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"selftext": "(I'm not going to include any graphics settings, because I play on console and we don't have those)\n\nHere are a few settings for people who want to play RDR2 in first person and feel like they're really there.\n\n**AUDIO**\n\n*Output: Surround*\n\n*Front Speaker: Narrow*\n\n*Rear Speaker: Side*\n\nWith headphones on and no surround sound, this setting still gives you the experience of being there. You can hear sounds from either side, and even behind you. It helps a ton with immersion.\n\n**CAMERA:**\n\n*First Person Field Of View: MAX*\n\n*First Person Ragdoll: Off*\n\n*First Person Head Bobbing: Reduced*\n\n**DISPLAY**\n\nRemember: you can access all this info by pressing down on the D-PAD (I'm not sure what keybind it is on PC though)\n\n*Ammo: Off*\n\n*Cash: Off*\n\n*Objective Text: Off*\n\n*Location: Off*\n\n*Notifications: Off*\n\n*Weapon Reticle: Dot*\n\n*Radar: Compass*\n\n*GPS Route: Off*\n\nIf you play on PC, you can install [this mod](https://www.nexusmods.com/reddeadredemption2/mods/1209) and stay in First-Person during cutscenes. That's my two cents.", |
"selftext_html": "<!-- SC_OFF --><div class=\"md\"><p>(I'm not going to include any graphics settings, because I play on console and we don't have those)</p>\n\n<p>Here are a few settings for people who want to play RDR2 in first person and feel like they're really there.</p>\n\n<p><strong>AUDIO</strong></p>\n\n<p><em>Output: Surround</em></p>\n\n<p><em>Front Speaker: Narrow</em></p>\n\n<p><em>Rear Speaker: Side</em></p>\n\n<p>With headphones on and no surround sound, this setting still gives you the experience of being there. You can hear sounds from either side, and even behind you. It helps a ton with immersion.</p>\n\n<p><strong>CAMERA:</strong></p>\n\n<p><em>First Person Field Of View: MAX</em></p>\n\n<p><em>First Person Ragdoll: Off</em></p>\n\n<p><em>First Person Head Bobbing: Reduced</em></p>\n\n<p><strong>DISPLAY</strong></p>\n\n<p>Remember: you can access all this info by pressing down on the D-PAD (I'm not sure what keybind it is on PC though)</p>\n\n<p><em>Ammo: Off</em></p>\n\n<p><em>Cash: Off</em></p>\n\n<p><em>Objective Text: Off</em></p>\n\n<p><em>Location: Off</em></p>\n\n<p><em>Notifications: Off</em></p>\n\n<p><em>Weapon Reticle: Dot</em></p>\n\n<p><em>Radar: Compass</em></p>\n\n<p><em>GPS Route: Off</em></p>\n\n<p>If you play on PC, you can install <a href=\"https://www.nexusmods.com/reddeadredemption2/mods/1209\">this mod</a> and stay in First-Person during cutscenes. That's my two cents.</p>\n</div><!-- SC_ON -->", |
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