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"body_html": "<div class=\"md\"><p>if you\u2019re looking for them for the stranger mission, go to where you know they spawn, save then load the game, some more might spawn, once done with that location go to the next and do the same until no more spawn</p>\n</div>", |
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"body_html": "<div class=\"md\"><p>I was STRUGGLING to get a SINGLE plume that I needed desperately. And guess what? HUNDREDS MIGRATED to the bayou after I completed the exotics quest</p>\n</div>", |
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"body_html": "<div class=\"md\"><p>The amount of times I\u2019ve spent searching the swamp for a ducking Egret and they won\u2019t respawn at that specific spot again, don\u2019t get me started</p>\n</div>", |
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"body_html": "<div class=\"md\"><p>I hope rockstar regret not allowing us to mag dump algernon wasp</p>\n</div>", |
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"body": "i\u2019m having trouble trying to find the last lady spider orchid, i can\u2019t go into tall trees so i don\u2019t know what to do. the only reason i think that the last one won\u2019t spawn is because i mistakenly picked up a spider orchid when doing the first part of the mission but i can\u2019t sell or discard it pls help", |
"body_html": "<div class=\"md\"><p>i\u2019m having trouble trying to find the last lady spider orchid, i can\u2019t go into tall trees so i don\u2019t know what to do. the only reason i think that the last one won\u2019t spawn is because i mistakenly picked up a spider orchid when doing the first part of the mission but i can\u2019t sell or discard it pls help</p>\n</div>", |
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"body": "Picking up one before doesn't affect it, the game spawns five in black bone forest and 1 in hanging dog ranch and the last one is right outside a little cave with a dinosaur bone inside further east of hanging dog ranch", |
"body_html": "<div class=\"md\"><p>Picking up one before doesn't affect it, the game spawns five in black bone forest and 1 in hanging dog ranch and the last one is right outside a little cave with a dinosaur bone inside further east of hanging dog ranch</p>\n</div>", |
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