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"selftext": "I just got done with colm kidnapping arthur, and it went to the \"few weeks later\" where he's sitting at the water and I walk back....not even kidding Dutch comes up to me IMMEDIATELY and says everyone is talking that I'm not working, and I hadn't added money \"no money!!\" And begs arthur to participate and donate. I was like r u joking my guy. I'm the only one to ever contribute and I was just almost killed \ud83d\ude2d no one even came to help him escape. Also, i went to micahs bubble right after and....was not at all prepared for what happened to Sean. Was really liking him. I feel like I know the general direction the game is setting up but there's still so many surprises i don't expect. ",
"selftext_html": "<!-- SC_OFF --><div class=\"md\"><p>I just got done with colm kidnapping arthur, and it went to the &quot;few weeks later&quot; where he&#39;s sitting at the water and I walk back....not even kidding Dutch comes up to me IMMEDIATELY and says everyone is talking that I&#39;m not working, and I hadn&#39;t added money &quot;no money!!&quot; And begs arthur to participate and donate. I was like r u joking my guy. I&#39;m the only one to ever contribute and I was just almost killed \ud83d\ude2d no one even came to help him escape. Also, i went to micahs bubble right after and....was not at all prepared for what happened to Sean. Was really liking him. I feel like I know the general direction the game is setting up but there&#39;s still so many surprises i don&#39;t expect. </p>\n</div><!-- SC_ON -->",
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