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  1. No black bars taking up 40% of my screen real estate.

  2. \n
  3. No vignetting destroying what little is left of my eyesight. The few mods that fixed it all appear to be outdated. Apparently there's one trick involving Geforce Experience but I'm not reinstalling that bloatware.

  4. \n

It actually hurts my eyes playing RDR2.

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The black bars don\u2019t cover 40% of the screen bruh, da hell? And a game presenting itself with a 16:9 ratio doesn\u2019t automatically make it look worse, come on.


And what about ALL the other elements that make RDR2 a jaw dropping game to look at, its use of lighting, weather, fog, colors. It\u2019s one of the best looking AAA games even after 6 years of it being out. Those count way more than it having \u201cblack Bars\u201d

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It just looks really dull. I'm gonna share a screenshot of HFW in a second reply for comparison. Sure, there are some good ingredients here, I agree with that. But it's not coming together into something that really pops and captures you. The textures look soft, there's no detail in John's face, there's no color saturation. This game is what depression would look like if it was a graphics setting.



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Keep in mind that this is dulled quite a bit because of the pause menu. The colors pop even more otherwise, but I can't seem to screenshot without alt tabbing for some reason. It's just night and day. The ground has actual texture. Plants looks way better. This is a beautiful looking game.


RDR2 has some of the ingredients, but it's largely ruined by that vignette filter dulling everything.



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You are really going to compare it with Horizon Forbidden west? A game that has a VERY statistic color pallet vs one that went for a more natural look?


Also I find it ironic you say that RDR1 looks better than 2 when your biggest criticisms of RDR2 is how \u201cdepressing\u201d it looks.


RDR2 was inspired by a painterly aesthetic from the 1800\u2019s, the concept art reflects that. And that aesthetic depicted its visuals in a more natural an \u201csofter\u201d look, it its style. That\u2019s why it has this filter that softens details, to give that \u201cpainterly\u201d look.



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