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"selftext": "I\u2019m playing a digital version on Series X. Every cutscene after 10 seconds or so of being completely normal, the dialogue and sound effects will just stop playing. I tried googling it and changing my HDMI audio to Stereo Uncompressed but it didn\u2019t help anything. I\u2019ve tried uninstalling and reinstalling too. Do you guys have any other ideas on what to do?", |
"selftext_html": "<!-- SC_OFF --><div class=\"md\"><p>I\u2019m playing a digital version on Series X. Every cutscene after 10 seconds or so of being completely normal, the dialogue and sound effects will just stop playing. I tried googling it and changing my HDMI audio to Stereo Uncompressed but it didn\u2019t help anything. I\u2019ve tried uninstalling and reinstalling too. Do you guys have any other ideas on what to do?</p>\n</div><!-- SC_ON -->", |
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