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"selftext": "Basically just at what mission should i save for a backup considering the location camp mood and available content", |
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"body": "For me, either the very beginning of chapter 2 (maybe after you unlock the Pearson upgrades if not right at the start of the chapter). I like this part of the story and how the camp is. Also if you do it early you have no/less Micah in camp (since he is in jail in strawberry) which I like.\n\nOr I really like to save a spot right after you get to the new camp in chapter 3. If you do it right, Dutch stands way off to the side awaiting you to come start the next quest. If you never start it, you don't have to hear Dutch blustering around camp so much.", |
"body_html": "<div class=\"md\"><p>For me, either the very beginning of chapter 2 (maybe after you unlock the Pearson upgrades if not right at the start of the chapter). I like this part of the story and how the camp is. Also if you do it early you have no/less Micah in camp (since he is in jail in strawberry) which I like.</p>\n\n<p>Or I really like to save a spot right after you get to the new camp in chapter 3. If you do it right, Dutch stands way off to the side awaiting you to come start the next quest. If you never start it, you don't have to hear Dutch blustering around camp so much.</p>\n</div>", |
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