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"selftext": "**A little bit of backstory:**\n\nI got my hands on the original when I was 11-years-old when my mom took my older brother and I to Gamestop the day after Christmas 2010 since we had been gifted quite a few Gamestop gift cards that year. It was nothing short of a miracle I was allowed to get the game. The only reason it happened was because an absolutely GOATed Gamestop employee told my mom who was very apprehensive about the 'Nudity' and 'Strong sexual content' listed on the back that \"John Marston is an honorable man who loves his wife.\" And that convinced my mom to allow me to get it. (Random 2010 Gamestop employee from Mulberry, FL, if you're reading this, THANK YOU. ILY)\n\nAnyways, I started playing RDR on my 360 and was astounded by it, I had never played anything so immersive in my life. I spent hundreds of hours completing all the missions, doing the challenges, unlocking the different outfits for John, and playing online with my friends. I still remember the absolute devastation I felt as I watched the last few cutscenes.\n\nAfter a year or so I moved on to newer games and never really looked back. But, with the original being rereleased recently I wanted to play through it now as a 25yo and see if it lived up to all the reverence I held it in for the last 14 years. Without going into too much detail I ended up gaining a new appreciation for it, and decided I wanted to see the history between John and Dutch so after years of putting off playing it, I bought a key for RDR2 and started playing it on my PC.\n\nMind you, I knew basically nothing about *RDR2* going into it, other than that the main character was named Arthur and it was a prequel. So far, I am only at the point in the story where Arthur takes Jack fishing, but\n\n**here are my thoughts:**\n\n\\- The entire first hour of playing I was absolutely enamored by the graphics. The first mission where you investigate the cabin full of O'Driscolls, literally left my mouth agape because I couldn't believe how good this game (from 2018!) looked.\n\n\\- I am really enjoying how most of the gameplay mechanics just improve upon what worked in the first but just more in-depth. I feel right at home, with most things.\n\n\\- The voice acting and writing are once again incredible and the main draw of the series, in my opinion.\n\n\\- The mission where you take Lenny to the saloon in Valentine and get absolutely hammered then have to keep trying to find him is by far the hardest I have ever laughed at a video game. (Also the OST during that mission went hard)\n\n\\- This might get me in trouble as I know how beloved he is, but while *I DO LIKE HIM*, Arthur is a bit gruff and surly and *at least so far* I don't think he is as sympathetic or likeable as John was in the original. Albeit I think Arthur being harder to relate to is in part because of what point the characters are at in their stories in each game, which leads me to my biggest point of contention with this game...\n\n\\- I understand why they made the choice to make RDR2 a prequel, but in the original, having a protagonist that was a man who is having to 'atone' for his past evil deeds and get his family back from the feds so they can live peacefully was more enjoyable as I felt like I was fighting for a noble cause. By contrast, in the sequel, having no choice but to rob trains and kill lawmen to progress the story makes it very difficult for me to relate to the motivations for the protagonist.\n\nAll in all, I am really enjoying the game and very interested to see where it goes.", |
"selftext_html": "<!-- SC_OFF --><div class=\"md\"><p><strong>A little bit of backstory:</strong></p>\n\n<p>I got my hands on the original when I was 11-years-old when my mom took my older brother and I to Gamestop the day after Christmas 2010 since we had been gifted quite a few Gamestop gift cards that year. It was nothing short of a miracle I was allowed to get the game. The only reason it happened was because an absolutely GOATed Gamestop employee told my mom who was very apprehensive about the 'Nudity' and 'Strong sexual content' listed on the back that "John Marston is an honorable man who loves his wife." And that convinced my mom to allow me to get it. (Random 2010 Gamestop employee from Mulberry, FL, if you're reading this, THANK YOU. ILY)</p>\n\n<p>Anyways, I started playing RDR on my 360 and was astounded by it, I had never played anything so immersive in my life. I spent hundreds of hours completing all the missions, doing the challenges, unlocking the different outfits for John, and playing online with my friends. I still remember the absolute devastation I felt as I watched the last few cutscenes.</p>\n\n<p>After a year or so I moved on to newer games and never really looked back. But, with the original being rereleased recently I wanted to play through it now as a 25yo and see if it lived up to all the reverence I held it in for the last 14 years. Without going into too much detail I ended up gaining a new appreciation for it, and decided I wanted to see the history between John and Dutch so after years of putting off playing it, I bought a key for RDR2 and started playing it on my PC.</p>\n\n<p>Mind you, I knew basically nothing about <em>RDR2</em> going into it, other than that the main character was named Arthur and it was a prequel. So far, I am only at the point in the story where Arthur takes Jack fishing, but</p>\n\n<p><strong>here are my thoughts:</strong></p>\n\n<p>- The entire first hour of playing I was absolutely enamored by the graphics. The first mission where you investigate the cabin full of O'Driscolls, literally left my mouth agape because I couldn't believe how good this game (from 2018!) looked.</p>\n\n<p>- I am really enjoying how most of the gameplay mechanics just improve upon what worked in the first but just more in-depth. I feel right at home, with most things.</p>\n\n<p>- The voice acting and writing are once again incredible and the main draw of the series, in my opinion.</p>\n\n<p>- The mission where you take Lenny to the saloon in Valentine and get absolutely hammered then have to keep trying to find him is by far the hardest I have ever laughed at a video game. (Also the OST during that mission went hard)</p>\n\n<p>- This might get me in trouble as I know how beloved he is, but while <em>I DO LIKE HIM</em>, Arthur is a bit gruff and surly and <em>at least so far</em> I don't think he is as sympathetic or likeable as John was in the original. Albeit I think Arthur being harder to relate to is in part because of what point the characters are at in their stories in each game, which leads me to my biggest point of contention with this game...</p>\n\n<p>- I understand why they made the choice to make RDR2 a prequel, but in the original, having a protagonist that was a man who is having to 'atone' for his past evil deeds and get his family back from the feds so they can live peacefully was more enjoyable as I felt like I was fighting for a noble cause. By contrast, in the sequel, having no choice but to rob trains and kill lawmen to progress the story makes it very difficult for me to relate to the motivations for the protagonist.</p>\n\n<p>All in all, I am really enjoying the game and very interested to see where it goes.</p>\n</div><!-- SC_ON -->", |
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"body_html": "<div class=\"md\"><p>Leave this subreddit now or you WILL get spoiled, don't risk it.</p>\n\n<p>Enjoy the journey, it gets as amazing as rdr1 and has a nice, slow paste.</p>\n\n<p>Leave this subreddit now!</p>\n\n<p>Edit: don't google for solutions for the challanges either. Like rdr1, you have plenty of time to finish them at a later point.</p>\n\n<p>Finish the story. While doing that, explore the world on your own, get surprised, get proud because you found an easteregg, get immersed in the world.</p>\n\n<p>And then come Back to the internet. Safe Ride.</p>\n</div>", |
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"body_html": "<div class=\"md\"><p>All I will say is that Arthur goes through a very moving \u201credemption process\u201d. Keep playing, it\u2019s an incredible story. Do high honour and make sure you do the key side quests, like the brother Swanson suggests you see in Saint Denis, the Mary Linton ones, the widow in Annesburg, help Rains Fall, etc\u00a0</p>\n\n<p>And make sure you\u2019re using your favourite horse in the Red Dead Redemption mission</p>\n</div>", |
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"body_html": "<div class=\"md\"><p>That Gamestop employee is the actual MVP of this story</p>\n</div>", |
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"body": "Valid points on Arthur. Just keep playing. Enjoy the ride.", |
"body_html": "<div class=\"md\"><p>Valid points on Arthur. Just keep playing. Enjoy the ride.</p>\n</div>", |
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"body": ">*at least so far* I don't think he is as sympathetic or likeable as John was in the original\n\nI think you will have changed your mind by the end of the game", |
"body_html": "<div class=\"md\"><blockquote>\n<p><em>at least so far</em> I don't think he is as sympathetic or likeable as John was in the original</p>\n</blockquote>\n\n<p>I think you will have changed your mind by the end of the game</p>\n</div>", |
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"body_html": "<div class=\"md\"><p>Brother, make sure you take at least a year to play through everything this game has inside it. It's a journey, not a race. Have some faith... in the process.</p>\n</div>", |
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"body": "Just you wait. You will come to like Arthur. Also, have you played Red Dead Revolver? That game is technically it's own thing unrelated to the other games, but it was the first.", |
"body_html": "<div class=\"md\"><p>Just you wait. You will come to like Arthur. Also, have you played Red Dead Revolver? That game is technically it's own thing unrelated to the other games, but it was the first.</p>\n</div>", |
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"body": "I love that the Gamestop Employee didn't even had to lie lol, i want to play RDR2 too and i think i'll maybe get a system that can play It for Christmas, though you said that you're playing It blindly, and here they often say that it's better if you stay off the sub and internet until you finish It, the game seems to have a lot of little details that are better if you discovery yourself rather than online, and also obviously spoilers.", |
"body_html": "<div class=\"md\"><p>I love that the Gamestop Employee didn't even had to lie lol, i want to play RDR2 too and i think i'll maybe get a system that can play It for Christmas, though you said that you're playing It blindly, and here they often say that it's better if you stay off the sub and internet until you finish It, the game seems to have a lot of little details that are better if you discovery yourself rather than online, and also obviously spoilers.</p>\n</div>", |
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"body": "Funnily enough, I've not played rdr1 yet, but at least in rdr2, I find Arthur way more charismatic and likeable than John.\u00a0\n\n\nMind you, maybe in rdr1 , John's character has grown a bit into the role and I don't know about it.", |
"body_html": "<div class=\"md\"><p>Funnily enough, I've not played rdr1 yet, but at least in rdr2, I find Arthur way more charismatic and likeable than John.\u00a0</p>\n\n<p>Mind you, maybe in rdr1 , John's character has grown a bit into the role and I don't know about it.</p>\n</div>", |
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"body": "Oh to be able to turn the clock back and play RDR2 for the first time\u2026.\n\nI only have two recommendations. \n\n1) any good story requires a plot to move forward at a good pace, but urgency is not required. The main story is fantastic, but there\u2019s so much more secondary lines that make it even better. Take time, explore everything. I have been coming back to this game since it came out. I\u2019m on my 10th play through and still finding new shit. \n\n2) get the fuck away from this subreddit until you finish the game. In fact, try your best to avoid searching ANYTHING online.", |
"body_html": "<div class=\"md\"><p>Oh to be able to turn the clock back and play RDR2 for the first time\u2026.</p>\n\n<p>I only have two recommendations. </p>\n\n<p>1) any good story requires a plot to move forward at a good pace, but urgency is not required. The main story is fantastic, but there\u2019s so much more secondary lines that make it even better. Take time, explore everything. I have been coming back to this game since it came out. I\u2019m on my 10th play through and still finding new shit. </p>\n\n<p>2) get the fuck away from this subreddit until you finish the game. In fact, try your best to avoid searching ANYTHING online.</p>\n</div>", |
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"body": "John is definitely less likeable in 2 than he is in 1, his redemption arc is the entire first game - pun fully intended", |
"body_html": "<div class=\"md\"><p>John is definitely less likeable in 2 than he is in 1, his redemption arc is the entire first game - pun fully intended</p>\n</div>", |
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