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"selftext": "This is going to immediately contradict the title but I always used to be able to raid Gaptooth Breach in RDR2 repeatedly. After my last raid of it two days ago IRL, it has not reloaded like usual. All that show are pronghorn and birds. Do I have to complete a mission for it to reload (I\u2019m still in the first part of the Epilogue and the most recent mission I completed was the final part of American Inferno, Burnt Out)? \n\nEdit: I had to overwrite my previous save but as soon as I reloaded, they spawned immediately. HOWEVER, when I went into the building with the hundreds of dollars on the desk, there was no cash on the desk and all of the drawers were open just as I\u2019d left them. ", |
"selftext_html": "<!-- SC_OFF --><div class=\"md\"><p>This is going to immediately contradict the title but I always used to be able to raid Gaptooth Breach in RDR2 repeatedly. After my last raid of it two days ago IRL, it has not reloaded like usual. All that show are pronghorn and birds. Do I have to complete a mission for it to reload (I\u2019m still in the first part of the Epilogue and the most recent mission I completed was the final part of American Inferno, Burnt Out)? </p>\n\n<p>Edit: I had to overwrite my previous save but as soon as I reloaded, they spawned immediately. HOWEVER, when I went into the building with the hundreds of dollars on the desk, there was no cash on the desk and all of the drawers were open just as I\u2019d left them. </p>\n</div><!-- SC_ON -->", |
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