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"selftext": "I\u2019m completely blown away. In 2018 I purchased the game and played a little into the prologue but it just seemed like things were dragging and I ended up dropping it. Boy, was that a mistake. I recently moved irl and the place I\u2019m at now does not have the best internet so I\u2019ve been forced back to single player games. I\u2019ve been solely a multiplayer gamer for quite some time now. That\u2019s besides the point however. Red Dead Redemption 2, I can say wholeheartedly, is my favorite game. Ever. Arthur Morgan is one of the most compelling characters I\u2019ve ever come across. This silly little game about a bunch of outlaws and misfits moved me in a way no game ever has. The world was so alive. It\u2019s like when I put my headset on I was there fighting along side Arthur and the gang. They felt like family. Hell, they are family. All the silliness ended however, when Sean died. It\u2019s like the whole game changed. It went from \u201cone more big job\u201d to \u201cDamn. The consequences are consequencing.\u201d Honestly, I never thought doing a little side mission for Strauss would lead to what it did and man was it painful when I realized what was happening to Arthur. When he received his diagnosis from the doctor and his character arc changed it was so beautifully done. Rockstar outdid themselves with this one and Roger Clark absolutely smashed his role as Arthur Morgan. No one else could voice him in my opinion. Sorry for this rant, but man was this game such a gold mine of emotions and fun. ",
"selftext_html": "<!-- SC_OFF --><div class=\"md\"><p>I\u2019m completely blown away. In 2018 I purchased the game and played a little into the prologue but it just seemed like things were dragging and I ended up dropping it. Boy, was that a mistake. I recently moved irl and the place I\u2019m at now does not have the best internet so I\u2019ve been forced back to single player games. I\u2019ve been solely a multiplayer gamer for quite some time now. That\u2019s besides the point however. Red Dead Redemption 2, I can say wholeheartedly, is my favorite game. Ever. Arthur Morgan is one of the most compelling characters I\u2019ve ever come across. This silly little game about a bunch of outlaws and misfits moved me in a way no game ever has. The world was so alive. It\u2019s like when I put my headset on I was there fighting along side Arthur and the gang. They felt like family. Hell, they are family. All the silliness ended however, when Sean died. It\u2019s like the whole game changed. It went from \u201cone more big job\u201d to \u201cDamn. The consequences are consequencing.\u201d Honestly, I never thought doing a little side mission for Strauss would lead to what it did and man was it painful when I realized what was happening to Arthur. When he received his diagnosis from the doctor and his character arc changed it was so beautifully done. Rockstar outdid themselves with this one and Roger Clark absolutely smashed his role as Arthur Morgan. No one else could voice him in my opinion. Sorry for this rant, but man was this game such a gold mine of emotions and fun. </p>\n</div><!-- SC_ON -->",
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"body": "Have you played RDR1? I almost wish I would have played RDR2 first, because playing the two chronologically back to back made the first game feel like it had so much heft and loneliness to it and was really a perfect excuse to stay in the world that much longer",
"body_html": "<div class=\"md\"><p>Have you played RDR1? I almost wish I would have played RDR2 first, because playing the two chronologically back to back made the first game feel like it had so much heft and loneliness to it and was really a perfect excuse to stay in the world that much longer</p>\n</div>",
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"body": ">It\u2019s like when I put my headset on I was there fighting along side Arthur and the gang. They felt like family. Hell, they are family\n\nHoly shit that's the same way I feel.\n\nI ended the game a week ago and damn was it hard knowing you won't go back to the camp where the gang's waiting. There were so many dynamics, so many conversations, so many stories awaiting. It wasn't just the loss of Arthur which made me cry, it was the loss of the gang. Every person was unique, with different stories and a different dynamic with Arthur and each other, it was *family*.\n\nEpilogue Spoiler:\n>!Now it's just the son and wife waiting back home, with Uncle Lumbago, of course.!< It doesn't hit the same. Also I'm not a person to do more than one playthrough in a heavily narrative game like RDR2, so I tried to make most of my first experience but missed a lot of stuff tbh. I could revisit the older saves anytime, but I don't wanna ruin my first impression of things and the story, it's not worth overwriting them.",
"body_html": "<div class=\"md\"><blockquote>\n<p>It\u2019s like when I put my headset on I was there fighting along side Arthur and the gang. They felt like family. Hell, they are family</p>\n</blockquote>\n\n<p>Holy shit that&#39;s the same way I feel.</p>\n\n<p>I ended the game a week ago and damn was it hard knowing you won&#39;t go back to the camp where the gang&#39;s waiting. There were so many dynamics, so many conversations, so many stories awaiting. It wasn&#39;t just the loss of Arthur which made me cry, it was the loss of the gang. Every person was unique, with different stories and a different dynamic with Arthur and each other, it was <em>family</em>.</p>\n\n<p>Epilogue Spoiler:\n<span class=\"md-spoiler-text\">Now it&#39;s just the son and wife waiting back home, with Uncle Lumbago, of course.</span> It doesn&#39;t hit the same. Also I&#39;m not a person to do more than one playthrough in a heavily narrative game like RDR2, so I tried to make most of my first experience but missed a lot of stuff tbh. I could revisit the older saves anytime, but I don&#39;t wanna ruin my first impression of things and the story, it&#39;s not worth overwriting them.</p>\n</div>",
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"body": "I have not, but now that it\u2019s on steam I\u2019m buying it \ud83d\ude2d I can\u2019t wait to hop in it",
"body_html": "<div class=\"md\"><p>I have not, but now that it\u2019s on steam I\u2019m buying it \ud83d\ude2d I can\u2019t wait to hop in it</p>\n</div>",
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"body": "Not uncle lumbago \ud83d\ude2dand I agree, it\u2019ll be hard for me to make another play through. I\u2019ve thought about doing a low honor run but something about Arthur having low honor doesn\u2019t sit right with me.",
"body_html": "<div class=\"md\"><p>Not uncle lumbago \ud83d\ude2dand I agree, it\u2019ll be hard for me to make another play through. I\u2019ve thought about doing a low honor run but something about Arthur having low honor doesn\u2019t sit right with me.</p>\n</div>",
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"body": "Yeah just don't force yourself to do a second playthrough rn. The first experience is a unique one, maybe try not to overwrite it so quickly. \n\nPersonally, I think in narrative games like RDR2, grinding's not worth it. I'd advice you to do another playthrough like, an year later, ik that's a big stretch but it'll be worth it, it won't feel too fast, it will feel fresh. But to each their own, it's your decision.",
"body_html": "<div class=\"md\"><p>Yeah just don&#39;t force yourself to do a second playthrough rn. The first experience is a unique one, maybe try not to overwrite it so quickly. </p>\n\n<p>Personally, I think in narrative games like RDR2, grinding&#39;s not worth it. I&#39;d advice you to do another playthrough like, an year later, ik that&#39;s a big stretch but it&#39;ll be worth it, it won&#39;t feel too fast, it will feel fresh. But to each their own, it&#39;s your decision.</p>\n</div>",
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