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"selftext": "I have the following problem: I finished the story and had maximum honor. Now, I\u2019ve lost some honor. However, I\u2019m not gaining any new honor through good deeds like bounties or anything similar. Since my fame isn\u2019t maxed out yet, I haven\u2019t received the achievement. How can I regain honor? I\u2019m not wearing a neckerchief, and I can only lose honor but can\u2019t gain any new honor.\n\nThanks in advance for the help.",
"selftext_html": "<!-- SC_OFF --><div class=\"md\"><p>I have the following problem: I finished the story and had maximum honor. Now, I\u2019ve lost some honor. However, I\u2019m not gaining any new honor through good deeds like bounties or anything similar. Since my fame isn\u2019t maxed out yet, I haven\u2019t received the achievement. How can I regain honor? I\u2019m not wearing a neckerchief, and I can only lose honor but can\u2019t gain any new honor.</p>\n\n<p>Thanks in advance for the help.</p>\n</div><!-- SC_ON -->",
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