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"selftext": "Hi. Ended all missions with Arthur, came back as John, cutscene played and everything seemed to be completed. But after some time i came back to Widow's house just to see what's there and the cabin is closed, Charlotte gone (not to find anywhere), even the grave dissapeared. Is this a glitch, or game deletes it after ending the mission fully as John? Many thanks", |
"selftext_html": "<!-- SC_OFF --><div class=\"md\"><p>Hi. Ended all missions with Arthur, came back as John, cutscene played and everything seemed to be completed. But after some time i came back to Widow's house just to see what's there and the cabin is closed, Charlotte gone (not to find anywhere), even the grave dissapeared. Is this a glitch, or game deletes it after ending the mission fully as John? Many thanks</p>\n</div><!-- SC_ON -->", |
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