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"selftext": "Been a while since I played this game and I'm starting from the beginning and doing things as absolutely realistically as possible. Some things I'm doing to try to keep things real:\n\n* playing 1st person pov\n* walking as slowly or quickly as I would irl given the situation\n* no fast travel\n* compass only, no gps\n* sleeping every night unless context calls for otherwise\n* eating meals, taking baths, staying in hotels in town\n* regular bathing in the river by camp\n* no dead eye\n* no gun reticle (this is already proving to be really tough)\n* walking/trotting on my horse most of the time like you would irl\n* feeding my horse at regular intervals regardless of health cores\n* brushing my horse for a longer period of time, as if I was brushing his whole body\n* hunting for food for camp, making regular donations\n* I'm still undecided about whether I'll keep the music on. I usually turn it off for immersion purposes, but I think I might keep it on this time just cause it's so good.\n\nI'm sure as I keep playing I'll find new ways to try to stay true-to-life, but what are some other ways I'm not thinking of that would make gameplay as realistic as possible?\n\nEDIT: Unfortunately I'm playing this on a ps4, so no mods available to me. But I know there are some mods that would really help me with this, so it's definitely a bummer.", |
"selftext_html": "<!-- SC_OFF --><div class=\"md\"><p>Been a while since I played this game and I'm starting from the beginning and doing things as absolutely realistically as possible. Some things I'm doing to try to keep things real:</p>\n\n<ul>\n<li>playing 1st person pov</li>\n<li>walking as slowly or quickly as I would irl given the situation</li>\n<li>no fast travel</li>\n<li>compass only, no gps</li>\n<li>sleeping every night unless context calls for otherwise</li>\n<li>eating meals, taking baths, staying in hotels in town</li>\n<li>regular bathing in the river by camp</li>\n<li>no dead eye</li>\n<li>no gun reticle (this is already proving to be really tough)</li>\n<li>walking/trotting on my horse most of the time like you would irl</li>\n<li>feeding my horse at regular intervals regardless of health cores</li>\n<li>brushing my horse for a longer period of time, as if I was brushing his whole body</li>\n<li>hunting for food for camp, making regular donations</li>\n<li>I'm still undecided about whether I'll keep the music on. I usually turn it off for immersion purposes, but I think I might keep it on this time just cause it's so good.</li>\n</ul>\n\n<p>I'm sure as I keep playing I'll find new ways to try to stay true-to-life, but what are some other ways I'm not thinking of that would make gameplay as realistic as possible?</p>\n\n<p>EDIT: Unfortunately I'm playing this on a ps4, so no mods available to me. But I know there are some mods that would really help me with this, so it's definitely a bummer.</p>\n</div><!-- SC_ON -->", |
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"body": "I could never play this game in first person. It\u2019s so bad", |
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"body": "This is a \u201chell yeah!\u201d If I\u2019ve ever seen one. Dude keep the gun reticle, there are no awards for getting frustrated. This gave me incentive to turn off my gps as well and don\u2019t gallop everywhere.", |
"body_html": "<div class=\"md\"><p>This is a \u201chell yeah!\u201d If I\u2019ve ever seen one. Dude keep the gun reticle, there are no awards for getting frustrated. This gave me incentive to turn off my gps as well and don\u2019t gallop everywhere.</p>\n</div>", |
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"body": "If you are playing on PC there are mods that really make you eat and sleep everyday. \n\nOn addition to that. If you're on PC I'd say turn off the compass and download \"guiding wind\" mod.\n\nIt replicates the Ghost of Tsushima system where the wind blows in the direction of your goal. \n\nI also play immersive and it's an amazing experience. \n\nGo for it.", |
"body_html": "<div class=\"md\"><p>If you are playing on PC there are mods that really make you eat and sleep everyday. </p>\n\n<p>On addition to that. If you're on PC I'd say turn off the compass and download "guiding wind" mod.</p>\n\n<p>It replicates the Ghost of Tsushima system where the wind blows in the direction of your goal. </p>\n\n<p>I also play immersive and it's an amazing experience. </p>\n\n<p>Go for it.</p>\n</div>", |
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"body": "Looks pretty solid to me.\n\nYou could also limit how much you catch & kill per hunt. But you could mitigate that by taking a wagon or an extra horse when you plan to hunt a lot.\n\nAmmo restrictions could be another but what's the fun in that xD. Still though you could maybe only carry the ammo for the weapons in your current loadout but that is a bit of a pain imo. \n\nSo I'd just settle with restricting your long arms loadout to just two ie rifle + shotgun or sniper + bow etc etc.", |
"body_html": "<div class=\"md\"><p>Looks pretty solid to me.</p>\n\n<p>You could also limit how much you catch & kill per hunt. But you could mitigate that by taking a wagon or an extra horse when you plan to hunt a lot.</p>\n\n<p>Ammo restrictions could be another but what's the fun in that xD. Still though you could maybe only carry the ammo for the weapons in your current loadout but that is a bit of a pain imo. </p>\n\n<p>So I'd just settle with restricting your long arms loadout to just two ie rifle + shotgun or sniper + bow etc etc.</p>\n</div>", |
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"body": "I've done both, and yeah, there are some pretty crummy things about it, but it's worth it for what I'm going for. Definitely far from perfect, though.", |
"body_html": "<div class=\"md\"><p>I've done both, and yeah, there are some pretty crummy things about it, but it's worth it for what I'm going for. Definitely far from perfect, though.</p>\n</div>", |
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"body": "Hunting is fun in first person.", |
"body_html": "<div class=\"md\"><p>Hunting is fun in first person.</p>\n</div>", |
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"body": "Great ideas. I think I probably won't have a problem being realistic in how much I hunt/carry, but if I'm forgetting missions or times when I do need to hunt/carry more than I'd be able to, those are excellent ideas. I'll probably go with what you said about the restricted load out as opposed to restricted ammo, seems like the ammo might actually be too much of a hassle to do since you pick up ammo when you loot people. But I was probably already going to loot fewer people anyway. We'll see, thanks for the ideas.", |
"body_html": "<div class=\"md\"><p>Great ideas. I think I probably won't have a problem being realistic in how much I hunt/carry, but if I'm forgetting missions or times when I do need to hunt/carry more than I'd be able to, those are excellent ideas. I'll probably go with what you said about the restricted load out as opposed to restricted ammo, seems like the ammo might actually be too much of a hassle to do since you pick up ammo when you loot people. But I was probably already going to loot fewer people anyway. We'll see, thanks for the ideas.</p>\n</div>", |
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"body": "Go for it man, I tried it and couldn\u2019t get into it. Something about the field of view and the way he holds the guns. Riding a horse felt like a pain too. Though nowadays there might be mods to make it better, if you\u2019re on PC.", |
"body_html": "<div class=\"md\"><p>Go for it man, I tried it and couldn\u2019t get into it. Something about the field of view and the way he holds the guns. Riding a horse felt like a pain too. Though nowadays there might be mods to make it better, if you\u2019re on PC.</p>\n</div>", |
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"body_html": "<div class=\"md\"><p>On an old ps4, unfortunately, or I'd definitely be using all kinds of mods that make 1st person much better. Namely walking slower and horse riding/leading if that were available.</p>\n</div>", |
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