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"selftext": "Found this cool tree of bottles in the southern heartlands near the railroad tracks and the border with into scarlet meadows. It\u2019s just up the hill to the right from the old trading post on the tracks. Just thought it was interesting and wanted to share it here. \n\nYou can\u2019t pick up any of the bottles or inspect the tree to write in the journal.\nI\u2019ve played this game for ages and beaten it like three times but never seen this. So cool!", |
"selftext_html": "<!-- SC_OFF --><div class=\"md\"><p>Found this cool tree of bottles in the southern heartlands near the railroad tracks and the border with into scarlet meadows. It\u2019s just up the hill to the right from the old trading post on the tracks. Just thought it was interesting and wanted to share it here. </p>\n\n<p>You can\u2019t pick up any of the bottles or inspect the tree to write in the journal.\nI\u2019ve played this game for ages and beaten it like three times but never seen this. So cool!</p>\n</div><!-- SC_ON -->", |
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