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"body_html": "<div class=\"md\"><p>Look I like Tilly but she\u2019s not exactly got a lot going on as a character. She killed one of Anthony Foreman\u2019s cousin, she doesn\u2019t take shit from Bill, she likes dominoes, and butts heads with Susan sometimes. That\u2019s not nothing, especially compared to characters like Trelawny, Molly, Pearson, and Swanson who don\u2019t have a lot of meat to their characters either, but all of them are enjoyable and memorable, well aside from Molly. Really wish they hadn\u2019t cut her being a part of The Gilded Cage mission, but it is what it is.</p>\n</div>", |
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"body_html": "<div class=\"md\"><p>Tilly is my favorite character!! I\u2019ll be damned if she\u2019s over looked because she\u2019s a woman of color. She can stand her ground and look great doing it!! We just don\u2019t have any missions with her but maybe two and one of them is an optional mission with Bill.</p>\n\n<p>This is why I left \u201cX\u201d or whatever it\u2019s called now. Nothing but garbage.</p>\n\n<p>I also want to add that I always greet her whenever I\u2019m at camp and I will always antagonize Grimshaw when she\u2019s talks down to her.</p>\n</div>", |
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"body_html": "<div class=\"md\"><p>I love Tilly! The parts that I can beat up her old \u2018friends\u2019 are one my favorites. So wholesome!</p>\n</div>", |
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"body": "People seem to not realize that Tilly just isn't as interesting. I like her but she lacks screentime. \n\nThere are female and black characters who are loved but they are actually entertaining, well written, and have screentime and more than 1 misson on their name.", |
"body_html": "<div class=\"md\"><p>People seem to not realize that Tilly just isn't as interesting. I like her but she lacks screentime. </p>\n\n<p>There are female and black characters who are loved but they are actually entertaining, well written, and have screentime and more than 1 misson on their name.</p>\n</div>", |
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"body": "It's true. Tilly just doesn't have the rizz like Karen, Sadie and Mary Beth. Even Grimshaw has more charisma.\n\nTilly's lovely but pretty boring.\n\nAnd then we have our boy Lenny! Everyone loves him, rizz for days, and he doesn't get a ton of missions either (and an early exit too).\n\nThis is just rage bait.", |
"body_html": "<div class=\"md\"><p>It's true. Tilly just doesn't have the rizz like Karen, Sadie and Mary Beth. Even Grimshaw has more charisma.</p>\n\n<p>Tilly's lovely but pretty boring.</p>\n\n<p>And then we have our boy Lenny! Everyone loves him, rizz for days, and he doesn't get a ton of missions either (and an early exit too).</p>\n\n<p>This is just rage bait.</p>\n</div>", |
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"body": "I just played that mission, Molly would have made way more sense than Bill at that party.", |
"body_html": "<div class=\"md\"><p>I just played that mission, Molly would have made way more sense than Bill at that party.</p>\n</div>", |
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"body_html": "<div class=\"md\"><p>yeah, tilly is just \u201cthe one with bad past\u201d</p>\n</div>", |
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"body_html": "<div class=\"md\"><p>Hyperfixation ramble: Mac is definitely more referenced than Davey \u2014 Davey I don't think is mentioned at all after the very start of chapter two until chapter six when Arthur and Charles are talking about the various gang members, but Mac is mentioned in several camp encounters and when you first meet Milton and Ross \u2014 but to clarify, it's Davey and Mac Callander, not the last name MacCallander. Davey is the character that dies in one of the first cutscenes of the game, Mac was captured in Blackwater and then killed off-screen while the gang was in Colter or early on in Horseshoe Overlook.</p>\n\n<p>Not much else is known about either of them other than that they were notably violent even by the gang's standards, Mac was close with Bill, and they were likely pretty racist given that specifically and really only Lenny and Charles expressed that they really didn't get along with them.</p>\n</div>", |
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