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"selftext": "I've been off the snowy mountain for round about a month now, I don't know how we managed to survive. I've been taking on these internal challenges currently im hunting. I just finished killing 3 bears, almost got mauled to death by one. After that I made the decision that I wanna kill 5 cougars with just a bow, a challenge which has left me out in the wilderness for days already. All I have to show for it is 1 kill, found a legendary elk tho which was fun but aint no cougar.\n\non my adventures today I found a wild horse, growing bored of having only 1 horse to store animals I decided to break it, it wasn't much of a fight as he wasn't the strongest horse I've seen before. Bringing both him and Markie (my horse) along for the hunt for cougars I set off. I began searching and found myself crossing a train bridge to get over water, I sure wasnt expecting the train to be coming, the train ran into both my new horse and Markie, both the poor buggers died instantly tossing me down into the water along with them. I sure loved my horse Markie, and the new one didnt have much meaning to me but still was a sad sight to see, grabbing my perfect pelt that was saddled on Markie I began my hike up to the road, wasnt long before some poor sap came along, I stole that mans horse and shot him dead, I know not the deed of a good man, but I still haven't decided what man I am, I'm leaning towards good, but I aint much of a saint sometimes killing for no reason", |
"selftext_html": "<!-- SC_OFF --><div class=\"md\"><p>I've been off the snowy mountain for round about a month now, I don't know how we managed to survive. I've been taking on these internal challenges currently im hunting. I just finished killing 3 bears, almost got mauled to death by one. After that I made the decision that I wanna kill 5 cougars with just a bow, a challenge which has left me out in the wilderness for days already. All I have to show for it is 1 kill, found a legendary elk tho which was fun but aint no cougar.</p>\n\n<p>on my adventures today I found a wild horse, growing bored of having only 1 horse to store animals I decided to break it, it wasn't much of a fight as he wasn't the strongest horse I've seen before. Bringing both him and Markie (my horse) along for the hunt for cougars I set off. I began searching and found myself crossing a train bridge to get over water, I sure wasnt expecting the train to be coming, the train ran into both my new horse and Markie, both the poor buggers died instantly tossing me down into the water along with them. I sure loved my horse Markie, and the new one didnt have much meaning to me but still was a sad sight to see, grabbing my perfect pelt that was saddled on Markie I began my hike up to the road, wasnt long before some poor sap came along, I stole that mans horse and shot him dead, I know not the deed of a good man, but I still haven't decided what man I am, I'm leaning towards good, but I aint much of a saint sometimes killing for no reason</p>\n</div><!-- SC_ON -->", |
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