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"selftext": "I'm doing like, my hundredth play through, but on version 1.00. The famous cabin on Mount Haan, that you can see near the top of the screen, do you thi k it could be for-shadowing for the end of the game? I'm not too sure, but what do you think?", |
"selftext_html": "<!-- SC_OFF --><div class=\"md\"><p>I'm doing like, my hundredth play through, but on version 1.00. The famous cabin on Mount Haan, that you can see near the top of the screen, do you thi k it could be for-shadowing for the end of the game? I'm not too sure, but what do you think?</p>\n</div><!-- SC_ON -->", |
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"body_html": "<div class=\"md\"><p>Yes, and we had a discussion about this about a week ago as well. </p>\n\n<p>Rockstar drops enough foreshadowing into their games that it's reasonable to assume the break in the clouds and the camera focus is intentional.</p>\n</div>", |
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"body_html": "<div class=\"md\"><p>in my experience, if the thought of foreshadowing crosses your mind while replaying a rockstar game, 9/10 times it is definitely foreshadowing! that's why i love replaying</p>\n</div>", |
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"body": "I think everything in this game is foreshadowing something", |
"body_html": "<div class=\"md\"><p>I think everything in this game is foreshadowing something</p>\n</div>", |
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"body_html": "<div class=\"md\"><p>Counter argument could be that, it was "just in the shot" of a really cool background.</p>\n\n<p>But to counter the counter-argument is, it's Rockstar. They think of everything that happens in a scene</p>\n</div>", |
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"body_html": "<div class=\"md\"><p>Didn't we have this exact post like a week ago?</p>\n</div>", |
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"body": "Nah its for sure a foreshadowing, its literally being litten up by the huge ass sun. Are you active in this sub? This gets posted like twice a month", |
"body_html": "<div class=\"md\"><p>Nah its for sure a foreshadowing, its literally being litten up by the huge ass sun. Are you active in this sub? This gets posted like twice a month</p>\n</div>", |
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"body": "It wasn\u2019t overlooked, definitely foreshadowing", |
"body_html": "<div class=\"md\"><p>It wasn\u2019t overlooked, definitely foreshadowing</p>\n</div>", |
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"body_html": "<div class=\"md\"><p>i learned about it from this post, so thanks</p>\n</div>", |
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