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"selftext": "I've finished RDR 2 a few years ago, and i want to replay it soon. I haven't played RDR 1 and i also want to play that. Knowing RDR 2 is a prequel, should i replay that first and then finish the story with RDR 1, or should i just play 1 and then 2 ? \n\nBasically it's the debate of playing in release order or story timeline order, with the added twist of me having already played RDR 2 before.",
"selftext_html": "<!-- SC_OFF --><div class=\"md\"><p>I&#39;ve finished RDR 2 a few years ago, and i want to replay it soon. I haven&#39;t played RDR 1 and i also want to play that. Knowing RDR 2 is a prequel, should i replay that first and then finish the story with RDR 1, or should i just play 1 and then 2 ? </p>\n\n<p>Basically it&#39;s the debate of playing in release order or story timeline order, with the added twist of me having already played RDR 2 before.</p>\n</div><!-- SC_ON -->",
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"body": "If you already finished RDR2 there is literally no reason to play it again before RDR1. The only reason why you might want to is to not get some plot points of RDR2 spoiled by RDR1, but as I understood that's not a problem in your case.\n\nIf you now play RDR2 first, it might throw you off when you finish it and start RDR1 immediately after that, as the game looks and feels dated (compared to RDR2), and is not as fleshed out as the prequel is.\n\nI suggest you to play RDR1 first, and then take your time with RDR2, do a nice and slow playthrough, as surely there are a lot of things you missed during your first playthrough of the game.",
"body_html": "<div class=\"md\"><p>If you already finished RDR2 there is literally no reason to play it again before RDR1. The only reason why you might want to is to not get some plot points of RDR2 spoiled by RDR1, but as I understood that&#39;s not a problem in your case.</p>\n\n<p>If you now play RDR2 first, it might throw you off when you finish it and start RDR1 immediately after that, as the game looks and feels dated (compared to RDR2), and is not as fleshed out as the prequel is.</p>\n\n<p>I suggest you to play RDR1 first, and then take your time with RDR2, do a nice and slow playthrough, as surely there are a lot of things you missed during your first playthrough of the game.</p>\n</div>",
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"body": "Good Advice. My first playthrough of RDR 2 was actually very thorough, took about 120 hours to finish it but didn't get %100. That was 4 years ago which is why i want to play it again, and on a better PC this time. I will start RDR 1 soon as i'm done with Silent Hill 2.",
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