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"selftext_html": "<!-- SC_OFF --><div class=\"md\"><p>i saw a lot of people thinking the wolf and the deer represented low honor and high honor arthur while i personaly think arthur is always the deer... and the wolf....represent micah</p>\n\n<p><a href=\"https://preview.redd.it/jf2g5ohvekyd1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=50244362904e3a76d6ebbcebb06b750b0279f150\">https://preview.redd.it/jf2g5ohvekyd1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=50244362904e3a76d6ebbcebb06b750b0279f150</a></p>\n\n<p>well i say a wolf but it could be more a coyote If you look at the feet of the coyote there's a dead deer....and in some cinematic the low honor animal seem to have a scar on the right eye same as micah both where actually telling the fate of arthur the wolf/coyote never was about arthur it was warning us about what micah was doing </p>\n\n<p>i also think while we are at it the high honor deer isn't arthur either the only deer arthur is represented by is the dead one in low honor the deer in high honor...it's john fleeing toward the sun away from the wolf and the storm</p>\n\n<p>to sum it up arthur never dreamed about his own peace he either dreamed of saving john (high honor) or dying fighting micah the scavenger who end up "eating" what's left of arthur</p>\n\n<p>well it's my theory tell me what you think and what's your own interpretation of it</p>\n</div><!-- SC_ON -->", |
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"body_html": "<div class=\"md\"><p>That\u2019s an interesting way of seeing it.</p>\n\n<p>I personally like to believe that these aren\u2019t just visions Arthur sees, but actual spiritual beings represented by these animals.</p>\n\n<p>Supernatural things like \u201cDeath\u201d exist in this world as seen with the Strange Man, and thus I like to believe these two spirits are an extension of that. Where they are the ones judging Arthur for his actions and taking him to the afterlife</p>\n</div>", |
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"body": "it's true rdr universe allow paranormal and spiritual stuff after all there's alien, zombie apocalypse, the strange man, ghosts and bigfoot who eat babies (lol)\n\n but if it was just spirit why the wolf eat the deer in the end ? (also to further my theory the fact the dead deer have no antlers representing the fact arthur was defensless by the end of the game)\n\n but i like your theory of the spirit thought especialy with how by the end arthur was getting close to the indian tribes i just think the similarity between the wolf appearance, the detail of the dead deer, and all it really feel like symbolic of the story\n\n i think if your theory is correct it shows an interesting difference between arthur and john. arthur represent death by something more balanced from the cycle of life hence why he see two animals and....well arthur is a dreamer john is more \"pragmatic\" and lived more thinking he was just a man hence why he represent death by the strange man a familliar face but with no name (john presented himself under many fake name by the years)", |
"body_html": "<div class=\"md\"><p>it's true rdr universe allow paranormal and spiritual stuff after all there's alien, zombie apocalypse, the strange man, ghosts and bigfoot who eat babies (lol)</p>\n\n<p>but if it was just spirit why the wolf eat the deer in the end ? (also to further my theory the fact the dead deer have no antlers representing the fact arthur was defensless by the end of the game)</p>\n\n<p>but i like your theory of the spirit thought especialy with how by the end arthur was getting close to the indian tribes i just think the similarity between the wolf appearance, the detail of the dead deer, and all it really feel like symbolic of the story</p>\n\n<p>i think if your theory is correct it shows an interesting difference between arthur and john. arthur represent death by something more balanced from the cycle of life hence why he see two animals and....well arthur is a dreamer john is more "pragmatic" and lived more thinking he was just a man hence why he represent death by the strange man a familliar face but with no name (john presented himself under many fake name by the years)</p>\n</div>", |
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"body": "(Btw it\u2019s a coyote, you can see it\u2019s the case when comparing it to the coyote in the game). \n\nI feel the coyote was eating the dead animal as a symbolism of it being a \u201cbottom feeder\u201d something that prowls on the weak. Something Low honor Arthur does with no remorse. \n\nI really like your last paragraph, really good way of putting it", |
"body_html": "<div class=\"md\"><p>(Btw it\u2019s a coyote, you can see it\u2019s the case when comparing it to the coyote in the game). </p>\n\n<p>I feel the coyote was eating the dead animal as a symbolism of it being a \u201cbottom feeder\u201d something that prowls on the weak. Something Low honor Arthur does with no remorse. </p>\n\n<p>I really like your last paragraph, really good way of putting it</p>\n</div>", |
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