauer Looks like this is already covered by the "Social" add-on to StevenBlack's hosts: [https://github.com/StevenBlack/hosts/blob/master/extensions/...](https://github.com/StevenBlack/hosts/blob/master/extensions/social/hosts) ~~~ joeblau Steven Black's list is better. More complete and also has hosts for other social outlets, ad networks and trackers to block. [https://github.com/StevenBlack/hosts/](https://github.com/StevenBlack/hosts/) ~~~ thelittleone Is there a way to redirect to a local HTML file for any blacklisted host file addresses? Something like "You tried to access a site that's blocked in hosts file"? I tend to add blacklists like this then few months later wonder why some site doesn't work. ~~~ hjek Yes. As the hosts file redirects to localhosts, you can run a local server, displaying a notification. As root: while true; do printf "blocked by hosts file" |nc -q 1 -l -p 80; done ------ tartrate Is it really any use trying to enumerate all variants under *.facebook.com and similar? The counts: 307 facebook.com 295 fbcdn.net 250 tfbnw.net 12 whatsapp.com 9 instagram.com 3 fb.com 3 edgesuite.net 2 metrix.net 2 fbsbx.com 2 fbcdn.com 2 facebook.net 2 edgekey.net 2 cdninstagram.com 2 akamaihd.net 1 fb.me 1 appspot.com ~~~ SjuulJanssen A bit further down in the replies reustle mentions: `It's a shame /etc/hosts doesn't support wildcards` ~~~ TremendousJudge I find that ridiculous. Is there a reason why it's that way? ~~~ lnx01 It's been around since the beginning of time itself I guess. You can try something like dnsmasq. One liner in the conf file: address=/.facebook.com/ edit: For Ubuntu this should work (one versions from Trusty and newer): sudo touch /etc/NetworkManager/dnsmasq.d/local Put these lines into the above file and save: address=/.facebook.com/ address=/.fbcdn.net/ address=/.tfbnw.net/ address=/.whatsapp.com/ address=/.instagram.com/ address=/.fb.com/ address=/.edgesuite.net/ address=/.metrix.net/ address=/.fbsbx.com/ address=/.fbcdn.com/ address=/.facebook.net/ address=/.edgekey.net/ address=/.cdninstagram.com/ address=/.akamaihd.net/ address=/.fb.me/ address=/.appspot.com/ And then: sudo systemctl restart network-manager ------ rawland Let's put this in global context: Adblocking is a non-trivial task, but there are trivial solutions. 1.) Install hosts-gen from http://git.r-36.net/hosts-gen/ % git clone http://git.r-36.net/hosts-gen % cd hosts-gen % sudo make install # Make sure all your custom configuration from your current /etc/hosts is # preserved in a file in /etc/hosts.d. The files have to begin with a # number, a minus and then the name. % sudo hosts-gen 2.) Install the zerohosts script. # In the above directory. % sudo cp examples/gethostszero /bin % sudo chmod 775 /bin/gethostszero % sudo /bin/gethostszero % sudo hosts-gen Add a cron job, and enjoy your faster and adfree-er internet. Further, you can add your custom (this FB) block to the local files in /etc/hosts.d, which then will be concatenated automatically. [source]: [https://surf.suckless.org/files/adblock- hosts/](https://surf.suckless.org/files/adblock-hosts/) ------ rvshchwl This is a good thing to enable, but I think that smartphones contribute exponentially more data to Facebook services than laptops and browsers do. Smartphones give easy access to location, background running services, microphone. Even if you block these permissions to the app, Facebook gets the data from their data providers that use Facebook ads. ~~~ rs86 "Exponentially" means nothing here. Perhaps you are looking for "orders of magnitude" ~~~ nostromo [amount of data collected from phones]=[amount of data collected from desktops]^[some exponent] ~~~ btrettel If the exponent is less than 1 then the amount of data collected from phones is less than that from desktops. ~~~ hueving When you hear 'exponential back off algorithm', do you envision one that keeps retrying faster and faster? ~~~ btrettel I'd say better than 50% chance that the delay increases. But the phrase would be unambiguous if it were called an "exponentially _increasing_ back off algorithm". ~~~ marksomnian This is unnecessarily pedantic. An exponential back off algorithm has a 100% chance of increasing the delay, that's the whole point. Nowhere other than pure mathematics would I see the phrase "exponentially" and even consider a <1 exponent. ~~~ cmstoken I think "needlessly" would work better than "unnecessarily" there. ------ dontchooseanick I advocate for iptables instead of DNS filtering. Process of enumerating and rejecting facebook IPs : * Query the RAD [http://radb.net/query/](http://radb.net/query/) , search for AS32934 * Enumerate ip ranges by [http://radb.net/query/?advanced_query=1](http://radb.net/query/?advanced_query=1) * Check inverse query by origin, use AS32934 * Grep the response route and route6 CIDR ranges * Build a netfilter script with REJECT Gives those scripts for iptables (updated once in a while) : * [https://cdn.rawgit.com/smigniot/mu/ea0f32867907b855063c56ae8...](https://cdn.rawgit.com/smigniot/mu/ea0f32867907b855063c56ae8dbd7237d35913f1/fbmute/no_facebook_in_ipv4.sh) * [https://cdn.rawgit.com/smigniot/mu/ea0f32867907b855063c56ae8...](https://cdn.rawgit.com/smigniot/mu/ea0f32867907b855063c56ae8dbd7237d35913f1/fbmute/no_facebook_in_ipv6.sh) * [https://cdn.rawgit.com/smigniot/mu/ea0f32867907b855063c56ae8...](https://cdn.rawgit.com/smigniot/mu/ea0f32867907b855063c56ae8dbd7237d35913f1/fbmute/no_facebook_out_ipv4.sh) * [https://cdn.rawgit.com/smigniot/mu/ea0f32867907b855063c56ae8...](https://cdn.rawgit.com/smigniot/mu/ea0f32867907b855063c56ae8dbd7237d35913f1/fbmute/no_facebook_out_ipv6.sh) To enable : * iptables -I OUTPUT -j no_facebook_out * iptables -I INPUT -j no_facebook_in * ip6tables -I OUTPUT -j no_facebook_out * ip6tables -I INPUT -j no_facebook_in By design, instagram and connect-with-facebook get muted too. ~~~ DavideNL To get a list of all Facebook ip's: whois -h whois.radb.net '!gAS32934' | tr ' ' '\n' | awk '!/[[:alpha:]]/' > facebook.list whois -h whois.radb.net '!6AS32934' | tr ' ' '\n' | grep '::' >> facebook.list ------ frawley I don't see [https://messenger.com](https://messenger.com) or [https://m.me](https://m.me) (which also leads to messenger) ~~~ pksadiq The last commit to the file is on 4 Oct 2016. So you could expect that. ~~~ dang Ok, we've added 2016 above. Unsurprisingly, there is recent stuff on [https://github.com/jmdugan/blocklists/pulls](https://github.com/jmdugan/blocklists/pulls). If anyone notices it getting updated, could you tell us? hn@ycombinator.com is best. ------ source99 Its actually quite annoying to block all of facebook. There are a lot of innocuous sites that have at least some small reliability on facebook and blocking all of facebook makes using these sites a tad bit difficult / poor UX. ~~~ checkyoursudo Any examples? I have blocked Facebook for many years, and I can't think of a single time where it has mattered. I run without JavaScript by default, so maybe I just don't notice those kinds of things after years of conditioning. ~~~ __alias you run without js by default? God your internet must be boring :) ~~~ __jal Only whitelisted sites run JS in my browser. If by 'boring', you mean vastly less annoying, yes, it is terribly boring. I'd likely never look at the bulk of commercial websites if I had to render them the way owners intended them to render. ------ epiapp For anyone who's interested, I also maintain a tracking protection list for Internet Explorer. It's based originally on the Ghostery and Disconnect lists, but I now update it independently. It's designed to be concise and speedy, yet also comprehensive. Note, however, that due to the limitations of tracking protection lists in IE, it can't block everything. You may need to supplement it with a small hosts file. Check it out here: [https://github.com/amtopel/tpl](https://github.com/amtopel/tpl) ------ angadsg Created a pi-hole friendly blocklist [https://gist.githubusercontent.com/angad/3db2da1cb50a4432c9e...](https://gist.githubusercontent.com/angad/3db2da1cb50a4432c9ea3cfa2bb249f5/raw/7fd0fddc08dd23ed205ec488fd5068c195662fe0/facebook.txt) ------ reustle It's a shame /etc/hosts doesn't support wildcards *.facebook.com ~~~ rbritton You could sort of work around that by just blocking their IP ranges: [https://stackoverflow.com/a/11164738](https://stackoverflow.com/a/11164738) ~~~ topranks The ranges could change over time. If you run your own DNS resolver you can use the wildcard trick. Something like this in an RPZ zone should do it: facebook.com IN CNAME . *.facebook.com IN CNAME . facebook.net IN CNAME . *.facebook.net IN CNAME . fbcdn.com IN CNAME . *.fbcdn.com IN CNAME . fbcdn.net IN CNAME . *.fbcdn.net IN CNAME . fb.com IN CNAME . *.fb.com IN CNAME . fb.me IN CNAME . *.fb.me IN CNAME . tfbnw.com IN CNAME . *.tfbnw.com IN CNAME . ~~~ zaarn *.facebook.com IN CNAME . should be unnecessary since the DNS zone above it, facebook.com is already CNAME'd. Most resolvers will take a CNAME as "any further requests go to here", which to my experience usually includes NS servers. (This is also why you don't CNAME your root domain, CNAME conflicts with any other record type) ------ digitalbase Someone should start a business for this: Provide people that care about privacy with a public DNS server they can use that auto blocks those domains (and update's its lists). I would pay for it (few dollars a month) Feature suggestion: allow people to add their own entries so I can purposely block reddit or hacker news to reduce distractions. Pretty sure I would set this DNS server on both my phone and desktop. ------ thetruthseeker1 Can somebody elaborate why this link from 2016 is gaining steam here? Is it because Cambridge Analytica misused FB data? May be I am missing something, do we know if facebook was wittingly complicit? ~~~ RealityVoid I'm not a big fan of Facebook but I do find it useful. That being said, this feels to me like a coordinated attack campaign. Take an issue, blow it up, attach various other nebulous bad things and push it to a public that was already primed against that very service. Seems to be working great. I do not know who or why is pushing this campaign but it definitely feels organized and calculated. ------ nielsbjerg The whole conversation, without having read into everything here in absolute detail, seem to be very tool oriented. Am I the only one here overwhelmed by the sheer amount of domains involved? ~~~ Moru It's mostly subdomains since windows can't use wildcards (*.domain.com). Setting up such a large hosts-file might slow down your computer a bit though. There are some tools that lets you run wildcards in the hosts-file but can't remember the names at the moment. ~~~ nielsbjerg Again, a tool concern. Not trying to downplay the possible solutions, but rather bring attention to the magnetude ~~~ Moru I'm not sure what you mean, I see 13 different domains in that list, the rest is subdomains of the same 13 domains. You can't count that as "sheer amount of domains". Our company probably have 2000 different subdomains on 5 domains? Subdomains we can create as we want to, it's just some letters before the domain part of the adress. Eg: Subdomain.Domain.com. That is what the wildcard is for, *.Domain.com catches them all no matter how many extra we create. Wildcarddomain is needed for example on an SSL certificate to accept any subdomain for the domain you ordered. ------ yorby block all of Google's IP addresses: [https://support.google.com/a/answer/60764?hl=en](https://support.google.com/a/answer/60764?hl=en) (note: your internet (the web) will stop working properly if you do block all of those IPs, which is a big problem) ~~~ cbdumas Can you be more specific about your internet not working with those addresses blocked? What exactly doesn't work? ~~~ rphlx A lot of sites pull in popular js libraries from google; the idea being that they'll already be in a user's cache and even if they're not, google has a better (cheaper, faster and/or lower latency) CDN than the site author. ~~~ 908087 Most of this can be worked around by installing Decentraleyes, which replaces common CDN-loaded resources with local copies. ~~~ geokon I'd like something so I can use the web from China (without a VPN) . Right now a lot of the common JS/fonts/etc from Google break - and webpages go wonky. Is there a way to preload a cache? ------ malloreon does this include instagram, messenger, and whatsapp domains too? I'm not sure if these services use their own domains. 'fb' itself will eventually be, if it's not already, just a data holding company for these and other acquisitions. ~~~ flixic Yes it does. But you could have found this out way faster by just searching on the page. ------ paxy I wish it were that easy. Good start, but Facebook will still: 1\. Get your data from other websites/apps that you allow 2\. Get your data through your friends that use Facebook ~~~ dwighttk shouldn't this keep javascript from facebook domains from loading? ~~~ paxy Yes, but a lot of data transfer happens on the backend without the client being involved. ~~~ freedomben This is certainly possible but hasn't been my experience. Most of Facebook stuff is xhr that is easy to block on the client side. It's certainly possible that services are doing this on the backend, but it seems far easier to plug in Facebook's libraries in the frontend. ------ heckanoobs Why would you block all the domains but still keep your account that you would no longer be able to access? The account is the problem not the domains. You would have to block the domains on every device you use. Just kill the problem at the source and delete your entire surveillance account with facebook. ~~~ lnx01 Because facebook tracks you even if you don't have an account. ------ knowThySelfx Why only Facebook? All companies which store data are suspect. ------ walrus01 Similar solution to blocking things at your local recursive DNS resolver, assuming you have a captive pool of devices, let's say in in a LAN, all of which are given DHCP addresses and DHCP-assigned DNS resolvers, and you're in control of a bind9 server that's on the same LAN. Not going to prevent people with admin rights on their workstations from using another DNS resolver (or VPN, or whatever), but a fairly low effort solution. [https://community.jisc.ac.uk/library/janet-services- document...](https://community.jisc.ac.uk/library/janet-services- documentation/how-block-or-sinkhole-domains-bind) ------ mockindignant There is more coverage of this topic here: [https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=11791052](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=11791052) ------ throwaway84742 Does anyone have this for Google ads domains and/or YouTube? ~~~ amarka I don't have a list that I can easily share, but you can curate your own off of [https://github.com/StevenBlack/hosts](https://github.com/StevenBlack/hosts) ~~~ throwaway84742 Didn’t know about this. Thanks for the link! ------ odammit Man, that person put in some effort. That’s a lot of good lists. Scrolling through them it’s really interesting to see the other sites companies own. I always forget WhatsApp is Facebook. ------ RickS This list presumably updates/moves around often. Is there a service that, say, subscribes to a live list of this domain set (like adblock consumes easylist) and updates my hostfile automatically? If not, that is a piece of software that I would find useful and worth paying for (with the ability to audit the software's ability to phone home about the rest of my hosts file) ~~~ dao- Your host file, hmm. Maybe something based on disconnect.me. If you're mostly worried about the browser (which seems sensible for most users), you can just enable tracking protection in Firefox: [https://support.mozilla.org/en- US/kb/tracking-protection](https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/tracking- protection) ------ stirner I wrote a small tool that translates AdBlock Plus filter lists into hosts file format [1]. It can only translate simple domain-name rules but might be of interest to people in this thread. [1] [https://github.com/wwalexander/hostsblock](https://github.com/wwalexander/hostsblock) ~~~ zackmorris Thank you, I didn't know about the `cat -` trick to read from stdin (works the same as `echo hi | cat /dev/stdin`). Even after all this time, I still learn something new every day. ~~~ stirner echo hi | cat - is also equivalent to echo hi | cat You only need the - if you are concatenating other files with stdin [1]. Incidentally, any use of echo x | y can be replaced (at least in Bash) with y <<< "x" This is called a "here string" [2]. [1] [https://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=cat&manpath=FreeBS...](https://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=cat&manpath=FreeBSD+9.1-RELEASE) [2] [http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/x17837.html](http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/x17837.html) ------ Pete_D A lot of commenters mention dnsmasq. I wrote some scripts a while ago to help minimize a dnsmasq config that had been generated from a hosts file. People in this thread might find them useful. [https://petedeas.co.uk/dnsmasq/](https://petedeas.co.uk/dnsmasq/) ------ Mizza I made one of these for Google: [https://github.com/Miserlou/nogoogle](https://github.com/Miserlou/nogoogle) also: [https://github.com/Miserlou/Poop](https://github.com/Miserlou/Poop) ~~~ throwahey Your list does basically nothing for Google tracking domains. Here is mine: (note that this blocks recaptcha which a lot of websites are now using for login annoyingly). I add entries for IPv4 and IPv6 ( and ::1 respectively). google.com www.google.com fonts.googleapis.com google-analytics.com apis.google.com tpc.googlesyndication.com ssl.google-analytics.com www.google-analytics.com www-google-analytics.l.google.com stats.g.doubleclick.net clients.l.google.com pagead.l.doubleclick.net pagead2.googlesyndication.com googleads.g.doubleclick.net www-googletagmanager.l.google.com googleadapis.l.google.com gstatic.com ssl.gstatic.com www.gstatic.com www.googletagservices.com www.googletagmanager.com securepubads.g.doubleclick.net tpc.googlesyndication.com To login to a google service such as gmail or enable captcha, comment out the three (*.)gstatic domains. ~~~ mito88 nice! ------ xyrouter I can block domains on my laptop, no problem. But I have not been able to figure out any convenient way to block websites on my Android phone. My Android phone comes with a Chrome browser. Any ideas about how to block websites reliably on an unrooted/jail-not-broken Android phone? ~~~ bronco21016 Block at DNS level on a device (router or DNS server) and proxy all Android traffic to said device. I use a pfsense router running OpenVPN and pfblockerNG. PfblockerNG sinkholes all DNS requests to domains from a list such as this one. Then by using OpenVPN I simultaneously encrypt my connection when roaming remotely and I can specify to use my home DNS server to sinkhole ad/tracking domains. ~~~ xyrouter Thanks for the suggestion. I think this will work fine in a home network that I can control. But this is not going to work when I am traveling and using my carrier's 4G network. Am I right? Is there any nifty solution to address the later? I am a little disappointed that I can't do something as simple as install plugins for my phone browser that can block sites. ~~~ moviuro > But this is not going to work when I am traveling and using my carrier's 4G > network. That's what VPNs are for. See openvpn, for example (or tinc, strongswan, etc) ------ yumraj Minor segue, is there any easy way to Geo-block URLs, both by ccTLDs and by geolocation of IPs from certain countries. I have pi-hole running but it doesn't support that currently, best it does is wildcard but even for that it needs domain and won't do just on the ccTLD. ~~~ dredmorbius ASNs, kinda, maybe. ------ snowpanda Nice to see HackerNews create pull requests to make the list more up to date. I hope they get committed. [https://github.com/jmdugan/blocklists/pulls](https://github.com/jmdugan/blocklists/pulls) ------ ryanlol This is a terrible approach. Facebook can rotate many of these names whenever they feel like. ------ cyberferret Interesting to see several domain names/servers with 'mqtt' referenced. Wondering if Facebook interacts with IoT devices routinely, or perhaps they use MQTT for Messenger message transfers etc.? ------ HenryBemis I want to share my favorite HOSTS file provider [1] which includes FB addresses. [1]: [http://someonewhocares.org/hosts/](http://someonewhocares.org/hosts/) ~~~ mito88 goatse! :) ------ DavideNL on macOS i use a bash script to get all Facebook ip addresses: whois -h whois.radb.net '!gAS32934' | tr ' ' '\n' | awk '!/[[:alpha:]]/' > "/etc/pf.anchors/usr.home.sub/facebook.list" and then use a pfctl anchor to block them all table <facebook> persist file "/etc/pf.anchors/usr.home.sub/facebook.list" block drop quick to <facebook> ------ amelius I need something like this that I can install on friend and family's phones/iPads/computers whenever they ask me to fix something for them >:) ~~~ FabHK Gas Mask is a neat macOS app to manage hosts. You can subscribe to a remote hosts file, too. ------ jakeogh My setup: [https://github.com/jakeogh/dnsgate](https://github.com/jakeogh/dnsgate) ------ partycoder A blacklist approach to this is for sure a cat and mouse game. A better approach is to incrementally whitelist the domains you trust. ~~~ rphlx In general blacklists are a better choice overall for non-technical users. Do you really want an angry text message or phone call every time $FAMILY_MEMBER has some site that's rendering poorly because they haven't properly whitelisted one of the 12 legit domains it hits? And do you really trust them to _not_ whitelist some ad & tracking domains? ~~~ megous Presumably, $FAMILY_MEMBER would have to get past the phone number whitelist too. So it might not be that bad. ------ anonu I might do this. Just curious if this will break the internet for me... Will certain non Facebook pages fail to load? ------ ChoGGi The list has fbcdn-profile-a.akamaihd.net, but it missed fbcdn- creative-a.akamaihd.net If anyone wants it ------ jason_slack Are there any implications to having 40,000+ lines in your /etc/hosts? ~~~ nomercy400 It's basically a big lookup table, trading storage for speed. The most noticable effect is that your web pages load faster, because a lot requests for unnecessary data (eg. Facebook in this example) complete immediately. Occasionally you will miss out on a webpage that depends on it. Think uBlock Origin, but not for just your browser but your entire system. ~~~ jason_slack Thanks I have used /etc/hosts for a long time. I however just realized exactly how big mine is getting. ------ dandigangi One of the posts I wish I could upvote more than once. Thank you. ------ alpb This list must've updated a lot since 2016. ------ mito88 what is the difference between and with respect to redire ction? will redirecting to localhost eat more cpu cycles? ~~~ dredmorbius is no host. is localhost, and will still generate a query. If you've a webserver there, its logs might get busy with the blocked traffic requests. ------ imhelpingu It's pathetic that it takes a literal propaganda campaign to make people see the problem with facebook after 10 years, but whatever I'll take it. ------ drchiu Any way to do this at the router level? ~~~ spaceandshit Pi-hole on a raspberry pi ~~~ mito88 Beavis? :) ------ stiangrindvoll This is quite a powerful message! ------ CiPHPerCoder Why would you block WhatsApp? ~~~ binarysaurus Owned by FB. ~~~ CiPHPerCoder It may be owned by Facebook, but it's one of the viable secure messaging apps for people what don't use Signal. The other is Wire. ~~~ 908087 It's only viable if you're comfortable sharing your contact list and metadata with Facebook. ~~~ CiPHPerCoder E2E encryption that isn't MTProto? Done. ------ halamadrid Wow the hate/dislike is very real. ------ mito88 merci. ------ Froyoh Why not do something like *facebook.com? ~~~ dredmorbius Hosts syntax doesn't allow for that. DNSMasq would, however, allow you to only specify each TLD. ------ computator I'd like to mention a problem with blocklists like this that you put into /etc/hosts. I've noticed that many sites trivially evade the blocklist by adding a redirect. I.e., if example.com is blocked, but it redirects to example.ru or example123.com or example.team, then it still works. The spammers and advertisers don't have to change all the existing links to example.com -- they simply need to add a new redirect every few weeks. ~~~ rem7 that's not how /etc/hosts works. the domain listed in /etc/hosts (example.com) will point to (or you'll never even make it to the server so you won't get the redirect. ~~~ computator Oops, you're right. I discovered that it was my browser that was "helpfully" adding www in front of lots of domains I had blocked in /etc/hosts. For instance, if I blocked example.com, my browser would automatically try www.example.com (which might then redirect to something else entirely). In my case, I'm using Firefox. I can stop this behavior by setting "browser.fixup.alternate.enabled" to "false" in about:config.
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
Socks - A javascript UI toolkit inspired by Shoes - desheikh http://wiki.github.com/petejkim/socks Introducing Socks. An easy to use javascript UI toolkit with Shoes (http://www.shoooes.net) like syntax. Build webapps quickly and easily with no knowledge of HTML or CSS. ====== Sephr IMO, a better MIME type would be application/socks+ecmascript or application/socks+javascript instead of application/javascript-socks. That looks closer to how content types that are built on XML have their MIME types. For example, XHTML's MIME type is application/xhtml+xml, not application/xml- xhtml. Also, a shoes-like syntax is already available in JavaScript, though it would be very hard to utilize as-is (in <JS 1.7, wrap in a function and use `var' instead of `let'): app: { stack: { para("Foo 1"); // para as a function para: "Foo 2"; // para as a label button: { let bar = new Button("Bar"); bar.onclick = function() { alert("Baz!") } }; flow: { style: ({ // CSS block color: "red", after: { content: "!" } }); para("This is red and ends with an exclamation point"); } } } ~~~ raingrove thanks a lot for your insight. will look into fixing those in future releases ------ chaosmachine This project makes the same mistake Prototype does: Using the unmodified name of an existing tech concept. ------ omouse I started a similar project last year during the summer: <http://github.com/omouse/sandals/tree/master> I called it Sandals and it's dead mainly because I'm lazy but also because I find it stupid to re-invent the wheel. YAY yet another UI toolkit to learn _grumble_ ------ helium Hmmm... pretty cool. I wrote a little sample app for this that will generate a sierpinski triangle: [http://cloud.github.com/downloads/petejkim/socks/socks- chaos...](http://cloud.github.com/downloads/petejkim/socks/socks-chaos.html) And the code: <http://gist.github.com/113435> ------ andreyf That doesn't look like JS syntax... am I missing something, or are they using JS to parse/interpret it? ~~~ jayro It's JavaScript object literal syntax. ~~~ misuba No - the application/javascript-socks scripts are putting Ruby-style code blocks in places JavaScript doesn't generally allow them. Presumably that's the reason for the alternate MIME type on the script. ------ jcapote Looking over the api it's pretty thorough and the custom controls look very polished; nice work.
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
Agent-Based Modelling for Hospital Resource Allocation in Viral Crises - floodedhere https://github.com/jetnew/COVID-Resource-Allocation-Simulator ====== MrK93 Having developed a discrete event simulator myself for my master's thesis I can guarantee that the usefulness of tools like this one depends heavily on the veracity and quality of the time parameters and the random distributions. This one is a very cool exercise, but applicability is dubious. Anyway, does anybody have any suggestion about job positions where the job requires developing this kind of stuff (simulators, process optimization, heuristics)? Being a fresh graduate in this time period is pretty bad, but doesn't hurt to do some research on interesting job positions. I only see web related job positions and "machine learning" job positions lately. ~~~ 7thaccount If you're interested in MIP/LP optimization models and have either AIMMS or GAMS experience and either CPLEX or GUROBI knowledge, the vendors of most power systems simulators probably have some openings. They're large codebases, but actively saving billions annually in the US. The problems of unit commitment and economic dispatch are well understood, but the business rules framework is massive for all the US RTO/ISOs and is always changing. ~~~ MrK93 I have research experience with MIP/LP and GUROBI but didn't know about the field of power systems simulations, so thanks for the suggestion! ~~~ 7thaccount No problem. Vendors are GE, Siemens, and ABB. I'm sure at least one is hiring. They generally prefer some industry experience, but a Masters or PhD would likely go far, especially with some research projects. These models are amongst the most difficult out there as far as size and time requirements. One of the founders of GUROBI got involved with the industry recently to try to help some researchers speed things up. If you want a decent example/starter model to analyze, there is a unit commitment model someone made in Xpress that is free online if you Google for it that shows the fundamental formulation although they are much larger in practice. ~~~ MrK93 This paper? [https://www.researchgate.net/publication/269636462_Implement...](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/269636462_Implementing_a_Unit_Commitment_Power_Market_Model_in_FICO_Xpress- Mosel) Amazing, thank you! Having a lot of time in my hands I could try to implement it in some other environment. ~~~ 7thaccount This has the full link: [https://arxiv.org/abs/1412.4504](https://arxiv.org/abs/1412.4504) Unit commitment is the MIP problem that combines linear and integer constraints and tries to determine the least cost set of units to bring online for each hour of the day. Constraints include things like the minimum amount of time the unit has to remain offline before being started up again, the minimum amount of time it has to run once online, how fast it can move (ramp), how much capacity it has..etc. You try to minimize the costs of starting up the unit, the cost of the unit just being online, and energy costs. The economic dispatch problem is much simpler and asks, with the set of units that were given to me by unit commitment, where should I set each one. The commitment problem runs the day ahead at hourly granularity for the next day and is also run periodically throughout the day. The dispatch problem generally runs every 5 minutes 24/7 365. There are also other constraints like not burning down the transmission grid. ------ jetnew Hi, I'm the creator of this project. Seems like someone shared it here. This is a school project and a current work-in-progress, and I'm open to any feedback available. The usefulness of a simulator is heavily dependent on how well it approximates to reality, which I have yet to do. It is currently a baseline experiment without any reference to current research on COVID-19, but stay tuned as I'm working on it! And thanks for sharing :) ~~~ joemccall86 It sounds like you and I are thinking along the same line: [https://github.com/joemccall86/cap5600-project2](https://github.com/joemccall86/cap5600-project2). I am also taking AI this semester and was considering expanding upon something like this for my masters' capstone project. The application of machine learning to this type of situation is going to be very interesting to say the least. Just wanted to say good luck! ------ juskrey Basically optimizations and "modelling" are the reason resource allocations are total failure in the case of rare emergencies, like ongoing. You assume the worst "one in a 1000 years" case, multiply by 2..10, depending on your cash flow, and keep allocations up to date. Period. And the simple truth again: you can't immediately allocate during a crisis. ------ coderthrow I am modelling with American Community Survey complete raw data, physically in Berkeley, California.. using PostGIS, python and an SEIR model; Urban Planning background.. suggestions welcome ~~~ coderthrow example output, US Persons by Age-Sex 50+ by Census Tract, nationwide.. exec. time 1230 ms. local, no clouds -[ RECORD 221408 ]----+ mtable_2_pkey | 18744349 geoid | 08000US361198400084000000900 geo_name | Census Tract 9, Yonkers city, Yonkers city, Westchester County, New York Total_Population | 2307 Male | 1085 male over 50 est. | 285 Female | 1222 female over 50 est. | 272 -[ RECORD 221409 ]----+ mtable_2_pkey | 18754394 geoid | 08000US421338704887048000900 geo_name | Census Tract 9, York city, York city, York County, Pennsylvania Total_Population | 7100 Male | 3934 male over 50 est. | 1453 Female | 3166 female over 50 est. | 1347 -[ RECORD 221410 ]----+ mtable_2_pkey | 18776479 geoid | 14000US42133000900 geo_name | Census Tract 9, York County, Pennsylvania Total_Population | 1169 Male | 667 male over 50 est. | 226 Female | 502 female over 50 est. | 240 ------ nrjames If you find this interesting, check out Project Hospital on Steam: [https://store.steampowered.com/app/868360/Project_Hospital/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/868360/Project_Hospital/)
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
Developer Bootcamp in Vancouver BC - jasonh1234 http://codecore.ca CodeCore is an intensive 8 week, full time course that will teach you the necessary skills to excel in the software development industry. ====== jasonh1234 It's about time Vancouver got one!
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
A Bitter Pill - hourislate http://www.theverge.com/2016/5/4/11581994/fmt-fecal-matter-transplant-josiah-zayner-microbiome-ibs-c-diff ====== goldhand That's awesome! He's real mad scientist! Super cool.
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
How To Use Twitter and Not Be a Douchebag - twism http://www.darowski.com/tracesofinspiration/2009/05/26/how-to-use-twitter-and-not-be-a-douchebag/ ====== jnorthrop Am I the only one who couldn't get past the author's tone. I'll paraphrase the way I read it: "Hey kids, I've been doing this a long time, and I know what do to, and you are doing it wrong, so listen to me... And by the way your a douchebag." He comes across as elitist -- about Twitter! Twitter is an open service and you can do with it what you like as long as it is within the terms of service. That is it. ~~~ jackowayed It was kind of condescending, but I see where he's coming from. Basically, he's saying "a lot of people on Twitter tweet annoyingly. Here are some major offenses that people should avoid." And the tone probably made it a more effective piece of writing. The putting- off effect of his tone is counteracted by people being more likely to read it because it sounds more extreme/interesting and people's desire to avoid being a "douchebag", which is stronger than their desire not to be "someone who tweets kind of annoyingly." That said, it was kind of annoying and elitist. But for accomplishing his goal of getting the most people to remedy these poor tweeting habits the most, it was probably more effective than just complaining about annoying ways people tweet. ------ jgrahamc The @ reply information is useful, the rest is obvious and I'm guessing that if you are a douchebag then you won't follow his advice. ~~~ swombat I'm not so sure... some people jump into Twitter without knowing much about it. If they "meet" the wrong people at the beginning, they may adopt behaviours that those noisy and spammy individuals think are ok, without actually being comfortable with them themselves. Sometimes, you're a douche because you're a douche. Sometimes, you're a douche because you don't know better (yet). ~~~ axod I don't see much of it as "douchebag" on Twitter, obviously there's some who are just playing the numbers game etc, but Twitter is obviously also an effective marketing tool. Using Twitter to make money isn't really the same as being a douchebag. Of course for users at the receiving end, it's irritating, but you can't blame people who have flocked to Twitter to promote and market. ~~~ Raphael_Amiard or can you ? I never understood this mentality, how is it ok if it's for promoting/marketing purpose ? how is making money always ok ? ~~~ axod I didn't say it's ok, I'm just saying it's not necessarily 'douchebag' behavior, if Twitter is setup in a way that makes it very attractive for marketing/promotion. ------ imp I didn't know the details of the reply stuff. That's good to know. I also hope people stop the automatic DM with each follow. That really is annoying. ~~~ sant0sk1 If I follow somebody and they auto-DM me with some canned message, I immediately unfollow them. It really is a douchebag-indicator. ------ tdm911 The point I liked the best was 6. Don’t break the system. I know people loved the see all tweets option, but 97% of us had it turned off for a reason. Adding a character to the front of a tweet (which thankfully seems to be stopping) just inconveniences your followers because you're trying to make a point. I don't appreciate that. ------ tlrobinson Twitter is infested with these "social media experts", aka multi-level marketing assholes. It's quite annoying.
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
Ask HN: Working as part of an interview, for free? - meesterdude I recently applied to a startup for a development position. I was told I would do a &quot;trial interview&quot; which was really just a feature implementation they needed. I was sent an NDA which also talked of when to invoice and had &quot;rate: TBD&quot; which i put in my rate next to. the spec was large, and I wasn&#x27;t expected to do all of it, but I implemented the core of it, which was nontrivial; it took me over 25 hours to implement.<p>Now, I just talked with the boss today, and he said I wouldn&#x27;t be paid for that time; that&#x27;s part of the interview, he says. But I sank more than half my work week into this, and thought this was just a 1099 until i may or may not go on full time, because i was delivering a business feature and not just doing an arbitrary test.<p>Anyway, what should I do? I&#x27;m not so worried if I get the job, but if I don&#x27;t then I feel like I&#x27;ve been cheated. ====== mtmail If you sent back the NDA, it mentions an invoice, you included your rate and they accepted the document you might now have a valid contract. A lawyer will sort this out for you. Until then enjoy the classic 'f*ck you, pay me' video [https://vimeo.com/22053820](https://vimeo.com/22053820) ------ lsiebert Actually, if you signed a contract and provided a rate, and they accepted it and they didn't pay you, they have (I am not a lawyer so in my opinion and this isn't legal advice) violated the contract. That may mean the NDA is not enforceable, depending on the terms. If you have not been paid then you also still have copyright over the code. For small claims, I think you want to be able to prove that you invoiced them, then serve them. Or talk to a lawyer. ------ davismwfl Personally, whichever startup did this is a douchebag and I wouldn't want to work for them regardless. I have never heard of an interview done this way. I am familiar with and okay with a coding test, ok with a proof of your abilities, not ok with implementing code for the company sans payment. My 2 cents, is they agreed to a price and code so they should pay. Frankly, I'd ask an attorney to send them a letter stating as much on your behalf. Might cost you a few bucks but seems reasonable. If they still refuse, I'd seriously consider a public shaming, although I know this isn't likely a good idea, it just seems so appropriate. lol ------ thekonqueror Dilbert covered the same topic today [0] [0]: [http://dilbert.com/strip/2015-08-01](http://dilbert.com/strip/2015-08-01) ------ steven2012 Companies that don't compensate interviewees for their time working on actual features are not the type of company you want to work for. Culture is set from the top and it sounds like the company culture sucks. Don't join them and I hope you didn't send in the code. ------ anon3_ I see kickstarters trying to use this to weasel out free work. If they're engaging in such activity, their financial predicament probably isn't too good to begin with. ------ stray What should you do? Stop whining. If they didn't tell you upfront that you'd be compensated for your time -- you have no reasonable expectation of getting compensated for your time. More than likely that "business feature" is the same task they give every applicant -- they just want to see how you do with something that looks like a real-world task. We do that here: We have a fake project that we pull a fake task out of, and have applicants pair with one of us on its solution. During the "work", the boss will throw us a couple curve balls too -- it's interesting to see how applicants react. We do however, pay them a modest amount for their time. ~~~ meesterdude i would not take issue if this was a fake project meant to test my skillset. it's replacing app functionality with a more robust solution; it is a feature request for a change to be made to production which i implemented the core of. It is very clear that this will go on to be user facing. What is not is if i will receive any kind of reimbursement for doing the work; or if this is just a tactic they employ: get people to work for free in an interview, don't hire them, repeat. I truly hope that is not the case. ~~~ stray Each of our applicants believes the fake task we give them is meant for production too. In reality, it's a very old, inactive project. We simply adjust timestamps to make it _look_ current. It is presented as if it were the bread and butter of our biggest client. And we do our best to make everything seem realistic. I doubt any applicant, before being hired, has ever figured out that the "feature" they had worked on was something that had been built dozens of times already. It's always the same. The "product" they're working on is the remnants of a side-project that went nowhere. But like I said, we _do_ pay people for their time unless we hire them. We do it onsite. And we do one 7-hour workday. And we pay $250. And we do that mainly so nobody is suspicious that they had been duped into working for free. It's _possible_ but imo, unlikely that your work is actually making its way into a shipping product. ~~~ meesterdude It sounds like you guys do it a respectable way. But I don't understand why you can't accept the facts as I present them, as I have given no reason for you to doubt my claims or abilities to properly assess the situation. Maybe you think it's just too crazy to be true? Because that's what I'm thinking for sure... But them be the facts despite my preference of otherwise.
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
Ask HN: What is a good free alternative for Picasa for photo editing? - foo101 Now that Picasa is end-of-life, I would like suggestions about an alternative photo editor that is amateur-friendly. I am not a professional photographer. I am a programmer. But I do like to perform some quick enhancements on the photographs (like altering brightness, shadows, etc.). Is there a good free alternative (free as in free speech or free as in free beer)? If it works on all three of Mac, Linux and Windows, it&#x27;s a bonus! ====== brudgers Gimp. Darktable. Learning to do simple things in either is probably a matter of a few hours but only one time. Then either is as fast as anything else. Yes, 'a few hours' sounds like a lot of time, but I have often found myself spending many hours on Google chasing software that does not exist. Philosophically, the user spending a few hours learning Free software does not seem entirely disproportionate to the thousands of hours developers have spent developing it. Picasa was closed source because it was written to make money. ------ nip Not free but rather cheap (around 30€), but you should look at the Affinity suite (Photo in your case, and Design if you are at some point interested in vector drawing). I made the exact same research a couple of years ago: I couldn’t afford Adobe’s products and wasn’t feeling Pro enough to use Photoshop nor Illustrator. It’s snappy, easy to use and has lots of features for me not to feel constrained whenever I use it. Best software purchase so far. ------ baccredited There isn't a good alternative. I prefer to pay for Acorn flyingmeat.com/acorn and pay $30 only once, rather than pay an eternal $10/mo to Adobe.
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
AT&T Throttling Unlimited Plans after 2GB Data Use - mediamaker http://www.johncozen.com/2012/02/att-throttling-unlimited-plans-after-2gb-data/ ====== lpolovets One particularly nasty thing about automatically throttling the top 5% is that it is completely divorced from costs and level of usage. Over time, if heavy users try using less data, that will just depress the amount of usage required to be the in top 5% -- but 5% of customers will still be affected by throttling. On a side note, I wonder how the cost of supplying customer service to address the complaints of the top 5% compares to the cost of just letting people consume as much data as they like. I would guess even a few minutes of a CS rep's time is more valuable than letting someone download an extra gig of data per month. ~~~ click170 That is why I made as much noise as possible about the (IMO) abusive throttling practices of my previous ISP. Don't take this cr*p lying down, call them and tell them youre unhappy, ask them to disable it on your connection (they won't) and when they refuse, demand to speak to the supervisor. Rinse and repeat. Make it cost more to throttle than it does not to. ------ mikeash I wish ISPs would just give up on the whole "Unlimited" concept. Clearly it's not practical for them to offer truly unlimited service, so let's just cut the bullshit and go to usage-based billing. Unfortunately, the tech community hates usage-based billing about as much as they hate throttling. Baffles me as to why. I think we need to make it illegal to advertise "unlimited" without it actually being unlimited. I would have thought that existing truth-in- advertising laws would cover this, but apparently they don't. Make it illegal to promise what you never intend to deliver and this whole problem goes away. If unlimited is practical to offer, then it will be offered. If unlimited is not practical, then ISPs will no longer be allowed to pretend that it is, and will be encouraged to make the limitations of their offers obvious up-front instead of using shady nonsense like this. ~~~ sliverstorm As I see it there are three reasons the tech community hates usage-based billing. \- First, any time a company tries usage-based data billing, they charge absolutely criminal rates. If you paid attention to usage-based cell service over the years, you'd know what I speak of. \- Second, in an "unlimited" model, some users use more, some use less. In general the tech community will be the ones using more- so they benefit at the marginal expense of other users. They pay comparatively less by volume for their usage. \- Third, in my opinion there's at least a tiny bit of entitlement going around in the online community as a whole. Nobody wants to pay for anything. You know, because "information wants to be free!" and all. ~~~ mikeash AT&T's overage rates are pretty reasonable. They charge $10/GB, which is about what you pay for the initial monthly data plan anyway. Of course, there's probably leftover sentiment from times when overages were much less reasonable, and there are still plenty of such places remaining. The second two I agree with, but they're sad reasons. ~~~ sliverstorm Rates _have_ gotten better, I agree. ------ alexqgb As recently as 18 months ago, I routinely got solid customer service from AT&T. While the wireless service itself was really sketchy in NY and SF, any account problems were handled with competence and care. Given the incredible blowback they'd received from their poor iPhone support, I always felt compelled to tell the people I ended up talking to that they were doing great jobs, and that in spite of what was said in the press about them not having their act together, I found them to be on their game, and that I really appreciated the effort they were making. Then something changed. Intelligence and responsiveness went off a cliff. On the occasions I did have to call I ended up so deeply infuriated that I'd find myself becoming angry BEFORE having to call again - even months later. It almost seemed that they'd adopted a posture of calculated incompetence, specifically designed discourage people from calling them. Within a year (and after a series of truly appalling encounters) I'd gone from publicly defending them to hating them with an intensity bordering on incandescent. Were their service any less vital to my life in general, perhaps I'd feel more sanguine. But given the central importance of wireless connectivity, a "service" relationship costing north of $100 per month and delivering nothing by dropped calls and furious anger quickly made it to the top of of my dump-judiciously list. ------ rmc Part of the shock the OP had is their suprise at 2.1GB putting them in the top 5%. That seems believable to me. I worked in a residential ISP and once ran the numbers on about how much data people use. Something like 90% of people didn't go above 5GB or so. And this was on residential DSL, not on mobile internet. Of course in theory this is going to reduce the average usage of AT&T users, since someone is always on the top 5% (by definition 1 in 20 customers will be affected). It also seems a little unfair to have a rule that you can't know in advance. ~~~ X-Istence 5 GB makes the 250 GB Comcast cap look overly generous, when I can tell you from experience that 250 GB with two people using the Internet on a daily basis is too little. New games come in at 10 GB or more when you are downloading them from places like Steam, add in two people downloading new games and you can easily see 100's of GB's going to just gaming. If I rebuild my Windows desktop and have Steam re-download all of the games I tend to keep locally I myself use about 150 GB of transfer. On top of that comes watching TV Shows (on Hulu/NetFlix) and movies (iTunes/NetFlix/Hulu) and various other downloads. The latest Mac OS X update weighed in at a hefty 1.38 GB, split across 4 devices. Granted, I am a technology person, I am a programmer, I spend more time behind a computer than doing almost anything else (including sleep). My usage pattern is going to be vastly different compared to grandma and grandpa that check their email. The thing is though that I want higher quality content delivered to me instantly, Hulu's 480 is nice and all, but I would love to have it in 720p or 1080p for my large TV. All of this uses up bandwidth/transfer. As for mobile data, I don't tend to do a lot of streaming of music and the like, so far I haven't had any issues with going over the allotted 2 GB from AT&T, that and when I do want to stream I am near Wifi. ~~~ jff Yet as another anecdote, even when watching Netflix streaming basically every night, and downloading the occasional Steam game, I have never once passed my 250 GB Comcast limit. Much as I dislike these kind of caps, it is pretty damn hard to go over 250 GB. That's, what, 200 hours of reasonably high-quality streaming video? 300+ Linux ISOs (the only reason you run bittorrent, right?)? Sadly, I don't think "unlimited" internet is a sustainable model, because generally speaking every bit you send costs the provider money, and the rise of things like Youtube mean that people actually use more bandwidth. However, 250 GB plus a reasonable per-GB charge after that should be reasonable for a very larger percentage of users. ~~~ X-Istence I don't run bittorrent at all (nobody on the home network does), mainly has to do with my current employment. Between my room mate and I we do 200 GB on average, we've had one warning sent out for getting to 245 GB. Here is our yearly usage chart: <http://i.imgur.com/wZbU1.jpg> (since the router/gateway was last rebooted). Do note that there is NO illegal downloading at all. NetFlix, Hulu, Pandora, Spotify, Steam, Dropbox, WoW and many others. ------ evolve2k I would suggest that 'Unlimited' has a very clear meaning to the reasonable person and that they are now breaching their contract as it was initially advertised to the public. Assuming it was initially advertised as 'Unlimited' with relation to speed and data. Of note; Lets say you were in Australia you could take this case straight to the ACCC or the Communications Ombudsman and from experience I would be fairly confident of you getting what you want. ~~~ Zakharov Are you sure? Most companies here offer "unlimited" home Internet plans that are still capped. ------ lancewiggs While the main thrust of the story is concerning, what really makes me feel ill are the scripted responses. The service agents are just picking responses from a list and hitting send. They appear to have no ability to apply thought to the process, and no authority to delegate up. I'm sure the staff are smart and frustrated, and I'm reasonably sure that they are constrained by their systems and processes. But how good would it be if the very first agent was able to actually address the question. My suggested answer would be "yes, this does seem very low, but that's what we are told - 95% of people use less than 2gb per month. It seems a little ridiculous. I can switch you to the 3gb plan of you like - it's cheaper as well (my guess). " No matter what the response it's time to stop this cruel and unusual punishment of both CS staff and customers. ~~~ seanp2k2 All that sounds great and I agree with you 100%...however, since they're a public company, their first priority is to maximize profits, and that is exactly what they're doing here. Since USA citizens are so lazy that they let telco lobbyist groups write the laws and don't riot over them when they're passed by bought politicians, we have to deal with idiotic support as described above. This is also the reason that the sales drones at Best Buy just read the product packaging when you ask them a question about it. Unskilled labor is cheap, and these days, almost all level 1 support is unskilled (think across industries, not just IT; IT still has some great lvl1 support if you look hard enough.) ~~~ JonWood Is causing your customers to think you're ripping them of, and making them look elsewhere for service actually maximising profit though? Given the cost of acquiring a customer they should be bending over backwards to keep existing customers. ~~~ ilmare Yes, since they know customers have nowhere else to go. ------ rexf AT&T is vile garbage. I'm grandfathered into their unlimited plan, but throughout NYC, at work, and at home, my reception is spotty at best. As discussed in this thread, their customer service is non-existant. With an unlimited data plan at worse than dial-up speeds, the data service is useless. I'm planning on switching to Verizon when my iPhone 4 AT&T contract is up, but I'm not holding my breath for any better customer service from Verizon. There really is no cell phone company in the US that I want to give my money to. ~~~ CrazedGeek If you don't mind me asking, why are T-Mo/Sprint/US Cellular/etc not options for you? ------ ghshephard I tried to finish - but the author was either being dense or argumentative. I think AT&T has made their position pretty clear - Unlimited doesn't have overage charges, but you get rate limited when you hit the top 5% of usage (currently 2 Gigabytes). AT&T also offers 2 Gigabyte and 3 Gigabyte plans, with overage charges. Happily, AT&T has been prevented from taking over T-Mobile, so we still have at least four providers for wireless data in most major markets - let's hope it stays that way. ~~~ seanp2k2 While oligopoly still > than monopoly or duopoly, it's still < free market. You think the wireless ISP biz is a free market? Try to start one. Try to get cities and tower owners to give you permission to put your gear up. Who will you get fibre interlinks from for those towers? Who will issue permits to dig trenches to lay fibre all over the cities? Wireless ISPs ("wireless telcos" but I consider them ISPs because ALL their calls, SMS, MMS, and data is now digital) know the game and make no mistake, it is this way on purpose. They have done everything they can to ensure an anti-competitive market. EDIT: I'm sure someone will mention that you could just resell service as many regional WISPs do. Again though, WISPs know the score here, and they price reseller service so that it basically matches what they're offering direct to consumers. At my old company, we'd resell SBC-ATT-Yahoo-Cingulair-Bell- BellSouth-Ameritech-Edge Wireless-Cellular One-Centennial-Wayport DSL (yes, those are all just known as "ATT" today) and the cheapest we could offer 1.5mbit DSL service was $25/month. ~~~ ghshephard I've never suggested it's a free market. I'm just saying there are four vendors who you can chose from based on your feelings about price and quality. I'm just happy it's not three. ------ warfangle My virgin mobile (35 per month) unlimited data plan will start getting throttled in march - after 2.5gb. I'm so glad I left ATT behind. Sure it's a little slower, and I can't get an iphone or the latest or greatest android phone. But it's one of the best values out there, and I didn't need to sign a freaking lock in contract. ~~~ damptrousers So it starts throttling at a half gig later? And you have to deal with crappy phones? Great deal you got there. ~~~ warfangle At a third of the price. Price-to-value ratio is much better. And while the LG Optimus Slider has a smallish screen, it still runs android 2.3. And with a slide-out keyboard, SSH sessions are a lot easier. It's "good enough." ------ furyofantares They didn't throttle mine, they simply changed my plan to the 4GB plan and told me after the fact. They did this to my wife's account as well. And if I change it to the 2GB plan and then tether using an unofficial tethering app, they automatically change my plan back to the 4GB tethering plan. ------ TYPE_FASTER And there goes my last remaining reason not to switch back to Verizon. ------ bryanh Anyone have any experience in the process of switching an AT&T iPhone to Verizon? Worth it? Any gotchas? ~~~ johngalt Won't work. Different network and different hardware. ~~~ seanp2k2 The 4S has CDMA and GSM radios built in. You could just unlock it and move it over if you can find the right CSR to add your IMEI to Verizon. ~~~ modeless You can't "just" unlock it. Unlocking is risky: it voids your warranty, makes the process of updating your OS difficult or impossible, and has a very real chance of bricking your phone. ~~~ SoftwareMaven Unlocking does not void your warrantee. I've had many unlocked iPhones replaced under warrantee. That said, if you brick it while unlocking (and the 4S tools are _very_ new), you won't be covered. ~~~ modeless Perhaps your local Apple Store doesn't check for unlocks before warranty replacement, but unauthorized unlocking absolutely voids your warranty in principle and Apple would be well within their rights to refuse service. If you don't believe me here's the relevant section of the warranty (written by Apple in _bold_ ): "This warranty does not apply: [...] to an Apple Product that has been modified to alter functionality or capability without the written permission of Apple". ------ yabai I received the dreaded text from AT&T at around 2GB of use. I have an unlimited plan, and believe that it should be "unlimited" without any throttling. I am upset about this situation, but feel a bit helpless. I applaud the comments and the post. Perhaps enough outrage will spark a revolution. ------ joelhaasnoot Unfortunately, this is "standard industry practice" for most mobile providers... ------ ouchiboy Ouch. They wouldn't like the 3.9 TB of my last 16 month... ~~~ tzs That's almost 250 GB a month. How do you use that much on a mobile device? That's more than most people use on their regular Internet connection. ~~~ ouchiboy Tethering. _cough_. You can do that with many non-thethering plans on some jailbroken devices to save money or get around no-tethering allowed companies. I'm not going to lie and say that more than 10% of that traffic accounts to youtube videos and torrented linux distributions... ------ mrhyperpenguin Can anyone think of any rational behind this? Why would they want to switch people to tiered data plans when there is no effective difference to them? ~~~ ineedtosleep Why? > …You may also consider switching to a tiered data plan if speed is more > important to you [...] Customers on tiered plans can pay for more data if > they need it, and will not see reduced speeds. (from the blog post) That's why. AT&T has shown that nearly every move they make is for the sole purpose of squeezing out all the money they can from their users. ~~~ tomjen3 They are a company and as such is in the business of making money. Of course they want to squeeze every last bit out. In this case the problem is that they offered an unlimited plan and then did stick with their offer. ~~~ montecarl The problem is that they can get away with it. That is the cell phone market has very little competition. ~~~ jcnnghm There really needs to be a movement to address the collusion in the telecommunication industry. I priced out a business cell plan (with > 5 lines), and there was not even a single penny price difference between ATT and Verizon, and both refused to negotiate at all. No matter what options changed, the prices matched to the cent. Strong regulation needs to be introduced, the major players need to be broken up again, or their infrastructure needs to be nationalized. Working, efficient, non-crippled and inexpensive communications infrastructure is too economically important to leave it in the hands of these bozos. It is unconscionable that wireless communication, which is fast becoming a necessity, amounts to a $100/month/person tax on the citizens of this country, payable to the corrupt interests of two or three companies. The government has laws to prevent this, they should be enforced. ~~~ TheAmazingIdiot It's unconscionable that _you_ pay 100$/person for cell service. I pay for my and my SO's cell service. The combined bill is 55$/mo. That includes unlimited calls, unlimited txts, and for the time being 20k/s data bandwidth. Note that I did not pay extra for the data. And yes, I'm within the US, using a division of T-Mo. ------ epikur I used precisely 5 gigs last month and received no notifications. I guess that means I'm in a higher capacity area? ------ SoftwareMaven So all the unlimited users need to use over 4gb to raise that "top 5%" number significantly. ------ creativityland Yep, I can confirm about this. ------ rorrr Find people like you. Class action lawsuit. ~~~ quellhorst I also have a grandfathered at&t unlimited plan and would be willing to join a class action lawsuit. ------ executive facepalm.jpg
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
Ask HN: is http://www.fcc.gov/comments down for anyone else? - dmschulman So if I have this correctly, the FCC set up an app to get public comment on FCC related issues (most notably right now Net Neutrality) and the public comment period is something they&#x27;re obligated to do under law, yet the system they&#x27;ve created does not work or fulfill its purpose:<p>http:&#x2F;&#x2F;www.fcc.gov&#x2F;comments<p>Has this site just flat out not worked for anyone since the public comment period began May 15th?<p>Is this an issue of the site being overloaded at the moment?<p>Maybe it&#x27;s some kind of ironic commentary on how user rights and free speech will suffer under the FCCs new proposed rules? ====== doctorshady Last I checked an FCC proceeding on Friday it worked. Not so much right now, though. I just get an error saying "Cannot open connection" after a long pause. My suspicion is someone might be ddosing it out of outrage, but it could just as easily be their own problems. The commenting system did stop working once in February or so. EDIT: Their main site seems to be up, so I assume it's not anything shady. ~~~ dmschulman Yeah, I should have been more exact in my initial wording. This is the error I was receiving as well, though I check it now and instead am getting an error from my browser ("No Data Received") instead of getting the "Cannot open connection" error from the service. I noticed on Techcrunch today there was a segment on John Oliver's Sunday night HBO show where he discusses Net Neutrality. I didn't watch the clip but maybe the outage is related to this. ------ dragonwriter > Has this site just flat out not worked for anyone since the public comment > period began May 15th? The site is up and shows 45,647 comments on Proceeding 14-28 "Protecting and Promoting the Open Internet" in the period since comments opened on it (which is more than 30 times the activity of the next-heaviest over the past 30 days), so it clearly has worked for some people. I suspect any errors you are encountering (the only error I see is if you attempt to click through the link to the existing public comments) are because of an unanticipated activity level resulting from the fact that the comment link is being broadcast with many opinion articles/broadcasts on the issue accompanied by calls to flood the system. ------ shayna123 This is crazy, I can't believe this insanity. If not for John Oliver I wouldn't even know about net neutrality. Who thought this up anyway!!! ------ ozten I had to re-submit 4 times before it saved successfully. Their EJB prints SQL back to you. Wonderful. to retry: Hit back, confirm, submit again. ------ leftydunne is this the fcc? a lobbyist should not be able to influence regulations that are contrary to the public good. he should be excused due to conflict of interest. as a matter of fact, the whole motion should be excused!
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
New Shepard's 8th test flight [video] - thibran https://www.blueorigin.com/#youtubeZUV53Nn3PhA ====== ChuckMcM Congrats Blue Origin Team! That was nicely done. I am always amazed when something so complicated is made to look "easy." With Virgin Galactic getting back into test flights after losing Spaceship 2, the possibility that non-astronauts might be making suborbital flights seems so much closer. I share the suggestion with other commentators here that using metric units might be more useful, even if your target audience (the tourists that fly) might not understand them, is a good one. Even if they don't understand them, tourists will recognize when something looks "Just like NASA does it" and that will instill confidence. The dynamic range on the BE-3 is particularly impressive. I don't believe anyone else's restartable rocket engine has a similar range of operation. I can't wait to hear when you guys start taking applications for passengers. ~~~ jackfoxy Or use both units of measure. Is there a reason not to? ~~~ cm2187 Here is one: [http://edition.cnn.com/TECH/space/9909/30/mars.metric/](http://edition.cnn.com/TECH/space/9909/30/mars.metric/) ~~~ SmellyGeekBoy I think jackfoxy was referring to their press releases, not their engineering team. ------ evv The behavior of the booster landing looks very different than SpaceX's. Blue Origin's booster seems to switch to a different control logic at ~30ft up, from a rapid descent to a slow controlled touchdown procedure. Meanwhile, SpaceX has a very smooth touchdown that seems to use a single control logic. I'm sure that the SpaceX approach is better for fuel consumption, but the slower Blue Origin landings seem better for spectators! I love watching the physical effects of somebody's code, and I'd love to hear more about the decisions that led to this behavior. ~~~ pilsetnieks F9/FH cannot throttle down enough to do a hover landing, so they have to do a suicide burn (i.e., fire the engine just so the speed goes to 0 m/s at 0 m altitude.) The engine is too powerful and the body is too light to hover. Blue Origin might eventually encounter just that problem with New Glenn. ~~~ walrus01 I don't know where you're getting this idea. The grasshopper hovered all the time in tests and uses the same single-engine as the F9 full thrust. [https://www.google.com/search?q=spacex+grasshopper+video&num...](https://www.google.com/search?q=spacex+grasshopper+video&num=100&client=ubuntu&hs=kOO&channel=fs&source=lnms&tbm=vid&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiorJPOm- HaAhVmVWMKHY1WBeUQ_AUICygC&biw=1493&bih=2011) ~~~ doikor They probably just put extra weight (fuel) in the grasshopper for easier testing. The F9 on the other hand is basically an empty soda can with engines at the bottom and small fins at the top when it’s landing so even when firing just a single engine at minimum power it will generate too much thrust to hover. ------ jordanthoms Keep in mind, yes this is just a small suborbital vehicle but Blue Origin is making a lot of progress on their New Glenn rocket, which has a reusable first stage and capabilities between the Falcon 9 and Falcon Heavy with a single core. They'll be built right next to the launch site in Cape Canaveral and use Methalox rather than RP-1 (SpaceX is moving to Methalox for the BFR rockets). I'm a big SpaceX fan and they've got a big lead in terms of actual launches and recovery experience, but don't count Blue Origin out. ------ 51Cards One difference I find is that Blue Origin's videos almost seem too polished to me? With the advertising-esque overlays, the rock music, the editing. Always feels like I'm watching a commercial vs. an actual space flight. SpaceX has done this but usually it's just during their 3D sim videos. I guess the difference is that Blue Origin really needs to market this to the "general public" as that is their projected income source for now. Edit: I also found it interesting that they chose to show the closeup of the capsule landing in "slow motion". Edit 2: Seems they have just added the full live stream video vs. just the polished edited version I was commenting on earlier. ~~~ _wmd Maybe stating the obvious, but you are watching a commercial :) ------ nordsieck Start 31:16 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=31m16s&v=ZUV53Nn3PhA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=31m16s&v=ZUV53Nn3PhA) Launch 1:09:50 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=69m50s&v=ZUV53Nn3PhA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=69m50s&v=ZUV53Nn3PhA) ~~~ nordsieck Looks like they edited the livestream. Launch 38:41 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=38m41s&v=ZUV53Nn3PhA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=38m41s&v=ZUV53Nn3PhA) ------ loeg Direct link (to the video included in the article as of this writing): [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CSDHM6iuogI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CSDHM6iuogI) . (Edit: Note that it's an earlier launch from December. They've pulled the livestream video of this launch, which is [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZUV53Nn3PhA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZUV53Nn3PhA) .) ~~~ wmf Note that's from December; there's another flight today but that isn't it. ~~~ rory096 The webcast was removed from Youtube when it ended — we'll have to wait for them to recut and reupload it. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZUV53Nn3PhA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZUV53Nn3PhA) ------ iamcreasy Can anybody answer me, why BlueOrigin has to detach the passenger module? Can't they just land the passenger module with the booster since the booster have such controlled landing? ~~~ jessriedel I don't know, but one possibility is that they think it's easier to ensure the extremely high degree of safety with a separate parachute capsule. If the boosters can be recovered 99% of the time, but are destroyed 1% of the time, that would be plenty reliable to drastically cut the cost of the trip but obviously not reliable enough for humans. And it might not make sense to bring that reliability to something like 0.1% or 0.01%, which you need for humans, if it doubles the cost of the booster. ------ ckdarby Curious what happens if the parachute for the landing capsule fails or only one deploys? Does it spin out of control and not land at 1 mph? ~~~ shirro They tested that already. They can land with two just fine. There is video on their youtube channel [https://youtu.be/xYYTuZCjZcE?t=2m10s](https://youtu.be/xYYTuZCjZcE?t=2m10s) where they test this. They also tested an emergency escape from the booster near maximum dynamic pressure [https://youtu.be/ESc_0MgmqOA?t=51s](https://youtu.be/ESc_0MgmqOA?t=51s) ~~~ greglindahl Yes, a one-chute-fails test is standard for these sorts of systems. ~~~ ckdarby What about a two-chute fail? ------ callesgg It is fun to see that they are trying to get some publicity the same way that spacex has pulled of so nicely. I guess they could work on the polish of the video. I have become quite used to the insane production value levels that spacex has. I have asked myself how many people is involved in just the filming/streaming of spacex launches on multiple occasions. ------ elvirs 'beautiful soft landing' ? really? at the beginning of the video she said the capsule will touch the ground at 1-2 mph speed because the rockets will come on kicking up dust and all. no visible dust and speed went from constant 16-17 mph in last 5 seconds to 0. Did the rockets fail? ~~~ rory096 As she said, it happens in the last _milliseconds_. You can see the cloud of dust kicked up just before impact at 49:00 in the video — that the speed reduction didn't make it to the on-screen indicator is probably more a reflection of the short time window than the rockets failing. Compare to the nominal landing at 1:14 in this video. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CSDHM6iuogI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CSDHM6iuogI) ~~~ plicense Pardon me for the stupid question, but how is bringing the speed down to 0 milliseconds before landing by firing the rocket thrusters different from just letting the capsule hit the ground? I thought the thrusters were there to make the passengers not feel the inertia due to sudden arrest of speed from 16-17mph to 0mph. Firing the thrusters milliseconds before landing seems to have the same effect as just letting the capsule hit the ground? Or is it to protect the capsule itself? ~~~ kevan I'm a bit rusty on my physics, but the general idea is that with both methods the total impulse (force over a time interval) is the same. The capsule goes from 16mph to 0mph. But, if you let the ground stop you, you end up with all of the energy transfer in a few milliseconds. Because the time is so short, the force spikes to crazy high levels. This breaks equipment and people. The rockets firing spread out that force over a longer period of time. For example (all numbers made up): Time the ground takes to stop you: 25ms Time rockets fire before touchdown: 100ms Landing capsule weight: 2000kg Impulse needed to stop capsule: 7.15264m/s * 2000kg = 14300Ns Assuming in both cases the force is evenly applied over the time period... Force from the ground stopping you: 14300Ns / 25ms = 572,000N Force from the rockets + the ground: 14300Ns / (100ms + 25ms) = 115,000N ------ akaryocyte It feels odd to see such a transparent exhaust from a rocket ~~~ saagarjha The Space Shuttle burned hydrogen and produced water, none of which are really easily visible to the human eye. If you look closely at a launch you might be a able to catch a glimpse of the heat shimmer from the main engine. ~~~ greglindahl Worth noting that you're talking about what's going on after the SRBs finish firing. The solids produce a lot of visible exhaust. ~~~ exDM69 The space shuttle main engines did fire at liftoff while the SRBs were firing. They may be a bit hard to see at launch but the exhaust mach diamonds are clearly visible e.g. in [0]. They were much more clearly visible in the 7-ish seconds before liftoff, after the SSMEs had been ignited but before the SRBs go off. [0] [https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d6/STS120La...](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d6/STS120LaunchHiRes- edit1.jpg) ~~~ greglindahl Sorry, I didn't mean to imply that the SSMEs were not firing at liftoff. Since they fire for a few seconds before the SRBs get lit, I suspect most people know what's going on with them. ------ newnewpdro Didn't it seem like the capsule speed suddenly dropped from ~18MPH to 0MPH at landing? I was under the impression there would be a short burn smoothing that transition, it did not appear to be the case to me. Also, the whole commercial advertisement format of the launch is far too contrived. Hearing the host describe the capsule window as gorgeous cheapens the entire thing, it's like I'm watching home shopping network. ~~~ jessriedel The burn just before impact is very short. It is designed to ensure there are no injuries, but not to make the landing feather soft. I don't know what the technical restrictions are that motivate this, but I'm sure the design choice is deliberate; the Soyuz landing is very similar. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-l7MM9yoxII&feature=youtu.be...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-l7MM9yoxII&feature=youtu.be&t=17m38s) ------ __john The exciting bit [https://youtu.be/ZUV53Nn3PhA?t=4202](https://youtu.be/ZUV53Nn3PhA?t=4202) ------ zargath Im a huge SpaceX fan, but Blueorigin's New Shepard does seem more robust. Maybe just because its a smaller and more thick rocket, but somehow by not being as spectacular it makes space travel more "normal" as we all hope it someday will become. ~~~ ceejayoz > Im a huge SpaceX fan, but Blueorigin's New Shepard does seem more robust. That's a little like comparing a F1 racer to a wheelbarrow, isn't it? Both are immensely useful for specific things, and would fail miserably if applied to the other's thing. New Shepard is cool, and I'd love to hop in it some day, but it's doing a little up-and-down suborbital hop. The two launchers have totally different purposes, and are constructed in entirely different ways as a result. ------ pipboy why not show metric units, only on screen if not while they present. Please :) ------ FPGAhacker Hey listen, people that work at these companies also like and read hackernews. Maybe try to have a little compassion before you sound off with thoughtless comments like “it looks cartoonish compared to spacex.” People work pretty damn hard on these things that you piss on without a care. ~~~ jessriedel More important than the feelings of employees is probably just the fact that HN doesn't need uninformed comments talking exclusively about how the music in the video makes the commenter feel, or which company they think is cooler. ~~~ bkor > uninformed comments talking exclusively about how the music in the video > makes the commenter feel If someone is talking exclusively about themselves, why is this considered uninformed?!? ~~~ jessriedel I don't mean "uninformed about the comment's claim", I mean "uniformed about the topic of discussion" ------ jacquesm I hope internally Blue Origin uses the metric system, it's been a long time since Miles per hour and feet were used to talk about rocketry, NASA learned this the hard way. [http://edition.cnn.com/TECH/space/9909/30/mars.metric.02/](http://edition.cnn.com/TECH/space/9909/30/mars.metric.02/) ~~~ rory096 >it's been a long time since Miles per hour and feet were used to talk about rocketry Falcon 9 is built on the imperial system, as are Atlas and Delta. SpaceX is only switching to metric with BFR. ~~~ justinclift Ouch. They use Siemens NX, which AFAIR has to be set to _either_ metric _or_ imperial for all models and assemblies. Getting them mixed up sounds potentially risky. :/ Definitely would expect they've added some automatic safety checks around that, which is quite do-able in NX from memory. ------ notaki BO, lol. ------ pavs Looks a bit cartoonish compared to falcon9. I know they have a different purpose and are different in size. ~~~ CommieBobDole I agree, though 'different purpose' might even be understating it a bit. While impressive, New Shepard is really just a small-scale test vehicle, designed to do exactly what you see here and nothing more; it goes straight up and comes straight down; it can't get anywhere near orbital altitude or orbital speed - on the latter, it maxes out around 2000 mph, which is about 15,000 mph short of orbital velocity. I don't want to minimize what Blue Origin is doing here; they've got a good test vehicle, smart people, lots of funding, and ambitious plans, and they will no doubt be very successful, but what SpaceX does with the Falcon 9 on a regular basis is orders of magnitude more difficult and impressive.
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
The best car in the world - cocoflunchy http://gearpatrol.com/2015/08/10/best-car-world/ ====== JoeAltmaier ...except for the 50-minute refuel time.
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
Bauhaus: Last Rites - daddy_drank https://the-easel.com/essays/bauhaus-a-failed-utopia-3/ ====== eternalban And that is not "Bauhaus". The building in question definitively looks like a Corbu clone. [https://www.archdaily.com/806115/ad-classics-master-plan- for...](https://www.archdaily.com/806115/ad-classics-master-plan-for- chandigarh-le-corbusier) I've always admired Nervi's concrete works: [https://www.google.com/search?q=nervi+concrete+buildings&btn...](https://www.google.com/search?q=nervi+concrete+buildings&btnG=Search&hl=en&tbm=isch) ------ xtiansimon Meis dismisses the Breuer and Nevi church which is shown at the opening of the article: “It is a sheet of concrete that pretends to be nothing else. It looks more or less like a giant sidewalk lifted up and placed horizontally across the sky.” Strikes me as manipulating criticism. The author freely admits to having not visited the site, so his criticism is really about his impressions of the photograph. Of the Eiffel Tower, it’s said French author “...Guy de Maupassant ate lunch everyday at the base of The Eiffel Tower, because that was the only place in Paris from which he could not see it...” I’ve not visited this church, but I can fully imagine if you stood underneath the bell tower would cast a most unique shadow and not have the same impression of lifted sidewalk. Pfft! Now, Breuer’s Norton Shores church? Looks like a hideous bunker (in the photo). Haha
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
Intercepting USSD calls in Android - scorpioxy http://www.codedemigod.com/intercepting-ussd-calls-in-android/ ====== scorpioxy Happy to answer any questions.
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
The Making of Apple’s Emoji - Doubleguitars https://medium.com/@agzmn/the-making-of-apples-emoji-how-designing-these-tiny-icons-changed-my-life-16317250a9ee ====== xwvvvvwx Must be an incredible feeling to have designed and drawn what is fast becoming a core part of our language. Although looks like the pile of poo and ice cream no longer use the same swirl: [https://emojipedia.org/pile-of-poo/](https://emojipedia.org/pile-of-poo/) [https://emojipedia.org/soft-ice-cream/](https://emojipedia.org/soft-ice- cream/) ~~~ pantalaimon They are still the same in WhatsApp ~~~ Slartie WhatsApp seems to be an interesting case with regard to Emoji history anyway. Am I right that they appear to have copied Apple's emoji library at some time in the past and reused those on all platforms (except iPhone, of course) instead of the native emoji symbols that those platforms also started to provide? Are they still doing that today? I remember talking to confused Android users many years ago, when all this Emoji and WhatsApp craze started (I'm from Germany, where there are a lot of Android users and WhatsApp is king among messaging services due to its multiplatform capability, while iMessage isn't used nearly as much due to its inherent limitation to iOS) and people saw me using Emojis in other apps on iOS that were not WhatsApp. They were like "hey, how did you get those cute WhatsApp icons out of WhatsApp and into that other app?". It got pretty clear that many Android users associated the Emojis directly with WhatsApp instead of recognizing them as a feature provided by the operating system, and that seems to have been caused mostly by WhatsApp copying the iOS Emoji library early on, when Android did not yet have Emojis or had different-looking ones. ~~~ mxstbr Not only did they ship the iOS ones on Android for the longest while, but they recently started testing a completely self-designed set of emojis on Android that looks unlike any other! See [http://www.androidpolice.com/2017/10/03/whatsapp- introduces-...](http://www.androidpolice.com/2017/10/03/whatsapp-introduces- emoji-set-latest-android-beta-v2-17-364/) and [https://emojipedia.org/whatsapp/](https://emojipedia.org/whatsapp/) for the full list. ~~~ currysausage My girlfriend recently switched to iOS just because she wants those emojis back for WhatsApp. Can’t even blame her! ~~~ acct1771 Hieroglyphic society.... ------ ElmntOfSurprise I liked the old Android emoji much more and was disappointed that they lost the race for becoming the standard. It used to be possible to express the emotion of being content that is not exaggerated by showing teeth or blushing [1], and "weary face" could be used to humorously express exhaustion [2] while it now seems to stand for "my house burned down" [3] (I especially miss "weary cat face" [4]). The Apple emoji look like they were designed for people with emotional agnosia. I guess one could argue that emojis are supposed to express the essence of an emotion to the fullest extent, but just like with color pigments it is nice to have dilutions. (At least they got rid of that awful, awful grinning emoji [5].) [1] [https://emojipedia.org/google/android-4.4/smiling-face- with-...](https://emojipedia.org/google/android-4.4/smiling-face-with-open- mouth/) [2] [https://emojipedia.org/google/android-4.4/weary- face/](https://emojipedia.org/google/android-4.4/weary-face/) [3] [https://emojipedia.org/apple/ios-11.2/weary- face/](https://emojipedia.org/apple/ios-11.2/weary-face/) [4] [https://emojipedia.org/google/android-4.4/weary-cat- face/](https://emojipedia.org/google/android-4.4/weary-cat-face/) [5] [https://assets.change.org/photos/2/by/dr/IcbYdrlxwuCPHHJ-800...](https://assets.change.org/photos/2/by/dr/IcbYdrlxwuCPHHJ-800x450-noPad.jpg?1474087343) ~~~ _xander There's a study that was done on that grinning emoji - and the miscommunication it can cause. I'm glad they fixed it: [https://grouplens.org/blog/investigating-the-potential- for-m...](https://grouplens.org/blog/investigating-the-potential-for- miscommunication-using-emoji/) ------ fredley See also this interview with Susan Kare, who designed the first set of icons for Mac: [https://web.stanford.edu/dept/SUL/sites/mac/primary/intervie...](https://web.stanford.edu/dept/SUL/sites/mac/primary/interviews/kare/trans.html) ------ kuroguro _> I had no idea that within a few months of completing such project, it would revolutionize our culture’s way of communicating_ I'm pretty sure emojis were all over the internet before apple - forums, chat apps, IMs etc? Were they the first ones to include them in the default SMS app or something? ~~~ oakesm9 I believe they were used a lot in Japan and Apple created them initially for that market as well. They were one of the first to make them accessible in the west though. ~~~ archagon IIRC, for the longest time, you couldn't even get the emoji keyboard on Western devices without some sort of weird kludge. ~~~ rangibaby Putting a magic number into the “magic number” app unlocked emoji on any iThing iirc. ------ aglionby Smilies on the old phpBB [0] forum software etc. must've been around for longer than emoji. This[1] particular set gives me a lot of nostalgia, but I can't remember what forum software it was packaged with. Things got pretty extravagant, I can't really imagine these[2] being useful in everyday conversation (potentially slightly NSFW)! Hell, even MSN Messenger had them. Looking at these brings back all kinds of memories from the BBs I frequented a decade or so ago. [0] [http://i.imgur.com/LuZeOn7.png](http://i.imgur.com/LuZeOn7.png) [1] [https://4.img- dpreview.com/files/p/E~forums/58700537/8eea8bf...](https://4.img- dpreview.com/files/p/E~forums/58700537/8eea8bf64a73466d8929da0488d74605) [2] [https://forums.somethingawful.com/misc.php?action=showsmilie...](https://forums.somethingawful.com/misc.php?action=showsmilies) ~~~ gsnedders > Smilies on the old phpBB [0] forum software etc. must've been around for > longer than emoji. Emoji started appearing in the late 90s; phpBB is "only" 2000. ------ asmosoinio Can someone explain to me what these parent could be about? > It should be noted that although Raymond and I, Angela Guzman, are the > original Apple emoji designers responsible for the initial batch of close to > 500 characters ( _and were awarded a US patent for them_ )... ~~~ tinus_hn Probably a design patent, which is a completely different thing than a patent you get for an invention. It grants someone an exclusive right to an ornamental design. ~~~ asmosoinio Interesting, had never heard of a Design Patent before. Or at least was not actively aware what that is. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Design_patent](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Design_patent) ------ checker659 What is Raymond's full name? ~~~ reubenmorais Raymond seems to be Raymond Sepulveda - [http://www.xanthic.net/about/](http://www.xanthic.net/about/) ~~~ checker659 Thankyou ------ barronlroth What about Willem Van Lancker, who claims to have created 400 of the 500 original emoji characters at Apple? [http://nymag.com/news/intelligencer/emoji-2012-12/](http://nymag.com/news/intelligencer/emoji-2012-12/) ------ amelius I just noticed that HN strips out the unicode emoticons. For example here's supposed to be a smiley face: (but it's not there) [http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/263a/index.htm](http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/263a/index.htm) ~~~ applecrazy I think comments are in ascii, not unicode. ~~~ eric_h ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ HN strips out a bunch of emoji unicode, but some unicode is allowed to get through. ------ gadders //OFFTOPIC The author says: >>Designer at Google with a RISD sleeping pattern. What is an RISD sleeping pattern? ~~~ healeycodes She's referring to the Rhode Island School of Design, her alma mater. ~~~ gadders Thank you. I thought it was some disorder or type of polyphasic sleep or something. ------ erikrothoff I remember first seeing emoji on Github and that they were very early those emoticons. I'd love to know more about the story there. I did some Googling and found nothing... ~~~ whyever GitHub is not so old, it started in 2008 IIRC. ------ amelius I'm missing two smiley icons: -big hypocritical smile -not impressed And I'm missing the option to create and send my own emoticons as SVG. ~~~ oblio I basically want all the old Yahoo Messenger smileys, updated for higher resolution displays: [https://usefulshortcuts.com/yahoo-messenger/smileys- emoticon...](https://usefulshortcuts.com/yahoo-messenger/smileys- emoticons.php) We have a billion emojis yet we're missing some of the basic ones... ~~~ mixmastamyk Those were great, the hug for example is so much better. ------ yuhong I wonder if Sundar would be willing to attend Unicode UTC meetings. ------ ivanb Either I'm too old or I don't get how to use Emojis. I only use them to add tone or express my feelings or attitude so I use maybe five to ten most common emoticons. Eggplant, ice cream or almost any kind of other "factual" icons are completely useless to me. I would rather have more readable and expressive emoticons than hundreds of useless figurines. It would be nice to see if people indeed use them. My favorite emoticons are Koloboks [1][2]. They are very expressive and adorable. There were also static versions of the emoticons and they were almost equally as expressive. [1] [http://www.en.kolobok.us/content_plugins/gallery/gallery.php...](http://www.en.kolobok.us/content_plugins/gallery/gallery.php?smiles.2) [2] [http://www.en.kolobok.us/content_plugins/gallery/gallery.php](http://www.en.kolobok.us/content_plugins/gallery/gallery.php) ~~~ tabs_masterrace Its about being a standard. The good thing about Emojis is they are part of Unicode and are now almost baked into everything natively. Vendors have slightly different art, but the same meaning is always conveyed. And there's a whole lot of them. It's like a international standardized pictogram language, and no surprise it became popular in Asia first. Just think about how you can already use Emojis to do some basic communication with someone on the street of Beijing or Tokyo. ~~~ madeofpalk > but the same meaning is always conveyed Debatable. [https://medium.com/matter/lost-in-emoji-translation-apple- vs...](https://medium.com/matter/lost-in-emoji-translation-apple-vs- android-648fdd57ca25) Old article, and Android is/has ditched the blobs, but still highlights the importance of the art in conveying the same meaning. ~~~ andrepd That article misses the gravest one in my opinion: toy water gun vs actual gun [https://emojipedia.org/pistol/](https://emojipedia.org/pistol/) ~~~ Fej That has to be the most idiotic emoji implementation - clearly not what the Unicode Consortium intended, and borderline against the specification. ~~~ abritinthebay > clearly not what the Unicode Consortium intended, and borderline against the > specification. While I think the change was a bit silly so this this hyperbolic and unfounded statement. The specification merely states "pistol" and uses a silhouette of a gun as it's reference. Even if you argue that the reference is clearly an automatic pistol (reasonable) the specification in fact specifically states _" The shapes of the reference glyphs used in these code charts are not prescriptive. Considerable variation is to be expected in actual fonts."_ So, as much as I disagree with the change (the intent was... well meaning if, I think, misguided) it is not only _not_ "against the specification" \- it's directly in line with guidance of the specification. ------ craigsmansion These just about symbolise everything wrong with the modern web. Whereas the humble ascii emoticon was a fun exercise in pareidolia--as an emotional aside to whimsically add a little lightness to proper writing, they have now been standardised, streamlined and commercialised, and are used as a substitute for proper writing, turning everything they're supposed to represent into a lie--a Web of lies. Popularity seems to be the death-knell for anything cute, quirky, quaint, or mildly amusing with its initial charm being brutally curb-stomped by the one- size-fits-all boot of commercial interests. > it would revolutionize our culture’s way of communicating Thanks for that :'( Sic transit gloria mundi. And no, I'm not being snooty: I am _that old_! ------ rplnt First of all, I absolutely loathe emojis and hate that they are on by default with no (easy) way to disable (turn into flat glyphs in the color of the text, not :some_stupid_name: as some applications offer). Having dozens of sets of emojis that look quite different doesn't help either (on web in particular). And there's not that much coherence within the sets either. Apple in particular is really bad at this. For example, beer[1] looks like a photo, whereas crap[2] is in a completely different style. Each individual one can be nice and well thought out, but it makes them all look bad if they don't fit together. (Twitter's are much better in this regard) 1\. [https://emojipedia.org/beer-mug/](https://emojipedia.org/beer-mug/) 2\. [https://emojipedia.org/pile-of-poo/](https://emojipedia.org/pile-of-poo/)
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
This Is the First Known Image of DARPA's Submarine-Hunting Drone Ship - ourmandave http://foxtrotalpha.jalopnik.com/exclusive-this-is-the-first-known-image-of-darpas-subm-1759205822 ====== PhantomGremlin Weird. If it's unmanned and unarmed, whats to prevent pirates from boarding it and taking it over? Said "pirates" could perhaps come from a nearby Russian trawler? Or maybe they could be actual pirates from Eastern Africa? Maybe they're planning on keeping these things way out in the ocean, 1000+ miles from any potentially hostile coast?
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
MetaLab's Andrew Wilkinson redesigns TED.com - alibosworth http://dribbble.com/shots/702217-TED-com-Rethink ====== eps Meh would be the word. TED has personality and vibe. This doesn't, or rather its vibe is that of an iPhone app site - generic and instantly forgettable. ------ oxwrist It's pretty, but that's about it. I like the current design better. ------ onetwothreefour Meh.
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
Mudflap: Pointer Use Checking for C/C++ - nkurz http://gcc.fyxm.net/summit/2003/mudflap.pdf ====== tolmasky I really wish I could use Readability on all these Scribed PDFs. ~~~ chronomex Seriously. Why do people publish to PDF anyway? ~~~ _delirium In a lot of cases, like the one here, it's because they're publishing for a conference or journal that takes submissions as PDF, not for the web. Then they just put the same PDF on the internet.
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
Show HN: SvgVerlet.js a SVG-based physics library - miketucker http://mike-tucker.com/ ====== miketucker Github Repo: [https://github.com/miketucker/svg- verlet.js](https://github.com/miketucker/svg-verlet.js) All pages are based on an SVG file, such as: [http://mike- tucker.com/13/svg/hello.svg](http://mike-tucker.com/13/svg/hello.svg) After loading into the engine, optional plugins and effects are added: Gravity, wind, mouse attractors, etc.
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
Tinker – Create duration-based goals on your iPhone - joekndy http://leef.io/tinker ====== carlaldrich It would be cool to track some history / time spent on different things. As it stands it does not seem differentiated enough from the native timer (or a watch, for that matter). ------ shadesandcolour I hope that their next feature is the ability to queue up a bunch of goals for the day. Scheduling something for an hour from now is nice, but being able to say "I would like to do x,y and z today for this many minutes each" would be a nice thing to have. As it stands right now this is pretty similar to the built in clock app. ~~~ c3 there's an app called Habit List (ios) that pretty much does that. ------ Artemis2 No Android app, no Windows Phone app. This is not an application suited for modern smartphone world. ~~~ andr As an app just launching it'd make sense to try product-market fit on one platform before investing in all three. ~~~ noahtkoch I don't know, he has a point, look at Instagram, Vine, and Clear. All very unsuccessful apps, all launched exclusively on iPhone first. /s ~~~ dpcx Using the term "unsuccessful" with Instragram and Vine is a bit misleading, IMHO. Instagram got a rather large (even if undeserved) purchase, and Vine is huge. ~~~ ceejayoz I think that was the (sarcastic) point.
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
NPM v5.7.0 - el_duderino http://blog.npmjs.org/post/171139955345/v570 ====== r1ch Beware that this release seems to destroy your filesystem if run via sudo. [https://github.com/npm/npm/issues/19883](https://github.com/npm/npm/issues/19883) ~~~ fabian2k This is a pre-release not a final one. But running npm update -g seems to install the 5.7.0 pre-release, due to a second bug, so some people will still hit the filesystem permissions bug in practice, even if they don't try to explicitly install this specific release. ~~~ lolikoisuru >This is a pre-release not a final one. Which is __not __mentioned anywhere in the linked blog post. ~~~ fabian2k Which is why I explicitly mentioned that, as the blog post is likely to confuse people in this regard.
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
Why “Growing the Economy” Doesn’t Even Make Sense - mindstab https://medium.com/@girlziplocked/why-growing-the-economy-doesn-t-even-make-sense-c2a3900d8403#.wxul8jcxb ====== AnimalMuppet The assertion is "growing the economy does not benefit the average person; the rich take all the gains". Well, let's think about moving in the opposite direction: "Shrinking the economy does not hurt the average person; the rich will take all the damage". When I put it that way, the statement seems (at least to me) much less believable. So we have a statement about the shape of the productivity-vs- personal-well-being graph that seems believable if we move one direction, but seems unbelievable if we move the other direction. That makes me much more skeptical of the whole idea. I think it's more likely to be the case that we aren't recognizing all the ways that productivity is enhancing the average person's well-being. ------ bufordsharkley This is sloppily argued, but it's essentially right about a lot of things. (You can hear the same arguments, albeit made with much more clarity, 150 years ago in Henry George's "Progress and Poverty.")
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
"This page is best viewed from the United States" - jodoglevy http://chronline.posterous.com/this-page-is-best-viewed-outside-the-us ====== morsch I thought this would be about content restrictions that prevent international users from seeing the same stuff as US users. Most of his arguments seem to apply to access from the US just as they apply to international access. He describes his experiences with slow network access in various countries, but slow mobile internet access exists in the US (and other developed countries) as well -- either because you're so rural that you're lucky to get even 2G data, or because you're _so urban_ that the 3G bandwidth is clogged. Granted, slow access is probably more widespread in non- US, developing or underdeveloped countries. Either way, yes, obviously you should try to minimize your site's download size, and a full-featured but minimalistic version of a site is a very good thing to have. The only thing that seems to me to apply only to international access is the advice to make your site available through an international CDN. ------ latch I wish people didn't use S3 in lieu of a CDN. From Hong Kong on a 100mbps line (and I can hit 11MB up and down): 10mb binary file S3 US Standard avg 112k/s took 1:31 S3 Singapore avg 1290K/s took 0:07 S3 Tokyo avg 895K/s took 0:11 Cloudfront avg 8758k/sec took 0:01 Latency to Singapore is around 50ms, latency to Cloudfront is < 4ms. ~~~ dredmorbius CloudFront _is_ S3-backed CDN. ~~~ coderdude You can use S3 as an origin server for CloudFront but it's not serving files directly from S3. CloudFront has "edge locations" that you can push files to from S3 -- which "stores the original, definitive versions of your files."[1] [1] <http://aws.amazon.com/cloudfront/pricing/> ~~~ dredmorbius Thanks. Still picking this up myself. ~~~ enjo It's important to note that Cloudfront also supports custom origins, so it doesn't even have to involve s3 these days. ------ xiaoma > _"Some big cities like Taipei, Beijing, and Singapore have government > sponsored free public wireless more or less all throughout the city"_ Bullshit. I just moved from Beijing. Not only is there no government sponsored wireless all throughout the city, but internet cafes must record each customer's ID info before you can log-on. Even McDonalds' free internet for customers requires identification (which is troublesome for foreigners or anyone without national ID cards). I was in Singapore less than three months ago, and found no public free wifi during my stay. On the good side, many, many cafes there offer wifi and it's not locked down like in Beijing. Taiwan, on the other hand is making strides with their new service rolled out last October. ------ swiecki This could really use a lot of editing. Far too much of it is whining about slow internet that doesn't reach a meaningful conclusion, but instead generalizes from his anecdote. If anyone is reading comments before reading the article, I recommend scanning it quickly. You won't miss anything. ------ sandieman Not that this matters but relative to the other sites listed going after "world domination" dukechronicle has much higher % of US based traffic. ------ chsnow Good article, thanks.
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
How I came up with my product name - infocaptor http://www.mockuptiger.com/mockuptiger-in-the-zoo ====== code_duck Thinking up names sure can be tricky. Name trends are silly for web businesses, no doubt - word+ ster, word +r, and now word + ly. MockupTiger actually fits a name trend I call 'adjective animal', which is very popular in the jewelry and gallery world - Sleepy Lizard Designs, Golden Swallow Jewelry, Soaring Eagle, stuff like that. I suppose there are web businesses with that sort of name, too, MailChimp for instance. It's a good combination - animals are symbolic, memorable, and having a mascot works well for many types of marketing and branding. Just make sure nobody confuses you with my personal favorite auction site, <http://valuetiger.com/> ! ~~~ infocaptor I forgot about mailchimp. yep that one is an animal :) ------ infocaptor Does anyone else find the number + word naming strategy annoying? I am referring to people naming websites similar to 37signals
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
Thesis Theme is now using a split GPLv2 license - PStamatiou http://twitter.com/pearsonified/status/19288707443 ====== briandoll This has been really interesting to watch unfold. Starting with Andrew Warner's tweet (<http://twitter.com/AndrewWarner/status/18538556171>) "How can I get @photomatt & @pearsonified on Mixergy right now to talk? I bet I can bring peace here." I've loved the Mixergy interviews in the past, but this shows just how good Andrew really is. He never pit them against one another, and really helped them each clarify their points in a last-minute interview that easily could have turned hostile. Now that the code is on the GPL (the php at least), we can thank Andrew for brining peace! ~~~ pavs It couldn't have turned hostile, because one of the two was level headed and non-combative. The other guy was just talking gibberish. ~~~ slouch i contend that the audio quality on the live feed was degrading a few of matt's smart-assed sentence-ending chuckles. he also made one completely inflammatory comment that andrew condemned. sure, chris let his passion get the best of him, but matt trolled him more than once. ------ PStamatiou and in another tweet: "The PHP is GPLv2; CSS, JS, and images are proprietary." <http://twitter.com/pearsonified/status/19288875981> ~~~ cheald Which is perfectly reasonable, according to what I know of the GPL and how it has been ruled to apply to software packages in the past. Good on him for license compliance. ------ pavs Finally, sanity ensured. Maybe he watched his own interview and realized how dubious his reasoning was. ~~~ duck Maybe he watched his own interview and realized Matt might actually take him to court. ------ joshuacc Finally. It seemed to me completely obvious that CSS, images, etc. couldn't be forced into GPL. The PHP still seems a bit of a gray area, but at least now there's a semblance of consensus. ~~~ gabrielroth I don't think CSS and images were a sticking point. If my recollection holds, when Matt asked the Software Freedom Law Center for an opinion on Thesis, they said that the PHP would have to be GPL'd and the other elements wouldn't have to be. ------ dotBen Twitter status update aside, I couldn't find this documented/posted on Thesis's diythemes.com site. I'd like to see the license and exactly how and what has been dual licensed. Anyone have any info? ~~~ slouch "@keener You can view the split GPL license in the new DIYthemes Terms of Service: <http://bit.ly/a4WozG> <http://twitter.com/pearsonified/status/19294129775> ~~~ PStamatiou from the site: 2\. Intellectual Property License Thesis General PHP License The PHP code portions of Thesis are subject to the GNU General Public License, version 2. All images, cascading style sheets, and JavaScript elements are released under the Thesis Proprietary Use License below. Thesis Proprietary Use License The Thesis Proprietary Use License is a GPL compatible license that applies only to the images, cascading style sheets, and JavaScript files contained in Thesis. These elements are the copyrighted intellectual property of DIYthemes and cannot be redistributed or used in any fashion other than as provided in this Agreement. NOTICE: Distribution of Thesis in its entirety inherently violates the Thesis Proprietary Use License. Further, use of the Thesis brand (trademark) to distribute the GPL portions of Thesis is a violation of trademark law.
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
IEEE publishes draft report on 'ethically aligned' AI design - miraj http://www.zdnet.com/article/ieee-publishes-draft-report-on-ethically-aligned-ai-design/ ====== miraj the report :: (.pdf) "Ethically Aligned Design: A Vision for Prioritizing Human Wellbeing with Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Systems (AI/AS)" [http://standards.ieee.org/develop/indconn/ec/ead_v1.pdf](http://standards.ieee.org/develop/indconn/ec/ead_v1.pdf)
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
The EU's bizarre war on memes is totally unwinnable - jkaljundi http://www.wired.co.uk/article/eu-meme-war-article-13-regulation ====== DanBC Because most people on HN have never read this, here is article 13: Article 13 Use of protected content by information society service providers storing and giving access to large amounts of works and other subject-matter uploaded by their users 1.Information society service providers that store and provide to the public access to large amounts of works or other subject-matter uploaded by their users shall, in cooperation with rightholders, take measures to ensure the functioning of agreements concluded with rightholders for the use of their works or other subject-matter or to prevent the availability on their services of works or other subject-matter identified by rightholders through the cooperation with the service providers. Those measures, such as the use of effective content recognition technologies, shall be appropriate and proportionate. The service providers shall provide rightholders with adequate information on the functioning and the deployment of the measures, as well as, when relevant, adequate reporting on the recognition and use of the works and other subject-matter. 2.Member States shall ensure that the service providers referred to in paragraph 1 put in place complaints and redress mechanisms that are available to users in case of disputes over the application of the measures referred to in paragraph 1. 3.Member States shall facilitate, where appropriate, the cooperation between the information society service providers and rightholders through stakeholder dialogues to define best practices, such as appropriate and proportionate content recognition technologies, taking into account, among others, the nature of the services, the availability of the technologies and their effectiveness in light of technological developments. ------ wmf Sorry to rain on the outrage parade, but I don't see any evidence of a "war on memes". Sure, the EU might force Imgur to implement some kind of content ID system and Hollywood _could_ register source images in that system to block some memes, but the motivations for this new copyright law appear to have nothing to do with memes. ~~~ probably_wrong If I understand you correctly: it's not that this is a law against memes. Rather, blocking memes is one of the unintended effects that the new law would have, for the reason you said. "War on memes" is a catchy nickname, the same way the Patriot act is not really about patriotism. ~~~ Rjevski Honestly, blocking memes would be the only good result of this law. I can’t wait to see social networks cleaned of that crap. ------ malmsteen But who is at the source of such a law ? I mean who's interest does it serve ? Who had the idea. Because afaik movie and music creators are already winning the piracy war right ? ~~~ raverbashing Old legislators that have no idea on how the internet works heavily backed by copyright heavyweights that think they can still win this fight ------ goldenSilence It's laughable to state that such a war is unwinnable. Totalitarianism is a historic precedent which demonstrates the possibility of propaganda supremacy. It's only impossible to win a fight like this, if one refuses to do harm to those who engage in the behavior being controlled. Make an example of a few people, and wow, look at how quiet it gets. (HN Moderators, feel free to chime in, lol) ------ mabynogy It is. Make the EU collapse.
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
SF Supervisor Pushes to Remove Zuckerberg Name from Hospital - Jerry2 https://www.nbclosangeles.com/news/california/SF-Supervisor-Pushes-to-Remove-Zuckerberg-Name-From-Hospital-501491461.html ====== mc32 You know what? I dislike Zuck's company and what he does as much as anyone, but this is naked revisionism and opportunism and pandering. Back in the day the Supes were wagging their tongues and smiling broadly at the prospect. No, sorry, give those $75 million back, if you want to remove the name. Don't be a hypocrite. My unrequitted wish is that one day SF gets a new city charter made for adults with kids in mind. These supes always, always look for the lamest things to hang their hats on and boast what a wonderful job they are doing. You got needles, you got homeless, you got people who can't afford rent, you have jobless, drug abuse, infrastructure which needs retrofitting, MUNI, etc., etc. let’s not worry about that. Let’s take a name down!!
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
Testing a e1/t1 card before shipping to haiti - aaronzinman Hi friendly HN peoples,<p>We're shipping a server to Haiti, ideally Friday for an MIT project (konbit.media.mit.edu). It is a voice-based service that interfaces with the public via ordinary telephones. The goal is to make it easier to employ Haitian nationals rather than bringing in foreign contractors (the norm). It is 100% free &#38; open source.<p>It will be hosed by Digicel, the main telcom down there. We have a Digium telephony card that connects to them via E1 channels. The card can do T1 and J1.<p>Does anyone have any equipment/T1 lines we can use to test the actual card before shipping it? Once we ship it is will be very difficult and expensive to try to deal with any broken cards.<p>&#60;obvious&#62;We're in Boston/Cambridge, so you should be too.&#60;/obvious&#62;<p>We're reachable at konbit at-sign media.mit.edu<p>Thanks, Aaron &#38; Greg ====== noonespecial We use sangoma here. (Far more reliable than digium in our experience). We just set up a test bench with extra cards (a cisco 1720 with t1 wic for data and an asterisk box with another sangoma in master mode for simulating a telco). This allows us to test with any of the bazillion different line protocols you're likely to face on site (especially in a 3rd world setting). Also when we face the inevitable problems on site, we can simulate Apollo 13 style at home base to work out solutions. ~~~ aaronzinman That's a good idea. What were your problems with Digium cards? Problem is we are on a very tight budget. Any money spent on testing is not on phone calls, which means less jobs for the population. ~~~ noonespecial We had problems with Digiums vanishing from lspci and never working again (mid operation). Tech support vanished as well. Sangoma was a completely different animal. Techsupport wrote patches _just for us_ to help us get going on our wacky custom kernel for embedded devices. I think if you called sangoma and told them what you're up to, you are quite likely to get a steep discount or even free gear.
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
Progressive Enhancement Makes Me Sad - oliverdunk http://www.heydonworks.com/article/progressive-enhancement-makes-me-sad ====== fishtoaster This is a weird piece, since it's clear by the end that it's satire, but he has a few good points (whether he knows it or not): 1\. "But who’s to say there’s going to _be_ any users?" -> Which is true. If you're just starting a project out, you have to decided whether it's worth an extra X hours/days/weeks for any given bit of technical improvement, whether it's progressive enhancement or something else. If it expands my potential user base by 10%, but doubles my time to market, it may not be worth it. 2\. "The less time I spend on creating a robust architecture (boring) the more time I have for creating features." -> Ignoring the "boring" remark, this is true. I could spend a near infinite amount of time improving my architecture, but at a certain point I reach diminishing returns. Where I cut off my robustness work depends on the nature of the project, but every project has _some_ point at which you'd improve user experience more by adding a feature than improving performance. For an early prototype, that point may be quite soon. 3\. "It’s all web apps now" -> I think the author is aware of this, but there _are_ many apps which just don't fit particularly well into a document. It's not clear whether the author really thinks all such apps are trivial (eg detecting your dog's age), but I'd argue there are plenty of substantial apps that don't fit that model well, and benefit substantially from being a full-on js-heavy web app. ~~~ smadge > whether it's worth an extra X hours/days/weeks for any given bit of > technical improvement, whether it's progressive enhancement or something > else Progressive enhancement leads to less initial effort. Single page and script heavy applications are more complex and take more time to develop and debug than server side rendered applications. They often duplicate logic between the client and the server. Alternatively, throw together some database queries and hook them up to html templates, and you have the foundation for a progressively enhancing site. You can then expend the extra effort to ENHANCE your site by sprinkling in client side code and cutting edge css features. ~~~ fishtoaster I suppose this is entirely subjective, but I have to disagree that an SPA is inherently more complex and time-intensive that building equivalent functionality mostly server-side. I split my time about evenly between serverside development (Rails, then PHP before that, then Java before that) and clientside (React, then Angular before that, then Backbone before that, and jquery soup before that). I think it depends on the app, but I definitely find certain kinds of apps are a lot easier in a large clientside framework. Now, there are cases for each. Building a simple blog, you'd be right: a server-rendered app with a sprinkling of JS for flavor would probably be a lot easier. On the other hand, a site that behaves more like an app might be quicker to build as an SPA. For example, an e-commerce site with complex filtering (you can filter by size, but it goes 0-20 for shoes, sm-xl for t-shirts, 10-70 for jeans, etc) and complex UI interactions available in-page on each item such as one-click buying, searching for similar items, setting up a price-alert, etc). You _could_ do that mostly server-side, but I'd argue your frontend (at least on the item-browsing page) is heavier enough that it may be easier to just build a js-first site to start with. ~~~ smadge It all depends on the use case. I'm just trying to refute the parent comment. In some situations, e.g. when you are starting with server side logic and rendering, progressive enhancement is actually less effort. You get it for free since all user agents support html. Some applications might justifiably start out as single page applications. Other make more sense using the metaphor of hyperlinked resources. ~~~ sanderjd Here is my own personal experience: You're fighting user expectations by doing things this way. Your users almost unanimously don't care how you architect your application, but they are used to using Facebook, Gmail, Dropbox, AirBnB, etc. etc. and they will eventually expect and ask you for the same sort of experience, at which point you will put more time into tacking on dynamic features to a static application than you would have spent designing a dynamic application to begin with. Then you'll probably end up re-writing the complex portions (and eventually all portions, because hybrids suck to maintain) in a front-end framework and pulling out the back-end logic into a convenient API, and coming to the conclusion that you would have started that way if you knew you were going to end that way. Then you'll start looking at new applications through that lens of whether your users will ever want that sort of dynamism, and you'll start concluding pretty much every time (because nobody _ever_ asks you to build a blog or publication site) that your users will want that sort of thing, so you're better off going dynamic up front. Now you just have the (smaller, IMO) problem of what to do about the users who don't want the dynamic stuff, and if you're successful enough that you can afford to invest in it, you can put the time into progressive enhancement, which (in my opinion!) is easier than retro-fitting rich front-ends onto static apps. This may all be wrong at each step, but hopefully it illuminates a bit how a lot of us (otherwise sensible developers) ended up thinking it makes more sense to start most things as rich-front-end+API apps. ------ rvdm To me, the awkward "is this funny or not" approach to writing this article fits in perfectly with the sentiment of the author (and my own) about the subject. In my 18 years as a web dev I've tumbled down every rabbit hole and been caught by every trap ever. We wanted animation? Great, learn some ActionScript. Now you want databases? Add some MySQL and PHP. But then those weren't cool anymore and everything had to be RoR and jQuery. Then we ended up writing monsters of jQuery code trying to make sites feature packed and along came Backbone. After that there was Angular, but then people realized SEO and accessibility still need to be considered so now I spend my days writing what should have been as simple as: <h1>Hello World</h1> Like this: React.createElement( 'h1', {}, 'Hello World' ); So the solution to HTML is now to simply give up on HTML and write everything in JavaScript… I like React, Redux, Node, etc a lot. The fact we can have Universal and Native React and that there finally is a robust solution to most ( all? ) web dev problems is fantastic. But the overhead in development time is significant. When possible I use these tools, but in a lot of cases, I just give up on it all and end up writing straight up HTML divs without any flexboxes or animations or shivs or shims or 5's or 3's. Just the good old stuff I was writing back in 1998. When comparing web development to something like developing for iOS, this full circle we've made does feel painful ironic. So much so it's hard to tell if it's funny or not. Small note to the author : love the beautiful big font on your site but you have some colliding elements on iPad portrait. ~~~ fishtoaster If you can accomplish what you want with just html, you absolutely should! :) It doesn't work for a lot of use-cases, but it's great if it fits your use- case. ------ ebiester For the most part, I think people are talking past each other. For sites that are document-based toward a wide audience, progressive enhancement makes the most sense. For application-centric sites (For example, an internal admin app, or a B2B application where SEO and phones aren't the primary interface) why would I spend the money for the extra work? It's almost as if your use case should determine your strategy. ~~~ aarongustafson > For application-centric sites (For example, an internal admin app, or a B2B > application where SEO and phones aren't the primary interface) why would I > spend the money for the extra work? If you have control over the end-user's environment, by all means do whatever you want. But when you don't (let's say your building an online banking site), you should ensure your real users can access it (and their money) no matter what. Of course locking into specific technologies is why IE6 continues to persist (Intranets, South Korean banks), so that's some additional food for thought. It may not be a concern in your specific instance but it's a risk if you don't use web standards. > It's almost as if your use case should determine your strategy. :-) I wish more folks thought that way. When all you have is a hammer… ------ pmalynin We've faced this problem when we were deploying our Meteor application. The issue in particular was mostly for crawlability purposes and Twitter/Facebook metadata. The first issue (crawlability) -- which, of course, directly impacts users who cannot run javascript such as search engines [1] -- can be solved trivially by sticking phantomjs in front and redirecting server-side depending on UA. Combined with NGINX's caching you can then serve these rendered pages without needing to hit phantomjs every single time. The nice thing is, if you don't prune the "script" tags from the rendered pages, you can then just serve these cached pages back to the user. The HTML will be rendered, then if you have JS enabled the Meteor (React | Angular | JSFrameworkOfChoice) it will just re-render the page. [1] I am aware that Google now can run JavaScript, but I've found it to be rather bad and to mangle my pages in quite horrible ways. ------ jschwartzi I completely agree with this post. Most people don't realize what a burden it is to write websites that function while taking less than a gigabyte of ram and four cores. You shouldn't be browsing the newspaper with a device that's older than two years anyway. ~~~ hashkb Read it again. You actually disagree with it. ~~~ dack I'm pretty sure jschwartzi was kidding :) ------ hashkb I was hoping for good arguments so I could justify laziness but am almost as pleased to have that hope lampooned. ------ bjterry Any additional technical requirements lead to more work (or less quality), and progressive enhancement is obviously a technical requirement. I think this is obvious if you think of even the most basic web interaction: form submission. With progressive enhancement, you have to have one form submission that doesn't use AJAX, which means it POSTs to the server and the server accepts the POST and replies with a fully-formed HTML document. Then, because you want to delight your users with animations and a responsive low-latency feel, you have an AJAX version of the form, which posts to the server and receives a JSON response for client-side template rendering. You can share some code between these two, but because rendering the whole page requires completely different data from rendering just the component you are updating, there is a bunch of conditional code. You essentially have to build two models of your application, one on the server side which knows the state of your application (is this modal open, is this widget showing, have they collapsed this widget) and one on the client side that separately maintains all the same state and has transitions between them that will result in identical html. It has to be this way, otherwise your UI is not going to be responsive, animated and delightful for users, and you're going to lose in the marketplace. Since you have two models of the state of your app, now you have to make sure they are always in sync. All the testing and bugs and complexity maintaining that dual state could instead be spent on building the next great feature for your users. Now obviously, this is sensitive to context. If you work for a giant enterprise and have more programmers than you know what to do with and clear product requirements set by the market, you can spend the time to build a product that addresses 99% of the users, even if going from 80% to 99% takes 80% more work. But if you are a startup, and you are either racing with competitors to build out the functionality demanded by users, or still exploring the functionality that will see successful adoption of your product, you'd be crazy to slow yourself down to get every user running NoScript, IE10, or whatever other old browsers. You just need to get your product working for some subset of passionate users, then you can spend more engineering resources on supporting users with older devices once you've proven out the market. Otherwise you may not be around to do so. ~~~ kuschku Have you worked with GWT before? Or Grails? Or RoR? A lot of web frameworks do all those tasks for you. In Grails, I can just specify a single piece of backend code, and it’ll work as REST API with data in JSON or XML, it will work in webbrowsers, and I can usually easily integrate it into mobile applications, too. ~~~ fishtoaster I've done a bit of work with Rails' js tools. I hear they're getting better in 5, but I haven't paid attention to them in a while. Last I looked, they were great if all you wanted to do was take a basic html form and make it act pretty much the same but actually submit via ajax. If you wanted to do anything more complex, it got tricky. ------ cmrx64 Poe's law has struck me down here. Either author is an asshole, or author doesn't know how to do good parody. ~~~ dllthomas Up until 3, I was leaning "not parody", but 3 _has_ to be parody. _" Then there’s trains. Urgh. So you’re having trouble downloading a client- rendered, blocking-javascript-dependent web page over 2G because you’re on a train? The solution’s staring you in the face: Stop travelling by train. Either get a pad in the city center near your place of work or sleep under your desk. That’s what I did, why can’t you? Honestly, take some responsibility."_ ~~~ mrgoldenbrown The "take some responsibility" line is actually very close to what I hear real people say all the time in discussions on poverty. Many people seem to firmly believe the idea that poor people are only poor because they're lazy. It is not hard for me to believe there are developers out there who would actually say something like this. ~~~ dllthomas I don't disagree that there are echoes of things that are actually said - that's to be expected of parody. But it's the combination that's so over the top. "If you (and your partner?) are not living in the (same) city center where you (both) work, _you_ are responsible for our app's poor experience." ------ daigoba66 > There’s no “document” version of an app that guesses what age your dog is. I > mean, what would that even look like? I guess the author doesn't realize that code can live on a server. And the answer to his query can simply be a "document". Edit: I did not catch that the article is supposed to be a joke. If that's true... I suppose it's not very funny. ~~~ oliverdunk I'm not sure how apparent it is, but the post is a joke aimed at pointing fun at people who agree with the arguments (I didn't write it, by the way) ------ chris_wot I'm not really sure why progressive enhancement is considered hard... ~~~ chriswarbo Yes, it's strange. Progressive enhancement _was_ the idea that you throw together a simple, working site with HTML and POST forms, then once it's working you can burn as much time as you like adding fanciful doodads with CSS, Javascript, etc. Now it's apparently easier to build a fanciful doodad than it is to write a string of text. ------ jff It's a little off-topic, but this was one of the few websites where I've had to _shrink_ the text to make it readable. I'm not complaining, completely the opposite--it just reminded me of an article the other day that said it's better to be more accessible by default, and for instance my dad would have probably been pretty happy with the default text size. ------ zeveb Heh, excellent. He really had me there for a moment. ------ wahsd #3 Encourages Bad Behavior ... I was in the middle of Silicon Valley at a hotel that barely had a medium 3G signal and a weak LTE signal in pockets... and that was outside the building facing the bay. If not even SV can muster good signal strength that point is moot. ------ jhpriestley The premise that server-side HTML generation is faster than client-side HTML generation is simply false. See here for experimental confirmation: [http://www.onebigfluke.com/2015/01/experimentally- verified-w...](http://www.onebigfluke.com/2015/01/experimentally-verified-why- client-side.html) Why would offloading computation to a heavily-taxed central server speed anything up? It doesn't make much sense. Nor is HTML generation a bottleneck in most realistic applications. ~~~ joekrill You almost confirm his point: > Well, I’ve got a pretty good setup for starters: Fibre, 16GB RAM. You're using a fairly decent desktop setup, and a top-of-the-line mobile setup, and there's no talk about server-side specs. So yes, it's true that "The premise that server-side HTML generation is faster than client-side HTML generation is simply false." \-- in your one particular, very specific use case. ~~~ JoeAltmaier The server has to do it for everybody, right? If it scales at all, no server is powerful enough. But mobile makes it more complex. ~~~ Retric If you can afford to do X on a server. Then spending 10x the resources to load in 1/10 or better yet 1/100th the time scales just fine. Consider, there is no way for a single users machine to do a Google search in any reasonable time frame. Google search works because they can scale out to enough machines to keep everything important in RAM which drastically reduces the workload per request. They can also cache results. ------ placeybordeaux What is up with HN and promoting barely parody pieces? ~~~ wcummings People enjoy entertainment. Satire is entertaining. ~~~ placeybordeaux I enjoy satire, but so many of these pieces are barely satire.
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
Uruguay's president at Rio+20 saying what needs to be said - gcmartinelli https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3cQgONgTupo ====== pitiburi It's a pity the translation is so, so bad.. The speech is just brilliant, the thoughts are deep, and the guy is just amazing. He is a south american Mandela, he has been prisioner for 15 years in solitaire confinement under the militar government, and now he is president. He lives in his farm, in a very simple little house, and gave the presidential palace to be used for housing people without houses.
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
Ask HN: What personal projects/goals are people working on for this summer? - techdemic Well, school's out for summer, but the learning doesn't stop. Jobs and internships aside, what personal projects/goals do you hope to accomplish during Summer 11'?<p>---<p>I just had my wisdom teeth (all four) removed, and to help pass the time I've been working through Zed Shaw's 'Learn Python the Hard Way'. My end-goal is to have a few Python/Django projects in my portfolio come September. ====== swhopkins I started my summer a bit early: In Feb. I quit my job and moved to Guatemala. Here I'm spending the mornings learning Spanish, and the afternoons playing with Rails and Javascript. After I finish my current project, I'd like to look some into iOS development. ~~~ cj What brought you to Guatemala? ~~~ swhopkins Cheap spanish classes (cheap everything, really) and nice weather. The internet could be a little faster, but I guess you can't have it all. ~~~ czheng If you get a free weekend, and have an extra $75 or so, you should spend a couple of nights at Casa del Mundo on Lake Atitlán. Amazing. ------ benreyes Interesting question, techdemic. Just to mention for questions like this on HackerNews it's often common to prepend the post with 'Ask HN:' in the title. \---- As for what I'm working on in the summer. If everything goes to plan. \- A directory of startup tools \- Brush up on my probability and statistics with the help of the Khan Academy and some text books. \- Then explore machine learning. Hope to go through the Stanford Machine learning video lectures. Then apply some of the modelling to the project above. As for goals, I'd like to be ramen profitable with the tool/service directory. ~~~ techdemic Thanks for the tip Ben, regarding questions for the HN community; it's been noted. I'm interested in learning more about this "directory of startup tools" you mentioned. Will it be a self-compiled directory, or something more collaborative in nature? ~~~ benreyes No worries, happy to help. What I'm working on right now is a manually curated directory for the MVP and hopefully I can get it to ramen profitability during that phase. Then will spend some time to work out the algorithms to do the automatic curation of the services & tools. Hence my interest into exploring probably & statistics modelling / machine learning further. I'll send you an email. ------ DTrejo I'm writing an app that helps you become a better programmer by recording statistics on your coding style and habits. It is built with node and CouchDB. If you want to beta test, sign up at <http://hackharder.com/> (really ugly, gonna fix it soon). Alpha testing has not yet started, but soon :) ------ lkozma I'd like to: \- learn the 4 balls mills mess juggling pattern (almost there) \- become fluent in German (still quite far) ------ dkersten I am currently working on (and will be all summer): \- MIDI Controller-related stuff (just finished a hardware project, moving on to some new and advanced firmware mods for the Midifighter). \- 2D SciFi viking game, using a custom C++/Lua engine, using OpenGL 3 for graphics, Intel Threading Building Blocks for multicore, SDL 1.3 for windowing and input, GLM for math, Bullet for physics. Component entity system based. No audio yet. \- Backend web development for money. \- Tinkering with various bits and pieces: a Qt-based mini-dwarf-fortress type thing; programming language concepts; bitcoin related stuff... Amount of time spent on each is roughly in the above order, from most time to least time. ------ beck5 Building an app in Node.js, so will be learning that along with MongoDB. Have another project to start and need to decide if I use as a tool to learn Python by using django or if learning 2 new languages/frameworks at a time is a silly idea. ~~~ m0hit i'm working on building a node.js + socket.io realtime streaming web app. Also hoping to run through some of the new javascript frameworks such as Backbone.js for the frontend along with d3.js for visualization. aiming to write some more <http://www.privacypatterns.org> so that I can talk about the project more widely. ------ pkamb Immediate goals for <http://www.onehandkeyboard.org/> -Make/upload an example video -Content... guides for different ailments, etc. -First sale! ------ ad80 Being a non programmer I try to build my first web app in RoR, but as I am learning from scratch it will take some time. Any others starting from scratch here? On the other hand I am completing a project I am really excited about, a long kept idea, using external developers, which I hope to reveal in June - <http://www.mindthebook.com> . Stay tuned. ------ czheng I've been working on an idea for a data-driven, rule-based web templating engine semi-inspired by CSS and XSLT. Been doing lots of research and working on a spec. Maybe by end of summer I'll have found some collaborators. Aside from that, trying to learn Python. ------ pavelludiq I'm trying to teach myself how to write games using common lisp, and will be documenting my experience in the form of a series of screencasts. Mostly because i want to learn lisp better, learn game programming, and learn how to produce good screencasts. ------ tritogeneia Learning Python, Django, and JavaScript for a project; goal is to have a prototype by the beginning of July. Stuff to learn: numerical linear algebra, dictionary learning, Judea Pearl's Causality Research: diffusion geometry for databases (?) ~~~ stc043 Learning Django and Javascript and probably PostgreSQL. ------ nocipher I am working on: \- Learning Russian with a friend \- Expanding my background in the core areas of Mathematics \- Reacquainting myself with graphics programming and implementing at least part of a game engine. \- Finding a Thesis topic... ------ cfdrake \- Keep up my blogging streak. \- Write a small webapp or two (I've got a few ideas). \- Learn either Node or a functional language. \- Keep a workout schedule. Somebody has to remember to repost this question in a month or so... :) ------ spcmnspff My winter break is only about a month before I begin another semester of uni. I will try to do as much of the following as possible: \- start going through SICP \- learn python+django \- read up on some of next semester's courses ------ callmeed \- get closer to my blue belt in BJJ, maybe enter a tournament \- continue my 6 year streak of visiting Hawaii every year \- potty train my youngest kid and break my 6 year streak of buying diapers ------ harrigan A real-time fantasy sports website using Rails, jQuery, and Faye -- all new technologies for me ;-) <http://www.fantasy5live.com> ~~~ aderaynal glad to see I'm not the only one here working on fantasy sports ! I've created <http://pickemfirst.com> and I'd love to chat with you about your project. email me at alain@pickemfirst.com ~~~ harrigan You seem to be a a lot further along than me ;-) ------ Matt_Cutts Training to run a marathon in the fall. There's a cool group called USA Fit that helps folks find each other and run together. ------ jensnockert \- Learn (basic) German \- Brush up on statistics \- Write a cloudish music player ~~~ DTrejo jplayer.org is your friend :) ------ badkins Officially launch my company's first product and snag a sale to a total stranger. ------ taphangum I'm trying to find a way to show people the ads that they really want to see. ------ imjonathanlee learning another foreign language, going out of country for summer (i work too hard, I really need a break) and meeting new friends.
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
The Purification of Web Development - johnjlocke http://cssconf.com/talk-gallagher.html ====== iends Talks without abstracts are a waste of time. Why should I invest 5-10 minutes watching to figure out what the talk is actually about?
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
Show HN: Expounder – A small JavaScript library for more engaging tutorials - StavrosK https://skorokithakis.github.io/expounder/ ====== bart3r My advice would be to somehow indicate exactly the text that was expounded - maybe with a faint underline or something. When it expands out, it's sometimes difficult to track the exact words that suddenly appear. ~~~ StavrosK Ah, good idea. Right now you get a fade, but that's easy to miss. Of course, the intent is that the expounded text becomes a part of the overall paragraph, so you shouldn't _need_ to know what was just expounded, you just read on, so there's definitely a balance there. Also, the text is very very easy for the website owner to style, with just a single CSS rule. EDIT: I've added some styling information to the page, thanks. ~~~ NicoJuicy This is the first time i heard about [https://gitcdn.xyz/](https://gitcdn.xyz/) while checking your page source. That's actually a smart idea for a CDN :) ~~~ StavrosK Yep! We were using rawgit initially, but it went down on the first day for hours, so we changed to that instead. ------ amk_ Interesting. I personally like to use sidenotes for this type of thing on my website; it's nice to be able to scan the sidenotes for additional info without clicking on anything. On the other hand, they really don't work on mobile. BigfootJS[0] is the nicest footnote-inliner I know of that also works gracefully on small screens (unpaginated media); if you haven't seen it, take a look. Feedback for this library: \- It would be cool if you could set a few preset levels of expansion (TL;DR, expert, beginner, ELI5) and toggle them at the top of the page. [0] [http://www.bigfootjs.com](http://www.bigfootjs.com) ~~~ StavrosK Thanks for the feedback, the tiered approach is also something I considered, although with a different method. You would tag things with a number from 1 for outermost to N for innermost and then let the user expand to the specific level. I haven't yet tried that concept, but I probably will soon! ------ polm23 This is an old idea in Hypertext called Stretch Text (since 1967!): [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/StretchText](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/StretchText) Every so often someone hears about the old hypertext theory and implements a Javascript or CSS version, but this is honestly one of the nicest implementations I've ever seen. Good work! ------ Kinnard This seems like something that could impact the nature of composition. I wonder if writers would write differently if they knew they could "expound". ~~~ harel Surely if you write with expounding in mind you'll take that into consideration in your text. You DO write the expanded text after all... ~~~ Kinnard No, I don't believe I do. I think this could be implemented into a blogging platform— a new medium. ~~~ ponyous Lol yeah, I feel like I want more examples to read. Easy way to filter data you already know. I think I could learn so much faster with this if texts are written properly. ~~~ StavrosK I used it in "normal" usage here: [https://www.stavros.io/posts/building-cheap-home- sensorcontr...](https://www.stavros.io/posts/building-cheap-home- sensorcontroller/) EDIT: I've added a "real-world examples" section to the page with the above included. ------ rawnlq (As someone who can't write concisely (without inserting a lot of (unnecessary) context)) I would love (to use) an automated version ((of this) so I can just write with full context (and let people choose the level of details they want (to read))). I would love an automated version. ------ Negative1 Wouldn't a tooltip give the same information while taking up less space and not messing up your carefully setup layout? ------ ivan_ah Very nice, reminds me of telescopictext. Here's an example that explains magnetic fields: [http://www.telescopictext.org/text/pFjkqQY9bmfvQ](http://www.telescopictext.org/text/pFjkqQY9bmfvQ) ~~~ StavrosK That's pretty much the same context, but I think the demo is lacking. For example, clicking on "magnetic" replaces it with "B", which confuses me even more. There's also at one point a link on "be", which is just baffling. What is there to explain about "be"? ~~~ ivan_ah Fully agree. Your semantics of "expounder" and "expounded" spans is much more coherent. It's a new modality, but I think it has a lot of potential: I love explanations with "multiple levels" in general... ------ kaishiro I feel like this could be a really interesting tool for wikis. It'd be neat to be able to read what is, essentially, an executive summary of a topic, but then be able to drill down into a path of discovery that you're interested in. ~~~ StavrosK That's one of the reasons I developed this. You could essentially go into as much detail as you wanted in the topic you wanted. Of course, the writer must be careful not to overdo it, because sometimes the reader _does_ want to just read everything, but it'd be great for things a reader might be familiar with, or that not everyone will find interesting. ~~~ kaishiro Yeah, nice work! I dig it. ------ watson Reminds me a little of what Wait But Why is doing in his articles - e.g: [http://waitbutwhy.com/2016/03/cryonics.html](http://waitbutwhy.com/2016/03/cryonics.html) (look for "New to WBW? Open these.") ------ p0larboy (Click -> Tool tip) works better IMO. The sudden append of words threw off my reading rhythm. ------ steveklabnik I've used something similar for talking about complex code examples. You can show only the current line you're talking about, but have a button to expand out the full example. it's pretty great. Excited to give this a try! ------ GroSacASacs How does a screen reader handle that ? ~~~ StavrosK I'm not sure (I'd appreciate some feedback by someone who uses one), but I'd think it would just read the whole text. Depends on what it does with hidden text. ~~~ GroSacASacs I recommend reading [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WAI- ARIA](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WAI-ARIA) ------ visarga Great, a nice little used UI pattern. Now when will my Expounder Wikipedia viewer come? ------ harel Very nice and clever. I like it it fits seamlessly into the text. ------ ChristianBundy I _knew_ that name looked familiar! Small world. ~~~ StavrosK Haha, you bastard :P
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
Ask HN: Examples of good writing in computer science? - chewxy Hey fellow HNers<p>I&#x27;m about to go off for a holiday and I&#x27;d have many hours to kill on the plane and I&#x27;d like to spend some time reading. I&#x27;ve started work on writing a book on virtual machines and ECMAScript, and I would like some examples of good writing for computer science for inspiration.<p>An example I liked is K&amp;R C. It&#x27;s clear, and to the point. It is however, also a little dry. TAoCP is also very dry and it takes a lot of work to read it. PRML is a good read but can be intimidating at certain points. I also found On Lisp to be a good read if a little meandering.<p>What are your favourite compsci books that are well written; easy to understand and follow; and caters to multiple reading levels, from newbies to advanced readers?<p>What to you, makes good writing? ====== swanson Not strictly computer science - but the one textbook that I really liked from my computer engineering degree was "Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface" ([http://www.amazon.com/Computer-Organization- Design-Fourth-Ed...](http://www.amazon.com/Computer-Organization-Design- Fourth-Edition/dp/0123747503)). It was surprisingly readable and easy to follow. It covers the design of a MIPS processor from the ground up (ALU, caches, memory, pipelining, etc) and also is self-aware enough to not pretend that x86/ARM don't exist. ------ vergeman I suppose it depends on your approach - my two cents - is your book . . . a. geared toward programming / learning a language? I've been surprised, given the sparsity, the efficacy of a "showing-by-example" style of writing seen in the Apache Thrift documentation. K&R (to me) is decent for language acquisition, but even more useful as a quick "how did they do that again" refresher. I've found "Linux Kernel Development" (Love) as a very nice book blending concepts with programmatic examples. So the above is maybe a spectrum within this style of writing that I've found helpful. b. a more "textbook" / algorithmic approach? I remember thinking "Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach" (Kurose, Ross) was one of the lighter texts that didn't necessarily feel "textbook." "Introduction to Information Retrieval" (Manning, Raghavan, Schutze) also comes to mind, but more academic. ~~~ chewxy I don't think I am ever qualified to write text book material. Bits of the book I suspect will be "How I got to this point in the code". There will be a lot of show-by-example. I've written half a chapter so far and it does really feel like I'm just annotating my code, which isn't a good thing. ~~~ vergeman I hear that - skim through Love's Linux Kernel Development and see what you think. It sounds like you're going for something much lighter, so maybe something along the lines of the "Little Book on Coffeescript?" ------ ktf Didn't even have to think about this one: _Eloquent Javascript_ , by Marijn Haverbeke. He's an amazing writer and a brilliant all-around guy. Technically it's geared toward new programmers, but it's worth a read at pretty much any level. You can find it free online here: [https://eloquentjavascript.net/](https://eloquentjavascript.net/) or buy a print version here: [http://nostarch.com/ejs](http://nostarch.com/ejs). (Full disclosure: I'm listed as the editor on the print version, though in this case my job basically consisted of nodding as chapters came in and saying, "Yup, that's a damn good book.") ------ LocalMan Programming Pearls: [http://netlib.bell- labs.com/cm/cs/pearls/](http://netlib.bell-labs.com/cm/cs/pearls/) Best Software Writing: [http://www.joelonsoftware.com/articles/BestSoftwareWriting.h...](http://www.joelonsoftware.com/articles/BestSoftwareWriting.html) Last resort: Bring a sleeping pill and sleep through the flight.
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
One petabyte data loss at Australian Tax Office - juiced http://www.itnews.com.au/news/hpe-storage-crash-killed-ato-online-services-444490 ====== joshiej Corruption!
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
Another awesome US immigration experience - nphase http://seldo.tumblr.com/post/39891584034/another-awesome-us-immigration-experience ====== jacquesm As long as you feel the benefits outweigh the downsides the only person you can complain to is yourself. You're still going there aren't you? I've had an episode quite comparable to this one and it was the last time I visited the US. I don't bitch about it, I don't begrudge the border guards their jobs or attitude (I assume they get a lot of shit heaped on them every day, not an excuse for a non-professional attitude but I'm sure that it eventually wears you down). I simply took my few-hundred-K per year benefit for the US elsewhere, their loss. Don't like US immigration? Good, don't emigrate to the US. Once enough people do this that it starts to affect the US GDP I'm sure there will be some change. As long as everybody accepts it this will continue or it will even get worse. I had a pretty lucrative offer about two years ago to become involved in a company. The catch: the work had to be done in the United States. No thanks... But call me when the TSA is abandoned and the border guards are no longer treating immigrants like shit. You know, the way it used to be before everybody went crazy. And on an off-topic and non-related note, additional conditions would be that Guantanamo is closed, the US ceases its drone program and the CIA gets thoroughly reamed for their 'renditions' program, including full exposure of all parties that were involved domestically and abroad. Until then the US will have to do without me, I'm quite sure they don't care one bit. ~~~ jimmaswell > Don't like US immigration? Good, don't emigrate to the US. Once enough > people do this that it starts to affect the US GDP I'm sure there will be > some change. Less immigrants would negatively affect the GDP? I've heard the opposite many times, but I'm not an economist. Why is that so? ~~~ lbarrow There's no realistic situation in which having another person working in a country decreases its GDP. GDP is simply the sum of all goods and services after net exports and investments. Given that a working person is, by definition, producing a good or service, their contribution to GDP is always positive. ~~~ ajg1977 Not always true - see Wall St circa 2008. ------ DrSbaitso I'm a Canadian citizen and get this type of treatment all the time. Every time I enter the US, which is about once a month or so, they send me to a back room for secondary screening. The reason? Their system thinks I overstayed my visa once back in 1995. What actually happened was my family took a road trip to New England, and nobody bothered to check our passports on the way out, so there was no departure record. So for the last 18 years, they've sent me back for questioning every single time, wasting countless hours of both my time and their time. They always ask me if I worked illegally in the States in 1995 and I just tell them, "No, I was nine years old." When I ask them if they can remove the flag on my account, they say it's impossible because only the government department that created the flag can remove it, and that department no longer exists. ~~~ adrianmsmith Over the years, I guess you've tried various different approaches talking to the staff at immigration. Friendly, apologetic, assertive, and so on. What worked best? What would you recommend for someone else in that situation? ~~~ jzwinck Say as little as possible. Speak clearly. And if entering the UK, have a bank statement with you. They like people with money (this is not something I made up, it's in the immigration rules, called "maintenance"). ~~~ Nursie If you have no money then you may be there to make some (is the thinking). If you can show you have enough money to support yourself and get out again then it will make your life easier. However they will already need to be suspicious of you to take an interest in this. ~~~ nicholassmith From what I've heard, Australia does the same and so do a few other places. The question is often framed as "and how much money have you brought along for your holiday?", which is doubly loaded as there's a right answer and two wrong answers (nothing and X, where X is bordering on enough to kick start a new life). Immigration sucks. ~~~ patrickk Australia has an actual dollar amount (AU$3000 I think) that you have to have before getting a one year work visa. A friend went there recently and that was his experience. ------ zee007 I had many similar run-ins with immigration when I worked for Microsoft in the Redmond area (brown guy with a beard, likes to travel the world [sometimes taking trips as short as one weekend]). I've missed more than my share of flights (at one time my name was in the do-not-fly list because it partially matched the name of someone they wanted). Final straw came when one time I was returning from an international trip with my x-wife and kids when the immigration officer decided she didn't qualify to accompany me (we were married at the time). "No big deal, she'll just fly back to Canada" (we're Canadians). We were told she couldn't do that, she had to be deported to the country she came from. "But sir, we just had a single entry visa and cannot re-enter". "That's not my problem, the law is the law. You need to be deported back to countryX". "But sir, we have no ties to countryX. We dont have visa to countryX. We have a Canadian passport, if you dont want to admit us then let us just turn around and go to Canada". "Oh y'all can come in, but she can't". So I ask for a supervisor and he refused (I later learned he wasn't allowed to do that). Had us sit there for many hours with cranky kids after a transatlantic flight and then said: "You can take her now (take her??) but I'll hold on to her passport. She can come before the judge in 30 days with the document and collect her passport or she'll be deported to countryX". I had to unnecessarily waste time and money hiring a lawyer to figure out what the heck went wrong. She showed up 30 days later with our lawyer and the judge couldn't figure out why she was there. Gave us the passport. My x-wife dropped me home, told me to pack up and drove up to Toronto the same day. Even though I was about to get my green card (everything including labour cert was done) I told my employer to halt the process and moved back. For next few years I continued to work for US companies but remotely from Canada and pulled in close to $1 million in salary and stocks over the years that IRS wasn't able to tax at all. Canadian economy (not the American economy) benefited from my well over average spending over these years. I can wrap my mind around "your name is similar to xyz we are looking for [even though xyz was a different ethnicity with a different age, height and everything]. But for me this made me realize how vulnerable non-citizens are when it comes to US immigration and border patrol. To this day I have no idea what ticked that guy off to single us out like that but I decided I did not want to live in a country where I had such little rights. I am well educated, make a lot of charitable contributions and spend a lot of time volunteering in the local community. Everything the US used to benefit from but now Canada does. ~~~ jacquesm I have no idea why you got downvoted. ~~~ zee007 I don't either especially since I am not even bitter about the experience. I am just confused. The irony is that since then I've crossed the border 12+ times a year and the experience is always pleasant (now I enter as a Canadian citizen for either vacation or a short business trip). One would think they'd have preferred me when I paid taxes there (and by the virtue of being on visa, they knew a lot more about me). ~~~ SoftwareMaven As a US citizen, I, on the other hand, am extremely bitter and angry about these kinds of offenses. It makes me sick to my stomach and I really do believe every day is one day closer to me becoming an expat. ~~~ kmfrk Your government at work trying to make that as unpleasant as possible: <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FATCA>. ~~~ jacquesm That is - for want of a better word - an astounding piece of legislation. What's next, a deal with the hereafter? I figure that the only thing this will effectively accomplish is that a lot of American expats will go all the way and will ditch the American nationality and that a lot of people in the United States will be denied access to services. Brilliant move, the world-stage equivalent of the schoolyard bully mentality. ------ rdl I hate how hostile and incompetent the US immigration process seems to be for foreigners. It's sad to go by an embassy basically anywhere in the world, see the fortress that is the US embassy, and the huge lines and amount of documentation needed for people to get US visas. Even worse is the non- deterministic hell on actual arrival. I'm glad I've never had immigration or customs problems anywhere, despite going to some really sketchy places (flying into Iraq as a civilian at the civilian airport with no visa a few times after the invasion...) or otherwise bending the rules ($200k in computers, including 6 big 21" CRTs, on my way to set up an office in Anguilla...). ~~~ jzwinck I'm a US citizen, and recently visited my embassy abroad. I was denied entry and told to make an appointment. The first available was about 10 days away. This was for a simple document I needed signed by them. And I was leaving this country in less than 10 days. The guard who turned me away said they used to take walk-ins but not since mid-2012. So as far as embassies go, being a citizen doesn't help too much. ~~~ patrickod My experience with US embassies (both the one in Brussels and Dublin) has never seen them refuse entry to a US citizen and tell them to re-schedule. They usually have separate entrances as well with different procedures. ~~~ jzwinck Well this was in London. It's a large embassy obviously. They do have separate entrances--we went to the US Citizens one. We were blocked from even entering the security lobby at all--the outermost door to the street was locked and the guard who cracked it open gave us a postcard with the embassy contact information to make an appointment. I called them immediately and explained I was in front of their building and could I make an "appointment" for right then, but they said I had to use the website. Which told me there was a 10-day wait. As I said, apparently this practice was instituted just last year. ~~~ patrickod From my (albeit limited) observations I thought they never turned away citizens but obviously I was wrong. Getting appointments with the US embassy can sometimes be a challenging ordeal. They do however make allowances for emergency appointments which can be very helpful at times. ~~~ rdl Yeah, in general they help citizens pretty well, and help citizens a lot more in dangerous places. Although to get US citizen services in Baghdad was really complex; despite it being inside a fairly secure area (the "Green Zone"), I wasn't allowed to carry inside, had to make an appointment a week in advance, etc. I ended up just making friends with people at a nearby heliport who had badges to escort me in. It turns out most of the extra security was because they had slightly better quality food than the nearby military bases, and were trying to keep military people and contractors from eating all of it. The Embassies in Bangkok, Abu Dhabi, Kuwait, etc. were all excellent, however. ------ ryan If you have a green card you can avoid this by signing up for Global Entry[1]. Then you can avoid customs lines and just swipe your card at the kiosk - enter the country without ever talking to anyone. As an extra benefit the kiosk is always empty so you are through in minutes... hmm maybe I shouldn't be spreading the word about this :) [1] <http://www.globalentry.gov/> ~~~ onetwothreefour Serious question: can you be non-white and get one of these? ~~~ jfb Why would you think otherwise? ~~~ onetwothreefour The same reason the "random checks" line at security isn't really random? ~~~ UnoriginalGuy In Canada their "random checks" seem to be via a machine/automated process. You stand on a mat and an arrow either directs you into a line or to additional checks, so there can be no racial or otherwise profiling. It is a great system, I really enjoyed it when I was there. ------ ta201301 This is precisely the sort of nonsense that made me decide to leave my job a few years ago. I used to work for <household name Internet technology company>. After some re-structuring I would have had to travel to the US a lot more often, or possibly even move to the US. For me it wasn't really worth it. The dehumanizing experience of subjecting myself to dangerously stupid, underpaid, over-empowered, assholes on a bi-weekly basis made the decision easy. While I do love California, and the Bay Area in particular, it is still inside the US. And I do not enjoy travelling to the US. To get to the US you have to go through the twilight zone that is immigration and customs. Not to mention the TSA. I can remember travelling to germany as a kid during the Baader-Meinhof terrorist era. I can remember that I felt it was somewhat unpleasant being pointed at by germans with sub-machine guns. But you know what: they were not even half as frightening as the sort of personel you encounter when travelling to, from or within the US. Because with the germans you at least have the sense that the people holding the gungs are not the lowest life-forms of their society. But I am not complaining. Taking this choice meant that I had to figure out what to do. And now, some years later, over 100 people have jobs because I don't want to travel to the US ever again. ------ blago I am a US citizen and I had a similar experience. About a year ago I spent a few months in Asia while working remotely for my US employer. Reentering the states (after an almost 24 hour trip), the border agent really didn't like the fact and went out of his way to find a hole in my "story" - "So you did work in Asia?", "But your company did not send you there?" This dragged on for a while. This was the climax of the confrontation: \- "Have you been in trouble with law enforcement before?" \- "No, but you make it sound like I am now. Am I?" \- "We'll see" \- "I am a law abiding citizen and I've been giving honest answers to all of you questions. What can I possibly be afraid of?" Ever since, I DREAD reentering the states. I have dual citizenship, work flexibility, and friends and family all over the place. I find myself spending less and less time in the US. ------ iloveponies So I've experienced something similar minus the overcrowded room with British immigration. I watched the immigration official turn from apathy the moment I handed my passport over into passive agression with loaded questions ("When was the last time you were deported?" answer: "never") into apologies ("Sorry for making you wait sir there clearly has been a misunderstanding") to vague answers to the question of future prevention. After being told "and there's nothing you can do to stop this happening again", I tell every British immigration official I stand before briefly what happens every time I want to come back here and they're usually understanding about it all. ~~~ UnoriginalGuy British immigration are as bad as US immigration. They aren't even polite, which as a Brit' myself I am both shocked and disappointed with. I'd like to see changes there... ~~~ X-Istence Until you Brits do away with the requirement for me to go through the porno scanners I refuse to visit the country. Sorry, but just because I am traveling from your country doesn't mean I want to go through a machine that to date still hasn't been verifiable been tested by a 3rd party to not have negative health risks associated with it. ~~~ iloveponies As someone who goes in and out of the UK on a regular basis, this is news to me as I've yet to be subjected to full body scanners. ~~~ X-Istence [http://www.independent.co.uk/travel/news-and-advice/no- optou...](http://www.independent.co.uk/travel/news-and-advice/no-optout-for- passengers-on-body-scanners-6265565.html) [http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/ca6c8bd4-142b-11e1-b07b-00144feabd...](http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/ca6c8bd4-142b-11e1-b07b-00144feabdc0.html) [http://www.prisonplanet.com/despite-eu-ban-uk-makes- radiatio...](http://www.prisonplanet.com/despite-eu-ban-uk-makes-radiation- firing-body-scanners-compulsory.html) ------ Permit >They keep taking breaks to crack off-color jokes about each other’s sex lives, and moan about how hard they’re having to work tonight. The jokes might be uncalled for, but you just told us they were under-staffed and had hundreds of extra people to process. I can see why they'd be upset. Especially when absolutely zero of the hundreds of people they talk to in a day are happy to see them. I get the impression you've never worked in the service industry or in retail. The immense fuckup that is United States immigration is not the fault of its lowest level employees. ~~~ mscarborough One of the first rules of service industry is that you don't complain about your job in front of the customers. I haven't worked retail but have done plenty of years in restaurants. I'm not sure how you can use "you've never worked in the service industry" as some kind of trump card, as this kind of behavior could easily get you fired from any half-decent service industry position. ~~~ tolmasky That's in a private company. Here, for all practical purposes, there is no incentive for things to get better. There is no one to complain to since the "customers" here are completely antagonized and have no power, imagine on top of all this complaining! There really isn't anyone to be held accountable, period. And no, "voting" is not the way these things get fixed. if it was, the DMV would have stopped being miserable ages ago: 1\. As mentioned above, the people most affected can't vote. 2\. Even if they could, it's not clear at all how to use your vote to affect change. Which candidate exactly represents better service at government agencies? 3\. Even if you knew, you get effectively four federal representative choices that _could_ affect this (president, 2 senators, and 1 house representative). In those 4 choices you must weigh _all_ your grievances. How high on the list is immigration staffing going to be? The reality is that our system is not set up to deal with this kind of particular issue well. There's no good gradual feedback loop. Things have to get really bad, beyond where it's clear exactly what caused the problems, to the point where _huge_ sweeping changes get made, probably over zealous and too far in the opposite direction then. ~~~ jrockway Isn't the whole DMV thing largely fixed? In Manhattan, they even have "express" DMVs. I have to assume the idea came about due to voter pressure rather than some altruistic bureaucrat. ~~~ tolmasky I can't speak for New York but going to the DMV in California often means committing an entire work day. ~~~ jrockway Sounds like California. ------ rajeshd His experience doesn't seem all that bad. It looks like they were merely doing their jobs trying to ascertain that they aren't making a mistake letting him in. If the immigration officer isn't sure of something (either because of an unclear answer to a question or a nervous vibe), it's not abnormal for him/her to ask for a more thorough check of the person. I wouldn't expect them to clear everyone with a quick, cursory glance of a passport or a green card. I sympathize with him, but it doesn't look like his rights were violated in anyway. ~~~ GiraffeNecktie You're setting a very, very, low bar for "doing their jobs". The reason we employ human beings at border points is so that they will, theoretically, use good judgement to allow the free flow of legitimate goods and travelers (i.e. not create massive delays without a clear reason). ------ jfb I like particularly the sneering attitude of superiority towards the initial immigration officer in this article. I'm no apologist for the US immigration system (Canada's, on the other hand, I have nothing but good words for), but Jesus creeping Christ, having to deal with that sort of entitled horseshit ten hours a day would turn the Buddha into Dick Cheney. ~~~ seldo I can see why you'd think that, but I was totally polite and respectful to the immigration officer at all times -- like I said, I'm a very nervous immigrant, so I would never do anything to jeopardize my processing. I don't fidget or roll my eyes, or indicate impatience. While I'm no fan of the staff of the USCIS, I would never say anything to them to indicate it. Apart from it being very impolite, it would be stupid, and I am TERRIFIED of these guys. ~~~ jfb I understand the terror, particularly of the US ICE people, who are unnecessarily militarized at the best of times. But why the puerile jab at the officer's "educational attainment"? Needed to feel big? Story wasn't "punchy" enough? ~~~ seldo Partly because I think it's a relevant detail -- I think he genuinely didn't understand that a web developer is a type of software developer. But partly because they scared the shit out of me, and the system is stupid and unnecessarily hostile, so, yes, I'm angry at them. ~~~ jfb It's not only insulting and juvenile, it's irrelevant. I've met PhDs from the LSE who wouldn't know the difference between email and snail mail, but that's not material to a) how good they were at their jobs or b) whether or not they were good people. The system _is_ stupid, and hostile, and (in my opinion) totally self- defeating. And people -- normal, decent people -- will act like petty little tyrants in that sort of system. Isn't _that_ sufficient to call them out? An asshole is an asshole, regardless of their eduction, no? _EDIT_ : Too, it may very well be material that you gave a different answer. There's only one word different between "landscape architect" and "naval architect", and those are significantly and materially different positions. How is J. Random Tyrant supposed to know that a is a member of the set b for all given a? _EDIT the second_ : Man, I was in love with the word "material", eh? ~~~ seldo You're not wrong. On further consideration, I've edited the post to reflect that it was a rude and unnecessary observation. ------ photorized As someone who went though lengthy (10+ years) immigration process, from student visa to work visa to Green Card to Citizenship, with extensive travel in between - there is nothing particularly unreasonable about the experience described. OK, so he was delayed for a few hours, due to some error or inconsistency in the USCIS database... There's no reason to freak out. And the condescending remarks about the officer not knowing the difference between "web developer" and "software developer" were unnecessary. ------ flavmartins I completely agree with your feelings here. I, too, am a permanent resident with a green card. I live in fear of immigration deciding that "something isn't in order" and then my life is completely upside down. I've grown up in the US, my wife is a US citizen, my kids are all US citizens, yet dad always has that crazy worry in the back of his mind. AND...for those of you who brush this off. Please contact my wife and ask her feelings about immigration. When I was going through my green card process she just about went nuts at the immigration office and destroyed a few of the workers. Eventually she had to stop coming to the appointments and just wished me luck. She is more frustrated with the process than I am. The problem is that we're talking about immigrants here. No one is going to stand up for them. Citizens never have to deal with the these issues, and most immigrants, once they've gone through the process, never want to look back on it again, let alone try to fight it. ------ surfmike It's embarrassing how poorly people are treated when entering the US. We should put pressure on the government to improve that, but also pragmatically if we want to keep attracting talented people from around the world we really need to change this. For the time being, I'd highly recommend to the poster to enter into Global Entry (people with PR are eligible: <http://www.globalentry.gov/eligibility.html>) ~~~ smsm42 Second that. All you need is your papers, short interview in a closest major airport and you don't have to do this passport-fingerprint-photo stuff anymore. ------ smsm42 Let's look at the incentives. The picture here is not pretty. There's a big incentive to squeeze budgets, of course, anybody who watches US politics knows you can't just get any money you want, especially when there's 2 dozen another 3-letter agencies competing for the same. There's some incentive to serve citizens better - since once in the country, the citizen can call his congressmen or his local paper and raise hell if he was mistreated, and if bureaucratic middle-management hates something it is being featured in bad press and asked unpleasant question by his superiors. But when it comes to visitors, there's pretty much zero incentive to treat them better. I'm not saying that immediately leads to bad treatment - I am a non-citizen, I crossed US border more than a dozen times last few years and always was treated with courtesy and respect, which I assign to the good nature of the people that worked there. But there always are bad apples, and there's very little that can keep those in check. If the immigration officer mistakenly denies entry or costs a person 5 hours of their life, there are no consequences, ever. So these things are bound to happen, unless some kind of incentive to become better will be found. ~~~ seldo One of those incentives could be if US citizens decided to complain about the immigration system -- the point of the post is to attempt to marginally contribute towards that happening. ~~~ jakejake As sad as it may be I don't think the average US citizen is concerned about a 5-hour delay for non-citizens at the border. The ordinary Joe is likely to be OK with 200 people being delayed if that results in a few people being deported and 1 person being hauled off to jail (which is pretty much what the OP said happened). I have a feeling the "average" consensus would be that it was worth in in order to keep those 4 people out. I'm not saying I agree with this whatsoever - I'm just saying my gut tells me this mentality is likely to get you more votes if you are running for office in a border state. The average citizen is not thinking about the relatively small number of skilled IT workers and entrepreneurs entering the country. They are thinking about all of the unskilled labor that is coming in and "taking their jobs" as some people perceive. That, plus I'm sure there is an aspect of "doesn't affect me - I have my own problems to worry about". ------ ajg1977 _Pointless, wasteful bureaucracy_ I think few people would consider border controls to be any of these things. You were flagged somehow and that sucks, but if you don't like the immigration procedures of the US you are free to either a) live elsewhere or b) try to take action to change it (we are a democracy after all). On the other hand, venting on a blog isn't going to do anything but irk people who wish they were fortunate enough to hold a US green card, or come back to haunt you if this happens again and some cranky overworked agent google's you. FWIW I'm a former, now naturalized, US green card holder and this happened to me twice in six years. It sucks, but I considered it a very small price to pay for being able to freely travel and work (or not work!) in this country. ~~~ natrius "Venting on a blog" is most certainly considered action in a democracy. That's basically what the Federalist Papers were. ~~~ ajg1977 Aye, they were just some guys blowing out their frustrations. Or not. ------ Mvandenbergh There is nothing unique to the US about this in my experience. There is literally one part of the government that deals (by definition) with people who cannot vote and do not have elected representatives. If you want to know what it's like dealing with government agents in highly undemocratic countries, it's precisely this. Except it's every day and it's in your own country. ------ dkokelley I would not want to be a non-citizen in America. I love my country, but I agree with the general sentiment that we have things very wrong when it comes to treatment of non-citizens. I believe that much of it stems from fears about 9/11. The Bill of Rights does lots to protect US citizens from an agressive/repressive government. The spirit of the law is that there are basic human rights that the government can't remove without due process. Unfortunately those "human" rights in practice only barely apply to US citizens. ~~~ philwelch Perhaps when entering the country, and there is a risk of deportation, and the difficulty of immigrating legally puts far too many people on unsafe footing due to the constant risk of being reported, but on a basic, everyday level you have the same rights. If you get pulled over on the road, the cop can't search your car without a warrant, whether you're a US citizen or just a tourist. ~~~ dkokelley This is true, but I would argue that it's only true because of the assumption that random driver being pulled over is a citizen (or rather that you can't ask a citizen if he or she is a citizen. This was part of the big deal with Arizona's new laws a year or two ago). When writing my post, I was considering the "unlimited detainment", and lack of due process for non-citizens in too many special cases. ------ tlear Was coming back from NYC (vacation over Christmas) and got the typical BS bully treatment by the security guy, I made a decision there, I will not go on vacation to US ever again. ------ tinbad As a non-US citizen, I've had similar experiences where I was taken apart and asked some more questions by border patrol. However none of those experiences, although very similar to yours, came over as unnecessary harassment. I don't quiet understand why you would be 'terrified' crossing the border if you have all your shit together, which it seems you have. The people "whose educational attainments have qualified them to sit behind a desk stamping passports" were simply doing their job and from what you described they did it without causing more inconvenience for you than necessary. Like some others commented, if you don't like to abide by the rules of your new country of residence, nobody is forcing you to be there. Oh, and downplaying other people's intellectual abilities does come across quiet snobbish :) ------ trimbo This story is true the world over. A friend got deported from India the other day for a mistake they (as in the Indian government) made on his visa. ------ stickdick There's somebody on the US no-fly list that has the exact same name as me. I can't check-in online with any airline, and checking in at the desk anywhere in the US results in some sort of warning on their computer, and a quick call to somebody to come out from the back and check it out. Unfortunately I have to fly at least once a month. A quick look over the passport shows it's obviously not me (though I don't have any details of the real bad guy). Must happen to quite a few because I have a fairly bland, common British name. ~~~ UnoriginalGuy Didn't they try to resolve this by issuing redress numbers or whatever? When I enter my passport on most airline's web-sites it gives me the option to add a redress number, which in theory should allow them to identify you as NOT the individual on the no-fly list. See this: [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/No_Fly_List#DHS_Traveler_Redres...](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/No_Fly_List#DHS_Traveler_Redress_Inquiry_Program) ~~~ stickdick Interesting. I've never really looked into it, I just get over the fact I have to check-in at the airport, and over time it's become less embarrassing since I just expect to see the assistants face drop in panic, and be pulled to the side. It's never been mentioned to me either. I'm not actually a US citizen, so perhaps it doesn't apply. I'll look into it further, thanks for the advice. ------ codegeek Seems like you name might be similar to a name they had in their database who might have the criminal/arrest record. These are false hits and irritating but once the verify, they let you go. Hope they correct it soon for you. Also, sometimes they randomly (not sure how random though) select individuals for what they call "secondary inspection". Here, you are just asked "extra" questions to ensure you are not a threat. I was pulled over once and the guy had a great time asking me all kinds of questions. ~~~ seldo It's highly unlikely to be a name match -- my name is not very common, and combined with my gender is literally globally unique: there is no other male called Laurie Voss in the whole world. ~~~ DoubleMalt See ... very suspicious. No MAN is called Laurie. Seriously. Sorry for your experence. WIll try to avoid MIA, as this is not the first bad story I heard from there. ------ cunac I am Canadian citizen and for two years I was traveling every second week to US on TN visa. In all that time I got 1 "bad" experience from US side and 2 from Canadian side. (it wasn't that bad just longer questioning with 'trick' questions) Question which confused me a most entering Canada was "How long you plan to stay ?" , WTF , I have Canadian passport ? It took me a moment not to say "Not your damn business." and just play nice.... But in general crossing border is 99% no issue ------ alexkus My first two attempts at entry to the US on my H1-B were simple, maybe one question and in I go. It was the third entry that they asked more questions and asked to see more paperwork (which I did have with me). I guess it's to catch people who obtain visa/green-cards and then pass them off to others or their situation changes (and they no longer qualify for the visa). I'd also guess that frequent visitors to the US go through at least one of these increased scrutiny experiences every few years. I don't think it's unreasonable given the amount of problems they have with people trying to sneak into the country; I know that I don't have a right to be there so I expect some hassle. The only other problem I had was coming back into the US after I'd gone to Canada for a friend's wedding (all on a VWP); so UK->US, then two weeks later US->Canada->US, and I wasn't due to fly back to the UK for another 2 weeks or so. I was nowhere near the 90 days of my original VWP, but they might have thought I was taking a quick trip to Canada in order to reset my 90 days with a new VWP entry. It just took a few extra minutes explanation. Other than that I've done lots of trips to the US (20 on the Visa Waiver Program, 5 with my H1-B and another 10 or so since I moved back to the UK) with no problems at all. ------ aneth4 Immigration processes millions of people each day. There are going to be mistakes. This sounds like they got a false positive, investigated, and released him. That's how the process is supposed to work. Making this into some massive anti-American rant says more about the author than America. This experience sounds unpleasant, but like it was handled professionally. I've spent an hour being searched by customs. I don't know why - perhaps because I was returning from India and hadn't shaved in a month. It was inconvenient, but also the job of customs. This did not bother me. I fly domestically and internationally at least 20 times a year. I get caught up briefly in all sorts of different ways all over the world. It's part of travel, and it's really not that bad. This is how nations protect their borders and enforce their laws, because not everyone is a saint like you. All you idiots saying you won't work in or travel to the US because of the TSA searches - give me a break. EVERY country in the world I have ever been to has nearly identical search procedures as the TSA and most countries have stringent immigration checks. Many asking far more probing questions than American immigration, including Netherlands, Israel, and Britain. I was nearly denied entry to Britain because I didn't know the address of a friend who I was staying with. Sorry, I'm tired of all this false outrage about minor f-ups with the TSA and DHS. These organizations have some major policy and procedural problems, but a few hours one time while immigration officials do their job of making sure you don't have false documents is not among them. If you don't like it, go somewhere else where a $20 bribe instead of an objective investigation gets you admitted - which is most countries in the world. ~~~ nottrobin When was the last time you had to wait in one crowded room for 3 hours without being allowed to use your phone, and without a seat? The last time I was in a situation anywhere close to this was when I accompanied my girlfriend to get her visa renewed in London. We had to wait for about 5 hours in a fairly crowded hot room with pretty uncomfortable seats. But we had each other's company and while there was a sign saying we weren't allowed to use electronic devices, most people seemed to be ignoring it, so it wasn't so bad. But still worse than anything I ever have to experience in my normal travel as a white British man. ~~~ aneth4 This is not a competition for the worst experience one can have. I've had plenty of horrible ones. Ever been detained for several days in a crowded third world jail for no legitimate reason and extorted a large sum of money to be released? Ever been stabbed by thugs too powerful for the police to do anything other than write a lie-filled police report? This is what happens every day in the actual world away from privileged white developers with US green cards. This is a privileged person, someone who travels internationally, writes a blog, was able to get a US green card (something tens of millions aspire to,) is in one of the most lucrative careers on the planet, and is the founder of a free enterprise despite being young and (presumably based on his caption) gay. In the grand scheme of things, this experience doesn't even measure on the pity scale, and to bitch and moan about such things reveals a major lack appreciation for what one has and a sad sense of entitlement. Sorry, no go. ~~~ adekok > This is a privileged person, someone who travels internationally, ... ... and who has gone through extensive scrutiny to get a green card. Exactly the kind of person who should hit red flags at the border, right? ~~~ aneth4 What's your point? Nobody is arguing whether this was a mistake, not even DHS officer when asked. Nobody is saying the DHS is the most competent organization on the planet or that it can't be better. In the vast majority of cases, people enter the country without issue and in a tiny minority there is some inconvenience. Clearly many of the people in that room were there for a reason, as some was arrested and some were denied entry. The guy had to stand in a room for 3 hours before entering the country because he tripped a false positive. We can hope that this won't happen every time - if it does, he might have something to complain about, though still not justification for the exasperation shown in this forum. ------ gadders I know everyone hates on the US Immigration people, but as a fairly regular traveller to the US (normally at least twice a year, mixture of business and pleasure), I've never had a bad experience. The guards I've dealt with have never been less than professional, and some have gone out of their way to make smalltalk ("You have nice handwriting" (?), "Your birthday is the same as mine.") etc. I even got let back through immigration from baggage control as I had a bad stomach and really badly needed to use the toilet, No guns were drawn on me. Of course, it probably helps that I'm white and British, but I thought I would offer up at least one counterpoint. ------ zobzu I entered quite a few times under visa so far and my experience has been more than fine (in fact, it's even been pleasant). Hopefully, it'll never get to what you've had. It happened a couple of times that the officer wasn't sure if I was doing what I said I was, for whatever reason, and they generally just asked a follow up question like "do you have an access card for this company and can I see it?" which resolved the matter every time. Didn't realize it was so close to "wait in the horror room for hours". ~~~ jzwinck Ironically, it is poor security practice to print names on access cards. But it is fairly common. ------ _pferreir_ I know what you mean. The bureaucratic establishment allows people in low ranking public jobs to have a disproportionate amount of power over pretty much anyone. 9/11 seems to have made things worse for pretty much everyone. Governments went paranoid and chose the easy way: delegating extra authority on people that were not prepared to exert it. But border guards tend to be dumb and/or rude pretty much everywhere, so, don't take it too seriously. ------ donohoe This is why I choose citizenship. I have kids so I cannot risk some guy having a bad day at the border ruining my life. ------ y1426i This is not an immigration issue. There is no place for common sense in government matters. Some day computers will take over the decision making and we will have a joyous experience coming in or happily avoid this country because the decision will be known. ------ thawt I haven't seen anyone say it, but I can tell you that the experience of entering the US as a US citizen is only marginally better. Leaving/entering the US is something I avoid at all costs. Sad but true. ------ nottrobin Thanks so much for sharing this. I think treatment of immigrants by border controls is shocking, and the biggest problem is how little attention / voice the problem gets. Please continue to write about your experiences. ------ rjzzleep welcome to how germany treats their own citizen ~~~ sourishkrout BS ------ madaxe I have a simple solution for not dealing with US immigration's bullshit. Too many trips marred by days spent in featureless rooms waiting for Godot, a full-time employee of your border agency. Anyway - simple solution - don't go to America. Don't work with Americans. Europe and Asia are big markets. ------ tmktmk This is the biggest non-problem ever: 1) Did the author get in? Yes 2) Did customs do their job and scrutinize the person's paperwork? Yes 3) Was the person held for an inordinately long time? No -- 3 hours is not a "long time." If you can't deal with the fact that you just flew (potentially) halfway across the world in an airplane 4) Was the author unduly molested or given harsh treatment, perhaps by being denied food, water, medication, or otherwise harassed? No -- the author points out that there was a water fountain and snack machines, and the author was not strip searched, nor was he otherwise harassed/degraded. Sitting in a waiting room while your paperwork clears is "not a big deal." Please stop blowing things out of proportion, and criticizing the US for no reason. I've immigrated to and lived in 3 different countries, and BY FAR the procedure described here is not difficult or tedious. If you can't deal with a a 3 hour wait, how can you deal with anything? Patience is a virtue. BTW -- I was a paying awe.sm customer -- I just cancelled my account due to this overblown blog posting. Enjoy.
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
Google Wants a Piece of Air-Traffic Control for Drones - smullaney http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-07-24/google-has-way-to-unclog-drone-filled-skies-like-it-did-the-web ====== Animats This is actually an FAA/NASA initiative.[1] They're trying to figure out how this can work. The FAA's first round is out, with the proposed "drone pilot licenses" and coordination with existing ATC for drone operations in controlled airspace. That won't scale up to large numbers of drones, but can be done now. The FAA is considering fewer restrictions on very small drones (<2KG). They have a study indicating that in theory most 2KG drones won't damage large aircraft jet engines enough to destroy them. But as yet, that hasn't been tested on real engines. (Real engines are tested against bird strikes by firing frozen chickens of various sizes into the engine, using an air cannon. That's going to have to be done for drones, and it's not cheap.) The FAA is trying to get this under control before some large quadrotor with motors with cobalt-neodymium magnets gets sucked into a jet intake. [1] [http://utm.arc.nasa.gov/index.shtml](http://utm.arc.nasa.gov/index.shtml) ~~~ sopooneo Thank you for the information, most of which is new to me. However, one minor point of correction, is that I believe the birds are thawed, not frozen, when fired into jet engines to test them. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chicken_gun](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chicken_gun) ------ bluthru >The idea really is anyone should be free to build a solution I can't think of a worse outcome. If drones and automated cars don't operate off of an open and public communication system, it will be a massive failure. GPS works because a for-profit company isn't in charge of it. ------ cmurf Today, we're still using AM line of sight radio, on a frequency that can only accept one transmission at a time. First innovate a better system for drones. Then replace the legacy ATC system in stages for Class A, Class B, Class C, Class E IFR, and finally Class E VFR. And only then can the altitude restriction on drones be lifted, and integrated into the rest of the ATC system. But even getting Class A and B under the same modern and scalable system as drones, even if they aren't sharing airspace, is something pilots, airlines, ATC, and the FAA have needed/wanted for a long time. ~~~ ytdht Enabling Super Wi-Fi[1] nation-wide would be a good start to a better system for wireless communications for drones and other internet-connected devices 1\. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Super_Wi- Fi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Super_Wi-Fi) ~~~ w-ll I actually worked with Spectrum Bridge and the city on the implementation in Wilmington, North Carolina while in college. At the time it was called 'Whitespace Wifi' and we actually had a handful of services other than public wi-fi. It was good fun. ~~~ ytdht Do you know of any plans to expand it further? or was there any substantial problems discovered that could not be solved? ------ swalsh One thing i'd like to see from drones is a registration of the drones firmware signature. So as a drone is flying, it would broadcast the signature, and you can see above you what's flying around. ------ throwaway859876 Retailers will be in for a lot of heartache if they hope that the FAA will "work with them." ADS-B is already mandated for 2020. The spec is cast in stone, and the only thing that could change is the month it's enforced. As we've seen with the SoCal fires last week, integrated tracking is essential for safe low-level flight. Certified ADS-B avionics prices have ranged from $10,000 - $1,000,000+. Experimental prices are around $2,000 now. Obviously that's more than the price of most consumer drones. Also, what load can the ADS-B system handle? How many drones would overload it? ~~~ wheaties This. Alot of drone guys or people who dream of drones forget that there's GA planes up there. I've had to dodge stupid cameras on balloons while landing. That's so dangerous ~~~ wmeredith GA planes? ~~~ spc476 General aviation. ------ ams6110 The idea of centralized air traffic control for drones seems completely backwards to me. Birds don't have air traffic control, they have eyes and a brain and avoid obstacles and each other autonomously. Maybe there will be a need for some defined airways for drones, but they should be able to fly and navigate for themselves. ~~~ sarwechshar Whilst I appreciate a bird analogy as much as the next guy (and it makes sense from a mechanical perspective), I'm not sure if it works for regulation purely because birds aren't responsible to anyone or anything else if things go wrong. Drones are human products and thus someone, ie their creator or user, would need to be held accountable. ------ jamespitts This is very exciting, and inevitable. This sort of infrastructure will lead to a lot of innovation because it alleviates many of the questions about operating drones in shared spaces. ~~~ cmurf It deals with drone on drone, but not really drone on non-drone. And also doesn't deal with the "virtual pilot" firmware drones will run, that should have an analog to FAR 91 rules such as the obstacle avoidance and being able to avoid injuring people and property on the ground. I have to be able to do that as a pilot, there's no good reason why an up to 55lb drone going up to 100mph should be exempt. ------ terminado Skynet!
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
Ask HN: How Would you purposefully slow down a specific website? - source99 If you could configure a VPN or Proxy or ??? How would you create a setup so that all traffic for a specific url was slowed down?<p>For example if I went to www.example.com, the website would still load but it would load much slower than if I were to be browsing www.example2.com. ====== pwg The linux firewall includes a rate limiter module (several actually). That would be one way to slow down data from specific IP's. And websites located at that IP would be slowed down.
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
The Day I Drove for Amazon Flex - clebio https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2018/06/amazon-flex-workers/563444/?single_page=true ====== spyckie2 The 'gig' economy reminds me very much of the state of factory workers in the early 1900s. For businesses, it was very clear that forcing workers to work in a very unfriendly way (doing a repetitive task as part of an assembly line) was a multiplier for scale and productivity. However, associated with that was the "price" unfair wages, long hours, stress, strain, and injury. It took 30-60 years of unions and labor rights before the problem was 'solved' \- the non-monetary economics of that kind of production sucked (worker's comp + regulations for human rights) and those factories shipped overseas to where those things didn't exist. The modern gig economy is really just scaling up distribution instead of mass production. On paper, it is cheap and scalable. But add in all the socio- economic components and you'll realize that it's not really that cheap, and not an economic engine that can survive long term past the initial stages, reason being that demand exists only because the price is subsidized. Currently, shipping is extremely cheap, subsidized by Amazon, the government, and more recently, the individuals who due to lack of opportunities live with subsistence wages. If shipping was actual market price (where gig workers earned a fair wage), the cost would be much higher, which would shrink demand. (shipping was available as a function since forever, and wasn't ever a popular shopping option until today). If we wanted free shipping as a standard of living, we would need to subsidize shipping on a governmental level, similar to how we subsidize food (especially meat). Americans don't realize it but meat is cheap in the US, much cheaper than the rest of the world. This is purely because of subsidies, which is a perk to allow the american standard of living: [https://www.quora.com/Why-are- meat-and-animal-by-products-so...](https://www.quora.com/Why-are-meat-and- animal-by-products-so-cheap-in-the-U-S-despite-of-the-fact-that-it-takes-a- lot-of-natural-resources-to-produce-them). If you want to make the american standard of living free package delivery, subsidize the wages from the US government, and force the tech companies to pay real corporate tax. ~~~ amelius Isn't subsidized pricing illegal? See: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Predatory_pricing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Predatory_pricing) > Predatory pricing , also known as undercutting, is a pricing strategy in > which a product or service is set at a very low price with the intention to > drive competitors out of the market or to create barriers to entry for > potential new competitors. Theoretically, if competitors or potential > competitors cannot sustain equal or lower prices without losing money, they > go out of business or choose not to enter the business. The so-called > predatory merchant then theoretically has fewer competitors or even is a de > facto monopoly. > Predatory pricing is considered anti-competitive in many jurisdictions and > is illegal under competition laws. ~~~ shanghaiaway Is Uber illegal? ~~~ rainbowmverse Courts exist to answer this question. ------ sulam It's not so great on the other end, either. My house has a gate to get to the front door. The gate is very easy to operate and never locked. A driver (I have to assume Flex) instead _threw_ a 20lb box with an ice maker in it over the fence and into a rose bush that was clearly visible (the fence is just wrought iron). It crushed a lot of roses and thankfully didn't damage the ice maker. My wife was literally 20' away in her office when it happened and says the driver simply drove up, threw it over, and drove away. ~~~ fapjacks I know a person that uses a paintball gun to keep people out of his apartment building's dumpster (identity theft from documents stolen out of trash is a _huge_ problem where he lives) and also to tag delivery trucks and (yikes) delivery drivers that do this kind of hit-and-run delivery. He'd had enough of things being broken in this way. ~~~ lostctown That seems a little excessive? I hope he sees judicial consequences for his behavior. ~~~ dsfyu404ed I'm not defending the GP's acquaintance but getting hit by a paintball is lower than the typical risks you accept when you dig around in a dumpster. Generally speaking dumpster diving isn't trespassing unless it's behind a gate or something. It really depends on the dumpster in question. If it's a good construction or scrap metal dumpster with a lot of nice material in it then defending it with a paintball gun is very much a dick move though. I don't see why he's getting down-voted. He just said he knew a guy who did a thing. He didn't even imply whether he approved of it or not. ------ extralego _> Because of the way Flex works, drivers rarely know when blocks of time will become available, and don’t know when they’ll be working or how much they’ll be making on any given day.”_ _> ”Kelly Cheeseman, an Amazon spokeswoman, told me that Flex is a great opportunity for people to be their own boss and set their own schedule.”_ ~~~ Tsiklon The Doublethink is real here isn't it? I note a similar thing here in the UK - most of the folks working 'gig economy' or more accurately 'single person zero guaranteed hour contractor' jobs are doing this stuff full time and are pushed hard to make a workable living out of it. ------ duxup The Kobayashi Maru delivery situations where there are few parking options or the customer simply isn't there seem terribly unfair. ~~~ tanagra I’ve never before seen the term kobayashi maru used in the wild. Now that I have, I think, it should be more widely used. ~~~ duxup It feels like a very literary type term... I get my monocle out each time i use it.... and my Star Trek badge. ------ moltar Why there were never these articles for pizza drivers and other deliveries before? ~~~ plankers Because the companies they worked for didn't threaten to upend the retail market of an entire nation, I'm guessing. ~~~ extralego That makes sense in some clearcut ways and a lot of generally concerning ways. I wonder if the sentiment from how it affects peoples’ lives is at play or if it’s just Amazon being so big. It seems similar to Wal-Mart rage, which was mostly the former. ------ ars Sounds like non-drivable, only walkable, cities are a real problem for deliveries. ~~~ Djvacto I don't think this is a huge problem though, as it forces the use/development of things like delivery lockers, last-mile bike/foot delivery, pickup stations, and just generally pushing back on the idea that a car should be able to go everywhere until a human is absolutely forced to get out of the car and walk. I think cities/bigger towns would eventually (in my idealistic world vision) have major highways/roads that go around them, and have primarily foot/bike/public transit traffic for everything internal. ~~~ glenneroo Domino's recently opened up some shops in Vienna, Austria and they gave a lot of their delivery people e-bikes. UPS also seems to have people delivering last-mile with e-bikes. Seems to work out great and they aren't clogging up the streets with delivery cars parked everywhere, blocking entrances, etc. like most other delivery services. ------ jjoske When google initially invested in Boston Robots I thought was to try and solve this problem. ~~~ Zigurd I think you mean Boston Dynamics. ------ tardo99 I mean, the truth is these jobs will go away relatively soon because of drones and robotics. ------ Johnny555 _The security guard at the front door of the office building chastised me for carrying the box, and told me that I should be using a dolly to transport it. (None of the 19 videos I had to watch to be a Flex driver recommended bringing a delivery cart or a dolly.)_ How could you not know this? Have you never seen another delivery driver? Do you really need a training video to tell you that when you need to carry a lot of heavy packages, you should use a dolly? ~~~ geezerjay > Do you really need a training video to tell you that when you need to carry > a lot of heavy packages, you should use a dolly? Yes, you need. Case in point, in the last half a dozen orders I've made that involved a somewhat heavy and/or large package, not a single delivery service used a dolly or delivery cart, even on orders from a certain multibational furniture store. You expect your employees to do their job safely? Then you explicitly cover the safety procedure during training, and you directly and intentionally state that it's in their best interests to do so. Otherwisr you can't possibly assume they will comply with an implicit rule. ~~~ michaelt in the last half a dozen orders I've made that involved a somewhat heavy and/or large package, not a single delivery service used a dolly or delivery cart I work for a company called Ocado that does grocery delivery right to people's kitchens (unlike Amazon Flex, our drivers are employees, paid by the hour, and drive company-owned vans). I've been out with drivers several times. Drivers are issued with dollies and trained in their use. Dollies are inherently a mixed blessing. You can pile more stuff on them - but if you've got to get up a kerb, you've still got to be able to lift that weight, and the dolly as well, and keep everything from sliding off at the same time. And it's not just kerbs. They've got steps up to their front door? Can't use the dolly. Old flat/apartment without a lift? Can't use the dolly. Lift needs a key you don't have? Can't use the dolly. They've got a gravel path? Can't use the dolly. They've got a thick-bottomed UPVC door frame? Can't get the dolly through it. On a steep hill? Dolly will make things harder... And it turns out, in a city like London, there are a great many buildings with one or more of these defects - and the worse the parking situation, the further away you park the van, the more kerbs and things you're likely to need to cross. Hence, even though drivers are issued with dollies and trained in their use, many deliveries are made without the dollies because they don't make things all that much easier. ~~~ throwaway426079 You also don't want the dolly in your kitchen because you don't know what it rolled over before that. As an Ocado driver pointed out to me. ~~~ mcherm > You also don't want the dolly in your kitchen because you don't know what it > rolled over before that. How are the dolly's wheels any different from the delivery person's shoes? ~~~ throwaway426079 Only one person wears the shoes and (maybe) takes care where they walk. Many people use a single dolly over different shifts and don't know what the last user did with it.
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
US contractor fined $3.1M for outsourcing work to India - known http://sakshipost.com/index.php/news/international/77667-us-contractor-fined-$3-1mn-for-outsourcing-work-to-india.html ====== esbranson For those who prefer primary sources: "STATE CONTRACTOR TO PAY MORE THAN $3 MILLION IN PENALTIES FOR ILLEGAL AND COVERT OUTSOURCING OF MILLIONS OF FINGERPRINT RECORDS TO INDIA FOR DATA ENTRY", New York State Inspector General Catherine Leahy Scott, 24 March 2016 (Press Release) [https://ig.ny.gov/sites/default/files/pdfs/IGFocusedTechRepo...](https://ig.ny.gov/sites/default/files/pdfs/IGFocusedTechReportPR3-24-16.pdf) "Investigation of Improper Outsourcing of Confidential Records", New York State Inspector General Catherine Leahy Scott, March 2016 (contains report and agreement/order by state IG) [https://ig.ny.gov/sites/default/files/pdfs/FocusedTechnologi...](https://ig.ny.gov/sites/default/files/pdfs/FocusedTechnologiesReportandAOD.pdf) ------ dkopi "The agreement arises from a USD 3.45 million contract..." "Focused paid the Indian company just over USD 82,000..." "Overall, the Indian company performed approximately 37.5 per cent of the work on the contract”. ~~~ zaroth The Indian company handled 16m out of 22 million documents. Not sure what other work there was which led to the 37.5% overall figure, otherwise last I checked 16/22=73%... ~~~ USNetizen It goes by tasks. Each contract is broken into a series of tasks (CLINs) and assigned a value. The "prime" contractor typically has to perform 51% of the work by value and task when some sort of set-aside preference is used (like Veteran-owned, etc.). ------ abruzzi My read is that the title here is a bit misleading. The article implies that the illegality is not outsourcing to India, but rather that the Indian contractor was not approved to handle the data it indexed. Am I misreading this? ~~~ ksherlock > Given the confidential nature of the information of the fingerprint cards, > Focused was required to perform all of the work in New York and it could > only use employees that had passed a criminal background check. It was also > prohibited from subcontracting any of the work to any other entity. (Breaching your contract is only illegal (as opposed to a tort) when the other party is the government) ~~~ Spooky23 Not necessarily. In this case, the contract involved a vendor bidding with/through NYS Industries for the Disabled, which is a "preferred source" contractor that is supposed to employ disabled people to perform work. Typically this is light manufacturing work, although operating scanners for a purpose like this is also common. As a preferred source contractor, they have preference over any other competitor -- if you bid on the contract and offered to perform the services for $1, the preferred source vendor would win. The issue is that this is a serious fraud, not just a case of violating some contract term. I'm curious as to why the principles aren't facing criminal prosecution. ~~~ newjersey > "To advance special social and economic goals, certain providers have > preferred source status under the law. The acquisition of commodities and/or > services from preferred sources is exempted from statutory competitive > procurement requirements. All state agencies, political subdivisions and > public benefit corporations (which includes most public authorities), are > required to purchase approved products and services from preferred sources > in accordance with the procedures and requirements described in the > Preferred Source Guidelines. [https://www.nyspro.ogs.ny.gov/content/buying-preferred- sourc...](https://www.nyspro.ogs.ny.gov/content/buying-preferred-source-0) This is why the road to hell is paved with good intentions. It seems to me that the people who should face criminal prosecution are the people who came up with this nonsense "preferred source" scheme. ~~~ nl You prefer welfare for blind people vs giving them meaningful work? ~~~ newjersey If that means a level playing field, yes. Positive discrimination is discrimination and should be banned outside of education. Why the downvote? Is that for disagreeing? ~~~ nl I didn't downvote you, but I would if I could. I both disagree with your view and think that you haven't really argued your point very well. Blind people aren't born on a level playing field. I believe that a society should take care of people who are unfortunate, and this method seems like a reasonable way to allow market mechanisms to improve their life. I'm assuming that you disagree that this is a role society should take. However, the consensus of of most societies in history is that blind people should be taken care of in some way. I think it's reasonable that you should be expected to make a better argument to overturn that view than you have. ------ bpicolo For _illegally_ outsourcing a government contract ~~~ eplanit Exactly. It's like immigration vs. illegal immigration. It's easy to drop the "illegal" part and stir up racial emotion and thus divert attention away from the real topic. ------ theflork can someone with more knowledge of the legal code explain why no criminal charges? $3.45m - $3.1m - $0.082m = $268k profit Also getting to hold onto $3.4 million for the 8 year time period since 2008 would net some good returns as well. ~~~ cheriot There's also the expenses for the other 62.5% of the contract, the taxes paid on the profits, and the business development to get the contract in the first place. I don't actually know how these things are calculated, though. ~~~ zaroth Good points. They are certainly not making out after the fines. Now I wonder, if the fine is tax deductible? ~~~ jacalata It shouldn't be in general - [http://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/business- expenses-tha...](http://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/business-expenses- that-are-never-deductible.html) ------ EvanPlaice Sounds like 'business as usual' to me. Small company is granted preferential treatment on the contract reward because the company fits under a 'special class'. For example SDVOSB. The company doesn't actually have the skill/ability to fulfill the contract requirements so they outsource a significant portion of the work; either by picking up one of the bidders who lost as a subprime or bynoutsourcing to a third-party. Passing off the responsibility violates the 'protected class' certification threshold but there's no oversight to verify compliance so the contractor is never held accountable. Many/most small business defense contractors are simply administrative companies that work the 'special class' certification process, pocket a significant percentage of the funds, and either outsource most of the actual work or hire people and provide substandard pay and provide little/no resources to do the work. Source: I used to work for one such company. Never again... ------ eddd I love that kind of stories: [http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-21043693](http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-21043693) Capitalism! :) ~~~ 0x264 It's like life imitates satire: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rYaZ57Bn4pQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rYaZ57Bn4pQ) [Onion video] ------ mchahn This reminds me of the story from a while back about a contractor who took jobs and farmed them all out to Indian companies for a small percentage of his take. ------ MichaelBurge How did they catch them? ~~~ USNetizen Contracting with the government means you open your books to them, essentially whenever they want. They can audit you at any time. ------ jpoech man, that was messed up! ------ Gustomaximus So have these guys essentially lost $40k plus time involved? This doesn't sound like much of a deterrent. There should really be criminal charges for these blatant fraudulent behaviours. While I believe prison should primarily be a rehabilitation, giving white collar criminals actual time will work as a deterrent rather than a 'don't get caught' mentality. ~~~ ytpete Don't forget lost future business too - good luck winning the next contract bid with this kind of track record (hopefully). If that effect is strong enough, it could potentially even put a place out of business.
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
Ask HN: What is your favorite screen recorder? - franca To build video tutorial, what software and tools do you use? ====== lixtra [http://www.maartenbaert.be/simplescreenrecorder/](http://www.maartenbaert.be/simplescreenrecorder/) my version only works with X11, not wayland though. ~~~ oblib I took at look at this and had to try installing it on my Raspberry Pi. It worked great! I couldn't get it to recognize my microphone but I didn't fiddle with that much. It was easy to capture an audio track on my Mac while recording the screen on the Pi and bring the movie over into Quicktime and sync them up. I've been looking for a way to record the screen on my Pi so I thank you too! ------ sgslo I have recorded many hundreds of hours of content. I first used Quicktime on MacOS, it worked well enough. Great quality, fast, and easy to use. More recently I moved over to OBS, which I consider to be far superior to Quicktime for one important reason: more control over audio settings. With OBS I can use just about any mic and get reasonable sound quality with a few tweaks. At present, I'm using a $20 headset and it works just fine. ------ RandomGuyDTB OBS has been useful, so has Overwolf, but I think the best tool I've used has been Quicktime on OSX. It's much easier to use than most things. My go-to on Windows is the XBox Game DVR recording functionality but I only use it because the alternatives are pretty slow. ------ BorisMelnik shareX for windows! Been using it for prob 10 years and its donate-ware [https://i.imgur.com/qOQIWoi.png](https://i.imgur.com/qOQIWoi.png) records in MPEG or GIF and lots of screenshot options as well. auto-upload to lots of free sharing sites if you choose. for screenshots I use Windows10 built-in "snipping tool" you dont get any simpler than that. ------ tothrowaway For simple recordings, I use [https://screencast-o- matic.com](https://screencast-o-matic.com) ------ akulbe My answers are platform-specific: For Windows: Camtasia For macOS: Screenflow ------ simonebrunozzi Screenflow or Quicktime.
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
Securitas discriminates against Firefox users - afed If you use Firefox you are not allowed to apply for a position on Securitas's web site. Apparently they believe open source users are not trustworthy or reliable. By trying to start the online application, Firefox users are routed to a page stating that Internet Explorer 6 must be used.<p>http://www.securitas.com/us/en/Career/Come-Join-Us/Start-On-line-Application/ ====== jgoosdh Its pretty common for big companies to have internal apps designed exclusively for various versions of IE, because they can control what browsers their employees use, but this is just plain ridiculous! When you design and build a web app for public consumption you need to develop for ALL major browsers or risk losing business. These guys are nuts!
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
ReactOS 0.4.0 Released - setra https://www.reactos.org/project-news/reactos-040-released ====== orionblastar I've been waiting for this, I donated money so they can reach the 0.4.0 version. They have made a lot of improvements on it and added more hardware support like USB and Sound cards. Even added a virtual 16 bit machine to run DOS code. It is not ready for prime time yet, but it can be run in a virtual machine. It is a Windows alternative that can run some Windows programs and shares code with the WINE project. It uses a low memory footprint, so you can install Apache, MYSQL, PHP etc on it and use it as a server. They are trying to make it XP/2003 compatible. So it is really designed for older Windows technology.
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
Substrata - A Responsive, Semantic Grided Front-End Boilerplate - Hirvesh http://shaunchurch.com/substrata/index.html ====== Hirvesh via: [http://www.functionn.in/2012/12/substrata-responsive- semanti...](http://www.functionn.in/2012/12/substrata-responsive-semantic- grided.html) [Check out <http://www.functionn.in> for more web resources to keep you functionn.in'] Substrata, from the words of its developer is a lightweight, minimalist, responsive, semantic grid powered, unstyled, front-end boilerplate. Substrata was born out of the dissatisfaction with currently existing front-end frameworks like Twitter Bootstrap, HTML5 Boilerplate or Semantic Grid System. Substrata aims to find the balance between having too much functionality or too little functionality. It borrows the best ideas from all the other front- end frameworks and tries to make the perfect cocktail which allows you to get started with your project with minimal restrictions. Substrata is lightweight, with the CSS file’s size at around 8KB minified. It also comes with several baked-in features like Google Web Fonts Code, Analytics code, Modernizr.js, HTML5 Boilerplate’s .htaccess file and more.
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
Visualise the shift to blockchain by big companies - flywithdolp https://www.producthunt.com/posts/shiftblock ====== verdverm Shift or experiment or say something in the media? This seems like a website / article aggregator for big co + blockchain
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
How to Get PayPal To Freeze Your Account in Four Easy Steps - jamievayable As first-time entrpreneurs, we have of course hit many bumps and snags along our path to launch. But none have been more painful, irrational or bloody our perpetually-losing battle with PayPal. I have written the following to help other startup founders using PayPal fail faster.<p>How to get PayPal to Freeze your account in four easy steps.<p>1. Be a bootstrapping startup. With no funding, transactions or big names behind us, we set up our PayPal merchant account like any innocent first-time founders would: by following procedure. We provided our Employer Identification Number, a summary of our business, a summary of how we would be using PayPal for our transactions, and all the other good details you’d a payment service to require. All good? It seemed so, but then we got greedy. We wanted to use PayPal Pro to streamline our transactions.<p>2. Apply for Payments Pro. We first get a phone call from a representative at PayPal informing us that Vayable is conducting illegal activity by running a business without a Travel Seller’s license from the State of California. Without this license number, they tell us, we cannot use PayPal’s service. This is the first we’ve heard of needing to acquire a Travel Seller’s license, as we’re not actually selling travel, but I go ahead and look into it. Turns out, the State will not issue us a Travel Seller’s license even if we wanted one: they’re reserved for sellers of transportation, like airlines and bus companies. We do not do this. We are a community marketplace for individuals to buy and sell unique experiences from one another. Think Etsy or Airbnb for EventBrite for unique travel experiences-- Or whatever marketplace startup du jour you want to throw before “unique experiences.” (Note: Etsy, Airbnb and Eventbrite all use PayPal).<p>I call PayPal back and tell them that we in no way fall under the state’s definition of a Seller of Travel and therefore not only don’t need the license, but wouldn’t qualify for it. “Then we’re going to have to decline your application for Payments Pro” I am told by three different representatives. (I’m always a believer in calling back to talk to someone else if the first person doesn’t give you the answer you want). In this case, no one was giving us the answer we wanted. Time to pivot.<p>3. Comply with PayPal’s requests. After failing to qualify to use Payments Pro, we decide to go with another one of their merchant products: Express Checkout, a free and streamlined merchant service PayPal released last fall that does not require a lengthy application process. While building it into our site, we receive a notification from PayPal that our merchant account is going under review (note: we have yet to test a single transaction yet). They are concerned that we are are not a real business, they say, and ask us to submit our Articles of Incorporation as well as our EIN number (which I had already submitted several times) in the enrollment process) as well as a statement of how we intend to use PayPal for our transactions. Of course, we comply. Within an hour of receiving the email from them, I have uploaded these documents to the Resolution Center, as requested, and wait. And wait. And wait. After several days of hearing nothing back, I call PayPal. I talk to a guy in their customer support department who informs me that the account is fine, but they just need to verify that the business name is actually Vayable. This sounds odd to me. So again, I provide them with the material and am assured by customer support that the account will be restored to good standing as soon as they look over the paperwork I’ve provided. Ten days later, our account status has not changed and I still cannot get any more information from PayPal customer support.<p>4. Stay Loyal. With no new information, we decide to charge ahead and implement PayPal into the site. After all, we need transaction on the site and PayPal is the most widely recommended and seemingly accommodating platform. After a painful implementation process (which involved the server-side technical problems from PayPal throughout, making it nearly impossible to test and use the sandbox), we finally got our Express Checkout up and running. Seamless and perfect? Far from it. Functional and secure? Yes. Less than 12 hours after getting the service us and running, I receive the following email from PayPal:<p>Dear Jamie Wong,<p>Thank you for your response.<p>Per our Acceptable Use Policy, under credit card association rules, PayPal cannot permit the use of the PayPal service as a funding method for payment processors to collect payments on behalf of merchants. Upon review of your account, it appears that you are offering an aggregation service that allows multiple merchants to process transactions that are against various Acceptable Use rules. The service you provide allows said merchants to circumvent our policies.<p>While we wish you the best of success in your future business endeavors, we respectfully ask that you seek another method of payment for your online business.<p>Your PayPal Account has been limited and there will be no appeals to the decision. Any remaining funds in your account balance will be held for 180 days from the date of the limitation. Once 180 days has passed, the funds will be available for withdrawal.<p>If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us again.<p>Sincerely, Julie PayPal Compliance Department PayPal, an eBay Company<p>Responses to this email address are not monitored. Please send any additional questions that you may have to compliance@paypal.com.<p>Translation: Your account has been frozen and there’s nothing you can do about it. Upon referring to PayPal’s Acceptable Use Policy, as they suggest, I find nothing to suggest we are not in compliance. In fact, we seem to be the exact kind of merchant PayPal would want using its services. We are bringing them new users by requiring our customers to pay with PayPal, we are building a global marketplace that is ideal case study for PayPal’s robust risk management and fraud management and we’re a budding new startup that enables a brand new community of merchants and transactions, off of which PayPal will be able to profit.<p>We’re still unclear why PayPal froze our account, but we’ve got a pretty good idea of how it happened, which really started with following procedure, followed by compliance, followed by loyalty to their service.<p>PayPal doesn’t want their cut of tens of millions of dollars of revenue we project in the next two years. Any idea of who does?<p>-Jamie Wong Co-Founder, Vayable.com http://blog.vayable.com ====== ig1 I can't say I really blame them, you're in a high-risk business which tends to have lots of credit card chargebacks and you can't guarantee delivery of service. If you went the merchant bank/credit card processor route you'd probably have to put down a substantial deposit. If you're operating a high-risk business you can't really expect PayPal or a merchant bank to absorb that risk on your behalf unless you're willing to pay for it. PayPal's policies do forbid the kind of marketplace aggregation you're doing (Unless you're using their Adaptive Payment split payment mechanism which is designed for this sort of situation; but from your description I assume you're not) ------ LiveTheDream > tens of millions of dollars of revenue we project Paypal's revenues are well over $3 billion/year and growing. They are also known around these parts as a fraud detection company with a payment processing component. Respectfully, I would first suggest you be happy that those millions are still just projected and not sitting in limbo in a frozen PayPal account. Next, check out some other payment processing options. Here is a great place to start: [http://www.gabrielweinberg.com/startupswiki/Ask_YC_Archive#t...](http://www.gabrielweinberg.com/startupswiki/Ask_YC_Archive#toc85) ------ daimyoyo Your solution here is obvious. Several times per week it seems there's a thread here lamenting paypals policy's. My advice to you would be to start a competitor to paypal. (yes they're owned by eBay, but remember that there's potential antitrust issues if they harass you too much or refuse to allow you to integrate your payments widget into the listings.) You certainly aren't alone in your struggle, and were I in your position, that's what I'd do. Just my $0.02. ~~~ wladimir Aren't there already many competitors to Paypal? They're not as well-known, but I don't think starting another web payment service is a very good business plan. For example, I know Netteller has been struggling pretty much. I agree that Paypal needs a bigger competitor though. They're really making a mess of it. ------ JigSaw81 Your site looks pretty sketchy. Try to make it look more trustworthy, then re- apply for Payments Pro in 2-3 months. They might reconsider.
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
Opinion: Google Is Still Bad at Selling Phones - wbsun https://www.droid-life.com/wp-content/cache/page_enhanced/www.droid-life.com/2017/10/26/opinion-google-still-sucks-at-selling-phones/_index.html ====== dovdovdov This is just market research, when they asked the community what they see in the competitor, people said 'no headphone jack' and 'overpriced crap'. Google just delivered on these desires. ~~~ piyush_soni Yes. Apparently, when they sold the amazing value for money Nexus phones (especially the 5), no one wanted buy those "cheap plastic phones". Pixel 1, the overpriced phone was the first one people noticed and bought. Sad, but true. ~~~ rak00n Remember the bootloop issue in 5x and 6p? They have a long way to go in this market. ~~~ totalZero My Nexus 6P soft bricked itself in exactly this way, by spiraling into a never-ending bootloop. I contacted Google to ask for help, and they wouldn't even send me the documents I needed to get my credit card's warranty service extension program to replace my phone. I will never again buy a Google hardware device as long as I live. ------ noncoml Why would anyone buy a phone from an advertising company? ~~~ a012 Because they're advertised ------ NateyJay Fixed link: [https://www.droid-life.com/2017/10/26/opinion-google- still-s...](https://www.droid-life.com/2017/10/26/opinion-google-still-sucks- at-selling-phones/)
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
Making a commit with the Github API - swanson http://swanson.github.com/blog/2011/07/23/digging-around-the-github-api-take-2.html ====== zmanji Very fascinating, a static file blog backed by git is powerful, back by github would allow for a lot of features. I can see the power I get with editing code easily applied to writing with the same usability I get from WordPress or something similar. ------ follower Off topic, but I noticed in your post you said: > but I liked the idea of keeping an “engineering notebook” as I work. I've created a site Labradoc (<[http://www.labradoc.com/>](http://www.labradoc.com/>)) that is a low friction way to keep an engineering notebook (or as I call it--a project log). For me it makes a huge difference in being able to keep track of multiple side projects. You might like to try it out. Also, thanks for the pointer to the Javascript Markdown parser "Showdown"-- I've been wanting to get a Markdown live-preview working for Labradoc and that seems like it could do the job. :)
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
Threats to macOS Users - heshiebee https://securelist.com/threats-to-macos-users/93116/ ====== taylodl Phishing is an extremely effective attack vector. My company's security group regularly and randomly sends out phishing emails. Those falling for it are sent to training for how to identify a phishing attack. I've heard anecdotally that some people have had to go to the training three times! Which I don't say to gloat - but merely to point out how well that attack vector works. ------ java-man I know of no email client that tries to detect and warn about phishing or other forms of attacks. Message contains executables masquerading as data files? From: domain name is different from the received from:? Homoglyphs in the domain name? Tracking pixels? White on white text? Suspicious Javascript? etc.
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
Sex and Gor and open source - healsdata https://techcrunch.com/2017/03/26/sex-and-gor-and-open-source/ ====== netaustin I spent a good portion of my early career working with Drupal on large-scale media sites and got to know some folks central to the movement. I liked almost everyone I met, including Dries, but after starting my own agency, left the platform and the community. Not because of individual conflicts, but because I concluded that I did not want my agency to orbit Acquia. This is what happens in commercially mature open source communities, and a huge source of mundane conflict. The founder and BDFL of the movement becomes the founder and BDFL of a venture funded, IPO-bound startup, and incentives start to become crossed. Or in the case this case, incentives become entirely perverted. So I have a darker take on this: Dries banned Crell as a face-value reason to strip a competitor of a seat at the core contributor table. Crell works for Platform.sh, a challenger to Acquia's main hosting platform product. Drupal has lots of very senior architectural voices already, so losing Crell isn't going to jeopardize the platform, and it's more convenient for Acquia for them to work in the same place. According to Crell's post about this [[https://www.garfieldtech.com/blog/tmi- outing](https://www.garfieldtech.com/blog/tmi-outing)], the Drupal Association apparently attempted to apply their code of conduct and found repeatedly that Crell had done nothing wrong. But then Dries decided to ban Crell with little fanfare. Hard to believe that Dries cares that much about Crell's sex life. Easy to believe that he's become a cutthroat opportunist who would use the Code of Conduct to optimize Acquia's outcomes. What would have happened if Crell had worked for Acquia? That's the thing about a BDFL. Give him enough VC money and ultimately all that's left is a giant D. ~~~ nearlythere There's an appearance of conflict of interest, and you are not the only one to make this accusation. But this is a red herring. It was also brought up on the related Reddit thread. Someone surmised this might be "motivated by the direct competition." To which rszrama (Ryan Szarma) said "As a co-founder of Platform.sh, I know with absolute certainty this is not the case." Assuming Ryan knows more than both of us, and he would be in a position to gain from making such a claim -- it's important to note he emphatically said NO. [https://www.reddit.com/r/drupal/comments/60y9mq/larry_garfie...](https://www.reddit.com/r/drupal/comments/60y9mq/larry_garfield_on_harassment_in_the_drupal_project/dfcg0n8/) ~~~ netaustin I'm with you 100% here, yeah, and I agree entirely with the points made here [[https://subfictional.com/thoughts-on-recent-drupal- governanc...](https://subfictional.com/thoughts-on-recent-drupal-governance- decisions/)]. But I don't think Dries has the credibility to act in the community's best interest and also in the best interest of Acquia. As an officer of Acquia he has a fiduciary responsibility; his responsibility to Drupal is purely ethical. I'd argue that Ryan can't really gain from making a claim that Dries is trying to damage his business, because then he's admitting that his business has been damaged without any real recourse. But I do agree that he knows plenty that we don't! My thesis is not that Crell's behavior was acceptable. I know I don't have the standing to opine on that. My thesis is that Dries isn't accountable for this conflict of interest and the demands of running a venture-backed startup are largely at odds with the demands of running a community worthy of its code of conduct. Of course, Dries is not the only BDFL with this kind of a conflict of interest. Many of us who have a career on the Internet live in the shade of one tree or another... ------ SexyCyborg I'm not at all surprised by this. I'm not a BDSM enthusiast, but in my personal life I wear clothes and have body mods that while legal and socially acceptable in my country, many Westerners find outrageous and deeply offensive. I have always complied with the standards and dress code of any business event I attend. It's simply what I wear in my personal time. It's been a huge obstacle to getting recognition when dealing with Western tech media. Even when I don't appear at all with the project, simply the off- camera creator's appearance being offensive has been sufficient excuse for exclusion. I have no doubt that BDSM enthusiasts, or Furries, or many others face similar issues even when they check all aspects of their lifestyle at the door and it has no bearing on their projects. As part of a knee-jerk reaction to community problems with sexism, parts of tech are now deeply, deeply conservative and judgmental about anything even vaguely sexual. You can very easily have permanent damage done to your career prospects by appearing or acting in some way different from what they feel is the norm. Once that's done, there's no appeasement or washing away the stain- you might as well embrace your eccentricity and resign yourself to whatever fringe niche will have you. ------ tptacek This article is written from one side of a complicated conflict. It's the perspective of the ousted Drupal member that his beliefs are entirely packaged up in the BDSM subculture that he takes part in, and that to have a problem with his beliefs is to persecute his BDSM subculture. It's the perspective of the other Drupal members who ousted him that his beliefs are not in fact cabined in that subculture, but in fact bleed out of it into his interactions with the broader world. They cite evidence. Since the beliefs that we're talking about could be broadly and probably inaccurately but by how much I don't know described as "females are subhuman", it's the perspective of the Drupal members who did the ousting that those beliefs matter very much to the project. I don't know what the right answer is, but I do know that this TechCrunch article basically defined away the controversy. That doesn't help anyone make sense of it. I'm happy letting the Drupal community work this stuff out for themselves though, and also flagged this story, which is, after all, really just drama. ~~~ crawfordcomeaux Community governance in a world where open source is increasing and privacy decreasing will necessarily require drama as long as emotions are involved. The article raises questions in the controversy worth exploring in countless open source projects. I didn't encounter evidence cited by the ousting members in the article. Can you link to your sources? ~~~ tptacek You didn't encounter pretty much any of the other side in that article, which is not an accurate summary of the controversy. I'm not sure this article makes a good starting point for discussing this issue, and I'm not sure the issue itself is really worth mining to find a good starting point. ~~~ ajsalminen In a way it looks very much like just the same issue that has come up before with people getting banned from tech conferences for example: Should the beliefs a person holds that are unrelated to the community in question be grounds for ostracizing him from said community. I don't really understand why you think that isn't an issue worth discussing. ~~~ tptacek I didn't say it wasn't an issue worth discussing. I said that the article we're commenting on is highly misleading. It would lead one to believe that the community is penalizing consensual sexual behavior, when in fact the concern has virtually nothing to do with his BDSM subculture. ~~~ ajsalminen I don't think the article is that one-sided. It also raises another issue which is that the total lack of transparency even to the person being prosecuted is problematic. The comments from the DA side about this have been few and self-contradictory so that partially the reason the article is the way it is. ------ losvedir Sad. I definitely agree with the article's "yes (no), hell no, hell no" answers. But I wonder how many people would answer the same here as with Brendan Eich being forced to resign or Curtis Yarvin being dis-invited from LambdaConf. Edit to be more clear: I can understand either position as long as it applies consistently. I also think I may have pattern matched this incorrectly as "person unfairly ostracized for his personal sexual preferences", when perhaps the part that will get play in the tech community is "woman hating white male", in which case this will fit right in with Eich and Yarvin. ~~~ tptacek Yarvin was not disinvited from LambdaConf. LambdaConf was boycotted because Yarvin presented there. (To your edit: so far as I know, the issue with Yarvin has more to do with outspoken racism than with gender equity). ~~~ tedunangst Disinvited from strangeloop I think? It's hard to keep track of it all. ~~~ mcphage Right, disinvited from strangeloop. When he was invited to speak at LambdaConf, pressure was brought to bear to get him disinvited. When that didn't work, people instead brought pressure against LambdaConf's sponsors, speakers, and attendees, in an effort to get LambdaConf cancelled. ~~~ tptacek That's a lurid way to describe people boycotting (pretty successfully) a conference. ~~~ mcphage Which claim are you objecting to? That people attempted to get him disinvited? That people pushed LambdaConf's sponsors to pull out? That people pushed LambdaConf's speakers to pull out? That people encouraged LambdaConf's attendees to switch to MoonConf? Calling that "attempting to get LambdaConf cancelled" doesn't seem particularly lurid, especially not compared to things like "You chose to die on this hill." ~~~ tptacek Again, all you're doing is rattling off a description of a boycott. ~~~ mcphage Right, which is why I'm confused that you objected to it. ------ alexandercrohde At first I thought this article would be linkbaity-gossip about a tech individual's private matters. However I think it raises a good point: Generally our attitude toward different sexual preferences (previously labeled 'deviant') is that it is _illegal_ and _wrong_ to use them to hold back somebody's career. However fetishism thus far hasn't been approached the same way as homosexuality, nor has the debate even begun in any public fashion. I think this debate will have to happen and it's very nuanced. ~~~ di4na Disclaimer : i am a dom/top/whatever you want to call it in my private life. Even more interestingly, the majority of the fetish/BDSM community is heavily feminist and open minded. (There are always grey nuance and complex case but still) It is a community that is deeply rooted into consent and people that submit making a conscious and informed decision. You tend to meet people that accept someone else opinion or lifestyle, that are team player and adapt to others, more than proselyts or zealots. Interestingly, the legal implications are complex, and most of the time, in the US, would not support the lifestyle that much. Consensual non-consent or violence is a strange place legally. But from the public information so far, it seems hard to believe that this was about proselytising or promoting anything. Just a witch hunt. Which, to be honest, do not surprise me. I am semi public about my personal involvement since 50 Shades, because i accept the problem i could get in exchange of informing people that need it (50 shades is hated in a lot of the community for good reasons) It is not easy and you get a lot of anxious/uneasy look. ~~~ tptacek To be clear: the claim here --- not that you'd know it from the article --- is that proselytizing was in fact an issue. ~~~ di4na Well proselytising what ? Because once again, the fact he plays as a Gorean master does not mean he believes women to be subhuman. This tends to be the problem with most of these things. But in any case we really lack information here. ~~~ aries1980 Regardless what he believes, whether it is in line with the mainstream western values or not, it hurts the inclusion and tolerance to expel members based on that. One's taste, political views (regardless how extreme it is) should not be a subject of investigation in a professional community. ------ slang800 > More generally, is it OK for an open-source community to ban/ostracize a > member purely because their “belief system” — perhaps better described as a > complicated fantasy milieu in which they happen to spend their personal time > — was doxxed? [hell no] It's interesting to compare this with the TechCrunch article written after Brendan Eich was ousted for his “belief system”: [https://techcrunch.com/2014/04/03/brendan-eich-resigns-as- mo...](https://techcrunch.com/2014/04/03/brendan-eich-resigns-as-mozilla-ceo- following-criticism-of-his-support-for-prop-8/) ------ WillyOnWheels [http://www2.rdrop.com/users/wyvern//data/](http://www2.rdrop.com/users/wyvern//data/) ------ mgbmtl The Techcrunch article has a broken link to Dries' blog post: [http://buytaert.net/living-our-values](http://buytaert.net/living-our-values) The Techcrunch article focuses too much on BDSM in general. If I understand correctly, the problem here is on the specific aspect of viewing women as inferior and the fact that this contributor wields significant influence in a community where (like many free software communities) gender is a problem. This isn't very different than being anti-gay and being the lead of a big free software project. Some people can pretend that their personal opinions have no impact on their work, but that's very rarely the case. If there was more diversity, this would probably be less of an issue. ~~~ tnones It is both notable and unsurprising that the Drupal code of conduct [1] makes zero mention of any of the topics in this debate. Nothing about sexuality, nothing about feminism, or equality, ... Yet every discussion about this immediately turns to gender politics. I think this shows the duplicitous nature of COCs: no matter what the letter says, the intent, as understood by nearly everyone, is to apply it to filter by reigning morality, under the threat of public punishment. When it comes to Drupal, the only gender problem it has is the people who keep manufacturing major incidents out of minor slights, even when the people involved don't mind. Case in point, the Drupal Association member who resigned because he called his friend a pussy, who in turn didn't mind it. It is disingenuous to uphold a code of respect, diversity and inclusion while simultaneously expecting everyone to conform to the wishes of the most easily offended. More so to act like the only way to be respectful to women is to treat them like fragile flowers. Some people prefer traditional gender roles, in or outside the bedroom, and some are women. The last thing these inclusion activists want is diversity, it would expose them as the sheltered and privileged upper class they are. [1] [https://www.drupal.org/dcoc](https://www.drupal.org/dcoc) ~~~ mgbmtl > Nothing about sexuality, nothing about feminism, or equality, [...] From the DCOC: "The Drupal community and its members treat one another with respect." > When it comes to Drupal, the only gender problem it has is the people who > keep manufacturing major incidents out of minor slights [...] I don't know for Drupal, but gender is an issue in most computer-science related fields, I doubt that Drupal is immune to this. Free Software has a lower % of women involved than computer science in general. In any case, until there is near parity, there is a gender problem. I agree that 'we' are pretty bad at handling incidents. Damned if we do, damned if we don't. There's been an evolution in the last 10 years, but clearly more work to be done. ~~~ aries1980 > “The Drupal community and its members treat one another with respect.” Frankly, the DCOC is vague. If we want to kick out people with a reference to the DCOC, we have to define with mathematical precision what is “respect”, “poor manners”, “people outside the Drupal project”. > I don't know for Drupal, but gender is an issue in most computer-science > related fields, I doubt that Drupal is immune to this. Free Software has a > lower % of women involved than computer science in general. In any case, > until there is near parity, there is a gender problem. You can always find an aspect which is underrepresented. Gender, ethnicity, solved tickets, religion, eye colour… Can we just focus on getting things done and being a welcoming toward everyone who would like to donate free time until that person does not restrict others to do so?
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
Sad state of cross platform GUI frameworks - s9w https://blog.royalsloth.eu/posts/sad-state-of-cross-platform-gui-frameworks ====== thomaszander Its a great overall look, but I'd like to add some details to the Qt parts. * he reviewed the QtWidget parts, and the designer for such. This is by now 15 years old tech that has not seen any new development for years. He didn't look at the QtQuick and QtComponents parts which people use now. * He writes: «You can always buy a commercial license that gives you the rights to statically link your application but it comes with a hefty price.». This seems an emotional conclusion. First, most people don't actually require to statically link their apps. So this is only required for a small subset of users. Shipping your app on mobile, for instance, can be done with the open source version just fine. I think it helps to actually ask the sales team a price instead of concluding it has a heafty price. Compared to visual studio it actually is cheaper, last I checked... * «Chart components are missing.» Actually, there are several. Including 3rd party ones. * he first states that QML allows one to use Javascript as a con, and then continues in his next line saying it is not nice to have to use C++. I think thats unfair. You can write your entire app in Javascript or C++. You can mix them. Your choice. This are add-ons. Like NPM can be seen as a bunch of add-ons to Node. Complaining about the ecosystem being diverse doesn't really sound like a negative to me... ------ s9w > QT website is one big clusterfuck of corporate bullshit and hard to find > stuff. They keep redesigning it and every year its getting worse and worse That captures my own impression accurately ~~~ thomaszander I would fully agree about their main website :) but, yeah, its a website they use to sell stuff. Advertisements tend to work better if they don't get stale. On the other hand, the doc.* website (its on its own sub-domain) is almost boring and just entirely functional. And that is what techies actually use. ------ _bxg1 I think the vitriol against JavaScript is unfair, but I absolutely agree that if native cross-platform desktop development weren't so horrendous, many things that currently use Electron, wouldn't. The web's main draw these days is that it's a free, cross-platform GUI platform that sees _active development and community support_. That's the bar. All of that said - and I've said this elsewhere before - _JavaScript is not the problem with Electron._ I'm so weary of hearing this. Even the web is not really the problem with Electron. Electron's problem is that there's no way to share Chromium instances across installations or processes. _That 's it_. ~~~ giulianob It's both. Go look at your memory usage per tab and it's not uncommon to see hundreds of megabytes for a simple static 2d UI. The way web renders is extremely inefficient then you couple that with a language that has no regards for how a computer actually works and you get to the sad state we're in today. ~~~ _bxg1 > hundreds of megabytes for a simple static 2d UI Without a specific example that's hard to argue against, but I would wager it has more to do with images, unnecessarily complex DOM, and possibly just poor engineering, as opposed to JavaScript itself. > that has no regards for how a computer actually works You mean like Python? And Lisp? If you're taking issue with the very concept of high-level languages then state it as such, and good luck making a case for that. ------ giulianob I recently went through this exercise and it really is sad. I actually decided to use the Godot game engine because at the end of the day it's fairly lightweight, you're in complete control over the rendering, the built in components are great (the editor itself is written in the game engine), it supports C#/C++, it runs literally everywhere, and it's completely free/open source. I'm keeping my eye on Flutter and Avalonia as well but so far Godot seems the most mature on the desktop. ~~~ _bxg1 It's fascinating that a whole game engine ended up being the right solution. Although, I guess I have heard of people doing the same with Unity. And I've heard good things about Godot as a project in general. FWIW here's one more relevant option that popped up earlier today: [https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=22766639](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=22766639) It looks pretty Flutter-like. ------ lubonay Flutter _may_ deliver, but Google has this nasty habit of killing projects right after you personally buy into them. ------ gyrgtyn > I can’t quite figure it out, why do people prefer writing Electron apps as > opposed of having a thin backend layer that communicates with the frontend > in the user’s existing browser via websockets or long polling or whatever. that's not possible. For one thing, you need https. ~~~ Supermancho A one-and-done installer for an existing browser is too sandboxed to work as he describes, afaik. If you ran local code and added some plugins with permissions, it would be possible, maybe. ------ mixmastamyk Interesting that the author understandably hates on C++, mentions Python bindings but then never appears to try them. It is true often cross-language docs are not great, but is pretty easy to convert between the two languages with a few examples. Also, I'd never heard of the limit of LGPL on static-linking. I have a few pure Python projects under this but don't think the rule applies. ------ java-man Missing from the list: java swing. Of course, it is missing latest eye candy features like shadows, but otherwise it's rock solid. ~~~ RandyRanderson Having developed in Java for many years now, primarily on Windows for the desktop, Linux for the server side, the occasional MacOS desktop and even Android and Android Wear, I'm very rarely reminded that there are differences in platforms. The biggest issues I've faced: * On a headless server you can't load any GUI components (mostly my mistakes). * Android is still effectively Java7. I blame Oracle and Google for this. I've even recently moved from Java 7 to Java 11 with very little issue. I'd be interested in people's thoughts about why "new is better"? My own take: you can't sell tools, tutorials, books, conference tickets, etc for something that just works and is well documented with great IDE support. ~~~ java-man In the context, I take it the question is about why javafx is better than swing? I would say javafx produces better eye candy, and the programming model is much better in terms of properties and bindings (not that one can't reimplement a similar framework in swing, but in javafx it is just there). I feel javafx is still lacking in many areas: \- focus handling is still buggy: one can have multiple nodes having focus and accepting keyboard input \- WebView behavior differs a lot between 8/9/10/11 \- mouse subsystem has critical issues on linux I wish javafx got more support from Oracle, but we know that neither Sun nor Oracle viewed the desktop as high priority. I don't think the situation will change, considering the fact that the majority of development switched to browser-based js. ------ TurboHaskal So, if you don't mind dropping some cash... \- Delphi is great if you have a Windows machine and is still quite popular in Europe if you _really_ want to make a career out of it. \- Xojo is extremely well priced. I cannot say much about it but a friend that is a former Lazarus programmer swears by it. \- LispWorks CAPI is hands-down the best I've tried, but requires individual licenses for each platform and if you want 64bit you'll be breaking the bank. > Pascal is showing its age and feels a bit wonky in comparison to C like > languages. What makes Pascal show its age? Proper records? Generics? :) ~~~ badsectoracula > a friend that is a former Lazarus programmer swears by it. I'm not sure swearing evokes much confidence :-P I've only tried the demo version of Xojo a couple of times but i found its design to be _very_ macOS oriented. The GUI does work in Windows and Linux (and actually i've tried it on both of these systems instead of macOS) but pretty much everything about the layout and design feels macOS-y. ------ cocoa19 I have written multiple applications with Qt, GTK, JavaFX and your blog post is spot on, on everything I read. This is a very high quality post. It shows you really worked on learning the frameworks, as opposed to writing a superficial post after 1 hour of playing around with a framework. ------ pkphilip Other interesting cross platform IDEs include imgui when used with Nim. This is remarkably easy to use [https://github.com/nimgl/imgui](https://github.com/nimgl/imgui) ------ arkanciscan Never seen a cross platform gui that I'd rather use than a website. ~~~ ScottFree Imagine you have seen a cross platform gui that you'd rather use over a website. What would it look like? ~~~ pdamoc Something like Elm but that compiles to native binaries. It should come with Material Design level of HIG documentation and a tone of examples. The compiler and the Native/Kernel parts should be implemented in a modern systems programming language, maybe rust. ~~~ ScottFree Why elm? It looks more like a DSL than a real language and a verbose one at that. I'm looking at some of these examples on their website, like the random number generator, and wondering why it takes so much code to print a random number to the screen. ------ j88439h84 Beeware makes native guis on all platforms, android will be ready soon.
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
Online PSD to Sketch file converter - helloiamvu http://avocode.com/convert-psd-to-sketch ====== helloiamvu Hi everyone! I'm very excited to show you our new tool. It's a free online PSD to Sketch Converter. If you're manually re-creating designs from Photoshop into Sketch, now you don't have to. It converts named layers, layer groups, basic layer effects, layer masks, vector shapes, text layers and more. Let me know your thoughts. I hope you will like it. ~~~ agopaul Nice! Are you using an ExtendScript script to extract all the info? Or is it an in-house C++ extension for Photoshop? ~~~ helloiamvu We're actually using our own technology to parse PSD files without using any Photoshop API. We're already working on other design formats as well. ~~~ agopaul That's impressive! I read a few stories about reverse engineering the PSD format and how much technical debt it carries in it ------ Xoros "Notwithstanding the above, you grant us a non-exclusive, royalty-free, transferable, sub-licensable, worldwide license to use, store, display, reproduce, re-post, modify, create derivative works, perform, and distribute User Content on the Site or Application or other third party websites or application..." Well... no ------ girvo Neat! I've been a super happy user of Avocode for years, and I'm stoked to see you lot continue to innovate :) ------ brailsafe Works quite well so far. Opened some giant ass old PSD files and was able to start tweaking the design right away. ------ goeric Super useful, thank you! ------ dkonofalski I'm guessing that the lack of detail on this is really an explanation for expectations of this. It probably doesn't work well for anything complex but, if it works halfway decently, this could be a boon for those trying to get out from under the dark Adobe umbrella. ~~~ usaphp > I'm guessing that the lack of detail on this is really an explanation for > expectations of this What details do you expect? It's a PSD to Sketch converter, what else do you expect it to say? He could have filled it with a "gorgeous", "unique", "innovative" marketing keywords but it would still be a PSD To Sketch converter. > It probably doesn't work well for anything complex but I just tried converting a really big photoshop file and it worked pretty good, why don't you try it before making comments on it's functionality? ~~~ on_and_off Knowing in advance which kind of layers won't be converted successfully sounds reasonable to me. ~~~ MattRoskovec As the matter of fact, when you enter the website: [https://avocode.com/convert-psd-to-sketch/](https://avocode.com/convert-psd- to-sketch/) \- there is a call to action to "Read more about supported features". If you click it, you would see a page explaining what will and what won't be converted. Here's the link: [https://avocode.com/convert-psd-to- sketch/features](https://avocode.com/convert-psd-to-sketch/features) ------ jbob2000 Ugghhh, if you're using this, then you don't really grok Sketch. Sketch has all these wonderful tools for breaking up your design into reuseable components and playing with them like lego pieces. If you're doing a straight conversion from PSD to Sketch, you're missing all the things that make Sketch great. ~~~ matousroskovec When you're starting from scratch in Sketch it has a lot of great features that are worth exploring. But what about making the switch to Sketch from PS? Normally, you would have to recreate the whole design. Most people and especially bigger design teams don't have time for that. So this service is meant to save you all that time, convert your current design system and then you can play around with the design some more and add all the wicked funtions in Sketch anyway. And I'm sure others can think of more use cases. ~~~ jbob2000 Well that's my point. If you don't have the time to convert your design system, then you might as well stick with PS until you do. You'd just be using Sketch as PS-Lite. It's not a "cheap PS" or a PS-lite, it's a tool for a new system of design. It would be like using JIRA for Waterfall development. Sure, you _can_ do that, but that's not really the point of JIRA... ~~~ Raphmedia Consider the use case where the designer doesn't have PS but receive a bunch of third party .PSD files.
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
Yet another massive Facebook fail: Quiz app leaked data on ~120M users for years - benryon https://techcrunch.com/2018/06/28/facepalm-2/ ====== john58 Tough time for Facebook
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
TSP in real life: Researchers Tell Umpires Where to Go - ColinWright http://www.scientificamerican.com/podcast/episode.cfm?id=researchers-tell-umpires-where-to-g-11-08-18 ====== bumbledraven Original paper: <http://moya.bus.miami.edu/~tallys/docs/umpires-inte.pdf>
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
The essential startup team: content, analytics, design, engineering - ColinWright http://paraschopra.com/blog/entrepreneurship/startup-team.htm ====== NameNickHN The article lists marketing almost as an afterthought whereas it's probably more important than analytics and at least equally important as the other team members.
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
Show HN: Harness.io - Create Automated Tests for Your Web App in 60 Seconds - ralfthewise http://harness.io ====== ralfthewise Hey everyone, I'm one of the developers that worked on this, and am happy to answer any questions or discuss feedback.
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
500 Lines or Less - divkakwani https://github.com/aosabook/500lines ====== debo_ Hi, I'm the editor of 500Lines. Thanks for posting this! A few notes: \- Code golf was strictly discouraged throughout the review process. When authors were faced with implementing functionality poorly to fit more in, we generally cut scope instead. \- 500 lines was selected as a limiting criteria because it is easy to specify and understand. You will see that the chapters written e.g. with Clojure do "more" (for some definition of more), but that does not make the lessons learned in the other chapters less interesting. \- The "or less" moniker is grammatically a bit offensive but sounds cute on paper, so we kept it. \- If you'd like to learn more about the philosophy or story behind this volume, Ruby Rogues hosted us a little while ago: [https://devchat.tv/ruby- rogues/256-rr-reading-code-and-the-a...](https://devchat.tv/ruby- rogues/256-rr-reading-code-and-the-architecture-of-open-source-applications- with-michael-dibernardo) \- The print version of this book (and the official launch on aosabook.org) should happen sometime in the next 4-6 weeks. You can follow this issue if you'd like to know when that happens: [https://github.com/aosabook/500lines/issues/212](https://github.com/aosabook/500lines/issues/212) ~~~ avar The first thing I looked through, the pedometer/ directory, has a project that itself may be <500 lines, but is using compressed versions of JS libraries like highcharts.js & jquery.js. Don't you think including huge external libraries like that defeats the spirit of showing things that are 500 lines or less? ~~~ rtpg I don't think so. Would you rule out things like the python standard library? Though external library size can be important, does it come into play when talking about your own code structure? ~~~ Karunamon Only if you assume it to be bug free in a way that your code will never expose. ------ banthar From: [https://github.com/aosabook/500lines/blob/master/ci/code/hel...](https://github.com/aosabook/500lines/blob/master/ci/code/helpers.py) s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.connect((host, port)) s.send(request) response = s.recv(1024) s.close() Is that correct use of TCP? It seems to rely on response not being fragmented. ~~~ DSMan195276 It's definitely not right as far as the C interface is concerned - and Google indicates that the Python interface doesn't do anything extra. That said, it probably does generally work considering the small size of the messages, especially if the dispatcher is run locally. It's unlikely that a two-byte or ten-byte message would get fragmented, though it technically could - and that's all that is sent by the dispatcher. That said, this should be a loop that combines all the responses until you receive a response of length zero, indicating EOF. The actual code to correctly handle this is really simple if you don't do any extra error handling - but it's not obvious if you haven't done some socket programming before. This code will probably work until the dispatcher and clients are expanded upon, resulting in more complex messages that eventually lead to sporadic fragmentation. ------ divkakwani Here is a link to the pdf: [https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/29696071/500L.pdf](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/29696071/500L.pdf) ~~~ arve0 This is "The Performance of Open Source Applications", not "500 Lines or Less". Edit: An older version? ~~~ divkakwani This is 500L indeed. Don't know why the cover says POSA. ------ amelius Offtopic. Why, in github, is the README always below the repository files, if the first thing you want to read about a project is the README? Edit: Could we take the convention on HN to always link to the README in a github repo? In this case that would be: [https://github.com/aosabook/500lines/blob/master/README.md](https://github.com/aosabook/500lines/blob/master/README.md) ~~~ marssaxman I considered Github links to be essentially content-free noise for several years because I did not know about their "README.md" convention. I think that people who live and breathe github probably don't realize how confusing their interface can be to a newcomer. ~~~ mjrbrennan You didn't think to just scroll down? ~~~ marssaxman I didn't know to scroll to the bottom, as I had never used github and was unfamiliar with its interface. I thought it was basically just a prettier version of the classic auto-generated "index" page for a directory, so it didn't occur to me that there would be more to it than the file list if I scrolled down. ~~~ pc86 > _I didn 't know to scroll to the bottom_ If only there was some sort of bar that could indicate your relative position on the page. Maybe in the same spot on all websites to make it easy to see. Maybe even part of the browser! In all seriousness this seems much less a GitHub issue and much more about how well you computers. ~~~ marssaxman It is an issue of expectations and affordances. If there's no clue that what's at the bottom is going to be different than what's at the top, and what you're seeing at the top is not giving you anything useful, why would you scroll further and waste your time seeing more of it? Perhaps for some people that is natural, but different people navigate unfamiliar spaces in different ways. What you see when you open a github project page is a file directory. If you have no pre-existing reason to believe the page is something more than it appears to be, it's reasonable to believe that the page you're looking at is, in fact, just a file directory. There is nothing on the page which suggests that it also contains a readme file viewer, hidden underneath. I didn't scroll because the directory structure suggested to me that one would navigate by digging around to see what was inside. After the first couple of times I tried this without getting anywhere, I wrote github off as a waste of time, and after that I simply closed such links immediately. It might have been easier to discover README.md from some later link with a smaller directory, where a smaller amount of scrolling down might have revealed it, but by then I was no longer looking. ------ Bromskloss Is there a compiled version somewhere? I don't think I will be able to build this on my phone. ~~~ satai Early Access: [http://aosabook.org/en/500L/](http://aosabook.org/en/500L/) ~~~ drauh The embedded images seem to be broken. ------ sien This is a really interesting book by some brilliant people. I wonder if the problems selected are the ones that many people would select though. What would people here select as, say, the top 5 or 10 things to write in a short amount of code. Say perhaps in 1K lines of code. A web browser? A compiler? A simple relational database? ~~~ zem interpreter for an interactive fiction language ------ falcolas > canonical problem in software engineering in at most 500 source lines of > code I'll reserve judgement of the book for when its in a form I can easily read, but this seems to come up on the wrong side of the "less isn't always more" line. I can implement a lot of logic in 500 lines of code, but I won't be able to go back a month later and understand any of it, at least not without rebuilding the logic from scratch. And I certainly can't also implement the safety checks, corner cases, and tests in that line quota. I would personally think there is more value in showcasing a single complete and well commented solution instead of a slew of partial solutions with "the error checking left as an exercise to the reader" (I'm not sure if this phrase is in the book, I plucked it from any number of poor college textbooks). ~~~ fermigier You probably misread the intent of the book editors and writers. As @debo_ wrote above: "Code golf was strictly discouraged throughout the review process. When authors were faced with implementing functionality poorly to fit more in, we generally cut scope instead." ------ exabrial How about a competition to see who can write the clearest code for the next guy, in minimal lines of code? ~~~ voltagex_ Sometimes optimising for the least lines of code leads to _less_ clarity than being a bit more verbose and explaining yourself better. I still haven't quite worked out the code vs comments ratio. ~~~ exabrial Couldn't agree more. ------ archos1 *500 Lines or Fewer [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fewer_vs._less](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fewer_vs._less) ~~~ arsenerei From your reference. > However, descriptive grammarians (who describe language as actually used) > point out that this rule does not correctly describe the most common usage > of today or the past and in fact arose as an incorrect generalization of a > personal preference expressed by a grammarian in 1770. > Many supermarket checkout line signs, for instance, will read "10 items or > less"; others, however, will use fewer in an attempt to conform to what is > incorrectly perceived as required by the prescription although this is in > fact a clear case of hypercorrection as explained in Pocket Fowler’s Modern > English Usage. > Less has always been used in English with counting nouns. Indeed, the > application of the distinction between less and fewer as a rule is a > phenomenon originating in the 18th century. ------ genos Looks like there's code in different languages, so the arbitrary 500 line count gets even more hazy. As an extreme case, consider 500 lines of APL vs. Java. ------ nine_k 500 lines of _what?_ 500 lines of APL / J / Q is enormous; 500 lines of Haskell / Scala / Ruby is quite a mouthful, 500 lines of Java or C is rather moderate, and 500 lines of assembly is precious little. Also, since a line of code can contain zero or more statements, something like cyclomatic complexity, or just statement count, could give a better measure. (Edited: fought autocorrect.) ~~~ chrisseaton What on earth do you think this is? It's not a research hypothesis. Nothing is being measured. It's a clever way to get people to show that ideas many people think are beyond their understanding can be illustrated in just a few lines of code. 'Cyclomatic Complexity of N or Less' would work against that goal as it says nothing about length and is hard to explain. What a mindless criticism of a worthwhile project. ~~~ nine_k I'm actually all for books like this.
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
One of the ways I am approaching the crowded iPhone Twitter client space - hboon http://motionobj.com/blog/the-conversation-view-in-simplytweet ====== hboon There are many Twitter clients on the iPhone at the moment. Most of seem to be focused on implementing the API and offering integration to other services. Some are doing very well and are very impressive. While I'm also doing some of that, I'd like to experiment in a different way, that of building new features. The conversation view, while it is not a totally new concept (it is available in a similar form in the Summize page, and the current Twitter search page), doesn't exist yet on the iPhone clients and it's pretty interesting how much you can do in the backend to churn out just a view of a conversation. Digress a little: I've been working full-time on iPhone applications for the past 3 months but have only started selling a few weeks ago (a delay of 3 months due to the paperwork blackhole!). And it's been a huge challenge to break into the market and break even, but nevertheless an interesting experience. As I mentioned in the article, I have a few ideas (for features) in my mind which I'll be experimenting with. If anyone of you have any ideas, please feel free to share them and/or discuss/comment on what I have done. ~~~ sidsavara This is interesting, why an iPhone application rather than something that can be perhaps web-based? I am working on (and by "working on" I mean, I created some messy code 5 months ago and then abandoned it but cling to the dream that I may one day finish it) something similar, but wanted a web based UI - I have the same issue whether it is on a mobile client or at my desk. I want a twitter client that is smarter than a linear display of what's going on - and instead figures out the context of tweets (like replies and retweets) and intelligently gets me that context It looks like you are trying to solve that issue with replies, kudos to that. ~~~ hboon Being an iPhone application partially solves the selling part of the equation. You still need to market and have a good product, but sales and delivery is done for you, at the cost of 30% revenue and somewhat unpredictable release schedules. This particular functionality is actually a web service though. I built this running on a server and the iPhone client talks to the service. This provides some flexibility in terms of release schedules and most importantly works around the default Twitted rate limit. There is just no way a standalone Twitter thick client can do this without hitting the rate limit all the time, making the feature useless. It's interesting you mentioned retweets though, I haven't thought about that. One thing I'm looking into is the timestamp, @names and some herestics based on commonalities between tweets. I come from a search engine background, so mining text and relationship is always interesting to me. Why did you stop your work though? ~~~ thwarted _Being an iPhone application partially solves the selling part of the equation. You still need to market and have a good product, but sales and delivery is done for you, at the cost of 30% revenue and somewhat unpredictable release schedules._ Interesting. A web based application doesn't need delivery, but I wonder what kind of marketing you could get by leveraging the app store to market your product, but actually deploy it on the web. In other words, put a simple app on the app store that is merely a shortcut to spawning the web browser and taking you to your page. Could be free or paid, depending on how people respond to it. You could do more frequent updates too, without having to go through the app store, since it is web based. Do any apps do this currently? ~~~ hboon If it's a web app, and you don't need/want the app store distribution, then you probably want to build it as a web app and market it as such. The app store itself is not much of a marketing tool unless you are already very popular. But then if it has no app store presence, how would you charge the user? I might build a few more features around the web service approach to take advantage of the rapid deployment benefit you mention, but probably not as a full blown web app. I don't know of any app doing the latter, but I'm not surprised if there is. ------ wallflower Not to scope-creep but: Have you thought about virtual Twitter follower groups (e.g. groups of people you don't actually follow but still like to overhear and/or summize search terms actings as groups)? Also, have you considered implementing visualizations like these: [http://personalpages.manchester.ac.uk/staff/m.dodge/cybergeo...](http://personalpages.manchester.ac.uk/staff/m.dodge/cybergeography/atlas/topology.html)
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
WARR Hyperloop pod hits 284 mph to win SpaceX competition - 0xbxd https://www.theverge.com/2018/7/22/17601280/warr-hyperloop-pod-competition-spacex-elon-musk ====== eden123 Here is a video of the WARR pod going through the tunnel: [https://www.facebook.com/WARRHyperloop/videos/67189321983076...](https://www.facebook.com/WARRHyperloop/videos/671893219830766/) In another livestream video from the WARR team Elon Musk states that next year’s competition will take place in the test tunnel of Boring Company. There length of the tunnel will be 2 instead of 1.2 kilometers. At the end of this video [https://www.facebook.com/WARRHyperloop/videos/67170361318306...](https://www.facebook.com/WARRHyperloop/videos/671703613183060/))
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
Lisp, Jazz, Aikido – Three Expressions of a Single Essence - kuwze https://arxiv.org/abs/1804.00485 ====== PetitPrince Previous discussions on HN: [https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=16993330](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=16993330) ------ peatmoss At various points in my life, I’ve done all three of these things. But I see no essential nexus between any of them. I mean, if we torture any metaphor enough we can link anything to anything. Most human activities of sufficient complexity are a mix of art and science. All three of these activities are of this sort (neither being purely aesthetic nor completely reduceable to settled science). But those kinds of pursuits are common. I’d gladly recommend aikido, jazz, and lisp to someone, but I’d also happily recommend judo, rhythm and blues, and smalltalk. Or fly fishing. Or go (the game or language). Or woodworking. Or... well the list goes on. ~~~ Animats Right. From the article "My personal life has been revolving around three major creative activities, of equal importance: programming in Lisp, playing Jazz music, and practicing Aikido." This is someone who extrapolated their own life to a universal. Next! ------ xarill Why on earth would someone publish a paper like that? This is absolutely rubbish. A guy wanted to show the world how special he is because he writes Lisp, listens to jazz, and practices Aikido, and wrote a whole meaningless paper for that. I thought that papers where examined by some committee before publication, and you need to have serious work done to get your research published. This lookes more like an article on some lifestyle magazine or personal blog, rather than a scientific paper. ~~~ SOLAR_FIELDS This is ArXiV, a place where you can post preprints. Little if any moderation is done here, even less if you post something outside of the topic of math or physics. Presence of a paper on here does not mean it has passed peer review or been published in a reputable journal. ------ Wintamute "Science (what we can explain), and Art (what we can't)" Er, no. This is a horribly limiting definition of both terms. ------ f2f Neither of which is very effective. Aikido is not a very efficient form of martial arts, even though it looks good. Jazz is not a popular form of music even though it sounds good. Lisp is not a popular language even though it writes good. ------ abenedic I always have a small problem with trying to define art, and relate it to science. It never seems to go well. ------ ballooney In which Dean Moriarty writes a paper.
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
Americans Strongly Dislike PC Culture - tszymczyszyn https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2018/10/large-majorities-dislike-political-correctness/572581/?fbclid=IwAR0BPxtpnc90jI4kBO9HJaWyZ7jyOPnRrayA4Ynuo35yq3QoTJfusuhu8Hg&amp;single_page=true ====== detaro previously: [https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=18215215](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=18215215) ------ amriksohata America though part of wars, the mainland itself has been protected for many years unlike Europe of constant invasion. Europe has been though all that and doesn't want to again, it understands the cost. ~~~ lj3 Europeans don't like PC culture anymore than Americans do. The rapid and sudden rise of nationalism and nationalist political parties across Europe proves you wrong. ------ tonyedgecombe _" By contrast, the two-thirds of Americans who don’t belong to either extreme constitute an “exhausted majority.”"_ ------ billwashere Knn
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }