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"selftext": "I'm not asking what people think happened, but rather what actually happened. Surely there is an article in the newspapers that says what happened. And if not, then I do want to hear what people think happened. \n\nWe know that we dethroned that... guy. I forgot who he was. A cotton plantation owner or something (99% sure I'm wrong, but thats all I remember. He was the owner of some sort of plantation and the ruler of Guarma until we blew his ass up) \nWe also know that there was some sort of native tribe or rebellion led by the natives that took over after (although they didn't officially take over, I'm pretty sure that the main guy said that the island belongs to the jungle or something). Finally, we know that the ruler brought in the fucking Spanish Armada, a whole warship to try kill a couple tribals. So we know that Guarma is a Spanish colony, or at the very least the ruler was a very powerful man with ties to the Spanish. Which means that after we left the Spanish most likely just came back, this time in full force to avenge their warship and retake the island.", |
"selftext_html": "<!-- SC_OFF --><div class=\"md\"><p>I'm not asking what people think happened, but rather what actually happened. Surely there is an article in the newspapers that says what happened. And if not, then I do want to hear what people think happened. </p>\n\n<p>We know that we dethroned that... guy. I forgot who he was. A cotton plantation owner or something (99% sure I'm wrong, but thats all I remember. He was the owner of some sort of plantation and the ruler of Guarma until we blew his ass up)<br/>\nWe also know that there was some sort of native tribe or rebellion led by the natives that took over after (although they didn't officially take over, I'm pretty sure that the main guy said that the island belongs to the jungle or something). Finally, we know that the ruler brought in the fucking Spanish Armada, a whole warship to try kill a couple tribals. So we know that Guarma is a Spanish colony, or at the very least the ruler was a very powerful man with ties to the Spanish. Which means that after we left the Spanish most likely just came back, this time in full force to avenge their warship and retake the island.</p>\n</div><!-- SC_ON -->", |
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