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"body": "To clarify: I've purchased the game a year ago, and only 2 days ago this started to happen, I can't play online, and when y press to buy the game it says cant connect to Rockstar services\n\nbtw I can speak English, but thanks for the translation, it means a lot c:", |
"body_html": "<div class=\"md\"><p>To clarify: I've purchased the game a year ago, and only 2 days ago this started to happen, I can't play online, and when y press to buy the game it says cant connect to Rockstar services</p>\n\n<p>btw I can speak English, but thanks for the translation, it means a lot c:</p>\n</div>", |
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"body": "Mmm puede ser que sea problema del launcher de rockstar entonces, varias veces escuche que daba problemas con el DRM y demas. Te diria que preguntes en soporte pero tienen 1 neurona y generalmente no ayudan, pero podes probar.\u00a0\n\n\nEn el extremo caso de que no puedas resolverlo, estoy seguro de que si le hablas al soporte de Steam te lo van a poder reembolsar.\u00a0", |
"body_html": "<div class=\"md\"><p>Mmm puede ser que sea problema del launcher de rockstar entonces, varias veces escuche que daba problemas con el DRM y demas. Te diria que preguntes en soporte pero tienen 1 neurona y generalmente no ayudan, pero podes probar.\u00a0</p>\n\n<p>En el extremo caso de que no puedas resolverlo, estoy seguro de que si le hablas al soporte de Steam te lo van a poder reembolsar.\u00a0</p>\n</div>", |
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"body": "Sounds like a bug with Rockstar games service / Launcher. I'd quit out of everything, restart your PC, and then re-open Steam/whatever game service, then re-open Rockstar launcher, make sure you're logged in, and then try launching the game. If you use a VPN, try turning it off too.\n\nGlad my lazy Google translate was helpful :D", |
"body_html": "<div class=\"md\"><p>Sounds like a bug with Rockstar games service / Launcher. I'd quit out of everything, restart your PC, and then re-open Steam/whatever game service, then re-open Rockstar launcher, make sure you're logged in, and then try launching the game. If you use a VPN, try turning it off too.</p>\n\n<p>Glad my lazy Google translate was helpful :D</p>\n</div>", |
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"body_html": "<div class=\"md\"><p>I'm going to reinstall the game, my internet is not the best (I think you know why, lol) but it is what it is. thanks for the help man c:</p>\n</div>", |
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