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"selftext": "Thanks to 4 gold ingots from a treasure hunt i ldft hanging as arthur, i could deck out John with a brutal set of weapons i wished i used more before in retrospect.\n\nRifle 1: Lancaster carbine. Go-to distance + rof\n\nLeft: sawed off shotty. Gotta segway into the rdr1 cover\n\nRight: LeMat. Dual wielding the same gun in the end pushed me to only ever use the dual option. So with the shotty there is room for choice and you get the revolver with the larger amount of bullets per barrel. Dual wielding this and sawy gives a bit of a three burst death machine, anything that doesnt get killed by the first shot gets ended by the other\n\nRifle 2: repeater...rifle? Unsure of the name in the english version. It's a shotgun, never saw it purchasable before epilogue where you get one at pranghorn. It's a monster with surprisingly decent range even with shells.\n\nAnd it was the icing on the cake for the brutal part of the loadout: at Mont Hagen this gun is cathartic af.\n\n", |
"selftext_html": "<!-- SC_OFF --><div class=\"md\"><p>Thanks to 4 gold ingots from a treasure hunt i ldft hanging as arthur, i could deck out John with a brutal set of weapons i wished i used more before in retrospect.</p>\n\n<p>Rifle 1: Lancaster carbine. Go-to distance + rof</p>\n\n<p>Left: sawed off shotty. Gotta segway into the rdr1 cover</p>\n\n<p>Right: LeMat. Dual wielding the same gun in the end pushed me to only ever use the dual option. So with the shotty there is room for choice and you get the revolver with the larger amount of bullets per barrel. Dual wielding this and sawy gives a bit of a three burst death machine, anything that doesnt get killed by the first shot gets ended by the other</p>\n\n<p>Rifle 2: repeater...rifle? Unsure of the name in the english version. It's a shotgun, never saw it purchasable before epilogue where you get one at pranghorn. It's a monster with surprisingly decent range even with shells.</p>\n\n<p>And it was the icing on the cake for the brutal part of the loadout: at Mont Hagen this gun is cathartic af.</p>\n</div><!-- SC_ON -->", |
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