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Whats the gang gonna do against 50 people with tommy guns

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Important to also remember, Dutch is extremely unstable and volatile whereas Tommy is a calculating, and is a brilliant strategist.


Even firepower aside, Dutch can and would get outmaneuvered very quickly

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The Van Der Linde gang would be torn apart.


Sorry, but the Blinders are ex-WW1 tunnel rats, considered to be some of the hardest motherfuckers in the royal army.

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Tommy would have half the gang working for him before Dutch even realized what was happening

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Y'all forgetting that the gang has Sean, who would be enough to kill the entirety of the Blinders due to sheer hatred of the british

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The Peaky Blinders have superior weapons and an actually intelligent boss


The Van Der Line Gang are a bunch of outlaws with inferior weapons with a boss that was so dumb and insane he let himself get manipulated and outplayed constantly.


Arthur and John would be the main reasons why the gang would have a chance of winning, but superior skill is nothing compared to intelligence and the Peaky Blinders have that in spades

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Just a nice fan art as I see it. I love crossovers like these. Similar to my piece I made earlier this year, lol.

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Anyone saying Dead Eye wins it for Van Der Linde doesn't understand what Dead Eye is

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No, it\u2018s not

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I just finished Mafia 1 last night, I think the Van der Linde\u2019s would put up an entertaining fight with the Salieri\u2019s

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The van der linde gang are hardened outlaws who have lived rough for a long time, whilst the peakies are war vets who go to run a massive criminal gang.\nI think the peaky blinders win this

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I love the gang, but they're divided and led by a crazy guy, while the Peaky Blinders have string leadership, and superior guns.


Tommy with a Lewis gun would own the whole VDL gang by himself

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There's unity in PB unlike VDL gang

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Don\u2019t know why everybody is dunking on our gang. I understand everybody here hates Dutch but you can\u2019t deny him ability to form a gang that can take on hundreds and dozens of people including US army and win suffering almost no losses majority of the time.


Arthur alone can kill PK\u2019s big three faster than they\u2019d be able to draw their tommys, plus they have dynamites, automatic pistols (1899 one) and literal bow with explosive ammo

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Have some fookin faith Arthur

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If it\u2019s the Rdr gang vs the Shelby brothers, then the Shelby\u2019s are done absent of plot armor. Now if it\u2019s the rdr gang vs the peeky blinders, the rdr gang gets taken out in a similar way that they did in the gang

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I like how everyone is like \u201cif we ignore the game mechanics where van der lindes all can headshot half a dozen men accurately in 3 seconds and survive a dozen gunshots without flinching, and give every blinder a Tommy gun and it\u2019s in a field with no cover, then it\u2019s not even close!\u201d

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Never saw peaky blinders, how good is it?

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This is actually close.


The Van Der Linde gang is a gang filled with a bunch of fit, highly competent outlaws who have been doing this for decades, they are also quite lucky considering the circumstances they end up in.


The Peaky Blinders gang is a gang filled with a bunch of highly competent war veterans who have been doing this for years, they are also considerably lucky.


In terms of who would win, I'd say the Peaky Blinders in a close obvious win.


The Peaky Blinders are on average fitter than the Van Der Linde gang, have better experience due to fighting in the deadliest war in history up to that point in the most terrible of conditions where death is literally raining from the sky 24/7 365 days a year and have far better weapons and more reliable weapons due to them existing 20+ years after the Van Der Linde gang disbanded, I mean they literally have portable machine guns. They are also better led, with Tommy Shelby being far smarter than Dutch.


Despite this, the Van Der Linde gang does have an advantage that makes this close. They have dead eye. Because of this, they can negate many an advantage that the Peaky Blinders have. However, with the sheer volume of gunfire that would be heading their way, combined with the Peaky Blinders greater fighting experience and technology, the Van Der Linde gang would ultimately be cut down, though the Peaky Blinders would have significant casualties.


Edit: another thing I don't think people realise is how many bullets would be sent down range by the Peaky Blinders. Across all canonical gunfights we see the Van Der Linde gang during the events of RDR2, I'd estimate that about 1500 to 3000 bullets were exchanged by all sides, the Peaky Blinders with 5 Lewis gunners would exceed that total in 30 seconds, likely less.


That volume of fire is unprecedented for the Van Der Linde gang, and they'd be used by war veterans who know how to use them in the most efficient and deadly way possible during the most inhospitable conditions, while also being able to both physically and mentally out maneuver the Van Der Linde gang.

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That art is fire

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I would love a PEAKY Blinders game made by rockstar

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A gta style peaky blinder game would be fuckin amazing

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Obviously the peaky blinders gang win, they have modern weapons

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So a rag tag gang of gun slingers with revolvers and repeaters that is slowly tearing itself apart vs a family business full of ww1 veterans who will happily burn your pub down for a punching the wrong person and slice your face to pieces with flat caps? I think my money is on the Brummies with the atrocious accents.

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The gang easily lmao. Between John and Arthur, theyve killed over 100 men individually in gunfights. Theyre both excellent hand to hand combatants, even with knives. They are versed in ambush tactics, fighting on horseback, fighting in open terrains, in the jungle, in the swamps, in the mountains, in the desert. Theyve been fighting and killing their whole lives. Since they were 12-13. Did you motherfuckers play the game? We took on a small army in a tropical jungle while dying of tubercolosis and still came out on top. And lets not even get started on their marksmanship/ dead eye. To the people underestemating dead eye. Or calling it fictitious. Yall have no fucking idea what ypure talking about. I'll leave this here.








Thats the pesky blinders dead in under 2 seconds.

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Van der linde gang easy to medium difficulty win this, automatic weapons don\u2019t mean anything when they are dead before they can even aim their weapons. Yea the peaky blinders are probably more organized but deadeye( WHICH SHOWS HOW FAST THE GUNSLINGERS ARE) will drop em fast. Just search up deadeye in real time and see how fast someone gets killed. Solely based on the individual skill of the gang members gives them the win. Also depending on the VDL loadout the weapon disadvantage wont be too bad, mausers, semi auto shotguns, dynamite, e rounds, semi auto pistols, M1899 pistol etc. Back to the point of one team having superior fire power, does the gun type matter if they dead before they can fire it off be so fr. This does also depend on where the battle takes place, if its in close quarters vdl take it very easily, if its an urban environment then the odds are evened a bit. If its an open battlefield the blinders advantage go up. But i personally think the vdl got that fight IMO

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The peaky boys would fuck em up.. what is the van der linde gang doing against fully automatic firearms?

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As much as I love RDR. Peaky Blinders would decimate them

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Experienced Outlaws vs Trained War Vets. Nope it\u2019s not.

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It really does depend. If it's a story cutscene, the Van Der Linde Gang is losing. If it's gameplay with the Van Der Linde Gang as NPCs, the gang is losing. If all of the members of the Van Der Linde Gang who can be played as in the games are playable and have dual pistols and special tonics, they have a fighting chance. Deadeye is near impossible to beat, but they would die in any canonical event.

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Shits Vs Giggles

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Give the Van der Linde gang it's peak condition (early chapter 3) and Shady Belle as a stronghold, and I think they can do it

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Peaky blinders when Arthur and John pull out the red dead trainer: \u2620\ufe0f

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In the series Peaky wins , in the game Van der Linde just wipe them out, they look lime Pinkertons and all....

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If both are at peak strength, Peaky Blinders


If both are at minimum strength, Van Der Linde Gang

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tommy shelby\u2019s plot armor needs to be studied he\u2019d solo the van der linde gang somehow

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at least the van der linde gang doesn't constantly yell its own name like cuckoos.

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Get that rat bastard Micah out of there! Where's Hosea?

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It's an interesting debate, but isn't that clear cut. All the peaky blinders are trained soldiers with actual combat experience (and I'm fairly sure most won medals if I'm remembering correctly). They also have access to much more modern weapons than the RDR gang do, including a variety of handheld automatic weapons like the MP18 and Thompson.


As others have said deadeye is a game mechanic rather than the characters actually being able to slow down time. Arthur in the peaky blinders is also a semi-professional cage fighter and frequently has underground fights he does pretty well in. There's arguments for both sides really.

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RDR gang \nez

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Fookin debate Ay! \ud83d\udd25\ud83c\udfa9

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I hate to say it, but all the Peaky\u2019s got the Micah crazy\u2019s and.. they dont have Dutch! which is another advantage \ud83d\ude04

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Tommy Shelby, had he been in Arthur's place, would have killed the TB.


Tommy is the one man Chuck Norris fears.


If Arthur and John can fire so fast the world slows down, Tommy would make the world stop dead still.


Not that Tommy would need to shoot. He would simply stare at them, put a cigarette in his mouth, and before he can do his signature move of sliding the smoke across his lips, the Van Der Linde gang would surrender and join the Shelby Gang.


Tommy is twenty moves ahead. The VdL gang would be gone before they even knew what is happening.


And that's if Tommy goes easy on them.

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Ex tunnel rats with Thompson vs a couple guys with revolvers wonder who would win

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They would make out


Also, I live the implication that arthur and arthur would be really chill with each other from the art, but I don't think John and John would get along.

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The gang took on the army, the blinders took on armies

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I\u2019d say it depends on the place and if they could have the same weapons

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Edgy community vs edgy community but ur not wrong

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Love rdr2 but the time gap in firearms solely is getting them smoked\ud83d\ude02

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Those five guys take out a small army of people on the reg. Don't see the blinders winning without a good ambush plan.

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why can\u2019t they just be buddies

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Crazy they were only 20 years apart

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Yea the gang is cooked ngl

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Dutches Arthur would kill Tommy\u2019s Arthur and Dutches John I way more badass than Tommy\u2019s. The advantages for team Wild West pretty much ends there though.

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John would barely get away due to plot armor. Some of the peaky blinders' men would be dead, and some of the main characters would be shot up.

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"If you step on my manor, I'm gonna shoot ya"

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I don't think this was intended to be in debate, just really cool art, which I think is something we can all agree on.

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As a group, PBs no doubt.


1v1 I'd love to see Arthur vs Arthur

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Whatever the result, the battle would be epic.


Imagine a feud growing up between them in a town like Rhodes or Saint Denis, with both Tommy and Dutch plotting against each other shadily, and a final showdown, I would totally adore that chapter

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Van Der lin VS Glanton

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Why are we piting them against each other!! My favorite boys? Fighting? I dont want that. I want them to get along

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Lol just send Micah to infiltrate them for a month and they're gonna implode and self-destruct from inside \ud83d\ude02

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I know this is supposed to be pitting the gangs against each other, but imagine the power they would have if they teamed up.

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Just Wanna see the duel between \nArthur Morgan and Arthur Shelby both in their prime\nSpecially Arthur Shelby from S2

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Thomas' brother alone would give the gang a run for their money, dude's fucking crazy savage.

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Best chance the VDR gang would have would be taking Peaky by sheer surprise. Either that, or VDR is fighting from fortified position.

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This debate is pretty easy depending on the rules. \nIf we are going with what we see the characters in rdr2 vs. what PeakyBlinders characters are capable of and they go head to head, no question it\u2019s the Van Der Linde Gang. \nIf we are assuming these are both real gangs then obviously Peaky Blinders.

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Van der Linde gang seems to have a much higher, broader skillset, and would probably win--but the Peaky Blinders would make them suffer and bleed for it.

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One of them is Cowboy and the other is British. So.

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I'm curious, is Dutch van der Linde actually Dutch? What's his family history?

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Both gangs were faced with surviving early modern civilization. One refused to adapt and fell apart, the other was so successful they became politically significant... Not exactly a contest

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It doesn't matter if they have tommy guns because Dutch has a plan

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U all forget Dutch always has a plan

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Blinders have main character bullshit on their side, you cannot defeat them

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I think the gang would lose but not before a fight. They will cause havoc (as they have always done) and would attract the Blinder's to them. Heck they might even steal some weapons or damage some business of Blinders before the Blinder's side got serious and chase them out(killing some of the gang in process)

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John dutch Arthur and Micah would shred them.

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Dutch and Tommy both have plans. Tommy's plans always work, there's your winner lol

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I hate how everyone instantly takes the weapons into consideration. Versus debates are usually as close to fairness as possible and for this, we can say every member will have same pistol and then see what the outcome will be.


If Thomas' gang attacks VDLGange like the Odriscolls did, Thomas loses and will retreat. The Pinkerton army who are "trained" as well, Agent Milton came with 50 men and there was no casualty in Lagras & Milton retreated. Yall forget Saide alone took on the Van Horn area and also helped gang escape to the Lagras.


Now if the VDL gang attacks, they'd lose horribly, they'd have multiple casualties like the bank heist and oil fields attack. VDL is terrible in planning an attack and having a successful heist, but they'll do one thing for certain, is to defend their own.


From a game perspective, VDL gang wins while defending but if it's a movie setting, VDL gang will lose regardless and only Arthur, Micah & John will survive perhaps Dutch as well. Oh yea Sadie as well, perhaps Charles too.

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Well if I was Arthur in this situation, I'm gonna make them a deal that they can make a slave out of Micah and in return we can have a good relationship between the two gangs.

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I would pay




to see how Tommy would react to Dutch\u2019s \u201cplans\u201d. It would be hilarious

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The Van Der Linde gangs gets out of a lot sticky situation either by escape or firepower they\u2019ll make it work some how.

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Arthur and John alone could clear the blinders. They often face dozens of men at a time and can best machine guns without much issue. And if you have to nerf them by taking away dead eye, then you already know they'd win.

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epic rap battles of history

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Might as well make them fight navy seals

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Peaky blinders would tear them a new arsehole

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Don't fook with the Van der fookin Lindes.



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In a fist fight between the characters pictured, the VDL takes it handily, but with guns, the PB just have way to much experience and firepower

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i don't think van der linde will win. the big difference is that half the van der linde fucking hate each other. other than maybe 3-4 people everyone else is a slight dud while blinders have way more resources and manpower.

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It wouldn\u2019t be all out combat, Dutch would have a plan to meet with Tommy, business related, Dutch would sweet talk him, Tommy wouldn\u2019t trust him. They\u2019d both go forward with intentions of making money, at some point Dutch would rip him off and the gang would run. As to how successful that ripping off is, that\u2019s another matter, depends if some one fucks up or talks.

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The Van der Linde gang would probably come out on top because they\u2019re used to rough, unpredictable battles in the wilderness. While the Peaky Blinders are clever and resourceful in city settings, they rely more on strategy, bribery, and controlling urban territories. The Van der Linde gang, however, thrives in chaotic, all-out shootouts. They're survivalists, armed with heavier firepower and a willingness to push through any fight to the end\u2014qualities that would likely overpower the Peaky Blinders in a straight-up, no-rules brawl.

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An RDR2 style peaky blinders game would be fucking cool

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VDL gang is a product of its time, they had little to no budget at most times and lived job to job by the time set in the game. Peaky Blinders are a organised crime group,with multiple sources of income and war hardened men.


I could see Dutch being able to start his own gang in the era that Peaky Blinders is set but that\u2019s another story

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Van Der Linde Gang ez win

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Peaky blinders negs

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Heavy players in the Van Der Linde gang:
\nArthur, Micah, Dutch, Hosea, John


All of them are very quick on the draw, but they will have to depend on the battleground terrain to win. If Dutch's gang has any cover, they win. If not, they get massacred by automatic weaponry.

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trick question. they\u2019re kissing

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Wasn't the whole point of RDR2 that the van Der Linde gang was constantly getting outmaneuvered by rival factions and the law because they couldn't keep up with the changing times and they were getting way too careless and overconfident?


I'm not sure how they'll be able to handle a bunch of battle-hardened and calculating WWI veterans armed to the teeth with WWI and interwar era weaponry, who have extensive experience outmanuevering enemy gangs.

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It's simply no contest. Peaky Blinders win easily because they have weaker writers who protect them with plot armour. Van Der Linde gang get trounced because they have writers that will let any one of them die no matter how important thet may be.

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Just depends on what the scenario are the going for an all out shootout peaky if they are going for surprises or little meetings where they plan to betray each other John and Arthurs quick draw would easily kill anyone in the room. Given that we put John and Arthur in the modern setting with modern weapons with more than 6 shots they would be extremely deadly. No being a ww1 vet does not put you over an outlaw in the Wild West they were not a one man army they fought in trenches it was dirty and yes they would be more equipped then a regular person but not a hardened outlaw that spends there off days killing 20 to 30 people in a camp or beating known QuickDraw outlaws or old civil war gangs or mafia gangs. It comes down to scenario of a big shootout where Dutch\u2019s gang just doesn\u2019t have the man power in one on ones or small groups where the fastest to there gun wins Dutch has it easily. That being said Tommy is miles away from Dutch but other then that and man power they are fucked in terms of pure skill in the arts of up close combat as demonstrated in both rdrs John Arthur micha Charles and even Dutch are cold blooded and fully capable of up close in your face killing with there hands and knives. So again scenario will be the deciding factor.

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Peaky Blinders is everything Dutch wish he was in some ways, but the Van Der Lindes would destroy the Peaky Blinders

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Yeah it\u2019s Van der linde\u2019s gang

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peaky blinders is shit

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Arthur, John and Future Jack have Dead Eye, nothing can stop them\ud83e\udd1d\ud83c\udffb

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Idk much about the show but also dont some of them have experience with ww1 or something?

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I mean... Arthur has TNT arrows....

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Send Sadie after a couple whiskeys, then watch.

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On a high-honor go through, Arthur alone kills at least 90 people. After a while, clearing out an entire camp of armed O'Driscolls or a Lemoyne Raider ambush becomes something you do on the way back from something more challenging. And there's at least two or three more guys in the Van Der Linde gang as good as he is.

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Go to Tahiti?

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Mow em with a Gatling gun \ud83d\ude2d

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Rail gun

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Just press R3

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Read about Russias attack on Finland in 1939 and what some skilled riflemen and saboteurs was capable of against an entire army. Six-shooters are for Hollywood actors, rifles are for real men

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Dynamite, dead eye, shit tons of bullets, the gang has used an automatic weapon before but one of their time what if Arthur or John grab a Tommy gun that\u2019s dropped or something, fire bottles, we wanna get into gameplay mechanics Arthur and John both survive being shot multiple times before dying and then there\u2019s the rest of the gang who are also mostly incredibly skilled, they\u2019re fucked against Dutch too that guys got some stupid aim as seen in rdr1 where he shoots johns binoculars with a Mauser from about 100 metres. Yeah they\u2019re kinda done

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Did you play the game?

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I think this is important. Dutch got maneuvered by Colm, by the Greys, and then a third time by Bronte. Almost every time he got into a war of wits against a rival gang, he got handled. Then the gang's grit/violence resolved the issue for him.


I love RDR2, but the Van Der Linde gang is not a successful criminal enterprise in the events of the game. They're declining quickly. I think Arthur and Charles could easily carry the day in pretty much any fight, but as a team, the whole group is already in trouble by the events of RDR2.

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Totally agree with this. Dutch has nothing on Tommy from a tactical standpoint, he inspires loyalty but so does Tommy. If everyone was absent plot armor, that advantage is huge.

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Even when outmaneuvered, they managed to survive and in some cases forced the oposing force to escape. What brought the gang to an end was a rat. The pinkertons knew that they would not be able to handle the gang so they had to resort on some sort of betrayal from inside.


Dutch may not be as good in strategy, but when in combat, his gang is basically unstopable. In Valentine they killed dozens of Cornwall's men while pushing a wagon, so that was basically just Arthur. In Strawberry Arthur and Micah managed to massacre the whole town by themselves. When in Rhodes, Arthur, Micah and Bill killed the whole town law enforcement. Arthur and Sadie broke John out of a prision island and left a huge body trail behind them. Also, even in the Pinkerton ambush at the swamp they managed to make them run away, same with the O'Driscoll attack at Shady Belle. The gang could not be stopped no matter how dumb they were. Arthur had to get TB to die, John chose to die so his family could be left alone. Dutch, Bill and Javier had to be stopped by one of the gang members. Not to mention all the survivors. The gang just can't be stopped in direct conflict.

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I don't mean to be a dick, and hope you take this in the spirit of genuine informativeness. Technically it's the British Army, not the Royal Army - the origins of the British Army are with the Parliamentarian forces in the Civil War

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Tommy would see through Dutch's grift in 1 episode, 2 tops.


Arthur (Morgan) would probably get on with the Shelby brothers.


John would surely be favored by Arthur (Shelby).

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Have you considered the fact that two of Dutch's men single handledy massacred an entire town just to break a mf out of jail?


Or that 3 of them managed to kill at least 60 of Cornwall men while pushing a wagon with a screaming German on it?


Not to mention the fact that they invaded a fucking oil excavation and managed to push the army away with the help of some natives?


We have confirmation that at least two of them have the ability two basically stop time to shot as many heads as they can, given how much bullets they have.


This would be a humiliation without precedent, I'm sorry.

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British Army, not Royal Army, the British Army has it's roots in a force that was against the Royals at one point I think

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Depends on when they fight. In 1899 Tommy would have been a kid.", "body_html": "

Idk. Depends on when they fight. In 1899 Tommy would have been a kid.

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Yeah, facts, and it would be the strong half, too.

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drinking parties gonna be lit

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Nope. Dutch is a charismatic silver toothed killer or whatever the last word was used by Agent Milton. Guy can convince and convince everyone he will.

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Sean would be able to telepathically sense that Tommy is played by Cillian Murphy tho.

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Tbf though the peaky blinders in the series actually work pretty closely with a lot of Irish people, and they have Irish family members. They also spend a lot of time specifically fucking over the government in various ways so I can see Sean actually liking them.

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This is mostly an American stereotype. Irish people may hate the British government, but most really don\u2019t care what your nationality is. And yes I know Sean makes English jokes, but that\u2019s a prime example of how Americans view English Irish relationships

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Who has the Tommy gun though

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The Blinders got through some of the stuff they did cos the plot needed them to.. some of the Tommy\u2019s smart decisions were just ass pull moments by the writers and even the people on the Peaky Blinders sub agree \ud83d\udc80 The way they handled the Italian Mob was completely just the writers not knowing what else to do.

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Also dragging with them a bunch of deadweight, women and children and uncle. The Blinders leave that home.

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When coming face to face with massive firepower the gang has proven the ability to escape quite a few sticky situations one way or another, and I do believe if they tried to stick it out it would end with both sides taking heavy casualties (mostly Van Der Linde of course) but if they were to take a chance at escaping they could possibly make it out with only a few casualties

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Finally someone mentions the artwork instead of bickering. I absolutely love the fan art

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Ive seen this picture like a BILLION times, but every time i see it, i have to stop for a moment and admire it

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Or like someone stated above, John lost versing 20 repeaters. Imagine deadeye against 20 tommy guns.

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Salieri\u2019s would have a slight advantage cos they\u2019re from the Wild West of Sicily back in their day.. they know about Dutch\u2019s tactics of hitting someone then retreating into the Hills.

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Agreed that Dutch's leadership probably means the Peaky Blinders win overall, but no way Tommy could take the whole gang by himself. John and Arthur have fought enemies with automatic weapons before, with dead eye one of them would pop his head before he could mow them all down

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Ever seen a Lewis Gun in action? Now imagine twenty of them, plus Tommy guns, handled by veterans of one of if not the most brutal conflict of all time.

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Honestly, tho, it seems like an unfair match-up for both sides. If Peaky blinders all get tommy guns, then the vanderlinde gang gets deadeye and maybe gattling guns, dynamite, and rifles. I feel like for these fights, you have to give them at least some even playing field.


And like I think the vanderlind gang could handle modern weapons, there are no slouches when it comes to firearms. Give em a good month, and they're getting a hang of modern weapons.

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It\u2019s good. Very entertaining but you can tell the writers had no idea where the show was going.

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First two seasons are absolute bangers, third is alright, the rest is pretty mid imo

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I think it's an alright show, it's extremely overrated. But it is only 6 Seasons with 6 Episodes Each (hour long).


I think it's still a good show, so yeah give it a shot

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Fuck you\u2019re really going down that route

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They couldn\u2019t even pull one job right

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it's a good show, but extremely overrated imo

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unironically this might be enough to win it if used strategically

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rdr fans when arthur and john are about to have the tsar bomb dropped on them (they know they\u2019ll be ok\u2014 they have deadeye)

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Bro John couldn't even handle a handful of feds with repeaters, the f*** can he do against the Peaky Blinders with Tommy guns?\u00a0

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I can\u2019t tell which show you\u2019re talking about because both sides have the same names.

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Dutch might have it too judging by how he shot Johns binoculars out with a pistol at sniper range.

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Not to mention, if they somehow survived to 1919 and onward, they'd probably also get access to Tommy guns.

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Possibly Micah, Dutch and Hosea but I\u2019m doubtful on hosea

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I seriously hate this argument when powerscaling because someone on tiktok once tried convincing me Arthur with dead eye beats Albert wesker.

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John couldn't even deadeye 15 pinkertons.

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Unless they run out of cigars, cigarettes, canned salmon, any cooked meat, or any alcohol

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John almost guns down 35-45 men at the end of RDR1 so... yeah naw John is kinda insane.

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Many of the older members, including leaders Thomas and Arthur Shelby who were sappers.

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Did someone say TAHITI?

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ok i looked back, whats next?

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Dutch's problem is that he thinks he's clever without actually being clever.


Fleeing east was the dumbest move he could have made.


Fleeing east and then constantly raising trouble was even dumber.


At every turn, Dutch made the worst possible decision.


Starting as early as the prologue with robbing Cornwall's train.


As soon as they discovered that the O'Driscolls were planning to rob Cornwall, they should have just let them with the hope that doing so would draw heat away from them to Colm and his group.


But instead, not content to have all of Blackwater and the Pinkertons after him, Dutch decided to piss off Cornwall as well.


It's a miracle it took the Pinkertons as long as it did to track them down.


The decision to rob the St. Denis bank, AFTER shooting up half of St. Denis during the trolley station robbery and violently kidnapping and murdering the very prominent head of the St. Denis Mafia is so bizarre, nonsensical and moronic, one struggles to comprehend what the hell Dutch was thinking.


Whereas Tommy always thinks 3 steps ahead and is great at improvising in stressful situations, Dutch never has a plan despite claiming to have one, clearly makes it up as he goes along, and is actually terrible at improvisation as he frequently seizes up, breaks down and cracks in stressful situations.

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The gang was going to die off no matter what.


The only thing having a rat do is accelerate their downfall.


Micah doesn't even become a turncoat until after Guarma.


The St. Denis bank robbery which killed two whole gang members and nearly killed a third happened BEFORE Guarma.


Let's say there was no rat. OK. And? What you think Dutch's position would be any more tenable come chapter 6? Hosea's dead, Lenny's dead, Arthur is dying, John is captured, camp morale is at an all time low, much of their money is gone, and every law enforcement agency between St. Denis and Tumbleweed is after them. My God, he even starts pissing off the US Army for no discernable reason.


How long do you seriously think the gang would last?


And as for sending John after Javier and Bill. The simplest explanation of that is laziness and jurisdiction. Ross didn't want to spend the time, money and resources to besiege Fort Mercer and Ross didn't have the jurisdiction to enter Mexico and apprehend a Mexican citizen.


John and Arthur were capable fighters but Dutch was an abysmal leader whose success solely depended on John and Arthur. Arthur carries the whole gang for the whole game. I can count on one hand the amount of times Dutch personally joined the robberies he planned and ordered and more often than not, he was only of nominal help.

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Always wondered why it was only the Army that doesnt have Royal in the name

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I think the \u201cBritish Army\u201d is an umbrella term for dozens of regiments, many of which do have Royal in their names (Fusiliers, RASC etc)

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I mean he could kinda technically be right depending on what he's referring to...in a way. Lots of British army regiments have Royal or even 'Royal Army' in the name (such as Royal Army Medical Corps, Royal Army Veterinary Corps, etc).


Peaky blinders were more than likely in the Royal Engineers (technically called Corps of Royal Engineers at that point) so it isn't that much of a stretch to refer to them in that way if you don't know the exact pedantics of it.

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You must be fun to be around. Do you always feel the need to correct people?

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Dead Eye is not an ability to stop time. Dead Eye is not a real ability that exists in the universe of Red Dead Redemption it's simply a gameplay feature to show they're both very quick on the draw.


As for the "massacred a whole town and killed 60 men" part those people all had the same slow to reload low mag size guns they had whereas the Peaky Blinders have semi automatic pistols and fully automatic high capacity machine guns

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I think Arthur would stay loyal to Dutch.

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Sean, Arthur, and John immediately joins the Blinders and Dutch dies with Micah and Bill

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Rockstar is a Scottish company

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You must not have been alive before the end of The Troubles. There were still people raising money for the IRa in the 90s in Irish pubs in Australia and America.

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True, but that doesn't change the fact that he's still a lot more clever than Dutch, who is just a straight up moron.

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"Bc the plot needed them to" is a really dumb way to go about it when both scenarios are like that. Both sides have plots, and both sides have plot armor.

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Hey don\u2019t diss my boy uncle like that he proved him self at Beecher\u2019s hope

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As an artist, I notice the art first ahahaa. Don't know who is the artist, the pinterest post which I have saved long time ago seems to direct to username "nye_igneous" in twitter. But dunno for sure. Could be just repost.

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Lost? John wasn't trying to "win." If he killed everyone, he would have lost. It was a sacrifice for his family, hence him walking out like he had a death wish, versus running with his family or going about combat in at least a bit more of a strategic manner.


And to be fair, even if John wasn't sacrificing his life for his family that day, that wasn't the typical combat for John. It was closer to being a duel, but a one versus 20 duel, in which they were using repeaters versus a handgun.

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To be fair how many other times did John kill twenty guys with repeaters?

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Are we talking realism or magic? Cause, in that case, Tommy still has some gipsy magic on his side hahahaha


This is a pretty dumb argument, to be honest. Different period, different weapons, different training.


John and Arthur have fought people with fixed Gatlings, that's true, but have they fought trained WWI veterans with guns that give them a way superior ratio than the best weapons the gang has available?

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Its crazy over rated. Everyone shoots their mouths off about "you HaAaAaAVe to waatch it" But refuse to watch a single episode of F is for family

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Dutch was outmaneuvered multiple times by other gangs, he would be lost against former military strategically.

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And by strategy you mean enabling the auto-aim function?

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how do so many people not grasp that this is a game mechanic and not something that these characters could actually do in a conceptual battle

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Yeah but knowing dutchess planss there fucked

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Micah for sure going off of his double kill in Rhodes, and in American Venom he was outclassing John (though RDR1 John is probably better).

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Now lightly hold R2 to activate deadeye and shoot everyone down before they even realise you've turned around

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The gang doesn\u2019t need a rat when Dutch is making the plans

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Put Tommy in Dutch's shoes, Blackwater would have gone without a hitch, as Tommy probably would have listened to the angle Arthur and Hosea were on, and not robbed the Ferry, but if that DID happen, shit still would go better.


Micah probably either would have been cut loose in Strawberry or thrown out on his ass VERY quickly.

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Yeah the whole thing was in the earlier days of the west it was just incredibly easy to pull off those types of crimes. Once it was actually difficult Dutch folded as a leader. Then he let himself get sucked inward instead of focusing on the problems.

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TLDR - \u201cuh oh, Dutch is thinking again! This can\u2019t be good!\u201d ~ Arthur Morgan

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The decision to rob the St. Denis bank, AFTER shooting up half of St. Denis during the trolley station robbery and violently kidnapping and murdering the very prominent head of the St. Denis Mafia is so bizarre, nonsensical and moronic, one struggles to comprehend what the hell Dutch was thinking.


Yes people still go


"Who betrayed them??? Was it Abigail??? I bet it was Abgail!!

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That makes sense. I even paused and gave it a thought because "Royal Navy"

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It's a pretty daft distinction to draw because the royal family are closely associated with the Army and have been for over a century, but nevertheless it's the Royal Navy, and the British Army

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Sure, but the name of the organisation as a whole does not have "royal" in it because it is essentially a continuation of Cromwell's New Model Army

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It's a gameplay feature that holds impact on the narrative, therefore exists in the universe. Let's not forget Arthur saving John and Strauss from Cornwall's men. Or Bill from sheriff Gray. The gameplay mechanic helps the character when it comes to overcoming overwhelmingly impossible situations.


I would agree with you, but the strawberry massacre was accomplished by just Arthur and Micah, and the Valentine escape was just Arthur, given the fact that Dutch and John were busy pushing the wagon. They survive these numerical disadvantages like it's nothing. TB Arthur managed to have a body count of at least 500 and I'm being generous. Even in his final moments he killed Pinkertons with just one handgun.


They managed to kill the entire Rhodes law enforcement with just 3 guys, Sean was caught off guard and died.


In a video-game characters defy reality all the time.


Also, they seem to hold up pretty well against fully automatic machine guns. This is present in the game.

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Did you play RDR? Semi-auto pistols exist

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need I mention the many gatling guns in rdr2?

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Depends on when

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Part Scottish. The BEST part.

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Ok? That doesn\u2019t change the fact that most Irish people are not hostiled towards English people. In the troubles yes they was hostiled towards the English government not necessarily English people.

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Irish pubs in Australia and America full of Australians and Americans

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Killing them all would still have been beneficial. If he felt like he needed to die he could just shoot himself afterward or in all likelihood die to the bullets he'd inevitably sustain. So I doubt he wasn't trying to take out as many as he could.

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It's been a long time since I watched Peaky Blinders (and I never finished it) but I remember it being fairly grounded. Obviously dead eye doesn't actually slow time (being a representation of their speed and reflexes) but that level of reflex is basically superhuman. I don't even think a modern gun could bridge the gap in a 1v1.


That being said, superior weapons and training absolutely make it a Blinders win overall. One guy with a machine gun gets insta shot by John/Arthur. A group of guys with machine guns (and actual training) shreds the Van Der Linde gang easy.

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It's a game mechanic, but it's to simulate how fast their reaction time, accuracy and drawspeed are. You can't replicate that directly to gameplay so they slowdown time, so EVERY PLAYER, can be a gunslinger. But if these people were real and as badass as they are canonocally, then yea they would be as accurate and fast as dead eye just without an auto reload and time dilation.

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Or that it didn't helped John that one time

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they\u2019re both fictional

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Micah clearly had it when Sean was killed \ud83d\ude1b

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It is a game mechanic made to allow a normal player to keep up

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Dead eye is basically just to show how skilled and fast they are with a gun being able to hit their targets at insane speed with insane precision.", "body_html": "

Think of it as them subconsciously targeting and shooting multiple targets in quick succession without actually slowing down time. Dead eye is basically just to show how skilled and fast they are with a gun being able to hit their targets at insane speed with insane precision.

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On the other hand, I think in a hypothetical battle between the two, the der Linde gang should have access to Tommy Guns. So the question becomes more a matter of gang cohesiveness, strategy etc than just reducing it to technology (or game mechanics).


That said, the der Linde gang was an omnishambles and a shitshow. That's kind of the premise of the whole game. The whole premise of the Blinders show is a rags-to-riches crime tale based on the ruthlessness, cunning, and brilliance of their leader. Dutch's gang were a ragtag crew on a near-constant downward spiral, the Blinders were an actual organisation. It's a no-brainer.


Or are we literally talking a deathmatch-style 4-v-4 shootout between the top gunmen in the two gangs? At that point, might give it to the RDR crew on account of the fact that they rely entirely on gunmanship to get by. The Blinders, in their business success, might be a bit 'comfortable' by the latter seasons, rusty on the ol' triggers.

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Arthur almost has 1200 kills alone

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Even without that, Micah has probably the fastest draw times of the whole gang Dutch is probably the best distance shooter of the whole group Sadie and Charles, probably the best trackers. John and Hosea Are ridiculously quick draws in Arthur is probably the best hand to hand fighter out of the group this Peaky Blinders are in for some trouble.

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It wasn\u2019t about surviving, it was about making sure his family lived. With him dead, the Pinkertons had no reason to harass him family further

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Bro the writing for that mission specifically was stupid ngl\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02


No it wasn\u2019t. John was just tired of running. He knew that the government wouldn\u2019t leave him or his family alone until they got what they wanted; John\u2019s body.


And even if he escaped and \u201cmade plans to kill Ross\u201d, the government would just send another high ranking officer after Ross, and another after him, and another after him. His problems wouldn\u2019t be alleviated just because he killed Ross LOL.

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That was a sacrifice scene, not of scene of John being outgunned/outplayed

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too late. im dead and thanks to you dont even know who killed me :(\nso this is the famous dead eye

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Tommy wouldn't even be wasting time with armed robberies.


We never once see the Peaky Blinders engage in the sort of naked criminality that the Van Der Linde gang gets up to. If they do crimes, they do relatively low profile crimes with minimal risk and high payoffs. Stuff like smuggling, racketeering, extortion, etc.


They only go high profile when they need to. And their criminal activities are always done in the service of a more ambitious goal.


Dutch talks a vague game of robbing trains, stagecoaches and banks until they have enough money to... sail away to... somewhere I guess and buy land and sell mangoes, idk?


You know Dutch's plan was doomed when they literally end up in a tropical paradise away from America and nearly die within 2 hours of arriving there.


Tommy conversely leverages his criminal activities and the money they generate to create a sophisticated network of legitimate businesses, presumably to both launder his money and serve as a legitimate front and source of revenue for the Peaky Blinders. Instead of vaguely talking about buying land in French Polynesia, Tommy literally buys whole factories, racing horses, and import/export licenses. He sells automobiles at home and exports gin to the US during Prohibition. By the time season 5 rolls around, he is arguably one of the most wealthy, well connected and powerful men in the United Kingdom.


It's not even a comparison. Dutch dies sad, alone and freezing, fully deranged and reviled by society. Tommy becomes a full on Parliamentarian.


Given that we know by the way that Dutch had enough money saved up by 1907 to pay down a whole ass ranch, Dutch probably could have literally just bought Beechers Hope or something in 1899 and settled the gang there, becoming a legitimate and successful ranching business. Hell, I headcanon that that was what Hosea and Arthur were following up on.


In Dutch's position, Tommy would have eschewed brazen day time robberies for more loan sharking and hustles, in order to accumulate enough money to buy the gang a factory or something in St. Denis and built up full on criminal syndicate there to challenge and oust Bronte's Mafia.

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Not to mention even if Arthur and Hosea\u2019s plan got caught, it\u2019s a smaller crime compared to that dumb Ferry idea. It wouldn\u2019t draw heat

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why would you rob a ferry with people on it and in daylight? they should of robbed it at night or when they were moving the safe.

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Dutch basically tried the Wild West outlaw life in the middle of downtown New Orleans and got slapped for it

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May Cromwell RIP (Rest In Piss). Rest in peace Sean, a true Irish warrior

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Arthur Morgan and John Marston cannot slow time that's just simply untrue. Even still wheel guns and lever actions don't beat fully automatic machine guns regardless of everything you said


There's also a chasm of difference between one occasional Maxim Gun and about a dozen decorated ex-military gangsters with Tommy Guns (and a few Lewis Guns depending on where we are in the series)

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There's the Broomhandle and the "Self-Loading Pistol" (and that 3rd one sure) but all 3 of those are beaten by everything the Peaky Blinders would have access to

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See my later response about the chasm of difference between 1800s gatling guns and high capacity fully automatic Tommy guns and Lewis Guns

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The Irish have historically disliked the English since 1169. The relative acceptance of English nationals since a few years before the end of The Troubles is an anomaly. Given Sean has a Dublin accent, I don\u2019t think he would\u2019ve had a positive view of English nationals, especially due to the fact that he talks shit about them dozens of times throughout his time in the game.

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It wouldn\u2019t have they would just keep coming especially after he killed that many marshals if he paired that with twenty more soldiers and Edgar Ross who\u2019s apart of the early FBI (BOI) they would hunt him and his family and put them in the grave. Vs that against giving them what they want which is John Marston dead by their hands. Plus John knew he had it coming (it also gave his family time to escape before they cot caught in Ross\u2019s wrath) so he wasn\u2019t going to hide or try and survive he was gonna take it head on and join the rest of the gang he never truly could escape.


Edit: Edgar Ross is actually stated to be the director of the BOI on the RedDead Wiki so yeah they definitely wouldn\u2019t of let that shit slide.

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Oh wait, you meant a duel kind of 1v1.


I meant Tommy ambushing the gang with a Lewis. He wouldn't announce himself like the O'Driscolls, or a group of Lemoyne Raiders with a Gatling gun on a wagon.


No Dead Eye will save them from AT LEAST 47 rounds of MINIMUM .303 British coming at them at 5-600RPM from the side, or from behind.

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Yeah it\u2019s like how samurai would train to strike faster than their opponents. Real fights are over in under 10 seconds with swords. Gunslinging was an even faster duel, so that\u2019s what most focused on honing above so else. Reaction time, draw speed, accuracy, awareness.

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i mean maybe base deadeye but idk if a gunslinger is popping 6 headshots from 30 yards at targets in 120\u00b0 radius from them. i do see your point though but as someone else said we\u2019re talking 1899 gunslingers with 6-shots vs. a gang of WW1 vets with Tommy guns. It\u2019s not even a contest

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How about the mechanic of being able to take multiple bullets and not being taken out of the fight/dead immediately

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It's called quick draw grip in Cod

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The fact you had to explain this... oh my lord.

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John knew what was up in that scene. He could've escaped with Abigail but then they would've just kept hunting him and hurting those around him. He didn't want to endanger anyone else so he faced his destiny.\u00a0

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Micah justified his inclusion to Dutch\u2019s gang in that scene. Man was so good that it didn\u2019t matter how shitty of a person he was.

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Pretty clear by how that scene was framed with John opening the gates of the barn that he had given up his life. Still, I consider that the Pinkertons having outplayed him, since they gave him no other choice but die.

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lol i love u

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Cornwall is the true criminal mastermind in RDR2... despite getting shot by Dutch but we'll just ignore that.

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oh\u2026. the gang retires to a ranch fix it au i never knew i needed\u2026

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I mean yeah but then the guy who slapped him was literally fed to the gators. Although overall Bront\u00eb was much more on Tommy\u2019s level than Dutches. Catching Tommy off guard in his own home and going all out assault like that would be the only hope but still a real long shot

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They do not slow down the time, that's what the "basically" in my comment meant, I'm sorry for that. They have a much much higher reaction speed when it comes to shooting people. Like, unloading a clip on 6 (or more, depending on the bullet count) different heads without giving more than half a second for retaliation is absurd. There's no arguing here. And this feature have impact on significant moments during the story, it's not like it doesn't exist within the universe, this is simply not true.


Again, if the Van Der Linde gang took place in more modern times, with access to the same resources, they would make a much bigger mess. They're dealing with the artifacts of their time and seem to be extraordinary on it.

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A lot of people really don't seem to understand how much firearm technology advanced in the 20 year time gap between 1899 and 1919. The historical significance of WW1 is often trivialised by the uninformed, but this thread is absolutely next level.


Half of the Van der Linde gang would have an aneurysm if they ever lived to see a submachine gun.

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I don't care that much

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Yes on the game Sean is seen making English jokes. An American example of how the Irish is portrayed to have a rivalry with the English. I\u2019m half Scottish. I\u2019ve been all over the British isles. I promise you no one in the British isles cares what your nationality is whether it be English or Irish. Now there is a dispute with the crown yes.

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An ambush could definitely work, even the Lemoyne Raider gatling wagon is hard to survive if you haven't seen it before

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I mean even then at least one person in the gang would end him fairly quickly before he can kill too many plus it also comes down to time place strategy and prep. If Tommy just ambushed them by himself with an automatic weapon he\u2019d basically be asking for death.

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Oh, I understand where you're coming from. Those feats are almost impossible if we're talking normal people, but we are also talking about fictional characters. You have to go with what they've accomplished and have access to and extrapolate. I love Peaky Blinders and they are a badass group, but I really don't think they stand a chance against the Van Der Linde gang even with Tommy guns.

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These aren't humans. They are fictional characters

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There\u2019s actually an old dude that 100% can pop off 6 headshots in under 2 seconds with a cattleman, he has a world record and was on Stan Lee\u2019s superhumans show, dudes a badass.

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Micah is a monster gunfighter. He's not quite as good as Arthur, and he seems to be slightly better than RDR2 John, but he has some super impressive feats. Though physically he's not a great fighter; he couldn't beat a dying Arthur and he gets thrown around in camp a couple times.

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Like what? It was pretty obvious that the Army wasn\u2019t going to just arrest him

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Ross wasn't any dirtier than the average Fed. Took credit for using John as muscle.

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That\u2019s a better way to put it for sure


I\u2019m just tired of people watching that scene and genuinely believing that John going out there was him actually thinking he could kill them all


Between the goodbyes to his family, the deep sigh as he braces himself before opening the barn door, and him literally walking out and standing in the open I can\u2019t fathom how people think John wasn\u2019t sacrificing himself

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Maybe he was.


But if I jump into the gorilla enclosure and start antagonizing the gorilla, I don't get to act surprised if the gorilla beats me to death

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You don't win fights while massively outnumbered with pure accuracy. And Dutch has not proved himself to be a better strategic mind than former military. Dutch was out maneuvered multiple times.

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It isn't really about that. Arthur could take out the entire gang before they touch their weapons.

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Fair points, but I just don\u2019t see trained soldiers who served together using automatic weapons losing to gunslingers from 1899. Now that I think about it, it very much depends on where the battle takes place. If it were to kick off in a bar suddenly, VDL gang no question. But if they have prep time and it\u2019s in an urban area or open battlefield, 100% peaky blinders.

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Ah mate get your power scaling out of here

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The peaky blinders was a real gang

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sneak out the barn get up on the lil cliff next to their pens and pick em off using the cliff as cover

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But that's something both Arthur and John do a lot, it's simply in the game and we have the story to back it up. But what the gang has managed to accomplish is in fact very absurd.


Fun fact. Arthut was killed by a disease and John CHOSE to die. Dutch, Bill and Javier had to be stopped by John. So no matter how many times they got themselves into unfavorable situations, they still managed to outlive that while leaving a massive body trail as a result. This is why the Pinkertons had to rely on some sort of deal with Molly or Micah in order to dismantle the gang. How many times the Pinkertons had the gang in their hand and still managed to get absolutely fucked? Psicologically they're a mess, but when it comes to killing and surviving there's no fair comparison to be made here.

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He literally couldn't tho lol he cannot actually slow down time and he's literally just a random outlaw against a gang of highly skilled WW1 veterans

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Except when you're talking about things like this, you have to take canonical equipment into account and be relatively realistic. Last I checked, Arthur can't pull a Maxim gun out of his keister like a GTA character with a minigun even in the game.


This is also why Dead Eye isn't factored in, for example. It's not a real thing, it's just a game mechanic to portray Arthur, John and 1914 Jack's high draw speed and breakneck reaction time.

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We know of at least two Van Der Linde gang members more than capable of soloing entire companies of soldiers. The peaky blinders ONLY advantage here is their technological edge and, if its a WAR instead of a battle, Tommy's brilliant machievellian mind. Dutch can cause problems and evade consequences, but Tommy is leagues ahead of him in terms of actual strategy.

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I mean the Vander Linde gang have delt with automatic weapons meaning they know to be careful. Although they didn\u2019t fight in war, they have all been fighting and shooting since they were literally children. The only thing that puts the blinders at an advantage are the automatic weapons but seriously, Arthur, John and probably Micah can shoot 30 people dead in literally less than a blink of an eye.

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Exactly. That is why they lose.

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The whole point was to stop the gov from harassing his family, not escape the army

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You forget the titles of the game, John gave his life to redeem his family of his past sins.


He could have easily killed the 15 or so men who killed him but he knew the pinkertons wouldn't stop and he was tired of running so in his final act of redemption he gave his life to save his family

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Of course there is. These are former WW1 soldiers that survived trench warfare. That is absolutely more deadly than the wild west. I don't believe they are good enough at killing to overcome a strategy disadvantage, a numbers disadvantage, and a technological disadvantage

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Deadeye isn't just a game mechanic. It allows the player to keep up.


He is literally the most skilled gunslinger in most of gaming versus a bunch of random WW1 vets

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Deadeye isn't just a game mechanic. It is to demonstrate skill and speed. It allows normal people to keep up.

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Just have some god damn faith!

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What's next? The (Goddamn) O'Driscolls vs. The IRA?

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Fighting in a war is one thing, overcoming a 2vs50 is a whole other deal. They didn't break out of valentine (or massacred strawberry) with an army to back them up, it was just two or three guys against whole squads. We're talking about 3 peolpe surviving a direct conflict (in which they were caught off-guard) against an entire town law enforcement. They didn't escape, they killed everyone. The same with the Pinkerton ambush in the swamp, or the O'Driscoll attack in Shady Belle. So even in situations where they are in clear disadvantage they still managed to kill everyone without any losses (the exception being the bank heist and the Sean situation). They are extraordinary good at surviving and overcoming unfavorable situations. Put 2 or 3 of the Blinders against 50 armed men, what do you think would happen?


Edit: I'd like to add the fact that they did all that in 1899, with the tools they had access to. With that kind of adaptability and shooting skill in a more modern age, they would absolutely destroy the blinders in direct combat. So they would have to rely on some sort of scheme, since they are all pretty simple minded folk and Micah is very willing to betray everyone.

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>Random WW1 vets


Undermining literal trained soldiers is hilarious.

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We just need some Moneh!!!

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If we to take the game completely at face value, which it seems we are, they didn't actually face any fighting force capable of making sound strategic decisions. They just simply can't make the simple decision, like overwhelm them with numbers.the simple fact is that in this hypothetical, narrative wouldn't be a factor. Narrative is a huge reason they survived a lot of encounters, and I think it doesn't make sense to base future encounters on their luck

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>Random outlaw


Undermining a literal trained outlaw for 25+ years is hilarious.

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And you're right about that. Thing is, they faced every force they could. Other gangs, law enforcement, a private militia, and even the army. And yes, they are favored by the narrative, so this is why this isn't a fair comparison. I don't think a bunch of real life outlaws from 1899 would overwhelm anyone, but the things i described are what we have in-game. I didn't made anything up, that's why i think it's not a fair comparison to begin with. A fictional 1899 gang composed of people who can win a 2 or 3 vs 50 (or more) is just absurd. And i'd like to add that they are not just gunslingers, they are very good at resource management too. Every person of the gang (even the women) has their own way of making the best out of their situation both in group and individually, let's not forget about that. Even lumbagoed Uncle managed to survive everything, so we have only the callendar brothers, Sean, Lenny and Hosea as losses that resulted from direct combat. All of the rest was a product of betrayal, disease or self-sacrifice.

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