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"body": "never understood why Arthur says no to him when he asks to sit on the back of the horse. Like dude! just say yes... you have already given soo many people rides when they asked for your help-why not this guy? will surely save your time too but nah you prefer going slow..so that he can keep up with you by walking.", |
"body_html": "<div class=\"md\"><p>never understood why Arthur says no to him when he asks to sit on the back of the horse. Like dude! just say yes... you have already given soo many people rides when they asked for your help-why not this guy? will surely save your time too but nah you prefer going slow..so that he can keep up with you by walking.</p>\n</div>", |
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"body": "I always thought this exact same thing!! It's so frustrating to ride slow for now reason, I always just never help that dude nowadays.", |
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