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Sean. Irish is a coward who runs from every fight possible. Sean may not be that skilled, but he'll at least get into the fight.

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Even tho im a rdr 1 fanboy i'll say Sean, Irish literally dies because he was so drunk that he couldn't handle his gun properly. It speaks for itself.

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Irish wouldn\u2019t even be here for the fight and miss it by 7 hours.

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Sean, Irish barely did anything

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Sean would win in a fight. Irish was a drunken coward, but he's a lot more entertaining and I prefer him as a character.

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Sean, irish is a fucking like i dont know how else to explain except for always drunk and hes a huge coward that was his whole character personality

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Irish is a coward who runs at the first sign of danger. Not only that, I don't think that man has ever been sober for long enough to hold a fighting stance much less win the fight. Those two nuns he tried to rob in thieves landing probably coulda whooped the absolute dog-shit out of him if they weren't nuns.


Sean, while probably one of the least capable fighters in the VDL gang, at least he's got some balls, and is mostly sober enough to punch straight.

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I'm just happy that I'm finally getting these references now. Got 1400hrs on RDR2 and never played the first one at all until like 2 days ago

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Irish is a drunk sean will knock him tf out

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irish was literally a drunkard....

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Irish won\u2019t even show up

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Sean. Irish is a cowardly drunk. i bet Sean could still be dangerous even when drunk as he is more bold

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Sean because he doesn't get visited by his old friend amnesia

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Irish isn't gonna do anything lol. Sean wins 100%

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Sean. Loud mouth got bite to match his bark

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I love Irish with every fiber of my being... But Sean is sober and doesn't constantly have a gun pointed at his crotch

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Irish would absolute stop Sean - in 1911...

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Sean. Irish is so crooked if he swallowed nails he'd shit out cork screws.

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I\u2019m going Sean no problem. Seems a bit more competent than Irish. But who knows maybe that weirdo has some big magic \ud83d\ude02

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Well seeing as Sean is dead, I'd say he's at a bit of a disadvantage

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Probably Sean but because he's a cold blooded killer.

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Sean. Irish will run back to Ireland before a real fight

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Bro Irish got that dog in him. MF is a hound from hell!

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Irish because he didn't get his brains blown off

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Irish is so funny, sean was boring and his death did nothing to me, the only memorable mission he has is the burning fields one but thats mostly because its one of my favorite

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Definitely Irish. Sean is too cliched, you can literally see a character like that in a hundred movies

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Neither, both be to drunk to get in the first punch

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Irish was there to fight when it counted.


Sean? Not so much.\u00a0

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Ngl i didnt even realize irish died the first time i played and i only realized it after i 100%ed the game


i thought he just left until someone mentioned his death

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The only way they could take out Sean was by blowing his brains out while he wasn\u2019t looking. Says a lot tbh

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barely did anything and what he did do he tried to weasel his way out of.

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Perfectly said

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Sean didnt accidentally shoot himself in an outhouse

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Your argument literally has nothing to do with how one of these characters would beat the other \ud83d\ude02

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Woo stereotypes are great.

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When exactly? He ditched John the first time they went for the Gatling gun, he was nowhere to be found during the assault on Fort Mercer, and when they got ambushed arriving on Mexico, he fought but mostly cowered and whimpered. Sean actually pushed his way into missions, like the assault on the train.

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Sean is a partner for an optional home invasion and a stagecoach robbery


He refused to be told no and participated in the second train robbery as an extra gun.


He was part of Arthur's cover for infiltrating the Gray's property and helped set fire to the tobacco fields.


He was the first casualty of the Rhodes ambush.


Sean had that dawg in him.

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Cause we was dead bruh

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Well he did just leave lol. I only find out about his death from the newspaper

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Plus irish is way more stereotypical yet he'd absolutely get his ass beaten

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its a game bro calm your tits

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You're probably just upset that Sean is a glorified NPC that adds no real value to the plot.\u00a0

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Great take!

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If it weren't for the topic title, I wouldn't even be able to name him. An extremely forgettable glorified npc.\u00a0

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Whatt?!? You must be rage baiting

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What? And what about Irish? If Irish died in that last mission going to Mexico literally no one would give a shit.


While Sean death really shock people, many legitimately like him quite a lot.


Also you are forgetting the numerous missions Sean was actively participating in fights unlike Irish

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He's a literal NPC. The only people who aren't are Arthur and John. Not sure what you're trying to insinuate here lol", "body_html": "

I mean, he's not a glorified NPC. He's a literal NPC. The only people who aren't are Arthur and John. Not sure what you're trying to insinuate here lol

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I love how he asked when, and you still didn't answer his question. Lmfao \ud83d\ude02

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Sean provided a lot to the plot, mainly the fact Karen become a drunk after Sean died

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Why do you say glorified NPC? Every character in this game except Arthur and John are NPCs

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I remember when trolls used to be entertaining.

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Irish wouldn\u2019t be a coward if challenged by another Irish man. Also with Sean having a Dublin accent and Irish a more Mayo/Sligo one, I have no doubt Irish would bate Sean.

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Sean is like a turd in a toilet, not totally unexpected, but unpleaseant, and the experience would be better if he was absent.\u00a0

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You're right, NPC is not a harsh enough term, he's the equivalent of wall paper. Just there, doesn't stand out.\u00a0

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If you're entertained, you're not being trolled.\u00a0

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Tf does the accent have to do\u00a0

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Bate? Like a master at bating?

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Ok \ud83d\udc4d

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Understandable, I often feel this way when I see an Irish man.

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I\u2019m a Sean fan but just explaining what the comment OP is talking about.\n\nFor some historical context, the rural Irish at the time of RDR2 (and even up until the 1990s) have historically put up a harder fight against the English in their fight for independence than the urban Irish did. Many of the old rural Irish were still very tribal / clan-like and believed in things like honor in death.", "body_html": "

People from mountainous / rural areas (county Mayo / Sligo) are normally pretty tough compared to city dwellers (Dublin). I\u2019m a Sean fan but just explaining what the comment OP is talking about.


For some historical context, the rural Irish at the time of RDR2 (and even up until the 1990s) have historically put up a harder fight against the English in their fight for independence than the urban Irish did. Many of the old rural Irish were still very tribal / clan-like and believed in things like honor in death.

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Irish rivalries.

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