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"selftext": "So I'll keep this quick and let the comments fight over this to further my research.\n\nArthur can shoot slightly slower than bob Marleys FASTEST record quick draw whenever he feels particularly silly and wants to massacre an orphanage.\n\nhowever the thing that's particularly terrifying about dead eye is the fact that bob Marley shot only two rounds, one pre cocked revolver round and as the shot was firing he fanned the next shot which in all practicality would have been 2 shots at the speed he could usually shoot once.\n\n arthur, shoots near this speed, as much as TWENTY times, using the trigger alone, with ZERO preparation besides a quick hit of tobacco.\n\n\nand best of all, at level three dead eye if your fast yourself, you can shoot faster than this! \ud83d\ude00\n\n", |
"selftext_html": "<!-- SC_OFF --><div class=\"md\"><p>So I'll keep this quick and let the comments fight over this to further my research.</p>\n\n<p>Arthur can shoot slightly slower than bob Marleys FASTEST record quick draw whenever he feels particularly silly and wants to massacre an orphanage.</p>\n\n<p>however the thing that's particularly terrifying about dead eye is the fact that bob Marley shot only two rounds, one pre cocked revolver round and as the shot was firing he fanned the next shot which in all practicality would have been 2 shots at the speed he could usually shoot once.</p>\n\n<p>arthur, shoots near this speed, as much as TWENTY times, using the trigger alone, with ZERO preparation besides a quick hit of tobacco.</p>\n\n<p>and best of all, at level three dead eye if your fast yourself, you can shoot faster than this! \ud83d\ude00</p>\n</div><!-- SC_ON -->", |
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"body_html": "<div class=\"md\"><p>Yeah I'd say it's only faster because RDR1 was a bit more wacky and has more physics, John can somehow shoot a repeater with 1 hand in deadeye by twitching backwards, and be completely accurate, shoot people he isn't even facing his head at, etc.</p>\n</div>", |
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"body": "Oh you mean that.\n\n\u00a0John\u2019s also slightly faster in rdr2. mainly his draw is faster but overall he can shoot off 6 rounds faster than Arthur in or out of dead eye.\n\nof course Arthur has less reticle sway and does more meelee damage. And he can swim.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\nHave fun with that", |
"body_html": "<div class=\"md\"><p>Oh you mean that.</p>\n\n<p>\u00a0John\u2019s also slightly faster in rdr2. mainly his draw is faster but overall he can shoot off 6 rounds faster than Arthur in or out of dead eye.</p>\n\n<p>of course Arthur has less reticle sway and does more meelee damage. And he can swim.\u00a0</p>\n\n<p>Have fun with that</p>\n</div>", |
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