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"selftext": "So I know the disc install for this game has always been kind of scuffed. I've installed the game from this set of disc's before (with some struggle)\nThe game gets like 60 percent downloaded then starts saying that my first disc is scratched and/or damaged. \nThe disc is quite literally shiny and perfect and I have no reason to beleive it would be damaged\nHelp please lol, I'm frothing to play through this game again", |
"selftext_html": "<!-- SC_OFF --><div class=\"md\"><p>So I know the disc install for this game has always been kind of scuffed. I've installed the game from this set of disc's before (with some struggle)\nThe game gets like 60 percent downloaded then starts saying that my first disc is scratched and/or damaged. \nThe disc is quite literally shiny and perfect and I have no reason to beleive it would be damaged\nHelp please lol, I'm frothing to play through this game again</p>\n</div><!-- SC_ON -->", |
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