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"selftext": "i\u2019ve been desperate to get the playing cards in the uk but unfortunately everytime i\u2019ve tried, it has said on the official site that it\u2019s theyre not available in the uk, the only decks i\u2019ve found are ones being resold on ebay for almost \u00a3200. i was looking at the sale earlier and getting some stuff, and saw that the cards were on sale (they never displayed the price before, only a note saying they weren\u2019t available in my region), has anyone in the uk been able to buy them? so if they were to potentially restock would i be able to get them then? ",
"selftext_html": "<!-- SC_OFF --><div class=\"md\"><p>i\u2019ve been desperate to get the playing cards in the uk but unfortunately everytime i\u2019ve tried, it has said on the official site that it\u2019s theyre not available in the uk, the only decks i\u2019ve found are ones being resold on ebay for almost \u00a3200. i was looking at the sale earlier and getting some stuff, and saw that the cards were on sale (they never displayed the price before, only a note saying they weren\u2019t available in my region), has anyone in the uk been able to buy them? so if they were to potentially restock would i be able to get them then? </p>\n</div><!-- SC_ON -->",
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