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"selftext": "The player OutLawedOath took no damage from dynamite or five consecutive headshots with a carcano rifle. I would say it's evident they are using a god mode glitch but they swear up and down they aren't \ud83d\ude02 what do you guys think?", |
"selftext_html": "<!-- SC_OFF --><div class=\"md\"><p>The player OutLawedOath took no damage from dynamite or five consecutive headshots with a carcano rifle. I would say it's evident they are using a god mode glitch but they swear up and down they aren't \ud83d\ude02 what do you guys think?</p>\n</div><!-- SC_ON -->", |
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"body_html": "<div class=\"md\"><p>Well they\u2019re in defense mod maybe slow n steady minty big game and a legendary alcohol would maybe</p>\n</div>", |
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"body_html": "<div class=\"md\"><p>Yeah but their whole posse was basically like this and idk if they would really have enough of those to last a hour even if that could give them enough health to survive a point blank dynamite without even one hit point of damage</p>\n</div>", |
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"body": "If they spam tonics then yes", |
"body_html": "<div class=\"md\"><p>If they spam tonics then yes</p>\n</div>", |
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