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"selftext": "I'm playing on PS5, finished the game previously on PS4 with no issues. Either this playthrough is cursed or the game got more unstable over time, because just in the past few days the game froze and crashed at least twice.\n\nAt least the last crash was funny, because it happened after I shot the mad preacher and went to loot him - the game just froze and started playing super ominous music, forcing me to close it after a few minutes lol",
"selftext_html": "<!-- SC_OFF --><div class=\"md\"><p>I&#39;m playing on PS5, finished the game previously on PS4 with no issues. Either this playthrough is cursed or the game got more unstable over time, because just in the past few days the game froze and crashed at least twice.</p>\n\n<p>At least the last crash was funny, because it happened after I shot the mad preacher and went to loot him - the game just froze and started playing super ominous music, forcing me to close it after a few minutes lol</p>\n</div><!-- SC_ON -->",
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