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From a narrative standpoint I see what they were trying to do: Molly was a bored rich girl who fell in with a gang for the excitement & adventure, but then reality hit her like a truck. Dutch was not this swashbuckling loveable rogue from a storybook, but a lying, murdering scumbag that manipulated her with his charms & never truly cared for her at all. She constantly is on the run & Everyone keeps dying around her, and she's ultimately murdered by Grimshaw in a desperate drunken cry for Dutch's attention. Sad.


Despite all that: I honestly couldn't stand her. She was just annoying. She was always acting high and mighty & looking down on everyone just because she was Dutch's girlfriend. She never lifted a finger to help out around camp or found any leads to make money. All she did was sit around, look pretty, and argue with Dutch. You're not in your upper class Irish neighborhood anymore sweetie. You're in with a gang of criminals. Time to get dirty & earn your share.

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Yeah but she was hot as hell.

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