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"selftext": "On my 3rd playthrough and I\u2019m trying to get all honor locked outfits before the gang heads to Saint Denis, I\u2019ve completed Iniquities of history and have helped the doctor in Rhodes. other greeting people all day, are there any ways to get major honor boosts in chapter 3.", |
"selftext_html": "<!-- SC_OFF --><div class=\"md\"><p>On my 3rd playthrough and I\u2019m trying to get all honor locked outfits before the gang heads to Saint Denis, I\u2019ve completed Iniquities of history and have helped the doctor in Rhodes. other greeting people all day, are there any ways to get major honor boosts in chapter 3.</p>\n</div><!-- SC_ON -->", |
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"body": "Fishing, catching 20 small fishes, and releasing them back will gain you a +1 Honor bar increase", |
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