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"selftext": "1- is there is away to leave some of my weapons home? i have 2-3 riles and repeaters, and guns and sinpers etc, i want to carry one each and leave the rest home.\n\n2- is there some especial hunting ventor i can imporved arrows and all other stuff? its really annoying when you finally found a perfect Elk but you dont have the right arrows, and try to craft them real quick but you dont have the right feathers.\n\n3-i noticed there is no belt quality on Legedary animals so can shoot i legendary bullhorn with a shotgun? i dont have poison arrows.\n\n4- where do i find super speed horses? anything i find in the wild or in shops are 5 speed max and those are very rare, i am at chapter 3 and pretty much expored the whole map, well most of it, i went to check on BlackWater and died in 2 min, they got no chill at all.",
"selftext_html": "<!-- SC_OFF --><div class=\"md\"><p>1- is there is away to leave some of my weapons home? i have 2-3 riles and repeaters, and guns and sinpers etc, i want to carry one each and leave the rest home.</p>\n\n<p>2- is there some especial hunting ventor i can imporved arrows and all other stuff? its really annoying when you finally found a perfect Elk but you dont have the right arrows, and try to craft them real quick but you dont have the right feathers.</p>\n\n<p>3-i noticed there is no belt quality on Legedary animals so can shoot i legendary bullhorn with a shotgun? i dont have poison arrows.</p>\n\n<p>4- where do i find super speed horses? anything i find in the wild or in shops are 5 speed max and those are very rare, i am at chapter 3 and pretty much expored the whole map, well most of it, i went to check on BlackWater and died in 2 min, they got no chill at all.</p>\n</div><!-- SC_ON -->",
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"body": "1- yes, in your tent, there is a weapon locker/wardrobe\n\n2-you can upgrade your arrows with flight feathers from birds\n\n3-that is correct, you can use the highest damage rifle and shoot legendary animals multiple times as their pelts don\u2019t get damaged.\n\n4-you can unlock them as you go through the story, or there is a white arabian you can tame near Lake Isabela",
"body_html": "<div class=\"md\"><p>1- yes, in your tent, there is a weapon locker/wardrobe</p>\n\n<p>2-you can upgrade your arrows with flight feathers from birds</p>\n\n<p>3-that is correct, you can use the highest damage rifle and shoot legendary animals multiple times as their pelts don\u2019t get damaged.</p>\n\n<p>4-you can unlock them as you go through the story, or there is a white arabian you can tame near Lake Isabela</p>\n</div>",
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"body": "oh man, i need to hunt and shoot a crap ton of birds then",
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"body": "May I suggest, hunt ducks and geese as they also have animal fat that you can use for explosive ammo.",
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"body": "Use explosive arrows on groups of ducks/waterfowl any time you see 'em. Basically unlimited flight feathers.",
"body_html": "<div class=\"md\"><p>Use explosive arrows on groups of ducks/waterfowl any time you see &#39;em. Basically unlimited flight feathers.</p>\n</div>",
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